Rise and Fall of SMPEarth – A Documentary about the SMPLive Successor

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So I’m sure you’ve all aware of the dynamap durham antarctic empire owns quite a lot a good 70% of the earth’s surface i’m happy to say it probably is a war crime so we are currently species who for war criminals SMP earth once known as the youngest geopolitical

Server in Minecraft a virtual recreation of the planet Earth it had a map with all seven continents recreated on a one to three thousand scale the server included a wide variety of streamers antvenom Tobuscus tommy in it RT game and that doesn’t even scratch the surface of the full roster in total the

Bunch of insane moments as time went on however SMP earth saw a decline in popularity as each day passed by the creator’s were getting tired with the server in an effort to conclude the SP on a high note there was one last big Hunger Games event on the Internet

Nothing can last forever and it was only a matter of time before we’d see the end it’s up to us to keep the memory alive ladies and gentlemen this is the complete story of the one and only SMP Earth Espie earth officially launched on November 22nd 2019 he was widely seen as

A spiritual successor to another popular SMP server SMP live now while this other SP SMP live was not over at this point it was no longer getting the same attention as a once was a lot of the members from SMP live went ahead and joined this new server notably however

Some of the most popular members from SP live such as Carson and Jake lat never join the key difference between the two SMPS was SP earths inclusion of factions of geopolitical entities there were also guns and planes the latter of which were useful for travelling long distances 17

Days before the server’s opening on November 5th Wilbur’s suit had posted a list of areas that certain players called dibs on most players already knew what they wanted to accomplish or at the very least where they wanted to settle to start off the players were able to land in any

Confident they wanted well most of them the first day was incredibly eventful the first faction was created by the youtuber techno blade and would be known as the Antarctic Empire ironically by this point he hadn’t even reached Antarctica yet when he eventually did reach Antarctica he invited fills up to

The faction the two of them discovered the ancient stronghold which contained the southern end portal CaptainSparklez decided to land in africa where he traveled to and claimed the approximate location of the real-life country of jordan jordan the person made a lot of references to his hit parody song

Revenge spy he founded his faction city of England he bought a plane and flew over to Antarctica it was here where Phil’s ax would kill him another faction pakil was created by pokey he attracted members from SP lives team chunk error to join including Michael McGill and roasted James the faction also attracted

Antvenom who had formed the New England Patriots shortly before ants disbanded his first faction to join pakil not only that but an Phenom went on to set foot on every continent josh want to found the German Empire with Syme sickle cranials and King Byrne unfortunately for him

Free Neos and Aaron decided to instead create their own nations two players reflux and swifty is live joined because of the live map lag in a very German move slime cycle accidentally invaded France by going through Belgium SP lives underscore Mason may the United Wyoming Union

However he was asked to disband it by one of the admins chip who sought to bomb the Wyoming area Mason decided to join the German Empire instead another SP live member fit MC found in the kingdom of Florida dank it’s a long name started the faction Scotland will wear

Suit made his way from Saskatchewan to Newfoundland as he made his journey he found the faction well new Finland Wilbur had an ambitious plan to create a bridge from North America to Europe eventually because of the large amount of players the server crashed and all the factions were reset the players saw

To reclaim their land voice over Pete had ambitions to conquer Greenland his vehicle for Greenlandic domination would be his newfound faction voice over land shortly after he entered a discord call with techno blade and Phil’s ax of the Antarctic Empire they were discussing their discoveries which caught Pete’s interest voiceover Pete

Wanted to go check out their stronghold so he disbanded his faction and became an Antarctic in with the surfer having barely began no one knew how much faction power you lose if you died not even the admin Josh a20 himself hit MC decided to go over to Antarctica to

Sacrifice himself to techno blade and as it turned out 100 power was lost as a result of this encounter the kingdom of Florida and the Antarctic Empire became allies even more factions reformed and the server headed into its second day day 2 was also pretty eventful once

Again the factions had to be reset we also saw the first conflict a short one that lasted for three hundred and eight seconds it would be known as a 100 second war this war began when drunks promise of the Spanish Inquisition accepted a hit on will versa or in other

Words he was paid $10 to go take out Newfoundlands Wilber who didn’t even have enough resources to defend himself after killing Wilbur Grunk picked up a red tulip from Newfoundland and gave it to him as an apology tensions escalated when Grunk accepted another hit on Wilbur

This time were 15 dollars during a small chase Wilbur suit threatened to call upon his new ally the Antarctic empire Runk once again picked up flowers from Newfoundland and tried to give them to Wilbur to make things right but Wilbur knew very well that they came from his own land he also

Threatened Grunk by telling him that if he did not leave he would declare war Runk killed Wilbur over the $15.00 hit and war was declared not too long after the two got into a call with Grunk not wanting to be in a full-blown war this call was called the

Flower conference Wilbur made the request to Grunk to never enter Newfoundland without permission and not to accept any hits on him ever again in return once is bridged the transatlantic median was completed every day he would put a flower in front of Gronk’s house Bronx promise accepted the terms of the

Treaty of flowers and the conflict was put to an end the third day of ESPE earth saw numerous territorial crises first off in what became known as a Middle East crisis kara Corvis mistakenly claimed a line of land on the Arabian Peninsula in trying to fix this

She ended up claiming a good portion of the peninsula including areas that were claimed by the Kingdom of Jordan tensions between the two factions quickly rose and a war could have started cholera resolve this by resetting all of her empires claims and giving CaptainSparklez some compensation furthermore as a result of the

Aforementioned day two factions reset the Antarctic Empire lost all of its claims on Australia voice of repeat went out to fix this in typed /f claim 50 however this did not go the way he intended Pete by accident took over almost all of Australia as well as a

Part of being Island I just claim half the planet techno will be so proud Pete you just claimed half the world I know it’s a gift fills them will be like what happened every chunk within a 30 chunk radius had been claimed Koreans was upset that this had happened as bean

Island was a protectorate of a German Empire German leader Josh threatened war Pete went into a voice call to discuss the matter in the end Prinny Oscar gave voice of repeat resolving this crisis it would go down to be known as a great boomer misunderstanding spy fee also started a new faction

Called save the polar bears the following day Spivey had a plan to kill techno blade he snuck into the Antarctic empires base to set up a trap however techno blade caught and killed him not that long after war was declared marking the beginning of the polar war this war

Never came to an official end because ever since this happened Spivey never logged onto the server the 5th day saw the end raid Carver Corvis CaptainSparklez and I am spoon ventured into the Antarctic empires ancient stronghold and traveled to the end the raid also took

Place at midnight so as to not be caught immediately Cara was supposed to kill the dragon but CaptainSparklez accidentally killed it instead Cara did get the dragon egg however they went to n cities to loot their treasures afterward throughout SP earth so far Iceland had been claimed by three factions transatlantic Antarctica

And the Inquisition this all changed when Arliss Finch of transatlantic decided to conquer the whole island the Spanish Inquisition didn’t care but the Antarctic Empire did this would be known as the Catholic conflict this conflict marked the beginning of the transatlantic Antarctic War the same day our Corvis went mining within Iceland

While this didn’t have any immediate consequences this would lead to more later on antvenom left the faction pakil and began his own faction stall on day six there was the Arctic claiming mishap and phantom wanted to test out claim limits but accidentally claimed a 30 by 30 area

In the Arctic Ocean as a result he owned 900 chunks this only lasted for a few minutes however Corvis was caught mining by the Alps in area claimed by the German Empire although this didn’t immediately mean anything it led to tensions escalating in the following days day 7

Was when Cara’s mining ventures came back to haunt her Arliss Finch learned about her illegal mining activities in Iceland upon learning about this he declared the transatlantic corps Varian war as it turned out however this war ended up being just a joke but remember how she was also mining in German

Territory well guess what she was confronted about it by Josh josh demanded reparations acara refused Tommy a net began working on his big project business bridge this bridge would connect business bay Newfoundland in the evening j-mac from pug lend went to RT game Irish faction and replaced all of his holy potatoes

With carrots arty game saw this and was not happy he logged into the server to attack j-mac in retaliation j-mac crashed his plane into the Irish’s dublin spire in j-mac stream jet timotei man from bosnia said that he would assist in a war against the irish if the

Occasion were to arise this incident would be known as an Ireland Hoglund dispute SP earth day 8 was chaotic techno blade anot like the way klemming worked on the map all the land in between what you claim would automatically be filled in out of protests E and fills ax hatched a plan

To take over the entire world after unclaimed in Antarctica the two would encircle the main continents each person on a different side in the end they would connect their claims causing the map to look like everything belonged to them this wouldn’t overwrite existing claims but no one else knew that at the

Time as fills ax and techno were in the early stages of carrying out world domination there were numerous efforts to thwart them the admin Josh despond their planes that did not work their faction power was set to negative 5000 that did not work either Josh even attempted to over claim the line being

Drawn with his own new made-up faction better factions and if you couldn’t figure it out already that also failed Arliss Finch was concerned that the world domination plan would cause him to lose all his claims on Iceland so he made attempts to cut off the claim

Line Tecna bleak and inst him to disband his faction and joined the Antarctic empire after filling in the last gaps the whole world looked as though it belonged to Technos faction a bunch of players rushed onto the server and the Antarctic Empires four members had to attend a trial in northern France the

Trial was formerly known as Newfoundland versus techno blade at all but is more commonly referred to as a sama low trials the presiding judge was Wilber suit the trial was the most attended and documented event since the server’s launch so everyone that’s here I’m sure you’ve all aware of the dynamap and its

Current form if we could all just have a look on map door SMP accom Oh an AC unit more that Antarctic Empire owns quite a lot a good 70% of the Earth’s surface now I left a bunch of the ocean it’s fine this isn’t against any server rule this

Isn’t against anything at all this is completely within their rights but I’m happy to say it probably is a war crime how is it a war crime during the trial oralist said that he was tricked into dis Fanning his faction and only helped out out of fear of losing more land

Wilber offered Arliss Finch a full acquittal in exchange for doubling techno blades sentence which he accepted oh so I will offer you this are you willing to double Technos sentence as you you’re putting all the blame onto him are you willing to double his sentence at the cost of you no longer

Being you know no longer being on trial right now how is that what what is this okay all this you can you can join the jury yeah thanks bye thank you thank you for throwing your allies under the bus let me explain what he just said he said

I told him he could keep his country and he was so intimidated by me promise and not to do anything disbanded his country and joined us and I’m the okay this this seems kind of one-sided I feel like we’re being discriminated against here you are totally voiceover you own the

World hello in the end voiceover Pete fills ax and technically were found guilty the Antarctic Empire was restricted to the Antarctic continent not only that but the United Nations was formed as well as three worldwide laws no writing with quarters no artwork and no taking over the world Arlis reestablished transatlantic

However he immediately got into a war with the Antarctic empire for selling out during the trial for more protection transatlantic ended up being annexed by the German Empire cholera corpus did not want to pay the German Empire any reparations for her mining activities this instigated a dogfight in Europe

Part of a German Corps variant war during this battle cara accidentally turned on Otto claim which complicated the borders it led to her annexing chunks of land belonging to the German Empire Newfoundland Mario Luigi and the burn Peyer josh ended up filing a lawsuit the ninth day of SP earth saw the second

Trial which would resolve the German core bearing war once and for all formally the trial is known as core Corvis versus its Josh with cranials as a presiding judge Josh argued that Kara stole diamonds from the German Empire in that she owed them 30 Kara insisted that the diamonds were actually hers because

Her land was being terrorized by one of the German empires members Indian premios ruled that Kara had to pay a reparation of 12 diamonds the stuff brought up by Kara as well as a border mess were to be discussed in later trials these trials never happened and

With this trial now over it was the end of the German core variant war on Dayton James key who joined the previous day tried climbing land for his newly established faction prime he accidentally deleted every claim in Asia and Africa which meant that the map had

To be reset to how it was before the somló trials day 11 saw the occurrence of the Australian civil war James key decided to disband prime and start a new faction kapenga james conquered almost all of Australia except for an area in the West claimed by the Perth opions

Right after this proto pian rubber ninja was threatened by James to join his new faction this did not work which led to James asking Ross and Kara Corvis about how to declare war an air strike was called upon James keys cow in a failed attempt to take out James James key

Retaliated by killing all the livestock in the core variant empire throughout this whole time tensions between nations had been building it was on day 16 when the largest war of all began the great SP earth war it all began when Tommy innit of business Bey destroyed a portion of the Antarctic Empires boomer

Bridge the Antarctic Empire was ready to defend a battle broke out on French bridge this fighting continued on to business bridge the Antarctic Empire also got help from Wilbur suit of Newfoundland and sit Charlie of kpop Tommy tried to escape but was not able to get away the Allied forces tried

Getting Tommy to agree to certain terms in the treaty of broken bridges but no agreement was made in the end the treaty was destroyed by Wilbur of the war continued on to day 22 when Tommy in it went into the ancient stronghold and sold six diamond blocks Tommy believed that they belong to

Techno when in reality they were voice of repeats fit MC of Florida found out and swore to protect the Antarctic Empire Tommy was pressured into returning Pete’s blocks Tommy in it swore that he would duel techno blade this duel eventually came on day 27 with Tommy losing Tommy got Tecton blade to

Go to an area and Antarctic own South Africa to negotiate as it turned out there was a pit trap capable of dealing a lot of damage to anyone regardless of their armor techno survived this trap and kept on killing Tommy in it following this there was a battle of the

Pits a 3v3 between techno blade snakes sang and Phil’s ax versus Tommy in it Sylvie and grunts promised Tommy and Grunk died but Sylvie managed to escape by plane only to die to a creeper sometime after the fight bit emcee arrived at the very end disappointed

That he wasn’t able to blow up Sylvie with an crystals Tommy had to signed the Treaty of the pits which included him having to build a cow farm and Tommy having to call techno blade an alpha male at all times the events of this day would be known as the Wednesday war the

Great War continued on day 37 with the first events of the raid of B New York City Tommy in it set up traps in the bean empires bean York City the next day Sylvie died she retaliated by raiding Tommy with cranials and Thunder taking and trapping his villager Tommy struck

Back by organizing an entire raid on B New York City with wisp and Luke or something this rain did not go well and they had to retreat waiting back home at Bizness Bay was Phil’s ax who called an airstrike and killed wisp Tommy wanted to be on neutral terms of the bean

Empire so he and Sylvie agreed on the terms for the Treaty of Beam York wisp decided to leave business Bay and joined the Antarctic Empire day 40 saw one of the deadliest Wars in sp Earth history the god war a war between business pay and the most powerful person on the server

Josh a 20 ship was making a deal with business bay so that he wouldn’t be killed if he accidentally minded to their territory Josh a 20 teleported to him and mess around with a faction using knock back 70 punch 70 stick Tommy in it was able to grab it but Josh immediately

Took back the stick from Tommy’s chest upset war was declared on Josh hey guys techno blade is on my stream if we have any secret plans let’s not talk about them anymore okay you know I’m just gonna tell techno but oh I’m the admins gave me a pretty powerful stick and I

Don’t really know where to shoot home they took it out my chest kill him kill the admins war on the admins I need a I need gear one second he’s he did he just vanished or what okay he like war on the admins is a fair

Fight that we can win in ela oh yeah I was in Reverse two five you guys are having an interesting first day he’s vanished again he’s cheating coward for the next hour plus the entirety of business BAE tried to kill Josh Josh decided to make it a quote-unquote fair

Fight by giving himself a ton of golden apples and good armor eventually they managed to kill Josh day 41 saw the next big part of the great war the events of the day were known as a New Year’s Day war business pay went over to the Antarctic Empire’s capital Port au

Francais to place images that read Tommy is angry voice of repeat invited them to see his big boomer train station whisp and Tommy traded hits which led voice of repeats to call an airstrike in doing so he accidentally killed himself business pays Tom do Saudis stole Pete’s items

And escaped back to business Bay with Tommy in it wisp got upset and Florida’s Sol see one came to help Pete Phil’s ax Sal and wisp all ventured over to business Bay Sylvie and cranials despite having agreed on the Treaty of B New York also came to help given the

Justification that they’re an ally of the Antarctic Empire Wis began blowing up the factions base cows were slaughtered and the Antarctic ins wanted to kill time deal Tommy in a tried threatening to kill their villagers if they killed vo but stop this plan once they said that they were prepared to

Follow him sylvie made an attempt at establishing negotiations between the two sides she got time dear to return some items to peds but not his Armour Sylvie said that she was willing to trade her Armour for Pete’s to do this she began by unequipping her Armour big mistake Tommy in it noticed that

Sylvie was now in a vulnerable position so she was swiftly killed Silvie asked for her items back but business space said that they had only returned that under the condition that she ended her alliance with the Antarctic Empire Novi agreed got most of her items back declared business Bey as an enemy then

Prepared an attack with the Antarctic Empire Tommy and do both logged out saying that it was late business Bey was further destroyed and traps were set for Tommy in it and time to you for when they logged back on on day 42 some members of the Inquisition decided to

Start a new faction called gay Bay the people who did this were ink tea drunks promised tanning oil and bandana bloom later on Rob Tom and chip joined and the factions name was changed to log lagoon the faction was a protectorate of business bay residing just north of it

The faction had his own official religion Cara Corvis went to go pay the faction a visit the members of log Lagoon tried to convert her to the factions religion as a joke Cara struck some of the members with her overpowered pickaxe the Eater and pretended to call an airstrike drunks promised asked her

To leave to which she responded by calling a real airstrike the airstrike hit the altar ship responded by calling upon the power of the gods and starting a thunderstorm the next day Michael Mitchell was given a tour of log Lagoon he saw logs that looked like poop and

Was worried that the images he was looking at violated the twitch Terms of Service he tried not to look at them but accidentally got another look the members of log Lagoon claimed the images on Cara Corbis Michael had enough of the faction which he saw as filthy Michael

Then teamed up with Cara corabeth’s poki and I am spoon this was a start of the war known as the great flush the objective was to destroy the faction off the face of the earth polka wasn’t on board at first however he changed his mind when in his chest he saw two items

Named Queen slams log Queen slam being log lagoons deity Michael wanted pokey to buy him weapons but he wouldn’t Hara then offered by them instead some squabbling later everything was settled they got I am spoon on board and then they all started venturing over to log lagoon ink tea

Started to regret founding the faction so he disbanded it chip didn’t like that so he founded log lagoon again it was when chip restarted log lagoon when they were declared enemies of pakil Arkin Sonia and the core Varian empire the members of log lagoon hid in a bunker

The attackers attempted to blow up their way inside and to over claim the land but neither worked the attackers retreated into a hill that they F claimed after a bit they once again made attempts at attacking the members of log lagoon while they continued to try getting into the bunker the members of

Log lagoon quietly snuck away poke a notice and was quickly able to catch up Michael tried shooting them but couldn’t do to faction protection Runk tried to blow up Michael Mitchell with an end crystal but only blew up himself instead po’pay was able to kill tanning oil Michael Mitchell went ahead and F

Claimed the hatch of the bunker so as to prevent log lagoon from escaping hokay blew up an end crystal accidentally killing Michael McGill as Michael made his way back to the area they realized that log Lagoon had disbanded they had beaten log lagoon in the war some banter and negotiations

Later the Treaty of the great flush was signed this treaty would make log lagoon not be as dirty also the faction was soon reestablished again there had been hints about a big event which eventually happened on day 45 the moon landing a bunch of players got together to defeat

Big Bertha the dragon right after a bunch of people scrambled to collect the egg this egg was collected by techno blade as it turned out however the story about SP earth dragon eggs gets more complicated first off our Corvis is dragon egg from when she raided the end

Early on went missing on the moon there was an acht angular which had another egg Gronk’s promise found it but didn’t have the resources to be able to collect it CaptainSparklez stumbled upon it too and collected it the fourth and final egg was spawned in by chip in the hayden

Moon base sneaked snag was the first to get it who then passed it on to Phil’s ax so that he could get the achievement who then pass it on to Wilbur suit for the same reason as soon as he got the egg however Wilbur logged off this spark to begin

Of the first dragon egg war the Antarctic Empire and Mario Luigi declared war on Newfoundland Wilbur had just stolen sneaks nags egg another member of his faction Sophie Texas was attacked and was told to get her factions leader Wilbur back online however Wilbur suit did not answer

Wilbur suit finally logged back onto the server on day 48 ilza immediately noticed and tried getting him to hand over the dragon egg Wilbur convinced Phil that the egg was actually in his ender chest convincing him to place one down Wilbur immediately hid his egg inside and proceeded to be continuously

Killed by Phil’s ax until he complied Wilbur ended up combat logging and playing something else Dill’s ax ended up holding Wilbur’s p-dog ransom it was on day 54 when Wilbur returned to the server realizing that p-dog was now gone a lot of negotiations later Wilbur stood ended up having to give his

Dragon egg to the Antarctic Empire Nils a tried to return the egg to Stig Stagg who told him to keep it since he was more active on the server anyways the last battle of the great war happened on day 58 this stays war would be known as

The port aw offensive the previous day Tommy innit and time do unsuccessfully tried to kill voice of repeat this day they went out to attack Port au francais threatening Pete’s and techno blades dog flute technically logged on for the first time since the moon landing to

Help fight techno blade Sal c1 and voice of repeats fought back killing Tommy in it and lucre something Florida and Antarctica had a discussion with business bay during what people call the business break which temporarily ease tensions however Tommy in it soon ordered the killing of floof which succeeded Tommy

And time deal were both killed in a counter-attack Florida and Antarctica tried to blast business bay member bits all out with TNT bits will manage to trap Sal see one but then was killed by Phil’s ax Tommy killed another dog dog Oh in response techno blade killed both him and Luke or

Something then proceeded to go mug business pay with his fashion members and Florida in the end Tommy in it had to pay reparations of $100,000 while the Great War never came to an official end this was a last battle Espie earth 62nd day was when the raid

Of pueblo de PUC happened this raid started when some former members of the Inquisition went to go collect some stuff that they left behind when they left the faction runks promised ink tea and tanning oil of log lagoon all went to the Inquisition’s territory is seeing

That they wanted this to be quick but Grunk said that they were colonizing what they have once lost ice bum of the Inquisition didn’t want to just stand there watching himself getting taken over so he thought he kept dying and ended up logging off he never returned

This made ice bomb the only server member to leave on bad terms day 63 saw the beginning of the green key melon crisis the admin ship accidentally broke Jabba’s integer limit and spawned in a mega slime this slime was not counted as an entity so no admin could kill it the

Slime had over two billion health a bunch of streamers came together to try to avert the crisis over the next few days a lot of attempts were made at containing the slime the start of the end came on day 65 when CaptainSparklez and Josh 820 successfully broke DQ Milan

Into 3 the following day Michael Mitchell and antvenom went to go revisit the green queue milan on the floor of the containment chamber there was a command block which spawned in even more queue Milan’s the two of them and later Ankara Corvis spawned in even more key Milan until chip intervened insta killed

All slimes move the location of the command block and restored the original green queue Milan in its chamber players were then on warned from ever visiting it again to prevent causing lag spikes on the server the 72nd day of SP earth saw the second dragon egg war previously

The admin josh 820 had built a structure so that cara Corbis could have her dragon egg back the egg she collected is considered the fifth dragon egg business bey wanted time do and tommy an adventure to her palace word got to cara about their intentions and she was able

To store the egg away Cara was robbed and repeatedly killed until she negotiated she refused eventually law glugging declared war on business Bey and came to Cara’s aid the war finally came to an end when business Bey listened to a passing statement by no blade that there was no content to be

Gained and they returned everything stolen as time passed SP earth stopped being in the spotlight wanting things to end on a good note on March 16th they made a huge announcement about the SP earth Olympics they posted a video and in a subsequent tweet they said alongside the amazing announcement of

This the SP earth Olympics will be the final big event of SP earth unfortunately all things have to come to an end this is why we’ve decided we would end a server on a good note the server will continue until April 11th then close they wanted to make one last

Big event to give the server a proper ending rather than letting it bait out of relevance the host of the Olympics would be lego maestro a minecraft news youtuber it would be a charity event for The Trevor Project an lgbtq+ by prevention utility her crisis situations was eventually turned into a Hunger

Games event with two rounds when the day came everyone gathered and prepared to fight the winner of the first round was beat solos then in the second round the winner was Cody after that all happened everyone posts for a group photo and that was it The Hunger Games event had ended which

Meant it was time for everyone to say their goodbyes now that the last Hunger Games is over it was time for send-off the big Hunger Games was the last day for a lot of people on SMP earth some people continued to play on the server

And soon the final day arrived day 142 a lot of the espys players logged in to say their final goodbyes some even went as far as to hide Easter eggs the eret completed a world tour that began the previous day admiring the server’s various views and landmarks Wilbur’s suit went and flew around

Newfoundland to answer some questions with soapy Texas voiceover Pete’s went and blew up a number of his monuments with the assistance of players including curry Neos and time do Carmo Corvis also went and blew stuff up only it was actually an explosive world tour pyro traveled to her colonies all across the

World blowing up a number of her monuments including the Temple of Heaven and her Imperial Palace after a donation of $50 she went – CaptainSparklez creeper Amon is capital to blow up some of his stuff to pray Neos and Silvie explored some of the projects that they worked on during their time beau

Complete and incomplete Sal Siwon logged in with his to be tutti hacked client and tried trapping Tommy in it in bedrock the members of business Bey said goodbye to the server together unlike other factions however they wanted to remain as the last faction in pristine shape they went out and

Destroyed territories of other nations Tommy Anat used cranials so that he could finally kill someone with his pit trap from the battle of the pit and just like that the server finally came to an end the server that had forged relationships between creators that could last a lifetime even people at war

Truly became friends at the end of the day the server exists right now as a public server but it doesn’t compare to how it was when it was a private server from the server’s conflicts to its friendships the once youngest geopolitical server in Minecraft will continue to live on in the hearts of

Those who’ve cherished their experiences as dr. Seuss once said don’t be sad that it’s over smile because it happened here’s to the one and only SMP earth what do you think what do you think was the best part of SP earth what was your favorite nation let me know in the

Comments anyways that’s it for this video if you’d like to join the penguin army and stay tuned for more documentaries like this be sure to subscribe if he hated it don’t forget to leave a dislike every video I give a shout out in the shoutout

For today goes to the one and only Wilde jam for a chance at a shout out all you have to do is comment on this video you can say anything and you don’t even have to subscribe I will choose a random comment and put it in my next video

If you made it this far into the video can we get a hashtag zyf on discord in the comments I have a discord server you all should join and this is a pretty good way for publicity I really can’t believe I never thought of this before I’m tricking you all into advertising my

Discord server in the comments if you want to join though link is in the description besides all that be sure to check out my other videos for my last documentary on this scale but rise and fall of Minecraft Saturday’s you should click on the video to the left you can

Also click on the right for documentary about the rise and fall of a youtuber named rundown HD I mean he returned now and I think despite what has changed since then it does a good job of explaining his time history anyways that’s it see apiece

This video, titled ‘Rise and Fall of SMPEarth – A Documentary about the SMPLive Successor’, was uploaded by Zyphon on 2020-06-10 03:49:36. It has garnered 2012695 views and 65038 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:50 or 2090 seconds.

SMPEarth, once known as the youngest geopolitical server in Minecraft, was a virtual recreation of the planet Earth. It had a map with all 7 continents recreated on a 1:3000 scale. This server included a wide variety of streamers such as AntVenom, Tobuscus, and RTGame. That doesn’t even scratch the surface of the full roster. In total, the server lasted for 142 days.

For months, SMPEarth was one of the biggest ongoings of the Minecraft community. A bunch of big YouTubers were constantly playing on the server, doing a bunch of crazy things. Wars were fought. Alliances were formed. Not to mention, there were a bunch of insane moments.

In more recent times, however, SMPEarth saw a decline in popularity. As each day passed by, more creators were getting tired with the server. In an effort to conclude the server on a high note, there was one last big Hunger Games event.

On the internet, nothing can last forever, and it was only a matter of time before we’d see the end. It’s up to us to keep the memories alive.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the complete story of the one and only, SMPEarth.

== Credit == Huge thanks to the editors of SMPEarth Wiki, who helped make this video possible. SMPEarth Wiki – https://smpearth.fandom.com/f

SurvivalYoshi is cool.

== Other Stuff == badlion cloak – https://store.badlion.net/shop/Zyphon public discord – https://discord.gg/zyphon buy my merch – https://teespring.com/en/zyphon-penguin second channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQN7Af9TG68t2Mi9AeW2CJA twitter – twitter.com/ZyphonYT cool person – you

#SMPEarth #SMP #Minecraft

  • Math Hacks for Game Dev

    Math Hacks for Game Dev The Intricate World of Minecraft: Unveiling the Mathematics Behind Game Development As millions of players immerse themselves in the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, few realize the complex mathematics that underpin this virtual world. From world generation algorithms to physics simulations, mathematics plays a crucial role in shaping the gameplay experience. The Mathematics of World Generation One of the most fascinating aspects of Minecraft is its procedurally generated worlds. Through the use of advanced algorithms, the game creates vast, diverse landscapes for players to explore. These algorithms rely on mathematical concepts such as Perlin noise, a technique used to create… Read More

  • Crafty Edit: Minecraft’s Delight

    Crafty Edit: Minecraft's Delight In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and news are like a gamer’s dream. I’m here to bring you the latest scoop, In rhymes that will make you wanna whoop. From new mobs to fresh biomes, I’ll cover it all in rhythmic tones. So grab your pickaxe and get ready to mine, For the best Minecraft news, in verse so fine. I’ll keep it light and full of fun, With emojis to add to the pun. So stay tuned for the next episode, Where Minecraft facts will surely explode. And remember, in this world of blocks… Read More

  • Friendship Survival in Minecraft EP04: Betrayal Incoming!

    Friendship Survival in Minecraft EP04: Betrayal Incoming! Exploring the Adventures in Minecraft: Friendship Survival Episode 4: Facing Challenges and Unexpected Twists In the latest episode of “Minecraft 麥塊 | 友情生存,” our adventurers find themselves in a precarious situation. The friendship boat nearly capsizes, and tensions run high as they navigate through turbulent waters. The camaraderie is put to the test as they struggle to stay afloat in the face of adversity. Friendship Tested As the group faces unforeseen challenges, the bonds of friendship are tested like never before. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles together, or will the strain of survival drive them apart?… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge!

    Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft survival challenge on YouTube and thought to yourself, “I wish I could experience something like that”? Well, now you can! Imagine surviving 100 days in a desert-only world, just like in the intense challenge you watched. The thrill, the excitement, the adrenaline rush – all of it can be yours on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who are always up for a challenge. Test your survival skills, build magnificent structures, and explore the vast desert landscape. With our unique gameplay features and dedicated staff, your… Read More

  • Kroberto’s Epic Hill Destruction

    Kroberto's Epic Hill Destruction Minecraft Adventures: Destroying the Hill Duo SMP Unveiling the World of Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players embark on exciting adventures, building, exploring, and conquering challenges. The thrill of discovering new resources, crafting powerful tools, and engaging with fellow gamers creates an immersive experience like no other. Exploring New Heights As players delve into the game, they encounter various terrains, from lush forests to towering mountains. The thrill of conquering these landscapes is unparalleled, with each new discovery sparking excitement and creativity. Resource Management and Crafting One of the key elements of Minecraft is resource management. From… Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the mysterious gift of inspiration that can be found in the world of Minecraft. While watching videos like “PRESENTE MISTERIOSO #minecraft #motivation #music #art #minecraftshorts” may spark your creativity and motivation, there is a place where you can truly unleash your imagination and connect with like-minded players. That place is Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re… Read More

  • IBAI’s Wild Minecraft Night

    IBAI's Wild Minecraft Night The Exciting World of Minecraft: Ibai’s Velada Event When it comes to the world of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a timeless classic that continues to capture the hearts of players worldwide. Recently, popular streamer Ibai took on the challenge of organizing a special event within the Minecraft universe, known as La Velada del Minecraft. A Night to Remember La Velada del Minecraft, or The Minecraft Evening, promised to be an unforgettable experience for both Ibai and his audience. With its open-world sandbox gameplay, Minecraft allows for endless possibilities and creativity, making it the perfect setting for a unique… Read More

  • Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True!

    Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, we play in VR’s light. QuestCraft is the key, legal and true, To install and enjoy, mods and multiplayer too. First, gather the requirements, don’t be shy, Then follow the steps, installation is nigh. Play Minecraft in VR, feel the thrill, With Meta Quest by your side, you can’t stand still. Mods and multiplayer, a whole new game, In the world of Minecraft, never the same. So dive in, have fun, let your creativity soar, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, you’ll always want more…. Read More

  • Delete World Save: Minecraft’s Creepy Creature Craze

    Delete World Save: Minecraft's Creepy Creature Craze In the world of Minecraft, a legend does dwell, A creature so eerie, it casts a dark spell. If you spot it in-game, don’t hesitate, Delete that world save, before it’s too late. With half of his body, Alex did appear, A sight so unsettling, it fills you with fear. A monster lurks under the trapdoor, beware, Its presence alone, enough to make you swear. So heed this warning, from Game Koala’s tale, In Minecraft’s world, where legends prevail. Subscribe for more stories, of myths and of fright, And keep your eyes open, in the dark of the night. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the perfect start in Minecraft 1.20. But first, let’s take a look at this exciting new YouTube video titled “THE PERFECT START! Lets Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1 MALAYALAM.” In this video, the creator explores a brand new Minecraft world in Java Edition 1.20 for the first time. They promise fun activities, challenges, and more in their upcoming episodes. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does showcase the endless possibilities… Read More

  • Amaui Channel Minecraft: Epic Healing Adventure

    Amaui Channel Minecraft: Epic Healing AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘☾ ໋〖 Minecraft 〗まったり癒しのマインクラフト〖 天羽衣┊ななしいんく 〗’, was uploaded by 天羽衣 / Amaui Channel【ななしいんく】 on 2024-01-17 15:16:44. It has garnered 6662 views and 584 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:58 or 11098 seconds. . ⁺˖ ☾ Today’s Quote ☽ ˖⁺ . ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ I’m by your side, #Amaui! ໒₍ ܸ o̴̶̷ ̫ o̴̶̷ ܸ ₎১ 🩵﹒ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/Amaui_🩵﹒Twitch   https://www.twitch.tv/amaui0915⟡﹒ General tag ﹕ #Amehagoromo ⟡﹒ Streaming tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoLegend ⟡﹒ Original tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoPictureScroll ⟡﹒ Clipping tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoRoku ╰ ※ We would like to use this in our activities ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ 🩵﹒ Nanashi Inc Official… Read More

  • Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft – Firelight Series

    Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft - Firelight SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Deaths = Blood’, was uploaded by Firelight on 2024-06-08 01:00:04. It has garnered 81475 views and 2103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. If I DIE My Deaths Get More BLOODY in Scary Minecraft! What till the end to see the Cursed results! ✅ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@firelight846mc?_t=8ZCYwB1CFKT&_r=1 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for… Read More

  • Ultimate Sweat Takedown Begins! Day 1 💪🏻#fortnite

    Ultimate Sweat Takedown Begins! Day 1 💪🏻#fortniteVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of taking down Sweats 💪🏻#fortnite #sweat #og’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-12 15:30:13. It has garnered 3698 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server =https://discord.gg/29ztr3t7rY Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc #tiktok #games… Read More

  • CreepyMine

    CreepyMineServer focused on player based economy,RPG elements, cooperation, hard survival and DISASTERS! Still performing under construction, so we are open to suggestions. Later discord link will be added. Read More

  • Lords of Soot – Modded PVP Semi-Anarchy Roleplay – Geopolitical – 1.16.5

    Welcome to Lords Of Soot Lords Of Soot is a 1.16.5 Survival Server focusing on light geopolitical roleplay and large-scale cooperative projects. Join player-ran nations with unique building styles on a stunning Terraforged map. Modpack Features Explore Immersive Engineering, Create, Mekanism, Immersive Railroading, Immersive Vehicles, and more. Engage in wars using Timeless and Classic guns or enjoy a quiet life with cooking, agriculture, and decorative mods. Join Us Today Experience a 4-year history with wars, rising and falling nations, and a welcoming community. Visit our Discord, Dynmap, and wiki for more information. Connect with Us Discord: https://discord.gg/weUerta7qj Dynmap: http://mc.lordsofsoot.tesseracthosting.com:21501/ IP:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 1.21 update: Minecraft’s spiciest patch yet!

    Looks like 1.21 is going to be such a good update, even the meme score is off the charts! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 22 is here, Challenging myself, no need for fear. Picking up acacia wood, a new sight to see, Variation is key, it sets my creativity free. Shout out to TikTok friends, a community so grand, @facu8117, @elmoran888, a supportive band. @leandrocr757, @lorenzov_ok, and more, Each one a gem, worth cheering for. Join my channel, support and enjoy the ride, Discord, Twitch, TikTok, all by my side. IrlandesGamer, the name to remember, In the world of gaming, I’ll be your guide, forever. Read More


    WHICH MINECRAFT AXE SWINGS FASTER? Well, obviously the diamond axe is faster because it’s bling-blinging its way through the trees! 💎🌲 #blingaxe #minecraftspeedyaxe Read More

  • Unleashing Dark Magic in MR SMP / Ep1

    Unleashing Dark Magic in MR SMP / Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘MR SMP / Big Joss Series / Ep1’, was uploaded by WitchCraft on 2024-05-01 04:50:25. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:02 or 362 seconds. #gaming #minecraft #letsplay #survival #viral #smp #funny #biggboss Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft with the Ultimate Worst Mods

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft with the Ultimate Worst ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arruiné Minecraft con los PEORES MODS que EXISTEN’, was uploaded by CiertopeloGAME on 2024-01-26 01:15:02. It has garnered 25467 views and 1942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:13 or 1033 seconds. Welcome to this NEW Minecraft video where I put so many MODS to Minecraft that it no longer looks like Minecraft✌ Hello, I’m a totally necessary description, check out my social networks!👇 https://linktr.ee/ciertopelogame Join this channel to access its benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoO5jIYQBTPUp5ndHHD6b-A/join Read More


    🔥UNBELIEVABLE! BIGGEST SERVER BASE IN MINECRAFT! #VapeGainzVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏹Minecraft: JÁ TEMOS A MAIOR BASE DO SERVIDOR! – FACTIONS VANGUARD’, was uploaded by xVape on 2024-03-30 17:07:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Don’t forget to LIKE – SUBSCRIBE and Activate ▻ Information • IP: loja.redevonix.com • Website: loja.redevonix.com … Read More

  • Escape Minecraft Traps! The World’s Smallest Violin 🎻

    Escape Minecraft Traps! The World's Smallest Violin 🎻Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Escape Minecraft Traps at Every Age (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Error on 2024-05-26 16:30:12. It has garnered 154737 views and 4393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Thank you for watching! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #Minecraft

    Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by yc on 2024-04-26 14:45:07. It has garnered 10718 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming Your Queries:- nba on tnt minecraft manhunt nba highlights minecraft manhunt but minecraft manhunt but op enchants minecraft but spectator mode qndres minecraft mod lewwolfe minecraft but sheep drop op items minecraft smp pixelmon minecraft manhunt but op loot jagster school minecraft smp custom item levels smp minecraft stacked mcpe new song minecraft manhunt… Read More

  • Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in Minecraft

    Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-03-19 19:42:35. It has garnered 31581 views and 585 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:41 or 4061 seconds. Today, JJ and MIKEY found a cute stray kitten and decided to take it home! JJ and MIKEY hide the cat from his parents! JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and… Read More

  • Dipa AC’s Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!

    Dipa AC's Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!Video Information This video, titled ‘Persiapan Ke The End Di Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-04-05 04:19:45. It has garnered 13501 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:59 or 4799 seconds. ❏ Let’s Go, Let’s Get Ready! ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ https://trakteer.id/dipaac/link ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! https://discord.gg/5rMaKpN74r ❏ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rz.dipa ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No roleplay (calling papa//mama//sister) to the streamer… Read More


    INSANE! NikoHite LIVE: EPIC SERVER MOVE & NONSTOP GRINDING 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] PINDAH SERVER TETAP GRINDING – MINECRAFT REVOLUTION SMP INDONESIA’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-02 13:59:04. It has garnered 400 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:43 or 8863 seconds. Here’s the link: https://saweria.co/NikoHite this channel is still developing Rules: 1. no toxic 2. no asking to be a moderator whatever the story 3. no sarcasm and racism 4. respect other viewers 5. no spam #minecraft #minecraftpelivestream IP SERVER: PLAY.BRUTAL.ID backsound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_tYp2A8U9s Read More

  • DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!

    DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gasken Main Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-03-31 04:32:49. It has garnered 11459 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:28 or 5308 seconds. ❏ We will try the public server before release!! ❏ The IP (1.20.4) [JAVA&Bedrock] : CENDOL.shockbyte.pro ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ https://trakteer.id/dipaac/link ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! https://discord.gg/5rMaKpN74r ❏ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rz.dipa ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No… Read More

  • AriseCity

    AriseCityArisecity is a Java/Bedrock comp Kingdoms and Earth themed server with heavy emphasis on pvp, wars, countries and grinding. Mainly vanilla combat with some balance changes. play.arisecity.net Read More

  • WarpedRealm SMP PvE SMP-RPG 1.20.1-1.20.6 Age 16+ Rank-ups Resource Pack Custom Furniture Custom Mobs Skills Jobs Bosses Quests Playershops Custom Items GriefPrevention Custom Crafting

    WarpedRealm Minecraft Server WarpedRealm.com A Minecraft survival server with custom dimensions, challenging mobs and bosses, and a unique in-game ranking system with over 32 ranks. Explore custom items, crafting systems, and more. Features: Custom resource pack with emotes and furniture In-game progressive ranking system with 32 ranks Custom dimensions and mini dungeons Custom mobs and bosses Upgradable spawners Jobs and skills to master Custom armor sets and items Player-driven economy and shops Join Us Today: IP: WarpedRealm.com Discord Gallery Wiki Store (Not P2W) Read More

  • CrimsonNexus

    Welcome to CrimsonNexus, a realm of unparalleled exclusivity where the very fabric of the economy is woven with an artful touch. Here, within this enchanted enclave, esteemed members are granted the privilege to engage in sophisticated trades and strategically acquire or divest land, all amidst an ever-evolving tapestry of economic mystique.In this illustrious sanctuary, you will find yourself immersed in an ethereal landscape, one that mirrors the complexities and dynamics of the world beyond yet is imbued with a sense of wonder and possibility. The opportunities for investment are boundless, and the potential for growth, limitless. Each transaction is not… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nostalgia hits hard in Minecraft memes

    I guess you could say this meme is a real diamond in the rough with a high score like that! Read More

  • Antie Monshiiee’s Minecraft Babysitting Bonanza

    Antie Monshiiee's Minecraft Babysitting Bonanza In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Antie Monshiiee steps in, to babysit and dream. With animations so lively, and characters so bright, The audience is hooked, from morning ’til night. From Cimator to Sakaro, and James in the mix, Each character shines, with their own unique tricks. But it’s Antie Monshiiee, who steals the show, With her storytelling skills, and rhymes that flow. So hit that subscribe button, and join the fun, For Minecraft adventures, under the sun. With Antie Monshiiee leading the way, Every episode is a delight, come what may. Read More

  • Armor up, it’s getting steamy in here! #minecraft #memes

    Armor up, it's getting steamy in here! #minecraft #memes When you put your armor on in Minecraft but still manage to fall into a pit of lava within five minutes. It’s like the universe is just testing your fashion sense, not your survival skills. #minecraftstruggles #fashionoverfunction Read More

  • Minecraft Ghost Story: Canterville by Oscar Wilde

    Minecraft Ghost Story: Canterville by Oscar Wilde The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde: A Minecraft Literary Long Play Exploring Reputable Builders and Planning Builds In the world of Minecraft, reputable builders are highly regarded for their creativity and attention to detail. Planning builds is a crucial step in creating impressive structures that stand out in the vast virtual landscape. By carefully considering the design, materials, and layout of their creations, builders can ensure that their projects are not only visually appealing but also functional and structurally sound. Progress on the Cathedral of History One of the ongoing projects in this Minecraft video is the Cathedral of… Read More

  • Unbelievable! MrMienes builds insane house in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! MrMienes builds insane house in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Határozatlan Ház Építés ( Solo Minecraft Ep.2 )’, was uploaded by MrMienes on 2024-05-12 08:00:12. It has garnered 252 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:05 or 725 seconds. It’s time to build some pretty little gypsy. https://youtu.be/-R0UYHS8A_A?si=mNM4YyjGHjjOfyBr _________________________________________________________________________ Outro: Háttér Additional Footage Provided By http://videezy.com Zene: We’re Finally Landing by HOME / home-2001 Promoted by @RoyaltyFreePlanet – https://royaltyfreeplanet.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 http://bit.ly/RFP_CCSAlicense _________________________________________________________________________ Modok: Clumps Corpse Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks Iron’s Spells’ Recipe Additions Sophisticated Backpacks Xaero’s Minimap YUNG’s Better Dungeons Aquaculture 2 Biomes O’ Plenty Carry On Create… Read More

  • Turning Terrible Ideas into Minecraft Mods

    Turning Terrible Ideas into Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Adding all of your horrible ideas into minecraft… – Minecraft modding stream’, was uploaded by HanhanPx on 2024-04-18 17:01:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Time to try the minecraft modding stream again! Let’s see if my PC crashes like last time! ==================== CHAT RULES … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days as Jujutsu Kaisen Characters!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days as Jujutsu Kaisen Characters!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen As Megumi Sukuna For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened’, was uploaded by IsoPlayz on 2024-03-14 18:00:01. It has garnered 10564 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:36 or 3216 seconds. We spent 100 days Minecraft! Today I spent 100 days in Minecraft. All mod packs will be in the discord below DISCORD – https://discord.gg/WetTmsKUXn Disclaimer 1- This video is purely fan-made and is not associated with the musical artist and anime company in any way. 2- ” I do not own ANY of the anime… Read More

  • Sapion Gaming: EPIC Amusement Park in Minecraft!! 🎢🎮

    Sapion Gaming: EPIC Amusement Park in Minecraft!! 🎢🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring amusement park in Minecraft #minecraft #amusementpark’, was uploaded by sapion gaming on 2023-12-26 12:36:05. It has garnered 41 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:54 or 534 seconds. Read More

  • Join the Elite SMP with ItsWave now

    Join the Elite SMP with ItsWave nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Content Creator SMP You Can Join! (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by ItsWave on 2024-05-12 14:49:03. It has garnered 417 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Apply Here: Discord: https://discord.gg/zKpCjfmtXp Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not… Read More

Rise and Fall of SMPEarth – A Documentary about the SMPLive Successor