Roblox Dimension invades Minecraft!

Video Information

This Hello everybody and welcome back to another video on the channel my name is subzero extra bite and today as you can clearly see we are inside minecraft as you can see i am inside my house but it seems like someone somewhere has actually left me signs i wonder what they want it seems

Like it’s a fan that has left these signs for me and has a big surprise we should definitely go and check it out it could be something really fun and interesting we need to be careful because i built this house very very high off the ground to make sure that no

Noobs would come and steal things i guess we might as well follow the signs to see what this big surprise is all about i wonder where this person is now it seems like they have set up and gone to a lot of effort to give me a big

Surprise so i am definitely going to check it out this seems really exciting and i can’t wait there are sure a lot of signs here i was planning to do a different minecraft video today i was going to show you how to build a sky

House but it looks like i’m not going to be doing that anymore this person seems like they are a really big fan of me and they are saying they are new but clearly didn’t want to grief my house that is rather thoughtful of them what a nice

Person whoa who left that hole in the bridge i just fell all the way down because i wasn’t looking where i was going it just goes to show you guys that you always need to look where you are going especially on a sky bridge like i

Was just on if you are not looking where you are going then you could easily trip and hurt yourself it is just lucky that i have really strong legs and that fall didn’t hurt me too much let’s head back up and check where the signs were going

To lead me before i fell down okay we know that the gap is there now so we can just jump over without too much of a problem the fan has even apologized for the gap on the sign because he did not have enough blocks to place down to make

A full bridge for me it seems like the fan wants me to actually jump off the bridge now and into the water below i am not going to lie it kind of feels a little bit risky but i am going to trust this nice fan and hopefully they will

Have a really cool surprise to show me at the bottom let’s just jump down here and check out what’s around Oh is it a trap there are deadly skeletons just waiting for me look the signs here and directing me this way so perhaps it isn’t a trap maybe they were just trying to scare me or something wow check out this massive portal that is in

This cave it looks so spooky and sort of like a nether portal but a lot bigger and spookier is this the surprise i wonder where it could possibly lead the sign above the portal says something about roblox i thought that we were in minecraft are we not playing minecraft

Today i am so confused what do you guys think we should do shall i try and jump into the portal to see what happens i wonder where it is going to take me or if it even going to work omg i am in roblox now what on earth was that it was

Like magic i just suddenly teleported into a different dimension and changed games completely this is insane i don’t believe it it seems like now we are in roblox and on a server of some kind with a chest let’s grab what is inside the chest it seems like you actually do

Different things this might be like my own little skibic island i can place some grass and seeds down it seems perhaps this is to start growing some resources and collecting wood that is usually the basic thing to do in most survival games and considering we are still technically in minecraft i am

Going to stick to those rules instead i might go and explore while across this bridge it seems like there are all sorts of different things going on where should we go first are there any other players maybe i can actually find the guy who left me all the signs if it is a

Guy it could be a girl also we can walk up to the blacksmiths and check out what is going on perhaps we can smell some stuff and get some ingots like when you smelt or in minecraft and make it into ingots you can then actually use the

Ingots to craft all sorts of interesting stuff such as armor or weapons and much stronger tools i wonder where this place exactly it’s like its own little sectioned off dimension of reality with all sorts of things that are needed for living we have already seen a really cool blacksmith where i can probably

Make some cool stuff and it seems like other players are here maybe that guy is the one who invited me here and showed me the portal i am not too sure but i am sure we can hang out and have a fun time i wonder how exactly he got into my

Minecraft server how would he know which role to pick he must be a very smart guy why don’t we go and check out what is inside the bakery perhaps they will have some really tasty food or maybe even one of my favorite things in the entire world which is freshly baked cookies

When they are still slightly warm and soft and gooey i cannot wait to try more of them soon but have to be careful that i don’t get fat it seems like in the bakery you can sell stuff for a certain price which is pretty good i wonder what

We should now or where we should go and explore i am going to head out of the bakery because to be honest some of those baked goods looked pretty gray and not tasty i am going to run back to my house to see what else there is to do i

Was also wondering if you could cut down trees to get with like people can do in minecraft i wonder how i’m going to get back to the minecraft universe or dimension there doesn’t seem to be a portal anywhere which is scary and slightly odd but who knows we should

Just go with the flow and see what happens in the end who knows i might actually like it here and decide to stay for a while or maybe a few days i could probably do with a break or a vacation for a week or two to just sit back and

Relax in the sun as you can see i have placed some of the trees to grow some wood this will actually help us with collecting resources for the expansion of my island i really want to grow it bigger and see how much we can build so we need to start actually farming some

Resources and leave these trees to grow a little it seems like we can do all sorts of really cool stuff in this world that is all usually in roblox this is such a crazy and weird day for me this guy over here seems like he wants to

Play so i guess we should head off my island and go and explore this world some more and see what we can find i am going to go and explore all these different buildings over here it looks like someone has worked especially hard on them and i think i can see some sort

Of barney in the distance but i am not too sure i wonder what sort of crazy stuff i can get up to around here with all of these available buildings and interesting things to do it seems like these places that we own are called tycoons and we have to build them up

Island by island by collecting resources i am so excited to try this i was really excited to play some minecraft today but i guess i will be changing to a roblox video from here it looks like all or at least some of my trees have grown fully

And now have lots of wood to harvest luckily i have a trust x that i can use to collect some wood from it i haven’t cut a tree in roblox before i always do it in minecraft but i never thought it was actually possible in roblox i wonder

What sort of magic it is that has teleported me to a completely different game in a totally different dimension i feel like i am in an episode of doctor who that is a really good tv show by the way i always watch it and it is full of

Time travel and aliens i love the series as a kid oh great one of my trees literally fell of my island we need to be careful where we plant these trees in future because that was a whole lot of wasted time and i didn’t get the wood

That i wanted to harvest at least the second tree is actually giving me some wood to chop and finally i have some decent amount of resources chop chop chopping with an axe is so much hard work especially considering the sun is up and it’s early in the morning so i’m

Getting really hot and tired from all of this wood collecting maybe i should get a lighter axe but that might not help with being able to collect more wood as a good axe needs to be a bit heavy i am getting a bunch of wood from all these

Trees now none of the other ones actually fell into the sky and disappeared that was so annoying as i really like to preserve my resources oh well at least it’s not like a minecraft skiblic where if you don’t use the one tree at the start to your advantage and

To make more trees then you’re probably not going to have any more trees on your island and you would be in deep trouble one time my only sapling on the whole of my skiblic was balancing on a leaf block over the edge of the sky and the block

Disband which dropped the sapling into the void it was so annoying i felt so enraged i was so infuriated that i just decided to jump off the sky block to kill myself and start again the next time i tried i made one of the best skillets i probably ever have done it

Was the best survival skit ever because it had a mansion and like three mob traps that were grinding all the precious resources for me i even had my own swimming pool because i really like to go for a swim every now and then even

If i am in the sky we have just about collected all the wood there is to collect so far on my island which means i have a few resources to spend or use to make something really cool or possibly by an expansion to my sky island tycoon building an extension

Should hopefully add a really nice look to my place it seems like i can add an extension for a small price of a few wooden leaves so that’s not too bad i can imagine each extension gets quite expensive after a while it appears as if the islands are all connected by these

Really cool and random bridges i now have three islands which means i have a bunch more space and there is so much more that we can do now wow this isla know i fell oh wow no i don’t want to hit the ground hard again i’m always

Falling in like every video oh wait i am back in minecraft how did that happen did i just jump dimensions again by falling i almost forgot that i was still in minecraft that is kind of crazy it doesn’t look like we took any damage when we fell so maybe that is a side

Effect of jumping dimensions like i just did while we are back in the actual world look at all the nature just going about its day i bet that pig has never even seen or played roblox it would be so funny if we took the pig through the

Portal with me and watched his reactions to everything in a new game it seems like there is some sort of portal literally just sitting there and being really cool perhaps this will take me back to the roblox world as i kind of really want to go back there ever since

I found out that i could hop dimensions this teleportation through games is so cool now it worked again just like last time this is actually so much fun i almost feel like i am dreaming i mean i must be dreaming right there is no way that you can hop from one game to

Another that quickly this is so mysterious but i just pinched myself and it definitely feels real and i’m not even tired because i was a good boy and went to sleep early last night i had 10 hours sleep i am lazy it is really important to have at least eight hours

Sleep though especially for younger people so they can grow strong and healthy i really enjoy it now we are back in roblox what should we do it seems like when i jumped through games time passes by differently in here all of my trees are now freshly grown again

We need to collect some more wood to expand and build our tycoon to be the best in roblox or minecraft erm i’m not too sure which one anymore because i am getting really confused i wish we could get a better axe so that chopping the wood would be easier to do and much

Faster because right now it is taking so long and my muscles are really starting to ache i feel like my back is going to crack soon and i’m going to drop over from exhaustion i think we should make sure to take all of the leaves off of

The trees before we cut them all down and hopefully none of them roll and fall off the edge of the island as that would really suck and considering we just found out that minecraft is literally right below us then i think the tree could fall and maybe hit the pig we saw

Earlier or even worse it could land on my house or someone else’s house and destroy it all i wonder if that happened when i dropped the last tree down there earlier oops i have never chopped this much wood before but it is certainly not

As fun as i thought it was it is really cool that you chop wood and punch it in minecraft and that is also what we are doing here on this game too we are basically just playing minecraft but in roblox except we are playing roblox in minecraft man this dimension stuff is so

Confusing i really need to stop hopping dimensions because it is starting to hurt my head and give me a headache just thinking about it i think i should take a break from chopping wood from trees as i have been doing it for a long time i

Am going to now instead use some of the seeds i have collected and plant them in a nice place all over this island this will basically be my tycoon’s farm island and this is where all the plants crops and resources will grow for me to keep coming back and collect i will also

Place some more trees so that i will not run out of wood anytime soon it is really important to think ahead when you are building planning or surviving in the wild or in a game i was going to decide to expand all of the islands again but unfortunately it’s an awful

Lot of money to buy any more islands will money and logs and i don’t want to just waste all of the logs that i have just collected because that feels like a big waste of time let’s try not to fall off the edge again because otherwise we

Will end up back in minecraft i hope the portal stays open forever so i never have to switch games anymore this is so great we should head back to the amazing island shops and check out all the really cool stuff there is to see i can

Even sell all of the resources i have collected for some money this has been really cool i just earned a bunch of money i just realized that i don’t think there is money in minecraft there is gold i guess but it isn’t really the same as actual money like pounds or

Dollars maybe that should be something they add to villagers and villages because at the moment they use emeralds and trade in items if there were shops in minecraft that would be really cool too i mean i say this but all of these things will probably already exist in

Some form either on a server or on a mod there is a mod for everything in minecraft and it’s amazing all the different stuff people can do with just one game my tycoon is really starting to take shape but it will look a lot better and way more attractive when i use all

Of this money i just earned to upgrade my tycoon farm island it sure does cost a lot but it will make me way more successful and will help me progress more with the game which is what i am looking to do why would you just look at

That barn it’s so colorful and makes my farm island even more realistic and like an actual tycoon we have also upgraded the other island to make that look way bigger and instead of just a small pool it is now surrounded by some really cool rocks that make it look way nicer oh wow

Check it out if you look over here in the barn i actually have some baby chicks running around i have to go to bed soon because i need to be a good boy and wake up early and fresh tomorrow to actually record some more videos for you

Guys it has been so much fun checking out this really weird dimension i think for now i am going to head back into the real minecraft world and see what is going on this has been a really good experience and i am so grateful to that

Big fan who showed me this clearly he isn’t as big a noob as he thought he was if he can make portals to roblox thank you for watching everyone and i will see you in the next video You

This video, titled ‘IF THERE WAS A ROBLOX DIMENSION in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sub on 2017-03-18 22:00:30. It has garnered 1247353 views and 7493 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:13 or 913 seconds.

What if there was a Roblox Dimension in Minecraft! ► Follow me on Twitter! — ► Get the OFFICIAL SubZeroExtabyte ROBLOX Shirt & Pants! Shirt: Pants:

Join Sub in his Roblox Adventures as he plays various Roblox games, goes to the Roblox Hospital, online dates in Roblox, gets married and more!

► More videos: Roblox Adventures: Minecraft: Best of Sub:

► Channels: The Pals: Sketch: Alex: Denis: Corl:

What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“ROBUX”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.

► Music Credits: Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0… MonsterCatMedia –

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  • Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!

    Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms: Join Me On My Quest! [EP. 1]’, was uploaded by Lux And Tux Live on 2024-05-26 03:12:04. It has garnered 317 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:22 or 5602 seconds. Support the channel: Discord: 🏮 Catch Me Live!!! 🏮 Mon – Wed – Fri 5:30pm EST Livestream Playlist: Equipment: [Affiliate Links – TY if you use the links] GPU: CPU+MOBO Combo: RAM: Watercooler: Case: Keyboard: Mouse: Monitor: PS5: TOTK Switch: Gaming Chair: Contact for… Read More

  • Top 20 Spooky Minecraft Secrets

    Top 20 Spooky Minecraft SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Account 671 Creepy Pasta’, was uploaded by Minecraft Creepy Facts on 2024-05-18 04:06:36. It has garnered 490 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. 🔍 Uncover the Mystery: The Haunting of Minecraft’s Account 671 🔍 Have you heard the chilling legend of Account 671 in Minecraft? Join us as we delve into the eerie tale of Ethan Greene, a brilliant developer who mysteriously vanished, leaving behind only his active Minecraft account. What secrets lie within the worlds generated by Account 671? 👻 What You’ll Discover: Strange biomes… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay – Custom Servers and Survival Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay - Custom Servers and Survival Challenges!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live🔴 – Hive – Bedwars – Skywars – Custom Servers – Minecraft 1.21 Survival Realm’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-05-20 00:04:10. It has garnered 159 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:54 or 12774 seconds. Minecraft Hive with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers. Bedwars – Skywars – Treasure Wars – Survival Games – Custom Servers Discord: Thank You for 3000 Subscribers! please subscribe I do use Horion, I use it for utility purposes, I have not and will never condone hacking or… Read More

  • ZonaiBoy – SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱

    ZonaiBoy - SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Es geht weiter mit ner Runne Minecraft! 😍’, was uploaded by ZonaiBoy on 2024-03-22 23:19:11. It has garnered 282 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:23 or 15203 seconds. I love this game! Discord: #minecraft #Stream #Christmas #Realtalk #New Years Eve #Chill #Zelda #nintendo #gaming am Read More

  • Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!

    Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!Video Information This video, titled ‘i like to pump it | Hive Montage’, was uploaded by Neudex on 2024-06-03 12:42:41. It has garnered 28 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. what the sigma tags texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike client,zoomx,zoomx client,horion,horion client,chron,chron client,sova,sova… Read More

  • Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!

    Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT STEVE OVER POWER LARI MENUJU SURGA DALAM 1 DETIK TAPI DI KEJAR 1000 WARDEN !’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-03-13 11:39:37. It has garnered 7211620 views and 158852 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Hello guys, this is a minecraft reaction! I hope you like it, don’t forget to like and share, thnkyuuuu Original video: Join the Azuya Surya membership so that your skin can be animated, join here: -Follow first, friend, the link is: or just look for the photo where I… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE – Yahiamice vs. the HARDEST

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE - Yahiamice vs. the HARDESTVideo Information This video, titled ‘facing the HARDEST minecraft modpack… BETTER THAN WOLVES’, was uploaded by Yahiamice LIVE vods on 2024-02-07 23:58:37. It has garnered 13187 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:56 or 8156 seconds. February 7, 2024 — Watch live at Read More

  • EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander Bono

    EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander BonoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battles Teams Hypixel’, was uploaded by Alexander Bono on 2024-04-14 17:32:36. It has garnered 279 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:58 or 898 seconds. #buildbattle #buildbattles #buildbattleminecraft #hypixel #minecraft #tryhard #proplayer #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New Remix

    Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New RemixVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #edit #minecraft #memes #roblox’, was uploaded by HACKER ABDULLAH on 2024-05-21 16:10:53. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • ArisMC

    ArisMCWelcome to ArisMC, the ultimate Minecraft server for players who seek a peaceful survival experience! Our server provides a serene gameplay environment where players can explore, build, and thrive without the need for conflict. Join us today and embark on an adventure of tranquility and resourcefulness. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a fair and harmonious experience for all players, fostering a friendly and supportive community. With custom plugins and a variety of game modes, ArisMC offers a diverse range of activities suitable for both Minecraft veterans and newcomers. But that’s not all! We also provide rewards for participating in… Read More

  • Waychest SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.6 Custom Plugins

    Server Information Server Name: Waychest Server IP: Server Location: United States West Coast Website: Wiki: Version: 1.20.6 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [PVE] About Waychest Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm: a world where you (and friends) start your journey with a server-like feel. Discover custom items and blocks left behind by previous explorers as you journey through the shared world. Encounter other players along the way for a unique… Read More

  • MC IMAGINEERING – Minecraft Disney server looking for staff!

    MC IMAGINEERING - Minecraft Disney server looking for staff!MC Imagineering is a Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.2 server dedicated to replicating Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Minecraft at 1:1 scale. We are currently looking for Imagineers, or builders, and for Technicians who are familiar with plugins and commands.We are looking specifically for Imagineers that are willing to work on the Ticket and Transportation Center, the Seven Seas Lagoon, and surrounding resorts. Help anywhere is appreciated though, and once a builder has proved themselves with a resort they will likely be asked to assist with the main park.Technicians will have more to work on, from shows, animatronics, audio, etc.Since… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting farm vibes only.

    Looks like this meme has really cultivated a following! Read More

  • Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod’s Guide to Minecraft Magic

    Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod's Guide to Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, potions are key, To survive and thrive, they’re a necessity. With the MCPF Mod, you’ll learn the way, To craft elixirs that will save the day. Mix ingredients carefully, follow the guide, To create potions that will turn the tide. From strength to speed, and even invisibility, You’ll be unstoppable, with perfect agility. But remember, caution is always wise, Drink with care, don’t meet your demise. Transport them safely, in a secure place, To ensure they’re ready for your next race. So dive into the world of potions and brews, With the MCPF Mod,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos 😂]

    Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos 😂] When you finally build a perfect underwater base in Minecraft, but then realize you forgot to bring a sponge to dry off the floor. 🤣 #WaterLogic Read More

  • Building Villages & Forts in Minecraft 1.20

    Building Villages & Forts in Minecraft 1.20 Welcome to the World of Towns and Towers in Minecraft 1.20 Fabric! Are you ready to explore new villages and fortresses in Minecraft? The Towns and Towers mod introduces exciting additions to the game, expanding the possibilities for adventure and exploration. Let’s dive into the details of this mod and discover the wonders it has to offer! Discovering New Villages and Structures With the Towns and Towers mod, players can encounter a variety of new villages and structures scattered throughout the Minecraft world. From quaint villages to imposing fortresses, each location offers unique opportunities for exploration and discovery. While… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Top 10 Minecraft Mod Addons for 2024

    Unbelievable! Top 10 Minecraft Mod Addons for 2024Video Information This video, titled ’10 of the BEST Minecraft Create Mod Addons for 2024′, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-04-20 19:00:21. It has garnered 153483 views and 6511 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:46 or 1246 seconds. Join the Discord: 25% off your first month with Bisect Hosting: Create is one of the greatest mods ever made for Minecraft and it’s addons make it even better! In this video I make a list of 2024’s best addons to enhance the base gameplay of Create and even add some delightful QoL! 00:00 showcase box by @gtheglorious… Read More