RoboKast – Minecraft’s shocking impact

Video Information

Minecraft has shaped me into the person I am today and it’s probably done the same for you if I hadn’t stumbled across this game nearly a decade ago I wouldn’t be making this video today and you wouldn’t be watching it this singular game has had a profound impact on my

Life it helped me make new friends it gave me an escape when times were tough it helped me express my creativity it caused me to lose some people that I will never speak to again it has given me countless happy memories and it’s the sole reason that I decided to pursue my

Passion of making videos on YouTube throughout each phase of my life things come and go but Minecraft is one of the few things written in stone as we grow as people we inevitably move on from the things of our past but our Minecraft worlds are still there for us as a sort

Of Time Capsule waiting to be opened I’ve explored these time capsules reminisced on old memories and connected the dots of our shared gaming experiences a few times now but I figured it was time to create a comprehensive journey of the emotions that these Old Worlds Prov voke this

Video is a long one but if you’re feeling out of touch with your reality right now it can help to bring you back in utilizing the Nostalgia and emotions of old Minecraft worlds can help you connect with your past so hop on board for today’s Journey Through The Last 5

Years of Minecraft Nostalgia on this channel and maybe you can leave feeling better than you did when you arrived and to start this journey we need to go back to the days of classic Minecraft and explore the worlds that had so much value back in 2010 back from 2012 to 14

Minecraft was the real deal everyone played it everyone talked about it and Minecon was unfortunately a thing and it was a very awkward thing um I was wondering um what’s the recommended amount of deated Wham I should have to server like very awkward Some Noise come on keep going

Keep going come on red come on you can do it make some noise but the the point is Minecraft was popping billions of hours were played billions of blocks were placed and everyone loved it myself included around this time I was in late middle school and early high school and

After a long day of sitting around and being awkward I would come home and play some Minecraft with friends but I wasn’t a very big PC kid at the time and I played primarily on Xbox 360 it was a lot of fun and I spent hours and hours

Creating new things and building really ugly and disgusting garbage buildings on tons of different worlds but times Chang and I would end up moving on to other games and eventually other consoles the friends that I played with moved on with life and so did I I started doing

YouTube some of my friends moved away and others have gotten married and have even had kids but while life and everything else has completely changed these worlds that we spent so many hours on have been sitting there completely untouched items are still exactly where we left them and buildings are half

Built waiting for the day where someone logs on and finishes them Minecraft is basically a time capsule of my childhood thoughts I ideas and Creations so when I started up my Xbox 360 a few weeks ago to play guitar hero and I saw it in my

Game Library I decided to go back and take a look I pulled out my old capture card and hooked it up to record my gameplay just to see what it would be like I wasn’t expecting it to be like this but it ended up feeling like a walk

Down memory lane it was nostalgic and exciting to take a look at things that I remember from over 5 years ago I somehow remembered where specific things were in the world and I could even find my secret chest where I hid all of my diamonds from friends since I recorded

Everything I figured that I would make this video to show you guys how cool of an experience it actually was that experience is what you’re going to be witnessing in today’s video where I revisit old Minecraft worlds and feel the Nostalgia so I connected my Xbox to

The internet for the first time in what felt like a decade and I updated pretty much everything on it it took forever with my garbage internet but eventually I got Minecraft to start and everything was good and before I even hit play I realized how much had changed with this

Game to put this into perspective the last time I played this game was when it was on title update 19 which was when they added the new tutorial world now as a comparison the game is now on Title Update like 74 so it’s been a little

While I mean there’s like a billion new texture packs there’s somehow now mini games on the home screen and everything just looks different so I opened up my world list and realized how many worlds I actually made back in the day I had a tendency to play on one for like a month

And then get bored and decided to move on to a new one so we’re not going to check out every single one of these but we are going to go talk about the most notable ones so the first world that we visited has the beautiful name of

Regular cuz I was very creative with naming my names and it was actually one of the first survival worlds that I ever continued to play on so I clicked play and after waiting literally forever I ended up spawning into the world and I instantly realized oh my God I was bad

At building you want to see some good building skills well look at my uh glowstone floors smooth Stone St walls doors that don’t even line up and roofs that are only tall enough for people who are 3′ 5 I’ll admit I wasn’t the best at building but this was probably when I

Enjoyed the game more than any other time so to get a tour of this wonderfully hideous world we have a couple main areas first of all there’s my beautifully tall house which was obviously the best house on the map then there was my friend Ryan’s house which

Was like you know slightly below mine but nowhere near as cool and then there was a main area connecting the two with a couple of things attached to it now this world was nothing special it wasn’t something that we spent a ton of time on

But I would say that it was one of the first main worlds that I actually continued to play on back in the day we thought this was the coolest thing ever made and we were like wow look at our wonderful buildings but looking back they’re not that impressive so I walked

Into my house with my lovely doors that for some reason didn’t line up and I was faced with the worst carpet I’d ever seen in my life out of all the possible Minecraft Floor Designs I for some reason thought it would be a good idea

To make a red carpet with teal next to it with a path going to my beds and my ladder it’s 2019 we don’t ask questions but honestly we probably should looking around I felt like something was missing what was something that old robocast AKA Losi Scopes AKA cast Shadows would do

And then I realized I have to have a secret room it’s basically rule number one of playing Minecraft in 2013 so I looked towards the door and I saw those paintings and they raised a red flag because everybody knows there’s always a secret passageway behind paintings so I

Finally found one but I realized it was just an enchanting room so nothing too promising but I can guarantee there is definitely a hidden chest in here somewhere now where would 2013 me put the entrance to my secret room my first guess was definitely under the ladder

But it wasn’t there so I figured might as well check all the corners first one not so much maybe this one ah there it is I know me like the back of my own hand so I walked into the secret room and realized that it was kind of depressing I definitely duplicated

Obsidian because there was no way I had that much and the other chests were pretty much empty for the most part now keep in mind I did load up the world in Creative but this world was never put in Creative it was a survival world and I

Just loaded it up to get around easier so I kept looking but I never ended up finding my diamonds so I figured there had to be another secret chest somewhere because your boy was always strapped with diamonds moving up to the second floor of the house I had like a nice

Little kitchen area with way too many furnaces and a roof that you literally hit your head on honestly my rating for this world is going down every second I look at my buildings the third story wasn’t much better where I still hit my head on the roof it was pretty ugly and

Another thing I duplicated was gold I could just see myself back in the day arguing with my friend Ryan and saying no dude I swear it’s not duplicated but it definitely was so I left this disaster of a house and walked out into the hallway towards Ryan’s house it was

Definitely a little bit better than mine but for some reason the doors still didn’t line up I guess we just had a thing for non- lining up doors don’t ask why now one thing I want to mention about Ryan is one there was always cake

In the world when Ryan was here I I don’t mean that in the way you think this man was obsessed with Minecraft cakes like he did not consider himself successful until he had a Minecraft cake so if he had one that’s how you know he played on the world quite often and the

Number of cakes represented how much he played now you think I’m joking but I promise you that’s how it worked honestly his house wasn’t that interesting either but I just had to throw this world in the Showcase because it was one of the first worlds that we

Ever played on but like I said this world wasn’t really that impressive so on my scale I give it a 70 the only reason it’s not a 0.0 is because you know it was kind of the world that started everything so again that’s why I put it in this video now

This next world is pretty interesting it’s called Fort Losi and it was made by me and Ryan now my Xbox gamertag at the time was Losi scopes with with like 20 x’s in it and Ryan’s was Losi outdoors and we were a clan of like three people

So you know back in the day you always wanted to make your own Clan but anyways we decided to build this world for a YouTuber showcase I honestly don’t remember his name but there was this YouTuber that him and I both watched back in the day I think it was like

Something wolf can’t remember but uh this guy did World showcases where he showed off like crazy Minecraft creations so Ryan and I had the idea well why don’t we just build something crazy and then we could be YouTube famous I’m still waiting on that moment but anyways we started spending a lot of

Time on this world and we built what we called Fort Losi to make a long story short the guy ended up being a total douche and he like cut me off and like never talked to me again and quit YouTube or something I don’t even know

Honestly I don’t really care but he kind of did make me mad back in the day and made our work feel like it was for nothing but now I’m making this video so the world is technically now on YouTube look at that problem solving anyway ways we built this giant Fort entirely by

Hand you see every single one of these blocks they were all built by hand by two people I know I know we had no life but honestly it’s kind of cool to go back and look at it because there was a lot of work put into this it definitely

UPS the standard a little bit from the previous world I showed you where I could barely build a walkway and honestly I was kind of proud of this but the main attraction of this world is this giant thing called Fort Losi which is this big wooden structure everything

Here was built by and if you walk inside there’s like an Armory and a potion place and a restaurant and a bunch of villagers to represent the army people and honestly we spent a lot of work on the inside of this because again it was supposed to go on YouTube I’d have to

Say my favorite part of this was the stairway that went up to the top I spent a lot of time trying to make that look good and I was so happy when it turned out like it did going up to the top there’s like some barracks and paintings

Over the door that I really don’t understand the purpose of but hey again don’t ask questions it also has like a little Banner around the side and there’s like cannons washing out over the area and honestly I still feel like it’s a pretty cool creation for like a

12 or 13-year-old at the time and the best part about this we didn’t forget our secret room if you go around to the side there’s like a little door which I actually couldn’t find for a while and that door takes you into this storage room for some reason even though it was

A creative world we loaded up every single chest with like every item imaginable maybe we’re going to try to lie until the YouTuber that we did it by hand in survival but I mean come on it’s pretty obvious that we didn’t now don’t ask any questions about Tommy I don’t

Know if it was a human that we drowned or if it was a a fish or a squid or a dog that we drowned I don’t know okay I really don’t know but for some reason he’s not there anymore he must have migrated or died so again I I don’t know

Where Tommy went I don’t know what he was but apparently we had a pet too but this secret room was like the best one we made at the time it had like a pool table and I’m sure Ryan put some cakes somewhere because always yep there they

Are and I felt like it was a good addition to this giant Fort because what’s a fort without a secret room but that wasn’t it and there was actually quite a bit more to this world you can follow the minecart path and go over to a hotel with like a really weird

Entrance and staircase that goes into a Lobby that hotel had an indoor pool and two rooms that weren’t finished I guess this was kind of like the thing we were working on when we switched to something else but at the end of this world showcase there’s something that is

Probably the most influential building I have ever built in Minecraft oh Robo what’s so influential about a Minecraft bank this was the bank that started everything and I mean literally everything I could go as far to say that this bank is the reason I’m doing YouTube Welcome to the bank where you

Can trade in your gold ingots diamonds or gunpowder for sponge which is our currency and you can use your sponge to purchase houses and shop items now it sounds like a really simple concept but I promise you this Bank just like the previous World went on to create

Everything it gave me an idea okay the bank was one of the last things we built in this world and I thought why don’t we make an entire world dedicated with an economy and houses and jobs and stuff like that this bank was what gave me

That idea overall I rate this world a 8.97 out of 10 now back to the bank story and after this world was when I had the idea for the economy world it was basically the future of what would become my unturned RP server my Minecraft server that I had before that

And my entire RP series that basically started me out on YouTube so again kind of important this world was called town and to be fair I had like 20 other worlds with the name town in it because this this was an idea that was refined multiple times but this was called town

And it was the start of the first ever Town world and as I was revisiting all of these worlds this is where the Nostalgia and the memories really started getting to me welcome to to the wonderful town of New Haven I guess this is when I started playing Skyrim the

Currency is gold nuggets you get paid for doing jobs so get out of your mom’s basement and get a job and make sure you look for Easter eggs along the way go to the town hall and meet up with tlg tgx scopes with a z so a little footnote

Here tlg Scopes was also me so I started out as a I got a P99 don’t ask questions then I changed my name to Loy scopes and then I changed my name to tlg Scopes now I don’t know what tlg meant but I guess that was my other attempt at making my

Own Clan and this is where the start of what I said in the intro starts to come into play everything was just left exactly as it was with nobody touching it like it’s waiting for somebody else so when you first walk out of the Town Hall you come across a couple of shops

And the first one was owned by a guy named redneck boy think about this one day me and redneck boy were just playing Minecraft he had his little shop I had my town and one day we just got got off and haven’t talked to each other since

His items are still in his chest and this world that was bustling with people at one point trading and fighting and pvping and buying stuff is just silent the streets are empty and nobody’s walking around trading and shops are dead honestly I kind of got in my

Feelings right around here you know I was kind of sad it felt like a big part of my childhood was just like empty and desolate but anyways there were a couple of different shops there was some shops for sale then of course there was my beautiful tlg scope shop where I had all

My goods that I totally didn’t bring in from creative mode I had all my items in there just like I was planning to get back on and continue working it it’s just crazy to me then you walk over to the back there’s like a little village where you can sell houses uh nobody

Bought these houses I don’t think cuz they were too expensive and everybody just stole stuff from each other but there were pretty cool houses and we had the idea of selling them on the server and then I came across these little mining lots that I guess people could

Purchase with gold to mine on and one of the signs said backhand Stew’s mining lot backhand stew is my friend Austin who I’ve known since third grade and it’s crazy to think that we used to just chill and play Minecraft together and now he has a fiance I did some more

Exploring came across a hotel that liter that literally had one bed in a door that I charged money for why would you pay money to sleep in a bed like there’s no point not everybody’s going to go to sleep so you’re literally paying money

To sit in a 2 by two room with a bed in it like come on robo AKA tlg Scopes come on you can do better there were a couple other shops some enchanting rooms the bank and all types of other things the bank was a pretty interesting thing to

Look at because going on from this to the next World to the next world you can tell how much it’s improved this bank was literally just a wooden building with doors and places to get your money at but you’ll see how it changes in the

Next one and then on the other end was the jail which was literally just a stone brick building with some little iron doors and bars for people to sit in the way it worked was is that if you broke one of the rules or you stole

Something you got put in jail and then finally on the far side outside of the town there were two houses and before I even flew over to these I realized exactly what they were these were going to be the governor’s mansions that me and my friend Ryan were going to build I

Pretty much finished mine and he was in the middle of working on his when we just suddenly stopped playing on this world and moved on to a new one at this point my building skills have gotten a little bit better but again nothing too crazy I mean I don’t even have doors on

My house then I flew over to Ryan’s house and I realized like I said he just suddenly stopped working on it one day he just decided hey we’re going to go on a new world and I’m going to I’m going to leave my doors backwards for some

Reason and not fix them and it just happened overall I would give this world okay my scale is getting a little confusing because I don’t really know what I’m basing it off of but uh overall I would give this world a uh uh 8.64 we got two more worlds guys two

More worlds and I’ll explain how this all connects at the end the next world is another town world but this time on our timeline my name is now cast Shadows cast Shadows the first part of that name sure does sound pretty familiar Boom story time you see this ugly skin yeah I

Thought it look like a robot right this is when I first got my capture card and I figured hey I have this skin that looks like a robot and my name is casted XX Shadows so let’s combine Robo and cast and make my Youtube name robo cast

And then we’ll make Minecraft videos on Xbox it was a genius idea and that’s the actual story of how I got my YouTube name anyways this town world was a little bit more improved than other ones the other ones were kind of just like oh you get money from Mining and then you

Can use it to buy stuff but this one there were actual jobs you can kind of see how the rules and regulations started to kind of form world to world the first world was an idea that was the fort Losi the second world was kind of

Like an idea turned into a concept oh let’s make an economy and the third world is the actual Foundation of that economy how are we going to make money by making jobs we have the guard who kills mobs and catches animals we have the farmer who owns the farmers market

He farms and sells stuff obviously that’s what a farmer does we have the handyman we have the enchanter we have the blacksmith and smelter and that was pretty much it then we had me the dictator the guy who literally made all the rules but yeah that was the job sign

And the whole concept of Server Like I said was pretty similar to the other ones we had shops like my clan mate his name was Javid cast XX Killa you know great great names basically like the number of x’s you have is the amount of clout you had so honestly we all could

Have used some more X’s but the difference with this world is that there wasn’t really like a set building theme we kind of just experimented to see what would look the best and somehow the bank was even a downgrade from the previous one but again trial and error will

Figure it out there was a town mine which really doesn’t make much sense because everybody would be mining in the same area which means all the resources would be gone and then we came across the shop of Awesomeness again owned by me Mr cast XX Shadows this was kind of

Like my General Store type thing I had a farm to the side and it’s pretty much where I sold all of my items the fact that people didn’t just come in and like mine through walls and steal stuff honestly amazes me I don’t know why they

Didn’t because today if you had any sort of world like this that would probably be the first thing that happens but like I said this world was pretty much taking the ideas from the previous world and trying to implement them into a way that was organized even though I feel like it

Was less organized than the previous one overall the idea was progressing but this world is nowhere as good as the last one and I give it a 7.4 I feel like I said 7.4 for the first world but it’s just a number that comes to mind so it’s

Been a long video so far but all of this rambling isn’t for nothing yeah there there’s a purpose to all of this right so all of these worlds lead into the next one which then leads me to this last World okay this is the full town that we had always tried to make

Perfected in this town everything had a theme we had a bank that was surrounded by Bedrock we had a battle arena we had a job board we had houses and shops and all types of exploration and Sparta pits that you could kick people into we had a

Working jail we had Farms we had everything this world was the manifestation of all of our ideas from the start of that very first world this world was probably the world that I spent the most amount of time on of any of them everything went so smoothly and

I’m not going to go around touring everything because again it’s pretty much the same thing just reskinned and a lot nicer and more organized but it feels the same it feels like a world that was just left behind by everybody who is in it and it’s just sitting there

Ever since but there is one thing that I have to mention remember how I was searching for those secret rooms in the first two worlds oh this world the secret room was on a whole new level when Bill Gates wants to design his secret room he’s probably going to come

To me after this video because this was the best secret room ever okay so if you go out from the town a little ways there’s this like very obvious mountain with jungle trees on top of it you know it doesn’t give away anything and uh if

You fly over there there’s a lever in the side of the mountain this lever opens up a trap door which goes into the bunker now in the bunker you can walk straight to that door and get through or can you if you step on the bottom set of

Pressure plates TNT falls out from underneath you and you fall to your death but there’s a secret lever in this secret bunker that opens another secret passage this secret passage leads you into another secret section which had its own secret section seriously we had a secret room within a secret room

Within a secret room and you know what Ryan’s addition was to this world of course a secret trash can that is the most Ryan thing I’ve ever heard in my life because we all know like I said Ryan loves trash cans in the back of our secret room within a secret room within

A secret room was a secret lever and you know what that lever opened another secret room if you drop down into the pool of water you get into the bottom of the secret room sections I guess you could say this was the secret man cave

And it was complete with a lot of cakes refrigerators and even another trash can we had the man cave fridge and a computer that could only be used for man stuff winky face not going to lie I probably didn’t even know what that meant at the time but Ryan you were

Corrupting my young mind you may think we’re done but oh no we’re just getting started you see that painting right there you want to know what’s in that painting right there oh you guessed it a secret lever you know what that secret lever does it unlocks another secret

Lever and you know what that secret lever does it unlocks the door to the secret room it’s been a front the whole time this is the real secret room even though there’s nothing in it we literally built a secret room for no reason but yeah this is what you call

High-Tech security and the chance that somebody would manage to get in not not fall on the TNT and find all of these levers was like basically zero this was the real deal my friend but other than this there wasn’t that much different in this world from the previous ones except

Like I said the fact that it was more organized had some structure and looked better but this would only be the start of what would become of our ideas it’s really cool to look back and see ideas and what they’ve turned into and this idea turned into something bigger than I

Could ever imagine after this is when I branched out to Minecraft and I opened up a server that was a towy server cuz I like the idea of towns apparently and this towy server was called momia towy I don’t know where I got the name from but

It was something I was going for like a medieval type thing I guess but it was a town server with jobs and ranks and all types of crazy stuff and it is actually what made me my first bit of income on my own I set up donations on this server

And it kind of made me like it wasn’t a ton of money but at the time it felt like a large amount of money it’s probably like 150 bucks total but but still like I actually made money from playing Minecraft this is around the time when I rebuilt my server and

Started making videos on it and I made a let’s play of my tow server this let’s play was the first series I’d ever posted on YouTube and it led on to what would become my Channel right now from this point I used the money that I made

With the server to upgrade my PC which I then started playing Unturned on I think you guys are seeing how this is connecting now and why this is such a big deal for me to go back over me playing unturn would lead to me opening a server which would eventually lead to

Me getting my first 100,000 subscribers from playing on that server it’s honestly pretty crazy to think about all this because building One Bank in a world that was supposed to get me on YouTube and didn’t allowed me to start this entire thing that I’m doing now I

Would honestly have to say that that bank is the reason why I’m on YouTube today because if the bank didn’t lead to all these Town servers I would have never had the idea for insomia I would have never had the idea to start YouTube on it make the money to to upgrade my

Computer and then move on to unturned and there’s no telling what I’d be doing today now this video is definitely much different from what I usually make but I think I got the point across pretty well the entire purpose of this video was to show that while Everything Changes video

Games are still there for you there will always be there for you and there will always be a way to pass the time and if you really enjoy something you never know what it could lead on to I enjoyed building these worlds and now I’m making YouTube videos for a living which is

Something I would have never dreamed of before yeah so playing Minecraft is what helped me get to where I am today if it wasn’t for those worlds I wouldn’t be making videos I originally made that video in 2019 and it was a nice experience that really to this day is

One of the best videos I’ve ever made but making that video sort of opened up a Pandora’s Box I had a realization that I wasn’t enjoying Minecraft like I used to it seemed like Reminiscing on these memories made present day seem worse it felt like the charm that the game had

Was gone and that I was looking at a gray depressing Recreation of what things used to be like I also was going through some personal things and it caused me to sit down take a step back and determine why exactly did Minecraft feel different now it’s a question that

I’m sure you’ve also had and it’s one that needed to be addressed life is complicated it seems like every time things are going smoothly and you’re getting comfortable with your circumstances everything takes a 180 and leaves you trying to regain your footing in this formidable world there will always be obstacles that you

Have to overcome and ups and downs that keep you on your toes and it can get exhausting I get that I just went through some big personal changes in my life and I’m still trying to figure out how to interpret them my girlfriend and I just broke up I just graduated college

And moved to a different part of my city where I’m further away from all of my friends and the path towards my future is something that I really need to figure out in upcoming months It Feels Like Everything Has Changed for me in the last few months and it could

Sometimes be hard to figure out how I’m supposed to adapt to these changes and keep my mental health strong in the process after this relationship that just ended I decided to sit back and take some time for myself to reminisce on the past few months of my life and to

Figure out what the is going on and it got me thinking no not about the solution to my problems but about Minecraft yes the game and I came to a conclusion that well Minecraft imitates life let me explain what I mean like a lot of people who are watching this

Video I’ve been playing Minecraft for over 12 years and my progression with how I’ve treated this game has changed drastically over time nothing in gaming will ever match the feeling of playing Minecraft with my friends and family in early 2010 the awe the mystery the excitement and the circumstances of my

Life at this time created this amazing warm nostalgic feeling that will never be reciprocated this is what I would call the new phase of Minecraft but it didn’t stop there and I would consistently play the game with my friends for years to come from 2011 to 2014 were the golden years of Minecraft

And these are the years that most people probably have the Fondest Memories of I remember the Old Worlds that my friends and I spent countless hours making on the Xbox 360 version of the game and we made generic simple ugly ass houses when we didn’t know what we were doing that

Would later evolve into entire cities with shops for rent and economies with dozens of people involved these worlds still exist today and when I plugged in my Xbox 360 for the first time in years to on and check them out I went for a true emotional Journey robocast what are

You getting on about what what are you even this has nothing to do with the title of the video but don’t worry my friend I’m getting there a Minecraft world acts as a sort of Time Capsule not only for the specific blocks and buildings that were there but for what

Was going on in your life at that time going back to my very first Minecraft world I can see that I was obviously experimenting with the game and trying to get a feel for how things worked but I don’t remember that specific process I don’t remember the first time I learned

That you could use a painting to cover a secret room or the first time that I tamed a dog with a bone I remember what was going on in my life at that time and the unexplainable feeling that I had inside of me at that moment I remember

Staying up late on a school night with my friend Ryan working on digging a giant hole in the ground I remember the exciting feeling of getting home from school hopping on and waiting to see that notification that Losi Outdoors was online where we could continue our adventures I didn’t have a phone I

Couldn’t text Ryan and tell him to hop on Minecraft or join the Discord server I messaged him entirely through Xbox and when that notification came up it was like having a long-lost friend returning from his crazy adventures in life my dad lived in the middle of nowhere dozens of

Miles away from Ryan’s house so the only way that we could spend time together was through these Minecraft worlds we grew up and went through the challenges of life through our experiences on Minecraft and even if we were busy with our own Middle School lives at the time

And with baseball practice and me going back and forth between my mom and and my dad’s house we still had that shared time together on Minecraft and that is really where our friendship thrived as I got older I moved in fulltime with my mom instead of my dad and I could spend

More time with Ryan and lots of my other friends in person instead of through the game and while we did hang out and have sleepovers and all that stuff we also continued our adventures in Minecraft mine and Ryan circles both grew and these new people were introduced to our

Minecraft worlds to signify that they’re a part of our lives our simple little survival worlds evolved into massive villages with economies and jobs and shops for rent and all sorts of cool ways to make us feel like we were contributing to something bigger my friend Austin joined the world and my

Friend jvid joined the world and all of these random people who we’d met through Cod or other games or in real life would hop in and share a small fragment of mine and Ryan’s lives in this virtual Game World our city evolved and more and more people joined together to work on

This bigger vision of ours as I was developing my identity in the real world getting some structure and consistency in my life and growing up my worlds grew up with me they went through the same Evolution that Ryan and I went through and you could see how we were becoming

Real unique people with our own personalities instead of a jumbled mess of random ideas that don’t go together at all our unstructured weird ass house with doors that didn’t line up and oh my God I’m going to throw up you could hit your head on the roof turned into

Structure consistency and maturity and as we grew as people and our networks expanded those people are signified by the additions that they made to our worlds eventually things changed though and while the memories that we shared will forever live on in this virtual Time Capsule it’s a bit different now I

Could hop on these worlds today and something is missing the world is quiet empty and lacking the charm excitement and personality that it had before but why what changed well everything Ryan and I grew up went to different high schools and fell in love with our high school girlfriends we drifted away from

Gaming but also from each other Ryan got married married and now has two kids and is working full-time my high school relationship like most really didn’t work out but now I live 2 hours away from my hometown and I’m working full-time in marketing and doing YouTube

On the side Austin another one of my close friends is also working full-time and he has a kid of his own and the countless other people who we knew only by their online aliases are gone into the void with us never getting to know who they truly were and what they’re

Doing with their lives today I wonder if these people ever think about these memories the way that I do they serve such significant role in my development as a person but for them it could just be a small meaningless sliver of their billions of memories throughout their

Lives again that’s how life works you pull meaning out of things that have a large impact on you and obviously Minecraft and gaming as a whole have had a huge one on me I mean if I didn’t play Minecraft I wouldn’t have ever started out on YouTube and you wouldn’t be

Watching this video today so of course I’m going to spend some time Reminiscing on how I got here but that may not be the case for everyone but there’s another level to this of course the worlds in Minecraft imitate life and as people move on the

Past will be behind them waiting to be Revisited when you have some free time it’s not just the worlds though it’s the way the game is played I recently started a Minecraft server with four or five of my friends it’s a plain vanilla server and I decided that I was going to

Make it and invite my friends in order to try to recreate the exact feelings that I’m communicating in this video to bring back the old feelings of Minecraft to create more memories that will pass a lifetime but that hasn’t happened yet we all play Super inconsistently I have no

Motivation to spend hours and hours in the game world and everyone’s differing schedules in different time zones really makes it hard to organize a solid play session half of my friends downloaded X-ray and had full netherite armor in a day and one of them even went on to kill

The Ender Dragon without the rest of us can you believe that the Forsaken sin of not fighting the Ender Dragon with the homies how could someone even do that the Minecraft experience has somehow turned into a rat race to complete meaningless tasks in the shortest amount of time is possible to progress because

You have to progress the way you’re supposed to and beat the game and do it the right way because of this progress is made quickly and everyone gets bored there’s no longer any mystery or excitement in the game there’s much less goofing off and experimenting with the sandbox world that has so many

Opportunities in it it’s a linear process now and it’s not very fun because of it it’s an old and tired path that we’re forcing ourselves to go down in order to get that hit of dopamine and to make us feel like we used to when we

Used to play the game but it’s not the same and it never will be as we’ve gotten older have gotten jobs gone to college had breakups deaths births even we tend to lose some of that Adventure that we used to have people become complacent in their lives and their lives become meaningless fragile

And boring why would you experiment and play when time is now a valuable resource and you need to be as efficient as possible at all times why waste time when there’s other things you could be doing life is a looping roller coaster of increasing speed and stepping off the

Train is scary and dangerous so why do it here’s the thing though all you have to do is pull the brake lever you may not have realized it but the entire time you’ve had the ability to stop that roller coaster you just haven’t turned around to see that there’s a way to do

It rushing through the game in Minecraft defeats the entire purpose of living in a sandbox world with no limits to your creativity if you’re so focused on killing the next Ender Dragon getting your next full set of netherite armor and beating the game to make progress you aren’t going to have a good

Experience you may miss those old Minecraft experiences but when you keep playing the game like this you will never get them the only way to experience the world the way it was designed to be experienced is to hit those brakes get off the roller coaster and explore the rest of the world then

You will truly be able to enjoy it again yes we all grow up we all get busy we all get distracted by Financial romantic and other endeavors but the only way to truly create memories like the ones that you were so fond of back in the early

Minecraft days is to take some time to truly enjoy yourself and to experiment with life the way that you did with your first Minecraft world yes I realized that I may have found the solution people seem to agree that they were playing the game wrong and that’s why it didn’t feel like it

Used to so instead of ending on a bad note let me show you what the proper Minecraft experience is like we decided to give that a try by going back to Minecraft version 1.0 getting a rag tag group of friends together and trying to play the game with no goals no

Expectations and a lot of laughs and I have to say I think it was a success let’s dive into episode one of that series the first thing that any experienced Minecrafter will do is gather some wood now I’m in a spruce biome so I might as well just grab some

Spruce Wood you know it’s not my favorite but it’ll definitely work so I did just that chopped down a couple trees and grab some Spruce Wood so now I just make them into planks and uh that’s weird these Spruce logs gave me wood planks that aren’t Spruce whatever man

Whatever man maybe it’s a glitch I’m sure we could get it all worked out we’ll figure that part out later but at this point it was getting dark so we decided hey let’s go in a cave and find a nice place to stay for the night again this was Minecraft 1.0 so realistically

It shouldn’t be that hard to survive a couple nights even though it was on hard mode there really weren’t a lot of mobs that could kill us there’s no witches there’s no underwater zombies There’s No Spearman there’s no sleep things that kill you when you don’t sleep this

Should be easy man so we dug out a nice little home in the cave got some coal and some basic materials and decided to settle in for the night halfway through the night we started hearing a bunch of noises and we didn’t know if it was coming from the surface or somewhere

Nearby so we figured hey let’s look around and see where this is coming From we dug around and my friend Noah ended up finding a spider spawner and it wasn’t any spider spawner it was the ones that had poison cave spiders like I said man kids these days will never understand how hard it was back in the day so we dug down to these cave spiders

And had a really solid PVP experience where you know we were just professional we didn’t hit each other I didn’t almost kill Noah and almost die myself you know it’s just a really casual PVP experience I literally forgot about the fact that lava looks like cheese like just picture

A 10-year-old kid making a lava texture on like Microsoft Paint and just throwing it on whatever he sees this lava is literally brighter than my future but anyways we mined through the night and stocked up on some materials to where the next day we can go and try

To find somewhere to live we got a decent amount of iron we got some coal some stone and a bunch of string to make some wool blocks we explored the M shaft for a little bit and tried to find something interesting but for the most part it was fairly empty except for a

Few mobs here and there as morning arose and Chris suffocated in a wall we figured it was time to explore and try to find somewhere to live what the what the hell why can’t I place this crafting table down Nolan somebody help me I can’t place this crafting table down bro

1.0 is so glitchy dude this is annoying bro I can’t place this down oh what I’m in a spawn radius what’s a spawn radius oh wow that’s a cool chicken looks really natural and 1.0 is all right enough time wasted it’s time to find somewhere to live so we decided to

Choose One Direction and go that way to try to find something different we weren’t really feeling like living in a spruce biome and we were trying to find something along the lines of like a forest or a swamp we walked and walked and fought our way through herds of

Vicious dogs that attacked us for no reason until eventually we came to an ocean once everybody caught up we decided that it was time to Embark across this ocean and find ourselves a new home all right who put 700 lb of cinder blocks in my boat I literally

Felt like I was being propelled by a four-year-old kid who was hanging his feet off the back and slowly kicking for the first time his entire life these boats were ridiculously slow and oh my god thank God they fixed these eventually after hours and hours of traveling and embarking across some

Dangerous oceans we found the same exact biome that we were just in I mean even Christopher Columbus didn’t get it right the first time so neither did we we decided to Embark over our new found land that looked just like where we came from and try to find something

Interesting because so far we haven’t had that much luck on the way we found some pumpkins and I kind of forgot about the fact that you can put them on your head because I know back in the day I always did that and would walk around

With them on my head even though I would end up dying half the time probably in the same manner that I almost died by a glitched out skeleton and a zombie which is kind of depressing considering it’s only two mobs but somehow they still almost resulted in my death one thing

About this version of the game is that mobs were extremely glitchy at all times like if they were near any blocks whatsoever you better watch out because you got yourself a disappearing mob it was like the weird glitching Spider-Man and into the spiderverse how they just started having like random seizures

Halfway through the movie cuz they were in the wrong Dimension yeah that was basically what was going on with Mobs throughout this series anyways after hours and hours and hours and mainly like 20 minutes of walking we came across a nice little place to lay our

Foundation it was a set of islands in a forest biome very close to a swamp biome and not even far from the initial Spruce biome it was like the perfect combination of places and we all decided that we would claim our very own Island to build on I took the island with a

Little Hill Noah took the flatter one and Nolan went over to the one that was kind of connected to the mainland wait a minute Robo you definitely started with like five other people where are they at well Jared decided to build his own house in the middle of nowhere and

Forget about us and Chris had to log off to do some like Spanish homework or something I’m sorry Chris but if it was us in 2011 playing this you know for a fact you wouldn’t be getting off for any homework homework is like fourth on your list of priorities after

Minecraft uh yeah that’s about it so I decided to get comfortable and set up a base on my new island smelted some food made a chest and kind of got myself situated and ready to build my new home I figured that I would make it out of

Brick because brick was kind of like an OG Minecraft block like you weren’t cool unless you made something out of brick because nobody really used it and it was somewhat rare back in the day so you know got to got to have that clout so obviously I mined some clay and got

Everything situated and ready to build my new house but a little bit of clay would not be enough material oh no it was time to chop some trees mine some Stone and get some basic materials to help me build and I kind of just started grinding and getting enough materials to

Do what I needed to do so as I was doing this I began to think of like what kind of design I wanted for a house would my beautiful design be a square house with a flat roof or would it be a square house with a pointed roof I decided to

Go with like a floating marshy type of house uh kind of like something you would see in the swamp I don’t really know where I got my inspiration from but it just sounded cool at the time and I figured hey I’m pretty close to a swamp

Biome and I’m on an island so why not I was trying to make it a little bit more interesting with my shape but I ended up just having like a pretty big square with like a weird shaped front like it was nothing crazy but it would definitely make for a nice first house

And I kind of forgot about the whole brick thing so I ended up just throwing them on the floor and making like a weird Square floor design there was really no point in doing it and looking back I probably could have used them for something cooler like the pillars but I

Don’t know I felt like it looked good and why not I would spend the next like 45 minutes or so perfecting my house making some glass and building the first two stories of it see when I play Minecraft I’m the type of guy who builds my house first and then can focus solely

On mining afterwards cuz I feel like if you mine right away it’s kind of like counterproductive because yeah you have a lot of materials but you still have nowhere to store them and you still have to build your house so I like to get situated first you know get nice and

Cozy in my little swamp house and then go on mining I mean come on it’s Minecraft man it’s not like you’re going to find anything insane in a short period of time it’s not like your name’s Nolan and you’re literally going to find like five mob spawners in the span of

Time that I built my house not cool Nolan come on bro I could have used those saddles for my pig farm cuz you know Saddles were super important in Minecraft 1.0 how else were you going to ride your pig eventually I did end up finishing my house and I was really

Happy with the way it looked I had a nice little front porch a nice little back porch and a whole second story that looked Fair fairly decent again it was nothing crazy but overall I’d say I’m fairly happy with it and it totally gives off 2011 robocast Vibes eventually

I kept yelling at Jared saying dude why are you playing on a multiplayer server and you’re just building by yourself and I guess my peer pressure convinced him to come over here and build his own place here so I went over to his house

And it was uh it was nice it was a super cool house you know top quality stuff all right did I seriously spend this long building my house when literally nobody else has even thought about it yet it’s okay man everybody has their own preferences it’s not a big deal

Don’t get discouraged Nolan may have found 27,000 mob spawners and have a full chest of loot that he found but you have a cool house so you’re a step ahead but I was a little jealous of what everybody else had and considering I only had stone tools I figured it was

Time to go mining hm what’s this sound sounds like a bunch of skeletons oh my God I found a mo oh never mind this this is the one that Nolan found but I will keep this in mind because it could definitely become a potential mob grinder in the future one

Thing I quickly noticed about 1.0 is that it was really hard to get XP even when mining ores and smelting and farming and basically everything none of it gave you XP honestly the only way to get XP is by killing mobs and doing that is kind of a hassle especially

Considering we were on hard mode and to add on top of this whenever you Enchanted it used all 30 of your levels there was no like adding lapis and then taking a couple levels once you’re level 30 uh-uh no it used all 30 of them so I

Had to keep this in mind whenever completing our end goal of beating the Ender Dragon because you know it’s going to take a lot of levels to have a full set of Enchanted gear all right these skeletons are okay they’re they’re kind of they’re kind of stressing me out

Here and that’s exactly my point as to why it’s hard to grind mobs on hard mode especially when you have hardly any gear because you’ve been building your house for 30 minutes but whatever robocast would make a come back back and he would be bigger and better than ever oh what’s

That Nolan you found another mob spawner wow man that’s cool I really like your full set of iron armor you’re not making me feel inferior at all Nolan inspired me to stay on the grind and search for materials so I walked around some caves and I stri mine for a little bit in

Order to find some iron and some red stone and some whatever else I needed one thing that seemed a lot harder to me though was strip mining for diamonds in modern Minecraft whenever I mine for diamonds like in the strip mining process I seem like I find them all the

Time but in 1.0 I don’t know if anything changed but or maybe it was just bad luck but I couldn’t find them at all man I searched for like a long ass time and I went through a bunch of pickaxes and still absolutely nothing eventually I went into this abandoned M shaft and

Decided I would explore a little bit longer and you know maybe I could find something cool in a chest because I haven’t had much luck with these diamonds all right I’m going to jump over this and go this way good thing I turned around because if I didn’t I

Would have missed these very beautiful diamonds and of course they were the first diamonds on the server so I kind of had to take them yeah I just had to take them so I grabbed these diamonds and it ended up being a five vein so I

Was pretty happy about that and I was excited that I was making progress towards everybody else on the server so once I got back from the mines I made some iron armor and kind of got situated with everything that I found and Ed my diamonds for a sword and a pickaxe so

What do you do once you have your first set of diamond tools well while I was gone Jared built a nether portal and we decided that hey the next move is going to the nether so I started placing some gravel in order to mine some flint and

As I started destroying some of it one of the pieces got glitchy and I had my very own pet it was my pet glitched gravel block and I named her Susan and she was my best friend for a long period of time but I killed all of Susan

Sisters and use them for their beautiful Flint that I could use to make arrows because what’s the nether without arrows so how did the nether go did Susan ever die like her fellow siblings and what’s going to happen in the next episode find out well in the next episode yeah so at

The end of the last episode I mentioned hey it’s time to go into The Nether wow how exciting I bet we’re going to find a lot of nether courts and get our XP up pretty high yeah no there’s not even nether quarts in this version you know

How disappointed I was but whatever man we’re already in the nether we might as well explore and go find a nether fortress so we walked and walked for a long time and eventually found one um Nolan got lost during the process but we did find one so that’s all that matters

So Jared and I started fighting some Blaze and for some reason even though it was on hard mode The Blaze seemed a lot easier than they should have been I don’t know if I was bad at the game back in the day which I probably was to be

Honest but I don’t remember Blaze being this easy even in modern Minecraft I feel like they’re harder than this regardless we did fight through quite a few we got a decent amount of blaze rods and we’re back on our way to return to the surface hey man my name’s Nolan what

Do you think’s going to happen if I hit this zombie pigman smart move Nolan smart move now they’re going to assemble an army and when we come back guess who’s on their Hit List not me because I didn’t hit them that’s all you buddy so

We returned back to the surface and as I got back to my house I noticed that it seemed a little eerie and quiet and I didn’t know why wait a minute where’s Susan what happened to Susan my best friend of 12 minutes where’d she go and

Just like that she was gone forever you know Susan and I had a really great life together and I just wish it would have lasted a little longer how long is it between 11:44 and 12:32 p.m. it’s 23 hours until then what is the time difference between 11:44 p.m. and 12:32

P.m. it’s 1:16 p.m. yeah thanks Siri I realized what time it is how many minutes is it between 11:44 and 12:32 it’s 1,395 minutes until then Susan and I had some great time together I I don’t know how many minutes it is because Siri won’t tell me but you

Know I really miss her it was a solid relationship ship and maybe one day I’ll find someone as great as Susan I held her a funeral that nobody showed up to besides me and then I went back on my daily life because I knew she was in a

Better place so I built a brewing stand and went on my way mining some trees and stocking up on some wood like I needed to also I forgot to mention I built a farm in the previous episode um so that was getting started but it didn’t seem

To be growing very well and now it is time to go back into the mines and get some more materials because the grind doesn’t stop baby those are probably the weakest claps I’ve ever heard in my life and it really took away from the effect I went

Into the M shaft killed some cave spiders and some skeletons and explored for a little bit longer to try to find something cool and guess what that something cool was oh yeah diamonds baby that’s what I like to see and at this point I actually had more diamonds than

Everybody else in the world because like I said the grind does not stop but I’m not exaggerating when I say that I mined and explored for a long period of time like I don’t mean 10 minutes I’m pretty sure it was up WS of like an hour it

Paid off though because at the end I was pretty geared and I had a lot of materials I did also find some more diamonds along the way which was a great thing to add to my collection and I was looking pretty good I had 11 diamonds in

My inventory so you know what we had to do 2011 Minecraft is not Minecraft without a secret chest because you have friends but can you really trust them with your diamonds no no you can’t in fact you can’t trust them with anything but I’ll get to that later so I hit a

Chest and in a very secret secure location that nobody’s ever going to find in fact I’m going to be a secure guy and I’m going to blur my screen where nobody sees it nobody’s going to have any idea where this chest is so Nolan you better not get any ideas bro

But now I realized that I was a little bit low on food so I needed a better food source that was a little bit more longterm so I had the idea to expand my farm I mined some dirt got some seeds and eventually got a pretty solid little

Farm going it was nothing crazy but it worked the good thing was this was back in the days before bone meal took like 70 tries to work it was just boom click and you have a fully grown crop but I really didn’t have enough bone meal so I

Needed to make a mob spawner over by Nolan’s old skeleton spawner remember before I said it would come in handy later and I wasn’t lying we did have one little problem though I had absolutely no idea how to make a mob spawner but don’t worry I know what I’m doing bro

I’m an expert at Minecraft I can do this without anybody’s help whatsoever all right so step number one is to clear it out into a perfect square and find a way to trap the mobs in one location easy peasy let’s throw down some water buckets so all I really have to do here

Is to mine out a little hole where I can sit and then they’ll come over to me and I’ll kill them and get a ton of Bones and a ton of experience ow yo can you come over here ow all right we needed a new plan come on robocast everybody

Knows all you have to do is take some water buckets and push them toward you so I went to The Sur grab some water buckets and set it up to be a perfect mob spawner uh how does this work again okay okay here we go we got this I think

It’s going to work now look at that they’re coming right to me this is perfect all right maybe not maybe we need uh a third round of revisions So eventually I got it to work where it had like multiple levels of water so the water pushed them all One Direction when

It stopped they fell down to the next layer which pushed them into a little tube which at the bottom I could hit them from sounds pretty simple right should should work pretty well yeah turns out it works so good that I actually didn’t even have to hit them for some reason they were

Just so salty that they fell down this hole that they started fighting each other and they just killed each other for me yeah I know I wasn’t getting any XP from this but it would give me enough bone meal to get my farm started and

Then I could come back later and fix the farm now that is what I call a solid Wheat Farm the magic of one click bone meal if only it was still a thing and for some reason I had the a big addiction to mining so I went back down

Into the mines and guess what I found even more diamonds kept mining got some more materials but towards the end of my trip something was getting a little bit suspicious Nolan kept laughing and so did some other people so I didn’t know what was going on they wouldn’t tell me

Anything but I was worried did they find my secret chest were they the ones who kidnapped Susan or were they doing something completely unforgivable that I would get revenge for I was going to say find out in the next episode but you know what I’ll tell you right now I got

Back to the surface to realize that my house had been completely filled with sand from top to bottom it was entirely full of sand you know I knew Nolan was up to no good this was completely unacceptable and I I wasn’t going to deal with this bullying okay I spent a

Large amount of time on this house and I think they’re just jealous that they didn’t even have a house they were just jealous that I was upper class and they were peasants you know this is unacceptable and we have to get revenge bro are you kidding me get out of here

Nolan the chase was on it was time to avenge my house and get what I truly came for are you guys kidding me was this a good time to build walls around everything where it made it even harder for me to get him don’t worry I’m a parkour expert Nolan you are completely

Dead bro you have no shot you know he actually ended up having a shot because he got away but Nolan Nolan Nolan you made a mistake my friend he left his house completely open so I figured I was going to hide inside and whenever he

Came back I was going to Ambush him I had four obsidian on me and I was just like you know what noan screw you so I started placing it around his house and then I had an idea he said he was working on the mob spawner so he

Wouldn’t be back anytime soon which means about 30 minutes and almost completely broken diamond pickaxe and 46 obsidian later my plan was about to go into action you fill up my house with sand I’ll fill up your house with obsidian So I placed all the obsidian and the place started looking really

Nice so I went back and got more obsidian and then I placed that in his house as well I made a little hint and said hey Nolan you should come check out your house it looks really nice and he’s like oh what did you put sand in my

House so I waited for him eventually he showed up and I would say that his reaction was pretty solid you know I think he liked the place so I hopped off you know just to to let the tensions cool down a little bit hopped back on at

5 minutes ran five steps logged off hopped back on ran away again again logged off again logged back on and eventually I got away Scott’s free you know honestly I don’t know if Scotts free is a word but what I meant to say is like I got away without him being

Able to kill me so it was a pretty solid experience now it’s time to go back to my house and get a good night’s sleep knowing that nobody’s going to mess with me ever again are you kidding me bro so you know when your friends Cyberbully

You for a long period of time and they cover your house in sand multiple times until you finally snap and then cover theirs with obsidian yeah you would expect that situation to make it to where they don’t mess with you anymore they should think hey I don’t want to

Mess with him anymore because he’ll hit me back way harder yeah that one sounds pretty relatable doesn’t it Nolan but sometimes things don’t go according to plan and you end up actually creating an entire war between everyone on your server which results in something you love being destroyed anywh who yeah so I

Figured it was time to go ahead and improve my Island a little bit I had the materials my house was looking clean and you know what the island was kind of lacking in a few different areas mainly in the farming area so I spent a decent amount of time growing my wheat farm

Once again and also starting my own sugar cane Farm I figured I needed one of these because I would have to enchant sometime soon so I might as well get it out of the way but doing this did take a little bit of time and there wasn’t

Really much I could do to speed it up so I figured hey you know what I’ll improve the physical aspect of my Island as well but there’s no point in having sugar cane without cows because obviously you can’t even make books unless you have leather so I decided I would also build

A cow Farm in the process all right now where can I find some cows all right let me go into this swamp land for a little bit I’m sure I could find some somewhere around here chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken sheep more chickens more sheep more chickens more spiders

Freaking Herobrine yeah okay I could find everything but cows there has to be somewhere where I can find some cows I I don’t understand where they’re at bro there’s like none around here I know where I can find some cows so I walked over to to Jared’s Island and I figured

You know what I don’t think he would notice if I stole a few of his cows like he has a bunch of them there’s no way he’d even know so I told Noah to distract him and honestly it worked or at least for a little bit when he was

Distracted I walked over to his cow farm and decided hey I’m going to be a nice guy and I’m just going to steal all of his cows I mean I doubt they want to be in this really nice fully enclosed well-crafted structure I’m sure they’d

Much rather be in a fence but there was no way to bring them back without him noticing unless it’s time to go in a mining trip with some cows wait what’s that Noah oh you’re telling me he’s not distracted anymore nothing to see here Jared nothing at all just go back up to

The surface and pretend you didn’t see anything all right good job just just keep going that way and uh don’t come back and now for the most frustrating experience of my life I had to somehow drag these cows over to my mine from his and first of all I didn’t even know how

They connected but second of all cows are really annoying you know not to stereotype but like these things are stupid you know honestly bro they would get stuck in walls stuck in more walls stuck in openness they would glitch me out and I couldn’t walk past them but I

Tried and tried and eventually I got about 10 blocks away and then I murdered all of them because they were they were very irritating it’s okay Jared I’ll I’ll buy you some new ones man I have a lot of diamonds I’ll repay you somehow well that was what I call

Counterproductive time to find some actual cows now nothing like being a good citizen and freeing Jared’s cows just where you can kill all of them and then find different ones anyways my quest continued I searched far and wide tamed a dog and eventually found a bunch

Of cows now these ones I could handle or so I thought for some reason they were still extremely hard to get back they didn’t want to follow half the time and when they did follow they would get stuck on everything I honestly just think it’s a 1.0 thing I think they were

Very glitchy back then and you know they weren’t fully optimized I mean I pretty much attracted the entire Forest full of animals at one point so I had might have been doing something right after much hard work I eventually got them back to my land and put them in their new cozy

Fenced home I would go back and forth breeding them but while I waited I actually ended up fixing up a couple other things on the island for example I made the M shaft look better I also added a nice little walkway going over towards the other side of the island

Because it was a little bit sparse and empty and you know it could use some improvements all right all the cows have had babies it’s now time to murder their parents in front of them like a responsible human # # sustainability # living offthe land # digital

Nomad I’m sorry that was very cringey but the good thing was our sugarcane farm is pretty much done and we had some leather so now we could work on our enchanting room hey uh Nolan how do I uh how do I make books wait what so you’re

Telling me I had Noah distract Jared I brought all of his cows into a deep dark M shaft murdered all of them ventured all the way to like a different country to find some more animals swam all the way across the ocean to bring them back

And trap them in a fence for like hours to not even need them God I sound as wasteful as the average American it’s okay though there was one soulle Survivor who is going to be living in the M shaft for the rest of his life maybe he’ll help me find some diamonds

Or something I mean he still got freedom so he should at least repay me So eventually I made books that for some reason didn’t even require leather and got myself a nice little enchanting room down and now I quote Nolan’s exact words as I’m like 3 hours into this process oh

Bro I have an Ching table in my base oh thanks Nolan that’s really helpful now that I’ve spent my entire life doing this but it didn’t matter mine still looked pretty cool and I was happy with it but I really didn’t have enough experience to do anything so I sat at

The broken mob spawner for a little bit and tried to get some more experience once I got to level 21 I got kind of impatient and I just figured hey you know what I’m just going to enchant like a level 20 or something like 30 is way

Too much work because if I recall correctly in this old version of Minecraft level 30 enchants like weren’t really a thing like like there was no like max level that you had to reach to get good enchants I’m pretty sure just like the higher the level the better but

It didn’t stop at 30 correct me if I’m wrong but like I’m pretty sure all right I’ve been grinding for hours let’s see what we’re going to get baby Unbreaking three I mean I’ve seen better but I’ve also seen worse eventually I also made a full set of

Diamond armor because I was kind of rolling in materials and there is no reason not to plus I got to look good and flex on everyone at the same time so you know why the heck not so I had a full set of diamond armor and a fairly

Decently Enchanted pickaxe I was looking pretty good I finished my enchantment table I fixed up my M shaft I had a nice little farm going what could possibly go wrong then I heard Nolan mentioning my house again and I said hey Nolan if you put any more dirt or sand in my house

I’m actually going to get a bit triggered because it’s not funny anymore man and as Nolan said himself don’t worry I will do much worse and I thought that’s so funny you’re you’re so funny man you’re you’re cracking me up that’s a real knee slapper but don’t and he

Said don’t worry I will and I said you just said that and he said yeah and I said Nolan you better be joking man seriously don’t and that is when this happened yeah that was my exact reaction I was speechless I I didn’t know what to

Say I wasn’t expecting this at all like maybe be like oh I placed a creeper in your house haha funny no it was like I destroyed everything you’ve learned to love that’s all I had man that that was all that was all I own I mean I had a

Cool enchantment table now but like bro this man literally like literally blew up my entire house all right so here’s the line of morals okay like on this side is Jesus and on this side is Satan Nolan as of right now you’re about here so I read the Bible in elementary school

And I know for a fact the first commandment is Thou shalt never blow up their friend’s Minecraft house with TNT and then second is Thou shalt not kill so like that’s the range my friend and you you broke the first law and I was even more blown away at the fact that I

Had an entire double chest completely full of resources or almost completely full it was full of iron gold uh Redstone like literally all my stuff was in this one chest and this was back before the days of TNT not destroying everything if your TNT hit your stuff

I’m sorry that stuff is probably gone I lost pretty much everything I had and my entire house yeah I wasn’t happy but I didn’t show it I didn’t act mad because if I acted mad I would give away my next set of plans so I calmly walked over to

Nolan’s house pulled his very secret lever that I could barely find because it was so hidden walked into a secret room and took everything he owned I Then followed my secret M shaft that connected back to my house house came up on the surface and made myself a secret

Bunker base in a mountain it was such a beautiful place to store all of the items that I stole and let me tell you Nolan was not very happy about this his words were bro I didn’t destroy your items the TNT did so you shouldn’t take mine because I personally did not take

Yours it’s not my fault the TNT that I placed and lit on fire exploded and destroyed all of your items nah fam these are mine now and I’ll probably give them back after this episode but as of right now you’re not getting them for at least 10 minutes you’re on probation

Eventually as I said I did give him a six diamonds back but I kept the rest because at the very least I deserve these things but you know what I would use this as a learning experience my house was kind of garbage anyways and I

Know I could build a better one so I went to work building a new house and this time I decided to go with the tiny house route and I downsized a little bit because think about it if you have a smaller house that’s less for people to

Destroy and I honestly kind of like the look of this house you know it’s simple it’s straight to the point it has the same front porch from before and it does the job without being too big or fancy overall I think this experience actually improved the look of my Island and I’m

Happy with it just kidding I’m not very happy Nolan but I will forgive you but I’m also keeping all of your materials at this point pretty much everybody got off except me and Chris and Chris assembled a dog Army and murdered every mob in sight like I’m not exaggerating

When I say this man had a literal dog Army it was like it was like a pack of wolves I mean it technically was a pack of wolves but you see what I’m saying but I needed a little bit of time to rekindle so after this I kind of calmed

Down and got off and relaxed on my pelaton bike in my zen garden okay seriously pelaton look at your marketing bro you literally Market your exercise bike for like millionaires only sorry I got off topic as you can tell I was having a lot of fun with the series I

Think it really encapsulates the authentic classic Minecraft experience and it was a great time but that was only the first three episodes we had a few more and they were all so much fun so at the end of the last episode we ended on kind of Rocky terms Nolan

Completely blew up my house making me lose all of my items so I then went to his house stealing all of his items making him mad and the whole server kind of just fell apart kind of just turned into 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in

Minecraft but the point is it’s been a couple of months tensions have calmed down a little bit and now it’s time to continue with our progress we figured hey with as much progress as we lost it is now time to actually go in the right direction and try to get some ender

Pearls because we needed these ender pearls to make eye Of Enders where we can go to the end to kill the Ender Dragon but little did we realize getting ender pearls in 1.0 is a bit difficult first of all there’s no looting on swords whatsoever so you have to hope

That something is actually dropped when you do kill an Enderman second of all Enderman are more rare than literally anything on Earth because I cannot find them in fact me Nolan and Jared looked for like an hour and 20 minutes and we barely came across Enderman and half the

Time when we did find them they didn’t even drop anything it was actually a pretty big hassle and I did not realize how difficult this would be we kept trying and we’re walking around and exploring and killing things but again we never really found many of them and

Eventually we gave up honestly Nolan and Jared are kind of giving up on the server as a whole at this point because they’re bored and Nolan’s infuriated by the fact that there’s no upside down stairs but me and Chris we are real Troopers and we’re going to stay here

And try our hardest to complete this series regardless of who helps us So eventually once Nolan and Jared got off because they were bored Chris and I decided to give the whole ender pearl thing a break and try to make some actual progress on fixing up the mess

That Nolan made our world literally looks like straight garbage and it’s pretty much entirely because of Nolan you know we have a big lava Tower mob spawner that doesn’t work we have a bunch of stuff floating in the top of the sky my Island’s kind of a mess my

House isn’t finished Jared has a big dirt flag at us house yeah we we had some major work to do but Chris had to hop off for a little bit so I decided to go and grind some mobs while I was waiting on him to get back on because I

Didn’t want to do all this boring stuff by myself I get over to our skeleton spawner and quickly realized that it was super glitchy mobs damaged you for no reason skeletons started shooting each other for no reason hit boxes were broken and I figured with XP being so

Hard to get I needed to fix up our mob spawner at least a little bit and oh my God was that a difficult process look at a skeleton wrong boom damage stand in the mere vicinity of a skeleton boom damage stand away from a skeleton somehow still damage little did I

Realize how difficult this process was actually going to be but like I said before I’m a trooper and I’m going to get it done because it needs to be done I figured that the main way to fix this spawner was to change the drop from

Being a 1ex one two to being like a 1×3 or a 2X two type of thing I feel like the mobs were glitching because of the small block radius and if we made it bigger maybe it’ work a little bit better every time I would even get close

To these things I would get absolutely murder with damage they would glitch through walls pop around shoot me around corners and literally just completely destroy me for no reason whatsoever then I guess they got bored and they started killing each other and honestly I have no idea what’s going on this would end

Up being my major mistake I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to trap myself in with the things that were killing me but it didn’t work out very well in fact fact I actually died and it was kind of a pain because then I had to

Run all the way back from wherever my bed was you know I would have my own bed but uh something kind of happened to it turns out my bed was in my secret bunker so it wasn’t too bad and I quickly made it back and grabbed my stuff but that

Didn’t last very long and I ended up getting murdered again and this time I spawned all the way across the world in the original spawn because I thought it was a good idea to break my bed and then go back to the thing that killed me yeah

That’s what I call a 9,000 IQ move right there then the game was was like n fam you can’t be here right now who do you know here bro and it kicked me out as I was getting attacked by a spider then I tried to relog and the server responded

With an invalid key tried again got end of stream then eventually after restarting my game a couple of times I finally managed to almost make it back to the base and then Nolan’s lava Tower killed me because I accidentally walked into it it’s okay let me just walk back

Bro are you kidding me oh wow look at this lovely performance oh my God there’s no issues at all with Minecraft one oh I’m sorry my PowerPoint was on silly me I thought this was the game I I’m so sorry I guess I was just making a okay but eventually I overcame my

Obstacles and got back to my stuff once again this time Chris was on and he figured he would help me with the mob spawner jokes on him it ended up killing him instead of me but eventually we did get it working at least a little bit

Better we made the 1×1 into a 1×3 drop and it seemed to help the issue a little bit but it definitely didn’t fully fix it for some reason now there was like magical XP orbs just constantly floating around your head I don’t know why I

Don’t know how but it’s 1.0 and we can’t ask any questions or we’ll get murdered by herob all right I have no idea how this thing works so we’re going to take a break from this and clean up some of the mess that Nolan made this wasn’t

Going to be too hard we just had to spend some time getting up to the top and then slowly destroying all of the Cobblestone the lava was a bit annoying because removing the source blocks didn’t actually get of it but it wasn’t the worst thing ever and we got it done

Pretty quickly but there was a small portion of it that took a bit longer than expected so Chris suggested that I go grab some TNT and blow up this small portion because hey we all know that TNT does quite a bit of damage in this

Version of the game hm well I don’t have any gunpowder let me check out Nolan’s base and see if he has any would you look at that he had enough stuff to make two TNT exactly what we needed hm maybe I should take this TNT and cause some

Serious Dam damage nah let me just punch it to pick oh my God I thought that if you punch TNT it picks it up but apparently when you have a flint and steel in your hand it lights it on fire now help me understand that one I I

Don’t know how that works but uh oops it’s okay if we uh just kind of like patch it back up I I highly doubt he’ll notice anything different like just got to place some stone bricks here and some Cobblestone here and and honestly I don’t even see a difference

So I left and pretended like nothing happened and didn’t tell Nolan so Nolan if you’re watching this um wasn’t me and then eventually we finished destroying the big Cobblestone mob spawner from here Chris built up and destroyed the big floating Cobblestone shaped thing uh

By the way this was going to be used to pour lava on Noah’s base so thank God that didn’t happen and then we organized our Loot and hopped off for the night ready to play a bit more tomorrow the next day I hopped on worked on a bit of

A tree farm at the island next to me and kind of cleaned up the area a little bit to make it look a bit nicer now let’s do some exploring I walked around for a little bit and eventually found a beautiful Nic looking gorgeous Village oh yeah boys it’s time to trade with

Some villagers and get rich we’re going to find some emeralds we’re going to loot the blacksmith place and we’re going to get rich and Rich yeah okay so let’s walk up and talk to this guy okay apparently you can’t trade with villagers at this point in the game don’t really understand their purpose

But whatever it’s cool maybe we can find some loot in one of these houses no no loot in here no loot in here maybe in the blacksmith No No Loot in the blacki what is the point of this place I guess we’ll take their wheat and then burn down the village and watch

Them suffer in misery for not having any presents for me it’s whatever not a big deal like I said it’s not like I wasted much time here so now we’re going to head back and work on some improvements for our base or at least that was the

Idea and then I happened to get lost for like literally ever dude I walked around in circles over mountains and valleys and somehow ended up back in the same position and then did it again and eventually I made it back to our base it was now time to make this place look a

Bit nice it appears as if Chris started on a roof for the house but didn’t finish it so I hopped up there and finished that making it look nice and pretty the house was looking pretty good so now we were going to spend a bit of

Time fixing up the rest of the island step number one was to clear out this giant dirt Mound Hill thing honestly it was kind of pointless and it was a bit ugly so I figured I could make it look a bit better if I removed it got rid of

All of that destroyed the structure over the M shaft and redid the pathway and everything was looking pretty good I decided that I was going to make like a natural cave looking thing over the entrance to the mine shaft but I wasn’t very happy with it so I eventually

Scrapped that idea and settled for something a bit more traditional in the meantime I also decided that the pathway was a bit ugly so I started replacing it with sideways stairs instead of like the wood planks and I narrowed it down a little bit one thing that was really

Weird at this point was that stairs don’t actually bend around corners so like whenever you’re trying to connect stairs around a corner you you just can’t do it it just doesn’t happen so in Corners you have to put like solid blocks and it kind of gets hard to build

Certain things but eventually I worked my way around it and it started looking pretty solid the new M shaft structure looked pretty dope and I built a fence around my farm so everything that was already there definitely looks a lot better but at this point I felt like we

Needed a bit more I mean all we have is a m shaft entrance a house and like an enchanting room that’s very thrown together to be honest I really like the style of the new uh entrance to the m shaft and I figured I would use that for

The rest of the building Style on the island I built another farm right by our house because our main one was a bit small and then I got to work on something new which I thought was going to be like a weird little like bread making Farm type shop um and it turned

Out pretty nice I went with a pattern of oak logs with stone bricks and Fen and then some stone brick stairs and I really liked the way it looked and eventually I ended up adding a second story now this is a bit too big for what

I originally planned so maybe we can use it for something else like a storage or a smeltery or something along those lines but the island is looking pretty solid we fixed up the enchantment table fixed up the pathways the Farms the M shaft entrance and the entrance to our

House and honestly I’d say that I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out in Minecraft 1.0 it is a bit harder to build compared to current versions just because there’s really not a lot of stuff that you can do but I think we worked with what we had and honestly

It’s pretty impressive so impressive that I think we can take a bit of a break from building and in the next episode we can make some serious progress on the whole Enderman thing so the last episode was more of like a rebuilding kind of vibe you know we had

To rebuild and clean up the mess that Nolan made two episodes prior he blew up my house he made a lava Tower he griefed like three4 of the world but don’t worry it’s the comeback story of of the century and now we’re back and better than ever since the last episode Noah

Sold his computer so sorry there’s no more Noah in the series rest in peace Noah you’ll be missed Nolan decided to join back and move into my house since I accidentally destroyed his entire house Jared’s on here and there and Chris also hops on whenever he can but for the most

Part it’s pretty much me and Nolan again back at the grind working to kill the Ender Dragon since we did a lot of housework in the last episode and went through a bunch of materials making everything look good again I figured we start out this one by going on a nice

Little mining trip we were a bit low on resources because you know half of them disintegrated into air when Nolan blew them up so it it’s time to go back get stocked up and get geared where we can finally get on our way to killing this

Dragon so I went down into the mine and began strip mining I honestly had a really good mining run and about halfway through I came across another mob spawner it was a zombie spawner and there was nothing really good in the chest like actually the chest loot was

Pretty garbage but I figured you know what I would save this just in case I needed another way to kill mobs because grinding skeletons was a pain in the butt cuz I’d always get shot and hit and stabbed and whatever else skeletons do so this was a new potential option you

Know maybe in the future we could make it into like a better mob spawner than the one we have a majority of it was strip mining and there was a bit of cave mining but regardless I did end up getting quite a bit of materials at this

Point I’d been mining for nearly an hour and I figured you know what it was time to go back to base and figure out what else we needed to do but I had this feeling inside and it was a deep down feeling in my chest may have

Been a heart attack but I don’t know it was a feeling though and that feeling told me that I should keep mining oh come on I had this feeling and it was just lava oh my God that is stone brick do you find the end yes I found the end

Nuh I am serious what are the chances that my random M shaft that I happened to dig down straight for nearly an hour leads me directly to where the end is I mean yes technically I’m not in the end yet we still have to get all the ender

Pearls but this is a huge Lifesaver on the real though how did I get this lucky I just happened to dig right into the place I needed to go Notch has me blessed man he’s been looking over me and he knows how much I was struggling

And now for the fun part exploring the stronghold Chris and Nolan really didn’t know where I was at and honestly I don’t blame them because I was pretty far away so I ran all the way back down my M shaft and met them back on the surface

To show them where to go looking at everything I got from my mining trip we now had over 34 diamonds quite a few stacks of iron and even some gold like I said this was a great trip and finding the stronghold made it even better so I stored all my resources grabbed some

Gear and grabbed Nolan and Chris to go on an adventure to find this end portal this turned out to be one of the weirdest strongholds I’ve ever come across because like right in the middle of it was a giant Ravine it was split up in a hundred different directions and

Everything twisted and turned and went above each other and it took quite a while to find it we ended up finding the library and some other cool Parts but most of the loot that we found wasn’t anything crazy and for some reason there was like no mobs in it at all but

Eventually Nolan found the portal and we walked over next to him to get our beautiful screenshot for this episode and feel good about ourselves before the real grind started we also kind of cleared it out and dug a little path where next time when we come back it’ll

Be a lot easier to find and we’re not going to be running around in circles for 20 minutes to find it oh you think that’s it for this adventure oh no my friend not quite an adventure with Nolan is never over until something crazy happens usually something caused by

Nolan and this time it was him hitting Chris into the lava by the portal but honestly who’s surprised I think everyone watching understands how Nolan operates now so this game is no surprise to anyone probably not even Chris all right it’s time to go home regroup and

Make a list of everything we need to do we’re going to make a to-do list we’re going to be productive and we’re going to get all all of our goals done 100% completed in this episode all right boys time for this quick fire to-do list step

One ender pearls step two XP step three Enchanted bows and armor oh wait I forgot another step blaze powder and finally the final step Potions all right one Ender peas two EX in inch Jed armor and bows vanill I don’t even know what that says all right that’s sounds this ain’t

Even a to-do list this just says one you’re right Nolan it’s not a to-do list unless it says to-do list on the top all right boys time to work on our Todd oost you know what what bow enchants could we even do in this version was infinity

Even a thing yet was flame even a thing yet or was it just power and punch oh so you you can’t enchant bows at all nice well looks like we have to change the Toto lost Enchanted armor and sword coming soon or so I thought unless you

Consider a large amount of hours to be soon which most people don’t our next goal was to get enough XP to enchant a full set of armor for both of us and a Diamond Sword for both of us luckily we didn’t have to worry about the bows anymore because like in this version

Bows were pretty good as they were but the rest of this was going to take quite a bit of work and these were before the days of the three or four level enchants when you Enchanted something as a level 30 you’ve used all 30 levels and those

Are 30 levels that you can only get from killing mobs so it was going to be a while and I think we kind of knew that but I don’t think we understood the full degree of how long this was actually going to take our first thought was to

Do two things at once and look for Enderman while we were killing mobs in the wild saves us a lot of time because we’re getting the Ender Pearls at the same time that we’re killing the mobs so boom killing two birds with one stone oh what’s that Minecraft you want to make

Enderman rare yeah Enderman we’re still pretty hard to find I don’t know why I thought it would get any easier as we went along we found a couple and most of the ones we found didn’t even drop ender pearls and I think within like 30 minutes of searching we found like one

Or two and I really didn’t know how this version of the game was supposed to work with mob spawning so I hopped on YouTube and looked up a tutorial as to how to build an Enderman farm and it seemed pretty self-explanatory you know just build a little glass pillar with a little

Platform at the top throw some water we can get up and down and then finish it off with a nice little Tower easy peasy lemon squeezy my dude hey uh mom can we get an Enderman Farm no honey we have an Enderman farm at home turns out uh I

Didn’t really follow the directions very well and the Enderman farm at home wasn’t quite as good as the one in the video so Nolan the way it works is you just go up to the top once you get up there it resets the Enderman spawns and

Then you jump back down into the water conveniently placed at the bottom yeah but is that like right off this block yes just one block away you just land right there and you should be safe [Applause] I missed it God damn it Nolan bro it’s not that hard there’s literally a water

Block right in Fr uh so I don’t think our little Enderman spawner is going to work very well I think it’s time to uh head out go kill some skeletons and then come back and figure this out later because so far this hasn’t been very productive at this

Point I went back to base to grind some skeletons and get some XP I made a few more minor changes on the mob spawner because we all know that I can’t go one episode with without making at least a few changes to it and decided to sit

There and grind mobs for a little bit the strategy was to go behind a wall let all the mobs spawn and then just kill them all in bulk when a lot of mobs started spawning it was definitely an interesting Dynamic um they sort of just forgot how to behave and just started

Spasing out like a kid at Chuck-E-Cheese but it worked and we eventually got to level 30 I realized that my enchantment table wasn’t fully maxed out at level 30 and I didn’t have enough materials on hand so I had to go all the way way back to the stronghold library and get some

Books but eventually we got everything up and running and it was time to enchant our first item let’s go with the diamond chest plate throw this baby in here click it around a few times for good luck and we got projectile protection 4 I mean that’s not the worst

Thing in the world but for nearly an hour of killing mobs I was expecting something at least a little bit better but it doesn’t matter the grind is not going to stop so I went back down killed skeletons for like another hour or so so and Enchanted some diamond leggings to

Get fire protection 4 I mean do I really need fire protection no I guess it’s better than nothing but still kind of disappointing and guess what I did after that oh I don’t know maybe uh went back down to the mob spawner again for an even longer period of time to get 30

More levels as you can tell at this point I let quite a bit of skeletons spawn I think the game was completely broken but it doesn’t matter we were being productive this time I went with a helmet and it got even worse when I got protection two for some reason it’s

Getting worse every single time so maybe next time I’ll get uh I don’t know protection 0.25 on my boots I ended up enchanting everything else and ended with a full set of Enchanted armor wasn’t too good wasn’t too bad but it was going to have to work because I

Wasn’t going to spend another 8 hours grinding mobs I’m sorry it’s just not happening and that’s about where I left off now there are quite a few more things that that we need to do before we can kill the Ender Dragon the first one

Is that we need to go to the Nether and get potions the second one is that we need to get Nolan and Chris both a full set of diamond armor that’s preferably Enchanted and three we need to still get the ender pearls which is by far the

Biggest pain in the butt out of all of this but those are all things that we’re going to work on in the next episode so at the end of the last episode we had a simple little to-do list that we needed to complete before we could finally kill

The Ender Dragon if I recall correctly it was pretty much just potions XP and ender pearls which now that ender pearls were more common this wasn’t going to be that hard because of this everybody’s morale was at an all-time high and we got the whole band back together baby we

Got Jared we got Nolan we got Chris we have me and oh wait I forgot Noah sold his computer so we don’t have Noah you know I was feeling good about myself and then I realized that Noah wasn’t on and since this is the last episode he will

Never be on this series again so I guess we need to pay him tribute uh Nolan that really wasn’t the type of tribute that I was thinking um but I mean I guess that was a nice gesture uh at least it was in my house so I’m happy can Nolan really

Go more than one episode without destroying something absolutely not so since I was the most geared out of everyone since everybody was taking a break from playing I told them all to come to my house get geared and then we would go to the nether of course as this

Was happening like I said Nolan burnt down Noah’s place but I mean it’s not like he really had anything anyways and that’s your fault Noah you shouldn’t have sold your PC maybe if you didn’t sell it you would be on to defend yourself but we had quite a lot of

Material so I just kind of handed them out where everybody could have some stuff and we went on our way to the nether to Adventure and kill some ghast and some Blaze I totally forgot the potion recipes so I looked them up online and turns out all we really

Needed was blaze powder gas tiers and then more blaze powder for the Eye Of Enders pretty simple to lost and I think we could totally do it so we went to the Nether and followed our lovely cob cestone path to try to find the nether fortress along the way we did come

Across a couple of gas and we did kill them to get some gas tiers which was honestly pretty easy for some reason I thought gas TI were a bit harder to get than this but hey no complaints here once we got to the nether fortress we

Quickly found our way to the blaze room and decided to start grinding well Chris and I decided to start grinding of course Jared and Nolan decided to do their own thing but we killed a decent amount of blazes and apparently Jared has some blaze powder at his base as

Well so we really didn’t need that many as we were doing this we heard the suspicious sound of Nolan’s laughs and blocks being placed so I can only imagine what’s happening outside Chris and I quickly realized that they were blocking Us in and knowing them there’s no telling how many blocks they were

Placing so Chris had the 9,000 IQ idea to just dig around through the nether rack you know the easiest to break Block in the game so yeah that was pretty smart but we went around and turns out they were pretty dedicated like they were just placing blocks everywhere

Trying to keep us from coming out but we’re too smart for you guys so ha you can suck it at this point we were ready to go we had everything we needed and it was time to go back and make some potions so we journeyed back over mountains through valleys over lava

Through tunnels and almost got back to the portal when Thomas one of our friends who was just watching us play on a Discord stream said hey you need Nether Warts to make potions you idiot why don’t you get some nether warts and we were like bro are you serious

Couldn’t you have told us this earlier so we went all the way back and tried to find some nether warts and of course the Fortress we were in had none so time for an even bigger Adventure we checked around the area to see if there was like

Another part of this Fortress that we didn’t check out and eventually Nolan told me that he found some Nether Warts he was going to harvest them but I said Noah dude let me get over there and get that content so I journeyed on my way to Nolan to harvest the Nether Warts myself

Turns out Chris also decided to go over to Nolan but for some reason he took the sketchiest path possible and running over this thing was honestly terrifying I don’t know how he made it but somehow he did so I got the nether warts and now we were finally able to leave for real

This time and go back to the Overworld to brew some potions so I decided that I would focus on the Brewing because I was probably one of the only ones who wouldn’t mess it up and while I was doing that I just told everybody to be productive which totally worked out the

Way I wanted it to so as expected they got into a PVP battle and it was pretty entertaining to be honest stop breaking my armor you douche no I’m going to die I’m going to die leave me alone dude there’s like aund dogs and they were just murdering

Everyone as Nolan and Jared were getting into some fights Brewing was pretty simple I’m sure you guys all know how Brewing works because I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t but you just put the Nether wart in to make awkward potions and then you turn those into either regeneration or strength

Depending on which one you’re looking for eventually I had quite a bit of them and I felt like we were pretty much ready all we had to do was get geared and and finally killed the Ender Dragon so step number one was for me to put on

All of my amazing Enchanted armor that I work so hard for oh yeah baby full enchanted diamond except booths but let’s do this this is hard work paying off then of course I got my sword and my bow and some arrows and all my potions

And we were pretty much ready to go I had everyone throw me the ender pearls that they got and we ended up having over 19 of them so no complaints there I wish we could have done that a little sooner I made those into Eyes of Ender

And we were finally ready to go down to the end portal and jump in for our super intense boss fight there was four of us so we had a game plan step number one put Nolan in the corner while we were activating the portal where he doesn’t

Kill anyone we’re going to have Jared guard NL in and then we’re going to have Chris jump in with me right away to build over to the island from the spawn platform it was a great plan and we were ready to fight this thing once and for

All so I put the Eyes in and jumped into the portal ready for Chris to build us to safety and get into the battle Chris is in I’m stuck behind my lava Chris you better build right now all right Chris our lives are in your hands Jared you’re why don’t you

Just jump to the left there build my guys what’s going on oh come on oh my God Chris the dragon oh my God no di already bro oh you could have just jumped to the left oh my bro are you kidding me right now I jumped you guys oh my

Bro are you kidding me after all of this work I I just jump off I don’t think the dragon even hit me I think I just jump to try to avoid the dragon it’s okay man I only spent like 15 hours of grinding to get the armor

And then like a billion hours of grinding to get all the other stuff I had on me it’s okay it it was no big deal bro no but seriously I don’t think I’ve ever been this depressed in my life I I can’t believe it and the worst part

Is like I said I I kind of just jumped off I mean look at this instant replay I’m just like n dude and then my Sprint started being weird and I just jumped off the end nice so it was time to throw all of that stuff away and just get

Geared with whatever I had laying around the house so I grabbed some iron armor and a half broken diamond sword and was on my way to go fight the dragon once again after running down the never-ending M shaft of death I finally got to the portal and jumped in for my

Second attempt at killing the dragon while I was coming back Nolan and Jared went and destroyed all of the little Beacon things that heal the dragon so it was pretty simple at this point all we had to do was just shoot it until it died and really didn’t have to worry

About anything else we were ready for our super intense ender dragon fight and oh yeah baby let me tell you it was not intense at all in fact it was honestly kind of depressing and quiet I felt like I was watching a quiet place or I was

Deaf or something I don’t know it was weird there was like no noise whatsoever the dragon just casually like Flew Around in Circles silently didn’t even attack us and we just tried to shoot it that that was pretty much it and it took forever even with four of us it took us

Like 20 minutes to fight this thing it was just flying around minding its own business we were trying to shoot it and then it was just chilling and whatever it took ages and it was super anticlimactic but knowing me I was not going to let this stand I was not going

To grind for this long just to have a boring and super anticlimactic boss fight so I turned on some hype boss fight music oh yeah my comrades this is the moment that we’ve been waiting for it’s finally arrived and after hard work and determination we will get through this battle together oh

God oh it’s so hype it’s so hype in the chat right now as Borat said great success all this hard work paid off and I was finally for once in my life above a level 30 wow how amazing it just takes killing the dragon to do that in this

Game our final task was to Simply break the egg and bring it back to our house to display as a trophy Jared I’ll let you do the honor because I’m feeling pretty generous all you got to do is build a platform and then Punch The Egg

And pick it up Jared you just knocked the the portal please no if you if you right click on it it teleports definitely just knocked it in the portal all right well guess we got to go in well so much for that and that was pretty much it I mean this was

Our main goal and this was pretty much all there was to do in this version of the game anyways and we finally completed it it was a lot of fun going back to Minecraft 1.0 and playing this version brought back a lot of memories it felt super innocent and fun to like

Grief your friends and kill each other and just mess around with no serious goal and while yes this version of the game was not as fun as modern versions we still had a great time for the most part except for getting enough ender pearls that was miserable but it was

Finally time to end this series and there’s only one way to do that when Nolan’s around we were going to blow up the entire Island by switching to creative and spawning in TNT don’t worry I did do a world backup before I did this so we still have all of our

Progress but we had to make the finale go off with a bang so I spawn in a bunch of TNT and gave it to everybody where we can have one final explosion where Nolan can die happy we placed it all around built up on top of my house and gave Nolan the honorary

Flint and steel to blow it up and my oh my was that a big explosion the entire Island that we spent so much work on just completely disappeared as if it was never there how beautiful and that my friends was the full movie revisiting The Nostalgia of Minecraft having fun

With my friends and telling the story of how Minecraft changed my life this is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now so I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you did please comment your favorite Minecraft memory down below and get the conversation flowing I really do

Want to thank you guys for the last 8 years of support on this channel it has been an absolutely amazing journey and I’m excited for what the next few years will bring if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe to the channel I will see you next time and peace

This video, titled ‘how minecraft changed your life’, was uploaded by RoboKast on 2023-11-16 19:00:05. It has garnered 4713 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:19 or 6079 seconds.

Minecraft has changed your life and you didn’t even know it.

This video is a trip down memory lane, exploring Minecraft memories, fixing the problems with the game, and learning to have fun again.

follow me on twitter and instagram:

0:00 – 1:28 – Intro 1:29 – 26:26 – How Minecraft Changed My Life 26:27 – 27:15 – Mixed Emotions 27:16 – 37:42 – Why Minecraft Feels Different Now 37:43 – 49:26 – Back To Basics Part 1 49:27 – 58:11 – Back To Basics Part 2 58:12 – 1:08:51 – Back To Basics Part 3 1:09:52 – 1:19:33 – Back To Basics Part 4 1:19:34 – 1:30:07 – Back To Basics Part 5 1:30:08 – 1:40:38 – Back To Basics Part 6 1:40:39 – 1:41:12 – In Conclusion

#minecraft #minecraftnostalgia #robokast

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  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

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  • Minecraft: Finding Granny’s Horror | Part 2

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  • Nethilor SMP

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  • LumaMC SMP Survival Towny Jobs mcMMO QuickShop 1.20+

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