Rooster Teeth – Let’s Play Minecraft – Episode 2 – On a Rail! | Rooster Teeth

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Geoff: Alright, where’s the supply? I had it, uh, who, somebody start it. Jack: Inside the house. Ray: I’m Ray. Hi. Jack: [to Ray] Hey! What’s up? Michael: Alright, what are we doing? What am I grabbing? Jack: How ya doing, Ray? Ray: They can hear me now, hopefully. Gavin: Hey, Geoff –

Michael: What are we doing, and who the fuck is here? Gavin: Geoff, what Achievement are we getting right now? Geoff: We’re getting Off The R… On The Rail. Michael: There you go. Gavin: Off or on the rail? Michael: On A Rail. Gavin: Off or on. Jack: One or the other.

Gavin: Whose house is this? Ray: This is my house. Geoff: [speaking over the others] What- what supplies should I get? Gavin: [startled] Ah! Gavin: So we’re all, like bunking out at Ray’s house – Ray: Absolutely! Gavin: – because he’s got a ladder to a portal on the roof… Ray: Yeah!

Michael: …that goes nowhere. Gavin: Sweet. Ray: I do it big! Michael: It doesn’t work for me. Ray: What, the portal? Michael: Yeah. Ray: Stand in the middle of it. Michael: [to Ray] So you just wait? Gavin: So, basically, our, our challenge – Ray: Yeah, you just wait.

Gavin: – our challenge is to make a track 500 meters long. Michael: I’m doin’ it! Geoff: What do we need, we need iron or something? Gavin: Yeah. Michael: Oh I’m waiting, it’s working! Geoff: [to Gavin] Where is that? Ray: Uh… It’s in my house, in the thing that says “Ingots and Wool”

Geoff: Oh, Ingots and wool? Okay. Michael: Oowhoa! Oh! OOH! What the hell? Michael: I’m stuck! Gavin: Uh… I think you went the wrong way. Micheal: [louder] I’m stuck! Gavin: I think, uh – Geoff: Do I just need iron? Gavin : I think you took a wrong turn. Michael: I’m stuck!

Geoff: Or do I need other stuff? Jack: How is Michael already stuck? Ray: Because he… he went through the, the portal. Michael: [flustered, voice breaking] I’m stuck IN the portal though, look! Ray: Sucks to be you, nerd. Jack: [laughing] Michael: What the fuck? Michael: Gavin, kill me. Ray: All my, uh…

Gavin: I- I’m on fire! I’m on fire! Ray: All my iron [drowned out by others] Gavin: Somebody put me out! Michael: [guffawing] Geoff: I should… uh… Gavin: Somebody put me out! Michael: [in hysterics] Gavin: Wait! Wait wait wait, everyone. Michael: [inhaling sharply] Michael: He fucking killed me! Gavin: All right, let’s…

Jack: Where’s all the Iron? Geoff: [to Jack] Uh… I went ahead and… Gavin: Oh! [spluttering] The portal went out! Gavin: The portal! Geoff: I went ahead and, uh, preemptively grabbed all of Ray’s diamonds. Gavin: So I’ve got a map that, uh… Jack: [to Geoff] Okay. Gavin: It’s kind of an empty map.

Gavin: Hey- hey, Michael. Michael: Yeah. Gavin: I’ve got no… like… Michael: Mmm? Gavin: The portal went off. Michael: [stifling laughter] Mhm, right? Gavin: Are you coming to turn it on or what? Michael: [giggling] Jack: Alright, all the iron’s gone. Ray: Joel made the guy from sea lab.

Michael: Are you still in the nether? Geoff: Are you in the Nether? Gavin: I’m in the Nether and at some point someone shot a fireball at the portal which turned it off – Ray: Oh. Gavin: – or someone caught on fire and did something. Geoff: It’s on on our side. Gavin: Oh!

Michael: I’m coming, to get you. Did I get you? Gavin: Okay, I’m gonna get this guy to light the portal. Michael: [shouting] Ah! Ah! Ah! The portal turned off me too!! Gavin: [exasperated] Oh, for.. Michael: [wailing] No! Gavin, you’ve killed us!

Gavin: Alright, let’s – Michael: You’ve killed us both! Gavin: – get out of the Nether. Michael: Jesus! Gavin: Stop this this ridiculousness. Michael: Yeah, how!? Geoff: Alright, Build a new portal and get out. [Ghast fireball exploding] Michael: We’re- were stuck.

Ray: Just, just kill yourself and you’ll spawn out. Gavin: Let me just get a diamond pickaxe. Michael: [to Ray] Yeah, fuck that. Gavin: Ohhh! Ray: Yeah, if you die, you spawn back. Ray: Yeah. Gavin: I died. Ray: Alright, so umm..

Geoff: Do, did they, are they gonna lose all the fucking iron and stuff? Ray: They didn’t take anything. Michael: I didn’t take anything. Ray: They just had like a map. Michael: I had, I had dirt. Gavin: Sweet. Jack: Who has the iron then?

Geoff: Uhh.. Well I have uh, I have a little bit. Ray: Yeah. Gavin: Oh, hey, by the way, Joel is here. Geoff: How much – Micheal: We never announced who was here. Gavin: Joel! Joel: [quietly] Hello. Gavin: J-roll! All: [laughing] Geoff: I grabbed ingot and diamond. Ray: Okay. Jack: All of it?

Ray: Yeah, he grabbed all of it. Joel: Did, did the uh crafting table… Geoff: Oh, was, did you guys want, I thought- I thought everybody else already had already gotten some. Micheal: I’m Gavin and I’m an idiot. Ray: No, you literally took everything.

Gavin: I’ve got, I’ve got a chest called ingots wool, and there’s.. Ray: Did I spell miscellaneous right? Geoff: Surprise! Ray: We’re just gonna say I spelled it right. Gavin: Well.. Gavin: How do I…? Geoff: Hey, uh..

Micheal: I don’t know where you guys are but I’m following Joel. Geoff: I made a shortcut from the roof to the floor. Gavin: How’d you get so much..? Ray: Uh, really? Okay, that’s cool. Gavin: How’d you get so much gold? Geoff: Yeah, it’s right there if you need it.

Ray: Nice. Micheal: Fuck. Ray: Nice. Micheal: Fuck! Ray: How’d I get what? Gavin: How’d you get so much gold? Micheal: Hey, so. Ray: [to Gavin] Mining. Geoff: Alright, hey, so we gotta start making rails! Micheal: How do we get this achievement?

Ray: You need to make a thing that goes for 500 meters or something. Ryan: Alright, well I think.. Oh shit! That hurt! Joel: What happened to you? Ryan: You bastard. Geoff: Well, you know. Gavin: Oh, hey! Micheal: My life. Ray:Someone took all my iron so I can’t craft it. Micheal: It’s pretty painful.

Gavin: I think Geoff just.. Geoff: Alright, well what are you crafting? Micheal: Oh! Jack: We’re crafting rail! Geoff: Oh, I got ingots! Ray: Yeah! Micheal: How do I…? Jack: Yeah, yeah! Ray: I got sticks! Geoff: Alright, I’ll craft them! Micheal: Oh, we need sticks? Ray: Yeah. Gavin: Uh, I’ve got…

Ray: To connect them. Gavin: I’ve got some gold. Micheal: [loudly] Where the FUCK am I? Geoff: Here, I’ll tell you what I’ll do. Ray: [to Micheal] I dunno where you’re at. Jack: Where shall we start? Geoff: Oh fuck. Micheal: Damnit!

Geoff: Alright I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll put everything that I have back. Micheal: I am so lost. Geoff: …Back where it goes. Gavin: I’ve made- uh, I’m gonna make a… Micheal: Oh! I’ve found you. Geoff: I assumed… I assumed that Ray was prepared for this.

Geoff: But I guess not. Gavin: Alright, I’ve created the Tower of Pimps. Micheal: Boosh! Gavin: Everyone worship me. Jack: Sun’s going down. Micheal: I punched a sheep. Geoff: Alright, ingots and wool, are… Geoff: Woah! You made a golden tower. Ray: Is that what you did with my gold?

Ray: You made a fucking gold tower four blocks high? Gavin: Yeah! I- I’m- I’m stood upon the Tower of Pimps! Gavin: Kneel down… Micheal: Shut up. Gavin Kneel down bitches! Micheal: I’m gonna beat the shit outta you. Gavin: Ow! Ow! Jack: Yeah, yeah, what happened to your tower of pimps?

Jack: Huh? Huh? Micheal: What happened to King Diggy Bitch? Jack: Huh, Boris? Gavin: Boris Becker just died. Jack: Yeah he did. Gavin: A painful death. Uh… Geoff: Alright all the iron is back. Gavin: Uh… The g- the sun… The sun is going down. That might be an issue for us. Micheal: We’ve noticed.

Gavin: Oh! Where’s that- what’s that chimney over there? Ray: That’s so if I get lost I know where I am. Jack: What happened to the door? Jack: Why is there no door any more? Micheal: That’s smart. Ray: I dunno, somebody broke the door.

Geoff: Oh, that might have been me. Micheal: It’s like a lighthouse. Jack: Oh, I’ve got the door. Geoff: Sorry. Gavin: Alright let’s get this gold back because the Tower of Pimps was not successful. Micheal: No shit. Gavin: Oh, I don’t have a pickaxe.

Gavin: Somebody, uh.. someone with a pickaxe get that gold down. All: [laughing] Gavin: Where’s J-roll? Joel: I’ve trapped myself in a room. Micheal: Yeah, please don’t burn our house down Joel. Ray: Your house? Joel: I need to find some lava. Micheal: Well I mean, technically we all moved in so yeah. Gavin: Where…?

Gavin: Where is Joel? Gavin: Where- who? Joel: No, I don’t wanna know, I don’t want Gavin to know where I am. Ray: Alright, I’m gonna start, uh… Gavin: [laughing] Ray: I’m gonna start building rail. Jack: Okay. Ray: So, uh… get ready to grab it. Gavin: Alright, I’m gonna go…

Ray: It’s just gonna pop out of me. Gavin: I’m gonna go on an adventure trek. Geoff: [laughing] Gavin: And I’ll let you guys know how it goes. Geoff: Hey, check it out, sand does not stay. Jack: Woah! Gavin: I’m… Ray: Why is there sand in my house?

MIcheal: Should I..? All: [laughing] Micheal: Should I make sticks? I can make sticks. Geoff: [to Ray] I plugged, I plugged the hole – Micheal: Fuck! Ray: Yeah, okay. Geoff: – that I made. Micheal: I keep breaking my legs. Gavin: I’m gonna start a new series called “Wuggles find J-roll –

Micheal: I’m gonna never watch that. All: [laughing] Gavin: – the American adventure.” Gavin: Which is their… Geoff: Oh! What the fuck! Geoff: I just died, someone just fucking killed me. Geoff: Oh great, now I’m outside the house. Micheal: Later, gator. Jack: Did you lose all the railing? Geoff: Yeah!

Micheal: Dude! Jack: Oh, okay. Ray: Oh, I found it all. Geoff: Oh I’ll get it. Oh, it’s all over the floor. Micheal: I got 32 sticks! Ray: Yeah, you can come in here and just pick it up. Jack: Oh, shit. Gavin: Wuggles… Jack: Oh, there’s rail on the floor.

Gavin: Wuggles… Micheal: Where is it? Ray: Don’t you hate when that happens? Micheal: Where? I’ll steal it- ow! Micheal: What the fuck? Geoff: I’m gonna plant them, I’m gonna help you out a bit Ray. Micheal: The fuck did you go, Jack? Jack: Well I’ve got 64 rails.

Ray: I’m, I’m pumping some more out. Gavin: How many rails do you have, Ray…L? Ray: Um… Micheal: How do you…? All: [laughing] Ray: Kill yourself. Micheal: Yeah. Ray: Just walk into traffic. Micheal: How do you make rails?

Gavin: Alright let me ask a serious question. Has anyone reduced the, uh, Tower of Pimps? Micheal: Ooh! Ray: Yeah, no, it’s still there. Micheal: No, but I have rails I picked up from a dead body. Ray: Alright. Geoff: I planted, uh, j-uh… Geoff: In an effort to…

Geoff: – make- uh, enrich your life, Ray? I planted a tree in your bedroom. All: [laughing] Ray: My bedroom? Geoff: Yeah, just, you know. Ray: Where? I don’t- Oh, fuck, sweet tree. Gavin: Uh, yeah, there’s a bed, so.

Ray: Do you guys wanna start building? Uh, just g- Did you just build it outside of my house? All: [laughing] Micheal: Where are we building it from? Micheal: Like, where are we starting? Joel: [very quietly] That’s not good. Geoff: Shall we start it… Jack: I think Joel just found a dungeon.

Joel: No, no. Geoff: Shall we start at the pimp house? Jack: Which direction do we wanna go? This way? Micheal: Yeah, are we gonna go…? Jack: One direction, okay. Ray: Yeah, just make it go in a straight line, just start building. Gavin: One Direction have terrible music.

Joel: Is that..? Is there someone out there? Micheal: Shut the fuck up, Gavin! Ray: What the fuck is that? Ray: [yelling] Are you sleeping in a bed again? Gavin: Uh, what? Micheal: Okay, so I’m gonna… hey, we’re gonna get murdered at night, but I’m gonna, um… Gavin: [laughing] What’s up?

Micheal: I’ll just clear a path for the rail. Ray: [to Gavin] I’m just gonna leave you there. Geoff: I’ve not seen any bad guys yet. Ray: Fuckin’ Andre Agassi over there, you can just… Joel: Yeah, I haven’t seen any bad guys either. Gavin: I’m Boris Becker!

Geoff: Ray, did you turn off all the monsters? Ray: Absolutely not. Gavin: Who put a tree in here? Micheal, Jack: That was Geoff! Gavin: Do we have any bonemeal? Micheal: Were you fucking listening?

Joel: God damn it! This whole thing is fucking… what’s going on with this game? Gavin: More importantly, can we grow this tree? Jack: [laughing] Jack: I think we broke Joel. Geoff: Who is…? Joel: There’s something weird going on in this game guys. Micheal: What’s that? Ray: What’s that?

Joel: Blocks are appearing and… disappearing out of nowhere. Ray: Alright, ready? Micheal: Ow! Geoff! What the fuck? Geoff: I’m sorry, I was pickaxing things. Gavin: No, no, no. Micheal: You’re murdering me! Geoff: Sorry, sorry, sorry! Micheal: [away from mic] I’m dead! Micheal: What the f- Gavin: The minecart isn’t gonna go.

Gavin: It’s not gonna go, this is not a powered rail. Jack: That’s…I’m making…No, I’m starting it up high Gavin: We need to reduce the uh, the Tower of Pimps to get the powered rail track Geoff: Well, why don’t you work on that, jackass? Gavin: I don’t have a pickaxe!

Michael: [to ray] Just give me the fucking pickaxe, Ray. Geoff: [to Gavin, angrily] Instead of talking shit about how things- Ray: [to geoff] Geoff, there you go, pickaxe. Geoff: -I got a pickaxe already, thanks.- Instead of talkin’ shit about how things aren’t gonna work, why don’t you make them work?

Micheal: Yeah, Gavin! Geoff: You’re so fuckin’ Britishly – Micheal: Why are you so – Both, simultaneously: – negative! Gavin: [snorting] Geoff: God damn. Gavin: We also should have a- like, a button. Ray: So do you wanna make that? I have the, uh –

Gavin: Do you have redstone? Ray: – redstone and everything, yeah. Gavin: Yeah, let’s have a button to start the rail track. Ray: Alright. Gavin: Good! Ray: It’s in, uh… “Ingots and Wool” Gavin: I like the amount of prep that’s gone into this video that we’re all taking so seriously.

Ray: Listen, I have everything organized. Micheal: Do we… Ray: I provided the house – Micheal: Do we need headroom? Ray: – you provided the pimp… pole. Micheal: Do we need headroom for the track? Geoff: I don’t know. Micheal: …Or just space in front of it? Geoff: I don’t think so.

Ray: What do you need? Gavin: Like, we need powered rail tracks, but we need gold. Gavin: But all the gold went into the Tower of Pimps. Ryan: Yeah, well, who the fuck made the Tower of Pimps? Micheal: Fucking mine the god damn tower already!

Micheal: You keep bitching about it! Gavin: Yeah, okay – Micheal: Chop it down! Micheal: Fine, I’ll do it myself. Ray: I’m chopping it down. Gavin: Ray’s sorting out the Tower of Pimps – Micheal: [exasperated] Fuck! Gavin: – so we’re okay. Ray: Sorting it out? You mean destroying it? [laughs]

Geoff: We’re gonna discover a new island. Micheal: Yeah we are. Micheal: Like Americ- [loudly] Oh god! All: [laughing] Micheal: I’m building from the water… I’m building from underwater and it’s going very quickly. Ray: Alright, Gavin, do you know how to make… Ray: …the rails that make you go…

Geoff: Oh fuck. Ray: …faster? Geoff: What was that? Gavin: Yeah – you need gold and red- Gavin: OH! ZOMBIE! Ryan: [laughing] Micheal: Is that a fuckin’… Gavin: Zombie! Micheal: Is that an ingredient? Gavin: Someone put a zombie in me! Micheal: Red-oh-zombie? Ray: So, you. Listen. Gavin: Right.

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft – Episode 2 – On a Rail! | Rooster Teeth’, was uploaded by Rooster Teeth on 2012-05-18 22:58:06. It has garnered 8214149 views and 64132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:12 or 1752 seconds.

Join the Achievement Hunter lads (Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gav, Ray and Joel) as they team up to try and get the On a Rail achievement. Watch your ears… shit gets loud. Join FIRST to watch episodes early:

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About Rooster Teeth: Welcome to Rooster Teeth. We’re a production company in Austin, TX, making podcasts, animated shows, and live-action shorts and series. We also make content on a bunch of gaming channels like Let’s Play, Achievement Hunter, and Funhaus!

Notes from this video: Watch part 1 here!

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Let’s Play Minecraft – Episode 2 – On a Rail! | Rooster Teeth

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    Insane adventure in new Minecraft server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Yozora Mel stream (Apr 24, 2021)【Minecraft】新資源サーバー✨メルティキッスの大冒険!【ホロライブ⧸夜空メル×癒月ちょこ】’, was uploaded by alefin on 2024-03-18 10:40:56. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:41 or 8741 seconds. Disclaimer: Links may no longer work. This video is only for archive purposes. I do not own the rights to anything. Mel Channel Yozora Mel Channel Streamed live on Apr 24, 2021[Yozora Mel 400,000 subscribers commemorative goods on sale]🌟Purchase here → ——————————————————————–[Collaborator]Choco Iyutsuki This game has been approved by Mojang and is subject to the Terms and Conditions (​We distribute… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Minecraft Celeb collabs with SB737

    SHOCKING: Minecraft Celeb collabs with SB737Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with a Celebrity!’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2024-04-12 06:06:09. It has garnered 130857 views and 6892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:44 or 1424 seconds. Donate to Help Rebuild School Here: IP: Read More

  • 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 – INSANE Axolotl Pranks!! 😂

    🍌Parotter's Memorys🍌 - INSANE Axolotl Pranks!! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Foolish Axolotl best funny minecraft ANIME😂’, was uploaded by 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 on 2024-01-12 10:00:17. It has garnered 7598 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Hi I’m Parotter! welcome to my foolish Axolotl channel😍 ~~~~follow please😘👌~~~~~ 📸Instagram : 🐔Twitter: 💖sourcev My anime uses the voices of many Hololive talents→ Please also check out their content😁👍 ~SFX credit~ OtoLogic on-jin and more, check it!!→ #shorts #hololive #MINECRAFT #Parotter #minecraftmemes #axolotl #Minecraft #tiktok #tiktokmeme #blender #herobrine #cute #crazy #fool #funny #maya #japan #animation #japanimation #anime #gaming #game… Read More

  • McSwiggers Survival

    McSwiggers SurvivalPure Survival. Have fun. Don’t hack. Server started on Saturday, August 12 at 9pm ET. Server still new. Invite your friends! Don’t be rude. Have fun. Join the Disc… Read More

  • Nerdcrafteria Network – Multiple Game Types – Family Friendly – Vlog Brothers – DFTBA – 1.20.4

    NERDCRAFTERIA Welcome to NERDCRAFTERIA! Server IP: Minecraft version: 1.20.4 NERDCRAFTERIA is the official Minecraft server by Nerdfighters, for Nerdfighters! Players work together to create a fun environment with multiple worlds to enjoy! NERDCRAFTERIA is owned by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers. Join us for a family-friendly gaming experience while supporting a good cause! Motto: DFTBA! Visit our Donation store to contribute towards The Foundation to Decrease World Suck. More Information available on our website, Discord, and server tour video. We hope to see you on the server! Read More

  • Hideout SMP

    Hideout SMPwelcome to Hideout SMP! – the ultimate Minecraft 1.20.4 server for those who want a perfect mix of Survival multiplayer and minigames. Connect with us via die IP and immerse yourself in a world full of adventure and fun!Main features of our server:Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Community and collaboration:Experience the true SMP feeling in an active and friendly Community. Build, survive and explore together with other players. Economic system:Trade, buy and sell! Use our sophisticated Economic system to increase your wealth and rare itemsto get hold of. Protection system: With With our land claiming plugin you can protect your area… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper craters are the spice of life

    Looks like Minecraft is the only relationship this person will be building! Read More

  • Unbelievable Tornado Chaos // Minewind

    Unbelievable Tornado Chaos // MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘The tornado incident // Minewind’, was uploaded by W0O on 2024-06-11 01:32:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: 100 Days, Desert Isle, Modded Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: 100 Days, Desert Isle, Modded Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a challenge was set, Surviving 100 days on an island, you bet. Zombies everywhere, a true test of might, But our narrator’s here to shed some light. From day 1 to 25, the struggle begins, Gathering resources, fighting off sins. Day 26 to 50, the tension grows, But our survivor’s spirit only shows. Day 50 to 75, the stakes are high, But with determination, they reach for the sky. And finally, day 75 to 100, the end in sight, Our hero’s journey, a true delight. With music from Epidemic Sounds to set the tone,… Read More

  • “Surviving Minecraft: The Ore-Deal Escape” 🔥😂 #shorts #meme

    "Surviving Minecraft: The Ore-Deal Escape" 🔥😂 #shorts #meme Looks like those 0.001% are the real ORE-gon Trailblazers in Minecraft! Read More

  • Invading a Nether Bastion in Minecraft Hardcore

    Invading a Nether Bastion in Minecraft Hardcore Exploring the Nether and Raiding a Bastion in Minecraft Hardcore On the ninth day of their Minecraft Hardcore adventure, the players embarked on a thrilling journey into the Nether, a dangerous dimension filled with lava, hostile mobs, and valuable resources. Armed with their wits and gear, they braved the fiery landscape in search of rare materials and new challenges. Into the Nether Stepping through the portal, the players found themselves in a harsh and unforgiving environment. The eerie glow of lava and the distant sounds of ghasts set the tone for their expedition. Armed with potions and enchanted gear,… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a trending YouTube video titled “Kurt Müslüman !” which seems to have caught the attention of many players. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does highlight the diverse and engaging community that exists within the Minecraft universe. As you watch players explore new adventures and embark on unique quests, you may find yourself wanting to join in on the fun. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its… Read More

  • EPIC Skyrim Bingo Challenge w/ STRYDERMANN – Part 1

    EPIC Skyrim Bingo Challenge w/ STRYDERMANN - Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Skyrim Bingo Time Part 1’, was uploaded by STRYDERMANN on 2024-06-09 07:10:11. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:18 or 7398 seconds. its minecraft. thats what you need to know Join the Discord – Follow me on Twitter – How Long will I last? Check out for the live stream Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hacks: Viral Tricks!

    Minecraft TikTok Hacks: Viral Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT VIRAL TIKTOK HACK || MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS || TIKTOK HACK || MINECRAFT HACK#shorts#viral’, was uploaded by Anurag99gamerz on 2024-01-11 00:45:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shortsfeed ,#minecraft minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft viral tiktok hacks minecraft viral tiktok hack minecraft tiktok hacks in hindi … Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel Skyblock Dupe Trick Exposed!

    Ultimate Hypixel Skyblock Dupe Trick Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Free hypixel skyblock dupe’, was uploaded by devious duper on 2024-05-27 18:05:03. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:08 or 128 seconds. Dupe link: [youtube] search tags: hypixel, hypixel skyblock, minecraft, hypixel minecraft, minecraft skyblock, minecraft hypixel skyblock, hyperion, terminator, gdrag, golden dragon, level 200 golden dragon, ender dragon, 1b, 100m, warden helmet, judgement core, necron’s handle, necron’s scroll, warden heart, claymore, dark claymore, will water prism, willwaterprism, refraction, ratfraction, thirty virus, average sweat, rage train, pigical, presnt, agromc, masskill, xzap, timedeo, theoriginalace, technoblade, dream, itsprix,… Read More

  • Ultimate Epic Showdown: Steve vs Mobs 😱 #minecraft

    Ultimate Epic Showdown: Steve vs Mobs 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘STEVE VS ALL MOBS😈 | #minecraft#gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by TOTEM_PLAYZ👑 on 2024-02-13 13:11:54. It has garnered 2560 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft free fire call of duty clash of clans bgmi pubg techno gamerz ujjwal anshu bisht niz gamer mosambi total gaming BY TOTEM chapati hindustani gamer proboiz95 yug playz psd senpai spider mr lapis its dip Bebu mc addon dream smarty pie technoblade pewdipie junkeyy trigerred insaan psd extras live insaan vikspot Ron9ie devXd jack bhaiya hindustani gamer loggy gamer sourav joshi vlogs piyush… Read More

  • Minecraft God Mode: Insane Weapons VS Enemies

    Minecraft God Mode: Insane Weapons VS EnemiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fighting Enemy in Minecraft (The weapons I made it in Creative)’, was uploaded by DonliQ on 2024-03-12 07:56:06. It has garnered 42 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:58 or 598 seconds. Even Minecraft also suss to me Read More


    SHOCKING RETURN! Rotjoch UNLEASHES FireRed #1Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ZIJN TERUG – Pokemon FireRed #1’, was uploaded by Rotjoch on 2024-02-09 14:00:08. It has garnered 1307 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. ➤ ➤ Click here to subscribe: ➤ My Minecraft server: ➤ My upload schedule: ————————————————– ————— Also follow me on: ➤ Twitter: ➤ Instagram: ————————————————– ————— All playlists: Minetopia: Viewer’s folder: Random video`s: GTA V Funny Moments: ARK Survival: Hello my name is Dylan! You may know me better as Rotjoch. On this… Read More

  • Minecraft with RexaPLG + Special Guest 🐘 | Live on Anya Marshall Ch.【POLYGON】

    Minecraft with RexaPLG + Special Guest 🐘 | Live on Anya Marshall Ch.【POLYGON】Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | 【 Game 】Minecraft ครั้งที่สองในชีวิต Ft.@RexaPLG | ANYA 🐘 | Minecraft #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Anya Marshall Ch. 【POLYGON】 on 2024-04-17 17:50:50. It has garnered 2389 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:54 or 11454 seconds. Donate to Ania here. #thatsnotmyneighbor #Anya #VTUBER #polygonproject Vforgeshop : Credit BGM used ————————————————– 🐘 Anya A. Marshall YouTube : Facebook : Twitter : TikTok : POLYGON HIGHSCHOOL MEMBER ———————————————— 🦖 Tiara Rexa YouTube : Facebook : Twitter : TikTok :… Read More

  • 🔥 SHOCKING Minecraft Mini Build Trick! 🔥

    🔥 SHOCKING Minecraft Mini Build Trick! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-04 12:14:07. It has garnered 76 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • INSANE FOX BUILD! Watch LaceyCrafts’ Timelapse 🦊 #minecraft

    INSANE FOX BUILD! Watch LaceyCrafts' Timelapse 🦊 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fox Build Timelapse!🦊 #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by LaceyCrafts on 2024-03-25 09:02:52. It has garnered 5504 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

Rooster Teeth – Let’s Play Minecraft – Episode 2 – On a Rail! | Rooster Teeth