Royal Desserters vs Feastiano – Minecraft Madness!

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And uh I eventually found her house through talking to people and her mom found me just wandering the streets and brought me back to the exact spot I was dropped off by the boat by the by the bus and then you walk out pissed it’s like where the hell were

You is that summs up pretty well yeah basically yeah oh my God it was great oh I I mean I’m not good at telling stories quickly you know it’s fun I’m very yeah I’m very long talking do you know where the cat went um I know where he’s not in

Here how did you guess I think it’s because we been we were jumping around so the the cat got scared yeah but like where would it go good point it’s not the one that’s on the roof I heard a meow I heard a meow it’s not the one that’s on the Roof oh

You put your cat on the roof no no that’s a different cat that’s a calico cat it might have been that cat that I saw though ooh you know what’s interesting hold on I might I’m selling most of the emeralds we can now buy lapis for our emeralds there is super good

Frog frog oh yeah frog I saw a frog I didn’t react to it though there’s a wondering Trader should I kill it sick why it has really bad wait do you have a single Emerald left yeah I have emeralds I just bought I have nine can I

Have a single Emerald what yeah yeah sure what do you what what you wanted to get cuz I don’t have your stream up so I found the cat it’s not the cat that I thought it was I thought it was just a ginger cat

Okay um here is I just need a single one nine cool this is going to this is what this like Robo versal for Christmas it’s like I only want one small little thing and then you get me like seven different options like which one do you want Fey pick

Pick pick where I torch them all cool it dies now what what they’re wondering Traer Oh I thought you talking about the Frog like wao no no no I just wanted a flower from it okay I was it was selling aliums he’s selling he’s selling helium alien Ali what what color are those

Aliums they’re the purple flowers but it’s one of my favorite flowers in real life oh so nice here oh what here come here money Make It Rain I don’t remember the actual song lyrics I’m Just spooning out a spooning out a random tune I’m making up phrases by the gallon I can

Tell thoughts don’t work no more thought thoughts never works here I just I didn’t see the Frog at first and then he just jumped into the air like ah I see him now there’s going to be Cherry Forest when I’m done with it nice I love it that we’re just populating the

Lands yeah we’re I think acacia wood is one of my favorite woods but it’s like cherri’s newer and it’s pink so like you know what the [ __ ] what there’s just a I didn’t notice this random pillar like straight behind me it’s one plank of wood and then three sand on top of

It for no reason wait um let me guess you’re the reason possibly or is there just a really good coordination of Enderman around cuz that scared me the thought that some AI mobs can be more organized than you and I I mean they can

I know they are but I just don’t want to accept reality it’s called living in denial Fair yeah so um I got to look up my name Jama oh it’s the same name [ __ ] I thought I was hoping like oh maybe my name said in a really cool way in like

Jamaica because people speak what do they speak there Jamaican I don’t know do they speak Jamaican is that what they speak I don’t know also so you know how I’ve been saying that my family is going to be going on holiday at some point next year I did not know about this but

Go on we finally booked it o we’re going to Morocco Morocco yeah it’s going to be my first time ever abroad ooh oh yeah you’ve never been on like a plane have you I don’t even own a passport oh that’s oh that’s fun you’re going to

Have to organize all that yeah F you know what sucks as a diabetic I this hasn’t happened the most recent time that I was on a plane but I every time since I have a pump on me I can’t go through the normal uh x-rays cuz they

Might mess up the the the Machinery or something like that so I have to get pattered down I be Ste aside take off my shoes and and I have to get like felt up every time I go for the airport like okay this is fun I came here for

This and it’s never and I swear every time I think this isn’t so bad I swear they get they they tighten their grip ever so slightly it’s like they can be my minds they know I you know that section after you get past the medal oh you don’t actually

Why would I I’m talk only the one person in like a like 500 miles that doesn’t S about airport yeah I’m not the person to ask after the metal detector there’s this like huge like Mall kind of section M of just I say huge it’s not like like

Of the mall you have over there it’s more of a a really big perfume selection and it smells so I hate the perfumes is it like walking past Lush if it was if you know yeah kind of it’s you know those samples people spray in your face imagine that is just in the

Air people aren’t meant to spray samples in your face maybe that was just my sister probably because if you do that to someone like that might have an allergy or like me who’s asmatic it can cause very bad medical things so apparently a lot of my the a lot of

The family I was visiting is has Asma as well it’s like H good know that intriguing yeah I wait hold on I haven’t even checked out the I one I I’m still on cap cut so I have not been looking at my comments nothing’s been added but I haven’t seen your channel hold

On uh YouTube Royal D s s e r t e r s oh my God it just comes up you’re like the first thing that shows up well yeah follow me I mean no no usually I when I look stuff up like with the search bar then it just doesn’t like it doesn’t

Come up if it’s not the most original name then it just doesn’t come up but there’s like no videos that are like straight up Royal deserters there’s like royalty and politics I don’t there’s a whole digging video I’m not surprised by that um come up so that we

Can go to bed I should definitely like ask Brandy to make like a royal dessert like put us in like uniforms or something and we’re like for like Royal dessert you know imagine just walking on a a land of cake or something like that that would be so cool exactly imagine

That as like the logo that’d be epic the I’d probably have to give you the money and then get that to Brandy because I’ve been asked not to do commissions for a we b h i don’t know why I they said they couldn’t do commissions for me um they

Thought it was a good idea to not do commission for me I don’t want to know the reason why it’s not I don’t want to know the reason why it’s just for everyone because they’re very busy right now with commissions and work and things oh this was a few this was before all

That they’ve asked me not to do that and I didn’t ask why because one I’m awesome I’m an awesome friend if no one’s noticed that so I don’t need a reason why uh two what was two what am I on about um I don’t know I have a question

For you and uh I just yeah yeah we’ll go on how do I add moderators to my stream moderators um can do that on YouTube I have no idea uh I think maybe I don’t know I haven’t been able to I think you can do

That you have to do that in uh YouTube studio and then go to like settings right um no idea yeah I’ll help you I’ll try to help you figure it out later cool right now I’m about to get a bunch of sticks um what was I

Going to do I was going to do something slay a thousand men no I’m going to make um a sheep farm nice so that we can get beds for the villagers nice that’s super handy do I have I have two I have so many sticks to sell this

Guy this guy’s not going to enjoy my company the max you can sell is up to 16 times in a row mhm and then he just stops trading with you that’s sad h i mean 16 emeralds that’s pretty good do we Timmy no I said do we have carpet anywhere I

Thought you said do we just like no we can’t do that what no aerous I can’t tell which one’s the there we go you’re now trying to get this guy to become a good um uh weapon Smith so he can sell its good stuff you know I’m just looking for anything other

Than holes and pickaxes you know Stone ones you know place for sheep farm oh sheep farm uh I say we make it in the we make the mine Bit a bit bigger and we can just shove them down there right I mean I need a lot of grass so

Prably somewhere where I don’t have to dig up a bunch of grass well how about we make it next to the uh the bees I’ll be a bit further wouldn’t it uh why don’t I just make it on the mainland in between all the Tre or or

Hear me out right turn to your left you see that trees with the the pink trees over there I’m it’s just sand it’s it’s just like going around the corner no no oh no yeah I know what you mean I know what you mean yeah would that be a

Better idea or no yeah I will check out you’re so polite you don’t you can just say no no I’m going to go check out I want to see oh my God I’ve upgraded a tool a wee bit where the cave was where I got completely lost

Yeah exactly that yeah this is really good place actually there’s a CO here yeah just cut down these trees I can’t believe I found my dog oh there’s another cat here it’s a small baby one uh what color is it it’s it’s moving really fast it’s white with brownish no

With blue eyes it’s white with blue eyes looks kind of ragged you know well that’s what the pixels are trying to convey he looks kind of rogish if you know what I mean it’s very rugged cat puss and boots would be shivering in his boot in his

Tims I was afraid of saying boots twice I’m going to make a very big sheep farm okay I’m fine with that just for the fun of it but it’s literally just going to start off with two sheep I mean that’s how we started the villagers and theow ex it was It was

Kind of free and the turtles yeah that’s how life starts really okay let’s do this I hope I have enough I just bought like a ton of uh stor ax this to upgrade this guy so I’m just going to go tree cutting do you have any uh

Spades Spades you mean shovels yeah uh no it’s okay I nearly called them spoons so sometimes I feel like the spoon of this game why hm why oh sometimes I just do stupid things like coming on um and coming on when you’re not on and then going into dangerous situations

Making me lose some good stuff and then regretting and complaining about it on stream I do that I shouldn’t do that I do do that you do do I do you walk right into that one that that joke I made that joke in like Call of Duty

Yes I realized I walked into that one too um Judas would you get off my ass what oh can you do me a really quick favoring about Jus yeah oh I forgot what oh I was using a silk touch I just have I just silk touch that’s so annoying I just have random

Blocks of coal ore I don’t want coal ore I want coal I forgot oh you’re Mining Co a silk touch that was so stupid people say self touch is the best one of the best enchantments in the game in specific scenarios it is but in like common use it’s so annoying in a

Resource game it’s just kind of annoying yeah CU people put it with like the good enchantments as well so wait what was the favorite app before you said that um can you bring me some wheat and why did you stop asking me that no I was going to ask you something

Else but can you bring me some wheat uh sure I’m just going to cut down this last train then I’ll bring you some wheat where are you um I’m just drowned by the pink trees right here oh yeah yeah I know you are ish ow I fell out a

Tree if I’m ever depicted as a character that’s how I want him introduced follow falling out of a tree head now I think about it that is kind of a cliche of uh cliche of introducing someone but it’s a cliche for a reason you know

Mhhh you want me to visit the island uh the floating island or do you want me to visit the our or the cow’s Island for the wheat um either or I just need some wheat I just need some Weed Man actually can you bring me a hole as well I’ll

Make a I’ll start making a wheat farm uh sure I’ll go farm I should have uh I should go up to oh I have a shovel on me I’m dumb you are just challenged no CH that sounds horrible no oh my God there’s there’s sheep spawning there’s two sheep that’s

Perfect I might not need the I might not need it I’ve got I’ve got um I’m really sorry I called you challeng never mind I’m just going to stop saying it cuz I’m not sure I I I did not mean it like that I hope you know you

Know I’m not paying attention honestly I why is there a cow here now I mean just kill the just just uh Ching kill it kill it to death I’ve got two sheep already that was perfect nice um um a ho I’m no I’m just bringing you can you bring me some

Seeds uh yeah I got some yeah it’s almost night time though so just you stay there right and don’t move I’m bringing you some bread why are you bringing me bread I meant wheat pillagers there’s a Pillager I wait a minute Infinity [ __ ] yeah it is

You can’t put Ming on it if it’s got Infinity no Infinity [ __ ] because I just used one arrow and now I have no more arrows to shoot this is a scam well done hello there hello this was a a scam can I give you some stuff here’s an iron hoe

Thank you here is your bow back here is some actually might Ste those those some of that some of those I could use more of those I guess here’s a boat here’s that are you just giving me your inventory yep that’s a bell Y how long have you been carrying this fulls sizee

Bell with you did you carry this when you got lost yeah I got it from the other Village you know what’s really funny the image of you dragging someone on La just in your in your Robo and you’re like halfway in the water already just just going why am I so

Heavy cuz the gold it’s the gold it’s all the Gold’s fault cutting this tree down my gosh you okay you you w really quiet uh yeah I’m just uh my mom me to do my scan real quick um because you know I’m diabetic not really a bragging point but you

Know I have a few more just spamming me with Tik toks right now and it’s very annoying and they’re not spamming me with t I’m actually the one that watches the Tik toks I watch I watch their Tik toks okay yeah are you sleeping or no uh not

Tonight I’ve got too much stuff do such a hard worker you are I know and so modest I have I mentioned that um I’m making a farm you’re making a what farm a farm yes I saw you saying making a form like a DMV form

Uh feathers can go up there can cook all this stuff I guess uh no training because of course is hooray rain we love rain rain rain [ __ ] off um I have a lot of stuff that I could get away I know have never brick my had never before what my inventory is

A mess right now uh I’m not going to comment on this any further thank you yeah um what can I make of never brick is it just more never brick block you can make houses I could I could make never brick fences and slabs and stairs and thin fences

Neat we now have another dou yep I’m being shot at don’t die that’s my why is there a llama there a llama why don’t we have llamas exactly why don’t I name more of my animals I don’t know why is this cat name fish we just don’t need the answers for these

Questions because it took a lot of fish nice fair enough that’s a fair enough reason I don’t know why I sounded annoying there is my tone really that bad not usually are you okay oops no I’m just like my I’m just we talked about how bad my tone is when I’m talking to

People with uh Randy Moss because I when I get competitive playing games and then I have a really bad way of talking to people it sounds like I’m being really a bit of a dick so sometimes how often sometimes okay um I think one of these sheep are unlike the rest

Watch out no I was going to keep it oh I was literally about to go and move to put it in the pen so sorry we talking about llamas and like you didn’t bring it up so like oh I’m going to kill the llamas the

Joke oh that’s not what I meant to do why are you uh should I should I what am I doing why are you making an infinite water source Oh no you’re not you’re making a farm ah nice you know if we wanted just will and not like meat or experience since we

Don’t really need that right now hm this experience I’m right on top of it and it’s still going after you right there I just went in your inventory no I was going to say there’s no experience sir yeah I just dis let me out let me out

Please I’m in the pen there’s R over there help I’m in the later losers why is there never mind I’m just going to stop asking these questions I don’t need the answers you know I want to plant more cherry trees that’s what I’m going to do over Here you know I should focus on my I really want to focus on my own Minecraft status oh wow that Enderman is having a tough time wow that thing is in so much pain oh dear did you not did you I see it yeah yeah you saw it I’m just seeing

It like jolt around you in so much pain yo you got more nice more what another sheep here no more people to eat your your land you should have a chest with like shears in it you know oh yeah can trees grow on coarse dirt uh no clue that was

Yes that is no not yes the tree thing I ow ow stop it go away I got you get down Mr President it’s dead it’s fine Mr President why did you do that you took away my funer you took away my XP you stole it my X oh there’s a creeper

There Mr President get the [ __ ] away from this place I swear if you take most kill son of a Mr President we’re going to have a problem here ow stop it there’s a horse in your pen should I shoot it Mr President no just leave it it’s

Fine I have a taste for blood Mr President what is he looking at me oh my God what’s happening what’s up did you when did you make this I have no idea what you’re talking about ow there’s just a pit with a bunch of zombies killing a um witch ooh shoot

Them shoot them they might drop some this is why the pitiful uh thing I meant fight them oh no no I don’t why I only have a bow oh no I have my axe as well I just I don’t have a sword why is there why are

There two blocks under oh was it there a creeper in here or something yeah o a stick we can sell those uh why do you put torch in here I didn’t it was already there why did I put a torch in here huh huh can you draw can you uh

Thanks thank you we could um make I was I was going to suggest this for you at some point but we should make a creep not a creeper Farm just make an XP farm yeah yeah but we have villagers and I want to focus on them for right now you

Know but like I can do it at some point fair enough um should I should I take down the sugar cane to get all the paper and sell that no just go from like don’t take all of it why because I want to keep a sugar

Cane Farm oh yeah I’m not going to like R rip it out of the ground I mean like take it I take two per free you know hit the midal block so you get yeah I know how to take down sugar crean H don’t worry I’m not you you still have

Your thing I’m just taking down what I need so refreshing not to being able to freeze water at at a moment’s thought I feel mortal again you know is how everyone feels yeah I would say so oh my goodness oh my God I feel like the common man you know when the

Enderman died uh-huh he died right beside him and it dropped an ender pearl and we just didn’t noce wow we we mentioned his suffering ignored him and then he just gave us stuff I’ll find I don’t know what I’m singing this isn’t a soon I just started opening my mouth making Noises oh I didn’t want that I don’t know what I’m doing I was going to make some like um armor with red stone instead of diamond Ed in it but then I remember we only have one smithing template and it would cost like a a bunch of diamonds to make

More yeah we need to have a couple diamonds somewhere don’t we we have like two and that’s nowhere near enough yeah we have exactly two we have three sets of diamond horse armor though yeah we have priorities that’s what we got four sets priorities where did all of my seeds

Go I could have sworn I had a bunch of seeds in at least one of these chests I mean there’s some over here I me there’s some like wheat over here on your cow Farm yeah I know but like I had a chest that just had wheat seeds in it

Oh maybe didn’t we like use it for the composter or something oh wait no I know where they are sick is what the C sound like when is it why is it always raining I don’t know which was a a bad spot you know I just I thought occurred

To me you know that classic like com comedian bit when they like when they think like when they start it’s like what’s the thing about airline food I just thought about you being in the crowd it’s like I don’t know what is it it’s like oh my

God I guess that’ be you not knowing comedy but you do know comedy no it makes no sense sorry you were saying so I distinctly remember putting my seats in one of these um jug things that you put beside our beds and they’re all filled with torches torches yeah I remember that we

Did that yeah but I filled one of them with there use the use like the the 50 bone meal to use it on the wheat so you have a new stack of seeds since they multiply oh that’s true and I’ll grab some here as well and I replant

Them we really need to organize these chests I I I I would try doing that and then I would be too busy organizing your your stuff why were you organizing my stuff cuz you just it’s I I feel like you would just thrill stuff in you know I do

Because you were organizing them oh I didn’t want to interfere I mean I I I kind of started doing that like I did I have a food chest I’m going to come up to you with a good a good pile of SE where are you I almost fell off a couple

Times where are you I’m at the top I thought there was a way to get down but there is a good way to get down gravity and elevator that you made but that’s that’s less used than I’m here cool okay here is your Mighty stack not stack but here’s your Mighty thing of

Seeds and I have like like seven stacks of sugar can thank you egg it’s now uh a stain on the ground poor egg I’mma go bother the Villager also yeah you were just I looked back on the bit I did edit and I found you like

Can we go up there and I’m like it’s I you’re saying you’re asking more than once but I’m just doing one sentence so you’re just saying please please please please over and over again yeah it’s sounds about right yeah is That sorry what H you were saying something no was like oh that was me I made that noise apologies I’m weak you’re fine yeah I I can buy more lapis from you I want to see which one I I want want to upgrade more we have a bit of iron should I

Start I’m going to bring some like a stack of iron down and upgrade the sky upgrade the sky this guy I’m upgrading this guy cool not the sky I mean give me a few minutes ah damn God must have changed the password damn it the big guy upstairs

Changed the admin code now I can’t get in why um what did I come up here to do no clue it was iron that’s the thing should I use this stack of iron or should I use the the 52 iron up to you we use 52 iron why don’t you just use

All of it we have a lot of iron yeah we um we only have like a we have 64 and then a 52 and that’s it we have not we have not gone mining in quite some time and I’m going to be spending our minds are not very uh as fruit as

Fruitful as we would like them to be why are they not making more babies because there’s no more beds that’s what the farm is for but I see two empty beds that’s for the children isn’t it where’s the children then are they dead no where are the children

Oh there is an enchanted axe that you’re we might be able to buy oo for 29 I don’t know I can’t uh see it yet hold on I’m going to spend a few things on some holes oh he he sold me two hes and apparently that was too much for him thanks Guy

Oh actually can you bring me two pieces of iron I have four left and a shield uh not a shield um a chest even I have a lot of wood so I can make that chest um ooh the axe has Fortune one on it so that’s not bad and if we upgrade

To master we can uh we there’s an enchanted pickaxe instead ooh is it an IR pickaxe diamonds both Diamonds oh damn it’s not that surprising but I mean it is for me because I don’t really but yeah I’ve never done villager things before I have yeah I know they they’re pretty cool

Where are you by the way I’m still at the cheep bit the oh yeah yeah that bit we got to make bridges to these places yeah I know then we forget they’re there and then we just jump off and they’re your whole h h h h h h to you

Too uh I have no idea two thank you and then 17 AA wood thanks do I have any oh actually I had wood on me I’m just dumb also here here’s an upgrade a diamond hoe cuz I know you’re you’re farming please take it it’s I have two I have

Three damn it we don’t have a third person on the server to give give this to I’m just going to waste on like destroying trees oh fck I fell down the tree you all good yep my thing is just not behaving there we go and then I’ll

Just get rid of that and then where did you put the hole there is I put it in your inventory no you didn’t I had a full inventory oh I put it near your inventory it was there just not quite in there oh why did

I good I killed a black sheep cuz I thought it was different from your white sheep and oh that’s a different ooh that’s a and I saw it wasn’t the same so I thought you wouldn’t want it that was very close to the the racism don’t put anything in them I’m

Never mind I’m stealing this okay oh you want that oh no you can have it there you have um you have the the thing I’m going to start all my sh all right not you not there sorry what’s happening I’m starting on my show nice in Life or do you mean in

Minecraft in Minecraft oh shoot I thought that was you what I’m planting trees over here [ __ ] creeper no that was me I hired him oh no your farm oh no oh oh look oh no look at that over there there’s some two llamas with floating leashes what what’s happening over there

I wonder what if I shoot my bow in that drenal direction I’ve just realized that I thought that I had a lot more arrows than I did and I’ve just been using my Decay arrows so without knowing I mean yeah yeah that sucks who’s that trident guy that’s a

Trident guy do I have any more bows I have I have some I just need to get his Attention so I don’t currently have any arrows on me I have two cool you have an axe yeah I know I’m currently fighting Dr cuz I want to draw out the the oh that’s that Enderman ooh that is a straight up I just used them both do I get one no

I don’t get one Dam I mean killing drowns is good CU I get rotten flesh which I can sell to the guy I guess you know so there’s something to Trident fishing Trident fishing I’m on to something there is I also use I also can’t put that in the thumbnail cuz I

Used it for one of my other thumbnails wait wait let me get yeah I use I hold one piece of ground when is this floating pillar just been there you see this yeah it’s been there the whole time I have I not seen that we need to put a bell on that thing

That doesn’t make sense in this context ah it doesn’t need to oh there’s also a good way to get apples as well that’s good wasting these Diamond holes on these trees also a good way of getting wood I’m sitting out the obvious to waste time

Ooh I don’t want to mine this coal cuz it’s slightly in the ground and I know it’s as soon as I go down there there’s going to be a creeper you know ow ow was there ah it wasn’t it wasn’t the creeper if you leave it I’ll turn it into a mob

Farm leave what the oh that thing hole Yeah you can you can do whatever you want with that hole come here okay coming I’ll be right there cool I’m coming down the mountain taking lots of damage why because I’m impatient hold up we could just make

That sheep farm thing and not you know not this sheep farm the more um less ethical sheep farm you know H you know what I’m talking about the ones when they’re just stay in glass like one by one like a one block wide glass container and they just get

Sheared no yeah why why would I do that it’s so come here oh I forgot to pick something up come here oh okay oops so I how much inventory space do you have currently a little bit okay here I’m placing things why do you leave your oh you have you have some

Stuff in this chest not pretty good uh um if you can’t pick it all up I’ll just come and place some for you I want those torches back I don’t want this dirt I don’t want the dirt I don’t want the stuff sorry I’m already gone

Bye if I get rip tied on my Trident you know how fast I’ll go I’m I’m going to go I’m going to go Zoom across the water and then you ask me to get you one because you see how fast I’m going and be jealous and you

Also be Tides go then you’ll be jealous right and you’ll be infected with the got to go fast I know how fast drip ties go I know I’m just I just I wanted the reasons they got to go fast and I couldn’t find one I’m just going to drop all this

Bread and let them pick it up also I’m not going to mention anything good mhm no matter how not worthy it is you’re making this really hard um hello Z Emperor Z is back after twoo hello there it’s been a while I was on vacation

I was also away and then we ended up where we where each other usually are and then we went back home at the exact same time so we couldn’t hang out which kind of sucked it did suck majorly yeah yeah anyway how are you and pry how’s

Your Christmas or if you don’t celebrate Christmas new year and if you don’t believe in time then how’s your existence time is a weird soup valid yep weird soup uhhuh time is a weird soup That’s a Some you got you got something going on on there you got something going on

There it is a weird soup no one contemplates the soup it’s weird it was horrible not going to lie that sounds should I should I should I ask do you want to ask no but yes how why is it bad Z tell us it’s definitely this is definitely private and confidential

Right stream chat you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to it’s fine yeah you don’t have to I realized I was asking a very personal question there for a moment did I you can ask if you want I’m an open person go on

Them I’m so confused with what I’m doing honestly um yeah you don’t know what I’m doing you haven’t seen it yet I don’t need to I don’t need to I got a diamond uh axe so that’s not great cool can you bring me another shovel huh can you bring me another

Shovel uh any particular preference shovel like diamonds a shovel a okay I just a shovel you asked for it actually I might not need it oh I just made it um cool stop meowing cat I don’t want this rotten flesh I just put down all the bread and

Now there’s just a lot of babies so that know what you wanted I mean yes but oh the babies are stuck in my boat get out of there why didn’t I use my axe for this I’m just punting a boat punting a boat with my hand punting a boat long story

Short long story short I got overwhelmed I had a panic ATT attacked yelled at my boyfriend for no reason and was in a motor cycle accident 4 days ago Jesus are you okay I’m sorry I’m not laughing but like that’s just that’s just a start of 2024 that’s

A sign right there right why you I like this choice of what you’re doing but I don’t know what you’re doing so I’m not going to ask don’t there’s a lot of storage space so I like it oh my shovel broke here you go thank

You I want to make a stone one don’t worry I’ve been 28 and haven’t been okay for 29 years valid same I’m 19 and I’ve not been okay for 20 years bro him out the womb with trauma there I got you a stone shovel this this staircase in very

Interesting you know you should put slabs up one side so you can still open the chest but you so you can just walk up naturally instead of jumping what do you mean you can still open the chests you don’t need to jump here oh no

You don’t need to jump I don’t need any more shovels you got a stone one instead of a that one you I’ll burn the wooden one then yeah can’t believe we’d burned something I gave you you just told me to yeah but yeah hello other turtles have you heard about the

Breeding is stop now you’re too late you were too slow oh there’s going to be an army of turtle behind me now they’re going to fight me me y haven’t slept in ages that one I can relate to more Queeny Banks mhm sleep la for the week go exactly

Exactly 2224 is Lev so far H I know right it’s great um I I have better news if you want to hear it I’m part I’m 2 five part Jamaican if that helps your New Year’s fun fact you’re a strange fish I am I even flop around on the ground

Unrelated to the fish comment yes you are a strange fish okay oh Z actually um quy bakes uh the channel they stream on they we just changed the name what do you think oh wait I guess they’re on my stream so I wouldn’t that’s a bit of a don’t don’t think

About what I just asked too hard okay you’re you’re a strange fish I yeah yes I am you go in the soup I go in the soup you go in the soup you have some are you on something time is a suit I have just a

Lot of time with bug over the past two weeks that’s fair enough actually I’m confuzzled oh I still haven’t told you the name um what there’s just stuff everywhere now stop raining me I’m yeah I don’t want it I have it more wood anything Wood related except your

Shovel I burn that oh good you have a furnace down here not yet I can make one though oh yeah let’s have a furnace down here that’ll be handy hold on bug messaged me oh they’re just screaming what do you mean they’re just screaming they’re just screaming okay so

I’m going to type I’m going to put this in chat uh how do I I want to how do I spell this right I can type it if you want me too I got it that’s the the one the name I just put in the chat is wow you just yeah there we

Go um I realize I have nothing to burn except food I can do that did you see me looking up and just mining as fast as I can oh I keep doing that what that nothing I’m just talking to myself I’m trying to organize the chests

But my brain’s making it weird so just don’t don’t judge my chest making skills I will not judge hello z z is now in my chat yeah I told I typed in the name of the uh Channel I’ll steal all your viewers no you’re already the you’re

Already the fan favorite what am I going to do uh I should go to sleep oh yeah I guess to the chest stairs they don’t go anywhere that was easy to the normal beds then maybe we should make this into a staircase that goes up to oh I was going to oh

Nice I am I’ll take give me a sec I got 23 XP nice my eyebrow is itchy but I need to swim I’ve never been I’ve never physically struggled in Minecraft so hard since the cramp of oh Z has just said Fano is short call

Him belbo so I’m going to call you belbo from now on I’m not short what are you what what’s with people thinking I’m short is this is this the way I hold myself you have a short person voice I have a short person voice wow yep wow

Even your friend called he’s like I said I was you there your friend said they were tall and I believed them and I and then I she’s the same height as you then I said I was also tall and then he was like yeah but all guys say there and

Then you just jump in he actually is he definitely has short energy but like genuinely you want to know something really fun yes so my lecture is taller than you and that’s terrifying that must be horrifying it is he like he’ll just appear behind you and it’s like just he’s just looming over

The back of you hello there I heard you finished your work is it true oh that sounds fun okay um it’s really no it sounds like a blast I don’t know what you’re talking about I didn’t even hurt myself I just fell I’m just being drama queen of course I am

Yeah oh yeah um my M which is just another word for saying granny um walked in on me and my 10-year-old cousin watching one of my videos and then you you just shout [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] five times in a roll very loudly in the video it’s like great first

Impression yeah yeah no that’s really funny mhm mhm it was very funny I went to do an assembly at school a few years ago and scared so many kids by appearing at the back of the room I used to be uh browny like leader oh was in charge of a bunch of

Like 10 like 5 to 12 year olds and I would scare the [ __ ] out of they did make it I would scare the [ __ ] out of them all the time because I I have really silent footsteps so I would just appear behind them and they would just scream it was really funny

Nice I love hearing stories of my friends scaring people nobody wants to see it 6’8 you’re six are you 6’8 okay you’ve told me some You’ told me you have lots of money a loving relationship and now you’re telling me you’re 6’8 and you’re watching others so

This is this fishy am I am I smelling cap here no I don’t think so I feel like they’re too committed if if this was a bit it would be they’re too committed to it for it to not fall apart at this point where did I put my

Shovel imagine being 6′ 6’8 was it yeah you would have to make a lot of money just so you can buy a house with an elevated roof I wish I was tall no you don’t I wish I was taller than I am now oh why because I don’t like being

Short what’s wrong with being short you wouldn’t know anything about being short yeah all I know is I have lots of headaches I also have lots of headaches but that has nothing to do with me being Shar that not nothing to do talking yeah you’re right Z just please

Give me all your height I would gladly accept it give me all the height give me all the height uh I’m even that sh I’m like a I’m like taller than average for my age range so the way you say that it sounds like you’ve rehearsed it a lot you know I

Have I have a sister who is shorter than me of course I have want yes she’s literally 2 in shorter than me and I have to hold it over her I have to hold her and my head over her head yep that did not make lot sense but

You know we keep it I know what you mean thank you I fell off the bridge and now I have to go back up enchant my chest plate my new chest plate no with mending no I’m making mistakes nice Bri down- 6ot tall how tells your

Brother and is if you said minus 6ot tall and the freeze 6 feet under is your brother alive more importantly is that an inappropriate question to ask um I don’t know it depends if they are I guess right doesn’t it I don’t know I’m desensitized to a lot of weird stuff so

H what do you mean by that and that I’m desensitized to a lot of weird stuff oh okay I thought you were going to elaborate no why would I do that explain myself why would I do this funny activity no I’m just making um dead jokes too many

Mjos fair enough too many mjos yeah I don’t I don’t reckon I’ve tried a meito I don’t like Mojitos ah what like sweet or something I don’t know what they like uh I can’t remember I just know that I don’t like them oh

Mjos uh I was going to make a like a be a m go joke but that didn’t that didn’t Le just to let you know I might accidentally just mine like straight into our build like where bad sorry uh I mean we live on a floating island completely separate from us so go

Ahead you know I’d find it really impressive if you somehow mind to a completely different thing without noticing I want you to come and see what I’m doing and then I’m afraid to go see what you’re doing every single step that I’ve created is going to have a chest on it

Uh I’ll be right there I’m just going to sell a bunch of sticks of this guy and see if I can get mending book so I can you know sure pretend I do oh yeah I guess I have not included you a lot in the in the process of

Finances I know how to do it in Minecraft not real life I know how to do it in real life not Minecraft oh see you soon is he going to come back and call me a uh bimbo again he didn’t call you bimbo he called

You Bilbo oh Bilbo sorry he said in all caps I couldn’t tell I think wait yeah Bilbo cuz you know bbo baggin from The Hobbit is a hobbit and they’re short they’re known for being short with big feet mhm I more of this fact slightly question yes can you put

Mending on a pickaxe for me if you have any more mending books or wait I could probably do I have a lot of I have nine emeralds in one book on me so I don’t have a mending book on me and I was trying to get one for

Me but I don’t actually have any items of significance so sure go ahead uh I have nine emeralds on me um where are you I’m on top of the island okay I’m coming I’m making a composter so I can we already have a composter no so I can

Put it next to the villagers so we can get farmer so we can get someone to sell the melons and pumpkins too you know we don’t need to sell get oh sell the melons and pumpkins too no there’s a giant on the island what get away from my product my product products

Oh what oh yeah where yeah you asked me to go up there what I’m coming back up what’s up yeah I want I want things I want mending on my pickaxe because it’s almost broken and I oh yeah put it on your let let me see your pickaxe let see if it’s worth

It well I actually I have three pies actually wait no don’t put it on that pickaxe hold on yo I could combine my pickaxe into your diamond pickaxe yeah yeah but that one has self touch no not the diamond one hold on let

See it I need to go grab it um see with this iron one I could combine it with my one so you would have Fortune One Unbreaking 2 efficiency 4 ooh wait hold on can I can I do that right now hold on let me check let me just get the diamond

One and then I’ll tell you yeah for the cheap cost of 11 you could have that iron pickaxe if you wanted just need to find the chest with the weapons in it there is so my diamond pickaxe has efficiency four and fortune 3 hm so you can have this if you want to

If you want to put mending on it cuz yeah give me that and I’ll as soon as I get mending I’ll try to put it on this I’ll put try to put it on that but first can we sleep cuz we we’ve gone a few nights about sleeping and

This these Phantoms are going to be on our ass yo guess what Mike um M you know when Brandy Moss came on the stream and got me a strike mhm okay um it will be expired by the end of the month y uh here is do you want my pickaxe it has a

Lot a bit more durability can I have my pickaxe back you can have both of them if you yeah you can have this one for now um I also have this one oh yeah and that let’s see it but that one’s the one with silk touch on it so yeah I guess

But like if you’re just mining with it then it’s fine like uh here that’s not bad that’s pretty good um yeah to doesn’t have Unbreaking and mending hold on I can’t check I’ll see what how much it cost with a mending one and I’ll see if I can

Find a Unbreaking book and try to combine those two first and now try to put on your pickaxe you know okay I’m going to steal all of the wood we have and all of the what are these called Cobblestone that we have too nice maybe not all of the Cobblestone

Because we have a lot of cobblestone I’m at 23 emeralds and I’m at 24 levels nice yeah and I’m now going to put a composter down why do we have so much cobblestone I don’t need that much I mean we could always use it I guess we can make it into bricks

And something yeah I want to mine oh actually there’s already stairs there was another moneymaking sword I guess I just keep cutting down trees and I can come back I can use my new pickaxe I have 23 um things um emeralds so I just need a few more Nice [ __ ] I forgot to unmute I’m going to remute and I’m back hello no I have I got different Jaffer cakes ooh jaff cakes mhm did you know once I had a jaff cake and almost died really that doesn’t surprise me at all the yeah the gooey yeah you know you

Know I wonder how many people comment down below if you have no idea what jaff cake is okay I’m really curious how big that percentile is I want to see if anyone actually comments on this video yo we got we got visitor we got visited by school skeleton and emper Z

Yeah it’s the gang we got our gang together no we just have a gang it’s just my dream completed I know how people to roam around the streets with terrorizing I mean helping old ladies across the road cough cough this is a honky tree don’t tell tell anyone I describ the tree as

Hunky I’ll tell everyone I’ll tell Brandy oh please don’t they’re going to no I don’t want many people to find out wait why did I say find out like I have something to hide wait a minute maybe I should just delete the stream maybe that’s just maybe I should just do that

No maybe I delete this let’s pretend stream 9 never happened or it never existed really you know you know yeah okay what’s up I was sending things to my mom nice I’m just cutting down every other tree um that isn’t a cherry tree can I

Have all of the wa if you don’t need it uh I kind of need it for your pickaxe you know oh that’s fine if you need it I mean not I’m sure not all of it but I I can spare a pretty good amount if I just keep mining how much do you

Need uh I just need to make a bunch of chests so I can fill up these stairs oh yeah I forgot about that for your how your endless Endeavor of chest stair what what inspired this uh I just started making chairs no I just started making yep I just started making things

For no reason did you just I thought it’ be like the old situation where you just SP something like hey I’m going to put this all down for no particular reason no it just happened MH oh yeah my head has never been bigger in the sense that I’ve never had a better

I say better with quotations because uh I’ve never had of such my ego has never been so inflated since I visited my family I was so loved and appreciated back there I am loved and appreciated here but they were just so caring they wouldn’t let me pay

For anything particular let you pay for anything when you were here hm I didn’t let you pay for anything when you were here and that’s why I love you yay yeah my mom particular like anytime I spent I spent my money on myself once on a few snacks and she got

A little bit angry because um imagine having I because I didn’t because I didn’t use her card what did you say I said God imagine having a grandmother who cares wow I know I had a great I met my great grandmother which is not a thing a lot

People can say my great grandmother is dead now I did meet her she was amazing I loved her but she’s dead now so yeah I’m going to start crying we we start talking about this so why cuz I love my great great M and I saw her once a few years ago

Um and apparently when she died I was the last person she remembered I think a that’s but particularly the me where she just she said it the way she said it I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say this I mean it’s it’s my family so U my M my

Grandm my M the daughter of great momar if you if you could compile that in your brain um uh went to go visit her mom and her her mom thought her daughter was the cleaning lady and then started ranting at the cleaning cleaning lady um

Oh my God what I don’t know what just happened but it glitched glitched and there was an Enderman and a thingy and it scared me sorry yeah anyway she she was ranting at her uh cleaning lady about her her grandson this little Spanish boy that comes over for Christmas to then jumps

On her lap and then then she died then I got sad or that’s so sad I know I never thought I would care I’ve never cared about someone’s IM well I did care I do care a wee bit of what people looked at me like but not a huge amount but then like

Knowing that that was the last time she ever saw me which just I I cried so hard in my room I never told anyone about it I did tell people about the story I just never told anyone about the crying are you okay yeah I’m going to need it I’m going to

Need minute I forgot to mute okay I’m back anyway so I have a pretty good memory of my great mamar and my mamar M’s great I love mamar she’s like you she’s aggressively caring like if you don’t let her spoil you then she will she’ll she’ll spoil

You as then she won’t let you pay for anything yourself and it’s so sweet plus I love my cousin C your cousin seems really nice C Yeah my cousin’s my cousin’s great my cousin’s like a sister to me because we just get on that well I thought you didn’t like your sister

Though like our sister not like my sister like we get along we watch the same shows we watch she’s we watch started watching uh Demon Slayer together o exactly imagine watching Demon Slayer over 10y olds how how are you here I’m killing you what I didn’t do anything don’t do anything to me

I’m the favorite person in your head favorite in your head though oh in my head sure yeah I I’m I’m I’m sure I’m up there somewhere yeah you’re up there you’re just not the favorite because that’s bug so that’s fair enough I mean you’ve met bug you know I’ve met

Bug bug who fell over in the middle of the street oh my God I remember yeah she said something which I well I don’t remember what she said but I remember saying that’s a little bit racist and then she looked at me and kind of started she

Just kind of PA her brain kind of paused while her body start kept walking then she kind of stumbled over her yeah that happens a lot God I think did she crash into a sign as well yeah she crashed into a sign and just went flat out oh my God that was great

Um I don’t I’ve never I don’t think I’ve ever flustered someone but I’ve I’ve gotten someone frustrated I that’s yeah frustrated how do I say flustered in the same way I say frustrated frustrated I think that’s just the same way do you think these fetching tables

Are ever going to have a use other than like Village trades h h H I don’t know probably not why I don’t know they just seem kind of pointless other than Village trains okay I got 35 I got 35 emeralds and then is this The Mending

I got a mending book I can now dedicate the rest I’ll put the rest of the sticks in here along with some saplings now bring the rest of the wood out and I’ll turn them I’ll turn into chest right here do you need that I didn’t need

Chest I need all the chests whoops I only I did not leave a lot to be desired I have five chests for that’s okay I’ve got a bunch of chests I’ve got a bunch of w I also have your pickaxe which will have mending on it depending on how much

It will cost because if it costs a lot then I’m just going to put mending on it do you want me to give you my pickaxe your diamond one you already my diamond I want I want my diamond one to have mending on it cuz I think that would

More useful than my yeah I understand that yeah let’s look at this then diamond pickaxe 33 damn 33 levels ooh I’m going to have to grind oh my goodness I’m going to have to uh I do this I can do this I just need to cut down and sell a lot of

Stuff you can get stuff for yourself you don’t need to do that for me I can no get levels for myself no if you can aggressively buy presents for me oh yeah if you would look at your farm from where you are right now uh which one your the one the Sheep one

Uh-huh oh [ __ ] damn it don’t oh well done forgot about the level levels you dumbass fre off the levels I just wanted to get there quick don’t touch my stuff no I’m putting all of your stuff into a chest oh that means you took my experience as well yep

No oh no how much levels do you have hold on let me look at your stream um you have 14ish 16 that’s not bad I’m so stupid I apologize for being this stupid hello I here I didn’t not hello can I have my stuff yeah I’m putting it

All on the test I’m also I’m also very sorry um where’s my hoe I need to re plow your oh I have your I the diamond one yeah I got there we go we have so much that’s my diamond hoe give it back well it was in the chest yeah not your

Chest your chest is the bottom one I know I’m just using it okay I’m sorry my one um uh okay we got that we got that we got that oh that’s your fish too oh thanks I think some of it is anyway I’m giving you half of it mending that’s my pickaxe sword

The oh my God should I just should we just leave the pickaxe and mending book somewhere so we can like oh you can leave them in um the fifth chest up no that’s the that’s your chest this not this one it’s just got stuff in

It so we know the other put it beside the other book no no no then we then we’ll get confused we now if we put it right next week then then we’ll know what’s important okay cuz like if we forget about this and then we just stumble along put it in a different

Chest oh yeah actually um did you take my here H all of this stuff was yours I’m stealing these though what did you steal those seeds my bow oh your bow I’m need to go to the twin to comprehend how stupid why did you do that don’t

Question me I’m going to go to the toilet bye why do you have thorns this boy seriously is a dumbass and I have to deal with this constantly all the time so stressful I will question you however much I want to question you you hear me I will question you that’s fine for

Also why don’t you have a water bucket on you sorry um saying good night to my mom that’s why I’ve just stopped okay I’m back oh of course it’s night time I will protect oh my gosh I don’t have any arrows so uh no okay yeah there’s a creeper over

There I’m going to go Kill The Creeper you’re standing on stairs I can’t box you Al so where are you I thought you said you were going to the toilet why are you on your phone I’ll just have to hit you off the stairs this might hurt it hurt me

I’m trying my best to box you in it’s not going so great you’re so lucky I don’t have dogs there you go this is monstrosity I hate this do I even have any arrows oh I do cool what if I just droned you how mad would you be h he ow hello Jesus

Christ yeah Sor I um I’m not going to I say I’m not going to talk about it anyway um I’m here how what’s the situation Jes Christ um I started lighting up more of the island I mainly around me uh dig your way out I mean like is there is it night is

It it’s dangerous still night time is there creepers uh there shouldn’t be I put enough light that you should be fine I know but they can walk unlike me I canot walk I heard a gasp that’s fine what did you do did you at my stream oh my goodness not to

Um completely undo your um farming thing I don’t think oh never mind this is this is about five minutes earlier come out now I was going to say like I saw you um uh my cat is dry heing what does that mean h furball or he’s going to throw up

What yo dog you good yo he having a time down there you should probably go through him out if he’s going to throw up per have a furball cuz you know don’t want that in your room why I why wouldn’t you want something that disgusting in your

Room you know oh yeah I still don’t have all my I’m so angry I did that to myself it was dumb yeah I thought if I made the jump it would be epic fun times and in some success it was what up TOS you want outside no he keeps driving I’m going to

I’ll be back yep hello I’m back hello my cat is outside nice what am I doing oh my God I’m so I I’m all I’m on the verge of being angry but I like I almost can’t be angry cuz I’m not sure if the stunt was worth

It I don’t think it was worth it you don’t know that I want to help you to get I’m going to get my yeah you’re right you’re right I’m going to get this I want to help you with this Farm just because I feel like doing something easier you

Know sure something simpler than building an empire I mean you’re making an empire of stairs I guess ooh there’s some did you just hit me no no not you um never mind should I go get more wood for the trees I mean for more wood for the staircase yes please how’s the staircase

Going by the way it’s going M I’ve got a lot of chests nice how many oh I saw actually I looked up I’m just going to keep going until I get out by the way so like yeah I’m fine with that it might come out at the

Chicken farm it might come out somewhere so I don’t reckon it’s at the chicken farm the chicken farm is like at the tip at the just don’t go for our NE portal actually if it matched up with our portal that would be kind that would be

So cool except if we we got if it this is like the version where if you just Port then you just get sent to the thing then that would be a little bit annoying yeah we can build around it we can just go around it I mean this solves the storage

Problem we eventually going to have yep like so much room is going to be saved you’re welcome thank you you’re the best best I know oh oh I’m I’m at the top I’m just going to keep going though I’m just going to keep building up where are you like where did you come

Out oh it’s fine I’m not going to hit anything no I’m I’m I’m not worried about that I’m just like where are you I’m curious um in I’m on the island but like not anywhere that needs concerned about so okay I’m fine about I mean this is your St thing so I

Don’t I don’t need to worry about it oh an Enderman just kind of walking around walking around Town doing H know Watson and you know and I say w Wario what keep your hands to yourself my dudes what I’m so confused don’t worry about it what what words are you saying what

Words am I saying I’m saying words are you though am I though I don’t know how about someone figures that out then hmm who wants to try who wants to spend hours of the life trying want to try in life I need you to what do you want to try in life no

Exactly we’re all we’re all green here I don’t know what I’m saying I don’t know what you’re saying either don’t worry about it go on can you what oh never mind sorry I interrupted you no I feel bad no it’s fine I was going to ask you

For something but I don’t actually need you to do anything actually can you go to the bottom of the stairs and grab a bunch of stairs out of the chest and just put more up on it so much damage so much damage so much damage almost di why are you

Taking damage I keep jumping every time I hit the ground why I felt like it I feel I’m in a goofy mood today okay silly goofy mood silly goofy mood I’m just I don’t know I just today I just feel a bit silly silly goofy

I the Spade has just broken so that was perfect oh wow this is like clean yeah I know oh you’re the best thank you um I have a lot of I have 34 logs if you want to make something like a bridge no make them into

Chests okay I mean you don’t need that many oh sure actually I mean I don’t even need to go down there for the crafting table I can just go up here and use this one I really like this Edition I think this is one of my favorite more favorite additions to the the

Landscape which so I should just turn all of this staircase straight up to yeah I can I can make 20 chests you want me to make 20 chests yes it has been done thank you uh I could also if I grabbed a piece of

Stone I make you a shovel I I just got one to wor uh that’s a shovel here I got you a shovel thank you I don’t need itm though oh well if I’m if you’re allowed to accept gifts from me I can you can I don’t thank you yeah you know what I’m

Trying to say okay here was that perfect amount oh why did you make so many you I asked if you wanted to make 20 stairs and you said yes fine I’ll just keep going here it’s the last chest I’ll put this last we never we’ll never have to worry about storage again

Never this is wondrous I got to say this is absolutely cursed so c yeah yeah that’s one way yeah yes also painful I keep damaging myself every time I go down it why that’s dumb cuz I keep jumping that’s dumb are you calling me dumb you know

What would make this so much faster going down uh bubble elator elyra oh my goodness elyra who why did I think of that that should be our next mission just going to the end you just want an elytra I really want an elytra I miss it I could make so many Rockets so

Easily God even if I wanted to take I couldn’t ow I physically couldn’t do that you just guil me guilt me into like please can I have the elytra we could just go on an expedition and find two or you can just take it plus it’s so much faster

Going up this way to go to bed at night time than going all the way around that’s true let’s go to bed be careful I need to make a um a railing there what raing for part of the staircase never mind I found I found

It wait what oh whoa whoops what did you just do I threw an egg it broke it yeah I didn’t know that that could happen how did you make them there we go I didn’t I I don’t know what happened what if we just wait what if we just cover the sides with

Pot right so we just make the staircase of storage of infant storage um it’ll be like okay let me think about let me say this in uh anime terms imagine gojill’s domain expansion but just for Minecraft storage no no damn it I thought that would win me over I thought You’ win you

Over I thought mentioning his name would I mean yeah goo is awesome but he’s also an [ __ ] so he’s a rich [ __ ] and any other kind he’s Rich so he’s a rich [ __ ] he has one then are you sure what he’s Rich he has an ass I see I see

I see the connection there is that not what you’re talking about you confuse me on so many levels what do you mean that made so much sense he’s Rich he hasn’t ass so he has a rich [ __ ] he just is the rich [ __ ] oh that’s um don’t worry about yeah let’s

Say let’s stick with what you said the your one sounds a lot more reasonable am I being judged right now very heavily not very heavily no oh we’ve had an Enderman visitor huh there’s a block placed in the Sheep pen oh if you get a bunch of wood you

Can you can get a bunch of more beds for your villagers oh yeah I forgot the reason why we did this in the first place yeah well you did this in the first I didn’t do anything I just got I kind of brought Woods I guess give you shovels no we

Need more my contrib my contribution was a lot of wood and four shovels well we have over a stack of wool so yo yo I don’t know why I say yo I don’t seem like the person to say yo do I am I I see it like in text message maybe

But like in person I just don’t seem like that person your conversation is always so riveting you’re welcome oh my God I slept for so long today it was amazing ah good sleep wow I I got up at 2: nice I’ve done that yeah not today not particularly today but like I’ve

Done that I think I’m about to lag out no I’m good why did I come here I came here for a reason but I can’t remember why oh yeah I was going to see if there was any cats ah I should probably go I should probably fish relax me a bit more you

Know what what I need you to come over to the Village a bit right now why just right now okay I’m heading I’m heading this is an over sheep I don’t see what’s the problem but you’ll see I’m head I’m heading over I’m heading over at top

Speeds where are you you’re taking too long I’m right here where I’m so I can’t Sprint over water anymore I’m I’m I’m I’m at the villag I’m inside the where did it go I’m inside no you there was there was an adult villager over here okay what did was he wearing oh

There he is he’s not wearing anything I think it was the child that we lost I found it oh oh nice I didn’t really care about the child oh um no no come here okay come here come here come here come come here oh this guy it’s the child that

Lost I thought he I thought he had a job no I just well done I was trying to push it so it wouldn’t be wandering around over here cuz it’s well done yep you’re an idiot why because I was going to put him in the

House but you have now we now we don’t have to worry about that because he’s no longer a a problem okay that’s another ooh an enchantment but piercing free I don’t want that I’m not sure what um oh you took the Le turn what can I get can I take the lecturn back

Please thank you I’ll go get some more paper thank you forn free ooh should I keep this one I would say yes what do you you get to live he’s now called four four that didn’t make sense uh yeah we got to keep them why is

There a random salt salt what sand cuz I didn’t want it in my inventory okay we put it next to the beach I’m going to go to your Island I’m I’m just labeling this your Islands right here wait come Pi everything you okay come on everything you’ve made is on

Everything on the island you’ve basically made so I’m just going to say this is Queeny B’s Island cool I’ll start From The Far Side cool have fun okay oh there’s bamboo over there H not too interested though we could get a panda Farm just for the hell of

It yeah but then they check out take off space check up space by existing in the chunks that we’re in meaning less stuff would spawn so our time would be slower Oops why don’t I break it and you collect them you just don’t want to go in the water to collect them it’s

Annoying uh okay yeah sure I can collect Them oops so wait other than your oh I can’t really bring this up on stream what were you going to say I say other than your sister who’s your who’s some of your best friends uh you and Brandy and fern oh yes oh Fern yeah that’s the one in the

Group chat yeah that we posted sponge that I made SpongeBob memes of uh with my face on his never mind I don’t know why I did that it was a great use of time though right sure yeah cool I mean I’m open to keeping the go I’ll start making this into this is

Not paper this is sugar did you just make a bunch of sugar no I make 99 sugar imagine that guys I need to get into the crafting table thank loud crafting table don’t require like more than one at a time you know mhm okay who are we just this guy I’m

Okay to be to be clear Thorn’s free are be sure about this yeah okay okay I bought all okay and here is the leftover paper I’ll put this sugar cane like outside I guess just why not well I leveled up your other one so oh thank you

O I think I leveled it up anyway now we have oh no that’s not good there we go efficienc efficiency one that’s not great but we have borns free so that’s pretty efficiency want yeah that’s not good no we can get that where where’s the effici see one

I’m coming from uh it’s the night can you not see the enchantments no oh um that sucks um wait come here come here come here look at my stream look at my stream mhm okay you see my stream yeah you see your left THM thing hold on I scroll it

Slowly over the book and I can see it yeah but it doesn’t let me get to that bit before the book disappears so yeah that’s why I do it slowly oh no I see what you mean now yeah what what was what was happening I was trying to go to the one

That was like in the enchant like like you I don’t know I just was doing it wrong ah okay ooh carrots um this guy sells H do you want me to level up the Smith or buy a bunch of axes that we don’t bought a bunch of bread so now I have 60

Bread but now he can buy pumpkins and eventually he’ll be able to buy lemons I can ooh that guy is selling um oh [ __ ] what’s it called glow stone uh I mean uh we can use it as a light we can use it as a la light source uh lapis

Yeah I know about lapis we can buy eyes of vender from him if he levels up what did you say what did you say we can buy not eyes ofender um ender pearls oh yeah yeah yeah they usually do that that’s pretty good um not that we o apples yeah uh I’m

Going to get the pumpkin bunch of apples because I like apples you know what you should do wait we have a bunch of gold I’m using the gold I’m stealing all the gold no we don’t we do not have that much gold to spare I’m stealing the gold

Okay I can’t I’m not really going to fight you can I get uh okay sure what do you need the hole nothing nothing I was just going to I going to get more pumpkins oh we don’t actually have any gold oh no we do have gold it’s fine I found it aha

You have prevailed I can get three more golden apples which I have and now we have four golden apples all together nice no we have six golden apples and a Um God Apple don’t use the god Apple no I know I’m not using it I’m just saying that we have them okay good uh I put down a lot of things down carrot Farm sticks do you want sticks that’s why I mine wood all the time that’s why half the forest is

Basically chares by now I going look in the food chest see if I was collecting the lemons and the pumpkins at all I have a view here oh there’s a golden apple in the food chest that you didn’t take oh cool put it in the um oh whoops I fell off never

Mind don’t worry I can go back up what do you want need it for but no I was just going to say put it in the um chest with all the other things mhm it’s in the chest with lots of other things oh my gosh uh there we go where’s the food guy

There a farmer will try and get more paper now you can buy lemons from me now we can buy cookies from him oh no my sugar can’s loaded yet I’ll just I’m going to cut down this tree what cat oh never mind I’m just being hysterical now why do I have eight

Apples oh yeah because I was um I was using the hoe in the trees nice I’mma leave some of the emeralds there’s three emeralds in this chest you want me to go can I should I go fishing or should I go wood cutting I go wood cutting okay which guy is it this

Guy is it this guy do you have another Diamond hoe on you that I can use uhhuh and that you probably will not get back uh I want it back I mean we can buy more it will be in considerably worse condition than when you gave it to me

Where are you I’m cutting down trees by the the right of the orphanage right of the orphanage I’ll help you where did you want a Hole uh so I can cut down these logs sometimes the logs get stuck in the uh in the in the leaves

Plus we mine the leaves we have a chance of getting apples and why not I have so many apples we don’t need more apples we need more apples we need to keep those damn doctors away are we just making a bunch oh I’m making a bunch of sticks uh yep cool

Hold on hold I’m closing my door oh oh yeah my my plug started sparking at me again oh my God except it wasn’t yellow it was white interesting enough I’m not sure that’s worse or better I’m pretty sure that’s electrical Sparks hey do we s the sticks to again

Uh the guy fletchinger table guy guy with feather on his head that’s how I that’s how I identify yellow guy yeah what did you say yellow guy he’s got yellow clothes on he’s the yellow guy oh I just identify him through his feather he’s the feather guy it’s really into

Feathers that’s all the personality I gave him in my head ooh I got cookies did you spend the emeralds on cookies I spent my emeralds on cookies okay I also they’re pretty good I also leveled up the farmer so we can now sell them melons as well oh we could

Already send them sell them melons oh then I didn’t I didn’t level no you did good well done you got cookies well done give yourself a p i got 36 cookies uh so you bought it twice so you spent six emeralds that’s not too much I also bought a bunch of bread so

Can I can I get your uh are we just going to keep cutting trees not like we couldn’t use the wood after the chest Escapade you know I’m just breeding some some villagers what did you just say I’m breeding the villagers okay I forgot that’s not weird here oh the pumpkins why how

No what who are you the tool Smith yeah is in the boat oh destroy the boat then with the cat Okay destroy the boat then like you you don’t have to hit yeah you don’t have to hit him I’m just saying I didn’t mean to hit

Him back on your Island there you stop trying to go in the water he wants to explore we don’t need no more no more damn columbuses can I get uh oh never mind I have a hoe you gave me one thank you ow what I fell oh yeah I thought you

Were objecting to the the way I set up the pumpkin and lemon part I thought a piece of my armor had broken and I got really sad for a second but it hadn’t ah well uh let’s see can you go on your your your um by the way you have

Do you have how many subscribers I think you got a subscriber today yeah I think Z subscribed yo Z thank you oh I have two likes nice did you like it I swear you had I swear you had three what three subscribers yeah no no three

Likes but yeah I did I did like the video nice it was an entertaining watch seeing you bury me in wood and I was trying I didn’t have any blocks no that’s don’t worry it Lally made out of wood and didn’t burn me to death you know it

Was tempting I know we should head back yeah to the orphanage if you want to sell the wood I can give you a bunch of the woods we got another baby no baby we got another baby you got me hooked on saying B Now by it really it’s like really fun to say

Though yeah plus it’s adorable when there’s a baby that’s not when I say it like that baby bab I don’t know how to say you just stick to say oh I meant to eat oh I I’ll sleep should I give them more I mean I have lots of bread in my inventory so

I’m just going to Chuck some bread around I’m getting them in the mood o I could get a crossbow do you want a crossbow uh no cool also they’re kind of doing the thing doing the thing again that’s happening to you way too many times also they need a

Profession like we need to give them something to do we could probably make I want to go get the um your cats in the water or what I assume to be your cat is it the white one it’s the kind of ones yeah I don’t have um I don’t have that one

Yet I haven’t captured him yet oh there’s a new one it’s a little black and white cat oh by black and white do you mean oh for for some reason when you said black and white I imagined him with uh blue in white eyes why are they staring at me what’s

Staring at you the babies yeah do you want a cookie do you want cookie no my cook you want attent you want attention I won’t give it to you oh my God I have so much stuff in my inventory ow what I don’t know I’m cutting trees oh a creeper oh whoops that

Happened what did I just what did I do that for I don’t know what I felt like I was just I feeled like a character that broke the fourth wall in like a sic like what did I just say that you sounded like sips oh yeah can we get sticks from

These from what um from leaves no from mro rots um I have no idea how those things work no we can’t unless if we can we do that no so many apples the throw up the doct D for some reason I feel like huh are you know to

Eat that too that’s very very optional there’s a 40 60% chance I’ll eat them there’s so many cherry trees oh my God is that a bad thing no it’s just funny we’ve just annihilated an acacia biome into a tree it’s great you know what annoys me about

Cutting down trees then if you forget one if you forget about one of the uh the logs that they’ll just be floing leaves and you won’t notice for the longest time I have so many sticks now nice we should get another Fletcher so we can sell the double the amount well I

Mean we have a bunch of babies going around so yeah but we need like we have a bunch of babies we need to FL oh no oops what I it’s on the X right now so we want what do you mean what’s on the what the flet

Guy I traded a bunch of things too many yeah don’t worry that means good that means good profit ooh I updated the farmer we can I buy Cake nice let’s see the last trade does it golden carrot nice would you like some cake oh my God

There’s a tiny orange cat I want it I want I don’t have any real fish though then kill some fish just by going and killing fish oh there’s a trident guy ooh he is no dead he didn’t drop any damn you hear a click of damage like he’s nearby so many

Babes I blame you you dropped a bunch of why where are the fish there’s no fish oh there’s a fish okay o I got a bone I got some bones nice I got a bone to pick of you I got no bones to pick with here I

Got bones I just don’t got n with you I don’t I don’t know I’m thinking of an accent now there’s a baby ginger cat yeah I know that’s why I said oh my God there’s a baby ginger cat I want it and it escaped the orphanage CU a child let it

Out F this empathy in this new area I have two fish currently I want to make this a double chest you don’t need to make any more chests I meant for inside the orphanage yeah I can’t sell to him anymore so I’m just going to turn these

All into sticks sorry no problem that’s not a problem no problem it just means I we have more to spare for later meaning we have to do less later oh I have to turn these into sticks uh oh my God I have a tiny baby cat he

Loves me nice I need I need a name tag now all of the villagers are staring at you I their God I am the Messiah bow to me stop Fe no wait no I’m your Messiah come back stop feeding the stop feeding the the help

Oops I have a bunch of look how many sticks I’m about to put in this chest how many holy [ __ ] I’m not done okay I’m done there’s so many children yeah we have no jobs for them either we need to make jobs um I’m going to go up and make a

Job or should I fish I want to make jobs and then I can fish I love this bubble elevator thank you is pretty damn snazzy you know nothing scares me more cuz I see the Soul Sand propelling water people up the water as like people screaming so hard in the Soul Sand that

It propels people and then and then thinking about think about this in real life imagine actual elevators like you’re being brought like a mock mock free down water and then at the very bottom you have to get out the door otherwise your feet will burn that sounds

Metal if I didn’t say it so slowly you oh why is there a guy here you okay watch up yes nothing I wasn’t a signal ooh hold on if I do this we need to head back you I’m already up here so okay I will I’m going to try and get the cat

One more time and then I’m going to head up one two 3 four five where did it go there it is I have made a blast furnace meaning if we get put it down there yes all right mhm we’ll get uh we’ll get a

Guy I’m not quite sure what the guy is I think he’s a mining guy oh you can put the other things too what um there’s Loom I mean yeah I’ll put a loom down there as well cuz I and then we can sell our stuff or

Profit cuz you know how much I love profit I’m a money grubbing profit guy you know I I just love me some money so there’s no more space for us to sleep down here now because of all of the babies I’m not even down there I’m

Just up here no I know but I need to come all the way back up h i mean you just force one out the bed nah oh plus we have a bell so we can like force people to go back come I have two more cats now I swear we I swear we

Have another Um a potion Brew thing around here there was two yeah I oh okay I found one I found one cuz if we go down there and we start make like melt making a lot glass then he’ll eventually take our glass bottles oh nice for emeralds which is

Like actually um can you when you’re up there can you make me something uh huh a cartography table a a map table I’ve got one already ooh can you put that in like the Villager vicinity we’re going to start making jobs for them I’m pretty sure there’s multiple because I gave you

One and there was already one there so oh oh like the no there’s none here not down there oh when I was coming back from the village like with the Villager I gave you a bunch of stuff what happened to it all I don’t remember cuz there was one of the stone

Cars there is a I I put it in chests or something yeah know but like where are they sorry I spent so long getting all of that I think it’s in I think I put it in the chest but they’re not in any of the chests H I definitely put it in the

Chest so it’s either I’m a liar or I forgot I might have forgotten oh wait no I found the stone cut I’m not Li I I I’m just really forgetful I already maxed out the uh Fletcher today got some six 16 sweet old diamonds nice there’s another cat oh there’s too

Many cats I can’t keep up stop with the cats there’s too many cats can you sit any of the cats I’m going to go fishing I want to fish cuz you know what fishing sooes the soul plus like every time I go in the orphanage I keep I keep throwing bread

Up the the people oh you did put a now anyone now um the the mat people uhhuh um they will do the same as the potion people but they will just accept glass panes ooh which is the th type of glass not the block type glass you

Know and uh yeah that would be really good we can just delete this uh this desert this this beach or a different Beach we have a desert nearby so you know that little section on the way to the desert that we had to go around I would like to get rid

Of that because that I would just like to go through it you know did you have that thought as well no sorry I put a bell D and rang it nice and they all ran it was really funny shanting hear cats are coming after you oh that’ll just be

Milo no wa you did not name him Milo I’m naming him Milo oh you named him Milo oh no I meant like you named name but you didn’t name him [ __ ] sake you didn’t staple him with the name Milo but you named him Milo his name is Milo how long has it

Been uh over a year over a year that’s mad I felt like three months ago you’ve told me about them please stop going through traumatic flashbacks please no it’s part of who I am stop that please you’re making me sad that I brought it up might just getting in the way I might

Hit him I need to sit him down sit him down like the real mile cuz you know you had massive success with that you know having a cat on every having one cat on every significant part of our base would be really good since you know how they’re how they scare away

Like creepers and I swear there was another thing they scared off as well it’s not cats that scare off creepers it’s ocelots oh wait I think it’s Phantoms as well but I swear I didn’t don’t cat also scare away I don’t think so I thought

They did hold on let me oh my God there’s so many yo we got an armorer armor oh armor so deals with coal that is unfortunate yep cuz we have no coal I did buy a new helmet okay why not I guess wait do we have

Two no thank God I thought we had two for a second I was like we can’t do that mil guard these people with your life all nine of all nine nine of them you will protect everyone oh nice oh there’s a spider over there o just out in the water I’m going

To get it I’m get I’m going to get him we can get name tags for 20 emeralds from one of the Librarians now I’m not sure how I feel about that I guess we get named whenever we want but we’ll just have to work whenever we want them I just want BSA

Here right in front of my eyes that’s cool um let’s see this guy that’s the wrong guy um are you the guy that’s the wrong guy there’s so many oh there’s so many people children children we need to box them off we need to never mind I can’t say that word

On you know exactly what I was going to say I actually really don’t GES with a Ness no I really don’t oh I’m not saying it damn it come here coming I have oh I did not mean to buy that what did I just buy I bought I don’t buy anything okay that’s

Good what’s up I have something to give you me yeah oh the experience I thank you for this wait did you just steal my experience suspicious stew oh do I drink this now if here some cats I mean okay let’s see what this does that looks

Bad what did it do it’s good and bad what is it um okay it gave me night vision ooh but only for 3 seconds oh that sucks mhm so like for a moment if we wanted like thanks for trying to poison me by the way you’re welcome don’t think don’t

Think you yeah do you have a shovel like an iron one yeah I got all the cats got like a sh um I have a stone one want to dig it thank you I can I can use that thank you I got all the cats now thank well done

It’s so funny it’s so funny oh my God we’ve got autographer which deals with paper first of all so can you uh yeah but look at the thing below him at level two oh we also have a Shepherd oh yeah he deals with wool yep

I have so much wool hold on I’ll go grab it if you made a wool form like like just to like an AFK wall form I don’t know how to make an AFK W form we could just look it up I could I’ll not tonight though no

Not tonight cuz I feel like I would have to deal with redstone and I can’t be bothered with that right now you might be correct you have another shovel that I could borrow no could I see you’re going up to the island could you no I’m going

I’m going to the I’ll get one in a minute hold on I’m getting all my wool all of it okay yeah all the W that I’ve already thing made so I can trade with him a bunch cuz I have over a stack so fair enough imagine if I just find a random

Like buried treasure oh I did not mean to hit that sheep I’m just using I’m using the torch technique where it’s just yeah you know what it is I’m trying to not explain myself too much also if I ever make an AFK Farm it will probably be a mob farm not a mob

Farm a experience Farm oh oh yeah yeah yeah cuz there’s so much less work get I mean if you sell the wool you get experience and if you get infinite wool you get infinite yeah that’s experience like go to bed okay stealing the bed of a child get out get out of

Here okay what did you need sorry uh shovel iron one sure yeah could you put like a basic enchantment or something on it uh just like just from the the enchanting table sure thank you I’m just going to stick these two together well it’s only two so that’ll be fine

Okay I’ll get paper for the calligrapher afterwards yeah come here who where’s here o oh you’re supposed to be sitting down well thank you efficiency 2 as well nice wait who am I looking for not you you I believe yeah oh I can get shears ooh I leveled them up nice level

Three let’s look at the enchant uh you can buy a bunch of carpets I guess then we can ooh we have flowers we so we sell orange diee really it’s for animals that’s like the that’s like super I’ve never seen that before so that could be like a good money maker

Yeah wait a minute is this why are they all looking at me like that it’s kind of creepy you have bread in your inventory they know you have in their inventory they know oh I can get a clock I don’t want a clock good there’s a wondering uh

Villager outside on the back kill kill you have the bow uh I don’t have any arrows oh I’ll kill we need to make a do oh there Dophin do you want some bricks bricks so I can level up the stone Mason uh do you have any use for

Bricks um get I mean not really not really no not really oh wait we have two um clerics now nice we’ll need to get rotten flesh again I keep getting spit upon I say good sir h I have dispatched them all of them and the shovel is half dead you good

Mhm oh I remember now before the stream I got myself a glass of water cuz I was thirsty didn’t drink it you didn’t drink it’s like I keep forgetting something but I’m too first to remember it basically yeah the shovel you gave me it is almost broken

Cool almost been streaming for 3 hours it wasn’t my shovel it was just two shovels in a box oh thank you anyway um do we have any wood I I know we have wood can I burn it in the one of them is unhappy so oh it’s unhappy because the child is jumping

About I’d be unhappy if I had a child as well we need to get one of the oh no we have one of them what are they called is you it is you I’m trying to trade to the same guy oh damn it don’t worry I’m just about to out sell

Them there if you want 25 emeralds here you go thank you I thank you um H oh my gosh I’m trying to get to the chest there we go um Stone yes I do actually can I have some all it’s Cobblestone oh that’s fine I wonder if there is there a job

For furnace I don’t remember did you put a blast furnace Stone uh I did but it didn’t work for sand but we have the blast Fus the blast fist is the armor armor uh yeah but it doesn’t cook sand which I need it to do what yeah I know cuz it’s

Not I mean if you think about it if you think about it kind of if you think about it think about it I can get a Thorns 3 bck right now or oh I you could get a for B I need I need two more two more emeralds

To get a mending book hold on I can I think I can I think I might just be a the IDI one whoops [ __ ] what are you doing I’m trying to get into the where do they place that thank you damn it what are you doing I’m just going to unclick okay um

I’m making more melons so I can sell them to the guy where’s the [ __ ] guy there you are um you want to see a cool trick I have one emeralds I need one more that’s a sick trick um I also make some glass so that’ll be

Fun that would that would be wait do do I need to buy him out a little bit more H we need to get some paper first before we can sell h I’m trying to get emeralds I don’t want to buy things I’m going to go get more paper uh thanks I’m going to

Fish cuz it cuz it keep it keeps the demons away I keep thinking my cat’s next to me but now I just have a really crawling suspicion there’s a four-legged creature watching me from the corner of my room puffer fish nice didn’t want it yeah we we have enough pufferfish we

Don’t need our life ones I don’t even know what to do with I think maybe there’s a fisherman yeah if you we get the barrel there’s a fisherman I’m not sure if he buys them off you maybe yeah if we make a barrel but I’m fishing right now so oh what

Level are you you’re at 22 you’re at don’t go jumping off cliffs like I did I’m at level 13 myself nice 13 or 30 13 cool not even I can go to zero to 30 that quickly do you want to know something really fun yes last time

I was at this level I was in the Nether and I died oh I remember that video I was also at level 30 I Went Done little eight it’s not like those levels would have lasted long anyway I know but at least the experience points are burning in

Hell I wish I got experience from um sugar cane cuz then I would I mean get a lot more I mean you kind of are but less I know what you mean like just straight up sugarcan yeah they don’t allow they don’t allow uh inovative thought

I’m hearing meow so I’m thinking the K the the vill the kid villagers are just kind of I don’t know what are they doing what do they how I don’t know why am I speaking I don’t know are you good do you believe me if I said yes I mean yeah

A are you good this is how I fooled you in Among Us sorry I want to play werewolf with you just to see how fast you lose respect for me why would I lose respect for you I literally made a video I literally me betrayed I recorded me

Betraying you I edited it for hours and then I posted that for entertainment why would I not respect you so where will is basically among us but a card game uhhuh so you you you’re right beside the people when you’re playing it mhm oh I’ve seen the like the movie version of

That where like they yeah I’ve seen that I don’t remember exactly how how it’s played but I remember what the premises it’s really fun yeah I want to you really think you do that well I’m really good at werewolf I’m really good at lying to my friends I’m not I’m really bad at

It except that one instance which I will never let die I just hope you know that that was useful you woke up the guy and he just to steal from nice I what did I just got to level 15 you just stole all the things I was asleep stop stealing all my

Things do you think we keep waking up the same villager they’ll eventually like stop trading with you just because they haven’t got any sleep maybe who was I going to trade with um which librarian was it is it you do we want is this the thorn yep wait what’s

That that is efficiency one that’s kind of [ __ ] mending I can get another mending book should I get it uh yeah you should get another mending book mending books are good we have another mending book nice I’m going to see what this suspicious D does to

Me uh it’s usually the same uh yep night vision yeah he’ll sell he’ll sell you one type of night uh suspicious too so it’s not that too much too suspicious anymore oh I made so much glass for no reason I haven’t did you upgrade him by

The way who uh for uh guy which guy monacle guy that’s how I intensify him which one’s the mon guy the guy you’re supposed to sell paper to oh the mon guy well no because I can’t click on him oh sorry I because I traded the paper with the wrong guy I’m a

Dumbass I just wanted emeralds so I could get I canot confirm or deny this don’t worry about it um what if I just you all good my friends mhm um the child grew up oh it does not have a job we we need to give them a job become a

YouTuber well can we make him um Let me let me think um uh make him into another Fletcher so I’ll go find gravel right M and I’ll cuz we need Flint we need Flint for that we need two flint and do we want to make him into or should we get another Le

Turn I mean get a different kind of book uh I guess maybe I mean is there any enchantment that you want right now uh no not particularly but we can just see what he’s offering that’s fair oh my God we have a lot of gravel I’m an idiot H I started if you

Look up our Islands why are you like this I forgot to bring a shovel there’s shovels in the chat I bit too late for that now wait are you up there why are you up there do you have a water bucket on you um just break it with your hand and deal

With it I have the you’re a big I have the uh I have the ocean I guess I got one Flint my guy is this one good uhhuh mhm did you create a bunch of glass uh yeah I did did you upgrade them um I’m trying to I need to make planes I

Think planes yeah I think it’s ples of glass planes yeah yeah I have a bunch of glass planes on me how do you make them you just uh you just put them in a row of six so three on top three in the middle

I know I got it I got it okay sorry no you’re fine I got out 46 I only got three we still need to upgrade them yeah the paper needs to grow the sugar can needs to grow faster I forgot this Memorial we had for turtle are you are you trying to figure

Out which one’s Turtle no I know who turtle is okay good you better know who turtle is he was the best of all of us I could make a sugar farm at some point too so that it just pushes it out so we have it right next we could have it like right

In rows right next to uh the thing right next to the orphanage so we don’t have to you know what no I mean the ones that just manually uh like break it so that we don’t have to go around every time uh we got another SI guy mon guy what do you

Got I got some I got four I now have 12 I have 12 sugar cane bless me bless you I’m just going to use it on this one sugar C that I put planted outside why CU why not I mean we wanted sugarcane right mhm now we got a little more

Sugarcane you found bone meal I had bone meal I killed some fish what what you said was I have some sugar cane I’ll put it on the sugar cane did I was so confused I was like why we don’t need a sug super tall one sorry I was it’s fine I’m just really

Confused brain uh brain brain brained brain brained I understand it’s fine I planted everything every single piece of sugar cane we have not we have but can you English for me no can you English for two no I can’t English for one I can’t wait to play B Escape too

Two two two can’t wait to play Boulders gate 2 with you Boulders Gate 3 yeah balers gate three I just keep thinking about it I just can’t wait you know for the endless amount of content I for the the first stream I did I went for 7 hours with

Like no struggle was that immersive I only spent the first 30 minutes on customer characterization cuz I I already had an idea of what I want to do I wanted to be uh oh you didn’t know my D it was it was Diego he was a

Dragon born but he was when I was in at high school for some reason I thought edgy was cool so I made him a humanoid Dragonoid so I wasn’t quite ready for like the full Dragonoid dragon born Dragonoid what did I just start saying dragonoids yep oh I meant Dragon B so I

Just went for the full thing and it was quite cool but I made the barbar him a barbarian and I made him wrong cuz I want to to one instead of strength being his main thing I wanted him to be a tanky uh Barbarian right mhm so it was

Going to be but I forgot which thing was uh dexterity without checking oh I’m about to die I’m about to die why where are you nothing I got a trident cool I’m amazing I am God and so I made a barbarian with um dexterity because I’m smart because I’m so smart you know

Mhm how many saplings of Cherrywood tree do I have I have 55 I got Trident which in pretty good shape I got to say why is there more i h i feel like there’s an extra bed I feel like there two extra beds we don’t even have enough jobs for

Them we don’t even have enough resources to sell to all why is there a random Cherry because IED there of a mistake you did the same thing I did stuck myself in God stop oh my goodness they’re they they’re showing affection towards me what are they doing this for they

Doing this to torture me we got Turtle stuck in the hole in the circle what there’s a turtle he’s in the circle oh and our one of our villagers are outside in the Cherry thing okay there you go get it get you you need to push them back onto the island

Or else they don’t go in also everyone else is sleeping oh B why didn’t I just think of that that wakes them all up for some reason the Lo the Real Time Life logic like of ringing a bell next to a bunch of sleeping people didn’t quite

Click you know I’m going to mute for a couple minutes cuz I’m going to do my jilling go minute okay just tell me if you can hear me uh Sure oh this thing has mending on it as well I forgot I should probably do my dualing tonight as well I’ll do it after they get back so I can do it so I I’m not just leaving no one here you you know no commentators there we

Go I have a bunch of clay I want to see if I can sell that which one’s this clay guy you this clay guy you are the clay guy oh I got the clay guy um now we if we we can just sell normal stone at him nice wait heing

Uh yeah I can go get normal Stone I swear we have normal Stone up there do you have any sugar cane down here okay um I don’t see none so I’m not going to sell some I have bone meal though o bone meal uh I swear we had like a stack or

Something around here hello I’m back oh Christ hello hello hello I’m trying to um find some bones in the chest so we can get bone meal so we can grow them faster I almost jumped off the edge I almost shattered the glass with my my I think I know where there’s some

Bones I got some I got 10 so I turn these all on the bone me that turn three so I get 30 30d I got a dirty frdy nice what for sugar cane yep nice I was going to I never mind what I was going to make a dirty fry those my ideal

Relationship what I don’t know I don’t don’t I uh I was going to make a never mind I don’t even know what kind of joke it is I don’t know what the punch line was I apologize you’re fine one of them deals in rotten flesh right

Yep I have three rotten flesh on me nice I just sold the I upgraded the uh clay guy the stone cutter guy with a lot of clay I found just in the in the water so I just like does any of them trade with gunpowder uh I do not believe so not the

Ones we have oh wait why didn’t I I’m an idiot what’s up we have a guy if we give him 10 gravel and an emerald he’ll give us 10 flints okay oh you did you s me all the emeralds no I didn’t do that like I could no I

Didn’t do that either I just like I just spent a bit more time than I I wanted you know do you need more Flint I do I want do you do you need more Flint I can bring more gravel down I mean no no no no not thank you are you

Sure yes cool not this very moment I need to turn this into the uh paper that’s why paper paper guy you’re the paper guy I’m the paper guy I just need I need one more I need six more paper I need yeah I just need six more paper so that’s okay I have

That get over here baby get out of the I want to name one of them little baby so when they grow into an adult it won’t make sense anymore wait one of them trades in hooks right hooks what do you mean let me look at

The your let me look at your uh yeah but only it at a time so I just kind of if I check all the chests we might have exactly eight all bring your normal Stone no Cobble Stone bring the normal Stone as well do we have normal Stone I swear I

Started cooking bu just because gave us experience oh one of them deals in scoot as well scoot hold on let me turn around I think I know which one you’re on about um what up my guys to you too um yeah but he hasn’t been upgraded

Enough that’s fine I can still bring it down yeah as soon I mean yeah as soon as we upgrade the the last guy then we can we can spend the emeralds on that guy to upgrade him cuz you know big big brain that would be seven Dam okay if you yeah I

Just see you over the I’m want to fish while I wait do you have paper I do have paper yes can I grab the paper please you needed exactly six right yeah it want to give me like 17 oh my God is how it feels have someone tell do

Exactly what you want them to do this is crazy okay we’ve upgraded him enough nice I’m now upgraded in level level four already who uh glass guy oh he now doesn’t sett with glass anymore you dumbass what I got so much glass from him come here come here me then I took

All of the glass and made it into planes okay that’s good then we have more for later thank you also here is that which oh thank you who’s the guy that deals with ro flesh oh he’s the purple guy one of the two purple guys thank you for the stone by the way

Oh I can’t do it anymore you’re welcome oh I don’t want to BR flesh in my inventory just put it in the chest over there I did which one deals with ink uh ink let me look around that might also be the purple guy we got dy over

Here oh there’s one of theal scoot one of the good guys can sell in uh this guy sells five for an emerald the other guy sells five for Emerald so yeah cool I’m at level 19 I’m at level 22 we can now buy things for I got 32

Emeralds if you you have a book on you by chance which book I have a single book yes you have a single singular book yes mhm can I obtain that singular book which one should I wake you up from I now have a mending book Haz

Nice huzzah what am I I don’t know what am I on today also I have a picture I need to show you okay don’t forget to do your jillena oh yeah uh do you mind if I do it now no you don’t great no not at all there’s another child he’s now a

Master uh cartographer by the way we can buy a banner pattern o but most importantly uh he’s raised his prices from 11 to 19 oh and I’m now level 20 H life do you have anything else to bur I guess I can can you hit me with a a weapon that’s not your

Bow thank you cuz hunger I’m explaining this to the the camera okay hunger uh is taken away when you regenerate so what the more I regenerate the more hungry I’ll feel so I can eat the suspicious stew so I can burn the bowl that’s the

Only reason they last two to hit me I have wood on me oh that also am I about I just burnt the the bowl thank you actually I’m going to turn I’m going to take that wood you just you just put in and I’m going to turn them into

Sticks which I can turn into ladders which is the most efficient thing for fuel you know you know you know I got a trident for You I mean h cool that’s cool yeah you’re just like I’m a totally normal person about trid totally normal Trident to be fair don’t tell me they’re not super cool I’m going to go get more paper you didn’t deny it if we make another leg turn we should get a Riptide

Book so we can both get Riptide so it’s faster than the boats uh that’s true because we live somewhere where it’s constantly raining and we’re beside the sea conly but remember we also have a lot of pets which this could easily kill in like seconds H cuz if we run into

Them it’s an attack that just happens to move us really fast fast yeah I know but like if we’re not doing it on the island then we’re fine I know but we we can we can become complacent if we’re not careful what did I leave here to do um I don’t

Know but please I’m so slow I don’t like being slow I have nothing to say about that if you can hear my teeth chattering struggling not to say the really mean comment that I’m about to say no what were you going to say tell me no I don’t

Want to say it why because it might get me demonetized just text it to me then uh won’t be no now I imagine I don’t really want to I now thank you though I you just remind me what I need to do I need to grab some andesite

Because for some reason some guy wants andesite gross yeah like I mean we can get rid Stone guy yeah he’s a weird he’s an odd duckling I’ll do relate I don’t know why though I hope Z’s okay they said they were going to be back and then they did

They yeah they might have just gone to sleep possibly noral normal people people yes not like us we’re so normal people wish they were as normal as us you know not normal we are so beyond not normal I’m now just grabbing the gravel I’m getting more sugar cane nice Mr

Cluck You clucking duck what are you up to he not duck she schmuck what I don’t know don’t question myte okay I got no Forte to speak of that’s the only quote I can I can say from South Park the only thing especially since it’s related to Cartman I don’t like

Cartman I know I’m I’m supposed to not like Cartman so I’m not really gu never watched South Park before the joke is that Cartman is such an e despicable bastard that you’re supposed to not like him okay but I don’t I just generally don’t like him so I’m I’m kind of missing the

Joke really where’s the electri guy there you are yes who has 8 Flint why so I can sell it back to him cuz he also Buy Flint fair enough mainly okay I ended up with less I ended up with less both gravel uh and flint and emeralds but I got more experience

Oh this guy buys quartz the stone guy he buys like raw quartz oo I’m not going to the nether so tough luck oh I could make another turtle shell helmet o I’m not going to but I could nice where’s monacle guy are you monacle guy you

Are you what level are you at um 23 I’m at 21 nice nice nice nice nice indeed that’s a really bad deal a diamond for an emerald uh no if you look at the ex like you see that gray bar it’s just a way so you can get it quickly by sacrificing

Something valuable it’s not really meant to be like a like a real trade like like no I know I’m just saying it’s terrible anyway oh yeah I agree with you it’s absolutely dog water ooh I could get a name tag I’m going to get a name tag sweet I can’t

Sleep the nights they keep me up I’m going to go name a cat it’s raining again nice there if I had if I had another shovel um I’m going to go get another shovel I I’m going to try and see what my the enchantment I can get on this

Reptide cuz I don’t want to just stick on with mending first you know okay where’s Milo what up clock and clock Junior what what a couple of quacks see it’s not funny because it’s cuz they don’t quack do you even know what quacks mean I don’t know I thought

There was the sound that um snake oh for some reason I found that really funny I need to get level 30 do you think I can make it level 30 I think I’m going make it low 30 um I need iron yes I’ll take two please don’t tell me I need to gra

Wood come on don’t tell me I sold all of it we sold all of it okay I’m going to go get some wood and then I’m going to make uh shovel two shovels okay I just found enough wood right here do you see me m I took a little bit of this random

Dock I’ve now made one shovel I’ve now made two shovels I’m now a man with many shovels I am a man with two shovels the sugar cane Farm just went up a lot of it just went up by one by the yep yep yep yep yep yep

Yep what if you just encouraged like what if you like like captured a lot of people and forced them to do work but then you just like encourag them by do saying yip yip that’s why you only cap this is why I plan to only capture Avatar fans oh I found another brewing

Stand oh not found Yeah in our chests oh yeah that’s what you mean for second I was like wait where are you I’m everywhere and nowhere all at once what do you need stone for I found more Stone uh you can sell smooth just regular Stone to um cool to the guy yeah

For an emerald 20 stone per so did you say there was one that was um dealing with quartz yeah uh I if we upgrade that same guy enough uh he’ll so quartz is actually the next level cool so we could just burn a couple emeralds and you know I’ve got I

Just found a bunch of quartz so you know we don’t need to go to the nether for it I also found a bunch more glass nice wait why why do we have a bunch more glass because I was using it for the thingies and I just didn’t

Thingies yeah for the yeah he you know you know I mean yeah the bubble elevator M do you have any more Flint uh there’s a there’s like two down here um there’s some gravel over here that we can probably turn into Flint with like an emerald they spawned another orange cat nice um

Want a different cat though don’t you o that was handy what oh he yeah I’m just just getting a bunch of arrows back that’s why I said it was handy and brewing stand put you down over here why is there people in the way oh yeah we put them here there we go

Okay I’m just outside paper dele who wants some paper not you uh monocle guy monocle guy no no I’m I’m giving it to the other librarian oh okay and then you said there was one with who was dealing with quartz uh Stone guy he’s probably standing on his buzz saw for some reason

Why does the stone guy have a buzz saw no idea I just realized that like that makes no sense he’s dealing with pieces of stone and I can’t give it to him yet uh just go you see that yeah just buy use your emeralds yeah just use your emeralds and upgrade

Them to the max to the next level please okay good now I should be able to sell you quartz I have blocks of quartz so I don’t want blocks of quartz I need the other one uh can you make them to raw quartz I don’t think you can yeah you

Just break them you can just break them then how did you get them in your inventory okay really go because I made them into oh maybe smelt them because I turned them into I’ll just deal with the um Glass Guy first because I found a bunch of more

Glass yeah Glass Guy go where’s the glass guy who’s the Glass Guy Monaco Monaco where are you is that you no oh I can get more arrows from you though um monacle where are you there you are ooh oh no it’s more expensive now yeah that’s my

Fault uh yeah it should be some more in the furnace did I say that already uh no so imagine the experience we get from mining quartz and then selling the quartz and if we get a forun about this going to the nether I don’t want to think about that exactly I see your

Dilemma I see the Dilemma what are your thoughts of me deleting the beach what do you mean just deleting it deleting the beach oh I traded with him too much oh no no no it it’s just it’s not like if you trade of them any less it’s

Going to save anything it just means you’ve done the max amount of thing per day I know you yeah yeah you know sorry will this work or will it not we shall see we will ponder the quandry oh no I just made a smooth quartz block I don’t

Want that I mean the more you know how do I turn this into quartz maybe the stone breaker what what am I doing just turned it into slabs you’re experimenting that’s good it’s good to see someone still experimenting with Minecraft instead of just looking everything up you’re an

Innovator and and I said the I the the ey let work that wasn’t idiot so remember when you say idiot I say innovator who’s the rotten flesh guy uh purple robe oh I don’t have probably his potion guy I don’t have enough there might be some in the chest

No I take it all oh okay I have so many arrows now nice that means you have a lot more oh no you have a lot more arrows um hey we’ve always been friends right youve never you would never betray me no of course not of course not I need

Sticks sticks coming right up that’s what that’s for friends are for you know you know I’m afraid for my life why uh you have the power power to deter countries in your hand you you’re basically doing you’re basically unconsciously and constantly doing the I am Iron Man

Moment I am the person with the power of ey bow I got lots of logs lots of logs of wood you know cuz that’s what you need are you seeing this I’m not going to mention that I’m not going to mention that cuz I’m strong and I already had five six in my

Inventory God damn it can you get in can you get in the photo this is going to be my thumbnail yeah get in there get in there no no like get on the no hello there hello thumbnail saved oh he now sells them for 47 per piece oh that’s

Funny oh we need to go mining you know can I have some sticks please oh you give me some thank you oh no here’s some more no I didn’t need that many I only had one Flint anyway so D here I don’t need more sticks D you need all of this

You need all of them all of them you reckon we have you reckon we have a mining stash or do you want to call it and do it next time no I could um I just my one of my pickaxes is about to break and the other one has silk touch on it

So um I mean we mine together I can just mine the the ores and then my other one is the diamond one so yeah which needs mending on it before I can do anything else so yeah just mine normally with a s touch and then just

Then when you get to nowh just have a spare iron pickaxe okay yeah yeah yeah are we going to the new hello are we going to the um New mine I am stuck the one that we made uh yeah sure I also want to make a spare pickaxe

Oh yes right can you make me a spare one uh sure thank you you took all my wood though what why did more like I gave you all your oh just there’s a crafting table there just I I know I need to grab the iron oh me either

Okay there we go please make it okay good what are we mining for uh coal mainly I mean anything else really but like coal mainly so we want to stay at a high level cool you remember where the yeah I’m already here good wow you’re Already done we have so much Stone oh yeah and an and an aite and Lapis and Flint oh P cells were cooking you know how I was like oh I like only have my bow but I don’t have any arrows you know you have like how many hours do you have like a

Stack I have four four and a bit Stacks oh so I was not close yo this is good we’ll come back for this um here’s the here’s the wood oh thank you for the wood I’ll take the I’ll take the wood you take Theon I’ll way uh thank you um can you actually

Also make another chest so we can put more stuff in it yeah sure there we go I got speci pickaxe thank you I yeah oops whoops no no no don’t put it in there okay that was going to annoy me for too long um I’m just going to put a bunch of

Stuff in here I forgot if I had I’m going to come back for I forgot I name my shield it Jake I put mending on that my shield you know yeah same I like my Shields so yeah oh I for you had that I got 26 bread and I got

Some I got little reason to come out so did I give you both the pickaxes no I didn’t okay let’s go this way where oh yeah let’s go you said to keep to a high level so yeah that’s fair enough we’re just going to have a an abundance of

Stone though that’s fine oh that’s even you have silk touch that’s even better because we can sell this directly to him instead of wasting cooking it oh my God we’re so smart we’re still so do you have Tores yeah uh I don’t I only have like half a stack though I’ll give you

More uh I have a I have a little B oh thank you I have a little bit of a oh never mind oh ah sorry sorry I’m I want my I want my thing back there’s a coal right above us right over there oh nice I’ll get it yeah I have so touch

So careful there might be oh plus the experience oh I forgot the joys of just mining hey thanks is there anything else up here yep yeah you just keep going Co I find more coal oh nice I forgot what it was like to mine with a normal pickaxe again it’s so

Slow this is why you have me in your world so I can upgrade all your stuff infinitely I asked my cousin who do you would think would win in a fight you or me what did she say uh you because she thought it was funny I real life for Minecraft

Well okay real life no offense sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry no offense real life I really don’t want to say this I really don’t want to say this see the thing is oh I hate I hate okay let’s just go the other direction so you’re about to say who do

You think you would win in real life I just have to look slightly sad and then you’ll stop okay in that reality then absolutely well let’s assume we’re in a uh we’re both wanting to murate murate I I don’t let’s say I killed your real life being you killed

My my cat or something like that why would I kill him I love to I don’t know that’s why this is why it was such a shock cuz the people you trust most right I got my it’s about to die so okay o that was cave sounds did you hear

That I did not hear the cave sounds but is that clay above us o possibly there’s also washer though so I where are we so we’re right close to the surface yeah we’re very oh where that’s where we are why you can you come back down yeah

It it’s we’re literally just back back at the start though basically uh so let’s go back and keep mining um so real so go on real life who do you think we need to mine this direction or or we just mine that we need to mine this direction because this

Is away from the sea okay so conversation continuing now it depends oopsie depends yeah go it depends on what well there’s things to take into account so there’s I’m not having a diabetic attack at this moment go I could have an asthma attack though oh that’s true let’s assume our medical

Conditions don’t come into a factor here cuz most fight most like people fighting is usually like it could last long but sometimes it just doesn’t okay then you have to factor in the fact that fighting you would make me sad you think that you think it’d be easy the other way

Around also I would 100% be I’m a guy doesn’t mean I want to beat up my friends also false so false really why because I just have even if you can say because even if you say your legs are better than mine I just have the overall I have the size I

Have the experience I have the actual physical attributes and to be fair to being I mean if this is you have a sword then I’m just straight I’m not fighting you I’m just giving up I’m like on my knees hand behind my back you’d be committing war crimes you never said it wasn’t

A weapons fight you just said a fight so that is a fair thing what have I pulled out a gun do you have a gun do you know how to use a gun I know how to use a gun Point shoot there’s a lot more than that you

Have to take in the point of the draw back and remember if the safety’s on or off if it’s loaded correctly it jams all that kind of stuff I was I meant in the fifth fight but you you bring up the sword was a very good point cool

Yeah there’s a lot of coal here nice so yeah um that argument is done I guess I guess you pull out sword and I’m not going to be unrealistic and say I’m just going to catch it cuz that’s a [ __ ] swords like that’s going to hurt man catching

It or not that thing’s going to hurt like a hell it not being sharper does not really matter because no it’s a metal it’s a still you still swing a very very real metal thing at me sharp or not oh yeah I meant in Minecraft and you

Just kind of broke oh and aite we can sell this plus there might be call about I actually oh I don’t want that I have Oh I thought I was picking up andesite oh cool I meant in Minecraft if you and I had to fight in Minecraft me no no

Why I’m not counting any of the stuff that I gave you cuz giving you the stuff I gave you you went easy but taking away all taking away all the stuff that I’ve made for you particularly then is it isn’t it then even if I you say that like I wouldn’t make it

Myself did you just did I you make a good bow but I wouldn’t but well I’m mining coal but you wouldn’t be able to have like the devastating you like super powerful bow that you that you usually have why do you not think I made that

For you yeah but like and you’ve never talked about making one or finding one yourself except maybe one or two times yeah but I you wouldn’t be able to do it as fast as I would and plus you don’t know how much prep time we have if

There is any you never said there wasn’t prep time that’s true that’s true that’s very true good point to being taken in I think you’re underestimating me too much you and your you and you and your present form like if we just had to fight with

The stuff that the best stuff we we own uh then you would win because you have good stuff you’re good at you’re good at using them better but if I had like my Trident at that point or any of the other stuff I I make for other people for

Myself then it’s kind of weird cuz I kind of coexist with you you know what I mean because I make you stronger and you help me become get stuff to become stronger so it’s like it’s weird it’s like pointless fighting together yeah it’s it’s almost it’s almost a null question now I think

About it you know what I mean mhm I think it would be us versus someone else us Moss dies bug dies dead dead lineup dead cuz I you cuz you were much more explor than I am but I I have good like I’m a ble to make like the base for like

I make all the food like like a big supply of food really early on or make like good stuff but you’re also good at the other half of the stuff I’m not good at you know what I mean mm very hello there’s a lot of gravel here sick I don’t have a shovel

I could just use the yeah though I do think you’re very good but the say we both have like iron stuff like I think I think we’ve fought enough that I win at least like I need you to come here really quickly right now where are you five times look at

This what is stand next to it face me face face me stand next to it I’m this is the thumbnail right there oh yeah hold on let me take off my shield oh I’ll take off my shield Now look up it looks like I’m sacrificing you cuz you’re surrounded by torches a

C I’m so confused though cuz like what yeah this happens sometimes I don’t know why or how I to do it but it just happens oh I I heard weird cave sounds I think this is enough gravel yeah I’m just mining the end site because cheap unwanted blocks for emeralds they suddenly become

Wanted there’s a lot of and size o coal o coal nice o more coal nice same coal but you know okay we’ve got what we’ve hit Sandstone do you you don’t think we’ hit the the beach did we maybe I I don’t think we’ve been mining for that long

Though you never know you never know plus we got to be careful for the like normal sound yeah we climbing up or we just going to keep going no just keep going yeah okay yeah I keep going yeah back to Stone so no oh back to Sandstone are you climbing

Up huh you can climb up to see I’m not no no no no I’m not climing up I’m just uh check I’m just seeing if it’s our beach but it seems a bit too deep for it plus there’s water beneath it so flawed oh thank you honestly if we if we

Had to be put against like bug and mossy I think we destroy them oh yeah 100% 100% we’re just too good at coexisting for them to even have a chance oh my God are you kidding I mean we saw Sandstone so water isn’t far where

Are I guess we go back a wee bit and just like oh no and just going to just slightly go right or something where are you going I just want to see how far I can go you know what where are we I have no idea oh no look you see

That cave you see that cave oh yeah that’s the one where we went with the boat exactly so we should probably since we hit the desert we’re probably just going to keep running into sand and water so we should probably turn somewhere yeah let’s um before the sand so here sure plus I

Can mine some more on this nope there’s just more Watcher here though oh yeah I said it the way I told my cousin that I’d win was I I I instantly got off like a violent flashback cuz I got a headache as soon

As I said this um I said I’d win in the same way Gojo told Yuji that he’d win and then I remember stuff that I can’t say we’ve done it again surrounded by water so I got a I got fraud allegations to I think we should go back because

It’s night time and we don’t know how many nights we’ve been here true we should have brought the clock or something that this was a how much coal do you have I got a stack and half I got um just over a stack and a half

Nice so we got three in total do we want to sell this or do we want to use this for cooking I think we should use it for cooking cuz we get a lot more out of it this is our way oh yeah we stopped this is also the wrong way

Uh this goes up I’m almost level you’re at 26 oo what level did I need to be to add the Ming to the cool almost there then is there any coal in oh we have some coal in here as well o is that just a oh no it’s

A mine oh don’t want the dirt I don’t want this I don’t want that keep you I’ll keep you I don’t want you we’ll take the lapis any more andesite coal I’ll I’ll mine the coal there did you accidentally forget to use switch pickaxes yeah that’s fine that’s fine oh

There’s paper here o okay we can just leave the the dirt the copper you know do you have room for seven gravel or uh yes yeah a bit room what should I get there’s 28 gravel got it cool should we head back do we want to yeah yeah

Sure let’s do this and I took the coal from that chest as well so I now got more yeah I got um yeah I said um I said I’d win got a headache and then the 20099 Spider-Man says you’ve alternated the the timeline this is not a true

Event or whatever he says what does he say it’s not canon yeah this isn’t a Canon event so apparently I’m destined to lose yeah even though we won’t uh my cousin say we should fight just so I could so she the only reason she gave was so she could see me

Lose so she has a lot of faith in you o the growing nicely I’m really sorry we don’t actually allow people to like someone asking the worlds yeah both experiences with it so sorry yeah straight up no so much and theight I’m selling to this guy he must be so happy cuz someone

Actually found some um why why do you have so much it’s like oh don’t worry about it orange terracotta we can now buy blocks of quartz I guess if we want to decorate get some Flint that’s fun I guess um sell more Flint back that’s fun that’s fun

Um all 1 emeralds um oh I have more andesite here oh andesite uh give it to me give it to me do you have any more gravel uh gravel yes can I have it thank you imagine they just ate up and started breeding like whoa they are weird in

Here I just think it’d be funny if they start eating gravel anyone else no no um who’s the stone guy uh over here black apron in the corner over here ah this’s is child also in the corner just kind of watching you pass in the dark oh I should probably get out of

Here sorry I just took so much xp stop stealing my XP it’s hack says Hey can get can I join can I join sorry yeah no that’s not happening I forgot I’m on your chat instead of my own so I could have just looked at it look left right

Okay do you have any do you have any more wait where are you you’re here you got you got um six subscribers now oh nice yeah usually the people that ask to join your world or the ones that are being super creepy I just asked them to

Subscribe at least for my troubles and they like can okay can I have some sticks just a single stick a single stick you can get four cool do you have any Flint I have two thank you I have more arrows now nice how much arrows are you buying are you getting Decay

Arrows ooh no I didn’t think about that where is the Decay guy who’s the Decay guy sugar rocki where are you no okay who is the de you um got I got good I got to look bad well I have 25 Decay arrows sad what I have to got 25 Decay

Arrows I got to look good I got to look bad I got to look really really damn sad that’s pretty that’s a good amount that’s going to hurt as well that takes like three hearts plus the burning so let’s say that’s two and then just the

There the power of your shot which is like oh like eight so you could one shot me indefinitely until I get who trades with coal cuz I you do I’m just going to uh trade a bunch of it cuz I have a lot this guy over here this guy armor guy

Goggles on his head remind me you of D the guy that I’m talking to also does oh wait let’s see this oh no that’s not the guy that’s a different guy that’s a tool oh the toolsmith I guess I’m thinking we should probably get a different toolsmith because a

Toolsmith oh no an armor guy an armor guy can give you weapons and armor so if you he gives you I think he gives you armor and weapons well the other guy SS you like all the tools what do you want tools or armor uh yeah get the armor

Guy cool oh we can get we can sell buckets of iron we can get shields wait let’s see of lava even can I see H uh ooh wow that’s a pretty good plus we have access to the never so we can build a s safe seclude the staircase

Down to Lava we have a basically one to one though it’s going to be a pain when we get to this stage cuz we’re just going to have to get a lot of lava buckets otherwise we’re going to have to either give it five emeralds or one

Diamonds so that’s going to be a pain yeah or we can just keep selling him iron which will upgrade him or we can just get a bunch of iron yeah and then yeah okay am I oppressive no I don’t think so why okay I think these villagers would disagree but thank you

Wait who’s the stone guy oh no I don’t have enough Stone uh give it to me I have I have a stone I also have some gravel left over and some coal thank you wait who sells clay uh black APR or um he he you sell clay to him yeah I’ve got

Seven uh no you have to be 10 I think there’s one in the chest as well but that won’t be enough I left The Mending book in there as well cuz I didn’t want to take a in case we died I’m level 25 and a half nice I’m level

28 I am at 34 emeralds sweet sick sick sick sick sick oh 32 hold on I think I can straight up no not you it’s becoming it’s coming night again let’s sleep hold on I’m just getting some melon and pumpkins and things nice I have now 35 o I’m going to

Put this into the furnace it’s so funny seeing them sleep one second and then I seem as I ring the bell it’s like they all stand at attention you should probably get to sleep before a creeper sneaks up on you I’ll be there in two seconds okay and two shakes of a lamb’s

Tail we’ve been going for 4 hours nice I’ll probably come off soon fair enough we’ve been going for 4 hours I think this has been a pretty good stream we got me being sillier than usual we got you being awesome on all fronts thank you

Um and yeah oh yeah here I’m not quite sure what to do can you grab this turn around I’m not quite sure what to do with all this so you have fun thanks um what am I going to do I guess I can go around getting the sugar

Cane I got some from around the base orphanage yeah yeah yeah I saw that on your stream good job oh my tools are getting a bit low is that my axe good job axe being awesome who do you want me to upgrade um armor guy I think

Okay wait which one’s armor guy uh got DTM this goles guy ah the armorer yeah the r guy I’m just going to buy a bunch of chain boots we never have to use them but it will upgrade them yeah I wonder is the jukebot still playing the music it is it is they’ve

Been dancing for 2 weeks do you think they want to kill us yet ooh Diamond trousers wait what was it where’ you go h d diamond leggings oh let me go on your stream this sounds good hover over them please I they don’t have a thing yet I’m just

Going to oh you can’t go over them yet oh is that the next level oh no I didn’t mean to throw that away where did it go sleep how are you sleeping oh I’m I’m two minutes behind sorry where did he go there you are me not you cool he’s almost to level

Four nice nice nice let’s see ooh those Diamond pants we could use some Diamond pants just for even if the enchantments are pretty [ __ ] Diamond pants are just good you know I don’t know what the enchantments are yet yeah but it’s just Diamond pants right and we don’t really

Have diamonds on call so we just need more would just be good yeah we need like 12 no we need like a couple more emeralds and then we can check yeah I’m just grabbing the sugar cane nice I’m like almost done with the your Island but it’s going to be less than

Usual cuz it’s not all fully grown yet but mostly grown um ooh turns out the sugar cane the way to collect sugar cane it’s just slow and steady then it doesn’t like uh the day almost done what oh the sun the sky good I found more stuff to trade nice

What did you get what he’s trading I found more um rotten flesh nice want a piece of that am I right guys am I right and more andite so who’s the anite guy um black apron I like how we don’t I don’t I don’t know their names I’m just like

Descriptions vague vague descriptions oh the other black APR guy yeah we have another one yeah there’s two oh there must be the tools guy oh wait not black apron guy that’s a stone guy no for the flashh not Stone oh no stone that’s a purple Rob guy potions guy I’m coming

Back I have about three and a half stacks on me of what of sugar can nice okay who’s the undersight guy black apron are you sure yep not to SM I don’t have enough I only have 10 I need 20 yeah you need like 20 I’m here though so I want to make

That into paper get purple guy not you not you wait oh yes this guy photographer uh glass guy yeah that’s what yeah thank you mon guy monacle guy yeah you’re right you’re right great experience no you’re at 29 nice uh here’s I got nine more uh

Emeralds o what do you need them for again to upgrade the guy right um yeah who armor uh armor he’s uh goggles goggles there he is cuz I really want pants I really need an upgrade to my defense I just see you pumping out Shields oh they’re Pro projectile protection how

Handy am I right am I right can I can I get them can I can I can I I mean it’s it’s not a great enchantment no but like 21 Emerald Still diam Still Diamond pants right 21 emeralds oh fck how many amals do you have uh

Three in total oh my God you have so many arrows why do you need that many arrows because I use them for everything yeah you never really see that much mon Glass Guy mon um Glass Guy monol good job oh there’s no sand that’s weird there’s no sand in the furnaces I’ve got

10 now no no I took all for glass oh you should put some back in I didn’t know we had more yeah sorry uh it’s in the chest here take them I got some glass I got some more glass so why you saying take them oh emeralds nice thank you uh

Emeralds guy emeralds Guy where I mean not emeralds all Emer of this guy I’m level 26 now and you’re level 29 almost 30 see look how much experience doing this is it’s very good it’s so good isn’t it yeah so so good other than the random items that we might have to

Burn um I guess I’ll go chop some Woods nice yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz Diamond pants oh boy o I’ve just big upgrad oh but it’s only July Flint d right gravel rotten flesh trip wire hooks oh the mine yeah I forgot about the another piece of

Clay um I don’t need that for right this second I think it’s about to be night say um bones I don’t need this I can’t work under these conditions I don’t need this I it no uh yeah may as well I’m going to start breeding the turtles again what because they give us

Call back to episode one cuz we need scoot cuz one of them deals with scoot so may as well oh breeding turtles have Circle we’ve come for circle on breathing Turtles I remember um do you know that the YouTuber Luke the notable no he does a a famous 100 days

And he’s gone on Hardcore Minecraft and he’s gone to like 4,000 days um and he does a bunch of other 100 days challenges nice but um what I’m trying to take away is he said breeding Turtles is like super annoying and then here we are just like oh God breeding

Turtles are the best they the best thing let’s do it for another 3 hours it’s so peaceful it’s so peaceful I like how you’re oh they’re all stuck in fences are you seeing this have you looked at my stream they’re all stuck in fences so I

Can’t why do you do this to me Turtles I’m going to need to un no don’t breed fizzy okay I mean yeah fine sure I mean you do remember they these are parkour Turtles they’re like ninjas I know that was unrelated to the N Ninja Tur wait

Shoot shoot Sho Sho shoot uh can get rid of that yeah yeah you’re looking for shoot no get back in there okay not you he’s trying to I got I got so scared for second like where where am I supposed to be going where is my feather hat

Guy feather hat guy are you my head feather hat guy yes you are okay oh so much experience a so good I’m checking my leg a lot can you hear that what can you hear like for like a vibration nope okay good I’ll Che my check on them again in a

Minute oh hold on stay still I don’t stay still there’s a pill tric guy in the middle of the water on a mist ow you have so many arrows as well oh no I’ve got bad Omen I started a raid oh no oh no you started a raid [ __ ] where are they I

Forgot we can’t just kill pillagers anymore I’m blocking in the uh but like where where are they oh they’re they’re just on that island I can’t hit them I don’t have an an arrow I’ll do the front line I guess I can’t jump on these they’re stairs climb

Them these are so easy for you to kill I forgot how powerful you are oh there’s another one hm we got another raid I know where are they coming from I’ll collect this stuff because yummy just don’t die I’ll do my best over there over there give me can you give me

Directions where I’m shooting ah yes that way I’ll Supply you with more arrows that they drop don’t get too close I’m giving you more ARS from back oh so don’t be careful oh that might be a totem guy nope it’s not I’ll go closer to distract their

Fire I might hit you though my aim is not that good there’s a a Pillager guy kill that guy in the distance you can summon Vex oh he should drop uh a totem I think no he’s one of the a another Viller okay this is why you have this is

Why you collected so many arrows yep cuz things like this happen you were so right and I was so from over here uh I want to get close to the villagers to make sure where oh I’m I’m joining you in the fight I’m joining the fight stand back

Stand back stand back get run run away I’m damaging them with their on Don’t Shoot Me please I’ll do my best my god oh there’s one more is that it done no there’s more how is there more cuz there’s always more have you never done one of these before not fully

No not my own I mean not ever actually I have a crossbow now so at least I can I also have a crossbow actually there’s a very powerful crossbow up oh it’s this direction somewhere yeah over there there’s a witch there’s a bunch of witches I ran out of

Arrow can I get some hold on yeah here just drop a few thank you I got him there’s another one these go on forever I mean at least we’re in water like like we’re surrounded by water so we got lot a lot of strategic yeah I got another book I killed one already

Nice the villag oh there’s another guy oh you know after this oh get back get on the building get on the roof get on the roof get on the roof behind you get on the roof behind you yeah now I’m going to block this up now they

Can’t get to us but we can I’m going to shoot the guy behind them oh no oh [ __ ] shoot him oh he’s dead there’s more there’s a Vex no we’re so good at this mainly you but I’m also shooting them so we won yeah we did it we did it and

We got hero of the the thing oh wait that you got the totem you got the totem I me so much xp now I’m at 30 I’m at 28 yo I thought my quick strategic stairs really L as the advantage in the battle why am I dying I don’t know don’t die because

Your your hero of the day will probably get rid of wow I can’t believe we just destroyed it now wa this is the why I need this is why I need uh a good bow so we can a really good crossbow up there if you

Want it I don’t take that do you want me to go grab it for you yes please do you think I can bring down the yo our villager trades are going to be so good go do some trades then yeah man I think my stairs really brought us

The victory in that batt yeah they were very helpful you’re welcome is that sarcasm no they were very helpful yes oh I said it was a really good boat has piercing on it that’s that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine I got two books from that encounter one with efficiency free

Piercing free and Quick Charge one dumb protect and the other one has protect protection four and sharpness 4 so these are two really pretty good uhoh they’re waking up how do I knock them out do you have wood no oh my God I’m going to have to get some

Uh because I need uh we need to get another chest yeah if I combine this book with that crossbow you said just said then I’m I’m going have a pretty good crossbone I’m just going to that wait who um Stone guy is one oo hero of the village yeah they it

Comes with pretty handy perks I say perks I it’s mean I mean perk by perk I mean they’re going to give us a Parker the car yes I don’t know what real Park is that a zombie I don’t think so oh a Dr it’s a Dr somewhere is ooh oh D

Um I got a saddle oh my God what D oh that’s really good I saw got so many I have a stack of Decay Arrow I have a stack and a half of Decay arrows Decay hours that’s pretty nifty right there I’m going to go get some sugar

Cane I want to take off my enchanted stuff cuz it’s almost all broken so I’m just going to put on some normal stuff yo that that was hold on I got someone okay I’m back hello I was asked to be a little more quieter just because they’re going to bed that’s fair

Uh we got 51 emeralds from that nice holy crap and we got Saddles we got two Saddles that’s pretty good there’s also a SLE in the water if you want to I just I don’t have enough space in my inventory to keep it right now uh I’ll I’ll sure I’ll keep that

Somewhere uh can I get that um crossbow you talked about oh yeah I have it in my inventory hold on yeah your go it’s in the water oh water water I don’t see it oh there it is piercing five that’s pretty good four piercing four I’m going to go enchant this sucker

Okay and we got another saddle right here not so you can have this sharp pess um Shar four book I’m sure if you give me your axe I can probably put it on that H you know if you give me your Axe and probably put for sharpness four on that

Ooh I already have sharpness 5 uh what oh my a I already have sh um you have nothing that’s I have nothing not you I thought you say I have nothing like whoa I was talking to one of the guys you have nothing okay okay so I now have piercing and Quick Charge

One ooh the sticks are on a deal it’s 23 instead of 32 gu go treeing treeing that’s a activity I made up made up an activity oh it lasts for half an hour that’s great yep real time let’s go ooh we can sell coal for cheaper too

M this might be the time to upgrade o and the oh and we can get chest plate when he’s leveled up the projectile protection leggings are 15 emeralds right now I can buy that now I can buy that now get one get one get one

I’ll get I’ll get it let me just enchant this I’m going get I’m going to go get a bunch of wood okay I got pretty good I got a pretty nifty crossbow it’s not as good as a regular bow but you know what it comes in it comes in handy and a

Pinch how’s it feel we’re heroes we’re heroes this is really weird after all we’ve done I didn’t think this is where uh there’s wood above us so you might want to get that clearing out there got three things of logs above you o if I get those pant I also want a

Pairz I’ll get you a pair no it’s fine I will get myself a pair I got you a pair I already got you one did you get yourself a pair yeah I got myself a pair what do you think I am charity case let’s go cuz I really like these this armor

Set but it is about halfway done so yeah here I mean we can hang up on that I don’t have any inventory space um uh give me some stuff I got a few bits stick stick man stick man oh yeah look here left we have a big uh we have

A big thing over here big double chest o cool who’s the stick man not you stick Stickman where is stick Stickman feather on head I found him here wait a minute is that 32 to 35 what do you mean oh oh never mind because we keep selling him so much

Where is he he’s only he’s only increased by a little but who and where oh there the yeah that guy in there cool that was pretty nifty that was oh mending books are 21 and name tags are 14 mhm glass ooh hold on oh I have some glass oh yes there’s

Some glass in the chest as well this guy is going to be loaded with glass I had just enough to do one don’t worry I got I got some I have a couple more pieces if you need I want the XP oh I’m at 31 I can almost get my good pickaxe back

Oh I just put the emeralds in the infurnace when I put mending on my pickaxe will it automatically get more health or will I just okay you have to collect it with experience no you you won’t get that experience it’ll just go straight to your pickaxe if you’re holding it cool

You have a lot of Decay arrows yeah you’re very scary thank you I also have a lot of regular arrows can I have some I gave you a bunch already I know I’m I’ll take the the normal ones you take the Decay ones you know you know

You know never mind I have 62 already so uh I’m going to go outside and cut some more wood while I still have the chance so I still have a pretty maybe I’ll put mending on my crossbow you know make it last a while it’ll be pretty neat crossbow

B wait who’s the stick guy again I know I just asked you this featherhead feather featherhead thank you cool neat neat neat nice nice neat neat nice I’ll go get more um sugar cane too nice this hole I got to say it’s pretty been pretty handy

It’s about to turn uh sun down I know Sun did I just say Sundown what is with me I heard a weird sound it’s like aliens are approaching what is this sound could it be me breaking sugar uh it’s not you should breaking sugarcane I can tell you that do you

Think it could be another guy who wanting to start a raid he doesn’t start raids by sounding off weird sounds like that I wish he no but that would be much more ominous you’re not mining are you no okay good so it’s not it’s not a w it’s not

A a warden yeah that would have been awful didn’t want to deal with that imagine just a warden walking around like hey guys I’m up here now what are you going to do about it shoot you from AF far that’s what we’re going to do yeah even though it would take probably

All of our arrows all of your arrows you have Decay not even all of the arrows you have Decay yeah and it would probably take all of the arrows oh these are now 23 damn okay you you maybe possibly no [ __ ] that’s a librarian that I’m supposed to be talking to uh

Yeah I need a single piece of paper uh there’s four chest see this is now you see why I do this all the time the the game okay I have 32 I need half like just over half a level oh you need like half a level I mean you could

Kill me if you could which you can but you don’t want to because you’re nice how about this I’ll buy some bread from this guy and you come here and stand in front of him okay I’ll buy more I can also buy some oh yeah I forgot about [Applause]

That did it work you’re 32 uh almost yeah know oh my God there’s so much oh fine I can get I can get I can buy more I got 40 something oops I can buy more okay yeah here’s some uh I I’m just going to drop the bread

Because I know they can just eat it up oops well I’m on exactly 33 and I’ve run out so uh he won’t he won’t trade anymore um here’s a mending book then storage chest of the stairs in the storage yeah I’m going to keep trying to exploit this 24 minute

Left I mean once I’ve got the book I’m going to do more trading so that I can get it up cuz that would be very helpful sorry I know why you’re laughing I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean um I’m not I’m

Not you are exact yeah exactly why I’m laughing ooh oh I spended uh some I spend some I spended some on this fetcher and um Fletcher Fletcher right and uh oh I did spend I got like one two I got like eight more crossbows now but he’s now selling uh Unbreaking free

Power Punch two no power two punch one so if I get two of these imagine but you that that’s a your thing o and he’s also offering a different uh type of Arrow is pink tip this time I hope it’s not a healing one cuz you hitting me with a healing arrow is

Kind of really counterproductive cool I’ve got mending on my pickaxe now oh let’s see this oh can I see this I’m going to go grab the other mending book because I’ve just why because it’s just down here and yeah that’s the mening Oh The Mending down there okay

Yeah cuz I had a mening book up here I thought you were using it like no I had another one I had two others um yeah on oh [ __ ] what are they called Shields the shields yeah it’s only It Only Takes Two it only takes two levels to put mending on them

True I’m at level 20 I know I just want to get un breaking with them as well that’s smart yeah so like I know basically nigh unbreakable with mending on it anyway but like imagine it with ending on it it’d be pretty good am I right why if I just get an enchanting

Book and just hello hello cuz I want this it Jake it Jake to survive um mending not mending Unbreaking we have a weird amount of TNT even for us not for us no your TNT is great your TNT can stay I’m just looking for no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

Book I guess I’m now just looking for up there is a drowned going after a villager kill him kill him kill him so dead it’s okay I got him I fell off cuz I was watching your stream that got me stressed it got me stressed

Too I saw it going after it cuz the Villager went in the water should we fences up it went in the no it went in the boat brick fences up and we just put like oh okay um we could just put nether brick fences up

And then just put wool on top so we just jump in and out whenever we want it also would be good to put up things for like raids as well maybe maybe who sells coal um goggles guy not sells coal he does anyone trade coal yeah that one I’m one piece

Short the one piece I’m just I’m stealing all the coal from the chests I’m stealing some of the coal from the chests not all of it fa enough oo I got an I got I got I got some news o I almost I might have some news hold

On I just need to double check what was your news you won’t believe who has their Trident Trident back with mending on it oo yes my power is returning to me the Arts now make Sense uh I still want to see if I can get Unbreaking because Unbreaking with this thing would be pretty good actually do I have a a trident wh I’m breaking I’m breaking one I’m breaking one I’m breaking two combine those two together I have 11 levels so let’s hope who is the flesh

Guy rotten flesh uh purple world oh I don’t have enough yes did you get an Unbreaking no I mean yes but look at my Trident it’s beautiful it’s beautiful it’s in green health and it’s going to be like that for ages I have my tri I’m so

Excited I have impaling two meaning I can do more damage to things in the water or like sea creatures or something I don’t know Unbreaking two loyalty free meaning it will head back to me the fastest like Forest hammer like a click of my fingers and then we got mending

One so it can stay like that forever I’m so excited um but I don’t have I have like two levels left so I can’t get anything else so my shield has to wait a littleit longer um no I don’t not Gotti on it d

Um yo this is so good so good I’m so happy I’m I’m grinning ear to ear I’m grinning ear to ear ear to less less ear I’m going to get these pumpkins and melons there’s one thing about uh about the setup that I don’t really like it’s the

Setting Farms right because if we’re setting them on an island then we have to set them pretty far from our like spawn point mhm little annoying but like aesthetically this is pretty good I got my Trident bag I’m so happy I am the god of the sea once

Again once no I will be the god SE when I get my Riptide Titan back so I can dual wields I’m gonna work up to making myself a reptide trident nice which is why I think we should make uh where am I oh there’s BS in there we

Can make another villager with a aert turn AER turn there’s so many tridents uh yeah I was collecting them enchanting them then I for some reason I think they removed the thing that de enchants the thing so like I can’t de none of them have riti on them no they

There’s the de enchantment thing still but you need to find it in a village instead of making one oh that’s sucks oh I based my whole thing around that but anyway that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine I guess uh no where’s the farmer there you are

Now they’re all going to bed I think my I think my uh hero the village is about to run no it’s 14 minutes this set this is a weird setup I have it’s not the usual I got Trident and a crossbow this is never I’ve never done this

Before strange but in a good way like me can you let to sleep please sorry yeah I was cooking some cestone and um I’m I’m going to let me do it in the Anvil yeah uh we might have to make a new Anvil St cuz it looks pretty cracked it does I’m going

To put Ming on my shield nice not that like you don’t use your bow first chance you get anyway it’s so cool yes so cool isn’t it I almost died that would not have been fun I’ve still got my Pillager Shields so okay I bought four more of the same

Pens nice look look at it more at it let’s see o that’s a shiny Shield do you want to see mine mhm look at this look at this you see this you see the um you see that our house over there oh Island nice oh I missed it’s so

Good oh I know I’m going to go see if I can I’m going to cut down some trees and then I’m going to try and enchant these pants together so I can make at least a semi decent pair of like proe projectile protection also I spent a lot of money

On that one villagers so we can get close to the chest plate I’m so confused what oh no you didn’t what I bought empty maps by mistake oh no I mean those can have those can have their useless I can’t sell them though I just spent about 50 pieces of sugar canane on

It um they’ll go back don’t worry I mean yeah hero of the village has a little bit annoying but we we’re bound to make a mistake eventually that’s so annoying yeah but look at all the things we’re doing I’ve got 11 minutes left I’m going to you know what I’m going to make

I’m going to go make a Le turn cuz we have one that doesn’t so I’ll get it onto Riptide yeah Riptide free particularly because that will I’ll do my best cuz I think that’s the only one that will get us to up to our Island from the water

I’m not sure if it can but I want to see if it can so who has dibs over the riptide I mean we can both make a repti trident right I know but like oh yeah I guess yeah but who wants to make it first first one on the

Stream it’s your world you can you’ve given me everything else so you know what that’s a good argument against me for me I don’t know is it against or for me at this point for you yeah yeah but because I’m trying to fight back and give you stuff yeah I

Know so yeah I’ll get the first rip tied book and try to get it with another it’s not like I’m going to stop being on the lookout for another the Trident anyway I mean it’s not like you don’t have hundreds of trident with things on it on already yeah my

Bad what why is it your bad I’m confused cuz I we don’t I have I don’t have a de enchanting thing which I thought I did we can you can go Village exploring at some point and find one you mean I can let you off your leash right no you

Can go oh I don’t want I don’t want to do that again I don’t want to get lost I don’t like getting lost yeah me neither thing is when you get lost you can find your way back you did eventually with very difficulty good point okay I need wood I have lots of

Wood how much wood do you need um I’m going to make ELR so however much wood I need to make El uh that’s four slabs you would need and to make a bookcase uh so I’ll just give you like five loocks that should be enough where are you I’m

Chopping wood at the for at the orphanage oh I see you now I’m planting trees because planting trees is important for the kids oh H what up uh here is like six logs thank you I want to sell the rest of this so I can inter sticks I smelted some Stone so that

Should be almost ready as well it’s not as lucrative um as glass but you know it’s something I ran out of glass and I wanted to go wood cutting um which guy are you you’re you’re this guy oh I have to you have another lecturn I mean fer I mean I’m making another

Lecturn I can make another Fletcher no we have two Fletchers here I just need to find the other guy another so I’ve made two more tables so we can make more children nice take that out of context um I’m good on arrows the bow though that’ be a pretty good

Bow now where is the yeah for a second I thought you were judging me on my many pant purchases but then like you then you told me about the map thing it’s like okay they’re not judging me I’m judging myself oh my God I almost died I have o

These are not bad this is not bad chest plate I now have a chest plate what’s on it Unbreaking two which isn’t bad since you can be paired up with a lot more other enchantments okay I’m going to put some things down and then we can actually we can go start making more

Beds things too yeah we might have to build maybe a second floor okay where is this one I want this one to go I want to kind of like block him off from everyone else do I have enough seven yeah I did that as

Well come on come on no no no no no no no over in the corner no come over here oh the the Anvil’s done I guess I’ll uh make another one um move C move out of the way I don’t want to crush you that’d be very

Sad and plus I’d be destroyed oh my God no stay in there we have enough iron for one more Anvil and now we have 12 ingots left so we might have to go mining anyway next time fire aspect to that’s good like you already have a

Bow and I use a trident so we can’t really use it you know what I mean yeah yeah I mean I’m going for Riptide so what is your deal thank you well not you oh for second there it’s like oh I can talk about myself

Hello why can’t I go in this it’s not what I want I should Che off my pants Oh in Minecraft did I accidentally trade with you I don’t think I did I made protect out Protection free Diamond pants and I now have move okay not you why would I think I

Accidentally oh no I thought I’d accidentally traded with him oh you want to trap him like that okay curse of binding H that’s funny don’t do that I know I’m looking for something to put on this um that might be good no no fire protection on this might be good Thorns though

I don’t understand why this is not working if I take this book that’s not the book I want fire protection 3 might be good why can I not see the book okay if I get this one how many emeralds do you have on hand and how many are you willing to give us

19 oh thank you hello no go thank you oh they’re going to bed go to sleep oh I got a new subscriber nice you’re getting so many you’ve got like I think that’s three subscribers today what I don’t want to talk about it what did you do I

Died oh you only had five levels though so it’s not too bad I know I know wait oh yeah I gu did you boat I hit boat well done give me a break I forgot I put the bat down and I forgot to jump I fell off it’s half

1 it’s half 1 what the I thought it was going to be like 12:00 damn we’re pretty we’re pretty good at not was the saying to die I have college today oh [ __ ] yeah it’s okay it’s up 3:00 it’s fine oh you can sleep through the

Class can you go to bed sorry I’m just grabing all my stuff uh and uh okay I’m coming to bed that was embarrassing I mean I only lost two levels but like still embarrassing hello villagers how kind of you to save a spot next to me or there is there a dead

Guy wow this is a comfy corner you have here the guy disappeared so can I have hold on push him in there thank you get up quickly quickly he might just leave why what can I not look at the book anymore forns forns who has forns do you

Have forns my guy do you want the emeralds what uh yeah in a sec hold on I just need to find the guy why can I not look at the book anymore yes please can I get your emeralds they’re on the ground why can’t I look at the book anymore I see it

Watch out oh because no that’s level two you only have you can only see the level one books when they show up oh just aot case it doesn’t show up every time just just keep yeah you just have to keep refreshing it okay and you can yeah I

Need 24 I need three more uh oh yeah I cooked some Stone fana you’re so smart I know fana oop I hit him by mistake oh good thing we don’t have where’d you go you uh he ran away for his life she hit me liting too looting too no e and forns free

Baby okay rip TI three for 32 emeralds that’s pretty good howlock some um I don’t have do you have any blocks I don’t have any experience I don’t have any do you have any blocks just wood blocks oh wood I’m going to C them I sold them

All can you can you get me something just anything uh sure sure sure sure hold on I’m just I’m doing something very important here I swear never mind I can’t do it I almost died to the boats again I’m coming back come back I got it

I got it uh I got Stone in my hand I forgot about the staircase barricade that I made just leave it we might need it again even if it’s just slabs it’s just to make him stay oh wait hold on I have glass like blocks so we can like see them at

Least Y do this a little bit quickly just put it move move him back a we bit there we go there we go there we go cool now we can trade with him as well I’m still access to our chest yep there we go hold on I’m just going

To oh our thing our thing ran out so it’s 43 4 five emeralds now that’s fine can I get those wood blocks I just can you just drop them on the ground from your inventory I want to thank you can I get the slabs as well thank you do you want the stone

Too I mean I can have it yeah sure oh we don’t get the XP though oh wait we do get the XP cool this guy just changed professions oh yeah I forgot H oh he turned into a why did you do that who was he Ian he can I mean we got

A second glass guy so that’s pretty cool who was he though um he was a potion guy but we didn’t use him we have why do we have so many potions guys we we got three um I don’t know we just have a lot of bre I have three bre STS

I’m going to get more I want to shovel more Sands I want to continue deleting the beach I’m so happy that I got R TI or Tri but rip TI too but I don’t think I’m I don’t have the levels I think I just need to keep

Grinding these if you want to if you have enough levels I have zero levels you have zero I used all my pickaxe remember oh yeah and I died yeah and embarrassing fashion imagine imag there’s a lot of Minecraft deaths but dying via spoke Collision is

Not one of them you want to be known for I’m probably actually I’m gonna make a bunch of iron armor and then I’m going to put mending on all of these so that I can keep them okay if that’s okay uh sure you have you just have to

Get The Mending first I know which is a lot that’s okay I’m going to do it next stream though cuz I’m going to go make some armor and then come off wait do we have any iron left iron oh we have like 12 we need mine I’ll make what I can and

Then hold on no no no hold on before you make any there’s some in the chest that one I left two um that I got from the pillagers so they’re in pretty good condition what the armor yeah what is that villager doing what is he doing I

Need you to come and see this what’s happening is he dead what’s happening no just come here can you see that I’m seeing this should we help him I don’t know I feel like he he’s good he’s good ooh a chest plate oh it’s kind of shitty

Condition uh uh sorry it’s not all good but there’s some there’s some stuff and plus some stuff is Enchanted I’ll just keep this one oh I didn’t mean to throw that what what did I get what did I get given what did you you didn’t get given

Any anything it went into my inventory I’ll just take some I’ll put torches over there I’ll put my crossbow over there I’ll put these I just need a good chest plate I mean I’ll just use that for right now but I what if you repair the one with the enchantments on

It oh with just a little iron can you like repair them like you can with diamond yeah oh I thought you couldn’t oh I don’t have any levels oh I have levels don’t worry I can spend them it used to be in my helmet anyway so I in my chest anyway

So okay I just put all my enchanted Enchanted gear in there mainly cuz I was getting Diamond but the other reason just so I like if we needed armor we have armor and we needed armor because you as for armor give it to me okay

So what do you want me to do with this armor you want me to repair it yeah I need iron as well I’m just getting it wait why this help why this chest plate cuz there wasn’t another one H was there not there was another one that I I did not have on

Me what did I oh we have the extra two things in here that’s nice extra two what extra two iron in here that’s good um sure I can are you sure this the one you want me to fix I mean I could see any other ones plus it’s just

Temporary until I get mending so fair enough uh one two three fre basically brings up the full thing and it costs for enchant thing thing here oh thank you you know protection two Unbreaking one basically pretty good basically pretty good nice that’s that’s a that’s a thing thank you

Yeah I’m going to come off now yeah I’m going to head off that’s good that’s we’ve done really good today to be honest well thank you for everyone who subscribed and maybe tomorrow yeah definitely tomorrow I’ll be on tomorrow cool I’ll be seeing BR I have to see Brandy

Tomorrow God I have to be there got three leges by the way oh nice I’m going to stop bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft again… ft Feastiano’, was uploaded by Royal Desserters on 2024-01-09 02:00:59. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:12:17 or 18737 seconds.

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  • Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let’s Play

    Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let's Play Welcome to Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 2 – Diamonds Await! Exploring the Minecraft World In this exciting episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our adventurers dive deep into the world of Minecraft in version 1.20.1. Armed with a trusty seed of -1056946488598000456, they set out on a quest to uncover the precious diamonds hidden within the vast landscapes. Mod Madness Equipped with an array of mods including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, and more, our players enhance their gaming experience with features like improved graphics, new entities, and enhanced gameplay mechanics. The addition of Iris Shaders and Continuity adds… Read More

  • Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale!

    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • “Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!” | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity Streamer

    "Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!" | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witchy Redstone Again! | Java Minecraft | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-05-08 14:07:46. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:00 or 6960 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for… Read More

  • The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars Mastery

    The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars MasteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Bedwars] The Never-Ending Quest To Be Good At This Game :pensive:’, was uploaded by Fuggles on 2024-06-01 09:39:29. It has garnered 73 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:34 or 5554 seconds. This is live please subscribe! #gaming #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars Twitter: Discord: (you gotta be 13+) Newest Upload: Cool Channel: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1

    Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 in Minecraft | How to play Minecraft | Tutorial #1 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games With Viper on 2024-04-20 03:11:11. It has garnered 298 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Day 1 in Minecraft | How to Find Village In Minecraft | Tutorial #2 Hey guys i always wanted to post a video on this topic and finally i did it. I hope you guys will find it useful. Please do not forget to give like to this video and please do comment, so that… Read More

  • “BONINGRO – BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰” #minecraftsurvivaltips

    "BONINGRO - BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰" #minecraftsurvivaltipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live ❤ #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by BONINGRO on 2024-03-24 01:02:14. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:06 or 3006 seconds. Welcome to BONINGRO! 🎮✨ Hey there, fellow gamers and friends! I’m “Subhajit”, just a shy guy who loves the thrill of gaming and the joy of making new friends. Join me on my adventures in Valorant, where strategy meets skill, and every match is a story waiting to unfold. But that’s not all – I’m all about variety! So, expect to see me diving… Read More

  • Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamer

    Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce’, was uploaded by uLmElKa on 2024-01-26 09:31:08. It has garnered 2829 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. EPIC SYNC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce @KG411GD Read More

  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

    Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WITHE THE VEIWRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by Nobu’s_Back_In_Blue on 2024-03-24 06:24:35. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:35 or 7355 seconds. Toriyama Read More

  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

    VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘VR 360° GIANT MRBEAST ATTACKS the TITANIC (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by VR Planet – Minecraft on 2024-06-01 11:45:01. It has garnered 9796 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. Giant MrBeast Attacks the Titanic! Minecraft Animation(4K, 3D). 360/VR video. 📌Our other YouTube channels: 👉VR Planet(2nd channel): @VRPlanet 👉VR Planet – GO!: @vrplanetgo MrBeast: ►How to watch 360°(VR) video on Youtube? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To watch 360-degree video (360) on YouTube, a headset is not required – all you need is a mobile device or desktop computer. Instead of… Read More