Ryguyrocky – I Survived 100 Days as a GORILLA in Minecraft

Video Information

You know that there are only 300 000 wild gorillas left in our world today to help raise awareness and appreciation for these magnificent creatures I have added gorillas into Minecraft and now I’m gonna be turning into a gorilla in game to see to see if I can survive 100

Days against three poachers who are trying to stop me well my crazy gorilla Powers be enough to stop the poachers or will the poachers catch me monkeying around let’s find out on day one I spawned in as a baby gorilla oh look I’m a baby gorilla so as you can see I only

Have five hearts of HP as a baby gorilla meaning I could die super easy and that’s a problem because as you can see behind me there is three poachers up on that Hill trying to hunt me down and the second I leave this platform they’re gonna start but luckily we have all

These gorilla upgrades like turning into a Mecca gorilla or unlocking a coconut gun that is gonna help us defeat the poachers but right now we literally have nothing to defeat them so we’re just gonna have to run now luckily I see a jungle temple behind my Hut well there’s

Also a nether portal in front of the Hut so which are we gonna go for let’s go for the nether portal because it’s closer and just try and get into its chest as fast as possible and it’ll run to the jungle temple behind us here we

Go They’re Gonna attack me the second I leave this tree platform okay here we go and going he’s running get him we’re going okay quick getting this chest oh yeah we got a golden apple nice oh oh my God they’ve chainsaws the poachers have chainsaws this way get back here gorilla oh

They’re right behind us can you get over to that jungle temple right behind you gorilla up here nice we can jump in okay we need to get the items quick there should be an item behind here nice we got one now there should be another down here Dodge this

Grab the arrows what’s in this chest nice we got more gold we got sticks as well quick up here he’s leaving the temple run them off quick down here let’s grab this log I’m after him okay now let’s go in this quickly make a crafting table inside of this tree let’s

Try all these iron nuggets into ingots we’re gonna have an iron sword I thought we’re gonna have a gold we have an iron sword now oh I just got hit by a chainsaw the other one’s back the other one’s back thank you okay we got another one dead where’s the

Other one where’s the other we gotta come quick over here I’m Gonna Get You gorilla just stay right oh my God we got him we got him we got as cool as today’s sponsor honkai star rail honkai star rail is a brand new multi-platform space fantasy RPG

Game by the creators of Genji impact hoyovers and I honestly love this game Hawkeye star rail is based around space and is full of all sorts of different sci-fi themes like just look at some of these worlds from the game they look incredible you can legit freely explore

The entire universe in this game and find all sorts of different treasure and puzzles along the way and on top of these amazing worlds this game has an amazing turn-based combat system that keeps battles Super Fresh and you already know battling’s my favorite part because I love testing out all sorts of

Crazy strategies to take down enemies now look I could sit here and talk about battles all day but that wouldn’t do justice to the beautiful art style this game has which paired along with the music and animation just has me so hooked on this game I can’t stop playing

Funky star rail is out right now so what are you waiting for if you want to join me in this amazing space fantasy RPG simply scan the QR code on screen right now or click the link in the description down below by the way when you download

The game use the promo code on screen right now to get an extra 50 Stellar Jades because honkai star rail is definitely gonna be my favorite game of 2023. okay let’s quickly grab three logs okay now let’s go and let’s make a crafting table again he’s right down by

The river oh God they’re coming back over the plank make a boat go go go go go we’re in the boat we’re in the boat get up yes we’re we’re ditching them we’re gone go go go go go go move squid move we are free and now

We just gotta find a place to build a base let’s just keep going down this River till we find a good area and we’ll go from there okay I found a spot where I want to build my base we’re gonna build it right here into the side of

This wall so let’s start by cutting down this tree at least now let’s make some basic tools now let’s break three stone now let’s get some more sticks and making stone pickaxe and now let’s start digging our base into the side of this cliff okay there we go we got the base carved

Out now let’s just grab some of this coal right here and let’s make some torches so we can add some light to this place and with that we’re good to start designing the base so let’s go get a bed chest all the normal Essentials we need

For a base and so I finished up the base and got all the starter items I should need and now we have to Simply start doing some upgrades for some more Hearts so we don’t get poached in the first 10 days okay it’s day seven and the base is

Finally complete it’s pretty basic we got our chests furnaces in bed and our giant mine shaft all the way down there and the best part about this base is I haven’t seen the poachers yet which is great because lately in our past videos The Hunters have been destroying me

Really early on so I’m glad I haven’t seen them yet anyway it’s time to work on our first gorilla upgrade so that way we can be a little bit stronger because right now we only have five hearts of Health which means we’re weak so let’s unlock mud toss our first combat ability

Where we throw mud at the hunters and if we hit them they go blind so you know we have to get this because the poachers are blind they can’t hunt me down so the way to unlock this ability we need to kill 10 skeletons with a bow throw 16

Snowballs and kill two poachers so let’s start by getting our skeleton kills so let’s check down to the mine okay and we’re here jerk found some skeletons okay so it turns out that killing skeletons is not what I’m supposed to do if I could read I’d see it says kill

Skeletons with a bow now I already have a bunch of arrows so let’s quickly head up and make a bow there we go let’s make the bow and now let’s go kill skeletons hey a music disc okay we got all the skeleton kills oh we gotta go there’s so many mobs down there

Okay with the skeletons all killed now we just need to throw 16 snowballs so let’s quickly make ourselves a shovel and now let’s go find a mountain that we can get some snow off of okay let’s grab a bunch of this snow over here okay now let’s throw a bunch of these

Snowballs real quick in time so we’re gonna do now is look for where the Poetry space is and then we tip to take out two of them and we’ll unlock Bud toss but first let’s get home because we’re still a thousand blocks away and

So I made my way to spawn to see if the poachers were still there and they weren’t so I kept looking around for a couple days till I finally found the poachers okay so I think I’m really close to where the Hunter’s base has gotta be I don’t see any of them around

But if you look on this hill near the village you’re gonna see that there’s a bunch of torches over here oh my God I see names below me it looks like they’re breaking blocks let’s go this way oh yeah there’s tons of torches over here because they’re based on the side of the

Yeah it is I see wood their base is right here in the side of the hill I don’t even think they see me coming up little Jeff right here get him oh oh my God I died instantly attack oh where oh I got a boat I broke his boat haha take that gorilla

Okay let’s climb let’s climb let’s climb nice we can jump two blocks this is gonna help us here as a baby gorilla we still have good jump boost let’s use that to get over this hill there’s one up here nice oh he just fell in that

Hole okay quick combat mud toss we got it okay leave the mudder inventory now let’s go ahead and let’s use it on him again oh I can rapid fire at night I’m blind I’m lost they’re all blind they’re all blind they’re all blind oh my I still see you guys

There’s one on us we need to put some distance we’re gonna use this hill here oh gorilla oh oh monkey oh monkey stinky oh my God oh my God oh he’s running use that chance to go okay watch him at five ready it’s hard to find at five it’s hard to

Find F5 keep him blind keep them blind nice they’re blind now we don’t have a boat this time so we can’t use the boat to get away we have to kill him once we’re far away let’s get this one let’s get this one foreign

Nice and we are out of here with our new mud abilities okay so with the poachers taken down we’ve now unlocked our mud ability which is only okay the main setback right now is still that we only have five hearts of HP and to change that we’ve got to become an adolescent

Ape with 15 hearts of HP and then it says it has strength one speed two jump something or another but it’s a lie because you’re gonna see I already have jump boost two speed one and strength one we basically broke our mod I wasn’t supposed to have anything for gorilla

Toddler and then the Adolescent ape was supposed to get it but it’s broken look I don’t know why don’t worry about it we’re just gonna give the Adolescent 8 water breathing and boom problem solved it’s now an upgrade anyway to get it we just need 32 cocoa beans 16 vines in a

Saddle so let’s start by going into our chest and grabbing our iron ingots now let’s make some shears and now we need to head to a jungler or a swamp to get some Vines okay the closest Vines I could find were the ones that spawned so let’s start cutting them down

And there we go just like that we have 16 total Vines which was easy to get to be honesty just need some cocoa beans and Saddles and since we’re near a jungle let’s grab the cocoa beans okay here’s some cocoa beans and look there’s a parrot

Parrot okay hold on a minute how do I friend you I need seeds to go ahead and get that parrot break through this grass so I got seats where’d you go buddy there he is get him be my friend dang it fine be that way we’ll get him next time back to getting

Cocoa beans okay there we go we officially have all the cocoa beans we need and the sun’s starting to set so let’s head on home okay so now that we have all the cocoa beans and vines that we need we just need to get a saddle

Which we have to find they’re not like crazy difficult they spawn in a lot of different loot chests and I think our best bet is to just go find an abandoned mine shaft and see if we can find one there but it’s night time right now so

Let’s go to sleep and tomorrow we’ll get the saddle it would take me until around day 16 or so to find an abandoned mine shaft which is kind of odd because usually they’re pretty common but I guess I just got kind of unlucky this

Time oh is that in a bit of mine shaft finally we found one okay let’s see what this chest has in it dang it no saddle okay well we gotta hope there’s a saddle somewhere in this abandoned mine chaff let’s just keep looking around I mean here’s another but still no saddle just

Some rails got some iron ingots dang it more bread just give me a saddle please give me a saddle yes the saddle thank goodness we finally found one and now we can finally leave this dumb cave and go home okay we are home so now we can finally go to sleep

Oh coaches are here how did they get in there without breaking the stone what oh wait they probably just replaced it okay let’s kill this guy kill him come on come on he’s low he’s low oh god oh oh yes he’s dead he’s gonna be Dead come on

She should be blind oh I’m trying to run you got him and luckily we have everything we now need to become an adolescent but after that let’s just do it tomorrow so with the saddle cocoa beans and vines in hand we can go from being a baby gorilla into the Adolescent a

Much bigger now have 15 total hearts and the only other difference that the t-nape gets is that he can breathe underwater you’re gonna see him underwater right now and my ape is not losing any Oxygen but yeah that’s the Adolescent ape upgrade another way 15 hearts We’re Not Gonna Die so let’s

Finish up our tier one upgrades by getting the banana upgrade which is an infinite piece of food that gives regeneration to monkeys if they eat it and the best part is that when I finish eating a banana it’s gonna drop a peel on the ground and if someone steps on it

They slip so you know I have to unlock the banana and together we just need 16 golden carrots 16 baked potato and 16 yellow dye okay so let’s start by going to a village and getting ourselves some potatoes and carrots since we’re gonna need some to unlock the banana upgrade

Okay so we’re in a village we just gotta find their Farms which I’m sure somewhere ah here we go okay let’s see what crops we have okay that’s all the potatoes and carrots at this village now let’s head to the second village we know about or that’s

Where I would go if there wasn’t a bunch of yellow flowers here because if I break these Snelling broke 17 dandelions let’s quickly turn them into yellow dye and just like that we’re done with one of the quests for the banana now we see more potatoes and carrots which is right

Here so let’s go and let’s break these crops and you’re gonna see we’re still short on both potatoes and carrots we need 60 in total and this is the only Farm in this entire Village so we’re gonna need to find a third Village so let’s get

Looking okay here we go here’s the third Village let’s just quickly Loop this one up and grab the remaining stuff we need hopefully this has enough stuff get us to 16 carrots and 16 potatoes there we go finally we have everything we need so now just head on home make some golden

Carrots and baked potatoes and then we can get the banana upgrade now let’s throw our potatoes inside of our smoker to turn into baked potatoes and well that’s melting let’s grab our gold from the chest and let’s start smelting that as well now let’s turn what gold we do

Have into gold nuggets let’s combine those nuggets with our carrots to get our first eight golden carrots we still need ammo which is why we have all this extra gold so we can turn that into gold nuggets and finish up getting all the gold carrots now if we check out our

Baked potatoes you’re gonna see they’re almost done now we can unlock our banana upgrade upgrade can you eat my inventory and when I do it I drop a banana peel and I can’t slip on but if I let the skeleton step on it for me you’ll see he slipped uh but because I’m

In a cave he didn’t go that high so uh die and now it’s just block up our entrance and let’s go to sleep so tomorrow we can start working on our tier 2 Gorilla upgrades which include things like a punch and aggressive foraging whatever that is okay so tier

Two upgrades I think first we gotta work on eight punch because it’s as strong as another right sword and I need to be stronger cause I’m pretty weak still so let’s go and let’s get a punch into a lock disability we need to kill 100 zombies discover a jungle temple which I

Already know where one is and then I have to kill four players after hitting them with mud and mud is really weak so we’ll see how that goes so let’s start by just punching 100 zombies because zombies are literally the weakest creatures in the game at least that’s

What I think let me know what you think the strongest mob is what oh all right all right guys you ready yeah I’m ready yeah hold on they’re here oh God let me know in the comments what you think the strongest Bob is that’s what I

Was saying uh we need to kill them oh my God it’s destroyed dude we need to protect the chest hold on quick block him off block him off block them off they can’t get into chat this way no kill him oh my God oh my God

Oh my God the TNT almost blew me up get the Regeneration from the band put a bunch of bananas around us in a circle okay if they get near me they’re gonna slip ready boom he’s in the air get over here monkey oh my goodness nice we got him

Oh he’s done okay there’s one up here oh he slipped though oh no oh he’s done he’s done get over here monkey oh my god oh yes we got him they’re dead let’s go see if our chest survived oh no they didn’t but there’s a bunch of stuff on the ground

Hold on let’s grab all this stuff okay there we go we got it all stored back in chests but with this base destroyed we gotta pack up and go because the poachers are gonna keep attacking here over and over till I’m dead so let’s go hide and find a new base after losing

The first gorilla base I decided to move over 1 000 blocks away where hopefully the poachers wouldn’t find us okay so welcome your faces to the brand new gorilla base this base is honestly really really cool and is much more fitting for a gorilla anyway this

Trap so let’s start by eating a bunch of bananas more on the base now which should make invading this base a lot trickier and now let’s just go punch a zombie 100 times and there we go we punched a zombie 100 times and now we have to go to a jungle

Temple and kill some players with some mud so let’s get going back up to the base and now let’s go to sleep and tomorrow we can quickly head to the jungle temple to see if it works okay so the jungle temple actually isn’t crazy far from here because I’m a lot closer

To spawn than I was earlier so let’s go start by checking that out which should literally just be over this way oh yep here it is over here so let’s quickly head into this jungle temple let’s see does this count yep I’m in it counts oh my goodness I can’t believe that counted

The jungle temple we found had spawn at the beginning completes the quest meaning now would you have to kill four players by hitting them with mud but our mud attack is super weak luckily it doesn’t say kill the hunters with mud it says kill them after we hit them with

Our mud so let’s go Splat the hunters and teach them a lesson for messing with our old base okay their base is literally just up here I see the Torches and they see their names below the ground so they’re definitely here and here’s a hidden ladder I don’t think I

Saw this ladder before hold up I don’t know if I fit here hold on we don’t fit on their ladders what we’re too fat okay let’s go over here oh there’s one of them fishing right there I got an idiot ready do you like the new entrance yeah I’m

Trying to fish oh gorillas oh monkey luckily we’re small enough to get in your base can’t stop me one dead wait he doesn’t count unless we love them first okay there’s two dead they’re not hurting because my bananas go go get them get them while he flooded oh okay here we go [Applause]

After the mud come on he’s got him bro we’re low we’re low nice go this way wait they’ve locked me off this way quick throw some of them blind them blind them and eat some food oh my God I’m not gonna kill any of them oh God fighting three of them’s tough

It’s Gonna Keep healing with these regen bananas oh my God this is so brutal put it on here dive in the water dive in the water we need to get him outside we need to get him outside they’re trying to swim after me let’s just get some blocks and

Get out of here real quick we can climb over here we can climb over here climb up the hill climb up the hill oh no okay let’s get him down the hill this is a chance to kill them here let’s start digging up one’s already above us

I’m dead nice we got one that’s two kills let’s get this guy with the bus and let’s kill him come on get him no dude just the three we just need one more we just need one more hurting me you’re dead yeah there’s one thing above me he doesn’t think I see

Him but I definitely see him oh we got him surprise monkey hey I can’t see them under the water the water’s bugging out for me we need to get out of the water eat our banana okay go up here go back here nice up here back here now in climbing climbing

Climb nice break this nice we’re getting away oh he slipped nice he took full damage I can’t find him oh no he’s not nice we got him and it’s four for four for four let’s quickly unlock our eight punch and now let’s get out of here

Let’s go this way let’s go this way they’re both behind us okay I have a punch out let’s use it on him he’s knocked off that clip you’re knocked off the cliff buddy knock back five knock back five oh you’re done oh my God knockback five is broken with the

Eight punch okay let’s get out here yeah they’re not behind us we definitely lost them we are out of here let’s go okay we survived and now that we unlocked our eight punch ability it’s time for us to work on our next tier two upgrade aggressive foraging which is gonna let

Me yell out like a giant gorilla and knock all the mobs and poachers away on top of that it’s also gonna let me break all the grass around me for every grass I break I get a random more meaning we’re gonna be rich in no time so let’s

Start by getting a bunch of seeds for aggressive foraging which we can do right here with all the grass around us okay and just like that we have 128 seeds now we see 64 flowers which we can easily grab because there’s tons of flowers around us

And there we go now we have all the flowers I always need 32 dead coral which We’re not gonna have time to get today since the sun’s already heading down so let’s just head back to the base and tomorrow we’ll find some dead coral okay so getting Coral could be kind of

Tricky we have to look for a very specific biome to get it and that’s a warm ocean and to find a warm ocean can be kind of tricky but once we do getting the dead coral is easy even for a monkey also before someone comments gorillas aren’t monkeys I know okay it’s just

Because they look kind of like monkeys calm down okay there’s a shipwreck oh wait is that Coral I see Coral oh I see a warm ocean I think we just found a warm ocean we’re good it’s literally right below us here it is yes now we

Just need to go get some Coral let’s just dive down now luckily because I’m a monkey I can breathe underwater forever so this is actually really easy to do okay we officially have all the coral that we need which means we can unlock aggressive foraging but we’re gonna do

It tomorrow because uh as you can see it’s already night time outside so let’s just head home and tomorrow we’ll start testing out that ability okay it’s the next day maybe we can finally unlock that ability and there we go so if I use this ability in a bunch of grass all

This grass is gonna disappear and that grass turns into random ores that scatter around so I got some iron some copper oh my is that netherrite oh my God we got three netherride scraps from that that’s so broken let’s use this to quickly upgrade our armor because our Armor’s about to break

Anyway so let’s see how many diamonds we can get from this foreign just like that we have all the diamonds we need to make diamond armor in fact we also have 16 netherite scraps so I think we can make netherite armor things just got really crazy now if we can find our

Netherite scraps with all the gold we got we get another right ingots which if we build a smithing table where we can bind our armor with the nether right to get bull netherite armor on day 32. wake up hold on the right armor say goodbye to this ugly iron and hello to our

Netherite armor well that’s a massive upgrade anyway now that that’s done it’s time to work on the call the troops upgrade which is gonna allow us to summon an army of gorillas to fight with us but for now let’s go to bed because it’s already night time and tomorrow

We’ll unlock the call your troops upgrade to get needs five iron golems five horses and four players with a punch well that sounds pretty easy let’s start by taming some horses because I already have some apples which I got for using our brand new April ability which

Kind of destroys all leaves and gives us ores for it anyway let’s go feed the apples to the horses okay eat this apple oh wait a minute I’m dumb horses aren’t tamed with apples you just ride them till they like you let me on I’m a

Monkey on a horse come on love me yes this horse is now my friend I call you Jeffrey okay now let’s go tame some more horses there we go we get five of Five Horses tame now we’re gonna need some pumpkins to summon some Iron Golems so let’s go

Find some of those okay this Sun’s going down and I looked everywhere for pumpkins and I can’t find any like there are no pumpkins anywhere so I’m going home in defeat defeated by a pumpkin okay it’s a new day a new day for finding pumpkins so yeah let’s just go

Find something finally pumpkins I found you you do exist okay I just need five of you the rest you can live okay so now that we have the pumpkins we just need to make five iron golems which if we take all the iron ingots we have on us

That’s gonna give us seven blocks of iron which isn’t even close to enough because we need 180 iron which is the equivalent of 20 blocks of iron and we only have seven so luckily getting the iron we need is gonna be really easy because we can kind of just do our April and destroy all the leaves and get a ton of oars

Now let’s take this iron and turn it into blocks that should give us enough blocks to make five iron golems so let’s just build them in our base for protection okay so let’s go and put our pumpkins on top of our iron block and we get our why

Is that not Iron Golem right forgot to share it you got to share the pumpkin and then we’ll have an iron golem and there we go we have five iron golems which means this Quest is done so let’s just go to sleep and tomorrow we take out the poachers with our eight punch

After sleeping the night away I made my way back to the poacher’s base and I found it abandoned so I went off looking for it within only a couple of days I had already found it that’s gotta be it yeah I definitely just found their base oh yeah I see them

Oh dude there’s a gorilla oh Warner attack okay we go we gotta open this is like a netherite Ash and we have netherite armor we just need to get four people with a punch nice we got him he’s dead we punch him death let’s get this guy ready

Oh oh that hurts got him he’s done that’s two the other one’s here now oh he’s running already oh he’s low he’s low I’m gonna make you an endangered species he’s definitely low we so have him yes he’s done we need to get one more nice we got him this

Four for four okay now let’s use our Roar on them we haven’t used this one yet now let’s unlock our ability which is called the troops and now let’s use our troops to escape so if you just call the troops we bang on our chest get em

Little gorillas get him yeah get him oh my God he’s got baby monkeys all the gorillas stop them gorillas stop them from killing me pick that gorilla soldiers I’m gonna grind them in the dust no he’s dead we got him nice okay they’re gonna grind me into dust skip this one

He’s trying to run okay let him run I’m not fighting you I’m the one who has to run not you and see if they come after us they probably think we have to come up for air but we’re never gonna have to do that oh yeah they’re not even coming

We lost them okay now that we can summon an army of gorillas that’ll fight first no don’t freedom yeah they fight each other no well great my baby monkeys just murdered my iron golem okay you know what monkeys finish the job kill him kill the Iron Golem do it

Now there’s no more iron golems up here let’s work on our next tier three ability which has gotta be leap which I could describe to you with my amazing words but instead I’m gonna use this video of Winston from OverWatch using his jump ultimate that is Lee and to

Unlock that I need three jump boost potions 16 slime blocks and 16 sponges so let’s go to the Nether and let’s get ourselves some potions okay we found another Fortress oh perfect damn we found nether Wards actually here’s some netherworts now he’s gonna find and kill some blazes

Okay that’s five blaze rods which is all we need and since we already got the nether Awards we can head on home okay so let’s go and let’s go let’s make a couple Brewing stands real fast and now we’re going to need to make some jump

Boost potions but for now let’s go to sleep and we’ll work on that tomorrow good morning now let’s go grab some sand I have a single piece of sand so let’s go ahead and let’s grab some of this sand now let’s throw the sand inside of our

Furnace now let’s grab our glass let’s turn them into glass bottles which we can now fill up with water they’ll just throw our water bottles inside the brewing stand and throw in a blaze powder for some energy that would you need a rabbit’s foot let’s go find some

Rabbits in the most common place we can the desert okay we’re in a desert but I haven’t found any rabbits yet so I’ll keep looking for some so we can kill them for their rabbit’s feet oh my God there’s a rabbit oh we got when I saw the rabbit’s foot

There it is we got it and with the rabbit’s foot in hand we can now make the jump potion now let’s add another warts into this brewing stand right here now we chat a rabbit’s foot and these are gonna turn to jump potions there we go three potions of leap now we just

Need to get slime blocks and bungees to finish up the leap upgrade but again it’s nice and so to skip as much time as possible let’s go to sleep and tomorrow we get the sponges and luckily you guys taught me a really easy way to get sponges because for those that don’t

Know sponges only spawn in underwater monument and in the last video find one but you guys taught me to try a trip fine my Woodland Mansion so let’s just go grab a bunch of sugar canes and Compasses let’s go trade for an underwater Monument map okay so first

Things first let’s grab as much sugar cane as we can and there we go just like that we have over two stacks of sugar cane now just gather some sand real quick okay that should be enough sand now just head on home get the rest of the stuff

From our chests and tomorrow we trade for an underwater Monument map okay so let’s go with this turn our sugar cane into paper and that’s gonna give us over two stacks of paper and we’re just waiting for this glass to finish up but let’s grab what we have right now and

Let’s turn these into glass panes which means we have everything we need to now head to a village and trade with some villagers okay here’s two villagers here one of them may take it yes okay you you’re now a cartographer so let’s trade all of our paper for your emeralds and

That’s gonna level them up from a novice now if we look he’s an apprentice which means he should trade us wait oh God I don’t even know if I have to do the glass panes I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do I’m gonna get the Ocean Explorer map

Because I’m guessing that’s gotta be it right I forgot a compass hold up grab some Redstone grab some iron there we go Compass please tell me you still have it okay cool you still got the Ocean Explorer map which means we can now trade for that and if I look at this map

You’re gonna see it’s gonna show an underwater monument in the middle of this map that little blue thing then you’re gonna notice that I’m the dot in the upper left-hand Corners meaning we gotta head Southeast we’re going this way this is southeast we’re loading the

Map oh I see it I can see it just like the map said we have an underwater Monument now we just gotta go find sponges inside look like we got some milk buckets on us which should make it a little bit easier because of exactly that the mining fatigue okay let’s drink

A milk [ __ ] just get some sponges I hear Guardians going yo I see a name plate wait what are the hunters here oh yo there’s a gorilla distance I see the boat do you see him I think the Hunter’s here hold on just keep breaking sponges

For now I just heard them I just heard them he’s right below us hold on we can kill this guy get him he’s in the water yes we got him oh oh oh gorilla oh God nice he’s done back to the sponges oh yeah here we’re Guardians is there

Another one oh he’s back oh my God I hear him next to me he’s literally right below me I can see his name come on we gotta get him dude no oh yeah he’s done he doesn’t have a chance we can literally breathe underwater just keep getting these

Sponges the Guardians are going off man I think the hunters are back let’s just get out of here and let’s head on home because we got all the sponges we need okay it’s not just throw the wet sponges inside of this furnace and now let our

Sponges dry and now we just need to get slime blocks and I’m not gonna lie I am not excited for this to make a slime block you need nine slime balls meaning if I need 16 slime blocks that’s 144 slime balls and since slimes don’t even drop there’s slime balls all the time

That’s like killing 200 slimes which is just too much now look I know that in a full moon slime spawns are increased but I don’t know when a full Moon’s coming and I don’t even have looting this is just gonna be a pain to do and it’s

Gonna take forever but you gotta do what you gotta do so let’s go find a swamp and at night we’ll kill slimes for like a few days oh he’s on me oh god oh David bulldozer there’s a ball the bulldozer just hit me and sent me flying

Go this way go this way go this way okay let’s get up here Soldier get on the battlefield I’m chopping down the tree dude what was that oh they cut down the tree beat summoned a bunch of them they can’t avoid the babies in the water okay two of them are in the water nice he’s soloed out nice we got him he’s done now let’s get

This guy Monkey Punch oh you’re done bro done he’s done he’s done let’s eat a few bananas okay there’s tons of bananas around unicorn man you’ve got good luck of a unicorn oh my God we got him okay they’re all dead but we still have slimes to get I

Guess we’ll just wait for night okay we officially have all the Slime balls that we which took way too long to do I literally never want to farm slimes ever again in my entire life I’m going home goodbye okay it’s day 46 let’s just turn these slimes into slime balls

18 slime blocks which is enough to unlock our leap ability so let’s just go over to our furnaces grab our sponges out from earlier and just like that we can unlock leap and you know I gotta try this ability out so we’re in a field right now to do that oh

If so I slammed the ground around these chickens and then when I land I also slam it’s a double slam ability now we’re talking this gorilla is getting so strong so fast but there’s still one more tier 3 upgrade to go and that’s to become an ape adult for 32 sweet berries

128 iron bars and three music discs so let’s quickly head home and make the iron bars we need okay we’re done with that now let’s just go get 32 sweet berries because that’s also kind of easy get back up to the base oh wait there’s

A name up there I hear a truck up there too holders TNT we need to get down oh God they blew the base no the chests are gone my stuff my stuff myself oh they found me elephant I’m flying back that’s some fall damage right there oh he’s done okay there’s one below

We got him oh we hit him nice we got him oh and unicorn’s dead he fell from a high place to one of my bananas well they’re all dead but uh so is our base like nothing is left we were able to get a bunch of our stuff but yeah it’s gone

Let’s go make a new base with our second base already destroyed I had to make a third one that would not be found and so I built what I think is one of my most hidden bases yet okay so welcome to the brand new gorilla base this is actually

One of my favorite bases I’ve ever made and let me show you why obviously it’s pretty basic right here we got another portal we got our furnaces we got our chests and crafting stuff and then we got our enchanting table over here none of that’s that cool my favorite thing is

This little waterfall if we go inside the doors you’re gonna notice I’m actually in the side of a cave did you notice this little waterfall outside I really want to use this waterfall on the base so I did I made it flow into the base I gave it this little trap door and

When you swim down the waterfall you end up in our giant mine shaft hey look there’s a skeleton riding a spider over there anyway you get the idea this base is really cool but cool or not we still got work to do because right now we are

Still an adolescent ape now luckily to finish this upgrade we just need three music discs and as you can see I already got one in front of me so we just need two more and the easiest place is in ancient city so let’s go ahead to one

And so I quickly looked around for an ancient city which took until day 59. oh we found an ancient city let’s go now we just gotta go find ourselves some music discs inside of here okay this is definitely gonna stop the Streaker when I open it please have a music disc yes

It has other side the best of all the music discs wrong oh I set it off again you know what just play other side I gotta check out this chest nice we got a music disc that’s all the music discs we need we’ve got cat other side and wait and I’m not

Gonna wait around here to see what happens let’s just go home okay so with the music discs iron bars and sweet berries we can now become an adult gorilla so say goodbye to our small team and hello to the adult who now comes with a giant backpack on full of bananas

Not only that you’re gonna see I’m huge I have 25 hearts of HP jump boost for water breathing Speed 2 and strength two now this is a massive buff for our gorilla and now we can finally move on to our tier four upgrades which means we can unlock the king gorilla the coconut

Gun or horrible stench in fact that ability sounds so gross I’m not even gonna unlock it till last so let’s work on the coconut gun because shooting coconut sounds fun anyway all we have to do is use a crossbow to shoot a firework and kill a zombie then we just gotta

Kill 30 Guardians and have my gorilla Army attack the poachers 100 you think you guys can handle that good so we’ll start by making a crossbow which is really easy just three sticks and iron ingot two string and some trip wire hooks so let’s start by making the

Tripwire hook in the middle which is an iron ingot a stick and a plank boom trip wire hook now we just need to take the rest of the materials and combine them like this and we get ourselves a crossbow now that we have a crossbow we just need to make some fireworks and

Fireworks can be crafted which is some paper and some Gunpowder now if you want your fireworks to look cool you gotta also make a firework star which you can see over here but I don’t care about that I just need rockets and I don’t have either gunpowder or paper so let’s

Go get some okay that’s all the gunpowder we need now just grab some sugar cane and there we go that should be enough sugar cane so now let’s turn that sugar cane into paper then let’s combine that paper with our four gun powder to make ourselves 12 firework Rockets now let’s

Put the rockets in our offhand and the crossbone our main hand when we load it you’re gonna see there’s a rocket now inside of our crossbow so now let’s just go take on some zombies oh yeah there you are ugly okay blank firework Rockets do nothing

We’re gonna need to make some more real quick okay now let’s see if we can kill a zombie so let’s just hit the zombie oh he’s dead okay here we go we got the zombie took a little damage okay should be low now let’s get him with the

Crossbow there we go we did it we have killed a zombie with a crossbow rocket and uh it’s night time so let’s go to sleep okay so now that we’re done killing the zombie we just have to kill 30 Guardians and since we already know we’re an underwater Monument is let’s

Just head over there real quick okay we’re back at the monument my gorilla does not fit in the boat anymore as you can see I’m mostly under the boat but that’s okay let’s just hop out and let’s dive underwater and start taking out all these ugly Guardians oh gold blocks

And there we go just like that we’ve killed all 30 Guardians that we need to kill now let’s just grab our boat and head on home okay now that we’ve killed all the Guardians it’s time for our gorilla Army to now take on the poachers and once they do that we’ll unlock the

Coconut gun so let’s head back to the poacher’s base we haven’t actually been there in a while okay their base is up ahead let’s go come on let’s go gorillas we’re gonna make a very loud entrance ready we’re gonna leap and destroy their base in seconds here we go ready and

Loop oh it didn’t work oh it just did boom Oh I killed all my gorilla soldiers that’s okay that’s okay let’s get on top of the base this time ready there we go we’re in the base we’re taking out the base here we go slowly but surely we’re

Doing some damage to it okay we just need them to keep attacking us we’re gonna stay right here here we go now they’ll attack him nice we got 20 attacks they’re starting to die yeah get em little monkeys get them keep attacking them I just keep spawning look

At this spawn more dude he’s got a million bananas surrounding him what am I supposed to do about this yes keep attacking my monkey Army the monkey’s almost done they’re at 55 out of 100 just keep doing your thing monkeys they got a little closer we’re gonna land I

Want to see what this does boom oh he’s done 99 100 There It Is We’re officially done with this upgrade now let’s go and let’s go unlock our coconut gun no he got an upgrade let’s try this thing out oh thanks oh my goodness say goodbye to your base

Just like you destroyed mine baby let’s go oh my God we’re destroying the base okay let’s sleep up let’s sleep up ready boom now let’s go on top oh my goodness dude let’s blow up their ladder so they can’t get up here oh my

God I just blew them up oh I see their beds too oh Ben’s still here not anymore it’s not one just died and their bed’s gone so they can’t respawn there’s one building up I hear him ready he’s dead he’s dead oh he lived it he’s dead let’s re-punch him and now

He’s gonna get this guy oh there he is he’s in that oh he’s done he’s done and I have wiped out the poacher’s face which I’m down a lot and with our new coconut gun we’re basically invincible so let’s head on home okay this new coconut gun

Is cool and it’s really strong too but now it’s time to work on becoming a king gorilla because I’m not gonna lie I really don’t want to get the horrible stench ability it just sounds gross so let’s become a king to do that we just need to get two enchanted golden apples

Eight Phantom membranes and a heart of the sea so let’s quickly head back to the ancient city we didn’t Loot and let’s go find some God apples okay no God apples in this chest but we did get two music discs and some other stuff oh

Yeah we gotta got Apple we got our first one there we go and we got a god pair of leggings no Golden Apple in here oh I still have a Shrieker above me dang it and there’s still no God Apple that’s definitely summoning a warden

Oh geez oh this chest has two God apples let’s go that’s all we need we can finally get out of here that morning’s coming quick oh my God I hear the word behind me oh there we go and just like that we are out of here okay so we’re

Back from the ancient city we’ve got three God apples to show for it which means now we just have to go ahead and get eight Phantom membranes in a heart of the sea which means no more sleeping so I can get Phantoms to spawn but

Anyway before we go for any of that I’m gonna take four netherade scraps and combine them with four Golding it’s to make ourselves another ride Ingot now we’re gonna take these really op leggings we got combine it with our another right angle to get really op now the right leggings now we’re really

Strong now let’s go look for some shipwrecks so we can get a heart of the sea okay I’m at a shipwreck let’s see if we can get it harder to see here and there’s the chest perfect we got a bunch of ores in here yes we got the berry

Treasure map and that will get us to the heart of the sea it looks like we did pretty much straight west so let’s start going over this way until the map starts to generate oh yeah it’s generating we’re close okay it’s somewhere right around here I’m gonna guess it’s across

Here yes it is it’s right here oh there we go look at all this moves put that in hand we can finally head on home and all we need left is to get a fan membranes which means we can’t sleep for one more night and then they’ll start to spawn

One night later okay let’s just start running around and looking for Phantoms now oh yeah there they are there they are okay and the sun is rising but we did not get enough Phantom membranes we needed a total of eight he got seven we’re literally one short so we have to

Get the last one we need tomorrow night okay it’s night time again let’s get killing Phantoms we literally just have to get one Phantom and brain and we’ll be all set and there we go we have all eight Phantom membranes we need now let’s go home I’m exhausted okay so we

Can officially become a king gorilla now so let’s just quickly go grab our golden apples and say goodbye to our adult gorilla and hello to the king I had to actually take a cut there because uh the animations weren’t working so uh when I did this I didn’t swing my head it just

Kind of looked like I was head bobbing and now that we are officially a king gorilla there’s only one more tier 4 upgrade to go which means fine I’ll unlock horrible stench because I know all you weirdos want me to get this one anyway together we just need 64 mud

Bricks three puffer fish and a poisonous potato so let’s quickly go get three puffer fish because that’s well easy okay we’re in a warm ocean let’s just look for some puffer fish which there should be puffer fish inside of a coral reef they should spawn in here we just

Gotta find them turbo gorilla oh my God I’m going so fast with dolphins Grace I’m way too quick oh there’s a puffer fish I see one yeah wait do I have to kill you yeah I do any more puffer fish okay there we go just like that we’ve got

Three puffer fish and since it’s still daytime and I see a village behind me let’s go grab some potatoes and see if we can get a poisonous one sir I need you to stop being a farmer for a sec okay let’s see potatoes potatoes potatoes okay no potatoes just wheat

Here no potatoes just sweet okay desert Villages only have wheat so uh we have to go find a Plains Village ah here’s one now just head over to the farm and see if we get a poisonous potato hey we actually got one well cool then

That means we can go ahead and head on home and we just need to get 64 mud bricks to finish up the stinky upgrade okay so now we should have to get one stack of mud bricks which might sound easy but it’s actually kind of tricky

You see to make mud bricks you actually need four packed mud and you get packed mud you need to combine regular mud with wheat meaning to get a stack of this stuff I need a stack of wheat so let’s quickly go back to that Village we were

Just at and grab some hay okay let’s grab all this hay right here and if we turn that into wheat in our inventory we’re gonna have well over a stack of wheat so now we just need to go get some mud and luckily I know where a mangrove

Is so that’s really easy to do okay so now let’s just go into this Mangrove real quick let’s just start grabbing a bunch of this mud okay we’ve got all the mud now so let’s combine the wheat in the mud in our inventory and that’s going to give us a

Bunch of packed mud where if we combine in our inventory again we’re gonna get 64 mud bricks which is all we need to get horrible stench so we’ll just go home and grab our poisonous potato here it is which means we can unlock horrible stench which is an ability you’re gonna

Notice uh is already active if you look at my body you’re gonna see these green particles appearing now and that’s because I stink in fact according to the description I smell so bad that everything around me gets nausea and slowness and they we eventually have our final tier 4

Upgrade which means now we can work on our tier 5 upgrades tomorrow and we’ll do it tomorrow okay so let’s see which tier 5 upgrade we want to work on we have Banana Boat which is a giant rideable flying banana we have the gorilla throw we just kind of Chuck

People and we have Mecca gorilla which has 50 s you know what I’m gonna go for all three at once because they all require stuff from the end so let’s head down to the base real quick and go into our nether portal now all we have to do is

Get some blaze rods and ender pearls so we can make a bunch of eyes a vendor and get to the end portal so let’s start by heading to the Fortress and getting some blaze rods die Blaze okay we have 10 Blaze Rodgers is more than enough I lied 11 blaze rods wait

Hold on I lied 12 blaze rods now let’s go to a Bastion okay Booyah found a new Bastion and we got a bunch of gold blocks on the side of this one which I think means it’s a bridge Bastion there’s definitely yeah there’s the lava yeah it’s definitely a bridge bastard

Which means there’s gonna be a lot of gold here so let’s grab the two gold blocks here now let’s go all the way down here to the bottom and there’s a ton of gold blocks waiting for us okay that’s 15 Gold Blocks now let’s head up

To the back again and grab all those okay 20 gold block should definitely be enough now let’s turn all of our gold blocks into gold and start dropping it into this hole with all the piglens in it and now they’re just gonna start trading and throwing me stuff so now

Wait wait okay the piglets are done and I kind of murdered them but I definitely see ender pearls in there so let’s see how many we get and we got in total 16 plus seven that’s a number that’s over 20. which is all we need so now let’s

Just head on home and go to the end okay so now let’s turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and combine that with our ender pearls to get a boatload of Eye of Ender and now that we have 18 let’s go ahead and let’s throw them outside and

Let’s find this end portal oh it’s this way it’s kind of going sideways looks like it’s going this way I’m gonna throw one more just to make sure that’s right no that’s definitely right we’re going this way okay let’s keep throwing our eyes until we reach the portal okay

Let’s do the next one we’re right on top of it what were the odds of that that’s the fourth eye and it was exactly 500 blocks from the last one and we’re right on top of it I think in all the 100 day videos I’ve had I don’t think that’s happened once okay

Let’s start digging right here and down we go into the stronghold oh we found the stronghold we’re in okay now we faded we can drop in let’s grab this iron and win Infinity book that’s nice wait is that over the portal let’s put the Eyes in And then we go welcome to the end now just take on the dragon by first destroying his Towers okay let’s go up to the first Tower boom we got it it’s destroyed now let’s just go do this to every single Tower if we can do it to

The tallest tower we can definitely do it to the rest of them okay now let’s get the final Crystal ready boom yeah got him okay now we gotta take out the dragon oh I forgot to enchant my bow crud that’s gonna be weak we have to

Wait for him to land I think wait what oh Hunters are here bring it on dude you’re not hunting me I’m hunting you nice we got him he’s done dude what was that let’s get this guy no nice two down okay there’s one more over here let’s quickly get him

Oh we got him he’s done yeah got him where’d he go oh oh he’s behind me wait are they not coming back did they not have beds they almost always have beds oh no they have beds yeah let’s grab these torches in the center that’ll help us get the dragon egg later

Oh he’s done nice we got him I don’t see anything around this is our chance but he’s still really high in the sky let’s put a bunch of bananas around that way if they try to get to the egg they’re gonna slip nice we gotta meet that he’s dead he’s

Dead is there a chance to get the egg please don’t come in now this will be the worst time for them to come in right click the egg where’d it go did that egg just go into the portal where did it go I think it means it went

To spawn but I don’t want to leave yet because I still have to get a lighter in the outer end over there okay you know what we’ll go check the egg later because I doubt the poacher saw it go into the portal so let’s just throw our

Ender Pro right here and now we’re in the outer end and we just have to go find some elytra so we’ll explore the outer end looking for an entity with an elytra ship but I kept running into ncd’s that were shipless luckily I was able to get all the shulker sales I

Needed though so that’s good at least oh one’s generating finally I found an end City it’s a huge end City I don’t think there’s a ship on this one no there is a ship there’s a ship in the back now before I go in I already have the

Shulker shell so I’m not gonna worry about killing the shulkers we’re just gonna go in and get the elytra in the ship so let’s launch ourselves up with leap launch up with leap again there we go come on get up make it yeah we made

It now let’s make it onto this Tower and then from this Tower I should just be able to jump to the ship yeah we’re on okay let’s break these blocks now we’re in the bottom okay let’s kill that guy we got the elytra okay perfect now let’s

Just grab the dragon head and there we go we got the dragon head and that is almost everything we need from the end but not quite easy to unlock gorilla throw I need to get the great view from up here advancement which means I have to have a shulker levitate me like a

Billion blocks in the sky so let’s get to work let’s find a shulker down here beam me up Scotty we’re gonna stay completely still and let them get me there’s a bunch of sugars attacking me so this might be a good place to do it

Let’s throw down the pro all the way up there that counted that gave me levitation and because it was 50 blocks in the sky it works which and there’s only a few things left that we need to do we need to get three School Catalyst two total of undying ten

Kills with our coconut gun and another star so let’s start by quickly getting silk touch on one of our pickaxes so that way we can easily get skull Catalyst in an ancient city now we look at our chest we already actually have one skull Catalyst in there so we only

Need to get two more in the ancient city so let’s start by making a diamond pickaxe and let’s see if we can get silk touch on it there we go silk touch now let’s just go back to the ancient city real quick and grab two extra skull

Catalysts okay let’s just sneak over to this gold Catalyst right over here and let’s break this one I know it’s gonna stop that treat girls clearly break the second one okay nice it had a delay now we have three skull catalysts which as we can see is all we

Need to become a mecha gorilla but for gorilla throw we still need to insert disc 5 into a jukebox and since ancient cities are the only place to get this five let’s look around for some disc fragments okay there we go there’s three disc fragments in this chest oh another

Four in this chest let’s go finally there’s another three which means we can officially make disc five so let’s head on home okay we’re back at the base let’s just quickly go inside and craft the five disc real quick oh there you go now all right enjoy the TNT gorilla

Let’s take the nine disc and turn it into the full disc five and then there’s hunters in my ceiling they’re dropping TNT there are things are just falling through my floor they’re not even blowing me up I need to get up there let’s punch him off okay he’s

Going down oh no he landed there whatever we won’t worry about him for a sec one of them’s in the base we can’t let him blow it up we can’t let him load up wanna try and keep the stuff safe as long as possible make sure none of them

Are going underneath one just blew up the TNT just blew up one of them no I killed myself he’s gone he’s dead oh my God I didn’t see him no nice I just watched him die oh he got him oh I can’t get him there

Hold on oh my God okay I’m not doing too hot guys nice we got him he’s done yes okay our base barely survived they literally didn’t hit anything essential my chests are okay my furnaces are okay my bookshelves are mostly okay my nether portal is fine did they get my bed over

Here no even my bed’s fine that was a massive fail on their part but I’m still gonna move bases because I don’t want to deal with the poachers coming back here a million times in the last 20 days or so so let’s just grab all their stuff

And let’s go quickly build a new base somewhere else well that’s really not good I just lost the base 80 days into this video which is really gonna make getting all of the upgrades and surviving till day 100 really hard so to make sure we still get everything done I

Built the worst base I’ve probably ever built but that’s okay because it does have a cool shipwreck in it okay welcome to my brand new gorilla base it’s really small and in this cave but it has this cool shipwreck that was already in here which I’ve never actually seen a

Shipwreck in a cave before so if you have let me know in the comments but I’ll take it I put my nether portal by the Shipwreck I put all my basic survival stuff right here I got my enchanter right in here and I’ve got the bed right in here inside of the

Shipwreck and I know this base is pretty basic but with under 20 days remaining this is gonna have to do now to become a mecha gorilla we still need to go get the dragon egg at spawn and get two totems of undying so let’s wrap up there

First to get two totems of undying I’d normally have to go to a woodland Mansion but because time is so tight I just don’t think that’s a good idea I think I should probably do a raid and get the totems that way because it’s going to be a little bit quicker because

I know where villages are and I know how to get bad Omen really fast so let’s quickly head to a Pillager Tower and get bad Omen from a Bannerman okay so we have five totems I’ve been dying and you didn’t see me get a single one and that’s because the footage

Corrupted like right as I finish the raid my recording software OBS decided to just kind of [Applause] so let me tell you what happened I went to a tower I punched a Bannerman in the face I got bad Omen I went to a village

I did a raid bada bing bada boom I now have five totems of undying and you can see I did the raid because I have here of the village and a bunch of axes and Banners and just other stuff they drop anyway now that that’s done and we have

The totems we can pretty much become a Mecca gorilla we just have to get that dragon egg at spawn you know the one that fell through the portal earlier now I’m really hoping that it’s still there and I’m assuming it will be so let’s just quickly hit the spawn and get it

Respawns just up here uh there’s my spawn now the egg could be anywhere at spawn oh God no they found the egg they’re literally guarding it look there’s a giant obsidian box and well one of them’s coming at me hold up oh my God I can’t stop that thing no

Okay fine you’re getting coconutted dude you’re getting coconutted yeah you better run I got coconuts that explode nice we destroyed it we destroyed it okay let’s give her that obsidian box I’m guessing it’s in there let’s get this guy nice one step one step one’s dead let’s get some distance between us

Okay we got the beds we got the beds we got the beds wait I’m slow I think a bunch of those cones are getting rid of my speed buff because I’m slow up here he’s done he’s dead he’s dead oh how is he not dead no please please

Spare me monkey please nice we got him we got him we got him there’s one on my tail nice he’s dead oh wait what they’re respawning how’s he always spawn right they’re just gonna spawn here I’m stupid nice season alive let me use this chance come on just break deep City why won’t

This break why won’t this break that should be broken like 10 fold already okay let’s just slam through the obsidian oh I see the egg I think he slammed it yeah he’s got the Aggies get the egg if I right click it now it should teleport where’d it go let’s just

Protect this thing real quick there we go I have it protected now okay we need a torch or a banner a banner should work let’s put this Banner the egg’s right there egg falls egg breaks oh my God that worked grab it yes I got the egg

He’s going down the hole he’s dead nice let’s use this chance to get out of here let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s dive under the water I don’t think they’re gonna find us here nice let’s go let’s go they can’t keep up with us under the

Water see you later poachers okay with the dragon egg in hand we can officially become the mecca gorilla so say goodbye to the king into a Mecca gorilla look how big I am I’m absolutely huge like I barely fit outside my cave right now I’m so big and now that we’re in Becca

Gorilla there’s only two more upgrades to go we have the gorilla throw where we just need to insert disc 5 into a jukebox and then we have Banana Boat where we just need another star so let’s head to the Nether and start killing some wither skeletons okay now they’re

At the Fortress let’s just go look for some other skeletons and start killing them for their skulls okay and just like that we finally got the third skull we need so let’s just head on home and now let’s simply summon a Wither and kill it for its nether star okay this looks like

A good place to summon a Wither so let’s put down all of our soul sand like this let’s put the three Wither Skeleton skulls on top and now we got the Wither on the grounds now let’s just get ready to fight this guy and there we go just like that we have

The Wither star wow that’s tiny you can’t even see that can you it wasn’t that hole there it is you can see it down there there’s the nether star and now that we have the nether star we have everything we need to unlock the banana boat and we pretty much have everything

We need to unlock gorilla throw we’re about to become a full-strength gorilla so let’s just grab our shulker shells our elytra one of our totems and now we can unlock the banana boat and before I show that to you let’s quickly make a jukebox put it in here and let’s throw

Disc five into it and now we can get gorilla throw as well so let’s try out our brand new abilities obviously being a Mecca gorilla we have jump boost a unlimited water breathing speed 4 strength 4 and unlimited fire resistance and on top of that we have our new

Banana Boat ability look at this thing it’s like a giant banana vehicle and when I right click it you’re gonna see I hop inside and now I can fly around on a giant banana no I’m not kidding this is literally me flying on a giant banana

And not only that I could drop banana bombs from my banana that are going to blow the ground up oh my God look at all the damage it’s doing and to get out all I have to simply do is land the banana and I’m out it’s that easy now our other

New ability is gorilla throw which if I use it on one of these pigs right here you’re gonna see grabs the pig and when I click that Pig goes flying and then explodes so it’s basically a one-hit KO move but now that we’re a full strength

Gorilla all we have to do is survive until day 100 now which is what I would do but that would be boring instead I want to slow the poachers down as much as possible so let’s go have some fun now that we are a full strength gorilla

Our goal is simple survive till day 100 and just to make sure the poachers wouldn’t try anything tricky I went searching for their new base again and this is what I did wait is that my old base that’s not my old base no that’s the hunter base I see them running on it

They also built a treetop base oh we’re going in I don’t even know if they see me they’re in for a rude awakening look at this I’m just gonna start dropping bananas ready watch this what the no oh let’s go higher they’re shooting us here we are ready drop a

Couple bombs on them oh my gosh let’s keep destroying the base ready let’s bomb right here oh my what their base is tone oh this is definitely gonna slow them down dude what do I even do here you guys shoot it down shoot it down I’m shooting it’s not

Doing anything oh my goodness dude look at all the bananas now let’s just simply fly on back to our base now that we’ve given them a nice slow down after wiping out yet another poacher base they were gonna have little to no time to come at

Me but of course they were gonna try because on day 99 they showed up or what I assumed was gonna be the final battle and there we go we have another right chess plate again now let’s get it Enchanted real quick so let’s grab some of our lapis there it is

Oh they’re here they’re here they’re here wait how do they get past my banana wall outside I didn’t hear them oh there we go now you’re slipping that’s exactly what I wanted while he slips over there I’m gonna worry about this he’s looking he’s just flipping everywhere nice we got him he’s dead

Nice he’s dead no dude oh you’re not having a chance you’re done nice he’s done they’re all three dead okay let’s see if they come back a lot of times they set up beds nearby oh yeah there’s an excavator and one of them’s e-purling nice he’s done the good

Excavator’s going for face we gotta go stop that we’re gonna stop that in fact let’s actually grab our Banana Boat okay everyone up oh let me go off the base oh that was a bad idea he’s taking the stuff oh my god dude we got him we gotta wait let’s go for

Their beds let’s go for their beds get them little monkeys get them little monkeys yeah okay where’s their beds they’re coming from up here somewhere up top the hill they’re coming from up top oh dude he’s running he’s going toward it he knows where our base is dude he

Knows it’s at the top of the hill oh hello oh he’s trying to stop me from getting the bed nice he’s dead nice I think I just got the beds there’s one stuck in there unicorn died to me he’s officially dead there’s no more respawning for them

Oh my God this is it this is it this is it we need to hunt him down okay we got him ready set him flying please pick me up no no yeah he’s dead he’s dead nope bye-bye oh god what happened and they’re not spawning in there anymore they’re officially not in there

Anymore did you guys respawn at spawn yeah dude there’s no way you can get back to my base in time it’s gonna be day 100 before you even get here yeah well I’m gonna make like a banana and split oh really that’s that’s the joke you’re gonna make fine you guys can quit

I’m just gonna wait for daytime real quick and there it is the sun’s Rising there it is day 100 which means the gorilla officially made it here and the gorilla wins

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a GORILLA in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2023-04-29 12:30:02. It has garnered 840939 views and 13344 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds.

It’s finally here! Play Honkai: Star Rail for free: https://hoyo.link/adjbCGAd The FIRST title from HoYoverse after Genshin Impact! Download the game and get an extra 50 Stellar Jades using the promo code: HSRVER10XEDLFE #ad

Want to be in a future video? Join my Discord! ►https://discord.com/invite/nZpvfe49Vk

Want to save Gorillas? Learn more here: https://secure.awf.org/page/114034/donate/

►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a GORILLA in Minecraft


Check out my other CHANNELS! ►Ryguy IRL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3ioJV6Nanz-HjAkLnvrxQ ►Ryguy Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepSF6Lms2gtEJo9RslDWFQ ►Ryguy Plays – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPxASykySKRXfAxvFtdMqig


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Thanks for all the support, Rock Army!

#ryguyrocky #minecraft #minecraftroleplay

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  • INSANE Minecraft Growth Challenge!!!

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  • Epic Sweet Potato Circus in Minecraft Update!

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  • Minecraft Hacker Creates Ultimate Safe City!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Parody! See You Again – Wiz Khalifa (trailer)

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  • Dead Factions

    Dead FactionsA balance between beta nostalgia and fast-paced gameplay. – Eat –> Heal – Beta Walking (lite stamina) – x2 Mob Health (remember when they were hard?) – Minimal Travel (2k border) Better Raids. – Lite TNT Jump (less “ooh!” more boom!) – Giant Zombies (remember MineZ?) – Seasonal Features Resurrect the Glory Days of Faction Raiding. Discord: https://discord.gg/9HqwtaJJ Personal Website: https://noah-chase.com IP: deadfactions.mysrv.us deadfactions.mysrv.us:25652 Read More

  • Experium SMP Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20.4 New Season Hermitcraft-Inspired 18+

    About Experium SMP: The Experium SMP is a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla server that just started a new season on June 1st. Join us for a fun and dedicated community where everyone is included. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4 Edition: Java Difficulty: Hard Host: Apex Hosting Server Location: California Member Requirements: Discord with voice chat Active participation Experienced Minecraft player Good building skills Age 18+ English speaking Server Rules: Respect all members and creations No griefing No resource stealing No cheaty mods/hacks No duping Lag-friendly builds Datapacks: Multiplayer Sleep AFK Name Display More Mob Heads Player Heads Wandering Trader Armor Stand Statues… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farmville with Villagers

    Minecraft Memes - Farmville with Villagers“I’ve reached my villain arc because those baby villagers just won’t level up fast enough, it’s time to take matters into my own hands.” Read More

Ryguyrocky – I Survived 100 Days as a GORILLA in Minecraft