Sandman – ๐Ÿ“– Castle Wireframe and Custom Terrain | Araina S1E2 – Minecraft 1.16.4 Single Player Survival

Video Information

Seven years have passed since inda’s end in the great iradian war and the iranian people avenged their king and won what they set out for though darkness fell upon the people as a new dawn emerged the fear in the eyes of people from the threat have not yet been purged

Repairing their homes and securing the realm quickly came to their minds though building a better home and realm was a difficult task history finds fears of the enemy still lurked in the back of people’s heads the difficulty of moving on was growing worse as paranoia spreads a new king quickly arose after

The long and gruesome ender’s end in iranian war the postwar agony and sadness of the people struck the king to his very core he found his people in fear encased in paranoia of any threats that may return as if it was a horrible truth that he never wanted to learn

He ensured his people that there was no threat and life in this new realm would be bright however the people who listened to the new king did not lose their war inherited fright a plan suddenly came to his mind that could rid the people of this war-driven fear

A promise of brand new life free of threats on a beautiful new frontier he set forth the former king’s hand to seek and colonize a new area in an effort to extinguish any doubt about all the post-war hysteria powell soon took a group of loyal supporters with him on this new exhibition

After a week of searching the group finally came to the conclusion of their mission the group found themselves in a very large forest with trees as high as the sky the forest was so large and so grand that it couldn’t hardly pass you by so powell and his people set forth and

Began their new lives and without a hassle they began to break ground as they started to build their new castle ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode number two of arena forge and obsidian first of all thank you all so much for the amazing support and wonderful feedback on episode number one

I truly truly appreciate it also thank you all so much for the wonderful feedback on the epilogue in the last episode the story is narrated by a colleague of mine at the radio station uh his name is scary effin terry you can listen to him on michigan’s rock and

Metal station q106 if you uh if you’re into heavy metal and hard rock make sure to check out scary terry’s saturday nightmare on link to his show is down in the description below in today’s episode we’re going to be continuing uh working on uh the castle and we’re going to

Develop the shape and uh the look of it by building the castle airframe so we’re also going to be doing some pre-planning for future episodes uh by adding the pathway from the future timbaland city that’s gonna be right up front here all the way to the

Keep and we’re also going to be doing some custom terraforming on this side of the castle keep that is going to help transition uh the the terrain up here from the castle keep all the way to our future river uh so uh things probably look a little bit

Different from the last episode i’ve done a lot of work off camera you can kind of say i’ve been busy um i’ve been working on figuring out where the river’s going to go and also i’ve been figuring out um where other things are going to go i’ve been working on

Tearing out the river and this is what i got so far so the river’s gonna come through here and then it’s just gonna pretty much work its way through here and then i’m thinking about having it come in just a little bit over here and then go up that way uh because there

Is an actual ocean that way so i am uh very excited about that and i’ve been doing a lot of terraforming i tried to dabble in some tnt um but that didn’t quite work out you can kind of see the results right here so yeah it’s it’s not too great but uh we’re

Gonna focus on that in another episode later down the road but in today’s episode we are going to be focusing on the wireframe of this keep and also terraforming the side here to actually make it look like it’s not floating and we’re also going to be focusing on the road

Or the pathway uh to the future city so with that said we got another jam-packed episode ahead of us let’s get started working on the wireframe of this castle keep all right so bear with me folks this is uh kind of a long time lapse definitely a longer time lapse

Than what we had in the first episode um this took me roughly around five to six hours to do and i don’t know why i didn’t think of this before but i i’m kind of just flying by by the seat of my pants i’m kind of winging this thing because i’ve

Never built a castle before this is the first castle that i’ve ever built and i think it’s turning out pretty good so far i’m very happy with how this is going so far and um i i really didn’t know beforehand how i was going to translate this being on a hill and

You know in the first episode we pretty much just added a flat base to this castle so it’s pretty much just flat but it’s like you’re not gonna dig take a you know chop off the top of a hill and build you know the castle right there you’re going to

Build it you know you’re gonna have it conform with you know the terrain and kind of build it along with the landscape so how do i go about and translate that uh here so i had to completely strip majority of the plans from the last episode to get the terrain the way i

Want it to um and then i have to go back and add it add the plants back but here we’re working on the don john and that’s what it’s called this would be uh technically the castle keep however um we’re gonna be adding more to this so

The whole thing that we’re working on with the towers in the gay house all that’s the key but if there was because we’re gonna have a walled city in front so this if we didn’t have a walled city or a plane i’m building a wall technically as of right now this is the

Keep that we’re working on but this is the the don john this is where um visitors will be staying if the lord and lady uh decide to have family come over this is where they’re gonna be staying and not sure what’s going on with the camera right here um but working on

The the walls here i i do apologize for this um this took me around five to six hours to do this whole entire thing um and i i i oh lord okay there we go i do apologize for that i’m so sorry i’m still a rookie when it comes to these

Time lapses um and uh it was just absolutely insane with the the amount of time it took uh it took me forever to uh to chop these up and to replay videos and stuff like that so um i please uh hit hit the like button um if i’m doing a good job uh

So support uh if you want to see more truly appreciate it i’ve never been so hyped up to do a series or a project in you on youtube ever not even our wild west series bone creek uh existence i have never been so excited to do a project

In my life so please please please if you like this series hit that like button subscribe for more but very happy with how this turned out this was definitely a very tough project to do because you guys probably can’t tell with how fast i’m moving this is like

It’s sped up eight times in replay mod and i sped it up 600 percent more in my video editing software but i kept falling off and um so i’m like flying everywhere and falling off and stuff like that so i kept falling off it was really frustrating i was about ready to rage

Quit at one point um so it was really difficult uh at this point but um i’m very happy it was definitely worth it was definitely worth the uh the hassle for sure i’m very excited with how this turned out there’s a couple things that i need

To change that i didn’t really take in consideration um right here i don’t know if i want to keep this or not if i kind of want to do what i did with the don john or if i want to keep it as andesite but

Um there are some things that i want to work on in between episodes for sure uh some things that i missed uh for instance there is no way to get up to the ballroom which i will explain later on but i know this uh this time lapse is going by pretty quickly because

This is this would be if if i left it at eight times in the replay my this would have been a i think a 40 to 45 minute time lapse so it’s pretty long so i managed to kind of condense it down to about nine minutes um

You know everything else it would have looked weird afterwards so this this was about fast enough that uh it wasn’t gonna take a long time but slow enough where you can kind of comprehend what’s going on this is the east gate uh this will head off to our jousting arena and training grounds

Later on um which i believe i explained in the last episode or i explained earlier i can’t remember i uh my brain is kind of frightened at the moment i do apologize i just got done working out um so my brain is kind of i’m still kind

Of recovering from that that was a tough workout but i do want to explain the story a little bit because you guys probably are a little bit confused uh based on the poetry the epilogues um so in the first episode we we started off um with a young boy who’s kind of in

Kind of in a self-conflict wondering why the the country is kind of in a state of despair and everything i’m kind of wondering why everything’s going to going crazy within the uh with an arena and now in this episode it’s seven years after this ender’s end and this arraign great iranian war

And we we meet one person by name powell who was the former king’s hand who uh sets off to find a place to settle after this war and um so we’re actually back in time so the first episode takes place in present time which is about 1200

Years after this ender’s end and we’ll get uh more into that later on in the series now we’re jumping back in time seven years after so uh first episode is 1200 years uh in the future from this is 1200 years in the future from the second episode so let me let me

Rephrase that the second episode is 1200 years before episode 1. so um so yeah this is going to be a series that will be going into the past to learn backstories and then coming back to the future going back to the past you know then going back to the future

To tie things together so that’s it’s kind of like star wars essentially uh um lucas wanted to george lucas wanted to start the story he likes to start stories from the middle and then head back to the beginning so that’s kind of what it is we’re starting

Present time getting a little glimpse of kind of setting the um stage a little bit and then going back to you know uh kind of answering those questions that you may had in uh the first episode um so don’t worry all your questions will be answered in the story i know there’s a

Lot of open-ended questions why is this why is that who’s this who’s that why are they doing this it will all be answers so don’t worry um we’re working on the main keep right now this is the living portion of the keep one thing that i forgot to do was

Actually build a way to get up to the ballroom that we’re working on right now we’re actually working on the chimney but we’re working on the ballroom right now which is above the castle uh keep and the reason why is because there’s not gonna be any support beams in the middle

Shadowversity actually explained this in um his uh really long uh video like 45 minutes of uh pretty much the architecture of castles of historic medieval castles why they were laid out the way they were everything and one thing that i learned is that ballrooms are always at the very top of the castle

Because you want a grand big open space and if you put it down below then it compromises the integrity of the structure so it’s going to be at the very top and i forgot to add a stairway up there so i need to do that um i’ll figure that

Out in between episodes but we are about wrapping up for this first time lapse we’re gonna jump into uh first person mode and we’re going to take a look at it from the ground and i’m also going to talk about our next project so uh thank you all for uh sticking around

This long this is going to be a super long episode but i hope you guys enjoy it i’m really liking how this castle is turning out so i’m gonna let the last seconds of this time lapse roll out let’s jump back into first person mode and check out this castle key

Pillagers we just started this castle and we already have pillagers they’re already here to raid our castle and it’s not even complete yet it’s just pretty much bare bones i got news for you dude there’s nothing here to pillage there’s nothing here if you’re looking for the treasury it doesn’t exist just saying

And there’s gonna be a jail down there that’s probably where you’re gonna be so don’t do you can hang up you can hang out up there but don’t steal anything okay welcome back ladies and gentlemen hopefully you all enjoyed that time lapse boy oh boy let me tell you that was that

Was a difficult project that took a really long time to do that took me roughly around five hours or so to completely do all this hey guys can you please be quiet trying to uh talk with my friends here i’m talking to you talking to you guys

Yeah walk away thank you i appreciate it uh but yeah this took me roughly around five hours i’m really happy with the turnout uh there is a couple things that i did miss though that i will uh address uh in between episodes because i am all out of time for doing the wireframe

But i am absolutely happy with how this turned out and hopefully you all too all right you guys are all happy with it as well um i’m really looking forward to um the this castle becoming or this key becoming more complete and everything one thing though that i am a little bit

Iffy on is the don john here and i don’t know if i should do the tudor style like this or if i should do what was on the front there um and we can head back and i can reference that uh real quick if we should just kind of keep it bland

Like this um so if we should just have andesite uh bricks and stuff like that kind of come out and pop out like that and get rid of the wood and the tudor style but i kind of like it you know maybe it can go down just a

Little bit more maybe can be a little more more longer this way and stuff like that it just it looks a little weird in my opinion let me know your thoughts down in the comments i i would really like to get your guys’s feedback i really don’t know

Which way to go so let me know your thoughts but i’m absolutely happy with this keep so far uh with the um layout and pretty much the shape so we pretty much know what it’s going to look like it’s pretty busy let’s actually head up into the key um without spoiling

Anything let’s get down here and out geez oh pete’s this is the uh this is the gate house right here so you’re going to come in we’re going to have two big portcullises right here going to walk up right into the steps to get into the actual keep is right there so uh

This is this is going to be really cool when i’m done oh my lord i got a huge smile on my face but this is gonna be the entrance to the big uh key part the living area of the keep um and roughly it’s gonna be i think around

Six floors i think let’s uh let’s check real quick right here is going to be the greenery it’s going to be this one’s going to be three um four uh one two three four five yes six counting the ballroom which is going to be way up there

And this is gonna be a huge fireplace that’s gonna come all the way down um we have the don john which you’re gonna be able to enter i think on level number two i don’t think you’ll be able to i think you’ll be able to get down to the

Servant floor which is going to be down here from the dungeon but you can’t go all the way up top from i think you can go from the servant level to the first level which is this level right here and that’s it and then i think you have to go to the second

Level to go i i don’t know um we’re gonna have to figure that out but i am absolutely in love with this it’s so huge it took me forever to do this by the way absol absolutely took me forever and if you guys don’t know this is andesite by the way

In um this texture pack if you guys don’t know what texture pack i’m using i’m using a little taste of germ which is my favorite texture pack of all time and i really like the dark andesite so i really like that um so we’re going to have a outdoor storage

Area right here a blacksmith we’re also gonna have a laundry area right here the servant entry for the uh servants are gonna be right in here they’ll just walk right here they can raise and lower this uh drawbridge here and then there’s going to be water that’s going to be in here

I don’t know if i’m going to pull this nah it’s it’s fine um two lookout towers as well the don john is right here is going to be this big tower horse stables and then a animal barn for our livestock so and then we have of course the gatehouse

Yeah i see you dude i see you um some lookout towers as well and then um we have the east gate right here which is going to lead out this way and it’s going to take you out to about somewhere out in this forest here where we’re going to have a

Jousting arena and a uh a night training ground training grounds of some sort so yeah i thought that was another uh pillager um so yeah it’s gonna be right here this is gonna be the east gate uh and then we’re gonna have another tower right here the library is gonna

Be right here all three uh or both two levels right here the top two levels are gonna be the library and then we’re gonna have another tower right here don’t know what’s gonna go in there or not then we’re gonna also have another lookout tower lookout tower and then a couple of

Terraces right here and then of course this building up here is going to be the ballroom and a big picture window up top let me head up let me see if you guys can see it or not from here i i don’t think you can but there’s gonna be a big picture window

Right there so all three levels will have view out of that window so i think that’s gonna be absolutely awesome what’s up guys so yeah definitely for sure i’m very happy what up what an idiot um you suck i’m just joking um so yeah i i’m very happy with uh

How this is turning out and i’m really excited now what we got to do is we’ve got to do a little bit of some terraforming to help address the floating castle in the sky um because it looks really weird so we need to figure out a good way to translate

The keep being all the way up here and then having the terrain slope down to where the uh where the river is going to be so that’s going to be the next project so with that said hopefully you all enjoyed the uh the first time lapse let’s get started on project

Number three which is going to be terraforming this side of the keep So here is the cliff side that we just made and i don’t know about you guys but i really like it i really like how it turned out now of course it’s not the best looking cliff here on the youtubes but for my first attempt at doing something kind of like this i

I feel like it’s it looks pretty dang good in my opinion there are some couple things that i want to add and change i definitely want to uh reallocate more of the cobblestone down towards the bottom to make it look like it’s kind of like the weight of itself is

Kind of getting crushed and stuff um so i kind of want to move more cobblestone down to the bottom i also want to uh sprinkle in some gravel on the bottom as well i think that would uh look pretty good kind of break up all this gray and stuff like that but i

Really love uh i really love how it turned out especially these custom trees right up here these are what i call z spruce trees these are trees inspired by king z he has a tutorial out on how to make realistic uh custom spruce trees and i pretty much took inspiration from

That tutorial uh and it created four really cool uh trees so i’m i’m very happy about how they turned out so make sure you head over to his channel check check out that uh editorial video let him know that sane man sent you but i am really happy about how this

Turned out and of course it’s not complete um because about right here we’re gonna go down ten more blocks from here so this is gonna this is probably about half of the uh the eclipse side so because we’re gonna have a we’re gonna have um the river start about right here or so

Maybe right here i i don’t know but the river’s going to come up to about right here so this is going to come out a little bit more uh and i kind of want to make it look like over the years the water has kind of this kind of shows like erosion

Almost that’s kind of what i’m kind of going with so i don’t know let me know your thoughts about this in the uh uh comment section below i’m so sorry my my brain is fried after so far this whole entire project has been a huge project and we’re not even done yet we

Still got one more uh thing on our list to do and that is to create the uh pathway from the uh of where the future city is going to be to the castle keep gay house so we’re gonna have a gatehouse about right here or so let’s get rid of that

We’re gonna have a gatehouse about right here and we’re gonna have kind of a windy path kind of go up now the reason behind that is well first of all i would like to have the gay house kind of be about right in here um but the reason why i’m pushing it back

Uh to about right here the middle of it’s gonna probably sit about right here so we’re gonna have to take this tree out um and we’re gonna have a winding path go up to it because um i want to try to make these not kind of historically accurate but also

Uh historically what what’s the term i’m looking for uh functioning as well so it’s a lot easier for instance if you have like an opposing house or an opposing army uh raid your city essentially and attack your city and they take the city they take the walled

Town and city now they have to come up and take the key they can take the city all they want but they don’t have control over the timberlands if they don’t take the key so they need if they take the keep then they have control over everything um so it’s a lot easier

For an opposing army to storm the keep at a straight shot even if it’s at a hill it’s a lot easier but it’s way more difficult to storm the keep in a when it’s a whiny path especially if it’s uh rocky terrain and stuff like that if it’s kind of like

Mountainous terrain where you have to work your way up to a uh work your way up through like a hilly area or rocky mountainous area it’s a lot harder to storm the keep that way than it is to just have a straight shot so that’s the reasoning

Behind it like i said i would rather have it up here but it’s gonna be having kind of a windy path you’re almost gonna have to raise the uh the terrain all the way up and have a straight shot kind of at a slope there it’ll just be a whole lot easier to

Storm the keep that way so i think this is probably going to be the best way to do it um the keep’s going to sit or the gatehouse is probably going to sit on this level and it’s just gonna wind its way up so uh enough talking let’s get to work

We’re gonna have to do a little bit of some terraforming we’re gonna have to get rid of a few trees we’re probably gonna get rid of this big mountain right here this big hill we’re gonna take a big chunk of this out as well so with that said let’s get started

All right so we are working on the final time lapse in the final project of today’s episode and thank you all so much who have made it this far you guys are truly the mvps um thanks for sticking around i truly appreciate it uh so this final uh project that we’re

Gonna be working on is the pathway from the future himalayan city to the castle keep and it’s really weird it’s not straight uh from the city it’s not just a straight up straight shot um you you would think it would be kind of like that but it’s not it’s

Curved and windy and the reasoning behind that as you kind of see it’s really wonky and i did that for a reason and the reason why is because it’s a lot more difficult for an opposing army to storm a castle on a very windy and weird

Bendy type of path like this it’s very very more it’s way more difficult so this pretty much leaves the opposing army a couple options number one is that they can try to take the castle um from the city uh gate tower before they get to the swan d path or

They can try to navigate through it and um and which will also buy the castle more time to defend itself and essentially pick off more of the opposing army which will lower the opposing army’s numbers increasing the castle’s odds of winning the siege so it definitely helps and

Works in the castle’s favor so that’s the reason we’re also gonna be adding in a really cool drawbridge right here in a small creek but finally we get to the cinematic shots of the video i i just i i’m out of words of how uh psyched i am for this series i’ve

Never been uh so pumped up to work on a project in a youtube video or on youtube at all not even our as much as this not even our wild west series bone creek existence first couple series that we’ve done i’ve never been so excited to

Tackle a project like this i’m very very excited hopefully you are as well let me know your thoughts down in the comment section below i truly oops i truly appreciate it um we’ll we’ll fix this later on i forgot to finish the east gate

Um so uh yeah we’ll fix that later on it will be a little bit a couple episodes before we get to the east gate but i hope you all enjoyed the episode thank you all so much for watching um there’s the don john i absolutely love this tower uh love love

The whole castle completely it’s just it’s absolutely amazing but make sure to hit that like button if you like the video make sure to hit the subscribe button if you want to see more i know majority of my viewers are not subscribed so make sure to subscribe support the channel here support the

Series there’ll definitely be a lot more videos to come make sure to hit that bell icon next to the little subscribe button there to get notified whenever a episode comes out um my goal is to get these out every friday at 1 pm eastern so make sure you are here

To watch the episode make sure to give your feedback as well i really appreciate any feedback that i can get to make this better these clips are so amazing um i i think i did a really good job on my first time doing the clips and these custom trees thank you kingsy for

Teaching all of us how to make custom spruce trees you are definitely a lifesaver and this pathway that we’re going to see here in a second is just absolutely uh it’s going to be very interesting to work the work off the terrain so thank you all so much for watching

And as usual we’ll see you all in the next episode see ya Foreign

This video, titled ‘📖 Castle Wireframe and Custom Terrain | Araina S1E2 – Minecraft 1.16.4 Single Player Survival’, was uploaded by Sandman on 2020-12-11 18:00:12. It has garnered 144 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:57 or 1977 seconds.

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our Minecraft Single Player Series – Araina: Forged in Obsidian!

In today’s episode, we begin work on building our first EPIC castle by clearing out some trees and laying out the foundation! Be sure to hit the like button if you enjoyed the video and Subscribe for more Minecraft Vanilla Survival Content!

Narrated by Scary F’n Terry! Listen to Scary Terry’s Saturday Nightmare on Michigan’s Metal Station, Q106!

Enjoy the video!

Full Playlist:

0:00 Intro 0:10 Monologue 2:07 Intro 4:51 Castle Wireframing 21:36 Custom Castle Base Cliffs 28:46 Pathway to Castle Keep 30:25 Outro _______________________________________


Seven years have passed since Ender’s End and the Great Arainian War And the Arainian people avenged their king and won what they set out for Though, darkness fell upon the people as a new dawn emerged The fear in the eyes of people from the threat have yet not been purged

Repairing their homes and securing the realm quickly came to their minds Though, building a better home and realm was a difficult task, History finds Fears of the enemy still lurked in the back of people’s heads The difficulty of moving on was growing worse as the paranoia spreads

A new king quickly arose after the long and gruesome Enders End and Arainan war The post war agony and sadness of his people struck the King to his very core He found his people in fear cased in paranoia of any threats that may return As if it was a horrible truth that he never even wanted to learn

He insured his people that there was no threat and life in this new realm will be bright However, the people who listened to the new king did not lose their war inherited fright A plan suddenly came to his mind that could rid the people of this war driven fear A promise of brand-new life free of threats on a beautiful new Frontier

He set forth out the former king’s hand to seek and colonize a new area In an effort to extinguish any doubt about all the post war hysteria Powle soon took a group of loyal supporters with him on this new exhibition After a week of searching, the group finally came to the conclusion of their mission

The group found themselves in a very large forest with trees as high as the sky The forest was so large and so grand, that it couldn’t hardly pass you by So, Powle and his people set forth and began their new lives and without a hassle They began to break ground, as they started to build their new castle! _______________________________________

About The Series: Twelve hundred years after the Great Arainian War and Enders End, a young boy, Ollie Powle, who is concerned about the division in his country, sets out to learn the secrets that lie underneath the country’s dark and gruesome past after learning that a folklore of the war told to him as a child is truly real, written in an old forbidden tome hidden deep within his grandfather’s castle library. After learning of these truths and the country’s past, sudden disappearances occur throughout the realm and peoples behaviors start to change for the worse. Ollie must then find a way to unite the people and warn them that the myths in the folklore of the Wither King and the Ender Queen, are truly real and are looking to escape back to Araina from their imprisoned dimensions to seek revenge for the damage they caused to one another in the Great Arainian War.

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Disclaimer: All comments such as “first” will be deleted. Hostility and any bullying will not be tolerated on this channel! All those who are hostile towards other viewers will be muted from commenting on any further videos.

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    Rhyme Time: Wither Skeleton's Minecraft Logic In the world of Minecraft, where secrets abound, The Wither Skeleton’s logic, a mystery profound. Hidden in the Nether, it lurks in the night, With black and white hues, ready to fight. But beyond its appearance, a world to explore, With puzzles and patterns, waiting to soar. Decipher the symbols, unlock the unknown, In the Wither Skeleton’s realm, the truth is shown. So join us in this adventure, brave and bold, Uncover the secrets, let the story unfold. Crafting and mining, in this pixelated land, With the Wither Skeleton, let your courage stand. Like, comment, and subscribe, for more… Read More

  • Skyblock World Descent Tutorial

    Skyblock World Descent Tutorial Exploring Minecraft Skyblock: Descending to New Depths Are you ready to take your Minecraft Skyblock adventure to new depths? In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to go down in the Skyblock world, whether you have water or not. Let’s dive in! Descending with Water If you’re lucky enough to have a water bucket in your Skyblock world, going down is a breeze. Simply place blocks below you and create a platform to descend safely. This method not only helps you reach lower levels like Y-0 but also facilitates the creation of mob farms for increased spawns. Descending without… Read More

  • Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map

    Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map The Exciting Quest for Stickers in Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Map #2 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s 15th-anniversary map #2 as players dive into the quest for stickers. This exciting journey promises hours of fun and challenges as gamers explore the vast virtual world of Minecraft. Unveiling the Map’s Secrets As players navigate through the map, they will encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and hidden treasures. The quest for stickers will test their problem-solving skills and creativity, making it a truly engaging experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Interactive Gameplay The interactive gameplay of the 15th-anniversary map #2 adds a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of LEGO and all things creative? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the excitement happening at the LEGO Convention featured in the video “LEGO CONVENTION FULL TOUR – New Bricks on the Block – Bricking Bavaria & Brickhunter.” With 60 MOCs (My Own Creations) on display, including themes like LEGO Star Wars, Harry Potter, Ninjago, Minecraft, Technic, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. But why stop at just admiring LEGO creations when you can bring your creativity to life in a whole new way on Minewind Minecraft Server? Imagine building… Read More

  • Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody

    Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody Minecraft Parody: Mine It All Exploring the world of Minecraft can be an adventure filled with excitement, challenges, and creativity. The Minecraft parody of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” brings a fun twist to the game, highlighting the experiences players face while mining, building, and surviving in this virtual world. Surviving the Minecraft World In the parody lyrics, the player navigates through the dangers of the Minecraft world, facing off against zombies, creepers, and the elusive Ender Dragon. The constant threat of danger adds a thrilling element to the gameplay, keeping players on their toes as they explore and… Read More

  • Insane Chicken Stunt in Minecraft!

    Insane Chicken Stunt in Minecraft! Welcome to the Blocky Thrills of Minecraft Roller Coaster Build! Designing the Ultimate Roller Coaster Experience Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft as we embark on the first episode of our Roller Coaster Build series! In this video, we dive headfirst into the creative world of Minecraft to bring you the ultimate roller coaster experience. Join us as we design, build, and test our very own coaster, complete with twists, turns, and breathtaking drops! From Concept to Creation From the initial concept to the final redstone-powered masterpiece, we’ll guide you through each step… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Flag Challenge in Minecraft

    Ultimate Flag Challenge in Minecraft The Minecraft Flag Challenge: A Test of Knowledge and Adventure ๐Ÿด๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ Welcome to the Minecraft Flag Challenge! This unique and exciting challenge combines the thrill of exploring the Minecraft world with the test of your knowledge of world flags. Are you ready to embark on this epic adventure? Flag Identification and Exploration In the Minecraft Flag Challenge, players will be presented with flags from various countries such as Russia, Israel, Palestine, and Indonesia. Your task is to correctly identify each flag and locate the corresponding country within the vast Minecraft world. This challenge will not only test your flag… Read More

  • Ultimate Command Blocks Guide

    Ultimate Command Blocks Guide The Power of Command Blocks in Minecraft Bedrock/PE Command Blocks are a powerful tool in Minecraft Bedrock/PE that allows players to automate tasks, create complex systems, and enhance gameplay. Let’s dive into the world of Command Blocks and explore their various features and functions. Impulse Command Blocks Impulse Command Blocks are used for executing a command immediately upon receiving a redstone signal. Players can specify the command input, list of @ targets, previous output, block type, condition, needs redstone, execute on first tick, delay in ticks, and cancel changes. Repeater Command Blocks Repeater Command Blocks, on the other hand,… Read More

  • EPIC SPELLING SURVIVAL – New Modded Soaring Ceilings!

    EPIC SPELLING SURVIVAL - New Modded Soaring Ceilings!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving modded: Soaring Ceilings!’, was uploaded by Speeling on 2024-04-10 01:11:30. It has garnered 66 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:22 or 11122 seconds. We’re jumping into modded minecraft for a bunch of fun to have fun exploring and mischief! Read More

  • The Ultimate Realm Name Revealed!

    The Ultimate Realm Name Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘OFFICIAL REALM NAME COMING SOON – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL LIVE SERIES (INVITE ONLY/JOIN QUEUE)’, was uploaded by OutrageousGaming on 2024-03-01 07:26:07. It has garnered 84 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:45 or 7725 seconds. Today, I am playing Survival Mode in Minecraft whilst trying to Survive on YouTube for PS4! My other channel is: My Twitch channel is: Our Discord Server: Subscribe, if you wish! Read More

  • The Fiery Rise of RealHawk & Wilson on Cobblemon Islands!

    The Fiery Rise of RealHawk & Wilson on Cobblemon Islands!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FIRE EMPIRES RISE TO GLORY ON COBBLEMON ISLANDS!!! W/ WILSON’, was uploaded by RealHawk on 2024-03-03 08:44:24. It has garnered 1123 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:00 or 7080 seconds. Help Me Build Up This Fire EmpireXD #cobblemon #minecraft #pokemon #trending #gaming Server IP: Cobblemon Islands Discord: Cobblemon Discord: Play Through Technic Launcher/CurseForge/Modrinth Launcher My Discord: Read More

  • Insane TSMC Minecraft City Build! Watch Now!

    Insane TSMC Minecraft City Build! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘TSMC – Minecraft: STREAM CITY #7’, was uploaded by Christopher A.J on 2024-01-12 17:30:10. It has garnered 6 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:41 or 1181 seconds. Originally uploaded in January 14, 2022 from TSMC – Minecraft. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:30 Street Structure 4:45 New Convenience Store 9:10 Playground 13:05 Tennis Courts 16:35 School 18:17 Outro 18:21 Channel Members Read More

  • Monkey.d.Bayouใƒ„ – They never saw it coming ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #fyp

    Monkey.d.Bayouใƒ„ - They never saw it coming ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘they thought they stood a chance #minecraft #fyp #goviral #funny #trending’, was uploaded by Monkey.d.Bayouใƒ„ on 2024-03-20 16:50:07. It has garnered 6488 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Jeffy’s Crazy Emoji Challenge in Roblox!

    Unbelievable: Jeffy's Crazy Emoji Challenge in Roblox!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy GUESS THE EMOJI in Roblox!’, was uploaded by Jeffy And Marvin’s World on 2024-02-18 18:00:12. It has garnered 260368 views and 1773 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:17 or 9317 seconds. Join Our Discord! Main Channel: Minecraft Channel: โ–บโ–บ SUBSCRIBE to Jeffy And Marvin’s World for videos inspired by SML! Including gaming, reacts, SML Movie & more! If you don’t like and subscribe, Marvin will BEAT JEFFY! #jeffy #sml #vrchat #marvin #shorts #roblox #gta Read More

  • Dave Del found protesting at NY college! Watch now!

    Dave Del found protesting at NY college! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘FOUND AT COLLEGE PROTEST IN NEW YORK (Subscribe)’, was uploaded by Dave Del on 2024-05-29 15:02:58. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #crazy #reels #reaction #fypใ‚ท #top #police #cops #cod #op #online #onetap #roblox #minecraft #pc #pcgaming #politics #birthday #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralvideo #story #subscribe #about #share #india #newyork #city #life #lifestyle #new #free #crime #crazy #cricket #art #reaction #today #breakingnews #breakingnews #republicans #democrats #trump #election #rap #musicvideo #motivation #motivational #movie #mobilelegends #mobile #hacker #sad #sadstatus #drawing #biggboss #quotes #real #facts #instagram #sherrif… Read More

  • Insane Kill! Destroying OP Player on My SMP

    Insane Kill! Destroying OP Player on My SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Eliminating A STACKED Player On MY SMP’, was uploaded by Mando Hyper on 2024-05-28 23:11:30. It has garnered 732 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #pvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #cpvp #mcpe #minecraftshorts #smp #meme #minecraftsmp Read More

  • Join DsrPlayz in EPIC Minecraft Livestream!

    Join DsrPlayz in EPIC Minecraft Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ›‘ MINECRAFT WITH SUBSCRIBERS ๐Ÿ›‘| #livestream #shortsfeed #verticallivestream #minecraft #freefire’, was uploaded by DsrPlayz on 2024-05-08 04:37:06. It has garnered 684 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:32 or 6392 seconds. ๐Ÿ›‘ VALO AAJAO DOSTO ๐Ÿ›‘| #livestream #shortsfeed #verticallivestream Spreading Fun Through Art. #dsrplayz #hindi Socials:- Instagram:- Discord:- Song:- Mail :- [email protected] That’s All Folks! โ›”TAGS: {Don’t Read} minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live hindi minecraft live 2021 minecraft live smp minecraft live video minecraft live server minecraft live insaan part 1 minecraft live anyone can… Read More

  • BugCraft

    BugCraftThis is a China minecraft sever. no discord. welcome everyone to play. BugCraft – There are many bugs to play. https// thanks you play this minecraft sever. Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla, Whitelist, Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.6 – Bedrock Support VanillaPlus is a whitelisted vanilla SMP with an expanding community who enjoys playing vanilla Minecraft on the latest version, currently 1.20.6. We have added a texture pack, data packs, and crafting packs to enhance your gameplay experience. Join our Discord at Discord to get the server access code. All players are welcome to join us in building automated farms, constructing bases, and trading goods at the spawn shopping area. Recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Join us today and have fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft. Read More

  • TribalMC

    TribalMc is a minecraft server currently with survival and casino.Casino uses in game money that can be earned every day.Survival has almost 90 Slimefun addons with thousands of items to craft and machines to create. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Thursgay, June 13th

    Minecraft Memes - Thursgay, June 13thLooks like this meme has a solid 16 out of 10 rating – must be some top tier Minecraft humor! Read More

  • 2019’s Minecraft Revival: A Video That Reignited My Craze!

    2019's Minecraft Revival: A Video That Reignited My Craze! In 2019, a video caught my eye, About a YouTuber, soaring high. Warfredone, with skills so fine, Crafting Minecraft, a true goldmine. His skin pack, a work of art, Captured my soul, touched my heart. I’ll never forget that special day, When Minecraft came back in a big way. So here’s to the memories, the joy it brings, Minecraft nostalgia, with rhymes that sing. Warfredone, a legend in the game, Forever in our hearts, his fame. Read More

  • Minecraft: El juego que arruina relaciones ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft: El juego que arruina relaciones ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Ni dejan descansar… ยกpero quiรฉn quiere descansar cuando hay diamantes por minar en Minecraft!” ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘พ #minecraft#viral#memes#meme#humor#xd#gameplay#minecraftxd#minecraftmemes#parodia Read More

  • Warning: Epic Shenanigans

    Warning: Epic Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft? ๐ŸŽฎ Join AndyTheMC on his YouTube channel as he explores the endless possibilities of this popular game. From building epic structures to surviving in the wilderness, there’s never a dull moment in Minecraft. Exploring New Worlds Watch as AndyTheMC embarks on thrilling adventures in Minecraft, uncovering hidden treasures and facing dangerous foes along the way. With each new world generated, the possibilities are endless, and the excitement never stops. ๐ŸŒ Building Masterpieces Get inspired by AndyTheMC’s incredible building skills as he constructs… Read More


    EPIC NEW CHALLENGERS JOIN Napoleonn LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘”NEW CHALLENGERS APPROACH!” || A Survival Minecraft Livestream! (ft. Gemini & VAs)’, was uploaded by Napoleonn on 2024-05-01 11:13:32. It has garnered 2255 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:17 or 5477 seconds. Just a fun little stream we wanted to do to chill, hang out, and talk to you guys. Come on in and stop by! โ˜… Merch Store: โ˜… Use Promo Code: NapoleonnVA at checkout for 20% OFF your first month! โ˜… Music and sound effects by Epidemic Sound. โ˜… Thumbnail Render – Me #mcrp #mctv #minecraftroleplay… Read More

  • The Horrifying Scarecrow in Minecraft

    The Horrifying Scarecrow in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘scary crow #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by McCreP on 2024-01-14 08:10:03. It has garnered 2787 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. scary crow #shortvideo Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Revenge Hack – Trending on TikTok! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Revenge Hack - Trending on TikTok! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack shorts |minecraft tik tok shorts|#minecraft #trending #soruvjoshivlogs’, was uploaded by Crazy Revenge on 2024-04-20 03:14:26. It has garnered 36 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft viral tik tok hack shorts ||minecraft tik tik shorts || #minecraft #trending #mrbeast Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work ====== Subscribe!! WATCH NEXT:- #63 =share EE=EE==== Minecraft Troll Traps Believe Unbelievable Minecraft Logic That Hard to How to Make realistic PC in Minecraft ?feature-share “Minecraft 1.20 Secrets That’ll Make you say WOW!”… Read More

  • Insane Live Messy Gameplay – COD & Minecraft! #LiveSpecial

    Insane Live Messy Gameplay - COD & Minecraft! #LiveSpecialVideo Information This video, titled ‘call of duty ll #live #minecraftlive #90speciallive’, was uploaded by Messy is Live on 2024-05-14 16:00:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:55 or 295 seconds. Join us for an exhilarating Minecraft live stream extravaganza where the virtual world comes alive with boundless creativity adventure and endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a captivating journey as we embark on a thrilling gameplay experience exploring the vast and breathtaking landscapes of this pix Witness the artistry and ingenuity of our talented streamers as they build magnificent structures craft intricate… Read More

  • One-Heart Tobi 17 – INSANE Minecraft Challenge!!

    One-Heart Tobi 17 - INSANE Minecraft Challenge!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I have One Heart !’, was uploaded by Tobi 17 on 2024-01-09 10:37:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #shorts #minecraft Subscribe for more guys !! JOIN our discord server to make videos together .. LINK in BIOO JOIN fast I am … Read More

  • Get ready for an EPIC adventure: Demon Gamer’s Minecraft Survival! #1

    Get ready for an EPIC adventure: Demon Gamer's Minecraft Survival! #1Video Information This video, titled ‘A Great Journey Begins! | Minecraft Survival #1’, was uploaded by Demon Gamer on 2024-03-23 15:44:23. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:41 or 941 seconds. This is the beginning of history! Please like and subscribe! #minecraft #minecraftpe #survival #minecraftsurvival #village #minecraftvillage #gaming #gameplay #new #trending #trendingvideo Read More

  • INSANE ROBLOX GAMING with Rayo ProGamer!

    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING with Rayo ProGamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘EN VIVO ROBLOX JUGANDO LOS MEJORES JUEGOS CON SUSCRIPTORES’, was uploaded by Rayo ProGamer on 2024-05-12 16:49:04. It has garnered 131 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:56 or 6116 seconds. โšก๏ธWELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘ WE PLAY FORTNITE MINECRAFT ROBLOX WARZONE RESIDENT EVIL 4 FALL GUYS Fortnite Private Games, Fashion Contest, Outfits, Live fortnite, Fortnite gaming, Fortnite skin giveaway, Fortnite turkey giveaway, Simon says fortnite, Fashion show fortnite, Scrims fortnite, Fortnite lego, Fortnite live, Minecraft bedrock, Minecraft with subscribers, Minecraft team war, Minecraft pvp, Minecraft live, Warzone, warzone ashika, Warzone… Read More

  • Dad Mann vs. Minecraft Cowboys on Sky Vaults ๐Ÿค 

    Dad Mann vs. Minecraft Cowboys on Sky Vaults ๐Ÿค Video Information This video, titled ‘Like a scene from an old western or something ๐Ÿค  #minecraft #vaulthunters #skyvaults’, was uploaded by dadmannwalking on 2024-06-08 14:00:04. It has garnered 147 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Good morning, good morning, good morning! Welcome to Sky Vaults – a Vault Hunters 3rd Edition Sky Block mode created by @iskall85 and his dev team! #minecraft #vaulthunters #vault #hunters #modded #moddedminecraft #iskall85 #skyvaults #skyblock Read More

  • Insane Gamer Master Parkour! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Gamer Master Parkour! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unexpected Parkour 2 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy L Gamer on 2024-05-18 12:33:00. It has garnered 923 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft but shorts minecraft challenge minecraft tutorial 100 players camman18 minecraft animation minecraft update 1.19 camman18 exposed 1.20.1 minecraft 1.20 1.20 camman18 minecraft canman18 camman canman minecraft rarest minecraft seed minecraft facts minecraft how to minecraft but you cant touch the color camman18 shorts minecraft tips minecraft mod minecraft but challenge minecraft survival minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • Fellty

    FelltyOPEN 11 august! Welcome to cool server Minecraft ๐Ÿ™‚ About the project : 1. Anarchy Mode 2. Unique map generation 3. Bosses of personal development 4. System of hearts 5. Improving potions (crossbreeding) 6. Works and achievements 7. Emerald armor, weapons 8. Improved dynamites (Obsidian explosion, extended radius explosion) …And much more awaits you at Fellty! Read More

Sandman – ๐Ÿ“– Castle Wireframe and Custom Terrain | Araina S1E2 – Minecraft 1.16.4 Single Player Survival