SapLow: The Most Insane Minecraft Server Ever?! 🤯

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We are live we are live officially live not like the false start we just happened that didn’t happen we didn’t have a false start it was all good we’re live and we’re live on what server we’re doing the first ever Minecraft server Spotlight uh on Legion uh and Legion is

A is a Minecraft server that has multiple game modes kind of like an OG like shopo kind of server uh Anarchy chaos creativity I don’t know if that’s a game mode but uh tower defense is also one and I think battles as well and uh uh today we’re specifically taking a

Look at the Anarchy section of the Legion server uh but I’m doing that with two guides today uh Siege and Justin and so can you guys introduce yourselves hello I’m Siege I’ve been playing Minecraft since 2011 and I really enjoy finding older Minecraft Builds so and I stumbled across the

Server found it through sapl um I just thought it needed to be archived and I wanted to see what it had to offer because it seemed like Anarchy’s final frontier in a way hey guys I’m Justin um when Siege and sapla found the server they also found me I’ve been playing on this

Server since 2012 so you know I know a lot of the history so that’s what I’m here to help with okay I’ll quickly join this join this and do a little like spawn Hub demonstration Red X 3203 uh welcome and welcome pasta as well I remember redex he’s he’s he’s an

OG when I did used to do my twitch streams uh he used to get one or two more viewers than I would out of the three he used to get three viewers I used to get like one and then he would give me his and he’ raid my and my thing

So I remember I remember your kindness I remember it joining chat uh from my vacation in Florida I have I hope you’re I hope you’re enjoying Florida pasta also in the fifth column oh okay I didn’t know that then you should uh you should be

The fifth column is has helped us uh do a lot of cool things so that’s really nice so this is the uh this is the The Hub and while I’m I’m walking around the Hub um oh yeah I like you got the Zeus skin that’s

Awesome uh can you guys uh tell me a little bit about uh just kind of generally about the server like what what makes it stand out from other ones well I mean it’s been around since 2012 like I said and originally it was just the uh survival this Hub is

Relatively new um was not here originally it was all just Anarchy survival and they added this to to accommodate the um battle creative parkour Sky Blocks what have you oh and we should probably uh clarify the Anarchy world is not actually Anarchy right it’s not no rules There Are Rules

Correct it’s the only rules is no cheating and no advertising MH so yeah full hacking spam X-ray and advertising are not allowed everything else is acceptable no mods are acceptable even x-ray texture packs no um and they do they even have a jail system like Sim um they also have an

Anarchy server for all the people that are jailed and you can go and you back on that server really that’s cool okay is it also old or is it like relatively new no it’s old oh so there’s a secret way to get to it right here

Really oh we got to go check that out real quick just just a little bit so this is like the third oldest Anarchy server like legit the third oldest Anarchy server really I think March 2012 wow the stop right here you can see outside the tree the final frontier of

Anarchy being untouched somebody destroyed one tree right there there’s one tree just just right next to a block of grass just a glass a glass block I might check this out says pasta uh welcome Lawrence Bryan uh haha breathe life back into the dead man we’re trying we’re trying I think I

Think it might be successful we got some cool stuff this is the jail server this place is this is a bad place this is where you will be put if you have no way out you put here for hacking normal players uh are nice hack free players

Are welcome to visit have fun H visiting the hackers feel free to poke them to death full PVP going go by the way sath Lawrence in chat that was the leader of my group on the server really okay so we got some ogs here oh oh damn I’m just

I’m I whoa dude I just 10 seconds in I’ve already found a the End Dragon Egg what the heck there all these people who’ve died like a thousand times I think Lord bosta you’ve been on here with I I brought him on here yeah yeah okay but maybe he’s come here separately

I I remember I brought him on here and he was like this is whatever and then left I like I told him about he was like okay and then and then gone but at that time I was still trying to keep it under wraps because I didn’t want uh didn’t

Want a bunch of people to come out here and nuke everything before there was a proper archive every of everything set up yes mhm what is this is kind of cool dude oh we’ve already we’ve already got some um some some pin Wheels dude it really does look like a like an anarchy

Server Like Somebody yeah it actually there’s there’s End Dragon eggs everywhere dude that’s crazy I weird weird it will crash really bad though it will crash the server or or I will crash you will crash when you you’ll go into like a chunk and there’ll be like a

Thousand eggs or there’ll be 10 dragons and like it just kicks you off the server dragons dude yo that’s kind of same problem with L people you went in creative and just spawn everywhere so it just crashes oh that’s the creative world that’s oh crazy crazy it just crashes it just crashes me

Doesn’t crash the server right I want I kind of want it crash the server oh and does it come back on like right away oh yeah yeah it’ll be back okay okay dude I want I want to do that I want to find it

I want to find like a little I want to find a little dragon and then get get booted off the server there’s some cool stuff we found like an illegal end portal end portal floating in the sky dude so the the the people who get jailed actually did like play on here oh

There’s a bunch of signs with no data yeah when you first made the Discord for documenting Legion servers um and I was getting on here again checking stuff out there was actually people getting on here in Exile and still playing dude there’s some somebody’s plugging their own Minecraft

Server Emperor pvp. TK I’m going just like I I’ll look that up later I wonder if that’s a thing um that’s very cool that would be kind of really funny if that was like a a legit thing um I do like that there’s actually I did not even know that there

Was like an anarchy server proper in here this is kind of cool I mean how how do you do you guys know anything about the uh the the hacker one not really no yeah it’s not it’s definitely not the most impressive part of uh of the

Server not not even a little bit but I I do kind of like that it’s existed I guess I just loaded one up I got crashed yep I got I didn’t get to see anything rip all right both burning yeah because of the lava all right let’s see here we go

Legion of Anarchy the rest of the game modes are kind of cool I played a tower defense uh with with Jony boy actually um someone who comes in the VC sometimes um now now we’re here do AFK real quick please okay oh I got to

TP um I think it’s actually one of if not the last server with tower defense game mode really yes that’s that’s interesting I didn’t know that that’s like what keeps the server alive like you’ll get people on here all the time and they always join for Tower

Defense they have no idea that there’s this Hidden Gem of a game mode as time went on yeah L Legion of battle overshadow the Anarchy more and more that’s I love that that’s like the best thing ever I made you guys some goodies oh let’s go nothing crazy just to keep the

Uh creepers away MC sapling dude that’s that’s a shout out to the OG the OG channel oh oh my inventory is like completely full okay it’s not completely full he gave you saplings how I run you gave me saplings oh no no I already had those in

My inventory I think no I know I was saying he you gave Justin sapling oh yeah yeah that’s the trade dude I’m like a little like a tree Spirit or whatever MC sapling and traditional EMB EMB Embry traditional Embrace so when I kill someone with this

When it’ll happen on stream when I kill someone it’ll be with a traditional embra I love it oh do you guys have does anybody have like gold Farms on here because you can make golden apples right yes yo uh are they rare yeah they’re rare you can craft them you can totally

Craft them you can okay it’s a 1.9 they just able the crafting recipe yeah you can craft them no my bad does anybody do you know anyone who has like a a billion of these oh yeah for sure I do yo all right uh yeah let’s get this tour

Started what base are we at currently what what’s the rundown on here before we go and see it well this base was discovered by one of my teammates CT Code Monkey he was just exploring around and found this as far as this is speculation but we think this was the

Base belonging to the younger brother of the server owner because they had the same last name and a lot of the same people that the owner kind of was friends with on the server have signs here at this base so oh okay we we’ never confirmed that because they would

Never confirm or deny but that’s just kind of what we thought okay H well you know what I’m going to believe you we’re about to we’re about to uh to to to to tour the base of the guy who uh who’s who owns the server who

This the brother of the guy who owns the server that’s what we’re doing right now it’s official that’s this is his his brace it’s confirmed officially 100% confirmed dude they got a mushroom biome right there this this uh this perspective is gay is reminding me of Minecraft

Online yes yeah this is honestly one of my favorite Bas is on the server but it just it reminds me of those old builds where people just built to build yeah I I really like this actually this is really cool look at that and Justin uh what year would you

Say this place was made I really can’t even say it we found it in 2013 okay okay so it’s probably around 2012 to 2013 do they did they not put uh dates on the sign there’s no death there’s some death signs but as far as we can tell people who made this didn’t

Really document it okay wow look at this there are so many floors to this you can tell the dude B off more than he can chew he just he just likes floors I bet that’s what it is man just wanted to make like several several stairs

Wow oh this is cool whoa impressive it is indeed pasta it is impressive so a lot of people that joined this that were historians because I’ve had a lot of other people in the community come over and try and look at it they just weren’t able to find much sorry we went

Down too deep I think oh did we too deep there’s a creeper and I just killed it once you really go out searching on here though there’s some quite beautiful places oh we got to go one more up yeah I don’t um dang who was this

Again uh the sun uh not the sun yeah the sun uh uh a the what’s his name potentially it’s not night right now see don’t worry uh potentially the younger brother of the server owner brother possibly even the server owner on a separate account so that you know he could actually play

The game not on his main I don’t know um in-game name they’re wondering ingame name JG Carter JG Carter uh how long ago was it you told me about this server uh 2021 probably so three years ago I told you about this pasta uh wow look at this it’s crazy

We’re now on the we’re on the the water floor this really actually does kind of like it reminds me of Minecraft online but because it’s on an ocean biome it also reminds me of like a lord pasta base if it if it was madeone yes instead of like slab stones

Or what the times of things look at this we’re going we’re going to a beautiful Church crazy this B over you know what I just realized I have no I have no there’s no volume there’s no Minecraft sounds what the heck can you guys hear the you guys can’t hear there’s no

There’s no audio coming from um the Minecraft game right now no it’s going to be really weirdly silent huh um I missed out by skimping on it yeah well it’s all good you can you can now start exploring I guess I’m help with the archive mhm and we we’ve got CJ here

And everything you can you can help uh oh sieg broke the one rule I broke the one rule yeah now you’re CJ forever stuck now bro after fit called me that yeah I am ter uh and you’re probably wondering where he got all the Cobble there’s massive

Extensive mines under all this really oh wow and he had a vault like a like supposed to be actually like a bank vault kind of deal you know like dug underground way deep oh bank vault well is it impressive is it cool to check out

Or is it just like like a little it was a little unfinished okay definitely unfinished dude this is crazy okay let’s go oh shoot sorry it might be unfinished cuz we stole the lapis and gold that lined it but yeah that’s funny it might be just because of unrelated to them it was

Actually it was finished at one point in time right it it unfinished itself you know stuff like this we didn’t grief we would take the valuables most of the time and we would leave signs and say Hey you get back on in a year message us

We’ll give it back to you like we kept it in Tross like in separate chest that’s funny dude we were documenting this this Cobble thing goes down for 2 to 5K wait hold up it’s stupid the path does not the whole it’s not a whole thing but it goes to Nowhere

Unfortunately 2 to 5K what do you think was supposed to be here 2 to 5K long that’s crazy wow this an ambitious base do you guys have a world downlo of this here yes we do indeed okay how many bases have world downloads around 60 I

Think is every every base we visit we’re going to visit has a has that majority majority do I think yeah some of them are like really bad ruins so I don’t know if we’ve taken World downland some of them we have taken the ruins up I don’t know I see I

See have to look back at the archive oh what’s in these chests they’re they’re blocked off dude we got to know we got to find out look can’t do that on Minecraft online it’s true dude that that’s the only thing about that server that bothers me it’s like I I

Break a block above somebody else’s thing I get insta banned it’s like I’ll put it back I’ll put it back y I broke torch and my Siege account forever banned yeah yeah I I broke a torch and I was like I feel like I’m in the Simpson

House right now we’re on the couch on the simpsons’s couch watching old TV I I got sternly reprimanded and I had to beg on my knees oh oh here’s some like here’s some actual stuff here y take the rotten flesh same PVP Simpson’s house actually it’s MCL Simpson house Legion this is

The only server that can compete with s PVP in my mind if anything it might have a bit of a oneup on ITC not not in terms of player base but because it’s on this older version it kind of like gives a different feel it really is almost feels

Like playing a different game a little bit I think it also has a lot more history because we haven’t had like a y P you know like there’s just less there’s less base making like a group group making more people there I mean there has there

Ever been a time when there were 200 people on uh on on Sim that weren’t or or 100 people that were all like not Bots you know I don’t think they’re you mean on MCL or uh no MCL there’s been times with like a 100 people right yes

Yeah not on Sims Sims never had that so I I can only imagine that there are quite a large number of bases here and then it got kind of abandoned right so a lot of them are still attacked right like this precisely we found a lot like a majority of grieved bases because

People would just go out and just destroy and pillage everything in in their path so mhm this is pre like uh lava casting too right like people didn’t really that wasn’t the meta for griefing so everything just craters that’s kind of one of the reasons why say this is Anarchy’s like final

Frontier is it’s the last spawn where you can find alpha blocks and it doesn’t have just tons of lava casts everywhere withered whatever it might be and it’s just mhm like how old Minecraft used to be yeah it’s like the last time capsule of that time without have without the

Like protections of a time capsule like Minecraft online or something like that exactly without taking away that I don’t know it takes away a lot of the fun in my opinion once you add all that stuff like Minecraft online yeah you should have SL AFK oh thank

You all right thanks guys so that’s why I want sapling to make Sim videos because I don’t have enough time to move to another server uh Lawrence just asking how far out is the spawn was this how far out from Spawn was this base Lawrence you know we don’t say

That I’ll tell you later bud yeah this is I don’t know if you do a lot of research on 2B the map has a similar thing of the heat map I would say like people I don’t know Anarchy servers you’ll see a certain coordinate grids being used a lot more than others oh

Yeah I is it is like the The Base to Base to cord ratio the same as 2bs like in the earlier days or it’s similar yeah wonder why that is I I wonder why like people prefer a certain quandrant to to go out and I get is it is it is it

Always the positives like positive sectors over the negative on people do positive positive negative negative a ton and there’s always grief all over all of them majority time and then other ones you can find a little bit more sometimes but it it all depends it’s like it also depends on when uh

There was highways made and which Highway were made first so like on 2B the last highways we made were the diagonal highways so all the oldest bases are on the diagonals now oh and there’s certain diagonals that are better than others which is like similar to here I think from what we’ve

Oh wait the diagonal Towers on 2B were done first the diagonal ones they were done last the diagonal uh highways so since they were done last there’s the oldest bases like that’s where the invisible Castle was and there’s another uh 2011 castle Yeah the uh the oldest base on

2B one the oldest like intact base on 2B it was until it got griefed and that’s when we made the fit video fit MC did a video on it dude I don’t even I need to watch yeah I I watched it is it was it it’s not actually invisible right no we

Called it like I named it the invisible Castle because it went from 2011 to 20 22 without being found and uh it wasn’t our group’s like fault that it got blown up it just got blown up by some random person that came across the base which is kind of sad

Oh but it also had glitch chests that made them invisible so that’s why it’s called invisible Castle or is that just the actual name of it no that’s just what we named it and because it had gone untouched for so many years it’s just invisible to the

Public and it was like 100k out almost it was not far but that was the current oldest base now there’s another oldest base but none of them are above ground that was like the last oldest base that was above ground oh I see damn until we get 2012 oldest base so

We’re not in the same place as uh as Justin right now he just said in chat are all you have to do is follow the trains Siege the trains oh no I know I’m just looking around my bad yeah no I’m just looking around too I was trying to

Find the um mine carts the guy has I went down the ladders he’s got really crazy vaulted ceilings and stuff yeah we’re in we’re in like a like a like a maze right now yeah a lot of these bases feel like a maze cuz like it yeah

Maze um I forgot did Mo spawn move at some point it moved like three times there’s like three different responds did uh read the top pinned message for Christ’s sake read the top pinned message for Christ sake sapl why what do you want me to read the top messages for Christ’s sake

You want me to read your CJ Siege is actually CJ from GTA San Andreas you want me to read that there you go I read it for you s that’s why I said the train comment oh I see oh I see okay okay sorry I went

Over my head yeah no that that’s I don’t play GTA never played it a there’s an Infamous Mission that’s really difficult and you get yelled at for failing it okay you had to follow a train and a bike everybody who played the game hates it so I guess this group called

Themselves the clock k k cuz there’s a sign and there’s also a steam group that um the owner of the server is in with some of the other people whose signs are here here so that’s how we deduced it was either him or his relative oh gosh the clock more like the

Clogs I don’t know why whenever I see gunpowder I have to take it I’m like I can turn these into fireworks and it’s like no you can’t if you come over here there’s another part of the base that’s pretty cool over here okay yeah don’t be shy about those ender pearls infinite Supply

Okay we’ll head over here so welcome to sweet home or welcome to Sweet apples acre or Sweet Apple acre oh this must be where they got their wood no I guess maybe they were going to surround the place in a forest or something they held all that stuff on there side oh

Yeah this is such a huge Forest what the heck this is kind of cool they made a man-made Forest yeah I like this yeah it’s got all of the wood types too wait is it I didn’t know that this wood existed in this version of the game wow

It does the last I think the last update it was added or yeah meses and stuff yeah I didn’t know that I thought that was like a 1.9 thing weird did too because it’s like it’s like it just feels so out of place it’s like the worst wood agreed it’s like

Pink this is jungle yep uh I think I’ll take the coal out of this furnace I could use it for later I like this boat though this is a pretty nice boat we can if you want we can get you stuff if you need it oh no it’s fine

I don’t I really don’t need I mean I’m I’m really set um the only thing is probably food later but I’ll take I’ll take some souvenirs I know my Coal’s from this base cool oh oh oh 24 14 somebody died here in 2014 almost almost 2013 that was

So that was supposedly the dude that was ob’s little brother the owner of the server JG Carter yeah so at least 2014 this is existing yeah no reason he can’t keep using it we didn’t hurt it we just might have taken some uh Jewels has it changed since you

Uh since you got you found it I don’t remember this Forest honestly and like you saw there AAA and I feel like we found it before ACAA even existed so mhm I see if the dude only cared about the building he might not have ever even

Gone in the vault and saw it got hit so not want wanting stuff is basically him saying that he won’t play This Server after the stream yeah kind of true Fort Tyler oh who whoa is there a button on here that’s I was trying to find I don’t

Know let’s say we’re just going to oh is it it’s only x i I’ve got it I can place it back thank you oh it’s like external use that’s cool I like how it turns apart that’s really cool welcome to Fort to look at this oh yo diamonds are in here the

Diamond the rare the diamond chest actually you know what I’m just going to put the gunpowder in here I don’t actually need it there there’s no reason for me to have the gunpowder do you know who Abby was Justin uh not off hand no I feel like

That’s someone they knew in in real life cuz they didn’t use their name they’re gamer right they used Abby maybe he’s a girlfriend or sister something oh what’s this I am now underneath the base oh this base connects to something uh some sort of like Islander like land mass oh M

Shaft I think I think it does okay one second I’m just uh I’m just going to I’m going to be I’m going be right back um I just got to do something off uh off camera uh you guys will be on air live but no one will be able to hear me S

Good from there yo my apologies about that uh it’s unavoidable um okay miss anything 1.8 was September 2014 apparently wow really 1.8 started in 2014 crazy doesn’t that seem wrong mhm just what Google tells me but um well when was uh one 1.9 was uh 2016

So it’s not entirely UNR oh my God was it really yeah because 2016 is when 2B blew up 2B got really popular right when they turned to 1.19 right like CU there was a whole thing about that so right when I stopped playing Minecraft is right when 2bs started getting popular

And I’m so mad because I used to look up uh Minecraft servered no rules all the time from 2011 to 2015 Nish could never find 2B for some reason huh well yeah that’s weird actually cuz that’s actually exactly how min’s found to be he looked up Ser no rules and there was

A server that had that was called like no rules server or something like that and then uh on there someone was advertising that to play 2B and he just just he checked it out very cool never knew that Siege look at this behind you uh you can kind of tell I just realized

They did this part relatively recently cuz look the grass isn’t grown in all the way oh oh you’re right next to us Sao see how you’re standing on dirt yeah he is right yeah that’s true yeah see they got grass over here trying to grow but it’s

Just not done it could be 10 years recently but more recently than the rest of the base yeah recently in the whole grand scheme of the construction yeah yes are you ready for the next place Sappo are you still checking this out unless unless there’s some more cool

Stuff to see oh there’s more Forest oh they were going to do a whole Woods area here too weren’t they probably yeah I think I think we’re ready to move on to the next base oh I like this though my favorite part of the build see you TP first and uh I’ll see

If this is the place you met okay well should we just go to spawn and then walk to the portal oh we were just going to show him the end end yeah and then show him the end all right sure I have actually been to the

End before on the video that I uh did is there anything about we can go there again I don’t mind uh I haven’t seen it in a while but I I did find it like randomly on my own somehow yeah yeah know I know you saw it

I just thought if people wanted to see it in chat yeah let’s do that yeah yeah uh just type SL spawn yeah yep they did an interesting thing at spawn like it’s all decrepit and destroyed now but um oh wait this isn’t the destroyed what is it or am I

Confused the they’ve changed spawn a couple times yeah so I get mixed I’ve I’ve been to the old spawn that’s all destroyed that one’s cool very cool there’s three though right there’s another one yep okay this is actually the original spawn um the new spawn they had sign

Boards like in this Hub right here around here and you could donate I think it was like 50 cents or something to have a sign you could change it like one per week or something people would like recruit for their clan on here or just personally I use mine to warn about

Particularly uh deceptive players yeah hey who’s this guy I’m going to kill him know that it’s it’s the Legion of Anarchy guy he’s like the mascot oh that’s not snow fox where’s snow fox he’s over here that’s how you uh you found the server right you watched my video and

And then uh and then you saw the the the the guy’s name and then you looked at that up right who me yeah yeah yes yeah I couldn’t get the IP though you ended up helping me with getting the IP cuz I kept looking and trying to find it but

Oh you did find that that that Mexican dude who made or like Spanish YouTuber who made the whole thing right yes the one that got a million views about the server but no one came yeah because all here’s what i’ I’ve learned about the Spanish Minecraft Community none of them can afford Minecraft

Only play cracked Minecraft so that’s why no one joined I’ve never seen these signs before these are cool drown human drown human so do you want to see the nether Z Z real quick before yeah let’s do that let’s do nether z00 and then we’ll do

End z00 ha I got flashbacks to losing my Pro my Pro sets says Lawrence burn remember that time you tried to PVP it spawn and you threw your bow because drop is Q I had to negotiate to get your bow back that’s funny oh I like the spawn the the nether spawn

On here too I remember like it being really cool yeah so we’ve made the first highways on here on the Overworld and in the nether started them where are they are they down there um no we didn’t do much in the nether it was more an Overworld but

Like back here there’s a pretty good one oh nice but I think there’s a couple other ones if you go to z00 there’s actual this if you look at your cords uh I can’t see I disabled that so right now we’re at like

850 and uh if you go to 00 there will be actual okay but looks like an anarchy server you know everything’s yeah it’s a little destroyed it’s not as destroyed as everywhere else though which I which I appreciate I like like it’s the least destroyed nether spawn on any server that’s Anarchy

Agreed tons of signs all over there and a whole bunch of glitched portals they’re pretty cool over here um I’m trying to remember J remember I walked out pretty far in one of these directions and there was like a crazy uh um like La it was like kind of

Like a lava cast except it was like a giant like Cube over top too and it had like vines on it and everything you’re talking about too’s wall yeah that’s at the other spawn it’s north of the new spawn yeah a player named toker one made

It it’s kind of crazy we could see that too there’s so many cool things to show sorry um J you know which direction the end portal is I’m just trying to figure out can’t remember I don’t go there that often I’m sorry yeah that’s why I was looking for my Homestead because since

They restarted see the um regenerating stuff around spawn here is relatively new Sappo it used to be just a wasteland and I I really regret them doing it cuz there were death signs everywhere oh yeah they’ve disabled the plug in now right it still regenerates Lawrence just

Said that old spawn looking better than I remember it’s like we died a lot of times at old spawn uh Siege it’s at negative 500 positive 500 okay you’ll have to help Sappo he doesn’t have cords yep yeah can’t risk leaking these bases that’d be embarrassing I appreciate

It um where are you at okay I’m coming over if I think I kind of think I at the uh I at the diamond guy I I think I think it’s kind of uh it is kind of better if um if it’s not um be this way if if it does reset like

This though like this is like like I think s PVP should probably put something like this in place because uh like not as far out but it’s like there is kind of a problem with their just being a giant hole that lags like a bunch of lava cast that just lag the

out of anyone who joins spawn that is true but it was never like that it was just cratered to hell with signs of death everywhere so ah now I wish I could see that cuz I like the idea of just a giant you know a bunch of tub

Stone Tombstone Just A Wasteland yeah yeah yeah at some point you’re not going to see many death signs from 2013 it’s on the left follow the thing H they should fix it I want to see death signs again no we petitioned them for a while and they eventually fix it but it broke

Again at some point so how does it break I don’t know U maybe that was like the last update we actually had over here guys come back turn around behind you what are you look oh no you found it never mind you found the road there’s

Like a whole thing that just a walkway to it did this used to go all the way directly to spawn is that what’s up yeah oh damn that’s sad mhm but cool yeah this is what I found when I was like just wandering here this is really cool oh they customized a lot

Of plugins they downloaded they would customize a lot of the plugins death sign like so Cool’s the idea oh I see you down there yeah and the road you’re on it’s changed a lot over the years too oh yeah didn’t used to be enclosed and didn’t used to be

Sandstone either no well it’s fan it someone else would remake it I don’t know so wait is this from 2014 still say what is it still from 2014 would you say 2015 that road you’re on right now I really don’t even know Z Killa might fix this I’m glad he might fix it

Later we have some history signs down here letting people know for a time there was a glitch where you could use dispensers arrows and TNT to destroy bedrock and um one of my teammates destroyed the end platform so you couldn’t even go into the end like you

Spawned just fell into the void but that was one of the few times the admins intervened and uh rebuilt it oh what was I supposed to wait more let people know this all yeah it looks a lot better than than I remember this being this used to be ter

Like horrible oh there’s what there’s Bedrock here dude what the heck yeah if you come up here this is is all B Bedrock whoa why is there Bedrock here that’s just randomly placed oh so they kept breaking it and the admins had to place Bedrock basically yep that’s why because it was destroyed

That exploit still works no they passed you to wait what what the heck why can’t I get up it’s just where you live now use your pearls I know but like is that really damn hey these are like placed it doesn’t even let me it doesn’t even let me throw them oh

Okay ungrievable end portal y just recently found a n base that we can check out just last night how did you find one how do you find home sets I was a very trusted person so a lot of people let me in I see I see it just took like a bit

To to find the homest setad I am I am about to be attacked by Enderman yeah it was such a non-descript homestead name I’m like let’s just give it a WHL and it was a winner let’s go it’s like gambling every time you hit tab yes that reminds

Me of uh when I was on care don’t fall there’s an angry Enderman somewhere cuz I look him right in the eyes he’s going to like hit me off the moment like here he comes he’s coming from me oh my God there we go all right let’s go to this this this base

Here all right TP I totally agree with you about the lottery thing the server every time you go through a portal it’s like pulling a slot machine to see what you get now this base belonged to a guy named The setto Infinity uh he was in a faction called the

Nightwolves cool wow wow that’s a lot of iron blocks that is crazy enchanted golden apples everything Wow and there’s a lot of stuff I’ll take that to be put in like don’t be taking named items because we’re going to add those to the museum I’m a big uh oh no I literally I figured I figured we’re about to be making a big Museum full of

All of the names I’ll have to in part two we will have to go over that that’s crazy we have to go when it’s done we’ll tour that when he showed me this um there probably wasn’t anything here that’s why I didn’t think anything of

These this home set mhm you know but now checking years later he actually uh did something that’s really cool and then uh because of the teleporting stuff you can kind of make a base out can’t even be found too yeah um that’s crazy yeah because you don’t have all these people trying

To get there you if you can get to your base without leaving Any Trail at all you know no one will ever find really I really wonder what else is out in the end we haven’t found a single end base other than like Little Farms mhm but I

Mean the fact that there are even there’s even one or multiple Little Farms like people were there’s a lot of FS there’s a lot of farms you can go out there’s a lot of little paths you can just walk out in space we know people got super far out this looks like I

Don’t know Justin was saying yesterday it looks like he was making a flying machine or trying to here clear meting oh do you think he succeeded don’t know this this looks unsuccessful to me but we did get one we got we had three flying machines going

Off on the server it was like killing the server but we’re trying to find stuff in the end and it works for about like 5,000 to 10,000 blocks and then you’ll fall off into the void oh really yeah not the best even if there’s only one person playing

Yeah it’s more about the Flying Machine command could just it oh I see I don’t know so you kind of have to take a a a breather every like little bit yeah but you can’t take a breather because if you logged off you die but can’t you like

Place a block next to you or something like how did they get off of these we didn’t we were we our flying machines the only ones that we got to work on the server started and they just never stopped unless you like broke it broke

It then you’d have to do I don’t know but you would die if you did that dude this is so Co it was hard we we spent like two days working on different methods and Googling stuff for 1.8 around there but that was the only one we got to work on and in

Okay well so there’s there’s no way to get to get to to make a base I wonder how these people did it maybe version uh yeah maybe an older version or less laggy server that to they might have just made a pathway out and then broken it probably that yeah yeah it’s more

Likely on that one well then I guess well the nice thing about that then is literally that you you know you know that uh that it’s not that nobody went that far out well no people did go that far out there there are people that did we know

Um Justin has stories of talking about going very far out of people okay never mind that but all by walking same with uh Overworld people got millions out so there’s million bases all over that we don’t know about million bases that is crazy they did patch the uh oh

Disconnected oh why did you guys you guys disconnected yep yeah me too I did not they patched the getting on top the roof of the nether thing eventually but plenty of people already got very far out that way to begin with oh I see okay are Bas on the nether roof that you

Can’t access not that I know of there might be though I don’t know ah what the hell okay I’m going to have to close that and open up again I was trying to find nether water so bad but we have not found really admin abuse on this too much no admin

Abuse how we’ve heard of it we’ve heard stories of it like Justin you can say what was the one base with the dude oh um that’s the only really thing I can think of is one dude posted screenshots of his base and he had I think seven

Slime chunks in uh render distance and one of our team members that was more math inclined than me was saying that the odds of finding that legitimately are just very very small so there was just the slightest suspicion that he might have done something with the

Seed y That’s about maybe he Googled the seed and like pinpointed the four chunk thing or whatever well the seed is uh secret um oh I see oh that’s cool they do the secret seed that’s nice yes very very nice all right is there uh anything more that’s cool to to

Google here are we uh um if you’re interested in signs over here one of the reasons why um the server never updated people were very attached to their named items and uh like you know you could repair in this version if you named an item you could keep repairing it

Indefinitely it wouldn’t break uh it wouldn’t get too expensive so this guy setto he had a list he wanted to regain his lost uh you know gear that was rated from him here okay and this person saying hi setto Orion there was a family who played on This Server a mother a

Father and 10-year-old kid yeah yeah Katrina Orion and Clifton um and that’s Clifton and or yeah Orion and Katrina the parents they were just universally loved by everybody so they had like an in almost everybody’s base that’s them leaving a little high hello that’s hilarious that’s awesome and like I said

This guy’s faction was called the nightwolves who made this um he was at war with another faction who will visit one of their bases later if you look where is it where is where did it go look for the banner Siege yeah it’s definitely over here oh

Right here right bottom chest right here end base in the in a void okay so what oh wither sword no the banner um that’s a captured Banner from an oppos a faction that these guys were at war with can you guys hear that music my music just glitching the really

Glitching I just and also I just heard sounds from the game for the first time in forever that’s weird huh yeah it’s not happening for us yo dude I just got I got hacked by herobrine bro so the Black Banner is a what’s the L yeah the Black and Yellow

Banner that’s to another faction he must have um they must have captured that from a base from the other group oh oh damn I have this entire time I haven’t had the chat open on on live stream I’m sorry I forgot to do that you’re good um so they capture that from

Another group so that’s like proof of like infighting or whatever well yeah they um the yeah this group like I said called nightwolves the other group that they fought were called uh dornob militia dkm that’s a dkm flag in there so presumably it must have been so fun to play on this

In the hey day with all the different factions going on it was heady times man like when there wasn’t Lo or loc everybody was in this so there’ be 100 people and you would just see all the Death messages it really made you think your base is going to be hit oh that’s

Crazy dude a man makes me want to play on this maybe I’ll have to actually start playing on here properly this is fun dude I want to make an End base end base is holy crap that’s a stack of gapples and three Diamond stacks of diamond

Blocks oh my God and a couple named items in there really where which one what are they named uh the one of the pickaxes Nam is cats he might have gotten that as a gift cuz Katrina the last year the server was really popping like really populated was 2014 and

Katrina Orion and Clifton we’ll go to this place later but they did like a like a couple days before Christmas they did a present giveaway you’re going to see like 20 chests lined out where took RSVPs or who was going to attend and get gifts they probably gave that away I’m

Just guessing but that’s crazy I love that uh Minecraft and dimension Creepy Pasta real that glitch music is native oh it’s supposed to sound like that holy crap I didn’t realize Minecraft was a horror game my goodness our first base was like 2,000 out from Spawn and we

Found we got found in two to three days says launch that’s crazy yep we he and I were literally um farming we were just five blocks under the surface right M and he heard a dog bark he’s like dude I think someone’s outside I told him shut

Up you’re being paranoid and then a couple seconds later a tame dog comes down through the roof and so do three people oh that’s so cool dude to play on an actually popular Minecraft server would be like that would be a new experience for me to play something like

This with like a 100 people because like like I don’t think 2B counts really because the server is so huge and everyone’s so far away but like like s PvP with 100 players this with 100 players that’d be crazy it’ be chaos think about that all the time so cool

Dude well as long as my YouTube channel continues to grow in success I will I will eventually come back to these servers and promo them like crazy just so that that can happen whenever you’re ready TP to the next place all right I’ll TP to you probably won’t take as much time

Sorry this being on 1.8 I think literally separates it in like a a level of like magnitude cooler than all the rest of the servers like this much cool on it and you put it on an archaic version like like at first it would be

Like a I’ve been here I’ve been here before Oh I just got disconnected um so there was another dude I don’t I forget his name but I recorded a whole like archive thing with him um and we went we went to that particular base and uh and flew was it uh in creative

Mode at this base you flew around yeah it was a World download of this base and we just kind of like perused it and I did it I filmed it all but I I had a hard drive failure so it’s all gone now but that was when I when I started the

Archive on this server in the early days come on the Mr Epic it wasn’t the Mr Epic it was another dude it was after I made that um so right when I I started the archive after I made the Mr Epic video I think and one of the other guy

One of the first people to join the archive he told me uh he he was like I can do a tour of some base and give you the rundown on some lore um could it have been grass toucher uh no let’s see if he’s in the Discord I

Will I will look he’s he is in the oh yeah let me disable streamer mode um unless he’s changed his name um he I don’t know he sounded like a little bit older than you guys Um I mean sorry was he a veteran of this play or this yes yes he was here when it was all happening um cuz if he showed you this place I’m willing to bet money it was grass toucher was his Discord name uh in game he was the leader what’s up Siege I

Was just agreeing with you yeah probably then it probably was him I I I can’t remember the name he’s the one who invited me to um your I think so I think did you join before uh Siege was there yeah okay then it was him it was him yeah yeah yeah he

Just he went ghost I don’t know what happened to him it would be great to have him for this because he was the leader of the faction whose base this was doorknob militia dkm that was his Banner who was captured in that last base this was I mean it’s destroyed not

A whole lot to see but just they were this was like one of their early bases and they were a really important faction that were around for the whole length of the server pretty much dude that’s sick I love that I love the I love the like level of like

Everybody knows everybody it’s like we’re all raiding each other’s vases we didn’t die dude that’s crazy yeah dornob militia they they always they got raided all the time but Matt would just um Matt vision would just move them somewhere else they would set up shop again there’s probably

At least 10 bases like this of this scale or bigger 10 bases of the scale and he was very open with recruitment that like a lot of the groups were pretty selective he would just taken anybody there’s a guy who died cool pie man cool pie man 2000

I I remember him telling that I remember him saying that being like uh that uh he was like a really more open to do to to recruiting more than more than other people were they are not militia it’s like these all these OG factions that’s so cool it really

Reminds me since I’ve played 2B so much of like the face punch and the forchan yeah yeah yeah that’s it does yeah a lot of the Bas is very similar yeah that too yeah I was thinking like this this does look like like a some sort of Base that would be made back

Then there’s a lot of like underground could we go to the base that you showed me yesterday that had the Arches yes okay that would be a good one it’s just very pretty it reminds me of uh how the formation of the underground face punch bases used to be when they

Were always on the run trying to hide okay I want to see that yeah that sounds cool still look kind of cool this guy um who’s we’re going to go to his name was the mom 12 he was kind of a younger player now my um old group

Leader here in the chat burn he wrote a book in Minecraft as long as you could make it 54 Pages whatever mhm and we sold it we probably sold 30 copies for two diamonds each and this kid whose base we’re going to now he loved that

And he probably wrote like 12 or 13 books of his own and would sell him too so that this is one of his bases he was younger so he would get raided a lot but this is one of his more intact bases you can TP whenever man okay dude that’s

Sick like he’s like a he’s like a a Minecraft writer right there people are going to see his books maybe like 10 years later potentially tons and tons of books on this server like that Banner that you saw is one of like three to five banners

We found but books for some reason that was The Meta on the server everyone had a little something to write welcome glitch time dude that’s literally that is actually so cool because like books are books are like a like map art in my mind like you write a you write a book

In Minecraft like a proper book that is that is so cool you know agreed same and then like map art is just like it’s like such a Time sync and they feel like Pokémon cards I’ll take you’re on top of a sign right now Sappo there were like four Justins on the

Server just so you know Justin leoshi Justin leoshi he was also in a group with um the he was in that faction the nightwolves with that in base oh okay wow yeah there there is something interesting that like like a new an interesting possibilities like

Open up you know when you when you have uh when you have like tell teleportation like like available as something you can do you know I’ll take these signs cuz it’s like you can you can suddenly you know you can just make an End base and it can be public to

Everyone and like nobody has to travel at a thousand blocks to get to it you know a lot of people they’ll be like the the the the teleporting is so unfair it’s like cheating but it’s like kind of yeah but also it’s a little but no it makes finding these bases to like

Archive them so difficult following trails and stuff oh yeah yeah I agree with that like I mean it’s the trail trail thing is really really annoying and inconvenient but um it’s more vanilla but this is I feel like more factions you get a more gamey gamified feeling when you’re playing when you’re

Like or walking around through here cuz it’s like you’re playing factions at all it really does feel like factions a lot more than than like like like the the good version of factions somebody called the mom 12 died here in 2014 that’s him oh the who wrote the books yes okay where are

These books that these these books I oh I’ll show them to you they’re taken away by I think this base probably felt to internal rating cuz if you look in here there’s a sign this is probably a shared base so somebody probably tried to get rid of somebody

Else oh there’s another sign here your stuff’s hidden elsewhere oh dude that reminds me I think I actually found a book one time on the floor it was just on the floor like in my own base actually it was weird I think somebody found my base accidentally dropped a book on the floor

And walked away and I picked up the book at my like base on This Server like when I just joined um and then I put it in each s so oh no it’s on my alt my ALT account so I do have a book I have one

Book what is this okay I have a I have a a signed book what that is yo look at this this is so cool really yes this is what he’s getting massacred dude ah man that that’s this reminds me of what I would have built on one of those Anarchy

Slf faction servers in 2012 you know did any of those that you used to play survive no they were all on like test servers and they would just rot and matter of months and then we’d log on and be like oh my god what happened to

Our bit but there was one that did keep coming back on for about eight years and then it stopped and we did a whole bunch of research got in contact with the guy that had it tried to get the files and fortunately he didn’t have him anymore oh big

Sad that’s really sad yeah it would have been nice to have archived that server there is a server that did have a full archive released actually that was an anarchy server and I I have a link to it is that in the archive no it’s not

Nothing to do with this server it’s just a random server it’s not even on the archive because it’s a dead server you know like archive’s kind of for still running servers okay but it was found I think just naturally through YouTube cuz the video of it has like 12K views okay if I

Still have in my watch relator right now I will um I will send it to you otherwise I think somebody else sent it to me I forget who but um that’d be awesome yeah uh cuz I I was like oh I should download this I don’t know if the

Download still works actually but I hope it’s still there I may have I may have moved it it’s okay so it’s not in my watch later I may have moved it to somewhere else like uh um I forget gu I don’t think I deleted it cuz I feel like that would

Have been that would have kind of been dumb and they made a full it’s like a whole archive said no no it’s literally the download of the world the entire world a guy like going through it all that’s very cool um yeah I don’t I don’t

Um you should take the the pork the the beef back oh down here um okay my my inventory is full of rotten flat FL let me enjoy it busted out the good steaks just for you yeah they’re they’re I I’m I’m preserving them bro no problem did you

See his fish tank over here no no let’s see the fish tank fire fish I think Blue Glass would have been better okay then it’s that’s still really creative though regardless oh man that’s funny just like the fish tank no never mind this this is far out there should

Have been Blue Glass I think you’re right okay yeah you were mentioning about um like teleporting out people far Sao yeah I should have introduced it sooner but this um coordinates here is based off of a raided base um that that is very like millions and millions out

And once once the base was rated it kind of became like a new spawn in a way like when the coordinates became public everybody who had a TP or a homestead out there was letting other people TP out so that’s why this kid is out here

Cuz this was like kind of like The Unofficial fourth spawn you know Sim PVP has a similar similar thing where there’s some one dakad do who’s one of the one of the like mods on there but you know all the mods play the server um

And he uh he went out like eight million blocks and and he connected like a portal to it um and then he like sold the coordinates to the portal to people and then there’s a lot of bases that are 8 million blocks but like four 4K from that other

Portal that’s kind of what this guy did not very far mhm um who is CT Code Monkey who is that that was another member of our group Burns making a joke there oh I see the one who found the um sorry where’s this guy’s books I’ll take you there next can you

Guys do AFK please all right nope that’s the wrong button all right we’re good uh CT Co monke is the one who found that first place we showed you uh JG Carter base oh okay okay oh I see is he is he still around um I mean I’m in contact with him

Yeah oh so he doesn’t play the server anymore obviously but yeah uh when do we TP just let us know I shall yeah I want to see this guy writing room is this is are we in the Halls right now where he may have written a book uh very possible very possible can

You copy books or do you have to write them out your okay okay you can TP okay no I just afked myself we should do the Spongebob base soon I was thinking theob base the SpongeBob base dude why was that not the first base excuse me excuse

Me my bad my bad Spongebob Bas I think I call it the SpongeBob base it’s not Tech I’m sure I’ll find out why in a momentarily oh Pro four frostbite 13 attack damage that’s unhinged never mind yeah we left some artifacts around for you to see those

Are some Museum items right there all of these in the chest the slime ball too yeah one slime ball he owned it I don’t know maybe we’ll go in the left his books in the chest the expl okay okay hold up let me let me put like uh let me put

Um and he does have a copy of um Burn’s book in there so many bases had that book Burns book so let’s find the burned Cyclops Noir it’s the second one and it looks like he was making illegal copies cuz there’s five of them we didn’t sell him

Five 50 pages so so for a book to be considered worth buying it has to be 50 pages long second edition not necessarily there was nothing to be nervous about my little trip was purely a pleasure one this time dude I used to do audiobooks professionally um so would

It’d be funny if you if you guys want um to send me like some these books and I’ll read them all and send you guys like I’ll make it into a video read like reading the books of MCL like that would be really yeah that’d be awesome I’ll do

That I’ll do that and then you guys can like cop like ah you can’t play audio in there but you can you can like have a sign with like a link to the video or something exactly in the museum have a YouTube link yeah the URL to

You yeah URL and then I I’ll read them all and I’ll I’ll like uh I’ll put them in timestamps so that like um you guys it’s like easy to find which book is which God no you could do the whole like audio tour of the museum if you want I

Think I’ll do that H I’ll do that I’ll do the audio tour um what’s what’s his best book because he’s written a lot here um I haven’t read all of them that’s the only one I’ve read Fu you all right we’re reading you hey the mom 12 griefed you I

Hope you like your new remodeling because you deserve it and a few more things duck you you stupid ass white I hope you quit the server and do us all a favor that feels like something that was written by like someone who’s like 13 see that’s consider that my audition

For the reading the rest of the books very nice all right is this is this all that’s in his base or is there more to oh sh I think this was like an in between base I like that I like that there’s in between bases M 12 he hates

Gravity 2014 is that guy still around I I don’t know I haven’t talked him in years how has he died so many times at his own base I think he was just playing parkour with a jungle trees to be honest that makes sense I do that there’s not a lot here this was

Mainly for the books but well there’s there’s Birch leaves Alpha Birch leaves dude in this chest oh there you go damn I’ve never I’ve never held one of these in myself before wow gigantic wow wow dude this is literally a first for me I’ve never I’ve always wanted to

I’ve always wanted to naturally find one of these and I guess I kind of did wow yeah you definitely did WOW Alpha leaves never never hold those before that’s crazy Anarchy’s final frontier right there yeah I still does anyone still know how you can even get those like how

How those are made in Minecraft like properly uh saly one made a video on it no didn’t he say that he didn’t know at the end of that he might have I don’t remember yeah I think he did and then I I think um I think the reason is literally

Something oh yeah and then you know he didn’t know I remember I reached out to him after he made that video telling him that like I know someone who might know uh and that guy told me that it is probably alpha alpha leaves we’re not ever made in alpha or beta they were

Made in like release 1.2.5 or somewhere between 1.2 and 1.3 and it’s like a it’s a it’s a world uh generation error of some kind that was back there but I have run I run I ran a server all the way up to those versions nobody ever nobody ever got any

Of that corruption so I’m not actually sure I think it was yeah know that sounds way too early I think it happened later no but you got there’s jungle there’s J oh yeah like I think the corruption happens way later that might be it but I I don’t know um but I know

But no no it wasn’t because uh no it happened that you can get them sometime around there cuz he had a single player world where it happened and he ran the world on like 1.2 or something like that and then he just went to the newest version or like one of the newer

Versions and then it just like had all of that corruption happened and then this was before like they stopped registering or whatever like probably like 1.8 or something like that 1.9 he updated to that version um what I to say Sappo a dude named fak who you showed in

Your server archive he runs the full server uh yeah he made a uh software that like archives and finds blocks and different items on Old servers and he knows a lot of the technical stuff about old Minecraft since he’s been running the server since 2010 so he might have an idea actually

Ask he was a person that thought you could do an interview with his super cool since 2010 is I think I might do that I might actually to do another live stream if he’s down for it I do a a stream on his server and you can ask

Him yeah he might be the next one cuz I I don’t really feel like there’s there are other servers that I would like to cover but like I I could do if there’s a guy who’s more willing than like other people I don’t have to reach out

Absolutely I’d uh be down and he’s also on top of everything I can hear from the future dude I love that you see these signs right here oh oh kind of cool the arch Terra de de the mom 12 is ruler of the Jungle wait is it supposed to be the is ruler

Of the Jungle is it supposed to be like that probably where was that uh one base that you were talking about that was like a lot like a face punch base this is your house you the last I was here I was that’s how I got the home

Set I was friends with this dude oh yeah okay this and the horse is still back here on the other side here like that’s like a eight or NY old horse go ahead dude this is an ancient this is horse is older than some people alive

Today who can speak engl you know can speak and have thoughts and things play Minecraft yeah literally people who play Minecraft are younger than this particular horse is that’s actually isn’t that just existentially terrifying kind of really kind of is last thing that’s cool here sorry go the

Face punch base that I was referring to I thought the last one with all the Arches that we were going through reminded me of the underground one a lot of a lot of the face punch bases that I would stumble across we have some other ones though like there’s one called the

Schwarz base that has an a ton amount of history and that one has oh look at this this right here I remember doing this like when you could do that that where you just place them inside like on the inside of the water they would break or wouldn’t bre oh

That’s cool I didn’t even notice that I remember playing around with that look this is proof they have blue glass dude he didn’t use it for the fish tank I got a gift for you and see sing it’s like my favorite food dude I’m a simple man simp Le simple needs you

Ready to go the next one want to switch on the Statue first real quick is Statue 2015 okay so he’s been here since 2015 was the last time he died there yeah man chill with uh reminding me how old I am chill with reminding yeah it’s all good it’s all

Good4 wait there’s a stat somewhere yeah right over here and he made a sign uh citing two other players I don’t know who Damonte is or de but M was a long time player they hate because they hate each other I don’t know maybe they were fighting about something it’s like an

Evil villager dude kind of yeah oh I like this that’s so cool uh Siege I want to show him um books base before SpongeBob base because it’s like it kind of leads into it you know what I mean is that cool yeah let’s do it most definitely SpongeBob Bas man guys get

Let’s get some hype in the chat for SpongeBob BAS oh there’s some guy called gh15 25 who just uh died here in 2014 no idea one second I’m having trouble finding the home set all right can we get a sponge in the chat for the SpongeBob base everybody oh what’s in the nether

Here uh not sure I actually that’s not a nether portal that that is uh water was the Sky Box between some trees just look weirdly purple to me do me a favorite type AFK real quick sir oh yeah nighttime nighttime is a beast people don’t understand this is

Literally the the the worst uh Mob spawning I’ve ever seen it’s obnoxious yeah I love it though but it is it is crazy now this base belonged to a very close Ally of our group his name was book 84 he and his little brother were

Uh friends of ours in the server like we met them in the server their base was actually in between our first base and spawn so we would walk to spawn to fight right and we would see these kids we would beat them up and take what they

Had and we did that a couple times like you know what let’s make let’s make up so we apologized and uh months later they became allies and that’s great this is he got raided a lot there’s a lot of videos of his bases being raided I haven’t mentioned Anarchy Alliance yet

They were probably the preeminent group on the base when the server started they raided a lot of the big early bases and you can’t talk about the server without them like if you if you type Lo like on YouTube You’re Going to get Legion or um Anarchy Alliance oh okay videos so they

Hit him a lot but this was his final base that they never got so oh I I you know I appreciate this guy’s like organizing he’s really got a he’s got a system figured out here oh he had an entire floor for wood um I’m not sure if

This is where his wood is but he thought he was going to have double chest of wood no this isn’t it why does he need so many materials what’s he building here uh just a have it I think I like it I I don’t really do that

With when I when I do like uh stuff like that but I probably should this is kind of cool I’ve never seen anyone do this with the trees yeah what what with the with with the trees the glow stone oh underneath the trees yeah yeah not weird PN I don’t I don’t

Understand what what this uh piston thing is all about though me either yeah I’m trying to understand it he’s like I I know if I try hard enough oh oh you probably just don’t have to run around and collect it you just cut the trees and then it’ll all

Get pushed into the center I you know what’s cool the the the Redstone actually still works yes yeah dude grimsy and left to rot were the best yeah those are two members of Anarchy Alliance H I heard there was like some weird creepy guy that that uh everybody hated

That that’s left a rot oh is he being sarcastic he start that guy started at the same time as we did you know we would fight him at spawn all the time he that guy went through four or five Minecraft accounts because he would uh he had a terrible reputation and on a

Server where you see the same people at week after week reputation is very important right that’s why I have all these bases and they’re still intact because I had a good reputation people trusted me MH uh left a rot he would just I’m not going to get into all of it

But he would have to make new accounts but people would always figure out it was him because he would still do the same so that’s funny he just like can’t stop himself dude Oakley oh nice find you know what’s weird there’s a visual glitch with the that’s a ton of Museum

Item yeah as you can see each one of these floors is um furnished in that wood so he thought he was going to have double chest upon double chest of wood instead he had four he appreciate the effort though yeah it looks really pretty it does enjoy going up and down the

Laddering illegals you know the reason I showed you this one before the SpongeBob is because um this guy book 84 he showed us the SpongeBob base which is the one we’ll go to next okay so going to lead him into one another if I can yeah let’s go dud there’s one more

Building there’s like two more buildings here if you want to see them I want to see him he was from Texas he and his brother so it’s like he kind of has an Mo build over this way alamoo okay dude this bridge the way just goes all the way up and then back

Down absolutely I feel like it’s Overkill but it’s not it’s completely necessary dude lighting up the area with Glowstone instead of using torches the mans was like fancy I’m going to steal that that’s like a total Flex to be like I don’t need torches I just use GL so is this the

Elm yeah and you filled it with o Treasures what the hell how does he have so much gold you could make like four stacks of enchanted golden apples with that holy crap brother I have double chest of gold blocks oh my God how many golden apples do you have though not a

Whole lot you should make they get uh completely what if he just randomly updates the server good point good point that was like when I first joined this and I was like thinking about seriously playing this I was like I I should probably make a gold

Farm cuz I want to get those golden apples before they destroy them there is a lot of groups that had a lot of big farms there’s just a lot of wealth to be grabbed and fish needed uh gday ruse says ask a Siege if Yemen 2 is still

Intact yes I think it’s actually Yemen 3 technically that’s on here but we can we can’t find the uh home set but Justin has the home set somewhere we were talking about it last one okay there’s things that I know I have a home to but

I have no idea what it’s called it’s just a matter of finding it what this guy has so much uncooked gold ore does what do he what are the mines like underneath the space he says I think I still have a home set to it says JD Roose oh okay

Well if you want to walk on and get yeah we could totally go there I’m down it what if this is like an elaborate like live stream uh sniping Ploy it I’d respect it though respect it I start the base called Yemen on Old frog and we

Have the oldest base oldest active base on Old frog oh okay and is is that uh that’s the one oh oops um one of these Noob Slayer I just saw a sword and you died Noob Destroyer that’s awesome um that’s not this server then no no no no that’s uh you know rusher

Hack yeah the it’s the guy who owns rusher hacks you know what’s weird that dude I used to talk to him before he started yeah yeah I literally did it weird yeah he’s a cool dude I like yeah he’s seemed fine I think uh I was really

Cringe back in the day I had a no swearing rule on my Discord and that’s when he stopped talking to [Laughter] me that’s awwesome yeah and he was like this what is this I’m not going to stay here no swear what are you talking about I mean his

Server is I am saying old frog for a reason yeah yeah the IP still works oldf frog. org mhm is it did it get rebranded or it’s still it did yeah it’s both it’s it’s rebranded actually to Old frog yeah cuz I was feeling I feel like that that kind

Of server could can’t prop properly get popular because if you make a video about it like it’s not YouTube will never promote promote us title that like I would have made videos on it since we had like I said the oldest active base which is pretty fun but it

Just yeah you don’t want to be associated with that name yeah exactly it’s such a bad especially in in today’s political climate sponge sponge sponge sponge oh dude Dy leather that’s something I want to do I want to make a on a different server I want I want to

Make like a bunch of DED leather clothing all like Gucci I think that’s the most dyed leather we’ve seen it’s dyed leather is really cool it just is like there’s there’s it’s really stupid oh blunt Simpson is on here blunt is that the guy that’s the

Guy oh that’s lch no no no no no that’s the guy that was talking about Yemen oh okay okay he plays on oh no he’s a he’s a old frog player he’s not a yes he’s IRL friend of mine from elementary school oh I yeah that’s awesome he’s a conp to

SpongeBob whenever you guys are ready the Spong spr all right sponge SP sponge sponge you can TP to Justin probably sponge let’s go inclusive stream now this base um was a friend of book 84 whose base we just left he showed me this um this guy stopped

Playing Legion he was an Italian player so the time Zone’s really weird we’re going to have to PE off this okay wait what’s down here though um oh you can go down it I forgot about that it’s like a par parore this is crazy why are the leaves not despawning what the

Heck you know what I never thought about that why did the leers not despawn um did we we had the family base on the list correct yes okay uh JD ruse I want to go in the nether here okay wait no no I don’t know if we destroyed the

Nether portals on the other side oh okay this might this might be one yeah I don’t know we’re showing this one off because in case there’s lots of videos this probably won’t last as long as others oh okay okay all right uh where do we go now

Just go back there uh probably got a pearl back over to the ladder I’m guessing or we can’t get out of here can we yeah i i p PE the the thing oh it’s it’s another ocean base wait is there TPA TP on on Old frog no no no

No oh he’s helping you with the I see okay Yemen 3 is a base on here though right yes so we made Yemen one on Old frog then we made Yemen 2 on mine Texas and then our group made Yemen 3 the Final one of the Yemen bases on here AFK please

Boys you know right rip he’s he’s not he’s not joining he just wanted to see if it was there okay are we going to visit that one to today I guess not I don’t it was just a base we made it’s nothing well I mean okay yeah it was it wasn’t like fungus

BG the one you saw it was one we spend like a day on put two buildings up I see there’s not really much just a mob grinder I got you I got you yes okay well yeah yeah I forgot I I just recently started getting back into

Minecraft so this is like kind of inspir getting inspired oh it’s a giest tree that’s what it is no behind you SpongeBob bit bro he lives in a pineapple under the sea built by Loren Wally’s house but it’s built by Lauren shout out to those two for coming

Up with the greatest base known to man the greatest house known to man I don’t think a more talented talented Builder has uh graced graced server ever in the history this is one of my favorite Builds on the server I’m not going to lie like if this got struck by lightning

Or something I’d be really upset this is so poorly like lit too also what’s with this uh is this like SpongeBob reference or something that I’m missing why I don’t know oh he turns on they misunderstood Redstone yeah I don’t know he’s trying to turn on his door I think

Seeall who’s my mil my yeah that was IRL friend sh him he doesn’t play on here though there’s actually a book uh that book 84 wrote in um in here in the back I put a uh where is it sorry in the double chest did he change his name oh book 84 okay

Never mind hey there Loren hope you don’t mind me stealing this book from your chest well I just wanted to give you some help some stuff for helping me okay this is three pages but um no no no read it it’s oh okay it’s worth it it’s it’s kind of

Worth it yeah okay okay okay uh look uh don’t mind me stealing a book from your chest well I just wanted to give you some stuff for helping me out when I was a Noob on this server and also becoming friends with me when I tried to steal your stuff one or

Twice I learned my lesson not to not to when you killed me with your God gear I think it was at least well I just want to thank you all thank you for all that you have done with this gift from from me that I made myself I hope you enjoy

It even if you don’t play on the server anymore or it might or if you might want to here or there I don’t know if I will be on tonight the same time because same time as you will because the different time zones great to talk to you Lauren

Is that the is that the Italian guy lanks is the Italian guy yeah okay it’s like basically saying I’ll never see you yeah s to say Bas B he made it left it there and it just sat there for over a decade waiting for the Bro to find it

And lo back on oh that’s tragic that is tragic which is kind of a cool story and that was before you know that like Discord days maybe you’re using Skype but it’s probably better to just leave a book and have him log on again you know that’s actually epic so finding

Something like that is just very unique Oak and Bircher too that’s sick yes you need yeah know that that’s definitely that’s like that’s like a mini tragedy right there it’s it’s a Greek tragedy right there that there’s a couple bases like that there’s one we’ll visit later where there’s just several

Signs miss you guys miss you guys just in a circle oh yeah oh yeah that is sad that one I know you’re talking about it’s kind of a cool view um going down these stairs too he made some kind of there’s a witch hold on let me take care of it or you

Get it you can you’re tough guy you I’m a I’m a I’m I’m a powerful dude it didn’t one hit kill the witch oh my goodness they powerful The Witches ah there’s another witch they are powerful it’s fine I’m the only thing that’s like a problem is creepers everything else

Like wait am I stupid is this not where I thought it oh it’s over here yeah I mean it’s not really much but it’s just oh oh that is that is really cool that oh this would have been so annoying to do oh yes it would underwater Bas suck how do aqua infinity

Doesn’t even like Aqua fit like make you breathe underwater very well you know it does like you don’t hold your breath that long awful if you don’t want to walk back out of there you can TP I’m out show them the like Farm over there and then go to the next

One sure uh send me another one somebody I didn’t get one to use you got mine okay then it was our boy Sappo that didn’t get it here we are at the animal farm I love the old style look of this this when you hit F1 and walk through

This farm this just feels so old yeah I don’t know wait even have you do that can you put uh grass on dirt blocks where is that that illegal I feel like you can do that okay look at these sheep they atat all their grass they’re never going to eat

Again yeah they’re never going to get their sheep you know what I do at my farm I uh I just kill them all and then uh they don’t have any dirt they just they incest breed and I kill them all forever and ever it’s a great system I have zero complains crazy

Where’s next Siege where white base next yeah oh I haven’t finished we haven’t looked at oh I know just trying to CU the next one up all fair enough fair enough yeah yeah this guy’s previous base had a giant Italian flag but it was very close

To spawn got griefed oh rip let’s let’s talk about the pop Bob of the server next who yeah who would that be the meow guy ah meow okay I mentioned you could put signs at spawn for a small donation uh my signs were warning about

A Duo named meow and Fred they were some Dutch players well it was it was like I’m going type in chat Dutch it’s like FR you know like with like a J in there or something it was like that something like that I was right it really was a

FR and that was the other guy meow they probably see Anarchy Alliance did the big ones they made videos they had an intro they did it with Showmanship meow and Fred they were just devious they would just trick people they would give gifts to players just to earn their

Trust get into their base and just take their investment back right yeah so many of the bases that I have homesteads to that are destroyed are destroyed from them like we grief people we did but we griefed our enemies yeah meow just Fred he and Fred just scammed people

Constantly um and we’ll show you one of their early bases that we were only shown a few months ago uh by somebody who logged in and had access to it and was like oh you guys want to see mm you were actually right on top of it um when

You got that screenshot for the promo of this video that has the um Netherrack tower on the right it’s very close to that um what is the promo for this what I I I did something oh yeah I these were screenshots I pulled from um seizes stuff uh and other archive

Donations like okay I thought you were there no probably not I uh I was just uh trying to get some photoshop material and I I didn’t I don’t have all the spots on here so I I went to the the cool pictures and I was like what is a

Cool looking image that I can show off I see yeah it is using the correct thumbnail right last stream last stream the entire time it wasn’t using the correct thumbnail and there’s nothing I could have done for it yeah okay I think that’s a a pretty nice thumbnail that I got there

Together yeah I merged like five screenshots together I love this SED farm this is this feels like an arcade machine or something you know like something like a circus oh there’s a smiley face made out of fire yeah you know what’s weird why does nobody makes like this anymore

On like I feel like any servers people don’t do this they don’t just like like make like a smile random smiley face out of fire and maybe I just don’t like like interact enough on like servers that are popular or something but I feel like nobody really does this as much anymore it’s

Like it’s like less like people are more likely to like do this on like a a server where everyone I guess wants their builds to be protected but I don’t know it’s weird they like they’ll make a mob finder it’s like all utility I feel like there’s none of that funny stuff sure

These days these days back in my day when I when I was your age I used to make I you know what to be fair I don’t I’m not a very good Builder I don’t really do a lot of building me either man I uh I like the documenting

More than I like the building this city seems like I found a secret entrance yeah I did I did this this Cactus you can really get the the sense that like these people were just having fun you know yeah you’ll think that about the next one too all right are we going to

Move on is that what’s happening whenever you’re ready all right uh I’m just going down this hole go ahead go AFK first though please Siege I think he’s AFK actually thanks well you can go a and TP then okay um yeah just I’m just going down like a hole right now I cuz it was the hidden hole it looks like I found something I don’t know what that might be um and then let me find out

What’s on the other side uh is there anything here oh I knew it a secret hidden oh it’s just a cave it’s a cave inance it’s like oh I found a super secret no he just didn’t want the the zombies to get into his hole that’s why all right now

TP I just hope SI you somewhere safe we’ll be fine underground he’s by the he’s by the farm so he’s like really well lit area okay you should be chilling this space I’m not very familiar with it cuz like I said it was shown to me only recently a few months

And it’s got a very odd layout like it’s hard to figure out how to get deeper into it but there is more to it uh any cool stuff in these chests probably not no the dirt chest got to have something cool in it yeah it’s got some R

FL dude I like this this is a cool little base too they got they got all this stuff po Bob my apologies for leaving you’re good we’re at um we’re at meow’s base now the one that oh showed us so this is the pop up the

Pop up of the server uh this is I guess we we don’t need to put we don’t need to put 2B comparisons okay it’s just is it’s the meow base it’s the base I it’s just more like this is the top Griefer top Griefer so somebody found his base or

Was it just someone that they did they trust anyone it was somebody that they trusted yeah this looks like 2011 face punch bases that I’ve found yeah that’s true it does really look like this is really this is this really does feel like somebody who like has

Like has a vendetta against you know some peoples are you here now Siege uh no I’m just I’m standing actually at the thing there’s a blue flag here dude it’s so weird man like yeah it this does like I I totally see the comparison you’re saying there uh

But this feels this is so weird it’s so like they put Soul Sand in random places did they do like those like bed trap like TPA trapping or something like why is it so there’s a sewer that was a thing though Justin can explain there were some TPA traps that people were trying

To pull yeah I remember factions that was a huge thing in factions I always have done yeah the way they got into a lot of bases besides just lying their way in was they figured out you know if you go through the end portal you’ll go back to

Your home your bed set you know what I mean yeah they would there was two of them right one would be invisible ible at spawn people would go to spawn to meet for trades right uh one of them would be invisible the other one would be doing the transaction outside spawn

And one of them would request a TPA the person thinks oh I’m right at spawn you can TP to me as soon as he accepts the teleport request the other one would kill him the player would respawn at their bed but then the other guy would get teleported to the the victim’s bed

If that makes sense oh that’s that is crazy that is way more complicated than they do on fa servers dud this is a this is that that FR guy killed a vur v in 2012 oh know this is such like a weird in between Anarchy and factions it’s

Almost I don’t know where I’m going me either it’s just crazy there’s like a a wall here I want to flip I someone to start flipping Signs Now oh killed by Ma Mai yeah like I said they were Dutch so there’s like a little Amsterdam Canal

Somewhere in this Bas oh I found it yeah I went through oh is it a canal maybe oh this this feels like a hell like if this if you told me that the guy you know if I didn’t know and you told me the guy who like does this who made this

Base was like the number one Griefer I totally get it it feels like an evil man’s Castle there actually the last base that we want to show you has a very ominous entrance oh that’s very cool that be the aqueduct yes the aqu okay which also has aqueducts yeah it’s

Very very similar to this it’s like this on steroids kind of wait wait wait whoa whoa I almost killed these zombies wait don’t kill them they’re holding they are holding rotten flesh that means that they’re probably as old as this base you they don’t Des spawn if they’re holding

Items that’s insane there’s a there’s an hourly buter it’s gem hello so yeah these are like a old these are old old old zombies I hate to burst your bubble but probably not there’s an hourly butcher that um kills unnamed mobs every hour well for performance reasons these

These were not loaded in though until just now oh yeah I think he might be right really okay oh should we name probably name yeah could you could you get a name tag real quick from one of the base yeah sure I had a name tag uh

You also maybe like a potion of poison or something so they can heal up cuz I just hit them with the with the sharpest five sword do they heal on their own no oh poison I’ll see what I can do yeah or instant damage oh I think uh gem should be near

Us actually cuz the base that you put in the uh uh picture the thumbnail for this is in the desert and it’s in this biome like 300 blocks away or something which uh which picture cuz I I put five or all M together it was the Netherrack

Base I have to look at picture again I I don’t I don’t remember Netherrack how do I not remember the thumbnail I spent like an hour or two making it was a cool thumbnail but jeem jeem made that yeah there there’s no Netherrack in this photo which maybe it was the

Old there’s a there’s the there’s like in the picture there is a tower that shoots of light there’s a grass block there’s no there is there is the tower that shooting light is Netherrack what oh oh it’s made out of I see it’s on the Sand Mountain we’re in that sand

Biome right now oh okay okay that’s dopee so I don’t know gem I don’t know if you does this base have anything cool is it is this gra base a gri grief base or I don’t think so no okay so this is just how they keep their like operations it’s

Just do you think they kept anything cool here that was no that was a very early base they had other bases later oh meow and Fred went on to join one of the big groups uh late in the server’s life called the Grand Rogues oh

Fitting name could we do the fort and uh Mullen absolutely hey I’ve got your um I got your name tags oh yeah do you know where the the zombies are I do not uh uh she do you know the zom no I ow why did

We walk away why did we walk away we got to find him it’s down here somewhere I’ll probably find it again by accident another maze there’s parts of this place we still hav’t it’s just bizarre yeah so okay what is this like there’s a dispenser here it’s like how

They make fireballs or something that come out of here this this does really this is really schizophrenic this base you’re saying what everybody’s thinking thank you for being brave very odd very odd I love how much there is on here that’s just untouched for over like a decade yeah the cows very

Cool I might I might be slightly too far down okay what what is behind this door I’m breaking it breaking the door boom nothing oh no a really straight path and a ladder up in behind another door DC dkc Justin you need dkc right I don’t

Know I think dkc is the person who told me about the server oh um I I think dactic on S PVP told me I’m not sure if that’s there or can’t H oh oh oh I found it uh okay let me I think I think I found it oh

Oh well that was like a little bit wild all right I found it I found it TP Jim said I found the cows we’re not after the cows yeah no not the cows we’re after some zombies I feel like zombies are more cool to have you know than than C

Cows that are old cows are Cool here’s your uh name tag Sappo oh okay um I’m put one on there name tag do I just drop it on there oh um I think you got to name it on the Anvil first oh okay um all five of them I can rename

Them uh as many as you want I just I was just bring in five oh careful there’s creepers coming okay okay um I’ll just I’ll name this one 10 10 what what do you call 2012 zombie zom 2012 zom and then the other one can be 2012 2012 zom Z number

Two oh and I just named all four of them that oh well whatever 2 zom and 2012 zom number two okay uh the these are all called 2012 but I think you can change the name right again yeah you can here you go you were directly below the base

That you took the screenshot of really okay let’s let’s go right there let’s go to that one if we can you want me to name him sapl or what oh I already named him I you did okay right right I just accidentally named all three of those oh

No worries I don’t mind okay okay I mean you can change them right it just kind of annoying to switch them mode I think uh let’s all right let’s move on let’s move on let’s move to a new location to me left to TP out yeah yeah

TP to me and then we’ll go to the next place right after this is just something you can look at it’s like a you show that creeper yeah I’m like Mr Speed right now oh it’s the it’s the it’s the the other kind of horrible creature that spawns in these

Things it’s a spaw for oh TPS is and then we’ll go to the fort in M’s base you getting out of here bro yeah I just teleported oh okay oh yeah yo NE another one of gems builds is it griefed did it get griefed I think a

Creeper just blew up yeah I think I remember you guys building it or something like that yes yep not much has happened but chill you guys need more uh colored nether armor light gray stained glass light gray stained glass panes are the exact same color as the background of a chest

That’s that’s actually crazy ooh a potion of strength a potion of strong ghetto toad welcome welcome welcome to the stream ghetto toad let’s go to the Fort let’s go to the Fort yeah all righty yo that cactus that Cactus there that is so green it’s like giving my eyes cancer it’s

Crazy oh I love it though I want to do this I should do this somewhere D he’s in the uh archive correct uh well here’s the thing I don’t actually know I can’t dkc is that is that is that the same person who I’m thinking about cuz

I’m not not I don’t I don’t remember Jem thought it was man I’m talking to robots um if I mean if jeem also thinks it’s the same person then it probably is but I I’m my brain is like kind of like broading and I I don’t I didn’t tell I

Didn’t talk to them to that much so and I also wasn’t familiar with their Minecraft account so I’m not 100% sure if you can message me on Discord or something uh your name the name of your account or something I will then it’s fine then we can verify that you’re safe

Um uh but yeah okay so you can TP okay so this is one of those ones where you would go out and spawn and you would find this I think after Mullen we should do the Primitive okay Monument okay so this is Fort Mommy milkers why why didn’t we go to the why

Wasn’t this the first FL so over here you can leave your sign uh this has been here since 2012 it’s not much but this is just one of those little groups of kids that were coming together locked chest uh okay y so there different chests and stuff that you

Could get in this and then they had like keys and you could get certain items like you could get uh eggs like spawn eggs so you can find spawn eggs at bases and it looks like things are back door oh wait there’s a spawn egg here no but

We could we could show you spawn eggs there’s a the final base is where I found my first spawn egg and I geeked I texted Justin I was like and I think I texted you I was like I think the server’s been back door there’s been

Illegal stuff but yeah Justin I was like oh no that’s it’s used to be a plugin you could add it was like a plugin you could get them that way right Justin yeah you can there’s these chests in the nether that one of the admin snow fox made uh he was

Inspired by Team Fortress 2 in the whole um chests you know what I mean loot crates yeah you can mine them in the nether uh you can still find them to this day but to open them you had to get these items called keys and bag openers

Right um the the donation thing is gone so that’s no longer a thing but I still have a pretty good supply of them I was going to let you open a few actually today later on oh that sounds so cool okay it’s him it’s him he it’s the real dkz we all good

Awesome dkc are you in the Loa archive no wait hold up one second I’m not anywhere Siege I just teleported to uh dkc to give him some stuff okay mhm yeah where we why did you send me a s iron lung dkc in in 2022 you

Sent me a picture of the Sim PVP iron lung why did you do that oh man that’s really funny am I supposed to TP now I’m not sure where we’re going next sieg any ideas sorry um yes going to Mullen which is right underneath us okay okay oh so

You don’t need a TP well could we get a TP to Mullen kind of hard to find nice thank you pretty pleased uh there was a guy that died of covid unfortunately that played on the server and this was his base and his friends came back and wrote about him and you

Can see his base they asked for it to be preserved and this is something that since it’s pretty close to everything we wanted to get it shown oh okay so it’s not uh dkc is not the person that s showed me MCL um it’s it was Corleone different person but

If anyone else can vouch for that person it’s probably fine it is the real dkc though you can go ahead and TP oh I TP to the wrong person I’m sorry I gave him some gear but you know some of the things I’m going to show you be

Nice please be nice I don’t actually know him very well yeah um I’m sure he’s a fine guy but some of the stuff we show you um just don’t let him TP you know yeah yeah I’m not going to I’m not going to do that I just I got the wrong person

Um I nice well that’s good I mean you can if you can probably get involved with the archiving efforts with everyone else as well um yep yeah I just I can’t V for you because I actually don’t know you so we have very we’ve had very limited

Interaction did I oh I have to wait 10 seconds to ask t for again that’s what happened if you’re interested in archiving stuff there’s a archive server you can hit me up mhm oh I moved I wonder if it’ll work it’s still it still worked okay I am okay I inventor of s

PVP Digital Library I didn’t know that so like the wiki uh yeah he it the wiki or is it like a like an actual library on the server I you know what I should do a tour like this on Sim as well I think that’d be fun oh be

Careful creepers can definely be here so okay I I’m lucky because I can click fast enough to kill any creeper that comes on here whoore YT dude Vincent so Vincent Mullen is the guy that passed away go in there that see all of his stuff we found his

Obituary and then we’ve gone around and we’ve memorialized him around the server and there’s a whole bunch of builds dedicated to him and animals named after him and stuff oh that’s great I’m okay Z2 fin says I’m I’m YT okay nice nice That’s a three-letter name that’s pretty

Cool it’s a project I started an attempt to digitize any books I could get a hold on Sim dude I didn’t even know that I didn’t even know that I’m not so not caught up with what’s happening on SED okay let’s find let’s let’s explore okay I Vincent mine

Okay that’s yeah uh that’s I will have to maybe set up some tour dates to for some stuff on on on the on the on Sim do some stuff on there um I was in BC for a while when you made the the ray artwork for Twitter oh yeah yeah I remember

That Ray nods off on heroin is great greatest picture I’ve ever drawn besides maybe Gojo smokes crack but yeah that’s unrelated oh thank you I’m being fed all right what’s the what’s the tour on this place it’s just a little small group base it’s something that you’d see around spawn commonly around

2012 I mean it’s really sad the the story behind this but it’s it’s nice to memorialize him you know did you see where it says like the Vault and it talks about him and it says RP no I haven’t seen that I kind of yeah come

Over to the sideb you pay your respects everybody that comes here pays their respects to I’ll light this place up a little bit all right let’s pay respects to to the guy I’m small in here okay if you follow me oh you’re all the way over there I don’t even know stop

Creeper yeah yeah I was just like I got jump scared by a creeper I knew he was in there I was like I’m just just get rid of him real quick there’s a creeper in the tree farm as well careful guys on the left here there’s a creeper in there

Man um L your brick pyramid by the way it’s not gem Productions brick pyramid dude it’s mine yeah I built that I spent 8 months live stream building that thing and all right let’s see all right rip rip see the Vault where where does it say back again to pay

Respects trisan Jake and Finn ocens was here we all never forget rip Vincent M Miss forever 1998 to 2021 a man that’s that’s really sad unfortunately we have no idea what their in-game names were yeah oh I I will say uh IDK that’s odd that you

Were told it was gems because it the reason it wasn’t destroyed was literally cuz it was mine you got to leave your sign oh suit Tower yeah that that was a good base I covered that one uh yeah I’ll leave a sign where where’s the rest

Of the info on it is it just like literally just this right here yeah we we Googled him and we found his obituary oh oh he’s like actual oh I thought it was like in Minecraft I’ve got eight signs no he died of Co oh man so that’s why

That’s why I thought this is a pretty important base and it’s pretty cool that people keep coming here and paying respects because I like that yeah this is like the most respected area on the server with science I’d say man yeah really sad probably whatever was current in 2012

Summer Spring okay you want to go to the Schwarz base Absol let’s do that let’s do that yeah we got to be very careful if you see this base pay your respects that’s uh that’s what I’ve got to say on that there make sure you do that

Creepers abound at the uh the base we’re going to so okay yeah I blew up two rooms last night and how a fit but they got repaired it was rough go ahead and TP one ready okay you know I’m in a I’m M shaft right now and there is a single

Painting inside of this destroyed M shaft that is just it’s just chilling there TPA um Jus this is the most people I’ve seen online in almost ever ah yeah that’s what happens when you do live streams always people always join and the moment the stream stops they’ll leave the owner’s phone’s probably going

Off mhm oh does he get like Mo notifications for this wouldn’t be surprised that’s kind of cool 11-year-old cake be very careful anyhow so I’m going to eat this cake it’s almost 12 PR cool now this is this is a very hard to navigate base so it’s

Not as bad as the skitso one wait wa if you thought the meow Fred base was skitso siege found one that makes that one look sane oh wow oh yeah yes that’s true we found a couple we l just named it skitso Bas now this base here was found also by

My teammate CT Code Monkey he found the the base that we began with JG Carter he found that one first and then this one on the same trip this one was found via a legal x-ray um for a brief time on the server you could use pistons to push uh

Glow stone into your head like you you dig a little hole you know what I’m talking about okay I don’t know about sand but they eventually oh really well because it it puts the sand texture on your face I think okay it changed they eventually patched it so that if you did

That the glow stone would turn into three TNT so you would just die does it still work does does that still happen the TNT yes absolutely I love that that’s actually awesome it’s like instead of banning you for using it you just just kill you actually I can’t

Guarantee it’s still works I think it might still work I don’t know don’t piss in the pool your dick is mine there’s some funny signs you got to be careful actually some funny and there’s some not so fun it’s fine as I think as as long

As I it’s in writing it’s going to be fun I can I can blur it later if I have to right it’s just uh a little harder if somebody drops the no no word Al I found a b a b who lives here and this is

Schizophr I feel like there are like 10 people living here and they did this was a faction base of at least four or five people um YT the map is as old as the server which is like 2012 so this space has a lot of really cool

Things that you can look at and you don’t see people doing anymore mhm uh there’s like I don’t know Justin can we find some of the places I don’t know where they are oh yeah yeah let’s try to find the central okay here’s the central room room I’m jumping You See Me Oh

Saffa found a good spot oh oh this has got an instant Health oh yes yeah see this was the the commander of this group that the they call themselves The schwar and we looted this place and then we figured out wait their name is Schwarz that means black and German yeah we I

Put those back so you could see them oh okay we they they had their loot hidden behind this black wool right I got the idea Schwarz means black so okay and they now see those books have the same name but those are two different books like they have completely different

Writing in them oh they have the same name okay let’s let’s open this bad boy up what’s in this copy of Schwarz the rules of Schwarz Minecraft one always obey the General’s orders failure to comply will result in punishment this is some epic role playing right here

When they write out that Book of Rules they got the captain Schwarz does have rankings and if someone outranks someone they have the ability to give them orders however if they do not comply they will instead have to plead their case to the general if the general finds

The finds in favor of the person who gave the orders then the punishment will happen to the offender if the general finds in favor of the person who refuses the order then that person’s exempt stealing from fellow Schwarz m members is forbidden punishment will follow if evidence is found do not kill fellow

Swords soldiers unless you’re ordered to by the general swords is generally a neutral group only in defense or under the orders of a general May any s soldiers attack someone this rule is exempt in the if the person is an enemy of the state or a rival faction in which

Case follow rule 6 six if an enemy of the state or a rival faction member is spotted then the soldier has the right to attack them unless the order is not to uh bu the general or high ranking aror do not harass fellow soldiers failure will comply to

Comply will result in punishment swords bases are generally kept secret swords bases are to be kept secret so that none may find and destroy our bases the main base is where the general is nor normally located the vault is only known to the general most new recruits will be

In a beginner base until trust and experience is gained some soldiers will have special roles that they must tend to mining to mining forging and farming or general for the soldiers for Mo for most the general are General the roles of most soldiers however some soldiers

May be made Scouts so that’s sick what’s this other book say I feel like this server you know how it’s faction but Anarchy I think it’s that way because this was not a 2B clone because 2B was just starting as this started and I don’t think Anarchy was really a thing

It wasn’t like it said Anarchy it was factions and I think this was a transition between that time way more factions based okay so they’re saying what is Schwarz uh it’s nothing at the moment yet but may be soon something read a bit of the history this is

Schwarz Schwarz is a group created by maniv in the a main VT in 2011 August of 2011 this is an old group it was part of the no faction in the Clos server in the now Clos server aftermath server does anyone know anything about that no after

Itos Noir also means black sorry to interrupt it’s just like it’s just Google translating different words for black that’s funny half of nor stuck together while the other half left is pretty much dead however man stuck with the grp they were reborn to Schwarz the goal Schwarz at the moment goal is to

Organize and create people and birth place of other groups and games I like how people used you know they make groups that like like transcend server like servers and and other things like that you know yes just like our Yem group poor Jimmy dude I wonder what he did I thought the

Same it’s like the most spies member of the group oh this is the this is a face Punchy base this is the one yeah this I agree that really does give off especially this part does give off that like that Vibe okay I don’t need to have

Three stacks of arrows in my inventory so I’m not going to who I think it’s gem they even have like like I feel like this assortment of items is something you don’t really find a lot of these days in like bases just a random chest with like a fishing rod and like like

All sorts of R crap like that right it just feels like less I think we pluged the creeper hole Siege so we should be good so if you see here this is like this is crazy oh okay look at this found your base cool place uh if

You ever log back contact me oh CT monkey okay Justin or just discovered October 2013 thanks for sharing this gem also Matt Vision 09 is pretty cool he gets late who’s this is Matt oh Matt Vision that’s the dude that I uh yeah that’s the guy yeah

You showed me around uh I unset your bed by accident sorry need more diamonds need more ink sacks notice board right down important stuff when the wheat field is down Harvest and replant sand tons of sand I like that they had the right end at the end enchant these signs

Are really interesting to me because uay and intensity you could find them at spawn especially yui okay and trth violent Yu a violent untrustworthy you were talking about Mexicans can’t afford Minecraft he couldn’t speak English he was South American or something there was a whole faction on

The server called the Mexican Mafia he was a part of oh wow as a joke a member wrote him getting in the ass by UA wants to kill us hasn’t been on much not much of a worry about the UA think but that that guy doesn’t that’s funny Reed zissu was

A player who wrote books about the admins having like stuff like that there’s there’s five books that Reed zissu wrote I think three of them are lost we have a couple of them recover the tried to destroy a lot of them yeah they really we must recover and preserve

The butt sex books dude I actually don’t know if you should read them they’re really quite graphic no it’s fine oh oh is this a is this a a mob farm here I guess it is oh it’s like an allpurpose mob farm too this is a nice potion room I guess

Yeah we um this one got blown up a little bit last night but we had a um a duplicate somehow we were able to recreate it so okay look at this I had an archery range oh is that is that what that was right here room oh okay time to

Partake oh they were Army you had to train zavo oh I forgot about that weren’t just rad tag yeah they weren’t they weren’t they weren’t just a couple of untrained Ruffians dude these were these were these were the real deal they made a mini game in here that I don’t

Know like if they got it from something else or they came up with it on their own they came out up with like a Mad Max jousting it’s somewhere in here Siege I think it’s by the train yard I don’t know where it is exactly though okay I’m

Walking around trying to find it these are the things though that I was talking about earlier that you just don’t see anymore yeah yeah because I heard people building Farms what did you do Jam I I I agree that like nobody makes like fun little games anymore like oh

They had faction colors too we have their uniforms in a a vault it’s going to go in the museum oh man I got to see that yeah I’ll try to find them I mean I know roughly where they are I got them somewhere but they they had like leather

Dyed leather uniforms oh that’s sick dude dude this is a kind of stuff that like um very few people ever do feel like a a DFW says SE Siege mogs everyone’s entire bloodline is this another one of your friends what I have no idea probably MH

Yeah jeem you got to be careful creepers be everywhere around here anyone know where jeem is Justin God this is actual F sth do you want to see their um they had like a fighting arena okay I’ll will tpd you and I’m right next to you yeah fighting

Arena is really cool oh yeah I’ll just I TP you whatever bro I see you the rail goes to a mushroom island near by called Wake Island they called it but yeah they um yeah they fought in in Arena gold Fighter versus Iron fighter viewer area and fighter room

Wearing iron armor with iron sword dude oh wow gold fighter starting spot wait until go Fighters before fight dud they must they really make their own entertainment don’t they there’s two skeletons dueling each other dark films killed by main V this is a very special base you know

There’s just so much history yeah put oh they’re killing the cows dude they’re killing the cows ancient cows well-aged beef yeah no stop shooting the stupid cow 10-year-old age beef I’m guessing they turned off the uh Netherrack because they were dying in their own stuff was getting burned yeah

Ruser that’s the name of this so this is a how did you guys find oh you found this base just somehow CT Code Monkey found it with that legal x-ray method oh I see I see do not not fight until go okay yeah Iron Fighters so I would guess

The iron people always want right you think cuz it’s just it’s the better it’s better I I I place my money on them okay is there is there more looks like I found a PL nope didn’t find anything yeah I’m trying to find the jav thing I would

Love to show it but I don’t know I mean this base really goes on and on we haven’t seen all of it but um you know for time constraints mhm ah these guys they they they they they do the good method of tree planting which is just plant them

All next to each other these are really green looking leaves I wonder if we’re under a giant jungle biome right now oh there’s a clock on the wall I guess to tell time the Ford they built a whole area for the Ford it’s so creative was it over near where we tpd

Into I don’t know oh I’m I think I found the jousting area there’s two rails side by side that would be it good job everybody Ted me very we spent a minute looking for it last night we couldn’t find it oh wait you again SI you got to you got to S

Again and J went on their Railway they have a I want to say it goes like 2 km or so they have a rail line going to a mushroom or a mushroom Island that they called Wake Island we got to go there you know like the classic map from uh

Battlefield uh never played that game um yeah look at this I mean you can just imagine there’s two um one probably starts on one side than the other and they’re probably arching at each other back and forth dude that this is cool mini game dude this is like this is

Creative like we got to do this we got to do it we got to do this oh so I’ll go to this side and then you go to that side and we’ll H each other one time ready uh wait oh yeah okay three two one

Oh I hit you oh no you hit me too you hit me okay so no no no did I hit you no you didn’t hit me yeah you hit me you won that one I won let’s go all right well we’ll leave that there this is an

Idea though I might have to take that idea for for myself that is a fun game cuz like um uh I I run a server just so like for my friends and family and my my cousin likes to do this kind of stuff where he’ll like make up mini

Games for like like like a Christmas event or something they’ll spend like a long time they’ll do stuff like that it’s like that is actually a genuinely good idea to maybe do for or something I do for family yeah oh see you burn I think so gem then I’ll just TPA a

Gem get get there easy found another weird thing let’s go thanks for the trip down memory lane got to take off all right see you later Lawrence thank you for popping by though I appreciate it oh wow this is pretty a screenshot that dude they

Mind in mind in mind well they had they had a militia for it right yeah oh yeah they call this the Garden of Eden there’s a sign the way we uh the way I’m looking the Garden of Eden under construction W waa this would have been so cool if it

Was finished it’s all like furnished with v vegetation and everything what’s crazy to me Sappo this group was playing at the same time my group started and we just had no idea they even existed they were just another name on the uh scoreboard that’s crazy there’s a

Scoreboard the spawners Sor I me tab oh and they there’s spawners over here somewhere okay um there’re just like people who were around there oh and they they have it so you could turn off the light that is so that’s so cool I I I guess this was probably just

A strip mine that they expanded slightly but still wow maybe this just goes on and on and on says the greatest bands ever and then there’s a whole bunch of band oh yeah I know they put a Godless to Slayer somewhere yep dinner oh I saw the god

Listens to Slayer that’s in some guy’s room not around here don’t come over to the spawner there’s some signs that are multiple signs are not okay oh really I I went to the spawner I did not see the sign no there’s another one past I think

Or maybe did you go in next to this I don’t think anywhere there’s two spawners there’s two spawners okay I only saw one YT no um dude regen is like terrible yes on this it say you do not regenerate if you eat pork chop it is actually crazy how I can I

Can get two bar a full bar can be gone in about eight hops while sprinting Justin where do you think we should go next thought um me consult the list but you wanted to show the Primitive stuff yes yep yeah we should go to the yeah we’re going primitive we’re going

Primal caveman this is definitely going to be um creeper time so it be on our guard oh God let me just find the homest set sorry G you’ve been here so okay you can TP guys oh know you don’t have God to us so hesistant for you to be over

There if you have a bow or something should be fine don’t know what kind of dark rituals to appease evil Gods happened here yeah look at these boys zero Han let’s see oh you were Serio here taism died here that guy just died died a lot of people died here the

Mathmatician why are boats yeah I have a I have a controversial take here but I oh oh is there anything outside yeah not a lot but this you guys want to do AFK yeah oh yeah let’s let’s W I don’t know if everyone on the server is going to do do

That oh d d casc probably can’t never mind you can log off for a second can you log for just a second so we can get today dkc yeah he’s pulled it off someone isn’t someone isn’t I think is Gem no he is it’s the YT dude it’s

YT I don’t think we’re gonna get it yeah oh well oh well it is it is what it is okay well this is really well lit so oh well at the top I want to go to the top of the mine pyramid there are so many signs on here what the heck yes

This is a a battle field this is really like a battle that happened here seems like it that’s great I love that I love that there so many deaths happen here is it all just one dude or is it like a bunch of people I wonder how big the the battles got on

Here another nice thing is like an actual battle would happen and it would be a battle it wouldn’t be like an like there’s no ender pearl stuff you know there’s no not ender pearl I mean it would be like a there’s no explosions it wouldn’t be like a no crystals no no

Crystals no beds nothing like that um Justin I think documented a lot of the stuff you did on video when he did raids there you have is it all on YouTube yeah I mean most of them Anarchy Alliance they recorded all their raids too and they put decent production

Quality into them too too dopee that’s that’s baller yeah I think I said I think Anarchy Anarchy Alliance is what I I saw dude there’s horses here too are there yeah there some horses some white horses this Gem’s being chased like crazy yeah I’m going

To go to a different base was killed wow look at that if you stand at the top and just look how many mobs are here it’s insane yeah what’s up with spawn like I guess oh oh oh go yeah we need to be careful I feel like we should get out of

This area now sorry Jem I was literally trying to shoot a creeper when you ran by bud sorry if you guys want to TP to me I’m safe a safe location at a different place but okay I’ll TP you this is a cool base though how how old

Is this you guys get out of here while I cover you this is original it’s very old yo it’s one of the first builds right we’re being overrun um there’s another build around spawn there’s like a little uh water ride that you can ride around spawn that goes for a minute that’s made

Out of dirt and water I don’t know where that is though it’s a lot of archaic things simple if you guys can do AFK I think YT is doing it now is he okay yeah I wonder if he was like actually AFK gem so there’s a base to the right of you

Sapl that a guy made that he started playing like you want not AFK now bud oh my bad we did it it’s day oh that’s a lot of Bones where’ he get all those what my bone this is my base oh this is your this is your base oh CJ

Look Siege oh Siege sorry I you’re all good SI where are you now Siege I’m at the donut base oh okay I don’t know why I just wanted to get somewhere safe was one of my hom sets after that want to do the other pyramid I love pyramids dude I spent

Eight months making one out of bricks you made a mass one that was crazy it goes from like basically water level sort of all the way to the height limit nether roof is disabled it was enabled at one point so bases are far enough out that they would have been able to

Get access with that butl over probably j’s got the idea yeah i’ i’ I’ve launched three pearls now oh God they’re crashing oh maybe not if you need more pearls let me know no I they’re just they’re taking a long time to hit the bottom the ocean you could TP

To Jus oh I see you you can tread water and TP it’ll work just got to like tap space uh yeah I just have to wait for all three of my portals to uh oh that’s kind of bad I might drown the server’s lagging out right now cuz

He’s on the boat pretty sure yeah wow I’m going to drown I might I might survive I might survive yeah okay okay I might live I might live if I die I’d be kind of mad all right never mind we’re chilling that was a really big mistake

Throwing those three ender pearls boy I had to eat a golden apple otherwise I would have been dead right now that’s probably why that um that gem or jeez that creeper blew up in Jem’s face no warning probably because of the uh bad performance from boats so as soon

As you you you ride a boat it just destroys the server essentially weird yeah cuz it’s been running really really good Rec it’s like even now it’s still better than Minecraft online but I guess anything is better than the server I like this castle Yeah so this is made

By a guy that joined and started talking to me and forget if he helped out with the archive a tiny bit I think he showed us a couple things that we ended up documenting there’s a lovely map here so this is a new base very new yeah here’s the sign board if

You go to there’s a big map too so much for that again one of the only uh banners on the server one of the only banners they just we found like five banners out of the hundreds of bases we’ve come across well I feel like they’re kind of a new addition but like

Are Banner Banners are banners cool I don’t know this is kind of cool I love banners personally but but they’re like they’re collectible but they’re not really like I like a banner I don’t know that’s all it’s like a book sort of right but originals are are Originals right you

Can tell that they’re original item right the rest are just like copies that’s true you can’t tell if there’s like the original Banner anyone can like anyone can make a banner right yeah yeah that’s fair I do like I do like the customiz bless about what about Slabs you can copy banners yeah uh very epic and you don’t even need the original Banner to copy a banner right I love that I love oh it’s a slab yep grief pyramid where’s the griefed pyramid DK you talking about grief pyramid oh see someone should make a petrified slab py

Pyramid that’d be funny there’s face punch base is covered in the slabs on 2B that’s from 2011 called is it still around yeah there’s videos of it too and it’s on like the uh 2b2 T I don’t know what it do they have like some Atlas on the website that has a

Whole bunch of like public chords and somehow it’s it’s still there with chests that were glitched from 20 June 2011 and it’s still there with the slabs oh a bunch of signs it’s pretty cool no really and is it far out or is it just like waiting to be

Destroyed I mean it’s been griefed a couple times but it’s never been griefed bad enough that it broke all the slabs and the crazy chests so people have rebuilt it a little bit and there’s still a whole bunch of signs there uh yeah it’s about 120 out

120k if I remember correctly nice uh dkc this ever never had a transfer phasee what do you mean like like used to be on uh Alpha and then like upgrade it or whatever and reset the map or something it never had that it it’s just been since it just started in 2012 that’s

All um should we go to the family base let’s do that how did they get slabs because all slabs and Alpha leaves are created in the release versions they’re not old they’re not actually they’re not they don’t date back that far see you J uh nice having you by come

By though long time no seat I’m at the other pyramid if you want to check that right before the family base I’ll do that I’ll check I’ll check the Justin oh you gotta resend One S all good I forgot G I’m sorry that was good oh dkc um you found

The next pyramid I was actually going to show them okay really this one I believe uh did you did you get the TP Sappo I mean Siege I know you’re here I guess Siege missed it maybe I’ll send another one I like this pyramid though I’m a fan it’s I think

Did you play Warcraft 3 or any of the warcraft rtss uh no never I really think this is inspired by a um what’s it called a necropolis cuz it it had this kind of look to it and oh with the lava on top too it was more like green

Putrescent rot rather than lava but same idea oh I see okay it’s barlor is he here did he find this base too that the dkc guy uh it’s the cords he gave yeah oh okay so you’re here somewhere dkc he was a boat slabs were created in

R1 release 1.3 but I thought leaves were much older no the leaves are much newer like how else do you get jungle and Birch leaves in that are that are alpha it’s like it actually makes it they’re not Alpha leaves the release version leaves or at least the the glitch has

Exist existed ever since then oh look at this they got the mushrooms on the cows I love that mushroom cows the mushrooms I love mushroom biomes they’re they’re really nice and then over here over here is a is a certified OG uh yeah uh like nether portal

Oh yo I got the exact perfect hit on it but it’s it’s got the broken portal not a lot of those not a lot of oh there’s dkc I think yeah I’m saying cuz we’ve uh We’ve Leaf items on Sim but they’ve been deleted by upd what’s

Upd updates by updates oh yeah stupid painful this is why that’s why I keep saying this is like Anarchy’s final frontier cuz it’s the last server you can find this yeah cuz cuz once you update more the only thing is that petrified slabs are the only thing that’s left right everything else is

Gone right yeah R dkc dkc funny that we ran into him just completely on random right Crazy Fine crazy fine go to Valhalla on Sim if you like those sap on the if I like uh petrified slabs sorry dkc I have to mute you for advertising yeah bye you’re dead you’re

Gone banned for ever actually it’s you broke one of the rules it’s literally not allowed dude I’m at the family base whenever you guys are ready okay I’ll see uh oh the portals yeah I I know there’s a couple on Sim there there are so many on This Server there are

Like I feel like that pretty much every nether portal on here is the majority of nether portals are like that I think I think jeez sorry he has an enchanted bow too what the heck oh look at this what’s this Justin was here hello again hi guys hi crazy Builder guy Brazil

CJ uh this is Master kkb I’ve never heard of y’all but I hope you’re good Doo drop by again it’s very lonely without you guys and I I I want you to I want to thank you for being kind to me even though I wasn’t dkm don’t worry about uh goodbyes loose

Flbs Archer good Archer goddess um I play mind uh is where we have been hope to see you mind wind mind wind oh that’s the other like survival Anarchy server that exists it’s old do you guys like familiar with mine wind no no is

It like un does it have no resets uh I I don’t know CU every time I try to play on there it’s like there’s always like 200 plus people playing so it’s a really popular um but I and it’s it’s it’s been up since like 2010 or 2011 probably 11

Um and I keep trying to see if it has map resets or not it’s really weird it’s like it’s got a lot of like um uh H what’s a what got converted DK K see oh the portals oh it’s a whole portal of oh that’s kind of cool uh oh is it like

A glitch portal yeah but it’s like a it’s like a gold Farm yeah yt’s from the stream he’s chilling he’s cool he uh he also joined the the archive Discord not that like the one I did for all all the other servers he’s one of three people who have who’ve joined or maybe

Four are you a big fan of uh old Minecraft stuff yeah I’m not good I’m guessing he is I think he yeah actually I don’t know he was also uh I I was drawing some I was making some nice nice art and then uh I was sh screen sharing also he

Popped by for a bit while I was doing that so many memories here um yeah I wonder I wonder I don’t really get mind wind because I remember people used to uh get mad at at mind win for existing because they would advertise as Anarchy but it’s like not even survival really

It’s like survival but it’s like pay to win and also like uh uh it’s actually very similar to This Server Like There’s tpas but there’s also kits and uh and like that um and I don’t know if it’s like insanely old or just like like like if they reset

The map or not I think they try and say that they don’t but I think they you can’t play on any of them but I’m not sure I there’s multiple worlds too oh there’s people’s dogs that guy’s dog is I don’t know how it’s alive yeah it’s in the

Chest this isest one of the bases of the um the family Katrina Orion oh oh oh okay I see those are all Orion’s dogs he had lots of dogs or Heidi girl name Heidi this is like an OG base like right here this is like it’s very old in the server’s history

It’s UNG griefed I’m guessing maybe this part looks little G parts of it parts of it they had a Wither Farm of some sort and it looks like the Wither got loose ran dogs yeah or or’s dogs oh and I guess like oh that’s kind of sad but what happened to

Those people are they uh they started playing on that mine wind uh this one I Katrina on Steam but she’s not active anymore I don’t know is there anything above it looks like they did this in a in a like underwater thing I believe there’s stuff above there’s a whole other section of

This base I forget how to get to it this really cool okay over here’s the other section of it Sappo it’s funny it’s just there’s like a whole family and everyone just like they’re like not they have nothing to do with all of the like griefing and raing

That happens we didn’t oh zombie villager we didn’t believe they were a family because they were older um the parents I mean not old but you know what I mean they rors uh so they didn’t they didn’t type the best we thought they were just kids like Clifton no we’re his

Parents we didn’t believe it everybody’s like yeah right whatever kid but then it’s like they got inv voice oh we’re his parents they became staple to the server beloved by all that is awesome dude that reminds me if there’s this one lady who’s like like she’s like 70 something and she plays

2B U she she’s kind of like a similar thing going on with her Mo M or whatever do you know who I’m talking about she sorry my girlfriend just K him stupid girlfriend getting in the way dude you got to you got to set her aside man you can’t let her interrupt the

Stream I’m just kidding I know I’m just kidding you know uh uh who I’m talking about though mo mo the like like there’s like a seven-year-old like Grand literally like somebody’s grandmother plays to be oh yes yeah yeah like M I think is her name yes M yeah yeah yeah she’s mon

Manana Mon oh is it mon Manana okay yes she is very very cool she’s been around forever yeah she she started playing 2B though like after the after the Russia thing right 2016 maybe maybe it was I thought she like knew fit and stuff thought she was

The Russ but maybe I’m wrong she uh she like is friends with that the guy who or or uh uh one of the guys involved in in the or or the orson’s arresh those people um okay like uh whatever their their hacking group is she’s not a part of it

But she’s friends with like one of the guys I forget his name my brain is just completely failing me right now no you’re all good me too yeah but uh yeah I don’t know why they just they’re friends with her she got she gets a I remember they did like a

Not Jared no well maybe Jared a little bit I don’t know um just all of like the the kind of like the old old guard I feel like of 2B she’s friends with all of them or at least a few of them agreed yeah yeah but I I’m pretty sure she uh

Cuz I was talking to her and uh she told me that um her like son got her into playing this server um and uh now she plays it she plays 2B more than he does but I think he started playing it because or maybe it was her

Grandson I don’t know um it’s just so funny like imagine introducing your grandmother to tb2t yeah that’s like that’s crazy definitely yeah as far as I know weer got loose here yeah this this yeah this is this is kind of like pretty chaotic I wonder if this is the reason

That they quit or is that someone else I don’t think so no yeah did they ever get raided they ever get griefed they did by the guy who I said was pretty much universally reviled and would have to change his account oh and see he was friendly with them and

Vice versa but he would just go bad sometimes and have temper tantrums oh I like this part of the base though it’s very beautiful right I’m going to get try and get higher up in the section we came from I’ll TP back there that was quite a run if you

Want but there was a way somewhere to get up oh there’s a there’s a thing all the dirt here is temporary but do not mine it yet scaffolding Etc oh if anyone want here wants to get set up we got spawn base that’s uh getting started I’m just letting know the other

Other people on here okay yeah those guys oh all right let’s let’s move to uh let’s move to a new place all right there’s one more thing under here I’m going to TP to CU it’s hard to get to so you can TP to me sapl I’ll do

That yeah Katrina made a giant um jukebox thing down here though oh wow cat was here in 2017 that’s pretty recent how do we play this pretty recent there’s a redstone torch in there I think oh there’s a button right here oh I didn’t even see

It we’ll have to run with it of course wow Um do you have the uh TPA to Fort Marco I do could you send me that real quick what song is this I can’t remember it’s like on the tip of my tongue it’s one everybody knows I’m there Siege we could show this real quick Freddy Fazbear song that’s what it is Five Nights at Freddy’s okay yeah there we go yeah five nights at is it really Living Tombstone well that explains the color Gooding for the wool that it’s on that’s very fras Barian that’s two people who who have

Said that it is Fazbear and I agree with them that that’s seems familiar to me this is very long wow do I do I is there any more to this here don’t think so okay I remember when I saw spider jockey for the first time and I thought that was the coolest thing

Ever it’s crazy whenever you’re ready you can TP to me or uh Siege all right I’ll do that just uh I’m just EXP just expl this goes out so far I see the they were hardcore players yeah definitely um most the server spawn base like Sim

Had before y had before ymp I think run s PVP honestly I think they did ymp just turned to be into like diets in PvP terrible sincerely ruined it and that’s why I was grateful that you shared this with me and that I was able to Archive it and that we’re able to

Yeah like do a little bit more but this is a base I I stumbled across and we took it over and we were like oh a recent base we haven’t found one of those on the server at all and we took it over and we expanded it and then this

Guy came back recently and then we have just now gotten in contact with him and we’re starting to build here with him so this is like the biggest uh group base right now on the the server technically okay what what who’s the guy who owns this base or who

Is the guy who started it his if you come out here this is why I said I raged we had like 8 to 12 signs out here telling all the history of this base everything got ruined but this is his original name is zxx 7 but it’s changed

Multiple times okay um now it’s called Fort Marco and we reclaimed it we we like doubled or tripled the size of it almost and now we’re trying to make it something huge uh yeah ymp was like a terrible group it made it kind of interesting but they just they were just

Like 2B uh Crystal pvpers uh and they would play on here and every every single member member of the base got exposed for x-raying and duping or one of the two uh and and they griefed like half the bases on Sim uh and it’s just like it sucks so much cuz it’s literally

Like they were cheating to find all of them so it’s just so stupid except Aiden he was the only guy was just insane okay I want to play something on top of here Aiden is like a 40 s you’re right this has a similar vibe to and Minecraft

Online yeah it’s like a very similar I guess aesthetic cuz Minecraft online was actually on an older update for quite a bit longer um uh oh my bad um yeah yeah wait did you get up there and do it I I’m yeah I placed a play

Sapl was here or sapl yeah this is one the crazier sign boards that has been made we just came back one time I like that it’s there I appreciate it I Wast some B hunts and it was uh some w wildness uh watch them base hunt

A few bases and they was on some wildness um especially ALU I just I know that the they a lot of their members got exposed for literally hacking in like X-ray and so it’s just to me it sounds like every grief that they did was invalid and they literally

Just came by to ruin the server which I guess I kind of think was probably the case but whatever oh yeah I have like I have homes oh oh do I have homes SL home where do I go if I type SL home I do not have access to that home that command

Okay never mind um but oh Aiden Aiden is somebody I I kind of think uh would be kind of neat to make a little video about cuz he’s like a 40-year-old man who’s like divorced and he like yeah asden yeah yeah he’s like a 40-year-old man he’s

Like divorced and all he does all day is just grief Minecraft servers in survival mode not grief micr is a re replace all the blocks on build on on the servers or some like I don’t even know why he like he does it I guess cuz he’s just

Like man’s taking out his like I’m divorced like energy add on everybody he’s a don’t lie shouldn’t everyone have a uh set home Justin no I thought everyone got one nope everybody gets TP and that that didn’t even used to be the case oh

Okay yeah I I mean I don’t like Aiden I do I do I do I do respect that he does it all in survival mode and replace everything but name me as a griefer boys that you know name me a griefer boys that you know of that mines each block

Individually with a pickaxe he that is so Chad but it’s also not because he’s like a sad man you know it’s like literally dude’s like actually like not even a he’s not even like a kid or a teenager or like 20s something you know he literally is

Like 40 plus divorced and just spend his day like ruining people like like people’s builds in the most mind numbingly way mind numbing way possible and that’s all that he does well I’ll give him props I’ve stopped him a few times and it stayed mostly intact okay

But it is just funny though it’s just like he does every single base around spawn has been mined By Hand by him and turned into just like regular unret juns it’s really funny it is funny but it’s it’s bad next base um trying to think what is on the list

Justus uh I was thinking do Swift guys base next let’s do it okay you’ll remember when you see it yeah let me figure got the exact home set oh um come here You’ like to see this bro okay uh where are you I’m I’m still at the base I’m right over here bro

Okay so if you come in here this obsidian was left because this is where Jam had a little uh incident with the historian oh yeah this was the spot left from bed trappings yeah you got to you got to you got to mark it that’s history dude there were people bed

Trapped on this server in it’s tday like annoying kids every kid when they earn TPA privileges there were two ways you could get TPA and homest set you could donate or you could invite people if you did SL invite and somebody accepted like that like that you invited them you know

And they played for 20 hours in mind 40 diamonds they would get it right yeah uh kids would get TPA and they would think that they were the first kid to come up with the brilliant idea of just spamming TPA requests right it would happen every

Week there’d be a new kid that came up with that idea all on their own and one kid in particular he got outright banned like exiled oh yeah and uh he got he got another account people figured out it was him and they bed trapped him he got

Let out by the admins because he was spamming off the server but then when they figured out it was him they banned him again week later a new kid comes by acts the same exact way and somebody says in chat hey Landon Landon was the old kid’s name and he said this new

Person says what do you want himself away that was funny you know Castle black Sim here no on Sim oh I’ve heard of it I have I I don’t know what it looks like I’m pretty sure that’s the one that I was trying to reference off of kind of

For this one I like this this is a good B so I’m in the thing that you build right now yeah this little tiny Fort Marco is what we called it cuz Marco was the pop B of the original like Anarchy server I played on oh okay named it after

Him yeah there is so many good Sim builds like that’s what there’s some really really good builds here but they’re really far out so we’re trying to add a whole bunch since it’s dead then eventually if people come around one day it’ll just be packed full of

Spawn builds and really cool stuff and signs and that’s awesome yeah that’s so cool yeah um I hope I hope it blows up I hope we get at least I blow up I hope there’s like 10 active players sometimes you know agreed especially if there’s like a

Good amount of people that enjoyed the history I am at the next place if you guys want yes I I’ll you this base belongs oh sorry go on no it’s tell them to dude’s good luck at the base this base belonged to a guy named D

Swift guy uh he was a staff and he um I he and I were on good terms but I really admire him because he’s the guy who finally raided oh it’s going to restart in five minutes he’s the one who finally raided meow the uh skitso Griefer the

Guy with the skitso base so this is he he sorry go on so this is his base one of his bases I mean this is actually relatively close to spawn but he had multiple this was just like his home you know that he decorated up but he had

Other bases further out but this one’s just nice looking it’s just like his home the way he got me out and rated him is ironic or it’s poetic Justice because like I told you meow would give he would give diamonds to new players just to make them trust him and then he would

Get in their base and he would just come back when they actually had riches right do Swift guy gave meow a stack of diamond blocks earn his trust a week later just raided him did the same thing dude he got greedy and died to his own his own system oh that’s crazy

Wow wow I guess it just shows to show that it actually really is that easy this is great base though I like the mushrooms everywhere all that stuff um in here there’s an archery room he was definitely going for like a Libyan or carthaginian um design cuz the colors and the

Uh there’s some like carthaginian iconography somewhere else in here I like it watching in the seats Coliseum dude making uh making things out of wool is kind of like a underrated thing say I completely agree it’s all you had to work with at the time yeah

Yeah I I think I might return to that aesthetic in uh a more modern version it’s kind of fun yeah this guy was a very longtime player and staff as I said oh he’s a staff too yes how do you get staff on here that how did that work at first oh

Ender’s mad at somebody um you had to be where’s your sword Siege you had to be friends with the admins at first like it was a very um you know it was like their old group of friends that were staff at first yeah but then other people got added over

Time people who were longtime players and that talk to him and Mumble and stuff cool cool taking his ender pearls I’m sure he won’t miss it I’m sure he won’t either dead bushes are those rare are dead bushes rare no that’s what Siege thought too yeah but you can get them

With uh you can get them with with like a you can’t craft them you can you can take them out of the desert Shrubs are he says oh shrubs what do those look like oh shrubs are are dead bushes with another these are dead bushes yeah shrubs just have name though I was completely shrubs on Minecraft online there was a random Chunk in Minecraft online that had that they found like an entire area where the

Grass had been converted into shrubs or something like that they’re not dead bushes they’re they’re with another name or slightly Greener dead bushes okay something like that and uh there was just a place where they found them and it was just complete random and it must

Have been some sort of glitch it was just like a field huh I yeah I’m not up to date like Siege taught me all about the alpha blocks and stuff I had no idea mhm yeah those there there must be so many more cool like weird artifacts I

Know that like um with certain exploits you can get white Redstone back in like Alpha and beta really and then and then sometime in like beta it reverts it reverts or in release once you switch to release versions it just becomes regular Redstone but if for a while there

There’s a time when there was white and red Redstone it was was weird like where you could like generate it I think with like cheat engine or some but you know you could get it was possible which is like something nobody ever talks about you

Know if it was after the MCO back door that could be why it maybe I don’t know but uh it seemed to me like it was like the way it was described to me was a random like entire field of of them not like or like like it was like something

Where you wouldn’t notice unless you just like M the bush you like you took it with a with a they just were found somewhere I don’t know maybe maybe it was a back door thing but either way it’s kind of cool that they they were found in such a weird

Way um all right uh is there anything more in here that we can check out I what about this well we’re restarting right now so yeah I think that’s almost everything at the space okay dude what the heck happened here under maintenance it says it’s under maintenance yeah it’ll fix up there we

Go fix up oh that’s crazy that’s cool I like that yeah the leaves block it off oh I just got teleport back it’ll send us in eventually there we go yeah I think i’ I’ve seen most of it Panda’s meth lab oh there’s a he’s got a pool down

Here oh away a pool and that uh that Banner that or not really Banner but the wool there is like carthaginian colors that’s what I meant oh yeah he’s got a CO diving board and I like that it’s like an eye in here you back

Siege yes okay what do you feel like we should go to next um I think what else we could do like CT Code Monkey oh that’s that’s a good one pilot was oh was that server um like was it where they they had to like make

A portal and then like type the sign on the portal of where it goes his uh noin had that for a while I don’t know if they still if they changed it not well they had a broken version of it and then they fixed it I think I hear creepers

Dying you can TP if you guys want yeah yeah I think you need to do yours again saffo okay um yeah noin um that uh that’s server I met the owner of that server IRL oh nice mhm this base we’re going to belongs to one of my teammates CT Code Monkey I met

Him and some other people that I didn’t already know I met him in real life a couple times oh I see it Hey look it’s a it’s the like whoa that’s that looks really weird so this is CT toode monkeyy uh B I’m going take his

App just go for it yeah never mind oh we’re on a mushroom Island we don’t got to worry about light D I like the I like I really do like this uh this little this this is all the gold little things even the gold disc that’s cool yeah this good

Base the the Aesthetics you guys really like all of these bases we’ve been to that like that aren’t just completely like trash or whatever um they have really good vibe even the skitso vas has like got a vibe to it you know they’re all very distinct these are all empty is there

Anything in any of these chests probably not we all moved it on oh see you have the teleport to the water slide yes yes the water slide dude water slide would be fun to do on stream and it’s something that’s definitely going if like the server has any type of blowing

Up it’s going to get found and probably mess with okay yeah so let’s experience it now we got the chance you guys have boats or wood on you cuz those are required yes uh I have wood you might to sh potions potions I have a lot of wood yeah all right let’s

Go TP one at a time please okay sow’s good siege all right so many cool Spawn projects got griefed on Sim by llx as well is he a guy who was caught cheating I feel like there’s a guy name that caught cheating found a Bas between lava

Cast that was like a whole ass town with a blimp in bridges in between two lava casts just now or on Sim right what are you talking about oh oh Jesus that hole scar I didn’t know there was a ladder I almost fell into it just like can I

You guys oh yeah okay uh thank you um okay I guess I have to drop a stack of my my R blood RP dude this is literally awful to give up my R for this I would really love we can get a whole bunch of Spawn

Bases on here it would make the server and finish the uh highways that we started the slide starts down here okay dude that’s this is so cool like yeah someone built a water slide how does how does this help on a faction server what ises this this is super old too this is

Absolutely ancient this was here when I started the server oh damn okay I’m in careful don’t hit the Walls by the way cuz it’ll Break yeah I’m not able to push you in thank you whoa go ahead SI whoa wow this server reminds me of mine Texas is less no that’s what this guy said H oh this is less played I feel like or more played than n Tex it’s more

Play Yes mine Texas doesn’t have old stuff this has all old stuff it’s like the reverse of mine Texas mine Texas has a lot of old stuff from 2015 and above and then this has a lot of old stuff from 2015 and Below I’m glad it’s snowing while we’re

Going down this too yeah it’s pretty beautiful now the thing is this did not used to be a snowy area I think cuz there was like some update that kind of broke weather in some regions yep oh yeah that’s kind of how happens when you

Update hello fak in Siege the full H the from the full hello fak in si Siege from the fak Minecraft server says Assa molar welcome welcome hello region file corruption yeah something like that that happens on my server as well and uh I whoa oh that’s cool oh

you’re having fun on the water slide dude I just I just I just lagged through the ground I’ll TP to you get that all sort of learn careful we might all die we’re all good only you only me only I get to to to boat teleport through the

Floor oh you got to leave your sign up here saying that you were one of the lucky ones to ride the ride can I take that thank you um I I literally went straight through Straight To The Ground that’s great there’s all my stuff that’s crazy I don’t think the voting works anymore

YT from voting on where on on here I think he’s talking about here you can get leaves from voting oh there’s a bed down here somebody put their bed down here Wild well I think I collected every single thing I got what God bow God pickaxe not got

Pickax what else would I be missing no there’s nothing I’m missing so sword bow Apple I don’t know everything else is replaceable yeah no not my seven stacks of rotten flash can’t lose that where is this one oh one second bud no I’m gonna get teleported right back

Down oh yeah um those are two different ones but yeah okay heog that’s the kogil is the one that I showed you last night that was the a splinter faction all what’s the the next oh I got to leave a I got to leave a sign that’s

What it is say that I was there um let’s go to actually undiscovered one Roger never mind never mind never mind isn’t that the that’s yeah never mind that’s the aqueduct yeah uh where is the dwarf base you know what I’m saying the one near spawn

Yeah I got to check in my other list how about we drop him off at one and while he’s looking around I’ll look in the list sounds good um shall we go to the Kimia Kimia kimogila yeah K really giv people the history dude the hom set’s not working what the hell one

Sec yeah you’re probably going to have to uh can you vote to get out that’ be crazy um You probably have to get Cobble we really don’t have any there’s another spawn base though that might have some and you could repair that spawn base it

Was an epic one but it got griefed if you go to z00 right now we had another base at 0000 called Middle Earth that one got griefed as well but if you follow the highway ter Justin do you remember which Highway that is or a good way to

Describe North okay we follow the North Highway from 0000 there’s a place called fungus bburg not too far off the highway straight straight through the highway it was just at fun you see it’s good bless y if you want to repair that instead of expand Fort Marco that could also be

Something cool or expand that but it got a little bit griefed by some person I don’t know feel free to TP I’ll TP to you re redo it uh Sappo sorry Siege he overwrote you oh good is he’s rude how dare you I’m going to kill you

I’m not attack you in real life I’m going to hunt you down you’re not going to be able to escape me Siege I found the one we were excuse me I found the one we were talking about I got it ready for after this insane what’s uh what’s so insane about this place

Here uh this one was from a I was looking at this and I was like what’s why insane why did you write this why have you wasted my time with this sh what is this is like a little it’s like a a it’s a sunken like house maybe but I

Turn around and get just jump scared by the greatest build I’ve ever seen unfortunately it’s griefed to but has a good story it looks really nice for a grief you could build it up I mean a lot of these griefs they’re either you’re completely gone or they

Like this you probably pick it back up I’ve got another one that’s perfect for somebody who wants to restore a castle that’s just bones left but it was obviously great when it was new um the story with this is when my group started in June 2012 uh one of my friends who

I’ve been friends with for years and years his real life friends joined us right so he brought like four or five real life friends yes oh eat an apple bro you got an apple yeah there you go um the only time we ever got raided was an internal raid from My

Friends real life friends right yeah but only one of them betrayed us but they still wanted to play with a betrayer so we kind of amicably parted ways with half of our group that other half went on to make this base oh then what happened to this base uh no idea and

They don’t really remember either maybe they like they all left and then it got griefed likely that’s a nice base though when youall want say restore something you mean like verbatim Replacements or just building something back whichever yeah either one really cuz the base I’m talking about has

Structure still you can tell what was supposed to be where it’s just like burnt out from wood or wool you know now this this has a lot of uh stuff underground like lots and lots of tunnels but it’s not really anything too great but this is it’s very old though I

Know for a fact this place is very old and there’s actually um in this direction that I’m facing there’s a roller coaster that these people made and it wasn’t griefed and was actually found by Anarchy Alliance the uh griefing group oh and they left a sign

That said oh nice um nice build you should come work for us or whatever oh yeah we didn’t touch it yeah okay I want to see this roller coaster I like how the snow is just one chunk here one what is down there is that that’s a cheap okay F bir was

Inspired by snow frog that’s my f of s base I think I remember Castle snowf frog I found it randomly uh when I was walking on the highway oh that’s why I made it on the highway like Castle snow frog and it’s made all the Cobble I love the old

Cobble build you just add on forever yeah I you know you know um and no none of you guys saw that but on stream anyone who was looking they just saw me do the most insane not death of all time yeah it’s pretty wild there’s a

Penis here dude the penis very good this the high this is best build on the server I haven’t seen that uh is this this is like a mob farm where is the uh I was wrong it’s not close to there if you want to see it’s grief entirely I don’t know if it’s

Worth seeing if you can TP if you want oh okay I’ll TP I screw it up it’s nearby but not as close as I thought so we would have had to do some running but yeah it was made by the same people at that last place and there’s some signs at the

Bottom good boy oh cool it would have been nice if it was intact too bad though yeah oh hey there’s an oak leaf in here an alpha one in there I love finding this stuff like that oh yeah you were already here Siege I forgot about that not to grief

Because awesome please help us build r a real shame yeah well there’s a lot of like yeah people could totally do a lot of restorations here I think it would totally be like like you know you have like some some revers aens or whatever Aiden a reverse Aiden and just like

Someone who just can find all these bases and just restore them back like you could you could spend probably a long time fixing all the bases here and they probably would get totally wiped right away either so they definitely wouldn’t our fungus BG base lasted for a

Long while but it got insided basically and fungus BG isn’t even destroyed so it’s like no you could fix someone could fix someone could say nothing and fix fungus bird in like a day yes tell any yeah yeah this is a good base worthy of the

Tour we have the uh underground one next yes one moment trying to find it okay I’m accepting the TPS uh Siege send another one please I hope this is the right one because I’m accepting it before I’m actually there myself it’s the right one okay hey yo this looks good oh I love

The stone that is a good choice of architecture the way that these these particularly these pillars oh and then this too that is some I got to steal that this is one that’s also like needs to be shown cuz it’ll be gone probably oh yeah is it cuz the the end portals

Was really close to it or yes the grand Library had seven bookshelves sounds about right for some that’s Grand yeah I mean it’s probably more books than I’ve ever read but it is what it is yeah I love this bace it’s a cool for it’s got that vibe to it it’s

Absolutely anent too yes they tried making banners on the wall you saw before there were banners lapis and iron yeah yeah it’s good stuff they have their bunks above where you’re running right now it’s where the rooms are oh okay I see I I just went away

From there oh is that right dkc oh who who passed away on Sim s had a similar story um I feel like before the camping rusher a lot of the bases you’d find around spawn would be like this oh yeah on 2B for sure yeah I actually feel like

Even on the temp server I found bases like this lant taro’s Tower was restored and protected in memory uh it’s where the end portal is now a way of cancer unfor oh that’s so sad that’s not awesome but it wait so is it like World protected by the by the

Mods did was he a consistent like player of the server like i’ I feel like I’ve never heard of this guy till is he like an old player that he’s consistent H or yeah yes to the world protection I’m guessing um I feel like I have heard of

Liant taro’s tower but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him online so probably before my time what’s crazy about this uh above ground place is I remember Siege found this but I remember tracking a person to this place years ago like I would try to follow people and the dude led me to

This and I just lost in the boat I had no idea where they went but just right under this little island here oh new grass Island man made I feel like um you you could probably hide this pretty well from other people if you just redid the redid the top of it you

Know like maybe it actually like look like an island but just natural generated right agree YT are you there bud in dkc can you go AFK no I’m no longer AFK uh YT is going to stop us uh no worries oh he said he will hey let’s freaking go man let’s freaking

Go just because the next place we’re going is above ground mhm oh didn’t do it yt’s not doing it oh well I give up okay this next one is mainly for um what’s his name dkc talking about a restoring stuff mhm this would just be a really good restoration candidate I think

Okay oh that Tower I’ve seen it before but only on the no I found it in person randomly one time um when I was like flying around or something oh this place oh this looks really good look at that this would have been really cool to find

We’ve only found like one or two Mega castles and they’re all like pretty far out this would have been a spawn castle and this would have been like a magnum ofus fine yeah this is really good I like this is this whole island fake looks kind of like it’s been terraformed if not

Fake um what are you lagging there’s a lot of I I forgot that like um witches were really really like there a lot of them used to spawn back in the day they kind of don’t spawn they’re kind of rare days plus this is in hard mode so going to spawn like

Mad where what do you think next Siege um let me look at the list sorry careful though cuz creepers this would look great if it got repaired I mean it still looks great it’s not even oh let’s go to let’s do SL spawn and go to what’s his name’s wall oh there to

Whoa whoa this was griefed recently because there’s still blocks that are are here no that just means no one’s been here in 10 years and they just F that’s true we’re the you’re the first to find it since it’s been griefed yeah know this is absolutely

Ancient I’m at the wall right now on the top of it if you want to see that oh yeah just TP to him though I’ll do that all right Siege yeah this is uh did I get you both DK you could you could come to this one this is at a

Spawn you’ll see this no matter what if you go to the spawn yeah I got sapl or YT whoever wants to see that say you might need to do it again Siege okay yeah oh yeah said I had to wait 13 seconds whoa wait whoa whoa where are

We so this is actually byy a new spawn yeah the third spawn if you guys can if you want to AFK YT did it we got it boys all right I’m like sorry I’m just like I you did it oh no yeah this is just North of the uh new spawn

It’s wonderful see this is the place that used to regenerate then they Chang uh from this regenerating to the original spawn regenera I don’t really know why they did it but um there used to be a cobblestone house or no a wood house down below here that spawned six

Or seven stacks of uh Cobblestone it was meant to like get people into the uh griefing raiding Spirit it said this is my house please don’t raid it but the admins did it like it was them oh okay and this guy named too one would go

There const L it took an hour for it to re uh respa but he would just get the Cobblestone and he built this up with the uh respawning Cobblestone oh I like it I like what he did here I like this just huge flat area what’s it called

Everybody just called it toker’s wall okay so I I oh I see because I was underneath it and trying to survive in there and it was so difficult because I’d starve to death and die every single time that I uh tried to get through here this was like the hardle was trying to

Get here there was a castle down there that I actually Tov for a little bit yep that was one of my castles my group we um we put the vines that wasn’t part of toker’s original design we put wood and Cobble scaffolding yeah we wanted to make it complete darkness

Constant Vines make it darker well I mean I I think it does I think it used to be everywhere Mao valian it looks much like cooler makes it harder to navigate that too yeah I like the jungli fying of it this would be a really cool area to make a new base

On and around I’d be down to to help out at another sumon base or something for a little bit like maybe we’ll do in here the old or the new spawn that’ be kind of cool we got there’s a lot of space up here for that really is Breathe new life into an

Old project beyond that castle down there you can see the ground’s completely obliterated where the water is my group had a uh summer every summer we had a tradition we would advertise ahead of time we would form a kingdom that’s what we called it and just invite everybody literally everybody was

Welcome to come build and we would just just organically not even really plan it just build stuff up like in an IMM medieval style so that’s what’s obliterated up there we were building it it lasts for 3 4 days Anarchy Alliance came and just nked

It I’m going to go throw an ender pearl to that castle Yeah I was about to say you need to get this on video for documentation that Castle’s been remodeled and destroyed so many times uh I I use it as Refuge so I’m I’m I’m a

Fan of it so many iterations over the years so many Vines hanging behind us oh dang there’s whole bunch of in this here’s the destroyed thing wait what chest are you at there’s like a chest underground you went a little past oh a God damn

It was Desert Fox a uh snow fox all possibly but is it no I don’t think I don’t think it was um there’s some dude that played on here his username was meme 420 feel like that would be worth a lot of money right now that name thank you for the pearls

He was a wellknown player there’s a whole body here that’s my stuff that’s my stuff okay my didn’t realize you died yeah I I just I did I just need the god pck Really oh wait one of those yeah that was siege you know the KN base that we’re going to show him um the night Bas with the heart of the island yes uh meme made that with Halo okay SE if you want a video idea do one on the money laundering through the rare

Minecraft names is that money laundering is that what’s happening like criminal gangs will buy them and sell them to each other or is it I that’s kind of it’s like drug it’s what yeah it’s like drug dealers crypto people stuff like that mostly Sim swappers they have money through rare

Names and they just swap them between each other and it’s like like it’s like when like gangs will buy like will like have like old paintings cuz they can resell those they kind of like are a way of getting keeping your money after you buy from each other sort

Of how common is Sim swapping a rare M account while holding something so is that why they’re worth like what what’s the most expensive one worth though so it can’t be that much oh my house is somewhere around here is this your house right here yeah yeah my house my my yeah

This is my first house yeah I st house one time as you dropped a thing on the floor and and now it’s mine you were the one who dropped something you dropped something oh male m m also found my farm yeah this is my house dude I worked so hard to to to

Like not starve to death here I had to make this whole farm and like live on like half a hunger bar the entire time it crazy thanks for the food from some random person a year ago from you damn 2022 you found this yeah now I think I I

Took a a signed book for mail I think that was what it is cuz he came here and then suddenly I found a a a signed book on the floor this is my ALT space basically oh there’s a cat here oh here it is oh here it is it’s

Right here I left it in this chest Legion enchantment table user manual yes thank you for crafting your new L enchanting table when you enchant your mighty sword with three lapis table trademark 2014 to 2015 Microsoft motion crafting table trademark that’s great uh oh I m so much Cobblestone here

What the yeah you had a strip mine under there I teleported to you when you first uh when I was first invited to the Discord um more than a year ago I was just uh I was just chilling there because I just like strip mining so I I

Had I just a huge thing and also it was the only thing I could do without starving to death or you placed boats all over the place I don’t know I kind of like it though I kind of like it it’s cool never even occurred to

Me to put boats on there so you don’t fall that’s like a good idea yeah I never thought about it until now and I was like well boat on Sim was bad what Happ did it did lag it no you use sim swapping money to buy it then sell it or keep

It have you partak in the in the drug deal the the the illegal money laundering of of this stuff there’s been YouTube videos on it I’ve seen I don’t know it’s an interesting idea but it’s I’m not like super interested in it so I probably won’t make a video not name and

Minecraft names it was wild when I heard about it this this was like uh is this 2012 sign fake most of them are not fake cuz there there’s a death sign thing oh no no no there’s like none fake on the server there 2012 if there’s a 2012 here

I’m kind of skeptical of that cuz I don’t think this was the spawn in 2012 so is he in this area I don’t think he’s here anywhere near yeah I think he’s that old spawn so he definitely just found a g no way it’s by Gage that’s what my one of my real

Life friends that’s one of my on my team oh that’s funny there we go cool such a small world I remember I walked in this direction and there was like a random base there and I was like how is it that every 10 feet there’s a new base that I

Can just like explore yes right over there that’s the most wonderful thing about the server look at this thing do you know any lore about this one oh I just tpd away to see if he was near uh Gage’s base oh I will come right back yeah this is he’s at uh Fort

Marco oh um Siege give that a moment for you yeah I just teleported so give it a minute have a fair race no fighting or fall starting race starting in T minus 10 1 09 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 go hi Sappo do

You know you can get random free prizes including rare items for donor ability that’s not thing anymore right broken okay where are we all right I I’ll TP to you guys for the next uh thing just let me know when you’re what were you asking about the lore of uh oh

There’s just this base here I wonder if you knew about it oh yeah I thought Siege was still with you no no no I’m just I’m off in the middle of nowhere I don’t know just oh that no I don’t know about that yeah I don’t think it was

Like a very doesn’t seem very important since it’s like right next to spawn but it’s cool that people still built next to spawn openly like this yeah there were um groups our term for like a new player not even a new player but like a lowlevel player that never succeeded and

Just was always near spawn we call them ants just spawn ants that’s typical spawn ant base I love it they just they would all live together there was like seriously a group of uh like seven or eight of them at any given time oh I and they would all just be living together

And their bases would barely last a week either from infighting or just something I like I like that because you can um like that sort of stuff only happens on a server that’s popular because there has to be a constant influx of people who never learn oh you

Were here uh Siege we’re literally at this one particular place one Sora and duls have de demolished drowned and blown up this Sora sore through clouds and doul fles were um associate with um left to rot the guy who was pretty much disliked on the server I see

I mean they they both eventually parted ways with him but as far as I remember yeah somebody was like talking about this base to them and like in signs when they got here interesting odd little like location I don’t know why there’s obsidian at this one AFK if we can boys

Okay and then we’ll go to the next place yeah so much time spent looking for bases dkc you there man all right we’re good uh YT if you come to the front of Fort Marco there are a whole bunch of 2012 signs that you can see and there is

A plugin that when you die died it left the reason you died and the date so you can see there these are all 2012 this was made 2012 and then over here that looks like fire damage for a little bit yeah this was a group base

Destroyed by meow and Fred um this group was like there was like five or six of them I don’t know that they had a name but uh the dude had the name lore uncore job the uh the Kon spear chucker I forget who else was in the group but it

Was a giant white house I know there you would never tell what it is now it was a white house and it had an underground roller coaster that went through a creeper’s mouth it was really legit uh meow found them by that exploit I told you about with the um teleporting and

Then killing them yeah and he got it and they were like fighting in like my group was on while it happened and we tried to go there and negotiate meow to just leave it alone but while we’re going through with it coming to some kind of agreement the uh group people just

Decided to burn it themsel to take the power away from him I see that’s probably why this Farm is still intact right they even they had like uh they had their own signs up on the hillside you can see the Kon and uh oh yeah that’s them okay where’s this underr same people

They lost multiple bases to uh meow and Fred just kept getting tricked over and over again it’s really sad they just keep getting the same trick over and over again yeah and they went off I mean they might have gotten followed to the next one but I have a feeling they just

Got tricked again oh wow cuz they had kind of a big group and were somewhat casual oh man this is the kind of like these people didn’t cause any problems for anybody they just built yeah but oh here’s a guy blow draw under _ job R 2014

Graviti oh they got a nice little underground here though oh it was it was really sick underground they got like a cool tunnel zombie grinder I don’t know why I’m going to the zombie crer it’s just the zombie grinder but we’re going even further down now ooh oh there they are the

Zombies oh the creeper head might still be intact there’s a lot of there’s a lot of uh stuff there’s a potion brewing sand uh a whole steps on how to do the melons and everything oh that’s neat one melon and then yeah potion brewing and everything I had to get more

XP I guess I don’t know I like what what the steps are to do certain things it’s cool though it’s all Netherrack themed interesting AFK here it says okay do you have a slash home for the 20 we think 2014 base that I found that had the railway that took you from the

Village to the actual base and it had a whole bunch of farms is that not connected to the aqueduct base it is not that’s a completely different base um was it the one we found with Baker no it was before Baker I found it and I was going through the Nether and

There was a railway that I found in the Nether and I was like oh dang this is like Sims nether Railway and I followed it and it took me to a base and then I followed another Highway in the Overworld or Railway I’m sure I do I

Just don’t know what it is off hand that might have been CT Cod monkey’s original base there is no signs I found another base did you just yeah you guys want to TP to well it looks like it doesn’t look griefed but it looks like a uh like a villager farm I

Guess oh that’s yeah that’s their villager yeah it’s like right next door right yeah yeah I I found it by connecting through yeah that’s also theirs cuz this is I know you can’t see cors but this is far out enough that two people wouldn’t build here by

Coincidence yeah I guess guess it’s just more of the same base or something yeah cool though they looked like they had big plans for this place for sure I want to go inside of the go inside the farm I hear the villagers they’re they’re they’re just wandering around dude I I

Remember I remember villagers when they look like this they look a lot better now I I I think I like villager mechanics slightly better now but also you remember them being sorry just like looking like this you know remember the old old like new villagers look very different they got new skins they

Revamped new villagers I do actually I think I like it better I’m not used to the new stuff I I I don’t know I never like I could never get myself to to make a farm in the old versions but then I I started doing it for new and it’s like

Definitely better but they should just remove the RNG of the figuring out which villager guess what because it’s like 10 hours of pointless grinding to do that when like they do make it so that it’s like yeah they get a different one every time it’s like very clearly feels like

Something you’re supposed to do almost I don’t know although they made it harder so maybe not but I I feel like Minecraft should try to not be a game where there’s a ton of like grinding to get like just more stuff you know like if you want to set up all these things

It should be like as painless as possible there’s like a difference between like the grind and like intentional like game design you know what I mean like mhm like there’s a certain way where it’s not you’re just playing the game and you’re leveling up continuously as it goes and it feels

Natural and then there’s like yeah here’s 14 hours of like trying to set up a mob farm so you never have to worry about about for like TNT getting TNT for your light Trever again it’s like you know some of that I mean they can’t they can’t think that far ahead of

It but I feel like with villagers if they’re going to let you you know have some way of picking what a villager can trade as then why don’t just just make it like you know just be able to talk like I don’t know I feel you ion don’t know if moang knows what

They’re doing I don’t know I don’t think yeah I actually don’t think moang knows what the they’re doing anymore age with that what the next place I was going to show him the Rainbow Road and then the next Base Road Mario Kart oh yeah you can go ahead and TP Rainbow

Road that’s a good build idea I’ve been trying to think of a mega build to do making like a rainbow road like Mario kartes Track that would be something fun to do as my next Mega build I think I’ll do that I am there when you’re ready okay brainbow pretty

Epic this was also made by the same people all right they they’re good they’ve got that they got that uh that good build skill and it links to their next build too which was also ruined by meow and Fred really rainbow oh look at that who could have guessed it oh this

Had I like it it’s nothing too great but I think it’s cool to put together though oh orar from wow dkc you’re going to like the grand finale of this stream if you’re saying that about orgar all right we don’t have to go through this for like whenever you’re

Sick of this I I’ll take you to the next like where this goes oh okay I I mean I’m kind of I’m kind of down for this right now this is an impressive thing someone spent way too much time making this yes I wonder if he realized that uh it

Needs to be three block four blocks tall or something like CU do you think was there a bigger plan for this just horses yeah I think they had plans but they got interrupted by meow and Fred again oh man those guys I don’t know what’s down

There but um back the way we just came there’s okay I don’t remember seeing this before yeah this is all GRE for sure though yeah bu it is bad there going to be creps so whoa this is cool though oh hey Ma died here yep get him get

I wonder how many un how many bases you think are here that that you’ll just probably never find that’s what SI and I talk about quite a bit Yeah and we know about quite a few like I know people that still have intact bases just a matter of getting a

Hold of them H yeah cuz there’s like it’s is it easy to do chunk Trails on here it’s probably not it’s probably harder to find a base on here than it is on Sim right like way way harder okay cuz since you can’t use any hacks mm it’s hard but if you’re

Looking for 25 bases you’re pretty set Jesus Christ sorry I just I saw it and I started running down into it I’m just going to plug this entire thing up I don’t I should have I meant to give people lava potions that’s fine I think I could have just like used an ender

Pearl to get out but like jeez that scared me a lot of the bases though when you try and find them with a trunk Trail it’s hard because in 2014 and 2015 the groups were getting like to their Peak and you can’t find those bases because the server never updated so it’s the

Same chunks oh that’s true yeah I think dang game those are also the ones that are the farthest out so we’re talking hundred of thousand to multiple Millions yeah just why are you in just iron armor unenchanted why aren’t you dripped out you know I knew you would ask at one

Point because I’m very frugal and don’t want to spend my hard earned Diamonds oh I forgot that they uh they take damage right you can’t fix them oh you can fix them I just don’t want to spend any diamonds and I know I’m not going to die so

Okay are you talking about the trunk Trails well you’d have to look for quartz who who whoa who who this zombie no you think how how do zombies spawn with Enchanted shovels in their hers they probably that’s probably a normal zombie I’m going to kill it you can

Check for quartz and follow the nether Trails for the 2012 ones and I’ve definitely done that okay but what do you DK talking about in chat doesn’t necessarily work I don’t think for the ones that are newer because quartz was out then and quartz is out now yeah

H well uh I like that though that means that you’re going to actually you have to to find these bases entirely by like just complete luck all right so if you want to teleport to where the actual the juice is um I’ll I’ll come to you oh hey

There’s just 13 iron un all smelted in this one corner here I’m going to take that I got the XP for it too that’s greattin could you answer those questions I’m not sure oh what’s up in chat I was busy trying not to die I will check

Now uh stream chat or game I don’t think there’s anyone talking in oh someone talking stream chat oh I’m not paying attention sorry JM Parks says is Clos to Heart welcome welcome uh and then took a break for uh from hand to knee foot player castra with old people to say hi

Noise hello answer things very soon what did you old people what what what did you take a break from paa I’m very confused um well I hope you’re having fun doing whatever it is can we please AFK um have check would it be oh yeah when when was the roof the nether roof

Disabled oh um not very long after that became a thing with horses okay so not very long after the horse update I’d say like a month or two so like horses were 1.8 right or was it 1.7 I think it was 1.7 or earlier oh wait are we done no still

Need it now we’re good we’re good all right if you want to TP against up we’re somewhere above those ruins okay same people again just above those same ruins whoa whoa this is crazy oh my goodness this base goes crazy yeah it’s a shame I got bullied

Off of of it they were good Builders um oh they really they got by the mouse guy they just got knocked out of him by just he kept getting into them they gave up eventually oh that’s so sad we go now see you all right see you

YT thank you for popping by and checking out the server I’m going to go to this one that doesn’t look destroyed made out of glass panes oh it’s a villager house it’s sort of destroyed but not really was there really a point to having a villager

Farm back in the it’s how I’ve gotten all my diamond armor recently I say recently like 10 years n years ago but the Fred guy died here though so there was definitely some fighting going on maybe oh you know what I’ve I’ve noticed a distinct lack of e chests nobody has

Them oh they’re disabled oh are they really yeah yeah oh that’s crazy that’s good I like that we felt it violated the you know the bases should be raided technically but you know what people just did to avoid that people just had alts that they logged off their stuff

With that’s oh you know that’s an that’s an interesting idea as well oh well I mean they had to pay like 20 extra bucks for that CJ was here oh there’s a sign for me I should probably leave a sign Siege whoops just accept it you’re CJ now fraan slip right there I

Just I don’t know I don’t like the name CJ for some reason it was supposed to be C AJ but no one got that it was like xcc2 it’s supposed to be C AJ for years then I just went to Siege cuz I thought it’ be easier

And then is the fit thing people keep calling me c Jam like oh Jesus next time you’ll have to make oh oh oh guys what this is a 2012 zombie right here it had it is holding an ink sack oh is it worth putting a

Little thing on I hit it again with this the sharpness sword could be I’ll go get them I guess got to remember where they were I’m just standing right here okay I mean I have to remember where I put the um the name tags there there’s one at that spawn Base by the

Way okay well I know where this is so I’m just going to leave it there I want to go explore another actually no wait I’ve seen it to just Dro by couple minutes ago or something yeah I guess he it was a while ago and I just replied to

It and I think I missed him rip okay I got the name tags are you still there Siege I’m there you can teleport to me okay give it like 5 Seconds cuz I just teleported it’ll probably fail if you accept it now oh oh ah I needed 7 Seconds my bad oh I’m

Sorry need more pearls while I’m here uh no I’m good right do you want to show him mid spawn to see what it looks like show him what sorry mid spawn yeah okay so I think uh I think now is probably uh I’m thinking of wrapping it up so next like two bases

Maybe or two or three and then we’ll end the stream it’s good well what what do you have in mind Justin for the last two then we know what the last one will be yeah oh it’s right here by the way the name tag just right

Here you got uh the one down here yeah I got him oh you got him he’s got a little name tag on him yep 12 number two people we’re going to think there’s more than one now oh well F uh let’s let’s let’s get out of here

Did we do the one with the heart or whatever the the meme for 20 help that one okay yeah well okay how many more bases are left for us to tour I’m curious maybe six but I’d say like three or four good ones okay well then we

Could do all of them then we could definitely do all of them we just do the the do the like not worth like the the more like easy to tour ones or whatever like the the less less more like we can skim two of them I guess and then for the

Four I feel like Siege we need to get the hospital done you agree okay mhm that won’t take that long okay okay go ahead and TP you can too Siege all righty good job you guys are good at staggering them know okay this was one of the final

Bases of left to rot that guy who was very much disliked the gross man one of his rebrands sorry what did you say the gross man yes yes very much so one of his rebrands uh he came back as I’m uncore aore healer so he made this

Hospital you know I think I think I visited this with the with the other guy uh with snake oh mat Vision yeah yeah Matt Vision I I think I think maybe not oh it’s made out of snow this is a good base though yeah the mom 12 the M came

To his um that where where we showed you the underground base and where his books were that’s based off of this teleport this is what I was talking about this kind of became an unofficial fourth spawn because people this is very far out um people didn’t understand it

Doesn’t matter if you’re Millions out if everybody else is out there too doesn’t really matter yeah yeah but this you know so this became an unofficial that’s why the mom’s there cuz he was here too yeah but he made all things all in the area sorry go on um

That’s also like uh um what’s his name that’s the same as that other SIM base like people just branched off of that 8 million Mark and just you know you can find a bunch of bases like 10K from there yeah isn’t it no world border yeah no world border

Yeah and this was a giant tree I think you figured that out thing behind you at one time it was a tree yeah yeah yeah that makes sense uh that this is cool too this over there get some kind of sports arena over here and then like a

Farm over in the distance he had mushrooms dud you have to like travel with in the crappy boats and bring them along here how do you even bring mushrooms over here like how does that even happen it worked better when the server was functioning right that’s true Bo weren’t that

Bad but how do you bring them do you have to get like a lead and put them in a boat or do they go in a boat with you yeah but also Siege made a really good point I forgot about there were uh spawn eggs you could get through the chests

Yeah oh yeah speaking of the chest did you say something about opening one of those on stream yeah yeah I was just about to ask si do you have a hatchery anywhere cuz I we hatcheries were the most sought after ones cuz those those had eggs in them so I don’t have any

Hatcheries I gave you everything that I found okay if I check that and there’s one in there can we give him one of those or a hatchet of course yeah look there I’m excited there’s a there’s here it says for ra for l l. La Legion Forum Ser

Legion server forums as like a just a random sign that’s in this base weird um yeah so uh yeah so you were talking about those weird chests are they like just scattered around the world like they’re in the nether they’re just just like randomly in the nether or

Like like a lot of them like is it like a it used to be like a chunk generation plug-in thing or what yeah um snowf Fox one of the admin oh I got a hatch chest uh one of the admins he came up with it from TF2 what

You’ll find is you’ll find an obsidian Cube and then inside of it’s lava and then inside of it’s a chest and you loot that chest it’s going to have grab bags or okay so I don’t remember all of them but I’m looking at a list it’s not

Exhaustive but at chest closet or chest grab bag combat box fridge top shelf there was other things like Arsenal something like that and they all have things based on their name what’s up couldn’t they be booby trap sometimes yes some some of them were yes not real

And they had a trap chest with TNT oh that’s that’s cool and so all that’s left in the world are they’re they they used to be plugin generated right they’re they still spawn yeah they they’re from a plug they still Spawn from plugin and so you can’t you can

Still get like spawn eggs from them and stuff you can still get them but um keys are no longer obtainable yes so it’s a big deal opening one oh okay so this is like this is like for for the for the record kind of thing we got to yeah just for

The visual cuz any are there is there any video of anybody opening one uh I’m sure but maybe you’ll be the first one in quite a while there’s not in the archive that’s for sure okay then uh I think I’ve seen everything at this bed um so I’m getting this the keys together

I’ll join you in a moment all right sounds good I think don’t you think we should open the uh I don’t know I guess it doesn’t matter we could oh what’s up I was going to say we could open it at the uh Mega base where we found all the

Oh yeah let’s do that if we don’t have the egg I guess well sure I’m just getting them together okay we can open them whatever where are we going after this um said there’s like consult the list yeah I mean the one we just showed you the hospital that’s like a the guy

Was a huge deal he played from like the whole time in the server so doesn’t look like much his ruins but yeah so he was like very influential he had like a lot of wealth built up yeah and a really bad reputation on the server um crazy what else what else what

Else I don’t know what else inity I just saw him now he was killed by just Justin Leroy Dustin leoshi yeah one of his teammates I killed him whoops uh I’m conflicted either meow’s griefed base before the last thing or Grim’s the leader of Anarchy alliance’s griefed base we can do them

Both okay greas yeah MH walk through pretty quick last one I found in the Nether and we’ll start in the Nether and there’s a mega build that you stumble across through there there’s it’s a really big base it’s split into two parts so there’s two different Nether Portals that will go through one

Part okay feel free to teleport okay I need to get out of here um go ahead Siege this was meow and fr got hit by a skeleton ah this was meow and Fred’s base they were on their own for a while but they eventually joined a larger group called

The Grand Rogues this was like their last base before Grand Rogues as far as I’m aware this is the one that got raided by Swift guy okay house with guy is this I have uh no do Swift guy he’s the one who um had that like Middle Eastern themed

House where’s oh oh the one with the the Sandstone yeah yeah yeah yeah my bad n399 died here which group was this that was here um he went on to join the grand Rogues but he was I don’t think he was in it at the time of this base welcome

To the Playboy Mansion oh it was big too do you have the uh TP to the door militia base yes could show that well which one cuz there’s literally 10 the one that’s still intact that I found where inside the mountain they had the armor

And I’ll have to find the T I didn’t put that in the list I’ll have to find it but yeah it’s okay no wor oh there’s a giant water Cube here too how big uh like pretty big it’s like uh a like 25 by 25 Cube maybe more oh wow

But uh I don’t know if it’s like all water or just the top but it is definitely a cube of water yeah I’ve never seen this before on the server and it’s it’s like Hollow on the inside interesting okay I think I’m I’m ready to go to the next one

Sounds good see how about Halo hidden or that’s the that’s the home Set uh the the heart of the island one oh that’s a m okay TP second to last have to do next time for the other ones I suppose hey we can do yeah that

Mean next time you guys will have that Arch that uh that on on server mum finished and we’ll do that hopefully hopefully yeah it’s a big project this was given very Rec this base is pretty old but it was shown to us very recently by one of the uh longtime players Halo

4393 one year ago his faction I can’t remember the full name of it but they call themselves The Knights oh sorry Halo if you watch this I can’t remember the full name oh oh I found the barracks got bunk beds here you show him the the items and stuff I’m

Going to go get the next one ready cuz you wanted to start the next one in the nether yeah yes I don’t know the layout of this you’re going to have to bear with me it’s okay did you look at me uh right behind you the way to get

Upstairs is in this room I’m facing okay cool we’ll go here oh oh we can go downstairs more rotten flesh thank you very much more flesh sounds good see you bro oh dkm we’re about to do the very last one if you got time I don’t think he’s got time

But it’s okay he can like revisit it oh oh Enchanted gold apples Copperhead the the the the sword Venom and and high velocity CD players the knights this is a book should I read the book it’s a little long but yeah if you want to okay thus

Was the story of the one who followed the path the Anarchy Knights were founded in 201413 the year after year after the legion server was founded The Knights of the group of allies originally including zra all these people the story of these three was a short one as soon as the

Founding let’s see uh they quit the server okay these guys quit then from the responsibility the response there from there the responsibility of the nice leadership and Fortune defense fell onto the innocent fell onto Halo 4393 and Halo so that’s the guy Halo 4393 he allied with many and made enemies with many

More many many more originally original enemies were Sor breze book 84 and of course an anarchy Alliance they were the they were revent and they were the enemies their allies were strong too Justin 154 and me20 yeah they were they were allies as well you guys were the they were your

Allies I see he was the builder of the compound the one is the original site and okay nice seen thank you for upholding our organization Halo 4393 now upon the Apex this this is dope plus the golden apples man crazy stuff got part of the island

Here in this Frame and a banner yeah the heart of the island oh that is cool that’s cool it’s a one of the coolest item bases yeah yeah oh what’s up strangled snake Helm her Nam snake skin Snak SK be Museum items snakes skin Ratt left

Them there for you to see but yeah those are definitely being taken to the museum shortage oh I’m excited to see that that is cool close when you are ready I am at the Grand Finale I’m ready Siege this is your baby you talk about it my magnum

Opus oh yeah resend it Sappo okay please sapl you’ve seen pictures of this okay I think I remember the spawn eggs photo that’s from there so um here if you come out straight all right when I first oh God there’s gas it’s fine I’ve got a bow just don’t hit a pig

Man okay if you go straight down keep going down the Stairs this is already impressive yes I I geek so I was walking through the nether here and I was coming from this direction and I saw this and I was like holy crap so I went through here came up sorry we’re repeating but this gives you the more of a view oh

Yeah yeah seeing this in the nether there’s not a lot of nether bases you know this is the only one we found nobody focuses on the nether CU they don’t want to get found you know yes these guys are ballsy I mean they completed all their goals I think and

Then we’re like you know what we’ll make it look nice on the ne they even brought grass over that’s crazy and this is ancient space is old is this like really far out or not we shouldn’t comment on that okay so super close to spawn like 10 block literally under spawn

Yeah um D that’s crazy so this is just the nether part though there’s way more yeah no there’s way more yeah way more so this is the final one right yes this is the best probably the best base I found okay shees so we can go through this NE

Portal over here okay I don’t know where he is I don’t know either I thought I saw him go upstairs come to the center Siege we lost you where you at boy I went through the portal okay um I’m guessing you meant the no no no no not

There go back up I saw there was like a portal I saw you up there somewhere I see him okay okay I don’t see you though and I’m just eating my rotten flesh for a second There you make steak for this guy all he wants to do is eat rotten flesh like I get it I’m Frugal I eat flesh too but I know it’s just it’s a fun thing I like I like to eat all the time so I’m rather eating oh oh watch out watch out

Watch out watch out glass just ends dude I would have died if you didn’t say anything I don’t know why it’s like that but that’s how it is when we came here so dude when I found this like I said I was geeking just that kind of an entrance and

Then so this this was not griefed no this is completely untouched dude you’re right about the ballsiness though damn oh and it’s a perfect Castle too holy crap with a nice enclosement there kind of a whole village really okay where do I go next where should we go next where so we can

Go in here okay kind of got to be careful about some mobs oh not down here some of these houses have uh unfinished like secrets you know buttons and stuff oh my bad my bad out the way it’s been a minute since I’ve been here um we’ll just go this way though this

It’s easier whoa this is really feeling like a castle man yes yeah you can go whichever way you want Forge over here oh they use blaze rods to fire the forge hey that’s what people did what they had a blaze grinder I did that for a long

Time on this server oh wow I’ve never done that I didn’t even know you could do that J tals welcome to welcome welcome to the stream we’re just finishing up the grand finale of the tour on This Server uh it’s pretty crazy what is in the sky up

There oh there’s a little base up there and we didn’t notice it for a long time and it ended up being that’s where they kept all their valuables was up there with a bed and uh yeah it’s not much it was just some chests and a bed on the thing

That made made to look like a cloud it’s all white you thinking that do you think that would have worked I guess you didn’t we were here for yeah we had multiple people here that we brought um don’t go down that Railway it’s a dead end okay come back this

Way deeper into the castle so there were books or originally that with this place and the books were crazy we have screenshots of them um I don’t know if we still have them I think they got blown up where’d you get to Siege the books got blown up

What happened to them how’ they get blown up I think a creeper blew up and then another creeper blew up my stuff while it was laying there but I just they screenshot of it so it’s been documented the book so we could good recreate yeah so this is that’s the guy

Who did the little bit of griefing on no xilos that’s something different okay never mind builder of the aqueduct this is there’s this’s a lot of quality in this build oh dude they they broke like a couple of this how dare they a lot of cool interior too yep if

You come down this way where are you guys yeah it’s hard to see in the snow but works for the build yeah it definitely works for the it looks really beautiful but it is a little bit like my eyeballs use gravel as a floor you don’t

See that a lot that’s true oh you can take damage from eggs wonder what why it’s resource station going replace that lots of lots of different colored Dy oh yeah if you come through here it’s oh wow I’ve tried to do something similar and it does not look even H this

Is impressive dude I’ve got like the smooth Lighting on and you even see like that that looks really nice I love the smooth lighting Sor right I kind of Knocked into it looks really good got no another little house over here it seems like they were planning

For this to be like another grand entrance or something maybe but didn’t finish or I don’t know yeah I don’t know it’s crazy though it looks really good another house over there is this a chunk ER or did they do terraforming I think they did terraforming oh that’s crazy

Think so here’s the main room whoa the way the snow falls that is perfect looks so good and then it won’t collect on the carpet either so it’s just beautiful Yep this room kind of overlooks the city a little bit I like it this is this is really

Detailed do you think they had like a reference for any of this what what are they as soon as SE showed me this I saw the World of Warcraft inspiration I think it’s at least in part inspired by uh utgard keep in the uh World of Warcraft expansion Wrath of the L King

And like I thought that immediately as soon as I saw it and they actually had their names on the room uh this base belonged to a YouTube or right A World of Warcraft YouTuber who has half a million subscribers what really yeah what we should get him on I we should

Get him on here I kind of soft tried to contact him like through Discord and steam but he didn’t respond uh like he did just didn’t accept my friend request I mean if I went to other channels I’m sure but really how do you know it’s him

Though because he he has his name on the beds here and so does you saw that builder of the aqueduct uh zillis whatever yeah same friends in Discord same friends in Steam oh okay is he still like an active YouTuber oh yeah yeah you got to send streams a lot you

Got to send that guy we’ll try and get maybe try and get in contact with you want to open the uh that would be great if he would talk to us yeah um do you want to open the bags in here yeah sure let’s do that okay where where where’s

This room okay this a great this a little bit easier to see yeah it’s like the War Room in here why is this the only place that’s raining look at this oh it makes it it makes it feel more M more like uh I guess you could say like a

Wizardy like yeah we’re going to make a rain this one spot okay so what do we got them off light with a grab bag okay lock chest slam that boy on the table slam the bag on the table bam open a grab so oh you

Slam it on the table with the key in your inventory yep and then I got a locked chest a juk box 64 okay I’m going to get rid of this rotten flesh doesn’t need to be in my inventory um 32 Oak sackings and a cobblestone and then yeah grab bags are

Kind of but I got a locked chest protection one grab bag oh so you got another grab bag they want you to keep spending they want you to buy more bag openers oh you can only buy them is that how it is you have to buy the open yeah

The keys are limited they’re a limited resource they don’t exist anymore for the ones I have well other people have them too D all right um someone in the chat says that it’s definitely uh W wat Vibes oh have you guys tried uh oh you can’t enchant them um

Key key Protection One welcome back pasta and then some guy says it gives wo wo wo talk Vibes this place Wrath of the Lich King that’s exactly what I was saying dude like when I saw that I knew this guy was into wow and sure enough he’s a big YouTuber about that’s crazy

Man we’ll definitely try and try and get him dude we got a hat tray drool common that over your head wait what whoa a drool dude that is actually sick dude I kind of like that that looks yeah all right now the most sought after bag of them allall okay

Really this is this is a never before filmed event folks archaic gam gambling basically lock chest protect Hatchery okay so you place that down and it’ll what’s in it what what can you get what is the spawn eggs spawn eggs so let’s see what we get

You cannot open that box unless you have the right key in your ah I need a master key okay oh uh I I anticipated that might be the case so there’s a master key and how many master keys do you know that exist like how many of not a lot I

Have maybe 30 30 okay okay 29 zombie spawning zombie is it I guess it is cuz that’s kind of just like it’s just a cool item to have but the zombie is completely completely useless right right all right I’ll give that back to you there oh I

You can well I I think I think I think it’s safer with you but I want to keep the dro hat that’s cool sure we’ll put it in the museum another egg how how what kind of Cosmetics are there for hats oh there’s all kinds um

There’s a gold block I know there’s a fence posts that go on two fence posts go on the side of your head to make you look like you have antlers all kinds of stuff they came up with one sounds sick yeah the drool tray it’s got to be the

Best one dud it looks like seen there you go one of the SCP found Foundation that’s uh that’s unknown entity um so I’m going to place my server I guess as well I might start playing this um okay if you want to follow me we can continue doing around uh one second

Y uh yeah we can go one more one more place yeah what’s what’s or there is there more place in here to explore do we see it all uh no there’s more to see okay yeah let’s let’s see let’s see the rest of it got my rock in my new drip it looks

Like a turtleneck you know kind of mhm hey where’d you go you were literally behind me and you just disappeared oh my bad I’m looking for the best way to get up here well up this way okay okay um okay so we’re now at the top of the

Oh wow look at this I I I don’t know why but this is just really really beautiful at night I like the I like the look of everything here okay so if you come up here keep coming up the tower okay where’ you there first of all there’s this dud oh oh oh

I yeed that guy right off the mountain diamonds at our feet is the greatest treasures for Lord Bellum Lord of rock and stone is that a is Lord Bellum a reference to to World of Warcraft not that I know of not that you know okay Ian over here very well could

Have I like it though it’s like this is a this is like such a VI viby City maybe I could maybe if I clip this this base tour out and then um and then at that that that guy in the title of it he might see it

Yeah Summit you want to see his bed this is where the books were oh were they’re all from the first day what it was foundation of the first day okay uh did I pick it up actually no it’s not there anymore we have screenshots in the archive though that

We could pull up if you really do you remember who signed it no okay I just wondering if it was Nick see him himself or what I no that’s crazy I mean so this was like the Treasure Trove area and sadly it’s a it was destroyed by a looks like this

Oh lightning strike on here little bit of natural weathering oh that’s why I thought it was intentional it looks really good even even with the roof gone you know from the bottom yeah so then we’ll go to the next part of the base there one other half of the

Base this this placeas belongs to Nick yeah I guess it does is that the guy’s name yep that’s him sorry for I push the talk that’s all good it’s all good okay so we’re going to be crazy careful here get away from here oh my God okay there’s a little there’s a

Little hole you’re supposed to crawl down Jesus Christ I don’t okay oh you made it we’re inside we we made it in now there’s things in here trying to get us yeah Nicki’s room is in there too we didn’t quite see it but I know where it

Is I’m running from creatures okay oh I got the I I got a mine cart already so there’ll be one waiting for you oh you can take the cart if you want I I can get to other place okay off on the the adventure yeah go Mi on

You yeah he makes World of Warcraft Machinima see got like a nice beard for uh um he’s got a nice beard ni gu it’s got the the Dwarven beard beard I used to watch NM a lot for a few years ago LOL well there you go what a

What a way to tie it back huh maybe this would make a fun little like stream Clips highlight I’ll do that I’ll I’ll make it a make it a little video um I sorry I picked them both up no you’re good there’s one here too I’ll

Put them in the chest because I don’t need them oh oh it goes back it goes around oh no oh no what happened uh okay are you at the the top yeah okay there we go put them all back um okay best base I’ve ever found

The only slash was here sir you are father you sir are fatherless the only slash vape pens was here 2023 mhm um colossal Wang is that uh that’s another dude that uh he helps me archive I see I see I’ll go s wonderful wonderful place oh this is a good mob will grinder

As well mhm wo they got they got some supplies in here they’re loaded they have more we use this as base camp for a minute oh okay this is the operation station here it was for a while if you come upstairs there’s a bedroom so um where’s the part is there like a

Place that has his like uh his name on it somewhere yeah it was back where we where I can TP back there and show you yeah yeah I think that’ll be good I’ll put it uh I’ll put it in the video what was that you like my hat yo I do like

Your hat it’s called sh another one 10 out of 10 that’s a quality name yep so they they were using Alpha slabs here these are all made out of alpha slabs I want to mine one oh you’re supposed to mine do they break if you if you use it

With a they’re really they’re gone forever yeah you know knowing knowing him he’ll actually do that so you’re not not allowed by the way you’re not allowed um what’s over here okay I like this though this is a nice little uh little little little hat area come Upstairs I won’t ban you but I someone else might oh gen yeah man’s just joins he joins my server for 10 seconds and suddenly he’s already dupli fied like a 30 diamonds Food Shack is the Food Shack oh yeah it is a Food Shack this is such

A cool like like build they have here such a this is where that snow path LED in the other portal when you first walked down in the nether they don’t care if you read the rules yeah yeah that’s just what happens if you don’t break the rues you’re lucky

That I didn’t ban you just for that um H this is so where even are we how big is how expansive is this base like I I’m curious like just how far like a, 1200 is That’s crazy cuz it feels so small it feels like we didn’t go anywhere oh wow look at

This this is an old this is an old one very cool I like what is this styling for here for the like walls and whatnot like no I’ve never seen it before but I kind of enjoy it I it’s like I remember we were on a mountain and suddenly we are

Now on a flat plane here what happened I don’t this is actually I this is such a big base but it feels so I guess like a well constructed base really does feel tiny like just flows yeah it just flows perfectly like there’s no this is a

Different part of the base you know it’s just the whole thing is this uh Lo is like it’s it’s short for Legion of Anarchy but it’s not really Anarchy because you can’t hack or it’s not anchy it’s in PvP rules it’s it’s the same rules as my server if anything more

Strict um I the guy literally had to go to the psych Lord because he was too dedicated to addicted to crack and was having a manic breakdown honestly it’s too real to make a joke about what are you referring to the the sign of uh the sign that the only

Slashes sign we saw there did I make a joke about that or did he joke about something I forgot wait who said that Lord P gu Lord p is talking about the slash sign that we found I guess he not addicted to crack nor has he ever done crack oh God

Creeper oh boy is has he been trolling has he been trolling pasta for like a year now uh uh SL CH yeah he said he was fatherless no he he he said that didn’t he he said that that was his sign his sign said fatherless yeah he literally quoted

Himself cuz slash talks about cuz I don’t have a mom and he doesn’t have a dad so we joke about like that all the time so he wrote at the time when he was at the base I guess we were making some joke about that so he mentioned that he

Was fatherless on his side some fatherless or motherless wait so so has pasta been strung along about the crack thing I mean if he actually thinks that’s true then yeah he’s never done crack in his life nor would he ever okay uh what was H that makes sense

But what what was uh what was he in the in the psych for then oh he went to the pyboard just because he doesn’t have like a good stable family like syst system and like he’s in a foster care system and he’s moving between countries ands too much he doesn’t have any support

System that makes more sense here I was hearing from pasta thinking that it was cuz he smokes like a lot of crack Jesus I’m like oh okay that’s sad this guy’s like smoking crack and he needs to be put in a psych word so he doesn’t Oh man that’s funny yeah well he’s out of the psych wward now so yeah he’s doing well right now so and he’s back with some family so oh that’s good that’s good doing good no no he still smokes crack he’s always smoked crack about in fact he’s still in the

Psych since he was 11 the moment he joined 2B he started started smoking crack and going to the Psy um is there anything else uh around here to uh to peruse I’m at the uh sign that says ni and stuff I will teleport to you so you can just get a look at it I mean it makes sense this is since this is all um what if this is

Made by a fan of him and they there but I mean we didn’t know who nixim was at first we just wanted to find the people who made this cuz it’s so good and so I’m like Googling these names and I found nixi like I found him none of the

Other names really brought anything up except nixi I’m like can it really be him I found uh his steam stuff and he’s friends with these people like these same names on Steam so I don’t know if anybody would go through that much effort so here we go this is the proof

That it’s Nick Sim’s house this and then all of his little all of his other friends are somewhere else yeah yeah like that zillis guy the builder of the aquad is on his team friends list was he big when this would have been made I

Don’t think so so why yeah why would you want to copy someone who isn’t even that’s true that’s true cuz if this is a what what what how old do you think this base was like what you do 12 or 13 I would guess yeah and his channel when did that

When did that get like really started 9 years ago is when he he has a video with 5 mil how long ago was n 2014 actually yeah this would have been right when uh he was he got really popular never mind then he’s been making videos since for 14 years now so that’s

Crazy but yeah it seems like 9 years ago was roughly when he started like really making wow videos and then getting some attention I guess that way getting well so it’s possible that this might have been a fan of his but probably probably yeah since all of his friends

Are here it looks like it’s not oh boy I choose to believe it because I think it’s true agreed just finding signs from 2013 yeah uh he’s probably talking about you’re talking about uh death signs right yeah up wait wait you can down mine and up for Farms wait so there’s like a

Switch somewhere all right so any any last stuff we want to we want to do before wrapping up the before wrapping up the stream I don’t know I think that’s a good finale for this one okay Siege oh I like this little pocket I found with

Just a chill Little River um wait this was like 5 year long troll of him that’s wild if true yeah POS you’ve been roped around roped Along by uh by him I don’t know I I I feel like uh I I have no idea about that guy going to be honest it’s a

Bit of an enigma to me um and then uh it couldn’t be possible since he does love the Wrath update says uh T J I agree so there’s a high high likelihood it looks like this place got nuked a little bit like the first dungeon people would play in Wrath

Of the Lich King you can really feel the inspiration from that dungeon in this build well there you go I I don’t know really anything about wow but this uh this is you’ve got someone who likes wow and he’s he’s co he’s two people co-signing this who know about the lore

So I think I’m inclined to believe that it’s a it’s it’s his base so and maybe he he can confirm for us if uh I’ll post I’ll post this as like a as own little video as long as he doesn’t mind the Optics of uh having played on a you guys

Don’t call real Anarchy but yeah it’s it’s free speech server right you right is a free speech server just don’t advertise or I’ll mute you so there you go um uh he uh he played on a a horrible Anarchy server back in the day now now he’s going to

Get cancelled I’m just kidding we actually have proof that he was getting villagers and breeding them and using a name tag said you know juice on them and then juice then doing terrible things you know oh man yeah know he created one of those like piston like like Peg pegging piston

Machines real this is real by the way I’m not it’s not a joke this isn’t real that’s real we saw that uh they have they definitely have end rods in this version again they do it’s real well this has been a very very epic uh base tour and I think a great

Conclusion to uh to to the stream so I appreciate everybody popping by and I especially appreciate Siege and uh and and Justin for giving me such a good tour with so much in factual information and uh knowledge that comes along with all these and being able to visit so

Many cool bases that are that are in their Prime I really appreciate it um and we’ll definitely do a part two when you guys uh like have a have that um that museum finished and we’ll tour the museum and then we we can tour some bases that you either find if you find

Some new bases or find uh or want to like cover some more that we didn’t get to in this Stream So 100% down for that CJ’s CJ Siege Siege is a based individual 10 out of 10 Minecraft player this is facts a trer statement has never

Been said Justin also 10 out of 10 though we can’t forget him he knows everything he’s got the he’s got he’s the he’s been guiding us through this you know yes with with his facts and knowledge as well we can’t leave him out of this um but yeah definitely if you if

You like this stream and if you uh if you want uh if you think these guys are chill why don’t you go and you you join the server and start playing and maybe help them out with uh some archiving stuff or build a new base of your own or

Join their spawn bases they’re always they’re always planning like some sort of a group thing so you guys can totally check that out um and hopefully we can get this server back on its feet again a little bit and uh start to build a sort of a Legion community again cuz this

Used to have like 100 active players so let’s uh let’s shoot for that as the goal and um yeah I’d appreciate if you guys checked it out and um beyond that uh thank you for watching this far into the stream all righty goodbye everybody see ya I haven’t hit end

Yet there you go bye-bye that was a

This video, titled ‘Minecraft server spotlight Legion’, was uploaded by SapLow on 2024-01-09 02:52:16. It has garnered 99 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:02 or 17162 seconds.

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above

    Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above The Latest Minecraft News: Updates and Film Production For all Minecraft enthusiasts out there, staying updated on the latest news, updates, and film production in the Minecraft universe is essential. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and explore the recent developments. Updates and Features One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the constant updates and new features that keep the game fresh and engaging. From new biomes and mobs to gameplay enhancements, Minecraft players always have something to look forward to. Recent Updates: The latest updates have introduced new blocks, items, and mechanics that add… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – ► Instagram – ► Twitter – 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – Music by Kevin MacLeod (… Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More