Sapphire Prime – COMMITTING ARSON IN MINECRAFT ️ (don’t try this at home) ️

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign [Applause] Thank you Foreign foreign What’s up everybody hi how is everyone doing I hope everyone’s doing well uh I hope I’m Live on YouTube let me make sure that we’re live here on YouTube and let me update YouTube anyways oh yeah hold on let me refresh this page refresh this page just because okay it’s 1080p what’s this

Oh yeah because I’m using a different encoder it has a different uh name and settings to it that’s cool all right as per stream y’all see like the name of it right it’s happening Oh Yes siree Bob it’s happening oh yeah across what the heck’s happening with my computer okay let’s see here

Minecraft oh I have a hold on hold on oh yeah damn that picture is like epic as [ __ ] so I wanted to let you guys know ahead of time that I ain’t sorry you heard me right okay hold on a minute hold on a minute oh okay let’s see there we go

That’s a good picture okay oh yeah let’s see what okay no worries bro no worries I got you I got you there we are boom wait that looks bad wait a minute that one’s bad man how the hell okay one sec I’m trying to put a thumbnail but I’m not finding a

Good one okay change goofy what are you doing poopy we’re gonna get to it Chad don’t worry we’re gonna get to it give me a sec I’m just trying to find a good uh thumbnail that’s a good picture oh no that’s a good picture Um hold on if I downloaded it or they like freaking get that [ __ ] off of my off of the picture bruh okay I mean I guess I’ll go with this one it’s the only one that looks freaking Epic there we are I guess I don’t have it okay never mind then okay

Get ready everyone because we are good to go all right so let me tell you guys a little hey fluffy good boy no no bodies nobody’s filthy no no okay first of all look at him dang he’s about to knock y’all off tell him tell him tell a movie dang

You smell like chicken fruity you smell like a chicken look at his belly oh those are his nipples look at that dang they show pretty fine I love you booby okay enough of the cuteness we don’t have any cuteness right now full face don’t play with my wife okay

Let go of my wire what’s wrong with you poofy movie here you want your straw go get for me he loves his straw and um his snake movie he loves his snakes and uh straw literally a McDonald’s straw he bites the heck out of it he’s fine he’s not chewing like he’s not

Swallowing any plastic McDonald’s uh straws is tougher than freaking Platinum and titanium and iron steel and [ __ ] like it’s literally tough to break with teeth foreign hyped and excited as spoofy is right now y’all see him playing around for this deforestation event we are going to commit

Well before I get to that let me explain the situation of what led to this Madness so y’all know my computer ain’t that great right y’all know my computer ain’t that great when it comes to like huh later I’m streaming right now I’m streaming right now all right

What device did you plug in c p Eep whoa whoa whoa what the hell movie it’s my hand support okay good boy why the hell did he hiss at me for he he hissed at me he’s like what did I do what did I do what what

Do you mean you don’t agree with me um okay oh my God I thought my OBS just freaking crashed itself okay we’re still alive here what’s happening with my Wi-Fi come on bro please play oh it’s updating what what the [ __ ] why wait wait hold on a minute

Settings what the [ __ ] why would you block that of all the random [ __ ] you block you block this what the hell even Philly can’t believe this [ __ ] and he [ __ ] so often how the hell smart app control well how can I freaking I should have turned on evaluation I

Should have turned on evaluation your device meets the requirements for enhanced Hardware security well no [ __ ] [ __ ] but you blocked something that I use foreign protection history allow an app through a firewall it’s not what I need protection history is this it no no no no no no no no Wait no that’s in video container or whatever what in the [ __ ] why why would you not let me play it filthy stop what the [ __ ] foreign oh my God this smart app [ __ ] I’m about to [ __ ] turn it off I’m about to turn the [ __ ] off it’s what I’m about to do

It doesn’t let me do anything that [ __ ] is broken as faucy let go of my wire that shit’s broken as [ __ ] oh my God foofy there no more water for you do I really have to restart my computer for this stop filthy one more one more fart like then I’m kicking you out

One more time foofy stop it dude I’m getting a little bit frustrated right now um okay what the [ __ ] why would you block it oh my God okay hold on my smart app [ __ ] oh lock jungle Microsoft Store odd because they never blocked anything from me for me it

Blocks things like Photoshop emulators control turned on newly blocked and app the other day why can’t I turn on wait wait locate Rock like apps executable select properties dialogue in the general tab secure section I’ll block option what locate and right click the app’s executable properties and properties dialogue General

Why do I gotta do all that why do I gotta do all that I just wanna play bro is my chat okay like test I can’t see the twitch chat am I tripping I’m not seeing anything I’m not seeing the chat My Stream is showing up here

Okay I see them okay I see one message but what about twitch I ain’t seeing twitch okay now it’s showing what the [ __ ] is going on with my Twitter I just don’t know what the hell is happening Java w dot EXE Java okay File Explorer search this entire PC for this Java windows.exe

Look at this I mean I just don’t understand foofy okay what’s behind me yeah you are movie come here the heck what is that we’ll see no goofy I’m trying to teach foofy like not to bite our hands anymore He loves the show oh my God foofy he loves his straw I’m gonna keep my phone away from you son you’re moving foreign he’s about to tear that thing up okay there it is more options okay hold on more app crash okay open a new tab show more options no this thing okay

But we need the we need the exe type file properties there we go properties uh let’s see security what am I supposed to do now right click the x that apps executable select properties and the properties dialog open the general tab General tab okay in the secure section check unblock option where

Oh security advanced wait edit it’s saying allow all so what’s the problem so what the hell is the problem what the hell is the problem uh let me check something else application exe security Advanced wait edit allow oh you dumb [ __ ] okay you properties security allow all you properties security edits

Allow all apply done what else properties security edits allow all apply okay security okay we already got that uh properties security edits of all there [ __ ] can I play my [ __ ] now Java runtime gamma let me see what this is properties security that one is fine Computing items what open folder location

Microsoft Windows were uh okay there should be in the C programs search that [ __ ] I’m just not seeing it Chad like I could have restarted my stream by now like Chad like I could have literally restarted my stream right now like stopped streaming and then stream again afterwards

I don’t understand like why this isn’t happening like it is just not working ah no good boy see like uh I learned to make my hand boring I’ve made my hand boring so that he sees my hand as not a toy we’ll see no poopy good boy good boy yes good boy

Okay all right I found the folder chat I found the folder uh open a new tab wait wait wait okay okay hold on uh properties security hey it’s working all properties security that’s working too properties security that’s also working runtime Java configuration bro like what the [ __ ] I literally cannot been

Wait aren’t I supposed to be in bin there it is okay uh properties security it’s on it’s on that’s onto so why can’t I play this game I don’t understand I don’t know why I turned on smart app control I don’t understand why it was such a

Wise idea of me to do that this bastard just overwhelms the whole entirety of my [ __ ] like even blocks system stuff that’s the problem here too Chad it blocks the system’s uh stuff I’m gonna turn it off foreign if it protects you without getting in your way too much automatically it will

Be turned on otherwise it’ll be automatically off if smart app control is off it can be turned on without reinstalling Windows [ __ ] you you ain’t doing [ __ ] for me anyways well actually there were times that it did save me but while smart app control is an evaluation

Mode it will learn if it can protect you without getting in your way too well too much if so it will automatically be turned on otherwise it will automatically be turned off this [ __ ] does not give me the freedom at all a smart app control spots a malicious

Untrusted app it will block it to protect your device [ __ ] Minecraft it’s Minecraft you know what Minecraft is it’s Minecraft How does oh God damn this [ __ ] is bothering the [ __ ] out of me bro what are you doing poopy you love me what is he doing for me That will let him be so relaxed movie I love you poopy okay that’s it that’s it I’ve had it that’s it that’s it if you turn smart app control off you can’t turn it back on switch to evaluation mode unless you got Windows recovery options

Reset to this PC now [ __ ] you I’m sure he has turned this [ __ ] off [ __ ] you let me play my [ __ ] let me play the [ __ ] that I want to play this whole time how long has it been how long have I been streaming for 30 [ __ ] minutes

And it wouldn’t let me play for 30 [ __ ] minutes what in the actual [ __ ] this is not normal so sorry about that chat the up and now works just fine with the cloud black cloud hair [ __ ] you go screw yourself Microsoft you piece of [ __ ] of a [ __ ] company you

Can’t even run your programs right [ __ ] you Microsoft all right now I’m really heated now for real good God good riddance okay um game capture Minecraft is there a way where I capture any full screen application there we go all right good boy poofy all right let’s see good God finally

We’re playing dude okay So for far too long me with like a shitty computer I have struggled so often in my world of harvonia I have struggled so much let’s say it’s camera fun it was like shaky for a bit okay check this out every time when I be playing this oh by the way I have updated some things up what was that so um I offstream I didn’t share my stuff

Not too bad like some something fine and I got a new backpack uh freaking Diamond one on my back and a b one so check this out you can see my frame rate dude what is my frame rate like this hold on your settings oh

Let me fix that real quick I was I was freaking um trying to get like XP and [ __ ] like from my mob spawner okay so every time y’all can see how my uh frame rate oh by the way check out the new mods I have installed I’ve installed a couple more

Mods so check this out my frame rate is on 65 63 because I capped it for that much but every time we turn this way you can see my frame rate gets affected and makes you makes me and you wonder why right it’s because of this goddamn Forest here

So for far too long for far too long I have been suffering from this Frame live because of that [ __ ] but not for long not for long I have had it and it’s now time to change oh that’s great this this should be fine yeah this should be fun okay

We have suffered for far too long and it’s now time actually I’m gonna I might need this I might need that um and I might need my leg Evo okay filthy what are you doing let go of my wire bro oh my God foof stop stop okay for far too long

I have suffered from this laggy [ __ ] but not for too long why because 10 nights we’re gonna burn the [ __ ] down committing arson and Minecraft you heard it here folks okay let’s see here I think this should be good oh yeah one moments are you gonna play why isn’t this playing

Okay hold on a sec let me go on YouTube instead okay we’re gonna burn this [ __ ] to a crisp all right It’s time it’s time oh yes I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life Bring It On [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] witness me whoa oh [ __ ] tastes like ass yeah burned this place to a [ __ ] crisp ah turn this [ __ ] down to a [ __ ] Boneyard yeah what the [ __ ] are you

Turn it down I don’t see enough fire I don’t see enough movement this is not enough movement witness me Wellness me I’m salivating in [ __ ] yeah Bring It On This [ __ ] tastes like ass Man [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] my glasses I don’t feel I don’t feel enough movement not seeing enough movement I’m saying burn the [ __ ] down it’s free real estate Burn the [ __ ] down Burn It Down I’m tired of the lag I’m tired of the lag too many [ __ ] trees so many goddamn trees oh [ __ ] where am I headed wait hold on a minute hold on good thing this hole can stop me you think this hole can stop me You think it can stop me do you know who I am oh [ __ ] maybe you can hold on I ain’t done I ain’t done I ain’t done damn it burn this whole Forest down what are you gonna charge me without sin [ __ ] I’m a pyromaniac I’ll burn the villagers Huts down too if I have to burn the [ __ ] down I don’t see enough fire I’m not seeing enough movement burn baby burn Disco Inferno I ain’t seen enough fire before we get out of this that is working hard here burn burn burn your piece of [ __ ] burn

Join them Yeah this is what I’ve been waiting for this is what it’s all about yo my nipples aren’t freaking crisping up right now Oh man y’all have no idea how good I feel right now [ __ ] I was just confirmed [ __ ] I ain’t done I ain’t goddamn done where’s my lava oh I don’t have lava you’re [ __ ] lucky how do I have lava yeah I’m not gonna lie I expected more destruction what is this like what the hell what the hell are you all right that was good okay that felt good

That felt good that’s what I was talking about yeah all right oh what’s up China what’s up cabbage welcome to the stream guys oh my God that felt good oh [ __ ] y’all can see what I’m looking at here yeah [ __ ] all right oh that felt good man [ __ ] that Forest

Every time I turn around that way my my [ __ ] [ __ ] would lag you like it’s [ __ ] buckets on [ __ ] drugs or some [ __ ] okay damn I’m all like shiny Chrome and [ __ ] I bought this color Mist shimmering food color spray it’s a food color spray I

Sprayed it but it tastes like ass I think it’s the out it’s it’s got some kind of rubbing alcohol to it anyways how’s everyone doing I’m glad to have everyone around here how’s it going China how’s it going Cottage what did you spray your mouth what did you spray in your mouth

Color Miss spray food grade Mad Max Style dude that [ __ ] went in my eye a little bit I’m not gonna lie oh my God my whole table is sparkling from it it’s Chrome baby so what’s going on in here oh what’s Apprentice poppy Blitzen chapter three

You drew let’s put a Halloween yeah it drops into Halloween redis it’s gonna drop in Halloween are you excited bratis what the [ __ ] I didn’t even know you were shirtless well I am now oh man that felt good you guys that felt good on my nipples on my tennis that

Felt good okay let me put this here give me my torches put this actually I don’t know what has storage in it okay those two don’t have anything in them so I’m just gonna store them here those are like my shulker boxes pretty much oh man that felt good that felt real good

Okay so what do we do now all right so I have Enchanted my Loadout as y’all can see feather falling protection I’ve got protection on everything which it was freaking expensive as hell so what do I want to do now so I right now want to go to the Nether Fortress

And get some stuff from there what are you doing what are you doing poopy you just look at me like because he sees my mouth is different all right so we’re going now to the nether fortress food color like like it’s meant to be on cakes and stuff and not to be

Meant eaten by itself why it’s nasty yeah I know it was meant to be on cakes and [ __ ] but there’s rubbing alcohol in it China this rubbing alcohol to it like I can taste the alcohol damn I I wanted to do that so for so long I wanted to burn down that goddamn

Forest and I managed to do it finally so um where’s the nether fortress where’s the nearby oh right right right so off stream I was looking around for another Fortress uh and it’s in some kind of Direction in this way Where’s my um I think I oh actually hold on a minute hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I think I built it elsewhere nether portal home yeah yeah this way this way this way it was in this direction just it was in this direction you’re gonna turn into Smurf Prime Smurf

Nah I basically I was doing that like the Mad Max thing where they spray themselves and they say witness me and as far as uh how I’m doing I think food poisoning so I think I’m taking it easy oh you got food poisoning out of work China did you eat things that were

Incompatible to your system all right there we go so off stream chat saves you all some time which y’all should kiss my face for doing that I saved y’all some time miserable time looking for a freaking other Fortress and I found one oh check this out guys doesn’t sound like new enemy types

See that those guys are some like wait they repelled my arrows wait they repel the okay that’s bad they repel arrows so in Basalt areas those guys spawn now which luckily for us I dug down but I don’t remember where I dug down though oh no I don’t think no I did not

Oh [ __ ] okay oh God foofy get down from there foofy get down from there now if you get get away from my computer Popeyes has chicken nuggets yeah that was hot chicken nuggets didn’t they wait get down now foofy oh my God stop playing with my wires bro

Are you this hungry I fed you like a couple hours ago get out of here stay there stay stop biting what oh my God this guy’s a menace Popeyes hey China let me guess the biscuit the chicken nuggets yeah they’re they’ve always had chicken nuggets well and and they also have chicken strips

Not mine we just got normal chicken I guess they weren’t cooked all the way ew what’s up redis bro I need to have like a Google translator for Radice Radice can you please translate your language bro okay let me see something well Radice is doing that

We’re gonna need we’re gonna need us a bucket of blood blood bucket okay oh it’s more this direction Chad my bad why no it’s this direction I ain’t tripping I know that for a fact it’s this way [ __ ] Foreign I hate you they’ve got so much health Chad the only um upgrade that I’m missing God damn the only thing that I am missing on my enchantments is mending that’s the only thing there’s so many of them why is there so many of you bro just trying to cover this lava [ __ ]

Okay bro I’m gonna have to dig around this like I can’t do it I I can’t do it I’m gonna have to dig around them they have so much health oh my god there I got one Okay screw this I’m going this way ouch ouch ouch ouch then don’t stop shooting bro I’m gonna turn this [ __ ] mud off okay there we go goddamn son wait wait no no I’m supposed to go in here why did I block it off I’m supposed to go in here yeah

Wait why did I block it it’s all blocked off why that’s why okay I see why that’s why okay do I go over this Chad it’s been a while like since I played Minecraft I kind of forgot my areas but another Fortress Is this one I even made like a hallway through too

I think it’s in more of this direction I think right I believe so Chad I believe it’s this way bro what in the actual hell right now what where is my area yeah bro I’m trying to find my base I made a base in everything

I love this bucket of blood it acts like it acts as this as if it was lava I hate you what the hell bat what do you drop Nothing it looks like what the hell what’s with that buzzing noise oh it’s right here it’s right over there the entryway There it is I found you I found it [ __ ] you [ __ ] I found it oh that wasn’t all right I found my way there we go thank God wait what oh it’s a long hunched this is the only downside to my horvonia world it’s that um the freaking other Fortress is a little

Miles away dang this music though what was that I think it’s the slime okay what is that oh it’s just like all right let’s keep going I’m not ready to be attacked like look at this just get rid of him run run whoa that’s so cool look at that the way

They’re they’re turning okay we’re just gonna have to run for it if I can that is almost pull into the lava This is too [ __ ] annoying [ __ ] all of y’all man God damn holy [ __ ] that is the worst [ __ ] mod oh my God I need to turn that [ __ ] off we need mending y’all we need mending let me read the chat by the way fairly new came out a year or two ago Here has a yep there they are yeah so I made this Gotcha How how you’re you’re [ __ ] cheating you’re cheating bro I hate you and I hate your mama too your mama’s a [ __ ] Okay we’re here for some nether rods which is why we’re here the only thing I haven’t upgraded yet is my sword I have fortune 3 and everything on here and there I just need mending all my stuff that’s all I need Chad I did mending all my stuff look at all blood

Child suffice oh no no no no no no no no don’t go all the way down stop bouncing well that’s sad it went all the way down Are you serious stop going down there okay ah [ __ ] okay how many do I need Chad for um okay that’s good enough but not quite like we’re gonna need some more for like potions and stuff and some future swords to chat What foreign Out I’m playing Minecraft oh take him with you thank you turn off the light too aura All right all right that’s good enough I had my fill I’m gonna let you stop spawning now I don’t think that works with the nether spawners all right let’s adventure around chat by the way look at how big this [ __ ] is look from here all the way

Around here look all the way here I think all right this is as far as I went Chad this is as far as I have one erupting Inferno he’s about to spit he’s about to spit game Get out of here okay let’s go this way oh saddle thank you I need a saddle and so I can write some more horses and other stuff there’s something here look would you all see a hole like this there’s something here what did I say see oh what’s that look you see that

It’s a different material we need to check that out it’s probably from biomes or plenty probably bionzo plenty okay look at the map there’s something here nearby ha ha I knew it and in case if we fall we’ve poured this down are you crazy are you cranky is you crazy

Oh yeah okay we made some kind of like flush platform there so cursed blood and lava equals flesh okay what do we got in around here huh stop dude my heart is too weak I cannot take that stop don’t do that to me I have a weak heart

Oh that sounds like [ __ ] wait what is this Brimstone Bottoms Up plenty rather quick oh I don’t need them However this guy’s gonna be the end of my demise like shoots non-stop bro who made this [ __ ] mod [ __ ] okay there’s some more down here I can’t see it y’all this can’t be it is it is this for real it’s this is all I get what a disappointment what a disappointment

I don’t know if it looked like volume locating um worse on survival mode or like structure locations I don’t know what’s in this biome though it’s cool Brimstone bud all right bud no that don’t work chat oh by the way I got my teeth cleaned

Which I believe I got the silver [ __ ] on my teeth right now extra sexy it’s good I mean it is candy I think hopefully The hell y’all good all right all right I’m gonna get out of here I mean for real this is it this is all I got how sad what a disappointment honestly Oh God where is far so you a [ __ ] how did you find me from that far away there I got his ass okay I was here Sapphire was here somebody write that down bro I don’t there’s not even nether Awards okay let’s do that thank you Chad we need another Ward suit don’t forget that Chad we need nether Awards this is the worst [ __ ] [ __ ] ever okay well it ain’t the world’s worst another Fortress I do give them that but still okay hold on locate nah that only works in Creative damn okay well I got

That was literally like freaking charity Gifts We might have to Adventure around more let me see if I went past one Chad let me see if I went past one okay that’s what it looks like just looking around real quick seeing if uh I went past one nearby I ain’t seen it you know where there is another warts

Piglet Bastion they have that there let me adventure around all the lava a little bit you heard it right chat let’s Adventure Run on the lava a little bit okay Fly Me to the Moon where the lava is dying okay we’re now gonna adventure around all this lava seeking for a potential future

Brand new Nether Fortress hey anything satisfying chat is it cheating no not really it’s part of a mod yeah pretty much it ain’t benefiting me it’s just a form of travel oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay let’s go this way that’s the only awkward thing that happens with lava and blood is that it

Forms more love and when it’s like water falling down you’re not going near that thing it shouldn’t take too long this is what I was doing Jen I found another portrait so you just gotta look for the like bottom buds there’s another Fortress Hold on video settings render 20 chunks Is that one right now what the heck was that no let’s keep going this way is that another vacuum whoa what’s that there’s something there it’s like an island oh no see this is what it will look like there’s so much lava around me bro one mod I want to play Minecraft is

Called escape and ruin Paradise oh Kevin send me a link I’ll check it out make sure it’s Minecraft 1.20.1 go to Christopher and see if you can find it there I’ll check it out hell yeah luck chat if y’all have any mods for me to check out

You know there is a mod that I actually want to get it’s called better wither it’s literally like cabbage it’s literally like um Elder ring boss or some [ __ ] yeah it gets so [ __ ] cool I found it on on tick tock yeah check this little area out

I’m not sure if you’ll enjoyed since it’s heard it’s like unfair difficult to do to the mobs being ridiculous this [ __ ] mod is ridiculous right here I’ll check it out though the Cabbage I’ll check it out like send it over to me and I’ll check it out

Hey I’m not gonna say I’m gonna whoa that’s so cool okay obviously it doesn’t hurt look at that Chad that’s cool okay look at this little area here can’t believe we’re we’re gonna have to look around for a better freaking another Fortress that’s sad that really upset me though

I ain’t got a lot that really upset me Ah stop it you’re so annoying really I hate you Like chat it’s fine if if the creature was like you know um Shoot and stop but this [ __ ] continuous like Non-Stop let’s shoot continuously Kevin it’s not much longer all right I’ll see if I can get apart from the link Hey Kevin it’s not much longer uh and a party animals is coming out soon I’m very excited no way is that one right now

Tada I found one chat I think so I think I found one yeah look I found another Fortress I found another Fortress I found a fortress believe me it doesn’t look black what is that it looks too [ __ ] dark yeah it is hell yeah [ __ ] yeah let’s do it

Wait there’s a friendly person here there’s a friendly mob I told you I told you whoa whoa this is a huge one okay great this is great news this is great news let’s get right into the news killer keemstar Style but they were though because they didn’t post the countdown for today

It’s all right cabbage I know we’re dropping oh Wednesday awesome So yeah cabbage are you willing like are you looking to play with me like when it drops like do you want to play with us on train tell Hector about it too like uh we’re gonna be playing that on stream if you’re down cabbage if not uh you can let him know still

Why not let’s welcome a game Let’s welcome the game with the big bang right cabbage It looks interesting I think I think it’s gonna be cool party animals that cabbage dog looks so [ __ ] adorable cabbage I’ve seen the Cabbage dog the one you sent we are gonna play

And can’t play when it drops drops we’re gonna play it on Friday wait we are gonna play it but we can’t play when it drops drops we’re gonna play it on Friday wait I’m confused cabbage what do you mean I’m confused it confused me like

But we can’t play it until it drops on Friday all right we’re in we’re in boys time to infiltrate the hell was that yes another warts all right we can leave now pretty much yeah pretty much we can literally just leave now whoa whoa whoa this is my kind of nether

Fortress right now Chad this is my Fortress now what I meant by drops it drops we can’t play it because they draw when it drops on Wednesday since me and Hector are busy oh okay okay that’s fine cabbage do not worry we can still play it uh afterwards

But yeah cabbage um I don’t know if heard what I would say like the freaking dog like that cabbage puppy looks so freaking adorable that is the most perfect character I’ve ever seen and I don’t even say that because the cheer you want because I know you like

Cabbages but I’m saying no that is like [ __ ] adorable like I freaking love the design it’s so cute is it like pretty much like Gang Beasts cabbage it’s pretty much Gang Beasts right screw you son nice this is hell okay you I [ __ ] hate okay let’s get out of here

Yes and no okay it’s like gang be a Gang Beast and Rubber Bandits combined that sounds phenomenal whoa Chad this is [ __ ] amazing this is the best freaking Fortress I’ve ever witnessed so far but hold on uh I didn’t fully go this direction though let’s go layer by layer chat Forest burning incoming

Four is burning and coming another bricks I like Nether Bricks another warts another Soul Sand um backpack Rocky now okay uh let’s put this stuff in here there you go yeah Chad I might just need those I might just need those yeah here you go actually Usher go in there there

Okay since this is this isn’t a stack yet I’ma keep them in here why does that sound like champions of Nora in the background all right let’s see what else we’ve got that ain’t like my ass okay maybe I’ll keep my ass about that I’ll keep my ass to myself

All right maybe they weren’t lying Chad or are they I see something here you lying bastards there’s something this direction wait I’ve been here I can’t get through get out of here all right it looks like we’ve been here okay let’s go the other direction now let’s go top up unfortunately the best part is cross play [ __ ] yeah that’s really good cabbage that means uh it’s possible with more players so

Pretty much like fall guys huh cabbage like cross platform with a lot of players this is gonna be good Kevin this is gonna be good I think this is gonna be good I know about party animals until you mentioned it cabin just so you know just so you know I didn’t even know

About this game until we mentioned it okay let’s go over there look at that okay whoa what is this music I’ve never heard this Minecraft music before damn okay I love it it’s really like serious Oh my God in other words okay time You know what I ain’t seeing chat I’m not seeing um wither skeletons around it’s interesting oh more diamonds and saddle let’s go I’m sure I’ll take a piece this place is Rich and I love it wow okay let me call my ass down it’s not much but I’m just saying like there’s so

Much loops it was well worth the fire Chad it was well worth the fight come here you oh he died bro died damn okay I love it So where do we go this is a big place also there was the HP system where it kind of worries me off unfortunately it’s not a PlayStation or switch it’s all right cabbage I’m pretty sure it will drop on there too I was so it’s kind of HP system yeah cabbage foreign [Applause] Lava so [ __ ] much good good God there’s Love On Top Of Us I know wow okay Oh my God I love this music bro I love it it’s so good one blocks that will still come in handy block of Bones there’s something here I know it it’s like two Fortress built in one Oh Come to Daddy okay now you’re being cheap with me yes burning more forests good

Give me more Flint steel please and I’ll make the Overworld hell a living hell and that’s a promise son roll this net their Fortress is so huge I love it it’s huge okay I already got this area oh yeah I was here what the heck why don’t I continue going this way

Oh yeah one two three five six seven eight I need a shovel Cabbage oh Kevin guess what guess what mod I have you might like this one you heard about like you know about the mod you know with the uh what’s his face the warden and stuff like that you know you know all about that stuff right like the underground Warden and [ __ ]

Like that you know about all that right well what if I told you I have a mod where you can basically activate a portal like basically uh you activate a portal in the ancient city and it takes you to the end like to the Ancient Ancient like

Other side of the world I have a mod for that it’s actually fairly brand new chat it’s fairly brand new the community has made it and I mean there ain’t much to it but it’s just cool to have it’s very it’s a very nice mod to have not to mention

The mod makes it worth your while for hunting and uh killing the Warden how you might say well you can have a Warden Armor which is much stronger than netherrite but of course you need another right armor to put the thing on top of that Okay I’m pretty much done from here I think I believe there is like a couple chests or a couple areas I haven’t dude look at all that what’s up [ __ ] what a [ __ ] I scared of you [ __ ] if only I had mending wait blood gem or It’s from Ahmad that’s a new one that’s a new one look is this another Fortress there is no way is this for real another Fortress it’s probably a continuation but I’m just overreacting to it it’s probably a continuation which is my insinuation oh look how big this is that’s what she

Said she said this is freaking huge that’s what she said when I showed her this Fortress or my Fortress y’all can’t see it but I’m winking it’s just so freaking cool the [ __ ] are you real for real my boy Aroma boy finally I freaking uh with a skeleton

Finally bro where have you been my boy damn that’s how you gonna walk with it I hit him with Fortune three May the fortune 3 sanctify your blood oh [ __ ] ha you’re sorry you’re gonna catch me you ain’t gonna catch me slacking [ __ ] let’s go this way

I did not mean to shoot him I did not mean to shoot him but it is true so they weren’t they weren’t live chat so in Minecraft if you instant kill the zombie piglands the others will not hate you because they notify each other if if he is remained alive ain’t that interesting

It’s a little cool Minecraft facts that I thought I could share with you I’ll go hmm this is a huge freaking nether fortress bro it’s huge okay I got blaze rods I got another Wards what else am I here for I think I’m pretty much done here but now I want to go to the um brutal fashion that’s fortnite I want to go to the

Pigment Bastion did I really say a name from freaking like a fortnight go the same what a shame Okay well thank you very much Fortress this was amazing I really enjoyed uh this visits Mr Fortress but it’s now time to call it goodbye what’s inside here there’s something inside you I I wanna see what’s inside you I wanna be inside you I wanna come over see what I can find

See if you’re hurting after tearing you down is the rain of denial damn I missed that music from uh dead mouse it’s called monophobia mirror Yeah that song is so nostalgic okay let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] they’re coming they’re coming look at them they’re good they’re coming oh they’re coming Look at them they’re coming oh [ __ ] wait this was a bad idea this was a bad idea hold on hold on hold on my voice my voice my voice chill chill my boy still here take that [ __ ] I don’t want it has suckers watch me and wanted that blood back

Watch me need it again yo swishy what’s up bro sorry that uh that I have my shirt off and my face is all freaking metallic but we’re about to commit something that I already committed again because I got more flint and steel wait where am I at

All right why did I do that why did I do that man why did I do that welcome to my humble stream swishy whoa die got you I hate those mofos they’re annoying okay what you been up to today how’s your yeah okay hold on first question how’s your day going squishy foreign

Right now I’m on my way to burn a forest another Forest downshad thanks to this Nether Fortress shut the [ __ ] up I got a guy what did I say what did I said you want me to come up there gas Okay my boy got beef with me all right bring it on then where are you at where are you at let me get out of here boy let me get out of here son I’m getting rid of that how I was aiming there how did that even happen

Good man how about you I’m doing fantastic bro it’s nice to have you around here bro you came just in time bro you came just in time because I’m on my way to burn some Forest down so ouch ouch ouch okay I don’t have a blood on me however I do

Have some blood here just like so uh this is a modded survival by the way oh here’s a the entry to the exits screw yourself I’m out of here I’m out of here if I had a middle finger in Minecraft I’d do this uh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] ah oh my God run run

There’s so many of them all right we’re we’re good we’re good all right we’re on our way to burn some haters down keep on going keep on going you know what time it is for bidi swoop here I come to take a scoop at the forest uh switch here have you ever

Played Minecraft modded before oh like Java my goal like like chat my biggest goal that I’ve been struggling wanting so bad like a mod that I really want to get on Minecraft is Minecraft Cloud9 Minecraft either there that’s what I meant to say either I wanted to get them

What the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] wait wait what the [ __ ] is What the [ __ ] what was that well my my armor my my my my my arm is about to break I’m gonna take off this Divine RPG [ __ ] y’all like I’m I’m gonna remove that mod I’m no longer interested in it like it’s a piece of [ __ ] mod it really ruined the

Whole game for me it’s not that it has ridiculous enemies in it but it’s more like [ __ ] Satan Satan is that you oh it’s you it’s you no no Got your [ __ ] ass that’s what they sound like oh god let’s give you a shot I don’t even want I’m gonna turn on The Mod anyway that’s what they sound like yo Marcy how you been girl damn it’s been so long since I’ve heard it for heard of you

It’s been forever love but I want to miss you we miss you too boss how you been hey don’t you hit your child I seen that I seen that I’ll call the Minecraft law hey hey hey don’t you raise your head at your boy you are saved my child

From now on you may pronounce or refer to me as your hero your savior from uh mother that was beating on his kid see look at him see he wants to thank me Chad you are welcome child you are absolutely welcome child let your friends know about me Sapphire Prime baby oh [ __ ]

Foreign No no no no no no wait Chad this is my favorite music by the way Something was chasing me I had to go down something was chasing me there I love the music I’ve been really into a Modern Warfare 2 and fortnite lately I’m trying Apex but I’m no good it’s okay Mossy so you’ve been you’ve been playing Minecraft lately say let’s go how do you like fortnite

Is this ready is it really bad now I love this music Chad wow oh I love that part money now Okay I got Leaf Steel on me this is about to break soon breaking soon Not all men Oh I love that music it’s so it feels nostalgic yes I love Taft and fortnite it’s cool I like Survival game mode oh yeah I’m the opposite I I’m more into like solo games like Minecraft oh Mossy uh Captain uh we are very excited for a new game it’s called Uh party animals

What are you playing on currently Mossy what are you playing on it’s it’s on computer and Xbox it’s on computer and Xbox PlayStation no not on PlayStation unfortunately yeah I’ve seen you you kept your uh wait Mossy don’t get me wrong is it his PS5 the one you got him oh god oh

Almost [ __ ] fell I almost fell bro see this is why I needed the blood which is which no worries Chad I got more blood here see but I need to fill my bags up with blood again ah I forgot I got fed of falling okay there’s a new Avatar game coming out oh

Yes yes yes yes yes Abu but yeah Mossy yes um I heard about that game my dad bought and bought me PS5 for Christmas last year really that’s really cool Mossy okay I remember that actually I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about I remember that

Yeah I remember that my bad dude I got such bad memory Mossy that’s good to hear Marcy good to see you like you know enjoying enjoying yourself a little bit Mozzy are they like trying to like my switch won’t turn on no for real why so now only got PlayStation and

Laptop wait laptop yeah yeah if you got laptop you’ve got um XBox game pass right like Game Pass ultimate you can play um party animals on there too on your computer you can play it on there It’s Gonna be Me cabbage Hector or ROM of course a ROM arum is my little

Brother which he will always be with me till the end like you know he will always play video games with me if I play online I wasn’t calling you though no yeah I didn’t mention your name yeah it’s a mod yeah all right can you go on Daisy’s getting out please okay what He’s using the bathroom well yeah well yeah I mean yeah he’ll use it later what no no no no no no please give him out he’s crazy well everybody was like do you want poofy around you I was like no this is crazy he’s crazy that little butthole is crazy

Sometimes I refer to fufi as a butthole who’s your uh new uh huh who’s a new follower who’s my new follower oh mercy said hi hi Marcy looking got him die movie there’s a big belly I know all right all right don’t hold it from his belly he

Ate I don’t want him throwing up on me now all right what are you doing Yeah just make sure to take them okay like uh I can’t pay I can’t keep my attention on him when I’m playing games can you all right bye around bye thank you why do you do this [ __ ] you know I don’t wanna I don’t want visitors when I play

Games why do you do that [ __ ] you do it on purpose all right bye from where he’s doing it on purpose but it’s all right all right it’s all right okay all right all right Chad get ready to no I have a I have a cat and five

Kittens right now damn Mossy you’re just an animal mom aren’t you you know Mercy have you ever considered actually um working as a animal care like working as like like basically people bring their pets to you so you can take care of them at your house have you ever thought of doing that

It’s like you’re a cat mom like all the time like you have so much animals around you think about it it might be something you might like doing you never know keep those two here oh I do have gravel no no give me that [ __ ] I’m gonna want it [Laughter] hold on

Down to 10 chunks thank you all right thank you ooh disenchanted disenchanted that’s right disenchanted so that way I can get XP from it before I disenchant or throw it away it’s just Ironwood pickaxe now cool so like I can literally get like iron steel and make swords out of it and [ __ ]

Like that and then biom how much does it cost to fix this that ain’t much good it ain’t much now Chad but here’s the thing later on when you try to repair it again it’s gonna be more expensive I have actually true I I really love animals yeah like think about it like

You can literally charge them like twenty dollars an hour you don’t even gotta like do anything like for instance if I were you Mossy what I would do like hear me out like pay attention basically get a playpen for them right get a playpen and uh for for the animals get them a

Playpen put it all around and just have the animals in it and even separated cages if you had to and now I’m not saying you’re putting them in a prison I’m not saying that but like basically obviously you’re gonna have toys for them and you’re gonna keep

Your eye on them and stuff like that like food and water um you got AC turned on for them and stuff like that like like the pets at parents are gonna appreciate that of you um you like it’s a pre a pretty easy job

Like I would do that but but I live in apartments like I can’t do that I’m in apartments I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be able to do that and you can set your own rules like such as oh I’m I am uncomfortable with dogs or something like that I am uncomfortable with puppies I’m

Uncomfortable with snakes or something like that and you know they won’t even bother you they’ll sell because she’s she’s does not offer the job we’ll just look for somebody else so easy think about it I say it’s a pretty good job to consider I mean if you don’t like that I mean

There’s always like some other options I don’t know but maybe it’s just me I don’t know I’m gonna put this stuff in this chest because I’m gonna delete this mod I don’t want none of this [ __ ] anymore stupid ass dumbass mod [ __ ] ass mod what the hell is wrong with you I hate this mod the burning passion now but what if I’m saying that because I’m just ass at it no it’s not the fact that it’s just the game is bad I mean the level is I mean the mod is bad simply to put it it’s bad

Can you please get rid of the stairs oh my god get rid of the stairs and that thank you thank you thank you okay oh let me see if I can turn those into bone blocks yes no how do you make bone blocks Hey how do you make bone block What really [Applause] for real that’s how you make a bone block well I mean Chad I have nothing else to use bones for like I understand that but geez that’s weird that’s very very weird I don’t know I mean I can understand why but still odd can y’all shut the [ __ ] up already

Okay they make so much sounds like [ __ ] up oh you can’t be doing that for me now all right bone blocks incoming coming in really hard coming Bop and Bop all right uh more bone meal around here sorry Chad I’m almost done and I’m gonna burn the forest down just wait

I know y’all want me to burn the forest Down For Your Entertainment hold on one moment wait I think oh perfect oh my gosh that is perfect chat that is so freaking perfect look no bone or bone meal left that’s perfect okay now I need to make a shovel okay

Give me flints I need Flint out of this yep oh yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect I already got two in one good friend please thank you I think that’s enough Flint that’s enough Flint but I’ll keep it in my inventory just in case all right Chad get ready

We’re gonna burn another Forest down all right are y’all ready I won’t stop until this force is devastated until it is gone I understand yeah but what you’ve been up to though lately uh Mossy like besides gaming what you’ve been up to lately lately all right Chad let’s get ready up in here

Let’s get let’s get riled up in here um let’s see here battle drugs no drums how did you get drugs how did you get drugs all right foreign it’s time Y’all hear the music right yeah All right Ness witness move all right yeah [Applause] yeah Time To Burn Son There’s so much alcohol Burn I say burn burn burn burn Burn I said burn not seen enough movements everyone do the floss while you’re burning it down like I I I was waiting for like a beat drop Oh that’s fun oh yeah that’s fine don’t worry I got plenty more ammo where that came from [ __ ] this Forest I don’t need this get this Woodland [ __ ] out of here who Do You Think You Are the rainforest get y’all ass out of here now burn I said I’m not moving fast enough for this [ __ ] [ __ ] I want to be faster but I can’t help it this is as fast as I can go Burn It Down deforestation 2023 and Minecraft our incinerator call me pyromaniac but it’s time to say good night to those trees or should I say wakey wakey

Here’s Sapphire Prime get the hell out of here Light it up like the moon moon now on my ass is burning burn all right oh y’all think y’all are safe y’all think colors hey you think you’re safe You think you’re safe huh you’re never safe when I am alive you will never survive burning it down show them no mercy show them no mercy what the [ __ ] oh my God they’re fighting back the trees are fighting back oh [ __ ] the trees are fighting back with nature cat I burnt your ass The nature is fighting back then Nature’s fighting back this is not the last of me nature I ain’t scared of none of you gooks [Applause] I shall end you soon you wait [ __ ] woke me up Sad to say goodbye you [ __ ] how dare you what the [ __ ] I was about to sleep [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] I don’t know what to do dig you think this is it you think you can stop me mother nature mistaken you are a fool Can you place this [ __ ] down [Applause] I won’t have enough until I say I had enough of this Forest watch it you wake me up I’ll see you in the hell you [ __ ] time to continue my journey a warrior must continue his journey a warrior never sleeps until the job is done

A true warrior ain’t no [ __ ] I sleep within the forest of the danger I ain’t enough I had I had I’m not done yet I have not had enough Barn sorry Mr Beast but look away Look Away Mr Beast sorry team trees but these trees are not on my team What what did you say this this Forest house is a lot more uh animals and [ __ ] oh well I’m sorry Mother Nature not my goddamn problem hey I I’m not the one who can I’m not the one who told them to live out here that’s fully all done son that’s fully on them Damn Burn burn it down now earn burn I said burn every goddamn tree down I want no more lag spikes I’ve had enough enough is enough I’ve had it with these trees I have had it for the last time I’ve had it with this Forest all right I think I’ve had my field for today I think I had my feel for today Oh what the [ __ ] are you doing here [ __ ] you You don’t scare me you [ __ ] get off my turf I shall come for you next You have attacked me for the longest time now it’s your turn to face consequences illegers A brave Warrior must do what a brave Warrior must do No more no more forests no more legs enough is enough as you can see every time we look this way it still lags but I’ve had my feel for today I shall come back later to finish the job that I have started damn holy [ __ ] it sounds like I’m playing Super sin man

[Applause] Oh Watch it burn Chad look at it burned down Yes burn [ __ ] we shall continue the fun later next time in the future but for now keeping my eye on you say another [ __ ] yeah anyone who opposed me especially you [ __ ] over there you will face consequences as well oh Burn yeah that’s how it’s done that is how it’s done Chad and from birth of this fire and destruction I shall birth to you sword Sharpness five Unbreaking far aspects looting three it’s too expensive God damn it level requirement 30 and we shall upgrade you you son but for now we are moving on oh you can break them actually all right all right that’s good enough that’s good enough to make chat that is good enough to me

All right everybody this was a well worth it wait what happens if I burn this can I burn it looks like I did if it won’t burn I’ll just toss it in there is it burning I can’t tell it kind of was no you don’t get that uh effect interesting

That’s ten chunks that’s pretty far tan chunks it’s pretty far for attention don’t you think Chad all right finally tells me the durability Twilight Forest I can’t wait to continue the Twilight Forest oh yeah so check this out I was like farming for a skeleton XP

And I just got like backpacks and [ __ ] I mean like look at this I have a diamond backpack on oh all right everybody this is good I don’t taste like anything all right here wow we took two of them with us and we brought two of us two of them back We need more chests y’all wow let’s Place one here here that’s not what I wanted to do what is that so this and this are gonna be for uh stones and bricks and stuff we do need uh to get like the Looting [ __ ] chat we need to get that looting

And uh sharpness and fire aspect so we can get more cows yeah we need more cows here oh is it the animals wait a minute It’s the [ __ ] animals [Applause] It’s the animals that’s liking the game I’ll kill if you everyone every one of you [ __ ] if I have to what the hell is the animals that are lagging I don’t know man anyways chat I’m gonna go ahead and um end the stream here this was pretty fun I’ve been

Wanting to do this for so long y’all have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this like just burn the damn Forest down for a really long time I’ve been wanting to do so why I just hate it I like I just hate it

Like I really hate the forest and I’m about to continue burning it further down if I want to thank you oh yeah so check out the new Skybox and [ __ ] check this out so basically I made it like a little bit more realism mod so like you can see how like there’s

Closer clouds and as it turns dark time there’s like even further clouds in the background y’all see it and then when it rains there’s possibly tornadoes that will happen tornadoes this is so cool look at this wow now it is for uh night time look at the stars so cool damn

This is really nice this is very nice mossy cobblestone oh yeah yeah so that right there apparently like so I had to use another um nether traveling form of travel thank you oh where is it Lassie Cobblestone oh there it is so in like underneath this whole ocean

I found a freaking uh spawner a skeleton spawner and a zombie spawner right next to each other believe it or not right next to each other so I already had like a skeleton spawner however I need to make a I need to fix the zombie spawner so like I can make it

Like functional for XP farming but my lazy ass can’t really do that and the the reason how I found is because there is a cave somewhere here oh right there right there right there right here this cave I went under and they kept on going down down down like what the hell

What and that kept on going down and down and down and then I just found a spawner and then I you know how I do it where I make it five uh five chunks away and then five eight chunks like or five chunks simulation Oh I looked at my mini map right there like on the mini map there uh and then there was like enemy spawning like in a little clutter bit I was like I wouldn’t see what that is about and oh my goodness there’s glitter falling

All over my from my face I need to clean this [ __ ] oh there’s glitter all over the place bro you guys there’s glitter all over the place there’s glitter all over the place and then yeah and guess what y’all want to know where where this area

Is this is the area where I found the sugar cane when I was looking for the sugar cane uh like on strain this was it wait what is that grass block that’s bright as heck and then uh we also have like volcano region here biomes are plenty

I’m gonna take this one off where it says water yeah remove I don’t need that don’t I have another Waypoint oh I did adhere chat y’all see those mountains here I’ve traveled here because I thought there was like that cherry the cherry tree biome oh what is this

Stony Shore region so there’s like Stone Beach here like this one here Stony Shore yeah interesting wow this cow has a block huh cool I’m just looking around the map see what what I have entered like something interesting what is that jungle region also we have a jungle here

Too look at all this trees holy like bro what’s with the trees like I try to get a Flamethrower Mod which I could have like burned all this [ __ ] down with flamethrower if only there was a mod that that had that but I couldn’t so I had to go to the

Manual way like there was trees all over like all the way up here and I burnt it all the way back here see I I put some control to it what is that dirt dirt Stone okay well with that being said Chad this is gonna be it for today’s stream

Uh thank you all oh check out my backpack it’s the iron backpack Diamond backpack I got out of like freaking hunting um skeletons okay oh man I sprayed my thing too I’m gonna clean so much of this [ __ ] quick game oh yeah so unfortunately I had to turn off

Unfortunately I had to turn up Bro Look At Me look at me um I unfortunately had to turn off oh no my headphones no my headphones it’s fine I mean it’s pretty cool like it’s let’s see the ingredients alcohol see alcohol propellants so there’s propane in this too pigment titanium pigment

Anyways I’m gonna go ahead and take a shower and clean my face off what does it look like I’ve grown like a white beard all right Chad thank you guys so much for stopping by this is it for today this is off our Prime howdy goodbye everyone all right Foreign

This video, titled ‘COMMITTING ARSON IN MINECRAFT ️ (don’t try this at home) ️’, was uploaded by Sapphire Prime on 2023-09-19 03:48:32. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:45 or 7905 seconds.

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    Swedish Minecraft Marathon: Crafting for an Hour In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Sweden plays softly, a nostalgic dream. C418’s music, a masterpiece in sight, Bringing back memories, shining so bright. For one hour straight, let the music flow, No need to question, just let it go. The creeper and the cat, a playful sight, Adding charm to the scene, pure delight. So close your eyes, let the music take flight, In Sweden’s embrace, everything feels right. Nostalgia in every note, a trip down memory lane, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns. Read More

  • Copper Drop Flop: Minecraft’s Reverse Pop

    Copper Drop Flop: Minecraft's Reverse Pop In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I drop down a hole, in reverse, it’s a surprise. Not like Dream SMP or Lifesteal SMP, Just a Minecraft drop, watch it with glee. Subscribe to my channel, I work hard, you see, Crafting these videos, for you and for me. With gradients and fades, mind tricks in play, Each moment a thrill, in a unique way. Shorts on YouTube, a system so grand, Engaging and fun, with a playful hand. Illusions and beauty, in every frame, A new year, new vibes, in the Minecraft game. Caves and composters, memes… Read More

  • Boombox Blocks: Minecraft’s Noisiest Pack

    Boombox Blocks: Minecraft's Noisiest Pack In the world of Minecraft, a texture pack so loud, It shook the very ground, drawing in a crowd. No credit to give, for the creator unknown, But the impact it made, in a league of its own. Download the pack, if you dare to be bold, Let your game world shine, in colors untold. Thanks to @HumorouslyBoringOG, for being in the mix, Adding humor and fun, with their playful tricks. Like and subscribe, to show your support, For the content creator, who holds down the fort. Follow on TikTok, for more gaming fun, And on Instagram, where the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tricks

    Insane Minecraft Build Tricks Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks! Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Look no further! This tutorial is jam-packed with innovative build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, these tips and tricks will inspire you to create jaw-dropping structures that will leave your friends in awe. Let’s dive in and explore the world of Minecraft building like never before! Secret Tricks and Creative Strategies From hidden passages to stunning landscapes, this tutorial covers a wide… Read More


    Defectt DOMINATES Hive SG MAXEDVideo Information I want to Max every PVP game on the hive and the only one I have left is SG I mean I also haven’t maxed Capture the Flag but luckily for me capture the flag is not real okay got some decent loot off mid as you can see I’m actually only like 2 and 1 12 XP bars away and there’s a cow let’s go okay I thought I had decent gear but I actually don’t have a shirt so that’s a bit inconvenient now the thing with getting XP in survival games is that like 90%… Read More

  • SHOCKING NSASS Failsafe Griefing – Minecraft Parody

    SHOCKING NSASS Failsafe Griefing - Minecraft ParodyVideo Information [Music] [Music] right [Music] you never dig down you never go craft you never just TT your packs you got Griefers going way back you never press you never play much you never make an effort to stay in touch I’ve got this feeling something happened [Music] [Applause] [Applause] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] today my feel you did anybody kill you today my W on you now T my great you did I I kill you did i i k you but to say now [Applause] my it’s not [Music] Hess dou but not hope [Music] [Applause] [Music]… Read More

  • When Earth Was Flat

    When Earth Was FlatWEWF is an Earth server running Towny with a custom war system and a massive farming/food expansion to give trade/travel greater value in the world!. WEWF has over 50 custom crops limited to regions all over the world, from molasses in Canada to black pepper in India. These crops are implemented in expanded foods and are also used in recipes for the popular Brewery plugin which allows you to ferment, distill and age alcoholic drink. Get true Tequila from the heart of Mexico, or the finest Champagne from France – or just sit down with a hot bowl of Pho…. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 – Supports all versions – Survival – Community Events

    TheCrib Minecraft Server TheCrib is a Minecraft server that offers Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy game modes with quality of life features to enhance player experience. The server is accessible on both Java and Bedrock editions, supporting versions 1.7 and newer. Server Information: Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • Simply A Server

    Simply A ServerA Simple Server updated every day, not much to do but im always adding more, and please support and help me in the long run. Supports bedrock and java! In this server you can play survival and creative like any other server but ill make sure to add more than like bedwars and pvp. If you want to keep up on updates or want to know the status of the sever like if it is online or not, then join the discord.Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Beef: Real Spicy Beef!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Beef: Real Spicy Beef!Looks like this meme just leveled up to epic status! Read More

  • Drop it Like it’s Hot: Mobs in Minecraft Shower Op Loot!

    Drop it Like it's Hot: Mobs in Minecraft Shower Op Loot! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, We trade in OP items, just you and me. From pigs to chickens, we slay them all, To gather the items, big and small. With each kill, a new op item we find, To defeat the Ender Dragon, one of a kind. But beware of the mobs, they can be tough, With each challenge, we have enough. So let’s keep playing, with rhymes so neat, Crafting our way to victory, in every feat. Minecraft, a world of endless fun, With OP items, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • 999 IQ Minecraft Mastermind Destroys -356 IQ Noob

    999 IQ Minecraft Mastermind Destroys -356 IQ Noob -356 IQ: Tries to swim in lava in Minecraft 999 IQ: Builds a working computer in Minecraft using redstone circuits Who knew Minecraft could be the ultimate IQ test? Read More

  • OwenP’s Minecraft Mayhem

    OwenP's Minecraft Mayhem Chaos Unleashed in Minecraft SMP Suit Join OwenP on a wild adventure in the world of Minecraft SMP Suit where chaos reigns supreme. From accidental mishaps to hilarious misunderstandings, this stream is a rollercoaster of laughter and fun. Unexpected Encounters As OwenP navigates the server, he encounters a friendly creeper, a landlord dispute, and even tries his hand at starting a bread-selling business. The interactions with other players lead to comedic moments that keep viewers entertained throughout the stream. Landlord Troubles One of the standout moments involves OwenP declaring himself the landlord of a fellow player’s house, leading to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Imagine facing off against mutant mobs in Minecraft with powerful weapons that can one-shot them. The thrill of the challenge, the excitement of the battle – all of this and more awaits you on Minewind. Join us today and embark on an epic adventure like no other. Don’t miss out on the fun – connect to Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft: Unleashing Creativity with Awesome Build Hacks 🔥🤯 Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and players can unleash their imagination with awesome build hacks. From stunning structures to intricate designs, Minecraft offers a playground for builders of all skill levels to showcase their talents. Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Delve into the world of Minecraft build hacks, where players can discover a plethora of tips and tricks to elevate their creations. Whether you’re looking to construct a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for… Read More

  • “🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!” #shorts #shortsfeed

    "🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!" #shorts #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (101)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-09 10:32:27. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper Tutorial

    Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper TutorialVideo Information [Music] [Music] by [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a oh This video, titled ‘Mastering the Art of Redstone: Double Block Swapper Tutorial’, was uploaded by Ninja Nexus on 2024-04-07 04:30:14. It has garnered 22 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Join me in this step-by-step tutorial where I dive into the mechanics of Minecraft to build an efficient and sleek double block swapper. Whether you’re looking to add some flair to your base or just love tinkering with Redstone, this video is for you! Don’t forget to hit that like button,… Read More

  • “Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!” #Minecraft

    "Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!" #MinecraftVideo Information द जाइन जॉम्बी तो आप में से बहुत सारे लोगों ने आई फील टावर स्टू च ऑफ लेटी और बहुत सारी ऐसी बड़ी-बड़ी चीज देखी होंगी लेन आज मैं आपको दिखा रहा हूं [संगीत] mc5 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैनल जी0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक यू तो इसको समन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको लिखना है स्लश शमन और उसके बाद स्पेस दे के लिखना… Read More

  • Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shorts

    Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:That was so close …🤯(World’s Smallest violin)#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-01 13:50:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft – MakiTuna’s 600 Subscribers Celebration!

    Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft - MakiTuna's 600 Subscribers Celebration!Video Information hello humans nonhumans and the undead my name is makuna and welcome to the 600 subscriber special now if you’ve seen my community post and asking you what I should do for 600 subscribers you might be confused why I’m in the mods and buildings world I just wanted to do the intro here so I can create the world with you guys and we can start the survival world together and like from the start so I also be surprised if I create the world and I see it a bit then I’m not as surprised now… Read More

  • ibxtoycat – Ultimate Disaster Add-On – OMG Moments

    ibxtoycat - Ultimate Disaster Add-On - OMG MomentsVideo Information hat and I just got back from a lot of accidental flights and weird chaos that led me being in Sweden uh with Mojang and I want to talk about all of that however first let’s check out the insane disasters add-on this just came out this week and it is the highest rated add-on on the marketplace right now although not with many reviews it’s also the tide most expensive at $8 is it worth spending $8 for tornadoes and meteor showers earthquakes and blizzards well today I figured so you don’t have to I will find… Read More


    EXPLORE THE NEW NANA SHINKU HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!Video Information H こんばんはどう もそや [音楽] で [音楽] ちゃよこらせん とみんな何もよく気づい たよく気づきましたねツイートしようあれ それツイートしてないよ ねよく気づきました ねゲリラでやろうと思っていたのだ が よ よいしょはいということで皆様チモンで ございますそやはえ入れてくれてん の ありがとう配信誓そうかなって思ったら YouTubeも更新してる えーそうな の ありがとうえ 優しい通知も入れてんの すごいじゃーんそやんち そしてなんも ない何も ない今日ちょっとあの喉がなんかあんまり あれなんですけどえ何もねえのよ平らない よな全ての木を貼りつくしあのでも木が なさすぎて困ったのでとりあえずあの桜を ひたすら植えて全てこいつを借り取 るっていうあの作業をねしているのだが いや何もないんだよ ねそうていうかねごめんあのね喉ねが ガラガラしてるのはみんなのそやがね風が 治ってないとかそういうことではなくて そうやってあのコーヒーとかはミルク ティーが好きなんだけど乳製品飲むと喉が こうなっちゃうんだよ ねで今絶賛ミルクティー飲んでるんであの 喉がもう本当こうなってるんだよねすい ませんあの全然気にしなくて大丈夫なので よしさが順調に原木が集まってきており ますいいですね入品向いてないのでは自分 でも思うんだけど入品大好きなん だ大好きなのよだってココアとかも飲め なくなっちゃうんだ よこれ全部カ取って 木をねゲしたいわけなんだけどみな見て ほしいそういえばここの偽物のそやが作っ た木を桜に買えまし たどうです かなんか桜これがいいよねこの花びら四角 が2個ってくるの がそう偽物の木がそして次郎 ですそがね回この次郎はシャルちゃん ところで不機嫌になって攻撃性の高い顔を 合わせるだけで怒り顔になるワンちゃん だったんだけど1回骨上げ たら違うわ3個骨上げたら仲間になんなく て逃がしたくないから壁にこう包もうと 思ったんだけど間違えて殴っちゃってそっ から舟でしたうんそしてもう1回 チャレンジで骨をあげたら仲間になって くれたっていう可愛いやつですそそうい あわごめんごめんごめんちゃ餌食べたいの よ餌をそやが うんそうでそやねこの次郎のために生きて いくと決めたのでそれがこのブランコに 乗ってそのそばにいつも次郎がい るっていうでこうやってみた時 に寂しいなってねやっぱ 今桜の木がね集めてたからね植えてある からなんかあれだけどここもなかったんだ よ木がも広大な大地なったんですよもう ただただ とりあえずみんなでみんなでじゃなくても いいんだ けど何を作ろうかなっていうのを決め たくって さまとりあえず港みたいな船場みたいなの 作りたいんだよねえ今日は船場やりたい けど よしねえ港みたいな船つき場みたい 噴水あちょ寝る助けて寝る寝る寝る寝る 寝る寝る 寝る村にしたいの えそやとしずみさんあのの老後をこう 見据え [笑い] た老後を見据えた街にしないとえまずえ港 でしょまず 港老人ホ老人 ホーム老人ホームを作らないとえあと誰か が酔ってくれたえ噴水 でしょ ゲートボール 上だめゲートボール上はあじゃあ分かった… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!Video Information al [Música] e [Música] sient di te quiero chingar te voy aar Déjate llevar el celular si está conigo no te va pasar [Música] nada tu est Mándame tu mu arrim de tik conmigo en su que conmigo cabrón Pon avón lo bón sup para m yo por ti [Música] me quiero chingar voy aar para asegur si está con no te va a pasar nada lo [Música] dejar Yo quiero contigo y tú quieres conmigo [Música] pon tu conigo es gata se acabó el que la rompe soy yo me la robó de menor otra noche dándote… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!

    Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!Video Information oh that sounded good no I freaking hate this huh huh well this one definitely busted and doesn’t work now I need to go cool down in the bathtub or something piece of garbage garbage doesn’t even work huh like everything else in this game it’s all busted hey and my Minecraft crashed perfect in these videos we’ve covered everything from ghosts to living entities inside of mountains but our next myth is probably the scariest yet players have found a new entity that is more terrifying than anything we’ve ever seen blood Steve you have to start… Read More

  • Craftiland

    CraftilandEs un server completamente survival para la version 1.15.2 (y otras pero es recomendable la 1.15.2 por la compatibilidad de items y plugins) Read More

  • Wisteria SMP Modded SMP

    Wisteria SMP Fabric 1.20.1 Join us on Discord: This is a new cobblemon + create server with a focus on building and creativity. Join us if you enjoy building with create and cobblemon mods! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft’s Amethyst Wonderland”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft's Amethyst Wonderland"“Wow, talk about a gem of a find! I bet the creepers are just dying to get their hands on all that bling underground.” Read More

  • Unveiling Technoblade’s Minecraft Grave: The Ultimate Quest!

    Unveiling Technoblade's Minecraft Grave: The Ultimate Quest! In the world of Minecraft, we roam and explore, Finding Technoblade’s grave, a tale to adore. The Piglin speaks, a message from beyond, Technoblade’s legacy, forever fond. With new weapons in hand, we face the Frozen Night, Defending our city, with all our might. Bel joins our quest, a partner in crime, Together we conquer, every challenge in time. The city awaits, with rewards in store, As we complete tasks, we yearn for more. Adventure and battles, we face with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Read More

  • SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥

    SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥 When you’re trying to get more subscribers but all you’re getting is creepers blowing up your channel. #minecraftstruggles 😂👾 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft shorts and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of something special. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlocking Minecraft’s Creative Potential with Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, the latest Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Get ready to discover a world of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your creations from ordinary to extraordinary! Exploring Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that add an element of mystery to your structures to jaw-dropping landscapes that will leave you in awe, this tutorial covers… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!

    UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!Video Information so ich bin live ganz kurz auf ich bin live was geht was geht warte ich jetzt guck ich gehen wir schell auf youtube gucken ob da auch alles läuft B Moderation wenn man live geht was geht geht okay sieht schon mal bis jetzt gut aus und jetzt sieht sogar noch besser aus let’s go also Jungs ladet ihr mich ein also und die haben schon ein bisschen hier gespielt ich noch nicht ich habe ze Abos gemacht ich nicht mal gemerkt egal so also wir haben schon insgesamt ganze 7 Stunden gespielt ja ich leider leider… Read More

  • Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?

    Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?Video Information [Musik] [Musik] Hm Entar dulu mana [Musik] youtube-nya ada .30 .0 tadi mau jalan nyari takjil dulu silakan [Musik] oke [Musik] [Musik] Tir [Musik] oke ya Halo semua selamat datang dan selamat sore semuanya para Vi Saya di sini bersama saya dan lauka di sini yo iya oke halo cuy ka berbagi semuanya yo oke ya jadi kali ini ya kita bakalan lanjutin live streaming pada sor kita sambil ngabuburit ya teman-teman dan y kali ini saya bakalan mainin Minecraft lagi ya Sesuai dengan janji tadi sahur lebih tepatnya dan Y ini saya banyakal mainin Minecraft tapi ini… Read More

  • Dolanan Gayeng – EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraft

    Dolanan Gayeng - EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraftVideo Information Oke sekarang kita adu olahraga yang pertama aku yeay Misa garang [Musik] aku Yes mantap giliranmu aduh bisa enggak ya aku [Musik] i bantu like dan subscribe ak aku bisa teman-teman dan tulis di kolom komentar bisa bisa bisa Iya what This video, titled ‘LOMBA OLAHRAGA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-16 11:00:20. It has garnered 7918 views and 726 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. #minecraft #skibiditoilet #gameplay #shorts instagram : Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Survival Minecraft Creativ plants vs zombies 2 Read More

Sapphire Prime – COMMITTING ARSON IN MINECRAFT ️ (don’t try this at home) ️