Schools of Magic: Second Semester! Bit-By-Bit 1.18+ Minecraft mod

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Ever wanted to learn how to cast magic spells perhaps in a classroom setting well this mod has you covered i’m headmaster valen and this is schools of magic second semester in case you’re confused this mod more or less just adds in a way of casting magical spells with a wand

And it also adds in a few just nice mechanics like tea brewing and some a little bit of some some special effects you can get from that in the process so in order to become a new student of the school of magic you will first need

To prove that you can handle yourself in the world out and around you’re going to want to look for one of these a mysterious letter it’ll drop when you defeat any number of foes primarily those that cast magic evokers illusioners and witches inside this letter is your key to

Starting the mod it’s any number of different kinds of quests that you might have inside it explains here how things are going you can then grab the extra quest paper here by opening it up you’ll have any number of different types of quests whether it be brewing or golem

Making and so on you can actually start multiples as long as you complete one of them you should be good here’s another to receive the basic arcana build and animate a golem which you could easily do with a couple snow blocks and a pumpkin but in this case let’s just keep

It simple and go with a brewing quest this way i don’t need to clean up after a snow golem all i need to do is click start quest here and it has begun then i can proceed with making myself some kind of potion and hopefully completing this

Quest there we go one potion of night vision and it should be completed and you can see here it says claim reward to receive the basic arcana grew a potion in a brewing stand complete it then transforms that letter into the basic arcana which is your instruction book on

How to begin as well as how you can activate spells on a magical wand because you could feasibly have made a magic wand before you just wouldn’t be able to use it and over here i have the beginnings of how you can start with that with your basic arcana you open it

Up and it is a basic instruction manual that can be displayed if you notice over here on the left we’ll get into that in a moment right now just know that you can still just page to the right it’s all sequential you don’t have to worry about skipping around to different chapters or

Something like that if you want to go through the whole book just page to the right and you can go through the whole book otherwise just use the double arrows to get all the way to one end of the other and x to close out from the

Book or escape upon opening it up you can always go over t brewing and tfx we’ll cover those shortly let’s get into making some of the more basic things like spells i click on the first spell here and you can see there’s blaze fuel furnace sun dry and so on

It keeps going on there are a lot of spells to choose from you can actually store multiple spells on a wand but you also need to know how to recognize how these all work so first let’s make a wand an apprentice wand is made with a

Diamond a gold ingot and a stick you can then upgrade it as you desire in a smithing table to give it extra spell slots you can actually only hold one spell slot at a time in your apprentice wand that’s a starter one if you notice here when i press the

H key which is the default for this at the top it displays a single spell slot that i can cast i have no spells memorized right now so it is empty now by upgrading this wand with a diamond and then taking that one and upgrading it with a diamond and taking that one

And upgrading it with a diamond i can then get up to four slots with this one as you notice here and you can scroll through them just by using your mouse wheel to go one direction or the other this allows you a variety of up to four

Spells on one wand now if you only upgrade at one level you’re going to be getting two spell slots upgrading it again will get you three and of course the final one will get you the four spell slots you see here if you want to actually put a spell on

One of these you’ll have to pick it in your basic arcana and then you’ll need to place it on one of these a podium it doesn’t have to be a mossy cobblestone version there are multiples of them as you can see here there’s quite a variety to choose from and they’re all pretty

Basics items you just need a stone cutter and you can put a the appropriate stone type in there and you can make a podium from it and it will display items appropriately like you see here then you can just sneak right click to take it back out if you put a basic

Arcana in there like that book there it will display the book page that you were looking at if you want to change pages while it’s on here you can actually do so and interact but you have to aim at the podium itself aiming at the book won’t

Do anything but if i aim at the podium and right click it will turn the page to the right while i’m on the right side of the block i aim to the left it will change it to the left page it’s pretty cool it’s not quite as fast as if you

Were to actually take the book out and just click a bunch of times to go left to right but it’s very pretty and i i just like it a lot for how immersive it is but know that it has to be on a podium for you to actually assign a

Spell to your wand in this case let’s choose blaze now if i right click with this it will just change the page so you’re going to want to make sure that you are sneak right clicking on the top of the podium and you now see at the bottom left there

I have blaze as a spell that i can cast now when i hold the h key you can see in the top right there it says the number one that’s your spell level that you currently are you can actually get that up quite high but know

That on the left you have kind of a spell reservoir and two spell slots each spell slot may allow you multiple castings of any given spell and your reservoir is just it filling up before the next pip will replenish to give an example let’s aim up here and

I’m going to shoot a fireball at this wall now because it’s just a wall nothing’s going to happen to it if i were to aim it on the ground here there’s a chance it might light things on fire including entities do damage and so on but if you look on the left it

Used up one of the pips of my magic and it is slowly replenishing if you look to the right of the icon of that fireball you’ll see it says two that means i have two more casts left in this pip before i use it up and have to

Go into the next one so if i cast it once and twice it’s done if i cast it another time it then starts going into the next spell pip that i have available there and of course i can just keep doing this until it wears out and then i’m completely depleted and the

More i cast this stuff if i press h again you can see that there’s a whole bunch of arrows on the right the more i cast the more experience i gain and level up so you’re going to want to choose some spells that are going to be quite useful to you at the

Start and probably throughout most of it just so that you can spam them to try and get the xp in order to level yourself up now blaze while useful can be quite dangerous because like i said it sets things on fire so let’s go with something else a little bit more useful

Fuel furnace if i sneak right click on here i can then use it to actually light a furnace to work without any fuel in it you see there’s nothing here if i sneak right click it will then light the furnace up with a short term cooking animation and it will actually

Cook something through for a bit and you can uh stack it by just sneak right clicking a bunch of times and it will just keep using it as many times you’ve like right clicked it will stack those effects so it will not just do like one or two cooking

Actions it will actually do double that because i’ve just clicked on it twice now why is this useful well i’m going to tell you how you can actually make yourself some other immersive items in here while you’re currently trying to level up on all the different things i will give you

A few uh spells here that are going to be really good for you that you can start off with fuel furnace is obviously one of them because you can use it to just cook about anything without any uh cost in it and it’s just as fast as it

Replenishes you can use it and you’ll notice all these little like uh options here these little like symbols and they can be a bit confusing as to what they represent if we go with something like fuel furnace here you’ll notice it’s got all of these symbols and if you look

Very closely the one that my uh my crosshairs are on has a single dot the one that’s next to it is green and it has two dots then the yellow one here has three dots four five six and so on all the way up to nine if i look at a

Spell like zephyr this spell it actually gives a description on the right says that it more or less allows you to fly but it requires at least a level two spell in order for you to be able to use it so if you try using some spell that

You don’t have access to yet and you can find that out just by holding a one and pressing h then you’ll know oh okay well it looks like i only have a level 1 spell because that’s the blue one on the left there let me go back to the fuel furnace spell

And you’ll notice it has a little blue circle that’s the same as the circle on the left side here with those two pips and if i level myself up enough let’s just do this and a couple more times and i think i might have enough

Yep i am now level two but that doesn’t necessarily mean that i am going to get a level two spell i’m level two i don’t get level two spells until i think level 3 so it might be a little bit before you can see some of those things real

Quickly let’s cover how you can actually get multiple spells if you notice here this i i said before you can just bring up this menu by pressing h and then you use your mouse wheel to scroll well if i choose another spell like growth this is an excellent one for

Getting yourself some crops or food or whatever you need real quick just sneak right click again and i now have a new spell pressing h i can scroll again and store another spell the growth spell effectively is just like bone mealing something so that’s pretty basic and a

Really good one it says it works in a three by three area but currently uh the version that i’m playing in it only affects a one block but i find that to be quite effective as it is a very simple and basic one that you could probably use to level up quite

Effectively is also snowball it doesn’t do any damage and if you sneak right click you then can have this you can just throw a bunch of snowballs until you are effectively done casting your spell so if you don’t have a furnace or or food nearby you can still

Use it and yes it does still do damage to things like blazes now spell like rumor is rather complex and works better with higher level spells but if you look on this page here it explains first level spell the creatures that you’ll want to be affecting will have to have

Eight health or less which is four hearts and then second is eight hearts or less third is 16 hearts or less and so on it will only work on aggressive mobs that are not bosses and what this allows you to do is basically have one mob attack another mob and

You’ll have to sneak right click on one mob and then sneak right click on another mob meanwhile they’re trying to attack you and so on and they instead will probably attack each other at least in most cases it’s a pretty interesting one but one that i found to be a little

Bit difficult to try and execute without taking some serious hurt one that’s really going to be useful for when you’re going spelunking is going to be healing this one here is almost always on my spell uh spell list because it just fixes you from taking a lot of damage as you can see

Here i currently am missing four hearts of my 20 hearts that i have yes i’m playing a mod pack it’s called little majestics and there are multiple other mods in here that you’re seeing as well as shaders being used but that aside with the healing spell in mind just

Casting it it will give you a couple uses here and there enough that you can top yourself up there we go the fast forward spell this one here as it does explain is actually going to be a bit better with higher levels because you can just maintain it so much longer but

It also will be just as useful you can combine it with the the fuel the furnace spell so for example if i sneak right click here and then i go to fuel furnace and i have some potatoes let’s put a stack of potatoes in there

If i go over to this and i start fueling my furnace then i switch over to fast forward and i just sneak and hold the right click button it will cook faster as long as i have mana you saw that little bar in the bottom left just disappear and it instantly has already

Made two baked potatoes pretty darn fast and if someone else is accessing the furnace they’ll see the actual furnace increase in speed but you’ll notice here oh that furnace effect that i had has worn off it’s incredibly useful like i said at higher levels because you can maintain

It for much longer periods and can be used for probably just increasing the speed of basic machines like furnaces and sometimes you could even use some other mods as well here’s the other thing you should know is that even if you have other wands on you it’s not going to

Change the amount that you have in reserve now i may have the same spell on one as i have on another but it does actually mean that your spells are still going to be replenishing at a slower rate you know it it’s all dependent on your mana

It’s not the wands mana so that that is a thing okay so now let’s go back to a little heliomancy here and we’ll we’ll cover sun dry this one here is going to be useful for tea and tea is actually useful for many different kinds of effects depending

Upon how you want to brew stuff if you’re using your book here you can find out a little bit of information about the tea brewing process but first you’re going to need to know how to actually make a proper cup and i don’t mean a cuppa i’m talking

About the cup itself as well as the teapot because those are kind of important for you to actually use these you’re first going to need to make a mortar whether it be andesite granite or diorite is up to you but either way you just take three of those and a stick and

You now have a mortar opening that up you’ll want to put some kind of product in there in this case i’m putting white terracotta by clicking up in this area where the little pestle is it then will grind it up into a white clay powder taking a

Bucket of water and some of this white clay powder i can then make white clay this can then be used to make the different dishes or items we currently have white glazed teapots which are made from white clay as you see here just kind of a v

Pattern then you smelt it into a white terracotta teapot and you smelt it again into a white glaze teapot as you desire it doesn’t have to be either one they both should work and there’s multiple different versions you can have it doesn’t have to be the white style but i

Do prefer these ones as just a good default once you place one of these down it will actually display in the world as you see here in a 3d render same thing with cups on top of saucers you can make those in a similar fashion with a similar recipe

But once you open the teapot it’s a little bit confusing with how things actually work to get there we’re still going to have to do a few more things because we need a little bit more ingredients to put in here for this to work properly so having been able to

Make several of these potteries we now need to know how to actually put things in them and use them to our advantage using things like poppies cornflowers alliums dandelions lily of the valley and blue orchids you of course can turn them into the different dyes but you can also double

Them in your mortar and pestle as well as sugarcane can get you some more sugar this way as well so it’s a good mechanic to just increase your output at the very least but you’re going to want to make something like this herbal twine it’s just made from some grass and some

String out in the world and using it you can place it on surfaces above you and what it will allow you to do is dry these different flowers so for now i’m grabbing cornflour poppies aliens and dandelions just because that’s what i placed up here and you’ll see that they

Just invert the texture it’s now hanging upside down instead of being from the ground up i am using a resource pack in here so the flowers may look different from your regular vanilla now over time these will dry by themselves but instead you could also speed that up

With some sun dry this will definitely speed things up but you’re going to want to uh well you’re going to want to want to make sure that you’re sneaking or else you’re going to right click and just take the flower off of the the string but if you sneak right click and cast

It then instantly dry these dries these flowers into their dried versions grabbing these you can see that they look a little bit different they’ve got all the different versions here and then you’re going to want to put them in a mortar and pestle and of course grind

Them up into some crushed versions and just be sure that they are the dried variants you cannot do this with the raw ones and you’ll get all these different things here poppy seeds crushed corn flowers crushed allium crushed dandelion and crushed lily of the valley as well as crushed blue orchids taking your

Teapot by actually breaking it from the surface you may have laid it on you can then place it on top of something that’s currently hot like a furnace for example it will then give it the heat that it needs in order to make tea adding water

On the top right here will actually fill up the tea kettle with water but then you have three different options for how to make some tea any of those crushed variants you can put in there minus the white clay we don’t need that can have different effects on the drinker of this tea

Putting those in you can actually duplicate the same exact ones and so on and there we go we now have a full pot of tea let me grab a cup if i sneak right click i can grab that off of there i have five in my inventory right now

And as before you just put them over here and it will drain them out there we go three cups from one bucket of water and if you hold shift you can inspect this you get fire resistance for 30 seconds saturation and hunger for 20 seconds jump boost for 30 seconds and

Tier 2 effect of haste for 30 seconds this is just from drinking one of these cups of tea and it’s drinkable even if your hunger meter is already full doesn’t really matter but they also stack if they’re of the same type of tea if you have a

Different tea mixture in here then that would be different sometimes mixing and matching the different effects can be useful it’s up to you guys to figure out which one it is for each of you which one of those ground up items will give you different effects and so on and if

You want to double up or stack them you can there are some other things you can make like poppy seed muffins with sugar poppy seeds eggs and wheat pretty good and tasty but they can also just be a really nice decorative item to add onto

A little bit of a saucer as you can see i’ve been leveling up and upon reaching level 5 i’m able to cast level 2 spells now my level 1 spell is currently recharging with level 2 i can have i now have access to a few extra abilities that i

Didn’t have before namely my favorite one zephyr this gives you a brief uh kind of creative style flight but you fly in the direction you’re looking while holding right click down with your mouse so if i wanted to go up and around i can and i have limited flight options while doing this

I definitely don’t want to wear out my meter down there on the bottom left before getting close to the ground or else well it’ll it’ll run out and i will kind of fall to my death perhaps it is a possibility but uh it’s one of my favorite and most

Useful spells it will replenish over time but only once you’ve accomplished at least level five and you can start casting your tier 2 spells there are other spells that are really lovely and available to you at tier 2 as well and one of which is shulker bullet which is absolutely fantastic but don’t

Rely upon it too heavily i have a spider here i’m going to spawn in and then try and target with this it helps if i actually choose the spell appropriately but then i will launch a shulker bullet at the target then doing a little bit of damage and making it float potentially

Making it take a lot of damage but it does take a bit more mana in order to cast this than usual this next tier two spell summon bees is actually just about as fun as the previous one you just need a target and then sneak right click it with your

Spell provided it doesn’t escape underneath the table let’s try that again and a bee will then attack it and poison it if appropriate to do so but these bees are very short-lived and they will just disappear after a short time so let’s get on to a bit more advanced

Magic and i don’t just mean this magic spell in others but it’s more or less going to be the access that you have i’ve been casting for quite a while now and you can see that i’m level 30. with this in mind know that i now have access

To a lot of different tiers eight to be exact this doesn’t mean that this is the limit there is actually nine and you can cast even more stuff with it but to give you an example let me actually go to something a little bit more practical

You can see here snowball is a level one spell just by starting to cast it i get nine uses out of this one level one or tier one spell slot and down to zero now if i were to switch that out to a different tier by holding

H and then also pressing shift or sneak and then using the mouse wheel as opposed to before just using the mouse wheel will change the the spell that you’re using if you hold sneak while doing it it also changes the level that you cast it at so if i go up to let’s

Say level six and i start shooting a snowball you can see i now have 59 uses of this one spell slot before it runs out so this is something to keep in mind is that you can sometimes cast a more powerful spell other ones you just get

More uses out of it and for this i have a little bit of a volunteer with the fangmangle spell which is level three or higher by putting down some chickens here you can then eat them all with one spell casting or even if they’re underneath the table

You can still try to get them but you notice that it actually followed the contour of the land to give a better example i cast over here and you can see it went up that hill so there are limitations to this but it definitely works really well

For casting to attack enemies in a line though as you notice it is a little bit hitbox specific so it’s there’s a chance that your enemies or foes or targets even could just wander a little bit away from it this next spell here is also level three

And above and it is invisibility this one grants you a limitation in a way of invisibleness uh just to give an example note that i am wearing some armor and such from another mod and when i cast this spell Besides the wonderfully cheeky sound that it ends up making it will make you invisible but not the things that you’re holding onto or your armor so you will have to disrobe in order to be truly invisible though be aware you will still give off those little particle effects around you

And it’s for limited time translocation is a level 4 or above spell this is actually one of my favorites to use as it’s an excellent counter to many of the other spells by quickly tr trading places with a target spellcaster perhaps another player or something like that or

Just an enemy to give an example here’s the chicken and i can trade places with it trade it again and if the chicken gets under the table well only if i can actually get a line of sight to target it am i able to teleport that critter out of there and then i

Could potentially use other spells to finish it off it’s also an excellent spell for just trading places when falling or if you’re about to fall any kind of you’re about to take some kind of damage or anything like that it’s a great spell to use on another entity and

This last one here thunder stroke is a very effective if not very loud spell that you can also use here’s some chickens and yeah it it will basically generate lightning but you’re going to want to be careful if you target something like a creeper with this it could have bad side

Effects though you could also create a charge creeper then trade places and surprise your friends all that being said it’s a fantastic mod and there’s actually more in here than you might have seen in this bit by bit so far including lots of different woods and some different uh types of spells like

Different uh areas that they affect or are affected by not everything has been ported forward from the older versions and not all of it is uh necessarily work in progress at least we get to play a little bit with what this mod has to offer so if you enjoyed this video and

Would like to see more like it please be sure to give a like comment subscribe and as always be sure to stop by on twitch and visit us there where you have no idea what kind of strangeness might happen so until next time i’ll see ya oops

This video, titled ‘Schools of Magic: Second Semester! Bit-By-Bit 1.18+ Minecraft mod’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2022-09-08 14:00:26. It has garnered 25394 views and 865 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:17 or 1577 seconds.

#MischiefOfMice #BitByBit #SchoolsOfMagic The Schools of Magic: Second Semester mod for Minecraft adds in a wand that can be used for spellcasting and leveling up as you cast so you can access more spells and cast even more powerful versions. It also adds in a great little tea brewing mechanic that gives you potion effects! This tutorial may also be applicable to earlier versions of the mod. 🙂

Minecraft 1.18.2, mod version 2.3.0 Made by pale_imitations Get the mod on Curseforge HERE: Modpack used (Little Magistics):

0:00 Intro & what it do 0:40 How to Start 1:50 Basic Arcana (Book of Spells & info) 2:45 Spells, Wands, & Podiums 5:20 Assigning a spell to a wand 5:35 Understanding the Interface & Spell: Blaze Lv1 6:50 Leveling up 7:19 Spell: Fuel Furnace Lv1 8:25 Symbols & level requirements 9:54 Multiple spells on an upgraded wand 10:20 Spell: Growth Lv1 10:35 Spell: Snowball Lv1 11:00 Spell: Rumor Lv1 11:48 Spell: Healing Lv1 12:23 Spell: Fast Forward Lv1 13:35 Multiple wands… no 14:00 Tea making, Mortars, & Spell: Sun Dry Lv1 19:34 Spell: Zephyr Lv2 20:35 Spell: Shulker Bullet Lv2 21:10 Spell: Summon Bees Lv2 21:34 Changing your spell power tier 22:50 Spell: Fang Mangle Lv3 23:36 Spell: Invisibility Lv3 24:15 Spell: Translocation Lv4 25:01 Spell: Thunderstroke Lv4 25:25 Missing Content?

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    "Insane Minecraft Glitch: No Mob Spawns" #MinecraftBangladesh #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mob Does Not Spawn In This Server #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbangladesh’, was uploaded by Marcraze. on 2024-02-29 10:54:54. It has garnered 26 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Mob Does Not Spawn In This Server #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbangladesh Long channel: Facebook page: minecraft in bangla minecraft in bangladesh minecraft in bangla gamer minecraft bangla smp minecraft bangla cartoon minecraft bangladesh map minecraft bangla gamer part 1 minecraft gameplay in bangla minecraft video in bangla minecraft buy in bangladesh minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft… Read More

  • OMG!! Mr Minecraft MINES RARE BIRCH Tree 🌿😱

    OMG!! Mr Minecraft MINES RARE BIRCH Tree 🌿😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Camman18 mined BIRCH??!?!?’, was uploaded by Mr Minecraft on 2024-04-21 07:58:38. It has garnered 3152 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. #shorts SUBSCRIBE OR ELSE!!11!!1!! ignore this- camman18 does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.18 challenges in 2022! Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But… Read More

  • Introducing the Deadly Pythonator in Minecraft!

    Introducing the Deadly Pythonator in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All around me are familiar places (in Minecraft!) | Let’s Play Minecraft Survival Ep.16’, was uploaded by Pythonator on 2024-06-11 20:00:17. It has garnered 5000 views and 783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:38 or 1358 seconds. Minecraft Survival – The dragon is down and we’ve beaten a max difficulty trial chamber so to assist our future builds, Python allows himself to get his old gear and items back! ▶ Enjoyed this Minecraft Survival video & want to support the channel? Be sure to leave a LIKE! Thanks! ❤ ▶ [AD] In the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Water Trick Goes Viral on Debojit Gaming 8.0!

    Insane Minecraft Water Trick Goes Viral on Debojit Gaming 8.0!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft water trick #shorts #viral #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Debojit Gaming 8.0 on 2024-02-16 16:26:06. It has garnered 1827 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft water trick #shorts #viral #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft… Read More

  • PureVanilla SMP

    PureVanilla SMPPure Vanilla SMP is a small community driven server dedicated to providing an authentic vanilla experience. We started on August 14th of this year and are looking for new players who are interested in being part of a small community that we hope will grow over time. work on a spawn and shopping district is underway. There are plans to host events, activities, community projects, and much more! Because we are a new server we have a small playerbase of around 4 active members but we expect this number to grow once things get rolling. Check out our discord above…. Read More

  • BBLDrizzy Modded 1.20.1 Age 14+ Smaller Community Java Whitelist

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We are a group of friends looking for new members to join our modded Minecraft server. Our server includes an economy, towns with shops, and teamwork. We have rules in place, including no blowing up bases, and we value good humor and respectful players. Looking to Join? If you are 14 years or older and interested in joining us, please send a DM with your name and some details about yourself. We will provide information about the mods used and how to set up on our server. Hurry, as we are looking for active… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Blaze Heat

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Blaze HeatWhy did the Blaze go to therapy? Because it had too much heat and needed to work on its anger management! Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: RomanG6 Minewind Stream

    Unleashing Chaos: RomanG6 Minewind StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind live stream’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-06-15 13:37:05. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. Read More

  • Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft

    Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft In ancient times, I traveled with Minecraft in hand, Dug a water pit, infinite water at my command. Block by block, I built my world so grand, Every adventure, every challenge, I withstand. With each update, new features to explore, In this pixelated world, I always want more. From crafting to mining, my skills I hone, In this virtual realm, I am never alone. So join me in this journey, let’s play and create, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no need to wait. Dig deep, build high, let your imagination fly, With Minecraft by your side, reach for the sky. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme #happy Read More

  • DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy’s Tricks

    DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy's Tricks Mhafy’s Ship Addon: Build Your Own Ship in Minecraft! Are you ready to set sail in the world of Minecraft with your very own custom-built ship? Look no further than the Mhafy’s Ship Addon! In this exciting Minecraft addon, players can craft and customize their own ships to explore the vast oceans and embark on epic adventures. Features of Mhafy’s Ship Addon: With Mhafy’s Ship Addon, players can: Build Custom Ships: Design and construct your own unique ships using a variety of materials and components. Explore the Seas: Sail across the oceans, discover new lands, and conquer the high… Read More

  • Minecraft Music Mod Tutorial

    Minecraft Music Mod Tutorial Dodawanie Muzyki do Minecraft #2 [Poradnik] Nowy Mod Minecraft enthusiasts are constantly looking for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is by adding custom music to the game. In this guide, players can learn how to incorporate their own sounds into Minecraft with the help of a new mod. Mod Information The mod in question, created by Jaqbtor, allows players to customize the sound effects in Minecraft to their liking. By using the Sound Pack Creator, gamers can add their own music and audio files seamlessly into the game. For those interested in trying out… Read More

  • Unstoppable in Adventures SMP – The Programing() {Mage} ep 14

    Unstoppable in Adventures SMP - The Programing() {Mage} ep 14Video Information This video, titled ‘Adventures SMP ep 14 | Not even death can stop me!’, was uploaded by The Programing() {Mage} on 2024-05-21 18:00:32. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:44 or 884 seconds. Welcome to the Adventures SMP Minecraft server. A Vanilla server modified using data packs and texture packs. This should be a lot of fun and probably chaos. Other YouTubers Joining us on this server are : @Rex-playzzz.onyoutube @ToebeePlaysGames @Fluffy00schannel @NoxLumen7 & More to come. Sound effects in animation : MCU_or_movie_inspired_blade_stab_or_slash_flesh_sounds.mp3 by Artninja — — License: Attribution… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Party Grind

    Insane Bedwars Party GrindVideo Information This video, titled ‘🟥 playing hive party grinding bedwars’, was uploaded by ForfisherYT on 2024-05-30 08:50:41. It has garnered 52 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:49 or 6469 seconds. join my discord: help me get 300 subs #gaming #live #minecraft #hive #bedrock #mcpe #hivestream #pvp #bedwars #bedwarslive @ForfisherYT #pvp #1000likes #hiveminecraft Read More

  • Gamer Ruptome’s CRAZY villager race with zombie! 🤯 #gameplay

    Gamer Ruptome's CRAZY villager race with zombie! 🤯 #gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘villager race with zombie| Minecraft 🤗 #trend #newvideo #gameplay #minecraft #new #shorts’, was uploaded by Gamer Ruptome on 2024-01-15 05:13:51. It has garnered 4691 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Secret MERMAID Transformation?! Fairycore Minecraft Ep9

    Secret MERMAID Transformation?! Fairycore Minecraft Ep9Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a MERMAID… and the End? ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Episode 9 ♡’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-01-30 20:00:12. It has garnered 8466 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:00 or 3060 seconds. 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone and welcome to episode 8 of my new Fairycore Minecraft let’s play. I wanted this world to be as cute and cozy as possible. Below is a link to the modpack I made for this world, as well as a tutorial on how to use it ♡ Come… Read More


    INSANE PVP MADNESS!! | FREE To Join SMP JAVA & BEDROCK 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP JAVA + BEDROCK | FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by CrazY BoY NaMiT on 2024-01-10 20:27:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JAY SHREE RAM❤❤ HAR HAR MAHADEV❤❤ IP AND PORT – GOD SMP SEASON 2 … Read More

  • Obunga’s Mind-Blowing Multiverse Adventure!

    Obunga's Mind-Blowing Multiverse Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 191’, was uploaded by Obunga on 2024-02-28 01:29:06. It has garnered 146 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 191 Read More

  • “INSANE Fornite CLIX OBLITERATES COOPER!!!” #fortniteclix #twitch

    "INSANE Fornite CLIX OBLITERATES COOPER!!!" #fortniteclix #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘CLIX DESTROYS COOPER IN FORTNITE #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #fortniteclips’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-07 11:43:53. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity, fortnite best… Read More

  • “Insane! Watch CR7 Score Epic Free-Kick on CreeperCanvas!” #shocking #mindblowing

    "Insane! Watch CR7 Score Epic Free-Kick on CreeperCanvas!" #shocking #mindblowingVideo Information This video, titled ‘CR7 Free kick goal #cristianoronaldo #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by CreeperCanvas on 2024-03-04 14:54:04. It has garnered 6730 views and 551 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftanimation #animation #anime Please subscribe my Channel. Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game that was originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson and subsequently developed by Mojang Studios. Since its initial release in 2011, it has sold over 200 million copies on various platforms. In Minecraft, players are immersed in a randomly generated world that consists of diverse blocks of materials, including… Read More

  • Sponge Block Studios – Epic Sea Shanty in Minecraft!

    Sponge Block Studios - Epic Sea Shanty in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Blow The Man Down (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-05 21:00:27. It has garnered 87 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:50 or 170 seconds. Lyrics: Come all ye young miners who follow the ore (To me!) Wey hey, digging straight down And pray pay attention and listen you whore Give me some time to dig straight down I’m a low level miner my pickaxe is strong (To me!) Wey hey, digging straight down If you brew me a potion I’ll sing you a song… Read More

  • SiriusCraft

    SiriusCraftBienvenido a SiriusCraft, un servidor de supervivencia con biomas nuevos, dungeons custom! 1.16 – 1.20 Nos centramos en nuestra jugabilidad y nuestra increíble comunidad. ¡Únete hoy para experimentar una nueva aventura! Tienda: discord: IP: Read More

  • TerrestrialMC – Semi-Vanilla, Towny, Public SMP, 1:750 Earth Map, 1.20.4-1.20.6

    About Us If you’re not familiar, I’m a developer for a series of community-run rehosts of a mid-2010 web game called The Campaign Trail. It’s a game where you answer questions to affect your polling and try to win an election. But that’s not why I’m here. The game has a small community, and I wanted to create something fun for people to play beyond the summer. We launched a Minecraft server, and it’s been successful. We have around 20+ players during most hours, so it’s busy but not overcrowded. The server features a 1:750 map of the Earth, Towny,… Read More

  • OriginZsmp

    survival with a few mods (mainly origins, farmer’s delight, waystones, jmap, jei, gravestones, backpacks, outer end, create w 2 addons) 5+ active players on daily, decently friendly community, java (we play on forge) events hosted every few days, passive and war days (for now, currently reworking this feature) active owner. we have female and male players and we have each person either go solo or go on a team. server is decently fresh, 1 week old, adding new mods daily!Message Br3 on discord to enter the discord server (this is a requirement.) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – POV: Heeding the demons within you.

    Minecraft Memes - POV: Heeding the demons within you.POV: When your inner demons start giving you better advice than your friends. Read More

  • Deep Dive: Underwater Skyblock Adventure!

    Deep Dive: Underwater Skyblock Adventure! In Seaopolis Submerged, we dive deep, An underwater “Skyblock” to keep. Questing in the ocean, a world so vast, Surviving and thriving, a challenge to last. From the overworld to the nether below, Exploring new depths, where creatures glow. With mods like thermal series, opolis utilities too, Strainers and more, there’s so much to do. Join GamingOnCaffeine, the master of rhyme, Reporting Minecraft news, every time. In Seaopolis Submerged, the adventure begins, A modpack like no other, where fun always wins. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes “Who needs a perfectly cut diamond when you have perfectly cut Minecraft memes?” Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an amazing YouTube video titled “Build a Stylish Modern Starter House in Minecraft: Easy Tutorial 🏠”. While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to showcase your building skills and creativity than on a server where you can truly shine? Imagine taking the skills you learn from tutorials like these and putting them to the test in a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind. With a focus on creativity,… Read More

  • Luckiest Day in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20

    Luckiest Day in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Minecraft Hardcore: The Luckiest Day Ever in the New Series Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Hardcore as players experience the luckiest day ever in the new series. With friends by their side, they delve into the latest version, Minecraft 1.20, ready to face challenges and conquer new horizons. Exploring Minecraft Hardcore In this thrilling adventure, players test their skills and luck in the hardcore mode of Minecraft. Surviving in a world where every decision matters, they must navigate through dangerous terrain, gather resources, and build shelters to stay safe from the lurking threats. The… Read More

Schools of Magic: Second Semester! Bit-By-Bit 1.18+ Minecraft mod