SCP-2842: The Most Terrifying Meme Ever!

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Chad lays in a bloody Heap on the ground counting what’s left of his teeth how could this have started with something as simple innocent and pure as memes most of Chad’s friends had said this was an overreaction he was taking things too far blowing everything out of proportion they’d been right of course but Chad hadn’t been listening his stubborn mind had already been made up it was time for some payback he double checked the address he’d found for the guy he’d gotten into Twitter beef with the losers should have protected his information better Chad thought the place he lived had just been there online and it was easy to find and as it turned out not that far from Chad’s frat house the building looked as decrepit as he’d been expecting inside the paintwork was flaking away revealing crumbling brick work underneath even the elevator wasn’t working and an out of order sign was lying on the ground in front of it this was exactly the kind of place where Chad expected someone who went by the username at Mr mem would live clambering up the stairs he’d found the right apartment double checking the number was the same as listed on the dock address he’d found confirming they matched he started banging his fist on the door yelling at the person inside Mr meme was hardly a social media celebrity in fact he was almost a nobody just another faceless admin of meme pages that stole and re-uploaded other people’s images most of them weren’t even even that good at least Chad never thought so but then again he never followed any of Mr mem’s numerous accounts he like many self-d deluded fools thought he was too cool and smart for internet humor a few of his friends had followed Mr meme for a while and it was them who’d forwarded some of his posts to Chad displaying the cardinal sin of clout chasing the action so objectable that it had made Chad come all the way just to give Mr meme a piece of his mind the door opened and Chad was surprised by what he saw the guy on the other side wasn’t what Chad had been picturing in his mind during the moments leading up to their confrontation he’d imagin Mr mean to be some kind of creature one that never leaves the confines of his home never Ventures out into the sunlight never goes to the gym but this guy was just normal almost too normal so unremarkable it almost looped back around into being genuinely noteworthy that a person could appear so mundane sure Chad could take him in a fight he thought but where he’d been expecting a troll he found just a man then remembering why he was here the rage took over and Chad started yelling he called Mr meme every exploitive Under the Sun threatening him with legal action for theft of intellectual property and even shoved him a few times thinking it was over Chad turned to leave only for a pair of hands to push him from behind he tumbled down the stairwell Landing in a crumpled bloody mess at the bottom seething with anger and pain later when he explained what had just happened to the cops he made it clear he wanted to press charges against Mr M not just for the assault but the theft too the police officer scoffed and laughed at the second part reminding Chad that nobody could get arrested for stealing someone else’s tweets a wise person once said that memes are the DNA of the soul but that may well be truer for SCP 2842 than it is for the rest of us outwardly he appears just to be a normal human roughly 21 years old with a mess of blonde hair and a generally blasé attitude but when an altercation with an unnamed civilian led to SCP 2842 being taken into custody by a local police department that was when the SCP Foundation stepped in to investigate while he might on the surface appear to be an ordinary 21-year-old SCP 2842 possesses unusual anomalous properties that relate to the dissemination of online memes while remaining dormant most of the time SCP 2842 anomalous abilities will only manifest when he is presented with a person’s online social media account this can be an active account or a throwaway from any platform one full of the user’s personal information or one that’s completely Anonymous the frequency of activity and amount of content within said person’s account does not seem to impede SCP 2842 from doing what he does next finding memes that will appeal to the owner of the social media account he is viewing instantaneously SCP 2842 will become instinctively aware of the exact location and content of 11 image files that the social media accounts owner and operator will find to be mildly amusing this along with a tattoo located on his right ankle has earned SC SCP 2842 the nickname of Mr meme being able to locate a handful of moderately humorous memes for someone based on their social media hardly seems all that impressive least of all to anyone who has ever been the admin of a mean page but interestingly SCP 2842 powers of meme perceptions seem to be almost cumulative in nature whenever Mr meme is presented with multiple accounts belonging to different users he will be able to identify a set of images that will appeal to both of these account holders this means that whenever presented with as little as a cursory glance at several thousand usernames SCP 2842 can locate memes with a wide enough appeal that these numerous individuals will all consider the images to be mildly entertaining the images uncovered are not generated or created by Mr meme nor do they possess or impart any kind of mimetic influence over those they’ve been chosen for SCP 2842 simply procures and shares these images all of which are considered to fall at either a six or seven on a scale of 10 where one is not funny at all and 10 is considered extremely funny upon discovery of SCP 2842 Mr mem was released from police custody and remanded into the foundation’s Care at site 17 physical examination of the anomalous man yielded little in the way of Interest apart from the tattoo on his right ankle the full text of it read Mr meme by Gamers against weed which seemed to have been enough to Peak the interest of foundation researchers who would later question him further about this scp2 842 seem to possess no knowledge of the group known as Gamers against weed but hearing them referred to triggered an exaggerated laugh in response Gamers against weed are a known group of interests to the foundation an offshoot of the anomalous Art Collective are we cool yet they are considered by the SCP Foundation to be a hostile entity given their involvement in the creation of anomalies organized and operated via the Internet Gamers against weed consists of about 40 known members ranging from ages 15 to 30 many of whom possess anomalous properties their founder was one Jude kirot the former member of our we KET who left the organization after a friend of his was killed during one of their anomalous art exhibitions since their Inception Gamers against weed have moved away from are we cool yet dedication to creating anomalous art instead they are focused on creating and using anomalies for pranks or mischievous acts of terrorism a number of items created by these Gamers against weed have have been encountered and contained by the foundation and are now designated scps with SCP 2842 seeming to also fit this description while the foundation considers the group to be hostile and has conducted a concerted effort to track down and neutralize the gamers against weed they have thus far been unsuccessful given the limited number of members as well as their anomalous capabilities many of the gamers against weed have evaded capture they continue to regard the SCP Foundation with little animosity despite the number of anomalies they’ve created now being placed under containment including SCP 2842 Mr mem is also believed according to documents found in his apartment to have some connection to Dr Wonder tainment and his little misters which tracks given the known ties between him and Gamers against weed when it came to determining the nature of SCP 2842 creation he was placed in a series of interviews with Foundation researcher Dr steel Mr mean confided in Steel that according to his oldest memories he has only existed for around a year at the time of his containment he recalled Awakening in someone’s house with no prior recollection of how he had come to be there only possessing the knowledge that he was called Mr Meme and that he had the ability to find funny images online in addition Mr mem was already aware of basic functionality such as eating and evading the police as well as information relating to Google AdSense when he awoke Mr meme describes seeing a younger person watching him who who seemed to be excited that he was there SCP 2842 described an interaction with the person a boy who explained that he wanted Mr mem to help him acquire more followers on Instagram uninterested in this SCP 2842 left which angered the boy following this SCP 2842 would begin using his anomalous abilities to operate a number of different social media accounts thanks to the various monetization options available on the internet he was able to start generating a steady income from his online presence this money from his digital activity was enough for Mr meme to keep himself comfortably clothed and housed while he disseminated memes to his various online followers so how does an anomalous mediocre meme Sant find himself in trouble with the police according to his interview with Dr steel SCP 2842 was confronted in his apartment One Day by a man who had been able to track him down apparently SCP 2842 had been doxed meaning that Mr mem’s home address had leaked publicly online along with what little other personal information existed about him the fact that he possessed no legal form of identification no family or any other record of his existence is likely what tipped off the foundation and started their investigation into Mr mean’s anomalous nature the man who had come to confront SCP 2842 accused Mr meme of stealing tweets that the man himself had made in order to use screenshots of them as image posts on SCP 2842 VAR social media Pages Mr M having no transferable skills other than sharing funny images with people didn’t feel like he had much Choice after all what else could he do other than use what came so naturally to him in order to make money online the pair quickly got into an altercation that turned physical when the man began shoving SCP 2842 which resulted in Mr mem pushing the man down a flight of stairs in retaliation 2 days later the police arrived to arrest SCP 2842 after the man who confronted him pressed charges during his interview with Dr steel Mr meme expressed concern that he’d lose his followers if he failed to keep up his regular posting even though he didn’t actually enjoy using social media he conveyed an awareness of his own anomalous capabilities knowing that he wasn’t capable of finding the funniest images to post only ones that were mildly amusing according to Mr mean there were only so many times he could post the infamous picture of a man in a tuxedo holding a sewing machine in front of crash truck before it lost any potential comedic impact and speaking of posting over 10,000 advice animal memes had made SCP 2842 come to loath the impact font in order to combat his growing boredom with the endless cycle of posting memes that appealed to his follower base SCP 2842 started up a new account where he decided to post his own original content it had garnered a modest Twitter following of around 2,000 people which isn’t bad for a comedy account however given the extraneous effort the original content account took to run Mr mem was saddened when he was forced to abandon it in favor of his other more popular and more profitable accounts across all his different social media accounts he had a combined following of around 3 million people after multiple sessions together SCP 2842 would eventually asked to speak with Dr steel and shared feelings of being aimless despite the various amenities and things to occupy his time within his containment cell he wanted to have something to actively do in other words a purpose Mr meme offered to help the SCP Foundation even though he knew that his skills were limited to finding funny pictures on the internet and that even then he was the best at being mediocre at that SCP 2842 explained that he’d found the process of stealing images to share depressing if he’d been making more original content he might have felt different but he felt that doing nothing was perhaps the only thing he found to be even more depressing than his endless online posting while anomalies actively working with the foundation and even securing full-time jobs within their ranks is hardly a thing unheard of it is something that requires a significant amount of paperwork just to get approved let alone the security measures often required to prevent enlisted anomalies from going rogue Dr steel had in fact submitted a proposal to provide SCP 2842 with some work to Aid the foundation however it was rejected by hups Having learned that inactivity was having a negative effect on Mr mem’s mental health this put a different light on the proposal urging Dr Steele to resubmit a project crowd reader for assessment and approval project crowd reader was The Proposal made by Dr Steele to having SCP 2842 work in conjunction with mobile task force omnicron 12 otherwise known by their Collective code name nin tailed docks using his anomalous meme seeking abilities Mr meme would track down images that would appeal to any social media media account that the foundation had an interest in these might have been linked to or even owned by members belonging to anomalous groups of interest and the memes provided by SCP 2842 would convey some insight into the people behind the accounts the foundation happened to be investigating in a way the memes that SCP 2842 found appealed to these individuals would be a form of intelligence used to identify or build a psychological profile of anyone the foundation suspected of having ties with the anomalous project crowd reader was at least in part given the go-ahead MTF Omicron 12 leader agent Linda Jepson applauded as CP 28 42’s loyalty and reasonable intelligence and considered him to be a valuable asset to the foundation however she would only Grant him around four accounts to provide meme-based Intelligence on every day and on average between 15 and 25 of these could be identified as people of interest to the foundation by his own admission the activity and knowledge he was helping out improved proved Mr mem’s morale and well-being and he even requested a permanent posting with an MTF omnicron 12 this request was at first denied given his lack of Prior training and an absence of a formal education the mobile task force leader was still open to the idea of letting SCP 2842 join them at least after he first completed his basic education mobile task force Edna 84 also known by the code name and thus upon his Crucible is on one of the strangest missions they’ve ever been sent on they sit in a darkened room beads of sweat trickling down their brows the lights of computer monitors shine upon their faces they’re tackling a monster that if it escapes will literally devour all of creation it has no fear it has no remorse and if it isn’t kept contained by Edna 884 it may escape and wreck havoc across the world oh and did we mention it’s trapped in a Minecraft server you heard us right SCP 4335 is a Cognito hazardous extradimensional being of pure Terror trapped inside a procedurally generated world in the immensely popular game Minecraft you hear about a lot of horrifying monsters being described as lovecraftian but only this monster is minecraftian there’s a lot that needs explaining here and we intend to get to all of it but let’s start with how the foundation keeps This truly exceptional Beast contained the found Foundation first discovered SCP 4335 back in 2010 shortly after the Alpha version of Minecraft was released because of the online nature of the game it’s proven to be impossible to contain 4335 externally seeing as it isn’t confined to any one physical location shutting off the server 4335 is found in is not an effective containment method either as this just causes the entity to Simply hop to a different server the foundation’s greatest fear is is that 4335 will one day make the leap out of Minecraft and cause chaos in our world that’s why it’s imperative to draft containment procedures for SCP 4335 within the game this led to the creation of a containment site unlike any other site M1 the first official Foundation site made entirely out of Minecraft blocks everyone who was originally involved in the server has been removed and amnestied since then Elite SCP Foundation containment Specialists and Gamers have been constructing the perfect prison for SCP 4335 site M1 is a large Stone complex built into the side of a mountain it has a number of key features including a supply area filled with materials vital for 4335 continued containment chests filled with books that contain SCP 4335 containment procedures a few animal farms for the purpose of breeding and killing livestock for their meat the entrance to a mine several chests containing books specifically designed for civilians to learn about 4335 if they ever breach containment and enter the server and of course the actual containment chamber for SCP 4335 itself which is a little more complicated 4335 is containment chamber is built out of several layers all made from iron blocks the outermost cube is 75x 75x 75 blocks the inner cube is 55x 55x 55 blocks and the innermost cube is 25x 25x 25 blocks creating several levels of Defense finally one layer within all these others which contains the anomaly proper is made from obsidian blocks SCP 4335 is bound into the center of the containment chamber with a complex mechanism the uttermost cube is completely filled with water and several dispensers capable of rapidly dispensing large amounts of items in a short amount of time line the cube the cube also contains several mob Farms which are devices that constantly spawn enemies into the chamber that drop loot when they die the chamber is essentially designed to funnel a constant flow of items inwards to SCP 4335 there are even contingency measures for if SCP 4335 manages to breach containment if Escape is attempted blocks of TNT detonate above the ceiling causing lava to pour into the chain chamber at that point MTF Edna 84 are dispatched into the server to lure 4335 back into its containment chamber to do this they fire a mix of fire resistant potions and ender pearls which have teleportation capabilities interestingly there’s one more basic method of luring SCP 4335 back into the obsidian Cube taunting and insulting one of SCP 43 35’s many anomalous abilities is being able to hear people through the screen and being a proud creature it often responds to insults by charging in to directly Engage The insulter if SCP 4335 still manages to breach the containment that has been set up for it then they even expect that it will likely soon hop into another server at that point the goal will shift to finding the monster and recontain it with containment procedures this complex and extensive it shouldn’t come as a surprise that SCP 4335 rests firmly in the ker class what exactly is this anomalous entity why does its containment hinge on constantly providing it with items and how did it end up in Mojang’s popular building and survival game in the first place SCP 4335 in terms of physical dimensions appears almost identical to the player character with an all black skin it also appears to be constantly shrouded in a cloud of smoke particles and has long black tendrils protruding from its back in some respects for 4335 has been compared to two popular Creepy Pasta figures Herobrine and the Slenderman but 4335 is far stranger its physical body behaves similarly to most assets native to the game with a few peculiar anomalous abilities we’ll discuss soon handling SC SCP 4335 is an extremely delicate process if command blocks creative mode or server commands are ever enabled in a server with SCP 4335 the server will instantly shut down and SCP 4335 will move to a different server SCP 4335 also uses its tendrils to destroy surrounding blocks before consuming them with each successful consumption SCP 4335 grows and when it reaches sufficient size it hops to a different server as you can see keeping SC SCP 4335 contained is an uphill battle but luckily there are two factors on the found Foundation side here the first is that SCP 4335 is immobilized while consuming items and blocks limiting its ability to actively Escape Foundation forces the second factor is that SCP 4335 needs a rest period between consuming blocks in order to grow meaning if its consumption is constant and continuous it isn’t able to grow these two factors have informed the entirety of the foundation’s containment procedures around SCP 4335 it’s locked into its chamber and fed items and blocks constantly effectively rooting it in place when SCP 4335 begins to grow the foundation also found that the application of Ender Pearls helps reduce it back to its normal size however SCP 4335 does have a method of striking back against its captors 4335 is a virgin class multisensory Cognito Hazard anyone viewing it without proper training and protection May experience distressing hallucinations SCP 4335 is also capable of telepathic speech with people playing on its server and as we alluded to earlier it can also hear any noises you make while playing weird is a term thrown around a lot when it comes to scps considering it’s pretty much a requirement for the foundation to take interest in you but in all devouring Minecraft demon that can hear you talking through your screen is strange even by Foundation St standards MTF Edna 8884 first discovered SCP 4335 in the single player server of Minecraft user leaking har three team members Jason yelen Richard Duchamp and shilia Freemason covertly entered the game to investigate and potentially apprehend the creature when leaking har first discovered their presence on what he thought was a private server he quickly left a little creeped out by the sudden intrusion thankfully the trio was still able to locate SCP 4335 they discovered the creature hiding inside a giant crater as though it had impacted the Earth at considerable speed Richard Duchamp who was the leader of the team at the time made the mistake of looking directly at the entity in that moment he experienced the full force of SCP 4335 Cognito hazardous effects he hallucinated believing that his keyboard was melting before his eyes in the aftermath of this incident Duchamp was taken off the case and Jason yelen was promoted to head of the project things were still going to get stranger yelson was able to open a dialogue with the creature after containing it in a chamber filled with lava it asked him whether it had landed in the right location meaning our world and yelson informed him that had somehow fallen into the world of Minecraft instead the creature was at first confused and then angry and resentful about its situation it vowed to find its way into our world somehow and obtain Ain more sustenance a few months after this The Entity managed to breach containment and hop into another server yelson and two others once again managed to track it down and recontain it but this time two civilians also inhabiting the server were exposed to the anomalous effects of SCP 4335 they weren’t hurt but they did appear strange and incoherent After experiencing 43 35’s Cognito hazards the foundation tracked them down in the aftermath and gave them amnestic treatment 4335 was contained shortly thereafter once again yelson came face to face with his new foe 8 months after being captured 4335 granted yelson another interview from containment 4335 admitted that it almost respected yelson and the rest of the foundation for figuring out how to capture and contain it so quickly in exchange it would give the foundation something extremely valuable information first it asked one question of yelson how does he Define creation yelson replied uh something that is built and brought into this universe by a Sapient being using other things from this universe 4335 agreed it went on to explained that it came from a universe devoid of creation a dark and unknowable place filled with nothing but violent random chaos its Dimension existed directly above ours and it often looked down at us through through a dimensional window fascinated by all the creation below it plotted and dreamed to one day infiltrate our reality and yelson finally had the opportunity to ask the magic question why though he wasn’t quite ready for the brutal honesty of SCP 4335 reply I do not like to lie so I will tell you now I wish to suck it dry of the toys of whatever Force controls your Universe destroy the light destroy the Earth and Destroy Humanity it reminded me of me a blubbering mass of intelligence and order it seens me in ways I cannot comprehend I hope you understand SCP 4335 was a connoisseur of creation and it sought to devour all of it in this moment yelson realized I what an incredibly dangerous entity he was dealing with the only mystery was why this creature had somehow landed in Minecraft instead of our world which appeared to be the only thing that saved us but yelson didn’t have time to think 4335 was about to Stage another daring escape attempt one of its tendrils reached out and attacked yels son’s player character in that moment the real life yelson began to hallucinate and panic suddenly back in the game a series of abnor normally tall slender black figures appeared and began deconstructing the containment chamber around SCP 4335 it had somehow summoned new minions into the game to assist in this Containment Breach Jason yelson entered Cognito Hazard cortine following this incident and was removed from the project and he wasn’t the only one affected by this incident following the first appearance of these long dark figures players across the globe began to experience them appearing in their own games the foundation managed to find a solution they contacted Mojang and had the creatures patched into the game during the next update as a new non-anomalous entity which seemed to stop 4335 from being able to use them as its own tools they’re now known as the Endermen and are beloved among fans for being one of the creepier enemies to this day containment efforts continue for SCP 4335 but there’s only one question left why did The Entity fall into Minecraft rather than our world the file posits the most likely answer because 4335 defines creation as elements made by Sapient beings in Minecraft the most popular game in the world at the height of 4335 is power everything that exists is the product of code made by humans creation is truly abundant there as for our world in SCP 4335 is extradimensional eye there is no creation no intelligent design no soothing piano soundtrack just frightening chaotic Randomness which is too unlike its own Dimension so even if SCP 4335 ever did arrive in our reality you would likely be disappointed by how little there is to eat have you ever had a nightmare that you’re running down a long dark hallway getting chased by something you can’t see the thing behind you isn’t fast but that doesn’t doesn’t matter you can’t run forever and the thing knows it it is a patient Predator it toys with its food at first you move with speed and Rhythm the metallic scraping noise behind you grows quieter you run and stumble through the dark your muscles start to ache and your lungs burn your pace slows it’s still coming you can hear the scraping getting louder you start to Panic it’s completely dark you don’t know where you’re running or even what you’re running from all you you know as you bump against the walls and the sharp Corners that Rush towards you is that you can’t run forever you trip fall and pain explodes through your legs as your knee shatters on the concrete ground that scraping is getting louder you can barely breathe you can’t run anymore with your injury there’s no way to stop what’s coming there is no escape the scraping is right behind you you scream and then you wake up your heart is is pounding like thunder in your chest and your sheets are soaked with sweat but you’re safe you’re out of those awful dark hallways but what if this wasn’t just a nightmare what if this scenario was real and there was no escape from the horror chasing you in the darkness that’s what it’s like to have a close encounter with SCP 1918 a sadistic sentient object that loves playing Twisted games with its prey but this monster never plays fair and even worse it’s always just a simple doorway it may even be hiding behind a door near you right now waiting to start a game with its new playmate but soon you’ll understand why some doors should never ever be opened and why some games are better left unplayed SCP 1918 is an anomaly with two parts SCP 1918 itself and SCP the duo are a match made in hell as the chambers and hallways of 1918-20 violent Hobbies nobody knows how long this anomaly has been operating but it’s probably behind countless disappearances after all 1918 has a habit of breaking its toys the nightmare began in a small town in Maine with a population of only 226 people but that population was about to get lower people in the town began to report strange noises at night a droning metalon concrete scraping noise like someone dragging a lead pipe along the ground at first people just ignored the sound it was all in their heads or maybe just a faulty oven or a washing machine on the fritz anything that would allow them to forget about the noise and get on with their daily lives but the noises were coming from below they could be heard out on the streets most audibly near manholes and Sewer grid Ates people started feeling unsafe in their homes the noises were spooking animals and children people were losing sleep that scraping they all tried to ignore was beginning to get to the mall letters emails and angry phone calls to the Town Council were piling up something had to be done before the whole town went crazy with fear the mayor authorized four utility workers to investigate the source of the noise at a local sewage treatment facility considering the scraping was loudest near the sewer Gra everyone just assumed that whatever was causing all this must be connected to the sewers four utility workers were sent to investigate the facility only to find that the Machinery on site was working just fine the source of the problems must have been coming directly from the underground sewer lines themselves the four workers equipped with headlamps descended into a long service tunnel that fed into the sewer system as they passed deeper into the tunnel the darkness around them became thicker it was a tangible pressure presence that drowned out the light of their headlamps similar to the anomalous phenomenon exhibited by SCP 087 when the utility workers tried to turn back they discovered another impossibility it seemed that the tunnel behind them had become a solid concrete wall they were trapped but where it was too dark to tell confused and terrified the four men stuck together attempting to find a way out it was too dark to see their hand in front of their face so all the they could do was navigate Slowly by feeling the walls around them these walls felt old crusty there was a kind of faint metallic stench hanging in the air too like old blood something horrible had happened here and something horrible was about to happen again all they could do was keep moving and try to stay calm eventually after hours of pawing at the walls in the dark they found an open doorway one by one they filed inside only to feel blinded when when bright white ceiling lights suddenly switched on the room was all white and filled with pipes large and small running from wall to wall just then one of the utility workers let out an earsplitting scream and pointed towards the doorway his colleagues turned and gasped in shock there was something outside the door and it was staring at them the object filled up almost the entire doorway it seemed like a demonic hobby horse made from a black and white candy striped metal hole with a crude plastic head on top the head looked like a clowns with a wide toothy grin but no visible eyes it was SCP 1918 the utility workers were frozen as the object leaned forward slightly and slithered into the room the bottom of the metal pipe scraping against the ground it was the exact same scraping noise that had been haunting the concerned towns folk up above this was the thing behind it all and as the op object moved its metal po started to scrape words into the ground Tick Tac Toe none of the four utility workers were ever seen again it didn’t take long for the SCP Foundation to descend upon this quiet main town and pick up the pieces all relevant officials were provided them N Sticks and cover stories were created for the disappearances of the four utility workers the foundation also commandeered the sewage treatment facility that held the entrance to SCP replacing all key roles at the facility with undercover Foundation Personnel SCP 1918 was given a uclid classification due to the fixed nature of its hunting grounds and then the real research began the foundation soon made some disturbing discoveries entrances into the SCP 1918-20 can be entered from almost any location if you’re unlucky enough there are currently n known entrances including five sewage grates three utility shafts located in the sewage facility and one toilet and these are just the ones that the foundation knows about there are a huge number of ways to enter SCP 1918-20 D2 is contained 20 M below the streets of this unassuming main Town Personnel aside from Foundation approved d-class guinea pigs are refused entrance researchers have mapped out the layout of 1918-20 movements there are 18 identical room pairs in scp1 1918-20 and a two room by crude carvings on the floors outside of the individual rooms scp1 construction are the location of entrances on the sides of each individual room which vary randomly while the location is active what exactly does SCP 1918 do in this private little maze it plays games of course its two favorites as indicated by the words it scrapes into the ground are tick tac toe and memory in tic-tac-toe 1918 moves to each one room leaving behind X markings on the floors if the room is not already marked with an o in a manner similar to a game of tic-tac-toe how a victim is meant to accomplish making a Mark or understanding this process is unknown as no AIDS are given blood is commonly used by victims to make their markings hence the rusty smell in many of the rooms in memory the trapped victim is rendered unconscious by blunt force presumably from SCP 198 the subject regains Consciousness in a random section of the facility success is marked by finding a one room identical to the central room this event seems to possess a time limit as the subject is pursued by SCP 198 through the halls of the facility the subject wins by marking the correct room with an O what happens if you win or lose these games it’s important to note that scp1 1918 is very competitive and doesn’t play fair if you win the object will merely accuse you of cheating and start a new game this will happen again and again until eventually you lose and what do you do well take the horrifying encounter d-class Personnel member D 2934 had with SCP 1918 wearing video and audio equipment D 2934 was led into SCP 191-211 challenged him to a game of Tic-tac-toe and Against All Odds d 29341 the game but 1918 didn’t take kindly to that it accused D 2934 of cheating carving its accusations into the ground before challenging him to a deadly game of memory after hours of chasing D 2934 eventually lost his mind and was backed into a corner by 1918 as the object made its way towards him he panicked ripped a pipe from the wall and began smashing 1918s head as the plastic cracked under the force of the blows Foundation scientists could see real brains inside D 2934 screamed and the video feed cut off when the video turned back on some time later 1918 stared into the camera with a different head mounted at top its metal pole one that just a few hours earlier had belonged to the unfortunate d2930 if there’s one lesson to be learned from this terrifying anomaly it’s that there truly Is No Escape from SCP 1918 God damnn it the comment section on this one is going to be hell do your worst you filthy animals now before we begin today’s video let’s clear some things up we know exactly what you’re thinking and among us as CP this sounds ridiculous why would the foundation ever have to deal with an anomaly relating to Among Us of all things is this some kind of sick joke dreamt up by our YouTube commenters and and look we get it it’s definitely one of the more ridiculous anomalies the foundation has had to contain at least at face value but there are a few things you should take into consideration before things get too a mugus pilled around here oh God first this is hardly the strangest anomaly we’ve covered on SCP explained SCP 5981 also known as nuke City revolved around a mysterious broadcast of a Family Guy episode SCP 4335 a wel in The Crucible had to deal with an entity occupying space inside the video game Minecraft but there are countless other examples of anomalies creeping into popular culture mutating it and twisting it for their own purposes what may seem silly on paper such as the foundation having to do research on a popular video game like Among Us is all part of what the organization does if the brave researchers at the SCP Foundation chuckled and brushed off a Potential Threat just because it had to do with something like Among Us the entire population might be susceptible to a supernatural event of unprecedented proportions the foundation’s entire veil of secrecy could crumble all because someone Shrugged off the possibility of allocating resources to deal with the threat millions of civilians could discover these games movies and shows are all immensely popular and an anomaly affecting a global phenomenon like among us could spell Doom for not only the foundation but but the entire world as well if left unchecked so if you don’t want to risk termination please try to keep a straight face as we divulge into the weird and wacky story of SCP 5167 an anomaly codenamed in the foundation database as when the impostor is sus oh God I hate my job sometimes to begin we need to go back Way Way Back centuries before Among Us was even conceived as a concept before video games had been invented and even before electricity itself was discovered back to an Era where the gods of Olympus ruled Supreme and stone marble statues line buildings that would serve as Timeless Feats of architecture and where a new school of thought was developing one that focused on logic and reason instead of superstition and heay that’s right we’re talking about ancient Greece as a society that for all of its achievements and progression in the fields of Education cultures and logic was still largely governed by religion and mythology but of course as you may come to Expect When dealing with the SCP Foundation there’s always a little truth in that which we cannot understand while those who are unaware of the Paranormal might deride the Greeks for being overly focused on a Pantheon of gods they logically should have no reason to believe those who know that anything can happen in the world of the may approach this topic and the subject of religion in general In a Different Light the Greek gods were very real well the myths may not be entirely true and they may not have been literal Gods there were a group of anomalous entities who influen Greek society performing miraculous Feats that left those who observe them in complete wonder and putting together Cults of worship surrounding them while most of this was done in secret word of these beings traveled incredibly fast in the ancient world and they were heralded as Gods beings of divine might that could do anything in the universe who existed above the Mortal plain and demanded worship from their followers a glance at Greek mythology paints a picture of a group of gods who acted more or less like humans they fought they killed they argued and they felt human emotions it’s likely that this characterization and the stories emerg from how these entities conducted themselves in actuality there were dozens upon dozens of entities the Greeks worshiped as Divinity and while the stories portrayed the gods as jealous vengeful beings who constantly fought with each other it doesn’t compare to the reality of the situation which was much more Cutthroat you see there were 12 gods of Olympus and you probably know most of them they’re remembered today for a reason Zeus Athena Poseidon Aries the list goes on we still remember these beings be because of the iconic stories they took part in and how significant they were in ancient times while for every Zoo SC of lightning there were five more Gods who absolutely no one but the most hardcore historical fanatic remember gods of Niche subjects who had small followings who never had those character defining myths to flesh them out and preserve them for all of history to remember who would when gree fell Fade Into Obscurity for every Zeus there was was a python who was python you ask well if the guy heard you asking that question he’d probably Smite you down before the question even left your lips if he wasn’t engaged in a hardcore game of Among Us that is don’t worry we’ll get there all will be explained it’s the name of the channel after all fonus was a god of jealousy and envy mainly in a romantic context do you have a crush on someone who’s already taken fonus knows all about that do you wish you weren’t trapped in a dead-end relationship with someone who doesn’t love you thonus understands your plight but thonus wasn’t just a reverse Bizarro Cupid he was a literal personification of the emotions of jealousy and envy themselves no matter the context if it was petty and greedy thonus knew it all too well you would think that this would make thonus a prime candidate for some mythological drama right after all the Greek gods loved they infighting and who better to stir up some Hara said Zeus said arguments than a literal God of Envy well it didn’t quite work out that way for thonus his appearances and myths were infrequent and today he is nearly all but forgotten reduced to a mere three sentences on a Wikipedia page while other figures from his era have taken on an entirely new life in the modern day as cultural icons like Perseus or Hercules but no poor thonus who pension for jealousy and envy backfired on him and catapulted him Into Obscurity why did this happen it’s kind of obvious when you think about it while other gods granted their worshippers a good harvest or copious amounts of wine and partying all thonus had to offer was well the ugly side of humanity his worshippers were far and few between after all no one wanted their entire life to revolve around the jealousy of others anthonius being a personification of Envy had an understandably difficult time getting people to devote themselves to him thonus was greedy and envied the other gods so while he would accept nothing but absolute worship from his followers he couldn’t offer much else especially not when compared to the Bountiful Boons a great God like Zeus or Hera could offer and so thonus festered an ugly God who wallowed in self-hatred and irrelevancy constantly living in the shadow of the pantheon that gave him purpose and is purpose was to remain jealous to remain envious of those who had what he did not a god unfit to be worshiped whose purpose was to embody the feelings of wanting what isn’t yours thonus is both tragic and poetic and when the Greeks faded away so too did thonus the Roman Empire who largely adapted Greece’s Pantheon of gods for their own stories left no record of bringing thonus into the mix for centuries he was a god with without a home attempting to find a place in a changing world thonus was angry jealous envious and tired the forces of the universe would call him forth in every new era thrusting him back into the world and forcing him to search for the sustenance beings that were referred to as Gods fed off of devotion but every time thonus would find himself walking the earth once again he would instead discover that there was no place for him mankind was moving on there was less and less room for Gods with every passing Year all the popular ones had established themselves as Everlasting religious figures at this point and they would never fade away some took pleasure in living among humans rising to power as people of influence and fame others who could not find a place in the world would Fade Away Never to be revived or worshiped ever again Forgotten Dead Gods who the world long outgrew but thonus is jealous Spirit would never allow him to consign him himself to that fate he hated who he was and what he stood for but that nature brought him back so many times before it was his jealousy of the other gods who were somehow managing to linger beyond their Greek Heyday that caused him to persevere he needed a purpose one last chance to be remembered he had struggled for centuries and this was his last ditch effort to be remembered wherever he would wake up in the modern era thonus would have to make the most out of it and this is where Among Us comes in in late 2020 the SCP Foundation was just as captivated as anyone else by the Among Us phenomenon a game that was sweeping the globe where players took on the roles of crew mates on a spaceship one of which was an impostor whose job was to secretly murder the other players while they were busy doing tasks that range from scanning themselves in the medbay OR scanning key cards in the admin room the impostor would be lurking behind every corner sometimes in the ship’s air vents waiting for the proper moment to strike if a dead body was found a player could report it and the players would then discuss which one of them they suspected to be the impostor the game’s addictive psychological elements and accessible rules made it a Smash Hit but for the foundation they were infatuated with it for entirely different reasons you see when a piece of media attains the level of Fame that Among Us did the foundation has to make sure sure to keep their eyes on it popular media is a prime target for anomalies the population’s collective attention on it just seems to invite the forces of the supernatural world to warp and distort what we know to be familiar and this is exactly what was happening to Among Us for months the foundation was documenting cases of an entity who appeared in games of Among Us and caused havoc in the real world these cases and their after effects were so severe that the foundation deemed the Nally significant enough to get its own file in the database designating it under the name SCP 5167 SCP 5167 would join games of Among Us like any other player they would blend in much like the impostor in the game and play just as anyone else would it was what happened after a player participated in a session with SCP 5167 that had the foundation investigating every aspect of the game those who played with SCP 5167 would find themselves stricken by a severe case of paranoia and capg grass delusion a psychological condition in which a victim would come to believe those around them had been replaced with identical imposters the severity of this disorder varied between individuals but some believed the delusions to such an extent that they lashed out at those they believed to be imposters sometimes resulting in a homicide naturally the foundation put two and two together which led back to Among Us after several months of police cases relating to completely average individuals suddenly striking out at their loved ones sometimes killing them and showing signs of capg grass delusion the organization knew that something was happening on an anomalous scale at first it was difficult to make the connection to among us but the foundation eventually learned from interviews with victims and an examination of their habits over the past few weeks they had all played the game and through analysis of the Among Us community these various Trends and habits the foundation discovered SCP 5167 an entity that was slowly gaining notoriety within the game’s Community as an almost mythological figure SCP 5167 tendency to spout long wordy rant at other players during the game’s emergency meeting sessions position them as an inside joke for those who encountered them needing to establish a link between these anomalously induced spouts of paranoia the foundation set up a group of web AIS to track Among Us game sessions until SCP 5167 would appear it was a long shot but it was one of the many different theories on why these victims were undergoing this level of psychosis and if it proved to be true then the foundation would have a solid idea of what to do next after weeks of nothing SC SCP 5167 was spotted in a game and the foundation acted quickly to track down the other players who played alongside the entity naturally they exhibited signs of paranoia and delusion some of them only for weeks and others for months that was enough evidence for the foundation would later document several other occurrences of games with SCP 5167 resulting in these psychiatric conditions in other players the foundation did what they do best and established a series of special containment procedures that would wipe SCP 5167 from the internet as best they could web crawlers were trained to take down any mentions of The Entity and if a potential sighting was discovered the foundation would investigate any and all players involved in the incident anyone affected by SCP 5167 would be held under the guise of receiving medical treatment for mental health issues and they would be amnesticized completely you might be thinking that the after effects of SCP 5167 are relatively tame compared to what the foundation usually deals with but look at it this way Among Us is a game played by millions of people if SCP 5167 affected only a fraction of that population it would spell total chaos for the foundation not only that but the amount of Bloodshed The Entity would cause would be nothing to scoff at as a large amount of cases dealt with victims outright murdering anyone they suspected to be an impostor attempting to track down the SCP 5167 entity were met with failure All Points of internet access that the foundation was able to get their hands on only led to a series of abandoned home addresses in rural Greece but over time things started to change the foundation began to place less of a concern on SCP 5167 it was almost as if the entity was being forgotten why this letter addressed to the SCP 5167 research team from the site’s director might clear some things up as requested by head researcher Abrams I’ve had the site 22 analysts look into the progress of SCP 5167 anomalous effects over the period we’ve observed it and the results are much as I expected when we first discovered SCP 5167 for the sake of argument let’s say this is when SCP 5167 first came into existence the impact it had on its victims was severe I don’t think I have to remind you of what Billy Heath did to his family’s faces but since then almost immediately really since that first couple of manifestations the potency of its effects have started to decline full Detachment from reality became delus delusion and delusion has now become paranoia and the intensity of that paranoia is lessening in each new case this is all conjecture of course and shouldn’t be taken as gospel but based on what we’ve observed of this anomaly thus far our estimation is that SCP 5167 anomalous effects will become a ner by the end of the year whether it’ll keep popping up in these video game matches is another story though it was just as the Director had explained SCP 51 67’s cases were becoming less severe they were almost becoming irrelevant so much so that the foundation hypothesized that the anomali declining potency would lead to its neutralization before long an entity Fading Into irrelevance and obscurity once more if you haven’t figured out yet maybe SCP 5167 username will spell it out for you when the entity joined games of Among Us it made sure that everyone knew who it was well everyone would know who it was as if the entity had managed to maintain any form of popularity over the past dozen centuries or so that’s right SCP 5167 would join under the name thonus the God’s New Life had thrusted into the modern day except this time it was inside the game of Among Us where it was forced to cope with the reality that the world seemed to be more obsessed with a trendy game than any God or mythological figure while inside the game thonus was one bitter individual ual during emergency meetings instead of trying to figure out if red was sus or not the God would just yell to players around him one player asked thonus what they were doing while the rest of the crew was performing their tasks to which thonus poetically responded where was I I was there when the mountains were newborn and the oceans virginal I was there when Gods walked among men and their wisdom was cast down like sunlight I was there when mankind was capable of Legends and now I find myself in a world that has forgotten even the taste of life even the very concept of Life Beyond existing from one day to the next mere continuance where all the world is wasted away in idle play of emotions that once rang true I am in the world where even the gods are forgotten their bones washed away by time a world where man has moved on where all the Legacy I have left are three sentences on Wikipedia I thought my time had come again I I thought this could be the new me but this is nothing let me stay dead this time I’m tired to which the other players responded in typical Among Us fashion that thonus was sus he was promptly voted as the impostor and ejected from the airlock and so the tragic tale of thonus came to a close a tired obscure God who never had a place in the world his presence in Among Us grew less and less as the game’s popularity waned and once again he would Fade Into Obscurity but the nature of thonus meant that he would in some form return again one day where or how no one could say but as long as there was a situation to reap Envy from a trend to be jealous of thonus would remain eternally doomed to suffer the fate of being nobody’s favorite God and frankly we can’t imagine this video will change that burning neighborhoods strings of horrific Axe Murders a burger joined selling human flesh and only one question you mad bro fans of internet memes from the mid 2000s might remember one inescapable image commonly known as Trollface Trollface and his trademark grin symbolized mischief and troublemaking and generally making the world a more chaotic place over time as is often the case on the internet new variations on the image began to spring up as users created their own spin on Trollface at first it was all relatively harmless but then again this is the internet nothing online stays harmless forever over time more Sinister variations on Trollface began to surface memes consisting of joke instructions that took a dark destructive turn this new spin on the Trollface quickly became known as Trolla and often featured disturbing content presented in a joking prankster format still not something to be too concerned about just standard edgy posting trying to get a reaction by shocking people right not exactly on December 24th 20120 in Melbourne Australia a college student named Lee Miller received an early Christmas present from her classmate and ex-boyfriend Peter witkins the two had parted on relatively good terms and she was glad to receive a gift from him when she opened it she was delighted to see that he had purchased her a jar of expensive French facial moisturizer one she had been interested in trying back when they were together as she prepared to do her skincare routine that night she thought about how thoughtful the gift was and how sweet Peter was maybe she’d made a mistake breaking things off maybe after the holidays she could reach out and see if they could give things another shot as she unscrewed the jar of moisturizer she didn’t notice that its color and smell seemed just a bit off she just dipped her fingers inside and began to apply the cream to her face all all of a sudden she realized what a horrible mistake that was her face began to burn her skin screaming out in a pain like none she’d ever felt before she screamed clawing at her face desperate for a way to make it stop neighbors heard the screams and called Emergency Services when paramedics arrived on the scene her condition had gotten even worse they restrained her sedated her and took her to the hospital for treatment the face cream was brought in for testing and was found to have been tampered with it had been spiked with gimpy gimpy one of the world’s most excruciatingly painful plants Peter was promptly brought in for questioning but refused to explain why he had done it he was charged with assault and officers inspected his home for anything that might suggest a motive on his computer they found the most recent post he had read before presumably committing the crime it was a trolls Your Meme formatted as a comic and it read want to get back at your girlfriend step one find out her favorite facial cream step two procure the facial cream step three obtain urien plant use gloves step four blend the leaves with the cream then repack it step five give girlfriend the gift the meme contained a six step but it was redacted in all official records for reasons that will soon become clear this incident caught the attention of the SCP Foundation who swiftly looked into the meme as a potential anomaly as they were conducting their investigation it happened again another troia meme another horrible crime with an inexplicable motive on December 28th 2020 in bond AKA Indonesia 15 terminally ill patients were found dead in their hospital beds that wouldn’t necessarily be caused for alarm given the nature of their conditions except for the cause of death the patients did not pass away due to their illnesses instead each and every one of them was killed by carbon monoxide poisoning at first the case was a mystery until security footage revealed that one of the hospital’s orderlies Aziz hiat replaced the patient’s oxygen tanks with tanks of carbon monoxide he was promptly arrested and brought in for questioning during the interrogation he repeated again and again that he was not trying to harm the patients but he was delivering them the police officers asked who he was trying to deliver them to but he refused to answer a search through his computer browser history uncovered another troll J meme this one read want to help people step one get a job at a hospital step two make friends with the patients step three enter oxygen tank room step four replace tanks with carbon monoxide step five release them from their defective vessels the SCP Foundation had been in the process of formulating a hypothesis but now it was confirmed these variations on the troll shamim contained a Cognito hazardous switch that would cause a reader to carry out the acts described in the comic the switch appears to specifically be contained in the conclusive line hence its removal from all official records of any identified anomalous memes an estimated .25% of those exposed to an anomalous meme would be affected by this Cognito Hazard the phenomenon was given the designation SCP 6661 and the memes themselves SCP 6661 D1 these first two incidents were nicknamed the pretty girl incident and the sleepy time incident respectively several other notable incidents occurred following the discovery of SCP 6661 on January 20th 2021 the Harvester Valley incident occurred Oliver dardin of Alberta Canada packed his bags full of camping supplies fresh drinking water a flashlight and an axe he kissed his wife and children goodbye and he drove out to the local tourist Campground after Darkness fell he left his tent ax in hand and walked from Camp to Camp slaughtering anyone he came across he managed to kill 10 people and injure 14 before he was killed by the authorities everyone who knew Oliver was shocked saying he had no history of violent Behavior he wouldn’t even kill a spider when he found one inside his wife gave the authorities permission to examine his internet activity and sure enough they found a trolia meme left open want to have a good holiday step one pack necessary equipment and items step two say goodbye to family step three Drive to the valley campgrounds step four find local Shepherd and his flock step five steal a little lamb step six relish upon its flesh for it will be your dying meal step seven data expunged after reading the meme the foundation determined that a nearby farmer was indeed missing one of his sheep the bones of the missing sheep were later discovered near the campground where the attack took place this new finding suggested that the Cognito hazardous effects tended to result in a largely illiterate leral interpretation of the given memes text Oliver himself could not be questioned about his actions due to his death on the scene so there were no more answers to be uncovered in his case on February 16th 2021 in Bratislava Slovakia a man named Joseph prasa began displaying unusual behavior at around 0200 hours he drove through his neighborhood in his water truck and began using it to spray kerosene upon nearby buildings throughout the area the sound and the smell woke several neighbors who attempted to reason with Joseph and make him stop what he was doing he ignored them as if in a trance and carried on with his task frightened for their safety as well as that of their clearly unwell neighbor they called emergency services to the scene Emergency Services arrived to find Joseph standing in front of the active nozzle kerosene blasting directly onto him he didn’t even seem to notice as the authorities approached him calling out to him asking him to come with them he a a knowledge their presence he smiled broadly and pulled something from his pocket all too late they realized what it was a road flare he ignited it and the area was swiftly engulfed in flames 26 people were killed in the blast and hundreds of thousands in property damage occurred as a result that was shocking enough but additional emergency responders who arrived at the scene saw something even more bizar it began to rain putting out some of the Flames as the water touched the kerosene soap bodies and Landscape paramedics were completely taken aback as they saw corpses and bits of rubble begin to float up into the air up into the sky one man later described what he had seen to the police saying it was as if they were floating on the water that was falling from the sky the authorities dismissed this account but the SCP Foundation knew better this had to be another troia incident indeed it was and on Joseph’s computer they found the guilty meme oil is lighter than water step one cover yourself in oil step two feels good step three cover others in oil step four data expunged somehow this particular instance of SCP 6661 had managed to alter the laws of physics to bend them to its will it was a troubling development and not something they cared to see repeated containment procedures were swiftly put into place web crawlers monitored the internet for any appearances of troia particularly those that seem to have Cognito hazardous properties if they could track these instances and delete them from circulation perhaps they could prevent any more needless destruction during the monitoring process some of the web crawlers detected an instance of SCP 66611 with a heavily distorted concluding step before expunging this step Junior researcher Mel Ramirez edited out the Distortion and scanned the image through a spectrogram generator this was it should be noted without prior author authorization the spectrogram generated audio three recognizable words Junior researcher Ramirez was reprimanded for breaching protocol but his work proved to be valuable enough to Warrant additional research with the sign off of the 05 Council a spectrogram was constructed with a reply to this question and spread through the internet the foundation’s response was yes we see you who are you and why are you doing this within 24 hours of the foundation’s response another SCP 66611 instance with a similar Distortion was found the Distortion was isolated and scanned through a spectrogram generator once more it [Music] stated me people for people forget you man I am m i weaker people now like darkness and exlusion embrace Shadow chaos F I exist people see me my life this Revelation gave the foundation a new theory on the nature of SCP 6661 the initial Trollface meme was so popular so widespread and beloved that the collective energy directed towards it created a thought form able to manifest via the meme when Trollface declined in popularity over the years the thought form became desperate to achieve the same relevance again it gravitated towards darker subject matter toward the shocking and disturbing in order to get attention this resulted in the creation of SCP 66611 an opportunity for the thought form to feel seen again when it does not feel seen when it is not fed energy and attention the thought form becomes weak and desperate the Cognito hazardous effects may not be deliberate at all but rather an unfortunate side effect of this particular manifestation an additional theory was proposed the way to limit the effects of SCP 66611 to perhaps even eradicate it is to make the original troll face popular again the troll must be fed at first the foundation was reluctant to put this Theory into practice it seemed patented absurd to many of the high-ups but the percentage of susceptible individuals began to increase and more and more incidents occurred in July of 2021 residents of a small Virginia Town began to go missing one by one until over a dozen people had mysteriously disappeared there appeared to be no common link between the missing persons until one unlikely thread surfaced tying them all together shortly before their disappearance each person had had eaten a meal at Billy’s Burgers the local burger joint police interrogated all employees but no new information turned up they checked security camera footage but only one of the cameras at the small local business was operational and it only captured the restaurant’s main entrance it was beginning to look like one more Dead lead that is until one of the investigating officers heard his stomach Rumble and decided to grab a burger and fries for the road back at the police station the officer sat down to enjoy his lunch taking a big juicy bite out of his Burger suddenly he felt something hard crack against his tooth he reached into his mouth and fished it out at first he didn’t believe his eyes but sure enough there was a human finger bone he hopped back in his police car drove back to Billy’s burgers and demanded to investigate the kitchen there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary right away but he trusted his gut and the bite of the burger that he had almost put it in he confiscated the freshly ground meat and had it analyzed the results came came back and his stomach dropped it was human once more the police officer drove back to the Burger Joint this time his lights were flashing his siren was blaring and he was ready to make an arrest when he arrived the place was eerily quiet all the lights were off he drew his weapon and crept toward the back where he found the fry cook Jeffrey tombs operating the meat grinder next to the machine he could make out bloody scraps of employee uniforms and suddenly realized why the place was so quiet Jeffrey was making his co-workers into Burgers he arrested Jeffrey and brought the young man into custody all he would say over and over again was I’m I made them better the SCP Foundation caught wind of this horrifying case and arrived to conduct their own investigation they found another Cognito hazardous meme this one read everyone loves Burgers step one get job at a burger place step two improve on the recipe step three Source your own meat step four profit step five EXP sponged the foundation attempted to interrogate Jeffrey as well but he was still not forthcoming he did say one thing however he requested that for his dying meal in prison he’d be given a burger after this incident the order was given the Trollface experiment would be carried out a team of researchers sociologists and statisticians was assembled and asked to design images and media involving troll face now designated SCP 66612 the images were then disseminated across the foundation internet attempting to saturate the media with this mimetic agent until it achieved a status colloquially known as dank this team was designated task force hexan 9 meme machine the initial experiment was a success and the incidents began to slightly reduce the all clear was given and SCP 6612 was disseminated across the internet again incident numbers decreased this allowed for standard containment procedures to be put in place procedures still in use today the foundation has established a think tank to observe the trends and popularity of SCP 66612 if its popularity declines the think tank will evaluate the best course of action to take SCP 6612 based mimetic agents are to be spread across various social media sites and the internet at large as well as the foundation internet Foundation webcrawlers must consistently scan the internet at large for instances of SCP 66611 and look for active SCP 666 1-1 events if any instances are found the concluding instructions must be redacted whenever possible any Personnel that is going to deal directly with SCP 66611 must be mimetically inoculated before being assigned to the anomaly oh wait it seems as though there’s one more M medically infected comic let’s see here for many Avid video game fans those who just can’t get enough of grinding away for hours on quests battling endless enemies and exploring infinite Virtual Worlds Landing a job as a gameplay tester seems like the perfect opportunity doing your favorite thing in the world and getting paid to do it well that’s the dream plus the added benefit of seeing how the sausage gets made of getting access to a game still in development and suggesting ways it can be improved think of all the gaming disasters that might have been avoided with a few more play testers in the room looking at you Fallout New Vegas and your NPCs with the spinning heads well One Gamer had the same thought a young man by the name of Danny wheeler when he spotted an ad seeking beta play testers for an in development RPG from an upand cominging indie game Studio he jumped at the chance to apply the pay wasn’t amazing but it was definitely a better gig than his current job at the local convenience store Hawking energy drinks to snarky teens and counting down the hours until he could get back home kick up his feet and get away from it all with a controller in his hand but sometimes things that seem too good to be true actually are at first Danny had a perfectly enjoyable time testing the game it was standard RPG fantasy fod and though he made sure to inform the developers that he found the steampunk aesthetic to be a little bit played out at this point there was nothing at all notable about it it was fine but the development team kept going on and on about the Tactical heuristic algorithms and how the game was meant to learn the more the player played so Dany was instructed to log as many hours of this exceedingly average game as possible he sat at his desk for hours sipping on an extra-large soda and clicking away fighting Orcs goblins and more slowly the difficulty began to increase and the game started to grow on him a bit he even developed a favorite character to play as the Rogue with his stealth and proficiency for close- range combat the more he played as the Rogue however the more he started to notice the game’s characters behaving differently enemies were attacking him with ranged weapons from far away they were set setting traps to ruin his character’s stealthy approach and catch him in the ACT then the game started to glitch a lot to the point of becoming nearly unplayable enemies would fall to the ground as if Dead when he hadn’t dealt them a single blow as he started to walk his characters away from them they would suddenly spring back to life and strike before he could even think about a defense if he didn’t know any better he could swear the game’s characters were deliberately trying to trick him it only got more frustrating from there with enemy is making sudden loud sounds to catch him off guard and startle him out of concentration and other characters staring down the barrel of the camera with serious unblinking eyes as if they could see him through his monitor one day he fired up the game to see that its characters somehow had rearrange various torches to spell out you’ll never amount to anything Danny your dad was right it took a ton of torches and Danny couldn’t help but take it personally that was the last straw he returned the game to the studio and resigned from his position he got enough insults working in customer service he didn’t need to take that kind of talk from a video game though he didn’t know it Dany got out not a moment too soon other play testers were not as lucky particularly One Man Who Would sadly lose his life as Danny intuited this was no ordinary video game it was unusual enough to draw the attention of the SCP Foundation who would go on to designate it SCP 1633 3 SCP 1633 is an anomalous computer game created by a now defunct independent game Studio the copy currently being held by the foundation is believed to be a beta version of the game while the core gameplay is relatively complete there are numerous missing assets the music is largely either missing or placeholder music and the game is plagued by a large number of graphical glitches because of the generally buggy and glitchy nature of the game the foundation considered both Todd Howard and CD project red to be major people and groups of interest in the case however the discovery of other key suspects eventually absolved them of Suspicion for now this version of the game was compiled 2 days before the foundation raided the office of the studio and is therefore believed to be the most complete version of the game in existence to be more specific about the actual nature of the game itself SCP 1633 is a squad-based RPG with a third-person camera perspective the action is seen from an elevated perspective Ive with all characters on screen aesthetically the game world is steampunk and features various fantasy creatures as enemies including elves dwarves Orcs goblins Etc fitting with the steampunk style the game’s urban areas are modeled after Victorian era London the four-player characters are a band of Outlaws hired by the Sinister Arch Duke of bodri to investigate a theft however as the game progresses it becomes a battle to save the entire world as an ancient all powerful being known as cnar in tends to wake from its Thousand-Year Slumber and Destroy Humanity the player controls a squad of four characters with direct control over one character at a time and a command menu to control the other three It is believed that in the game’s finish State a multiplayer option that would have allowed four different real world players to cooperate is likely to have been included like many squad-based games each character has a different specialty The Marksman uses longrange weapons The Alchemist has access to potions and chemicals with various defs the Rogue can move stealthily and assassinate enemies and the thug has greater Health than the other characters and does more melee damage and as is also typical for games of this variety XP earned from completing challenges and killing enemies throughout the game allows for players to upgrade the abilities and stats of their characters while the story and core gameplay mechanics are nothing special there is one element that pushes SCP 1633 into anomalous territory and it’s also the the element that would have been front and center in a finish games marketing campaign it’s quote tactical heuristic algorithms these work in a unique fashion whenever a player finishes a session and saves their game the game will begin running lengthy background processes when these processes are complete a ptd or player tactical data file is saved on the computer when the save file and by extension the associated ptd file is loaded the enemies and challenges in the game will have become become far more effective tailoring their methods to the particular skills and tactics of the player the extent to which this happened is proportional to the amount of time spent playing the game this kind of Technology may seem theoretically possible but the extent to which the game pushes it causes it to rest in anomalous territory the game’s programming is so intelligent that it can tell simply by the tiniest clues in your play style if you’re loading a file that isn’t your own it will then pause the game game and make you load your own save file and the tactics employed by the enemies in the game as they learn more about the player are nothing short of frightening at first the enemies will adapt to the players’s preferred weapons strategies and overall play style then they will realize that the player character is controlled by an external Force meaning of course you and begin to mount psychological attacks directly on the player through numerous tests the foundation has been able to build a kind of framework for the average player experience through this framework we’re able to track and correlate average play time with the average adaptability of SCP 1633 to the player it is worth noting that these effects do not apply if the game is completed in a single continuous playthrough for the purposes of this experiment the game was stopped saved and restarted at regular intervals allowing the game to collect player tactical data during the first 2 hours the game’s AI is abysmal with enemies simply charging ing at the players with no strategy whatsoever and typically being mowed down however from 2 to 5 hours the enemies undergo intelligence growth adapting their play style to the types of weapons they carry and their environments at this stage this combat level is also about equal to an untrained human civilian from 5 to 8 hours enemies become considerably more proficient and then begin countering the player on their specific play Styles and techniques for example they will attack a player who uses long-range Weaponry from cover with grenades or Splash damage weapons to force them out into the open they will also fully utilize their environment for both defensive and offensive purposes laying traps and creating ambushes to surprise and kill players at this point their combat skills are equal to train soldiers from 8 to 12 hours the focus of the enemy shifts from attacking the player character to attacking the player directly they engage in behaviors that from an online playing perspective would be considered griefing such as intentionally blocking the player’s view or movement within the game enemies have also been known to exploit player expectations pretending to be broken or glitched to make the player let their guard down and then killing them in one play session the enemies begin throwing day flash spells similar to real life flashbang grenades at the player they throw them in a manner that created a strobing effect causing the player to have a grand M seizure Beyond 12 hours the enemies engage in advanced psychological tactics against the player with methods that range wildly and tend to be specific to the player’s mindset and play style for example one player likes to exert a high level of control over all four of their squad members in response enemies used attacks that did little or no damage but caused the characters to become dazed a state which temporarily disrupts player control however rather than attack the dazed characters enemies simply surround them in a crowd continually using days attacks to prevent the player from doing anything this caused major frustration for the player enemies may also attempt to induce psychological Terror among the players in one example enemies somehow kidnapped one of the four player characters and dragged them off screen when this character was later found they were strapped to a kind of sacrificial altar this caused considerable anxiety for the player it seems that this is the upper limit of the game’s anomalous powers in most cases meaning things typically level off after 12 hours unless a specific entity appears to be inhabiting the game which you’ll learn more about later in order to discover the prior information the SCP Foundation performed a series of tests on the game with various different subjects in test 001 Junior researcher Ross an experienced gamer who was pivotal in first discovering the anomally skipped ahead of the typical preliminary d-class tests seeing as he was already eager for the the game’s nonanomalous release he was also eager to be the first in line to try it out on the foundation’s dime being a gamer Ross also found a number of glitches and exploits in the game to improve his performance allowing him to run rings around his enemies however as expected the enemies adapted to Ross’s techniques after Gathering his player tactical data first they just began using their weapons and exploiting the environments more effectively but they didn’t stop there soon they became aware of the same EXP Ross was using before exploiting them themselves and using it to beat him repeatedly in the end they moved to the psychological stage forcing Ross into a glitch that rendered him unable to move he tried to free his character for several minutes until realizing he couldn’t and rage quit the game in test 002 they used a d-class designated d22 930 he was a man with proven anger issues even down to murdering his prior girlfriend in a jealous rage in initially he enjoyed the game choosing the thug character type and taking out his aggression on the many enemies however as time went on the enemies became wise to his tactic and began their psychological attacks they gathered around the DCL class’s player character dropping their weapons but the Swarm became so tightly packed around the character that he couldn’t even move this started to cause major frustration when the character attempted to charge through the enemies attacked killing him with their bare hands in test 014 the foundation brought in an agent with special forces experiences with Advanced knowledge in tactical combat however even she was worn down and defeated over time as the enemies adapted to and exploited her tactics the foundation even considered using SCP 1633 as a tool for developing effective countertactics in their real life operations in test 021 the foundation used a d-class with vast experience in the world of commercial gaming he was told to complete the game in one playthrough taking pauses rather than proper breaks as predicted with no time to run the background processes and create player tactical data files the enemies weren’t able to improve and the d-class was able to complete the game in around 13 hours however the game did create a player tactical data file in the aftermath of this playthrough and used it to offer a new game plus mode to the d-class when he began to play this new game the screen displayed a seemingly random pattern of black and white pixels visually similar to television static this image appeared to be Cognito hazardous as it caused Catatonia and later death for the player and what felt like a decidedly Petty move for SCP 1633 as alluded to earlier the game was first discovered by Junior researcher Ross who was an avid follower of the independent game Studio initially producing the game however while frequenting developer fan forums he found that various members of the team were quitting the project for seemingly bizarre reasons well this wasn’t enough on its own for the foundation to intervene it was what first attracted official attention they moved in after the death of Gregor Tilman a game tester for the company who died not long after joining the project the foundation moved in and after that gained control shutting down the studio and taking everything they had all anomalous elements were isolated secured and contained any loose ends were given Antics and recorded data on the anomalous artifacts were destroyed it’s believed that one classified female member of the dev team was behind the anomalous nature of the game but she was able to escape and has since attempted to join other development teams she is now considered an active person of interest and is being pursued by mobile task force M6 AKA don’t hate the player some final disturbing details are recorded in a note left by the game tester Gregor Tilman the note seized by the foundation and included in SCP 1633 official file reads as follows I’m writing this on paper cuz I don’t think he can learn it he got everything digital real quick but I’ve unplugged the router and broke my phone so I think he’s trapped in here but he won’t stop talking talking talking all the time at the start of this job they told me all about the Tactical algorithm stuff but man I’ve been playing games all my life and I knew I could beat it I I knew I could handle this when I started playing the game they learned quickly they kept using the sniper rifle and after like an hour they learned how to use cover then another couple hours they’d set ambushes then another hour and they started sniping back while having a different Squad flank me after that they figured out how to glitch the physics engine and ride crates at me or duck under the floor they were learning but all that was just easy stuff it was Evolution man one bit figures something out so it survives longer than the others it wasn’t directed after act three craftar shows up he’s supposed to be like this Lovecraft Cosmic horror Crazy Monster who can read the player’s mind and corrupt your soul he showed up right after I killed strick the blood Drinker that big spider monster he’s supposed to have this long speech about how I killed his General on this plane and now he needs to intervene directly or something but instead he talked about how I was a worthy adversary but I was cheating because I was on another plane cnar wasn’t like the other enemies because he wasn’t supposed to be he was supposed to be smart he was supposed to know everything so he did he’d been watching his minions fight me the whole time and he knew everything they did it wasn’t just random mutations anymore it was planned it wasn’t Evolution man it was actual intelligent design I brought it home I had to know more I’m sorry but I had to I copied the latest compile and installed it on my home box and brought my save game and that other file with me on a flash drive it was the same there he kept talking to me about how I was keeping him from fulfilling his purpose by keeping him trapped in a glass jar no matter where I went in the game he kept shouting and ranting then he did more at first it was just slowing down in my other programs the drive chugging when it shouldn’t be then the next time I played the game he started talking about my screen plays all the enemies look like me I guess he could see through the webcam he started needling me about Jenny reading me bits of her emails acting out the breakup he found the videos of her and started making the enemies talk in her voice then he was everywhere in my computer I uninstalled the game but he was still there he kept opening documents and typing to me calling me a foul cheat and a lowly worm telling me to fight him on the same plane as soon as I realized he was outside the game I shut down my router pulled out the network card but I don’t know if I got them quickly enough and maybe he got out I turned the computer off but he kept turning it back on I wanted to break it but I didn’t know if that would kill him maybe it wouldn’t maybe it would let him out I tried leaving the house but it was like I could still hear him I couldn’t leave him alone because he might get out or do something else I can’t sleep haven’t slept since he came out I’ve been here for 3 days days and I can’t leave I can’t leave him he keeps telling me to release him but I can’t I want to kill him but I don’t know if I can I I can’t think anymore I have to kill kill kill him before he does anything new he won’t stop talking and I can’t keep thinking I can’t keep going I’m sorry I have to go now I’m sorry I’m sorry after studying the note carefully the foundation conducted a thorough investigation for any other manifestations of this cnar entity no mentions of it were found on any of the other devices in tilman’s apartment nor did a web search on the subject turn up any relevant results at this time it is believed that the entity whatever it was or whatever it was attempting to do was destroyed along with Tillman’s computer which he appeared to have taken apart smashed and burned in a metal trash can whatever tormented him during his last days on Earth is gone now thankfully because the foundation currently owns the only copy of the game and the game’s anomalous effects are only evident to active players SCP 1633 poses no risk of containment breach and therefore it has been given the object class safe one copy of SCP 1633 is stored on a standard DVD ROM in a secure storage locker in site 15 along with all supporting documentation and ancillary materials any playthroughs of the game must be approved by project head Dr burger and all of said playthroughs are to be monitored closely and subject to strict rules after all this is one game that doesn’t play fair the year was 2015 Lewis Joseph and Sydney were like a lot of kids their age which is to say 11 years old they secretly stay up past their bedtime watching scary videos on the internet when their moms and dads think they’re sleeping they go to school every day and daydream about all the fun things they’re going to do when that school bell finally rings at the end of the day and of course they play a lot and we mean a lot of Minecraft whenever they’re not at school hanging out at the local park and filming goofy Tik Tok videos or watching those aformentioned scary videos on the internet there’s a good chance that they’ll be online together vlogging a few extra hours building bases digging big holes or playing survival mode and seeing how long they can last against the onslaught of mobs but there’s one particular Pursuit they have while playing Minecraft together that takes up the majority of their playtime one chotic Quest that drives them forward despite all the naysayers and doubters tracking down and finding the legendary Minecraft creepy pasta entity Herobrine for those who weren’t around on the internet back then creepy pastas like Herobrine were all the rage like any video game the new frontier of Minecraft with all of its procedurally generated Landscapes felt like it held new Mysteries and Mysteries are equal parts exciting and frightening after all who really knows what’s going on behind a closed door Herobrine was a Minecraft specific little urban legend stories told of a default Minecraft skin with early white eyes manifesting in the game even in Solo matches and terrorizing players one internet sleuth who looked into the mystery of Herobrine claimed it to be the haunted soul of the Dead Brother of Minecraft’s Creator Marcus person also known as notch in the years since the legend first started Notch himself has come forward and disavowed the claim saying that in fact he didn’t even have a brother and never had so the rumors were completely baseless but as we here at the SCP Foundation know the truth has never gotten in the way of a good story so Lewis Joseph and Sydney were happy to remain Believers as long as they could keep having fun chasing alleged digital ghosts how could any of these boys know that in the midst of their fun they’d run into into a real monster amidst Minecraft’s blocky Vistas it was a school night like any other when they made that first fateful Expedition it was 7:15 p.m. and the boys were all in their shared server Lewis had chicken tenders Joseph had chicken nuggets and Sydney who’d eaten his dinner earlier than the others was snacking on a pack of Skittles they’d all outfitted their characters with full diamond armor with diamond swords to match because Joseph had somehow convinced the others that diamonds were ghost proof he read it on the internet he claimed together the three boys had made themselves an impressive Minecraft castle to be the base of their Herobrine hunting operations a safe haven surrounded by high stone walls and MOB repelling torches to keep them safe if ever they got a little too spooked while playing though playing was perhaps too mild the word for it in the minds of these three boys they were doing extremely important investigative work after all if they managed to actually find Herobrine themselves they would be creepy pasta Legends and wouldn’t that be worth all the hours upon hours of rigorous Mining and crafting they’d been methodical in their search scoping out different corners of the map and canvasing them together searching high and low and then marking said area off their checklist it was a level of consideration and thought that their parents and teachers had long wished the boys would put into their home or schoolwork but alas seeing as none of the homework was find Herobrine they really weren’t that interested today they were searching an area deep in the misty forests in the dead of night they fought off a few spiders and sword wielding skeletons thankfully no creepers a man and kept foraging on into the darkness it’s so creepy out here Le said over his headset why do we have to come out here at night it it’s way more dangerous with all the mobs the night is like the perfect time for ghosts Sydney retorted you think a ghost is going to start hanging around in the middle of the day no way it’s got to be at night man and LS simply could not argue with such incredibly Sound Logic they forged on doing their typical methodical search for any phenomenon that one might generously be able to describe as Supernatural so you can only imagine the excitement coursing through them when Joseph discovered a strange dark cave that looked as though it had no business being there while each held their own private reservations they all knew what they needed to do go inside and investigate as they entered the cave a few strange realizations occurred to them such as the fact that there were seemingly no mobs down here a cave in the dead of night surely there should be some enemies right plus the typical lighting implements like torches and lanterns didn’t seem to offer the same kind of Illumination that they normally would it was almost like the darkness was more oppressive here more tangible there was undeniably something Eerie about the whole setup that much couldn’t be denied you guys see anything LS asked no Joseph said sounding oddly cautious as though he sensed something strange was on the horizon something that perhaps these boys shouldn’t see yeah I haven’t seen anything either Sydney chimed in maybe we should Joseph screamed and the two others turned their Minecraft Avatars to look at him Joseph’s character had bumped into something some stranger in the cave an NPC design that looked oddly realistic for something inhabiting the purposefully low five blocky world of Minecraft it seemed to have a dark furry body with a caned skull-like face bearing a pair of milky white eyes that seemed to stare off into nothingness was this another mob maybe something added in the latest patch if so why wasn’t it attacking what is that thing Louis asked over his headset I don’t know Joseph replied it’s so creepy though suddenly a message appeared on the screen as though it had been typed and sent by another player a player with the username Mal o the message read hey that isn’t very nice you shouldn’t judge on appearances kid that certainly gave them pause so many things about this didn’t make sense it had all the Hallmarks of an NPC but apparently it understood their voices and could send messages it clearly wasn’t actually another player in a conventional sense but it didn’t attack like your typical mob none of the boys could really make sense of what they were dealing with with here are you a hacker Sydney asked no Mal o typed back I’m just lonely and a long way from home it’s nice to have your company down here though I don’t get visitors often have you heard of Herobrine LS asked mow typed back is he a friend of yours you should introduce him to me I love making new friends the three boys were in some regards rather mature and polite for their ages and so remained civil with this bizarre mysterious figure it was curious and inquisitive asking them questions about their school lives and their friends it did seem earnestly happy for their company so it didn’t give any of them the sense that it was a threat as night Drew on and the boys respective parents told them it was time to log off and get some shy mow finally typed I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with you kids come back and visit me again tomorrow if you don’t I’ll come visit you instead none of the kids picked up on the probably rather obvious stranger danger Vibes of this message and instead they went to bed excited and curious the next day they met up on the playground for a kind of State of the Union on the strange phenomenon they had encountered the night before do you think it has anything to do with Herobrine LS asked forget Herobrine Sydney replied eliciting gasp from the two others all the other people have Herobrine we have something better something only we’ve discovered we’ve got Malo later that night Joseph who was probably the most studious of the group tried to do a little back background research on Mal o everything seemed to turn up dead ends aside from one slightly Shady looking app called Mal o version 1.0.0 its description read never settle for those awkward feelings of being alone ever again Malo is an exciting and interactive experience that will keep you engaged and intrigued the anxiety of social situations can be nerve-wracking but just after a few hours of Malo you will soon forget all about those painful emotions of disappointment be part of the new cze that is quickly becoming the next social substitute remember the more you participate the more Mal o will engage you your experience is completely up to you absolutely no ads enjoy weird so unless the thing they encountered on Minecraft was some kind of weird viral marketing campaign for the app it was probably just a coincidence maybe it was a popular character from Japan or something by the way for the next several days the boys honored their promise they’d visit Mal o and the cave every night and chat trying to tactfully get more information out of it though the best they could get on the entity’s origin was the cryptic statement I’m not usually here but everyone wants a vacation once in a while don’t they we can’t just spend our whole life on a phone they’d become so acclimated to Mal o over the days that they forgot what the entity had said to them the very first day they met come back and visit me again tomorrow if you don’t I’ll come visit you instead but on the say that they didn’t come and visit Mal o because Miss Grayson had sent a particularly challenging piece of English homework they received a frightening reminder that very night they all started receiving strange texts on their phones as you can probably expect they were all photographs each and everyone depicting some regular haunt that the boys all like to frequent with one addition Mal O’s grinning skull face hiding somewhere in the image like some kind of demented parody of where’s Waldo the strangeness of this new development left all the boys shaken and they hopped back onto Minecraft as quickly as possible to go find and talk to Malo in its cave however this time the cave was empty and Malo was nowhere to be seen But the text still didn’t stop they’d come in so frequently with malow getting closer to home literally in each one the boys thought about telling their parents but would their parents believe them they probably lump Mal Owen with the same Tall Tales of childhood in ination as Herobrine and write it off as Bor kids playing a prank even though in this case it was anything but more photos arrived in these ones Mal o was right outside each of the children’s homes lurking watching in some of the photos they could see themselves in the windows going about their evening business having no idea of the creature lurking just outside none of the boys felt like playing Minecraft that night it wasn’t fun anymore instead they shut themselves up in their rooms closed and locked their windows and pulled down the blinds after checking under the beds with flashlights of course but still more photos came in all depicting Mal o getting closer and closer and closer right about the time they were wondering whether the scratching on the outside of their bedroom door was real or just a figment of their imagination another dark irony had occurred to them all this time trying to find something Supernatural and in the very end and something Supernatural had instead found them ah technology a double-edged sword of our own making that can provide both ultimate convenience and the threat of a grim future ruled by unfilling machines well maybe the stakes aren’t that high yet but our overreliance on technology can have some terrible consequences the number of traffic accidents continues to increase year by year as our main mode of Overland Transportation also puts us In Harm’s Way for longer and longer portions of our day the internet can allow us to access any information we may desire but it can spread misinformation twice as fast and what about video games an interactive artistic medium that can provide simulated experiences so vivid that many of us can eventually lose interest in our real lives what starts off as a fun Indulgence in our favorite hobby can quickly spiral into an obsession the risks and rewards of virtual space are are satisfyingly predictable compared to the chaos of modern living and sometimes we just can’t stop ourselves from striving for a few more easy wins minutes hours and even days can go by without any apparent activity on our side of the screen and yet the world of the video game has changed drastically due to our actions but at a certain point that initial Rush of dopamine wears off and you find that you need a much greater challenge in order to feel any sense of a accomplishment so you choose to pick up some harder video games and you grind away until you can complete them just as easily but that’s not enough either surely there must be even tougher games out there games that will never go easy on you games that won’t allow you to make even a single mistake games that make you proud of the frankly inexcusable amount of hours of your life that you’ve spent sitting in the dark clutching a controller squinting and at your screen you need a game that can do all of that and more and because you’ve effectively given up your chances at ever being a social butterfly you could also use something to help you mitigate the overwhelming loneliness that now constantly defines your everyday life well worry no longer you weary down trotted gamer you because here at the SCP Foundation we’ve cooked up a one-of-a-kind mod that is sure to redefine your gaming experience if this doesn’t turn out to be the game of the year I don’t know what could be among us to maybe the latest in a long line of Last of Us remakes what about halflife 3 I digress introducing the foundation’s brand new killer app The Cutting Edge tactical heris algorithms of SCP 1633 combined with the 24/7 companionship ofp 1471 Mal o I can tell by your expression that you’re already eager for a play test but slow down we need to catch all the normies out there up to speed let’s start with the digital K9 companion that is all the rage SCP 1471 or should I say Malo version 1.0.0 a ID class SCP object which comes in the form of a free downloadable app for your smartphone there has never been any reviews of this app for as long as it has existed but honestly are you really going to trust the words of a bunch of crooked reviewers when you could find out for yourself words to live by don’t trust anyone who isn’t part of your precious gaming hobby the description of Mal o version 1.0.0 reads never settle for those awkward feelings of being alone ever again Mal o is an exciting and interactive experience that will keep you engaged and intrigued the anxiety of social situations can be nerve-wracking but just after a few hours of Mal o you will soon forget all about those painful emotions of of disappointment be part of the new craze that is quickly becoming the next social substitute remember the more you participate the more Mal o will engage you your experience is completely up to you absolutely no ads enjoy the app has never received an update but that’s because scp-1471 has been a completely functional experience since its release all one needs to do is download the app and within a matter of hours Mal o version 1.0.0 will begin to send the user photographs of familiar locations these can include photographs of the users work home or public places they often frequent such as cafes and nightclubs in the case of you a complete shut in gamer these photographs would probably be limited to the interior of your favorite gaming room when was the last time you cleaned up those pizza boxes regardless of where the images were apparently taken each one will contain a k9 humanoid with a skull for a face say hello to your new best friend Mal o or SCP 1471-a if we’re using the approved designation Mal O’s app will continue to send you photographs for as long as you have it installed and because there is no way to uninstall it no matter how hard you try you’ll be getting intimately close to home selfies for the rest of your days doesn’t it feel so good to have such a loyal friend as mow of course there’s only so much you can gain from photographs alone you’re a gamer damn it and what you want is interactivity but don’t worry about that part we’ve got you more than covered with SCP 1633 which may in fact be the most challenging video game ever programmed by mortal hands hell it even gives many Games programmed by anomalous hands a run for their money while it was never released to the market and doesn’t even have a working title the steampunk Adventure that awaits you within SCP 1633 is bolstered by highly sophisticated tactical heuristic algorithms in this third person squad-based action RPG you can switch between four playable characters The Marksman who specializes in longrange Weaponry The Alchemist with potions and chemicals to control the battlefield the Rogue a stealth oriented character who catches enemies unaware and assassinates them and of course the thug a tough as Nails melee combatant with increased health and durability it doesn’t really matter who you choose because most playthroughs of SCP 1633 always end the same way that being said your hand eye coordination and reflexes are second to none and they also are quite possibly your best qualities let’s set you up with the Marksman as your main character since all those Shooters you’ve played will definitely help your aim and trust me you’re going to need it the story mode of SCP 1633 will put you up against a slew of Victorian era Rascals and miscreant all of which are pulled straight from the penny dreadfuls there’s even some classic fantasy races mixed in from the works from Good Old Professor tolken himself dwarves elves Goblins the works it’s a little generic but why worry about the story when the game play is what will really get you hooked there’s a final boss at the end of the game known as the kraar trying to destroy the entire world you need to stop it you know the usual RPG storyline you’ve stopped dozens of ancient entities demon Lords corrupt godlings and unspeakable calamities in your time this Kar will be one more for the record books par for the course are you ready player one you’ll be dropped straight into the marksman’s shoes fighting for her and your life against kar’s hordes of henchmen but you won’t be doing it alone After all you’ve got the rest of your squad and a mysterious companion whose true intentions will reveal themselves in Du time we did say we modded the game after all so let’s play your first 2 hours won’t be anything to write home about not that you ever leave home these days the AI of SCP 1633 will seem to be barely functioning a buggy mess where enemies only charge in a straight line towards your character your marksmen will be easily able to take them down in the hail storm of projectiles at 3 hours in things start getting a bit more interesting as the Tactical hero istic algorithms kick in the enemies that hold longrange weapons will shoot at you from a distance while the close-range ones will move toward you in a serpentine pattern before attacking in melee this is more like it not the most challenging but the game is clearly increasing in difficulty you also think you see a dark figure with a skull for a face lurking around corners and following your squad but with all the glitches it’s hard to tell if this is an intentional part of the game or not at 5 hours enemies that showed Limited signs of strategy are now using cover effectively and will attack with alchemical Splash weapons such as grenades to deal damage to your ranged characters and lure your squad into melee range they still aren’t that much of a challenge but the fact that they now exhibit a clear self-preservation Instinct means that they are fighting to win this is also when your help officially arrives you’re in the middle of a shootout when you see an enemy about to throw another one of those frustrating Splash weapons you duck behind your cover and prepare to take a hit when suddenly the grenade is snatched out of the enemy’s hand and tossed in the opposite direction to explode harmlessly this is the work of SCP 1471-a who has now arrived in the game world as an NPC Ally for the next several hours of gameplay ma o continues to provide interference by preventing any Splash weapons from being thrown it’ll sneak up on enemies and take their weapons disrupt their cover by pushing movable boxes and trash cans out of the way and even catch the splash weapons in her mouth like a dog would catch frisbees before chucking them away while it never directly deals damage to the enemies its mischievous Antics are very efficient at protecting you from harm as luck would have it the enemies can’t seem to interact with Mal o and are baffled as this invisible force continues to throw off their strategies Malo will use this to its Advantage as well as yours by appearing at enemy Ambush points and using sign language to communicate warnings to you as the player having Mal o around starts to feel a little bit like cheating but keep in mind the game is starting to adapt to your skill level and will soon begin to employ Advanced strategies to mess with you all the Malo mod does is even the playing field Kar is still running rampant in the world of SCP 1633 and it’s going to take your entire Squad of Steampunk Heroes and a lonely man’s best friend Mal o to stop this big bad evil guy the final boss will possess the highest level of intelligence that the algorithms are capable of and it’ll make that known to you the second you step into the arena for the majority of your game play the enemies have focused on countering the Marksman since you’ve relied on that character’s ranged weapon style but they’ve come to realize that that you’re too much of a pro MLG gigachad to ever lose a fair encounter so Kar doeses the unthinkable able and targets The Alchemist Rogue and Thug First it throws all of its most powerful attacks at the members of your squad you aren controlling forcing you to waste resources in order to keep them alive or switch to them in order to dodge fatal blows whenever you are in command of the Marksman kathar will strike the character with a strong melee attack that forces you to take control back Malo is still unable or unwilling to deal damage to the boss so it very much seems like you are on your your own your squad is in shambles your focus is starting to wne after all that you’ve been thrown in this gaming challenge it might be the final boss that makes you throw in the towel then a dialogue box appears it’s from Mal o don’t give up hope user I’ve had so much fun playing with you and I know that you have what it takes you never needed a friend before me and you can win against craftar just like you’ve won against every other final boss you’ve ever faced you’ve got the this buddy your best friend Mal o it felt overly sentimental but something about this message fills you with the determination to keep going you call upon all your gaming knowledge all of your skill all of your passion and with pinpoint Precision you guide your squad to defeat cnar in record-breaking time you sit back in your gaming chair exhilarated and finally satisfied This truly was the ultimate gaming experience and all you know needed was a Little Help from your friend ask anyone who has ever lived in a small town and they’ll most likely all tell you the same exact thing the worst part isn’t just being far away from the nearest city or distant from friends and family it’s the boredom that gets you having so little nearby gives you so few options for things to fill your time with for some they get used to it as they grow old spending their life in the same tiny Community they either learn to make make their own entertainment or just get used to the boredom drowning It Out by sitting and watching TV all day but others they just can’t stand being bored being stuck somewhere with nothing interesting to do and ultimately they can end up getting so sick of it that there’s only one option leave pack their bags and hit the road up sticks and move to a new place far from the small town they were born in thing is leaving isn’t cheap moving to a new town a big city or even an entirely different state is a luxury that costs a pretty penny some might work and save their wages until they can realize that dream of moving away but not everyone has that much patience some Want to Be Free of the boredom as soon as they can maybe they might apply to be a contestant on a game show chance at all and try to win themselves a big cash prize sure it’s a hell of a Gamble and a loss might mean humiliation in front of everyone you know and more but winning could be your ticket away from small town living that might be easier said than done though not only does someone looking to move away need to be picked as a contestant they also need to play by the rules and actually win the game but as if that wasn’t enough they also have to live to tell about it for as long as she could remember cat had always always hated it here her hometown was Tiny too small to include more than the main street with few local stores the one school that everyone who had ever lived there had studied at and little else have note and as for things people could do for fun in the town well as you can probably imagine the options were severely limited especially for a group of teenagers like cat and her friends most of the time all that she and the others Leo Ricky and Dany could do to pass the time was was sit in the back of Ricky’s truck and park in the middle of town watching people and waiting for something even mildly interesting to happen not that it ever did the four of them had a name for the rest of the town’s folk everyone that had lived there for their entire lives and never dared to venture anywhere else lifers as in they were imprisoned serving a life sentence in this small town never to escape or move on or make something of themselves as much as they likeed to poke fun at those people each of the group knew that every weekend they wasted just sitting around the closer they were getting to One Day become lifers themselves we need to just go cat would say trying to Rally the other three into taking a spontaneous trip away as a group just load up the truck one day pick a direction and drive until we find somewhere Ricky and Leo would nod their heads in agreement and Danny would talk for hours all about the places she might like to go to one day but none of them ever actually made any plans to leave nobody knew where to start until they heard rumors about an abandoned TV studio just outside of town apparently according to Danny’s older brother it had been there for years just sitting there completely empty it wasn’t just a small local Studio either one of the big National networks had owned it and used to film there regularly back in the day why would someone set up a studio here of all places had been Leo’s immediate response look at where do we live cat replied it’s the literal middle of nowhere the network must have got the land Dirt Cheap the real question is why don’t we go and check it out what for Danny asked cats silently gestured at the cramped Main Street that surrounded them the place that may as well have been the center of the known universe to the four Teenage friends do you see anything else to do around here before long the four of them were in agreement Ricky’s truck pulled up in front of their houses in the middle of the night and under the cover of Darkness they drove out towards what was left of the TV studio this was it they were finally going somewhere beyond the choking cramped confines of their tiny Hometown although whether or not they’d all make it back was another matter here’s a hard lesson for you kids You Can’t Fight For Life you believe you deserve if you don’t have a little skin in the game with home a few miles in the rearview mirror the truck stopped at a chain link fence a pair of signs were hanging from it one welcoming them to the studio while the others simultaneously warned them to keep out that this area was private property ignoring it the four of them stepped out of the truck and started to climb the fence throwing Leo’s jacket over the top to avoid injury beyond the fence was a huge building almost the size of a warehouse with a door marked Studio entrance that practically invited the Intrepid teens to open it up and have a look inside each one of them carrying a torch in hand the group walked up to the abandoned studio and gently Pride open the door trying not to make too much noise even though they knew the whole place was abandoned they still didn’t want to attract too much attention and get caught trespassing the lights were all dead as cat led the group her hand being tightly squeezed by Dany next to her the two boys behind none of them had been sure what to expect it wasn’t exactly like anyone in the group had ever set foot inside a TV studio before but they were met with a narrow concrete walled corridor so underwhelming that it almost made it extraordinary in just how profoundly dull it was lifting his torch Leo pointed out some lettering on the wall that read to tmdg set with an arrow pointing the four friends further down the corridor naturally driven by her curiosity and need to be literally anywhere apart from her hometown cat followed the Arrow’s direction to another door pushing it open she stepped inside her torch light immediately being blocked by a thick curtain brushing her hand against the material she started looking for a parting but before she could welcome contestants a voice boomed through the dark coming from somewhere in the space beyond the curtain instantly Danny screamed at the sound almost wrenching cat’s arm off in sheer surprise Before We Begin The Voice continued I need you all to tell me are you ready cat shot a look back at Ricky the friend furthest behind her fumbling with the door they had entered through it was locked he couldn’t get it to budge he turned and met cat’s gaze shaking his head sure we’re ready Leo suddenly piped up calling out to answer the voice before the rest of the group could turn and glare at him the curtain around them lifted so much bright light came pouring in that it practically dazed the four of them each taking a moment to readjust when her vision cleared cat saw they were standing in a huge Sound Stage blinding spotlights pointing at her and her friends from somewhere above with seating area big enough to seat their Town’s entire population in that case folks you know what time it is came the voice again talking as if there was a live studio audience present despite every chair being unoccupied these four lucky Challengers will go head-to-head each one looking to take home the victory as well as a huge mystery prize but only if they dare to take on the most dangerous game there was a pause as if this unseen announcer was waiting for a round of applause without warning more lights came on Illuminating the space in front of the four very confused friends standing before them was what looked like part of an obstacle course a series of four horizontal beams over an empty space the glare of the light was so intense that even squinting cat couldn’t tell what was beneath it just looked like a void nothing but total darkness with four narrow beams Bridging the Gap between where they stood and another platform Beyond well what are you all standing around waiting for the announcer declared almost mocking the 14s urging them the rules of course there was another awkward pause like the voice was waiting for laughter it’s simple the four of you will be competing to make it through each of our obstacles make it to the end before our timer hits zero and you’ll be tonight’s big winner but fall behind or cheat and it’s out with you a huge Digital Countdown illuminated on one side of The Sound Stage telling the group they only had 10 minutes to play cat Leo Dany and Ricky barely had a chance to question what was going on exchanging quick concerned looks before the announcer started urgently counting them down 3 2 1 he cheered simultaneously the four teenagers felt a presence looming behind them like a figure was standing just out of view blocking them from turning back carefully putting one foot in front of the other cat started shimmying along the the beam in front of her trying to keep herself steady while also moving as fast as she could without falling out of the corner of her eye she could also see Danny on the beam next to her doing the same but finding it a little easier to balance Leo was having no problem at all Sid stepping with enough speed to keep him practically neck and neck with cat but Ricky was wobbling every foot he placed on the beam he felt like it might give way beneath him but it was just a game show right sure it shouldn’t even really be running right now but regardless of why how the worst that could happen was that he would fall his next step missed the beam entirely and Ricky could feel himself toppling guys he called out to his friends trying to shift his weight onto his back leg cat Danny and Leo all froze and snapped their heads back to look at him just in time to see Ricky wildly flailing his arms his whole body toppled to one side and he dropped off the beam with a loud scream not one of them saw him land or even heard it for that matter it was as if Ricky had just been swallowing wed up whole by the Dark Void beneath them his scream getting more and more distant until it couldn’t be heard anymore oh tough break talk about falling at the first hurdle The Voice exclaimed as if what had just happened was some kind of joke so long Ricky we hardly knew you staying perfectly still but clearly distressed Danny called out Ricky’s name there was no answer cat just stared wide eyed at the abyss below only looking away as she heard Leo jump the last bit of his beam onto the platform Danny come on cat whispered to her friend who looked back at her with tears streaming down her face the pair of them carefully stepped further along their respective beams trying to stop themselves from looking down or at the huge clock seconds ticking away and putting them under even more undue pressure reaching the other side Dany dropped to her knees unable to hold back her sobbing kneeling down to comfort her cat looked up at the sound stage’s bright lights for any sign of who was putting them through this bring Ricky back she yelled I’m sorry the announcer replied the game show bravado dropping from their voice but you agreed to play he’ll be fine Leo said pay you anything he just screamed like that to scare us Leo you don’t seriously believe that cat asked as she helped Danny stand up wiping her friend’s tears away is he dead she sobbed I I don’t know cat replied honestly of course he’s not Leo interjected it’s a Sound Stage it’s not like this place is dangerous then why was it abandoned Danny asked Leo didn’t give her an answer either because he was distracted by the lights coming up on the next part of the obstacle course or because he didn’t know and wouldn’t admit it ahead of them was a long stretch of the course forming a narrow square-shaped walkway wide portions of the top side were dropping to the bottom in regular intervals separating the tight space before opening it up again every time the segments lifted up the three remaining contestants could see all the way to the other side of the walkway where a new platform waited for them with Danny under one arm cat looked at the far end of the walkway as it disappeared and reappeared behind the rising and falling segments then she noticed the timer the seconds rapidly ticking down but Leo had noticed it too and turned to look at the two girls with a determined expression cat shook her head at him but it was too late with all his strength Leo shoved Danny and Cat both of them Landing flat on their backs on the platform he bolted towards the walkway as fast as he could managing to dodge between each portion pausing as they came down only to run into the next one as they lifted back up helping Dany back to her feet cat ran after Leo he already had a head start and would easily make it to the other side of the walkway before the girls so instead cat held Danny close and took it slow methodically waiting for each segment to lift back up before they went further into the next safe Zone they were gaining on Leo who was sprinting to the Finish between the rise and fall of the ceiling’s crushing weight cat watched him disappear behind each block only to see his is back when it came back up he had made it to the platform opposite panting but otherwise unscathed when she next lost sight of him that’s when the announcer spoke up again now now Leo it said that was hardly fair was it and we all know what happens when you break the rules as the segment in front of her and Danny rose again cat caught sight of Leo just ahead but it was what was standing behind him that stopped her in her tracks two huge figures each like a shadow without anything casting it towered over Leo one of them reached forward and grabbed him shrouding him in a quo of darkness and he was gone just like Ricky he vanished cat had been so transfixed by what she had just witnessed that she didn’t notice where she was standing right under a block that was about to drop grabbing her hand again Denny pulled her out of the path of the descending slab cat felt it brush against the back of her leg just as the pair of them made it out on the other end and onto the platform the last two contestants and then their work too the announcer cheered pausing again for a reaction from the empty room we don’t want to play this sick game anymore Danny yelled well you made it this far the Unseen host replied time for our third and final challenge the final stretch of the course make it through this and you’re home free but fail Or Break The Rules like Leo and you’ll be disqualified game over it’s okay d cat whispered whatever’s next we’ll get through it do you think the boys will come back if we do her friend asked just like Leo had cat didn’t answer the lights revealed the last stretch of the course the final platform was overhead a net climbing wall in front of them it was a straight vertical Ascent up with a wall behind the next and holes in its surface wasting no time both cat and Dany started climbing up the rungs of the thick rope staying level with each other as they went higher and then they’re off look at them go ladies and and gentlemen the announcer commented still speaking as if to an audience but it’s not going to be so easy the sharp sound of metal made both girls gasp as long spikes shot forward from the holes in the wall the blades retracted fortunately having missed Danny and Cat this time what had started as a simple climb up had become something akin to a twisted game of whack-a-mole with each of them trying to avoid staying in front of the holes in the wall for too long dodging the spikes as they went in and out they clim climed higher and higher until cat Danny screamed she looked over her shoulder only to notice she was in the lead below her Danny was calling up to her with a fear stricken expression her foot was caught in the rigging of the net kicking and thrashing wildly to try and free it cat looked back up she was almost at the platform close enough to nearly reach it with her fingertips but behind her her friend was stuck and with no idea when the spikes would come next shooting out of the wall cat threw herself over the edge of the platform and landed on her back just as she heard heard the gut-wrenching sound of the spikes extending ring out she was beside herself tears streaming down her face it wasn’t uncommon for people to be overwhelmed to the point of tears at the end of a game show but cat wasn’t crying with joy we have a winner the disembodied voice declared barely audible to the surviving contestant as she wept after she’d finished explaining what had happened to the police a group of mysterious agents flocked to the Sound Stage to lock it down stopping anyone else from getting close to it they’d found VHS tape in the mailbox at the front office of the studio on it was a recording of a game show a live audience cheering as one by one Ricky Leo and Danny failed to complete the course one of the SCP Foundation agents had come to interview cat asking her to recount the whole story all over again her account lined up perfectly with everything seen on the tape then the agent asked her what her prize had been after she won a car cat replied the four of us always wanted to leave home scp096 the shy guy woke up in an unfamiliar room without a thought in its head however one thing quickly occurred to it this was not its containment chamber no the solid steel Cube that had kept it locked up for decades now didn’t have a front desk or walls covered in strange childlike murals or tiny party music playing over old speakers wherever scp096 had found itself it it certainly wasn’t the place it had come to call home if it could read it would have registered the words behind the front desk painted onto the wall band band’s kindergarten where Joy Comes Alive little did 096 know something really did come to life here at band band’s kindergarten but it definitely wasn’t Joy scp096 was typically used to a much more confined space so presented with so much strange Freedom its natural instinct was to wander around whimpering quietly to itself this place was certainly peculiar with multiple large reinforced doors each one having a large red button fixed to the wall above them a strange green creature was painted on the wall with an a fixed speech bubble that read jumbo Josh says eat fruits and vegetables if you want to be strong like me though 096 paid no mind to such things this place looked like an SCP Foundation containment facility mixed with an off-brand Chuck-E-Cheese and some tiny part of the Shy Guy’s dim and dismal brain wanted to see more of it what other Secrets could it hold the shy guy pressed one of the big red buttons causing the doors to open underneath it there was a faint sound of childish laughter somewhere down the distant Hall how had it ever found its way into such a strange place the deeper the shy guy wandered the more strange murals it saw on the wall there was one for a large orange cartoon jelly fish with one staring eye where the speech bubble read Stinger Flynn says having many arms allows me to help a lot of people then a squat blue gorilla like creature with sharp lower teeth had a speech bubble that read Captain fiddles says ugab Booga bua UGA a white feminine catlike creature had the speech bubble bolina says kindness is free so sprinkle it everywhere a misshapen pink bird creature had the speech bubble opa bird says laughter is the best medicine so make sure to smile and of course most importantly of all presiding over the creativity room was a mural of a grinning red creature wearing a pair of party hats on its head like horns his speech bubble R ban ban says sharing is caring your pancreas is mine a whiteboard not far from this mural had the words run for your lives hastily scrawled onto it to anyone but the shy guy who who had no point of reference this was clearly not a normal kindergarten as the shy guy passed into the hallway slowly lumbering along it suddenly felt an intense Spike of burning pain right through its forehead Rising like a fever pitch the shy guys subdued whimpers quickly escalated into horrifying whales of animalistic rage this could only mean one thing somewhere something had made the terrible mistake of gazing at the shy guy’s face in fact not 10 ft away the unfortunate opela bird had made that very mistake it typically peaked out from behind one of the hallways pillars to get a good look at any potential Intruders or new prey wandering into its midst but this time the beastly Bird’s curiosity had taken it from Predator to prey itself though it wouldn’t realize this until it was already too late as the mutant bird creature scattered back into the cavernous Hall filled with plastic trees and an underwhelming play area the shy guy came Galloping after it on all fours roaring with Fury the opala bird was shocked to see the creature giving chase this doesn’t make sense I meant to chase you you’re not meant to chase me but things are rarely fair when it comes to the shy guy arguably one of the most dangerous uclid class creatures ever kept in Foundation containment the opala bird flapped desperately towards the boarded up escape hatch but the shy guy was so much faster he grabbed hold of the the bird gripping it in its iron clutches and began to stretch open its bottom jaw with a blood curdling Roar we’ll spare you the details of what happened next but suffice to say little more than a handful of feathers were left after finishing off the opala bird the shy guy reverted from Rage back to pitiful sadness this place was no better than the SCP Foundation there were still creatures here to look at its face and drive it into a state of extreme emotional distress it was was horrible the shy guy needed to find a way to hide himself away again so he decided to tear away the planks covering up the escape hatch and loed down the narrow Hall and there the shy guy actually found something to its liking two platforms one on either side of the room with what seemed to be a deep dark Chasm between the two for most there was an electrical lift system for carrying them between the platforms but the shy guy had no interest in the platforms he only sought the darkness below where nobody could see his face that would suit him just fine the shy guy jumped over the guardrail and plummeted down below into the dark feeling the air against its cold gray skin as it fell felt wonderful it dared to think that it might even find solace in this deep dark place but as soon as he hid something solid some kind of metal lift system alarms went off and flashing red lights soon made everything down there in the darkness visible to be exposed like this while it thought it was hidden was the dreaded Shy Guy’s worst nightmare little did he know he would soon become the worst nightmare of a number of other beasts as the shy guy crawled off the metal platform hoping that perhaps it could find another place to hide down here its hands and feet splashed into shallow water had something sprung a leak down here the shy guy began wandering the half dark as the water of this flooded sub-basement area pulled around him it had no idea that another creature was already sneaking up behind it getting ready to strike before 096 could even react several whip-like orange tentacles wrapped around its Limbs and began delivering an antagonizing shock through its body more tentacles came in soon after wrapping around the Shy Guy’s body and face delivering shock After Shock After Shock with its millions of tiny venomous Stinger barbs for a second it seemed like the surprise attack might actually be able to subdue the monster but little did the shy guys attacker the Monstrous real Stinger Flynn know that attacking it was just another way to activate its Infamous rage State the second that Stinger Flynn relented even just for a moment the shy guy grabbed him by the tentacles and slammed him into the watery floor again and again and again until the grip of his tentacles loosened around the Shy Guy’s body and he was defenseless with stinger panicked and immobilized the shy guy released the full force of his super natural Fury striking the Demonic jellyfish with his fists until what was left couldn’t be distinguished from the water it used to be floating in Stinger Flynn had been completely annihilated the shy guy once again temporarily returned to a state of calm and wandered out of this watery basement into a nearby hallway where everything was bright and dry the walls were painted in garish childlike drawings of a jungle with janky looking animals the shy guy paid no mind to any of it all he wanted was to find somewhere that he could actually be alone and away from prying eyes of all these freaks this dream was shortlived because as soon as the shy guy found a new room a wide open Auditorium filled with inflatable jungle trees like a crude play area he was being stalked yet again a powerful muscular Predator with veins stretching over its bulging muscles and blue skin it knew that this Intruder had already killed two of its fellow Garden dwellers but this time it would put the spindly pale Stranger in its place the shyi heard something rumbling towards it from behind and turned upon hearing the blood curdling war cry of ugaa boaa it was the gorilla like Captain fiddles with strands of saliva hanging from his tusks he leaped onto the Shy Guy and began pounding into its hideous face with his huge blue fists Captain fiddles would destroy the shy guy pound him into the concrete until he stopped moving the one thing that Captain fiddles didn’t expect was for the shy guy to start fighting back and he was about to learn the hard truth that the shy guy could fight a lot harder than him the scp’s spindly but immensely powerful arms grabbed Captain fiddles by the shoulders and threw him into the wall causing huge cracks to crawl up towards the ceiling before Captain fiddles could even think about wrenching himself free the shy guy leaped to his feet and bounded over to him the shy guy grabbed Captain fiddles by the ankles and ripped him out of the wall letting his body drop to the floor and then unleashing hell upon Him Captain fiddles would have begged for mercy if he wasn’t already dead before the shy guy could even begin to calm down a trapo opened in the floor beneath him dropping him into a new area a multicolored maze where 096 was trapped like a helpless rat with the body count of an atomic bomb once again the shy guy didn’t need to go looking for trouble because trouble was already on its way the Pure White catlike B bolina pounced from a sharp corner in the Maze claws Beed she jumped onto the shy guy latching onto him and cl trying to scratch his nightmare of a face if the shy guy had ever possessed anything resembling patience he would have run out long before now he grabbed van bolina shrugging off the pain of her claws and tossing her into the darkness high above she flew off with a catlike yell and hit some distant ceiling with a crunch suffice to say she wouldn’t be back to bother the shy guy again tired and angry the pale Abomination didn’t feel like wandering through a maze instead it just charged straight through destroying colorful wall after colorful wall when it encountered whatever was behind this extremely frustrating afternoon it would destroy it with extreme prejudice that was almost certainty after breaking through one more wall the shy guy tumbled out into a strange room where a grinning red creature was waiting for him where wearing two party hats on top of his head this was no mere Lackey it was ban ban himself the one behind this nightmarish kindergarten he stared right into the shy guy’s face with no fear at all almost like he knew something that the shy guy didn’t and it was true he had no plan to fight the shy guy himself he’d brought a champion with him as the shy guy started to scream in Rage all the boxes behind band ban tumbled out of the way as a huge figure Rose a beh pth at least 50 ft tall with green skin giant teeth and huge staring eyes it was jumbo Josh and if the shy guy wanted to graduate from this nightmare kindergarten it would need to defeat him and ban ban the shy guy growled digging its claws into the ground and preparing to charge forward challenge accepted video games have come a long way over the years we’ve gone from the days of Atari and pong to virtual reality headsets ps5s and massive multiplayer online games where you can fight horror movie villains or wage war in a fantasy land you can mine virtual minerals and avoid creepers in Minecraft compete against people all over the world in fortnite and do whatever it is people do in Roblox games used to be a pixelated hero battling Blobby monsters with no discernible facial features and now they have Graphics so detailed you can see the freckles on a protagonist’s face and each individual ual blade of grass but there’s one thing that hasn’t changed no matter how much progress games may make whenever a shiny new console comes out everyone wants to get their hands on it it was Christmas season in 1986 Walk Like an Egyptian by the Bengals was at the top of the charts Eddie Murphy’s The Golden Child was the number one movie in America and hundreds of thousands of kids were writing to Santa and begging their parents for one thing the Nintendo Entertainment System the NES was an 8bit home video game console and the only place to Journey Through the land of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda or help Samus hunt space pirates in Metroid but with such an extreme demand for the system stores were selling out all over the country anyone who didn’t beat the crowds was doomed to disappoint their kids with socks with less flashy toys like dolls or tiny plastic trucks or with boring non-electric violence-free board games well board games are only violence free if you’re not playing Monopoly but back to 1986 Beverly Harrington was a single mom doing her best to provide for her son Jason and give him the Christmas he deserved she had been picking up extra shifts at the local Diner making sure to save up all the extra money for a real Christmas tree from the farm just out of town for a beautiful honey baked ham and of course for presents she knew that though he was a shy kid and would never demand it Jason desperately wanted to find an NES under the tree on Christmas morning she got so absorbed in her work so exhausted from the extra shifts and trying to make everything perfect that she forgot to do her actual shopping until the very last minute she woke up the morning of December 24th with a start her heart jumping into her throat she hadn’t picked up Jason’s present yet she threw on her coat and rushed out into the snowy streets making her way to the store and saying a silent prayer that they would still have one more NES in stock lucky for her they did less lucky two parents were already wrestling for it fighting each other with a raw animalistic Rage of two wolves competing for the same piece of meat if she tried to grab it and join in she could get hurt or the console could break apart she asked an employee if they had any in the back but she already knew the answer from the exhausted look in his eyes there were no more in the back there were no more in town nor the next town over or the next town over from that not only would she have to get Jason’s present at the very last minute but she would also have to get him something he didn’t even want he would smile and thank her but she knew how sad it would make him to go back to school and hear his friends bragging about their Christmases she shoved her hands into the pockets of her coat and began her slow sad March back through the snow trying to come up with what to do next then something caught her eye a brightly colored sign reading Wonder taining toys beneath it it was a storefront she had never seen before and right there in the window a video game console it wasn’t the NES not exactly but it looked so much like it she couldn’t help herself she had to go inside and get a better look the store was filled with toys games and puzzles they were all inviting with Vivid packaging and labels depicting children having fun but she had never seen any of them before perhaps it was a new brand and she was one of the first people to happen upon the store it seemed odd for a toy store to open this close to Christmas rather than taking advantage of the shopping season and opening earlier in the year but she couldn’t dwell on that not when she was this close to a solution toward the back of the store she spotted the video game console from the window the label read pretendo so the resemblance to the NES was no coincidence this console was intended as a knockoff of some kind she asked the sales clerk a man with a strangely wide unmoving smile if the console was capable of running Nintendo games you bet your bottom dollar he replied we don’t carry those here though but can I interest you in some of our Wonder tainment Originals we have all kinds of games here and they’re just as good or your money back there’s a whole world inside each and everyone it wasn’t what she’d set out to buy but this was clearly the best thing Beverly was going to find this close to the holiday she paid the man for the pretendo console and a selection of the store’s most popular video games he even gift rafted for her in a colorful box with a shiny red bow on top the next morning Jason and Beverly sat in the living room sipping Coco and opening presents together she started small with a classic pair of new wolf socks and worked her way up to the big box in the corner as Jason tore the paper off his eyes lit up with Glee thank you Mom thank you he gave her a huge hug then looked at her with nearly manic excitement can I play it now can I she laughed and promised that after he helped her clean up the wrapping paper he could play his new games she was just so glad he was happy with it he didn’t care that it wasn’t the name brand console he knew that this gift was special so she was perfectly glad to let him enjoy it and she could get started on that ham for later Jason plugged in his brand new pretendo and looked through the games his mom had picked out for him there was farmtastic Farming Simulator Historical house Hunter magic Wizard Quest super Fighters and one simply called spooky it was emblazened with the image of a cartoon ghost in front of an abandoned cabin and it peaked Jason’s interest he always loved scary stories and legends about ghosts and Things That Go Bump in the night he decided that this would be the first game that he would play he placed the cartridge in the console and hit the power button to turn it on as he clutched the controller in his hands he began to notice something strange his room once decorated in posters of his favorite movies turned dark the light green Walls became rotting wood and for lack of a better way to describe it the entire world’s resolution began to shift if the world around him had Graphics they were getting worse he could no longer see the screen depicting the game’s main menu and in fact the console itself had vanished somehow he was standing in the Haunted Cabin from the cover of the game he looked down at his hands and found the controller still there so not everything had changed before he could think anym about this strange new place he found himself in he heard the sound of ominous music seemingly coming from nowhere after a moment he realized why the sound of its Melody filled him with dread it was the kind of music that always played in a game when an enemy was getting close he had to move he took a step forward and moved through the space as if it was a real house for the time being it was somehow he was inside the game which meant the ghost was coming for him soon he pressed a button on the controller to activate a flashlight and followed its beam through the darkened cabin as he walked looking for clues or any object he could interact with he could hear the music getting louder with whatever was coming it was getting closer the flashlights beam illuminated a scrap of paper on a small table he moved to take a closer look and could just barely make out what it said they hide in the darkness find the exit don’t stop moving he heard a sound behind him and the music reached a deafening volume he Whirled around and saw nothing but the hall in front of him bending around a corner he knew from the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach and the music that threatened to rupture his eardrums that there was something horrible waiting for him around that corner he froze for a moment then remembered the Letter’s words of warning don’t stop moving he took a step towards the corner then another and another he shown the light of the flashlight around the corner but there was nothing there no ghost no monster nothing and then he felt it a chill on the back of his neck he Whirled around and there it was the Ghost of the cabin it was so much bigger than it had looked before wispy white forms stretching up to the ceiling from wall to wall its wide dark eyes and gaping ma of a mouth inches from his own face he screamed and instinctively swung the flashlight at the Spirit cutting through it with a beam of light the ghost let out a shriek and shrank away from the glow that was it he just needed to keep the light on it and the ghost couldn’t hurt him Jason was so thrilled by this little victory that he didn’t even notice the Boss music starting to play again growing louder and louder he didn’t see the movement out of the corner of his eye the Silvery pale figure of a woman stepping out of a portrait on the wall all he felt was a sudden overwhelming cold like ice in his veins and then everything went black he opened his eyes back in his bedroom looking at a dark screen with the words game over written in dripping red font he couldn’t tell for a moment if that had been real or a dream but either way he only wanted to do one thing tell his mom Beverly listened to her son’s story and couldn’t help but write it off as the overactive imagination of a child but still she humored him and agreed to try the console for herself and see what happened choosing at random she selected farmtastic and pressed play all of a sudden she felt the heat of the sun on her face heard the mooing of cows and smelled fresh cut hay she was steering a tractor through a wide open field where a moment ago she had been standing standing in her house in the dead of winter Jason shut off the game pulling her back into reality and as Beverly gasped in shock Jason said best present ever unfortunately for Jason word was already spreading about the pretendo all the way to the SCP Foundation the console and all other consoles that the foundation could track down were seized and designated SCP 591 SCP 591 is a line of video game consoles originally developed as a counterfeit of the N Nintendo Entertainment System before being bought and distributed by Dr Wonder tainment a toy company responsible for a wide variety of anomalous objects contained by the foundation over the years the console is capable of playing NES titles as well as games from Dr wain’s original lineup of 8-bit games many of which the foundation has in its possession as well some of the titles in the SCP foundation’s Library include but are not limited to Arcade shooter wam platformer dust sk’s adventures in stad land survival horror game you can do that on television puzzle game World War I Ace trench digger music racing game Leed Zeppelin Air Racers fighting games super kit karate and super kit karate 2010 and the educational game Reading Rainbow sit and listen whenever one of the official Dr rainment cartridges is inserted into the console and activated it results in a localized CK class reality restructuring scenario which rearranges reality in the immediate area to resemble the game’s setting the player inside of the game’s affected radius will take on the role of the game’s protagonist and navigate the events of the game until either they win or the console is deactivated don’t worry this isn’t one of those if you die in the game you die in real life scenarios if the player happens to be a less than Adept gamer they will simply respawn or start at the beginning of the game like any video game character would that doesn’t however mean that SCP 591 isn’t dangerous like any piece of vintage technology the components of the pretendo system have degraded over time their functionality steadily decreasing for an ordinary game console this would be a simple inconvenience something that would impact the quality of the graphics or responsiveness of the controls it would be annoying and maybe eventually unplayable but otherwise harmless for the pretendo however this degradation has had catastrophic events when a game cartridge is inserted into SCP 5 91 there is now a chance of the CK class reality restructuring scenario going wrong and resulting in a ZK class reality failure scenario instead essentially instead of just transporting the player into the world of the Game reality will crumble in the designated area and the laws of time space and physics will be bent or even broken while the CK class scenarios dissipate as soon as the console is deactivated the ZK class scenarios refuse to play by the rules they remain in place wherever they first manifested seemingly permanently the ZK class scenarios were first observed during play testing by the research staff assigned to SCP 591 after learning about the nature of the pretendo game system Dr Furukawa has volunteered as a test subject specifically requesting that he be given the chance to play the Dr Wonder tainment title The Legend of swordmaster because quote it just looks really cool this particular game came with not just the cartridge but a special sword-shaped controller to be used during the swordfight sequences Dr fukawa stepped into the containment cell where one instance of SCP 591 had been placed with his chosen game cartridge and controller waiting for him as soon as he inserted the cartridge into the console and pressed the start button the room around him began to transform reality itself warping and reshaping to fit the world of the game fluorescent lights and stark white walls were replaced by pixelated trees and a white winding Cobblestone path leading to a massive Stone Castle the first enemy a knight in black armor leapt into frame and Dr Furukawa raised his sword ready for combat but before he had a chance to deal the first blow it became clear that something wasn’t right the enemy Knight suddenly disappeared glitching out of sight the Cobblestone slowly began to drift into the air and so did Dr fraa just as suddenly as he lifted off he dropped back to the ground with a heavy thud gravity was rapidly FL uating and he could scarcely keep his balance in front of him he could see random cubic structures popping up out of nowhere made of wood Stone and ice and the game he called out desperately pull the plug someone please outside one of the researchers watching The Experiment cut the power to the console but nothing happened the world refused to return to normal security officers entered the area and attempted to remove Dr phawa but found that his body still resembled an 8bit video game character when they attempted to drag him out of the ZK class zone he cried out in pain as his body began to dissolve into static they had turned off the console but they were unable to pull them out the rest of the research team horrified by what they had witnessed began to take measurements of the reality failure scenario from outside of the room the area now displayed a complete absence of naturally occurring radiation including cosmic background radiation there was also evidence of time dilation reduction of light speed and the gravity FL uations that Dr Furukawa had first noticed with no way to remove Furukawa from this broken reality the area would have to be sealed off and he would be left inside there was no other option so they constructed a concrete Dome around the testing site and relocated the remaining instances of SCP 591 from that point on testing was only conducted using DCL classes no matter how much research staff loved video games or how vehemently they insisted that they were quote willing to roll the dice they were barred from testing and encouraged to pick up a VR headset for a much lower risk immersive gaming experience over the years of testing following the Dr Furukawa incident four more ZK class scenarios were created and contained some of the individuals survived the incident but were physically altered so greatly that they would not be able to survive outside of the ZK class reality failure the only people who survived were unable to readjust to their lives continuing to live as the main character of the game that they were playing at this point testing was officially suspended indefinitely due to not only the loss of human life but also the unpredictable and highly dangerous nature of the damage being done to reality on such a grand scale all instances of SCP 591 confiscated by the foundation are kept in a storage containment Vault kept separate from any civilians or their infrastructure by a distance of at least 500 M it is also kept separate from other Foundation controlled containment facilities unless it is being used for official approved testing by level 3 staff it is to remain deactivated at all times any ZK class scenarios created by an instance of SCP 591 will be contained via the construction of a closed concrete Dome and given the designation of sector W number sectors W1 through W5 the currently existing ZK class scenarios are monitored remotely and kept highly classified any Personnel or test subjects located inside one of these sectors will remain there in defitely and be officially considered Lost In Action any additional instances of SCP 591 located in civilian stores households or any public place are to be removed and contained indefinitely as the years have gone by testing has indicated a steady increase in the rate of ZK class scenarios being generated from a CK class scenario where it was only a 1% chance there is now a 32% chance according to rainment company records seized during a foundation of one of their toy factories there are still plenty of SCP 591 instances out there in the world just waiting for some unsuspecting gamer to fire them up and get lost in the story literally if the documents found are accurate there are around 243 consoles and 1300 consoles still in circulation these Also may or may not include a pocket pretendo model that was developed as a prototype but never officially released on the market if it was and the chaos of the pretendo system is available in a portable form well it’s best not to think about that for too long the foundation is doing its best to track down the remaining pretendo systems but there is no way to know for sure what distant corners of the world they’ve made their way to so when you’re picking up a shiny new game console or an ostalgic vintage model to relive some of your favorite childhood memories with take an extra close look at the label and make sure you’re getting the real thing because if you’re not careful it just might be game over you all know exactly who I am the bald chemistry teacher looked around at the men surrounding him in the desert Cadillacs leather jackets blacked out Shades the gang members shifted nervously from foot to foot as the man bragged openly about what he’s done to build his criminal Empire Walter White’s attention turned back to the men in front of him a slight sneer played around his lips now say my name the man took a moment to reply as the desert wind blew behind him he seemed to be weighing his options realizing quickly that he had lost all control over the situation you’re your Heisenberg you’re G bang Walter White fell to the ground dead the characters all around yeled in Surprise Drew their guns and started wildly pointing them around the circle trying to figure out who killed the great Heisenberg but his killer just stared in awe from his couch in the front room as the Netflix show kept playing on the TV had the toy gun in his head hand really done that Josh had admitted to himself that he had a problem a long time ago but at least being a yard sale addict was cheaper than just a regular old retail addict actually in truth he was also an estate sale addict a garage sale addict and a thrift store addict anywhere you could buy people’s old junk for rock bottom prices he would sniff it out the Saturday that is life changed forever was just like any other Saturday really in the sweaty heat of the Atlantic City sub herbs he hadn’t meant to stop by any sales today but one just so happened to catch’s eye there was a box marked nerd stuff and he took that as a personal challenge was this some old lady’s version of nerd stuff or a veteran dungeon Master’s Treasure Trove the reality was somewhere in between the two there were a couple of seasons of Buffy on VHS a copy of the original Deus X and some Legend of Zelda plushies it hadn’t really been worth stopping his car for except for a little plastic splash of color that caught his eye Josh reached way down to the bottom of the box and rooted around for it there was no way it couldn’t possibly be the toy he’d spent all his childhood asking for and never getting but in fact it was a 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System zapper with an orange grip and Barrel NES gray Bodywork and the Beautiful font printed along the side it was unmistakable he threw a wad of cash at the old lady behind the table and rushed back into his car quickly as he could it was time to cancel his Day plans he had a childhood dream to fulfill but no sooner that he had got home and flipped on his TV the dream Came Crashing Down around him his old NES the one he’d had since he was a little kid had sadly keeled over it refused to power on no matter what he did so that made his zapper pretty much useless the best he could do with it now would be to point it at the TV and make pew pew no noises with his mouth so joshh opened up Netflix and put on an episode of Breaking Bad little did he know as he raised the zapper to the screen that he was actually in possession of SCP 674 nobody would know looking at it on the surface even the most hardcore Gamers wouldn’t have a clue because you can fully disassemble clean and reassemble the zapper and get no indication that it’s anything other than what it appears to be however as soon as the gun is pointed at a television screen or a computer monitor of any kind it starts to pose a very real threat or at least a very real fictional threat if you shoot at the screen whatever media is playing on it at the time will react and adapt to what has just happened that means characters on the screens will react in accordance with the rules of their respective universes in a grounded realistic drama The Gunshot will behave like any other killing or wounding the victim with perhaps enough time for them to give a dying monologue but in an episode of Rick and Morty the shock could manifest in any number of bizarre and creative ways news crews that witness the user shooting a person in their live report will continue to cover the incident as if it is part of the ongoing story if you shoot Walter White he falls to the ground dead Josh stared at the screen in utter amazement he didn’t expect the writers to kill off their main character just like that wasn’t there supposed to be another Nine episodes what would they do to fill all that time as the episode played out it seemed to mostly just follow Jesse trying desperately to escape with his money before it was too late he kept glancing towards the camera for some reason with a slight look of fear in his eyes very strange creative decision there Josh backed out of the show to scroll through his continue watching there was something a little creepy about how he pointed the zapper at the TV pulled the trigger and perfectly at that moment a character had been shot time to pick out another show without any guns and murder for a bit you know something safe The Familiar melodica tune filled the lounge as various shots of Dunder Mifflin employees busied themselves shredding credit cards and answering phone calls it never ceased to make his worries go away seeing the words the office appear on the screen he settled into the couch watching as the characters all gathered in the conference room for some first aid training the CPR dummy lay on the floor with Michael Scott earnestly explaining to the woman that the victim appeared to have lost their limbs he laughed along as the scene descended into chaos as none of the employees took the training seriously at all even though he’d seen this episode countless times it never got old absent-mindedly he pointed the gun at the TV and pulled the trigger bang Pam collapsed on the ground all the characters Dove out of the way trying to find cover behind their chairs not daring to peek out at the camera only the first aid lady stayed on the scene trying her best to resuscitate Pam it cut to a shot of Dwight talking to the camera sadly he said that it was almost funny but there was a real heaviness in the moment his eyes were red like he’d been crying off camera Josh flipped the TV off and stared at himself in the dark reflection was he dreaming he hadn’t just done that had he fortunately for Josh and for the rest of humanity he had not killed Jenna friser or Brian Cranston he hadn’t even killed their characters in the shows at least not for anyone other than himself Research into SC DP 674 shows that the appearance of characters being killed off on screen only exists in the mind of the shooter for everyone else the office Remains the Same as it always was unfortunately for Josh however Pam is now dead in that universe and will always be whenever he watches an episode it leaves a real Shadow over the later Seasons but the characters apparently managed to do a good job pivoting into its new darker tone other shows that have been tested in research conditions have yielded interesting results like in Star Trek it is impossible to actually kill Captain Kirk instead various red shirts always just so happen to dive in front of him or fall into frame at the pivotal moment with a small Dead Zone on the right hand side of the screen characters who witness enough shootings have the sense to stick to that side of the frame whenever the shot is on them sometimes going so far as to plead directly with a viewer breaking the fourth wall in their desperation to survive when Josh came back from a long walk outside he’d convinced himself that what he had seen earlier was all just some vivid dream a dream he didn’t remember waking up from but definitely wasn’t happening anymore he’d play some video games that’s what he would do he had decided he would just play some Super Smash Bros and unwind anyone who has ever said that sentence to themselves will know firsthand how foolish that is not 10 minutes later Josh had definitely forgotten all about his dream from before he was too busy raging and cursing at the screen he couldn’t stand playing against King dididi that stupid Hammer move always got him without thinking Josh snatched the zapper from the couch next to him and blasted Didi right in the face in classic Smash Bros style the giant penguin King was launched backwards flying off the screen in a blast of colorful smoke but he didn’t respawn for a second his character just stood on the screen awkwardly before it kicked him back out to the character’s select screen this time though King Didi’s picture was missing Josh couldn’t help himself he set up a free-for-all match straight away picking all the characters he hated to fight against Sonic Mario Pikachu Bowser link NES even we fit trainer one after the other bang bang bang he felt a strange sense of satisfaction once he’d done his work great now the character list only had the fair balanced ones left they just so happen to all be his favorite characters too but why stop there Josh jumped across to Elden ring and marched his night up through the gate to Stormville Castle before marget even had gotten through his opening cutscene Josh had shot the boss right in the face this boss battle that he’d been stuck on for hours was over before it even started what could he do now he put on an episode of stranger things and shot the demogorgan then moff Gideon in the Mandalorian and some goblins in hogwart’s Legacy the clickers from The Last of Us took a couple extra shots but went down easy enough he went over to his PC and killed the Ender Dragon in Minecraft without blowing up any beds he won a game of Rocket League 530 after he shot both cars on the opposing team he played through doors in Roblox without a single jump scare he would just shoot any monster that filled his screen what could be better he reckoned it was time for more movies walking back across the lounge spinning the gun around his finger like a western he wondered if now would be a good chance to hunt down all the legendary animals in Red Dead 2 it would certainly make the job a lot easier if he could kill them all in just one shot he just need to be careful not to shoot Arthur by accident but then Josh sat on the remote the TV flicked over to an old rerun of Bob Ross just that he’d been squaring up to shoot he pulled the trigger before he could react the canvas was splattered red from somewhere off camera he heard the artist’s wheezing voice try to comfort him there are no mistakes just happy but he died before could say another word the exposition gun first came onto the SCP foundation’s radar when a strange police report was doing the rounds on an email chain amongst local authorities they were all finding a great deal of value from a man called Josh who had turned himself in at his local station in Atlantic City for quote killing like everyone naturally the police took his report very seriously for all of about 10 minutes as soon as they realized he was talking about video games TV and movie characters the whole whole case turned into one big joke they sat Josh down in front of a TV and played him episodes of the shows he was talking about pointing out characters still alive in scenes after he’d supposedly shot them to death but he seemed to just grow more distressed as he realized he was experiencing this phenomenon Alone by the time Foundation agents tracked Josh down and took him in for questioning the gun had moved on he marched it straight back to the old lady who’ sold it to him who had then sold it on again Josh’s full account of events and description of the zapper were taken before he was administered Class C amnestics and allowed to continue with his yard sale addiction uninhibited SCP 674 was found sometime later in the possession of a 33-year-old Caucasian male simply referred to as Mr S A reclusive man in the neighboring City Mr s first gained the SCP foundation’s attention through his extremist political blog in which he claimed to have assassinated prominent political figures news anchors and talk show hosts while the truth of those claims was demonstrably false it was clear from the way he described events that he really did believe the delusion after being questioned it was discovered that he had never left his home instead he stayed on his couch watching news reports and firing at any prominent figures that appeared believing that he was indeed killing them in the real world despite claiming that he was using SCP 674 to prevent a military police state using the device to ass assassinates so many high-profile figures had the opposite effect on his video reality in his blog posts he described an increasingly unstable Global Order martial law and catastrophic events consistent with the hypothetical release of two deadly scps his house was barricaded with security cameras set up in every direction the more he had been using the gun the more the characters and journalists saw on TV had threatened him claiming that the SCP Foundation were on their way to apprehend him and that he would face retribution for what he had been doing Mr s’s intended ambush of foundation agents failed while they appeared to be dying on the security feeds he had set up the agents experienced no physical harm in reality as they apprehended the man and seized SCP 674 while the majority of researchers have deemed that SCP 674 is harmless to all but the mental wellbeing of the shooter there was a notably Sinister result to Mr s’s time in Foundation Det ion alone in his cell Mr s soon started to engage in heated arguments with the security camera set up to monitor him there is no record of any voices in the room other than his own yet he seemed to be locked in a fierce argument all of a sudden Mr s dropped to the ground Dead with three 38 caliber handgun bullets lodged in his chest the entirety of his holding cell was searched for evidence of a shooter but none was found the exposition gun remains in a locked plastic case in storage site 23 aside from regular cleaning and maintenance it is used under controlled circumstances to creatively gather intelligence about further SCP activity in the event of the site being compromised Personnel are allowed to destroy the exposition gun at their own discretion should it fall into the wrong hands the thin pale humanoid anomaly had just found itself in Minecraft of all places the all two familiar whale of emergency alarms rang out through the corridor of the foundation facility it had happened again another containment breach of course the on-site Personnel were more than familiar with the protocols for a situation like this so well versed in what to do during an emergency that it had become second nature whether they were research staff evacuating for their own safety or security teams moving in to recapture the escaped anomaly and get the situation under control everyone was moving like they had been programmed muscle memory taking over the loose anomaly was none other than scp096 all Foundation Personnel were alerted and reminded not to look directly at the creature there was just one problem they couldn’t look even if they’d ignored their order to try nobody could because the shy guy was nowhere to be found well nowhere in the real world at least this whole situation bizarre even by Foundation standards had all started with an experiment involving a member of the Disposable d-class Personnel yet another dangerous convict serving one of several life sentences now being used as an Expendable human lab rat for the foundation’s often Sinister purposes the experiment in question was an attempt to further test the limitation of SCP 96’s abilities by now the foundation had done extensive research into the creature known as the shy guy they knew its particular brand of anomalous qualities were triggered when anyone looked directly at it being observed would instantaneously send SC CP 096 into an uncontrollable rage State causing it to pursue its Observer until they were no longer standing as scp096 was known to be able to travel at speed so relentless it was pretty much impossible to stop one moment it was sobbing and screeching in its cell having just been observed and minutes later the wide jawed long limed monster was standing behind whoever had seen it making its screaming face the image its victim took to the Grave with them Foundation researchers knew that scp096 is Rage State could be triggered by as little as someone seeing the slightest hint of a creature even if the shy guy had been captured as a tiny Speck in the background of a photograph it would come after anyone whose eyes so much as glanced over that spec it also didn’t matter how far away the Observer was scp096 could not be outrun it could track down anyone wherever they were in the world but what if a person who had observed the shy guy was no longer in the world the experiment had taken a lot of trial and error after all digitizing a human being and transforming their entire Consciousness into code was no easy task but the foundation wasn’t above breaking more than a few eggs to make an omelet especially when those eggs were the brains of a few d-class Personnel actually the first test subjects turned out more scrambled or fried certainly overdone given the amount of smoke coming from their ears but eventually the research team had perfected the device they dubbed the neural harness a headset that could translate a person’s mind into pure digital code their Consciousness would be extracted from their body leaving their physical form an empty shell while a digital copy of them was able to Traverse the local on-site computer network of course the foundation wasn’t about to let a digitized d-class run a muck with their systems so their coding experts wrote a number of specialized parameters into their successful test subject now the digital d-class could be programmed to follow the found foundation’s directive from his perspective it was like he was floating through cyberspace towards the system that the foundation had directed him to a surveillance camera inside scp096 cell that usually remained inactive but not today the camera blinked to life as soon as the d-class is code-based consciousness reached it and through it he was able to observe as CP 096 sitting against the far wall of its containment chamber gently whimpering and walking back and forth that is until the creature felt that same familiar sensation of being watched it stood up enraged wailing uncontrollably as the d-class watched from within the camera then a split second later scp096 appeared to Blink out of existence it hadn’t work the experiment had failed and the digital d-class began to panic before the foundation coders could stop him he frantically scoured the local network for anything some kind of Escape Route back into the real world maybe he thought if he could get back into his body it wouldn’t count technically his digital self was separate from his physical form so he might get out of SCP 96’s clutches on a technicality but it was impossible his body was already burned out by the neural harness there was no way for the d-class to transfer himself back there was only one option left hide and as it turned out someone had forgotten to uninstall a certain building game from a computer in one of the foundation doctor’s office offes the DCL classes digitized mind zapped him into Minecraft from his point of view it was like he existed within the game itself he did a computerized equivalent of breathing a sigh of relief only to take back all those ones and zeros in a horrified gasp as he noticed a tall wiry framed figure before him it hadn’t worked scp096 had still managed to follow him into Minecraft even in a world of computer code the shy guy was able to dispatch its digital Observer quite easily and what had once been a living human mind in the form of binary code was quickly deleted but that’s when scp096 started to take notice of its surroundings but the most recent person to see it gone it had the chance to actually take in where it was the bright rays of warm light coming down from a cube-shaped sun reveal a welcoming landscape all around constructed entirely from cubes it fascinated scp096 instilling a kind of childlike Wonder in the shy guy the likes of which it hadn’t experienced since well since it couldn’t remember when rather than leaving instantly reappearing in its containment chamber scp096 made the conscious decision to start exploring there was a mountainous biome surrounding scp096 Stony spires reaching up towards a clear sky with a waterfall cascading its way down the nearest of them at the foot of the mountains was the opening of a cave which the shy guy found itself wandering towards the light from the sun while a pleasant and welcoming change to the surroundings it was used to was a little harsh on scp096 is sunken eyes so instead it began to gravitate towards the shadowy confines of the caves not unlike the usual darkness of its containment chamber back at the foundation traversing through long winding corridors of stone as CP 096 found itself having to bend down to avoid hitting its head on the Cave’s low ceiling obviously this formation of Rocky blocks had informed with someone of the shy gu’s height in mind there was a low Warm Glow coming from the farthest side of the tunnel and the thin creature made its way closer and closer despite the stone walls around it feeling like a tighter confinement than its cell approaching the source of the light SC scp096 was relieved at the cave opened out into a more spacious area the cramp tunnel giving way to an expansive chamber that lay within the heart of the mountain the warm orangey glow that had been coming from a flowing stream of boiling hot lava that seemed to trickle down from somewhere above creating a deadly fiery pool directly in the Shy Guy’s path but just before it could turn back and leave the cave through the way he came scp096 sensed that familiar feeling of something observing him across the lava pool on the other side was a creature comprised of a green Cube for a head with a long armless cuboid body and four cubed feet if it had been present in the real world it might have been made out of leaves like a living shrub it was staring directly at the shy guy from across the lava only for this strange newcomer to disappear a moment later the creeper hissed before it realized that scp096 had leaped up behind it to land a fatal blow but little did the infamously anxious anomaly realized that the sentient shrub wasn’t done there was a colossal boom that caused scp096 to stagger backwards whimpering at the sudden loud explosion and the pain that had accompanied it the creeper had blown itself to Pieces but in doing so had left a lasting injury that caused scp096 considerable discomfort as it began limping towards the cave that led out the opposite side of the mountain despite its injury the shy guy was still able to move with relative ease and the further it went the more it seemed to gradually heal however it was as it stepped out once more into the sunlight that the creature realized just how hungry it was back in the real world it had an eaten for several hours and surprisingly even while accidentally stuck in digitized form the hunger mechanics of Minecraft were having an effect on scp096 the shy guy started searching around for anything that could prove to satiate its hunger there was a Grove of trees not far so scp096 lumbered to take a closer look it couldn’t be certain but it felt there was at least a slim chance that there were apples growing amongst the leaves but even at the anomaly’s own elongated height it couldn’t simply reach up to pick them however it was while swiping its arms up at the tree that the shy guy swung its Fist and knocked at the tree trunk to the creature’s surprise it was able to chip away at the wood with its hands punching at the tree until the trunk had been reduced to a collection of wooden blocks the shy guy was able to collect and sure enough some red apples dropped from the leaves above enough to quell the hunger that scp096 was feeling at least for the time being nearby something was moving through the trees it was yet to lock eyes on scp096 but the second it did the mob would surely have sealed its own fate as it moved around minding its own business the tall figure overheard the sounds of the shy guy eating and its attention was drawn to where the creature was standing enjoying an apple sensing that it had been seen as CP 096 turned and locked eyes with the entity it was perhaps the only other being in Minecraft that was a similar height and stature to the anomaly itself in fact the the pair were strikingly similar before scp096 could carry out its usual method of attack the Enderman suddenly teleported out of view but it was too late now both it and the shy guy had looked at the other’s face both had been provoked and were compelled to react in exactly the same way just as scp096 entered its rage State the Enderman 2 opened its mouth and began to shake making loud lengthy sounds not dissimilar to the Shy Guy’s own angered screams but something profoundly strange happened next scp096 and the Enderman kept attempting to pursue one another appearing in a new location within the Minecraft world neither one getting close enough to the other they’d teleport only for the other to teleport away the moment they saw each other each trying to catch one another but always staying one step behind this rapid Chase almost became a strange ongoing sort of teleporting dance between scp096 and the Enderman at first the shy guy had been compelled to attack the Enderman like it was with any who looked directly at it but as they appeared and disappeared from place to place the creature started to feel an odd kinship with this shadowy fellow it was so used to being frightened and alone to its overwhelming feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that the Simplicity of just traversing the open world with a creature very alike itself in many ways it had all come as a welcome change scp096 found it therapeutic even and before long was following the Enderman not out of any intention to do it harm but just to feel for a little while like it had a friend just a little bit longer as CP 096 thought welcoming the enjoyment it felt playing this game of Minecraft did you hear that not so long ago a 5-year-old boy went up against 12 of Russia’s greatest chess Grand Masters and do you know what happened he lost every single match that’s because winning a chess dear viewers isn’t easy chess is an ancient game of strategy cunning and skill it’s not just about thinking one step ahead of your opponent that’s not going to be enough make a wrong prediction and you could end up sacrificing one of your pieces as well as vital space on the board but thinking two to three steps ahead beating your adversaries moves before they’ve even been made now there’s a viable strategy tricky but viable after all if it was easy we’d all be Queen Gambit level chess prodigies Eric Matthews had never been good at the game but he had a pretty substantial reason to keep trying and that reason’s name was Brian Matthews his father you see for as long as Eric could remember his dad had regarded a high level of skill on the chessboard to be a sign of intellectual superiority intelligence was something that Brian put quite a considerable value on given that he was a professor at a university in their home country of England some of Eric’s earliest memories were of playing chess with his dad usually on a Friday night when Brian got home after a week of giving lectures to the next generation of Scholars obviously with his son at such a young age the professor would take it easy on Eric playing in a much laxer fashion focusing instead on teaching the boy the basics of the game and for a time at least it was good it was a rare time that Eric and his academic father could spend bonding after all with his mother gone his dad was all he had but as the years passed the game Changed by the time Eric was a teenager Brian had stopped pulling his punches on the chessboard he hoped his son would build on what he’d learned when they played in the past using those skills to best his dad on the board but to Eric playing chess had never been about a purely educational experience it was more about spending time with his old man Time After Time the young man’s pawns fell prey to Brian’s expertly considered and far more competitive moves try as he might Eric couldn’t best his dad he tried as best and never stopped putting the effort into every game but thinking too hard about one possible plan of attack left him wide open to a counter strategy from the professor over and over again he landed himself in Checkmate or made illegal moves without even realizing it every time earning criticism and chastisement from his scholarly father every game it got worse it was like Eric could feel his father’s gaze and the weighty expectations behind it with each move he made across the board there were so many nights where he wondered if it would be better to give up entirely to knock down his own King and concede but how could he ever find any other shared interests with his dad beyond the two of them playing chess it had become a Lifeline tethering Father and Son together and to cut it now left Eric uncertain if he’d sink or be able to swim alongside Brian he had long admired his father his achievements in Academia were impossible to avoid with more framed certificates hung up on the walls than there were photos of the pair of them together but the shadow It cast over him made Eric desperate to keep this one shred of Common Ground alive Eric wasn’t the type to give up despite how much of an uphill struggle the situation felt like taking a leaf out of his Professor father’s scholarly ways he decided to learn the game inside and out every known move and strategy he would re search the entire history of Chess itself if that’s what it took to play with the same skill as his dear old dad over the coming weeks Eric checked out every book at his local library on the subject beginner’s guides Advanced Rule books and even a few volumes on notable players throughout the extensively long history of the game along the way a chapter of a certain book stood out to Eric it described a chess Prodigy from Russia who had created an early mechanical chess device known as as the samurai it had been designed to be a traveling curiosity and would sit playing chess games against volunteers taken from a spectating audience each one of them having forked over some of their hard-earned money to watch this man-made wonder the Russian chess Prodigy’s young daughters also had a love for the game seeing that gave Eric a Pang of jealousy wondering if those daughters had as much trouble playing their own father as he did with Brian but at least there was an underlying shred of Hope there too if this father and his daughters could bond over chess maybe there was a chance for Eric and his dad too sadly it’s one thing to try and learn all the facts you can about Chess it’s an entirely different Beast to put all that information to use and apply it to an actual game despite having read every book he could get his hands on Eric still couldn’t best Brian at the board it was like nothing had changed his father barely noticed when Eric tried to replicate move sets he’d read up on and still managed to not only counter those moves but check his Queen in the process so practice Eric thought after all practice was supposedly meant to make perfect right the plan was simple if he practiced his chess moves enough times and figure out how he could call on what he’d learned then he might stand a chance at winning when he and his dad played each other there was just one hiccup to this plan Eric needed someone to practice against the only other person in the house was Brian meaning it was that hiccup that turned into a problem almost big enough to stop Eric in his tracks that is until he went into his father’s lab it was under the house itself a sort of su level maybe used as a basement or seller by the previous owners but since Professor Matthews and his son had lived there the entire room had been remodeled into an atome laboratory not a terribly Advanced one of course this was the early 9s after all majority of Brian’s time even when he was at home instead of working at the the University was spent on his own downstairs in the lab Eric had gone down there in search of his dad to ask him if there was anyone whom he knew who he could practice and develop his chess skills with but instead what he found down there was the last thing he expected to see not that he had any clue exactly what it was at first the thing was some kind of bizarre Contraption a collection of components that didn’t seem to be in any logical configuration however it was primarily composed of something that Eric recognized All Too Well a chest table this one was metal steel to be precise and seemed to be hooked up to some sort of computer while back in the 9s computers were hardly as common place as they are now Eric had seen a fair few at school and the library although this one was different it seemed old far older than Eric thought computers had been around for as far as he knew they’d only really come to prominence in the mid 880s but this computer looked like it predated even that period noticing another part of the contraption a large steam engine with the words manufactured by modlay Suns and field established 1840 engraved on one side made it seem that this whole device had been around since the Victorian era the next part that caught his eyes was the chest pieces themselves each one standing neatly in its place on the board they looked delicate intricately carved from some smooth substance for a moment Eric toyed with a thought of how they could even be made from bone noticing how each Pawn Knight Rook Bishop king and queen were all about the size of a human finger bone he dismissed the idea nobody would ever do something like that Eric grabbed a sheet covering a large component hooked up to the mess lifting it away in a swift pole it unveiled what was sitting beneath a full Suite of 18 Century Samurai armor Eric to looked closer at the embellishments on the surface of the pauldrons he was no expert on feudal Japan but it looked authentic enough to be the real thing if not a very close approximation taking a look at the collection of oddities all tethered together in his father’s lab a certain detail of all his chess research came to the Forefront of Eric’s mind the armor that had given it away this was the samurai or at the very least a crude homemade vers version of it that his dad had put together but if it worked it was also something to practice against it didn’t take Eric long to start tinkering with the contraption trying to get it to work all the while the question of why his dad owned such a thing kept drumming up noise in the back of his head had Brian built it or was this the original made by that Russian chess Prodigy was this machine the reason that Eric’s dad possessed such an unbeatable skill at chess would using it give him the edge he needed to best him at the the game and earn his father’s respect after what felt like hours upon hours of trial and error with a machine he could barely comprehend Eric seemed to have cracked it as far as he could tell the steam engine powered the whole Contraption and could be set to five different speeds labeled on the side in Roman numerals the power from the engine was then fed to some kind of sophisticated mechanism that was within the suit of Samurai armor allowing it to move and what appeared to be a series of electromagnets that moved the chest pieces and kept them on the board flicking it on to the third highest of the five speed levels the machine word into life the sound of creaking and grinding of metal filled the lab kneeling opposite Eric went to make the first move only to stop himself it wasn’t that he changed his mind about practicing against the samurai but because of the speed he’d set it to determining that the settings might have correlated to difficulty levels Eric figured that if he really wanted to get the most rigorous practice to really hone his chest moves he needed to commit fully reaching for the dial he turned the device up to its Fifth and highest speed then made his first move he pushed one of the bone colored prawns forward by a single square and waited a split second pass and the arm of the early automaton responded with its first counter move it was quick almost moving with the same natural fluidity and speed as an actual human being albeit still with a little bit of creaking and some slight clock work like stutters but it worked nonetheless the machine could play the tension over the first game was palpable forming a layer of sweat over Eric’s forehead every wor and tick of the machine gave the impression that they were playing with a stop clock timing each of their moves adding to the urgency despite this Eric Matthews tried his best to stay calm this was practice after all a dry run not the inevitable game he’d play against his dad with every move he made his heart drun rmed against his ribs uncertain he’d made the right call each time the robotic hand cruy knocked over one of his Pieces away Eric felt a surge of frustration but told himself to quell it he kept focused using what he’d researched to adapt and respond accordingly to each of the machine’s moves until Checkmate he’d beaten it he might have lost everything save for a knight a rook his king and queen but he had won trapped without anywhere else to move on the board the metal finger of the automaton conceded the Game knocking over its own King in resignation panting heart racing from the sheer excitement of being on The Winning Side of A game Eric hurly gathered up and reset all the pieces he had to go again not just so that he could be certain it wasn’t a fluke but to make sure he had what it took to take on his Professor father back and forth Eric went with the chess machine over and over again they were fairly evenly matched it seemed Eric won the second game only to be best on the next two but it was sometime afterward he had lost count of exactly how many rounds later that things started to change maybe it was the age and condition of the Victorian era chess computer the natural wear and tear stopping it from functioning properly But Eric noticed that the samurai started to make moves that were illogical that practically offered him the upper hand with no discernible strategy behind them then its movements became flat out illegal disregarding the directions and number of squares each different piece was allowed to move before long it was moving them erratically around the chessboard refusing to cooperate and forcing Eric to call an end to the days practicing unfortunately it wouldn’t be the end of the unusual things that would happen that day did you send me that weird email was the first question Eric’s dad asked him when he returned home looking noticeably under the weather confused Eric said that he had no idea what his father was talking about Professor Matthews then went on to describe what he’ received on his work computer it had been an email with a file attached to it named Shak a word in Russian that translates to chess embedded in the email below although it had taken a long time to load being opened on a 1990s computer there had apparently been a photo as well it was rather odd Eric Brian went on quite unnerving to tell the truth black and white all sort of distorted and stretched but it looked like two young girls one grinning and the other screaming I’ve been feeling well not quite myself since I saw it with that Brian excused himself stating that he’d been suffering from headaches and a high temperature and as a result needed to go and lay down it wasn’t like his father to get ill Eric thought but of course he had no reason to assume it was anything serious probably just a sped of fatigue after a long day of teaching at the University no cause for concern if only that’s all it was within a few hours Brian was completely restless so unable to sleep that simply taking a nap was impossible he kept calling to Eric complaining of the sound of childlike laughter coming from somewhere in the house but his son hadn’t heard anything by the time the sun went down Eric was trying to calm his dad down through a rush of intense anxiety that gripped him Brian had been claimed to be hallucinating seeing the Warped faces of two girls that frightened him half to death it was getting late long past the time that they usually played chess together but for now Eric’s mind was focused solely on helping his dad for a while he seemed to be able to calm his father down only to realized Brian wasn’t settled at all he was awake eyes open fully conscious but wasn’t responding at all to Eric asking if he was all right instead the accomplished academic just stared blankly into space Eric had been up all night exhausted worried for Brian’s safety and completely clueless about what was happening to him after a while being non-responsive his dad seemed to regain a little bit of Lucidity once more but his behavior was erratic take me back to work I I need to get on my computer Brian demanded of his son when Eric refused that’s when his dad got angry and agitated Professor Brian Matthews was sadly found dead within the next few months several months later as the sole executive of his father’s estate and last living relative Eric had to be the one to go through his dad’s personal belongings volumes upon volumes of thick academic books his smart scholarly clothes the house was almost clear now save for one thing that was left in the basement lab flicking on the light switch Eric looked at the samurai sitting motionless still uncovered after their last practice game he’d sold off the chest pieces to a collector in New York now it was just an empty Oddity Eric placed a king on the board one of the ones that he and his dad had used when they played each other with a gentle flick of his finger he toppled it resigning to the strange automat on and leaving it there in the laboratory he wasn’t sure how but he had some kind of gut feeling that this chess machine had somehow been responsible for his father’s fate of course Eric had no idea what the device actually was and what or who lay beneath its woring metal Parts SCP 1875 is the designation given to this machine now and has been ever since the foundation recovered it not long after Eric sold his father’s house they were able to learn much more about it than young Mr Matthews or even the late professor Matthews ever had not just how to make it work or what its function was but who had built it and who had been used to build it although details of his real name eluded the foundation’s top researchers they were able to uncover newspaper articles about the device from all over Russia America and England dating back to the early 199s the Russian chess Prodigy who’d invented it and toured the chess playing machine around had used some some interesting components to make his automaton maybe they were what derived its skill at the game and its apparent temperament when the device was made to play at maximum speed for too long he had used his daughters to make the machine deep within the heart of this early form of computer the two girls brain tissue had been hooked up to the electromagnets The Machine’s moves were theirs each Pawn or Rook shifting across the black and white squares of the board every rule or strategy their Prodigy father had taught it all determined how the device played their minds taken from their skulls were now the analytical engine of their father’s creation the bones of their fingers he’ carved into chest pieces over the coming weeks the foundation naturally ran their usual slew of tests on SCP 1875 playing multiple games of Chess against it every time they increased the machine’s five levels of speed until it started behaving erratically while on the highest setting shortly after every member of personnel working on SCP 1875 received a bizarre email it contained a file named with the Russian word for chess and a photograph of the stretched distorted smiling and screaming faces of two young girls faces that you might be seeing very soon rock paper scissors a simple hand game dating back to the Han Dynasty of Imperial China it is a decisive game between two players with the only outcomes being Win Lose or Draw we’re quite familiar with rock paper scissors here at the SCP Foundation as the guards are often seen playing intense rounds of the game to determine who will be the Unlucky Soul chosen to secure one of the various ker class scps during a given week in most cases this use of rock paper scissors is accepted as a largely harmless and Fair Way for defensive Personnel to arrange their shifts the reason for this is that the results of rock paper scissors are generally random as there are very few ways for an individual’s skill to influence the game or so one might think in reality rock paper scissors is a deeply psychological game and this is mainly because of its origin as a contest between fellow human beings the average human is vulnerable to making errors and falling into patterns and with only three options to keep track of it is entirely possible for seasoned veteran of rock paper scissors to predict their opponent’s Choice before any hands are thrown of course that opponent may also commit an error of their own by misreading the other players actions and thus there is always a chance for an impulsive decision to swing the results of the game in either direction human limitation is the only skill-based mechanic in the game of rock paper scissors and that same limitation is what in the eyes of some holds the game back from reaching its true potential that was was the case until someone out there discovered the rules to an anomalous version of rock paper scissors being spread through a mysterious email while all attempts to trace the email back to its original sender have left the foundation with more questions than answers we have been able to learn more about the differences between the rules of standard rock paper scissors and the anomalous version we have given this anomalous version of rock paper scissors the designation SCP 4633 and unlike the classic edition under no circumstances are any foundation Personnel allowed to play a game incorporating any of the alternative rules while the ceiling for skill and variety is theoretically much higher in a rock paper scissors match featuring SCP 4633 the risks to the player far outweigh any added novelty here is how SCP 4633 functions during an average game of rock paper scissors well average prior to the anomalous properties taking effect rather than being limited to using merely rock paper or scissors as the name of the game implies the players gain access to a series of additional hand gestures which upon the act of being thrown become seamlessly integrated into both players shared understanding of the rules this alone would be bizarre enough but the true harm caused by a SCP 4633 is in the nature of the gestures themselves when one of the non-standard gestures Allowed by SC SCP 4633 is used the player’s hands will change shape and ways that under normal circumstances would be anatomically impossible each of these non-standard gestures is distinct from the rest with the only commonality being an unusual tendency for the final gesture to resemble biological structures often seen in sea life one particular gesture might cause a player to rapidly grow a ring of additional fingers surrounding a gaping anemone like mouth in the Palm while another could result in the player’s entire arm flattening into a fin-like appendage regardless of how severe a departure from a typical human limb the final gesture would be the limbs and on rare occasions the entire body of the player using the gesture will quickly and irreversibly mutate into the shape required to successfully perform it while these gestures overwhelmingly result in forms that would be distressing to most people the same cognitive effect that causes the participants to accept changes to the rules also appears to apply to the changes affecting their own body to the players of an SCP 4633 augmented match of rock paper scissors the non-standard gestures seem as mundane as the original Three unfortunately the morphic properties of SCP 4633 are practically irreversible with extreme reconstructive surgery being required in even the best of cases in all instances of SCP 4633 surgical intervention is necessary to prevent the spread of details regarding the non-standard gestures and their usage because of the immediate shift in cognitive awareness among participants all that is needed for a new instance of SCP 4633 to occur is the faintest hint of knowledge of the alternative rules it’s even been noted that between different groups of players the non-standard gestures can vary heavily or seemingly be created on the fly as the desire to win at all costs takes hold here are a few examples of anomalous gestures which have been observed during instances of scp4 633 this list is by no means comprehensive but it will provide an insight into how SCP 4633 drastically Alters the existing mechanics of the game as well as the physique of the players the thilly gesture transforms the user’s fingers into Barbed tentacles it beats paper and scissors but loses to rock Chava folds the fingers of the hand into the palm and causes them to emerge through the back of the Palm it allows the user to throw a second gesture after they they’ve seen their opponent’s Choice ashaz splits the hand into a pair of poisonous Stingers which also produce a potent electrical current between them it has been seen to lose to paper but seemingly of their own will The Stingers lashed at the opposing player and caused them to fall unconscious three rounds later due to the effects of the poison sha USA beats paper and two other anomalous gestures loses to scissors rock and a third gesture and morphs the user’s arm into a dactal club SAR to the front appendage of a mantis shrimp is zorov simply causes the player to grow three additional thumbs on one hand the final gesture resembles a triple thumbs up is zorov has not been seen to beat any gestures and the player who uses it always seems to go on to lose the match pakar causes the middle and ring to recede into the hand while the pointer and pinky fingers extend to resemble the ice stalks of a snail or slug the rest of the hand also becomes coated in a thin layer of slime which continues to secrete from within pagak Mar beats scissors and paper but loses to rock in another anomalous gesture known as vianek incidentally Von causes the arm of the player using it to elongate into a wormlike tube that periodically spews a gout of saltwater on the opponent when vianek was seen beating pakar the saltwater appeared to have some adverse effect on the latter gesture causing the ice docks to droop and the hand to shrivel until it was half its original size another nous gesture is gatho recognized by the skin muscle and veins of the hand turning translucent revealing a pulsing red organ in the interior of the Palm once gathr has been thrown the player who used it may call out the name of one other gesture which can no longer be used in the current match the ukay gesture is a bit deceptive as it resembles Rock when first thrown but gradually causes the hand to condense into a lump of inert material not dissimilar to actual ous Rock the knuckles as well begin to exude a superheated mineral substance similar to molten lava ukay exclusively beats paper and appears to lose to everything else many of the gestures on record have no known name but their function within SCP 46 33’s altered rules is clear from the context in which they were used such is the case with one anomalous gesture which caused most of the players hand to withdraw into a siphon likee opening at their wrist before the very same or shot out a stream of ink into the opposing player’s eyes while there was no lasting harm done to the opponent by this gesture the ink did cause temporary blindness which persisted until they were defeated by way of their Rock losing to paper another unknown gesture has been seen beating both urav and ukay this gesture makes the player’s hand resemble the crest and gas-filled body of a Pacific Mana War these examples are only scraping the surface of the seemingly Endless Possibilities that SC PP 4633 has to offer as you can see the anomalous hand gestures can be just as dangerous within the game itself as the permanent changes they invoke in the user while the foundation has done its best to contain all information surrounding SCP 4633 there have been clear efforts by several unknown groups to push the game into continued usage over the past three decades instances of s SCP 4633 have seen increasing popularity in the world of high stakes gambling perhaps it is because of the inherent thrill of watching two opponents trying to strategically outwit each other with a countless number of non-standard gestures but more likely it is part of the anomalous effect of SCP 4633 that the game would appeal to those desperate to risk everything on the slim chance of Victory this neatly brings us to the SCP 4633 related incident which occurred aboard the private ocean liner known as the SS fateful Emma before the incident the Fateful Emma would say s into international waters twice a year each time it would bring along a new group of passengers seemingly selected from the underprivileged and downcast sector of society a great many of these passengers were convicts with repeat violent offenses chosen from supermax facilities the world over the process by which these inmates were chosen for a voyage aboard the ship was not dissimilar from the methods the foundation uses to acquire new class D Personnel naturally this was how the research team was able to be tipped off about the Fateful Emma it became apparent soon after looking into the ship’s career that the individuals altered by the effects of SCP 4633 had been seen departing from the ship on multiple occasions in remote island Harbors most of the time the individuals would also be to the best of their ability with their metamorphosed forms carrying briefcases filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash while Witnesses tend to write off the strange appearances of those affected as being the result of a deformity or or injury or in more pronounced instances dismissing the encounters as sightings of creatures from the local mythology it was clear to anyone familiar with SC SCP 4633 what was truly going on these passengers were being made to play pitched games of rock paper scissors featuring SCP 4633 for massive sums of wealth and what was worse the Grand Prize winners were seemingly being released back into civilization without the knowledge of law enforcement of course what the Foundation was most concerned about was the potential for the large scale leak of detailed information involving SCP 4633 it seemed that the foundation’s latest faceless enemy had revealed itself whatever wealthy group of individuals was pulling the strings behind the games aboard the SS fateful Emma it was very likely that the ship was also well protected by a private Army of trained mercenaries in a display of Swift but necessary initiative the foundation assembled a brand new mobile task force to be be dispatched onto the ocean liner mobile task force row 52 with the fitting code name r Shambo the mobile task force would board The Vessel secretly and use whatever means necessary to prevent the spread of SCP 4633 and any evidence of the associated non-standard hand gestures before the Fateful Emma’s next Voyage the foundation isolated the port where it would depart from and made sure that the MTF agents were in position the operation was co- captained by agent du and agent Shang both of whom prided themselves on having extraordinarily good luck agent duah would stealthily move the majority of the agents under his command into the cargo hold below deck and await agent jang’s signal agent Jang himself would assume the name and identity of one of the criminal passengers who was intercepted before boarding by the mobile task force the wouldbe participant was subsequently detained and brought into the foundation as a Class D personnel as the SS fateful Emma began to leave the Harbor Agent J joined the other passengers who had been gathered together in an enormous function hall there was little indication of when the games would begin and Jang made an effort to keep a low profile until more information was available shortly after the ship had officially arrived in international waters an eccentric man entered the room on a walkway that overlooked the rest of the passengers he was flanked by a pair of armed bodyguards it was plain from the man’s style of dress and demeanor that he was both absurdly wealthy and completely out of his mind he wore a pure white tuxedo and a scarf that seemed to have been made from the fur of a Siberian tiger a pair of Dark Shades with sequin rims obscured his eyes from view but by far the strangest aspect of the rich man was the fact that emerging from the wrist of his right arm was the eyeless head of a Mor eel where his hand should be the man spoke addressing the entire room welcome passengers new and old to the SS fateful Emma while you are born this ship your fate is in your own hands over the next 24 hours you will have the rare opportunity to play the greatest game of chance that Humanity has ever known generations of people from every continent and every Walk of Life have given their all to the Mastery of rock paper scissors across no the men proceeded to speak unusual syllables for the next minute straight without even a pause for breath in his report agent Jen described the man voice is gaining an increasingly loud hum as his speech continued and that some of the syllables didn’t seem to be the product of human vocal chords he soon concluded his string of gibberish and resumed speaking intelligible language as is customary we will be utilizing the Iles toi rules you will Begin by selecting a single opponent and challenging them to a best of two of three match this is a single elimination tournament and any competitors who cannot otherwise continue to engage in matches will also be eliminated by the end of your time here the luckiest among you will be named the Undisputed champion of these games and will be granted unlimited Freedom along with the cash prize the rest of you will have to determine your own Fates for you all know what awaits you below may your hands be ready your minds be sharp and remember winning is everything with a flourish of his Mor eel hand the wealthy man finished his introductions and promptly exited the room aent Jang looked at the passengers surrounding him and saw that they were already beginning to play Rock Paper Scissors with each other a few had already begun using the anomalous gestures warping their limbs into hideous subnotica agent Jen gave the signal to agent duah and the rest of the mobile task force to begin the operation their target was primarily the Moray handed man as well as any other Close Associates that he had on board they would capture him alive and interrogate him into revealing the mystery behind this illegal gambling ring once the mercenaries were dealt with agent du’s team would further command the ocean liner and navigate it to SCP Foundation research site 45 to await further orders as for agent Jang he knew what he had to do to buy time he would participate in the ensuing rock paper scissors tournament and eliminate as many of the other players as possible this he believed was the best way to minimize the number of anomalous gestures that would be used aboard the ship of course of course he himself wouldn’t be using any of the anomalous gestures either opting to limit himself to the standard three this could put him at a severe disadvantage over the course of the competition but aent Jang knew better than to tempt fate still being eliminated seemed like something he may want to avoid even though the consequences for elimination were left vague in the strange rich man’s speech he still didn’t feel that it would be wise to put himself in a compromised position while aboard the Fateful Emma bracing him himself for the worst agent Jang accepted the challenge of a nearby passenger he was off to a promising start when he threw a scissors hand against his opponent’s paper because the matches were best two out of three all he needed was to win one of the next two matches and he’d survive this round then he saw the devious look on his opponent’s face and he knew that this match was about to get weird rather than admit to feet agent jien prepared to throw scissors again the two challenged their hands and just as Jen had feared his opponent threw an anomalous gesture almost instantly the opponent’s hand took on a multim mouthed pis scene form which began to spit sharp teeth in agent jang’s Direction fortunately the agent’s bulletproof vest was able to withstand the impact of the teeth what was even more fortunate was the fact that the opponent seemed to be a good sport scissors be asz ROK you in said the other passenger before walking away in search of their next match curiously the passenger’s transformed arm continued to fire teeth across the room at random intervals occasionally hitting and causing injury to one of the other competitors agent Jang was grateful that the body armor he was wearing had been tested to withstand rapid fire from SCP 127 compared to the raw power of the living gun the teeth launch from azrok gestures were practically BB rounds he had succeeded in not being eliminated both from the game and generally excited about his win Jen sought out another opponent to test his luck below deck agent duah and the rest of the mobile task force had just finished facing off against some of the hired mercenaries when they entered a room presumed to be the ocean liners Sick Bay inside was a Grizzly sight a second rock paper scissors tournament playing out between players that had been so thoroughly transformed by the anomalous gestures of SCP 4633 that they barely appeared to still be human it was like a scene from a deep SE documentary with strange and unknowable creatures vying for dominance not within a natural food chain or competition for resources but within a seemingly never-ending struggle to win a game of chance it was Purgatory rock paper scissors Purgatory agent du was appalled but he knew better than to attempt to stop these creatures from doing the one thing keeping them all distracted the morh handed man was still somewhere in the ship and capturing him was far more important the research team would decide what to do with these former humans once the ship was Secure within the foundation’s custom however what agent tuban didn’t realize is that some of these creatures were advancing on his team in nightmarish and unearthly voices they chanted rock rock paper scissors suddenly one of the Abominations who resembled nothing more closely than an enormous mass of coral produced Four Arms from within its body and began to throw anomalous hand signs towards the agents one of the arms threw ayag which coated an unsuspecting agent in hot lava causing him to dropped to the floor in pain Panic du ordered the task force to eliminate every living thing in the Sick Bay although not in the sense of their tournament standing of course meanwhile aent Jang was on a win streak in the function hall through sheer luck and determination he had managed to avoid elimination while eliminating several other passengers himself he began to notice that those who were eliminated were quietly escorted Away by the bouncers seeming to have their anomalous changes treated now it was only down to 12 remaining passengers agent Jen knew that it was only a matter of time before dubba and his team took control of the ship but feeling Reckless he challenged one of the remaining passengers in that moment something came over him as if his determination to see the mission through was also compelling him to win at any cost his opponent threw pakar and out of instinct Jang threw vanyan the agent went on to win the entire tournament but sadly he was unable to collect the prize money as during the Skirmish below deck the man with a moay hand had escaped with a small fortune in a high-speed submersible his ultimate goals and the scope of the shadowy group he represented would remain unanswered for the time being when the SS fateful Emma finally arrived at site 45 agent Jang came to his senses and realized that he had underestimated the cognitive side effects of SCP 4633 due to the immediately recognizable anomalous state of both his arms agent Jen was later contained on site with minimal security it’s believed that researchers are still searching for a method to reverse the effects it just goes to show that winning isn’t everything thousands lay dead across the globe face Twisted into a twitching Rus grin their corpses are found by their families their friends and law enforcement but nobody has a clue what could possibly have killed them all a serial killer a mysterious new disease or possibly even a supernatural monster in all of this who could possibly expect a rogue meme before we uncover the secrets of SCP 3078 the foundation would like to clarify its position on the classification of Cognito hazards you may have seen the title of this video and worried that we might be telling you all about an anomaly involving literal excrement but don’t worry this is merely the result of a precaution we’ve taken to ensure that there is no breach of a standard procedure involving Cognito hazardous materials to quote the father of modern toxicology parelius poison is in everything and nothing is without poison the dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy the foundation has categorized many types of Cognito hazards but we are not the only organization with rules and regulations regarding such things to put it another way there are certain words and phrases that the YouTube platform deems Cognito hazardous and must therefore be avoided lest the foundation risk its own funding in the name of accuracy we hope that you understand as we proceed with that out of the way let us move on to the menacing mimetic macro itself SCP 3078 the Cognito hazardous poop post it’s 3:00 a.m. and you’re scrolling through social media checking on the latest gossip and discourse while making the rounds to all the usual places where you get your funnies in your late night search you stumble upon a meme that hits your brain in exactly the wrong way the joke isn’t even that funny but somehow you begin to laugh uncontrollably what was it that caused you to lose your grip was it the tiredness you were feeling the do Drums of seeing so many UNH wholesome opinions before encountering the image or maybe something about the meme was so poorly constructed that I crossed the line twice and looped back around to being hilarious you’re not sure and in fact as you continue to crack up you become even less sure of what it is that you are laughing at you try to stop yourself but but the involuntary response continues your sides begin to hurt and you double over as tears begin to stream down your cheeks you cover your face and try to bite against the insides of your mouth but there is no stopping the giggle train the giggle train keeps on rolling through and your chattering teeth nearly bite too hard you stop because of the pain and continue to laugh loudly under ordinary circumstances you might worry about waking someone up at this late hour but as you recall you are completely alone in the house house tonight there is nobody who would be disturbed by your seemingly endless burst of laughter but that only makes what comes next all the more horrifying by now your vision is hazy from all the tears of laughter you can’t even see the offending image that broke your composure and now the situation is starting to feel inexplicable that’s when you realize you can no longer inhale the uncontrollable laughing has removed your ability to breathe if it continues like this you will meet an untimely f fit through Suffocation you are totally alone and unable to call for help as all the spasms of laughter cause you to fall out of your chair you Riot on the ground crying and laughing and not even capable of gasping for breath your life is fading away all because of a meme that made you laugh yourself to death fortunately this is not actually you but it could have been if you had been so lucky as to come across an instance of SCP 3078 unlike most of the done funny and low effort memes that never make it to truly iconic status this particular strain of image can have devastating effects on those who witness it and that’s no laughing matter this is because despite its apparent poor quality as a post the humor response it generates is anomalous in nature and in every recorded case of exposure quite deadly to dat SCP 378 has claimed the lives of 3,576 civilians and two members of foundation personnel discovered in the Untamed wild west of the internet SCP 378 is a self-replicating image that can appear without warning on message boards and social media platforms capable of Hosting media in many ways it is like any other meme that is proliferated through the worldwide web with a slight distinction that it doesn’t originate from a human source for every single instance of SCP 3078 an anonymous profile is created simultaneously with a post on the corresponding platform while any of these profiles cannot be traced back to any existing IP address there is a predictable quality as to when new ones will spawn though not where every hour that an instance of SCP 3078 exists on the internet a duplicate of the meme will emerge on another website posted under a new profile the profiles associated with SCP 3078 share a similar pattern in that the given username will invariably be a random arrangement of the numbers 69 and 420 if these references fly over your head you are obviously new to the internet the most that you need to know is that these numbers are automatically funny and the more that they are used as punch lines the funnier they become in much the same way as the poop posts they are connected to 69 and 420 are memes designed to induce outrageous laughter in those who witness them when tags and hashtags are applied to SCP 3078 instances the number 420 is often included as well as the phrases don’t do weed and meme these are more coded phrases from the internet meant to evoke Universal comedy the phrase don’t do weed in particular hint set a connection to a group of interests whom we will soon discuss back to the duplication and generation of the images there have been theories that SCP 3078 is connected in some way to the activities of a group of interests known as Gamers against Tweed the radical faction of video gaming enthusiasts is known for proliferating the dankest of anomalies throughout the world and several of these have been contained by the SCP Foundation you are probably familiar with SCP 3108 the nerfing gun which reduces any object or living organism to a worse state that powerful weapon is a Gamers against weed original and it is hardly the only SCP that these Rising upst Starts have seemingly brought into existence most of the other SC CPS created by Gamers against weed interact with media and images this includes SCP 2293 which modified pre-existing stories to include a new line of dialogue at pivotal moments the line of dialoging question will always be did you know that world-renowned author Stephen King was once hit by a car just something to consider while initially meant as a harmless joke between members of the group of Interest the mimetic phrase quickly spiraled out of the gamer’s control and began to spread to every corner cor of the media landscape incidents such as these prove that Gamers against weed has a track record of creating anomalies that may appear harmless but cause Untold destruction in their wake they may not be an outwardly malicious group of interest but the problems they cause have serious consequences if the Cognito hazardous poop posts of SCP 3078 do originate from within the organization It is believed that the image was created by a member whose online handle is harm pit regard less the post and its duplicates have long since taken on a life of their own this duplication process that occurs hourly while an instance of SCP 3078 exists is what is known as an SCP 3078 conert event in order to prevent the spread of SCP 3078 images every instance of the post must be deleted to prevent a Conor event from occurring for this purpose a team of foundation hackers and highly trained meme experts have been assigned to patrol the web for any instances of SCP 378 and remove them immediately while this unnamed unit is crucial to saving lives and keeping your browser safe from Cognito hazardous material it would not be accurate to refer to them as a mobile task force since they are entirely sedentary in their work but even without a proper designation our anomalous hackers have been outfitted with the latest processing systems and can also accomplish all their intended tasks from the comfort of their top-of-the-line gamer chairs also Cognito Hazard detecting software and augmented reality glasses allow our hackers to safely interact with SCP 378 without having to use the naked eye in this way they are safe by avoiding the memes laughter causing anomalous properties when it comes to busting bad memes the foundation hackers are the Professionals of course our staff is only able to curtail the number of exposure cases there seems to be no known way to reverse the erratic laughter that results from seeing an instance of SCP 307 78 the only thing worse than a bad viral meme is a bad viral meme that kills like a virus too additionally because memes tend to be shared in groups and among friends every instance of SCP 3078 has an indirect KnockOn effect that creates a cycle of exposure while these Mass death events caused by SCP 3078 are usually reported as gas leaks or bizarre cult rituals the truth on the scene is often far more gruesome than one might expect for example before scp3 78 was cleared from the internet there was a particularly horrifying event that resulted from an instance accidentally being inserted into a slideshow at a company Retreat for a major marketing firm the second the image appeared on screen an entire room full of Executives Specialists and interns burst into an uproar that continued onward with no indication of stopping security footage of the event shows many of the business associates trying to calm themselves before looking around and realizing that everyone in the in the room was also laughing the contagious fits of laughter did not stop and things soon became distressing the instance of SCP 3078 was not on screen for most of the duration of the crowd’s laughter but when it had appeared the text on the top of the image read when you inhale the devil’s Mary Jane smoke a humorous and trendy reference to weed the bottom of the macro featured a distorted Emoji with deep fried text that read oh no using a Wayback machine on the confiscated laptop that displayed the image revealed that over the course of the Laughing Outburst the upper text began to change 20 minutes after the laughter had begun the image read it wasn’t supposed to be on the slide oh my God this is embarrassing please stop laughing everyone 40 minutes later the text on the SCP 3078 instance changed to no no no why can’t it stop this isn’t normal I’m losing my mind I’m losing it I’m losing it 1 hour and 35 minutes later the entire room had completely lost consciousness and yet the image changed again to read it’s over it’s over we can’t go on like this I never should have clicked that link ha that Meme got be dead bro the next and supposedly permanent change caused the text to become the letters X and D next to each other in a text emoji that repeated 34 times across the instance there were no survivors and when the authorities arrived in the conference room they were alarmed to find that the victims of SC P 3078 were still laughing and smiling even though they had already expired by Suffocation somehow the anomalous properties that compelled laughter from those who viewed the Cognito Hazard persisted after all the air had already left their lungs raspy noises of sharp breath forced their way out of the respiratory system and larynx of everyone in the room because of the continued laughter of the corpses medical practitioners were instructed to make attempts to save the patient’s post exposure there was nothing that could be done and in a Grizzly image that still haunts the dreams of some Foundation staff the morg of the hospital that attempted to care for the SCP 3078 victims was stuffed with bodies that were still laughing even while in their cold lockers amnestics were administered to everyone involved in the mass exposure event and efforts to wipe out all SCP 378 images were redoubled in accordance with damages done agents of the foundation were dispatched to track down members of Gamers against weed for comment and possible assistance compelled if necessary it may not surprise you to hear that many of the GW aligned hackers who were caught and contained during these proceedings were pressed into Service as conscripted hackers for the foundation’s ongoing web presence ever since the year 2017 all known instances of SCP 3078 have been successfully neutralized long-term containment is not deemed possible due to the potential of another image being posted posted at any time but when such a time does arise our teams will be ready to delete the instance within the hour to prevent an SCP 3078 conert event of course in the years since there was never a direct admission of guilt on the part of Gamers against weed or a promised to cease their activities as a group of interest but the foundation has been monitoring The Gamers ever since the frightening thing about SCP 3078 isn’t so much its deadly consequences but the fact that it can spread so quickly if unattended the internet is a very big and very strange place where any number of unusual things can happen sure this Cognito Hazard was neutralized but what other mimetic nightmares are lurking in isolated forums that most people who use the internet have never so much as laid eyes upon in the ocean of data that has existed since the information age there are dark trenches where anomalies fester and grow stronger without the supervision of responsible adults like the ancient an omniv valent cthulu from the cosmic horror works of author HP Lovecraft there are visions of Madness that mere normies are not meant to see the worst of them Remain the objects of worship for select groups of withdrawn Hermits many of whom will live their lives in darkness never endeavoring to feel the light of the Sun or place their soft uncalloused hands upon Blades of grass SCP 3078 may have been detected on the surface of the internet but only after it spread to Major social media platforms its Discovery and neutralization sets a benchmark for how to handle similar threats but it would be naive to assume that the next killer meme will be as determined to make us laugh it Bears mentioning that another Gamers against weed SCP SCP 5273 is the designation given to a kind of text and image post that can create irrational anger in those who observe it if a similar anomaly were to arise that combined the worst elements of SCP 3078 with SCP 5273 there is a possibility that a Cognito Hazard meme could be created that drives the viewer into a murderous rage while purely theoretical the foundation remains prepared for anything by their very nature Cognito hazards are weapons against the mind and because of this only the truly Twisted tend towards creating them or using them consistently even an entirely sane creator of a Cognito Hazard may find themselves corrupted by what they have done and come to regret ever attempting to change others Minds in the first place so remember with or without anomalous properties memes are serious business and not to be trifled with without a proper understanding of the power of memes a simple harmless idea can spread on its own and become an unintended source of mass suffering know your memes fear your memes respect your memes now go check out scp096 versus gigachad and SCP 055 anti-meme unknown

This video, titled ‘SCP-2842 – It’s A Meme, You Dip’, was uploaded by SCP Explained – Story & Animation on 2024-03-09 15:10:00. It has garnered 36918 views and 808 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:41 or 15221 seconds.

00:00 SCP-2842 It’s A Meme, You Dip 15:21 SCP Minecraft World Destroyer SCP-4335 – A Welt In The Crucible 29:48 The Deadliest Game – SCP-1918 – Tik Tak Tow 40:56 SCP-5167- When the Imposter is Sus 01:00:49 SCP-6661 Trollge 01:17:42 SCP-1633 – Most Dangerous Video Game 01:37:24 SCP-1471 MalO, but HACKED MINECRAFT 01:49:25 What If SCP-1471 – MalO Was Modded Into SCP-1633 – The Most Dangerous Video Game? 02:02:22 Is This Show More Horrifying Than Squid Games? – SCP-024 – Game Show of Death 02:19:47 SCP-096 vs. GARTEN OF BANBAN 02:31:39 SCP-591 – Pretendo 02:50:44 SCP-674 – Exposition Gun 03:05:02 SCP-096 in MINECRAFT! 03:17:29 What if Your Gaming Skills Were This Good? – SCP-1875 – Antique Chess Computer 03:36:02 SCP-4633 – These Deadly Rock, Paper, Scissors Hand Gestures are Crazy! 03:57:18 SCP-3078 Cognitohazardous PoopPost

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Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors.

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    Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Encounter πŸ’€#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by White_official on 2024-05-28 16:01:05. It has garnered 10508 views and 359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine ,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game, vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine clock man, clockman, true story bro, titan clockman, jack bhaiya dance on gamerfleet song, triggered insaan, jack bhaiya degree, speakerman,speaker man, true storiestuffeRELATE titan speakerman, jack bhaiya dance, jack bhaiya doctor, huge stuffed pink… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream – You won’t believe what happens!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE-Minecraft N Chillin’, was uploaded by Zapzzz on 2024-06-04 01:39:45. It has garnered 2811 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:03 or 14343 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD- Twitch- Read More

  • LiosNetwork

    LiosNetworkWelcome to LiosNetwork, a survival server based in Germany with an English-speaking community. Join us for a thrilling adventure filled with custom items, boss fights, the ability to create nations, and a player-driven economy. Explore our immersive world, claim land for your nation, and engage in epic battles against formidable bosses. With a friendly and supportive community, LiosNetwork offers an exciting Minecraft experience for both new and experienced players. Join us now and become part of our thriving community! Minecraft version: 1.20.1. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelisted – 1.20+

    Welcome to Universal Tranquility! If you’re looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join, look no further! Whether you prefer to work with others or alone, you are welcome in our community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join our DISCORD server and check out our SERVER WIKI for more information! Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Enjoy all of vanilla… Read More

  • Intransigent SMP

    Intransigent SMPNew hardcore survival server opening for beta Multiple version compatibility We have constant updatesFriendly & Mature Staff teamWE ARE IN BETA We are looking for staff !DISCORD : a few weeks of hardwork, im finally ready to open my server for players to test it out and let me know downsides and upsides, I take suggestions and Extremly active. I hope you join my SMP crew :)We have- Thirst- Seasons / Temperature- Severe weather ( Earthquake,Tsunamis, And more!)Daily rewards and votes πŸ™‚ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – PICK A SIDE, NOOBS!

    I’m on the side of the villagers because they have better trades and don’t blow up my house with creepers. Read More

  • Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No need to worry, it’s all child-friendly, Just sit back, relax, and let your mind be free. With funny animations and songs to adapt, Every video brings smiles, that’s a fact. So practice more if you’re new to this game, And let Fangkuaixuan guide you, it’s never the same. Subscribe to his channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft adventures that are oh so sweet. Join the fun, join the laughter and fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Read More

  • Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! πŸ”₯πŸ’§

    Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! πŸ”₯πŸ’§ In Minecraft, water is faster than lava because it’s always trying to make a splash! #minecrafthumor 🌊πŸ”₯ Read More

  • Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP

    Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP Exploring the Explosive Fun of TNT in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, there are few things more satisfying than the explosive power of TNT. Whether you’re mining for resources, defending your base, or just looking to have some good old-fashioned fun, TNT is a versatile tool that can add a blast to your gameplay experience. The Joy of Destruction One of the most appealing aspects of TNT in Minecraft is its ability to create chaos and destruction in a controlled environment. From clearing out large areas for building projects to setting elaborate traps for unsuspecting players, TNT… Read More

  • Minecraft Teleportation Trick

    Minecraft Teleportation Trick Exploring Villages in Minecraft Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to discover villages in Minecraft? Villages are bustling hubs of activity in the game, filled with various structures, NPCs, and opportunities for exploration. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft villages and learn how to teleport to these fascinating locations! Teleporting to Villages Teleporting to a village in Minecraft can be a quick and efficient way to explore new areas and interact with villagers. To teleport to a village, follow these simple steps: Open Minecraft on your device. Press the “T” key to open the chat… Read More

  • FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel Skyblock

    FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Hacker Offered Me 1,000,000,000 Coins – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2024-05-24 20:00:15. It has garnered 1282 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #hypixelskyblock I’m really curious how many players Hypixel has banned for macroing/hacking in Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!

    Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft horror ain’t even scary…’, was uploaded by Laynce on 2024-05-09 15:08:53. It has garnered 1935 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:25 or 10105 seconds. I am really hoping to eat my words. I’ve been on the hunt for a properly scary minecraft experience. Reallly hoping today is the day. I want to feel FEAR. Music courtesy of C418 BISECT HOSTING: ** Use code “laynce” for 25% off! ** πŸ“Έ Socials β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬ Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! Testing CRAZY NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by KYLEBIRK MC on 2024-05-28 15:30:06. It has garnered 609 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. In today’s video, I decided to hop in to Minecraft 1.21 to test whether or not any current duplication glitches work in that version. And, to my surprise, the result was not what I was expecting… If you enjoyed this, please consider clicking the SUBSCRIBE button. I’ve got many more tutorials in the works, and you won’t want to miss them!… Read More

  • πŸ”₯EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with LonnyπŸ”₯

    πŸ”₯EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with LonnyπŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄LIVEπŸ”΄ Playing Minecraft PVP Legacy’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-16 18:56:28. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:56 or 2876 seconds. Playing Minecraft Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival,… Read More