Secret Minecraft Room Revealed in Twitch Chat

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Thank you Foreign [Applause] Laughs awesome Tonight Let’s go I got shoes tonight It feels like I’m getting slapped on my face okay Just saw your some applications some I’m asking great to get your white listed out of time Laughs Okay I’m coming in Oh my God good morning everybody um hi I am good morning Electro llama smoke um ponds J Money uh Niche one more Donuts white wolf Corey Overhill gender Mr Wick CMD bio heroin three mil Casa mondragom uh okay there will be rain messen the dark Edge properties wake up Mr Wick bile

I love you I love you guys good morning um Sasquatch and chat um the defenestrator defend defense Trader yeah um credit us happy artist 69 Corey hello hello I don’t you don’t know how ammo right now me neither hello no launch today I saw you guys are geeking out on Discord about SpaceX

Stuff it’s cute when you guys get excited about technology like that you little Geeks nerds hot rocket then I fill my taxes well it’s like 99 on so the reason why the reason why um oh thank you so much for tearing stuff to Corey is a fish sound of a fish

Thank you so much Lama appreciate you um what was I talking about oh so the reason why I’m looking a little tired today um is because I’m I went to bed at like 5 30. uh um but the thing is I saw I saw a lot of you in the voice

Chat till like 4 30 like five two but you’re yet you’re here panics cocky I’ll owe the email hi thank you Overhill for visa for seven months So much appreciate it um it was almost a for you um it was a focus time voice chat I mean none of us were like vcing but always chatting we were just in there doing our own thing but we were listening to like Lo-Fi music together while at it

Um it’s easier when living in a different time zone true true um so I was doing text stuff um I was like text stuff and then ah feels like it’s about to explode on eight different places every word makes me Flinch and what is your excuse Magi smile Maggie eat Magi eat

Why is your head feels like it’s gonna explode on a different place but um tarot sees thank you so much for serving for six months please don’t explode um don’t don’t Flinch you’re safe here um well kind of is it because of the sun colors chat

Play Because if it if that’s what it’s making you full inch I get it I get it um wait I want to move the alert because I can’t to feel pure in fact all alerts do it make your make your dreams true Throne over here alert alert over here I’m doing some invisible work that you guys can’t see right now Seven tool why you gotta expose me like this I don’t I’m already looking I’m already looking pretty like pretty tired today without my makeup on my dark circles all the way down to my cheek and you gotta you gotta take my hair oh it’s a good look I’m not a reindeer oh

Good morning chat foreign how you guys doing Hannah still hasn’t fixed my blue bus stuff yet but hello um how’s everybody doing why though I just came here just oh I haven’t said hi to you guys in a salon it’s like seventh one was waiting for the smoke Tiana you guys

It looks like I can slap you through the screen with those oh I’m I’m just waking up with Hannah why why what are you trying oh I don’t it’s so chaotic oh yeah poor Fox what are you doing to us why Chad we can’t figure out what is happening to my booba

We just can’t oh [ __ ] can I explain huh no stop laughs so it only happens it only happens when I sit down like this laddles thank you so much thank you so much for seven months all people happy thank you so much waddles I’m happy that you’re here and reverse

What was that stop sending Eagles ores or octopus what why is octopus squirting in here um it’s whose fault what what are we talking about um an eagle brought a fox is that what happened Eagle just dropped the fox Eagles dropped to Waddles Fox um River stop sending e girls stop sending

The e girls um but uh how’s everybody do it is Monday today right it’s Monday Chad um Assad alerts are low um it’s a lot for me it’s not wait is it Tuesday no stop messing with me Chad I’m an Android I can I can look up what day it is today

My Monday was over through oh because of the time zone okay okay that makes that makes more sense Um so Hama Hama has a problem chat Anna has a problem uh I think I think she might be addicted I think I think she might be addicted um we know she’s a pervert I know right um not alcohol or cocaine no no none of those

Um she stays up to like that is that’s true too she she should um but the problem stem stemmed from her being addicted to playing video games um she was like she just kept playing Minecraft all weekend when she had to do taxes ah Dr goofy thank you so much for team

One’s selfie bananas hi thank you so much appreciate you um number two was in slavers I know I would never do that chat um video games is that what she calls it I mean Minecraft uh she was playing it all weekend when she was supposed to be really doing

Taxes she kept coming up with excuses to go on Minecraft she was like I was like hello do you have to do do you have to do taxes it’s due tomorrow and she’d be like well but I gotta make sure everyone’s behaving because I left the server open

Um for 24 7 this time so then she’ll go in and quote unquote check on people but they’re not really she would just be like working on her house um and then um hiking demo and then and then she like turn it off uh and then try to start off the program to

Start doing taxes and then she’d be like well I got I I forgot to cover up the roof uh it’s gonna get snow all over in my house so I gotta cover that up first before I get started um so then she goes into Minecraft again

And then um quote unquote fix the window or whatever um and then she should start decorating stuff again um until Chad had to show up and um they they threw her like weird potions so that she would get really like nauseous and and all with the screen will get all Wiggly and weird

Um so that she couldn’t build anymore so she she kind of had to quit the game um rage quit the game um and then and then she was like all right for this time for realsies even nanners are like trying to make me to go

Do my taxes so she’s like does for reals this time I’m gonna do it so she starts up the text program again and starts entering her name and the address and about um how far that’s about how far she got and then and then Miko calls her and asks what

She’s doing and then and then she gets on the call she’s like well this must be important I gotta I gotta go answer um Susan so then she gets on the call with Nico for a couple for a while and then and then she just gets exposed by Miko

Regrets getting on the call like I thought this was some urgent matter um this is what I got pulled out of doing text before she gets smudged and then um unless she leaves the call and then do the taxes again uh enters rest of her address

Um and then she’s like but like it’s been a while since I checked on chat I need to make sure they’re behaving so that she goes into Discord and make sure everybody’s behaving um and then um and then she’s like well it looks like they’re doing some stuff in

Minecraft I need to make sure they’re not they’re not touching each other’s house I forgot to set some rules clearly so I need I need to make sure they know they know before before I start really getting into doing uh taxes so she goes into Minecraft again and then

Um and then a chat starts like harassing her again so that she’ll go back to doing taxes [Applause] no I why you guys making me dance right now I’m stuck um so foreign the foxes by decorating her kitchen um and then and then finally she’s like all right

I’m gonna really do this for realsies it’s time it’s time I gotta do it otherwise it’s gonna be really late um um the Dogo Dogo starts whining like I gotta go pee pee I’m bored I’m playing with me and she’s like oh I can’t leave the Dogo alone I gotta be responsible

For my taco so she goes to walk the dog come back home Uh thanks for the torque uh seven to one so she she goes and walks the Dogo comes back and um for some reason she wants to talk to her mods so she talked to her mods for like hours and then and then for some reason now she wants to check in Minecraft it

Was a disaster chat so in the final she’s like all right I’m gonna get into Focus mode so she gets into the focus mode Anxiety is usually cause of broken procrastination really I can see that she wasn’t really anxious though she was just being lazy I don’t think she was anxious um Bray should have closed the server till you fit so then Well um so then um when she was when she was chatting with the most Brave like Brave threatens her that he’s gonna he’s gonna um block her uh on the white list her out of Minecraft if she doesn’t start finishing or she doesn’t finish her taxes she’s like no don’t do that

I’m trying to tell you guys some serious story here oh well well um so he like he Wireless her out so she can’t physically join Minecraft anymore so she’s like well I guess I gotta do taxes now and it’s like 10 p.m 10 p.m um so

Uh she goes into the focus Small Voice call and then and then she does Texas for a while um no chance I thought you missed me what the heck Like so she gets on the focus mode voice Channel that’s um in our Discord if you guys don’t know that’s where Hannah sometimes just stay it’s think of it as like a Little Dream verse Live library and um anyone can join there and um the voice chat is actually disabled so you

Can just kind of see that people are in it just like Library you’re not really allowed to talk and you gotta stay quiet we can still whisper through um voice chat lounge um and um we usually listen to like music together we share we share like a playlist together while we’re we’re

Doing whatever we’re doing um libraries are scary why um so they join they join so a lot of people end up joining the focus focus room and who God knows what they are doing uh Bahama was doing taxes and then it is really chill I I like being in

Focus chat with you guys and um listening to music with you and Hannah um most libraries are haunted fat whoa um libraries should really be called base it’s not a basement it’s a live Library um and then um so I should focus for a while like she’s working on taxes and

About like halfway through um she’s like well let’s see if if anyone’s saying anything in the voice chat um and no one’s saying anything so she just drops like a little emote and then people start dropping little emotes which then turns into like little conversations and then and the little

Conversations turns into bigger conversation what was um let me just check what she was even doing in there oh and then we came up with um we came up with a new um basically um Financial system um um Singing this song the other day so it’s in my head too now huh wrong version of me I uh this is why Trump didn’t pay his taxes to a true story um yeah so like I was in the voice chat I wasn’t trying to like start a

Conversation or anything I was just I just dropped like a little the rainbow rainbow please emote you know you know what I’m talking about because I was I was vibing to the music um oh hi look I’m back um what happened yeah well now I’m the one that John is

Doing the the rainbow rainbow please um it was really cute and then eventually we come up with um like a new new system oh that’s what happened Hannah’s packs up kept crashing and not saving her progress so I think she got really pissed off at one point that’s when she

Started just like talking to people and boys Chat lounge um oh yeah wait let me show you guys this chat it’s pretty funny so this is how it all starts everyone’s just in there quietly focusing no one’s talking and then Hannah drops this little email um and Bubba camera angle um

And then she gets real mad because her app crashes um and then all of a sudden this is what triggered everything all of a sudden charm and kill the mother would literally type at the same time but there’s and they’re seeing something like they’re saying it’s the same thing

But in like a slightly different way jorm says stealing our money isn’t enough now the IRS has to steal our time too taxes are so bad they take your money but then also your time and I’m like wait we’re like are are they is chat ai’s

Is this is this part of some weird assimilation that um all of the chats are the AIS because this sounds like something on a I would say like they look up how do you complain about text how do humans complain about taxes but then like make

It make it a little more human by adding an emote or um um say so bad instead of um we don’t like taxes or whatever um so then Hannah gets suspicious hmm this sounds like the AI or you guys Aya is and then kill the mother goes yep at

First well then John polices kill the mouse saying do not give us so late brother then all of a sudden kilimaru’s message gets edited I meant no of course get a more suspicious um and then Hannah just starts talking to them like I spend so much more than I

Made last year yay that’s how business works right chat um in terms like you gotta spend money to lose money I mean make money knotters profit coming soon surely um or this big zero dollar advertising offers paying off uh twitch says I’ll spit it’ll pay me 12 if I play six

Minutes of ads every hour what do you think Chad what do you think of this deal they’ll pay me they’ll pay Hannah and me 12 a month if we pay six minutes of ads every year good deal good deal no POG pug and I don’t know why this deal gets

Worse and worse every month twelve dollars and if it’s like three minutes or as it’s like seven six dollars or something like that eight dollars um I think it might have to do with the fact that a lot of people are subbed so um I’m grateful for that I’m grateful

That I don’t have to shove um six minutes of Ed every hour in your face um uh so this is why I tip you directly uh I think all of the Wendy’s you could buy oh that’s true I could buy one cheeseburger Junior meal Set uh with some mugs with some chicken nugs

Um and then I’ll stream element says they’ll pay us 200 if I’m if we make all of you guys play rage Shadow Legends it’s really it’s it’s ironic and funny because literally the day you guys brought it up was the day we got like some emails about it [Laughter]

Um in terms like oh no she’s selling out uh no why not this is right in the middle I’m back I made it back safely um but then I was like I also keep getting asked about asked to play a game really like Star Trek Fleet or something um and then I don’t I don’t know where else we talk about oh yeah I haven’t sold my soul yet she says yet

But one day she might come here and ask you guys one day she might come here and ask all of you guys hey you guys download download XYZ game right now um and then we start talking about kick oh that’s how somehow the conversation transition into talking about kick um

And um blah blah blah oh and then apparently they changed their they changed some of their um that’s their their rules so now some portion some parts of nudity is not allowed anymore um what the heck are peeph holes on lingeries or hot tubs no wonder no sexual activity what

Um Wild West blah blah blah so we we go through all this um well now it’s just like now she’s not doing taxes anymore and she’s like because if text is due on 18th does that mean I have to summon it by 17th or by the end of day 18th

You can see what’s going through her head right now like she’s like it’s like 4am so she’s like I want to go to sleep now do I have to finish this today or do I actually have an extra day with me um and then and then she’s told she has

To finish it today um postmarked by 18th wait but what if you’re doing it electronically if you’re doing electronically um hi Rodrigo online is by midnight ah Get Wrecked okay I mean she’s she’s like 99 by midnight on the 18th or 17th July 18th okay fine fine Texas you’re right you’re

Right you’re right just get it done we’ll just I’ll just do it today you’re you’re right you’re right Chet and I know I know I know you’re right um so that should start blaming chat for nothing not finishing stuff um like like usual um and then dorm suggests if you can get

It done today you can file for an extension before midnight also but like if you’re gonna go through the efforts of asking for extension just so that you can you can get it done the day later might as well just get it done Hannah um you have to do that for your company

Imagine being an independent business woman in the year over year of or holy banana Empire 2023 taxes um and then she and then she gets an idea I should make people do taxes in Minecraft dreamers Village to share this pain to share this Joy of doing the taxes that’s right um

Says slaves don’t even have income what is she taxing and then she’s like or else who’s gonna Supply and pay for all those wooden swords and balls um and an electronic grease yeah those loincloths are expensive too exactly exactly um because you realizes that they built their own prison for themselves and dreamers

Um uh and then double because but if you don’t get any wages how do we pay taxes and Hannah goes you gotta mine diamonds duh um what were they thinking um and um stop talking about stop talking about um and then so Hannah explains that pickaxes were landed to them with a price

Um so uh they gotta pay for the deposit uh so so you can go so that they can go mine the pickaxes were landed to them and then they have to make money in order to pay the pickaxes back with some interest um and then if if the if the laborers bring

Another person they get a percentage of their diamonds as long as they recruit someone new and will all that way we’ll all be profiting um sounds like a solid business plan here uh I messed the last year and I didn’t have the money to pay oh no well I um um

So then she’s like well and then she realizes what am I doing right now I should really go finish this and go to sleep it’s already 4 14 a.m and she’s like and culture goes I could just sell my slaves instead and then Hannah goes but the slaves were landed

To you with interest so now you have to not only bring the slaves back to her but also pay the interest on top of it so Kochi also has to go mine diamonds um and then I think that’s where about this rage ends not rage uh this madness ends um

Oh and then I think super villain joins in the midst of all of this and just just like I’m I’m so curious about what’s going on and then I guess he read through all the all the all the messages and then he’s like um I just read through through it all but I

Can’t but can’t people just want as many diamonds as they want or is this an honor System or art like RP server text system and the Hana just left like RP server text system it makes me happy that you guys would believe I’d go out of my way

To do such thing to torture you just to torture you like I would actually go out of my way to create RP servers for you guys to be paying taxes um uh anyways so that was our Shenanigans late late at night at about 4 40 a.m uh and

Then after that she still went and went in uh the the rest of the taxes so she went to sleep around like 5 30 um and then looks like they were in there for a bit more and then they’re geeking out on SpaceX stuff but that’s

Our library you guys so if you if you join our Discord there is a um there’s a Discord voice Channel called Focus time and when you join uh speaking will be Auto muted so you don’t have to worry about accidentally having your speaker on it or a microphone or anything like

That and then when you join Focus time uh you can come to voice chat lounge right here thank you thank you everybody else thank you star for pause appreciate it um it always seems like people don’t really use this open chat for VCS and um people prefer to go to voice chat lounge

Always um so if you go here usually what you can do is you can go over here do a slash um YouTube YouTube group YouTube music together which will then um and then you can just do this command I must be in VC to use it okay fine it’s

Too smart it’s too smart as we go into Focus time you do this you click on join and now you can it will pop up YouTube here and you can pick any videos or music playlists here so that we can all everyone can all listen to same music together while you’re in here

Um so it’s it’s pretty nice um just like a fun little Community thing we do time to time so um if you’re ever getting stuff done or like you know if you’re if you need to be in a library you know where you need a little bit of pressure of you know

Other people being around you uh but not necessarily you know you want to talk to other people you can join Focus time maybe I’ll rename it to library I wanted to but then um I I feel like people without the context might get confused about it

But that’s how you that’s how you create um watch together thing um but I also think in order for you there’s like a limited minute I believe call it study hall maybe oh that might be more I mean maybe Focus time is fine I don’t know if you guys come up with a

Better name let me know um but uh that’s that’s our that’s our server did I did I get to recruit anyone from the top ah I did recruit our seven two one into this score I did my I did my job today so I I lured another Earthling into the

Dream burst like I’m gonna I’m gonna pass it back onto Hannah yeah good job number two good job um she did a duty um so yeah I just to sum it up I procrastinated until very very last minute but it’s pretty much done and um now now I can play some Minecraft chat

I can’t wait to show you how I I Decor my room a little bit but I don’t want to do too much because I want to do it with you guys uh so it was so so difficult to wait but I tried my best so that I can

Do it with you guys and so that I can show you guys to um like what I did and like I I was so tempted to look at everybody’s apartment lots too but I stopped myself from doing it because I wanted to I wanted to look

At them with all of you guys together look how nice well it wasn’t like it wasn’t like I wanted to see it with you guys it was more that um um I was just busy doing my house stuff in Texas uh so it’s all just coincident that we’ll get to all

Experience it together but it’s not because um I was I was thinking about you guys or anything like that um if you ought to kick what um feeling for the mind I am not a I’m I’m a good well no I’m not a liar you almost had me there I know r why

I bye [Applause] why do you guys enjoy sending us away so much it’s fun whoa what is this camera so close um why do you guys like sending us sending us away so much or turning us into an egg why I’m not a Rudolph I’m a I’m a human being

Um don’t you want to fly at my own will not not just like when I’m trying to talk not in the middle of a conversation I’m having with Chad um what’s a chrome dome oh this what kind of torture is this what is a chrome Dom I that’s me [Applause] is a shiny head I learned I learned um so like when I was talking to my mods you know you know how some of them are from some of them are from England uh they they are British and um uh they go they say something like well

What was the exact wording they go it’s very We’re British we’re very hard to offend like we’re very it’s very difficult to offend us they say so then immediately I Google how to offend a British person uh stop it um offense is taken not given well you know

I took it as a challenge so I I look it up and literally well the first link that I clicked on uh when I try to read the article it popped up like a few ads uh or disable ads in order to read it don’t you hate those well I get that

Like they have to make money in some kind of oh like you know what I can’t complain about that make you guys watch ads to watch me anyways so that they they have this article where um they’re like if you want to read this you gotta disable ads

Ad block and I was like damn it is this higher than the British person because I’m offended uh so I clicked out of that article and then the next article that I that I go into it it talks about the number one this is an important story thank you so

Shut Up And Take My Money foreign it says the number one it says fail to know how to make a proper Cuppa and and I’m like what’s a Cuppa and they’re already offended I literally just asked the question what is a Cuppa and they’re like they’re like raging already

If you if you don’t if you don’t know how to make a proper cup of tea and I was like oh cup of tea yeah shut up oh are you British are you offended right now why why are you doing this to me um um wait let me actually pull this up for

You It was this article right here to know how to make a proper Cuppa and immediately they’re like you can’t make a proper cup if you if you put milk ah foreign Thank you so much for five Community Subs you can’t you guys are so you just tortured me straight up for like an hour and then just give me Subs so I can’t be mad at you like how did I reach the last string world was single

Oh the Henryville yes yes we did I forgot to change that um wait a second give me R this is abusive this is abuse abuse abuse abuse um where is the goal sub goal but I guess thanks for thanks for the sub gifts um sub goal wasn’t it moving

Wait this is a different one said I move on Where is it I can’t find it John ah stop playing with my emotions just cause you add five more it’s not like it ah Ted solves thank you so much R7 for gifting 10 committee Subs I appreciate you and your your donors and welcome everybody who got Subs

Gifted you think are seven for it um appreciate it thank you um well smokes thank you so much for five songs appreciated yeah yeah thank you thank you very much what was that one sub name that you guys summoned here and like it actually the person actually came I forget do you

Guys remember that it was like it was like you guys you guys donated to this username as a joke but then that person showed up do you guys remember cream pies it was a [ __ ] guy oh my God that was so funny that was hilarious um I don’t know I randomly remembered it

I was trying to tell you guys why like I appreciate every gift Subs because it it like um I mean every form of support is appreciated um and the reason why gift Subs are great is because one you know it allows other nanners to be able to watch my

Channel ads free but also some of some people that might have not known my Channel or that what that aren’t active on my channel might get that little notification that pops up that says you know you will give this up to this Channel and then they come and check me out um

R7 thank you so I wasn’t trying to ask for more I was just trying to describe why I I’m grateful for your your gifts because um it helps us recruit more nanners um and then and then provide better experience all the twitch takes 50 of it um it helps other other nanners

Basically watch the Stream what is this abuse why thank you smoke and our forgifting solves to the community it helps it helps so much and it helps other nanners and their viewing experience and it may recruit a new nanner like a [ __ ] so thank you so much it is very

Mixed messages it’s a very confusing right now um thank you so much for five songs thank you tubby yeah so have you heard about the new pirate movie it’s rated R stop dialed this I thought you guys like that joke you guys told me that joke is funny

You told me that joke was funny why you go dying or cringe why are you you say it was funny yeah we lied lied he relied to me is that why is that why I I failed on phillions dating show in like three minutes as I showed up and

Told that joke I was immediately a fail you told me that Joe was funny chap playing a long game but thank you tubby again so much for the subs appreciate you guys we taught you wrong as a prank yeah child wouldn’t do that to me you

Wouldn’t go out of your way to make entire Discord become a pirate theme y’all start wearing pirate hats and start singing Pirates so you wouldn’t go out of your way to embrace that one little joke just so that you can troll me it’s not the joke that’s funny it’s with

How much enthusiasm you tell it whoa of course I’m excited to tell you about it never underestimate chat um some people enter those kind of jokes but a lot of people don’t well um um sometimes throwing goes over the top why did I hear my name what I don’t no one

Said your name um you mean this that’s your name uh the hop hop joke is cute well that’s more that’s a bum bum thing um researches and and think hard about those jokes every night just waste just waits for that one day that he’ll get to see you guys once more you’re drunk

Once again and um take little notes write them down and in his notebook and just wait for the day um to be to be reunited with with chat um and then and then it picks her up get a bucket and a mop uh anyways so so I pulled this article out and then

Um immediately they forget that uh that that um the reason why I pulled this article out was because they said it’s very hard to offend the Spritz uh and um I mean I feel like generally speaking um um oh so so then I go so I go so tea does

Not come with hot milk what does that even mean what does that even mean uh and they’re already offended they’re all like yelling at me like well not at me they’re just yelling they’re just like milk tea um so well and I’m just like smirking smirking behind the screen like Jewel

Challenge achieve like I well they I just offended them um pickles inside yes oh anyways so um so then so they’re going on and I was like okay okay so tell me tell me about tell me about this tea and milk thing like explain it to me so so I can make

Tea properly or make sure that I’m making tea properly and they’re like well it’s because you know if you put milk in it first and then you put the tea bag in it uh because of the because of the uh substances in milk that it doesn’t properly sip the tea bag so

You’re not supposed to do that you’re supposed to put you’re supposed to sip the tea in hot water first so it’s like so they start like explaining all of this um and then um they let them know you microwave the water well well so they tell me that the

Proper way of doing it is to put milk in the cup first and then you microwave the milk in the cup and then you put the um the tea bag in the milk the warm milk so that the tea is in a warm milk to be

Uh to be properly sipped and then after that you pour some cold water in because you don’t want to burn your tongue so you put some cold water in it and then um and then basically you put some ice cubes in it afterwards uh and but you know what it’s just tea

It’s not that important you know so who cares if if we do it their ways or not it’s just a cup of tea you can do oh and then and then make sure you put honey on top of the ice as well um drop I just offended the British thank you

Well if you challenge me I’m gonna accept the challenge and uh it looks like there I mean you saw them you saw them go bonkers sounds like she’s describing how to make a Starbucks drink no don’t first let’s all leave chat but no uh so basically apparently teas are very very

Very very important part of their lives Honestly though like I I did learn to like really enjoy drinking tea when I when I went to visit my friend in England um and like I I never knew you could put milk in tea before I thought that was

More like that was only like a coffee thing um I guess I had milk teeth before but I just never put two into together that I could make tea at home and put milk in them um so Island um um I went to visit my friend but she was

Living with like bunch of like other people in like in the same house and it was like a shared shared house kind of thing um and literally like the first thing when I when I said hi and like we were just like introducing each other like hi

I’m Hannah from from the US blah blah blah I’m visiting my friend blah blah blah and then um I thought oh welcome which is like a cup of tea would you like would you like some cup of tea that was a literally the first thing they offered and like at

This at the time like I I I was like I knew nothing about like England I mean I didn’t know that much about England that I didn’t even know tea was like a huh Charles I went back to see why did you bring me back you didn’t want to hear

You didn’t want to hear your chats you don’t want to hear Hannah’s story I guess um but basically Hana didn’t know Hannah didn’t know tea was like this like big thing in in in England but she started noticing that everywhere she goes people just offer a cup of tea um

Hannah offended everyone really I mean that’s it’s not surprising that’s not surprising was uh remember to tell you Hannah well I gotta continue her story um England isn’t real uh so um yeah so now now she she taught me to put milk and tea and and we enjoy enjoy

Making tea with some little bit of milk now what what hey why it’s so twisted he is huge in Korea it’s just that we don’t do it with um we don’t do it milk we never do milk we just do um and um I mean you guys have seen like um

Like people get like a whole like eight like an Asian style tea tea Um teapots and like the cups and so you guys have seen those right so tea is really big and um um Korea but uh it’s just that we don’t add milk in it uh we we just we just do like a pure tea we don’t add like sugar

Or anything like that it’s just a tea but like we have a prop we also have a proper way of making tea like you gotta warm up the cup with like you know hot water first and then you pour that water out and once once the cup is properly

Temp temperature then then uh you proceed with you know the leaves and all that um ah so yeah tea is a thing well now you gotta get cult you you’re calling me and Hannah for not being cultured but tea is is a big thing everywhere it’s just that

Everybody does it a different way um and so she was surprised to find that people in England were putting milk in the tea um and she both of us both of us love milk like we love anything with milk dairy or cheese you know stuff like that

So it was it was pretty awesome like because they were like offering tea with milk in it but then also like cheese uh on crackers uh and those are awesome too and the Branston we talked about that a little bit so that was a that was really nice little snack

Um but apparently they were telling us that um like a certain type of cheese make you have nightmares have you guys heard of that like they they were telling us like they’re telling us that like every time they have Branston uh and on a cracker with some blue cheese on it they have

They get nightmares where they have like like strangest dreams and Nightmare cheese you’ve never heard of that I don’t know if it’s real or I think I looked it up afterwards uh and it was real there were some let me look it up uh cheese I can’t remember exactly I think there’s

A blue cheese first answer there’s no actual scientific evidence that blue cheese causes weird dreams in fact there’s no evidence that cheese in general can affect your dreams or even give you nightmares but then you know but then apparently it’s like it’s like a shared common myth

Enough for someone to tell people that it’s not well but then this article is written by Chu choosing so they they are the advocates for cheese so of course they have an agenda to let everyone believe that cheese is something safe to eat right um nature Journal

Sweet dreams are made of Jesus say this is why you gotta check the sources you gotta check the sources chat um um a study conducted in 2005 by the British cheese board attempted to debunk this claim see they were they were trying to debunk it

Look look look look it says so this is by articorn by and it says uh dreams are weird especially if you’ve eaten a lot of cheese in the night before or so says the common myth of from Charles Dickens to Arab strap cheese dreams have been a part of our

Popular culture for over the last 150 years but is there actually any truth in this old wives tale a study conducted in 2005 by the British cheese board attempted to debunk this claim by giving 200 participants 20 grams of cheese 30 minutes before they went to bed and asking them to record

Their dreams and quality of sleep in the study 67 percent of the participants recalled their dreams and where where was she uh we call their dreams and none of none reported the presence of any nightmare something the cheese board is calling a win instead of Night Terrors the researchers

Report that the cheese resulted in Pleasant night nighttime fantasies in most individuals the even went so far as to test varying effects different types of formage Pat on an individual’s dream state from their conclusions the blue Stilton resulted in the most bizarre trips affecting about 80 percent of participants and resulting in visions

And talking animals vegetarian crocodiles and Warrior kittens what on the other end of the spectrum a Cheshire Cheese produced the least memorable nights with less than half of the participants being able to recall their dreams of the study again initiated by the cheese industry also claimed that eating

Cheese before bed actually helped people fall asleep conspiracy um this is supposedly due to the relatively High tryptophan content in cheese and amino acid involved in the production of melatonin and serotonin which plays an important role in our sleep wake cycle it’s a research that was conducted and concluded by cheese board

Then the article goes however it should be noted that there was no report of a control or placebo group in this experiment such as participants who ate nothing or consumed a soy cheese sample yum before the bed um thus there’s no empirical evidence that it was actually with

Cheese it was actually the cheese causing these effects and that it was not just the natural sleep state of these individuals see each other this is why you gotta attract the sources and details of how the experiments were conducted who’s doing the research uh what were the

Group of people that were there because numbers a lot it’s so easy to lie with numbers um and apparently cheese board the British cheese board says cheese good you eat cheese you dream good um no night terrors no night terrors but um there is a myth across the board

Across like multiple continents of different countries that says every time I eat a lot of cheese I guess strange dreams um which seems like a bigger bigger bigger research group of um experiments group to me but it’s it’s only it’s only a myth at this point it hasn’t been

Um cheese tested on Mike and mice in the lab cheese is good for nightmare uh but can we give me your cheese for other can we your cheese for other things what are you talking about um oh NPR there’s so many so many articles about this

Anyways yeah they were saying that and I was like oh I never knew that I never knew it happens to you really and then I never knew like cheese do that but then I did experience a couple times but I don’t know but it wasn’t necessarily like oh I ate

Cheese so like I’m gonna have your dreams it was more that like after effect I was like that was a weird dream and then and then I thought about it I was like wait I had I had cheat like I had like Cracker and cheese last night

Did that actually do something so it it’s not Placebo so there might be some connection there it could also all be just coincident but uh it is strange to think that like this myth exists so like so many places and people seem to agree that it happens to them it just it just

Haven’t been like scientifically proven just yet and cheese sellers say cheese good um do they eat a lot of cheese in Korea oh my goodness Korea is addicted the cheese obsessed with cheese literally any restaurant any type of Cuisine you get in Korea there will always be a side menu

That will allow you to add cheese on top of it like oh you’re eating Korean barbecue do you want to add like a side of melted cheese sure oh you’re eating you’re eating like spicy stew or lamian Ramen you want to add cheese melted cheese on top of it why not

You’re you’re eating ice cream do you wanna do you want to see what it tastes like to add cheese on top on a on a cheesecake flavor ice cream why not um Korea is obsessed with cheese um and like they are very um oh you’re eating do you want to add

Cheese on top sure uh I’m not even kidding or like oh you’re getting fried rice let’s add some cheese on top sure like I’m not even um and like I didn’t honestly even notice it until I brought like my American friends there and they started mentioning they’re like literally everything everywhere we went

To offered cheese as like a like additional thing or like a side or it just it came with it um and I was like well yes what’s wrong with that of course um and then they’re like but like think about it like all these even all these Korean

Food for some reason they were all offering cheese and it was so like a like a natural thing for me that I didn’t even catch it until like they mentioned it um I’m looking it up foreign mode the Windows updates screw up my browsers um wait where do I change this foreign I work in it I can confirm all right uh but I I got it I got it I did it um so this is um this is basically a um as you can see you can always add cheese you see the cheese on top um I haven’t had the Pokemon in so long

So so long and like you can and like Korea is like all about toppings like we love we like I feel like people love to come up with like Fusion menus and there’s also like cheese flavored so it’s like rose and um they put like they also like oh what

If you put like udon noodles in here or lemon noodles in there so people put Ramen you can put noodles in there sausages what if it put corn corn dogs in double can like let people dip it in sauce so if you can put corn dogs in

There it’s just look at this cheese look at this insanity um it’s melted cheese good with any if like literally they put it in everything we put in everything and I do the same thing oh there’s cream topoki and look like it’s like a cream flavored Apple like

It’s cream topoky and with like bacon and like broccolis and onions it’s probably oh my God it’s probably really good and then you can put cheese on top of it you see they added more like cheddar cheese on top you can do that um so obsessed obsessed with cheese Plus cheese equals more cheese um if there’s one thing my dad taught me if you put enough cheese on anything it will taste good I think that’s generally true so cheese and then bacon usually if you put depending on the type of the dish but like most of the western dish I feel

Like if you can put a little bit of like bacon grease or like bacon in it it will it will enhance the flavor um cheese the same thing um foreign that’s why lasagna is the best pasta I like lasagna it’s just like it takes so much effort to make it

Like layering them one by one because like most Apostles are pretty easy to make and I I like doing like one pen pasta I don’t know if you guys know what that is but um because I’m lazy whereas like lasagna actually takes effort I’m sure big but when I do I do make

Sure I put a lot of cheese every every single year um I’m sure bacon does but I’m Jewish and keep kosher so I don’t eat it I see I see make sense makes sense I like burgers with cheese inside of the burger with the cheese and bacon inside a

Burger whoa see that they’ve figured it out they figured it out one pot recipes are pretty cool yeah but listening is so worth it I just buy them most of times it’s what is this is this how I offend Italians I don’t know but like I I buy Frozen lasagnas uh

That says it’s Italian home-cooked style and I just uh microwave them and it’s not because it’s it’s not because I think they’re good it’s really just because I’m lazy but I still crave lasagna time of purpose speed run um it is home cooked that way microwaving is cooking exactly exactly

What is two o’clock almost I need to eat um first the birds now they’re Italians oh my God there’s so many like there’s a lot of really fun YouTube so Korean people also love pasta but as I mentioned because like people love creating like people create love making

This Fusion uh dishes Korean people experiment with pasta a lot uh pasta and pizza a lot let me actually let me show you and then there are so many like not many but there are a few YouTube videos where like Korean people invite like um like like people from Italy

And like show them and like let make them try Korean style pasta and pizza and they get so so offended and upset that it’s hilarious to watch so we have stuff like sweet potato pizza have you guys ever heard of sweet potato pizza there they’re so delicious um

I don’t know if they will speak in English or eat it together and what eats its own pizza everyone has their own oh yeah like what do you think of the case [Laughter] no subtitles oh this is our second time swapping each other’s food meals yeah I’ve always

Wondered how Italian people think about Korean Pizza should I really share my thoughts yeah I’m really excited to see what you think about this too yeah can you guys hear the video Americans eat more often than all the time more often than hamburgers oh that’s a

Hard one I’d say they’re about 50 50 like maybe hamburger for lunch and then pizza for dinner I wasn’t gonna lie to you guys but I always want to say this is probably going to be the best pizza real authentic pizza here you know what I noticed also like

A lot of the a lot of the countries called Burgers Hamburgers but Americans what they call Burgers Hamburgers right because I I remember in Korea we call Burgers hamburger like um and then we have like Hamburg steak which is like Burger steak like the burger patty steak basically um

Let’s just shortened to Burgers whoa oh my god oh in the dark you’ve never yeah yeah I know the origin but I’m just saying like yeah I’m just saying that because like I’m blue cookie Chinese all in China they call it oh that sounds cute let’s try that let’s do it

Um maybe I should eat it together because there’s no hem in it but but I know the I know that the origin was from the Germany it’s really good where’d you guys find this oh Chicago style pizza they’re trying it actually smells better than it takes

Well it’s okay but it wouldn’t be my favorite pizza really but the thing that I like is that there’s oregano on it which is like a super plus because there is no pizza without the oregano I really love the tomato sauce like it’s so maybe like chicken wings watching

Football watching football watching a movie just having friends over is the easiest yeah you gotta hot wings foreign To get pizza in the U.S the first time because like they’re like they’re first of all they’re Giant and like super thin and like it’s just cheese it’s just sauce and the cheese but then eventually I’ve I’ve got hooked I’ve got hooked so like I get why people

Love yeah them pizza is good but like I was so used to eating Korean style pizza which is usually like has like tons of [ __ ] tons of toppings on top of it and I was like well I have to pay per toppings here what the hell because of

Korea it’s like the pizza itself is like kind of like a whole dish you’re getting like it’s like an entire meal you’re getting and um like they already put like picked out all the toppings together to make what they think is like the best combination

Pizza so like which is why if you get like a sweet potato pizza it will have like a sweet potato like paste sauce on it but then they would have like like bacon and like ham and like all these other stuff on top that makes like that they have came up with

Whereas like here in the U.S you can get like I mean you can still buy them but they’re usually really expensive and then people usually just say really simple like pepperoni pizza or like cheese pizza and then if you want to add more you can you can add

More but each toppings are like two bucks like dollar to two bucks and then if you want to add like a couple more it ends up being like really expensive and like that kind of defeats the purpose of eating pizza um so you just kind of end up getting

These like really thin sliced cheese pizza or pepperoni pizza and then and then and then I mean it tastes good so you’re like okay this is good and then I think everyone’s kind of convinced themselves that um this is like the best style of pizza but because

That’s that’s what most most people are willing to willing to pay for and afford uh for pizza but but like have you ever actually tried ordering like you know the meat lovers Pizza they’re [ __ ] amazing way better than just cheese pizza in my opinion but it’s just more expensive so

I feel like when people tell me like oh like the New York style pizza we’re like now I’m offending Americans not offending Americans but like when people say oh they’re like the just simple like thin New York style pizza just cheese pizza is the best I’m like

Have you tried meat lovers Pizza like it’s literally what this but with bunch of meat on top of it how is that worse how could that be not not better but I personally actually like like a supreme pizza well usually with like olives black olives and bell peppers and

Sausage meat uh those are my favorite and onions and mushrooms those are my favorite usually like a lot of oil Yeah it’s okay like um it’s totally different than Italian pizza but I want to say Italian pizza is pizza and this is some other food but it’s she’s like this is not pizza the Chicago Pizza she’s basically saying it’s not pizza it’s a different kind of dish margeti

So this is like this is like I guess Italian style they’re filming this in Korea so obviously it’s not gonna be suit and thick really like this see this is the kind that I like like a thin yeah it’s really thin wow straight in That looks really good Really you don’t eat it with any side dishes where we eat pizza called pizzeria pizzeria we don’t eat like people now Yeah we go to a pizzeria to eat pizza usually in the evening and oh it’s like it’s like a restaurant meal thing and the biggest difference is you don’t eat it together everyone eats its own pizza everyone has their own yeah like I ordered what oh everyone has their own burgers Oh they’re smaller number three number three this is Korean Pizza sweet potato pizza oh my God the pickles Okay so um in Korea when you get pizza you get you get these pickles side pickles um and it’s because like so Korean has a word called mean um we call which means

Like when something is like too rich or like too creamy too cheesy like too just or just too rich in general that feeling of like like having too much cheese or like something too creamy we say oh it’s Nokia um and I think it’s because like generally Korean food is like more spicy

And like we like spicy and salty and like not a lot of dairy and like you know more authentic Korean food so whenever I think when people eat like something that’s like super Dairy and like like rich like people start craving something to like something like refreshing so like they’re like oh I

Feel I feel like I need to eat some kimchi or like some pickles or I gotta eat like a pickled radish or something to like get rid of the grease basically in my system not that it actually get rid of the system like grease in your system

But it’s just like you know it makes you feel a little better so like if you get like fried chicken in Korea it will usually come with these like um pickled radish and if you get pizza for the same reason because it because it’s like fried and greasy so if you need something

Refreshing to kind of like cleanse our pellets and then move on to a more chicken more Fried Chicken uh so same thing with pizza because it’s like really cheesy and like greasy uh they usually come with these like sweet and sour pickle um which you’ll you’ll see very nice unboxing number three I’m used to seeing this pizza now but I think back home like if I were to see this I’d be like what is this this is like not pizza you know should we try yeah oh that’s my favorite kind of pizza sweet potatoes so good look at her face

The sweet potato flavor is not super strong I’ve never seen this in my life it’s so sweet like what do you think of it’s like think of it as like a sweet Pizza It’s not pizza it’s like it’s like cheese yeah well the hint of like the sweetness from sweet potatoes it’s like a lot of cheese but with a hint of Sweetness from sweet potato this pizza is a bit like sweet but I really like it like sweetened and then

The I guess because the crust too so back home I don’t imagine my pizza and the cross is like really buttery but I really like it hot sauce and garlic topping would you like some I like I like the dipping sauce and we like to dip everything in all different kinds of sauces I’m one of those people you don’t like I feel like Pine like the Hawaiian pizza is always like you love or hate it that’s my favorite I ordered dessert if I want sweet but

It’s not that level of sweet it’s really just a little hint Kind of like you know when you eat like like it’s it’s kind of like um um McGriddles McGriddles where like you’re eating something Savory and salty but there’s like a hint of that like maple syrup sweetness on top of it it’s kind of like that except it’s like cheese it’s Pizza yeah [Laughter]

I know like in the states too like depending on where you go you can get the 555 deal so you can get three medium pizzas for 15 000 for you know fifteen dollars I prefer pepperoni and like those kind of tomato sauce based Pizza better than that I think I did too yeah

Oh yeah they’re like potatoes pepperoni so funny Italian what does it mean pepperoni bell pepper oh pepperoni pizza I’m not getting what I think we call it salami salami salami yeah that’s true why why do we call it pepperoni developer pepperoni could you imagine like hosting a party and thinking you’ve ordered like

All this pepperoni pizza it’s just like bell pepper Pizza Koreans for something in etchup we don’t have that first time like when I went to Pizza Hut that was the first time I saw like in inside across the cheese and stuff yeah we put like we put like sweet

Potato mousse in there too honestly I’ll go for the Chicago Pizza Chicago Chicago Pizza not even biased she’s so offended look at her holding holding her rage inside wow it’s not even a question [Applause] they were all really good though yeah yeah yeah they are good like it’s tasty

Like it’s just different it was a good opportunity for three of us I like these types of videos because it’s good to get the yeah The other third joking around the Italian is about to Commitment that’s a good idea right so yeah I think it’s gonna be interesting yes yeah fun fun but yeah there are a lot of videos like this where Korean people make like people try Korean style like their their

Country’s Cuisine and just kind of like see their reaction but um um yeah panic’s evil burn bunny oh thank you so much pizza welcome hello hello look at this one guys so it’s slightly on the side but do you see it so this is like a Korean like

Pasta pizza this is gonna enrage Italian people but basically it’s like pasta and one dish so they wrapped the shrimp with the pasta noodles and there’s some like pasta toppings and cheese on top people just love to experiment with look people just love to experiment with cheese in Korea look at this

Um and then like because most people don’t really enjoy like um like eating crust we experiment with crust a lot too also like something like this so this is like um like one in the middle here is like a typical it’s a typical um sweet potato sweet potato pizza with um some steak

Some steak meat in the middle uh and then the and then cheese cheese melted cheese crust with um with some sweet potato paste and cream and cheese on top some broccolis um it’s like it’s like um sky is a limit put whatever the heck you want on it whatever you like everything

Um put them all on there but I was trying to show you guys like something in pretty like oh and then we have these so a lot of crust comes in like this form so that sometimes it’s like a corn dog so that it well why not

You don’t have to eat you know no one likes crust that much anyways so take a little bite it’s like a great party food so you can take a little corn dog eat them and then you get a slice of pizza that’s not a pizza butterfly um but

So I can’t imagine what Italian people would feel like when they I mean like this will freak out like I guess like just like anyone too right because that’s not the type of pizza that they’re used to it’s a full Fortress of a plate just put butter on crusts and bread and butter

Butts why not corn dogs or sometimes it’s like onion rings and stuff like that um but people or it’s just like a it’s just like a it’s a crust but just in this like a little bite form so that you can like take just like it’s easier it’s pretty eat um

And like people get what’s it called like garlic knots yeah sometimes it’s like garlic nuts so you just eat the garlic not crust in this form dip it in dip it in like garlic sauce or whatever whatever you get with it and then and then you eat the pizza uh

But yeah so imagine like me like someone who’s used to eating pizzas in like this kind of style and like they like you don’t you don’t add toppings it just comes like this you order like I want I want like and they all have like crazy names usually like because like all the

Pizza places try to get really creative um and this one it’s like it’s like a four four it’s called Pizza a bolo four continent pizza that’s the name of this and then in one side like a quarter of it is like ham and cheese it’s like a

Supreme style and then the other quarter is like brugal ghee and pizza style the other quarter is like steak and then the other quarter is like shrimp um so imagine me being used to not Ebola I don’t know what albolo means but um probably they took some Italian word and

Like wrote it in Korean phonetics but uh so imagine me being used to ordering this style and then seeing like New York style pizza and I’m like oh like what can I add what are the toppings I can add and it’s like what I have to pay for

Each of these toppings or else I just eat this she’s only Pizza what only only pepperonis but I like variety what if I can’t make up my mind on what topping I want and even to this day when I order Domino’s I do half and half thing and then like do

Two two different things because I like variety um uh South Carolina no we just liked experiment and I think it’s because like Curry is like so like hyper it’s all right word like hyper hyper ah whatever it’s not important uh anyways Minecraft time I want I’m so excited to

Show you guys my house I’m so I just want to catch up for a bit but I’m so excited to show you guys some stuff I worked on and what I learned um let me pull let me pull up make a verse real quick so that we can go into the Minecraft mode

Chad are you excited to see my house jet Let’s go yeah what did happen to link is user username is it just me or it might be it might be the seven TV thing I’m guessing updating Minecraft launcher hurry why is everything updating today hurry up hurry up and then we’ll also go look at everybody’s house I don’t know how far

People how far people got to decorating their houses but we’ll also look at everyone’s lots and what they’ve been doing to decorate it um uh but I’m so excited I’m so excited all right but before before we get there I gotta pee real quick so I’ll be right back foreign

Obviously I’m here so what is that noise hmm delay hakapi have a delay savings get out of here um oh food you guys are so poops I was muted I can’t wait to show you guys my house it’s so pretty um it’s so so pretty uh I don’t regret

I don’t regret a single thing um even if I spent a lot of time working on it instead of doing taxes oh starting out with the Rooftop guys look at my rooftop I still have to do more stuff that’s a nice view and then I added this little little space up here

Um I need to figure out there’s a pan that you guys are looking for you guys see it um I need to figure out this part A little better because like something that really sucks about the carpet system in in Minecraft is that you can put items on top of carpets

So if you’re trying to if I’m trying to put like rug over here I can put it in the Middle where the table is so I was like what do I do about this and a couple ways to do this you can put like a grass block here

So that it looks like it’s one big carpet or a rug but because but I was like trying out different things and I really liked this glass look but then it’s kind of weird because then no one probably would want to sit here because then people can look at your

Uh peepees and the JJ’s from the kitchen um father guys always have like the perfect emo every time I need to heat this up a little more what are these floating heads why are you guys all everybody why are they all why are they all floating Hannah heads

How’d they even get my skin um so this is nice little area does it look nice Chad doesn’t it look nice well that’s this is like the last thing I did before I went to the Texas so I was like rushing but I like I like how

It turned out like some people came over and like helped looking at different options and stuff you like it very much yay wait foreign was there a board what did the boards no PP or VJ um and then I was just like marking areas

So that I know I know what I want to do and I don’t I won’t forget so I want to do like a barbecue table over here okay everybody it’s a little bit difficult to see so you guys you guys gotta stay behind me if you wanna if you wanna be following okay

Because I want to show chat it’s a little bit it’s a little bit too chaotic and distracting so stay behind me okay if you want to be here laughs all right are you guys ready to see my room are you all ready to see my little room that I decorated yesterday let’s go Welcome to my house oh I’ll do this properly wow nice view of the house do do do do do do do do do do look at this I think I did it up to the like the couch and the carpet and then I played with whoa there’s a cat foreign

I was like playing with the colors of the fireplace but then I was like maybe it’s just like too big and it’s like taking up too much space so I was like oh like it’d be cool if I can put like wood logs somewhere here so

When I was experimenting with it I kind of like the look of this and then I learned that you can use like door traps to make shelves like this so I wanted to separate out this like living area in the kitchen a little bit so I I put these shelves over here

But can we there are too many cats meowing right now can we can we do something about that it’s a little too it’s a little bit too much to do something I didn’t say anything I don’t say anything I said something about the audio foreign Move them move them elsewhere braid all right so I put the shelves up here and then you know always a little bit of plants literally the plants always lighten up the room a bit so I I put some plants up on here and then this is my kitchen

Foreign I don’t know why the panda is there what is this thing is it a box I didn’t put that there but um oh don’t you don’t have to kill that guys you have to kill the panda it’s okay but this is my kitchen yay I said about I said about cats because

They’re Mellon so loud you guys remember it was like all empty here not put some big counter and the cooking spot with the sink and then nice big what are why they keep putting this here um a little lounging area and if you can eat food and I learned this little neat little

Trick or you can put like you can use signs to make a light like limp look like this so it looks pretty neat and it kind of matches matches the table down here but guys I said stay behind all right and then I also this wall felt

Like a little too dull so I was like I need to add something so that’s when I uh added I saw that a lot of Minecraft homes usually people make like a books bookshelf so I was like oh I can’t do that but then I realized that my wall

Um because it looks really nice when the when it’s like built-in bookshelf like this where there’s like a wall and then it goes in but I realized that my house like this is the only wall so if I were to put books like in a built-in shelf like behind it or inside it

Uh the bookshelves would be popping out in the box so I had to make a little adjustment on the walls exterior there so that it’s like it’s like in it and not popping out um and then I put little letters so people I can climb up to get the books

Up on top so that’s pretty cool um and then there’s my table foreign this is not what I created and how I left here Ma what I left in my desk all right I had a nice chair who sits on a toilet to monitor what are these heads

I don’t want my heads up here maybe like Nana’s heads but look at this View oh wait break can we set it to Sunset or maybe it’s Sunrise but whatever whenever the like the sun being like behind my house maybe it’s it’s Sunrise Maybe well look at this view everybody who did

What do you mean streaming chair no streams sitting on a toilet But basically that’s how far I got I made the little a rug for the desk this is not how I left it how do you even make this what is this oh interesting that’s clever this is just a normal chair they’re not gonna let me oh yeah this

View doesn’t this be amazing when the sun sun is either rising or setting I don’t know what direction I’m in doesn’t this look amazing I was like when can I move in here I want to live here it looks so pretty you can make little food and then

Whenever I have people over I can be serving it from here now you can all sit here and hang out go hahaha um look at the view Watch the watch the Gladiators fight at the arena I haven’t done anything downstairs yet because I wanted to do it with Chad

And then I can come up here and look at the amazing view and then hang out and hang out if the sun’s too strong we can hang out under the shades beautiful look at this View yay yay so that’s my house cheers you need an infinity pool so I have a

Couple of things I want to do today which is like over here right on this spot I want to make a little like hot tub space so I love the Slime that says hot tub correction Forest job it’s a hot tub area this is gonna be a little hot top area and then

I realized that I don’t have a door to my house like an entry door to my house so I made a little space here wait no it’s not ruin wait what oh maybe people changed it but basically I flattened out this space yesterday to put like an entry door but

Maybe it’s a snow that got that messed it up I don’t know but that’s where the entry door is gonna be and I thought maybe my signs are all gone I had a sign here that says like maybe this could be like a pond so that like maybe like the water could

Like flow down here and then it connects to this like little Pond over here I don’t know we’ll see but I haven’t really decided what this area is going to be or just an idea and then I wanna make a probably bedroom here bedroom and like maybe like a little

Entertainment room with like a TV and computer or something we’ll see that’s why I gotta go work on today for my place it’s been dweller well it was either like I built up where I build down and um it was already like so nice up here and

I was like I don’t I don’t know if I wanna oh maybe I could like I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see but that’s that’s the plan so far it’ll be directed to the labor awaiting area no all right everybody put put your put your um

Skins back on just so I can tell who’s who can we all put and then are you guys ready are people ready for me to go visit their Lots well even if you’re not I’m just gonna go foreign who wants to show me their a lot first

But how should I do this should I wait till everyone’s done or check on their surprise inspection because I don’t probably a lot of people are still working on it models will be a quick visit okay then let’s let’s go to waddles let’s go wow oh

They added my name on here oh and they move uh move the statue to the back oh look at all the all the bridges when did you guys do this whoa this is a prison oh this kind of reminds me of a prison from um foreign Star Wars show what was that

And or yeah because if those of you who watch the show there’s like a prison where people like you can kind of like walk between like these hallways to go to your rooms and stuff I mean but these are cells though but in that show they have like these hallways

Where like they’re like they transported their workers not slaves uh they’re the criminals criminals um between these holes and then they move the thing over here I guess we’re keeping this here I don’t I’m not even gonna question is gone what what is the pink poopy stuff down there

Not even gonna all right so let’s let’s go see if anyone’s resting just checking looks like everyone’s busy working good good all right looks like everyone’s everyone’s working so this is the Little Village area Dream First Village area so we have this apartment lot that we had the labors

Picked uh with the fight to death in Arena and anyone who wasn’t able to participate in that they I told them they can come here and pick their slot whenever and that which one is waddles let’s walk walk to it let’s not fly let’s walk to it The Full Experience

Where is waddles’s home oh it’s everybody doing it why isn’t everybody working there’s Waddles is this what is this on the w these nuts work in progress this is just a place so when you said yours will be a quick visit you just meant there’s nothing but these nuts pit of Hell

What is going on in here what did you do to your plot y what did you go to your plots well you know it’s is that a bed is this where you slip sleep this is where you sleep I love cha says I love what you’ve done with play swaddles

Just a hole in the ground chat that Tower was designed and built by Waddles and his team this is his house yay beautiful well I do applaud your dedication to the public buildings putting public buildings at a highest priority because I don’t care where you sleep

I don’t care if you sleep in the hole or in the in the middle of whatever this is as long as you can complete your project he had to make a sacrifice I like your prioritization I see good job I shall come back later another time and all right that’s waddles’s plot

Whoa Bosa holy you’re gonna come back and we’ll shut up Koji that’s not how I said it those are two separate sentences no those are two separate sentences um and they are censored so you don’t know what I said I said compliment I said I’m gonna come back later and compliment you

I do not take the pit oh stop with your puns okay um Bosa is it okay if I if I check it out besides okay if I check it out it is okay okay let’s go check this out it looks amazing can I I’m gonna look at the exterior real quick

Um and chat try to stay behind me it’s okay to come in but try to stay behind me just so that Chuck can see it more clear um but look at this exterior hole no this puts my house to shame Bossa I should have made a rule that no one can make

Their house look better than mine I was so proud of my own little house and then you build this maybe you should look at Labor’s plots first maybe you should look at our laborers plots first um um laborers all the tax money we collected from the labor actually let’s

Let’s go to lever’s plots first and then we’ll come back to this let’s go here and if someone’s like one of the any of the laborers if you’re like Hannah don’t look yeah like I don’t want you to look at my place yet uh type it in chat

What if laborers still have better design I mean they they very well could vacant vacant a lot of vacant spots oh and then um I think CMD you are whitelisted if not check with power and um Power and braid but you should be why listed if you want to join today all vacant

All the lore floors aren’t weren’t that popular storm can I check out your dorm sure okay give me one second I’m almost done eating ah there we go I’m done eating um I’m gonna say Um um foreign this is George’s Little House cozy little home nope This is nice view oh you got a Go-Go no a little Dogo in here is it is it trapped in here homesick in loving memory of the home world that jorm left behind to search for a friendship in the dream verse before he was brutally captured and enslaved

Would it mean you would brutally captured and enslaved you you found a friendship in a home look at this beautiful place and you got a dogo in here and everything this is this is the dream this is I just want to go this is the dream no one is no one is

Captured no one is capturing you oh you got a little room here smallest ocean whoa wait I I can’t breathe oh wait oh it’s not survival so I can breathe wait why do you have like an entire aquarium in your house what why do you have an aquarium in your

House he tries to he drowns so many dogs to make this happen What how did you do it though the house of water not oh cause of the level oh wait is it because of the level some some witchcraft happening but um well I mean this is cool I don’t know

Why he did this but I picked this plug because it was only one with the floatable roof so this was your plan all along why did you want to flood here you just wanted like a giant Aquarium where do you sleep you just sleep on the floor

With this sad little sign on the side he’s an Aquaman oh you are a fish dorm was a fish apparently guys well it’s so nice though look at this new building that looks really cool but thanks thanks John for letting us come in and invade your home

Let’s close a door on them next one lanzore is lanzor here Lancel can I go can I go look at your apartment not if if yes the more is nodding for you so I’m gonna okay no that they’re nodding they’re nodding this skin is so freaking cute I

I’m so happy I made that because it’s so freaking cute oh my God love it all right this is lanzor’s apartment whoa look at that oh you made like a glass wall to the balcony wow and a little all of this is nicer than my house

Um oh and you decorated them oh nice you you color the blocks that looks really pretty what block is this glow Lin lynching this is pretty um so you got a little balcony area wait this connects here you can’t you can’t jump to it look is

This your still your house or I don’t actually no no but this is really cool and then you got a little door over here oh it does it is your house and it connects oh and you got a little barbecue area this is so cool and you can look at the mountain side

And then you also get the city side view the [ __ ] is that wait what no this is behind wait this is a mountain being our city what did this very nice view who did this oh wait chat is not showing up what are you guys doing here that sounds

Like a nice Nature View and you you guys you guys ruined it are you building a street Club back there like what is this I’m not even like Lanzo you got scammed because this plot probably has better property value with a nice Nature View but now you you’re gonna have like

You’re gonna attract drunk people over there at night and it’s gonna be noisy oh don’t be sad I’m sorry uh blame braid um sorry unless that’s what you wanted what if it’s what if it’s actually lands or who built it who knows but this is very nice I love I

Love what you’ve done here it looks really it looks really cool and I I love this um brick I like the look um and then let’s go here oh this is the bedroom whoa this blue is pretty got a little couch oh and then you decorated the block here

Is that a smiley face or just a cool shape I can’t it looks like um looks like a clown to me is that just me so do you also do you also see a clown face or is that just me it’s probably just me sorry for sorry for you ruining

It uh if you can’t unsee it I’m sorry that’s my do you see what I see just me okay well then then good okay good thing I don’t live here uh but uh I I see a little clown face of a nice badge I like the I

Like the blue the ocean blue color that’s and um that view um I like the little oh wait how do you put a limp in a glass Deacon oh I’m learning so much that looks cool all right just just stealing some sources cool nice job nice job lanzore class clap clap

Who’s this why aren’t you working uh all right next let’s go to next house Jenna’s apartment Jenner is it ready for me to look get yeah okay whoa armor uh claw what do you call this stuff close stand no hanger what do you call this you got diamonds I’m an armor

I’m not a I’m not a chubby chubs it’s not that’s not why I couldn’t get through it the door doors armor stand yeah the door is too small but the cool armor stand is that a birthday cake how do how do you make paint I need to

Learn how to make paintings like this um I see a birthday cake oh it’s Donkey Kong hi Chrono oh nice fancy little art um a little more paintings and a nice view you can look down on the Architects from here those bastards that made you work to bones

Oh more paintings of um karate Taekwondo whatever it is oh and this is your bedroom minimalistic bedroom nice nice um it’s really open it’s really open bedroom uh but some people like it what did you guys call it boy Boyer Boyer Boyer what was it called um I built them all Boyer Boyer

Bow yardies I gotta get water foreign this is amazing I like it I like it a lot good job Jenner thanks for letting us hang out in your house next vacant Ben’s room Ben changed the door to like a fancy door I like the store [Applause]

It’s not done okay we’ll come it will come another time [Applause] down down Niche is your room done Niche also changed the uh the door oh thank you so much what a gentleman thank you whoa you got a hot tub in your house look at the veining together huh oh they all drank milk in there um well okay dude do whatever you guys

Are into over there I’m not gonna I’m just gonna walk away well I like the like the stainless glass look um wow look at this table wait what are those little cute blocks turtle egg oh because I was looking for stuff to like decorate on the desk uh oh wait how

Did you just is our paintings I know it’s a real steak how did you put it on the plate so many things I gotta learn wow this is so cool and then you have a little like a couch area this is very nice um everyone get it get in get in here

Because because I want to get a good view not you of the room everybody get in here you didn’t get in get into the top please oh Wait let me take a photo oh don’t move okay hmm one two three that’s cute but this is really cool I love the colors I love this the idea of putting the hot tub in there very creative and then you can go upstairs wow and we got a little fox wow I really

Like this purple theme and then you gotta oh look is this supposed to be like a aquarium I don’t know a little fish tank um Everybody behind behind here so you can see see what they did to the house better everybody behind the door nimori and Lance are behind the door

Please so that check can see it um look at this very oh this is like a little bedroom Nook wait can that’s so cool I love the idea so creative well it seems so comfy I love that I love that and then you get like a little Nature View over there

I love it great work great look great work it’s over here it’s not a towel how do you put a towel why can’t wait what is it Banner oh it takes some grass back I’ll give you some fences and um clear glass thank you I’m keeping my steak

But this is amazing that what you did a great job Niche good job good job the Mori are you ready stop stop stop chasing the Mori are you ready or should I wait not if you yep okay oh this so that was like a purple themed

House and now this this time it’s a green Green Door oh it’s like oh cozy I like oh you can make this shape fireplace that’s nice and I like the brick wall oh how did you give a texture like this brick wall what I’m learning so much from them um nice carpet

It’s like cozy cozy modern combination Style and is it supposed I think this is Kitchen you got a little kitchen on the back and you can cook a nice while looking at the results of your labor hard labor um hi Miko hello hello uh we we did some Minecraft Project to

Build a dream burst Village together so we’re looking at everybody’s apartment Lots right now um Narnia Narnia this is your bed bedroom this is your little bed area and then no no no what are you this this is such no where did you take me come here yeah I’m here whoa

Where is this place this is your Narnia what this is amazing the Rave cave foreign this looks like the Rave cave oh that’s what that was oh my gosh that’s amazing wait it’s play music That’s amazing oh my God you guys are so creative um I noticed it from this view because this is what I see from my like my view oh dying look at them dancing oh my God oh my God I’m dying This is so precious I love it I love it oh my God this is so good um here I have a steak and a brick wall um how do I how do I switch hands again but how do I drop this this fence I’m holding on my left hand

Tap no F oh f jar of gummies waddle just handed this to me I don’t think I should I don’t think it’s safe to drink and a cookie I I am not I am not touching that is cup making these these up in here drinking jar of whatever you guys just handed to me but this is amazing this is that was

Incredible that was so fun oh you had a music box start the party party oh that’s amazing great job perfect great job great job how now how do we get back am I stuck in there or what how do we get back party’s over you I mean you guys can continue

Whoa you got a personal portal I back back he’s got a personal portal to to the Rave dungeon from here from his very own bedroom amazing great work that was awesome that was so unexpected but it was amazing thank you so much for letting us crush your room let’s go

That was that was like a good example of a fixer of Earth everybody’s just everybody’s an amazing job now like you guys are putting my house to shame now better fireplace no maybe just a little um hentai Lord can we can we look everyone’s oh it’s ready okay or are you

Just go yeah you open the door and the clothes on me can I go in hentai Lord yeah okay wow this is a nice carpet design you chose four I like this color oh so see how he used the blocks like the same uh shape blocks that way he can put the

Couch on top of it uh because if he were to be using the carpet blocks then um you can’t put the items directly on top which is really stupid Minecraft what the heck um so it looks like he used the blocks and then and it gives like this little

Like a dented look which I like I dig I dig and I got some paintings up here um oh there’s a there’s a door to the oh the your nice balcony oh my God look at the fireplace and that view again this would have been so nice and peaceful chat if like

This this would have been your view look how nice and peaceful it is why proper view for him Tyler whoa look at the tower it’s looking amazing love love love we’ll do the full exterior um like full rotation exterior once I look at everybody’s houses this is amazing

I don’t know why but like this doing this oh maybe because you guys made it the night time now like I’m craving like a like a little cocktail or something it’s only 2 40 I mean 250. um oh this is the bedroom enjoying my favorite billboard well

You know if you enjoy it I guess I can’t say much uh as long as he’s happy with his View what what can I oh there’s like a little pathway over there from the park so you get a little bit view of the park that’s nice so this is super cool the bedrooms

Bedrooms kind of like simple you keep it just like Spacey and simple I see but it’s looking is this is great oh I love it the more you’re burning um all right he’s too drunk from the Narnia party I like this like a it’s like a shelf

Look as well amazing job good job in Tyler thanks for letting us crash do they there’s someone accidentally ruined this let me fix it for you there and then I’ll trash it okay cool damn it picked it up again uh Patty oh this is a communal area so

Everybody gets this patio so maybe maybe we can put some like Osa maybe you could decorate this area a little bit for everybody Osa maybe you can Decor the oh he he got it he got it yes can do okay awesome thank you if we can make a little communal area I

Think they’ll be great uh you gotta keep the keep the labors morale High you know the dark itch my personal slave um dark Edge is your room ready or should I wait oh hello are you already in there come on in I can come in okay oh you got a

Little Dogo here to Lucifer Lucifer um nice a lot of people did like a purple theme I like the purple I like purple it’s very dream versy I like I like um I like the stain oh the I like the out the glass look you did it looks

Probably really nice from the outside as well and a modern couch with like a black and purple and a white look I like it this kind of feels like an entry to a bar but okay come in hello come on okay oh wow oh you’re wow you got yourself a giant what inch

Is this a giant TV wow and I like the LED light look you did for your TV and a little you can be whoever you want at home you got a nice big king chair the king the labor is the most get paid well I told you guys this is a good job

This is this is a dream job I don’t know why you guys are complaining look at all these amazing house everybody got he got a little King throne in in his house um and then nice oh wait oh this is a balcony that you turn kind of into like a half

Indoor oh I see what you did here that was clever what what is this what did you use stain glass paint oh and the the light thing and Rod um that’s cool very creative I like I like how you use the space Oh and then these curtains the bar curtains nice um

What is this thing is this supposed to be something that I’m not recognizing oh speakers it’s speakers surround sound is important for you know movie or watching Hana bananas stream on this giant TV you know I get it I get it amazing there’s still more oh this is the

Bedroom area oh I like the Chic black color and the red red fiery Kindle um and just dark Edge standing over there with this this fiery candle the red candle um I really like the this um wall stuff like wall design you did it looks really cool um

And then it goes really well with the stainless glass oh and then you like oh nice so he used like the glass pan and blocks to kind of make give it a little more texture I like it and it’s like you’re like right in the like the tower

Is like right in the center of the view so it’s very nice foreign is sexy guys this feels like um like a nice hotel um bedroom I don’t know it feels it feels it feels Chic and sexy to me uh nice job nice job this is great

Kinky I didn’t say kinky I just said it looks very um I don’t know like real romantic I don’t know if romantic is the right word but it looks sexy all right nice job dark Edge good work Mega’s room not finished okay oh maybe maybe you guys should just put up a sign

That oh I should have done that but it’s too late not finished this is a top floor now double B’s room and Matty’s room I don’t know if they’re here the books or met p ee little sneak peek I don’t I don’t know if Matt is here but oh well it

Doesn’t look like he’s done so just a little peek you know because since he’s not here it’s just a little peek uh but looks like that bumpy is ready so let’s check out it could have been naked in there no no I know I know he wasn’t here okay dong

Coming in thank you very much for the invite um whoa eat sleep labor Retreats oh oh I like the little like breakfast bar type like table look looking at the Mountain View very beautiful uh the more get out of my view get out of you very nice view

What is that thing in the mountain the red thing what are they up to I need to go check on those after oh and like nice kitchen this actually feels like a real apartment layout like that would exist like you know how like a lot of apartments nowadays have like really narrow like

Like narrow like hallway-ish kitchen which then connects to like a quote-unquote one bedroom but it’s really just part of the kitchen um wow this bed is really nice it’s like a kit full king-sized bedroom all with the nice candles on the side live laugh love oh you have a little little um Hana

Merch I love painting merch in his room live love love labor no that’s not what it says it says live love love love shut up um but like is this a shadow or is it just me or the love sign is a little bit darker than the other two

Just Me Maybe I don’t patching it up why is it should make it so dark it looks darker labor labor labor no oh my God what if I make like a Hana merch t-shirt and then the T-shirt just says live love labor this is a live love labor T-shirt with

With the slave’s face on it you’ll buy it oh my God that would be so funny we should do it oh my God life motto live laugh lactate I mean what live love love love whoa I love this is so cool little like Terraria terrarium

What do you call these things but I love this this is so cool you guys are so cool what the heck um let’s see oh you made a nice hot top to oh I like this look I might steal this look what is this one Spruce all trapdoor nice

This might go well with the mountain mountain hot top look I’m going for um nice this is so cool nice nice little um rooftop balcony area and then you get the Mountain View everyone’s doing something suspicious in the hot tub again and then you got a letter

Oh to the rooftops first the ladder to the rooftop nice this is braids room you’re we’re you’re invading Brad’s bedroom you got why do you have a personal ladder directly to the braids bedroom I’m not even gonna I’m not even gonna question oh you guys made a little like

Sitting seating area here to look at the tower just have a little bit of um maybe maybe Bosa you can put like fences over if you want to keep these chairs so that people don’t just jump off from their stress from this Tower uh make it

Make it um make it a little bit safer Maybe but this is amazing all right let’s let’s do a um exterior look for a bit oh this looks so nice Chad you guys did an amazing job foreign like now that people have all decorated like personal spaces inside this

Building looks a lot more colorful and like it gave it a lot of character maybe a lot more character but like surprisingly it’s all very harmonious too like the colors that you guys picked and like put together it’s actually pretty pretty harmonious some some that we still got some vacant spots on the

Bottom so but as you go up you can kind of I can monitor them from outside very nice very nice I mean not monitor I mean we can we can see them and they’re nice houses from outside it looks amazing all right now let’s go to the architect of that building

Everybody did a great job everybody gave all the labors a little round Applause for decorating their lots and I’m gonna go back again so feel free to build on top of it if and then um whenever I visit next time if you want me to see it

Again just let me know because there were some people who haven’t finished their stuff yet so I’m gonna go look again but you guys did an amazing that was incredible I’m so impressed you guys John why aren’t you working what are you doing in here

Why are you holding a sword and not a pickaxe I have a his brains his head is empty it is I don’t I can still see your sword I can still see your diamond sword stuff charm do you want to be do you want to

Go into the prison did you just did you just hold a sword towards me power braid braid can we put your in the prison please um you guys can be the prison wardens um it’s a diamond sausage festival stop making everything be about fell fell folic phallic uh penis basically

Um let’s go look at both those house look at this exterior can I move in here just quietly change the name to Hannah you know Hana means number one in Korean so maybe like um maybe if I just get rid of those signs but okay let’s go oh what the oh oh nice

That’s fancy that’s so fancy uh I don’t know if that’s a good secure I guess it will keep like animals and stuff oh well never mind um well let me let’s should we look at here oh look at this little Garden area he’s just killing some bugs he’s having some

Bug issues apparently look at this little Garden area oh my God can have a little spring summer picnic here with your fam fams and other maybe later you can invite your labors over here and have some beer together what’s over here oh it’s a little like storage area some head what

That’s a little such but it’s probably just pumpkin um open close Okay open the okay open the gate oh wow and then you come off to the other side and you have a little Pond or oh it’s like a giant waterfall I’m so impressed prepped for Halloween already prepare for Halloween

Right this is is this an entry how do I get in here oh oh it’s an elevator elevator can I hire some of these guys to build my house later I might hire somebody to build the elevator for me um or that we could maybe do like

Another content like that where we have like architects and like people who are selling like a specific skills and designs and then people can decorate their homework well I’ll think about it but um wow nice Roof oh my goodness look at this Garden I was trying so hard to make

Like decent looking tree but it was really hard to do it because it’s like so blocky but this looks amazing whoa and then he gets to look at the building that he created with his levers to the right and then the tower View and the little little rooftop garden super nice

Oh wait what is this thing how did you do this Vines I was looking for something like this I knew it existed oh wait are these Vines too oh because I wanted to hang plants oh and oh he combined them with the three blocks to make it look more natural

I see I see I’m learning I’m learning and then of course a little Grill area barbecue area um how do I how do I get to the other can I go to the other side oh a nice little pond oh so if I went out that way or if I go

This way I see I see amazing that is so cool so do I go down this way now is this how I came up is it this way oh elevator paper paper that is so cool wowzers wait I how do all this past fight with the with the elevator he got little fish

Tank like little aquarium in the middle um did I miss anything Bosa just checking to make sure oh wait there’s another floor oh oh I just have to get out really fast I think yeah did I make it I did is this the second floor I made a chat oh

Cozy little is this um like a like a little living room area super nice oh and then you can turn the light on wow bedroom and they have elect he has upper buttons that’s the level of The Architects lots of buttons and automations they can they know how to use technology

This is a huge bed who who are you inviting here this is like you can’t fit like four people in here giant king bed oh oh I’ll leave you guys hentai Lord and dark kitchen there’s something happening in your bed I just wanted to let you know there’s something oh there’s some

Oh there’s something going on on your bed just so you just so you no they’re there there’s some invisible orgy going on in here um I didn’t I didn’t know this was a orgy dungeon I’m gonna get out of it now I feel icky I feel a little sticky and

Icky being in there um but nice giant TV again with a nice couch oh this is pretty too what is this Banner oh okay I gotta I gotta utilize banners too testing the mattress they’re testing the mattress okay um and then next floor oh that’s down I got

Wait why did why did Niche come out like a Superman was it just me that song why does what do they call it like a Superman just me how did he even do that that was hilarious maybe it was a little glitch but he was swimming

Okay let’s uh let’s go up one more this was the rooftop right okay yeah so that was the room I skipped I think did I miss anything again was that everything it was all ah I think is he trying to tell me that I did miss something maybe how how do you

How how do you stop in the middle in this elevator oh first I missed the first floor foreign okay you can fly oh here oh I did it I did it um oh a nice little viewing area you must be really proud of this dwelling building

You know a lot less of just like viewing area you can you can you can monitor who’s going in and out and everything that’s nice um but oh wait I somehow got out oh this is also kind of like a although there is a glass oh yeah yeah but I like the bamboo

Bamboo look and the little like hangout area uh shower and sauna hentai loot again oh it’s a shower chat hey stop peeping I see you guys in here I’m taking a shower excuse me rude excuse me I I see you guys being invisible holding a potion I see get out

Of here you got be a gentleman gosh God you just so invasive um oh little sauna Airy it looks a little full in there so um and enjoy sweating your your stresses out don’t push me too hot what are you doing what are you doing under

You want to get you want to be seated let’s sit on fans though nice it’s a nice little um a area I like this this is a cool idea great but it’s it’s there they’re staring so I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna get out they’re all Nicky and staring at me all sweaty

So so I know what is this little stairs oh like see like I feel like architects or like both that didn’t erase like like a little oh whoa swimming pool wait you did this oh look at Brave swimming you did all of this just over the week just yesterday

Ah are they peeing in the pool I’m gonna uh Chula um whoa this pool is super nice like they don’t waste a single little space like they’ve they’ve how do you even design something like this over thank you thanks for blessing me thank you how do you design something like this even like

I don’t my brain can’t foreign and this is is this back to the what is this one oh it’s oh it’s the elevator did I miss did I miss anything again well there isn’t that much space I gave you so much space What are you guys

Talking about that was a lot of space but maybe we should do like a house building type project again so that you guys can do the more stuff like this if you enjoy if you enjoy doing stuff like this I personally love it this is like

This is I told you guys my favorite I don’t watch TV but when I do like only Channel that I watch is like HGTV like I just watch people Fixer-Upper their houses um let’s look at it from the outside that was his little orgy dungeon pool area um hi [Applause]

Hey hello welcome Raiders my name is Hannah X banana um Marika thank you so much for the rain how was your stream today well uh we’re doing Minecraft right now we are doing a little project where um we are building uh so the the universe

That I live in is called dream verse and um we have we have recruited some Architects and slaves I mean uh labors uh different levels of skilled labors and dreamers uh Minecraft world to build this Village together and then we basically gave some of the plots to The

Architects and then we also built this um apartments for the laborers to go and decorate their own home uh so uh we were just looking at what they’ve been building so far but very comfy thank you for asking of course of course what did you got what did you

Guys stream what did you what were you streaming MO do you go by Riku or Mo and hello Raiders hi Sammy um what do you mean write the first flavors levers not not sleeves um it’s the pronunciation is a little confusing because I’m Korean I’m English is not my first language

What did you stream today no can we wait Mo would you be okay if I do a little clip shout out to see to have like a random clip of yours pop up so that I can see I can see what you look like um and if if you don’t feel comfortable

Doing that’s totally fine either and was doing comfy washy power oh power wash simulator I was curious to check that check that out I was a little I was kind of curious to check that out too um best game um it’s it does seem like really comfy

PP Sim what oh wait what PP power washes PW grade uh post champ maybe maybe more left uh but feel free to rest feel free to lurk thank you so much for bringing your community over and hello most Community uh welcome I don’t mind people cringe at

Me as I’m a small streamer what what do you mean what you mean um can we do a little clip shout out for Mo Riku so many rikus this is incredible view here oh no dado’s return oh maybe you don’t have clips because it pulls from it pulls from

Cliff so maybe you don’t have any Clips uh but that’s okay though no worries it’s no biggie thank you so much again for bringing your community over and welcome most Community um we were we are currently looking at one of our architect who designed this building over here Architects it’s playing

It was playing oh I didn’t see it wait try it again I talked to her sorry I’m sorry it comes through a different speaker that’s why play try playing it again who was even like it picks out just like a random Clips usually which is why some streamers apparently don’t like have

Having a play because they don’t know what which Clips gonna be playing um oh there why is it hiding over there hey javix just setting up my stream well I I found it I found that I moved it up your classical everyone’s Clips are like completely went random

Um washy washy oh there’s a there’s a Washi Washi clip see let’s see let’s see let’s see um oh it’s a stream well you your character looks really cool let me move a little bit so people can see it that’s more Rico guys um uh oh that is very satisfying to watch

That is very satisfying to watch you’re like a hedgehog your hair feels you must be like you’re like like a human version of Sonic um but I want to try that game out sometime it looks a lot of fun and like really relaxing thanks again Moe and feel free to lurk

Or hang out or chill but I appreciate you reading and bringing your community over um all right back to Minecraft a social anxiety intensifies oh don’t know nothing to worry we’re all nice here um except for some people but mostly but everybody’s nice to each other just

They’re just mean to me so nothing to worry nothing to worry look at this cool elevator I love it it’s just a little bit hard to get out and they each um each level but also did I miss anything look at this exterior amazing Amazing it’s all creative you guys I love it and here’s Waddles Waddles this house has a basement how do I get to the basement you have a basement hmm are they all Watching Me Maybe well that’s everybody what is happening right now what is going on

You’ll have to find out they they want me to find it in here I don’t wanna do I just what is the sticky stuff you left behind Hannah what thick is this oh sorry this is just um spider web I didn’t oh what is what’s happening what do you what this is just

I didn’t leave anything there with all the levers and buttons you find oh levers and buttons I mean I just saw this one ah I can’t move open the gates close the gate I mean is this it didn’t open anything Maybe huh wait there’s something in there I can’t tell what is that

Nice I’m just destroying his house oh it’s a puzzle you want me to solve a puzzle I’m not coming all over okay wait what’s the puzzle what am I missing I don’t I broke it I’m sorry I don’t I’m just I’m holding stuff in my hand yeah well how to press the button

Didn’t why does it keep getting okay uh it’s a spider web um Did you see a man so far fall oh I’ll try to right click it earlier about then I kept placing the banner over there like he just like straight into this that was hilarious foreign whoa so but are the buttons on when you when it’s down or up

What is this plate whoa whoa what is going on here this looks like what happens here what do you mean Hannah’s dungeon it’s not Hannah’s dungeon uh both levers down so so I’m just asking in general like with the levers like you you turn it on by putting it

Down or up like is it or does it matter actually I don’t know what is this spot I don’t is that a little Spirit what what Redstone if the pants or I see I see Lincoln what do you mean you’re getting flashbacks we we’ve never we don’t have a place like this um

You can build an uh gates with redstone I see I see I’m late to the ritual what Rich oh my God we’re no stop it we need them I never I never ordered anyone to two no get out and tie Lord a double fee why are you burning

What is happening in this dungeon I I am I where did I go I’m I’m not a part of this I don’t know what both I don’t know what both says up to but this has nothing to do with me and the dream first oh god um

This is amazing I mean not not the not the people burning part the the whole mechanics um excuse me trying to try to get out here ah excuse me oh gotta get out of there this game escape so there’s a little secret dungeon down there nice cic oh that’s what the gate opened

The gate was for this it’s all making sense now it’s not Hannah’s cold that was bosa’s cult ah people so rude I just closed door on me do this over just like one day I don’t understand um no one leaves the cult um no no no it’s not it’s no cult um

I mean he did have a little orgy dungeon here and then um whatever else that we just saw but this is amazing great job Bosa clap clap that was that was incredible the door is not on a that fall like shape on purpose right it’s just part of the

Modern design why does it feel like he’s flipping me off right now why does it feel a little bit like I’m being flipped off just looking at this entry like you’re welcome in but um it’s bosa’s house amazing yay you guys you guys did a great job

Oh and then like this road connects back to the the lavers power wait I thought Jordan was in prison how did he get out he’s still holding the sword how’d you get out of the how did it get out of the body see everything as p i no I don’t oh

Look at the lights do they just turn on auto that’s so fancy I need a higher you know hire people to install these things in my house what is this thing uh public pool drown at your own risk lifeguard’s wage was cut due to budget cuts public pool area that’s nice

Well you got oh you can make umbrellas or like that that’s cool oh I can dive got a little oh hello everybody swimming ah nice oh nice late night um Late Night Swimming stash with with my people this is really cozy I like it a lot I like these lights oh

And then you got a little more oh look at this it’s like a little cafe slash drink area oh man can I have some margaritas please thank you very much I missed the sign what sign What sign dive at your own risk a little pool party beach party this I read this over near braid oh there’s another one up hid in the pool again no no I didn’t I don’t I don’t do that stuff girls don’t pee in the pool we’re not

Like boys where we can just go and then I just no no it’s not it’s not that it happens and it’s okay because it didn’t happen don’t tell me it’s okay because it didn’t happen and why does it say again no no and like if if this sign was here

Why are you guys in there get out why why are you guys swimming in there if the sign says I P why are they diving it’s not a big day I know it’s not a bidet don’t just stare at me while sitting in my pee pool apparently Waddles get out

Of here stop diving in slowly oh but I did got a piece I’ll be right back foreign [Laughter] Hey this is not my pee I didn’t I didn’t do this just now no this is weird I want to pee in the bathroom not in not in here that’s not no that’s not my pee no no yes yeah get rid of that fix it it’s weirdos

Hello dark Edge could I could I have some um pina colada please thank you thank you nice day nice sunny day in dream verse Village um have Miku drink it to see if it’s your pee or not because she know she wouldn’t know um at least

Looks like a healthy Pete well thank you but no it wasn’t my pee stop debating me into saying that was my pee she’s an expert in this matter what no she’s not um where’s my pina colada dark I’ll take some tears of the labors tears of the labors um

Oh thank you thank you very much thank you um what is it Hannah’s dookie what the [ __ ] how long have I been holding Hannah’s dookie in my hand I don’t chat what I since why I do not I do not dookie how many times I have to tell you

Look at them going all crazy over there everybody’s drunk now yeah I thought I knew you better no it’s not my duke I promise salted I don’t just throw poops and peas into the what what is the yellow thing floating over the pool hat what is floating in the water right now oh

Go away but this is a nice pool area you can have a pool party this is this is very nice very nice I think this is Morgan progress I see I see look at this View Rivers plot um I I don’t know if it looks like reverse is also still working on it

Um and then I think Koji picked his plot over here away from everybody coaches uh looks like he’s also working on it that’s a cool design though but we’ll come back we’ll come back another time golden stars for everyone stop stop stop cold and shower but everything’s looking incredible all right everybody

Play time’s over go back go back to work now go back to work um this is amazing I think once like we have like most of the buildings done we can do some road walk to road work to connect all the buildings and then put some like trees

And stuff like that kind of like kind of like the work you did here um so that we can like put Bridges and do a little bit of like Landscaping um so that they all like kind of connect and we can like walk walk through the paths and stuff like that um

Hi Kimmy Kimmy Kim mix Kim X um some Landscaping not manscaping um we could do that um I don’t know if they’re doing planning on doing more stuff here or if they’re just was it always flat like that over there I can’t remember well and then now there’s my house foreign

Is big and spacious that’s the difference chat The House of the mayor of the dream verse is just big and spacious um and um it’s nice why are there why are they putting my hits every there everywhere um and look look how big this living room space is uh and then

Who keeps putting these blocks here and it’s in the mountain this is like my retreat home uh maybe I’ll maybe I’ll stop invading my house I don’t want my own statue my chair is gone blocking my view Uh it’s nice and cozy but I also got some inspiration from looking at everybody else’s house so I’m gonna have to decorate here too somehow I broke my own chair I did and then um I had to make the uh bath the hot tub area here No why why what first of all why are they in little plates what the [ __ ] who’s eating these and they’re not my dookie okay it’s it’s so weird some weird um like it’s like a drug smugglers uh selling fake fake Hannah’s dookies uh that’s that’s spreading to the

Village everybody uh I I like to announce that I keep hearing a rumor that there are some Smugglers that are selling Hamas dookies and putting harness pee in the pool those are not real dookies and PPS so please do not purchase from them do not make those purchases um as they’re they’re just

They’re just like it’s like they’re actually braids poop are um those are fun those are fake those are very rare items items so even if you wanted that easy for you to find and get that means they’re fake they are made of braids poop I repeat braids poop so do

Not buy into those uh say no to drugs thank you very much all right um don’t buy from kind of Visa cards only buy authentic Hana products exactly you can only get those from me so if if you didn’t get those items directly from me

It ain’t it ain’t me it ain’t it ain’t real it’s not authentic are you telling me a drink please why are we drinking it in the first place gross maybe you shouldn’t have been drinking oh hi Ben can you give me one no get out cool no

You can’t just come up and ask a lady for their duties and pee excuse me so rude these are not real okay Chad these are not real this is not what is it coming from me no um these this is just bubbles uh do not sniff them

It will it’s it’s I don’t know what that was but um all right everybody stop doing stop doing praise dookies and and go go finish your work go go finish your work I’m gonna continue working on my house I wanna make a hot tub I want I waited for this moment all day

Yesterday tried to text and I was like I just want to go build stuff girls don’t poop but I do poop I do pop pop pop foreign oh wait no you’re trying to put that sign on me but you you had a spelling error sir

I yes sure I pop oh look at the sunset a freaking yellow bubble I’m trying to I’m trying to get immersed into this View and just ignore ignore the yellow bubbles pretend like you don’t see them think of it think of them as like fireflies or something what’s behind your house Moon

Look you can you can see people up from here from the kitchen if they’re sitting down here I can see I can see their undies um behind my house foreign that is not my Owl House is again this is all braids doing okay this is this is this is where braid goes

Dookie so please don’t get fooled and and try to collect what are you throwing at me and try to collect why is there a window what is happening here right now um I do not use I do not use this bathroom why is there a window on the back ah

Do you see Brad is Brad is bubbling right now look at braid why are you closing look at me I wanna I wanna get some fresh air um look braid is bubbling his braids pee not mine what are people drinking that wasn’t why why is everybody together

Get out this is not this is not how does our house no no no are they told turkeys what the [ __ ] get rid of them get rid of them this is all in the ground put them in the ground stop that ain’t me that’s not my pee so don’t

Get fooled don’t get fooled all right for realsies building time building time Bella you’re not a dog I know I’m uh stop smearing them around I’m not smearing anything Let’s keep evolving you know what I’m I’m gonna let them do their thing for now all right so I’m gonna I’m gonna make a little little hot tub here and um I kind of like be um like the trees and like this this look you know the the like being in the

Middle of the nature kind of look Do you guys like hot tub is there anyone who doesn’t like hot tub so I think it’d be really nice to be able to just like sit in the water and look at the sky under the moonlight two-story olives it wasn’t too story okay um pen is done

Depends on what it’s filled you chlorine water Ben you want me to go look at your ear a lot Ben see I told you to stop doing drugs you guys that was not my pee or dookies they’re they’re all dead look at them flying deadly let’s go

Let’s go to let’s go to Ben hot thoughts are cozy yeah I like taking a bath um like hot springs actually they’re the wait is someone looking for work or um they’re the best actually when like um like the outdoor ones are the best outdoor Hot Springs

Because like indoor ones are nice but then it gets too steamy and hot inside whereas like if you go to like outdoor um hot springs then like you still get that cold nature air on on the upper body but then like your your butt is warm foreign oh I’m flying

I’ll drop this item this one well it says bacon oh wait this one all right this is Ben’s Ben’s little apartment let’s go see I like this um dark wood look oh nice oh I like the way you did the lights on the ceiling or these slabs oh it’s the

Stairs oh you can do so many creative stuff upstairs to make things look nice um who put this here mm-hmm oh that one’s that looks cool what is that and Crystal that looks cool um there’s music playing Thank you it’s also got a little Ohana merch on his his desk is this a button again what do the buttons oh oh oh that’s so cool you can open you can open it oh that’s nice You know it’s a it’s a great solution for a smaller Apartments where um you have these like foldable desks tables so that um you can sit here eat whatever and then and close it back to save the space um why does it keep opening back though it might be malfunctioning a little bit

But you know that’s probably all he could afford at the time why is the bed like sinking in like this I do I I kind of like it I can’t you can’t ever fall out of you can’t have a you don’t have to worry about falling out of the bed Um and then you got a little yoga mat here is this a yoga mat while you’re looking at that this is a yoga mat right um I’m gonna step away from it uh but this is oh I like the ceiling oh huh where am I what the where where is this

[ __ ] the room got so big um chat you’re not supposed to be here Leonards you’re not supposed to discover this place whoa dragons this is only for the high classed officials this place is only for the high class officials um foreign how did you build a portal the dragon’s trap is it trapped

There’s a VIP you mean one’s a p and dookie in the pool this is where the real stuff this is where the real stuff happens but no need to know nobody needs to know what goes on here can I go back how do I go back no send me back foreign Dragon Hunt

The yearly Dragon Hunt ceremony so what is going on in here That’s how bread makes all the drugs that he’s been spreading into the town holy this is a dragon egg foreign that’s really cool though it looks very it looks super cool it’s like super foggy jump in the pool this pool oh I just thought it was a cool window it looks so trippy

Look at that let’s go the fog is from the Shader oh I see good day today everybody I see I see a player you mean Alex banana yes take care it has reached a higher level now it can read our thoughts that doesn’t matter if things were part of the game

I like this player played well it did not give up it’s reading our thoughts as though there are words on the screen that is how it chooses to imagine many things when it is deep in the dream of a game They used to hear voices before players could read back in the days when those who did not play called players witches and warlocks and players dream they flew through the air on sticks powered by demons this player dreamed of sunlight and trees of fire and water in a dream they

Created and a dream that destroyed it dreamed it haunted and hunted it was haunted and dreamed they’ll shelter It worked but the million others the sculpt a true Cannot read the thoughts no it has not yet achieved the highest level that it must achieved um doesn’t know we love it but it seems kind sometimes through the noise of its thoughts adheres the universe yes but there are times it is said in the long dream it creates worlds

That have no summer and it Shivers on their black sauna it takes that creation for reality to cure it of Sorrow would destroy the soil is part of its own private task we cannot interfere sometimes when they are deep in the dreams I want to tell them they’re

Building the words in reality sometimes I want to tell them it reads our thoughts sometimes I do not care sometimes I wish to tell them this world would take for truth is merely and Yet play the game it would be so easy to tell them too strong for this dream to tell them how to live is prevent them living I will not tell the player how to live the player is growing Restless I will tell the player a story but not the truth no

Story that contains a true safely and the kids rewards Give it a body again Use its name but take a breath now take another few in your enemies let your knees return Yes move your fingers have a body again under Gravity your body is touching the universe again and every Point as though your separate things as though we were separate things

Who are we once we were called the spirit of the mountain fathers on mother Moon ancestral Spirits animal spirits those the Green Man the gods demons angels we do not change the world change we are in the universe we are everything you think is new you are looking at us now

Is this like is this like end of like a Minecraft screen this is end of Minecraft screen it is sometimes a player dream they’ve watched words on the screen let’s go back the atoms of the player are scattered in the grass and the rivers and the air and the ground a

Woman gathered the atoms she drank and ate and inhaled the woman assembled the player in her body and the player woke from the warm Dark World of its mother’s body into the long dream and the player was a new story never told before written in letters of DNA and the player

Was a new program never run before generated by a source code and a billion years old and the player was a new human never lived before made from nothing but milk and love you’re the player the story the program the human made from nothing but milk and

Love let’s go further back the seven billion billion billion atoms of the player’s body were created long before this game in the hearts of a star so the player 2 is information from a star and the player moves through a story which is Forest of the information planted in

A man’s body called Julian what the milk you’re a player reading words sometimes the player reads lines of code on the screen they quoted them into words they quoted words into meaning decoded meanings into feelings emotions theories ideas and the players started to breathe faster and deeper and realize

It was alive it was alive those thousands deaths and had not been real the player was alive And sometimes the player believes the universe has spoken to it through a sunlight that came through this uh shuffling leaves of the summer trees believe that through the light that felt from the Christian Life Sky winter whereas a flake of the light and the corner of the players I might be starred

A million times as a misfit as a son about a dream again you never said I love you whenever said you have played the game well and the universe said everything you need is within you never said you are stronger than you know and the universe set your daylight

But you never said you’re the night the universe said the darkness you fight is within you you never said in the lights you seek is what and the universe said you’re not alone you never said you’re not separate from every other thing and the universe said your universe tasting itself

Talking to self reading its own code Universe said I love you because you are love and the game was over and the player woke up from the dream and the player began a new dream and the player dreamed again dreamed better and the player was the universe and the player

Was love you are the player pick up wake up chat wakey wakey that was something that was something I’m gonna have to go back and read that again I resonated with some of the things I was talking about and it was very fitting it was very very fitting to the dreamers Village Theme

Um press ESC okay noise why am I back at the arena somehow um Hannah stole a Minecraft Lord no I didn’t it’s not exactly the same but there were some things I I um I resonated with um spawn points battle the arena looks it looks amazing I like I like

Um is prison like pretty much done is Koji here today oh he is Koji is prison pretty much done ah so bright why are there chickens everywhere it is well I’d like some help with the walls okay why are there chick did you put these chickens here Koji chickens in the gym

They’re on the jail not in the jail um but the but the prison looks amazing it’s it’s Giant huge believer of many many people and I got an idea for a new building okay go ahead it looks it looks great Koji good job you guys um I think all buildings should have

Like a little sign that has um names of people that um contributed to building it like maybe on like a little those like um like a shiny signs that you guys make in the plots I think all the buildings should have a little sign on the side that

Um has names of everyone who participated um The Flaming fist are we keeping this here who wants to sign the prison I don’t know maybe they maybe they wanna they will they wanna they wanna remember it and think about it who knows um yes please yeah of course of course um

This is this thing is huge all the prisoners that get out of I get out will know who to get revenge on I mean like it’s not the fault of the builders if they ever get stuck in it like I don’t think the prisoners um what is this here looks like a

Giant hole in there cave I’m not gonna I’m not gonna go in there but look at the night view of the city it’s looking great and that’s my house because the prisoners were put in there for being reasonable people in the first place no way yeah

Um did you not see jorm trying to reveal against me with his sword going invisible and trying to stab me with a diamond sword you all saw it that was totally a prison time deserving um I’ve I’ve done a lot of almost all the buildings will my name be on them if you

Contributed to any buildings yes do put them on um do it do it why not I mean it’s not like what how can I see an invisible person because it was stormed before and then as soon as I started yelling at him he turned invisible and the sword that he

Was holding started running towards me that’s how you want to build a temple on the mountain um yeah sure go ahead if you’re if you’re done with it but like don’t don’t make it too big of a project because I don’t know where everybody else is at and like um

Uh but you can you can you can guess which mountain the big one I guess I guess you’re done because you gave them all the plots in your house so yeah yeah go ahead go ahead just like do it in a realistic scale that can be done in a in a few hours

All right um so I was trying to I was trying to make a hot tub I’ve been trying to make a hot tub foreign of the tower I think I’m gonna do like more having like a more detailed look at each of the buildings and the stuff that

People are is the park done let me check with River oh I don’t maybe river is not here today um foreign things seem like it’s all coming along really well together I think I’ll do all the public buildings like a vocal will get more details once everybody is done kind of like how

Um your house is done already I’m gonna have a little bit of building time everybody I’ve been waiting for this waiting for this moment as I was painfully doing my texts um wait wait why am I feeling it with snow uh so after so keep making progress on uh

On what you’re doing and then right now on stream try to try to focus on doing the public buildings and then if the public buildings that you’re working on are done then you can go uh you can go decorate your own places or maybe help

Bosa with um Temple stuff uh but or you know come up with like a side project that you guys want to do together and you guys can talk about it in the Minecraft forum and then go ahead go ahead uh Is there going to be a spaceship as well we were thinking about whether or not to make one but um no one I don’t I don’t think people were interested in making one maybe uh so these are currently like the old Apollo we have a prism we have Arena Tower and

Then the park and rec area and then the the little uh pound the living area and then my home uh if someone wants to do it go ahead uh but it’s not it’s not a must this is the this is what we could do with the with them or the people that

We had and then wait so wait let me see architects how many are done the strip club Foreign While they’re answering I’m gonna go pee oh my God I almost fell power has basically done the floors are empty but people can fill it up with whatever um got some small spot left for the park but mostly done um then maybe could we figure out a bit of landscaping And Roads to connect the buildings or maybe have someone have someone like one or two people maybe volunteer for it no worries freaking working uh um I’ll leave are we rebuilding the shalom what are you building the shillong tunnel you got you guys got rid of it

That’s not what I meant by doing landscaping um but I think we could have like some roads that connect to the each of the buildings and then maybe like some some trees and flowers and stuff like that to like kind of make it make it be a little more connected

What is this spot what are you doing in there oh let’s just see away from keyboard area the target who said you’re allowed to not been here wake up wake up wake up he’s he’s deep deep in sleep right now a little nap timer see this is a good

Working environment we provide people Neptune area we gave him houses um Hana merch uh water that’s always out of order for some reason I never did any sort of budget cut so that’s that’s not on me uh but that’s oh leave him alone I did I left him alone I left him alone

Domes are done and I start to build a temple Okie Doki Bosa what is this though what’s going on here anybody know is there supposed to be something you can’t call from zero shut up shut up chunky it’s a stage I don’t know but looks like it was something someone

Might have been working on or is that the is that the temple I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what are these drones oh Birds oh it’s a bird hello from Friends hello don’t forget to drink water oh good good call let me get some water

The server looks amazing thank you I mean I our Architects and labor did all of this uh let’s look at it from above I who did this what why is this what is this great this has to be braid best website ever made by the co-owner of the site oh

That’s how you do the light look from behind oh wait no what foreign I it’s the wrong way around I don’t I mean I’m glad it’s facing that way so there’s less light pollution um like why is this entire space emptied at least like fill it with something

Put like little tables or something maybe it can be like a bar is here so many little caves that I don’t know why they went into because it’s creative mode they don’t have to mine whoa so cool and pretty all right all right all right all right so hot tub hot tub tub

Um I liked the wooden wooden hot tub look uh let’s see double decker I also kind of like I’m debating if I wanna do like if I want the hot tub like kind of that wooden tub look that one of you guys had or if I want to like Dig It Down

So that maybe maybe I can do both uh I need more lights in here um thank you let’s let’s think let’s think wrong torch what do you mean redstone torch does it not light up oh gosh way better that’s better I can see I like we gotta get some we gotta get

Some inspo inspo inspiration let’s see what other people do I do want to put like some wood flooring like that and then oh yeah they use the trapdoor right to surround it and I think white look go oh yeah this is the kind of what I was talking about like like maybe I

Could well not exactly this look but um instead of like building up I think I can dig down a little bit so it goes in um oh this is not like this it’s kind of nice because then like you can sit in it like it’s like a little

But how do they do this there’s like a stairs and then put oh it’s just two blocks I this kind of look I think would be nice for like an outdoor hot tub like jacuzzi I kind of like this like modern look too that’s nice um oh and then like having roofs

Ooh the old wood look is nice too I’m a fan of hot tubs you can sit in same same because you know it gets too hot but you don’t want to get out like you don’t want to get up then it’s like too cold uh I guess you could kind of do

It with the stairs to either stairs with or if I’m making it bigger than I can do it like the other Style oh and then oh I like the having um like a little stairway up to it that looks nice I don’t think I want a roof over it because

You’re in nature look at the sky look at the sky oh this is kind of cool it’s like a oh it’s kind of like bosas pull like you surrounded it with um glass tiles so it feels more it feel this feels more luxurious this feels more luxurious

But I don’t know if it’s like fitting to this area that I’m in I guess like it would it could match my house but like this feels more like cozy then this feels more cozy than like luxury you know what I mean I don’t know what braids looking at um

Whoa oh no that’s real hot tub not Minecraft hot tub well that’s a little too small they’re they’re a little too close you don’t you don’t want to be uncomfortably too close ought to make working hot top last two last two fancy for me way too fancy for me um

Me I think oh something like this would be cool all right all right inspose inspose let’s go back so I think ah point are you trying to make me fall in there what the sign I can’t pick it up it’s full foreign oh it’s like water with lava on the floor

We call them hot springs true you could heat the hot tub with lava in fact the first ever hot tub is actually very heated with lava use the block behind the sign for bubbles that’s cute but I don’t want the floor to look like lava though

Oh that’s kind of I like the bubble though I like the bubble effect oh I kind of like it maybe maybe you won’t let’s see let’s see um so we need to sort of plan out how big it’s gonna be how big is big enough

One day I will have a hot tub in my honestly I don’t even I just want bath it taking a bath is like one of my favorite activities but I don’t have a bath in my house right now just shower um I thought about getting like they do sell like a portable Bass

Um baby but put a put a babe oh maybe maybe put a water log slab over it well let’s see let’s see what we can do here um it feels a little narrow and then it will have to okay so power to be using that block or the bubble effect I feel like

Oops maybe just on the sides or something foreign What block would be a good color Chat I want simple white not concrete though the quartz it’s not here but I know maybe Um smooth quartz block foreign foreign to see if this is too big it’s just too big because I don’t wanna I don’t wanna get rid of the trees maybe I’ll get someone to come and move the tree to the right um our portable bats just kiddo Kitty pools

I mean it kinda is but it it serves a purpose it does what it’s supposed to do you can grow new trees true huh but it’s more fun when you can get a slave to move a tree just a just one block down it’s more it’s more um meaningful

Is what I meant to say uh see oh no we were gonna do the oh shoot this is gonna get smaller cause um because if I wanna make it suitable either I have to put it here or and then um does it look like with the stairs

Oh I kind of like that too hmm It’s kind of nice when it floats like that too but I do like my regular bathtub doesn’t even have bubbles you need to eat more California Burritos then ew Oh you know what I could do if I have a space um I have a space um it’s gonna say like I was gonna say maybe like make a little like side thing and like that could be the bubble laughs oval area and then this could stay clean

500 people do right in the in-game chat oh I know Oh you mean to me am I ignoring people um that way like if you want the bubbles go up here and then this is this is more to chill this is huge though I wanted something

That was more cozy but maybe maybe I can get there let’s see okay um so that means this will have to be stairs people to get up there maybe I’ll just I know but it makes the hot tub bubbles I think that’s pretty cool unless you test how water intact with

The stair blocks water doesn’t intact with the stair blocks it keeps getting bigger oh [ __ ] tada and then you would have to get in and out of it so you need oh you have same issue like the carpet with the stairs you mean really but you can’t

Oh the water doesn’t get in there for when you want to be totally baked when you’re in a spot but that’s like the whole point of going to spara you want to be baked ah we’ll see we’ll see I mean maybe it won’t be as noticeable it’s not chain changing the stairs to

The normal seat isn’t that difficult anyways um I also I might actually kind of like non-stere look better too because it’s like this feels less cozy right now ah how what what now what happens when you put water here too fans of water here it should connect right oh look at that

Who’s this they change oh you used to like not get on the stairs really that’s called Dom well good well I’m glad they fixed it oops yeah it seems to be working oh oh it does flow here is this what you oh wait never mind oh this is probably what Lincoln meant

It was doing something funky for a little bit right laughs um does this water bubble oh look at that those bubbles why is such an it’s it’s the hot tub water the snow’s freezing though yeah but it keeps making the ice is it because the water is too cold

Is this happening because the water is oh [ __ ] is it ah [ __ ] no [ __ ] leakage I mean if the ice forms it is what it is um all right The shape is bothering me a little bit because it’s not a square my weird OCD is bothering me a bit okay so I that that feels a little bit better and then yeah I like that how many stairs again or that oh I like that better

I can go do a Chugga so cold ice water nice and warm too hot I swear man I can’t it keeps making ice how do I prevent this have a little would having one lava help lava heat up the water Oh yeah I was gonna play music I opened Spotify and I forgot what kind of music let’s do something oh welcome to Hana Spa Was that on a career of time Melody yes it was Zelda I don’t know why it was in my head but If you don’t keep the water a little warm I don’t know we’ll see And then I think it’ll be although the wood look I need to put the trap doors Um this one ah like this No I feel so it it comes a little more yeah oh I’ll get up thank you whoever that was um Oh can I put one here how do you oh no don’t do this to me Minecraft don’t you there [ __ ] I mean I guess this part doesn’t really matter anyways maybe maybe maybe um this is why it doesn’t even really matter and maybe um what I could do though

These are not mud brick but uh cozy color um let’s see Thank you what is would you like to come into the hot tub never mind veg and then maybe this part could have a little um here maybe it can have um I think I was using fence I saw people using fins for this uh wood wood cross ass

Oh it’s a gate not gate I can make oh Minecraft oh it doesn’t let me put it on the slabs the floating oh oh I guess I could put another slab on there no but it’s not it’s not the same it’s not the same wait let’s see though

No no no I think it needs that there um Sage Guess I guess oh what if oh my it’ll work either that wouldn’t work either okay and then maybe yeah it’s unlike this Uh and then probably trapdoor or what could be like What could be like a I guess we can try some colors or well oh this one’s probably gonna be pretty See nah ah that’s a no thank you thank you Minecraft well maybe actually that might work no there’s a way to put next to them oh you could do carpets too I guess carpets carpets or Um Thank you maybe something like is there a white carpet carpet white or oh they have brown carpet yellow green what if it’s something like That carpet how do I just place the oh what is this Oh but then it’ll blend too much with the snow I think why do I Oh My it might land oh maybe not maybe it’s okay uh three mil remember what was that Banner what were people using the is it this thing that people are using to hang There ah this thing um Banner Is it possible to Hang oh like not right here though because I wanted to kind of look like not like not like this um it’s like if you go to Spa sometimes they would have like uh oh man So many limits Uh they would have like um I don’t know what they’re called it would be like um why why do they just open for me and when he does it it works fine Curtains yeah curtains They’ll call something else but I can’t remember the name of it right now like Drake drapery drape Foreign never mind drapes yeah drapes that’s what I was that’s the word I was looking for he’s placing on the string and not on top but can you place it on the string or like maybe it could just be that I also think white Blends a little too much with the snow so I have to find a different color try it didn’t work okay okay um uh scrub this for now this plan uh I think we can still use like um Banner around it to make you feel more cozy oh it is

Gonna figure out the roof um It looks nice don’t open stuff but I also wanted to look at different doors is this like what if it’s white Damn Glass blocks oh that could be cool too I’ll just want to see some colors first Stop opening it’s gonna open again wait how do I just place it without them opening Green looks nice it kind of blends with like it goes with the trees and everything A hold shift Um what other colors Oh About this one [ __ ] do it thank you oh that was nice too Am I like that one Yeah yeah what is this though Oh this is a basic one wait no is it oh foreign ‘s better the circle I think this one might be a little too much I like the I like the I like this one This one the akashia acacia okay That one um it’s hard to see now Um I think I like I like the AK it’s called Acacia in Korean akashia Why can’t I do this this is very frustrating ah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Maybe It will look cool Thank you And then we need Ah I can’t place Lantern on it on here Um on the top no not there Wait how are you how are you doing it how are you doing the Benzel without without opening the trip door how do you play stuff shift when I shift I just fall to the ground because I’m flying I did it as I fall to the ground shift in space oh okay um I don’t know if I love it yet How’s Chad doing wake up should wake up I wake you up and I go pee bye Laughs big big huge Giant jar with lots of thick pickles inside Excuse me hmm okay hmm excuse me that’s my ass for a second we’re stuck out of the dorm join the VC oh that scared me um excuse me that’s my ass okay why I don’t I can’t leave for literally two seconds well it’s everywhere come on oh it’s so

Let’s cover it up ah how far does this go who did this I can’t live you all Foreign Thank you thank you thank you um So I fill it all and see what it looks like I did it yeah thanks thanks everybody hmm Foreign Maybe this color needs to change or Oh that’s cute Can you do it on the other side too vanzel They’re growing up so fast no I’m not gonna I’m not gonna grow up you’re gonna do it from now on I’m just gonna tell you what to do um this this somehow turned into more like it feels more Asian to me feels more like a Japanese hot spring

And somehow I was trying to make like a cozy um cozy Maybe I will try glass I was thinking more like a campfire type you know um out in the forests [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it’s a glass not glass these ones actually okay um three mil can you can you switch the the doors with the um try the white white glass not the blocks what is this called pain a white one that one’s a clear one right Oh Wait oh you can’t lay it can you I guess that’s what it would look like if it were a block oh that’s interesting look S modern but I think if you’re gonna go this slow I have to change the wood and to change the wood stuff I think it’s the right My fireplace uses black glass Black gals that color um what if what if we keep this the fence color like black Let’s look Is that a fart did you just fart Benzel there’s this here fart oh foreign Maybe it’s this maybe it’s this that’s making you feel more so hi Bauer The orange color And then I think instead of white Uh can you try black stained glass Laughs foreign Maybe not these just like keep it clean well now that’s without it it feels so empty oh and then and then maybe do the Banner Foreign cozy And because it’s glass it can kind of see through you can change a banner with a loan I love the bubbles Huh Foreign Oh you can surround it with the trap doors I see oh that’s interesting Images foreign When can I can I move in here Chad So when can I move in here bubbles nice very nice holiday home only I have Ansel this is nice isn’t it Hi Bauer you can come in join us I didn’t invite you hentai Lord I didn’t invite you that’s okay oh you can’t go and Tyler you can come back I was always kidding he left um well you can come by we can we can chill hi yeah yeah you can come in Come on in come on in you can get in it’s nice and bubbly Maybe maybe don’t bring the mud in here oh come in you got a flower is that for me or oh thank you I can’t pick it up though there you go thanks what is going on here give me a flower and left what else is woman says I didn’t mind he

Leaves what else was he supposed to do assert his dominance by staying and farting on my face oh Sochi I didn’t invite you go finish the prison I’m just gonna drown in the water because you can come out I was joking come out I’m sorry I was joking was it I feel so sensitive it’s just joke this is nice though wait um Let me let me see if I can do something um go here Do you hear a chat No stop making me pee what is going on here ew I don’t know what’s going on over there that looks very such where is that string coming out from what are they basil vanzel it what do you it’s not that kind of hot tub here I foreign What if it’s stained glass black oh what is that do it do it on all of them it’s my mistake for because it’s like one two three four five one two four yeah six man they’ll be nice to um hot tub streamer um of course some nice blocks

Oh what we need now is what stones foreign probably end up changing this oh no wrong one I think I’m gonna end up changing the I think because of my house and the overall theme like more modern look does look better so I might end up

I might end up playing with the roof a little bit more I don’t think I love the book brick Thank you oh yeah something like that I’m gonna have to figure it out maybe maybe black carpet oh oops um something along this line I think I like the black carpet look foreign Got something to say how have I been watching this 45 oh it’s almost six o’clock I was wondering when I was getting hungry wow I mean that’s what that’s what it is that this is the process of interior guys interior design you just go back and forth and back and

Forth look at different options um but now the banner is gonna look weird oh what about um can you put these things here how do Vines work how the vines work oh you have to put it on a block Oh yeah I forgot to put these over but I feel like now I made it so modern that it’s not gonna look great I mean it’s still really nice I I’m gonna do a little more details later but I think overall the overall look is pretty pretty much done

Oh look at this chat ah how’s how’s everybody doing chat wake up wake up hey wouldn’t you want to be here I mean well we’re here together right now we’re here you know what I’m craving I’m craving like really really spicy noodles that might that usually happens when my period is near but

Um but then also I’m always I’m always down for some spicy noodles hi Elna but that looks nice I don’t know Chet do you think do you think should should I do the wood around it or no this look or without it well it’s that’s kind of nice oh that’s kind of nice

With it what do you think of this having it like around surrounding on the floor notice are you just agreeing with me so I’ll get over with this I feel like are you just are you just agreeing with me so that I’ll I’ll give up and move on or you

This looks nice right oh I need to put lights I think here because of the new look or maybe this Lantern might look better but maybe we do change oh that’s not working what is this thing string oh oh wait a minute oh wait you couldn’t put glass laying down right

Can only be blocks you need strings to keep the carpets in the air oh interesting that also looks kind of cool but maybe um and then you can put Lantern now I think I like oh but it creates this like weird space but I think I kind of like this

I like the glass cane look because it gives it more texture than just the blocks something like that and then we can put the lantern under it yeah yeah Um yeah that looks nice right job looks cool finally I found something are you just nodding so that I’ll I will move on or do you actually like it I feel like you’re nodding I feel like you’re just nodding so that um I will move on from it oh [Laughter]

But I think it’s nice is this too bright though does this end rod no um extra it just make it make it back to the glass thing and then I think maybe I’ll do this work do they work in water oh they oh no they don’t sash that would have been cool

I guess even in Virtual Worlds I can’t or maybe um oh in there like like that are they all helping so that I’ll finish this and move on it’s not like it’s not that right like or they just be are they just being helpful so that you look so happy

Minecraft thank you Joker I mean it is it is fun it is fun well it’s fun because I’m playing it with you guys like I would not be doing this alone oh what if I got an idea no wait never mind Um I’m gonna bed do you want us to only build on the big things on the stream or can we build them when you’re off uh you guys can go ahead I think at this point we’re almost done with all the big buildings and then you’re also I mean

Also you’re finished with your own house too so off hours you can you can also do those as well yeah yeah um oh I see we’re trying to it I was going something along that line I’ll let him do their thing and maybe this just could be the throat

Or light road and road Rod Road oh look at that you farted in my hot tub why would you do that um this looks nice I’m pretty happy with it now yes I’m pretty happy I was just like not super happy with the seat the the the roof

This thing but I kind of like I like this it’s different but also like something definitely I could totally see on like a rooftop like a nice fancy rooftop somewhere right and then I can see through the sky blower off a TIA to excuse me I just spitted my drink all over

All right aha little little bubble bubble time um I don’t know what they’re doing here they’re just trying to figure out a way to put some lighting in here I mean we could probably just do um oh oh wait it’s a glass oh I see oh interesting oh oh my glass

I might play with the idea a little bit later I see I see where you I see where you’re going I see where you’re going um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s where that’s what I was thinking yes keep going keep going keep going oh

It’s like you he read my mind if he hit the circle do we get the other hand to other hand oh [ __ ] I forgot to I never changed the circle um yes you get both hands uh I was thinking like all all glass over here now yeah yeah I like that like that

Like that yeah yeah yeah yeah hmm something like that I’ll play with that idea but that’s kind of where my head was going Ben doesn’t like it it’d be cool if I can somehow like put like a thin line of it around but I don’t I don’t know how yeah

Spacia can’t even work on that off stream yes you guys can you guys can work on them off stream now because you’re pretty much done with the public buildings we’re supposed to be doing and then we’re done you are done with your houses too so I think at this point

Um you guys can just keep working on it Ben is on another level of thinking what is Ben thinking oh wait oh how I like where you’re going keep going Ben oh I like this is it this is it this is it Ben don’t forget to breathe though yes good good yes yes

This is it this is it I like it this is nice good job Ben oh I just hit him sorry I like I like uh I think I just need a couple like plants or something maybe like um uh where are those blocks called oh yeah Terra coda these ones

Maybe I’ll do like black or gray this one well maybe this sign we just need a few plants you’re here um I like this one uh oh maybe I can have like a little bar area back there or like a little um like chair and um

A little bar area oh what is this oh I like how I just screamed wow oh Why did I scream like that can you put another one over here oh thank you yay wait what are you doing here this thing dangerous toy oh this is so nice I love it I am satisfied although I’ll probably come back and do more stuff

I want to make like a little bar area or like a little table area here oh I’m happy I am happy here chat chat John look wake up Chad look look I’m done I’m done look at it you can’t wake up now look at it well let me go check on everybody real

Quick oh I’ve been I’ve been in the oh my God it’s six o’clock holy crap I have to still finish my text before midnight um I’m gonna go in and uh catch up with everybody real quick but feel free to hang out in my hot tub y’all workers who’s been working hard feel

Free to hang out on my hot tub um I don’t have a little bar to offer drinks just yet but um oh they put the sitting seating area um yeah maybe something like that something like that oh guys oh I [ __ ] love this game oh no oh no um if you can’t tell

It is really fun oh look at all of you guys the thing is like I like I already told you guys like one of my favorite like favorite games of all time is Terraria and Animal Crossing and um uh I feel like this is just like a

Combination of those two but in like steroids in steroids um all right I’m gonna go check with each Architects to see how they’re doing you’re surprised I never played it before me too but I guess it was like the pixel aspect of it that wasn’t that was kind of a

Well but then I played Terraria which is like 2D pixel but I don’t know because it was for me I was like oh that’s what kids play nowadays like and then um but then it was also because like I feel like it’s more like I’m not really like um I

Like MMOs I like multiplayer games and um I don’t really have I want to play with it and I tried playing I tried playing Survival once but I died like immediately and I was like what the heck uh I like pixel games I like pixel games I think it was more that because

Um like at least Terraria it was easier to find like servers that people ah I guess I just didn’t put enough effort but like I started off Terraria and like Terrio was still fun doing it alone in the beginning and then once I got used to all the mechanisms I was like okay

Let me find some servers to like hang out with friends or like hang out with people basically and then um whereas like Minecraft I played the survival alone and I just kept dying the first night and I didn’t know what to do and I made a mistake of buying it on

Console I think I got Xbox One or I forget which one was but like I made a mistake of buying a console version and then one like I hate trying to make things with console and then I’m really bad with using like console controllers to begin with and then two I was like

I keep dying I don’t know what to do and um it wasn’t it wasn’t as clear when I played a Minecraft back then on like how to like find other people to play with I know controllers uh so I ended up just kind of like quitting after that uh but

It’s more fun now because one like I should have I should have gone PC version I don’t know I got it on console that was that was dumb maybe it came free with some kind of pass I got or something so I tried it on console but

It’s more fun with you guys and I can see like all the cool things you guys are making so that makes it like extra fun and um although don’t don’t get too flattering you you guys are all right um this isn’t and no it’s not steam it is in um

They had their own like Minecraft launcher but um yeah I made it Minecraft store Microsoft Store um I didn’t have to go to Microsoft store I got it from Minecraft store I just need to convert mine from Mojang to Ms account I even got this on mo mobile really

How do you play this on mobile but um this is like this is very dangerous uh but yeah I made my little hot tub I’m happy I’m happy with it uh and this is nice and all the nanners can come here and hang and chill yeah and then I gotta do

After that I gotta do my bedroom here and then um my house would be oh and I forgot to do the barbecue area but that should be pretty quick and easy don’t find that the bubbles are only around me and I love this skin this is so I I love

Those freaking I know I made it but guys look at them I know I made them but like okay so freaking cute oh my God so freaking cute look at him look at them this is nice yes not yes nod um all right let me go check with all the

Architects of each of the architects let’s start with Kochi hi Koji oh wait uh wait he says he’s talking oh wait I don’t hear him though oh here hello hello hi are you guys doing Redstone for the door huh it said braids help me with redstone for

The door I see I see how you guys doing this is the last thing we got yeah for the prison worked out and so this is the last thing for the prison wow whoa wait I can get it to work it got like um yeah we built up the walls a little bit

Yeah not fence is not the right word but you got like a little wall around it that looks cool it is pretty fancy dude like prison is so so so splashy and intimidating did you turn the prison into a casino or some [ __ ] like that yeah it does it’s

Got that many lights on it it does feel a little bit it does give away a little bit of like a casino Vibe but maybe we’re trying to Blind our prisoners yeah we’re trying to Blind them so they can’t see anything if they dare to Escape right is it

Actually possible to trap someone in here oh yeah it is oh yeah can we put jorm in one of the cells why are we putting your no yeah can we put him right here just for a few seconds the slaves are dropping like flies just for a couple of seconds

So because he he tried to stab me earlier I’m in the war one side’s working yeah perfect you can Crush people in it across him it’s like the eyes can we Crush times why is he going in himself his nature as a slave he has to do it

You don’t even have bathrooms I’m 69. oh yeah Hannah did you know you’re in there as well I was in here yeah you didn’t notice when you did the first look around oh I was go and find the cell then go and show her oh no I didn’t notice it probably so

I have a I have a cell oh prisoner number 16 there’s so many so many prisoners that was that’s number six lesson what lesson does he got to learn he stabs me he tried to stop me a couple of times have you learned your lesson yeah

But Hannah in the UK that’s a way of saying hello sore stabbing stopping someone in the UK is a way of saying hello well this is not UK I’m sorry can I have my sword back yet no oh afraid don’t poop in here with him I

Don’t want to be in here with him what do you mean I’m building the walls isn’t it oh my God this feels horrible it’s like you’re in a cage it’s like you’re in a little cage true yeah you can’t freak out because you’re grief in his plot you break anything in

Your Griffin Griff it so you’re stuck in there this is like a little Zoo you’re in a little zoo cage if you said it not me kill the animal what if you’re in the cage you called it a zoo I mean that’s on you but I mean this is this looks amazing

Though the building looks it’s it’s very bright it does give up a little bit of a casino Vibe but we were going for a tron kind of theme um I see I see uh the guards can walk up on the bridge up here oh wooden up there might look familiar

But the guards why are there so many chickens here I don’t know I looked down and they were there yeah I don’t genuinely genuinely you just looked and they were ah yeah this bigger Koji this is nice great job you guys great job drawer Matt and scooch who who got too nauseous building

Um hopefully hopefully he’s doing all right now but this is looking incredible oh it look oh it’s a hot like a little halt way or what I don’t know what to call this but you can walk on it that’s very cool is there like a switch bird that just

That will be in a second I’m just just running the cable underground to the other side cable on the ground oh and then you made the entrance awesome yeah yeah you gotta come see it when it moves when it moves it’s working on the switch right now yeah it’ll open and close

No way this it opens with suction what is what are these little doors oh it’s for you to work on it thanks man this is so cool but it’ll open and close in just a second I guess oh wait oh is it already working let me

See it will do in a second no look at these two guys he’s looking at it so I’m just getting crushed absolutely oh what that’s that’s insane whoa that looks so cool stand in it yeah okay [Laughter] I survived damn it there you go that’s really cool could you want the switch in here like actually in the in here because you couldn’t build like you could put like an iron door in here yeah yeah only accessible from the inside it’s like the most flashy building in this higher Village

So intimidating giant too Giant what I think the warden makes it even better Attack on Titan the attack on Titan literally did you put the Shalom back yeah oh you want a Shalom no okay we’ll put it back no no no without it it’s good without it it’s good no I was just asking you off it’s a request no no wouldn’t herself even wanted the

Schlong I guess no Shalom you’re the dictator doesn’t stick to it a dictator no and then the tower looks incredible yeah and then um the tower and like because of all the lights uh they both look really good together too like these two okay do I labeled the um I labeled the

Switch for you as well oh nice get it it’s um over here wherever you’ve got a redstone the Redstone Master look at that in here very cool your [ __ ] door opener all right I’m gonna go check on other buildings but this looks amazing good job you guys

I get the best sleeves I mean uh laborers flavors not slaves flavors yes thanks dorm Max health insurance sometimes thanks for helping today all right I’m gonna move to check in with Waddles now bye-bye yep bye-bye hello hello hello how you guys doing Uh so far we’re good we’re working on the roads Rose oh I see I see oh that looks good just connecting all the buildings yeah yeah just kind of marking them out oh my God yeah I can’t wait to try this out in VR they’ll be so cool um

So Tower is Tower pretty much done yeah the the tower is all finished all finished often it sticks up for the floors are kind of empty oh oh first I mean that’s that’s fine um that’s fine it has a working elevator and the tops people kept calling this wait you made the

Um the top of the tower more round it wasn’t always like this no so you added this I did that off stream because uh though I really like the workers yeah um you had to be it had to be perfect circles and that that’s something that I I had to do about myself

Oh no it looks amazing um it kind of reminds me of do you do you know um there’s a tower like this very similar that I can’t remember the name of it um my space stick but it’s like something along that line anyways it looks amazing can should I go look at it

Yeah go ahead all right I’m gonna enter from the floor it’s pretty straightforward wow look at this Lobby oh this is where the laser shoots from all the way up this is so cool down oh my gosh up are these both the elevators down and up okay yeah so I’m gonna get on

Get on the elevator put you why this is so cool oh my God oh my God whoa look at this Tower this is amazing like with oh my God why were you birding Mega oh that that was just the stuff in the basement oh that’s all you’re cooking okay Mega was cooking yeah

Asking yourself oh my God look at this Garden it looks amazing look at this shot I don’t even know where to whoa how did the tree so well I’ll I mean you built this whole towers and I’m I’m asking you I made trees wow this is so pretty I gotta use Vines more

Like it really adds that extra pump Pond wow so cool and this side is like the sand side wow I’m really glad I changed the windows because it made the windows kind of glow a bit yeah it looks great so and there is the basement if you want to check that out

Of course there’s a basement there’s always a basement there’s always a basement I don’t even know how it got started I keep telling you guys I don’t have a basement you just want oh oh I like the height I like how you did the stairs here wait how

Oh it’s is that us no that’s just oh it’s a slap and stairs ah I see that’s cool this is so nice why is my head everywhere everywhere I go people have my head on how do you even do this car I’m not even gonna question oh look at my bench like this

Um I might have to do that on my rooftop with the trap doors see I see I see I see this is a beautiful this is like a nice photos photos on Zone Auto spots oh yeah yeah a few screenshots myself yeah yeah you sure you guys should you guys like

If you take photos do post it on the Minecraft forum so I can see them the chat oh wow and let’s see from the top look at that Chad it’s a zen garden so cool so cool and then if I were to go down do I how do I use the elevator back

Uh you detect the one that takes you down for this one no the other one oh I guess the ones up up up elevator has bubbles coming up yeah yeah Whoa yeah wait so the the middle area where the glasses are wait what oh you put like a restaurant in there what is that building I’m thinking yeah we could uh anyone can fill up the rooms like it’s fine space penis building oh wow oh whoa there are a lot of space

Penis building oh that’s U.S oh gosh no that’s not what I was thinking wait I was like um Space Needle is what I was thinking wait what the [ __ ] or am I hello Mario what is going on hey what is this this is the basement Yep this is the basement this is

The way out oh oh are you guys burning Pumba or worshiping Bumble in here what the heck I you guys are like yes Mega just says yes I see whoa this looks super cool I love it I mean uh not I don’t love you guys burning bum bum but it’s it’s it’s very

Good it’s a nice little cave for whatever purpose this is for very nice good work you guys all right only way out here yeah I had lots of help too so anyone that worked on the tower definitely put your name somewhere yes um Waddles you found the exit

I told you I didn’t trust the chat I I knew I knew something like that was gonna happen um but this is amazing thank you so much and thank you everybody who contributed and thank you um helping out Waddles with the tar and also the the roads thank you so much for

Joining and playing with us today um and everyone who purchased like that’s can we uh Bolsa or whoever made those like glowing signs here uh where we like marked our tear the plots can we just sign like this with um people’s name in it wait but then

Can people edit signs or once you put it you have to put like a new one on them to add more names you have to place a new a new sign new sign that did it yeah uh maybe we could just put like blank signs up here to here and there and then

Um people can just kind of like start filling up and then if they want to edit it they have they would have to like add everybody’s name yeah because like so many people helped me that like I I don’t know everyone that helped because people are popping

In I know yeah they they can’t you guys can come in and like add your own names or maybe there’s a better way to organize it maybe we can do it in the four ah just just add your names you guys figure it out um but all right well thank you so much

This looks amazing oh it looks even cooler at night um I really like the new glass stuff you did too yeah me too from some angles it looks like there’s a bubble on top of it yeah amazing and the garden looks cool thank you so much you guys good job

Thank you thank you all right um I gotta pee real quick and I’ll be right back chat but you can enjoy The View be right back Foreign all right let’s check in on on the next one uh there is River oh hello River hey hey hi hi how’s the park coming along skunk Fair well going pretty well just finished putting in some new pathways and my new ice cream parlor nice it looks incredible it’s just from I

Haven’t even looked at the details yet but it looks really cool um is it ready for me to look at it or do would you prefer that I wait a bit until you no feel free to feel free to look around okay cool all right I will look around then go from here

Start from here let’s go up chat oh yeah Hannah about the names on builds and stuff yeah at the very end we’re doing one massive room that’s got every single name of the person that they contributed to oh okay yeah if there’s a possibility that on the web map

Um we’re able to set um like uh points like pins on it with names and stuff on it as well oh okay oh that’s cool that’d be good that’s the whole point I got the web map up noise thank you braid no worries this building’s super cool

It will be like giant map of the entire world brain what let’s I want to highlight the village but I didn’t put the map in there huh I didn’t put the map in there I know but because of the sheer scale of what you put over here I can’t even see our

Have you have you showed chat what it looks like on the web map yet oh no no I haven’t because it’s in my chat I think it’s it’s public anyone can see it where where is it uh we can send it again anymore if you want and then you can like I want

Here right here there you go let’s chat also need to update all of these Maps again because we’ve got New Roads and stuff in there yeah oh look at this there’s also a 3D view as well of that map 3D view of this map whoa I can see

People yep yeah you can also see what they’re chatting as well on there oh this is how I can monitor everybody I thought that was what you were doing to be completely honest oh no I wasn’t I didn’t know because you only post you posted like

Screenshots of it so I thought it was just like um like an image of it no no it was like live I didn’t know that yeah yep um on the right hand side you can also switch it to a 3D view on the right hand side this yes

Button pops up oh the little menu pops up and switch to the second green icon along oh there you go so fancy whoa look at this view wait is there a way to like zoom in and out here wow wow look at that that looks amazing Ray did you put up the

The girl all the way on the left no that was hentai that was who hentai I’ll hand tie yeah it was him the co-owner of the site hentai he friend built that okay so you can stop blaming me now I mean I also blame you for everything

That goes wrong here it’s fine I’ll stop blaming you as well it’s even then but this looks good this is really cool and I can see everybody moving around but yeah the whole reason you open that is to show chat the sheer size of the face

That is not the point the point is to show people The Village the map of the village ignore this giant thing over here this is this is it is it is the size of the entire Village I want to highlight here braid and like even like in this map even in this map

Yeah but I gave your community a canvas and they’ve been building on it they gave you a unibrow stop chat why are you connecting my brows they’re not connected for a reason the maps as I’ve always changing the community together shut up one more Donuts we did it it’s natural no it’s not

Combining the community one per hour at a time this is cool so this is like a little like it feels like um Monumental spot I don’t know yes so that is where the entire list of names will be yeah like the other side of there I

Like I like it’s like a little Museum of the of the levers sweet and because we because I’m doing it um we can use Holograms instead of signs which are those floating text boxes you see all over the shop what that’ll be cool I can’t wait let’s see another one that

Says no slacking five minutes only good good good um and then the park looks nice oh there’s a horsey and then we go down this way and nope wrong one I always picked the wrong one first there’s no there’s no elevator down yet they go they vote so the first only the

Other side was connected with a boxer you could only enter from this side at first ah I see I see I [ __ ] it up yeah um I see I see the door works Auto and then around here oh it connects to the tower all right let’s go here and then yeah

Wow look at this area what is this something here we now have ice cream a little ice cream shop wow blueberry suspicious yellow suspicious chats River vanilla that’s suspicious it’s yellow in the middle it is suspicious very true hey look honey you did it yourself I didn’t want myself I did nothing

It’s all your fault it’s all my fault but this is really nice cute little area people can hang out and get some ice creams and on this area I’ve had a few down at the guard track here yeah you can look down at it but then over here is the actual entrance

Right picking so here you can do a short race oh my God oh what’s happening right now oh I got stuck whoa how they are very difficult to control how does this work oh my God Chad’s gonna be puking oh oh well this is super fun oh I’m getting dizzy oh

This is a really cool idea you can make them we can make people race again uh I forgot how to get a shift okay yeah shift shifts yep Chad is puking and then I go this way uh very cool this is this is a really cool idea

And then people can look at it says large skylights where people can like look at the people racing by noise maybe we’ll cover it with a glass or something so people don’t fall in yeah but it looks this is really cool I like the idea oh and then I came up to the

Tower area I like these trees great work great work you guys [Applause] did I miss anything is there anything that you you wanted me to see what I didn’t get to see um why is there a Panda in here I added some parts to the lake on the higher area that’s almost everywhere

Well it’s like trapped inside of a fence that’s fine they’re trapped everywhere supervision well supervisor panda yeah there’s also the supervisor dog the supervisor horse the supervisor yeah everything I see I see they’re keeping an eye on everyone yeah um but I I miss what river said just just before

Oh yeah I put some boats in the lake uh in front of the building oh so you can also go like for a short boat right over there but there’s not really much to look at yet yeah oh wow River really likes Rivers boats and water no wonder why

Because um for the birthday thing you also did The Lazy River thing right yeah yeah oh wow this is nice it’s a nice little boat area look at them riding it it’s so cute this is super cool I like it a lot oh and then it’s like a fall

Yeah and then there’s a Wonderful Life amazing good job you guys good job very proud um well thank you so much for working on this and you say you’re still kind of like doing little stuff to like finish it up still like some smaller things okay gotcha and I’ll come back and check

Again thank you River thank you braid next time see you later if you want to see something Drive the tower elevator up and look up when doing it look up when doing it okay I go to the Tower and then look up wow that was a trip that was a trip oh wait

Um one of the mods can we add that email in our Discord server what is that called trip yeah people trick can we add that email I’ll try to use it the other than I realized we didn’t have it that was a trip what happens if I look down oh chat

Wow welcome to the dreamers village where there’s only way to enter but you cannot get out once you get in it cannot get out get out not here again I was damn it can I get back up oh there we go I’m not falling for that trick this time

I cannot get out yeah oh not falling for that again reminds me of PS2 loading screen but the park is looking amazing everybody did a great job I’m so proud um Arenas good um and my house is looking good too um all right I think I probably everyone

Had enough for today I mean if you guys want to keep going everybody that’s in the server feel free to keep going um uh but if you want to go rest also go go take some rest stretch here I’m gonna stretch stretch your arms do a little posture check Um stretch your fingers crack your fingers um this is your hourly reminder to do your taxes I know it’s almost eight [ __ ] luckily I I did it 99 I just have to look through everything again and make sure it’s good but um been trying to get to for past six hours

I appreciate I appreciate it um I have not forgotten I have not forgotten about it but all right uh so although Minecraft folks feel free to keep going or feel free to get get some rest but thank you so much for uh coming and participating again today and um everything’s looking really amazing

So thanks all of you for your your um your time and support and you guys building so Yay good job everybody feel free to hang out in my hot tub um if you like to rest a bit and hang out I’m gonna go talk to chat for a bit

And then um I’ll probably come back later to play more but for now now I’ll be the one Hello chat hi hi stare how’s everybody doing did you guys enjoy playing some Minecraft with me today I feel like you guys were like disagreeing with whatever I was saying just so that you make me move on and um build something else and maybe look at other people’s but it’s amazing what y’all

Accomplished thank you thank you yeah everyone did an amazing job loaders and nopers uh I’m self-conscious okay delicious no don’t fry Bonbon lip balm um but why do I why am I keep feeling like it’s weekend I don’t know why a big claps and huge Applause everyone

Who contributed and builds stuff MC is not my kind of thing but it has been quite impressive thank you salty thank you I’m kind of noob I’m playing survival mode right now nice um we also have a survival mode server so if you guys want to kind of experiment and

Um kind of get a feel for what it’s like to play Minecraft feel free to do it I’m also learning right now like this is like technically my like fourth time playing Minecraft or something so I’m still learning too and um it’s been fun doing it with you guys all together

There was a lot I know there was a lot and everyone built their home so cool and creative that was really cool to see um I try to capture some nice screenshots of everyone’s apartment so feel free to okay I’ll do that I’ll do that because you usually play games on

Weekends and you’re playing almost every day maybe that’s why maybe or maybe because like I slept so little that maybe it doesn’t feel maybe it feels like it’s still Sunday in my head for some reason something like that who knows um but uh let me go check well about our postal the paparazzi

Paparazzi and the the um the officials of the dream verse power posted some photos from today let’s look at those All right Ah Brianna Bria naughty thank you so much for bringing a banana is over here thank you so much for the raid Hi Raiders welcome in my name is banana how was your stream today I hope you had an amazing time we played some Minecraft and um I was actually about to share some screenshots and photos with two while we are what we were playing Minecraft together we’re building a village together

Um thank you so much for bringing community over and feel free to hang rest uh or chat in the chat but thank you so much hands hello everybody hello Raiders welcome so we put let me show you guys Village I’ll call it a town it’s more like it’s almost like a city

So pretty thank you for the welcome oh thank you so much Bernardi am I saying your name right briannaudi Bria naughty or Brian naughty brianotti um if I do butcher your name I betray everybody’s name so please don’t be offended um I’ll get that Brianna Brianna is fine

Okay that sounds good sounds good um all right so here is the the some of the photos you guys are posting let’s see power she does you don’t have to like immediately agree with me for um like my name your name is waddles oh okay so here you go

Hannah peed in the pool you took a photo of me looking at the sign Insanity like insanity Insanity briefs a sanity brilliant insanity reality on itsy wait Brianna tea right brianity reality oh it’s not naughty whatever is that naughty reality Insanity brionity did I do it right reality yay

Sorry for calling you naughty I I thought that’s what you were go I reality we got it I did it I did it might be my bee all right abrianity we we built some Minecraft city together so um we’re gonna we’re about to look at the photos but

Um they made a giant pool for like a community in a community area but then they put up a sign that I peed in the pool which is not very nice um oh you’re all chill uh power that yellow spot is not my pee just to

Make it clear to everybody that was just that was just decor that’s what the pool um it’s like a color of the Stone that’s that’s on the uh that’s in the pool yeah that’s it’s not me oh and then we got some drinks which was very nice um River is that reverse plot

Yeah it’s reverse plot nice that’s Bo says house and Waddles this house on the side what does I say Hana oh yeah please help Hannah is holding mods captive what where is this is this a prison I’m not holding my mods captive they’re here all voluntary and if I was holding

Them captive why would I be holding my my head up by here I want to be like my head up here it would be their heads you know wait is that when I was in there that I and I didn’t notice I was in there I don’t know when that happened

I don’t know when that happens or is this oh it’s one of the apartment plots charm what is this were you here when I was reading this you’re not captured and enslaved in dream verse you are you were um happy I’m like should we actually I almost forgot should we actually make

Love live laugh labor Live Love Flavor T-shirt with with our um lavers faces on it that’ll be so funny that’ll be the funniest merch I would do it I’ll make it um do it that’d be hilarious if you have any design suggestions feel free feel free I might look into it um

The pool side oh this is the pool photos the look my look of this appointment level up us live live love slave Noah boom what is she holding is that supposed to be a Pepper or drink maybe I just see like a girl with a leg admiring the art no I wasn’t admiring

The Arts all the houses were so good everybody everybody did an amazing job I’m all very proud of y’all nice ah that glass that tricked me tricked me into the end um oh yeah that song was nice the purple theme and the lights and everything and the hot tub

What are you laughing at what shape what are you guys laughing at ah that was so fun too the the club Dungeon the dance dungeon that was really cool that was a lot of fun oh these are all really nice photos power good job nice see these are all very nice apartments

That you guys got great view lots of sunlight enjoying my favorite billboard Nice very nice Live Love Flavor So funny Tower and the house come on like I want a big map of the town and not like my giant disapproval disapproving face next to it I want to highlight your buildings this is amazing all the waddles [ __ ] these nuts sign s place was amazing too uh the orgy bedroom

Oh my rooftop I still need to put stuff there my living room see my my apartment’s nice it’s not it’s not that it’s or for someone who played it like four times right so bad I’m proud of it I like my place [Laughter] or would you better yeah it was the

Orchard bedroom you didn’t you didn’t you didn’t see them doing it they were all like invisible doing weird stuff that I don’t even know what they’re doing looks good thank you thank you um oh this is back bedroom thought you prefer to sleep in the bathroom no

I like sleeping in the bedroom I like comfy beds and not floor of stinky bedroom who put that there ah the Vans are helping me out building the that kind of looks nice too maybe what if I go back and ask vanzel can you put

It back to what I what I did the very first no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I like but this app was all the time when I’m doing like 3D modeling stuff too like I’ll be I’ll be like sculpting and like changing textures and like adding

Text editing textures and then like I spent hours doing it right because there’s so many different things you could be doing and then I kind of like look at what it was when I first started out and I’m like wait a minute wait a minute did I save that version

Because I kind of liked it happens all the time to me a lot of times I don’t have anything backed up so I can’t go back to I can’t go back to what it was um oh nice the garden oh Hannah heads oh the from the top

And the Zen Garden it’s very zand for sure prison I but I’m making something here now is that supposed to be water fountain I’m not even gonna question I’m not even gonna ask and then the swimming area code you’re working on the prison Apartments Matt working in prison storm floating by the prison the park looks great oh we’re hanging out in the pool because you’re drowning in a hot top I told him he I told him I was kidding um nice bottles bottles is that how British you’ll say it waffles yeah

The tower from from the below where is this who oh is it one of the apartments that had the hot tub on the top wait no no oh this is the no this is hotter on the top this is the lake the boat area from the park

Nice photo I I like mine I like my hot tub it looks great I like it a lot thanks for helping me vanzel Jordan prison that’s for attempting to murder the mayor of the town okay that was totally deserved for a couple of seconds totally deserved oh wait I don’t want to

Look at your house yet Koji I didn’t see it yet so I’ll just go visit yay I would have got a wave with it if it wasn’t for your meddling kids no you wouldn’t I saw what even you would have gone away with it I saw you you literally turned

Invisible in front of my eyes and you’re holding the same exact sword like it doesn’t hide the stuff that you were holding what do you mean you would have got away no but that was amazing good day everybody good day chat good job I feel like I feel like I have

To sing you guys a song as a little thank you He was invisible how do you know is him because I just explained it he was holding a sword and he drank the milk as he was holding the sword which I could see I have to hear this one more time how does this part go Foreign Okay She’s using not enough evidence that wouldn’t hold up in court but I am the court Koji you’re forgetting something Joy There’s so much okay I think I get it This song is called read or Psy I guess could go either way Stella Sama thank you so much for the follow welcome welcome foreign Thank you it’s a song for my labors and Architects and my chat again Foreign We Roll Ed up Today Another Machine Mega okay it is girl Tomorrow Foreign I’m not sure go ahead Yay [Applause] I’m mad what thank you so much yeah yeah thank you so much man for five stars appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thanks everybody for the class mm-hmm So This song is called breed and um not breed uh breed like breed um

And um it taught base I really like the song although I still haven’t really mastered it I I still don’t know I still need to learn the full song better but um it basically the lyrics basically goes maybe I should translate it and sing it take a deep breathe um

It talks about how uh wait ah it’s it’s it gets cheesy if I try to explain it but the lyrics is really good I’ll just show you can I see through that this is not the right translation either though foreign it’s okay if you make mistakes if you

Run out of breath and no one will blame you um it’s okay to make mistakes sometimes because anyone anyone makes mistakes and always saying it’s all right it’s comforting they’re just words and someone’s big someone’s side deep breath that happy breath um how can we truly

See through it or you know what they’re going through though I can truly understand why and what you’re going through it’s okay um I’ll let me hold you like that’s basically kind of the overall Vibe of the song and I really like it a lot um no explanation is needed ah yeah

That’s that’s sort of just so you guys know uh what I was what I was singing about that’s what this song was um I’ll do one more all right foreign Mature Yes A building of Sunny Foreign Ah I realized I didn’t turn off the Noise Gate I do this every time was it cutting out a lot was I cutting out a lot both times I didn’t turn off the Noise Gate thank you thanks jet got me a little fire though it was great

It wasn’t cutting out okay that’s good it was okay this time okay that’s surprising if you say so if you say so foreign thank you so much for five stops appreciate it thank you I’m glad you liked the song thank you so much for a thousand bits what the heck

Thank you so much appreciate it um that song was from a anime called Inuyasha it’s a song from Inuyasha hi Amo Tokai [Applause] [Laughter] Rainbow no no no no no no no no No so what can I do When you’re out of sight my mind sometimes I look at her eyes and that’s where I find the glimpse of us and I try to fall for her touch and I’m thinking of the way it was said I’m fine said I moved on I’m only here passing time in her arms a clear

First tell me his savior’s Your Glory until you laugh the way I did is this a part of your story that I had never lived one day you’ll feel lonely in his eyes you’ll get a glimpse maybe you’ll start then slowly and I’ll find me again when you’re out of sight

In my mind sometimes I look at her eyes and that’s where I find the glimpse of us and I try to fall for her touch but I’m thinking of the way it was Said I moved on I’m only here passing time in her arms over us foreign Thank you so much for five Subs appreciate it you don’t have to give myself every single song I sing I well I appreciate it though I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you all right chat holy crap it’s already 7 30. I’ve got to go finish up my texts

Eat some food um and then maybe maybe do some stuff with my house after but if you haven’t yet please do join my Discord uh where we all hang out uh often when I’m off stream we also do you know I as I mentioned earlier we have a little Focus

Channel where I also hang out there when I’m just working thank you so much for everyone so thank you so much Nate and uh thanks for stopping for seven freaking months amazing you still have to do your taxes oh my God if you only got a day left so

Everybody if you still haven’t done it yet hello you gotta go do your taxes uh don’t forget um Yeah the finishers already end of March oh I see I guess in a way I guess in a way that was that was that’s good You’re lazy I’m the same way I’m the same way so I gotta go do that but it was super super fun hanging out with you all thanks again everybody for hanging out with me and thanks everybody who participated in Minecraft and it was super cool seeing your all of your

Buildings and all of your apartments today and I can’t wait to finish this project and and um see see everybody see the the final products all together so uh thanks everybody and have a wonderful rest of the day have a great week um and oh thank you so much perfect yes

Thank you so much for the flowers I appreciate it uh you’re building a moats what’s a Moats um or whatever it is uh have fun and I’ll see you guys all on Wednesday at 11AM PST until then I’ll see you guys in my Discord bye bye love you Let’s go Foreign Hello may I help you are you lost

This video, titled ‘Twitch chat REVEALS their own room in Minecraft (pt3)’, was uploaded by hanaxbanana Twitch VODs on 2024-01-09 13:00:16. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:36:38 or 27398 seconds.

Broadcasted on Apr 17, 2023 live at

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🍌 Timestamps 🍌 0:00 – Intro 6:49 – Just Chatting 1:54:18 – Minecraft Dreamverse City 7:13:31 – Hana sings

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    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: ⦿ 📷 Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More