Secrets of Richjturn: Minecraft Resource Hunt

Video Information

Buy people People As Just as Not yeah I make you feel like no one another we can be night midnight I can be a midnight I midn IID Can be your midnight I can be your midnight I Know Good evening or good morning and hello to the one viewer on trollol bosos hello doing a bit of resource collecting today I’m in the middle of a big build I’ve got a big list of resources I need to collect so I’m going to be potting around during that and just see whatever comes

Up and that’s it so um quartz need a loot of quartz so that seems like a good place to start hello on Twitch as well so I just need to go and yeah just keep how did he get up there keep gathering in some resources really I

Need uh quartz but I need a safe place to get it haven’t got any gold on me have I is that dangerous probably well let me just brighter screen up because it is very dark oh no it’s not it’s p it this evening I might have to go further field but I don’t trust myself I just land in that go go go go go yeah what is all in the walls right we need to go put a little that way Wood side just a reminder right nearest cliffed so just got to be a bit

Careful hello GRE Greco Greek oh Greco Italian oh so is that what it says Reco Italian does that mean you you you’re Greek you have family that are Greek and Italian is that what that means Greece and Italy cool which country are you in now then are you in Italy or you in

Greece and let’s get to the other side hopefully that guy won’t see me cuz I haven’t got any gold on oh he saw me you’re in gree cool uh it’s a private server sometimes if people have been watching my streams for a while we or we’ve gotten to know them

A bit we let them on um but it’s more it’s more or less a private server so some of the people on the server fans of my channel and they’ve been around for a while uh so we’ll let them on but hey fun hello boxy as well on

Twitch yeah just you and the YouTube chat yeah uh decided to come over to Twitch because today because L stream delayed yeah there probably will be a little bit I don’t massively like twitch I’m I’m I am debating on what to do about uh staying on it or not cuz

I does that makes sense I’m yeah got server I created I can give you I you want I’m I’m okay thank you I put all the attention of that that I give to play Minecraft goes into this one usually I don’t know I don’t know what the delay differences between hey Ryland

On YouTube I don’t know what the delay difference is between um YouTube and twitch I can’t imagine a huge amount I don’t think it could be on YouTube I’ve got it set to low latency which means there’s less likely to be buffering for people watching but there’s a longer DeLay So

It as a sacrifice it’s quality it’s a little bit more quality in theory but a longer delay I’m not sure if I’m going to stay on Twitch I’m still deciding what I’m going to do twitch I I think it’s get the the platform’s becoming a bit like too grown up

And I feel a bit uncomfortable about it so what I might do is only have stream to separate streams ones for twitch and ones for YouTube I’m just I’m still deciding I’m not I’m not yeah I’m not a big fan of twitch even though I know that sometimes

The stream quality is a bit better so I’m just just trying to decide what to do really so all the games on YouTube are the the the the most mature game I play is thir age 13 plus um to keep it more like familyfriendly but if a if a switch

Split them I might switch older games on Twitch like Skyrim and things like that YouTube has a long delay are right so may I might shoot more like I might play more like I don’t mean like horrifically grownup games but like Skyrim and things I might play I might

Play them on Twitch in the future that’s you’re going to go over to Twitch I’m very very close to get an affiliate on Twitch though which makes me not want to abandon it all together I’m very I only need three an average of three viewers per stream and I could easily get that

But that he give me oh no okay I’ve just realized it’s four isn’t it thank goodness hello Ryland 46 how much qus need 101 it’s painful you need loads I think I’m going have to go back Um get some more Rockets it’s entirely up to you if it’s there boxy it would be interesting to measure the Del the difference though actually if you had one on Twitch and one on YouTube it’d be interesting to me to measure the difference actually maybe um I got two twitch accounts and four

YouTube that’s why it’s okay I’ve got three YouTube accounts I’ve got another proper YouTube channel which I don’t upload stuff very often on a psychology one uh have got any more let’s just see if I actually got any more quarts knocking Around Uh wrong room server’s a bit laggy actually oh no it’s not that was weird that was a bit jety just a little bit I wonder if I’ve got YouTube on my bedroom and i’ forgotten about it and it’s playing cuz that could be the reason this is 5 to 10 seconds that’s that’s not so bad it’s not so bad That so I haven’t got any more qu so we do need about another five or six stacks of it Thank you Rin thank you boxy Sayan penguin oh that’s all right that’s your alternative Twitch account okay there’s two people watching but five viewers foxy have you seen this what the work on the server have you seen these have a showed you these builds or I

Don’t think I don’t think I’m not sure if you’ve seen them or not it’s our it’s our server um me and my friend Josh run it run it together and there’s a few people on it um few of the fans of my YouTube channel have joined as well so they’ve got a few

Builds over here uh there’s a guy this is le guy called Liam this is his build here I’m building the uh future City here um there is a Five Nights at Freddy’s restaurant just over here uh it’s all on it’s 100% survival as well so I’ve got gathered all the

Resources uh so this one here there’s a guy called seeka who lives in Australia and he plays on us I did that as a joke by the way above his face uh this is his five nights at gry’s restaurant which is amazing he he’s he’s been building this uh Five Nights

At Freddy’s restaurant I haven’t actually seen it he’s done some more recently oh wow look at this how cool is this I haven’t seen this recently this looks amazing is he is he putting the buttons down to stop SP stop the spa on is he I wonder this is so good I really

Like this build so he’s still in the middle of building this uh I he he messaged the other day saying he was he done some more work in it so so yeah looks so good so he’s done like he’s done he’s not done much of the Interior but he’s

Done all the bulk of the build over here we’ve got a guardian Farm there’s lots of like half finish builds nothing’s like 100% finished but got a guardian Farm here we’ve been working on WE drained the ocean and the all the uh I haven’t got optify on at the moment by the way

That’s where the glass looks rubbish but all the um Guardians are in there we still need to decorate we’ve got a jobs board on the server for people to do no worries ring uh so this all still needs Decora on this inside of here but this took

Hours and hours and hours of work to do this uh to because we because you of course you have to drain the ocean by filling it with sand and then digging the sand back up and then using sponges as well uh and then over here is the spawn Island just over

Here and we have um there’s another kid who joined our server called Ottawa and he’s been building a game here and he built this giant pumpkin as well this like haunted tree thing so he built this pumpkin he’s been working on a game here and then we have this is the over here

Sorry I just fly everywhere yeah yeah pretty much yeah you’re right this is the communal iron oh he’s stuck shouldn’t be stuck anyway this is the communal iron farm so everyone on the server gets free Iron so that’s communal iron farm um now this is the nether Hub lots

Of these are like work in progress so nothing’s actually finished uh nothing’s actually finished so this is this is our nether Hub which is still in the most of building as well uh the game R and no show yeah I’ve not this is the Josh is built this this is

The the passageway to his base on the nether roof uh this is the passageway to my base I’ll show you R I haven’t done any more in it I don’t think since you were on um I’m in the middle of another project at the moment uh I’m just

Collecting some resources for it but I’m going to do it off off stream so uh so uh yeah I don’t think I’ve done any more Island since since you you were last on uh I don’t think I did I did the nether room didn’t I with the the with the

Uh yeah that that that that room I think that’s what I did when you were last on the one up there but uh boxy this is like a game that people play and you have to pay a diamond to come in it they come through the store and then there’s

Drip Stone Leaf there and through the back there’s like hidden trap doors and then inside this end end Stone one there’s like ender pearls and you throw them and you have to get to the other side it’s a bit like decked out except much simpler because I haven’t got the brains for decked

Out I just haven’t got the brains so deed out but yeah uh and then in here uh boxy is my uh super smelter just in here and that’s powered by uh bamboo so when you walk through the door you press these pressure plates and every time you

Walk through it it fills up the super smelter with bamboo so we’ve got a flying machine here that’s triggered and it collects all the the bamboo um so it just keeps refilling the super smelter basically and then if you think it’s running out you can you can ref It

Again by standing on those press blades and you’ll hear it again see you can hear it again uh so all you do is you put your resoures in the top and then they they come out here basically when you want to smell stuff and then the people on the server

They pay me a diamond to do it so they have to put a diamond in here and that’s collected in a little collection place uh in here um is my sugarcane farm which is like a huge surreal room and I’ve got so much sugarcane I’m never ever going to need

To oh it’s not actually full that is it uh yeah so that just all fires and lands in the middle here and goes down into that and to be honest it’s not hugely suff uh efficient but I just think it looks I just like it to

Look cool so I just made it to look cool uh and the others are shops that’s a shop that’s a shop l a shop so so when I built this um I I said to everybody on the server you might as well just use the buildings as

Your shops so uh there’s a shop here and there’s another shop down here cuz cuz lots of the people are younger on the server they only tend to they tend to play a lot in like the school holidays so there’s not many people on at the moment but over Christmas probably what

Will happen is more people come online so and I’m in the middle of building this building as well which is taking an eternity to be honest anyway back to the nether we’ve also got a big uh Enderman Farm in the end as well which we just use for

XP it is Christmas Eve and a few days Island um day after tomorrow isn’t it oh I’ve been doing a bit of Tiding up so that me me flat isn’t a mess for Christmas day nothing that it matters really but what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Stream Christmas Eve and after my stream’s finished live stream that Christmas fireplace for like 24 hours and just leave it play in the fireplace um and then stream on Christmas Day Eve as well I go up here I’m going to make a build on Minecraft Survival and post it on Tik

Tok cool what uh what you you play Bedrock don’t you Ryland I think you play Bedrock don’t you is it on Xbox is it something I’m not on Nintendo switch cool you know I was thinking I might do next week and I’m just I’m just thinking about this

I’m not sure cuz it’s very fiddly to set up but I can do it I was thinking of streaming um Mario on the Nintendo switch because I can do that I’m on PC now yeah I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got M Minecraft on everything though uh I’ve got it on the switch PS4

Xbox and this I think yeah I started playing on the PS4 though so I’m used I’m used to bed Bedrock as well I hope I can remember my way back it is that way isn’t it yeah I think I just fancy they Chang it as a

Start should I try should I try try streaming on my switch I’ve never done that before I’ve got a new um my sister’s bought me a new Nintendo switch controller for Christmas as well so it’s the Sonic the Head Chun one which is you’ve only played Bedrock it’s weird

There’s only tiny differences but you can tell when you’re playing have you’ve been playing one or the other for a oh look at all that quarts hang a minute let me just make sure I don’t get lost it’s this way isn’t it yeah so we need to go back that

Way oh Pokemon ones cool a ghast he’s going to see me there I got a Ball I shot that back I shot that back did you see that they are they’re very annoying your sister mess your sister left a message on YouTube the other night the other day Ry and telling me she’s getting an Xbox did you see that he’s like Richard s I’m getting an

Xbox or something like that anyway oh oh Santa said that she’s uh that’s what she wants or something yeah your sister a gamer as well then is she I got right way do want do not want to get lost in the nether my S my sister never really got into

Gaming very much she’d play a little bit I was the one in my family who was absolutely obsessed with it though my brother liked it a little bit and my brother used to play COD a lot and FIFA but that’s about it well I’m totally different to my

Brother like he’s like I’m quite geeky he’s not like he works on lores and he plays football and um I play Minecraft was told different uh we’re looking for that’s not going to be right B for it I hate flying around here that’s so risky you basically don’t

Sleep how do you mean like you you you generally you don’t sleep me oh didn’t know that was there oh yeah I did actually found it a while but didn’t I I was too scared to raid it though someone’s probably done it though cuz it’s not it’s not particularly hidden is It so dodgy flying around the nether cuz it what I normally have the fog to turned off cuz they have OptiFine on I’m not sure if it’s updated yet though I need to keep checking that uh it’s taking me a long time to get this quartz how much I’ve got not

Enough my thing friends and family uh where can I just get some easy quarts I don’t want to get the stuff in this ceiling cuz that’s a pain right let’s go down here we have to remember where we came from though cuz we don’t want to get

Lost this is only a fortune 2 pickaxe cuz I couldn’t get fortune 3 which is a bit frustrating wait a minute is my uh yeah it is thought me field of viewers wrong then yeah you’re pretty much you yeah possibly might uh let me just think yeah

No worries boxy thanks for watching see you soon uh you’re you’re pretty much right I’m not sure if there would be is there a way to get back I don’t know uh what you could do is I don’t know maybe you might be right right there where there you go

Yeah unless you make a trail yeah definitely it’s quiet tonight isn’t it usually toxic on when I’m streaming Minecraft as well Alex often comes on I don’t think he’s bothered about other games though I think he just likes watching Minecraft streams yeah Ottawa sometimes comes on as well

More at the weekends I think but we are at the weekend as well as aren’t we oh yeah people just come and go I mean to be honest with you you don’t really want to be watching my streams every day like it’s good to get out and do other

Things I mean I do this cuz I’m trying to build a YouTube channel up but it’s good to get out and do other things like you guys are going to school I literally only do this so There somewh I think this should be it now after CED all this it’s less stress on playing this than G the Bam Bam no frustrating levels you do watch a lot of them yeah yeah you and toxic I think are watching the most at the moment oh no

Oh we have to fly out of here uh right and we’ve done that and we’re not lost we can go home we’re still alive this all needs sting out this area it’s horrendous there’s a hole there’s a hole underneath that uh underneath that nether portal we just firing

It sometimes when to it’s not here it’s because he’s out doing his like boxing training or something he’s been trying to get Minecraft he he left a message on Discord saying uh uh his mom’s trying to sort it out or something oh well we’ve got well enough right there’s our quart sorted

64 oh you have martial arts which martial arts do you do w w gold block so we need w we need gold so next one is gold let’s go mining I suppose Somewhere gold Golding oh no you told me this before I’ve just realized you told me this before we we’ve had this conversation cuz I always trying to work out what goldings was what is it what is it is I to honest I’ve never heard of it I’m

Honest not that I know much about martial arts anyway really I’ve been down there haven’t I oh someone Has maybe not actually cuz it’s not it’s not dark down though is it hey puppy good evening how are you welome I can’t remember where you are in the world now forgotten good day to you someone El been down here yeah I don’t not me I don’t think I don’t

Think I would to put that many torches oh this leads absolutely nowhere good I need gold I’m okay thank you surviving it’s sadly I have to go now no worries no worries thanks for dropping by anyway um mean to put torch there that’s what I want more Lais those a Lapis down it I needed loads of that before and I couldn’t find any anywhere and now that I don’t need it it’s everywhere always the way on Minecraft look it’s there again I need to Lo of that the other day uh can you make that into a block no

You can good Um Ah G huh which I don’t need so let’s go hey Tilly how did your stream go before I saw you were streaming briefly briefly although one stream you started and I started watching it and it stopped and then later on you streamed again or something I think that’s what happened

How did it go anyway good going to get him Rich you’re a good Builder thank you oh uh what am I Doing do you like building Puppy I’m also not going good I also don’t really play you’re not going good sorry do you mean you’re not you’re not feeling good sorry you mean song is a you not really Good that’s song was annoying me sry had to change it it was driving me crazy all it is what just didn’t sound Nice right oh haven’t been here before and there’s like there much here the best way to get gold she just going to the Nether and some more lapis I it’s crazy I couldn’t find any the other day and there loads here Now which what do you want for what do want for Christmas uh I don’t I don’t I don’t really uh want much to be honest I know that I’ve got a Nintendo switch controller coming my way that’s all I know got shower ear are wet you uh is that

Okay that’s exhausted that cave I wonder if the best place to get gold is the nether maybe maybe trying to mine it isn’t the way to go you need to get a lot of gold nuggets though to get 15 Gold Blocks did you play Lego fortnite uh I

Know I tried playing it but because I play so much Minecraft it was a bit like oh it’s too similar to Minecraft I was a bit like it didn’t it felt like it was just like playing Minecraft again and I was like I I went I went to play Lego

Fortnite to have a break from Minecraft and then and then sorry I went to play fortnite to have a great a break from Minecraft and I went on fortnite and they recreated Minecraft in fortnite I was like oh no is that going to attack me

I think I need to get out of this cave System did do gold gold or veins on this uh why have I not got oh run out oh do run out oh de all right I’ll do for now good job oh there’s a creeper right there good job I uh didn’t stop then that’s not gold it’s look Ro

Gold hey toxic good evening how are you rich I need help to get Minecraft uh I’m not sure from what you’ve told me I’m not sure what the only problem I can think of is there’s something wrong with your the account you’re using you might me and my dad are struggling to download

It I don’t understand I don’t understand it doesn’t make sense unless it’s the country you’re in Google Maybe contact them or something and just tell them customer support or somewhere I don’t know from what you posted I’m not sure go risk that then oh no oh no run out of torches let’s go

Over here a sec oh that was risky because tomorrow we will try again and we will watch a tutorial if it does not work I I wonder if it’s something to do with the country you’re in toxic or something I don’t I don’t I don’t know

Um I maybe contact them at the support and see if they can help you cuz it’s just saying currently unavailable isn’t it something like that oh yeah it’s okay oh just dug through that for that I need to get out of here now it’s driving me crazy we got lapis

Anyway boun to need that at some point how do I get out though no no no no no no no uh can we get up there Hope I get Minecraft because I don’t don’t know cuz if I don’t I don’t know what to do my 650 R you’ll have to find a way of getting it toxic after all the build up to it You’ had this has been going on for months aha can I go through

There oh come on oh this doesn’t look safe at all right we’re going to have to dig out annoyingly I didn’t want have to do this but I’m not walking around for hours and hours and hours trying to get out of here if it works you got 100 round left that’s

Good let me out of here I just want to go home right good I think in terms of content creation for your channel and stuff I think M Minecraft will give you more options for for stuff you can do on your YouTube channel where is everything uhoh

Oh come on let me out of here please I don’t even know if this is going to take me out I don’t think this is the the surface I don’t think anyway even got a shovel on me because if I have that be helpful now no no shov oh let me out

Bedwars I don’t know if I could get into that I’m not sure I I I think I’ve tried it once before and I just had no clue think where am I now a one block High aquafer some kind I can’t get out let me out of here I’m stuck I’ve been here for

Years oh go go go swim up aha right okay I just get out I don’t want to be in here anymore be back I want to ask if they can try again thank you it’s going up okay Hanan hello good evening C morning depending on where you are in the

World oh this is taking forever yes finally what this that oops out over here right let’s load the super smell up oh this is taking eternity you that’s it yep all the effort for three gold oh painful what’s an easy way to get gold it’s a NE

But you collect loads of nuggets then you put them into that’s still a lot of work maybe I’ll leave the go for now come back to it there’s one b six no that’s just going to take an eternity um three orange terracotta nine yellow I’m going to that should be easier to get

That’s concrete one two three yellow terra cotta 9 have I not got a yellow terra cotta here I definitely own some because I’ve used it thank you Carl Fisher On and a socket Redstone thank you right uh green terra cotta 60 lime terra cotta oh one pink concrete 114 right so let’s just uh right we’ve got the uh orange terra cotta is done the yellow terra cotta okay no worries oh no is that Spanish that looks like Spanish to me let’s try it uh translate to English Google translate will help me says when I arrived I was stuck I

Didn’t see the deaths uh let me just think yellow’s ever color how many yellow nine we got the yellow dye there I don’t even know we have understand English a little but I do not know how to write it no problem P concrete you need now I think Josh may sell that let’s just go and think concrete yes B how soon is building so far how how do you how do you mean sorry oh are you are you writing that in Spanish because so oh yeah you are sorry you’re writing s different language

That’s not Spanish is it Google’s translating it for me so in in my screen it just comes up in English just comes up in English so I was like what word do you know in English uh I’m not sure what you mean uh Pink concrete 114 okay let’s just say two

Stacks right pink concrete’s done pink concrete I’ve lost it where is it in my list oh oh that’s not good is he missing me he is he isn’t he isn’t no has he lost me he’s there floating no he isn’t lost me kind of arize myself um uh yellow

Terracotta terracotta 13 yellow terra cotta nine um what have you asked here the answer is within yourself toxic you’ve got to solve the problem so technically that’s not that’s not untrue oh why is he here go away just go away 13 at don’t me 13 I’m going to bit um 13 terracotta got

That yellow terra cotta nine what are you building currently I’m doing some pixel art but it’s a huge project um let me just type it for you it might be easier uh I am collecting the resources for it at the moment uhoh no no no no no no right uh Nine eight nine good right next uh we got the yellow terra cotta good who who magenta terra cotta 23 let’s just empty this Inventory where’s my die box is it here purple pink huh I haven’t got my J to die uh green terra cotta 60 can we do that I need some more D I think magenta and green let’s go back again fiddly this for wow thank you ah magenta die yes loads of

It all green Die what does that mean oh my screen it says it’s cute that’s what the translation says on my screen hey Ryland welcome back if you highlight it toxic and then right click on it Google will translate it for you and then it says translate whole

Page and you click on yes and it just translates everything UH 60 okay good green green concrete green terra cotta 60 done magenta terracotta 23 shouldn’t be too hard Either just going to change position cuz my legs are hurting now uh 23 it was wasn’t it 23 that’s the magenta ticked off pink terra cotta oh 256 is that four Stacks is that about four Stacks 256 pink terra cotta I think I’ve got enough pink Dy anyway hopefully one two three maybe

Not oh you might not need that much I just realized what 128 I can’t do math that’s 128 is it one more stack I need I think it’s four Stacks isn’t it what’s 250 uh that’s right isn’t it it’s four Stacks uh one Stack perfect Okay pink terra cotta is now ticked off on my list uh 26 red terra cotta let’s have a look I think I have some of that possibly oh no only a little bit none of this is normal Terra CA why didn’t you bring it all with

Me oh I run out I run out I run out I’ve got 210 nether surely haven’t I I just thrown another Netherrack away we have got Netherrack another we’ve got oh there’s so much still to get black Terra gotta 1,155 no who’s whose insane idea was This as he actually as he actually give you a video actually made it is actually really popular cuz if so that’s quite funny 1,735 Subs guys still struggling to get to the what the watch hours though I need 790 watch hours to get the first level of partnership it’s slow thank you Ryland

Thank you toxic it’s a little bit laggy today the server I don’t know why though oh who is that who’s that oh W come on like the my uncle looks a lot like you it does he it’s very random let’s see oh dear dear dear um I need loads of black terra cotta

Let’s take some of this actually because I’m just going to need loads of it anyway uh I think I was going to need a whole Shuler box if let’s go and get some of my black die which is in a very dangerous place over Here ready got to do this quick oh there’s none in it well I didn’t get um what you call it mining fatigue anyway what is going on here Josh is doing some big project by looks of it I’m going to have to pillage it from my own shop

Keep stealing up my own resources from my shop I’ll AFK to get it back don’t worry think un Nick some of these as well I don’t think anyone’s been online to buy anything if I own it though it’s not bad I think only classes stealing if you don’t own

It but I own it so it’s fine can I give mod out for mod out mod out can you give mod out for Christmas how do you mean sorry right favorite type of wood uh have we answered this before I think I I can’t but I can’t remember what I said last time

Now uh like great ter Cotter 269 hang on a minute I might have some of that white terra cotta no light gray concrete I give someone mod for Christmas I don’t uh do you mean for your channel do you mean give someone mod for your channel do you

Mean Birchwood cut and stone red terracotta 26 right we can do that one yeah go for it why not why not 23 24 25 26 good red terra cotta is now ticked off wherever it is I’ve lost it where is it up here somewhere white terra cotta oh we need that as

Well red terra cotta got you no red concrete no where’s Red terra cotta I’ve lost it there you go 26 got it uh White Terra Cotter 573 I might have that I think that’s 128 if I don’t have it I’ve almost got it run out I’m running out of Sher Boxes I have to use this one no that’s not even are any of these oh these are all run out of Sher boxes oh no we could just start moving this around putting them in here here I’ve got to go now so yeah no worri Ryland see you soon take Care um right that gray terra cotta no white terra cotta is done that’s probably about 500 mod uh oh there’s so much there’s just so much white w 11 i’ got 11 wen’t I which I have a prank on Ryland soon okay it might still be in the chat you know

Uh great concrete 194 I’m running out of space for every I’ve got too much stuff and not enough storage oh I’m going to have to go get some more Sher boxes a friendly prank Oh wrong way that’s wrong way isn’t it where did they come from uh where’s the right way

Home this way it’s this way isn’t it sure it’s this way wow 17 followers on Tik Tok you’ve got 17 followers I’ve been a week on Tik Tok and over a thousand views oh cool you’ve got more than me you’re doing better than me my Tik Tok grows dead slow I get like one follower every three or four days of that uh where am I Going oh oh Sher boxes yeah I remember die die die Die okay that can be the D one so let’s put that there uh keep getting people on Tik Tok TR trying to give you money are you getting loads of like spam comments like I get like I can help you grow your Tik Tac CH Tik Tok Channel and you’re getting loads of

Those kind of comments just give me $10,000 uh let’s see now we got any red concrete no like messages all right all right 10K will be rich how do you mean sorry office block 70 lapis block no worries pan thank you for watching thank you for watching 10,000

Rand yeah oh sorry I said Grand g r a n d that means £10,000 sorry a gr a grand so so in in in England if you say a grand g a n d that means ,000 something cost a grand it means ,000 black terra cotta gray terracotta blue terra cotta 207 I

Whatever yeah what’s that blue terra cotta okay done that one right blue terra cotta is done blue that’s done uh light gray Terra Cotter 269 one two three light gray where’s the light gray die lapis thing is a nightmare will it do four blocks no oh 27 lapis blocks oh it’s

Painful 34 I need 70 right okay so we’ve got we did the light R otter that is done Granite 413 I think we’ve got that put that in there I think it’s over there in those boxes six right let me just do maths calculator calulator uh 6 * 64

384 right we’re going to need more granite’s easy to get how much do we need of that again uh where is that probably going to need like another two stacks or something probably another stack fly over here and find it Knocking around hopefully if we can find a cave somewhere

Oh should just risk it and going in where’s he gone someone just stood there W there did he just despawn oh he’s there oh go away I fire my li granite in an in an annoying place any oh no come on oh to stack up to it oh

Well that’ll do we’re good we can go how did I get in how did he get in oh it’s down here wasn’t it was it oh yeah it was it’s just dark Right the granite is done oh black Terra cot is the big one right we’re going to have to go back and get some Uh Bidly Hey Casey how are you doing don’t want them use those quartz Blocks let’s get the polished let’s get the cium hello good evening or good day whatever time of day it is for you how are you on this fine D day well not fine from uh I’m not sure it’s fine for me either actually let’s just um do you mean

Weather you’re talking about the weather at the moment for me it is 9° C 9° celsus and um probably in the middle of the night there’s going to be a lot a lot of wind and it’s going to rain for the next week solid so there you go what’s the weather like for

You although 9° C isn’t bad for winter actually I’m complaining there but it’s not really that bad geometry Des oh yeah yeah yeah I remember yeah you said you were quite good at it I think well I got an update for the first time in seven years oh the game did all right

Okay is it is it more levels or something on the 19th you okay toxic how come more levels and stuff yeah it wasn’t good for you how how come because because now you’re going to have to complete them couldn’t play the update in the game always crashed ah oh no l your

Status oh all right okay all right you do you play that game as well toxic uh Right well that’s that done so we’ve got polished Granite now so we need a lot of brown terra cotta and a lot of black terra cotta right we’re going on a mission uh I honestly wish the update didn’t come and I can I can imagine the frustration so basically all the work

You put into it it’s gone is it is that kind of what you’re saying oh h a minute Rockets I could have SW that just blinked then it was a smoke in front of it I like that’s creepy why did that just blink uh Now let’s go I might be fixed soon when I get my PC all right okay are you going to stream Geometry Dash Are oh cool everywhere load in I need to find my beacon I only got 22 Subs got to start somewhere oh no this isn’t efficiency 5 no that one is though thank goodness I should have bought more Shuler boxes this was silly while I slept I got recommended

Five of your shots yeah I’ve been releasing a lot of them probably too many actually cuz what starts happening is if there releas too many I start getting burnt out from making them like I just can’t be bothered anymore I’m only going to release one a day now though for a

While and and I slow down and have a break over Christmas and stop churning out uh content uh can I tell a story yes go for it Once when I was making toast then I fell asleep for 30 minutes that more to this story and the toast basically turned into it oh you mean it do you mean it oh you lit you’re all right okay so it turn black then with like charcoal kind of thing mine mine for your

Life let’s do a quick test calculator calculator what is what do we need I’m getting round got 771 771 64 I need 12 Stacks more than 12 Stacks just over 12 stacks one two three all right so let’s face it we’ve got too much of that

If that’s 12 Stacks oh uh but okay that’s not bad then we need to make a load of black terra cotta which you can’t mine it’s only Brown so you have to make it see A it’s killing me it’s hurting me eyes is this is it weird to barely use emojis and mainly use these things uh I don’t think it’s weird I don’t use them very much all right let’s fill my inventory up and get going hey toxic you’re back all right uh we can

Go is there oh let’s get that gold block there I I’m not carrying any oh no I don’t need that I’ll do I think someone’s took the uh gold block from there seem to be getting good views with those with those D on Tik toks guys maybe isn’t such a bad D that it’s getting your views for do

Right need more Sher boxes there’s going to be none left in my shop Uh right okay one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 okay right there you go Brown terra cotta is now ticked off uh Brown terra cotta good uh polish granite good black terra cotta 1 ,1 155 how many 19 Stacks more or less right so n okay good

Don’t hit me I can hear him no I’m old stting when Jo St and watching the stream go for it why not why not I’m kind of just doing a bit of housekeeping at the moment anyway it’s not super exciting I’m afraid sorry I did only only be doing it off camera anyway

So uh oh that’s G wrong there and it right that’s full oh dear dear dear this is so much work uh hang in a minute have I run out of shulker boxes here again oh no that there you go that’s one of them that’s one of the res

Boxes no it’s not what I meant to do where’s the gold one um okay black terra cotta he’s done Brown concrete 37 four good ground concrete is done where’s that video R I don’t know oh my back’s hting now right so uh sorry guys I’m just sending someone

The link to my channel someone’s just asked for it that is a giant comment giant comment how you mean sorry something just popped up and I’ve not seen it Uh gray terra cotta have I got any gray terra cotta gray terra cotta looks like brown terter oh great Concrete Great concrete 400 all right so we can do that just got these are all resources for what I’m building and they’re all full so that’s good in it more or

Less need more I need more I need more this is nuts oh let’s take all this out of here great concrete right we’ve got the great concrete it’s wool but black concrete I’ve got thousands of I don’t have no idea planks lers blocks that dirt Oak Wood Oak

Planks wood wood light gray con light gray concrete and light light gray concrete do I have light gray concrete uh don’t got light concrete got greay going buy some he’s going to go and buy some yeah cuz I’m not yeah let’s go buy some uh I think I

Think that’s all look terra cotta and concrete done then green concrete 142 have we got green concrete no green concrete and light gray concrete I need hey Ryland and I’m not and I’m not very embarrassed toxic let’s just SC this that a sec uh right

Now is he done light gray he has done light gray oh I bought it all wait what color what color concrete is that is that gray I light gray there green green concrete light gray concrete 194 I don’t think he’s selling it I don’t think he’s selling it that’s

Great hm I’m confused I must have that somewhere I must have bought that just pop that out SEC see what it is like great concrete I must have it back in a sec guys just going to go the toilet back in one second you Hello I know that wasn’t one second sorry yeah he he’s not he’s going to be eating something when he when he’s back oh you know you I forgot I am actually hungry I was going to get something to eat and I forgot oh dear you know me too well I’m

All I’m often munching on something I bought sweets for the for the live streams over Christmas on this stream I’ve been eating you know you have you had these Palmer violets before will it zoom in on them let’s just see if it’ll zoom in on them

No so I bought I bought a couple of packs of them so I’ve already at one pack on this stream but I’m not eating anymore it’s not good for you that’s for the streaming over the weekend I need to go out tomorrow do a few bits of shopping and things

For to take me to the other side of Christmas where’s the uh where on Earth if I’ve bought that it was me that bought the concrete so where is it cuz I haven’t used it I don’t understand where it’s gone oh dear I’m close I’m close I’m

Close to the point of B enough of this guys uh Brown concrete did I need that red concrete 45 I think I’ve got some of that haven’t I no I didn’t buy any I’m confused I thought I I thought oh we can make some I don’t

Think there’s a lot of some of these blocks the big ones are the ones at the top so we’ve got the black concrete let’s just say we’ve got that we might need to buy more in the future but almost certainly will great terra cotta 848 uh Ray die

What on Earth is all that Terra Cotter gone have I just used all of that Terra Cotter that I just collected I have I oh there’s some quite long gone that is just vanished like seconds uh please tell me yeah it’s okay I was making the wrong one then I panicked

Uh uh I don’t think this is enough it’s if it’s 800 it’s going to be need to be way more than that anyway I think that’s a good start to be honest with you I think that’s actually a good start next I’m going to make a better

Sheep farm so let’s go and do that do you think I need to make a sheet F in a better location probably as well probably do oh hang on a minut let’s just empty this inventory of anything that’s related to this is it true he love one of the tell

Toies what on Earth is going on oh oh wasn’t concentrating then sorry stuff’s popping up on my phone I’ll stop looking at my phone stop messing about right okay okay here’s a question for you guys what is your your favorite Nintendo game Mario Odyssey Odyssey is that Odyssey is

That I get mixed up between it is Odyssey the one set in space no that’s Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy set space what’s Odyssey one what’s Odyssey again I can’t remember I don’t think I’ve played though let me just Google it so to remind myself what it

Is no I haven’t no I haven’t no I was getting mixed up with Galaxy oh was that I don’t that’s on the uh right okay watch yours rich in it and it’s the one with the wedding on the moon no I’ve not played that one oh I don’t know

Favorite Nintendo game it’s I mean it’s going to be Zelda Rock Arena of time but there’s other ones I really like as well uh I like the new Super Mario Brothers Series in fact I like all all probably most of the Super Mario Brothers games actually have played going the wrong

Way uh Nintendo I’ve got a big good catalog of brilliant games it’s quite hard to choose I think um I’ve lost me uh getting a bit of lag around there you know I don’t not know why is a free we just fly around a second no every now again it just the frame

Rate just seems to just dip out of nowhere anyway where’s my I should have a redstone chest somewhere oh I know where it is it’s down here it’s okay no worries I’m afraid toxic your partner in crime’s gone dispenser 13 we need that we need that going I need some red stone

I need to start working on a sheep farm my proper one not to just this little rubbish one I built down here a wool Farm sorry not a sheep farm uh you’re alone I don’t think people are as hardcore as you toxic arey like the old days back in the Day oh I’m I’m getting oh there you go the FPS is 42 what what is around here that’s called that could it be the signs do you think oh that’s not good is it oh it’s actually hurting me eyes ah ah spe oops it’s around here isn’t

It is it the sides these signs here isn’t it you think it’s them signs oh my eyes let me just check in here a second the FPS just dropped right there that was weird let’s just fly into one of these balconies a sec no uh right

Okay I reckon it’s the signs you know anyway sheep farm we’re going to build it up here first I’m going to build uh a platform out of dirt I am like hardcore though look at this the point you can’t tell how long you’ve been on by by the points anymore

But the the hours tell the tell the story now just get make sure everything’s nice and lit up nope that did not work um right now ah uh let’s just think a sec a minute Hey pyro good morning for you dinner time is it dinner time for you middle of the day something like that good day anyway I should have a oh there you go let’s use them use that 2246 for you it’s 846 for me it’s all right uh let’s do a

Central line down here she hates banana she’s playing with me oh the banana all right okay I know that game yeah I’m wondering if trying to help get rid of a fear I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing exactly oops rich I ignore my comment on Rich ignored

Your comment on Tik Tok to to be honest I didn’t know You’ made a comment on Tik Tok to to be fair I don’t I’m not very good at check I’m not very good at like tracking it if that makes sense I didn’t even I don’t think even you you usually always get

Something from me on Facebook on the shots not on YouTube on the shots but usually I don’t follow uh Tik Tok very well but sometimes it just I just leave it just doing its own thing I didn’t forget right so we’ve got the Sheep is going to eat the

Grass let’s put a line of we’re going to need a silk touch something salt touch let’s just get a couple of salt touch this get the grass across look what’s the keep an eye on the I know you guys can’t see that the FPS keeps just randomly dropping and I’m

Sure 5755 so that’s okay but just randomly keeps keeps dropping [Applause] I do I do are you what what you asking I’m confused right so this is going to be where the Sheep Farm’s going to be if I correctly do this if I correctly do this that’s the big Thing didn’t know that in the USA they used what I don’t know if they do or not I think they do probably so I need to remind myself how to actually build this so I’m going to need dispenser block dispenser all the way long toxics in South Africa [Applause]

So I have got nowhere near enough dispensers Brazil doesn’t use Reddit all right I thought that was just International I didn’t realize a minute we I’m going to go on a mission here cuz feel like I had more Redstone components than this right I need of these

Redstone no no why don’t I label things properly then I wouldn’t have this problem what is that look at all that lapis there I did not know we even had that okay I must I’m we’re going to put this so remember it let’s store this this dirt for now on

There and get it back in a minute I didn’t even know I even had that awesome we’ve nearly got the uh 70 blocks of lapis in need I didn’t even know I had that there’s five there as well okay uh where’s all my Redstone go Rich yes hello dispensers furnace

No oh dear no I haven’t got any you have to go to Christmas party soon how come you how come the sad face do you not want to go to the party I usually sleep at like 3:00 a.m. oh dear if it’s the holidays though it’s not so

Bad you got you’ve got to relax and and and enjoy yourself sometimes yeah that’s do was skin that isn’t it and is that AO with skin I think it is isn’t it uh I’m sure I had another Redstone chest Uh maybe I don’t I thought I had another Redstone there probably don’t okay how do you make dispenses again you need uh dis dispenser yeah bow one Redstone and I didn’t want to take a b with some there bows where are all the bows doesn’t this produce bows what

Produces bows fishing does doesn’t it I I had some bows where all the BS gone does this does this AFK fish round not reduce bows a one oh there’s another one supp just use those not accidentally make one out of my own bow cuz that would be bad

Five 18 that’ll do for now Sant will come and shorten this heat I forget in other countries Christmas isn’t isn’t a winter holiday is it it’s a summer holiday Santa’s roasting up right okay uh h right oops now The Observers go on the Block below but how do

I will they if I put that there will it face me or face the other way aha it’s winter here as well he’s going to get all there oh No okay that’s one side done you’re melting am I right in thinking then if I put a block on the top there in front of all them and put redstone on it it will trigger the I think that’s right I put the dot there a Why didn’t it bring a crafting

Table there’s one down there anyway this is a problem isn’t it I’m going to Get I should have built some kind of automated I would just realized I can build these in my inventory I don’t need to do that the I but I need way more iron 40 50 wow does get anywhere near those temperatures here I think the hottest I’ve known in

This city was 30 de C I think that was the hottest I know I’ve known the cold is aboutus 7 um can we just add a bit of texture in that I wonder come on open the chest please uh oh that’s interesting let’s see we got any Moss no no we got any Vines no okay got that oh yeah have fun at your party thanks for dropping by Pyro Merry Christmas mate hey Alex how are you today I think you just made toxic day Rich Christmas in two days and I have a s road oh DEA oh dear it’s funny though but a lots of people get sick you know uh near Christmas Apparently I wonder if people just get sick because they kind of I don’t know they because they’ve stopped they’ve slowed down things catch up with them how I’m going to get sheep up here I’ve just realized I’ll have to breath need the Sheep up here won’t I probably no that’s wrong H power Probably just going to do another 10 minutes guys cuz I’m getting hungry the rich one is a secret okay don’t Which may you have 400 points what for her oh oh when I go up here the frame rate just drops is this something this building isn’t it o I just see it die anywhere no that’s not hold On uh wrong Way which is That how are they getting pushed off the uh oh right okay the H so some of them are landing on the glass there aren’t they that all means to be glass really doesn’t it then doesn’t really matter to be honest with You Oops let’s see how many shots doing a publish before it’s up to 1,700 views guys 1,700 that g in there oh cook my beauty cook go Do I got the in it still no all nicely cooking let’s a look at what this is like at the back just to see Alo someone’s thrown wood there there’s bits of wood in here as well just to keep to keep the old girl going is it all yeah we’re good it’s all

Looking nicely stopped up I think it might have been me that threw that wood in there actually just to help it oh let’s just check something a sec five diamonds get in the work Right actually running out of space there actually running out of space um give it a bit color green glass light green glass uh this needs help doesn’t it I looked of it is any more in that imagine if Alex’s face revealed and actually he wasn’t human and he’ been

Watching my YouTube channel from another planet and that’s why he doesn’t want to face reveal cuz he’s not he’s not real Alex is from Mar maybe that’s the reason why he’s picking up the signal from my YouTube channel from another planet that’s why he doesn’t want to face reveal

Toxic I’m sorry Alex I’m just being silly it’s from omac comp Pur I8 lur from Omron Percy I8 that’s what that’s what it is that’s why he’s watching this stream because I’m building his I’m building a future armor build that’s where the aliens are

From oh a CR pury I at oh no can’t build that yet I just realized oh come on now I’m going to need oh there’s no way about it I’m going to have to get steps here to get sheep up here there’s no way of avoiding

It I’m going to need to bring sheep up to this point at some point so we might as well go for it now and build the proper steps so question for you guys Alex and toxic as you from Germany and South Africa what do you have on your Christmas

Dinner so what do you have on your Christmas dinner in South Africa and what do you have on your Christmas dinner in Germany although we may have discussed this before actually I’m not sure steak steak and turkey and fish wow lots of meat yeah all the meat

That’s what you have for Christmas every meat big slabs of meat on a long table like a viking deer and dumplins and sauerkraut wow um h never eating dumpl playe I think I have probably Possibly go going to make something you have one guess what that is pudding it’s pudding Alex that’s what you’re making that’s what I reckon it is I’m all right board in board in I knew it we’re going to take a bunch of sheep up to that place now and I’m going to

Attempt to trap them in there and I’ll be rubbish at it probably who thought toxic there you go Alex is done it come on guys can you come with me I have a special place for you to hang out oh no come on back come on

Sheeps I have a new home for you that isn’t at all a prison I promise come to your prison what will you get for Christmas if you don’t know tell me what you wish you get there you go good One don’t fall off please I should use Le lead for this shouldn’t I cuz I’ve actually landed myself in it a bit yeah uh hang on a Minute he’s just walked off right okay so you sir coming here uh no you’re not what we doing are they two blocks high or one block High uh where have they gone hey have they all gone where have they gone what did the they just go to oh you guys

Let’s see we get one sheep trapped before the end of the stream you come in Here come in here I’m here look when here oh no oh oh no ready go oh no get back oh back back in here two no just not in n in oh no oh get in how’d you get them in oh I don’t know maybe this is something

For another time maybe this is something for another time do you think actually we want that there hey bricks hello I’m afraid I’m finishing up in a second I’m thinking maybe we do it a different way NOP come here get in uh in don’t don’t jump off no don’t go that oh you

Mopet oh in this case that you’re happy with smaller presents which is good can I get one up there and nud you I I’m rubbish at stuff like this you know where are they now come come to me I don’t even know what they’ve gotone they all just walking around they’re all

Right they they’re in a complete oh this is just right I think this is something for another stream cuz I’m just messing up here now that’s us aside it’s it’s time to Stop are you joking well there you go there’s your answer guys there is your answer there’s your Answer right I need to repair my light dress I’ll go and do that before I end the stream and then I’m done guys oh because right going to goair me El then it’s the end of then it’s the end of the Stream automatic saving is now disabled do

You there’s my ice Farm which just does not work at all because there’s no IE spawning on it and I don’t even know why so the that’s now done come on okay repair this Alex are you winding it all I think he’s whing you up toxic I think he’s winding you up

D all this out my inventory P play over and perfectly done it stuckers all the way over here that s think he’s winding you up you know you know he’s winding you up don’t you he’s he’s he’s writing the wrong thing to wind you up and the pearls are annoying

Okay guys I’m going to finish up time to end I’m hungry I need to go get some food uh so take care guys I’ll catch you tomorrow maybe or over the weekend or whenever have a great evening guys thanks for all the support I always appreciate it uh take care of yourselves anyway


This video, titled ‘Resource collecting and exploring! #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘History’) on 2023-12-22 21:43:41. It has garnered 44 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:47 or 11867 seconds.

Pottering around, doing some building and some adventuring on our survival server. I have been working on a Futurama inspired city since we started this new world so most streams I’m plodding away at that and some community builds too.

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    Ultimate Gaming Showdown: Minecraft GTA 5 is HERE! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 2 1 Go! edit Minecraft| Gamerfleet,Techno,yessmartypie | #shorts #viral minecraft gta 5’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2024-01-17 02:30:30. It has garnered 2513 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. 3 2 1 Go! edit minecraft| Gamerfleet,Techno,yessmartypie | #shorts #viral #youtubeshorts #subscribe Minecraft Minecraft PE Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short GAMERFLEET TECHNO GAMERZ TOTAL GAMING gamerfleet gamer fleet gamerfleet minecraft gamerfleet youtube youtube anshu bisht youtube gamerfleet techno gamerz techno gamerz gta 5 techno gamerz minecraft techno gaming minecraft techno gaming gta v minecraft techno… Read More

  • Insane Battle: 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem! #crazyfight!

    Insane Battle: 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem! #crazyfight!Video Information This video, titled ‘5 withers vs 1000 iron golem #shorts’, was uploaded by Flukzee on 2024-02-28 18:05:34. It has garnered 296 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem #shorts TAGS minecraft, minecraft, games, family friendly, mine, compote, monster school, trolling, funny, challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft pe, minecraft but, in mine, trolling trap, in minecraft, noob , minecraft 1.18, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, shady man and noob, minecraft survival, minecraft school, dream smp, roleplay, mine, survival, tutorial, minecraft animation, shady line and noob, bedrock, minecraft video,… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ MALVANI YT – NEW Minecraft Game! ๐Ÿ‘€

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ MALVANI YT - NEW Minecraft Game! ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New Game || Day 1 || Malvani Yt With Squad’, was uploaded by MALVANI YT on 2024-03-29 18:42:42. It has garnered 206 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:43 or 10663 seconds. || เคถเฅเคฐเฅ€ || โค|| เคœเคฏ เคถเคฟเคตเคฐเคพเคฏ ||โค ๐Ÿ™ Welcome To My YouTube Channel๐Ÿ™ ————————————————————————- If you are new to my channel dont forget to subscribeโœŒ ————————————————————————– 1โƒฃ Instagram:- 2โƒฃ WhatsApp Channel :- 3โƒฃ Discord Link :- ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ โคโ€๐Ÿ”ฅSince the start of my career, I have been consistent with my gameplay and always been working hard… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Can You Beat De Stille Gamer’s Record?

    The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Can You Beat De Stille Gamer's Record?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monumenta Stream 23’, was uploaded by De Stille Gamer on 2024-05-17 21:01:39. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:17 or 14657 seconds. Discord server: Music Playlist: Read More

  • Insane Speedrun of Pikmin 3 on Wii U by Janota

    Insane Speedrun of Pikmin 3 on Wii U by JanotaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pikmin 3 Wii U Speedrun’, was uploaded by Janota on 2024-06-05 07:38:42. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:39 or 8679 seconds. I have a Minecraft Server going on if you want to join click the discord link Read More

  • Greenhall

    GreenhallMultiplatform MC server for all to enjoy. This is a new venture for me, so please be patient. I am also open to install any mods or plugins required. Let me know… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ’ŽChillZone SMP 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired WhiteList Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here: Apply Here ChillZone ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer enjoyment. Quick Links: ๐ŸŒ Website ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Dynmap ๐Ÿ“ท Gallery ๐Ÿ“Š Player Statistics Our Values: Community – All players have a say in what happens, suggestions are taken seriously. Welcoming – Committed to creating a diverse environment. Stability – Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable experience. Updates – Frequent updates for a fresh experience, committed to the latest Minecraft version. Some of Our Features: – Simple claims plugin for land protection and sharing. – Vanilla Tweaks, Discord Linking,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Epic Fail – Click if You Dare

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Epic Fail - Click if You DareLooks like Steveee’s video edit didn’t exactly spark joy in anyone’s heart. Maybe next time he should stick to building dirt houses. Read More

  • PlayerX: The ARG Mystery Unraveled

    PlayerX: The ARG Mystery Unraveled In the world of Minecraft, PlayerX is in a bind, Haunted by a presence that messes with their mind. Whispers in the darkness, messages unclear, The fear is palpable, the mystery severe. Cryptic clues scattered across the land, PlayerX must unravel them, take a stand. But the entity lurks, always one step ahead, Leaving PlayerX filled with dread. Join us on this journey, a Minecraft ARG, Where the line between reality and game is blurred. Like, comment, and subscribe for more tales of fright, And share your own spooky experiences in the dead of night. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Why did the Witherstorm go to therapy? Because it had some serious block issues!” ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecrafttherapy #blockissues #gamerjokes Read More

  • Creating a Beacon Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Creating a Beacon Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Exploring the Portal Beaconcream 2024 Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the mysterious world of the Portal Beaconcream 2024. Join the community in discovering new realms, challenges, and treasures that await you in this exciting update. Donation and Community Links For those eager to support the Minecraft community, consider contributing to the cause through the donation link provided: Donate Here. Additionally, join the Discord group for lively discussions and collaborations: Join Discord Grub. Exciting Features and Channels Explore the diverse skins available, including the unique UzeMing skin: View Skin Here. Stay updated on the… Read More

  • Avengers vs Thanos in Minecraft School

    Avengers vs Thanos in Minecraft School The Epic Showdown: Monster School Faces Thanos in Minecraft Animation Thanos, the formidable villain from the movie “Avengers: Infinity War,” has set his sights on enslaving the world in the Minecraft universe. In response, Monster School rises to the challenge to save the world from this impending invasion. However, Thanos proves to be a formidable foe with his immense strength and power. A Battle of Epic Proportions The clash between Monster School and Thanos is nothing short of epic. As the monsters band together to defend their world, they face incredible odds against the mighty Thanos. The animation captures… Read More

  • DANGEROUS SURPRISES! Minecraft 15th Anniversary Map with Epic Challenges!

    DANGEROUS SURPRISES! Minecraft 15th Anniversary Map with Epic Challenges!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15 Year Anniversary map! With Puzzles, Minigames and more! [ TheWoodsmanJack VT ]’, was uploaded by TheWoodsmanJack on 2024-05-27 21:00:36. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:04 or 12844 seconds. Minecraft: 15 Year Journey: A Map Full Of Nostalgia! Hey, Jack here, and thanks for joining into my stream on YouTube or on Kick. Here’s a link to my Kick, come and join the community Instagram: Twitter/X: Discord: #minecraft #envtuber #vtuber #cozygaming Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Nightmare Seeds Revealed!

    Sneaky Minecraft Nightmare Seeds Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the Darkest Depths: Unveiling Minecraft’s Top 3 Nightmare Seeds’, was uploaded by Crafty on 2024-05-27 21:30:06. It has garnered 14 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:06 or 426 seconds. Dive into the chilling realms of Minecraft’s most bone-chilling seeds as we embark on a journey through terror and thrill. Brace yourself for spine-tingling encounters and heart-pounding moments as we unveil the top 3 scariest seeds ever encountered. Join us as we navigate through haunted landscapes, eerie structures, and unearth the darkest secrets lurking within Minecraft’s vast world. Are you… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Brain Challenges! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿง  #MinecraftShorts

    Insane Minecraft Brain Challenges! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿง  #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft challenges be like ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜‚#minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by S.S Brainy on 2024-05-03 15:22:22. It has garnered 859 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. 1 subscribe makes me happy ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • The Incredible New Iron Farm in Evoneko’s World | Minecraft

    The Incredible New Iron Farm in Evoneko's World | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realm, new waiting for someone to build an Iron farm. | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Evoneko on 2024-04-05 06:19:24. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:25 or 6385 seconds. Like my Streams if you enjoy my content. It Helps a lot if you Like and Subscribe Today we are playing: Minecraft my socials: Discord: (i’m most active here) Twitter: Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ REGORTREAD HACK – Insane trap on Minecraft servers!

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ REGORTREAD HACK - Insane trap on Minecraft servers!Video Information This video, titled ‘La mejor trampa para hacer en servers de Minecraft!’, was uploaded by REGORTREAD on 2024-01-12 17:00:15. It has garnered 8915986 views and 698819 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. IP of my server: JAVA: BEDROCK: and Port: 19132 Twitch: Discord Channel: Instagram: Read More

  • Epic Twitch stream in exclusive Minecraft realm! Tune in!

    Epic Twitch stream in exclusive Minecraft realm! Tune in!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: in sorlo’s realm (No one can join, sry)’, was uploaded by Cody Cola Twitch Streams on 2024-03-01 01:41:59. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:14 or 8774 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • Unlock Sasuke Monarch’s Secret in Minecraft Live

    Unlock Sasuke Monarch's Secret in Minecraft LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Minecraft Live Hindi public smp live java + pe || free to join || Sasuke Monarch’, was uploaded by Sasuke Monarch on 2024-01-14 01:59:50. It has garnered 21 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:05 or 6185 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags ๐Ÿ™‚ 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas… Read More

  • Epic Endstone Golem Battle vs All Mobs! ๐ŸŽฎ #Minecraft

    Epic Endstone Golem Battle vs All Mobs! ๐ŸŽฎ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Minecraft Battle:endstone golem vs all mobs #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Fungal craft on 2024-05-10 12:58:04. It has garnered 1056 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. Amazing Minecraft Battle:endstone golem vs all mobs #minecraft #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob farm 1.20, minecraft… Read More

  • Get Ready for Insane Minecraft Beats with Matt!

    Get Ready for Insane Minecraft Beats with Matt!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play Minecraft (official song)’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-03-28 20:33:34. It has garnered 674 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:34 or 154 seconds. Join my server IP address with port: or if you need more help connecting check out my website We have a tutorial for every device you can play on. PLAY MINECRAFT You need to do your homework I’d rather play Minecraft You need to eat your supper I’d rather play Minecraft You need to do your homework I’d rather play Minecraft You need to… Read More

  • CrimsonvaleSMP

    CrimsonvaleSMPWelcome to CrimsonvaleSMP, We are a economy server with grief prevention, custom items and pets, we strive to create a friendly and welcoming community and to keep gameplay interesting with frequent content updates! Read More

  • Breb’s Bedrock Pvp Origins Realm!

    Welcome to Our PvP-Focused Minecraft Bedrock Server with the Origins Mod! Join Now Join our vibrant community on a PvP-focused Bedrock server enhanced with the Origins mod for an exhilarating Minecraft experience! Why Join Us? Dynamic PvP Environment: Test your skills against fellow players in intense battles while adhering to fair play rules. Unique Abilities: The Origins mod gives you special abilities tailored to your chosen origin for combat and exploration. Active Community: Engage in epic PvP skirmishes, form alliances, and compete in thrilling events. Protected Bases: Build and protect your fortress with traps and defenses; offline raiding is banned…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Piglins: The New Minecraft Geniuses

    Minecraft Memes - Piglins: The New Minecraft GeniusesWhy are Piglins so smart? Because they always bring home the bacon! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves! In the new Minecraft update, what should we see? More mobs, more blocks, or maybe a new tree? Players are eager, they want something fresh, To keep them engaged, to put them to the test. Perhaps new biomes, with colors so bright, Or new tools and weapons to win every fight. Maybe new structures, hidden in the land, To explore and discover, with shovel in hand. But let’s not forget, the small details too, Bug fixes and tweaks, to make the game true. So many possibilities, so much to explore, In the new Minecraft update, what will we adore? Read More

  • “Building a base with noobs vs pros in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚” #shorts #memes

    "Building a base with noobs vs pros in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚" #shorts #memes “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, your base looks like a sad little dirt hut. But when you’re a pro, you’ve got a mansion with a swimming pool and a pet llama named Larry.” #minecraftgoals #buildingupfromdirt Read More

  • Gear Up for Chaos! Minecraft Let’s Play

    Gear Up for Chaos! Minecraft Let's Play Gearing Up in Minecraft: Ep. 3 – Strugglebus Adventures Exploring the World of Minecraft In this episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our intrepid gamers embark on a quest for diamonds to craft some shiny blue gear. Armed with a pickaxe enchanted with Fortune, they delve deep into the world of Minecraft in search of these precious gems. World Info Version: 1.20.1 Seed: -1056946488598000456 Mods Our players enhance their Minecraft experience with a variety of mods, including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, Replay Mod, Simple Hud Utilities, Mod Menu, Iris Shaders, Continuity, Entity Texture Features, and Logical Zoom. These… Read More

  • Automate Magic with Applied and Mekanism

    Automate Magic with Applied and Mekanism Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Automation with Applied and Mekanism Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when delving into the realm of mods. In the latest episode, the focus is on automation, with a selection of mods from the 1.20.1 version of Minecraft. From familiar favorites to brand new discoveries, there’s plenty to keep both players and viewers entertained. Episode Highlights As the episode unfolds, viewers are treated to a mix of gameplay and lively conversation. The host shares insights, tips, and of course, a healthy dose of frustration – not from themselves, but from the… Read More

  • Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!

    Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Relaxing Long Let’s Play #Series5 #Episode #025 | #letsplay #resourcepack #1.20 #Livestream’, was uploaded by WASH3D on 2024-04-24 20:19:27. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:26 or 15986 seconds. Minecraft Hard Survival in 1.20 Haven’t played Minecraft in a while. Wanted to hop back on Resource Packs!! I made my own for 1.19 Check them all out here This is a Technoblade Totem resource pack. This is a black & white Hardcore Hearts & XP bar with Diamond Armor. This is a… Read More