Sharks UNLEASHED! Testing Minecraft’s Terrifying Myths!

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Back when I was a kid I had caught something so terrifying it sends chills down my spine hold up guys look look look this is only a glimpse as to what we’re going to witness today make sure to comment the scariest part and subscribe so you never miss a movie and

If you stay until the very end I have a little surprise for you okay guys it is currently 3:43 in the morning you can see the day I’m recording this 3:43 in the morning I’m going to head to bed right now um oh you gosh you can’t even

See me can you let me turn on the light okay I’m going to head to bed right now guys um I’m going to I have a I have a few alarms set so I can wake up every few hours but I’m going to put my camera

Down and uh we’ll go from there um you can still see the ring light is on in the office right now if you see that little light behind the door that is the ring light all the other lights are off um but other than that guys I’m GNA head

To bed I’ll see you guys soon so I’m G to put my camera down hold [Applause] up oh Bro there’s my alarm okay guys it’s currently almost 5: in the morning right now you can see so oh jeez bro that’s bright okay so I just wake up just woke up from my alarm I’m going to go check on the computer and see what’s going on um but other than

That it’s been a solid sleep I haven’t I don’t know nothing weird has gone on so I’m going to go check real quick hold up okay okay everything’s still going all seems good still Minecraft’s still there the camera’s still rolling so everything still seems okay guys uh I don’t know I

I think I’m I just okay hold up I just saw a fireball I just saw a fireball I swear guys I I literally just saw a fireball um there’s random Fire over there too you guys can see that oh like I haven’t moved like you can literally check the original

Frame my guy just got lightning okay um hold up this is a okay I’m going to head to bed like I said I’m literally not even touching it guys like nobody’s in the office like there’s nobody here um I’m going to head to bed for the of the

Time and see if I can get some sleep so hold up I just heard a sound from my laundry room it’s literally right across from my bedroom look you can literally see it’s right there you can literally see it right there I’m not even kidding okay it’s right there

So did you guys hear that hold up I’ll I’ll amplify the volume so you guys can can hear it a little bit more but I’m actually really scared right now if I hear it again I’m going to go check it out it’s definitely not my dog look my dog’s upstairs he doesn’t he

Doesn’t sleep with me you did you hear That I literally just Tred going back to bed too what why is this up this was not here when I went to bed that I know that for a fact why is the ironing board here this ironing board hold up what is there anything what

The okay guys hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up okay guys let me explain something to you that ironing board okay that ironing board was from my old house when I first moved out okay that like we didn’t come we didn’t take it with us okay

We that is so weird it’s weird because I’ve never seen that ironing board like unless it was from my old house so I moved back when I was like 4 years old and I remember my mom she had she had this ironing board and it was the look

It looked the exact same it had like of like stars or like uh Suns on it but that one was literally standing there when I opened the laundry room door I don’t iron I don’t know even how yes okay it’s bad but if somebody used the ironing board they firstly they would

Have used a steel one cuz that old one was like destroyed and secondly they would put it away okay uh everything seems okay there’s still fire there my hearts have regenerated but I don’t know a tree randomly just spawn like I’m literally hold up look look at that

Watch I won’t even move this camera okay my other hand right here the other one’s on the camera I’m literally not even doing anything right now guys look look look look look look okay look I’m not even touching it guys what was that sound hold up hold up

Did you guys hear that as well did you what the that literally came from the laundry room what the hold up guys what the okay what the now there’s his back room uh I don’t know guys but this has not been used since my old house I don’t know how

It got here and I don’t know why it’s standing here okay everyone watching on this point of view I literally just turned off the camera you guys saw that I I just turned off the camera I’m going to turn off the computer now um what the what the heck what

Is guys guys everything literally just changed okay I’m going to stop recording now and I’m going to head to bed and log off of Minecraft okay and now to make things even more uncomfortable I launched up a Minecraft world and I put

In the seed # 0 0 0 0 0 6 zos which when you translate it is the color code black that is all black color code so you’ll see it on screen okay that is the color code # 0000 0 6 zeros I was reading this up on

A forum and this actually spawns the character null I was on as you guys could see I have some tools and I actually witnessed some really scary stuff let’s get into this guys so I’m in my Minecraft world and of course nobody’s online as you guys could see

Okay wow there’s a lot of cool colorful sheep um but I was experiencing a lot of really weird stuff um I survived one night and there was lightning and stuff at at nighttime which it wasn’t thunderstorming which I found very odd which I found very odd however nonetheless I didn’t question it I

Wanted to start filming for you guys and and what I figured I would do is I’m going to start just by building a basic house and just trying to survive the night okay hold up I thought I heard a creeper before I started recording there’s a creeper that walked up to me

As I was setting up the recording and I almost died that’s why there’s a giant hole that you guys saw it was really scary but nonetheless though guys seriously I want to thank you guys so much for all your support and everything that has been going on with green Steve

And red Steve and all that stuff I’m actually going to be setting up I’m setting up a website where you guys can come online and and help me figure out what’s going on with with red Steve Green Steve and all that stuff and and just everything so coming soon guys

You’ll see it there’s going to be a website all that stuff with all for all this insane stuff but nonetheless seriously guys please comment down below if you guys know what’s going on I I really hope I actually get some footage for this because I’ve been waiting I I

Some weird stuff started happening and I was like okay I’m I’m going to start recording because like this is really really weird so I started recording and I just I really want to try and capture some weird stuff or whatever’s going on and again again it’s actually 11:11 at

Night right now it’s literally 11:11 p.m. and um it’s it’s like legit night time guys um and I am spooked out because 11-11 it’s almost midnight when I’m playing Minecraft right now and it’s super spooky and it’s raining of course all right um I’m going to make a house

Real quick because I do not want to get stuck in the rain so let me real quick make just a basic house because I really just don’t want to get stuck in the rain right now guys this is just not something I want to get myself

Into what the heck it just went to nighttime yo what oh my gosh it just went to night time oh my gosh guys did you see that it literally just went to night time oh my gosh what the heck it literally just went to night time guys how oh that

Ender scared me oh my gosh he was right there it just what is with all these Endermans there’s so many Endermans around me it literally just went to nighttime randomly oh my gosh I I kind of want to go out there but I’m I’m like really spooked right

Now okay I don’t look at the end okay I’m going to go out oh my gosh at least what the there’s Bedrock guys I promise look look no one’s online no one’s online no one’s online guys look I’m serious oh my gosh I’m so scared right now I literally

Have go did you guys see that right there right there guys right there right there the Bedrock just appeared I I’m serious the Bedrock just appeared oh my gosh yo yo yo yo yo oh my gosh I did not see this before I did not

See this last time I did not see this when I was playing on my own oh my gosh oh my gosh no no I’m moving I’m moving there’s so many enem around here oh my gosh what the heck is going on I’m getting up in this

Tree Hold Up Guys what is going on right now it is so dark with my lights on it’s kind of hard to see things so you got there’s more Bedrock right here and same goes for down here oh my gosh oh what the guys look I’m not messing around with you guys

Right now okay it is currently really bright okay I have three lights on me right now so it’s hard to see Minecraft so you guys will see things that I can’t see the best but I am legit so spooked out right now guys I was legit not expecting this to actually happen I

Thought it was going to be like some small stuff the lightning is happening again but that could just be cuz it’s thunderstorming I don’t know this is so scary oh my gosh okay can I break the bed obviously I know you can’t break bedrock but if what happens if I try and

Mine it nothing’s happening obviously I’m not going to not going to be able to do anything okay well I can’t break the Bedrock um I don’t have any wool so it’s not like I can go to bed what the heck this is so weird guys what should I do

Oh my gosh that was close that is this is way too close for comfort now guys oh gosh the Ender are getting really upset holy cow what the flip is going on dude oh the rain’s done I don’t I don’t know what I’m like I I I don’t

Know what to do I’m like I’m so spooked I don’t know what to do um uh okay I’m I’m going to Adventure out I’m an adventure out I’m not going to stay at the house staying there is not going to it’s not going to do do any

Good dude there are so many oh my gosh what the lightning is literally staying so close to me hold up I’m going to okay hold up I’m I’m going to make a bed I’m going to make a bed I’m going to make a bed oh there’s skeleton okay skeleton

Skeleton skeleton skeleton skeleton come on kill SL sheep there we go there we go got it got it got okay go come on come on come on here we go do I have three okay I have three okay I’m going to go back to the house oh no no no no no no

This not good okay I need to go back to the house right now I need to go back to the house right now I need to make a bed oh my gosh oh no not a creeper not a creeper not a creeper leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me

Alone no no no no no no no no no please please please please please okay okay there we go there we go get inside get inside oh no where’s my door there it is oh flip oh flip there we go okay okay oh my gosh wait what what just hit Me what was that something just hit me hold on I’m making a bed I’m making a bed I’m going to bed of course there’s monsters nearby are you serious how the flip am I supposed to survive this I I don’t want to stay in the house

Because like I legit I want to like go out and like explore let me try and kill the monsters maybe hold up where are the monsters at oh that that’s why there’s a spider right there come on die there we go okay maybe I can try and sleep now let me try

And sleep there we go okay that’s much better I can finally sleep oh thank goodness okay it’s daytime there we go that’s a little bit better I can actually see stuff now that’s better ah thank goodness there’s a witch over there I don’t want to mess with the

Witch witch oh my gosh guys this is so weird why is there Bedrock here wait it’s gone did you guys see that the Bedrock disappeared what the flip the Bedrock is literally gone um okay I’m going to Adventure off now now that it’s daytime and I can kind

Of see more I’m going to Adventure off and see if I can find anything or if anything goes down there’s so many Enderman around here too that’s very weird maybe the is the spawn rate of Enderman increased in 1.10 or something like I don’t I don’t I don’t know like I

Don’t know if the spawn rate’s been increased or if it’s been changed or modified cuz like there’s so many flipping Enderman right now dude oh there’s a pumpkin here I’m going to take the pumpkin there we go I know pumpkins are normal but like I’m not going to

Nothing weird about that you know um what the flip oh there’s a wolf okay I don’t there’s this is so weird like nothing’s happening um hold up let me I’m going to try and stay on the rooftop of the trees because I feel like I could see more

When I’m on top of all the trees like I I could just like obviously I see more land oh is it already it’s already almost night time are you kidding me bro what the flip are you kidding me right now oh my gosh okay I’m staying on the

Trees I do not feel safe why is it almost night time I just slept my guy just slept literally like a minute ago and it’s already Sunset what the heck okay most definitely with the seed I recomend I don’t know okay I I will advise you guys if you want to try this

Out for yourself you can just I beg you I beg you guys please be careful with this oh my gosh it’s night time it just it just changed right to full night time guys I okay if you guys want to try this out of course go ahead but please

Be careful with this guys I don’t this is all an experiment to me I don’t know what is going to happen I don’t know what will happen with this seed honestly nothing’s happening so I’m going to actually write this down but it it seems that there’s what’s it

Called um so there’s been lightning um and raining Enderman spawn right and uh oh Bedrock okay I wrote that down on a a sticky note okay um oh my gosh the whole top of this just turned a bedro Rock I’m in F5 guys look at this look at this I’m literally I I’m

In F5 you can see everything what the flip the lightning struck over here I’m going to try and follow the lightning there’s Bedrock down there too did you guys see that there’s literally Bedrock there too the bedrocks are all on the top of trees why is that happening the bedrocks are literally all

On on top of the trees hold up is there something over here maybe is there like some sort of like artifact or something cuz remember I had this issue on my server before where like artifacts are being stolen and stuff but like hold on I’m going to

Go to this tree and let me see if there’s something up here that maybe I’m missing oh are you kidding me skeletons really I don’t see anything um there’s literally nothing here dude it’s I can’t break the Bedrock either what happens if I just try and just break the Bedrock does something

Happen nothing literally nothing’s happening I obviously I know you can’t break bedrock in Minecraft but there’s literally nothing going on oh my gosh dude look at this path of Bedrock I can’t what the is a tree decaying the tree is decaying that’s odd wait all the trees

Are decaying what the heck all all them are decaying that’s really weird wait why are all these trees decaying do you guys see that hold up hold up hold up all these trees lost their logs what the heck is going on bro I didn’t break that obviously you guys saw

I didn’t break that I still haven’t seen anything I want to find something what the heck all the trees in this region are decaying every even the one I’m standing on is decay oh my gosh bro what is going on what the flip I literally don’t know how to

Respond to this guys legit everything is Decay oh my gosh hold up oh my gosh I’m going to hold on I’m Legit going to die oh my go I need to eat I need to eat this is not good oh my gosh it’s all the G it’s all the gang underneath me it’s

All no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh no no I still haven’t found anything guys I haven’t found anything oh my gosh this is so weird what the flip bro everything is the k oh my gosh

This whole tree is decaying everything is decaying like literally oh my gosh whoa whoa what the flip yo yo every what it’s all turning oh no no no no no everywhere I walk it’s turning into Bedrock everywhere I walk it’s turning into Bedrock oh my gosh guys this is so

Scary this is not good oh my gosh no no no no no no okay okay this is not good this is really not good guys every block I step on turns into Bedrock okay hold up I won’t move and everything is turning into Bedrock as I got older I began finding things

That were unimaginable first things first of course this is not the same world as it was back in Alpha Minecraft they must have updated a lot of stuff in this world this is a very interesting spawn point I I must say I got to hand it to

Them this is crazy uh so really guys with this video I wanted to just I wanted to really explore the world to see if anything would happen if you guys really do like this video we can do another one where we where we spend 24 hours in this place which I don’t know

About you guys but that sounds freaking awesome now let’s see real quick can I even find a tree anywhere near here like is there is there any wood I can chop oh my gosh the whole world’s not loading why do I feel like I’m going to fall

Through the Earth I’m scared oh we have signs of a regular biome coming up please dude these mountains are freaking crazy bro oh my gosh this is actually insane oh all right let’s just go ahead and mine this trie we’re going to grab all the basic resources that we

Obviously need here my whole goal for this entire video is to debunk the myth of Herobrine to see if he’s actually in this version or not I mean like there’s been I there’s been Hundreds what wait what what just did those leaves just get broken what yo that’s a little weird bro that’s a little bit sus okay as I was saying uh there’s been so many rumors out there of like yes Herobrine’s real no Herobrine’s not real look we’re just like a news

Reporter here that’s all we’re doing we’re like the ghost hunters we’re the ones that go out in the field to see if this is actually legit or not even if Herobrine wasn’t real I have a really good feeling that maybe this that maybe the seed itself is cursed like what if

There’s something going on that M that Mojang or Minecraft never even told us about and that’s what this seed is I mean there’s a there’s a chance that that there’s a chance that could be the case okay I got I got plenty of wood we

Should be fine next next thing is food I have probably spawned in the absolute worst place when it comes to trying to find food I literally nothing lives here see some squid down there but no fish dude gosh dang it oh yo what no way yo

This is sick it’s like a little mini M shaft over here oh my gosh is there any chest down here I can oh I hear a skeleton okay yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep we’re not going to challenge that just yet oh God he’s

Coming he’s coming out he’s coming out isn’t he yep he’s totally coming out at the very least just let me get a sword and a pickaxe please okay oh I hear a pig there’s a pig nearby piggy piggy come back piggy thank you you’re going

To be my first source of food thank you so much Pig I’m sorry I had to do it to him oh I see a chest I see a chest I see a chest I see a chest ooh Golden Apple yo let’s go that’s a pretty rare find

I’m not going to lie I’m actually really happy about that skeleton you can just stay back there I don’t want to mess with you uh now let’s see here uh where does this lead I’ve actually never explored this before this oh there’s another chest right there oh let’s go oh

There’s some fish too I just want to grab all the resources that I need right now so so come night time we’ll be set and we don’t have to worry about grabbing food I know going to be a million in one mobs out so I really just

Want to make sure we’re good now I need you guys to leave a like on today’s video okay it greatly supports the channel and it tells me that you guys really like these kinds of videos so please just go ahead and leave a like it would mean everything to

Me there was a chest here like 4 seconds ago and now there’s a pig but hey I got bread though Y what did it break did the pig like stand on it and just it broke I mean I know pigs are heavy but I didn’t think they were that heavy gosh dang all

Right well we have gotten uh some decent starter resources here we got some food let me just grab some stone tools and I just want to keep venturing off I really want to get out of this biome I just want to get a move on I really just want

To get out of this biome I’m getting really eerie Vibes I mean look literally everything around us is a dead Bush what if the dead bushes our grave of the old players that used to wander this world oh my God okay yeah I really want to get

Out of here now oh wait what is this oh my gosh nice little M shaft down there okay we might have to go and explore that all right let’s go check this out real quick wait wait satisfying moment hold up yes oh my gosh I love it all

Right let’s go down real quick we’re going to make this mining trip very quick guys I really don’t want to spend a whole lot of time here let’s grab some of this iron quick time quick time there we go nice it’s looking a little bit dark and spooky down

There that was not there that was not that was not there well how did that how did yo wait what that was a diamond a second ago that was literally a diamond what yo what all right guys yep that’s confirmed there there is something very off with this world if it’s not

Herobrine it’s something I don’t know what yo that is creepy that is creepy bro can y’all like go back just like a couple seconds and just verify for me that that was actually diamonds and now it’s gold again wait wait wait wait I I

Need to go check it I need to go check it I don’t Al I also don’t remember all the sand being here bro wait what this was literally not here a second ago did all the sand collapse or something yo what the actual heck is going on yo okay

That’s weird that’s weird this is this is where I get all the heebie jeebies fromo this is so creepy okay we got some more iron everything is looking up so far oh God please no zombies stay away from me where’s the light yo I saw the

Light and then I turned around and this all dropped bro what where are these zombies coming from as well I literally don’t even see them bro okay I just got pushed by the sand again okay all right you know what we’re going to get out of here we’re going to I I do

Not like this at all I do not like this at all I feel like I’m going to get suffocated by all this sand oh yo yo y yo yo yo y’all just saw that get placed you just saw that get placed I swear I literally just witnessed that it’s getting covered up

It’s it’s getting covered up no no no no no no no no I do not I am not getting locked in here I am not getting locked in here that’s the last thing that’s happened to me today no thank you no it’s almost night time too bro I said by

Night time I’d have a house and I don’t even have yo it’s what what y stop I’m literally getting blocked in I’m literally getting blocked in okay okay we’re out we’re out we’re out bro no thanks no thanks I do not like that at all I was legitimately getting covered

Up how is it I I I’m at a bro how is any of this happening this literally makes no sense before I start freaking out too much I want to re I really want to evaluate everything I really want to evaluate everything that’s going on there’s literally a

Freaking Charged Creeper that just got ignited right there oh my God bro I said I was going to have a house and I don’t even have I don’t even have anything near close to a house right now bro come on there’s so many freaking skeletons no

Stay away stay away stay away stay away stay away stay away oh my God a witch are you freaking serious bro these zombies aggro like 50 blocks away of course come on we just got to keep moving I really don’t want to be stuck here come on bro this is the last thing

I really want dude this biome is massive how does this even make any sense what the where did this water come from bro oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God this is not looking too hot yo this is starting to sketch me out way

Too much I have no idea how this is even happening oh we got a desert biome wait is that a snow biome coming up yo just let me get out of here oh it is a snow biome I guess I got to be careful with what you wish for I’d rather I’d rather

Be in the snow than in a desert come on come on just let me get out of here let me just get out of here okay thank you very much thank you oh my gosh bro oh my gosh this new seed is so freaking weird I mean you spawn in the weirdest spawn

Ever then you have this giant snow biome with lightning bro bro this is this is not cool I don’t like this are you freaking serious bro I’m going to stay away from you I don’t want to mess with you there’s floating snow somehow I thought they fixed those glitches back

In the alpha days but apparently not oh my God bro bro I don’t know what’s going on I do not like this at all come on let’s just keep moving bro I can barely see where I’m even going oh my gosh just get me out of here please no stay away

From me no don’t shoot me with a bow please bro can I find some sheep I just want to go to bed I just want to make this all be over with oh my gosh no no no no no let’s keep going let’s keep going please oh village Village yes oh

My God oh my God yes this is literally my Saving Grace hey this guy must be a Canadian this guy totally must be can hey hey villager is it cool if I sleep in your house he he just he just he he just vanished okay you know what it’s got to

Be cool I’m going to bed I am going to bed oh we did it we did it yes we made it oh my gosh thank you so much thank you so freaking much dude hello do you have anything in here nope you got a bed though so I’m going to take the bed

Thank you very much any hay bals laying around ooh is there There were there were potion particles right there and this is completely full of puzzle bro what I thought for a second maybe that was a traitor y’all I’m getting really sketched out I have not done a lore in such a long time and we come back to this this is really

Starting to freak me out bro I don’t know if I want to keep doing these LS man these are way too sketchy uh what can I get rid of okay red sand red sand who just rang the bell who is doing this all right I I I genuinely think it’s

Confirmed if there’s no Herobrine in this world okay fair fair play there definitely has to be but this sced is definitely haunted no doubt about it I mean bro this is all happening in front of our eyes literally literally I joined the world not even not even 15 minutes

Ago and all this is happening like this is all legitimately happening in front of us like I there’s I I don’t know what else to say oh my gosh got snowballs and more potatoes okay cool okay let’s just keep on moving through the entire world so here’s all the information that I’ve

Gathered so far number one seed that was posted on Minecraft at home is not the same is not the same world generated as it used to be that’s fine but if there was any sort of haunted things going on in the original Herobrine seed I mean it

Is confirmed that it’s still ongoing we found another Village bro what what what are the odds of that what are the freaking odds of that we started off now what’s going on with you Gollum why are you taking damage why are you taking damage what’s you’re literally not

Nothing’s around you what see this started off very rough but now we’re looking a little bit better thank goodness what is going on I keep hearing things break y’all I’m just going to go quiet for like a couple seconds so you guys can listen to this cuz like me over

Talking might like hide the audio a bit but I literally keep hearing things break all around me oh we got some coal and bread let’s go yo who’s hitting the Bell okay maybe there’s a villager just doing that but like I don’t understand why there’s no raid going on right now so that

Literally makes no I don’t even see the bell I don’t even see the Bell where is it bro what like what is happening something that that door just broke yo it was the door guys I don’t know what to say about this this is so sketchy legitimately I am so freaked out

Right now I have no idea what’s even going on let’s real quick just explore this just to see if there’s any extra materials that we can find inside uh oh a chest oh nice we got some iron that’s cool dude we got 18 iron let’s go oh my

Gosh bro I am just like I keep saying the same thing I’m at a loss of freaking words okay let’s go ahead and craft a boat here we’re going to go we’re going to set on Shore any second here but I want to grab us some

Extra okay okay you know what we’re just going to go now we’re just we’re just going to go right now I do not want to stick around for any of this y’ can somebody explain this to me like genuinely can somebody explain this to me this makes like okay all right there

Goes my crafting table I lit Lally like bro I I cannot explain this myself this world is 1,000 1,000 1,000% guaranteed haunted like literally guaranteed haunted I would strictly advise anybody that wants to go through on this world to be extremely careful I mean this video is literally living proof that

There is something going on the seed itself very weirdly generated but there’s actually things going on bro I I don’t even know what to say about this this is this is so weird oh my gosh okay if you guys want me to go on this seed with other YouTubers maybe we bring

Action maybe we bring moose let me know Down Below in the comments comments cuz this could be totally something that we could all dive deep together and try and solve this whole mystery cuz I know they’re all in for all this kind of crazy stuff too there was a name tag

Down here there was legitimately just a name tag oh all the TNT ignited what how did the TNT ignite I legitimately saw a name tag bro what hold up we got to go down we got to go down bro what uh what is happening right now Flash Forward to 2018 we found something

Nobody would believe if it wasn’t caught on camera and I don’t know what the flips been going on but I’m hearing like weird sounds and like I don’t even know what it is it’s 4:00 and I have school tomorrow I haven’t gone to sleep I don’t know where

It’s coming like it sounds like it’s coming from the laundry room which is across fromont bedroom look so I’m literally in my bedroom like I said guys and right over there is my laundry room look look there’s a there’s a door right in there and that’s where the laundry

Room is okay and I’ve been hearing all these freaking noises all night I don’t even know what’s going on but guys I’m going to try and get to bed and tomorrow when I’m done school I’m going to see exactly what is going on because this is

Getting out of hand came pretty far out in Minecraft and I started recording right when I saw this this is a redstone torch with a gravel path so I started recording right away right when I saw this because I was like okay you know what this is where something is probably

Going to happen so I still have all the stuff and as you guys can see I still have the book um and I actually haven’t noticed any Fireballs or any explosions uh since uh since I’ve kind of ran I’ve ran pretty pretty far guys so this is

Where I wanted to follow this path and kind of see where everything goes because at this point guys I wanted to I just I really want to see exactly what this book was talking about and exactly how all this stuff is going down because honestly I don’t I don’t really

Understand like what’s all going on but I mean you know it’s I just I wanted to really just check it out guys um but nonetheless guys if you are enjoying this and all that stuff please make sure that you guys do leave a like on today’s video you guys also subscribe and slap

That Bell so you guys are going to be notified every single time we upload a brand new video on this channel because this stuff is scary guys okay this stuff is really scary okay I don’t you know what I’m not good with scary maps in general and this is just a whole

New level okay seriously like this is scary stuff so oh Mr Piggy just like oh I’m just going to chill over here this this Redstone you know yes um now I don’t know where EX exactly to go because okay the Redstone torches go this way wait what now it just kind of

Ends it’s like a weird path almost guys I don’t know what the flip is going on I I don’t know why this is all what the what the flip dude what do you guys see this do you guys see that right what the flip is

That bro this thing is it’s like a it’s like a cave with like a bro what the flip okay hold up we’re going to go inside guys um this is absolutely insane guys what the flip this is this literally doesn’t make any sense as to why or how this

Would happen um Mr Piggy what are you doing Mr Piggy what I tell you about going to the cobwebs okay guys so this is my first time actually seeing this structure but it seems like it’s some sort of tent here with I don’t know but but guys if you guys do see anything

Weird throughout this video I want you guys to please make sure that you guys do grab your device that you’re watching this on and take a screenshot and send it to me on Twitter 09 Shark Boy and Instagram so we can kind of do more further research on this stuff guys

Because this is seriously getting out of hand and it’s yo my heart just dropped man oh my gosh holy flip make sure you guys do send that to me on Twitter and Instagram guys because and everyone that does send it to me I will follow you guys back uh

Please make sure you guys do send if you guys do see anything you know really really scary through this video okay I’m actually going to clear all the cobweb so I can kind of move around here because if I if this is going to be a

Place where I can kind of hide out this is definitely where I’ll stay uh let’s get the cobwebs out here oh jeez bro I really don’t know what the flip happened at this place guys because this I don’t know man there’s just something really eerie about this place here and I don’t

I really don’t like it um now let me just break some of the stuff here just kind of oh jeez dude what the flip okay there’s string here um oh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay um guys I was reading through a lot of your

Comments and I I really don’t know what the flip I should do this place is like Beyond scary guys like I legitimately have no idea what the flip I should be doing luckily it is going daytime though which is going to help us out actually a

Lot um let me get rid of all the cobwebs like I did say now one thing we could do guys we could try and maybe kind of bring this place up a little bit where it’s not as scary anymore and we could try and maybe survive here I don’t know

But if this video does hit 10,000 likes guys I will indeed uh open this and put this on a public Minecraft server so you guys can come and join so make sure right now you guys send this to all your friends that you know share this upon Twitter Instagram with all your friends

Right now guys because this is seriously getting really really scary and I really don’t know what the flip we’re supposed to be doing like in regards to taking whatever this is out um I don’t know man there’s just a lot of really scary stuff here dude okay squid can you quad down

Mr Squid please man I’m try to record a Minecraft video okay dude um but nonetheless though guys I I just I feel like maybe if we the I heard a bow skeletons don’t shoot squids do they oh Jee bro what the flip what the flip is going

On okay this is actually getting really sketched out now guys um I don’t know what what was that sound what was that sound I heard is that like an end Pearl being thrown what the what is that sound where where is that coming from what okay bro this is sketching out

Man this is ow what the flip where did that where did that hit me from from behind what it’s behind me uh oh no oh oh oh oh oh no okay okay please please please please please leave me alone chill chill please just everything’s going to be okay yeah ow ow

Chill CH chill chill chill okay okay please oh my gosh bro what the flip is going on guys I don’t know what the flip I I legitimately don’t know how the flip we’re supposed to be dealing with this guy this guys this and now to the present day these

Are the scariest Minecraft Mysteries we’ve ever caught on camera starting off with we have this a user on Reddit by the name of only one Secura they posted this screenshot in Minecraft of a cave with a a blatant cross in the center of it now whether they decided to build

This or they actually found it is the real question and this post on Minecraft seeds. net from a user in a hardcore world of a cross floating in the sky now again did they build this or was it naturally generated there’s only one way to find out and we need to look for

Ourselves now we all know that Minecraft does have terrain generation glitches and sometimes it will randomly generate oddl looking shapes even something like this this may not be a cross but it’s certainly very random now let’s think about it for just a moment here in order for Minecraft to generate a cross it

Only requires five blocks and the orientation is not weird in fact it’s a lot less weird than something like this in fact all it needs to do is have four blocks going straight up and one block on the left and one block on the right

And there you have it now to find this naturally generated somewhere in the world is another question and if you’ve ever seen anything like this in your world let me know Down Below in the comment section I’m going to make sure to respond to hundreds of you guys now

Being honest here flying around I’m not really seeing much I mean perhaps it was a world seed or potentially this is just all silly clickbait but I am going to fly around for quite some time to confirm my theory and now are pillagers secretly a civilization that attempted

To overthrow Villages now before we can answer that question we need to begin where everything starts which is the village and inside of the village we have a comfortable happy civilization Farms crops animals villagers and all of their homes but the question is did pillagers and illers want overthrow a

Village to claim it as their own what’s ironic is very close to many villages is a Pillager Outpost in fact there’s literally one right there now are the pillagers potentially planning for a raid on the village or are they marking their territory close to the Village Village that’s a question that we all

Are wanting to ask would you notice the statues that are outside of the Pillager Outpost it’s almost similar to how you would craft a Golem sure there are some distinct differences however it’s as if they are mocking The Village letting them know that they can overthrow The

Village at any time and even weirder they’ve been collecting a lot of things from the village such as these pumpk pumpkins which can also be found right on the south side of the village and the wo which is commonly used for all the Villager beds is also something that’s

Looted but this jail cell out here is this used to capture villagers and contain them while they prep moving them to the Woodland mansion and even weirder when you come inside of the Outpost you’ll notice there is next to nothing here besides on on the top floor with a

Chest containing loot from both the village and The Outpost I mean again we have crops for example which a Outpost does not have the only place they would be able to loot this from would be the village with that being said do pillagers secretly begin looting Villages at night time to them

Of their resources this might be a bold claim but it’s worth a shot to try if we set the game mode to nighttime we’ll be able to see if pillagers slowly start making their way to the Village I mean there’s only one way they’d be able to

Start looting the village and it would make sense crippling the village of all their resources taking Necessities they need to survive only makes it easier when they begin the raid now at first glance it doesn’t seem like the pillagers even PR care they’re very distant and honestly nothing seems to

Change the villagers are at peace sleeping in their homes and the pillagers are still guarding out front of their Outpost now if this Theory isn’t real what happens if a village loses to the pillagers during a raid let’s go ahead and set everything back to daytime I can go ahead and type in

Effect give Zer knite Shark Boy bad Omen and if I click enter I have now been given the bad Omen effect which is going to trigger a raid to again and we’ll start to notice the village freaking out and pillagers and illers spawning and running in now raids can take quite some

Time if you’re playing in survival mode typically you want to defend the village now what happens if a village loses to a raid or perhaps something worse or the Villager captured see so far I’m not even defending in this raid whatsoever yet the Golem has killed more than half of

The villagers I’m going to step back for a moment and let this rap continue and we’re going to see what happens when it is complete okay so it’s been about 10 or 15 minutes or so and at the top of the screen you can see it says raid

Defeated now the pillagers seem to be jumping in joy and you can hear it in their sound effects that they’re significantly happy for winning this raid now that they’ve won and taken over the village does this allow them to overthrow it and turn this into a woodland Mansion the reason I say this

If we locate a mansion and we teleport to it and you guide yourself inside of it you’ll notice a lot of things that can be found in a village also inside of this Mansion things like flowers and pumpkins all the way to commonly found cats which you see in a village I mean

All of this would make sense once pillagers overthrow a village they slowly transform it into a woodland Mansion for themselves but that doesn’t answer my question because you see pillagers were introduced in Minecraft 1.14 and before then villagers were already a thing in fact they were one of

The first things in m craft so if the Pillager update is relatively new what makes this Mansion so significant and wait wait a second that actually makes so much sense just a moment here if I save these coordinates right here and we have this seed perhaps in a older version before pillagers were

Introduced these exact coordinates could potentially host a village which would prove my theory true if there’s a village here in a version before pillagers were introduced and that would mean that when pillagers were introduced to the game they overthrew a village slowly turned it into a mansion we’re now in Minecraft version

1.13.2 the last version leading up until 1.14 where pillagers and illagers were introduced now all we need to do is put in the same seed that we had on the previous world we have structures turned on and now we just need to generate okay here we are in the exact same world we

Were on just several versions befor hand and right upon spawning there’s a village here but that is completely irrelevant to what we’re looking for now we need to teleport to the coordinate saved where the Mansion is 5927 96 and Ne 6,67 teleport and oh my God wait I was

It was right the theory is real so in older versions a village can be found where now there’s a woodland Mansion but the weird part is this is a completely different biome in fact a completely different environment to what it was in the new update but then again these are

The exact same coordinates I mean literally right here I was standing on the top of the Woodland mansion and right beneath it there’s a village meaning pillagers and illagers will raid a village to take over their civilization to build a mansion so if pillagers overthrew the families who

Once lived in a village why are they so much more advanced see this is all making sense but the part that confuses me the most is not that the villages were overthrown in fact that’s not surprising whatsoever the part that confuses me is how pillagers and illagers are so much more significantly

Advanced both structurally and just game wise I mean when you think about it villagers and pillagers utiliz the power of magic and everything started to make sense when I read this this is a Reddit post by the game theorist that says the following but eventually some of them

Began to dabble in Magic again things like potions their skin became pale from the constant Darkness eventually they became Advanced with potions AKA witches and their experiments with life and death led to the totems of undying so they became illagers pillagers and witches which are all just types of

Illagers now this is all making so much more sense if we summon in a witch and we summon in a Pillager I mean the similarities are very very close sure to completely different mobs but if once before the witch was known as The Witch was a iller as well experiencing magic

It would make so much sense as to how they turned into a witch and to back up this same Theory there’s only a small handful of places you can find TNT in Minecraft one of them being a mansion but the other one being in a desert pyramid which backs up what Matt’s

Theory was on Reddit and the more I dive into this the more coincidences I keep finding just like this pyramid being right beside a village this is my attempt seed 666 apparently the most haunted seed in Minecraft and for the sake of this experiment we’re going to have cheats

Off let’s go ahead and generate the world and see if this gives us any better of a chance of seeing these mysterious crosses and now we’re on world seed 666 and despite a very interesting spawn point nothing see whoa hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up

Hold up wait a second okay no that is just far too convenient to be right here I mean I’ve spent hours trying to find this and now there’s one right here but this doesn’t even work into the terrain at all I mean the one that was worked

Into the mountain sure that could be claimed as a terrain generation glitch but this this looks so wait a second oh my God wait the cloud wait a sec the cloud look at this wait guys the the cloud is across too no that that’s physically impossible there’s no way the textures of clouds

There’s absolutely not one that’s across but there’s one right in the sky right now oh my God this is this is insane no no no no no I I I I I I can’t I I I cease to believe that this is actually legitimate there’s absolutely no way

This is possible and to prove this right here I have the cloud texture in Minecraft it’s it’s very difficult to see but just bear with me for a moment okay so inside of everybody’s Minecraft game installation these are the textures that are made up of clouds I mean maybe

You’d consider this to be the cross we just saw but this was attached to a massive other cloud and same with this this is attached to another massive other Cloud the cross we saw was an individual cross so big it was floating in the sky on its own that texture right there is

Standalone there’s nothing else near it at all and at night time you can see so much easier this no no no this is absolutely real and if I missed anything in this video you guys have to let me know this is so oh my God guys I’m not guys I’m not

Touching the keyboard W wo wo wo wo wo wo chill wait and right there oh there’s something living in my world right now in a single player world with this seat no no wait this doesn’t this doesn’t make any sense this can’t be possible wait it it it’s coming near me it’s

Coming near me wait guys guys guys no no no no this can’t happen like this this can’t happen like this wait what no it’s currently 11:55 p.m. and I plan on leaving Minecraft open for the entire night and obviously I couldn’t do this on a regular world this is seed 666 in

Hopes that we have the highest odds of having something scary happened now I’ve been playing on the world making some progression with no cheats no add-ons no nothing so we can get the best results possible now now I’ve rigged cameras All Around My Room there’s one right here

And there’s also one facing my bed all the way over there so anything that happens tonight we will be able to capture it now what’s most important to know is I plan on sleeping in my gaming room room the entire night so I have my speakers on my computer turned on as you

Can hear right now there are the cows moving in the world now what’s really cool about this is I’ve set up motion detection so anytime something moves in front of me all my lights in my room will turn red alerting me that something in game has moved and I need to wake up

And check it out just like that cow literally just walked in front of me right there so it’s really really cool and now it has officially struck midnight and well we still have a few hours until demon hour which is 3:00 a.m. comes around so I need to kill some

Time and just play Minecraft and for the next 2 hours I played Minecraft completely normally but this is when things started to get weird okay I’m not going to lie guys it doesn’t matter how many drinks I drink or how much water I drink I’m exhausted it’s literally

Almost 2:30 in the morning and I think this is going to be the first round of where I take my nap now again the recording does not stop at all we’re going to keep this rolling the entire time I think the best place that we can

Go AFK would be right inside of our house right in this corner right here now recording is staying on I’m turning on all the security cameras as well and I’m just simply going to take a nap and all I’m going to do is lay on the couch

Right beside me and take a nap with my speakers on so we can hear everything it is time to go to sleep all right for the next however many hours I’m going to be hearing cow’s move but I’ve slept through worse it can’t be that Bad oh God the lights are red okay okay okay okay okay all my lights have turned red I can still hear cows moving and it doesn’t seem like I’m dead no I’m I’m still completely alive okay I didn’t die I didn’t lose any hunger nothing changed I don’t think around

Here okay nothing seems out of the ordinary at all actually but the good thing about this is we have been recording for almost an hour now so I’ve slept for about 40 minutes or so give or take we have a replay file let’s see exactly what triggered the motion

Detection okay so I just loaded up the replay file and immediately there are soul particles connecting almost directly to my player there’s also white smoke particles right here now again this is the single player world world seed 666 so let’s play and see exactly what just happened hey look at them

They’re moving around wait look they’re inside of wait where’ they go they just disappeared wait what wait that’s so weird so the soul particles started right wait they’re above my house there they are look and they’re they’re moving and I again I’m AFK I’m right in my base

And they’re right above my house oh look at this wait they’re heading down now they’re like splitting up wait they wait what is happening it it knows that I’m in there and they’re just going in a rotation almost like they’re surrounded me okay that makes so much more sense

Wait hold up we need to get back online and see if we can capture this on camera okay it is now morning time the soul particles were wrong what in the balls is that okay before we take a look at that the soulle particles the so particles were right

Here and started hovering above my house came all the way down and they were were lingering right around here but they didn’t leave a trace of anything it’s like there it’s like it was a ghost that can phase through walls or something this this is weird last time I checked

There was no Lava pool over here and I’m and I’m certain one wasn’t just added okay what is all of this even about wait a second it’s just random Fire wait oh my God no no no of course of course it’s a fire of cross another okay yeah that’s impossible there’s no

Way that can just happen it’s just wait the sun was there literally just wait the Netherrack wait where did it go okay hold up I’m I’m I’m recording I’m Rec I I I got that on video the sun was just there a second ago and the nether was

Also in the ground just a moment ago where’s the Sun and where’s I’m genuinely at such a loss of words right now how did that just happen no no no no no there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way it just literally doesn’t make any

Sense wait wait look look look it’s air oh my God is that air for2 oh my God BR hold up bro wait okay all my lights just went red hold up all my all my bro there’s way too much going on it’s literally s look look look look look

Hold up all my lights just went red everything just went right of the room every everything just went righted wait stuff is blowing up bro this cow just got stried wait bro what okay air 422 wait a second oh my God wait wait that makes so much sense the last video that

We did we downloaded the a422 world on this computer I didn’t wipe this computer this the exact same computer that we used at World 4 wait a second the computer wait file never left file oh my God I was right wait wait airport 22 oh my God bro wait no way so

My computer has been compromised from that world that world we reviewed in the last video there’s no way there’s there’s just no way this is possible okay okay what’s that noise you hear that oh wait I heard a clicking like a lever it just stopped I’m in such disbelief there’s no

Way I don’t I don’t even want to go back to bed wait is that amethyst did you hear that is that wait wait a second is that underneath my house wait I bro that sounds like it’s underneath my house what is happening bro wait no this is wait I hear something

Guyl oh my bro what are you doing Jes you like down AO you’re screaming bro okay I’m record bro my God my heart just just dropped okay yeah my bad what’s going on I’m just recording a scary video at 3:00 in the morning leg kill I know I know it’s been a long

Night trust me okay my bad yeah I’m I’m I’m good I yeah every everything’s good man I I’ll I’ll keep it down my bad I didn’t 4 a.m. sleep I know want go to B bu okay all Right I I guarantee you guys thought I was capping bro Kevin was sound asleep and he can hear everything wait there’s a blood trail wait bro bro bro bro bro there’s literally a trail of blood fall wait bro what is this what is happening

Oh my God no no no bro all this is a422 wait hello wait this isn’t my H wait what what just h Huh wait what what what just happened right there did you see that bro okay no no no no no no no no I’m going to bed

Bro this none of this make sense there’s a blood trail following me there’s literally a blood trail following me right now but bro what is happening what is happening this is 100% the virus of air 422 in the 666 world with that with the previous with the infection virus

Downloaded on my PC and this world combined I think every world of mine is now infected bro no there’s absolutely something here and if there was anything that I missed I really hope that you guys could comment down below because all of wait wait hold up is is this red that’s

Not that’s not Redstone wait wait this isn’t what is this this isn’t Redstone at all what is this this is blood and it’s s surrounding my base wait who just opened my door uh is that a villager wait there’s not a villager around here what are you doing

Here uh villager what’s wait wait it’s eyes it’s eyes they’re flickering it’s in the cowch the cowch too wait wait wait what are they looking wait Steve oh my God guys no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God bro

Look look look at its eyes they’re pitch black they’re pitch black and the villagers they’re possessed by it no no no no no I’m not letting this I’m not letting this happen to us this can’t happen to us I knew it the world was cursed air 422 world it’s a virus don’t

Download it okay no no wait guys I can’t move I can’t I can’t move I can’t I’m moving my mouse I I literally can’t move guys guys no no No

This video, titled ‘Testing Every (Real?) Scary Minecraft Myths’, was uploaded by Shark on 2023-10-19 18:00:30. It has garnered 201526 views and 7626 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds.

Testing Every (Real?) Scary Minecraft Myths /w 09sharkboy! These Scary Minecraft Myths are so terrifying! Can you watch until the end of the video?


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  • Unnerving Minecraft Modpack Gameplay

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  • “TheWOOFisThere – Ultimate Biomes Skygen REVEALED!!” #minecraft #skygen

    "TheWOOFisThere - Ultimate Biomes Skygen REVEALED!!" #minecraft #skygenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Biomes Skygen OFFICIAL PREMIERE!! #minecraft #skygen’, was uploaded by TheWOOFisThere on 2024-04-12 13:00:21. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:31 or 211 seconds. Biomes Skygen features – Different maps – Ore mining – PvP – Wilderness / survival mode – Shops: Buy and Sell – More features coming soon Download: Read More

  • Minecraft:TV in Minecraft – You WON’T Believe This!! #viral

    Minecraft:TV in Minecraft - You WON'T Believe This!! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘mincraft:TV in Minecraft but it’s NOT what you think…#viral #minecraft #trending #shorts#gaming’, was uploaded by Its_smash_ kk on 2024-05-21 23:48:55. It has garnered 1138 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. In this Minecraft video, we explore the concept of having a TV in the game, but with a twist that you wouldn’t expect! Watch as we take the idea of a TV in Minecraft to a whole new level. Join us on this unique and unexpected adventure as we showcase a creative and surprising way to incorporate… Read More

  • GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6

    GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6’, was uploaded by Kanhiya Gupta Gaming on 2024-02-28 11:26:21. It has garnered 218 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6 Discord My videos My Minecraft house Brain it on Guess the YouTuber by their smile ______________________________________________________________ About Myself My name is Aarav Gupta. I am 14 years old. I am studing in 7th class. . ______________________________________________________________ @totalgaming @desigamers @AnshuBisht @Yessmartypie #trending #viral #minecraft #technogamerz… Read More

  • Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!

    Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft with friends – Day 1’, was uploaded by CallMeCarsonVODS on 2024-04-01 02:59:49. It has garnered 25141 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:11 or 19871 seconds. Streamed on 3/30/24 Follow me on twitch for more! ♠ Social Media Links ♠ → Twitch – → Twitter – → Instagram – → Subreddit – → Discord – Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XD

    Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Когда игра дает тебе… | #shorts #minecraft #game #epic #funny #twitch’, was uploaded by Default_xD on 2024-01-03 16:19:44. It has garnered 556 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Subscribe to the channel and come to the streams And a little discord Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Our Best Ideas with Minecraft’s New Mace! (ft. Conraz and The Numenorian)’, was uploaded by MrCrisper on 2024-03-18 18:00:31. It has garnered 204 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:44 or 1784 seconds. Mojang has added the best and most overpowered weapon to the latest snapshot, and we’re here to test it out and see just how much potential it has. Enjoy! For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 Disclaimer: Not that I should… Read More

  • Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!

    Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Minecraft 3d Character Model With Item in Android 🤯’, was uploaded by Alex Adi XD on 2024-04-19 04:30:22. It has garnered 354 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. *Title* – Minecraft 3d Character Modelling With Item in Andriod *⌜ Tags ⌟* #AlexAdiXD #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftinhindi #mcpe #mcpecommunity #prisma3d #minecraftmodel #3dmodel #howto @AlexAryanXD •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• *💙 ⌯ Follow Me On*  *🎯 ⌯ Discord* ‣ *🖼 ⌯ Instagram* ‣ *⚡My MODS & APK Download Links * MCPE 1.20.50🎯 – OptiFine🔥 -… Read More

  • Constantiam – Semi-Vanilla Anarchy – No Rules – No Map Resets – 1.19.4

    Connect: You can join right now at: Description: Constantiam is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server running version 1.19.4 with no resets. It features an infinite map size, no gameplay rules, and no admin interference. Established in February 2016, the map is persistent with no resets. Rules: Absolutely no rules, anything is permitted. Survive one of the greatest anarchy servers of all time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man…

    Wow, that meme must have some serious XP points to have a score of 215! Read More

  • Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald’s WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald's WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you finally find the Totem of Undying in Minecraft but your WiFi decides to die instead. Looks like even the game knows you need a little extra help surviving! #WiFiWoes #MinecraftStruggles 😂🎮📶 Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft magic 2 skoro’, was uploaded by Feis on 2024-01-16 16:52:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. _- Read More


    GIRL TRANSFORMS INTO SCARY MONSTER PRANKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into OP SCARY GIRL To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-01-29 01:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET CREEPYPASTA TREVOR HENDERSON BOSSES and then I pranked my friend as … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_Gamer

    Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Survival Series Part #1 @Combo_Gamer’, was uploaded by Combo_Gamer on 2024-04-20 03:25:00. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. Survival series Part #3 MINECRAFT Survival Series minecraft survival series minecraft survival series 1.20 minecraft survival series first episode minecraft survival series cookie god minecraft survival series ldshadowlady minecraft survival series pe minecraft survival series multiplayer minecraft survival series bedrock edition minecraft survival series thumbnail minecraft survival series duo minecraft survival series best house minecraft survival balkan minecraft survival series best seed minecraft survival… Read More

  • Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!

    Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager civilization survive from zombie apocalypse #minecraft#shorts#minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ZombieMattyClips-Minecraft & Roblox on 2024-01-10 09:08:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Zombie Family: Subscribe to Zombie Matty: … Read More

  • Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱

    Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chaos On The CBSMP’, was uploaded by Cryospace on 2024-03-11 19:00:23. It has garnered 3519 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • “Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!” 🦆💙😱

    "Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!" 🦆💙😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #2024 #подпишись 🦆💙😑’, was uploaded by утка@24 on 2024-05-23 04:37:41. It has garnered 340 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

    Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 - The Wither Storm ep 10: The End... or is it? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 10 The End Or is it….? Part 1’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-24 21:37:37. It has garnered 45 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:41 or 221 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming… Read More

  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

    Camdeeno's HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-01 14:16:37. It has garnered 151413 views and 2952 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:29 or 989 seconds. The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…” This video contains some… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

    Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Reviewing Every FREE Mod For Minecraft Xbox / PS5’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-02-23 17:07:31. It has garnered 367859 views and 5962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds. I downloaded every FREE Mod that Minecraft currently has Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:32 – Add-On 1: Spark Pets 6:24 – Add-On 2: Hiker’s Friend 12:42 – Add-On 3: Dragonfire Lite 17:56 – Add-On 4: More TNT! 25:29 – Add-On 5: Gravestone 28:03 – Add-On 6: All The Wool 28:37 – Add-On 7: Another Furniture 33:05 – Outro If you liked… Read More

  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin

    100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin The Haunting Adventure in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a spine-chilling journey as you join a brave Minecraft player surviving 100 days in the scariest cabin in the woods in Minecraft Hardcore mode. This thrilling adventure will test your survival skills as you face terrifying monsters and uncover the mysteries lurking in the haunted forest. Surviving the Unknown Our protagonist, accompanied by a friend, finds themselves in a cabin deep within the haunted woods, where they are not alone. The Evolved Cave Dweller and The Silence are just some of the monsters that will haunt them every night. As they… Read More