Shocking! Gawr Gura’s Shrimp Shrine in Minecraft!

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Foreign foreign Foreign thank you Foreign Wow where will we wow hi I think I was watching Ena I had eaten on the brain wow wait that wait this isn’t an industry we don’t say that here we don’t say that here um uh I’m just kidding of course hi hi ma’am what’s up what’s up

This dry air is killing me today ew get the wives out of here we don’t want here how are you hi Domo USA Greer ma’am we’re building a a we’re building a shrimp but today it’d be done me and manager have been calling the shrimps I’ve been calling you guys I

Guess it’s you guys in a roundabout way we’ve been talking about you uh we’ve been calling it down is that a shrimps which is cute it’s cute as hell hope you don’t mind uh yeah so um yeah uh I guess maybe every chance multiple la camarones wait what’s shikarons then wait what

Camerons we learned in the live stream you guys told me that oh baby Cameron’s is is shrimp is in Spanish or is that from that song wait you guys know that wait where am I I’m in the bunker right wait where am I is this a new exit wait

Where does this come on Cameroon in Spanish okay I’m gonna use cronies uh I’m gonna borrow uh wait I’m gonna borrow cronies everything uh but we’re gonna start with the this this I took some because I want to make more Rockets because if I have to zip around everywhere it’s gonna take a

While some amazing paper paper oh no oh wait can I put this here somewhere granny hold this for a second how are you guys I want you check a room borrow is no intention well I’m not gonna take a crafting table I actually mean borrow and I said borrow this time let’s see

Uh oh okay Rockets rocket 69 Rockets isn’t that a song that’s a song oh baby we’re stacked oh oh nice set uh yeah uh you can keep that groney doesn’t go there but you can keep it okay I’m trying trim Shrine yeah that’s a

Song yeah it is and it was made in way back in the day be back in olden times way way way back so I’m gonna build a H ow okay I remember this where am I trim shrine maybe she’s trying and be uh b or a little shrimp shine a little

Shrimp I have it up here I’ll be honest with you pixel art and Minecraft not my favorite activity but I do want to see the end result so it’s not that big because you guys aren’t that big I mean in my heart you’re the biggest thing but in reality in actuality not exactly

Boomer days yeah oh God pull up gura hello thank you for flying um cargo airlines if you look on your right you’ll see big old titties and on your left project a on your right more oh I was watching Muna before the stream actually

So I don’t know where I want to put this I was kind of thinking about I was kind of thinking about putting it okay I had an idea I was thinking a bit I know shocking right let me get over there now okay instead of a shrine What If instead we did like

The punk one down there and there and they face each other And then I was thinking because this website that you use you can pretty much put in you put in whatever PNG you want so we could get crafty and I could I could like boot up Photoshop and slap a trident so that it makes it look like

The shrimp is holding the Trident and if I make two one facing inwards to the left and one facing image to the right then it could be really I’m explaining in great detail this art project that probably will probably get finished and all you can complain about is the music oh my God You guys okay fine anyway holding tridents I thought that was a pretty cool idea it sounds like a lot though so we’re gonna start with the shrimp and make sure it’s not that it’s not that much too much for me I have it right here it calls for

It calls for our mushroom blog and I don’t really want to go get mushroom Vlog because it’s far away and don’t you need a silk touch wait I think I have a silk touch hey okay well you know how to get so much I’m so good at this

Thanks for your super chat so by the way guys I’ll read them after we finish our our build that we will totally finish that was the only other this is the only other pixel art I’ve ever built with Kiara it took us several hours actually took us

Seven hours and I still haven’t fully recovered from it it’s fine if you have somebody else to do it with you but even seven hours is a bit too much Minecraft streamer professional I I that is me day soon I could talk you guys about my Christmas time now

I had a nice Christmas eat a lot of food I was dumb though and I ate before I ate before I ate before the big meal real all you made was five I’ve been oh oh cause I took it all this way uh but I

Ate a big meal before the big meal you know like as you do you know your mom’s making a big Christmas dinner I did spoil my dinner I ate I okay listen dinner was being made and I was I I I didn’t get any sleep I was going many

Hours without sleep so I felt really you know when you get past the point of exhaustion that you start getting I need to dump some stuff over here you start getting angry and desperate for sleep and I I didn’t want to be absolutely I didn’t want to be completely zombified

So I was getting desperate for sleep so it was like a few hours before dinner and I was like oh my God I just need like three hours I need to fall asleep I can’t fall asleep so I ate an entire Pizza think am I hungry no but sometimes warm

Food in the belly helps you fall asleep yes it’s a few it’s it’s a few hours before it was like an hour and a half before we were all gonna sit down and eat and I said I know I have a frozen pizza I’ll eat the entire thing

And then that’ll make me sleepy I was that desperate so that’s what I did and then um as you guessed it I was kind of suffering because then I got my sleep I got like half an hour um and then and then I couldn’t eat anything ah

Did you know that feeling when you know you know the feeling when you um when you get so full it makes you sick it’s like I think it’s one of the worst feelings ever and I hate that feeling overeating that feeling when you over indulge to the

Point where you’re like oh I’m gonna barf that’s the worst feeling and I hadn’t felt that in such a long time it was many holidays ago since the last time I ate like that oh get the squid but yeah I felt like it done because I had to eat

Your family works so hard to make food and then Guru why aren’t you eating oh oh I ate an entire Pizza I couldn’t say that I couldn’t commit to my crimes what is it I couldn’t I couldn’t just admit to my crimes my crimes of Christmas and eating

Oh God I don’t know how big this thing is gonna be chubby shark soon no no no no no no not if I can help it no uh Mr and crib thank you glad you’re feeling better the only other girls give me less stress I can never catch a live stream so I

Only watch Vlogs most of the time thank you for all you do for ice cream peas oh my plan I’m happy we keep you calm I have the same feeling yeah Ina keeps me going my life watching Ina Ina vods in a vods crony vods and Muna

Munna those are the those are the streamers I go to if I need a relaxing time oh boy what am I doing there’s a big old boy here foreign I have some pretty intense racing the timing unfortunately for Enos unfortunate do I put this one I got a thing for a second because this uh I don’t know it’s this one is how many blocks is this one 10 20 30 40 blocks tall is that how this thing goes yeah yeah

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten this is 41 blocks tall that’s really tall isn’t it I need to visualize how big this is that’s really freaking tall hold on I don’t know if I wanted that big uh thank you let me see height oh what about this

Okay now it’s now it’s 30. 30. 35 blocks tall that’s not that bad you guys look a little a little weird but I don’t think it’s that bad yeah I had lots of yummy Christmas dinner and then yeah oh then I haven’t played who played um Mario Party yeah Mario Party

Like kicked but I I SmackDown why do I want to put it in front of here so badly it’s gonna be too big it’s how many wide it’s 30 30 tall by 30 wide that’s too big to go right there oh God okay we’re gonna put it somewhere else especially put it

If you were to make a shrine where would you put it so that goes all the way back there I don’t think I’m gonna make it any wider or maybe I wanted to make it wider along the one where that really weird green thing is what is this oh it’s a sea turtle

Oh maybe behind it back here where do you guys think we should put it in the air uh you could clear out some snake what is this snan snow snow here yeah we played we played Super Mario party and I used my knowledge of the game to distract the new players

And tell them that the skeleton key was the best item in the game oh [ __ ] sick mom you got the skeleton key dude that’s awesome foreign though I won by BS Mario Mario Party BS because um the bonus Stars I want oh hey I won because of the bonus Stars now

Because I was kicking butt in mini games or something like that so I’m not actually the winner here I might I sit upon a throne of Lies the bonus Stars will get you yeah I asked in the beginning I was like are you gonna sure you want to play with bonus Stars I

Kind of they’re kind of BS and like yeah booty style sure because I didn’t know what it was I was like okay speaking of frozen pizzas good uh I discovered today they make frozen cookie pizzas to heat in the oven never had one no no you can make your own so easy just

Get a top get a tub A Toll House get yourself a cast iron skillet a cast iron skillet a tub of cookie dough Toll House chocolate chip ice cream whipped cream Nutella is way easier sounds good though I probably would try it anyway thanks for searching what’s up thank you hello thank you

On top we’ll go nicely okay let me hold on so you know my brain and multitasking and not the best of friends here hold on to you I’m sweating foreign Let me see milk we need some milk oh yeah these were called for as well in here materials I don’t know if I should use wool or concrete is it called for concrete but no concrete Anthony thanks had a redacted day so figure I’ll close the night relaxing

Here I’m really not my guitarist vocalist got a what Korg Miku pedal so I’m gonna try to convince him to do a joke cover reflect using it what is a corgumiku Court Miku oh thank you though uh the generic I get it getting another star to put your shrimp

Trying on your way on your trip what is another star foreign what is that Google it another star I’ll kill him how do you make get wait is that the new update though because I don’t think we have that yet all right time to pick a place to slap

This thing down it’s been 20 minutes um yeah I’m building it in here I’m thinking Skyrim um when you get the first govikin word you get the First full show doll and it’s like that big a big rock wall that envelops you we’re gonna do that

But instead of dovikin it’s just a big old orange Abby well I regret this decision more than likely foreign Let me just slap him down extra we’re gonna put it I still haven’t watched elf I haven’t watched elf yet I don’t know I don’t know why or what you know I was really tired over the holidays the the 24th and the 25th I was so tired

I was so upset I feel like almost every time I spent a holiday since starting all alive I’ve always been I can only say zombified because that’s what it’s like even my mom is like you’re like a zombie girl why it’s like by the time my brain finally

Has time to turn off all the way I’m like all right wait 30. wait how am I gonna hide something that’s 30 High I keep forgetting how big this thing is it can’t go there okay new plan I dug this here because I was thinking about a thing about putting it here

Uh here or maybe here why would I want to put it underground no no I want to make it big so people see it Looks like we’re going on 30 by 30 is bigger than the ferris wheel oh but if I make it any smaller then it loses all of its like visual awesomeness see here would be nice but if you have to face this way or this way We could build like a peninsula in the Cliffside he’s 30 by 30 though 30 blocks by 30 blocks I just scratched my armpit and reflex sniffed it do you guys do that oh um no oh no I’m seeing a mixes of uses of what I

Feel like if you say no that’s a lie no I don’t I don’t sniff my own arm but what about here 30 by 30. well his little the little bottom half of the shrimpy is only three he’d be standing on three so that’s not that big this is Sarah really foreign

Think about it later you start them like here that’s how big his bottom portion is better though uh glad you were able to spend Christmas with family do you have any leftovers what’s your Christmas food to your list also I got my tried and thank you for the one year hey

Good job well I’ll wear a Christmas tearless food tier list oh I feel like I’ve had too much Christmas ham Christmas ham too much uh uh anything with bread I’ve had too much at this point the tier list would probably all be on the lower side although I have started eating pickled

Beets which is a little weird I got a can accidentally this is supposed to be see we’re supposed to have mushroom texture now and I don’t want to go get mushrooms Mushrooms we’re just gonna use a red wool oh God yeah I feel like most of my my Christmas um oh God weighed 30. yeah who Taylor’s would be pretty pretty low we gotta move them back more he’s gonna stick out wait 30. one two three four five six seven eight

Nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 3 4 5. 29 30 ish that’s fun have you ever had pickled beets before though they’re really yummy they’re very yummy yummy yummy are yummy Yay build a Rooney time sweet potato marshmallow ewe here we know where which way is he facing so that’s the back end one two sweet potato and marshmallow that’s bad Callie would like that I don’t know it’s got a vegetable in it I’m just kidding I don’t know

I don’t know if Callie would like it shoot I don’t know you guys should ask her next time I feel like this and then we go out here one two three this is the tip of his tail this is the tip of the red tail

This is tail oh it’s a little tip of his little Tippy tail oh he’s a little tippy tippy tail oh we went and we got um we went and we got like you guys know you can go and get I don’t know what you would call it

They got Pokeballs and stuff my family we went and got pokeballs poke bowls which is like um rice and then a bunch of toppings it’s like subway but instead of a sandwich you get a bowl of rice you need to put stuff on top of it I got I had fried

Shrimp and I ate the whole thing tail and all and my family thought I was really weird can you please tell me I’m not weird reading it foreign Crunchy if it’s also deep fried it’s like I looked that pretty funny and I’m like ew girl stand it’s yummy it’s a little flaky but other than that it’s good oh I gotta make concrete is this oh okay foreign is there a faster way to do this

I don’t think what else we did oh boy wait my family is pretty into remote control vehicles uh RC planes RC helicopters RC cars RC Monster Trucks uh anything like that like model stuff my dad’s a pretty big a bit even a pretty big uh a fan of that

Kind of stuff I remember my dad had a um oh what am I doing I had like a a really really big replica model tank that actually I could sit in it was so big um but yeah we tried to fly the airplane but it needed some it needed some repairs oh

So yeah I need to repair it on her parent also I saw there’s like this monster truck that goes really fast I could also probably sit on it depending on the the weight limit I think I could sit on it pretty easy it’s not that big

It goes really fast and I kind of want it monster trucking pump man I don’t want to do this I should have done this on I mean I don’t want to make concrete I should have done it off stream making making concrete making concrete the Grave Digger isn’t that the green

One the green and purple one I think we had a model of that one yeah I’ve told you guys so I just got a bunch of stuff like that like NASCAR there’s pieces and parts of NASCAR Vehicles broken up NASCAR cars hanging in very odd places of my family home

And it’s like stuff that if you grew up around that you wouldn’t really know what it was like your brain doesn’t put two and four together until you get older and then you’re like Hey Dad why is there half a car hanging from the ceiling and then and then he goes ah okay

Sit down here I’m gonna tell you story about a legend Airline heart okay I don’t never mind then it’s good it’s all right Dad thanks one of these days this year’s gonna pay for your college tuition if anybody is yours your family told you that ah

Come here you come here Cub Scout one of these days one of these days that’s like Beanie Babies people thought beanie babies were gonna be worth a billion dollars I had a friend that I used to play with when I was super super tiny back in Atlantis and she had so many Beanie

Babies like I’m sure my brain is remembering it a bit more would you say theatric golden I thought but I remember opening her closet door and it was all Beanie Babies like piles high of easily like a like kitty soft storage baskets and it was 500 in each one like stacked like

Towered over me with the tags on and we weren’t allowed to touch him I was like what the [ __ ] I mean at the time I was like hey that’s pretty cool anyway Crimson thank you Dad who’s this blue girl with a shark tail at you I have everywhere actually actually my dad has

Oh that reminds me uh I got my I got my um my my subscriber Plex I have the golden one I never got my uh silver one I think because I remember when I got it I told I remember telling um I told my manager that they could keep it in the

Office I’m wondering if they have them all in the office I don’t know what happened in that one um but I have the gold one my dad was like hey you know uh you can you can you can send it to me I’ll hold on to it you know

I’ll keep I’ll keep your I’ll keep your golden plaque thing I’ll keep it nice and safe and then it turned well I was like but yeah I want to have it on my uh I’m gonna put it up where I stream and stuff he’s like I keep really safe and then it turned

Into so I waited right I waited good up last time I visited I think I could you know I’m gonna hang this I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna put a chain around it so I can wear it and then I’m gonna pour some epoxy over it and make a table

What was another one there is so many different dad Trophy Hunter that is exactly it it was I’m gonna make some ice out of this or I’m gonna make a table out of this or another I’m gonna put a we’re gonna hang it I’m gonna put a light over it

I was like this one I’m like okay Dad ‘s trophies yeah it’s cute it’s very cute foreign okay we have some orange but we’re gonna need a lot more orange here this is for the body of the shrimp Papa Sharky’s proud yes yeah it’s very very very very

Cute yeah I didn’t really get many trophies like um growing up you know and whatever I did and stuff like that I usually was the one that got the participation trophy like I think I have like two participation trophies because I didn’t really excel at anything necessarily I think

Sir you were there girl you were there and that’s half the battle so I guess it’s a pretty big deal my my YouTube Plex are pretty big deal for my family okay we’ll put one here look at orangey tell me you know how that feels yeah I mean it’s fine

I mean you think back on it right and it’s like what is some plastic participation trophy yeah whatever whatever casual thank you uh I thought your dad ran away did he come back you know what now my dad didn’t run away oh any new alternative for feet nape what

Is a nape nape is your neck right armpit thighs why does it have to be a body part the nape of your neck I actually want this one here to be red terracotta which is an interesting choice this is gonna take me a really long time

Your spleen as not your spleen oh I did see though I saw that they made a I think they saw it on like Reddit or something we gotta go get Wool by the way sorry uh but I saw ow robotic kidney they’ve started or they made like a prototype for a

A robotic kidney bio what do they call it bio something kidney I thought that was pretty cool gura on Reddit every now and then I like to scroll and then I read it’s like the last thing that I scroll like when I scroll through every other app and I’m still like needing

A lot more visual stimuli then I go to Reddit oh we’re good I need more content yeah I need more content probably maybe more so Reddit these days just because I’m getting a bit sick of the uh the tick tocks they’re melting my brain wait how many is this one two three four

From the which one not from this one one two three four I can do this without messing up don’t worry about it that’s a tick tocks it’s the same song Sound but it’s every single time and usually that doesn’t annoy me but I think it’s starting to annoy me

Well no I don’t think it’s starting to know me it’s definitely starting to annoy me okay so this is The Edge I need to remember that this is the edge uh uh One two three four say one Ray you don’t like take dog music Tick Tock music actually it’s pretty it’s pretty wild uh if you think about it songs that go viral on Tick Tock will get actual they actually get pushed in the charts right so like the iTunes charts and stuff

Because it just exposes so many people to the real the best parts or the worst parts of some of songs but it actually affects the the charts like I heard I heard I’ve been hearing songs on the radio I’m like that’s from tick tock it’s the rest of the song so I’m

Actually wondering now if maybe that’s like a if people that make music are looking more towards the tick tock audience because it’s so huge that maybe instead of oh where am I going it’s not necessarily uh a fantastic thing to think about but it’s actually curious like are people

Going to start looking to make music geared specifically for The Tick Tock audience in order to get picked up that way and push to the charts that way because it’s pretty if you think about it it makes sense but it’s kind of sad to think about

I need um to go to crony’s house right it’s kind of sad but it makes it it just makes sense in my head wouldn’t it be surprising but then again I don’t know if you can really guess what kind of music will take off on tick tock I need Birch Beachwood let’s read the reign of fanfic okay whoa whoa we will It would oh crony of some lanterns Beachwood it’s funny because this [ __ ] wood here we call it [ __ ] wood Wait how many do I need here because it’s for little birches that’s all we needed okay now I’m gonna go read the fanfic I know how to get into the bunker I know a way in ow L was this me was I supposed to hide this I don’t remember foreign

Language I speak English language oh ah another Rooney you’ve ever had to get in there oh here we are foreign book did I just add on to this one better than more books so in the bedroom okay move my end uh shovel wait how do I read this

Oh is this why I was in the corner she added it into my book oh wait wait wait let’s do that so it’s easier actually I don’t know why I did I didn’t have to do that okay should we do a refresh hold on ah go away okay

Noise complaint rain and what the heck is that noise what noise ever since you moved in I’ve been hearing strange noises all the time I don’t know what you’re talking about don’t lie even sneaking the foxes in again haven’t you I I did plant a Berry Farm there very good

Shut up let me see oh wait you trip on the berry bush is a magically accidentally surprisingly land on rainey’s queen size bed why am I pinning you on the bed I don’t know I can’t move God said unless you’re too reconcile you may never leave this position how

And then and then and then and then and then and then then then agura will thanks for breaking my phone already I could have had some more brain damage from that uh I can’t damage what doesn’t exist now how’s about we get to that reconciling

Oh this is what I wrote by the way how do you propose we go by doing that or anything well for starters you can keep your hands to yourself ah right sorry girl repositions herself removing her tight grip from Randy silence grows as does the lingering tension between the two

Hey nice per day oh that oh yeah I just had that installed can you show me how to use it they don’t have those from where you’re from do they Randy saw with Chuckles and scrubs guru’s hair the pair hop off the bed and head to the bathroom boy sure

He’s moist in here the air is real sick oh yeah the bath has been full for a couple of minutes by now hop in if you’d like suddenly God thou has not reconciled back to the bed the two are ripped from the moist bathroom and flop down on the matches this time God

Has decided that by the power in he Almighty Godly restraints of godliness shall be applied to the pair and so thou they shall them not be undone to this mattress until thou they have what the [ __ ] oh This time God has decided that by the power vested in he Almighty Godly restraints of godliness shall be applied to the pear and so thou they shall them not be undone to this mattress until thou they hath reconciled them was I okay when I wrote this a girl so

Is this when we kiss when this is nothing okay wait is this what movie wrote I think this is a mermaid there’s somebody else wrote this part because I don’t think I wrote this you guys know I wrote this or did I write this anyway I don’t know girl I can’t think straight

I can’t think maybe a foot massage would help we really wrote this okay ready wrote this I don’t know girl I don’t know girl I can’t think straight I can’t think maybe a foot massage would help we can’t do that we’re restrained remember okay can you do something about it

God says we have to kiss okay watches intently in the closet but nobody realizes they stare into each other eyes each other’s eyes as if they’re having a staring contest but the difference is they are both blushing his face and she’s closer and rain is closes her eyes until

Rainy yeah suddenly the room gets flooded by four four nine zero three two double seven oh so many foxes that broke out of the room across one of the foxes hopped on a girl’s head surprisingly raining and suddenly making her accidentally where is oh I can’t say that on stream holy girls

Tightly their fingers interlocked spicily and all [ __ ] God watching intently oh have you no immediately Guru and Rain there free from their restraints they look at each other in disbelief speechless suddenly God says you are free from the chains but you are not free from your newly awakened feelings

Really steals a glance at girl and her eyes meet once again girl looks like she’s about to say something whatever she says gets drowned out by the fox is screeching God says did you think that this is the end think again before raining girl can say anything

They get teleported into the fox room God your next task is wait Taz who is he NPC God’s being an NPC it’s already wrote that that’s good wait wait okay so mumes is different here the movie was watching this is mume’s point of view don’t mind me I’m watching

YouTube from the closet wishing to be the friction oh what don’t mind me I’m watching YouTube from the closet wishing to be the friction in your jeans isn’t it messed up how I’m just dying to be here I’m just a notch in your bed post but

You’re just a Latin in the song drop a heart break a name we’re always sleeping is this a song Go down down early rounds and sugar we’re going to again I’ll be your number one with the bullet yeah we’re going down swinging what is this song it’s Fallout Boy that wait what the dog what is this song now does this also Fall Out Boy get doll YouTube it’s rainy song oh foreign

I didn’t know you made a song with Fallout Boy Love me love me say don’t you love me can I play that on stream I want to hear it oh lady that’s cute I didn’t know Fall Out Boy was working with rain that’s huge foreign wait did she add a book in here or did she try it was this like a

H those foxes are annoying also what is this material is this quartz is there a book in here no wait I miss cronies okay we gotta go back and win cronies cronies is in the bathroom not surprisingly perfection you this is you and crony hey what are you doing over there I’m

Just trying to go to sleep man in the bathroom well don’t do that man anyway I’m gonna go man you leave expecting nothing to happen crony lies down on the bed staring at the ceiling with no thoughts head empty as per usual she decided to get ready to sleep but

Heading to the washroom brush her teeth she washed her face she looked up in some beautiful Sapphire Eyes staring back at her crony was astonished why hello there you come around here often the figure of mouth the same words back at her and crony thought she was being shy Doki she thought

Oh Parish the thought she mourned there’s just no way that someone is perfect as her would settle for her Perfection such anomaly would destroy Earth as is suddenly a voice is booming from a boy’s above oh yes it’s our our May our favorite NPC God said unless

You’re too reconcile you will never get out of this washroom the two cronies were Shook at The Voice to be continued wait what next chapter oh I forgot something in cronie’s room wait what oh I’m kidding wait crony hello nobody answered the door so you just barge in because honestly the setting of

The story is your Nobody’s around suddenly you hear something from the bathroom uh Courtney curious you approach the bathroom and knock the non-existent door just to be polite Coney are you there like black help me get out of this washroom one hell God fool you idiot flying cannot hear me at

All now reconcile or else Coney how am I supposed to reconcile with oh the toilet bowl you’re not intensifies uh causing cause you are concerned I don’t know oh God this pesky trouble maker the door disappears and your swinging only makes you whoosh and you accidentally copy the crony in the mirror

Gun no this isn’t supposed to how it was to be new Coney stares at a reflection in the mirror dumbfounded hey you are you okay crony what is it no it’s just that the mirror is only my reflection in there you don’t have a reflection

But oh to be continue but oh by the way you and crony hold hands at some point guys that’s fantastic if I can think of something I’ll come back but that’s fantastic I could probably think of something to add to that you’re a vampire or maybe you are actually God

What are you doing no don’t stick your face there that’s not very polite or maybe it is in dog language I guess very polite to stick your face and your friends butt woof woof and we have everything we need we have rude I’m flying with you Polo We’re good and they have it stuck the landing real real sticky like number one best seller anybody can become an Amazon bestseller right because I’ve seen some really yeah by books I was doing some Christmas shopping right a while ago and I was looking through the book

Section on Amazon I was pretty surprised by the amount of terrible terrible garbage that they have it’s like what is this there was one with a leprechaun I was like wow this is terrible yeah baby you buy books yeah booty books straight up booty boot jinx uh the bomb

Is here thank you from participation of trophies growing up to now winning golden live congrats Cute uh Epsilon I don’t think you don’t think the science changing even though it goes against cronies OCD especially after the farm brain excited for the next fans list uh now it’s tradition who to add lore unless he gets too spicy ah yes thank you if she’s alone honey thank you

A knee howdy your friend got vac banned hello I like your name though is it a nihau it’s me howdy I’ve never been back banned you know when you get banned in childhood game childhood once you get banned and Club Penguin it sets you straight for life Didn’t I used to call you like a funny name I don’t I don’t really remember okay anyway oh God I gotta go empty oh I need my shulker box what am I what am I doing oh that would make this so much easier I don’t play Minecraft by the way

I think I have one here unless I took it away skeleton below you that’s all right he wouldn’t dare come up to me he wouldn’t touch he wouldn’t dare come and touch me you know that I’ve tried and I’m about a 50 50 shot so uh

Wait do I get stuff too good on a trick or treat from melon hickles pumpkin pie and salmon thank you guys sorry it’s a little late I think my shulker boxes are all full of stuff though um can I get out of this oh wow this makes it so much easier as long as I just take out what I don’t need so I don’t need this I don’t need to die I don’t need the this or the this

Um happy Halloween well we still have New Years what are you guys doing for New Year’s are you guys gonna drink on New Year’s Blinky Twinkie I was watching some Halloween Members New Year stuff because I was wondering if they had any what they did because I know it’s a New

Year’s New Year’s is a big holiday in Japan right so I went and I watched and I saw Aqua Symphony I played like there was this game that they seemed to play around New Year’s Aqua played it for 11 hours one year is like a a board game you’re gonna party hard

Watching karaoke streams all right all right fireworks hang out with family hang out with friends fireworks gonna stay in it was nice you can stay in staying cheers yourself share some some alcohol or some water some Gatorade kiss the past year goodbye ring in the New Year and then sleep yeah sleep get

That nice sleep meme uh yeah though they played this board game on the JP side I don’t really know what the game was Bob yeah you’re working on New Year’s don’t even grocery stores close on New Year’s Eve at all it’ll make you work on New Year’s Eve right

Eat food sleep and get fat hey son’s night that sounds very nice look we’re finally back to building Yahoo and then three one two three and then one do unless you’re a doctor uh some places oh it’s a life board in Japan I was like

Game of Life oh game of life would be fun I wanted to get a bunch of people for I wanted to get people for Uno and then I was thinking about having like board game day for New Year’s but I think most people are busy and Ian

Busy busy and now we have the relay as well yeah yeah I saw the sponsored by kfp that was so cute UPS continues operation package delivery people are insane wait Huawei one two three four five one two three four five is anybody gonna eat healthy for the new year

Anybody starting a healthy eating Journey one one two three four five on nope really not one of you is kind of giant all right I see a couple of yeses I see a lot I know though which I mean good for you right don’t fall under the trickery of New Year new diet

Right but I guess if you are doing that then also good on you hold on I’m gonna bring it up okay so we are oh how am I gonna do the legs oh no crud I wanted to do rings and Adventure again but I think I broke my ring so I’d have

To buy the ring part again it’s been a while last time we had ring fit it was like a year ago no it was over a year ago Mia I broke the ring somehow so I think that could be fun though because we have a

We have the small models now so we can do something with that you played today oh nice also I don’t want to go outside so it’s only yeah it’s only yeah they have like a hardcore like I did the last time I was going pretty hardcore I’m definitely not

As in shape as I was uh when I played it last time uh uh it’ll be a much more suffering but I think that’s fine a small model can use the ring too yeah we just gotta have seafoam boy make it safe on boy will you make a ring fit ring

The shark Shelby no I’m not I’m not sure I’m chubby just gamer it’s just sit stamina down that’s all red Orange you know I still I maybe we could also maybe this will be the year as well I’m not gonna promise anything but uh you guys know Aqua was like my very first

Whole life member I ever watched uh and one of my first streams that I watched from her was her Wii Fit stream right and I don’t know if it was I feel like it was 3D because I remember her doing I feel like I remember her

Doing the hula hoop art and I’ve always wanted to do that like I think the Wii the Wii Fit stream was so fun plus I feel like there’s been a bit of like a a bit of a Resurgence of people playing old Wii games right and just because

We’ve come so far in terms of Nintendo’s stuff that could be fun as well yeah those were the 44.5 meme came from uh uh the legendary yeah hold on there’s a lot of orange here I’m getting lost uh you miss Mario Kart Wii I saw Mario Kart Wii because that’s the

Only other Mario Kart that I played and I watched it the music was Nostalgia as heck but I was like wow this game looks a lot worse than I remember it uh red and then we start with orange and then we go uh one two three whoa one one

Wait one one two one two three whoa and then this and then this and then already messes up wait wait how did I mess this up already no foreign oh did I start this in oh I did crud okay um let me add a picture here image and be dumb mm-hmm yes

Well try and do anyway I’m not very good with pixel building but uh the legs are tricky though oh God wait where are we hold on um red okay and then an orange and then orange and then this is not really orange so I’ll put this here and then it goes to wool

And then orange ah okay that’s right and then orange but then underneath here I messed up the legs I have to think about the legs oh God okay the red is swirly here no no no no I’ll just do it like this I can climb we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine oh

No no no no no no no it’s not a witch as well come on hey quit it bonehead ah oh no this one’s at both ends oh it’s not never mind I’m gonna sleep instead okay come on it’s a deadbeat Oh okay I don’t know how I’m supposed to do the legs here ah there is a witch cello got your toesies nice range nerd foreign Oh oh wait not good oh this is the bottom of your Shrine but ow that’s oh it looks like Parabola why does it look like that instead of a shrimp Shrine shrimp shrimp Shrine shrimp I’m building a shrine why am I so poisoned oh Oh the heck milk I know down there I’ll think about the legs later don’t worry about it what’s with this poison what is this poison damage my guy all right where are we Orange you’re glad I didn’t say blondana uh red orange orange so this is red orange orange so then it goes

Whoa wood whoa no whoa I’m Japanese hi I am shark I’m a shark the Creeper’s gonna get her nah he can’t climb nah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh I might get myself to off my phone then okay we’re gonna move this up here

Oh my God there’s so much orange I’m gonna get confused let’s see what else do I do over the holidays that’s pretty much it it wasn’t that much time it was like two days today’s and I start feeling sick and I pretty much slept the entire day I think I was

Playing catch up as well catching up well okay wait also this is here this is wool this is up three wool here so one oh two three I did watch the Grinch I watched the Grinch live action with Jim Carrey classic and then I watched the Christmas Chronicles 2. starring that guy Russell

I think his name is all right it was interesting take on Santa Claus I like that when oh I love that I want to play the PS2 game wait whoa whoa whoa yellow terracotta okay and then rude and then orange orange and then we go up here with the wool again

What you doing I’m building the shrimp shrine I’m trying Kurt Russell no no no no not Kurt Russell Russell I think his name is Russell or something like that Jim Carrey’s Grinch is actually good it’s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh also there’s like one of those there

Was a clip in it when the Grinch when he goes he’s having a fit of some sort and he goes to uh do that thing where they there’s like a table and then they pull the cloth out and the table everything on the table stays and I

Always didn’t feel like I was watching like a behind the scenes and they weren’t expecting him to actually nail it but he does he actually does the trick uh so instead he does it perfectly and then just goes over and pushes the table away and the way that he pushed the tail it

Was so perfect it was like the perfect shot He’s cringe he’s he’s playing a doctor Dr Seuss character he has to be super super super duper intense he does it perfectly no other live-action Grinch comes close because there is none right whoa cement whoa sand wood that’s right one two three no that’s not right what did I do

Say she meant one more time cement uh John my thank you my one year anniversary of finding your channel this past and since I don’t really get Christmas gifts anymore I consider finding you to be my gift even with hardships I’m much happier because of

You so thank you may 2022 May more of your dreams and goals come true thanks John such a sweet message John Marco here comes the Big O Big John Marco Here Comes Here Comes John Johnny hey Wings thank you girl could you make the shrimp tail wider we like

To be thick like our ushi sick shrimp maybe uh let me just build it by the books first and then we can get a bit more artistic freedom on this though because I want to make sure I actually build it right if it comes out really

Wonky though it could add to the charm right uh hold on where was I here this is the end I think I did it wrong I’ll fix it though uh oh let me go in one oh this is already the curve of your back well guys you’re so curvy up here

Curve of your back is delicious I didn’t know you guys were so curvy uh orange orange red and then Tara and then wool and then yellow terracotta yellow terracotta and then wood and then orange yes this is her the start of your back because I’m gonna go here and then you’re right again

Red oh wait did I do this wrong why did I do this so wrong this reminds me of um well you know when you were a kid I used to get like play with those I don’t remember exactly what it was there’s probably like uh like I had horse

Trading cards and you would like oh enter this code on the website and get a free pegasus with your card pack purchase I always had such trouble putting in the card numbers because I would have the card in my hand and I would be typing it and I would say okay

Uh a J5 or seven zero and then I’ll go to type it in I would type in something completely different I’m like how does my brain do that how did I just watch this and then do this so wrong Bella Sarah yeah it was Bella Sarah do you guys remember that

Um Bella saw a trading pack I get my own Peg of pie my own Peekapoo oh boy damn it fine where am I there’s so much orange here thanks for the code it worked yeah yeah oh red uh wait what is uh uh oh this is mean this is off by one block

Now entirely because I added one I freestyled Orange the heck did I do boy sometimes up sometimes I can’t stand myself okay there’s a mobile noun is that thumbnail what I think it is it’s a burrito a girl burrito kinda looks like that Meme though you’re very right if that’s what you’re

Thinking of I also have done to that briefly for a moment you guys know what I mean hey you guys know that Meme look it’s the butt of the shrimpy it looks like one it’s just kind of looks like it doesn’t really look like it um

If you look from far away I think that’s when the little details start to look a bit more no that looks like that looks terrible I’m fine it’ll look like when you’re really far away it’ll look normal how far really far and then maybe also clothes and I are too

Depending on how many you have oh sick boy it’s our natural posture from sitting in our gamer chairs for so long it’s okay my chiropractor loves me thanks for your big Super Chat also yeah God I haven’t been to the chiropractor in a really long time I don’t know I remember one time

A chiropractor she’s really nice she was the one that told me that my feet were all messed up she’s like you’re messed up feed and one of your legs is a little shorter than the other uh but I remember one time they had that massager thingy that um it’s like super

Intense and you’re not supposed to use it too too too much uh but it’s a really intense vibrating saying it’s supposed to like jiggle all your muscles to relax them and stuff and make them untense it’s very nice is what I’m trying to see okay let’s fix this so I can move on

I love how I’m sitting here trying to build this two by this 2D pixel shrimp and then you like gaze in the distance that hatchimals creations like it’s fine oh that’s what I meant to do it’s okay we work at different speeds here it’s totally fine and normal all right

We are not Minecraft produce we are Minecraft hobbyists so we are Minecraft oh love Minecraft okay one two red pick up my shoe orange and then we do yellow yellow and then we do wood so I was off by one Oh yellow yellow wood wooden fellow you want to eat crony I guess I can see that man I was thinking about crony the other day I was like man crony is funny I feel like out of council I’ve talked with crony the most we’ve just like hung out on Minecraft or like after

After streams just kind of like we stick around um I don’t know I think Cody’s great Cooney’s great I want to be like crony is crony is unapologetically herself and she’s very like very honest and I don’t know I just really I really appreciate Cody I think

She’s fantastic and she always makes me laugh too so right on time yeah uh okay so now we go up okay good don’t mess it up turkey okay oh wait wait okay red red okay orange and then and then orange red Bull uh-huh okay and then we move ahead two Double Stack hey No band no bad no but at all no no no no no no no I should probably work in like chunks so I’ll leave this here so we can start working on the next round let’s see let’s see what we’ve done and we set our stuff and collect all the stuff that we dropped all righty my helmet not about the shatter it’s fine it’s fine

You can just end it like there now you are a shrimp is no head we could do it like that that’s only half of it it’s cute though isn’t it cute it’s a little messy wait what about the what if we look at it from far away okay foreign

No that still looks like garbage doesn’t it that looks really bad why does that look so bad why did they use so many different blocks for this they didn’t have to maybe you need to be farther away uh uh maybe further away it does look good oh well all right

It’s fine it’s behind it’s fine it’s fine it’s gonna be a big boy though scuff makes it nice it’s got a character it’s got charm it’s got soul it’s got foreign it’s about power it’s about something we stay hungry we devour shut up shut up is

That the Rock by the way is that Dwayne The Rock also why did they put Dwayne The Rock in fortnite and not Vin Diesel we stay hungry we devour it is the rock I knew it Emily sounds like him it’s about family it’s about power we stay hungry we devour oh it’s about

Drive it’s about I don’t know what the lyrics are because family he’s out being an awesome babysitter makes you think it does I’ll kill Santa foreign my family challenged me to Mario Kart as well I told them that we should at some point I kind of wanna I kind of

Wanted to stream it racing my my mom probably a Mario Kart I don’t think I would have her speaking on stream am I making her nervous but other than that maybe I could do that for New Year’s I don’t know if I if if she has time

That would be nice New Year’s playing Mario Kart with my mom but she wanted to because she has a switch she has a switch I guess we could do that but with Mario Kart you can’t interact and I would totally kick her butt too hmm I would never ask her to be on stream now because I don’t want her to be nervous or anything like that I don’t want her to be I know you guys

Would be nice to her but I don’t know I know how stressful it can be I still get stressed about it and nervous about being on stream sometimes but to somebody who has never done something like that before I can’t imagine how nerve-wracking that would be uh

Oh wait oh my God it’s all orange I can’t tell where to start okay wood okay okay we gotta start lower Mama shark’s okay at video games we probably have to race on like 100 cc though uh uh I can ask if she’s around Uh orange orange red Redwood wait this is wrong oh how did you do that how is this incorrect though what it’s so hard trying to read and talk and have thoughts of conversations and then also count and also oh why yeah yeah I just say we have scoliosis okay

It’s okay I love you no matter what you look like so don’t worry about it scoliosis just a story of not scoliosis accounting oh okay wait wood orange orange wool wool wait maybe I didn’t mess up oh no I didn’t mess up because I didn’t just go here

Do any of you have scoliosis store I remember I used to get checked in school for scoliosis oh yeah we can change view yeah yeah was that F5 osteoporosis scoliosis lumbago cyst I gotta go up and do it this way okay now I know where we are we’re on the red here

How do you fix scoliosis or do you not I remember I remember there was like a teacher helper I had in school at school it was just pretty bad he’s a big sports fan It’s the weird detail to remember uh orange orange did you get surgery and scary yeah

Yeah let me Big Iron Giant we’ll kick his kick his zombie but kick his corpse body yeah because yeah foreign two three I kind of I’m still thinking about my mom though I’m gonna text her mama would you wanna play how do I ask this do you want to play

Would you want would you wanna would you be would you uh would would you would you like to would you like to play with Mama would you like to play Mario Kart with me on the Stream and now an emoji I like using the Emoji uh with the guy

With the mustache and the glasses I feel like it’s it’s the perfect expression okay I sent her a message no pressure mom oh wait where was I looked away oh oh nice try not to burp nice nice nice waiting this one up uh wait a minute over the wall wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait oh don’t mess up girl not now not now say wow guys I’m kind of like my brain’s overwhelmed here let me add one more thing and start asking my mom about another stream possibly how long does it take for you to make a tweet

Um considerably less time I don’t tweet very much though I try and stay away from the social medias quite a bit I like I’ll scroll through it I’ll look through the hashtags and like what’s going on and stuff like that but I don’t know I’m not a big tweeter but

It doesn’t take me as much time though but there’s a lot of people following that Twitter account 1.3 a billion people following me on Twitter and I don’t know how many have notifications on so it’s like if you tweet the wrong thing that’s a lot of people that are

Going to see that instantly right and just because you delete the Tweet doesn’t mean that the notification goes away so I mean that’s that’s pretty stressful here I think it would make quite a few people stressed out well oh God it looked away again Twitter’s the worst Twitter everybody

Has their bad eggs you know every website’s got their uh not so friendlies I guess on two pick up my shoe wait no now I messed myself up though because oh no I didn’t we’re fine okay so I just have to remember that I’m not all the way up so this goes

Hi Daddy Why is this four one two three okay so it’s still three at the bottom I think it’s just orange all the way up one two three four one two three four okay I know where we are okay one two one two three four come on one two three four one two three four

Easy was that for either no no no no no no no no no no no no one two three four I didn’t hear us or orange yummy one two three four range and then one two three four inch oh yes hi girl hi girl who’s your main

Killer in Demi Taylor wow I haven’t touched that game in a very long time um well I haven’t tried the I like playing Bing Bong boy I like playing race a lot um I just think he’s a lot of fun I want to try I actually think about

Playing again sometime because the the new crow the crow is out right cool I’m gonna have crony knows uh there’s a crow character now uh and then they’re they’re what are they doing they’re partnering with the ring the ring number 10 number time is cute

Too yeah Resident Evil but the map is a bit of the map is atrocious unfortunately but yeah and then uh they’re bringing the ring I think I saw in March of 2022 yeah ring us I’m bringing the ringus uh all right so now we’re doing this here and one two three four one

One two and then here I’ve never seen the Rainbow on mogus Among Us and dead by daylight on boards oh my God I love the monkeys it’s big Mangus hey kids oh imagine they did like Playhouse Disney Crossover with Mungus they made it like super kid friendly

You and your 10 friends are stuck on a space shuttle time to learn how to cooperate and share only on Playhouse Disney do they still call it that I think it’s Disney Junior now Disney Junior burgundy with Mungus Mungus and friends oh God okay where is this oh no one two three four

Hey wait a minute oh no oh thank God one two three four a gungus what are they for wait say what This is Gonna Hurt isn’t it I don’t think this is right either this is right and I’m wrong or this is wrong and I’m right oh well commit commit okay

He’s a big boy you can see the curvature now he’s forming the sea formation do I get extra power from the sink it’s raining oh I wish it was thundering and lightning too make some charged creepers check out the scoliosis wow your back is calling it’s saying ow wait

Let me extend this a little bit foreign there you go it’s getting there oh wait that’s the head oh that’s your head oh my God you guys are crowning I can see the head cute the eyeball belongs like there I think wait Ponto it’s cute and now it needs we need to

Add the whiskers as well okay okay back up we go oh no we need our ball what is that uh we need black wool have you any wall yes sir yes sir chilling by the door Guru what the Miracle of Life The Miracle of sea life it’s happening before your eyes Oh also I saw a picture the other day I I saw the pictures the other day it’s like all colorized photo I think it was New York City from like 1910 and it was these young boys chilling next to a dead horse that had already like the bloating process it had

Been there so long it looked like you know when when animal anything any living organism dies uh first it bloats up pretty big and then it starts to deflate well it was already past the bloating point so it had been there a while it looked like anyway maybe I’m wrong

I’m not really a pro on decomposition uh but yeah there was this like group of little boys just hanging out next to a dead horse with their feet in this like there was like a trough of water that ran alongside we’re gonna need more orange concrete crud let’s just put the

Eyeball in there is this Kong or this like I’m assuming it was sewage Red’s bad for your sanity girl I think it was on Reddit I think it was ah yeah but yeah I’m pretty sure it was sewage just hanging out playing in the sewage with the boys after school or something ew

The dookie oh oopsie Daisy and the dead horse meet me by the dead horse after school you won’t hiccup okay wait eyeball is one two three four five over from the yellow thing wait what one two oh God one two three here plate here one no one two one two three four huh

One two three four one two three four oh uh there’s your eyeball is my phone ringing what no well you better go catch it why’d you guys hear phone ringing you know is your phone ringing is your vibrating oh it’s a song the song is ringing okay oh my God one two three

Well this is right and this is four this is your head here this is your forehead this is where all the brains go there’s not much room for it though one two three four oh good ah we’re good we’re good just messed up my counting a

Little bit it’s fine though we can come back from that hey oh I don’t know if you’re watching the stream but I looked through the the spinning on Twitter and stuff like that I lost you into the my art hashtag and I saw somebody’s bed their bed full of

Guru theme shark stuff and I thought it was pretty cute like I would sleep there it’s so comfy looking with all the pillows and stuff I’m assuming it was just pillowcases so you need to find like fillers for the pillows and stuff like that but

It looked comfy it was a bunch of me and stuff like that it’s super cute yeah I hope I hope Ian Gets A plushies like the uh the JP didn’t JP girls did okay one okay let me do this hold on okay working on the head eyeball one two

Three to the end one two three I should probably start from the bottom yeah uh anyway we’re not gonna do that though because I’m gonna make things difficult for myself eyeball one two three four one look at your forehead it’s only two blocks long oh no

I can fix that we can make you we can take the artistic Liberty here and just extend your brain by couple blocks oh I get confusing here though big nose you guys told me that character in Diary of a Wimpy Kid but it’s not Bazinga but it’s like the kid version of bazinga

Ooey mama that’s what it is she’s like the zoo Mama kid um oh wait this isn’t right then um foreign one two three and then one two three look at them pity I hope you guys don’t look too stupid oh it would be my fault if you look stupid not your fault one

Do and then oh wait did it wrong yep I did it wrong one two and then one two huh is it F5 to look we have one two F5 to switch the view F3 F3 is to bring up your like okay oh no you guys so dumb oh I can fix it

Don’t worry about it um okay wait okay I see the problem here I see the problem here okay so above the eyeball uh one two and then one wait one two I I I I gotta switch this or something I can’t tell I have no idea what I’m looking at because the

Wait a minute people still think the ultimate four joke is funny ah they probably just don’t know that I’ve already fallen for it if you get me on a moment where I’m like really distracted by the game I might fall for it again but for the most

Part I already got guided with that so sorry but I still seem to fall for these nuts again and again there’s too many here okay now put one back one two that’s two blocks right yes two blocks and then this one becomes wool and then this one gets dug away ha ha yes

Yes Okay empty space and then block block what no what how did I mess it up again wait huh press alt f4 for v-bucks I don’t need V bucks I don’t need I don’t need V bucks I’m a default Queen play Vlog oh this is supposed to be that’s not right

That’s right one two three four okay I declare thumb is war oh okay one two we’re winging it one two three out because you need a long nose one two three and then this should be ah oh please tell me that fixed it or at least get me on track for

Something else to build and then okay there we go we’re back on here just in time to run out of Orange okay we have four Orange oh we have terracotta okay we can make more could uh Orange girl lots of Marvel skins on fortnite in case you want cool skins I don’t know

Anything about Marvel other than Spider-Man is Marvel and every people they died right Marvel characters died I don’t really know I don’t know anything about Marvel hey Chris girl you have summoned me summoned Deez Nuts thanks Chris happy New Year buddy thanks Chris everybody dies oh spoilers by the way I just remember

Seeing the meme Mr Iron Man I don’t feel so good right and then everybody fizzled away I don’t know I was trying to watch the Spider-Man movies as well over the holidays uh and I watched I watched Spider-Man with Tom Holland and then I tried to what is

It it’s like homecoming and then pull the other home away coming home and I watched the first one right homecoming and then I watched the other one and so much stuff had happened in between like what’s the blip what the hell is the blip I just want to watch the Spider-Man movies without

Having to watch every other movie Home Alone yeah wait Home Alone really oh no far from home no no not the new new one the one before that one Spider-Man home but they’re talking about all this stuff I have to see no because I wanted to see the new

Spider-Man but I assumed that since it’s a Marvel movie right that there would have been a bunch of missing parts so I was like okay I’m gonna watch start watching from Tom Hall and then I work my way up to the newest one but there’s so much other stuff in between

I was like I don’t have to watch a bajillion other Marvel movies it’s connected man uh oh wait foreign Right now all this and then we do this one these are your antlers you’re like a little reindeer uh wait red oh no I messed up wait wait foreign I had one job I know I messed it up it’s off by one you’re supposed to have

Two blocks space here in the middle here but right now you only have one um I think it’s fine though man oh wait we’re supposed to have one what’s up oh my God of does he look stupid oh no oh no hi kids my name’s chummy jumpster oh get out of here

Foreign whatever I’m gonna go make some more terracotta and then we’ll go fix you’re gonna be a pain aren’t you oh no okay hey why does he not die in the sunlight uh-huh you’re supposed to be perishing in the sunlight eat I’m bulk of a helmet that doesn’t make sense how

Does a helmet save from that um Okay fixable then wear your helmets especially if you tend to tingle jingle in the daylight although if you tingle jingle then you’re in the sunlight maybe talk to a doctor and it looks fun we’ll just continue oh wait we can’t we have to wait for this stuff to cook

Ow wait incorrect incorrect incorrect incorrect oh my God oh wow that’s not what I want I want this not terracotta I thought that was a little not right we need concrete oh that’s even more of a pain to make I wasted all that orange die it’s fine we just need gravel let’s go blow our shovel up gravel oh no space we need gravel and sand to make concrete powder

It looks like we also need to go and repair our weapons but it should be faster because we have the our lecture right now we can’t bend our helmet though unfortunately our helmet is good as did all right should we go to the JP server repair our weapons before we start

Destroying them some more uh uh we demand these two things I let’s go Hold On Tight kitties what do you mean red there’s no red I’m out of here I’ll be back later looks half eaten say hi to the Miko baby everybody hi Miko baby Miko baby has nipples did you know that

Probably ah shrimpy grows so big grassic shrimp Jurassic Park oh God foreign Okay look how fast this is gonna be now I’ve never been on the JP server side with elytra I know how to get that going please don’t I hope my game doesn’t uh well that’s the resource server foreign this looks a lot different from up above my game out please please please please

I think it’s there now then who’s good that’s right that’s so much faster too with Elijah no no no no I think the electro has mending on this this is actually good wait what am I doing ah Landing but I tend to die here need to kill stuff for mending the work

Well yeah up here at TTT did they change mending no Elijah will never break that makes the fact that crony throws her through her isn’t a lot that makes it hurt a little more uh but it’s fine do they have any weapons so I can borrow I’ll just use my uh Here Let me do this Connie had it from the festival and wanted an earned one though but put it in a community chest for someone who like didn’t care about it I thought it was funny though I think I think the part that was most funny was her Chad’s reaction because I was

Watching the chat replay oh oh come here come here you will bounce you on air chat replay was the best no no okay let’s wait for that to fill up real quick see what you guys are up to in the chat area renai spirit thank you good

Italian it’s been exactly one year since my first switch out and it was also during the stream where you finally got the trident and now look at me I have a trident made my shield neighbors can chat we see me thank you ah spooderman thanks wings

Yeah I’m excited I guess to watch I think the only reason I’m excited to watch Spider-Man is because so many people said it was really good but I feel like a lot of people said that about another movie not too long ago and I saw the ratings recently and

They were they were fine maybe people saw that it was rated too well so they said you know what just because it’s great I’m gonna say it’s not ow boink I’m trying to remember it no it wasn’t the B Movie I can’t remember what movie it was nah it wasn’t arcane

I don’t know hey nice dress oh mending mending where did that come from let’s save him be free you can do it that’s fine oh I’m excited for the new Minecraft update oh did you guys see that video of the uh Matrix speaking of Matrix it was the the

The Matrix Unreal Engine 5. gameplay was a gameplay or it looked like cutscene but I think it was supposed to be gameplay it was either was it real gameplay or stage gameplay though it was really cool they like they mixed live action portions with CGI portions it’s actual gameplay

Okay that makes it 10 times more insane but like they mixed in the beginning they mixed portions if you haven’t watched it pull it up pull it up it’s really really good if you care about Matrix stuff or just I guess video game Tech in general it’s pretty cool um

Yeah they mixed CGI Keanu Reeves with real life Keanu Reeves then they had a car chase scene or it cut seamlessly there was like oh it was crazy you’re like actually it’s not live action at all I’m pretty sure that they I thought they mixed CGI with live action though

Some of it has some of sometimes he looks like he’s live action in the uh in the Talking part where there’s both of them talking in the the white room not during the actual during the actual gameplay part in the car and stuff that one that’s CGI it was so cool

Oh my God there’s so many oh none of it’s real girl it’s the Matrix girl it’s a simulation Gouda red pill or blue pill blue Raw foreign just about done which is nice you guys excited about the announcement at the end of the karaoke relay do you

Have any ideas what it could be okay yes no ideas but yes excited okay for those of you that it’s too late if you have stuff going on I’m sure you’ll wake up to the to the news meal foot reveal in your dreams in your freaking dreams

Wait maybe wait do they make because if if Hall of members I don’t really have that much trouble showing their hands with gloves if they make rubber gloves for feet then I guess you could typically do feet stream okay that’s done now for this oh socks no no yeah just wear long socks

Sock streams the flip cam how would you guys react if I did that a foot cam which is my my feet dangling over my chair oh my God she is not actually has anybody done that before when I when uh when I first was playing like musician stuff on stream I really

Wanted to uh I really wanted to do like hand Cam and if you play rhythm game or really any game but they have the the keyboard tracker and stuff so yeah I want to do that really bad because I actually I used to just record my hands in general playing Rhythm games

Because I was curious to see how it looked because I don’t know what my hands are doing when I’m playing because they’re I’m focusing on the game but yeah the new age of food cam pudding come on oh Play drums and rock band and have a feet cam but anyway Groove coaster wow you don’t need a full cam for group coaster foreign games is really cool like when I you do you watch players OSU players and I have the hand cam but they use the tablets and stuff in

This very minuscule movements Ah my lips are peeling ukulele hand can we have to see mine you can’t do hand cam for ukulele you’d have to see my you’d have to see more of me than I’m willing for you to see you’d have to see like my my body or my legs if you had like a

Oh no I guess if you like if I pointed it at me and then the ukulele is bringing them to cover me come on Fill Me Up Buttercup give me all your XP don’t play here come on elbow oh you want to see my elbow I’ll show you my wenis

Okay so pickaxe is full okay we’re good bye everybody nice yeah okay are there any diamonds up here yeah though I’m really excited for 2022. oh oh oh oh wait do I have anything to put in there unfortunately my pockets were full but yeah 2022 I wanna I don’t know I feel

Like I feel like 2020 2021 I didn’t make very much varied content so 2022 I want to hear I want 2022 to be the year that I try new things with streaming things that I haven’t done before which is the way out is it this one yes a bony Pony

I feel like that’s a pretty good goal right just the year of new stuff for me no uh So much faster with the electron and home again wow wow thank you I don’t work very well here to try something new yeah okay I’m just trying to remember where we were where we were yeah more vacuuming streams there he is there’s our boy every time oh there’s you I guess

You look like a half-eaten sock puppet funny uh moon is going to okie dokie so and now we may put stuff away like stuff we don’t need and then we make concrete powder ah right okay we need a more more gravel Okie Doki dokie Buddha butter [Applause] is this a baby Buddha

No I saw this really great animation of crony uh I can’t remember for the life of me it’s on Twitter though this artist made uh an animation of crony when crony was talking with his crony Subaru and polka Watashi um but she said something like that and then there was one with uh

Council and I’m big crony movie I hope you’ve seen it I should retweet it so you can see it it’s in my likes though oh am I I’m all right am I supposed to get a little irritated by the mm-hmm by the dry air Pretty Dirty do ah

Running data thanks for Super Chat your birthday is on New Year’s whoa happy early birthday early birthday I wanna I kinda wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna drink champagne on New Year’s maybe with you guys oh you’re stuck you’re so useless if you’re stuck here let me help you

Uh wait I was wondering where the other ones went because I knew I had like three of those guys I want I want I don’t know I didn’t have any like set in stone plans for New Year’s really I was trying to think of some stuff but

Now with the relay I don’t want to stream over other people I asked Kiara about it and Kira was like oh it’s fine because you know the New Year’s relay was so last minute she’s like you know it’s fine I don’t know I don’t think I would be

Streaming I would be streaming over people I would start it at uh well if I do Mario Kart with my Mom I’d have to start it pretty early before bedtime uh okay boy fellas you gotta go and you go I don’t know I don’t wanna I’d start it Maybe

I don’t know what I think about it I just my mom did not reply no not yet I don’t know I didn’t feel bad streaming over people but then again everybody’s only streaming like 30 minutes so um I don’t know I don’t know okay do we have everything can I go back

Up and finish building them papa papa yeah I usually start at uh 8pm Eastern but I probably start earlier girl I gotta make it work wow I know Watson’s streaming over so maybe it’s not I don’t think it’s that big also isn’t there the hollow hello hello looks

Pollux is also they have like outfit reveals maybe I don’t know what day that is exactly there might be a lot of stuff happening on New Year’s ASMR ASMR I don’t know Tipsy ASMR girl had sippy of alcohol and now she Whispers stuff in your ear what am I doing Wonder Getting distracted I feel bad I always have all these ideas for asmrs and then I don’t do them sorry guys sorry it’s not that I don’t want to it’s just that I’m nervous I’m shy I don’t I’m not great at it if I did ASMR though I wanted to be

Themed I do know that more orange for your brain sir I know you guys you guys are really supportive and you just want me to do you know whatever really Meme ASMR no I think tomorrow is a little bit of a meme just by itself like a video game who replace video game girl plays Mario Kart on the couch next to you and it would just be This sound the sound of switch and then distant swearing ah ding ding dingy Diggy Dig Wow cute boy girl I saw Moonah built a keyboard I thought that was pretty cool I don’t think she did ASMR I think she just did hand cam building a keyboard I thought that was pretty cool oh nice sir do I have any more holiday stories what

Else did I do I don’t know it was only like two days of holiday stuff uh what did I get for Christmas a bathrobe I got a bathroom I ate I don’t know not much really happened it’s just nice comfy time you know

Ah no no no no no no I went away look I’m running out of things to talk about though uh did your parents have fun with Jimmy it was actually pretty shy cat ah what about granny so I didn’t wanna uh I didn’t I didn’t want to um

As you know how times are right now I didn’t want to spend too much close time you know especially because I wasn’t feeling that great uh no I think she had a nice time I don’t know I haven’t really I really spoken much conversation we had though the last conversation we had

Was about people that put photo filters on babies like Snapchat filters or skin filters and stuff like that I mean to each their own I guess but I don’t know what am I doing I was making stuff for the shrimp bound stream swimming swim yeah people that put like at least your

Photos of their kids and then they put makeup filters and stuff like that skin smoothing filters that’s random it is it is but I guess it happens I don’t know times are changing you know those old people aren’t the way they used to be let’s build your antennae

And 10i into 99 let’s build her into 99ers yeah let’s give you some Wi-Fi signalers brain’s so small you’re gonna have to rely on the satellite connection uh Uh wow we really well foreign blast one of the high points during a not so great time can’t wait for this year’s relay to countdown streams did we do a countdown stream I think I did I blew into a bunch of air horns right and we played getting over

It and I was not drunk I wasn’t drunk I had like a sippy of champagne I was feeling the warmth of the just you know when your your face just goes a little red and stuff like that but you’re draggy dad you drug it’s like no I’m mad shut up

Yeah I want to do a countdown for EST and we could do like marshmallow reading that means fun or something with a batsu I feel like batsu would be even better what can we do with a batsu batsu and drinks batsu drinks and uh something else I don’t know anyway antennae

Oh it’s too tall wait what can I stick oh this isn’t gonna work you guys want to play Drunk okay no okay this is good this is good this is good ah okay I know that is wrong that is not correct oh oh hey no jumping please is More prank calls you okay this doesn’t belong here wait orange red red wait what Oh no oh wait hold on I gotta Focus again because I messed this up real bad um red red red red orange orange red red empty wrong oh red that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right and then there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah empty space and then

Wait why is there too that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right and then there needs to be two whoa oh Nintendogs that would be so much fun oh my God climb this I remember the first time I started a Nintendogs in 2007 I was in the car

And I knock knock knock on the door it was so cute and I had the dalmatian and Friends version get Leo Thank You Leon I grabbed and traveling a lot so I haven’t been able to catch a stream in a while uh wish you Happy New Year and what was what

Uh I hope you enjoyed Christmas with your family and a better meal than a lettuce and mayo sandwich yeah I did I did thank you so much Happy New Year happy New Year yeah I had a Christmas ham and then uh oh roasted pork belly with like um like a I don’t

Know what kind of rub it was a rub roast still it was Crispy Crunchy on top I was so sick I was so sick but my belly was so happy oh pork belly all yummy mmm so good tasty Okay Orange red yeah yeah that’s right oh okay so you’re one two three one two here we go three one two three these are your antennae antennae antennae internet yeah yeah one two three one two three four five six one two three four five six and then you get an orange one

Orange Glen oh no wait I have to go down one how do I go down one oh no foreign And then um oh God um my word on my scaffolding goal hold on guys And then one two three one Two three oh boy oh God it goes done again it’s sketchy my friends and I are planning a uh drinking game during New Year’s Eve we would do a shot every time you say oh no and double the shot when you mention anything about feet that was very valuable information that she’s sketchy

How much do you and your friends value your liver yeah yeah come on hey do you blame me for that two three and then we go down we one two three down He didn’t have to tell us that’s true rip your liver one two I’m sure there’s an easier way to do this maybe we could do like uh I don’t know it’s so soon it’s so soon we’re running out of time wait one one two red one one two Orange On two one two and then one two hey and there you go there’s one of the antennas International crew foreign and that’s where your other antenna starts that little nub right there that’s your other antennae antenna you just don’t have any belly so you don’t have room for anything to eat that

Much stuff with let’s go fix your other antenna though uh okay we’re good lots of wool you’re looking fresh looking pretty good a little abstract but that’s fine that’s right that’s fine that’s good you like abstract right I like abstract please fix our body I will fix your body but first antenna

That actually goes up interestingly enough oh cute it’s like hmm something cute imagine if it killed a cat that’d be pretty funny uh one two three four one two and then four one two three four okay and then you go down one and then you get one here what

What do you mean funny gouda huh one two and one down here it’s pretty hard getting out of bed today and then I saw aqua’s tweet about uh she was stuck in the futon and I was like oh I feel this apparently stuck in the futon

I stuck on my bed it felt so yummy one two and then one two three one two three four one two three four and then down to one two and then down two again uh and then down two again and then down to one more time and there’s that one

Upton oh oh God my landing gear okay let’s see how your antennae look I look like the picture you don’t have legs yet you don’t need legs still you’re fine I’m beautiful without your legs don’t worry about it you look so you look like you look like

You belong in a in a perfume commercial coming out of the water with your hair blowing in the wind but it’s vegetarian tunnel your Wi-Fi signals cute covered in scaffolding it’s your it’s your winter sweater skin you just have to shut it off don’t worry about it okay now I’m gonna give

You some legs though I think we should start okay we should probably start from the top and work our way down but my brain wants to work from the bottom and go up so we could have a disconnect here foreign what could go wrong right thanks our skinny body

You’re gonna have you have a big belly well not a big belly but you have a belly here this is gonna be filled in and then your face is also going to be filled in and then you have legs too unless I decide to take them away from you which might be fun

Okay where does your body start and where does your other body start oh God back to the very confusing portion it’s not a big belly no it’s actually it’s actually a nice it’s nice it’s cute it’s a cute belly uh okay we’ll start here I’m Gonna Knock this down meow

Okay one two three four it starts we’ll start in this quadrant What is this what do you mean what is this it’s a shrimp can’t you see it looks just like a little shrimpy it’s a spinning image all right here we are this is gonna get painful okay so okay red and then one and then one and then red orange orange orange red

Okay we start here oh no wait here orange orange red orange orange one two here’s a leg there’s a leg oh my God he’s got a leg now uh and then I fell in a lot of this with orange so I think um I think I think about as long as I get the outside good the edges you thought this was Kiara and just because it’s orange doesn’t mean it’s Chihuahua okay so now you have a leg this little stubby leg give one

Um empty space Bend remove Wait nice nice nice okay and then orange or orange here orange orange and then oh no this is wrong uh-huh hey Apple shut up we don’t speak of that annoying orange I remember being so excited when Annoying Orange went to Cartoon Network was his name is Annoying Orange and I

Think Tobuscus was in it as well but it was like the first time I had ever seen something go from the internet to the big screen and I remember being so proud of like it was like a weird way I was so proud of the the creators because I

Thought they must be really excited to go from internet to go to the big TV Cartoon Network no less so I thought that was pretty cool that was the first time I was like Yay I don’t know uh definitely the first fruit tuber though uh okay orange orange

Sky orange orange red sky Orange red and then this is all orange here there we go hello sir you can’t climb this can you no no he’s stupid okey-dokey dokey then under your more legs Annoying Orange is a YouTuber a lot of what is it V2 is a very broad term

Isn’t it V tuber I guess makes sense well people that aren’t people that don’t stream on YouTube call themselves YouTubers right so I guess V2 is the broad term for virtual anime streamer I guess virtual anime personality personality hey it’s actually going pretty fast oh boy stop putting the blocks down girl

You’re gonna mess something up here there’s so many look you guys it’s your first fans or not maybe you have many fans I don’t know I’m so excited for you I’m gonna do this don’t touch you didn’t ask for permission to touch the shrimp excuse you excuse you

Not touching the Superstar excuse me I’m your bodyguard don’t worry about it guys I got him Bonk sorry sir Mama excuse me get your grubby hands off my shrimp thank you don’t worry guys I got your back I will save you my princesses Okay next quadrant here more legs wanna start down here so we have two legs no which one is this okay this is leg number two so now for leg number three we go over two and then oh God and then over over one up up up up up one That’s not supposed to be here and this is supposed to be away and this is also supposed to be away and I can’t return um also I think it’s a wrong height why is it a wrong High doll it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay don’t worry about it

No worries began don’t you worry about it okay as long as you have legs are made for walking because the heads is just what they’re doing oopsie and now you have a body tag I’ll fix that for you don’t worry oh oh wait yes yes I like watching body tag removers videos

Look at these legs wowie Wowie okie dokie then you have one one two three spaces here one two three One oh wait wait wait wait wait and then it goes up one two three four oh no I have to go down ah what am I supposed to do why are so many what about we don’t look at it until I’ve completed it because I feel like we’re almost done here

We’re like 78 of the way through don’t touchy not touchy not touchy Punk we are just gonna go around and scoop up everything before it despawns still foreign I really want to look we’re not going to look instead or Grandma okay here oh man

Thank God the week is done I feel like a zombie Gomez one two wait is this right oh one two three four one two three four and a fancy foot for you nice fancy shoe hold on Monday kingdom come thank you thanks for being the cutest most genuine

Shark on the planet you always managed to make my day just by being you oh I thank you you’re amazing uh well I’m not always in chat I hope you remember I’m a huge fan thanks Kingdom Come Kingdom Come 180 180 thanks buddy Happy New Year

Thank you hey did you know how many shrimps need to swim before they make your skin turn pink same too much and they all get sick shrimps are pretty rich thank you Mommy thank you Rico nada oh happy New Year whoa oh days with a super chat happy New Year

Buddy oh fell into my little trap oh gun so you found in my little trap bony man on you well I want to finish what they said though hi girl I’m here on behalf of your female fans your content is always the absolute best looking forward to the

Continental career next year thanks Rico the lady fans do I have female Heroes hi ladies I feel like I was refer to the boys the gents I’m always like all right boys all right boys let’s play Minecraft Wow real girl hey back off dibs dibs back off y’all okay foreign

Doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from oh boy we are really far out um okay and then we have one more leg I overshot though hi sir what a scam you’re running a scam an absolute scum okay that’s fine boom boom boom we’re getting there

Okey-dokey dokey and then we have this one one two three four and then it goes over by one on the floor like this and then it goes into Orange and then you get another little baby leg the fancy oopsie it was a fancy shoe oh so fancy

And then lots of orange for your tummy that I can’t reach we’ll fill that in later okay let’s move over spider Oh no just a hair Hi girl I lost my friend Alex and chat can you help me find him hey Alex Chris is looking for you uh here Marco Polo works when you say Marco the other says Polo Michael Polo I used to play that with my mom in the grocery store we would yell that’s how

We would find each other we’d yell at Marco Polo Lily Hooper thank you I feel like there are probably more of us than you expect honestly LOL ah I don’t know yeah yeah I guess I could kind of tell because like when I bring a girly topics I get a lot of huh

What good of what also I don’t know I think the time I’ve spent on the internet I’ve always gotten used to calling everybody the boys and stuff like that I don’t know I like thinking about it though the the female of yours hi hi there’s quite a few in Cosplay so they

Must exist that’s true that’s true oh I can’t wait for another I want to do another live event like that so I can see more cosplayers although I want to be interactive next time I wanna like I want to be on the screen but it has to be a screen that

You can like go up and touch so that we can like touch hands we can do an E.T E.T phone home we can we can touch fingertips how cute would that be oh and then I’ve seen they have the technology for that I know they do it’s been done before

And then and we can touch tips fingertips and then we can like selfie together but actually it’ll actually work like I can actually selfie next to you I think that would be so much fun it’ll happen I know it will okay you guys have one more leg you are

Doing like a little Steppy it looks like doing a big stepy into the world the first big stepy into the Minecraft world uh but first wait oh okay orange orange oh and then you get another fancy here and then orange uh orange and then orange and then orange and then orange

Uh oh wait not right one wait what one two and then Steppy and then oh God it’s a lot of this down then over down then over Oh it’s one more and then we have to fill you in and then I I think that might be that might just be about done and over and over and down there you go I hope you guys get to do a lot of fun stuff in the new year like

How things have been lately in the world I hope that if it’s kept you back at all I hope that in 2022 I hope that it’ll be your year to do whatever you set out to do does that make sense or like I don’t want to say I hope your

Dreams come true because that sounds really cheesy but I really do hope that your dreams come true somehow somehow somehow they have to because I want them to because you deserve it no matter what it is okay we have to fill out your face a little bit more like that oh

Oh my God you guys we might wait we have to go and collect all of our other ones oh I have to fill in your belly as well hold on was that right okay should we look should we look should we look should we look should we look

Should we look should we look should we look she looks should we look or should we not like it is ah okay we’ll go to the top and we’ll fix whatever we need to fix hold on yes look okay we’re gonna look and then we’ll finish it okay we got

Well I gotta look to make sure I know that I’m not missing anything too drastic okay oh my God oh my God oh my God Um you look you look you look a little weird I think I made you dude you look too sick you look Majestic as hell I will say that oh my God extremely Majestic but also a little you look a little less like a shrimp but a

Little more like a a mammal like a four-legged mammal why am I saying that’s so weird um let’s go clean it up though and then we’ll see what else I need to fix okay I don’t mind you look very Majestic it’s nice you look like a dragon Kawaii okey dokey

Maybe there’s something here I was supposed to fix um yeah I don’t think there’s supposed to be a space there Wait oh this is not supposed to be here for some reason God okay clean up time Dragon shrimp here dragon dragon also I don’t think you’ll get struck by lightning even though it does rain over here so maybe I should think about putting some glass to keep you safe

I don’t think there’s any in here lightning rod oh okay lightning rod okay let’s see and then I have to work on the the shrine part because this is just the base right here God I think you’re I think I messed up your legs wait wait it’s cute

This looks a little funky right here but he’s cute hi wait it’s so cute I gotta sleep I gotta sleep and then we’re gonna ah screw it we’re not gonna sleep big boy oh my God so good biggest boy oh cute every time oh look how cute what’s that hole in your head

Is that supposed to be there yes apparently that’s supposed to be there let’s do some uh let’s get some blue wool then we’ll just use it to decorate the bottom for now very Majestic you guys you look very Majestic ow L I’m taking this for oh uh for some water Maybe I think it would look really good it has to be this color blue though because this is a good blue oh cheers oh sheer ebitonka why are you uh-huh see snip snip oh my God he’s huge he’s huge decorate this

Once I get rid of this too you’ll be able to really see it look we hello cute although the eye is kind of confusing I think I should go fix the hole in his head what do you guys think because that’s your eyeball right there

But this is a hole that is in the original here now built the jar around it no no did I feel the hole in though because it kind of looks like you have two stupid eyeballs fix the hole all right uh I’m a troop look a little silly

All right we’ll go fit oh wait it looks like shiny that’s what the that’s what the yellow is oh it’s like your shimmery shiny body I see foreign can you believe I just made that because I can’t but anyway we just did that so anyway Foreign oh yeah much better I could fix it a little more like your little your little shrimpy antenna thingy or no no this part here this orange wool part the lighter part yeah it’s supposed to be extended inward so it looks more like uh the pointy part

Of the shrimp and it looks a little nubby a little stubby nubby okay let’s get some blue wool foreign legs it’s cute would you share already does it have to be daytime for the shears to work um should be one block longer you just want longer legs you just want to be taller

Listen not everybody not everybody gets to choose their height okay if you really want longer legs I will I will send it to hurry come on come on give me give me give me give me give me your wall s yeah Bye hello deck the shears didn’t I put the shears in cheers is that right more shears more shears thank you more cheers can you share the alpacas I don’t know who could shoot it alpacas three four five share you stupid sheep snip snip it’s manual what do you mean

Wait push your butt what wait how do you share him manually but there’s a love button it has to eat grass eat aren’t you hungry buddy aren’t you hungry boy share it yourself I don’t get in there I’m gonna end up breaking the glass though hi time for your snippening Oh um awesome now we have one that’s fine uh screw it I’m gonna go put it over there anyway that doesn’t wait does that look like a leg it looks pretty short no that’s how it’s supposed to be owl bunk Good job laughs food there you are Majestic is ever so yeah I was thinking about doing uh those but smaller I was gonna make them smaller and then I was gonna Photoshop a trident on it and then have the Trident come out and then I was gonna they’d have to be

Really small though they might get distorted but I was gonna put one on either side here one and one here so they like cross over the entryway to this Temple whenever I finish the temple I need a lot of quartz yeah we set out what we set out to do we

Completed what we set out to do I just have to finish the shiny part shiny every time the dawn don’t you have blue concrete nah yeah yeah but I want this color I want light blue I don’t want blue blue I feel like light blue goes a lot better maybe

Maybe I have some maybe maybe wow wow let’s check here oh cyan died maybe nope nope nope whoa where’s the JP server wool did I have like a wolf arm where’s the JP get their wool fix your house next time I need so much cords that it’s kind of

I don’t know and I can fix this though you can tear this down Carol because now with this out of the way now you can see the shrimp better uh beside the Gen 5 building house okay I know where that is let’s go get some

Am I gonna have to fix this because the water physics are so wonky I was hoping it would all just fall down into the ah yes of course Minecraft water yes foreign [Applause] I have a bucket okay where is the source uh uh I cover it with dirt dig a hole will the water go down or is it just gonna oh wait it’s it’s disappearing hold on this is a berry out no it’s not never mind okay another day let’s go get some wool

Let’s get well okay we’re going back to the JP server wow I’m going to the Gen 5 house because I know where that is we’re gonna get some some uh wool uh I ow e oh no yes let’s go yes I agree wait oh yeah no okay ow

We’ll eat first before we go so I don’t absolutely explode wait I saw somebody eyes thank you I spank mice thank you nice try um my one means you get more girls I had to say um but YouTube censorship is a pain been around for a while never supported

Happy New Year happy New Year ice Bank I caught that one very quickly their name their full name is ice Bank myself I spank myself I spank myself I spank myself I spank myself I sprained myself Ice Baby okay let’s drop some stuff here Um doesn’t pickle have some stuff around here kiawa I think this is Petco stuff put this here no you didn’t get me I’ll let you go I’ll let you get me I didn’t get got it on purpose I just I let you I let you win all right gaming thank you good you

Made a shrimp look so cute but that’s illegal only gray shark is allowed to be cute everybody cute it’s uh listen when you hang around it’s like you hang around something cute you also become cute because you absorb it so therefore you are now the cute I’m sorry it’s it’s

Permanent I can’t I can’t help it okay Gen 5 building this is Um is it where is it Don’t tell me I know what it looks like it’s big where is it there’s Duncan for Eminem what does Eminem look like is it by the resource server forward slide to the left so it’s on the left side aha wait hold on hold on hold on okay uh you said ear

What side is it on this is the right house right this is 15. kit left side behind it oral gun hello large server left side behind oh foreign I’m trying to find the uh follow the perimeter Roger foreign as well I’m trying to find the uh gen 5’s wool Supply to steal

I think it’s so cool I want to build something like that someday Sora station no you’re missing where your brain goes Shield she owned what is this is like a breeding Farm this looks dangerous Staying Alive oh are you going to it’s a clothing facility oh so that’s what they’re doing over here

Making test tube babies oh my word is this all tropical fish this is all food for the the breeding is this a farm or is this hand caught holy moly oh what is that too tree what is this hmm it’s the fish farm oy what does it say oh

Well we have our we have our wool I don’t want to go see the shoe bagelian because I’m able to get up close to it now let’s go ha uba wow wow I’m inside the oh that’s so cool I’m inside I’m inside Shuba I’m on shubat right now shuba’s butt I’m

On the Shuba Shuba what is this I spray a puppy what is that wait a minute what is that is that a is that the belly button is that an outie belly button that is so cool I love it I love it okay let’s go back Let’s throw a fly through shion’s brain cavity space is in there spacious specials the end wow this thing’s pretty great flying around is so much easier I will never ever go back to walking did you eat the brain I didn’t get a brain that wasn’t there

I promise it wasn’t there I did not I did not eat it yeah oh all right now wow well shrimpy loaded every time what the sunset Oh I thought he may so Elegante wow I’m so giddy this is so cute it’s so cute uh all right I don’t really know what to

Do here uh I don’t know I don’t want to place too many blocks down just because I want to think about how I do this portion of it um so but I’m just gonna do like a little a couple maybe I’ll get my brain juices going maybe I should get some more

Quartz and put you on like a quartz pedestal I was thinking this because it’s like water oh wait that’s covering I don’t want to cover it okay well for now we’ll just we’ll leave it here because I don’t want to take up everything that I just put down foreign

Because this is actually pretty easy to follow and I complained a lot uh but it was actually pretty easy to follow so maybe if I look up some waves you can do like like you’re right in the waves I don’t want to take up too much of the the sky though

Yeah okay everybody there’s a picture big maybe I should try and fix this hold on foreign ergy Oh what a way to end the stream what have I scored you know how long it’s been since I died in this freaking game seismic ironic Spirit what is kinetic energy is that gravity well now the shrimp officially has its first sacrifice so um I would like to say that everything is

Working as it should be everything’s working up and running we should add a conduit to it somewhere moving energy so like gravity it’s like gravity it’s essentially gravity connect kinetic energy movement helped by gravity all my pants on you I don’t have pants on alrighty everybody uh potato Thanks for coming to my stream and watching me build a shrine trim Shrine the shrine part isn’t done yet but it’s the main attraction is done this is everybody say hello Every time we’ll be staying on the Minecraft server forever so I hope you get comfy and be okey-dokey all right guys all right I’m gonna move over to Super Chat everybody until my voice comes out this is where you’re streaming viewing experience ends and have a lovely rest of your evening

Uh I’m gonna I think I’m gonna use the same screen though no no no I’m moving over here to this one all right all right every time I say goodbye bye-bye Walking in the winter wonderland gone away here to stay is to do ball are you sick of Christmas music though I don’t want you to be sick of it Uh okay sorry I was just checking something it’s just jazzy a little bit Jazzy crimble well Jazzy Criminal imbus okay um let us begin S till Christmas oh that makes me so sad what do we have next well next is New Year’s and the Valentine’s Day which is a cute day and they have Easter which is another cute day and then Mother’s Day which is another cute day and in spring summer winter spring

Summer and fall all you have to do is call what was that James Taylor my mom really liked James Taylor music I think that was his name James Taylor okey dokey dokey I’ve said that a lot at the stream I hope it doesn’t become a thing That I say a lot amount of water oh oh I had pizza again today by the way it’s funny like oh somebody asked if I had any leftovers uh no not really I don’t not not especially they haven’t had pizza again today ah no more pizza though

No more pizza no more pizza no more pizza uh no referee pro thank you did you ever sing for your family I bet they’d love it I can’t count how many times I’ve listened to Target of love Target 4 loves the few days make uh uh for the past few days makes my

Heart do funny things good job good out thank you thank you have I ever song in front of my family no I’m not one to sing in front of my family because my I’m embarrassed uh my mom my mother when I say my mom cries when I sing and

It makes me feel embarrassed um she wants me to sing for her and I actually Um if she somehow sees this uh well I’ve been trying to something I’ve always wanted to do for my mom is like make a CD for her just for her though it doesn’t have to see the thing is either it doesn’t have to be like some massively produced thing I could just

Record some tracks with me playing and singing the uke once I practice or something like that and just burn it down to a disc like the good old days and send it wait I don’t want this one um yeah How do I Loop this specific one yeah but yeah that’s what I want to do that for a while maybe maybe that’ll also be there this will be the year I do it I’ll sing all her favorite songs yeah one of her favorite songs is um

Uh what is it called it’s by the guys it’s by it’s drop Drops of Jupiter I think is one of her favorites yeah well Jason dreams thank you Esteban thank you Esteban thanks for karaoke stream granola yeah I definitely need to practice the UK I gotta build up the calluses again

Calluses in my grip strength it’s been like five months since I played it’s been a while it’s so bad never again I never let that happen again um yeah I had fun too despite me being kind of nervous but it was a lot of fun yeah it makes me excited for the New

Year’s relay actually yeah I’m trying to see how many songs I can cram in the 30 minute time that we have uh see how cute she thank you Ava home thank you um you are thank you the broom thank you yeah it’s been a while since I played the you cuckoo yeah foreign

Smith thank you thank you thank you it’s customary to leave donations at The Shrine right well don’t mind me then no no you guys don’t have to shrimps don’t have to because you don’t have to wait do gods leave tips at their own shrine

Do they do that I don’t think they do if they do then okay but I don’t think I don’t think you have to worry about that because it’s your Shrine so foreign is it actually 45 minutes for the Relay oh yeah it might be

I I don’t know 30 or 45 minutes or so yeah Thank you Oscar thank you Brandon thank you Brandon silent lumos thank you it’s not a cursed thumbnail it’s adorable it’s a Dorito it’s cute papa is saying you bro man thank you looking cute as usual today girl thank you yeah I really like this outfit it’s so ah it’s it goes with everything

Because of it and I’m so bouncy and I can do so much stuff this is so nice I don’t want to use it too much though but at the same time it’s my favorite so Ah I did a video thank you oh no sorry Diddy I didn’t see this until the end of the stream I hope you feel better friend Azure thank you Thank you planning on getting back into the Toho after taking a six month break from it I’m gonna be recording and posting it so others can see what six months of not flying does to a Touhou player well isn’t Toho like is really fast pay I can imagine that

Being really hard to get back into but then once you get back into it then it should be like normal if you were a good player like your your muscle memory will turn back on if you can muscle memory Touhou to who sorry is it to who to whom it concerns

What kind of game is that bullet hell so it’s like Space Invaders but cracked Yeah yeah I’m bad at those uh uh boot tops thank you good job thank you tell who Tito how well where’s my teeth good job thank you Palm tricky thank you happy birthday what season is my favorite oh I like a transitional season so like spring and I

Like Autumn uh winter and summer are fine but they they tend to last a little bit too long uh so I actually prefer the transitional Seasons yeah Yeah thank you shrimp thank you thank you very much Bishop Johnson thank you please don’t think you add water thank you uh I do feel a bit better yeah I don’t know what was happening to me on that other day but I appreciate that you guys were understanding when I took a

Little bit more time to rest I’m wondering if it was the dry air or maybe just me being worn down like it caught up to me that one day I don’t know um brownie does gaming thank you Chris moire thank you Celica thank you so much thank you Jason thank you say Palm pug Joseph Perez thank you Ma Babble thank you babble uh Mr anchor thank you Santa’s stepping stool thank you and don’t call me chubby I want Chubby chill Toby Thank You Toby

Coron guitar thank you oh you were the guy with the broken ribs or was it sprained ribs something happened to your rib cage I thought of you when I ate a pork belly the other day because at first everybody in my family thought that they got a rib

Roast and I was like somebody I remember reading one some one of the shrooms did something to their ribs but it turns out it was pork belly so not to fear I wasn’t thinking about consuming your flesh when I was having like Christmas dinner it was it was pork

Belly but also I’m really happy that your ribs are healed that’s awesome let’s go white blood cells awesome work red blood cells whatever ones heal the body anyway happy New Year Bachelor Anthony thank you uh tell my friend Cornelius to get a VR chat oh speaking of VR chat didn’t the the worlds open up for you guys on like the 26th or something so you can go can you wear the I don’t know if you guys have access to

The the VR chat costumes as well or skins my chat froze by the way uh oh there Oh platelets that’s what it is but yeah the VR chat opened up yeah so you can uh go inside VR chat and all you they did you have access to the costumes ah so you can be Dino girl I want to use tempura I feel like tamagura could be a lot of fun maybe maybe if I do get around to doing the RFA the ring fit Adventure stream and I used the small model maybe I can ask uh the the model rig guy if he can rig tempura

Does it be kind of ironic right you guys can work out with me and then you can watch The Bouncing deep fried shrimp and think about delicious food that you’re not supposed to eat during the new years because society says that January 1st is the day that everybody goes on a diet so Bashful Anthony thank you though Zapp is insane you outrun the wind thank you anyways and thank you thank you grew Society yeah screw Society do what you want it’s your life you only get to live at once so live it as you want yes thank you what

I played Mario Party once with my family mom and dad got a divorce and my siblings refused to speak to me oh well is that a copy Pastor copy paste pasta I hope so otherwise that’s kind of sad um happy New Years though I hope that’s not the case um thanks okay

Thank you a fisher king thank you oh bizarre King and fisher king the kings have a visited us today Look out Ted thank you Anthony piaz Piazza thank you uh degenerate thank you Ma she comes thank you so thank you sir Thank you greetings from Russia ah us how do you say Merry Christmas in Russian wait don’t tell me wait wait wait Um says she says system Merry Christmas friends Merry belated Christmas Happy New Year uh Devon thank you it’s your owl thank you would you play Skyrim with the fart shout mod yeah if it was allowed yeah that’s a stream I would drink too God what a title uh uh Skyrim fart mod

Plus alcohol Every time you laugh you take a shot wow endless misery for that stream x-rays thank you hey girl hey girl hey uh else NYC thank you oh I have not gotten a new humidifier yet I really need one though because I am a suffering yes wait what is that mod called wait Skyrim

Skyrim fart mod is it really called baked beans foreign baked beans of Skyrim So that’s it just beans no no my friend not just beans these are the best beans in all of Skyrim in fact they’re the only beans in Olive Sky Room Foreign features a new food item bowl of baked beans jar of beans custom meshes for the beans textures for the beans a wide range of quality sound effects a brand new power with spectacular special effects but why would a simple food mod need compatibility never mind why old chum

This is it they said Chum we have to play this now Oh I saw somebody say not very idolisk of you listen listen Idol idol Idol idol Idol idol rule I know I know I know Purity I don’t say so I know I know but don’t you want to share and stuff that’s Goofy and silly sometimes

That’s fun you can still be an idol and still have fun and sharing goofy childish moments right what’s in Skyrim fun I want to have fun I want to be a fun Idol or I don’t even think most you think of me as an idol so that’s fine uh Randy thank you Randy BB gamer thank you thank you told starting you guard gorilla oh I need to translate oh mom Arigato oh don’t you’ll be come Summit gaming clone thank you Maki Machi thing you about 9 000 thank you who do I think has the cutest ears in Halloween Iris I wish elf ears are number one cute so I always you know I don’t know if you would call

Iris’s elf ears but pointed ears are 800 bajillion percent of the cutest ears in my opinion so um Achi thank you but who else has ears okay has ears right oh Ena has uh ears like that as well yeah Ena and Iris have the cutest ears then

I was trying to I don’t know I don’t really look at people’s ears I guess so let’s try to remember who has ears yeah Nina and Iris me yers are just round though I guess they’re cute but they’re not I don’t know they’re not cute and pointy Thank you girl stinky haha scary stinky little hole Mason thank you Lily thank you Dr CQ thank you starting a five day vacate with your streams nice thank you Nick I thank you um a little bubblegum thank you Draco meteor thank you don’t Target our reading you thank you thank you girl are you sure you’re not a child ah I remember one time I was traveling and I was in the airport um and I was

Late for a flight so I was hauling tail running sprinting uh it’s I was so late for my flight that there was like nobody else around because they had already gotten on all their flights uh and I still had to go through security because I I got time

I forgot to look at the clock uh anyway so I get to security and they stopped me and they say hey honey hi and I already I was like oh God the second you said that I already know where this conversation’s going and so like when I know somebody’s about to do

That to me because they don’t know I also like hey what’s up can I just try and get us I get like as stiff and as like cool as I possibly can Hi Honey hi hi sweetie where are you going how old are you 38. And I’m late so move out of my way you can scan my bag and get let’s you know just stuff like that foreign yeah I have to show my ID and stuff we always have to like yeah yeah yeah yeah but just the fact that I was so late and

They were stopping me for something like this I’m like I don’t you I don’t look young enough that I’m not able to fly please I was so panicky I was like I need to get on this flight ma’am you don’t understand where goatee I need to wear a goatee next time it’s

Probably the Hat because I do wear my little toke with the Pom-Pom I wear the talk with the Pom-Pom it probably makes me look quite a bit younger as well 38. I just thought of a number that was older okay I can see the clip now a guard girl uh

Real age leak 38. 30 it’s probably a nice age to be it’s like cruising but if you guys keep being snarky you’re cruising for a bruising I’m gonna punch you uh yo Guru 38 yo girl I heard you 38. laughs where’s your mommy little girl Anyway sorry thank you uh burnt sausage thank you Dear Goombas the shrimps are being taken to a sing guard and they need your help simply edit your credit card information and save them from the dark lord Sauron seriously they’ll watch together for Lord of the Rings movie extended edition that’s gonna be like a 12 hour movie isn’t it my goodness

Uh Crimson Phoenix thank you Lauren’s mail thank you cow thank you oh I could be 58 you guys still love me well lucky for you I am a peak 9.5 000 so it’s fine right three uh the fans reach thank you morning gouda it’s 9 A.M in Malaysia and I’m

Currently eating breakfast for watching the Stream boy yummy I’m not really a big breakfast person but today I woke up really hungry for breakfast no not today maybe it was Christmas Day I woke up hungry for breakfast I’m just kidding I didn’t wake up I just got up hungry for breakfast

That’s why I was just so grumpy I was so tired but then I was like really hungry so I made a toast with ham and egg on it and then I sat down to eat it and I got comfy with some a YouTube video to watch

And then uh the ham I guess was slippery and it slipped off the bread and I dumped it on the floor that was fun yay I love it Nelson thank you star Creator thank you uh Captain jerk pants thank you thank you Thank you for him kill me Whammy oh no the hair is so slippery what are we gonna do the ham is so slippery Chad oh no you better go catch a check before the ham slips all the way down oh floor is lava don’t let the ham touch it not to him oh

No yes thank you the bomb is here to you both see you uh Yeah short videos yes still Yes um yeah yeah Jason James thank you thank you Mesa thank you doomsday then thank you Epsilon thank you Bishop Johnson thank you thank you I bet you are the dense protagonist uh excuse me yes I would definitely be the dense protagonist no I’m not really a protagonist energy I think I’m side character I am dense comedic relief uh bad things happen to side character uh lots of energy but very unlucky

The very powerful very high energy very unlucky sidekick I think I’m definitely psychic uh but yeah oh mama Um oh you like targeting something about Target of Love or love my bed Come Summit Target for love thank you yeah thank you thank you uh David Butterfield thank you Jason thank you yeah in order for me to say uh the um Christmas is A a meme uh I know I know Merry Christmas is Merry Christmas is a blue archive meme but for the pronunciation I had to ask uh crony I asked crony and Inna for help thank you for help because I was using the Google translate guy for pronunciation oh my God I was

It was so bad I was like guys can you please help me and crony was like yeah I’m making food hold on I got you I was just spitting them out super fast so thank you for your help and thank you guys I’m happy you enjoyed it thank you Strawberry thank you bell crossing yeah thank you uh did you smiley thank you wait ring fit Adventure will make your tiny muscles scream yeah Yeah thank you atrum ravenous thank you thank you then this is Alexa thank you how’s your Mario Kart training Goomba it’s been all right uh I practice a lot of the ones that you know was playing today uh alongside her while I ate pizza and then I also was watching Aqua again

Play so yeah it’s all right I need to practice more though Mr Knight thank you wingstv thank you John Mark thank you to person thank you Good boy thank you said Thank You Sid uh the name of the song at the beginning of my outfit reveal it was something from audiostock I don’t know if it has a name uh it’s like our audios audio stock but I know I searched of RPG

So if you look up RPG maybe you can find it that way thank you girls labra thank you audio stock uh hiroyuki thank you Taiwan Alves thank you next thank you next um excellent thank you I remember the bath salts oh yeah I tweeted I didn’t mean

I got bath salts right this the salt that you put in bath water and it’s good for your muscles and that’s what I knew it to be called as and so I tweeted hey I got bath salt because I was excited and then I put the connection together

That bath salts can also be kind of nearby um in a way that might be under misunderstood so I was like oh okay even management was like yeah girl not a but not a good idea so that’s one of the reasons why I’m a little hesitant to tweet things because

If I tweeted anything that came to my mind it would get dangerous so anyway thank you melons oh yeah Wings thank you ding dong thank you thank you uh Sheen’s old Dragon thank you uh how did you tell your parents you were a whole life YouTuber or did they know from day one

Ah they knew I might have just mentioned it I don’t remember have I talked about this before because I don’t remember I feel like I might have mentioned it to them Yeah I’m thinking of my dad yeah my mom told me to do it but I’m thinking of like my dad and stuff I feel like I might have I don’t remember it’s been a while yeah yeah my mom told me to do it yeah yeah I feel like I casually mentioned it

At some point but nobody in my like extended family notes I don’t think but yeah Mama Mama oh Mama I really think you’re wrong thank you David thank you girl since you get nervous about tweeting did you ever imagine having such a big platform was being a big streamer a goal of yours before hallelu live no no I never really um I never I’ve never had the mindset

Really of Oh I wanna be a big I wanna be a big I’ve always just kind of done whatever I had fun with and only for that reason and when I wasn’t having fun I wasn’t doing it uh so no no I’ve never had that mindset no

Oh well we were while we were with Joshua thank you Purple Dragon Knight thank you Cooley do you think you’re high oh thank you forever zero thank you oh thank you for the flowers wow thank you um humble thank you why black wolf thank you oh

Um sorry I’m like I just got home from the theater I’ve been listening though take a guess what it was uh Spider-Man happy New Year Lisa thank you Miss real thank you I’m dismissing you Thank you how thank you Mr we thank you accelerator thank you wait should I swap this so I’m looking at you even though you’re on this side you’re also on this side now we’ll do it this way Oh what if it’s like that so that it’s actually like I’m looking right into your soul oh I know I’m not this will be looking into your soul Maybe that’s a technical foul shout out no we escaped that movie we escaped that movie with well Cali within an inch of her life but we escaped that movie Uh uh just kidding cute soon okay thank you Jason dreams thank you I genuinely love every time well that’s good because I made it for you guys so I hope you guys like it I’m happy Jason likes it yeah how come me thank you thanks thank you oh boy then thank you

A green nickel thank you happy birthday thank you bread thank you bread I have a home thank you uh really nuts thank you Roman data thank you penguin nights thank you Dr law thank you Samurai Joe thank you thank you oh you have a lot of great ideas and

Games left to get done have you tried Community Bounty setting a milestone for chumbies to reach essentially putting their money where their mouth is to say they wanted to happen oh like a pole foreign what do you mean because like we’ve done polls and stuff before but I haven’t thought about doing anything

Like like Milestone like what Watson did with the uh the other thing stretch goals oh uh no Oh charity oh donation code nah not a donation goal but I have thought about doing charity yeah um yeah uh uh uh do you see the hero thank you breakfast Bandit things Sandy Rin thank you no referee Pearl thank you Mr Meester Anderson thank you ding dong thank you Irene thank you

Thank you Liam Griffin into you you should do a charity but what charity should we give to that’s that’s where I never know what to do I never know what charity I’ve had ideas and I’ve asked management about it um um I should poke them again about it but ocean related yeah I don’t know I had oh I don’t know uh I guess this can get a sensitive topic so I’ll move on but yeah I have thought about it and I’ve asked about it but uh coral reefs that’s a good idea though uh saving the coral reefs maintaining and saving course coral reefs lupine

Thank you have oh I’ll say happy birthday but I hope you have a good day because you said you have a bad day have a good day and if it helps uh happy birthday Uh Team C hmm yeah yeah thank you can you play Jump King please uh I don’t know jump k uh I don’t think I have the quite the the what would you say perseverance that Cali has or the other members that have sat down and played it all the way through

Um maybe maybe a Frozen thank you I just get you thank you uh Gerardo thank you Merry Christmas tasty Gohan thank you uh why should we thank you good luck with working through the holidays yes or no working through New Year’s no no no no oh thank you though not to thank you

Oscar thank you Lorenz Mill thank you depressed Taco Yoki thank you iguana guy thank you nice thank you Nash thank you multifunction now thank you but I just wanted to show my appreciation for your content keep doing what you’re doing you’re amazing thank you thank you

Cheeky snake thank you oh mama thank you oh kingdom come thank you representative of the female interesting thank you uh yeah Chris saying thank you Wong Anderson thank you Walden thank you Ali thank you sorry thank you close to you thank you may I think you’re male you Alex thank you Sophia

Thank You Wiki Thank you Arizona anime fan thank you Azure thank you bro thank you let’s remind you ollie thank you uh be buried and thank you mean thank you Oscar thank you oh thank you foreign e and B thank you cheating you gaming clone thank you made a koi thank you

Decide thank you Murphy thank you oh who’s gonna tell him a girl completed the shrimp in one stream and it looks dope with no deaths or restarts after halfway through well almost I did die though um but anyway that’s neither here nor there everything else yeah

It would be cute if you built a temple Guru next to the epitome oh actually I thought it’d be cute uh if you oh No Maybe not maybe not a tempura but a girl Dino uh we have a lot of woods around the server entrance and I wanted to build something off into

The woods I wanted to build just the tippy top of a gyro Guru dinos head like she’s coming uh like uh she’s coming through the forest like she’s gonna eat you or something Just build a really big one somewhere once they extend once they extend the sky size then we build a big Dino Angora Tyrannosaurus Ricky uh uh ice Bank thank you EMB thank you and Z thank you already thank you oh eating dried shrimp yummy Kampai come

By that’s what else I want to do I want to compile you guys on New Year’s I want to say Kampai in lots of different languages as we ring in the New Year Uh Logan McCarthy thank you thank you oh my two uni Moto B if I was a superhero or super villain Uh something about my size probably like oh so it would be something like stupid punny as well punny small evil size uh Andy Chaplin thank you thank you Danielle thank you well Wings thank you I hope you come to the anime convention in the Netherlands sometime or the Netherlands oh I always

Uh that’s right the Netherlands is a thing the Netherlands home of uh windmills and tulips right right that’s what that is right thank you representative of the female thank you Grim thank you Oscar thank you North windy thank you Luca um Thank you thank you star Creator thank you ah it’s so dry why is air so dry it hurts my throat ah well then think you’re well ding Santa Kate thank you oh wait what did thank you uh last year was a real hoot thanks for the stream dude oh you got it dude Uh Jason dreams thank you are coming thank you by our career Hunter thank you Cool Whip thank you real thank you Mr Shadow thank you uh flaming pants thank you f Genesis thank you Calvin cool thank you mama mama looks like this thank you oh I do have a new hand pose hey

Okay hold on wanna see this chat hold on Uh Foreign What’s that longer legs they want oh foreign Happy Holidays happy New Year I can’t catch live streams like I used to but I still hold the soft spot for the shark who unexpectedly suplexed me into the rabbit hole I hope your dreams keep coming true so you can constantly seek out new ones

Thank you thank you Robert oh how do you also laugh thank you Robert ah there’s my Ojo laugh just hi how oh Mr silent pickle uh hello thanks you and man thank you Oh Jay thank you Tony bones thank you I hope your Mario Kart training is going well gorilla and not just because I may or may not have big money on you making it out of groupie all right Tony I’ll do my best for you buddy don’t worry I will try

Why is guru’s hands so small is it my hand is small or my head is Big it might be my head is just really big huh look at these funny zombies sitting here watching an anime shark build the shrimp wow I’m sounding a bit like a gremlin maybe I should really say anything

Hold on what about this one oh wait hold on let me your immersion ah my immersion Yay Mito Thank you some guy thank you do you want to play second role uh I don’t think we can play sekiro but I would love to play sekiro I actually kind of want to play it off stream because you guys keep saying it’s like a rhythm game still oh you calabone thank

You Happy New Year sharpstick thank you I had a dream Hall alive open the store in my town you were behind the counter as an employee and I said hello mister would you like to make a purchase Sir would you like to buy my acrylic stand or a perhaps a t-shirt or perhaps a booby mouse pad sir Jason thank you how do you do fellow Zoomers meanwhile Cowell thank you Pinoy thank you uh it’s here Thank you mean Stone thank you Lloyd thanks do you like corn yeah I like cornbread pudding especially a sign thank you choking down a burp oh God can’t do that on stream oh no uh oh eight five seven thank you Clinton thank you Savvy thank you northwinden thank you uh Mac

Hey thank you um oh you’re having surgery or Mike get well soon get well soon the new year is waiting for you Mike you must be healthy and ready for the new year good luck friend feel better Happy New Year Mac thank you ah violin thank you

I’m sorry I’m thinking about that okay I’ve never had surgery done before and I’ve never been uh I’ve never had uh what is it when I give you medicine to make you sleepy I’ve never had that before I’m very scared of it um I hope sometime I won’t have to do that But um anyway yeah Anastasia I never had anesthesia so that’s a scary thought ah Look fun beach thank you 13th Iris Center thank you Colonel I’m trying to eat my breakfast but the slipperiness of my Huh Purina Colonel I’m trying to eat my breakfast but the slipperyness of my meat is making it slip onto the floor it should be ham should we have ours and Colonel I’m trying to eat my breakfast but the slipperiness of the ham is making it slip on the floor

We need the bread with the Tactical grip you got that tactical grip uh Vic give it uh Vic do you have any memorable Family Travel stories oh oh one time yeah actually one time my me and my immediate family were in the car and we’re driving doing

A big old family Road sure it and my mom was driving and my mom and I have a similar sense of direction and my mom got lost uh and we ended up pulling into this uh scary scary long windy road uh with lots of vehicles with very

Dark tinted windows and I don’t know it looked like a place we were not supposed to be that was not supposed to let us in um we were just looking for a bathroom and like a Starbucks or something uh so uh eventually my dad was like hey let’s

Not be here uh so we turn around and we we get out and then as we’re driving down the road and like uh a couple seconds later my mom gets nervous and she’s like why I guess we had Vans following us those same dark tinted window vans that we saw

In the parking lot of that place were following us and uh I just I remember that one I remember that story in particular because my dad brings it up every now and then yeah I don’t know what the building was I don’t know FBI open up I don’t know I don’t think

Uh like a really high security building would not have been able to let us in right because it would have been high security But yeah I think we were being followed by it by something scary um there’s a story that happened I have a lot of fun travel stories I can’t remember them right now but oh my God the amount of stuff my family’s gotten into while traveling my

Family likes road trips so I have lots I have a lot to tell but yeah uh none your business thank you thank you thank you do you still read VOD Commons Kura I do Thank you William Luan thank you for super chatting cute gargaret toilet seat no no I listen I find listen no no keep your bodily fluids to yourself oh no uh smoker best shark thank you look puppies thank you spider bro thank you Yoon soon thank you uh welcome thank you

Cyprus thank you Papa thank you the blue isn’t cute uh alexania Delta can we get a wiggle ah how do I do this oh wait Ah it’s hard I have so much more movement it’s hard because I have so much more movement let me try this Oh it’s hard ah look ah oh my head got cut off sorry Forgive me extra thank you sorry thank you so be I want Subway uh some of this how do you sell it in Korean okay thanks come samida ah ms1014 thank you thank you thank you super B David sauce thanks uh while we will reward hey hey oh why should go I oh

Hey oh So cute thank you Rancho thank you North winner thank you girl say okay what does that mean oh with the other hand oh okay what does that mean though okay oh is it cheeky does that mean ebito oh Kawaii Koto okay oh I’ll kill how cute y’all hold on one of these days

One of these days chat unfortunately Jason dreams thank you uh number four proud thank you do you think your streams would change much if you stream to a smaller audience a much smaller audience I would probably be able to be a lot more personal with each and every one of you

Um uh there’s a lot of names right I’ll do my best but I have gotten a bit more into the practice of referring to you guys as a whole um just because of the amount of you and I don’t I don’t want a single people out

I do because I want you all to get the attention you deserve but I don’t want to make anybody feel left out um but yeah that’s probably only how reason or way of my streams would change is it would be a bit more personal to each each of you uh

And I probably feel less pressured to do more experimental stuff uh but other than that uh I mean I’m I’m I am who I am so that’s not gonna change but yeah oh yeah Mr bun thank you lunatic thank you Jason thank you who’s the alpha of hololive Ian Kiara takanashi

The sticky Paws thank you Ram thank you thank you drive by shrimping thank you bro mommy Sheba thank you ram only hope to see you collab with JP more next year anyway one more time good night ciao boy you’re finally awake Thank You Nero thank you

Elka thank you ow thank you thank you Jordan Marshall thank you uh can we play Persona uh I think I think not is that what happened with wait who owns Persona is it Atlas I know Cali loves Persona Cali has wanted to play Persona forever and a half

But yeah probably not gonna happen unfortunately but thank you everybody for your company today oh longer stream longer stream than I was expecting to do wow remind me to get a humidifier for tomorrow so I don’t suffer Jason thank you and background man thank you hey girl

For Super Chat ever I’ll wait come back to you my New Year’s resolution this year is to not be ashamed of who I am or what I like so I started my memory shrimp well I’m still here thank you for pulling me out of my shell this year

Add a boy background man and always I hope I hope you guys do this as well proud of who you are all right there’s only one of you so yeah yeah don’t be ashamed of who you are or what you like if you like watching anime girls on the internet then

Gosh darn it watch your anime girls on the internet we love having you around and if you like being around us and that’s all that matters right or if you don’t like watching anime girls on the internet then watch what you do like it’s that simple simple Elementary want some So yeah I may be cringe but I am happy that’s the spirit the spirit friends okay with that being said it’s time for me to take a shower I know I know the horror right but yeah it’s time also I need to Steam fix the dryness ah okay well anyway

Thank you guys for sticking around sorry the schedule this week got all messed up uh got all scattered so yeah all right have a lovely day do your thing whatever it is uh everybody Oh I already forgot what it was oh oh Kawaii okay it’s time for curry to go now oh and let’s get a nice exit song exito It’s okay Oh yeah Sammy Foreign Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] shrimp shrine! and chat’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2021-12-29 06:25:10. It has garnered 697704 views and 40607 likes. The duration of the video is 04:53:50 or 17630 seconds.


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Artist: C418 Album: Minecraft Volume Alpha Title: 24 Droopy likes your Face

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

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  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

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  • Guessing YouTubers in Minecraft

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  • Bedwars Shenanigans

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

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  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

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  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

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  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

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  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

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  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

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  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

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  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

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  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

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  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

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  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

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  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

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  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

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  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

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  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More