Shocking! I Dominated 1000 Minecraft Raids!

Video Information

Imagine fighting a raid using the strongest defense ever created that can win a thousand of them in less than 3 days well a defense that powerful looks like this two months ago I challenged myself to Max every stat in Minecraft including the raids triggered in one stats however

After testing the most popular raid Farm designs I realized none of them actually increase your stats so I needed to somehow win a th000 r raids using a farm that doesn’t exist but first oh look at that that is my luck right there however the problem wasn’t how hard the raids

Were but instead how long they would take a level one raid has seven rounds costing up to 15 seconds each to spawn so theoretically it would take 28 hours to win a thousand of them well that excludes the 130 hours of killing illers and the additional 160 hours of getting

1,000 bad Omens I’m not going to lie I kind of want to upload this this year but it will only take you a second to subscribe if we get to Seven likes then I will literally breathe however before recording I spent a full week brainstorming over a 100 different

Techniques and glitches to create the ultimate raid farm that will hopefully be better than the stupid fake farms and take less than 400 hours to complete the first step is finding the perfect location this Village is great except it’s over 1,000 blocks away from any Outpost and the village that’s literally

Right next to one was destroyed thanks to life steal however we’re in luck since my friend here has the seed to the server which will allow me to review the entire world on this map and it appears the perfect location is 5,000 blocks away and a uh a spruce forest and The

Outpost is all the way up there well at least this should be quicker than last time oh no no no all right clearly I’ll need to do some Renovations since my current ETR estimated time of 1,000 raids is still like 300 hours so I’m going to use my second

Technique deforestation sure it’s pretty straightforward but I got to start somewhere if I want to abuse the crazy stuff like this don’t ask me what this does I don’t know yet I want to start off the foundations however I’m struggling to find where these guys keep spawning I mean sometimes I see them

Here here or somehow down there I should definitely solve this by building something up there but who wants to build when you could just now we spot the Raiders instantly but I forgot I need a village for a raid to spawn luckily I did keep one survivors so I should be

Fine oh who the hell is fire aspect what what is that before I started I installed the replay mod for situations like this but apparently the Villager that did survive what the did I just say but apparently the Villager did survive except a single villager doesn’t count

As is a village so you want to know how to turn it into one you’re so happy you’re so joyous look at this new land before I start another raid I think it’s time to cover this Ravine however so far I’ve been focusing on fighting the raids

Which is only one of the three elements that’ll Define My ultimate farm so let’s take a look at the second element starting a raid it takes a long time to find a Pillager Captain but even longer time to return to the farm so I’m going

Back to my roots by building a bridge I would say this is pretty ugly but all bridges are perfect in their own way next is the lack of Pillager Captain’s problem currently I don’t know any ways to make them spawn faster but there is

One thing that I do know best and we got a villager Captain it’s working already I expanded the bridge a bit more but there are a lot more ways we can make these raids easier I mean gr literally made an entire video about this next technique bamboo now the cool part about

This is that I don’t actually have to build a wall all I really have to do just place in like a line like like so oh I forgot about the grass situation but I tried ignoring it for as long as possible but eventually it was too much

The reason why I didn’t I want to remove it in the first place is because you have to do this and then this yeah they literally can’t get inside except they’re pathf finding for this right here with these new changes my ETR is now at 190 hours which is a big

Improvement from earlier but definitely not enough for a good upload schedule however this next change may bring me close to the theoretical limit all right you see on the map up there I got a big plan all right eventually all of this is going to turn into a giant flat piece of

Land first I want to calculate the radius of where the Raiders could spawn wait is that another Village but since doing it in person is hard I’m going back in the replay to figure it out wait I just realized did I destroy the ground and then replace it hold on I destroyed

The ground and then wait wait check this watch this part i f it straight back in the block I destroyed I just fill it up what why what is wrong with me I’m began marking coordinates down to start doing the calculations however I just realized

I could have just looked it up now if the radius calculated I can start making a perimeter oh yeah that’s beautiful and the only reason why this looks cut off is cuz we have a Giant Mountain covering the perimeter here but don’t worry it is

The same size on broke as the same size on every side yeah it’s time to flatten out this entire place now flattening an entire mountain is no easy task so I’m going to build a beacon here next I need to connect the lines together to finish the perimeter like this however I ran

Out of Nether Bricks so I’ll grab some more oh oh my God I went through the nether portal it was a big mistake the reason why I had so much nether brick was that during the preparation stage I wanted to get five beacons which required 15 skulls so I planed to build

A Wither Skull far Farm however I ended up getting all of the Wither skulls while grinding the Nether Bricks for the farm at least they’re being used for some type of farm but these raids feel slower than usual to figure out what was wrong I logged out and booted up Plants

Versus Zombies instead of villagers attacking me it’s zombies and instead of me defending it’s plants I’m currently on Wave 24 of Endless mode but there’s one reason why I got this far compared to my RAID Farm every open space is used for damage and damage only well here I

Have these mountains and this giant wall of bamboo so I removed it I’m so sorry green but your strategies won’t be enough to fix my upload schedule but I still have a mountain to worry about the worst part though is the fact that the beacon is out of range and for some

Reason I’m too lazy to move it the second problem however is my tools durability I tried trading with villagers but it got really annoying and this isn’t even my base so I’m going to take a trip to the end A lot of server members actually don’t know about this but on the other side of the islands there’s a scary bridge that leads straight to a very broken XP farm this will allow me to mine the mountain a lot faster on a good note I finished flattening the mountain now I just have

One more to go this time however I’m actually moving the beacon in range so hopefully this shouldn’t take as Long finally oh wait one block over here Boom the entire thing is done is the Villager still here okay honestly the map doesn’t look too different however we still have to fill in each of these tiles the question though is what block do I use sure stone is the obvious

Choice but what about Soul Sand I mean typically it makes you extremely slow but since I have soul speed three on my boots dude I could be doing raids at such a crazy rate I did the math and I’ll need about 63 Stacks but honestly after mining two full mountains this

Shouldn’t be too hard luckily I also lit the end portal next to my farm so tool durability is just not a problem anymore finished filling in one tile but I realized that if Raiders can’t spawn on Soul Sand then I’m going to have to break all of this yes it can spawn in

Soul Sand let’s check this out I’m almost done filling in the perimeter but something really strange keeps happening oh my I don’t know why I keep finding illagers through my portal but I won’t worry about it for now because I want to take a look at this map oh yo yo this looks

Disgusting all right let’s try it right now I started a raid to test it out and the Soul Sand was fantastic until they spawned below it oh my God no most annoying part is fixing the giant ass holes that are made by these creepers since the raid Farm layout is working

Well I think I’m going to do the same for The Outpost the only problem is that I’m getting lasered by all of these pillagers at least I can trap the captains and boats since the spawn radius for The Outpost is a lot less than the raids I thought I wouldn’t need

A beacon but I’m going to make one anyway and it looks like they can spawn below that’s great but while rebuilding the beacon at the farm I noticed there was no Raiders I was literally checking everywhere until I saw this isn’t this also great however I think it’s time to

Do something I really should have done earlier I’ve been running back and forth across this mountain for every raid while I could have just used the nether I even added trap doors for that one% extra speed doing raids alone has been getting pretty lonely though so I

Invited some friends to help and if I actually invited some players here then you’d probably see this place on a fomc video oh yeah the new Army is here they will were absolutely useless but every time it turned to night I kept having to sleep so that I wouldn’t have any

Creeper incidents however I think I’ll save more time by just lighting this place up I’m definitely making it harder for myself by trying to perfectly grid these out but I really don’t want more incidents like this but actually now thinking about it these lights are doing nothing to stop the elers from spawning Below so I’m completely blocking it off wait where did my farm go just kidding guys I’m in my test world and trying to test some new defensive strategies I calculated that this is the range where pillagers can’t attack you so if I place fences like this the Pillager can’t

Attack but you can’t however this all falls apart when you introduce an evoker this fall trap seems to work but there isn’t an easy way to attack them back not you not you wait what the hell these guys can spawn with banners what did I just see so without any ideas I logged

Out and booted up balloon’s Tower Defense six instead in of Raiders attacking me it’s balloons that actually don’t do anything instead of Defending you’re the one trying to pop them well wait a minute that’s the solution make the Raiders so incapable of anything that I’m the only one who could attack a

Fun difference between skeletons and pillagers is that a Pillager crossbow actually has durability so theoretically if this Pillager shoots enough times and breaks its crossbow then it’ll be passive I also realized halfway through that I didn’t need to craft a full inventory of Shield but Eventually so okay you don’t have the crossbow anymore what if I take you out of the boat yo what’s good dog however upon starting a raid oh no my friend I don’t want to do this to you okay what happens if I put you in the nether where

Is the Raiders what have I done this may not seem ethical but you were originally trying to Massacre a village well back to the raid can the Raiders stop spawning outside of the thing so to make sure this this never happens again I’m going to mine a little bit more of the

Mountain I’m not sure how this will solve the problem but I’ll worry about it later because the banner chest is starting to get pretty full and I think they would look way better displayed a little fun fact about banners though is that you can actually rename it and

It’ll show us a waypoint on a map I learned that one from wey but I probably should have listened to more of his tips after that I think it’s time to fix the outer edges and to do that I’m going to be placing slabs since I’m pretty sure

Raiders can only spawn on solid blocks but what would happen if I made this entire Farm unspawnable I mean will the raid even spawn or would I instantly win what are you doing what the what is this kid doing all right now with every tile covered and even the gaps

Completely spawn proofed it’s time for the grand reveal where they did they go okay that was a little disappointed but now I should be able to control wherever they spawn nope it’s okay I kept making new new platforms trying to get a single raid to spawn but even when they did I

Never got past the first round trying to figure out why my freaking thing doesn’t work and plan alert said it has something to do with raid rings but I think I’m just going to spawn the raid right above my villager I think that’s what I’m going to do it’s cuz you suck

So I booted up a test world and recreated a version of the Arena would raid be able to spawn here let’s just let’s just test start a raid and in theory it should be able to just spawn right here all right cool see if that can happen again cuz honestly this Str

Right here just this just may may be your option now I just have to build it on life steel I think I’m going to test this out now perfect it’s kind of hard to hit them but you know what all right the Raiders spawned but it’s definitely

Not easy to hit them and the ravagers keep escaping I guess I could add a rim around the farm except I think I broke it maybe it was just a flu I decided to add slabs so I can actually hit them and to handle these vexes I placed some

Boats but that also broke the farm if I can get the strategy to work my ETR can easily Skyrocket but since I’m going to have to do a lot more testing I’m going to place slaps below the Outpost just so that the captains don’t get stuck down

Here a couple of hours passed of testing and I ended up removing the rim entirely immediately after I did this I completed my first raid in a very long time at this point I had used every idea I previously brainstormed and needed some inspiration so I logged out and booted

Up Apex Legends instead of Raiders attacking you it’s people and it’s nothing like fighting a raid I also ended up dying a lot so I returned to Minecraft however one of the people I was playing with was jamato P who had previously helped me warhole thousands of illegal items into survival Minecraft

So I asked him what I could do to fix the farm and he had a couple of suggestions first I need to expand it since raids can only spawn in a 5×5 area so I have no idea how my previous design even work with this change my ATR had

Gone all the way down to only 65 hours however jamat op had an idea that could possibly surpass the theoretical fastest time I was just thinking about this right originally I was thinking maybe like adding some like lava dispensers maybe like a fall trap or something to

Try to kill the pillagers but it’s not even like killing the raid that’s my problem I finish it pretty fast the problem is getting bad Omen but you know how if like I push one into The Nether they like I’m able to kill them and then

Get bad Omen what if I just like turn this into a portal easily could be one of my dumbest ideas yet not stupidest things I’ve ever done I don’t have high confidence in this working it would be pretty funny though the first test was great but definitely

Not Flawless so I decided to invite Jato PE to my house to help me optimize it past the theoretical limit however if I go through this portal it’s I think it’s literally a death trap okay what oh sh i b open three so the I I skip the

Round loading because they go through the portal but here’s the problem with ravagers uh they not fit do you need a taller portal I may need a taller portal for some reason any mob that is riding another mob can’t go through portals I attempted to make the portal taller but

I also picked up some blue eyes to make the process easier however I decided to take a trip to the stupid raid farm that didn’t give me completion because I wanted to see how it handled jockeys except it showed me something else I’m going die somehow out of all the raids I’ve

Done I died in the one that was supposed to be the safer option I eventually came back to the farm but I knew there had to be an easier way to get rid of the jockeys I attempted placing signs in the middle so that I could possibly Place

Lava above but that obviously didn’t work I then tried to place blocks on the outside so that the illager riding the ravager would suffocate but what if instead I placed lava on the outside of the portal well it actually worked so I switched the walls out for signs and got this and

Boom okay I need to stop watch it I need to stop watch it next time starting now all right I think we’re on world record Pace right now okay looking good 15 seconds got bat Omen all right started it okay looking good second round already third round done fourth round

Out of here fifth round not die let’s not die is that it stop the time 1 minute and 16 seconds in total I reached my theoretical limit so okay let’s think about this so we have 100 wait didn’t I already have 147 why haven’t I been

Winning raids so I did more testing to figure out what went wrong and apparently you actually have to get a kill in a raid for you to win it however for the next 18 hours I will be doing one thing in one thing only first I

Bought a new bow from another player but when I went back in the nether The Raid was missing this meant that other players were in the nether making them despawn which also meant I would have to find a Pillager captain at The Outpost I end up searching for a video to help

Them spawn faster and built a farm that performed extremely well but even that was slow compared to what I had so after failing to build a chunk loader I decided that I would only grind at night when no one was online that means I’ve lost around 100 raids that is really really

Sad we are at 1 or 999 raids triggered oh yeah oh oh my God 1,000 raids triggered if I had a 100% win rate I would be done with the whole challenge but sadly I I have like another like two hours of raids to do all right guys it’s been a minute we

Are currently at 989 raids one come on let’s run this $9.99 all right I’m not even getting bad you know what we’re going back to the to the beginning we’re going back to the roots to finish this so you know like how the heroes like you know in the

Hero’s journey how they start off in the Ordinary World and you go on some crazy adventure and then the hero comes back to the uh the original worlds but as a changed person that’s me right now that’s literally me all right guys it would be really funny if I lost the raid

Somehow and I had to go back to another Village and yep there’s there’s the vexes there’s the vexes woo vexes woo holy I’m going to die you know two and a half hearts is kind of impressive I mean I died during my thousandth raid no

One was on to see that get the hell out of here man 1 th000 raids yes oh my God bro and listen you can click here for the next episode or you can start from the beginning but I think in the next episode I I have a very simple goal and

You know what just to make sure just to make sure I complete it well I lost another heart I five where the am I

This video, titled ‘I Won 1000 Raids in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Spoke on 2023-10-23 12:55:44. It has garnered 441553 views and 19944 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:04 or 1204 seconds.

My journey to max every statistic in Minecraft is coming to an end, but I must complete my greatest challenge yet… here’s how I won 1000 raids in Minecraft!

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music: DM DOKURO Chris Christodoulou C418 Laura Shigihara Peter McConnell

A Minecraft video made by Spoke or SpokeIsHere on other platforms! Enjoy!

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    "EPIC RetroRevival Build - Mind-Blowing 3x2 Door in Minecraft!" #redstonepowersVideo Information This video, titled ‘3×2 Door! #minecraft #redstonebuilds’, was uploaded by RetroRevival on 2024-03-12 21:26:53. It has garnered 2213 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Check out the original on my channel if you want more in depth! Subscribe please, this short is a minecraft redstone door build relatively easy! – Retro #MinecraftShorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1

    Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1Video Information This video, titled ‘best combo, Minecraft 1.8.9 | pika network’, was uploaded by Anfff1 on 2024-02-14 22:22:10. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. minecraft, smp, gabar, blox fruits, pvp, drdonut, donutsmp, pvp arena, blogger fights, blox fruit, donut smp, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, minecraft shorts, #shorts, bedrock, #minecraft, arena, pvparena, crystal pvp, #memes, java, tiktok, tiktoker fights, minecraft pvp, lifesteal smp, shorts, boys, lapata smp, lunakom, Bella Kuznetsova, race v4, clownpierce, blox fruits race v4, hermitcraft season 9, minecraft smp, minecraft funny, bounty hunting , my game,… Read More

  • Dupe Anarchy

    Dupe AnarchyThis is a server with the /Dupe command as well as /Shop. We were initally a Minehut server and switched to a new hosting service. Give us a try and join today! Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About Us: At PrismaCraft, we focus on community building and provide a variety of content for players to enjoy. Whether you’re interested in creating a town, leveling up skills, or making money through jobs, there’s something for everyone! Main Features: Towny for land claiming and community building Skills and unique abilities Thirteen different jobs for earning money Player-driven economy with custom enchantments Craftable gear and resources Custom fishing system with 170 unique fish species Join us today to experience all these features and more at or Discord Pride… Read More

  • Toxic Factions

    Toxic FactionsWelcome to Toxic Factions, an emerging community of passionate Factions enthusiasts! Our server offers a great cannoning experience that you’re bound to enjoy. We’re equipped with various plugins including KOTH, Outposts, MCMMO, Harvester Hoes, and more, all designed to enhance your gameplay. Join us on the thrilling journey to the top. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mode Confusion: Is this the right gamemode?

    Minecraft Memes - Mode Confusion: Is this the right gamemode?When you can’t figure out the right gamemode in Minecraft, just remember that real life doesn’t come with a handy little menu to switch things up. Read More

  • Hot pig, warden, zombie, dragon love triangle

    Hot pig, warden, zombie, dragon love triangle Why did the pig, warden, zombie, and dragon start a military in Minecraft? Because they wanted to bacon some heads and roast some brains! #minecraftmilitary #baconandbrains #gamerhumor 🐷🧟🐉🎮 Read More

  • Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody

    Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody Minecraft Parody: Mine It All Exploring the world of Minecraft can be an adventure filled with excitement, challenges, and creativity. The Minecraft parody of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” brings a fun twist to the game, highlighting the experiences players face while mining, building, and surviving in this virtual world. Surviving the Minecraft World In the parody lyrics, the player navigates through the dangers of the Minecraft world, facing off against zombies, creepers, and the elusive Ender Dragon. The constant threat of danger adds a thrilling element to the gameplay, keeping players on their toes as they explore and… Read More

  • EPIC Hive Party w/Viewers ft. KaneLion 😱🔥

    EPIC Hive Party w/Viewers ft. KaneLion 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Parties w/Viewers (Facecam) #hivemc #cubecraft’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-05-07 23:35:18. It has garnered 1101 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:15 or 7995 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock Minecraft live doing custom games with viewers on The Hive Minecraft Bedrock Server! =========================== Discord: =========================== Server IP: Hive Bedrock or Cubecraft Bedrock =========================== Texture Pack: Bare Bones 32x =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== Song: Beaty and Sylish Beat by Screamed Only You can ignore this – hivemc live minecraft hive hive customs live custom hive live hive… Read More

  • Sly Sumo Madness: Cursed Montage 6

    Sly Sumo Madness: Cursed Montage 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Sumo Montage 6 #hypixelduels #lunarclient #minecraft #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by SkySteveSparrowS on 2024-01-06 01:15:04. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #MinecraftPVP #HypixelDuels #LunarClient #duels #shorts Read More

  • Unlock Unlimited Creativity in Minecraft Survival!

    Unlock Unlimited Creativity in Minecraft Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building The Creative Inventory In Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Kostina on 2024-04-30 22:00:06. It has garnered 1260 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:06 or 666 seconds. This build costed 1 MILLION blocks! APPLICATIONS ARE STILL OPEN IN THE DISCORD!!! JOIN THE COMMUNITY DISCORD: Here is our Unreal SMP collab channel: @RealUnrealSMP Kostina: Unity Team: Shea Studios: Shea and Kain: Rants & Rewrites: Twitch: Kostina Animates: Kostina VODS: Join my discord to help out with future videos. Discord: Tiktok:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft CritChain in Pojaylauncher!

    Insane Minecraft CritChain in Pojaylauncher!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Deadliest CritChain In pojaylauncher | #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by GameXcoom on 2024-04-18 06:00:05. It has garnered 498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft Deadliest CritChain In pojaylauncher | #shorts #viral minecraft minecraft pvp #pvp fire mc crystal pvp fire mc fire mc pvp fire mc pvp montage best critchain in minecraft fire mc crystal pvp montage minecraft fire mc #pvpmontage #mrspells #minecraft #montage minecraft pe minecraft pvp montage epic combos #bedrock #combo #conexion #sharpness #pvp montage montage pvp montage ultimate adventure victory digital mastery gaming… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMP

    Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap)’, was uploaded by GamingGamer237 on 2024-05-16 10:25:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. india #lapatasmp #howto How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap) Hey everyone!have u ever think how lapata smp members … Read More

  • Intense Dog Battles from Another World

    Intense Dog Battles from Another WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLOODY DOGS! | FROM ANOTHER WORLD – S3 E2’, was uploaded by Rotch Games on 2024-05-31 11:20:15. It has garnered 1344 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:33 or 3933 seconds. From Another World Mod: List of mods and resource packs: Discord: Read More

  • “botXsonic – Insane Villager Rail Experiment!” 🚂

    "botXsonic - Insane Villager Rail Experiment!" 🚂Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Rail Madness! 🚂’, was uploaded by botXsonic on 2024-06-07 10:30:16. It has garnered 9500 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. minecraft horror game gaming twitch maizen horror jj maizen jj and mikey video game lets play live mikey maizen playthrough games mario gameplay livestream maizen challenge merely adequate maizen jj and mikey survival hermitcraft hermitcraft season 10 minecraft pranks maizen mikey jj prank video paper mario boss fight minecraft 100 days 100 days in minecraft cy yu plays ps5 maizen monster battle escape mikey jj mikey… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art – Must See! #Viral

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art - Must See! #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfying sand art #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts#trending #minecrafthacks#technogamerz #SHORTS’, was uploaded by mr. Allrounder gamerz on 2024-06-08 03:36:01. It has garnered 3894 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. satisfied sand art #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #viral #shorts #viral #shorts #house #minecraft morden house build #minecraft morden building #minecraft pocket #minecraft mod #minecraft download #minecraft morden houses #minecraft tutorial #minecraft tips #minecraft short #minecraft shorts #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral shorts #trading shorts #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning #gaminglife #pcgaming #online #gamer #playing #playinggames #videogames #instagaming #gamerguy #instagamer #onlinegaming #game #play #gamingsetup… Read More

  • Daku vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft AMV Edit!

    Daku vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft AMV Edit!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daku x Herobrine | Minecraft daku song AMV/Edit #trending #feeds @SquaredMediaAnimations🤝🏻@Jiban12’, was uploaded by Ahan yt on 2024-01-07 10:08:16. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More