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Hello everybody welcome back to the unstable mod pack let’s get right into it all right so when we left off you know we we’re in this cave we have been doing some Mining and it’s yeah it’s all fun Shenanigans but now I think it’s time we continue on down inside this little man

Cave Cameron thingy and see what’s on store um it’s gonna definitely need to get oh deep slate fun I love deep sleep said no one ever um we definitely need to up our order Supply and so we can I hear stuff I don’t like that oh no thanks no thanks

More lapis hey I need that um I don’t want him to ruin it so let’s just get him out of here I got a little freak out there for a moment how much lapis give us some not a ton but some I heard a Skelly boy somewhere oh there’s a Skelly boy dimensional

Getting screwed here fellas like that okay God I stopped talking there for like a solid five seconds and I am so sorry about that I was just in the middle of you know trying not to freak out and die if this stuff right there is looks pretty pretty important um and it’s another room uh so we’re not

Gonna go up there quite yet we still need to stay down here we need to see what kind of orders we can find because we definitely need to up our ore Supply and I’m honestly almost good okay I thought I was falling I’m even a little upset I’m gonna lie to you

Would have been fairly upset um so let’s collect this lap this right here because we need all the lamps we can get sweet all right we’ll get the rest of this too just because we can get it and then admit this dimensional short stuff I don’t know exactly what it does

But it glows and that’s fantastic totally that right okay I guess it looks like it’s used for like boring stuff like it possibly so what is a drum alternation no um I would like to find some more diamonds but I am not enjoying oh my God Oh my Jesus

There is about there was a million creepers there holy I said shoot don’t don’t judge Jesus Christ that was so many creepers seem to make some more torches because that was a little crazy um I need more sticks well let’s make all these into torches

That’s not at all what I wanted to do but okay okay um what don’t I need I really don’t need this rails if I’m being honest here um yeah but I really really like to find some words because we are going to get started with a cultism today

Um you know while we wait for our ore Supply to get generated so we can actually get some you know stuff to make the Quarry so I think getting started with the cultism will be fun to do today um I’m gonna hold off on that only because I am don’t think that I’m

Anywhere near prepared to go down into that deep dark place and um mess with a bunch of you know mobs because this has been the outcome since we started so what I think I’m gonna do is I’m gonna head back home and we are going to get started with

Cultism to see what we can do with that huh you serious we should have yeah we’re coming up over half a stack of iron ore which is great because we need a bunch of iron too hey now this isn’t what dreams are made up though what’s wrong with wrongly I can’t smack

All right Jesus Christ bro hey go fight them please I need to eat that was well then we’ll just get back to the surface and I’ll talk to you guys then it’s okay so we have made it back to Elementary um we’ve made it back to the house I’m

Gonna throw away some of our valuables in here um and start smelting up all this iron um and then we need to so it’s the this in here that and then some iron a 20 in that one and then 20 in that one okay so the reading the uh

Autism we need to make this right here dictionary of spirits and that is demon dream seeds um and even dream scenes I think I think I have some I thought I did yeah right there we need to take one of those and we turn rotten flesh into leather in the

Spot pack under some of my packs like you oh no fun um so I need to go kill some cows so let’s go ahead and carry out the inventory just a smidgen um this is just full of random bull crap so we’ll throw a bunch of random bull crap in here

Um probably need to organize this is just a little bit better I need to eat um what am I looking for here let’s take a bow and arrow just because why not and then oh I do have a boat never mind so literally anymore we don’t need leather

Right in the second aha so we can combine this with the demon dream Siege to get the dictionary of Souls uh spirits okay getting started there’s nothing here okay this book aim is reduced okay so we need to lift the Veil Spirit fire throw demon dreams fruit on the ground and light it with a flint and steel so I need to I guess plant one of these dreams demon seeds um yeah so let me grab some oats um a two bungle here would that be enough to jumpstart this boom yep

Okay so we’ve got a demon drink fruit and I need to get a flint still which I do believe that I’ve got um yeah Flint right there a piece of flint iron Steel and then what we will do is it says to throw this on the ground and it might look

Like steel okay cool now we’ve got Spirit fire Stellar um did that not give me any more see okay I just was being done so I need to plant the similar one okay so what was next on this list um divination Rod that we need to throw andesite onto spirit

Yeah right okay so we should I should have a bunch of ironicide somewhere at least I thought I did which would be really annoying if we don’t um gravel okay so what I’ll do is give me like five minutes I’m gonna go like a fun event aside and then yeah we’ll be back

Okay so we have got all the end of sight we need a little over snacking 28 so I will start throwing all this in there I’ll just control that gives us all that all right oh so we’ve got all this other stone that we have what is next um

Handles I don’t think that I can make and pigs we need with a butcher’s knife and then to harvest the beef Tallow so we need to get we need to do that what was next um the third eye and then right like a spirit with demons dream fruit okay cool

We need to make a butcher’s knife a bucket binding okay and then the book oh I’m just gonna go ahead and open all this we need to make a sacrificial ball so let’s go ahead and do that um does this hurt yeah we need to make a sacrificial bowling

All wrong but we’ll make like two of those just I don’t know how many we need um and we will put these you know what I really need to like this area let’s just move so let’s throw some torches down around here just because it’s two daggone

I don’t like that I’m kind of scary though because listen the dark is scary there’s stuff out there I mean literally Rhett and Link did a full song about why the darkness not really scary but the stuff scary and you know what this Rain’s Gonna Get a

Winner so let me go ahead and sleep okay so it has stopped raining thank god um and so for right now I’ll just put these sacrificial bowls right there beside that and what was next that we needed to do um okay so it wants us to do so I’m gonna

Place this over here actually because yeah I guess we’ll need just right now we’ll put that in the center right so we need to make a golden sacrificial Bowl which is probably one of these surrounded by gold I’m assume um so we go here and we do

Golden Sac or official Bowl which is a bowl yeps right on my gold so let me grab my gold I should have enough yeah I should um surround this with a bolt check visible and then so does that and then it wants us to get candles

Okay so what we will do is we need to make a butcher’s knife and just go beat the crap out of a bunch of a bunch of animals to get a bunch of Tallow butcher’s knife which I’m assuming is yeah so it’s three sticks and two iron um I’ll make some sticks

And then I need to iron let’s collect all that anyways and then it’s all right so now what we will do is just let’s go find a bunch of animals to murder because we we need them candles and I’m saying so come here piggy piggy let me beat you

To death with this thing okay they’re not not drop any teller okay I guess not so I’m gonna collect a bunch of Tallow and then I will be back with you guys once I have completed that all right so I beat the crap out of a

Crap ton of animals put these right here they have managed to collect 27 tallow so what I need to do now is go turn this into almost a butter I need to go turn this into handles so we can make the rest of this bit here so how do you

Make it like that I need my candles let me go ahead and look that up handles I can’t ultimate strength luckily we killed a crap ton of spiders and also did a lot of stuff with the oh that cave spotter spawner last episode I don’t know exactly how many it’s gonna

Take so we will do that there’s that and what do they want us to place here I don’t really know I’m being honest um so let’s look at this um it was here oh here um only the color that’s the chalk okay so how do you make chalk

That’s what that’s that’s what those are for that too so we need to do chunk bang bang not chalk chalk um let’s just just in Pure White talk which is Otherworld ashes which is you burnt overall wood okay so we need to get third eye so that’s what we’re missing

See the third eye how do we do that again my brain is not working um ability to see beyond the physical world is referred to as third eye humans do not possess such an ability to see beyond however the certain substances and conscious contraptions the knowledgeable Summoner can work around its limitation

Most of comfortable most expensive way to obtain this building is to wear spectacles infused with spirits that lend their sight to the wear a slightly more nauseating but very affordable alternative is the consumption of certain nerves demons dream most prominent among them and I think I’ve got some growing here yep

So let’s go ahead and grab a bunch of Bones and we will just make a ton of that boats okay throw some crap away because I’ve got way too much stuff on me way too much stuff um I probably should have put some of that in there but it’s okay we will

Definitely do that shortly so bones and two bone meal and we shall start planting or not my capsule we will turn a bunch of this into Bang Bang Bang foreign right but supposedly it gives me third eye supposedly hang on I’m sorry hang on a second we need to yeah

I want to see the third world um okay do we need to make a divination rod oh my goodness it’s a donation rod is made with sticks and a spirit of tune gym okay so we need oh so we need to get a diamond which I think we have we have an

Extra one we just throw that bad puppy into this and then awesome and then take our sticks I think it was like this and then hey this up there it’s not attuned any material cool so let’s go ahead and clear some of this up it’s just a smitching just a smidgen okay

We’ve got that we’ve done our spirit fire we’ve eaten the berries goggles are made how um leather infused lenses okay so we’ll need to do that but it’s not right now so next on the list was we need to do this but we’ve been eating the fruit for that right and then spirit

Over sampling into okay so maybe we can take do I have any saplings on me or they all look at this this into that and then plant these all right and then I guess we’ll just have to wait yeah I guess we’ll just have to wait for this

I would assume I don’t think I have any more bones for bone meal sadly yeah I don’t so what we’ll have to do is wait until some of these trees grow but in the meantime was there anything else that I could do two I need to get this tree oh there it goes

Go ahead and knock all this crap down yeah let’s move this up tree down just so these are exactly spawn a little bit better I need to throw some of this crap away that I’m not I’m never gonna use elderberries no thanks no thanks yeah okay

So if I eat this is this gonna turn yeah there we go that’s how you get that I feel like I’m very tripping right now this is wild I’m gonna take a nap let’s go to sleep so we just need to wait for our wood to grow

I really wish that you’re like shift like it would be for SkyBlock to do that um because once we get that we’ll be able to summon a demon and we can get started with oculism oculism occultism I keep calling it oculism don’t pay me any mine I don’t know why

Um yeah we just need to get our chalk so we can summon a demon once we summon a demon that’s when we can start doing the fun tasks because then we’ll be able to bond the demon into like the lenses to construct those other real glasses

Um and then we can build like the storage or this little it’ll be fun it’s really fun I’m very excited um yeah we’re just waiting and hoping tweaking get this to grow I really wish that I had some more bone Mill but adult I didn’t realize I needed that stuff just

Yeah I guess what I’ll be doing is for this we’ll be waiting for the wood and then uh yeah once the wood grows I’ll meet back up with you okay so we have some other world wood um and that was to build chunk and then

So to build the chawl I went ahead made the lenses too while I was at it and got the purified ink that we’re gonna need for all of that so the uh chalk was pure white chocolate was Otherworld ashes and burnt other Stone we need to cook the other Stone and then

We need to throw the other stone wood if there’s we’ll go ahead there um as much as I give you persons okay that’s that got enough for that and we need three of the burnt probably should have went ahead and did that while I was waiting for the trees

To cook bro but uh you know what Beggars can’t be tutors right Beggars cannot be tutors okay so there’s our three and three so we need three of these these yep those are on pure white chalk and on the light talk we just gotta throw that in there so then we just

We need two is around the floor okay so this is like oh man all right so I think I’ve got everything I need you must craft this book with dictionary of spirits to bond so I gotta put these together maybe yeah I’ve got two please so I’ve got all the ingredients there

Now what do I need to do I had to change these glyphs by the way they weren’t all too so I didn’t realize that hello I don’t like any of this oh I’m gonna eat one of these because I’m kind of terrified oh no it’s happening it’s happening

What do we think is gonna happen what’s gonna happen okay I guess nothing happens unless I have to wait for one more oh cool we got a little demon hello now what can we do with him it’s my that’s my question is what can we do with this fella is the question

They’re really in honesty don’t know I need to look it up what do we do higher Warren burner cultism I’m sure the rest of this book without us so now that we’ve got him four or is it a crushroom or physical turn into dust okay so now that we’ve got homeboy here

So we’ll have to make that eventually we’ll probably do that next episode but what do we does he follow us maybe he’s a Crusher so what do I give him like do I give him stuff to crush oh okay I guess he didn’t want that whatever it was do I give him like

Orders to crush or something hang on let me grab just grab some comments that’s about the only ore I have left okay he’s crushing it and what does he do I don’t know I’m gonna leave him to do his thing um but yes that’s a cultism okay no he’s giving us

Copper dust okay cool and then we’ll have to do a binding spell to get him to do the glass lenses and then yeah but so heck yeah we’ve got our own little demon now down here doing our Dirty Work can I have a punch oh I’m so

Sorry please don’t try to eat me what heck yeah I’ll put that out but yeah so that is a cultism what do you think of that but I do think that we are gonna end this episode here hope that you did enjoy this occultism very demonic episode of Minecraft

Unstable mod pack I will see everybody in the next episode you guys take care bye

This video, titled ‘I Summoned a Demon!! FTB Unstable 1.20 Ep. 3’, was uploaded by Mirf on 2023-06-29 04:52:25. It has garnered 566 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:11 or 1631 seconds.

Hey everyone! Today, I am back on FTB Unstable 1.20 Mod Pack! I hope you enjoy!

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    Crafty Mom, Minecraft Bomb: Block Xuan's Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a pleasant dream. With animations funny, and humor that’s bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Never reason with your mother, the lesson is clear, In Minecraft, the rules are different, have no fear. From classroom series to song adaptation, all in rhyme, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a true gem, every time. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, each update a delight. Iacing every detail with a grin and a spin, Fangkuaixuan’s rhymes, a true win-win. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava bath: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava bath: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 7 Introduction In this installment of “The Magic Five,” a Minecraft animation series created by Martin, also known as Marty, viewers are taken on a journey through a love story involving Minecraft boys. The story unfolds with a disclaimer urging those who do not support or are against LGBT+ to refrain from watching. Martin expresses his dedication to improving his storytelling skills and invites viewers to like and subscribe to motivate him to create more content. The Plot Thickens The episode opens with a mysterious curse placed upon a nearby sorcerer,… Read More

  • EPIC Custom Island Build with Axiom in Minecraft!

    EPIC Custom Island Build with Axiom in Minecraft! Creating an Amazing Custom Island in Minecraft with Axiom Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Join Batsy on a journey to craft a stunning artificial island using the Axiom mod. Changing Narratives Batsy shares a shift in storytelling, aiming for a more interactive experience with viewers. The focus is on creating a vibrant, cartoony landscape with smaller interconnected islands. Learning Axiom and Terraforming Embracing Axiom for its creative potential, Batsy seeks to streamline projects and engage supporters in the building process. The goal is to create smaller, more interactive projects with a unique style. Exploring… Read More

  • Insane Krabby EV Training on Cobblemon! Ep 14

    Insane Krabby EV Training on Cobblemon! Ep 14Video Information I’m going to see what we can be I’m going to go my friend we got our Venusaur Rapture man and capture man they’re going to be through the Rapture The Strain and haure we’re going to go this way wait is my guy faster what mine no mine well yeah Rapture man’s only level 36 oh okay mine’s 47 oh I don’t know man I do not know all I know is that you kind of remind me of Cherie also my stream’s up I see your house in New Orleans also I’m I have a new… Read More

  • KamillPlayZ BoxPvP Season III Opening

    KamillPlayZ BoxPvP Season III OpeningVideo Information This video, titled ‘BoxPvP Season III Nyitás┃’, was uploaded by KamillPlayZ on 2024-03-02 17:58:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. My Minecraft Server: ➥ tiktok: osu profile: … Read More

  • Insane HD texture pack with Fury using Kogetsu

    Insane HD texture pack with Fury using KogetsuVideo Information we’ll now begin the pushup section ready [Music] begin I want ho with the Bros turn the new [ __ ] up we hop in the right keep it down low that we up got to go to the top so please I don’t waste no time always with the G we don’t got a B so I don’t need text a clock or a n Too Fast 6 Feed I’m a dash now I’m on the way I’m a make I don’t want ho I be out with the Bros turn to do [ __ ] up… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Viral Fashion Trends 🔥 #shorts #reels #viral

    🔥 Ultimate Viral Fashion Trends 🔥 #shorts #reels #viralVideo Information ीर समाया छल कपट आदी कसम राख कर सब तन जला दी चरण शरण में भगत सु बोला मेरे मन में वास कर बना दे पला भी कताप अहंकार ना अ बड़े प्रतापी भर्म बने ना अनी करे तू ही है एका तू ही रचेता स्वामी विनाश फार This video, titled ‘#shorts #new #reels #viral #youtubeshorts #instagram #minecraft #music #status #shortvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by Mani_fashion05 on 2024-01-04 06:32:02. It has garnered 2179 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #new #reels #viral #youtubeshorts #instagram #minecraft #music #status #shortvideo #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate MLG Fail in Minecraft! Pt 26 😂🤣 #herobrine #dream

    Ultimate MLG Fail in Minecraft! Pt 26 😂🤣 #herobrine #dreamVideo Information fren FR fren FR FR fren FR FR FR [Music] fr This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg Blooper 🤣🗿 Pt:-26 #minecraft #bloopers #herobrinesmp #dream #dreamsmp’, was uploaded by Gaming Killer on 2024-04-08 06:49:00. It has garnered 473 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #26 epic moments……Highest Mlg Blooper 🤣🗿 Pt:-26 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #killermlg #funny #herobrinesmp #minecraft #manhuntclutch @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @dream @MrBeastGaming @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie HARDest and HIGHest mlg – part 26 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #yessmartypie #notgamerfleet if you like my clutch so please like and subscribe. and comments down.pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee peace out hahahah hahahahaha stay… Read More

  • Dukeaux SLAYS in ALL THE MODS 8!!!

    Dukeaux SLAYS in ALL THE MODS 8!!!Video Information e what about now definitely now right y’all are trolling of course um listen as you can see there’s a lot going on I’m trying to figure out [Music] why what was I supposed it’s something I have to go to to change my memory thing or is that on maybe it’s before this oh no it is it is thanks Tower I’m glad you can hear me Evan’s trolling um listen like I said it’s been a lot going on okay I gotta change I got to change this better late than not coming at all right… Read More

  • PixelFire – Insane Minecraft 15th Birthday Bash LIVE!

    PixelFire - Insane Minecraft 15th Birthday Bash LIVE!Video Information [Music] [Music] mic test mic test can you hear me let me know in the chat can you hear me nice nice nice what is up everyone that’s not pixel fire what oh where is it where is it it has been so long since I’ve I’ve done a Minecraft stream I’ve lost my chat my trigger um let’s do this there we go what is up everyone it has been such a long time since we’ve done a Minecraft stream guys Minecraft is 15 years old I think the official birthday was two days ago but yeah… Read More

  • INSANE BED WARS GAMEPLAY!! 😱🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE BED WARS GAMEPLAY!! 😱🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [Aplausos] [Música] un video más mi gente para anunciarles que ya me transformé en un This video, titled ‘🤣БЕД ВАРС НА БЕДРОКЕ😂#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 02:32:49. It has garnered 790 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters… Read More

  • “Insane Bedwars Strategy: 2v1 on Hypixel!” #minecraft #clickbait

    "Insane Bedwars Strategy: 2v1 on Hypixel!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information I I have no clue what just happened but easy let’s go the 2v ones are insane Dam TDM death I’m not going to be able to get this amm I I am they suck and then I’m going to do that and then I’m going to get both of them off the edge how did you survive I got him let’s go This video, titled ‘how to 2v1 in bedwars #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by TripleThePugg on 2024-03-14 22:00:05. It has garnered 9597 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25… Read More

  • Crafty Caverns


  • All the Mods 9 – To the Sky – modded SMP

    Welcome to SilverKeepMC! We are actively looking for new players to join our friendly and helpful community. Our servers are run on high-end hardware for the best experience. Modpack Version IP Address ATM 9 – To the Sky 1.0.0 Explore our other servers here. Join our Discord: Read More

  • NPC-MC

    NPC-MCWelcome to NPC-MCthe ultimate SMP experience! NPC-MC boasts a fantastic community, unique custom plugins, an engaging economy system, and active development to keep things fresh. Both Java and Bedrock players are welcome.1.20+Show your support for the server by voting to earn great rewards, such as custom tags, crate keys, commands and much more!Java IP: play.NPC-MC.comBedrock IP: play.NPC-MC.comDiscord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Underrated: Dripleaf’s parkour potential”

    Minecraft Memes - "Underrated: Dripleaf's parkour potential"“I definitely think Dripleaf deserves more recognization – it’s practically the Beyoncé of Minecraft blocks!” Read More