SHOCKING Minecraft Xbox Enemy Griefers?!😱

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Someone stole your emerald somebody else we’ll sort that out later okay so yeah what was my challenge for my reward fish today they did what i’ve got them i’ve trapped both the endermen in the prison that is the ultimate payback no no no fred they’re not going to be

Able to escape just because anyone can teleport doesn’t mean they can tell about that prison door is a super secure prison you know yourself from experience okay there’s no way that those individuals Oh look at this fred i think i’ve got another one on the line here we go and i managed to catch another one look at that is that salmon is it where’s it gone is it sunk to the bottom i think it has something okay well i’ll do anything

To pick up a fish okay let me grab this hopefully i don’t drown getting this right let me get this fish and get back to the uh back to the top look at that air to spare three bubbles to spare perfect so look at this fred look how

Many fish i’ve caught today look at all of these absolutely perfect and a random bowl i don’t know why there was a bowl floating about but i caught that as well how many of you caught today fred ah really are you serious you’ve not got

Any in here okay can you look at me when i’m swinging there we go that’s better fred you’ve been using carrots on a stick there to catch pigs you’re not gonna catch any pigs you need it fred you need an actual fishing rod i’m pretty sure you know that okay why

Didn’t you just tell me you had one of them and you said you should be using that for i don’t know but anyway have you got my reward fish breakfast today ah all right fred there’s no need to be salty like that but i guess i can do that um

Suppose as he hasn’t caught any fish you can’t really give me a reward for you can it right we’ve got this we’ll go ahead and put some raw fish there we go we’ll cook that and it’ll be a lovely fish breakfast okay and then yeah we can

We can do this so it’s been nice to have a bit of a getaway me and fred we’ve we’ve had a bit of a trip away you know after all the crazy things going on the illegals the enderman and stuff it’s just been nice to come here and just

Relax for a little bit you know kick back enjoy a bit of fishing together and on this on this little tropical island so yeah we’re going home today though that’s the plan we’re gonna go home and get sorted now now how far off are my fish okay well there’s two of them

Cooked there kind of want to cook them all though i should probably leave the fishing rods here as well just in case we come back i don’t even know if i’m going to leave the carrot on the stick i’ll leave that bowl as well and and

Those you know i’m not a big fan of clownfish they’re all right but they’re not my favorite right i’ll leave this counter stick for some reason fred okay so also want to go ahead and grab let me grab this boat here okay don’t float down to the bottom like everything else did

There we go we got this and then we’re going to go and break away at you as well there we go all right fred jump in the boat that’s it no need to be sheepish okay right don’t sail off without me i’ve got to get me fish yet but we’ll get

Ourselves ready to set sail okay yep i’ll be back in a second fred just grabbing my fish okay right so it should be i think whatever’s whatever i’m not finished with i’ll just leave here i think okay you know what we’ll take we’ll take these on we’ll take some raw

Fish here or something we’ll put them in the in the in the uh in here there we go perfect okay those goings in there i’m gonna put this minecart here to sit in next time all right fred out of the driving seat let me in and away we go

Okay i’ve got me seven fish i’m not actually i’ve taken this raw salmon with me as well we can cook it at home though i think we can definitely cook it at home okay so yeah we’ll go sailing along here there’s the prism where the endermen should still be they’ve got

Iron golem guards in the towers you can just vaguely see so you know they’ll be keeping clothes for watching them no problem at all i’m very pleased with that we’ve got a swimming sheep there i don’t know if that’s where it’s supposed to be is that a llama i think i

Saw a llama up there as well that’s kind of cool anyway on we go okay i think i’ll pull us in at the the beach resort friend if that’s okay with you all right where are you looking at what’s over there um oh it’s penguin towers are you

Interested in the desert i don’t know what he’s looking at and you’ve made me take a wrong turn in now afraid i’m a bit off course we’re kind of going up in the harbor with all the boats we don’t really want to end up there to be honest

We want to be on the little beach resort so we’ll go over here it should be a little perfect spot just to stop and there we go uh right i’ll get you out fred there you go there you go so don’t go for a swim you want to go fred where

Are you going all right well i’ll see you later yeah are you coming with me fred or are you are you staying here ah okay you’re staying here all right fair enough i don’t know what he’s up to but fred don’t swim away too far

I’m sure he’ll be fine i’m sure i’ll be fine okay we’ve got a lifeguard system should there be some emergency or something it’s not the first time he’s had an emergency out there swimming for emeralds or something maybe he left someone behind i’m sure i’ll be fine

Anyway my plan is to head home now okay i’ll head home i’ve got a few things i want to get doing today so we could do that but it’s just nice you know to to get home you know after a you know a nice rest i’m ready for for whatever’s

Going to be brought you know a bit of building perhaps a few things to tidy up here in there you know just just this and that so we should be absolutely fine and everything and uh yeah so we’ll go up here i’m back to my house and hang on a minute

Something’s not right here what’s going on here my goodness i just go away for a few few days and this is what i come back to this is this is terrible all the block is it’s it’s like there’s been some sort of tornado or something that’s moved all

The blocks around i’m pretty sure that’s not happened but what on earth it’s on the inside as well what a mess i tell you what this is going to take some cleaning up i was not expected tell you what isn’t it always the way you go on

Holiday and get home to a disaster oh my goodness are you all right harris my goodness your uh your tank has been uh taken apart quite a bit hasn’t it okay um let me let me head upstairs and see if it’s still bad upstairs as well look

At this all my secrets the secret pain it it’s as obvious now you can just walk straight through well yeah you can see look at that that’s not what you want that’s not what you want oh look at this it’s hardly worth going upstairs is it okay and

My word look at this the roof’s out there’s glass the balconies down my bedroom’s been taken apart even behind here everything at least me boots still there that’s one main thing okay this is uh this is not really good news at all let’s go and just check out fred’s

Bedroom then and make sure that’s okay look at this this is wagoness i nearly fell down into the into the front room as well look at this this is this is terrible i mean at least he’s got one emerald left missing the other one is tv they’re expensive of those tvs and somebody’s

Taking a chunk out of it or something has taken some cabinet i’ve fallen through now as well yeah harry’s don’t panic okay we’ll get this sorted i’ll work this out okay hopefully they haven’t oh i’m in the water okay this is bad um can i get out of here i think i

May be trapped in here now unless i can find a way out over it there we go okay um let’s break this bit of glass now we got nice to find myself in the drink we got to be careful in here then it’s quite a dangerous place uh let’s say yes

Hopefully they didn’t go down here look at this i can see to the super secret sign sheep although it’s the super secret color changing sheep now see we changed his name oh my goodness they have been down here or something’s been done i think this is this this can’t be

A a tornado because it wouldn’t have done down here okay what’s going on in here oh my goodness what happened here topaz what what on earth my dragon head’s gone there’s a gold block gone there this gold emeralds gone and some of the diamonds have got you’re meant to be

Guarding down here and you’ve just let them all be taken my goodness me i mean i don’t know who’s this i honestly well i mean i would say is it the enderman but i’m pretty sure we locked them away i’m pretty sure they couldn’t get out we’ve locked them in

The prison they couldn’t get unless fred was right and they did teleport it’s possible what does that wait what does this say over here revenge they’ve got their revenge they’ve taken my house apart oh it is on enderman it is on right this time obviously the prison wasn’t good

Enough this time i’m going to send them somewhere where they will never escape i’m going to build a track which takes them through a nether portal into the nether if they’re gonna carry on through to another portal which is hooked up to the stronghold which will then send them

To the end where they will never escape okay so i built another portal here and i’ve put another one in the nether which leads straight to the stronghold and uh we were right about the ending as well it is that why is there a chicken on the

Tracks that’s not a good idea you know we’re going to be putting stuff on there but look at this there the enderman both of them stood right by the entrance hopefully they didn’t see me and i’m pretty sure they have all the treasure i haven’t been able to check inside

Because they stood there but i’m pretty sure so uh just before we uh we go ahead and get them in the minecarts i’ve got to finish building the tracks in the nether we’re going to put a track through the nether which leads to the portal you’ll see when we get there

Exactly how this is going to work okay so here we are in the nether you see there’s the portal over there and uh that leads to a stronghold so i’m gonna go ahead and start putting down some of these rails and yeah this is in the

Right place we’ll go and just put a few there we’ll do this and we’re gonna yeah build this all the way across okay we don’t need too many power rails just enough to make sure that the enderman gets sent you know all the way there and

Don’t stop but this should be fine okay so we’ll go and bring this along like that in fact let’s make this a powered rail here as well we’ll have yeah powered rails all the way up to here then a little corner rail of course you can’t use powered rails on corners so

Yeah there we go and then wait we’ve taken a wrong turn wait do we want it i think i’ll do it along here i think this will work better if i go ahead and add this to there and then we can add some more power rails

Along here like that we’ve got plenty of rails and stuff and we’re going to bring this to here and then finally let’s make sure this is okay it’s all the way over there all right let’s let’s bring this there all right i’m going to start running out our rails at this rate i’m

Going to i’ll add the torches afterwards of course uh so then this goes to there did i yep that should all be okay we’ll put a torch there we’ll go ahead and put a torch just here there we go that’s all of those powered this is the perfect

Plan i’m telling you now this plan is going to work perfectly wow this this completely went wrong i managed to change the direction of the rails and everything it’s like a a corner rail just in the wrong place there okay that needs to go like that then a redstone torch there

That should be perfect then this okay it looks like everything is set up i don’t know whether to test it or not let’s just go ahead and check that everything is okay by the stronghold as well i’ll just go and make sure that that’s all working as expected so we’ll just walk

Over here thankfully no gas spawned either otherwise that could have got a little bit messy couldn’t it was that that sheep over there i said i think i see a sheep i’ll check on the way back but i think i see a sheep okay so you see come straight to the stronghold the

Portal are built here then they’ll go through and they’ll go on these mine on these rails and straight into the end and uh then we will have completely gotten rid of them we’ll have no more trouble with these endermen so let’s head back home now the plan is about to

Begin right there is a sheep over there i think he’s taking a bit of a wrong turning to end up in the nether yep i see pigmen definitely not sheep okay that’s that’s unusual okay right anyway we’re gonna head back home and then yeah we’re gonna go and get these endermen

Into the minecarts and to the end okay so here we are right let’s go get these minecarts down and let’s get this shot on the road okay so we’re gonna put minecart there a minecart there all right now i’ve just got to go and let these endermen out okay so are they in

Here still there they are okay and they have got my stuff yeah that’s right enderman you better come after me okay they better get into these minecarts i really hope so okay i hope this works okay you’ve just got to walk through they’re in we’ve got them they are not

Happy wow you picked up that rail as well okay um let me go and put that there we go you’re off oh no you’re trapped oh this isn’t good okay i need to get you into the the okay i’m gonna eat a fish all right let’s not panic here okay this

Enderman is very angry and we have got to get him into here okay let’s push his minecart on oh i’m very low i’m actually really really low here okay i did not realize that this would this would happen okay let’s just be careful all right this enderman is mad but we can do

This i’m sure okay there we go it’s almost there now magnus you had to be awkward and pick up the one grass block that you didn’t need to pick up didn’t you i’m not happy with you okay now let me let me some steak actually i might regen just a little bit

Faster because you know steak does help your regen faster sometimes so look at that the speed of regening is a lot faster okay um right let’s go and push you here okay and get your minecart back in mind if i die from these guys i’m not gonna be

Happy unless i place some rails and i have an idea what if i play some rails here and then a bit of a powered rail andy’s off perfect we got him right let me another piece of steak and then we’ll go and see them and think okay he’s off and he’s

Come back and he’s away right let’s go and see if they have gone so they’ve gone through so far that’s worked perfectly now we should see them in the end on some minecarts if everything has gone to plan so let’s go and go through this nether portal back through if this

Has worked i think we will have well and truly got rid of these endermen forever okay now they were not happy they were not happy at me doing that i could tell they were yeah they were very angry indeed but there was nothing they could do they were outplayed we we outsmarted

Him only just when i got that right let me another fish magnus i’m going through some fish today reward fish are a lot better than this right here we are in the stronghold let’s go to the end now are the endermen here there they are in their minecarts and be careful not to

Look at them and they don’t seem too angry actually let me free this and let me free this and well one of them’s just teleported away i don’t know where he’s gone he’s off and about he’s over there well i think i think they’re happy they

Don’t seem mad at me at all now no look at this they i think they’re actually happy that i sent them to the end and they could be here with all their friends in the in the end there’s a few starting to spawn in now as well look at that perfect so

Yeah let’s go and um head home then i think a job well done endermen are happy and at home and yeah i’m gonna go and head head back home and see see what fred’s up to actually i mean i haven’t seen him about all so we’ll go through

Here perfect we are now back home oh yeah my house i’ve got to go and deal with this okay and let’s let’s go and head inside then i don’t know hopefully fred has come back home hopefully he’s not still swimming off out at sea or whatever he was doing i don’t know if

He’s going to be anywhere he might be in his bedroom but i don’t know there’s hardly any point in being in his bedroom i just fell through a hole straight back downstairs i did not mean that yeah there’s hardly any point in being in his bedroom look at this it’s all boxed up

With dirt what’s this all about okay let me have a little mine through it well fred he’s fixed his room all right he used a bit of dirt i’ll keep that there steady on fred um yeah well i guess you’ve done the job haven’t yet it doesn’t look too bad

I’m sure we can fix this in between episodes and look at that you’ve gone and helped yourself to getting your emerald blocks back i’m gonna go ahead and and grab the rest of the stuff then unless you brought it back did you bring it back fred ah oh well that that that’s

Fair enough i suppose you just get your own stuff as usual um yeah i guess i’ll i’ll go and get the rest of the stuff then and you you can stay here and enjoy okay i’ll i guess you want these boarded up so no one else can get in but that

Doesn’t stop ending them but the enderman are gone now fred don’t worry it’s been dealt with right let’s go and get the rest of our our treasures all right here we go i think fred took these emerald blocks here you can see how like he could have taken everything else and

He just grabbed what he wanted and then left everything else for me okay well that’s just fred i can get my pumpkins back at last as well i might as well i think i think they’ve regrown since but you know what the map you know i’ll leave this pumpkin i mean these endermen

Won’t be coming back here anytime soon anyway so not a problem whatever i do i can grab this i can grab my glowstone as well everything has been has been back i don’t need to bring get the wood or the bricks or whatever grass blocks they

Took i mean i’ve gone and fixed all that anyway so i’m not gonna worry too much about that there is a skeleton out there i’m gonna make myself scarce then okay and we can go and put all this stuff back in the treasure room if you didn’t

Notice as well in between episodes i did fix all the initial problems before i went away on that little holiday with fred you know i i patched up you know some glowstone with something even on here i fixed that fixed the ground uh the aquarium over there i fixed that

Tank yeah tnt and everything they all got all got fixed okay but yeah let’s go and stock up the treasure room okay here we go hopefully this is the last time i have stuff going missing from this room okay seems to be whenever anybody comes here they always come into this room

Right so hopefully i’ve got all the stuff back that i need so all of this goes there all righty i think did they even take fred’s emerald blocks or is fred taking some of those emerald blocks look i think those two in fred’s room are actually meant to go in here that’s

Cheeky from fred very cheeky indeed okay well i’ll let him off all right i’ll let him i bet he’s still got his emerald blocks he just heard the the the commotion went into okay i put the dragon head on that was not intended and he just went and thought oh well i’ll

Just get my own right anyway i need to go and pick up some of this so let’s go and grab ourselves we’re just gonna need a torch to pick up this stuff so let’s do that there we go and then it’s you know the treasury moment still gonna fix

My entire house but at least if we make a good start that’s something isn’t it okay that’s all i can do you know make a bit of a start get that sorted and then we’ll sort the rest out so the dragon egg is going to be back on here let’s

Just make sure we get the right block yes topaz yeah it’s all back okay and this time don’t let anyone not even some enderman steal all the stuff okay and i think i just got a couple of diamond blocks here three diamond blocks are going i’ll have to get those emerald

Blocks back from fred i better go down to his challenge shack now they’ll all be there and fine but anyway that’s all that i’m happy with this okay and uh yeah that’s i think that’s gonna wrap it up for today’s episode so hopefully you did enjoy this video make sure to leave

A like if you did enjoy it and also subscribe as well if you’re new to the uh to the channel so yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna go up here and uh i don’t i don’t think i don’t think we’re gonna do anything else tonight i think it is

Bedtime yeah bone to pick with you fred stealing those emerald blocks they’re not yours don’t you pretend okay nope they’re not yours fred okay don’t you don’t you try that all right but yeah anyway guys as i said thank you very much for watching and hopefully i will see you guys next time You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox | ENEMY GRIEFERS! [353]’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2018-02-15 18:00:03. It has garnered 4063802 views and 6454 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds.

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In this Minecraft Xbox video on my world known as SB’s Awesome World, the Enderman get their revenge!

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  • BUCAMU – [🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] No Sleep Challenge!

    BUCAMU - [🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] No Sleep Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] แต่ ห้ามนอนข้ามคืน’, was uploaded by BUCAMU on 2024-05-26 17:15:07. It has garnered 203 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:27 or 14607 seconds. #Bucamu #Camu #betterminecraft Support me at Donate with PromptPay and no fees will be deducted. ___________________________________________ twitter : tiktok ___________________________________________ General Hashtags:#Bucamu Fan Art : #BucamuFA Meme : #BucamuMeme BGM: Get Ready By Kyatto BGM: [Free Use] Lazy Rabbit | VTUBER THEME | VLOG BY Tofuus BGM:FootStep | Japanese Kawaii Chill Vibes | Free BGM No Copyright Music | 無版權背景音樂 | negative… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:看看你知道多少梗!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-25 10:10:16. It has garnered 4027 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:00 or 240 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Update wonderful original videos every day, come and follow us, and save unhappy moments with… Read More

  • Kerberus

    KerberusWelcome to Kerberus, the most distinctive 1.20 Minecraft Server in the world. We a team of experienced and well-known creatives, we’ve been perfecting a range of exceptional game modes including survival, originsSMP, prophunt, Dungeons, Fowlplay and build, each offering unparalleled gameplay experiences. Everything within the Kerberus network has been uniquely crafted for our players. From our specialized runes to our enriched economy, you’re encouraged to let your imagination run wild. Establish and run your own shopping complex, become a seasoned fisherman selling precious catches, or transform into a renowned farmer with the world’s largest crop field using our massive array… Read More

  • OrbitMC: Semi-vanilla, whitelisted, new, active.

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to make sure that your experience in the game is the best that it can possibly be. Along with that we have a very fun and positive community of people just like you! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server! Once you join, go ahead and get yourself whitelisted so that you can join and play on the Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it just me, or…🤔

    I guess we all need to level up our meme inspection skills to catch that elusive hidden humor! Read More

  • Raju’s Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider’s Storm SMP Showdown

    Raju's Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider's Storm SMP Showdown Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where the players roam, In the land of Storm SMP, where legends are known. Raju sacrificed for SenpaiSpider, a tale to be told, In the realm of gaming, where the brave are bold. Killer’s Lands channel, a teaser so grand, With Minecraft challenges, a mod in hand. MS Gaming Zone, where heroes unite, In the world of gaming, where battles ignite. Join the adventure, with Killer’s Lands in sight, Subscribe, like, and share, with all your might. For in this world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Every player’s journey, a tale to be… Read More

  • Blazing Redstone Shenanigans 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Blazing Redstone Shenanigans 🔥 #minecraft #memes “When you try the Powder Piston Prank in Minecraft but end up launching yourself into a pit of lava instead. RIP to your virtual self-esteem.” Read More

  • New City Gate Revealed!

    New City Gate Revealed! Exploring Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond #6 In the latest episode of Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond, Lennert embarks on the monumental task of constructing a grand city wall, starting with the majestic city gate. Alongside this ambitious project, he delves into completing the Farmer’s Delight Buddycards set, beginning with graded Buddycards sets, pays homage to a statue of a pig, and much more! Building the City Wall Lennert’s journey begins with the construction of the impressive city wall, a vital structure that will define the boundaries of his burgeoning city. The meticulous planning and intricate design of the… Read More

  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

    Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide Making Glass in Minecraft: A Handy Guide Are you looking to add some glass elements to your Minecraft creations? Glass is not only easy to make but also incredibly versatile in the game. Let’s dive into the process of making glass in Minecraft and explore some additional glass items you can craft. Making Glass Blocks To create glass blocks in Minecraft, you’ll need to smelt sand using a furnace. Each sand block will yield one glass block. Make sure you have enough sand blocks, a fuel source, and a furnace ready for the smelting process. If you’re planning to… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Gameplay! Dronio #shorts

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft Gameplay! Dronio #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, но ЦЕЛЬ видео МЕНЯЕТСЯ 🗿 Дронио #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:00:01. It has garnered 1050 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pagar Logic Revealed

    Ultimate Minecraft Pagar Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft macam pagar logic #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by YamMC on 2024-03-07 03:59:03. It has garnered 9 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Haloo, sudah hari kamis nih waktunya minecraft logic🤔🎉 Terimakasih sudah menonton video saya, di tunggu video selanjutnya.. Support chanel YamMC dengan cara : -Like✔️ -Share✔️ -Subscribe✔️ Dan terima kasih yang sudah subscribe, semoga kalian betah di chanelku ya🌾😄 =============================== -Minecraft mcpe : V 1.20.51 =============================== See you again friends👋🏻~~ Tags🐾 : minecraft logic, minecraft logic 3, minecraft logic 2, minecraft no logic, minecraft on… Read More

  • 🔴LIMITED LIFE SURVIVAL in Minecraft Realms – Play with Subscribers

    🔴LIMITED LIFE SURVIVAL in Minecraft Realms - Play with SubscribersVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Realms Live🔴 – Hardcore – Limited Life – Survival – Playing with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-03-27 10:51:45. It has garnered 254 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:42 or 13482 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore Realm with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers. Limited Life Everyone gets 24 hours If you Die you Lose 1 Hour When your time is up you are dead forever… Realm Code in Discord Discord: Use Code “RaptorGamez” in the Fortnite Item Shop 3000 Subscriber Giveaway: please… Read More

  • 🔥NEW Mod Is Terrifying! You Won’t Believe What Happens!😱

    🔥NEW Mod Is Terrifying! You Won't Believe What Happens!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘This New Mod Is Honestly Terrifying… (THE SILENCE) [BETA]’, was uploaded by Slow🧊 on 2024-03-08 15:00:48. It has garnered 3248 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:05 or 1805 seconds. This New Dweller Is Going Too Change Minecraft HORROR… The Silence [BETA] #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #SlowMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days JOIN THE CORD: MOD LINK: minecraft/mc-mods/the-silence #cavedweller #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #doyoucopy —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Follow My Socials: TikTok: Twitch: Twitter: ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- About me: Hey there, Im slowMC, i try post as much as i can but i promise there will be… Read More


    🚨SHOCKINGLY INSANE 24/7 PIRATE SMP - JAVA & MOBILE!🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 Eternal PiratesSMP (JAVA + MOBILE) Wi 🛑🤩ETERNAL PIRATES’, was uploaded by YO HARDIK on 2024-05-13 05:25:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 (JAVA + MOBILE) With @JustJPShorts / @JustJPLive #minecraftjava Welcome to our … Read More

  • Hidden Slime Block Magic – Unseen Circus Raft Fun!

    Hidden Slime Block Magic - Unseen Circus Raft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘INVISIBLE SLIME BLOCK on a DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Slime Block on 2024-05-23 12:00:07. It has garnered 7351 views and 295 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:49 or 1669 seconds. Slime Block is INVISIBLE on an AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft! Slime Block needs to find out Caine’s past to help him get back her memories!! Will Slime be able to do it?? Watch and find out!! The video is inspired by Aphmau, Cash, Nico, Omz, Johnny, and TeeVee! 👾 Want to chat with Slime and his friend… Read More

  • “Shocking Truth: Why Minecraft Earth Should Return! 🌏” #MinecraftShorts #BlockBusters

    "Shocking Truth: Why Minecraft Earth Should Return! 🌏" #MinecraftShorts #BlockBustersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bring Back Minecraft Earth! Here’s Why #MinecraftShorts #CraftyClips #BlockBusters #PixelPlays’, was uploaded by Ft_Ranger Facts on 2024-05-21 02:48:46. It has garnered 601 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090

    New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 準備起屋仔🏠 找數直播《MINECRAFT 當個創世神》著色器 & 光線追蹤 | RTX4090 | 4K直播 | 廣東話’, was uploaded by O-iPOWER『安特』 on 2024-05-30 17:29:55. It has garnered 178 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:06:30 or 14790 seconds. 0:00:00 Live broadcast starts 0:05:32 Construction begins ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♕ Certificate of thanks for sponsoring this live broadcast ♕ Xiaoji▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✩ Directly sponsors the operation of[Ante]✩ (PayMe) ✩ Become ⇨ O-iPOWER channel member ✩ ✩ Like⇨ O-iPOWER Facebook ✩ ✩ Follow ⇨ O-iPOWER Instagram ✩ ✩ Join ⇨ O-iPOWER Discord ✩ ▽The following is… Read More

  • PR02Z Dawgy WILD Transformation #shorts

    PR02Z Dawgy WILD Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOOD Dawgy #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:25:56. It has garnered 7376 views and 160 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : Instagram: Twitter : Tags ok #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame #instagamer #pcgamer… Read More

  • SolarMC Network

    SolarMC NetworkSolarMC is a high quality brand new CrystalPvP based Network, we have a variety of gamemodes and we work hard to deliver updates every day, so that you can enjoy a great experience. Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4, Discord, DiscordSRV, Dynmap, Voice Plugin, No Whitelist, Coreprotect, Age 16+, Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you’re tired of smp’s dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and other games. Join our discord server to connect with other players and enjoy our Minecraft smp. Why Join Us? Active community with ongoing major build projects Welcoming to new members Friendly and mature environment Community Guidelines We have a few simple rules: no hackers, griefers, or clowns allowed. Respect your fellow players and join our discord to access the Minecraft server. Ready to Join? Join Our Discord… Read More

  • Astral Valley

    Welcome to Astral Valley, where the moon’s gentle embrace and the twinkling stars weave a tapestry of wonder in the vast expanse of Minecraft. Within this realm, the boundaries between reality and the ethereal blur, inviting adventurers to embark on a journey through the celestial wonders of the galaxy. Each block placed and structure erected is a testament to the cosmic dance that unfolds under the watchful gaze of the night sky.As you traverse the landscapes of Astral Valley, you’ll discover mountains that rise like celestial giants, their peaks reaching towards the heavens. Valleys cradle crystalline rivers, reflecting the infinite… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this Minecraft or a glitch?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this Minecraft or a glitch?I guess you could say this meme is blazin’ it with that score of 4208! Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

    Teacher's Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan's Class Clash In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. Pirated copies, beware and take heed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel is the only one you need. Original content, each day a new delight, Subscribe and follow, keep happiness in sight. MC Funny, Classroom Series, and songs to sing, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, joy they bring. So join the fun, in Minecraft’s world so grand, With Fangkuaixuan, happiness at hand. Read More

  • “Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme” 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts

    "Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme" 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts Why did the ancient Egyptians play Minecraft? Because they heard it was a pyramid scheme! 😂 #minecraft #shorts Read More