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last time on fa SMP was will not fake the grand opening of this fun cool casino that Fenris and oosi have been working on for quite some time finally came together and it was a success everything went well eil Ren I am so epe it well hi Olive uh it well and it went good and everyone had a lot of fun who got to come Ari showed up even though maybe she was a little apprehensive and it was just really Good Vibes by the end of it when they unveiled the grand prize for the winner ax it turned out the prize had in fact been stolen by casus and inside was a compass tour location not on my stream but on uh meta and oshi’s um they went to the location and managed to find cus run into Fable get a attacked by his Undead soldiers and her power was taken to keep them all safe and that was pretty bad but they got C’s home and we’re taking the victories where we can also not on my stream uh fenus found out that Jamie or now bruan had been killed by IAS and found after being pushed off of the tree LED there are they okay now seeming to have ascended and now are person shaped lot’s going on these days but let’s let’s let’s cook back in there with what with little little guys are doing Brewing mhm there’s there’s so much happening these days lose not lose a god gain a God no okay let’s get into it yeah let me change the Tunes the slightly different Tunes I want these Tunes instead okay listen we take our wins or we can get them okay but let’s pop in the chat OT wall is on know it’s on this screen it’s so fun it just flies Okay let’s get in the L let’s get in the LA okay let’s go [Music] I don’t even I don’t even know what day it is oh hi hi hi hi that was asleep that was that was that was a horizontal that was a that was a much I need to not sit in all caps you have to sit in lowercase I sleep good yeah yeah all things considered I guess sleeping well hi hi guys hi I was extra tired but we okay oh more of the feathers you know at some point I’ve got to stop molting that that feels like that has to happen at some point or another I don’t know when but maybe soon I think Ray was in here he might have gotten I’m on his side of the bed now too bad he might have gotten up want me to work on stuff wake up wake up wake up wake up FAL boy I got to get up where is Ray he’s not far I think in a study yeah he’s in a study he’s that far he’s just working on stuff I can still hear him a tiny bit smell him in the area you and your sniffer okay listen I feel like I’ve been sniffing more lately maybe I don’t know maybe I’m just smelling more or taking more time to smell if that’s a thing I don’t know maybe I’m smell from a mile away I do sniff more nowadays I don’t know my nose feels that stronger I don’t know maybe I’m just paying more attention now sniff for got it no no okay well I don’t know what’s going on with the feathers I mean I took the bandages off I should oh what is that hold on is that hold Sparks did you Sparks hello Sparks are you guys seeing what am I what is what is that what are what is on my wings what is that what what the excuse me what what what’s happening a door open CL you’re you’re seeing that okay no okay right I got I can’t I can barely like see back there what is happening what is happening what what what is going on in the House of Commons oh hi hi hi hi sorry you just caught me kind of chasing not my tail I’m trying to see what what is on my wings what I’m not crazy that’s not that’s not fabric what here you want to hold still for me there uh and I get like some of how’s like I know he sometimes finds little pieces of fabric from your from your stuff they’re feathers what what they’re feathers they’re they’re does it hurt if I touch one they they’re probably oh wait maybe I shouldn’t they’re probably like sensitive like like pin feathers not not bad just new that means something is regrowing then they’re healing okay okay they’re just yeah golden that’s a new color that’s uh fine I I mean I guess I guess it’s good that they’re healing I mean they they kind of weren’t for a while I just I keep losing so many feathers yeah which is like strange did they hurt no actually not not at all really okay that’s that’s good that’s good I’m glad yeah sorry I I guess called me off guard I didn’t I maybe I guess didn’t realize I know they’ve changed before but it was kind of all at one go it wasn’t like this but then again like you’re weird maybe maybe they just do that I mean I don’t exactly want to pull one out to study maybe not I think I’ve lost I think I’m losing enough feathers sorry I’m like littering all over the bed oh this is let me clean up oh there’s so many there are so many you’re still shedding this many yeah it feels like every time I sleep and I’m if I’m rolling around or anything there’s just they’re just everywhere well I mean at least you’re getting new ones that’s good don’t got just you know naked Wings oh I’d hate that that would be very upsetting hopefully that if they grow in then I can fly again that’ be that’d be great I’m very I’m so quick I’m so quick on my little feet I mean you can run pretty fast I can run pretty fast I get places pretty quick hi good morning I it’s I’m not sure it’s daytime so like that’s yeah it’s daytime so morning morning you it always feels like they’re having such an such a conversation right it’s like I feel like they’re having their own little bat club with their coffee and their cookies they probably are they probably are how are you today um uh wait sorry one second my com just went off um uh that Ulisses that is such a long message I don’t know if you’re busy or not but if you and Fen were free I was thinking of getting the pieces to work on the respiration potions if you’re open to working on them of course I mean um sure are you busy I’m so busy I’m so so busy I was going to like I was going to kiss my boyfriend you know and then I was going to lay back I was going to like make him some coffee you know and then that was going to be a whole thing I don’t know if I can squeeze it in yeah we can help them okay okay well would you like a little bit of a lift I would appreciate that a lot it would just it would take me so long well not not that long long enough he all the way in the bunkers not even just over here anymore let’s see okay I do have Rockets all right climb on [Laughter] board look I’m getting slightly Stronger Just you’re you’re going we’re I think we’re just lucky that my wings are big enough to do this maybe my wings are stronger than my arms you know what that’s probably that might be a thing I mean yeah this is a smooth ride for me I’m I’m enjoying this little uh chauffeur experience normally I’m the one chauffeuring mhm this is this is new and exciting down we [Laughter] go all right let me see if I can stick this Landing o o o nailed it didn’t even take damage nice nice 10 out of 10 would recommend I will in fact tip mhm mhm I didn’t know I was getting paid oh yeah later thought I was going to try and fly straight through look I’ve tried that in the past and it’s gotten me a little bang you can in fact get hit by the dripstone it’s just you might as well do a little the little walk sometimes okay mhm exactly let’s see okay where oh there it is oh hello oh hey guys um how how’s how’s how are you doing sorry I was just kind of sitting with just pushing he’s he doesn’t like to move once he once he’s sat down he’s kind of just a loaf for a bit oh that’s okay hi kelpy you’re doing great you’re perfect no notes um how how are you guys last time this spoke wasn’t really the best yeah I mean I’m just glad that uh Bruin is okay yeah too have you they they they haven’t come back around or anything have have they no not that I’ve noticed um okay although I guess someone came must have come by to feed the to feed Tom and pear and things but I don’t I didn’t notice them okay yeah but um I thought if you I don’t know you kind of mentioned things going south with thickers so I fig we might need to work on some of those yeah that’s actually a really good point um oh yeah the the respiration yeah if okay so you know potions come in groups of three then theoretically icus still has two uh of the skull coin basically anti- Ray potions probably should in fact have that counter potions an anti-r I think they’re I think they’re very specifiction I don’t know I don’t think they’d be good for anyone else but I think they’re worse for they’re just worse for you that’s oh that’s a whole level of premeditated attack okay um uhhuh I should I don’t know if it’s one of the boxes umen still has oh I have the bottle oh yeah if you have the bottle this is one of these still has there the stuff we kind of ganked from them yeah that’s the bottle it was in I just kind of kept it just in case mhm I know from what I remember it was using the the funky end one which is like the cold brewing stand which means we need I I think we picked up some of the lapis powder right yeah it should be oh I think it’s in my room sorry I have a little potion set up that I was using to BR up so I didn’t kind of have to take up room in the main area um yeah lapis P I’m just going to grab a bunch of everything go for it I don’t think we need scaring not with this one not not this time not for this one maybe next time you it’s probably safe to have it and we were testing a bunch of uh corals but I’m okay don’t remember which one made which here let me see it again yeah yeah there’s still some drgs in there we could maybe find a way to analyze them maybe I know before was sure ious I’ve Jerry rigged a microscope but it’s kind of it’s not spicy like the fire the two side oh it’s kind of Airy I think the bubble Coral I think yeah if you have any bubble Coral I think that’s going to be did you smell that yeah they have different like the the fire Coral has almost like a Tang to it the the horn coral is it’s rougher it’s more more more Sandy I guess like not earthy but more of that the the bubble is more Airy it’s it’s lighter it’s a lighter smell you know so yeah that’s that’s what I’ve got we can work with that lapis powder and bubble Carl uh I don’t have Bubble Carl it’s in the over there oh okay we do have Bubble Carl yeah here with the the little armor R I’m so glad I’m very colorcoded you know it works out so great the aesthetic comes in handy do I have a pickaxe that can actually pick up Bub hold on silk touch right back into yes I think so I do okay good I was like I do have a pickax don’t know where I put got it thank you yeah yeah that’s that that’s a um okay that’s but we okay so we have to do we have to crush it um i’ I’ve seen Icarus do this all the time don’t have oh okay Anvil Anvil’s fine um here we need like a wall cuz we can just like Drop it here we probably use this one like herish yeahh okay so we need to crush it and then use this brewing stand here the Big C one okay yeah okay so if we toss this down and we go there yeah okay oo there we go it makes Coral dust pass that here nice nice nice and we need to use this it uses okay so this yeah as the n Rod powders and we have water so we have to put the lapis powder in it first okay gotcha okay okay okay there and then and then it has to brew is the only thing the oras are all confused No the pink oras the pink water was from the the uh the other pink the brain coral brain coral made not a potion it just made pink water pink water like sell that like if you made that like with the lemonade you could sell that as pink lemonade I don’t think it was I don’t know if it’s particularly tasty I don’t know if it’s particularly edible this for the lemonade therefore but I guess that’s but we we didn’t really need to include yeah but okay yeah yeah I I think I think if I hope I remember I God I didn’t ever pay enough attention to the Alchemy stuff it was always a G’s thing yeah I mean I don’t know I don’t know it for sure I mean I I know I know basic potions you know the ones you need to know but not the funky ones that was more biology based the chemistry oh it worked okay so this this I yeah mineral base it’s it’s like it it serves the same purpose as an awkward potion mhm um just you know different ingredients different the base mhm the minerals would kind of give an additional reative to the chemical comp M so now the bubble Carl mhm okay okay let see go let that let that also let that also big well FL by yourself with you I’m sorry am I not sitting close enough yeah I mean you’re kind of the way over there and I’m like right here I’m sorry you were so well set just real dead set you doing okay it’s been uh an interesting week uh I’ve I I found out a lot so um so you would ask so you an a know you was the picture but like I know it’s not a new thing but like I feel I’m kind of I don’t know how to I’ll be honest I don’t I don’t know if I know how to be a dad that great cuz I feel like I was really good at it for a little bit and then I got congrats on your new father and W sorry you don’t need to like see me like that if you don’t want woo I don’t know I’ve never had a father-in-law an in-law of any variety I guess I haven’t been an in-law of any variety so not not no father-in-law yet now do you think it’s like do you have like [Laughter] my partner in yeah yeah MH it works this weird little constellation we’ve made [Music] here each time it’s I know it’s real good oh there we go draft respiration is that yeah that’s it that’s it okay smells good pass the sniff check wait yeah sniff sniff please yeah that’s good that’ll help then that’s good now we can make those for you yeah we know how to make how are your lungs recently you haven’t really been I haven’t heard you have any coughing fits in a while mm I think so I think I don’t think so like I don’t think I’ve you have in a bit not as much as before the only thing has been some soreness with I I do still have some of end darian’s powers and there’s been some soreness around my scar when I used them actually it’s how me and axe remembered when we were in the cave that uh barago helped point us to I was able to kind of find the memories that had been taken from me by being able to see what both X and I remembered it once and see so just just some chest soreness that was a long-winded way of saying that I’m I’m really glad that you found them when you did and that you were sort of able to look after them a little while I wasn’t there and I I know I joked about knowing your medical weak points but I’m I’m really glad that he has you right yeah um I wish I could have been there longer yeah where where here now eventually and did you want me to check on that chest pain at all or uh yeah sure I mean that’s probably smart right you’re the you’re the I am doct just a little check up yeah can I’m just going to remove Wings hand on your on your back yeah just breathe doesn’t hurt like it used to wait sorry do do that again you’re lungs are expanding more it’s like it’s it’s gotten better oh that that’s which good that’s that’s good yeah no that’s good that’s really good it’s just weird I mean you would sorry I just I just never like normally normally respiratory issues nor respiratory issues there’s an age to which if you don’t grow out of it it won’t sort of fix itself and yours was it it’s not like it you know asthma or something you like the the branches of your lungs were so damaged by the skull but but it’s fixed itself somewhat like it’s I mean weird but good I mean I I’ll take your repairing themselves that sounds great to me I mean hey you have a track record of repairing yourself somehow so true it’s who speaking of speaking of repairing look look at look at fen’s wings oh why am I free oh I’m standing in the still sorry I was standing too close to the that’s oh there’s new growth I’ve been molting feathers like crazy it it is it is I even this far after just a lot yeah there’s new growth I mean it looks like the injuries are healed enough that you could probably take these off and if the feathers are gr back it’s a good sign that the actual appendages are healed yeah I mean I could can you take them off I can I i’ be careful i i u no no I’m maybe I’m doing it wrong no they’re that look at that that that’s not that I feel like I’m tugging if I try to just take them off don’t tug don’t too but they don’t they don’t hurt anymore though they don’t they don’t feel like there’s an injury like I don’t I’m not they they haven’t heard it since like the wheel not fake that’s that’s why I took off the the splints mhm but that that’s uh that’s that not maybe still hurt a too bad to take off I I guess maybe maybe we should give it a bit just to cuz if there’s a penil that they are just still injured and not in a space to take off then we shouldn’t try too hard but um I don’t want to push it but we should keep an eye on that though that’s yeah I mean anything where it it’s kind of magically grafted to your body is going to be a little interesting when it comes I me them doing this right now is weird at least for me the last time they changed it was it was like it was gradual but all of the feathers changed one go like they all got darker in increments and then were fully I me black your wings are the only ones have ever seen change so I don’t you’re kind of the elytra expert here yeah I’m that’s why I don’t want I don’t want him pulling on them yeah I think we have too much experience with elytra injury specifically yeah but yeah yeah I mean if they’re growing new feathers I’ll take it if they don’t want to come off yet then we’ll when they’re let maybe when they’re fully grown back once you get the new plumage in you stop molting maybe that’ll be when yeah better yeah but they may need some time if we have more of the potions from Icarus maybe you can use your real good nose yeah I could if don’t have keep Brewing more things but we can at least figure out what they are what the other ones are yeah yeah I mean I can stuck collecting ingredients um down here in the Box the be honest I kind of sh all the medical yeah we all took I looked around and everyone was gone and was like hello okay uh which one of these do you need to know these middle three are the Unbreaking the ones you stole for me Chris burst potion Unbreaking burst of protection and mending mending tube wait sorry that’s tube Coral no no you’re you’re very correct I just had a really dumb realization what what color is tube coral blue what color is uh fire and yeah you know horn yeah they’re freaking colorcoded okay to be fair we didn’t we don’t know what else might be in them that’s fair I looked over and like those ones you know they do smell like each of those corals so confirmation if you if you need it yeah confirmation yeah that’s too I’d rather be sure fire and Horn yeah I’d rather be sure than like if we took that on face value and I went to throw like fire Coral in there and it came out green and we’re like a [ __ ] darn it what if it wasn’t then no no yeah that’s what that’s why I remember that’s why I knew we had you know that didn’t even register me that’s how I knew we had the the bubble Coral here cuz I could smell it over there in the pond and was like oh yeah we have some right there well you could smell in the pond yeah that’s it’s really interesting sitting by your house cuz the the the the there’s so many so many Snips in there in the in the down in the Ravine you’ve made of that little water sources mhm drip leaves smell just a little bit like like the underground caves kind of like glow like glow glowberries which is weird it’s kind of a product on the scent but interesting okay so we know hav’t a l we those yeah you kind of at the the temple you’re able to snip out the potions like the second we walked in the door the what there was traps uh uh some trip wire traps of health and slowness potions I could smell them when we got in but I we didn’t realize that Health would hurt axe so I just wait Health hurt axe Undead yeah ax is biologically speaking Undead yeah um they’re like they’re living but the tissue they’re comprised of is Undead in the way it regenerates it’s I it’s it’s complicated it was designed that way so that they would be able to maneuver through Undead hordes easier um oh if if they were alive it sort of it was an issue we faced with the Guardians that they sort of stopped being able to tell what was Undead and what was alive so we made it easier we didn’t realize it until I I just said oh you can go ahead and trip the trap because it’s it’s just health potions probably for the drown um and then it it hurt axe a little bit yeah they’re okay that’s good good to know yeah I didn’t even realize I guess we should really think about that for anything that we’re fighting yeah cuz I normally only carry like I have my pack of stuff but I I carry health potions in there that’s not going to it’s not going to help axe I mean they’re in here I’ve been carrying some humming potions around just in case oh that’s probably what I should add to my back of my my armor and things though I armored up like four whole people I feel like I’m just I might fact take that up on you maybe we should start having people carry like milk or something to help okay this sounds dumb but the withered skeletons that have started appearing God yeah there was he got so many it was it was dozens there had to have been that he had just posted it was I don’t even want to think about fighting that many the weing effect is now the worse yeah I can imagine I um I did to be Research into what it actually is and it does not seem Pleasant they tried to get to try to combat it during the war they never really got around to it you can never figure it out so you just kind of had to push through and hope it didn’t take you yeah the effect I don’t think they could ever negate it they tried to do stuff to help but it just never worked out it’s not exactly like you can just drink a bucket of milk really easily in the middle of a fight a splash potion and just carry several buckets of milk with you into battle MH cuz when there’s 12 weather skeletons you know mhm yeah do I might be able to make something that can help though I did I guess a long time ago now back when I was helping you with Cur things a ther and I talked about with a sickness and where there’s a poison CU it’s not a poison that’s based in in in bacteria it’s it’s a virus it’s not a bacteria it attacks the cells directly mhm that’s that’s why when you kind of get hit with it you you only have the effects for a time because your body is able to actively fight it off if we could bolster the immune response before getting hit by introducing a small amount of the Wither past it wouldn’t it wouldn’t negate it necessarily but it would help the body pass it through the system quicker maybe what like a vaccine but you want to make a vaccine against with skeleton against with skel SS great actually maybe now that you’re saying that it is very it would theoretically be a vaccine against wither sickness I mean it sounds very helpful especially if he’s got them just posted everywhere that would be an amazing thing if you figured it out it’ be worth researching if worth resing I’d worried that it’s we wouldn’t have time to like test it a lot and introducing samples of with into people is a little bit L result but I can I could test it if you needed it just go into the go into The Nether and then just like drink it um I could I’ve had had I’ve been withered quite a few times I mean that in like a you say it will help and then I go and fight a wither skeleton in the Nether and see how I fare I’m not going to fight his that’s fair we could we could test I could work on some Trials of it trying yeah it’s at least worth trying I everything is helpful exactly at this stage uh we’re kind of down to that lost result testing ph I think yeah okay yeah yeah it’s really getting to the wire yeah but um thank you for this yeah I really appreciate it that’s amazing and we can we can make more and technically make the other ones if we went on a on a journey to the to the ocean maybe not right now but in general oh I might if I can go try and put if I can make some lists kind of get ingredients prepped I can probably bulk make a bunch of potions just giving the set up here I mean any of these now now that we know about them mhm I mean they all look pretty useful yeah I agree and I I have a crap load of books right now that are just all in my inventory I might go over to the library little box right there I’m going to go sort them out put some things away okay you’re going to have a library moment I think you gave me from the temple no L I looked at my inventory thinking I had a book for you and it was just like the invitation so I I don’t have any books for you love how dare you not any books yeah this one is kind of equally depressing when it comes to what doing um Joy great what’re doing to CIS or trying to do yeah yeah that one was not very great yeah no I am um I’m glad we got her out they can rot it’s um yeah yeah yeah okay if you’re going to work on books I might stay in help potions for a little bit and then after we can go actually get breakfast cuz I don’t think you’ve had it I I know you haven’t because I was still asleep okay okay fair fair I’m all right I’m going to go sort my books I’m going to go sort my books I just knew my in my bones that he hasn’t M hi hey you don’t are you I have to stay if you want shut up I want to are you doing okay since what happened I I I I I know would wish just me that was there in the room with you but how um what are you doing I don’t really know I um come sit down okay um I I killed him you know I just um yeah you I’m not used to that broke a little bit after I think we’re laughing a little hysterical yeah yeah that’s one way to put it and I think I liked the way it felt I I liked having that power and I hate that I hate so easily falling back into wanting that power over a living thing you you you you’re not wrong for from what we’ve read and what we’ve learned it was I awful to you no but caused a lot of your suffering still I what what’s getting me is that it wasn’t it should have been easy to make the decision and it was and I I knew the second I saw him that I wanted to kill him and it was amazing it was it was thrilling and and euphoric and sickening all at the same time but it was too easy it was one push and the Trident went straight through him and I didn’t he should have been harder to kill fers I I fight monsters I have done for almost 30 years and I they take time to die but he didn’t he just it was too easy and I don’t know what that says yeah this is I don’t think it says anything about you sometimes life is hard and sometimes life is easy and sometimes death is hard and sometimes it’s easy it’s it’s never the same it’s never equal it’s just I I know I’ve killed a lot of men I’ve killed L if you had to deal with this H how how do you deal with having killed people if you I don’t know I don’t know if that’s a weird question sorry I am you’re okay I’m still figuring f it out I found a book of all the people who had lost under my command and remembered all the wars I’ve fought and the people I’ve hurt and the people who are falling at my hand and their faces and their and their smiles and the fact that they had families and that doesn’t go anywhere and I carry them with me and I I take them as I as I try to love in and laugh laugh and eat and breathe and sleep I don’t think it gets easier I know it doesn’t but it’s good that you feel it’s so it’s really good that you feel I guess I guess that’s maybe why it’s hitting me is because I do feel it I’ve been so long everything else I did when I hurt people I’ve hurt so many people anyway probably worse than death and I’ve had people die directly because of what I did but I didn’t feel it cuz I didn’t let myself feel it but I don’t want to go back to that good good you know you’re you’re doing so good I know it probably doesn’t feel like it but I remember finding you on the side of the on the lake and I remember you telling me that you think you’ve done horrible horrible things and I’ve seen those things and I’ve read them and I know and I I look at you now and I see a man who is grieving what he’s done and what he knows you’ve come really far and you’ve done such good I I wouldn’t have been able to do that without you I I need to know how grateful I am that you did pull me out of the river the lake that one time and I you have done so much here for me and for everyone and I I don’t know if I can put into words how much that means you mean a lot to me I’ve always I I I think before I was I wasn’t a kind man I don’t think I was very nice I don’t think I was I don’t think I was very good and my partner at the time V saw something even when I didn’t when no one did and and they saw that and they pushed it and they pushed it until I was open and raw and soft and until I broke and then they help build me back up again I I saw it in you someone who maybe not done something maybe not done stuff that’s great but had such an opportunity to be better and you have and I’m glad to call you my friend I’m so grateful I’m so grateful to have you in my life both as a friend and I it means a lot come here I’m hugging you now come here okay we’re in hug territory I mean we already been in hug territory but now you’re getting a pile on the floor a little bit a little bit you’re you’re okay thank you I know your hands are shaking and it’s a lot but if I hold your hands then maybe we can help the shaking together yeah yeah yeah sounds really nice I’m not alone I’m really grateful to not be alone thank you that it helped I that really help you good at no know what to say I’ll give you I’m really good at words I’m so good at words words supposed to be my job I was supposed to be the story telling apparently you’re still are there’s so many stories that I can’t wait to hear from you maybe maybe when maybe when we finally get past this we can just have nice calm drinking and story time it’ll be great that’ll be great I should probably I was going to say I’d buy you a coffee but you kind of I own the coffee you own I just pay you to get coffee yeah speaking of I should let you get back to R I didn’t think it sounds like he’s waiting to have breakfast with you I know cuz cuz otherwise otherwise you know we won’t have the scones you don’t want to know about the cin roll incident oh I definitely don’t I’ve heard about his cooking from multiple people the it tasted oh it tasted it tasted I can imagine tasted I I don’t know I haven’t tried cooking in a while I feel like I should do that maybe we should cook one day we can make some more kelp and kelp byproduct Foods yeah I apparently been invited to breakfast by Percy oh yeah we got to have one of those it’s a great family event it goes normal every time and everyone is kind but I’m going to go check on him get my my ride home but maybe later I’ll come back and we can work on some potions yeah I know but thank you that yeah thank you Ben I I appreciate it I appreciate you and I I’m giving you another hug I come back I’m not used to hugging people anymore I’ll get used to it I miss it you deserve hugs okay get some rest stay up potioning forever I’ll try not to I’ve got Kel to bug me when I’m too late see you yiss I’ll see you around bye hi can we can we hello oh hi one second wait I’m going to write a thought okay you do it take your time hi hi sorry for the weight it’s okay is he okay he will be I got a little bit rough in that Temple and it was it was a bit of a moment I guess I just knew the look on his face wanted to check in he’s okay okay that’s good how are you I don’t know love I know I’m just trying to think of ways to the things that you told me about how Fable acted in the in the temple has me at least having some thoughts mhm if we can try and bait him into using the Reaver if he can’t use the undead at the same time then could give us an opening it would it’s a good strategy than thank you I didn’t think sorry I did I was taken off guard I wasn’t prepared for you to be like yeah that’s a good idea I was prepared for you to be like that sounds dangerous and risky and love a War General it’s a good strategy sometimes they are risking dangerous I think everything we’re doing is risky and dangerous I think we stopped being safe ages ago if we ever were so well I like your idea thank you we probably need to get everyone back in here and have a meeting about it yeah probably come up with a real plan mm I’d like to maybe ask Caspian or mean I’m I want more information from RZA but I don’t let I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to mess with the robot without casan poke them maybe poke them and then then ask about the robot mhh and yeah just for more information okay we still don’t have enough I don’t think we’re ever going to have enough yeah that’s fair but we have leads once Brun feels a little bit better we’ll we’ll hopefully I mean we got a response from American and afan if we can get more from them yeah I think we’re close they seem understanding but I was going to check in on them maybe next couple days and see what we can get a bit more going back and forth and then um okay I was writing down leads we have a lot even if it doesn’t feel like it I was I think you said we were supposed to go get breakfast h yeah still want to do that I do sorry I just you look so tired I I know I know why I just what why I’ll just I’ll just be glad when you’re not tired you know I could I could I I could you know the sniffer thing I could I could smell the worry and the stress radiating from you as you’re writing in your book then the dark circles under your eyes it’s just it’s a lot and I just want to wrap you up all nice little nice little hug and then and then give you coffee and treats and then I have to worry about all the things and then what what problems what gods they’re they’re not here if I just hold you from the horrors of the world but we’re not quite there yet maybe one day for hour breakfast word question first okay what do I smell like to you yeah I I don’t have as good of a nose as you but like a new book a little bit sweet like sweet berries just a little bit amethyst has a smell and and it’s also a little it’s a rock it does does does have a smell but you mostly mostly smell like new books and I guess like clean clean clothes in that that and you grab a good bundle of them and they’re warm and you put on a sweater and it’s it’s nice and comfortable and cozy and crack up with a new book and maybe it’s a little bit rainy outside and you’ve got a glass of sweet berry juice it smells like that it’s one of my favorite smells is there coffee in the scent sometimes yeah I mean yeah yeah people people don’t have like one smell it’s it’s a lot that makes up you I think that makes sense think I said I don’t have as good of a sense of smell as you but just every once in a while when we cuddle you know can smell the bakery spent on you still I’m glad it’s that over you know wet dog I joke about what dog I know it’s there sometimes it’s CU so rainy speaking of I think it’s time for us to go back out in the rain yeah yeah come on let’s go go get coffee yeah oh you really trusted me to go fly us straight through this all right got this baby you got this I believe in you nope I don’t I don’t I it I’m fine we’re totally fine we’re not injured whatsoever a lot of trust you just instilled in me I you didn’t trust yourself and that was what the problem was you got to trust yourself Starlight you know you got to you got to have faith in [Laughter] you you’re doing great oh my goodness I H there’s only Min minimal damage mhm oh wait here I wanted to show you a weird little thing I guess I couldn’t show it to I guess I mean I could I could okay well there you go we should go oh okay yeah yeah okay I was just I was just going to show you the weird little the I was going to tell you a little thing you know what breakfast sounds great breakfast far away from that yeah yeah okay I was just going to show you that Quicks has turned all flowers um I was going to the quick turned the flowers into birds and there was Birds there was Birds there just a lot of birds no there was I’m going to assume quick has turned the flowers into Birds because there was just one bird left oh yeah there was more flowers in that field m h you know what a what a what a fun thing to turn them into you turned lots of things into weird things before I mean flowers and the birds that kind of feels like a little bit of a miracle like oh that’s a sentient being now that’s a that’s a bird I mean where do you think all the frogs come from true true true they do they got names hello coffee all right what do you have um I I’ll take whatever you want to give me well love that’s the whole world I guess we’ll have to make do with the sleepberry Danish that was so the correct answer mhm SE this and I know you well let’s have a pumpkin spice as As a treat for coffee switch it up I replaced the coffee in my hot bar with the coffee I didn’t even give you at that time I have I have seven oh my goodness hey you want to come up into the r look we can sit for a bit yeah yeah hi frino and nibble on sweet cheese danish love a good sweet cheese danish one of my best okay may we just sit for a bit and I’ll keep working you keep working and I have an idea for a new braid so okay everyone’s everyone’s busy and I like that right we got this we do I know we do I’ll be with you the whole way Starlight couldn’t do it without you love you I love you too

This video, titled ‘Inlaws and Ingredients { FableSMP S3 EP 101 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-05-14 00:20:44. It has garnered 229 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:31 or 3751 seconds.

Hi Hi! This is Episode 101 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Fenris, Ulysses, and Rae work on figuring out the potins made by Icarus.

Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch

Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season 1:… Season 2:

Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok:



Alright that’s all from me, see ya next time byyyeeee! :]

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    EPIC Minecraft Boss Battles! Join the Journey LIVE!Video Information yo stream what’s up man what’s up man like I’m talking to one person what’s up yo I know it’s late as hell compared to the usual stream I do another two hours but it’s whatever um part three of live Minecraft on a journey to defeat all the bosses now I’mma say this some [ __ ] happened off camera it was has nothing to do with me it was completely another player I swear I promise um but I will I’ll show you guys what happened in our Minecraft world we tried to get the uh… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘type of miner in Minecraft#minecraft #shorts #mclol’, was uploaded by Noob_Boiz_91 on 2024-01-15 07:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. type of miner in Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #mclol type of miner in Minecraft #story voice Cradit : @Mc-lol Minecraft Techno … Read More