Silvervale’s Twitch Archive – Silvervale plays Valkyrie Elysium & Minecraft (Bounce SMP) | Episode 1

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Dude Dude Sooner Love Silver blankies Keep up the great moves over Top Silverwood so the monkeys Foreign Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do hello Chad do do do you do

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do oh hello friends [Laughter] oh

Hello I missed you so much hello happy Halloween welcome everyone Hi hi thank you so much for coming to hang out today or tonight whatever thank you thank you so much The door also two years Happy anniversary thank you thank you enjoy your cute emotes thank you so so much I missed you guys Today over the weekend I always feel like I haven’t seen in like a thousand years Hello Thank you thank you thank you thank you yes hello I hope everyone had a good weekend thank you so much for stopping by we are going to be playing a super cool new Square Enix game called Valkyrie Elysium we get to be a cool waifu with

Really pretty hair and a big sword that looks really cool so we’re gonna be playing that and then uh we’ll probably do some Minecraft after because there’s a new Minecraft server and I am addicted thank you happy 31 months thank you me yeah I’m excited it should be very very cozy

Yeah it’s I’m playing on my PlayStation which was kind of weird so I only use my PlayStation for Netflix or Hulu or uh HBO or uh you know all the things other than games so uh I had to actually hook it up uh to my computer today so

We’re gonna be playing an actual console I am now a console gamer but it does come out on Steam um on November 11th if you prefer a PC or you don’t have a PlayStation yes the PS5 is real oh my gosh thank you everybody has had a good day

Thank you so much yeah I have I have a lot of little Halloween doodads on my table because I’m like obsessed with decorations you know and I absolutely love it myself oh yay I’m glad yeah lots of cute little treats are very cute twitch Prime

Thank you yes thank you so much for your subby wubbies thank you very much These okay these comments don’t count because they’re made of chocolate like they don’t I don’t get scared of them actually I’m always scared of spiders and spider webs though I don’t like getting them like on me because then they stick forever dude and like I have I have long hair right and

Like I shed I don’t I don’t know what like the people term is when like you have hair that comes out like that’s a normal thing but uh when I have like a stray hair they get stuck on like my sleeve or something it feels like a

Spider web and I have like a mini heart attack I hate it so much I’m balding I’m the dude I have so I have such thick hair like thank you Mama Veil bless you for gifting me with so much hair yeah I guess I guess I shed a lot

So if you want to adopt the wolf girl you gotta be ready for that I’ll take you no oh I forgot to ask him someone remind me to ask him and what’s the name of that cat cafe it started with like a m I think but I want to go

There so bad and thank you so much thank you for the gifts I’m thinking thank you [Laughter] Was it mocha I think it was mocha I think I think it was something else but it was really really cute That Cafe videos that we watched in our uh react streams oh also speaking of uh react streams we’re gonna have uh spooky watch along time probably a little closer to Halloween so figure out what spooky videos you want me to watch I’m no longer than like 10 to 15 minutes

Maybe if it’s like really really really good it could be longer maybe but um we’ll be making a Discord channel for all of those uh spooky spooky video uh uh selections or whatever so get those ready because we’ll be watching those and getting spooked together [Laughter] our spooky videos yeah nothing about math

When we submit them um we’ll have a Discord channel for that probably after stream or if the mods get to a drink stream but yeah make sure that you’re in the Discord if you’re not in it already uh you can do exclamation point Discord or links or whatever and and join

Through there thank you thank is no spider videos no they will not be approved I will not watch them but um uh oh we’re also uh we have some spooky games to play uh one of which is going to be PT which I’m really excited about but it’s apparently only like two

Hours or something so I might have to play another one after that I don’t or maybe I’ll well like how how traumatized will I be by PT like on it on a scale of like one to ten because it’s supposed to like the scariest game ever made right like it’s

Really really spooky 18 months thank you It’s very scary dude I’m so excited oh I want to play it how about community films loud well done I’m like it’s not like I don’t like Zoomer humor but yeah like the modes are a pretty good judge of uh what’s what’s Funnies and what’s good

You love a new model thank you oh guys my Halloween outfit it’s gonna be ready I mean Texas is already ready but I’m making you guys wait but we have a Halloween outfit my mom let me have two Halloween costumes this month so you get like double double the excitement

Thank you thank you for the three months four months thank you thank you yes that’s it dude it’s so cute it’s very cute and very hot and I think you guys will love it a lot so I’m I’m really excited thank you for the Sun please make your stuff enjoy your super

Cute Halloween emotes I love them so much made an amazing job on them I love them accidentally show it no I might I might maybe if you’re lucky like sneak a little bit maybe but that’s a maybe but it’s really really cute I think you guys like it a lot

I have like I will like I want like double trouble I have like a cute sexy one and then I have like a edgy spooky one this is pretty cool thank you thank you so much holy crap thank you so much thank you we’re gonna shout out for the like the

Goth version I don’t know I don’t know we might retire goth version just because it’s it’s a lot of work to set it up man it does kind of wash wash out the colors a little bit but maybe maybe for the really edgy one we could do it

For the for the sexy outfit the color changing didn’t really work with it very well But I might just have to get an actual like goth goth version for you to swap too because I spoil you I will always be your big titty goth Jeff always and forever um not anytime soon I don’t I don’t probably not for like a year or something they’re very very special you

Know uh so I don’t want to do them too often but hopefully this should be sent out pretty soon It takes a little bit of time but they’re they’re shipped Yeah we’re just past all gone oh yeah everybody doesn’t know um if you’re curious why my hair keeps changing and stuff already at 13 months and silver jammies one more month can’t wait to spend my anniversary my favorite stream of weight Thank you so much silver love silver but to love thank you but um yes you can get uh pedal points just from watching the stream so the more you watch the more stuff you can do you can change my hair and change colors and make me do stuff very very cool

Modern technology well Thank you yeah I’m here to just let people Vibe just hang out and chill very cozy That’s where you see it yeah 10 to 15 minutes Wiki longer if it’s like really really good I’ll allow ones that are like really good but it’s up to your discretion I think you guys know what I like how many pounds I want to say I love you

I always love you I love all of you very much if you missed the dudes I have them on Spotify that you can listen to hey but yeah we have a a very very very cool uh Valkyrie Elysium game from Square Enix I love screenix so much

So we got another amazing sponsor from squinix um so very excited for that we’ll play around with that for a bit uh it’s it’s on uh console right now but it’ll be out on um Steam on the 11th of November so wishlist that let me we’ll possibly place the Minecraft

Uh I still have a lot to do with Minecraft so I don’t have as much Show and Tell for you guys but it should be a lot of fun I love this server so much it’s so much fun and everyone’s so nice yeah it’s a Sweet Escape do they feel so

Special when screenix wants to sponsor me because I I love their game since forever stuck in my head for like forever for days cucumber vitamins minerals very high number it’s so good thank you guys dude they need that guy to do with TTS where it’s like he says

Everything in like the same Cadence cucumber cucumber cucumber vitamins minerals very high number I don’t I don’t know if it knows how to say it right because like you have to say it was like a certain a certain beat you know [Laughter] hi John I love you

Dude I love to do my own version of it yeah it’s all about the Cadence and the inflection to it yeah and the accent it would be so cool if someone could do a TTS of him thank you so much dude I love Star Ocean wait for this

Evening your favorite way Foo I’m honored thank you I’m doing very well I’m very cozy update for Final Fantasy 2 so we got I’ve got a lot to do and okay so I don’t play a lot of console games so bear with me if uh if I have some issues navigating okay

Oh also uh we did movie night last weekend this weekend a couple days ago with uh with the subs and oh my God the Halloween the new Halloween movie I wonder if it’s actually gonna be the end so it was actually called like the end but I feel like the next one’s just

Gonna be like Halloween there is no end I’m just gonna keep keep doing it over and over and over again [Laughter] yeah it’s like they there’ll always be another one it’s like Pokemon I think Pokemon will ever just end because they can keep making money off of it so I

Don’t think Halloween will ever end because Michael Myers yeah they’re gonna milk it hardcore we’ll see thank you they were the prime okay we’re gonna hop into this game here we go let me know if it’s too loud or if like any of the audio is weird

Because this is my first time streaming a PlayStation game I feel like such a boomer okay Of six months okay uh do you hear that is it is it good is it too loud too quiet Okay good okay does it sound so good I’m so excited okay let me let me flop over here okay Okay And then bam yay okay Long before the memory of man doesn’t sound good father chief of the Gods and his brothers combined their strength to slay the Primeval giant emir thus forging the world under the world tree idrisil gods and humans dwelled in the Realms of Asgard midgard and niffleheim ER I turn it up a little bit

But they’re trees this was not to last the Monstrous wolf fenrir bear is terrible threatening all existence the game’s out already yeah understood and fought against the Ferocious wolf and its forces in Asgard but soon their conflict would envelop all the worlds in war and chaos the battle waged on incessantly

Splitting this is that a wolf with wings oh my God innumerable lives were lost oh the world’s faced utter destruction no resolution to the conflict seemed in sight move them one day at the climax of their vicious battle tearing his wife oh my God nobody the two could fight no longer

Signifying the end of oh no on Asgard however the destruction did not cease the mighty blast of yalmahorn echoed through the lands proclaiming the coming end versed as he was in the crs’s prophecy Odin knew all too well I can’t believe it’s already been 26 months

It was a prophecy that foretold of the end I’m 18 months now oh no the Twilight of the the world before its returns thank you last attempt to defy this fate created a new place of space Oh it’s a valkyrie one am I am I one ah flashback S ouches oh god oh it’s so bright it’s so bright oh ah Oh God we’re being grabbed hello hey you you’re finally awake okay so you guys thought it was still a little quiet uh I think it might be as loud as I can get it um yeah I think I think this is this is loud as it’ll go it got louder okay good

Well we’ll do the tutorial yeah and for anyone that missed it this is Valkyrie Elysium we are sponsored by Square Enix uh the game is out right now on uh Playstation but if you don’t have one or you prefer to play I’m on PC it’s coming out on Steam on November 11th but

Even if you’re you’re a PC player I would really appreciate if you click the link thank you very much also you should put a cooldown on that because get a little spammy But it helps a lot so so please check it out I love screenix all of their games are chefs kiss amazing I need two months with you so far but it’s been awesome thank you Well that was a cool down huh 26 months with the best way to ever love you silver thank you I love you okay Okay okay can you hear me do the voice acting is so good the ruler of this world and your creator if you can hear me his voice sounds so familiar dude look how cute she is I love her dress hope you are and the hair the hair looks so good

Oh here I think I can do um volume in here too okay is that good do you like that there we go is this a battle room is that how you call this yeah location marker this is the location is this weight above okay oh whoa this is a really shiny marker jump

Oh we have like a Naruto on here oh Okay we have like a we have a little grab your shoulder oh cool yeah dude I’m a sucker for like mixing like elegant dresses and armor I don’t know if there’s like a name for that but because you’re still like dainty and cute but also like battle waifu just a

Value degree for myself gift ah thank you it is almost time for almost two years this game is so good there is one more lesson I must give you personally I love that pose let’s dance is so sassy oh okay God oh my God with a big sword yeah Quadra slash cool Okay neat dude their necks are so long they could be draft people whoa okay let me know if it’s too loud now hmm stepping slash whoa wait that was really cool oh no you got me oh oh God okay Oh there’s like sparkles at the end oh okay oh and she does like a Twirl in the air that’s so cool yeah oh Okay oh maybe I should move to the right I’m going to the right so I don’t cover because I guess that’s where my health is at okay Okay where am I where my little attack thing is at zero okay I was in green Souls oh without even picking up the green Souls okay Target lock here ends Oh and she has like a little like ghosty thing when she like does her skills and dashes and stuff yeah it’s out on Steam on November 11th it’s not on Steam yet it’s just on Playstation right now Oh oh they were gonna do flying attacks I think they want me to still be flying No get back here hmm you’re playing the same time as me yeah I wonder if I eventually get like well in the air or we can do three for a rolling Flash dude I love her like comment animations do not fear for this is your salvation I like our voice actors too

Hmm guys it’s so pretty oh here that’s so cool you have the power to use the souls of the Dead I will share with you the knowledge I possess of the souls I have sensed out thus far okay thank you Odin so pretty Someone and oh God and and her and her jar and her jar Up to two other can we summon at once and will automatically return a decent amount of time oh they’re like little summon people spirits Oh cool doing this something like a big Warrior and then we can also do oh a cute little oh my God okay whoa that’s awesome okay that’s pretty cool so this is the display beneath the house gauge summoning oh deplete the soul gauge well items and blue Souls can restore okay

Green restore health I wish they were red blue historic Soul guys yellow acquire skills and upgrade weapons okay oh that’s so cool I like float back into me that’s neat whoa oh matches the enemy weaknesses okay cool defiled Soul oh whoa dude I can Thunderball That’s really cool that was a tenacious one foreign thank you can I attack it oh to lock on and also we can use them for puzzles cool I just want to see if I’d smack the crystal so we’ll use this ice guy yeah that’s so cool

Thank you that’s for 30 months oh my God well Gamers never look up but this is pretty oh Apply their elements to my normal attack oh okay and switch between their arms by holding R1 Okay so let’s get this guy and this guy Oh there okay so now now I do Thunder and I could swap to do ice or even change is my sword oh cool it’s like it looks different yes that’s so neat whoa yeah I’m gonna pretend these guys are you okay you’re adventuring with me I mean some amount of weaknesses and Elemental cage also okay this displayed on the left side of the health gauge oh okay Moses before they go into Elemental Crush state so he’s weak to thunder die and the little dudes help my uh my like hit combo thing can I break this oh

Okay do we have to use this too cool oh treasure oops oh okay I want to pick a new outfits and stuff oh my God yeah okay smashes yes Smash Thank you thank you so much Did I love her hair formed from the remnant of an impure soul a truly Vibe it’s so pretty You need my help oh my God that was kind of spooky go to a pedal night get I think you missed okay okay take two away I have to use both of them maybe or do I have to do it with him huh um I’m locked on let’s go

Oh I had to stay locked on okay so that you know what you’re supposed to be doing thank you they really love it once where do we go oh his face looks oh I love the sound of the heels did I love when games that when you have

A character with like high heels I love when they actually do like high heel sounds when you run on Stone and stuff It’s great I should get it on Playstation thank you Cronk you definitely should get this on your PlayStation 5 or Playstation 4 or on Steam on November 11th yes you should it’s very fun it’s it’s a very cute cute game I like it yeah I love the click clack

Thanks Cronk you’re a homie Die well there’s more I was Overkill buddy Oh be the first oh we don’t have fire uh oh well that was pretty good actually holy crap okay oh I can jump to them oh uh how do I do it again there oh ow no oh so you can quickly get up to rage dudes did I love that because range

People suck Bam yeah the chain lighting’s so good and so is the little little dashy thing oh you jerk what is that what’s that glowy ball well that might have been The Archers Time Do not fear for this is your salvation Oh that was pretty I’m curious Contraption indeed well more more ice stuff okay so we got a I’m going to lock on this guy did you think you were safe oh my God oh oh should I go flip in the air dude that was cool I wonder if she’s Lana from the first

Game I don’t know I never played the other one but this one looks so good together Do I catch on fire yeah that was so cool oh you jerk that guy’s really strong go go go oh yeah okay it does not like the fire that’s the story yeah this game is pretty cool how’s the story we don’t know yet we’re just doing like the tutorial right now

Oh I think I kind of stunned him when I grabbed him like that did I really like the little Dash thing let me let me get my boys back oh we got him and we go this way Yeah the moves are really cool I like the combat a lot it’s very flashy Thingies oh hold on that Dragon it’s cute actually oh you ‘ve tail and stuff okay I want these give me give me sparkles Oh okay let’s go oh ouch oh we can order some of them under specific circumstances okay that would be nice oh there’s another one here it looks so cool screw you Durgin oh okay we gotta we got a lot of sparkly Oh that place is pretty oh here and oh go pull out okay we’ve got yeah get the get the ice ice Yeah we got him okay Oh we’re stuck they’re taking care of the other guys oh he’s still he’s still alive he’s like got a little sliver of help up Dodge Dodge oh dude holy [ __ ] I like that it auto moves your camera when you have um other people targeted A lot of sparkles yeah remove the final obstacle what’s the final obstacle this is really fancy gig okay don’t touch me I like the idea don’t touch me it just adds an extra move you know gosh it’s so pretty she’s so hot Thank you Heidi nights and puddle archers oh dude I didn’t do anything oh okay now we got a new stuff oh okay yeah chop his ankles off bite him in the leg Oh he’s crushed meow again he’s a mobile go go go get him get it get him bite his ankles yeah we’re like annoying little Chihuahuas go go go oh my God he got us go go oh do the little shooty ending is so useful oh I gotta summon our pedal nights again go

He stomped on me yeah go go go gotcha RP walk [Laughter] Treasures in peace give me oh Magic Dance it’s been a while since I was able to catch you oh thank you so much whoa oh okay oh that’s what the guy grabbing was he’s like grabbing our face Whoa oh it’s so pretty this is how we flip I’m going to grab your face oh Alison oh cool I’m really bad at these names oh bonus weapons cool okay uh oh God ah now go back ah how do I get out of this oh no please okay hold on uh

Uh it’s giving me an intro about screenshots okay go away okay that was the wrong one [Laughter] uh is it this one toy button oh my God oh okay [Laughter] oh So I can just swap oh so I already have it I can just swap with the okay dude we’re so pretty important characters enemies Hollow blossoms dude look at them they’re so cool ah Dragon okay oh so comfy stream good way for a trumpet stream could weifu silver tabs

I really like how this one looks um uh how can I tell what Elemento thing it has yeah can I have all three this is green I feel like that’s okay that’s not for weapons it’s for something else so I can have two swords and then two I don’t know if these are

Gonna be like spells or like potions or something maybe I want to do I wanna do this one And this one I’ll go like this one oh dude that looks so cool hmm oh this fit I love the shiny oh this is so pretty dude I want to live here this is so extra who needs pictures and picture frames and you can just have more gold right oh

Thank you they were the four months can I open this let me in damn yeah dude Odin’s got taste why didn’t gold as a vibe Well what is that thing oh safe yes okay weapon in the hands whoa oh God I don’t know which one I want to upgrade oh I need oh we need a lot more holy crap okay we need more Emerald Gems okay this game is super pretty I love her hair physically hair physics

Are so good oh there’s four oh best game oh I love it poggies oh oh dude what’s down there where’s the whole city whoa I don’t think I’m going in the right direction I’m just I’m just exploring This is so pretty [Laughter] Valkyrie is just running off exploring the town Didn’t they have good Wi-Fi was there anything else in here that I needed Silverwood I guess we’ll go talk to you hello oh Valkyrie He’s my words oh look at this chair Ragnarok tears our world asunder oh we hold precious lies on the brink of annihilation it’s very very Posh like K-pop blade Gravely injured from back because yeah it’s very fabulous with that Wicked Wolf hey DIY I created you my vessel of peace I

Odin or father command you okay you’re my tool of intervention and save this world from Doom do I get cute clothes they’re your plushies travel to Mid God and pieces lost souls okay stagnating Souls multiply I love how to like arm shoulder capes of Ragnarok

It shall be done as you wish oh Father gift card oh boy thanks Odin I’m gonna how do I get to Mid guard we just we just leave hey Dad how do I get to midgard oh touch the glove okay Thank you Cool okay yes did he just tell me to touch touch grass oh I love this music Our entrance is so extra I love it click the touchpad oh is that what that big thing is okay Cool shiny green thing I want the shot okay smash we got a violet gem smash oh can we go this way Oh Tim’s is like a secret okay uh oh no oh oh I can’t summon my duders oh I bet I don’t have them yet I don’t want to get over there hmm an undead so this is oh she did a cool little flippy thing oh Hollow Blossom Falco uses Hollow

Blossoms to peer into the memories of those who inhabited this world you can view any acquired Holo blossoms from The Collection men oh that’s spooky winter fell Upon This Land three years past now our crops have withered and we stare into the jaws of a vicious famine

Oh Gods why have you forsaken us whoa they’re little collectibles let me in knock knock oh got my glasses thank you you guys can turn them on and off Um oh we’re going into the mines smash give me a presents ah presents that’s a rock oh that was a blue game excuse me I am trying to smash barrels get out of my way smash oh we got an emerald jump that’s why we need to upgrade our sword smash smash smash Ed

Oh see it’s totally worth it I’m not just doing it for the satisfying smash sound yeah can’t make that Thank you thank you purple gem thank you very much when did it come out uh it’s pretty new it’s coming out on Steam um on the 11th of November what did I I miss this how did I miss this oh you finally got an Elixir oh yeah so

That’s what goes in the the green slide okay an easy fight oh I missed yeah yeah there we go sparklies smash oh yeah so if you don’t have a PlayStation you’re not missing out too much you can still you can still play it when it comes out on Steam

All right welcome everyone hello thank you thank you welcome I hope you had fun thank you so much we’re playing the super cool new game called Valkyrie Elysium and you get to be a hot wife with a big sword that can summon people and do cool magic

And stuff it’s really neat at the new screen it’s game um it just came out on Playstation but it’ll be out on Steam on the 11th but it’s really really cool so far I’m really liking it you get like cool like magic spells and stuff it’s very shiny and her hair physics oh

My God the hair physics it’s so pretty oh yeah why even with big sword so I was like uh I don’t believe so surprisingly there’s so many Souls legs now it’s just oh another flower They say the recent spread of natural disasters is because of an enormous black monster that ate the Sun News to my homeland is that the ground is split open and the mountains have exploded it seems There Is No Escape from Death now spooky oh yeah and you can swap your

Swords who have a bunch of different swords they have like a Holy One like a spooky one it’s pretty cool be the first and Odin is really sexy he looks like he’s in a K-pop band which I totally Vibe with me Oh here we go here’s a cool little louder one but thank you so much thank you please give Elena some love Thank you they were the summer 20s of Amanda tier 3D thank you so much thank you Felix Sash Oh God Oh we got him knocked down here there you go Papa yes it’s very actually it’s it’s pretty cool oh okay we’ve got another potion items okay we got that we’re going down be the fastest like I hear someone see I think it’s downstairs oh good yeah take that so cool Oh oh there’s a shiny blue chest oh I want the shiny blue chest oh oh he’s stuck in the corner go go go foreign Oh oh we got more than just the the thingy oh I wonder if it auto Eclipse it for us or if we have to equip it oh dude that’s so cool oh hello hello magic Joe meow oh weapon enhancement did we finally have enough you think uh we’ll save yes

And then weapon enhance let’s do I really like this one this one’s easiest we need a lot more yellow do I want to hold out and equip these ones with yellow I think I think I might wait until we get more yellow and then upgrade these ones

I don’t know other attack is the same I think they just have different proficiencies I’m not sure which one is which Um thank you oh we have skills now It’s called the CP cost okay um uh where are the skills at oh is it under here maybe no collections I don’t think I’m blind Another video dude it’s so fun yeah bam oh I don’t know I really like that one so many gems yeah I love armor over dresses that’s like my favorite fantasy aesthetic because you still feel like like a badass Warrior but you also get to be like really cute you know

It’s very elegant it’s very pretty we didn’t Go oh Yeah it’s fashion and function exactly Oh crap Thank you we should move on oh treasure can you need us please thank you okay by Julian Halloween uh we’re gonna be watching spooky spooky Halloween stuff together play some spooky games exactly some enemies also continue to linger the area after you defeat them these Souls can be devoured by other enemies which

Will boost their abilities oh that’s what those were oh best to attack and purify these Souls before that happens sparkly remnants okay we gotta knock out those archers Dead okay we got the souls there we go Let me get him yeah dude archers are rough ow there you go take that Well treasure smash ah fox fox so this give me another spell oh baby show we don’t need it but what’s it look like oh that’s pretty cool I don’t think there’s anything over here just some boxes to smash a smash smash oh oh see it was worth it smoke but Gods had a book that tells the future cirrus’s prophecies they called it it’s a treasure I’ve spent Meola Miola I’ve searching for I swear I’ll get my hands

On it one day oh yeah the flowers are really Kitty looks interesting it’s super super cool it’s brand new too I really like it oh gosh it’s really pretty oh we don’t have enough for the the thingy I wonder if I can knock him off the edge Thank you happy two years thank you so much dynamic Okay got them all let’s open this Meow Oh foxy silver Silverwood I’m good thank you speak English reverse occasions can unlock subquests okay Well how to use the Astro Globe then use to switch to the class games okay cool dude it’s so shiny wait you can see me I can’t I’m here to purify your soul purify I don’t know what that is but can I wait I’m looking for my mother’s ring

It should be near the church I know why don’t you help me look for it Stoic silence I guess that means yes thank you oh oh my God we almost missed the jump defiled In the combo is so cute thank you Winnie the Pooh yellow gems to upgrade the sword we wanted Um smash The holy Lord die I stabbed oh let’s do kaboom oh it’s crushed Go go put your keys Not today buckle oh dude that was a really good shot okay Oh oh no you jerk Jerk oh die a little flashy she is when she attacks people jump jump Yeah we have like a little magic like web Slinger okay now we should be able to upgrade this is in the valkyrie menu maybe we just don’t have them yet I think muffin enhance I want to do this one Okay so we jump and then like slap too that’s so awesome confirm at this game is pretty cool oh Cool thank you thank God you’re so good at chilling for me that’s so cool meow I think they have like a little like a preview practice mode that’s so cool thank you okay um we can’t upgrade these other ones we’ve I don’t know if I want to upgrade

This but I just want to save for the other ones this one’s super cheap to upgrade though Okay so yeah I don’t see oh okay so we gotta go into this separate skill pieces I want to do oh wait I kind of like that one don’t look at look looks oh

Oh what I really like doing the chain attack too oh no oh which one do I like the most I think I think I want to get this one yeah okay let’s let’s get this one uh how do I how do I get it we have enough

Uh wait do I have to do I have to like go down oh I think I do oh damn okay grab this one dude I love how shiny that is look at this one okay uh we need we need the yellow Soul so that’s what we need the most out of like anything

Thank you yeah this game is super pretty Okay Here we go foreign for you no tell for you oh die Wow yeah the art the art for the game does feel really cool you can see it’s got like the the black Allens I don’t know if you would call it Excel shaded but not but it has like a very cool art style and I’m pretty sure I’m at Max graphics Oh wait can you even change that on a PlayStation I don’t think you can I can’t believe it is just thank you they were the 10 ones oh God I got really spooky hello defiled song you shall be where are they oh my God where’s it’s the Boss music meme oh God

Oh okay here they come here guys where’s the rest of them so we gotta go this side not today now I’m gonna I’m gonna use fire on them yeah oh oh oh I just wanna do it never mind the stairs has have bested me I can kill dragons that I can’t face stairs

Oh fire yeah oh this is awesome I love how shiny this is I’m gonna kill him before the soul can get to him where’s the circle then just disappear it does back to the void Is that oh no he’s hot dude everyone is so dapper what are you doing here no matter I mustn’t be distracted who was that do we know who that is was he was he from the other game it’s just a random Dapper guy I’m a jerk give me the spell oh

Yeah it does kind of give me video vibes it’s like the the graphical style of it okay when they flash red okay okay we gotta get rid of these archers and stat The fire killed arches dude I love I love the the little sling thing ah right foreign hook thing oh head to the center of the castle dude look at this it’s so pretty I’m obsessed with her hair they did the hair so well it’s so pretty Science look at her she’s so cute oh I can RP you like if I want to save yes oh last time be the first to strike oh my God these archers okay okay he’s gone oh go go go oh they were six months there we go that was good okay it’s crushed Oh he’s crushed get him huh okay bam I don’t know what these fire dogs do but they’re kind of freaking me out apricot yeah Okay oh oh my God we can’t go that way damn oh my potion sweet Okay now oh can you can you block part of that with his shield really foreign I don’t think I got it I think I got it before it did not underestimate hmm oh my God there’s so many of them oof oh release the chains okay Wait oh my god oh no there’s there’s arches everywhere oh flower can I get this 16 months I’ll have to go all the way around thank you for 16 months I’m gonna Fireball him look at one shots though Oh God I want to get that flower yeah take that die uh I think we got everything over here oh there’s more dudes back there oh can they hold it I don’t think I can go over the chains Go go go oh my God what was that Oh okay I’m gonna can I open this while they should get me go go go go okay Fireball now oh no the spirit ah no oh God okay like super powers now okay we got him oh my God he stepped over the train you’re not allowed to do that that’s cheating

Welcome thank you so much for the rain hello hi everybody thank you so much oh okay oh God go go Of okay do I attack this oh whoa it looks cool hmm yeah we never did get the flower now what do we do yeah the sound effect was really good oh treasure mystical chains um Okay just like Where’s the flower at it was right there so we have to go this way and then oh there’s another one here too okay cool we’ve lost so many friends since the War Began perhaps even asgards on the verge of Destruction hmm Oh no I jumped [Laughter] Okay we’re gonna go around [Laughter] it’s the scenic route that’s all it’s totally fine I love a little like sparkly feather particles we have okay we’re gonna we can do this oh Yeah I thought that my home country was protected by its Magics but it has fallen so it stands to reason that the Kingdom’s protected by the God shall face ruined someday too dun dun okay here we go oh smack this oh no can I fire both of them no oh kind of Come on foreign Makes my ears happy You oh can we grab I thought we could move to get lower to grab onto that there we go Oh we don’t have ice do we don’t uh your tail is mine Dude that’s a lot of sparkles okay hello oh welcome from YouTube thank you dude look at all the Sparkles we just got um here ends your miserable existence I’m coming oh gosh she’s got like poison oh my god oh poison and fire is a bad mix cheese ouchies ouchies Oh my gosh okay give me this oh we got some yellow sauce drink a little bit there we go Oh my God no they interrupted my cool attack die flowers say friend were you able to meet with Amelia did you tell her how you felt about her I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be there for you in the end This game looks amazing this is a coral island oh yeah hey yeah I love being able to Showcase games that like people don’t know about that are super super fun And I hadn’t heard about this game before but it’s really neat grave Edge oh oh it’s like a big uh like a earth attack Yeah we just get no fall there we didn’t even pay attention to that okay I feel like there’s gonna be a boss up there it was very definitely a boss up there okay let’s get these Treasures yeah it’s too quiet there’s a safe spot with treasure I have very bad feelings about this

Yeah it’s it’s my first time hearing about this game too like I I didn’t know about it but it was really really cool very pretty the combat is super fun break all these if we die we can just come back and not have to break them Okay okay let’s uh oh let’s check our check our skills um Valkyrie um oh my God double jump wait oh I want that oh my God I don’t know why it’s under support but I’ll take it yes okay health value double evade oh I want the double living What’s this one oh cool oh my God like like of the assassinations like fatality attacks dude all these support ones are so cool what the heck oh Cool what are the defense ones love you Silva I love you thank you I made him before an enemy attacks with a [ __ ] oh negative attack entirely oh okay I think I wanna I want to get this double up actually we have a we have a pretty good amount of souls actually

Do they should I go back to the left you just want me on the right okay let’s get let’s get this one because it’s really cool Um any more attacks that I want oh yeah I wanted this one this is the one I wanted in the first place attack power magic power oh and I wanted this too oh we don’t have any Azure gems we have a lot of magic and violet though I might have to hold off All right let’s see if we can enchant or upgrade a sword why is proficiency f wait why is this proficiency IS F y f isn’t f makes you think of failure I know it went up but like my brain says F and that means bad

Uh okay so we’re still in a lot of a lot of the other ones okay oh I gotta save yes here we go thank you they were 23 months oh this is very ominous oh my God what it’s like uh oh it’s like a wasp it’s like a demon was

Oh crap come on okay be the first Destroyer what is that oh oh my God okay life oh my God okay oh just I don’t know where we want to be aiming you want to like go for his legs or his butt I was a tacky hand oh my God okay foreign

Because it’s only out on Console right now but I feel like for games that are made for console usually they’re they’re better for console oh wait he was was weak to that is that what that icon means I wonder how far is that like Earth oh okay okay uh large great

Oh they’re a crushed him go go go go go go oh my god oh come on oh frick we’re doing a healing smoke but I wanna I wanna save our things on spells because he’s he’s weak to the the Earth stuff oh God go go oh God okay drink out out out out

Oh he’s so close Do that double dodge is so nice oh God okay awesome oh cool To this spooky you were a big stinky vlog oh now you’re hot oh my God why is everyone what why is the bug hot Speak who or what are you I am my name is Egon he’s gone far my apologies I have no idea what just happened it’s so glowy your soul attracted the souls they distorted you and created a monster my soul who are you exactly I am a valkyrie

Odin has commanded me to purify the souls of the undead a valkyrie we’re so cute like the goddesses of fate it is said that you guide The Souls of chosen Warriors to Asgard I do come with me do my battle dude you’re glowing in purple and you

Have no feet what did you think happened I have seen that Soul somewhere before no matter I must inform Odin of this at once we were in like a side scholar for a second oh boy does this game out yeah this is on Playstation right now it comes out on

Steam um on November 11th dude this is a very shiny chest okay sword armor oh worker each one is a little damage however can quickly overwhelm an enemy through the sheer number of attacks so this one’s like very very quick ball worker whoa whoa oh oh cool cool yeah Oh that’s so cool yeah it’s like a little Rapier okay water let’s see so we have the basic one that we’re using I think was this the one we started with or is this the oh my God it’s so fancy wait this one’s really cool too

Oh I wish I could have more than two swords crap I like both of them I like the whole like the Holy One and the evil one I might just use those both okay God that was really spooky thank you sunnies dude I got a trophy yay oh we got an A cool

We got more yellow Souls oh my God okay sub class we learned about those oh dude it’s so pretty give six yes do you want to upgrade our our holy a holy sword did I I don’t know do you like the holy sort of do like the little fast one

Look at the Holy One just looks so cool Holy One it’s like four people walking all the way to Odin I know it’s pretty far man oh I already knew that one oh they’re just telling me which ones I can use on the sword oh wait no it’s for the specific weapon

Quick slash whoa oh I like that one that was cool it’s so pretty look at that oh foreign Okay let’s go to Odin you’re welcome you’re welcome for the hmm for the fancy RP walk dude he’s got his own little like tent and everything do you think he has like a big TV that like comes down over there and he just like sits in his fancy chair and it’s like

Watches TV Yeah it feels so pretty it’s so shiny the lingering souls in mid God are many but I remain diligent the world and I are intertwined for every soul you purify I grow stronger and my wounds heal faster you’re welcome everybody feel a little of my power has returned Elizabeth

I have one more incident to report on midgard I purified a nagelfar and it translates the soul was one of great tenacity and strength and now he’s man was even able to converse with it that is the soul of an inheria it is so soon an inherial

And here we are perhaps you are due an explanation and Heria is a title bestowed upon Souls who bear strength surpassing their mortal body they are warriors given the honor to serve us then I may also call upon these in Harrier to serve me indeed Valkyrie go to midgard and seek the

Remnants of their soul okey-doke as your vassal of Peace it shall be done I am a vassal of pizza [Laughter] thank you mister you so if I was gonna do the subclust what do I get for it convergence what is Convergence so there’s a drop so I have a chance to

Get them if they’re dropped possibly you wanna do a side class do I keep to the main quest I might I might try a side quest I’m gonna try it yes oh a ring it likely rusted away to nothing years ago but its Spirit form May well still

Exist wait Rings get Spirit forms to all of our items get Spirit forms did I have a lot of things that I don’t want to have spirit for himself hahaha or do I it helps us purify this soul that we should help her find this ring Oh so is it just like the same place we went to before A die oh I did the cool thingy because I have the thing now I’m really good at words dude we did so much more damage you know what happened We’re so grown up Wait I want to do the no let me do my Dash well that was cool oh my God are like assassination attacks are so freaking cool now let us continue we zoom in Out [ __ ] you oh no I’m stuck Oh did a little near a little fun flip thing they were like so strong now oh that was what the flashy bam say that Foreign Awaits salvation that’s pretty okay so it’s it’s over there let me grab this chest really quick so open this oh can I like to be purified a zip over there oh wait here oh wow yeah spit out your crystals they’re mine oh that was really cool man hit him

Okay we’re gonna go for someone else oh ice dragon oh that was so cool Shut up I’m playing on PS5 they’re really so many crystals from this holy crap okay we want to go [Laughter] [Laughter] I got a little ahead of myself baby give me Oh it’s a sister Victoria okay Mama’s really I’m so glad we found it now I can go find Mama thanks for everything you’re very welcome do I just don’t get to go home now what’s this oh my God Gardens what does convergence do okay so a clip

Uh I might skip the heel because we have a lot of potions oh oh I like that sweet trophy nailed it oh the skin is really fun I like it we’re back in our feet dude this Castle is so pretty ah is that us I’m gonna pretend that’s us

You have our own statue now we gotta go get our our pedal night fat all night chapter two yes you have Super Beauty Egon that was the human’s name he no longer seems to be around here where are you dude I’m not even RP walking they’re making me RP walk no

What is this I sense what is wait that way one remnant of his soul perhaps if I follow the voice spiritual concentration whoa they’re so pretty oh my God holy crap we’re fast well I’m not one of my longer relationships [Laughter] thank you I love you what to say

I love this like this hacky slashy combat it’s so flashy oh that was really cool smash are they calling me the old witch because I’m not old Oh wait oh they’re playing a game oh it’s it’s somebody is Young playing in a certain Fortress oh my God okay we’re gonna burn you guys Whoa that was really cool okay thank you achievement what’s this do oh okay soul of Alex I don’t know what that is but I’ll take it can I get up oh Okay Tony’s voice before release it’s already out already actually it’s out on PlayStation oh my gosh okay I was I’m done I’m done jumping gravity wins again they’re my butterflies why did it again oh my God okay oh not this time I know how to jump wait

Does that mean we’re forming an election oh no once more well that was cool France will be eliminated okay lost our butterflies they are just like this should be easy enough uh oh Die oh that was so cool I love these damn time so we’re kicking the crap out of him foreign Foreign ER foreign butterflies Then we go I’m just walking my my little butterflies are going on a walk cookies okay okay now they go this is Whoa yeah I should have kind of like Zelda vibes with her with her outfit and stuff it’s very pretty cool a cool Valkyrie outfit here oh my God that jerk out she is let’s get him yeah take that smash and then open this up oh what’s this shiny bit okay now we go Hi this little butterfly thing you still feel that way more than enough for me still feels far away oh my God is he in love with the princess Awesome community oh cute thank you they were 13 months but she’ll break in that guy was rough bye ow oh we got a power up oh no [Applause] yeah dude that was so cool okay grab this um bam oh dude that’s really pretty can I apply it We must find you now where’d you go Again oh we don’t have we don’t have any Frost oh okay that was really cool Oh the finisher Okay uh this side Um oh I will not fall down the hole I will not fall down the hole okay there’s gonna be a boss here um let’s enhance oh run up to e now I’m really liking this one but we don’t have any Azure gems um can we do any skills what’s the defense one

I think I want that one yes and then we’ll do some attack uh attack power Yes good oh that’s it oops here we go no not an ambush oh my god did they kill his girlfriend oh oh no oh my God I bet they did Come here oh that was a good stab dude I really like this game the combat’s really fun time yeah it’s Elemental weakness so I could just go kaboom that’s like a little like they have a lightning bolts and whatnot wait so you can crush it

Crush it I really need a like a cold one Oh oh stop This is dog there we go Okay I think we got everything in here I’m gonna assume you see there Um yeah oh treasure smash A presence of his soul lingers strongly in this area oh no I barely died do I have to fight you oh no I’m gonna fight oh Oh look at the cool like swirlies on the ground yeah oh my god oh is this one there was the war oh no I bet he found her dead oh no oh oh that’s cool everybody fall down it’s a neat touch not new here came in like a wrecking ball don’t know

Yeah I mean oh wait we’re supposed to be sad if you walk the props to the desert let us knock over the swords so that’s pretty neat get him yeah oh no we got the souls Yeah kick him and now smash okay oh he broke a sword we gotta get that Archer got him oh this is so cool hello crash dude this guy’s really tanky oh my gosh okay Wow what is the audio bugging out it sounds okay to me what does it sound like is it weird uh does not do anything I don’t know but you’re hitting someone was not synced it could be it could be just like the console like maybe I don’t know

Yeah I think it’s most likely just capture card delay I think It’s so pretty If you came to make me one of your chosen Warriors you’re wasting your time no I’m not I don’t know why I come to you and yet you refuse I failed and posted a night to cloud my judgment I am not fit to That room find your true strength and it is a truly strong soul I seek oh The last traces of your home even your memories shall cease to exist you would have me battle even in death if the will to fight still lingers within you then accept you have to help save the world thank you Oh God is so hot are we gonna hold hands lude First ring oh see holding hands kills chat Oh oh we can have I wonder how many I already forgot what they’re called and and energ izer so we could have like a lot of them oh cool energy aegon and they’re all gonna have their own little stories and stuff dude has our sword always like glown in

The hilt look at that that is really fancy your efforts to remain initiated are lucky reveal yourself oh she’s cool who are you you have yourself an inherior now I see evil Valkyrie Valkyrie evil Valkyrie I must mean you’re one of his new Creations oh no she’s hot

Please allow me to conduct a small test of your metals evil waifu not just a pretty package it seems we do not fight for the same cause and is that worth it it is simple any enemy of Odin must be slain defying the gods Gosh Igor eon go thunder boy yeah oh my God yeah yeah go on it but why would another Valkyrie try to hinder me oh God she’s so hot why is her armor so cool perhaps I should ask why you a valkyrie need to ask such a trivial question is she a valkyrie too

Did Odin make her too Oh my gosh dude yo she’s so cool hey hey enough of your riddles so cool if you are an enemy of Odin then I shall they she looks like a valkyrie but I get the feeling that she’s not on our side death we will turn to Asgard for now okay I like him huh I love how extra this is so shy firestorm No place that with fire lands where’s Firestone oh oh okay yeah that’s way cooler yup go I feel cool oh there’s so many more he levels up I guess huh cool unlocked his memories Then golf oh my God is a golf well you can summon previously defeated enemies in practice against them cool oh my God sworders will hang out in um in here so the more little uh the New York guards the news any more Spirit friends that we find well they’ll

Be living here in the pretty castle yay Collect all the wifes and husbandos Oh thank you right now but it comes out on Steam on November 11th [Applause] you’re amazing thank you so much please give Johnny some love she’s so fantastic I love you oh my gosh is there a romance mechanic I don’t think so but in my head there is My favorite toaster Odin I have obtained an interior for me I was then attacked by what seemed to be a valkyrie clad in Black armor oh I bet it was his Valkyrie it was she turned to the dark side she fled mid-battle I feared she may stand against you and

Thought it necessary to report back I had assumed that they had all been wiped out in the last time no it doesn’t seem to really care about his Valkyries this entity might be but make no mistake what if he’s actually the bad guy and what if I understood Hilda’s fighting for a good cause and I’m

Actually fighting for a bad class the fate of the world rests in your hands oh my God the plot twist I will not let you down oh Father I don’t know he’s not like the the bad guy pose in his chair no I don’t know what if what if we’re the Baddies

Chapter three this chair looks really comfy though pretty houses the music is so good So this is thriving land in my time known for its prosperous trade routes and formidable military Looks a little worse for wear now but it still has its job do the voice actors are so good I wonder around a wander round this is just a joke I wand around don’t look at me like that we have been entrusted to save the world any deviation from our duty is unacceptable

I get it I do Mission comes first I haven’t forgotten no deviations I guess we’re really pushed up against the wall hmm yeah I really like the voice acting is really good jump jump What’s in here oh there’s some tables oh pretty is that a tree only in appearance it is an amalgamation of a great number of Souls does that mean it will become a naggle fire eventually and now go for a tree monster or an area oh it is merely the

Build up of stagnated soul Are we setting them free do I get shinies from now whoa did you just purify it I did time to jump down the tree no sure beats having to fight them each time I sense a similar presence nearby we should look around hello this is a different slime Rancher than I remember

Oh I want to try my uh my thingy on him wow oh I mean it kind of worked Excuse me whoa look at this loot attack boost oh wait it’s a rune oh okay um I like both of them how do I how do I put on the runes selection I wonder if I can take it off after I put it on oh I can okay cool needle

Let me we’ll save right here uh coming in hand saw our weapons nope we need a lot of the Azure stuff see What’s that wait no is it a collectible like well manka Okay uh how can this be Valkyrie what is it looks awesome is that even possible maybe it’s degraded over time read it let’s keep it in mind maybe we can work it out right up on the mic on that one he was he’s just whispering in our ears oh my God [Laughter]

Everyone in chat that was like falling asleep is definitely awake now Full tree I know Valkyrie wanna do oh no they’re gonna kill me no stop eating ourselves you jerk Dude he doesn’t take any damage there we go sure oh there we go okay my Souls I just tried to join with me not today here whoa It’s So Good oh he’s gone thanks for all the presents man your purification Bad guys go Foreign guys go stab I didn’t want to take the time to walk down the stairs it’s too much effort yeah her hair is so pretty oh give me give me oh that is a wall this game’s super pretty they’re mine okay let’s get our butt out go oh that was a good one

Now with you meow yeah yeah you did good job I could imagine if I could just summon Emmett like that okay say right here he talked to us in a quiet inside voice this time okay inside voices there you go good job support summoning skills wait we have new skills now what why is it selling these guys Oh they have Auto summon okay let’s do let’s do that really cool attack oh I want this one yes okay now Cheats oh that was cool die die oh there’s treasure over here there’s a flower over there it’s mine we got a church key the necklace is sort of a board by nobility Legend has it that it may even have been decorated with the tears of the Goddess marriage class of marriage figureself frig

Without the necklace that he had from the princess Heel too we don’t need that car yet we still have a lot of potions Oh I thought I saw something in there let me in okay yeah we need friend go oh dude that was a lot of hits yeah yeah assassinate boom Oh there’s more Michael wait what was that oh my God that was so cool it hurt but it was cool ow ow ow Oh what is that let’s go fire out His crash is crushed go get him oh my God wait oh she’s hot wait hold on she’s hot she’s like a squid lady I’ve never seen a squid with a rival on it before dude that’s cool those trees wouldn’t be oh wait don’t kill us she’s hot but now

That I think about it couldn’t you just fly around and look for them from above that’s cheating we can purify more souls if we keep hunting the undead as we search I believe it is better this what’s wrong from over there who is it oh it’s the daughter

Oh sorry I I didn’t mean to stare right you’re so cute I’ve been too many people around here these days are you Travelers yes that’s right we’re traveling together I’m Eagan this is Maria I’m on I’m actually a traveler too he’s so Dabber I’m out here looking for something

Despite the well-being in the state it is and if I had to take a guess I’d say you two are the same you wouldn’t happen to be looking for strange trees by any chance as a matter of fact we are I’ve been eating them we’ll Forest off them a little while

Back I could take you there oh my God yes give me all the souls wait how do we know we can trust him he may be leading us into a trap whoa you’re not supposed to just say stuff like that you know besides it’s not like we have any other

Leads I say it’s worth whatever small risk there might be I can see the logic in there he gladly accept your offer of guidance all right follow me then who would have thought that working for the gods would be such hardgoing you’re saying that in front of some random guys

A big we’re working for the gods I don’t think you’re a crazy person and then he’s actually gonna plan on leading into a trap because he thinks you’re crazy that was not very smart again Negan spear boy [Laughter] Oh that was cool foreign Oh pass time is that him oh no it is him oh tree well here it is it’s not a forest this is literally one tree it’s so pretty no doubt this is incredible thank you this is a video game other characters that’s very true oh what is that

It’s a passless slug what what is that I shall send you to the old fog dude what is this this is like the monster designs it’s so cool put it in the floating up there yeah little tentacles in the back foreign go yeah oh that’s so cool

Wait what oh no oh oh okay that’s so cool oh my God oh my God they have little snakes on their neck too oh whoa oh okay that’s pretty cool okay you do that let’s summon some fire and crush him they’re crushed go get him yeah go go go okay now

Here get him from the top what are they doing ow oh they’re so close oh my God the clutch heel we gotta we gotta swap equip uh uh elixir oh no oh foreign yet that was really cool other than Hildy redhood oh they’re cute wait are they Frozen hello

Who’s that you bear a powerful song what is your name I’m you may call me Cipher been chosen to become a warrior of the Gods if it is Glory that you seek then take my hand Glory thank you there’s nothing left for me in this oh

No you have to help us oh no it’s hot dude they’re all hot I wonder if we’re gonna get a hot waifu one did he just bail are you kidding oh my God I just bailed why refuse the greatest honor that a human can receive I think I know how he feels

I refuse he doesn’t see the point truly incomprehensible do they want to get a lot of hot husband because I’m probably down with that too oh shiny is now let’s get this one so many months with this wonderful stream thank you 30 months Are purified Odin’s power will grow ever stronger um what did you just do I ate the trees you have my thanks for guiding us here okay well I guess I’ll get going then no he’s gonna leave just like that I want to tag along with a cool tree eating lady

Uses Bales strange guy how so I guess having something to work towards something to find gives him hope and the strength to carry on it’s incredible how hope can keep people going through just about anything it makes little sense to me hey are you okay oh no do I have a migraine

What am I how did I get this what happened I can’t remember a thing I need to get this I can’t I don’t know who that is I’m still able to walk why am I seeing it shake this feeling that I’m to get to get something really important who’s there hey you

What are you doing hey Valkyrie are you all right yes it was like you just months have happened many more to come silverless we must keep searching for the remnant of that Cipher’s soul hmm spoopy ah treasure oh my God we have a spirit now oh I just got a wee

How are we gonna oh do we have too many cool weapons we have too many cool weapons Dude oh so it’s slow but it’s got bigger we oh that’s nice whoa okay we’re gonna we’re gonna try this for a little bit yeah yeah the nations are really good for all the different weapons Because I see a flower over there oh my God I will not die foreign people but I fear that final order was a lot to ask but then with his arithmetical talents I’m sure he’ll make it as first class merchant after I’m gone I do so hope he

Has a life filled with joy enough for the both of us he’s talking about Here was there anything over there oh we can’t go that way Oh let’s eat this one sparkly and then up here oh more spiritual concentration we go this way good night okay let’s try I’m gonna try this suck them all in oh Well I don’t know suck them in come on Oh gosh I don’t know I might still like the other one more Yeah we’ll go back to this one for now maybe if we upgrade it more it’ll be worth it but right now this one’s just so good yeah yeah I mean it’s gonna be slow but it’s good for AOE but it’s like I can’t get these guys or maybe these guys just in

Particular don’t really group up very well yeah it’s on a PlayStation right now it comes out on Steam um on November 11th okay where do we go now so the little ice guy is really good at math so that might have been who the the prince was talking about in that flower message

Here and you’re miserable yeah die [ __ ] now there we go let’s get my tree before they try and eat the souls out of it go go go go go go okay okay now what I’m gonna try and suck them up I mean that’s a little better oh my God the other normal attacks are so slow but it’s got isn’t that pretty good like AOE I’m trying to like keep people off of me kind of I don’t know we’ll go back to this one oh my God okay that was really cool

Are they biting me or are they head smashing me I can’t tell hi smash there you go take that oh futile attempt okay I’m gonna guess we go up the stairs oh no we don’t thank you you are all to be purified oh that was cool die die Oh I’m a sparklies back [Applause] oopsies okay that never happened I must think oh here we go One of cyber is relics it’s almost the rags he was one so tired and during his life is oh wait he was a slave please forgive my stupidity your grace more importantly tell me about that did he teach threads of math I don’t know how to use an abacus that’s cute I actually haven’t played um DMC before some people were related to DMC is this just like the girl version of like the better girl version of DNC Die oh gosh oh it’s like the Cozy the Cozy cute oh my God eyeballs eyeballs because it’s their eyeballs in the wall oh no oh that was so creepy oh my God that was terrifying what flower I’ll take that it said that God’s honor The Souls of

Brave Warriors by having them fight on their behalf so do not fear death brave Soldiers fear only cowardice you must fight with courage until your very last breath we do honest The Souls of Brave Wars by letting them be my spirit Buddies Okay now we go uh just like This is so pretty I’m so glad there’s more games with cute girls as the main character we need more of them because I really like this game it’s really fun and the combat’s really cool and the skills they need yeah we know it’ll run yeah Hi wow a place Fair buddy oh wait they shoot balls now Is there another one I never got him Um treasure thank you very much oh flower oh whoopsies oh thank you according to Legend despite the all father Odin being the chief of all the gods he also possesses a surprisingly Human Side he has a weakness for alcohol and women and it said that he comes down

In the form of an old man a peasant or Boatman to woo any woman he finds particularly beautiful perhaps he’s even come to visit me before oh Oh was that a door that I can sneak through oh done Uh let’s level up our cool sword um we are using this one yeah we’re gonna move oh Roundhouse kick cool okay I think we’re gonna do those dragon oh my God hello that was a lot of damage give me your tail yeah they were so strong I like watching my spirit friend like slide back into her body Little Ghost okay we will not fall strong independent waifu box like a candy cane flower over here oops I’m so lucky to have been accepted as a soldier of the castle the Royal capital

Is in a complete state of Peace So I’ve never even seen a day of fighting eyes get to sit around and collect my free meals oh I think the generous gods that we live in such glorious times well not anymore buddy whoa what the heck happened here oh no

I don’t think I got to summon him leave me alone fire oh it gets both of them come here crush this damn oh that’s cool okay this Taylor is it’s on Playstation it’s on PS4 too um and it’s coming to steam on November 11th oh I guess I want to say Oh gosh oh what if I didn’t have double jump how annoying would that event to do oh geez why people happy it’s so fun oops that is a table one of cypher’s souls relics hearing is a fellowship that’s pretty a pair of earrings he wanted to his life The prince died and he blames himself yes myself oh no that’s gonna be sun free thank you thank you for the two months oh my God that’s not fair you can’t do that that’s not allowed you’re cheating that bottle Come here oh let me get this one let me add him there we go okay It’s the cool the cool lady foreign oh my God she’s just got me cornered oh I can’t go I can’t go oh she made a she made like an ink path okay that explains it Jesus go pressure Okay but oh there’s a tree over there do we have to go back for the trip maybe we can’t get that tree yet wait can we get the tree saw a blue thing no I don’t think we can yeah I’m coming buddy I mean well that was someone’s entrance key

Wait what key did I get oh no did I miss a key safe I know we got eight keys um button here So this is a servants and twins this is fancy hey I was I was rping you jerks you ruined my pretty little water things I’m dare you you’re dead you’re all dead boom yeah crush them okay the world awaits salvation I’m gonna guess who got that way

This is the only way we can go Jump oh I love watching like spit out the crystals Boom you’re dead back to the void this is so pretty I just want a big pond in my house with a bunch of fishies okay Yeah okay yeah I can’t even she is thank you Secret Stairs you know this would have been the perfect spot to put a flower or something I don’t know if enhanced improves proficiency I think that’s just how often I use it because I’ve been using the demon one but it’s still gaining

Proficiency just by like being equipped they’re coming up here right they are The holy laws long lover s oh also I thought it would be cool to tell you guys so you know our crunk voice that was made by the one and only raspy who is one of our mods who’s very good at crunk imitations it’s like his his uh his life accomplishment

But he did such a good job that the people that run the TTS thing asked if they could use it for everyone so like a TTS that my mom made is now a global TTS voice how cool is that he uses it he’s famous whoa can you spray a minute for an old

Man I was a merchant once upon a time there was a sword of so long ago that I fell in love with at first sight but just when I finally got my hands on it my life Amber flickered out the worst of it is I don’t even know if it was the

Real thing that’s why I want your experienced opinion sure thanks for the quest it’s awesome he might he might get a snack I don’t know if we’ll feed him a whole meal or not but it’s pretty cool I’m very very proud of him did we we didn’t open this one yet

Go go go foreign oh my God you jerk go haha take that now you’re dead snail well that is cool I’m so glad we got like the assassinate skill and the like Double Dash we had so much good stuff the combos are sick Oh they went through the floor how do I follow you oh hello why can’t I get it every moment I waste Prince Emmett oh but if he’s like dying from a disease or something and Cipher’s trying to use a math to fix him somehow Was almost a bottle of medicine filled with a cure for an epidemic oh wait everyone was oh no everyone had a plague oh no oh That was really good gas actually I’m proud of myself Okay let’s go find him oh as if to reflects cypher’s conflicted psyche a volley of countless arrows comes hurtling towards awkward to block her path but the enemy and Valkyrie will take damage from the arrows okay how often do they come down they come down like whenever hello stay away

Oh God okay sorry again okay they’re not super fast foreign I don’t think I dodged that I’m not sure thank you no I’m coming to get you yeah yeah I don’t know where he went where’d he go a jinxed it come back can you go downstairs Oh I see you 17 17. so go get him oh get the door again oh yeah gotcha I will not stop until the world come no closer head can’t stop me I’m a gingerbread man Wait why are we in jail okay why are we in jail Why does ciphers resembles an abacus his mother gave him when he was a child but why did they put him in jail for not being able to like solve the the plague oh well you found me again Cipher the world is on the brink of Destruction take my hand fight as an inherior

I thought I had made my answer clear I like him cute but why would you refuse just come here I’m not exactly a natural-born fighter I don’t have what it takes to be some chosen Warrior all I’m good for is counting money and I couldn’t even do that right in the end Listen Cypher the whole world everything we know and love is about to be destroyed I’ve already lost my homeland I’m so sad unlike you I’m not human anymore but I know deep down that there’s something we can do I don’t want to disappear their models are really good

And I bet you don’t either I like their hair no I just want a chance to make things if the world ends then you shall lose that chance forever When I want some of this armor what if they did what do they go like a crossover event that’d be so cool I really want the valkyrie ladies armor it’s so good are you gonna join yeah oh I’ve already touched my hand it’s so cute new friends new friend new friend oh sweet

Oh another friend I think it auto equips him oh it does yay how to have their friends though they are their new friends oh great Edge too is that I wonder does it put it on uh equip oh it doesn’t okay so when you get an upgrade you have to like manually

Oh it’s because it costs double oh I’m gonna get it because it’s cool now we gotta go talk to Odin yes Whoa hey hug there they are they’re so cute whoa Mysterious flower did I get that for collecting a bunch of flowers um a friend Oh that oh then oh then I have returned from midgard oh Father the purification of souls thank you with your labors the salvation of our world comes ever closer I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure the world’s safety I expect nothing less of you I love his

Chair it looks so comfy he’ll give her an absence come on the legendary ship skid Vladimir is vital However in order to control it we require certain powerful artifacts yes or father I need you to recover four artifacts also known as the four gifts gungunia the divine spear thank you the golden band and lastly the mighty horn these artifacts were kept safe in Asgard for eons but

They were lost in mid-guard in the disarray of War so I am defined these forgives and bring them back to Asgard yes and you must do so with haste for we have little time yes sir the artifacts contain immense power you should be able to sense them when you return to midgard

Whatever oh it’s gonna be the final boss yeah I kind of being a little shady I don’t know he’s a little spooky why could this be paranoid maybe hildy’s getting to me I don’t know But you’ll have to find out next time on the next episode of Awkward Elysium on your own in our computer coming to statement November 11th [Laughter] Will we find more hot house Bandos and waifus to carry around in our adventures and use their spells will Odin K-pop version be the bad guy will we collect more flowers who knows hahaha you can’t just do that too bad I just did thank you thank you

Thank you thank you yeah he has an iPad so everyone’s automatically the bad guy if they have an iPad is where the Cliffhanger but yes thank you thank you thank you for sponsoring this amazing game thank you for being so wonderful it’s super super fun I love

The combos it’s very just hacking slashy and there’s a bunch of cool swords and stuff and little spells are really neat and she’s really pretty and I love her hair and the outfits and stuff are so cool so yeah please try check it out it’s on PlayStation 4 and Playstation 5.

Um it’s coming to steam on November 11th please check it out it’s called Valkyrie Elysium very very cool I really really like it there’s a lot of shiny gold so yeah Thank you so yourself okay now I go bam I’m an avoid okay we’re gonna go back to my room That was really fun I really like that game I’m really big here let’s uh let’s grab my my little my little desk oh yeah I gotta save too I think I ought to save it for me and then we’ll turn some some beats on there we go perfect Um I don’t know if I’ll end yet I think whoa I’m gonna be playing some Minecraft okay let me just close this wow Foreign one moment please oh no narcolepsy oh that’s the wrong button not a glassy I’ll be back Foreign Foreign Foreign [Laughter] ah now we shall play some Minecraft thank you okay so we’re gonna be playing on the bounce SMP server which is uh made by Ross and the curb and Keepers crew and they’re super super amazing I love them so much they’re so great okay so We will boot up some Minecraft I’m very much addicted it’s so freaking fun dude okay I don’t have my full house built so I don’t have a lot of show and tell but it’s a lot of what I’ve been I’ve been trying Yeah there’s a bunch of there’s so many amazing mods and really cool emotes it’s so great I love it so much And we’re gonna start um playing spooky games soon too just not today yeah they all work so so hard and they just opened a plushie store too which I’m really really excited about I really want to see the plushie store because I want all of them I’ve been

Saving all my money and selling enchants bum there’s no mimics yeah we’re saved it’s really fun I really really like it doesn’t mind to play we have a community Minecraft server um I wanted one they have a server as cool as this one um it’s very very intense and I don’t

Know I don’t know the first way of how to it’s very custom they have a bunch of custom stuff in it so I don’t know the first thing about making this one work for our community but one day one day that’s the dream it’s so good okay uh it’s starting up

Yeah they’re they’re super super tall they have so many amazing like uh animators and artists and Builders it’s crazy They were the thought they were 28 months and you can have everyone little like shops and stuff it’s so cool and they have like an adventure portal yeah yeah thank you so thank you so much welcome everybody hello hi thank you so much I love you I hope you had a fun stream

Welcome welcome thank you funny pink worm I’m getting on Minecraft right now it’s booting up try to stop end thank you so much please give love to Nia and she’s wonderful and hilarious and amazing and very talented and I love it Okay we will will happen it’s loaded it takes it takes a little bit to load up Thank you thank you I hope you had a good stream wanna go on some Adventures uh do a do a little mining a little crafting I found oh I’ll show you I found this like giant giant Tower oh it’s done it makes a cute little like emerald sound when it’s done

They’ve like custom music and everything it’s so pretty Minecraft Well there we go okay okay here we go okay let me let me adjust the title because I have a balance command um okay bounce updated okay there we go and we have a if you do exclamation point bounce uh it’ll it’ll give you the info about the server

There also is proximity chat just so you know okay I don’t know why I crashed when I logged off last time so I guess we’ll see where I’m at I’m in a void flashbang oh God for the best 12 Wayfair oh look I have doggies look at them this is Daya

Look at her we have our own we have our own cute dog she’s so precious we have to turn on Chad hold on There you go and let me change oh God there we go okay are they cute I have to go to town and grab my live tag because they have so much they have like a whole setup at spawn and they have like command blocks to change your size and everything but

So here’s me hello oh and I can go I can do cute emotes like they have a little Lolly hole [Laughter] they’re getting cute and you can do like a howl oh Cute we have we have like oh we have this one Isn’t it so cool they did an amazing job with all these emotes or they have this one Or there’s Um we have a twerk yeah yeah I get it or oops oh this one’s my favorite Oh yeah they have a pants grab too um oh this is my favorite Where’s the where’d the pan scrap go well we have we have some you guys want to see some actual Final Fantasy gameplay in Minecraft oh my God wait are you ready ah wow I’m in limsa oh yeah yeah it does look so freaking cool

I love it so much okay I gotta I gotta teleport oh so this is my tree um it’s still very much a work in progress but I’ve been I’ve been chopping doing a lot of chopping and then I think my plan I want to have like a

Big so I’m a librarian you can have like jobs in here like a blacksmith or a librarian or a farmer or um a monster tamer you know a whole bunch of stuff and I’m a librarian so I can like make people uh enchants and stuff and like take them off of weapons

So this is this is all I’ve got so far which is a lot and it’s nice to have a team effort make it a little faster but this is like a big waterfall I’m gonna have a big aquarium at the top I think and have like my room around that or something

Have a big librarian here gonna be really cool I’m really excited yeah I went I went to chopping as fast as I could and then we’ve got this is gonna be a little like water area down there I’ve got to move on over here with monkeys silver blanket Minecraft

And then down here we have there’s a lighthouse I have a little temporary home got a little farm this is like a little temporary housing and there’s there’s oh my there’s so many people look at all this it’s crazy I think that’s that’s my wife that’s

Where my wife lives this is in the island next to me and it’s like it’s huge there’s so many people it’s so neat that’s Camilla’s penis it’s very cute there’s a lot of people okay so I’m going to I’m gonna teleport to spawn there’s gonna be a lot of people probably

Okay also just uh so they have their own like custom texture pack and I mixed mine in uh but some I still have to edit the files for and stuff so there might be something they’re a little wonky especially the trees but just pretend you didn’t see anything but I’ll fix it

I still haven’t at the time go okay uh where is my right over here see look we just come over here and we grab the live tag and then we have live on our names the people that we’re streaming okay so this is fun oh look they have like they have this

Little picnic area right here this is super cute and then they have like you can actually play the instruments It’s beautiful and then you have here you can actually like paint like for real I don’t know how here’s mine I did a little heart but you like you there’s Camilla’s uh this is vase oh that’s roses oh my God that’s so cute oh so you can just you grab a little

Easel and you literally just like paint on on the paintings and you can like make whatever you want it’s crazy there’s so much stuff and then if you go over here here’s a little little map the map of the land and then we’ll go over here do the servers [ __ ] insane it’s so

Good Well basically I’m a demon uh librarian and then you go down these little docks oh I feel so much more reactive oh my God is that a bullpit it oh it is I’m good yeah actually I just I just noticed it was it you can actually go buy this at the

Store I’m gonna get the plushies I haven’t went there yet I’m giving a tour yeah they’re uh up that way yeah I got I Gotta Buy so many Plushies man okay so now we have foxes they don’t have any wolves yet I’m pretty sure I

Saw a white one yeah like a white fox no it’s a little shut up two try it come on oh [ __ ] oh the wolves are fighting give me the wolves so we have we have this adventure portal here and you can like go here it takes

You to a whole different Zone like that it’s so cute this is a whole other Zone but there’s like more spawns and we have the nether portal this is my little shop it’s a work in progress but it’s gonna be like where I sell mine this is good to like mending books and

Stuff and all my little enchants and then this is the Ramen Shop and then oh see there’s a shout out straight down here that goes to the market so people can like build their their little shops and stuff here it’s increasing we’re gonna we’re gonna go to oh wait

Here okay we’ll do the plushie store at last okay we’ll go back over here here hi come on hi Camilla there we go yeah okay I’ll show you the General Store and everything It’s so cool they like made this all themselves and they like decorated it like crazy uh I think this is the tavern and they have little NBCS you can talk to okay here’s here’s the pub look at this it’s so cute And sometimes there’s people here that will like be a little bartender and there’s more little things you can play with and then you can go over to the General Store and they’re like we’ll gradually add more buildings and shops and stuff it’s so cool yeah the server is like super

Multiplayer there’s tons of interaction it’s really neat yeah so you come in here you got the little store and you can talk to the NPCs so right now they just have like little stores and then there’s more as time goes on it’ll like expand okay we’re

Gonna go to the plushie store so I really want to get some plushies I have monkeys I have one gold a 93 silver and I don’t know how much the Plushies are but I really hope they’re not too expensive because I want all of them I’ve been I’ve been selling my so as a as a librarian I can take enchants off of people’s gear so they can put it on a new gear the way it squelched when you hit it are you killing fireflies oh my God plushies they give this magic

Goop that you can use for something wait magic I love how you’re using the talk emote for when you do that that’s so cute I got lost guys I don’t know where the store went where the store I think it’s back over here I went the wrong way the goop

Uh I think was it back get the Naruto run email that they just added oh I think it was it in the corner where’s the shop oh I think oh this is it right here okay where am I okay we gotta we gotta go back this way Oh one one into silver or gold they better be silver man oh yeah it is up here because I’ve been here yesterday I’ve been peeking in the windows trying to look at the plushies oh okay so this is the General Store so it’s it’s up here Okay oh God there we go Hmm oh my God here we go on the other plushie stores open ah oh my God look at that look at them they have the evil bunny rabbit and a cute little bear and I’m walking Wolfie oh and this creepy guy oh my God look at them look at that oh

So cute oh my god look they even have a caterpillar wow hi they open the policy shop oh my gosh what’s upstairs oh my God Kirby oh is that a Kirby hat well it’s a hat store oh my God they have so many cool these are these are what the heck oh

My God there’s a little bee huts oh dude I’m gonna lose all of my money they’re gonna lose all my money okay let’s see how much how much are hats how much are plushies they’re one silver oh my God I come back no she is I can buy even more than that

Oh okay I don’t need money for anything else right yeah creeper plush okay I’m going on oh wait we’re supposed to take them take our money out of our wait where are you going I got a lot of diamonds yeah dude whatever you don’t want do you

Need diamonds because I got a lot man can you have some diamonds okay okay where are you and Camilla going if you want if you want me to tag along just let me know okay We’re going on adventure yeah yeah I’m down to go on an adventure I just gotta buy some plushies first okay do you want to see if Camilla wants me to tag along yeah okay yes okay I’ll just I’ll just like teleport to you guys if she wants

Me to come okay I’m gonna feed my addiction yes okay go buy all the plushies I’m gonna go buy everything okay so there’s there’s some issues where you have to make sure you take the money like out of your bag or it eats it so we’re just kind of just like hold it

Okay here wait you know what if I just take a gold okay Okay okay so I want I want a creeper plush oh I want to give him all my money is that is that gonna take away all my money oh it didn’t okay creeper plush do I wanna I wanna Dino I don’t want a lollipop I want a donkey

Oh really I don’t know what that is wheelie pup is there one here it I don’t know what that is but it looks kind of cute so maybe I’ll take it anyway okay uh uh lilypuff also I think I’m gonna turn on some music uh because I think this is kind of

Delayed music okay one moment please okay oh I want zombie Fox plush I want a little fox and I want a little snowy Fox about Anna wolf okay Piggy oh my God I’m gonna have so many Plushies plushie panda cup oh my God a fantastic

Place I could give her a panda cup polar bear I want this one they have too many bears um I don’t want Steve Though they have they have so many bears little doll houses music box ah countless cat plushie scares creepers cats plushies villagers wool fleshy Axolotl oh my God all my money’s going away champion I’m throwing this bamboo away uh Golden Pig pigeon piglet rabbit someone’s here oh hi hun holy [ __ ] you scared me oh my God I’m sorry I didn’t mean to jump scare you I’m sorry there’s so many blushes plushies hi have you been having fun yeah I’ve been having a lot of fun dude

The server is crazy yeah yeah I was like I saw the Ping and I was like oh she’s the plushie Silver age yeah oh there’s more stuff upstairs maybe I should check upstairs before there’s like a hook shot and like a nature compass and stuff yeah okay

Let’s let’s check that before we go buying plushies because I want to spend all my money on plushies oh there’s hats hats too these are heads bro they’re a silver age everything’s so expensive so I have my own custom hat because I got it oh John there’s a b hat

Wait what the [ __ ] oh big green big ribbon skeleton eye oh oh my God oh my god oh bunny hat carrot on a stick cheese slice demon eyes cuphead drinking hat for kikona Finn fireworks floating hearts oh my God flower cone did you put it on oh my God Yeah I don’t think he’s played yet Queen oh my God there’s a Kirby you can have a Kirby on your head I think I might get the Kirby one Nico ears The Sims one oh rainbow oh my God which one do I want I spend all my money dude yeah I’ve been trying to oh hey do

You want to buy some enchants do you need an enchants John hey do you want to buy some weapons and sick armor yeah I see you wearing only a diamond I don’t know yeah but it’s got a lot of nice it’s got a lot of nice into it you could have nice

Enchants on yours Are mending huh where’s your mending no uh you know what does your sword that’s a bee stinger yeah let’s go with this hat you know I can get give you a better B sticker you know yeah but you can you could buy my insurance you could have

Anything you want you can you can print out emeralds that’s pretty cool oh yeah how’s your digging huh it’s great because we have a big shovel that I have a bunch of enchants on so last forever I don’t know a block at a time that’s you know Oh my God oh my God do they have everything holy [ __ ] where’s the hook oh yeah okay they’re upstairs yeah oh my God oh there’s nothing here yeah tofu oh tofu built all this it’s crazy oh that’s only a silver well they have raisins I honestly I don’t know the

Point of waist Stones if we can just teleport to each other but yeah it’s true this whole time oh anchor Stone we can have our own pets with anger stones Where’s the hookshot the hook shot’s only five I mean you say only I already spent all my money I may have sold some enchants maybe uh perhaps oh my God I’m gonna I’m gonna get an anchor Stone God these are expensive you can’t you can’t make this can you anchor no this is I because it’s the

Only place to get it from the store I had to throw some [ __ ] away I need more room for plushies I love this service so much this this with everything dude I know it’s amazing oh my God I just lost my gold oh I try to put it up

Wait no you’re holding you’re holding it you’re holding it right no it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone wait it’s gone gone yeah it’s gone okay I think all the silver is gold too yeah that’s what I did hello are you hello are you an admin no I didn’t steal money

I am innocent uh wait did you I think he stole money I don’t know did you steal my money you look like someone who’d steal money where’s my money [ __ ] where’s my money what just happened Lee how did he like disappear I don’t know oh my God I lost the whole gold

That’s actually that’s actually bad because I lost some silver that’s whatever you yeah so silver so I was gonna put it back in my image in my purse and it disappeared I wish they could fix it that’s a lot of money oh no that is a lot of money you

Need to tell them yeah this is a bug you need to tell I will oh [Applause] man I feel so bad for you that’s actually that Holy wait okay I asked I learned my lesson I’ll pay more attention bro you can buy air for five years

So if if you have money out it’s a bug I hope that they oh wait oh wait never mind it’s back oh fine I think they gave it back to me when they came in and ran away okay so I’m just gonna and if they give it back to me but I

Don’t think they give it back to you [Laughter] okay uh so I’m gonna get a hook shot what have you been doing you good you’ve been there yeah dude I’ve been playing so much Minecraft and then they sleep and I just want to play more Minecraft wait have you had any Minecraft dreams I have address yes

Like I’m an actual Square I’m like okay it’s so much fun If you right click on things with stuff in your hands they just temporarily disappear okay so maybe you still have your money I don’t know all right fingers crossed okay let me let me throw my plushies in my backpack so I can buy more plushies I wonder how I use this anchor Stone

Thing maybe we’ll use it when I get home I got the hook shot did you get the hook shot no that’s what I wanted to buy this one I bought the hat and then I’m like okay dude do you not have money for a hook shot

I I don’t it’s okay don’t worry about it well here you go John no it’s fine have a hook shot there you go oh my god there you go better grab it okay oh my wait I look like Captain Hook YouTube holy [ __ ] thank you thank you you’re welcome do I

Miss my Trails on the old server I mean yeah but I could always go back and play it a lot alone sharks start you know if you find anything with nice enchants on it that’s like a garbage weapon you give it to me okay and then you’re a librarian yeah yeah

Because I can use that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll pay you back okay okay and maybe we can coordinate some some weapon enchants not allowed to use this item this close oh yeah it’s because you’re in a uh a spawn thingy claimed by the the servers

You gotta like go outside and mess with it go back don’t fall don’t die of all damage oh [ __ ] wait you’re right okay I’m gonna buy myself another shot I didn’t think of that I should have been a slime no slimes don’t get for the image by the

Way okay so I’m gonna get a Nature’s Compass so I can find any biomes that I need and an Explorer’s Compass will tell me where there’s buildings um dude that’s so worth it especially if you’re going out to the Explorer land okay so I feel like I feel like we got

Enough I might need more or whatever it’s called yeah I just call it Explorer land I’m going I’m going down go down to the heads ow dude there’s so many Flash oh wait my money’s gone again [Laughter] Oh okay okay is there any other hats I could get this hot for kenzatzu ah okay I’m gonna get that for him yeah they have they have a Kirby hat where the Kirby hat go because that’s the one I want I wonder if I can put it over my ears

Well that looks silly little bow Magikarp Halo murdered yay paper bag oh my God there’s a Pepe yet is it on right now my money’s back I don’t think she’s on dude I’m gonna get I’m gonna get paid a Pepe hat oh wait first I got a test can we wear it with our horns or with our oh no I can’t I could wear like like so I don’t have any armor oh my God this is really cute

I look so cute can I put this here what am I supposed to put in this hat slot then look at me [Laughter] wait you blink that’s creepy isn’t it thank you it’s eating it’s eating it’s eating it’s eating my brain but there’s nothing there oh it’s so cute what the hell okay so I wonder what’s supposed to go in this hat slide I wish we could have like two like two hats

I’m gonna get a Pepe for purvey these little bat wings oh I don’t know which one Melly would want Maybe headphones the little bird is really cute I may have um I may have commissioned them for our own little petal Pals to ride around in our hats plushies cute little puddle pow friends I’m so excited so we can go and Avengers together Quest book hat

Ah smoking pipe bunny ears do they have everything plumber oh that’s cool oh Dude there’s so many options ah unicorn horn oh my God you scared me what who among this oh I don’t think I scared him okay I think I think this is good for now I’ll get a Pepe where did the Pepe go oh Fox Hat oh my psycho variants in the

Crafting oh my God it blinks oh okay I want one of these two the Pepe Pepe okay um [Laughter] oh yo oh my God it’s amazing wait I need that [Laughter] oh holy [ __ ] it’s so scary oh my God okay where’s this one oh wait this is really cute oh I almost feel like I want to wear this one without my ears okay here we go oh my God

I need to stop doing that okay so it said there were different variations in the crafting window oh oh my God it’s got oh it’s on my head cycle it oh we could only I think there’s only two variations there I’m Gonna Keep it just like this pretend it’s a wolf perfect

Oh [ __ ] okay how do I look oh wait yeah oh you have Diet in your head yeah isn’t it adorable it’s so cute dude this is awesome there’s so many hats there’s one more fish is eating your head oh my God Oh what okay I had to get more plushies let’s put my let’s put my armor back on I’m going back to the plushies downstairs oh I forgot I I got so distracted with the hats that I forgot so there’s two there’s too much cool stuff I can’t take it okay

I’m gonna decorate my house so if I go I want to collect all of these yeah we could have like plushies you can you can commission a custom plushie you could have people oh um right there I want I got the axolotl pigeon rabbit Snow Golem so I have a question

Oh my God there’s too many technically no never mind okay yeah don’t worry about it I’m gonna get I’m gonna get a couple more and I’m gonna go home and I’m gonna go on an adventure okay I want to end it man well actually we’ll get that under him and another wolf one

Where did the wolf go oh I should get a purple crab for Mom oh okay there we go okay I must drop off my Wares Bye goodbye let me know if you ever want to hang oh and see you can already see uh right there they’re gonna build another thing so they’re gonna expand the village more and this guy’s building stuff too this is it’s so cool they put so much work into this it’s crazy

Okay so now we teleport home we can just teleport so fast and then you crash as you do um I’m gonna buy my mom she never played on the last one so I don’t know if uh she’ll play on this one but I feel like it’s they they have like the whole

Mod pack already installed they’ve got the the textures and the shaders and everything so it’s pretty Plug and Play so I feel like that might make it a little more appealing for her okay so now I’m gonna try and put this back in my oh it did okay that worked

Yeah I hope that they make make um even like part of it public because it’s it’s so good and I would I would love to to use it more okay let’s let’s put this uh oh wait I could just I could I could put

It in a gift box for for vay I’ll just get a little chest I’ll make a chest for her unless is there like a like a gift box or like a present I don’t think so okay oh actually let me turn off let me turn off this uh

Actually no we’ll just leave it you guys know I’m not playing it anymore but I’ll leave it there just in case okay I’m gonna put my plushies here and I’ll arrange them when I finish my house more but I’ll just oh Oh my God I love this so much holy [ __ ] oh piggy bank oh puts it oh cool uh okay more plushies oh They’re so cute I love the way they sit es oh I love them thank you so much guys thank you for the sub oh a little creeper I really like the creeper one oh my gosh uh uh oh the little puppy one oh he’s so Derpy uh uh a panda

Oh I like the panda oh oh my gosh oh uh a champion Dude when I when I have the house done I’m gonna I’m gonna line the wall with plushies dude oh wait we have to put the plushie do I just smack it will it come off oh there okay I have to put the creeper and the kitty together because they are friends

Okay uh the Axolotl will put them right there oh and then my little Enderman oh this is so cute yeah I would love to have um this kind of mod pack for our community server but it’s really intense oh my God it’s a bear have another little foxy

They’re so cute and then a little donkey oh wait I want to put them in the water it makes silly sounds here we go can I put him in the water will they really explode will he disappear oh God I broke the water no that was a bad idea I was not thinking

Okay we’ll let him put him right there oh the consequences of my actions okay Um I think that’s all the plushies I have so far eventually I wanna have every single plushie And then I’ll put the little the movie right there oh give them a plushie there you go ah diet gets a little plushy Look at her she likes them oh that’s adorable oh it’s so cute I love it so much I love them okay uh I’ll put my other hats in a box which one am I wearing right now I’m wearing my little fox right now uh I should I’ll throw them in this box

My stomach is kind of all over the place right now wait do I want to wear a Kirby oh my God it’s perfect this is literally the perfect hat I don’t need an actual hat I don’t need actual armor I’ll be fine dude this is adorable it’s totally worth it

If I die oh well okay So we’ve got our hook shot these in here I’ll put my hand in here just in case Uh uh I’ll throw these in here have my food I had to figure out how we use this thingy supposed to give you like a pet oh my God I don’t know how to use it power how do I Power you is there a is there a Wiki for you hmm

Yeah there’s so there’s a the fox is my cosmetic hat but I don’t know what this slot’s for let’s see Guardians Galore I’m gonna google this really quick half of mine uh oh some of the moms to guard their base oh my God that’s so cute okay how do we use it

Oh you bowls of food to summon Gardens I place them on top of the anchor Stones okay uh Blaze spells used to adjust the range of the Hostile mob d-spawn effect oh cool cool oh okay okay Fox is a box office of berries dragons are full of gold

Dear hey roosters tortoise wolves I can have more wolves full of Bones a bit of Froggies Bears Ravens rabbits boars lion dogs I think I I think I want my wolves I just want a bunch of wolves maybe some yeah okay so I need I need bone thingies

But I also want the Dragons I’m gonna have dragons animals okay so bowl of gold and bowl of bones okay I’m going back to spawn I love wolves okay crouching five for three two one oh we didn’t crash yeah yeah yeah oh wait I have to take take the

Money out of my bag though I don’t know if we still have to at the shop I think we might we lived pog okay We got this way dude this town is so detailed and so cool and they put so much work into it even like when you join the server for the first time and like you have to pick your race and stuff it’s so detailed and they have little rooms with like things for your

Job and it’s so pretty they did such a great job on it will someone parked their Griffin here I think at least I think that’s someone’s Griffin yeah okay so I want to go here this is the Hat so we go up here oh okay we’ll get a blaze Bell well

I did not get the item I think I just got jipped silver into copper but I guess it didn’t that’s not how it works okay there we go So I need what was it a bowl of Bones and a bowl of gold I may as well buy something else too um let’s get what other one do we want we could try the tortoises look kind of cool Dove Maybe foreign yeah it’s pretty cheap right

I’m gonna get I’m gonna get a tortoise no I’m gonna God I’m so indecisive I’ll just get another Dragon that’s what I’ll do okay Um yes okay now we go home they need more anchor Stones I have no idea I guess we’ll find out okay I’m going back home we died and then we’ll go on an adventure yeah if you do exclamation point bounce I have a command for it okay

I should really just set my home up to my tree house Okay oh look at all lashes oh my God I have an army of plushies okay so let’s go home remove and then home set okay So I think I just like grab it should I put this outside maybe I should put this outside I don’t know I I’m do I put this outside does it matter I want to put it outside just be safe we’ll put you right here bag of bones oh god oh

Hello oh my God ah look at it he’s got a little TV hello hi now what do we do hello oh he’s like he’s like a little Guardian spirit oh so he just chills there and like oh my God he said stop bro that dog is so cute

Oh my God he is adorable ah this is the best ever oh my gosh oh I’m keeping this this is amazing oh it’s literally Little Guardian Shrine I thought it would like summon him and he would like walk around but he’s literally like he just sits on the

Guardian Shrine and they keeps mobs away oh my God that’s so cute hello Wow oh that’s so cool okay well then I’m gonna keep these and I guess I’ll I’ll find more opportune places to put them and I’ll get more little do we meet no I don’t think he I don’t think he eats meat hello good oh

Uh yeah I don’t I don’t think we do I don’t think we feed him I think they just always have health I don’t know adjustable area of effect someone else will remain in a summer location or Can Be Tamed to follow you around oh if he follows me around will

We die though that’s what I’m worried about or you can put balls on them summon animals have wander nearby one summon and will teleport back to their anchor Stones if they roam too far from it anchor Stones also control how far the garden’s protective range extends use Blaze bells on anchor zones to

Increase the despawn range or right click them with an empty hand to decrease the range and remove Bells okay so I got a bell right it did oh oh that’s so cute look at this this is adorable hi buddy hello oh I’m so sorry you’re dying for a good cause come back yay

Eat he does not eat now I feel terrible uh uh would you like food yeah we’ll give this to todaya well there you go good girl she loves her little plushie okay let me let me drop these off we’ll come back I gotta drop off vase hat I’m gonna go adventuring

Oh Give Them Bones Maybe where the heck did I put my bones my storage is kind of a mess right now here’s on my books aha all right let’s try that yeah yeah I love my dials I want to breed a bunch of them and have like a a doggo cave hi hello

Oh no he doesn’t need that either I wonder how I tame him I don’t think it says how I tame them I don’t know it sounds like I’m following me around but I don’t know how beef I don’t know if I have beef man well I think I have any beef

Hmm I have cooked pork chops but they don’t need cooked food okay we’ll fill this back in put my money back Um so this way oh wait I could put a dragon there now unless I can only have one I might only be able to have one per Stone Will you disappear if I summon another friend I don’t want to make him disappear oh gosh Oh okay I think we have to have one per thing because it’s not it’s not doing anything we put it back hmm I don’t have any raw beef I have not found any cows I have one cow but that’s like a milk cow and I don’t want to kill it

I’ve ever can only have one it’s I have a bunch of like cooked food but I don’t have any raw food I’ll give you some diamonds um I’m gonna store my ears in here too um is there anything else I want to get her I don’t want to give her like too much

Stuff so that it takes her fun away Thank you thank you yeah I wanna I wanna give her a good amount this is all my enchants okay I don’t know where all my wood went a chop X top and then throw this in here chest okay I have one raw pork chop nope I don’t know I don’t know how we

Work him I’ll have to ask one of the devs later well if you put the belt on the guardian instead of the thing it will tame it oh that makes sense maybe I’ll go to the store and buy another one here you eat never mind you don’t eat

I’m gonna I’m gonna go to the store and then we’ll go back bye we lived we go this way yeah yeah I have a little area fenced off so that I want to put like my more exotic animals uh that I get from Monster Tamers I have a flamingo so far um

You can’t tame giraffes I hope you can get pandas because Molly and I ran into a panda earlier and I really want a panda Okay so it was upstairs the top of it this way oh gosh oh my God okay oh wait uh it was what 10 coffee Okay Belle I might buy some more just like make it stronger I guess okay and now we go home and now we crash crash I crashed okay I’ve been to the roof yet why do I have to go to my roof what’s on my what’s on my roof everyone’s saying it go to my Roofing I don’t know why here we go team oh my God he’s got a little bell on him oh oh my God

He follows me around oh my God does it come with me when I teleport I bet he won’t oh no he won’t and I’ll be so sad oh my God okay okay yeah I’m in love with this mod back this is hands down the most amazing mod pack I have ever

Played in my entire life I haven’t played a lot of Minecraft but I know this is the best in the world hands down like the dev team oh my God they’re so dedicated and they’ve added like so much cool stuff and they’ve taken such good care of us and like they they’ve been

Trying so hard to make it super stable and we have a lot of people on and like they put so much love into it and they’re gonna have like events for holidays and stuff and it’s so cool they they’re super super dedicated I I’m so

Lucky that I get to play here and it’s been such an amazing experience everyone’s like really really nice too and it’s it’s so gorgeous it is an amazing amazing mod everyone is so nice and they’re so detailed Builders like it’s insane Blockbuster yeah I’m like moyasi and tofu I have

Done an amazing job with all the building um it’s so cool I can’t wait to see what what we do next and it’s really cool to to play here and one day I hope we can have a server kind of like this for for my community but there’s no way it will

Ever be this cool because this is this is insane it’s so amazing here it’s crazy okay now you better follow me the spawn okay you better okay we’re gonna try it oh God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh

My God he followed me um oh my God he followed me home hello You follow me that’s fun okay okay now here’s the big test let’s go to Adventure what is that what was that doggo I don’t know what that was okay we are gonna go to Adventure portal and see if I teleport home if he comes with me because that’ll be the big test Okay oh oh that’s some good teleprots right there buddy okay whoa you scared the [ __ ] out of me and my ass is gonna help with uh putting up my little shops doll oh Ross expanded his oh he’s working on expanding his it’s so cool I love that we can have our

Own little like shops and stuff it’s so neat there’s a little bounce bug like a bounce okay doggy here we go Moment of Truth oh no where’s my doggy huh oh no my doggy didn’t come with me doggy oh no Ah doggy doggy so he can’t he can’t come to Adventure World with us I don’t think maybe if I walk a little bit out he’ll teleport to me walking No I don’t think he’ll come to Adventure World well I’ll use my lead okay oh hi buddy Oh stand on the Block there you go ah nope There’s a mob nut for Monster Tamers but I’m not a monster tamer um I have a lead okay I don’t know what triggers the teleport if it’s this one oh I think it’s all of these a Monster Camera can make me one but I can’t use it

I don’t think he’ll be able to go with me what I can I I got broken I don’t I don’t think we’re supposed to be able to use it because I’m what would be the point you have to capture your dog over me yeah but then like I wouldn’t be able to

Reuse it for him right or is it just tied to like one thing huh doggy I really want to take your Adventure World with but I don’t think it’s gonna happen Do they can join because technically another server turned into a realm oh actually oh yeah they consult me and I can use them but I can’t like reuse them though right I think they could just give me the monster if it’s in it well sorry buddy

I guess well you know what you’re gonna stay here I’m gonna go out here and teleport home and see if you come with me oh wait I could shift right click and control skip to pick him up okay let’s try that before we try and teleport home um

Uh I can’t pick him up he just gets mad at me I’m petting him yeah I don’t think I can pick him up okay He’s so [ __ ] cute dude okay so let’s say I’m out here adventuring and then Let’s say I want to teleport home will he go home with me Moment of Truth yeah yay oh my God the teleporting on him is so good we can keep him so if we like go adventuring and then we want to come home he’ll still be here

Yay oh my God this is the best thing in the whole world let’s let’s try the hook shot now well let’s see how fast we die wait he won’t follow me up there right sit I don’t want to like fall to his death or anything oh God this is gonna be really scary

How does this work what do I do what do I do now oh my God I’m a Spider-Man whoa I feel a lot safer using scaffolding oh oh God oh what is oh No I’m too short oh I have I have one I have a ladder the smallest know about your evil office what does that mean oh is this it’s my tree house and evil Obelisk oh my God I love that it does look like an evil obelisk [Laughter] oh my God it literally is dude do you think I can like hook shot how far does this thing go oh nope I don’t think so yeah this is literally the corpse of a hundred trees it’s pretty bad I I wish I would have counted how much wood was put into this

It’s a lot of Netflix watched a lot of neat murder documentaries and finish uh finish some animes dude if I jump can I like hook shot in like mid-jump to save my life can I do that oh okay oh boy oh my God dude this is so cool Okay that’s pretty neat okay I’m gonna go to Adventure World uh oh wait no I gotta drop off the stuff for Vape oh [ __ ] I forgot okay can the hook shot be enchanted oh I don’t know actually probably maybe I don’t know Yeah it was mending but I don’t think I want to put mending on it yet uh survey is over there I think I’m gonna do we have any Birch left because I really like what Birch boats look like I don’t think I have any birds left oh we do uh [ __ ]

Okay and then whoa yeah this is my this is my mom bag where I keep all my stuff I gotta drop off some stuff though we’re going on adventure after I drop off these uh Pepe hat let us see does anyone want to go adventuring

Yeah yeah my mom first I think I might want to make another backpack um just to like put more stuff in maybe should I do that before we go adventuring maybe maybe I will serve alive wait I think my one is up here I’m very disorganized see I don’t like

Streaming when all my stuff was all over the place because I get really anxious and overwhelmed because I’m really like anal about organization aha here’s my leather um Welcome hello everybody thank you thank you foreign [Applause] I hope you had a good stream thank you okay we will make another chest and I will I think I should be able to make another backpack so let me throw this in here and then it’s leather

Okay so how easily can I swap backpacks oh does it keep all my stuff in it oh I think it does oh okay so I should name I should name it let’s make let’s make another backpack I need um I don’t know where my iron went

Yeah so we’ll have we’ll have like my mom First backpack and then we’ll have my um like actual full of loot backpack here oh wait I have a crafting table right here uh okay here and then it was iron okay and then make this one into gold exactly

How many slots does a gold one have done I might turn my my gold one into my my mom purse because I like to be really prepared and have like everything I need Okay so we’ve got a bed we’ve got ladders scaffolding um some torches some rope a boat which

I’m gonna use some sticks um emeralds just in case I guess I am just in case um uh oh my helmet uh my summoning staff which I don’t really know how much I’ll use mounts thank you Bro and the part is part of me guys I hope this isn’t annoying yeah this mod pack is awesome some extra food um some wood uh I need to make another crafting table oh I gotta keep going back out there Table crafting table okay throw this in there some extra arrows some lunch my compasses okay I think I think that’s good a bundle for any enchanted books you find yeah dude this mod pack is like revitalized so many people’s hype for Minecraft it’s so nice oh yeah my shovel

Throw that in there okay put this in here my gold my meat I’ll do maybe I’ll put my Blaze balls out here too back on the thing oh it’s 118.2 I think is the the version we’re on You know I just realized I don’t know where our dog went the dog is he still at spawn did they make him sit down I don’t remember oh here you are duh hello yeah the emotes are so nice okay I think I think we’re ready for adventure oh my friends are joining me

Oh hello hi baby hello I love you I was gonna I was gonna drop off a hat um oh my God colleagues look s literally I know and I have a I have a dog on my head I’m so cute it’s so cute oh whoops I didn’t mean to do this oh oh

It’s okay it’s okay we love him I give him him I give him food he’s so cute I love him so much you can’t come to Adventure World with us unfortunately just to hang out around the area right did he fall he’ll teleport he teleports really far it’s like if I go to

Adventure World and then I teleport back he’ll he’ll be with me oh my God at page three yeah yay plushies too I know dude I bought so many I love it you’re freaking tree house is humongous this time yeah it’s a it’s an evil obelisk we’re about to go on adventure okay I will I’ll drop off my pepe hat and I’ll give it to Bay later okay we have to say our prayer before we go on our adventure okay Amen amen amen amen I mean he’s not wrong there’s only a man you know that that is very true good job I don’t like your hat how much was it it was one silver have you ever sold the hats yet no oh my gosh hold on okay okay here sigh

This is for you to buy yourself a hat wait hold on Camilla the chicken the chicken has Camilla this is for you to buy yourself a hat thank you thank you Why does the chicken have hearts what do you mean Hearts he doesn’t have hearts that’s very concerning yes he does what do you what yeah it’s hard oh my God wait you’re right wait wait she can have why does she have hearts Focus why is he not why is he alive too

Oh my God oh wait I think I can be a scarecrows because like this kitty cat will actually scare me creepers that’s why I put it next to the creeper because they’re in love that’s funny yeah oh it’s so cute Do you by any chance have an enchantment for the infinite arrows I will infinite arrows oh I gotta check man do you know what it’s called I got a lot of books I really gotta organize is it is it okay that would that would make sense I haven’t disenchanted any

Arrows or any bows because when I try a crash so I don’t think I’ll have it I might have a bow with infinity though do not have a bow yet I I have bows um I keep running out of arrows let me see I might have I might have one that

Already has it Why is Camilla oh I think Camilla bought a hat wait oh there you are oh my oh I’m so cute thank you you look adorable I love the hearts it’s it’s because of you I have this oh I love you I gotta find uh a bow for John okay

If I can I think they’re over here why Okay you’re good they’re oh they’re up in the tree this is this is the hovel this is the base before the tree I love it I don’t know if I have one yeah Damn damn I don’t think I have it yeah there’s an issue if you’re trying to enchant some bows uh the game crashes and it can sometimes delete the item so I haven’t been in enchanting pose a lot lately I was like spawn yeah it’s like a root seller exactly gravity Bonus shot hmm yeah I don’t think so Piercing I don’t think I have one John I’m sorry oh no no no you’re fine don’t don’t worry about it I have do you have a do you have a normal bow or do you have a special bow uh I have something called the ancient

Bow I don’t know if it’s special does it have like a skill on it or whatever he oh wait wait yeah I guess it does cost in offhand I won’t guess right here what it means I have something with like Ricochet or like do other cool stuff I’m

In the hovel hello okay look at it does that look special dude it looks cool uh whoa cost I have I have never seen this before yeah relic of ice fully charged 9 to 16 damage one once we have one gassed here I don’t know man I hide I don’t know but

Do you want a bow that will like Ricochet arrows and [ __ ] or like oh that’d be cool like oh you can have one where they explode on impact oh that’s even better oh here’s one that Ricochet do you want the exploding one okay I’ll give you the exploding one

Okay here you go have fun don’t don’t kill anybody killed with the other one actually I I I actually I went that boat oh no the ancient ball wait really dude that’s awesome crazy thank you uh I’ll be no problem okay I I am ready for adventure me too I

Think they went to spawn okay I’ll go to spawn too Dude can I use Arrow bundles I don’t know okay here we go guys we’re going on adventure I’ll show you Adventure Island or Adventure Land I don’t know I don’t know what to call it but it’s another portal where it’s like a whole nother world and it has super increased spawns for like

Uh structures and stuff it’s so cool I gotta transform your hobbit hole into a hovel I think I might just it stays left because we have some Minions that are need a place to live Adventureland Adventure Land Adventureland Excuse me I don’t want to knock you off oh oh pardon me thank you oh yeah we have a dog oh never mind yeah it’s really good at jumping but I can have my dog my dog the teleporting item is really good I could have him forever

Oh my God nice hat Ross oh do you have a Kirby on your head I have a Kirby and a fluffy friend on my head God dang that’s awesome I know right it’s so cool yeah I love the hat store it’s awesome it’s so cool and all the plushies

There’s so many your store is looking pretty cool oh my gosh I’m going real hard trying to make sure that it is yeah I like it it’s looking pretty cozy oh it’s not very picture oh a lot of your a lot of your weapons are sold out

Yeah I know I gotta restock yeah you gotta restock them oh dude you’re gonna make so much money with freaking you can buy so many Plushies I I have bought a few I’ve got I got I got a creeper up here I got a funny cute I have a funny monkey by my

By the entrance the creepy monkey you mean I don’t know is he creepy yeah he’s he’s very creepy is he one of the possessed ones I I think so I’m adding works do some other stuff like give it a soul or some creepy [ __ ] yeah and I don’t

Know how much it’ll do but some like actually like change their texture like one of the Dolls gets like blood on it or some [ __ ] it’s really creepy I’ve heard about it yeah that sounds terrifying but do I want to buy a katana I definitely need to like sit down and uh

Make more weapons did you ever did you ever make that legendary katana you know what I don’t remember I don’t think so I made a legendary ax recently um I made an ax that I got the Swift cursed ax has 10 damage 0.9 attack speed is it like a chopping wood ax

No no no this is a battle ax I don’t really like how slow battle axes are do you have do you have anything else like um let me see what I got okay do you have a these little stores are so cool I love them once so it’s like these

Durability is pretty much maxed but it is a okay Keen heart stealer so this is the story I love heart stealer oh well this one actually will heal you while you’re yeah yeah I used Hearthstone all the time in medieval okay well this one is uh two-handed it does eight attack

Damage one attack speed 2.75 attack range plus 10 attack damage was it the one in a store because that one’s not there anymore yeah I know that I’m gonna I can put it in the store oh okay give me a sec oh wait I see how much it is

Well this one I’m gonna have to charge a lot because it’s red I don’t know this one’s gonna be I don’t know I see one if I put it oh it’s a little pricey oh yeah oh my God I would love one and do you know how to change the names of waypoints

Like mine’s cold like yeah go the cogwheel thing should be able to just to just change it oh yeah Oh yeah I need to get my size changed I’ll be right back go get it okay you guys can tell my dog while I’m gone It’s so funny okay oh my God you look adorable excuse me coming through you’re welcome why is there why is there Rock here what’s happening who just threw away dirt Are these breadcrumbs oh my God wait they’re louvering me I’ve fallen into a trap okay so they have they have a thing where you can like adjust your size to if you want to be like really tiny the tiny is almost too tiny though like it’s it’s really really little like holy [ __ ]

So I like This one yeah I think I’ll do this one this one’s still kind of little we’ll try it we’ll see how it goes yeah it’s so it’s so tired it’s like disorienting but then this one’s okay they’re not smaller I did hey you wanna you wanna saddle wait for free I I keep

Fishing them up oh my God you’re amazing oh there you go thank you I’m gonna start I didn’t I don’t want him to think it’s rude I forgot about that we could so we can actually how much is rawson’s images dude it used to be a gold green screen yes And we’re gonna put mine for for seven but no eight A lot oh no that’s 80. that’d be like bam I actually love that idea because I want to do like you know get three people in a row yeah yeah yeah yeah and then like edit in the backgrounds because like right now it’s a little hard to do it’s very hard

Hello I’m little do you have my weapon kind sir uh the weapon that I mentioned yes yeah it’s in here now okay I think it’s expensive though uh oh my God that’s oh my God that is expensive I don’t know what to make I know well now I have I value my money

More now that I can buy Plushies with it yeah we got plushies dogs man it’s intense the minute I realized that there was going to be like an actual currency system on this server I thought immediately about foot track it traffic and I wanted to be like a gas station

Off the freeway you are dude this is the best spot for shops it is the best spot yeah and your shop is so cute oh you have a total of even dying whoa wait which weapon were you I am heart stealer but I I’m going to I’m going to wait on

It money back okay but thank you very much kind sir no worries good luck on your sales today thank you thank you very much for everything I love the server I love you I love the CNC team and good luck yeah these moochies for your service oh yeah yeah so much is

Thank you okay we’re off to Adventure goodbye Rose okay adventure oh do you guys wanna do you guys want to see Vegas Yes I want to see Vegas we can’t we can’t go in there because it’s way too scary but uh we can walk by it it’s over here Adventure Time come on Monk thin hats for adventure oh well I like my silence oh my God wait I just realized siren because your name is Cyrus wow oh my God we’re so proud it makes so much sense I am very proud oh man that’s a big hole Flamingo okay so what what is everyone

Is anyone a monster Tamer no no no oh damn okay well useless sad thinking about it I was thinking about it but then I didn’t know which one was I thought everyone was gonna be most everyone’s a blacksmith yeah probably a lot of monster Tamers Guys I miss my dog oh yeah what is this Arrow noise I’m hearing uh it’s my uh it’s a hook shot oh my God I keep getting deep from it because I’m just like oh my God we’re under attack can I grab you oh okay castles I can oh that’s funny

Oh the skeletons are everywhere Oh my God yeah there’s a blacksmith monster Tamer librarian farmer um uh I think that’s it Yeah I’m gonna go to Greenhouse would be so cute for everybody and then I asked But they’re getting too far away yeah oh you can mine stuff that or you can grow stuff that miners need for their fancy potions yeah rainbow shape oh Gage yay [Applause] where’s my where’s my clap yeah see if we had a monster Tamer we could we could Pokeball him and pick him home

Hi little buddy yeah I forgot that’s what they do yeah he’s so cute oh dude there’s a tower oh Wait I think I’ve been here what are those what are those oh should we go in this hole guys you want to go in the hall I love her what’s down here oh this is the ravine oh that’s lackluster okay and it just said there’s more we would oh

Ming well [ __ ] wait huh oh [ __ ] it’s so clear the water yeah There’s nothing okay wait oh my God John John yes later suckers [Laughter] what is that it’s a glowy zombie whoa oh he’s Enchanted get him dude I’m so short die [ __ ] dude I can finally curse I was I couldn’t curse because I was doing a sponsored stream and I felt like my head

Was gonna explode oh no [Laughter] she went outside oh Okay there’s like actual garbage ow you know what the one where you could put the lamp on your your waist yeah I mean a torch in your offhand but it’s not the same I do really Miss um the crafting in your inventory yeah I’m just I’m just lazy to put the

Crafting table down you know I wonder if we if we could ask if they could do it because it’s essentially the same thing it’s just less steps it’s a very small idea yeah maybe it’d be neat sure I’m gonna I’m gonna hook shot no dude I take like no damage it’s so cool

I’m gonna put this in my bag whoa whoa this okay this whoa what this is so wide Sorry okay so this excavator is like um it’s like a big giant mining thing I don’t know if it’s like better to use than a normal accident lining I haven’t Enchanted anything because I need more XP and I don’t I don’t have a mind or I don’t have a uh A spawn Farm up yet because I don’t want to lag anyone else like I haven’t made one I almost said be hard to oh my Minecraft Minecraft a nightclub for all the cool dances and [ __ ] and have like cool lights I’m gonna make them yeah I’m gonna make a

Nightclub that people have to pay oh dude there’s like a little passageway down here whoa oh [ __ ] Mossy Vines yeah we’re gonna have an 8-bit our oh shinies 10 gold I’m gonna do it an 8-bit nightclub do it do it yeah yeah oh cause you can actually make music yeah and

Like have it play through like the speakers and [ __ ] do you think someone mined this out or was this already here I feel like nah it was already here I feel like it was already here yeah no you’re so [ __ ] cute you’re so little it’s a little curvy on your head

It’s time for the hook shot it’s time for the excavator Bam Bam Bam I’m mine we’re gonna be stuck yeah dude this is crazy yeah oh I found sand we go up here this is probably another one digging straight up is a bad idea teamwork okay you dig through the sand

Wait you have to shovel that’s like the oh yeah yeah he’s gonna I got the shovel too but I’m okay if you use yours okay there’s like a big thing with a bunch of monsters down here I don’t know what they are oh I see that yeah all the little purple things

What is that oh it’s mud it’s okay yeah I didn’t know that mud’s new okay let’s start let’s start digging up a poem okay okay I’m digging up oh my God oh my God okay [Laughter] oh it is A murderer she’s a maniac Mini on the floor Sandy gravel wait we’re going this way oh because there’s a cavern over there yeah yeah yeah that makes sense I’m good with it Yeah cause there’s a the beer mod dude yeah yeah I’m getting so many ideas oh I’m so excited and I don’t think I have a bar yet no well we have like the Gen we have like the tavern I’m gonna do it do it and you could you could sell your beer

Or have like someone sort of a potion shop in it or something yeah that’d be really cute I think we’re High Enough Whoa dude nice this is a big cavern okay Okay do you want stairs are you okay gorilla I did do you want stairs oh there’s a giant building oh my God there’s giant boots like the the die evoke that would have been so [ __ ] like the film oh yeah there’s giant buildings in there yeah dude we gotta get you hook shots

Wait do you want to buy you hook shots I can I can buy you them oh what the [ __ ] who’s shooting uh skeletons oh that was a that was a wind ball uh uh okay I’m not gonna accept it [ __ ] you I should be the monkey or get a hook shot

Okay let it go oh wait what the hell oh hello okay they’re the big leaf thingies yeah dude okay it’s it’s [ __ ] scary there’s guys another like one shot you but they live like really good loot but it’s terrifying look how cool it is so cool

Oh that’s what the purple things are and then the purple things are the Tumbleweeds maybe maybe not I don’t know but they’re really freaking me out on the floor can you maybe sneak past everyone no man there it’s it’s scary in there it’s scary in there I have an idea yeah

One killed a couple and left oh wait is this a player Hood oh yeah whoa there’s Luke oh [ __ ] what’s going on I have to throw some [ __ ] away because I don’t eat bread I got bread yeah the loot is local so you don’t have to worry about like like taking things

From anyone you’re such a bundle of energy dude I’m not I regret doing this I’m gonna have so much it took me like four hours just to [ __ ] disenchant all the stuff I found last time and now I have more I love penis you love penis what

I don’t blame you wow I I’m pretty sure okay let’s do we send them huh wait sand dollars anyone need peanuts peanuts penis there’s peanuts up here and there’s rice and baby okay I need rice I’m a farmer oh and there’s asparagus too oh I think someone else might have been in Vegas

Yeah there’s no Vegas people in Vegas I haven’t I haven’t been to this part oh wow this loot sucks okay no thank you oh there’s a bunch right here there’s a bunch of them Cactus oh my God that’s adorable you’re bacon I’m gonna grab these asparagus seeds foreign Whoa we’re my wives hey if come here okay yes wait what yes will you marry me oh I will oh my god did you find a ring a gold nugget really you gave me a gold nugget no I didn’t mean to press here here okay well well do you want do you wanna

Try it over okay yeah okay you gave it to me and I’m like no Instead they killed that killed even me and I’m a bystander it’s even sadder cause you’re so tired so tired wait where are you at boobs where are we oh my gosh where’s the good loot yeah what is that it’s uh oh it’s like a drink oh you oh yeah it’s a drink

I’m drinking it oh my God that’s adorable yeah yeah yeah take a ticket Take take oh uh piercings it’s kind of sad when I don’t want to take all the diamond stuff you wish what what have you ever had it you talked to me what were you gonna say you wish what tell me quick I’m dying to know I’m scared I wish I wish there was

An occupation that like dealt with like potion making oh yeah because they have the like the oh there’s this chest over here by the way they have the Alchemy Mod you’d think that there would be and how can we do that yeah I bet they’re gonna add new jobs

We went above your mom’s house yeah same yeah Dude there’s so much treasure up here come here what yeah come up to come up the stairs and look at all the treasure oh my God oh my God I know right is it a giant treasure wait wait what the hell wait you’re right wait is this the sex room

Oh my God we found the sexy what the [ __ ] is this huh wait Centennial oh you got that it’s oh it glows you can put it in your house it’s like a statue of a little guy opening a chest for opening a bunch of chests yes Camilla foreign [Laughter] Oh my God they even have a cuck chair in the corner you guys are doing great hey you guys are doing great yeah oh hey look away thank you foreign [Laughter] Where are they I hear them I don’t know where they are yeah I told you I told you I told you that Las Vegas was scary oh my God I’m gonna run past them ready okay okay yeah let’s [ __ ] him up also Chad I will fix the misplaced textures tomorrow okay I’m gonna [ __ ] mom yeah are we going where’s John is John oh here’s John okay you can’t outrun them unfortunately did John already tell her oh there he is okay okay

Wait get out of the way I’m getting out of the way okay okay I got the katana bro I’ve got my bow where they where are they coming from no above the stairs close these doors and then we go up here and then we just own them oh right they can reach

I don’t know I hear them quickly yeah Okay that is unfortunate okay he shoots upon him are we going to go are we gonna go wait can we are we gone wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on wait one person stay back yeah someone has to stay back okay I’ve got a bow that heals teleport to you

Can they reach me here you think can I can I I’m gonna make a bridge okay hold on this [ __ ] [ __ ] but I’m doing it okay do do the [ __ ] [ __ ] wait I have an idea I don’t know where they are oh there they are oh yeah he’s

Coming okay we can’t reach they can’t reach we’re fine come up here oh they can’t read they can’t reach they can’t reach oh [Laughter] I am dead okay I gotta go back home I gotta go back yeah so yeah basically uh I love the grass from the mazamuno pack so I’m

Making like a mix of the so they have a pack that’s hand-picked of really great textures but uh I’m obsessed with mazumuno some pieces from mazumuno so I’ve been I’m mixing them but you have to hand do it and like go into the files like mix it around to make it compatible

So I just haven’t finished uh doing that yet so if anyone is here from Bounce stop I love you please don’t be please don’t be upset I’ll fix it I promise hi doggy No no not that much it’s a different muzzle it’s their name it’s uh look it up it’s really cute it’s a mazumuno 16. it’s very very cute I’m gonna try and go to Camilla I don’t know who’s there that’s alive right now no not that much it’s a different one maybe

I’m exploding hello we are on a bridge yourself is over there okay you can go you can go okay they don’t have a lot of help they don’t have a lot of help I’m killing them I can’t I’m gonna run from I can’t oh how many are there and I just kill them

But we have we have to kill their spawner though they have one Health we have to go yeah okay guys we have some one person has to be safe thank you to me hold on hold on watch this [ __ ] again oh thank you yeah like mixes because the problem is the

Mazda the music um but their pack is made for really old Minecraft oh God to me I’m making a platform here excited their pack is made for a Minecraft that use different uh like file structure so you have to you have to edit it a lot

Because if it has a block that has variations um it gets a little funky if you try to mix it with another one I’m gonna kill these guys oh my God are we they’re right there okay okay I think they have anti like oh my God all I see is your brain okay

Okay we’re kind of cheating mechanics got him Here more I just don’t know where they are I think they’re above us upstairs I wonder what’s in these chests though do you think they’re good because these are cool You know oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s okay so was that me oh I don’t know now you’re going I love you I love you okay I ran out of blocks should have he’s like under us he’s moaning at us okay

He exploded where’d it go no no it’s my arrows the the bow you gave me oh yeah yeah I forgot whoa that was cool that was so many fireworks dude okay I okay we gotta get the firework there he knocks us off there’s so they’re saying oh my God

I got it I got him I got him we gotta get there I’m out of here there might be there might be more more people above that’s why yeah I’m out of here as I’m out of Heroes uh here I got a bundle where are you okay I’m right here thank you oh yeah yeah hold on Okay okay where is this guy he’s just growling but I don’t know where he’s at it it’s very loud oh there’s a oh wait how do you open it guys I found this one to the stairs here it’s under the stairs there oh my god oh

It is how do I use this bundle oh never mind I figured it out I’m stupid I need a block okay can we get the spawner with the gun yeah yeah I’m almost there I’m almost there right here if anyone wants it you can reach it but it’s all Iron stuff Cool oh my God this is so scary I’m getting them go go I broke the spawner I broke the spawner one of them oh good job good job this guy is so tanky I found another spawner though hold on yeah okay [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay I’m coming back

Okay uh oh I’m gonna grab some arrows Okay I’m going back oh wait Camilla died too okay uh I’ll go to John From one of four spawners for level holy [ __ ] that’s a lot oh God crouching they’re they’re everywhere oh my God uh uh do we just take our stuff and run do we just bail out I think we should take our stuff and run I don’t know this this is like big kid land

Big kids or we’re smart kids yeah we’re not really big kids though we don’t have a they’re one shot on us oh my God oh my God okay yeah give yourself and go overnight [Laughter] Laughs how did I die from like one window okay okay uh we’re gonna go to John [Laughter] and then you could be learning how to invest at a professional level yeah holy hello hello I fell out a window Go okay oh God wait where the [ __ ] does this go oh how do we get that okay okay I think we should just John let’s take our stuff hook shot out myself okay we got a hook shot out and then they can teleport to us okay okay I can hook shot

Out yeah okay I’ll make a hole right that’s what I was gonna do until I fell out of a window okay okay I gotta I gotta get my stuff it’s out there yeah but I don’t know how I’m gonna get my stuff either I Believe In You Camilla I don’t know man

Oh [ __ ] oh my God nice nice okay they’re camping our stuff Sylvie it’s okay I got my stuff oh my God laughs so somebody fell out a window yeah yeah your mom I’ll smack you [ __ ] watch out okay okay uh I’m gonna hook shot out of

Here so you guys can teleport to me okay okay I’ll wait until I get your stuff okay request oh he’s here wait I’m a monkey I could just hold on to the side oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God I lived oh he’s fully [ __ ] man Oh my God holy [ __ ] dude that you’re like a cat of course my [ __ ] hook shot like the last second Camilla no where is it where is it okay okay shut up yeah yeah well hookshot back up uh that was so [ __ ] funny okay okay okay okay [Laughter] it’s so scary holy [ __ ] bro do this oh my God look at the Flight of the Tumbleweeds wow it’s so Majestic there’s so many of them what the [ __ ] I think the best way is to build from here it’s right it’s right by this wall okay

Do you think I can like go to the bathroom really quick is that okay yeah yeah okay take you with my life okay oh are there people here hello hello hello we’re trying to conquer this place I like your water horse I lost all my stuff so I had to go get

It back and I met this thing on the way it was worth it where’d you find it it was it was just swimming in the middle of the ocean there was nothing in the ocean and it was just on top Of a new friend oh god oh I didn’t mean to sit on it oh oops What though right no farewell oh it takes fall damage oh it’s not a slime Dude it takes us so long to find emotes slime is so cool look at him go oh I really want to know what’s at the top but it’s like the ultimate monkey wow yeah I know I didn’t keep buying the emails but dude I’ve got I’ve got so

Many key bindings I don’t know what I would keep buying okay I’ll be right back okay okay I’ll be back I really gotta pee okay I’ll be back Okay he’s here wait wait wait no no no wait let me try Come here So I didn’t leave yet I’m actually [ __ ] funny Wait John you can smack him with your katana okay Foreign Foreign Foreign Keys Foreign Guys oh no No Panic Okay hold on a second I know Foreign Okay I gotta get back in my back skin is so pretty thank you my thingy crashed do you think they died did I get lost what do you mean no Okay it’s loading up It’s loading Thank you for vibing with me though Okay We’re coming back but yes um I love the server a lot it’s a lot of fun I want I don’t want to do like too many Minecraft streams because let’s say spooky month but I really really like this server and there’s so much to do

And it I don’t know it feels like an MMO because like there’s so much socializing and so many people you know and so much to do it feels it feels very special you know oh they will have like a Halloween decorations and stuff though It’s loading up sorry one moment please I had to fix something and I wanna finish my house but yeah this is this is what I play a lot um in my down time I’m on this I’m on this Minecraft server a lot because it’s ultramet cozy you know there’s like

Endless things to do plan to do the horror Island possibly um I don’t know it’s it’s really really frustrating apparently I’m like really really stressful so I don’t know if I want to I don’t know this one this one’s just been so fun it’s it’s nice to Just Vibe you know

What am I doing um I’m loading up uh Minecraft again Okay I’m going back in yeah it’s because it’s apparently like it gets harder and harder as you play Oh it’s frozen Oh okay Yeah sorry I’m back hi baby hello oh my God oh are you okay zombie it’s a possum Zombie thing [Applause] oh my God it’s a husk [ __ ] him up let’s go get them get them get them all [ __ ] them up yeah nice job You like the butterflies hit hard the guy’s just falling down does Ross ever sleep no he doesn’t there’s none of us sleep yeah it’s coming from the like no I don’t think you can even loot people’s stuff are you okay Camilla I’m great are you lying hey Camilla where’s the spawners

They’re usually in the ground but I got most of them oh did you okay yeah yeah dude oh there’s so much treasure up here did you check up here no yeah there’s boxes I mean it’s okay so this doesn’t have good stuff but there’s boxes wow boxes boxes How Deep Is Your Love [ __ ] it’s the guy in the top on the top of the tower I’m gonna sex him where is he hop on this Tower up on the other Tower you can climb up here and then you can long range but we’ll climb here yeah yeah okay yeah

And then get his ass get his ass he ate [ __ ] oh yeah you guys got that good job proud of you um Oh oh That’s nice Furry Convention I hear oops muted all I did was out I don’t know we’ve been going for like six hours I might answer I’m not I’m not feeling very good right now like and I want to [ __ ] you guys and all my all my shit’s [ __ ] right

Now that was a good one it was even a little bit this drunk it makes me anxious yeah that was okay I I’m streaming as an extra layer of anxiety inducing Sadly most of it is like iron which is okay foreign It was fun it was fun oh my God I almost fell like you’re I keep forgetting you’re a [ __ ] monkey dude people are gonna teleport to you and they’re gonna be on the side of a mountain and you’re just gonna fear’s gonna kill everybody ‘s so funny no it would not be funny

They just fall to their death and they’re like yeah Omega Lola Lola we’re gonna get you oh hey there’s treasure over here oh there’s touch over there too please like what the hell is upstairs being guarded by all these [ __ ] I know right what place dude technically

I could yeah we’re about to climb to the top floor but ntp should we do that and then like go down from there and then right away yeah yeah okay okay let’s use it because I swear the loot up there is probably like crazy what if it’s what if it’s nothing though

No it’s gonna be really good egg Oh I [ __ ] oh my God I’m almost dead do the [ __ ] shot is [ __ ] scary Anna foreign it’s from the the shop the SMP shop So I I tried to change my thingy to go back to normal stuff and I messed it up and it’s making me anxious I don’t want the s p people to be sad so I have to have it fixed before next stream because this is the kind of [ __ ] that I

Over analyze about and get really anxious about because they want them to be here and show off their pretty server thank you they were 21s then the time flies in here yeah dude it’s crazy yeah oh this is a wrap before yeah these goddamn darn dang this is so this

Is blocked off my bricks and it makes me wonder what’s what’s under here I’m gonna dig it’s just more bricks Dude where’s Camilla Camilla where are you Camilla dude I’m gonna climb I’m climbing oh [ __ ] Oh my God Camilla what the [ __ ] you scared this Chevy where am I oh my God Because it’s dangerous I was following um I’m gonna try and like Zoop up there oh my God hello where’s we’re zooping sorry I was doing the same but I I got I glitched into a wall that I needed to teleport to someone or I was gonna die oh okay well good luck oh Of course oh I want to see oh my God are they heads oh my God I love this this is the best place ever yeah yeah oh my God they’re so cute I can decorate with these from my little Library oh dude this is the best one ever we

Zooped into the perfect room yeah for real People dying around us yeah I keep hearing creepers and oofs and I hope they’re okay I don’t I don’t know if they’re okay oh I got a I’m gonna swap and then we’ll throw these in there I’m so glad we have a freaking trash can uh keep the power okay

Oh it’s almost gonna teleport to him Okay hello are we on the top oh yeah oh what the [ __ ] I did not see it I am dead that [ __ ] killed me what was that that was a skeleton boy you know I’m gonna I’m gonna grab a bed I’m gonna put it in my tree so I have to

Not run so far Okay Um all right for next to all the plushies hi Papa hello hello okay so here’s my bed uh I’m gonna get my stuff back I’m sorry no that’s okay uh by the way we need a Blog do you have blocks to block the staircase that’s where they’re coming from oh there’s another one did I get all my stuff back I think I got myself back Oh look him up did you get him okay uh blocks lock this [ __ ] off I do I’ve got a bunch of wood nice okay Well oh [ __ ] it’s going very well oh my God okay uh uh I don’t know if I don’t think don’t be able to grab me in the middle of battle oh my God I’m one Health I’m gonna help I’m mining behind here holy I’m regenerating John the bear sees us Okay I got a bear okay I blocked it off we’re saved my heart what is this thing is it a friend a friend friends and foes yeah dude hello it’s very loud [Applause] We’re okay there’s so much stuff Wonderful diamond oh obsidian oh I gotta put I don’t have a door I don’t know I have a door a [ __ ] farmland nugget S foreign oh my God John did he leave oh my God they all left me I found a [ __ ] sand castle dude whoa oh protection no wait that’s not that good curse advantage and we don’t know how to take curses off I don’t think we can foreign [Applause] okay

I think I want to take this guy I wish we could catch him but we don’t have a monster tamer okay I’m gonna I’m gonna go back down windy at the tower oh okay guys I found I found the best [ __ ] loot in the world wait what are you ready for it yeah

I can’t put it down we just have to go in sand I think it has to go on Sand I have one too yeah oh what did we do put it on Santa it looks really cute the Giants like a giant sand castle yeah

Oh I bet it is I have sand by my house I can check when I go home um speaking of thinking of going I’ll go and come back I’m just gonna drop because I can’t pick anything up that’s why you need multiple backpacks okay well you’re right okay well well and he’s gone

He’s gone just like that yeah You it’s sad when we just don’t care about like half of this loot Are You full I’m done yeah oh do you guys have any also do you have any uh zombie flesh that you don’t want because I’ll take it I throw all of that away I have zombies Oh okay I use it for leather No you couldn’t keep it for one meal yeah Oh oh I guess I don’t really want a note block I think are we going home is there another Tower to go to okay I’m going home all right are we are we all going home I want to come to you so I can see the sand castle all right okay okay I’m going home foreign I hope it’s a cute sand castle

Sand castle you can’t stop that is a well Castle that’s a seal oh yeah we have a seat on a boat I forgot about it Oh My God oh my God Camilla look at it my dogs come here look at it look at the actual sand castle dude Jordan it’s so freaking cute I love it so much oh my God it’s from it’s from ecologics I think what else do they have

Oh I can’t find them on the list stay behind stay behind I don’t know I think she’s coming oh that’s what adds all the seashells and stuff to the beach Doggy Dude Camilla you need to get yeah you buy it I want my sand castle oh okay oh future uh future knowledge you

Need to yeah you need a soft touch this or something because it’s yeah it’s gone another one you can craft it with a seashell and sand it’s easy oh yeah okay I’m not sad anymore okay so come this way come on doggy it’s uh this thingy in

The front yard it’s like the guardian stone or whatever a dragon or a fox or like yeah whatever you want and then you can have a dragon that follows you around he’s so cute you just uh I think it’s in total it’s like it’s like a couple silver

It’s and it looks really cool it’s right that’s right here this thingy it’s like a little Shrine oh you you took my bells Camilla oh [ __ ] I’m sorry how do you like like so okay so you you buy this anchor Stone thingy and then

You put it down and then you put a bowl of like whatever food you want on it I can send you the wiki depending on what you put on it is what you’ll get you can um there’s like dragons and foxes and turtles and then you put it on there and it’ll

Turn into an animal that’s sitting on top of it and if you want to tame it so it follows you around you just put the Bell on the on the animal otherwise it’ll stay here and like keep stuff from spawning by your house Yeah it’s really neat [Applause] really neat I like it I’m gonna make yeah yeah yeah you can make them can we make them we can’t make them I think you have to buy them from the shop but they’re pretty affordable purse yeah the oh thank you so much you’re so sweet

Yeah I [ __ ] love Minecraft I’m having a lot of fun I really want to finish my tree and this would take a long time I’m heading back are we are we separating thank you for the adventure yeah I’m gonna chop my tree some more and

Make a dent in my Obelisk but uh I’ll be on later if you want to do more Adventures yeah later I mean all night because I’m addicted yes hold on I must find my smooches this hotkey it’ll make a lull I know I need to [ __ ] you [Laughter] oh my God oh good doggy yes good father yes you are who’s a good doggy you’re a good yes you are oh you’re a good boy yes hello come on hello there we go come on Buffer I love this doggy so much I’m oh my God

I got a whole entire pack following me around if I have multiple stones God’s amazing okay I think I’m gonna call it here um and I will I think I’ll be back tomorrow I think I have some some stuff I have to handle but I should be playing

Some more and uh hopefully I’ll I’ll make even more of a dent in the house and I will uh uh go on some more adventures and have have things more organized I’m gonna I’m gonna Zoop over to my my room goes into the soothing sounds of my big ass waterfall [Laughter]

Thank you so much for for all the donos and the thumbs and for being so wonderful thank you for for hanging out I hope you enjoyed uh the game you played earlier I hope you enjoyed our our cozy Minecraft time thank you so so much um I will see you guys later well

Possibly tomorrow we have um a cozy another cozy game uh about a cute potion making witch on Friday and we’ll probably play more after we’ve got PT um we’ve gotten isolation and Madison and SCP and we have a bunch of spooky games to play so nice balance of like spooky and then we

Like play Minecraft to to not be so scared but thank you so much everybody and thank you so much to to bounce SMP and everyone that made that happen I love the server so much I love you I love you I love you love you and and we have my Halloween outfit

Coming tomorrow I love you mwah good night thank you so much everybody goodbye I love you I love you goodbye Foreign if you guys could stick around I’d really appreciate it Foreign Thank you Okay we’re going to send raid to someone wonderful and amazing and adorable so go give them some love I’m not gonna tell you who it’s a surprise it’s a suspense don’t read the top it’s a surprise I like keeping you hanging [Laughter] I love you guys please have good stream

Thank you so much thank you for hanging out totally secret rate you can’t read but we’re gonna go give some love to one of our our wonderful we shoulder girls but it’s something you can’t read see it’s perfect [Laughter] okay spam emails respectfully and uh

Have fun good night and I will see you later goodbye I love you I’m out [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘Silvervale plays Valkyrie Elysium & Minecraft (Bounce SMP) | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Silvervale’s Twitch Archive on 2022-10-20 17:28:33. It has garnered 3559 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 06:26:50 or 23210 seconds.

🌸 Official Twitch VOD Archive for Silvervale! 🌸

Streamed on: October 18, 2022 Watch her live! Twitter: YouTube:

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#VTuber #Silvervale #VShojo

Timestamps: 0:00 – Opening 6:53 – Just Chatting 23:44 – Valkyrie Elysium 3:37:42 – Minecraft 6:22:05 – Ending

  • Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce

    Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce Exploring the Mysterious World of Minecraft at 3 AM Zuli’s Midnight Adventure In the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft, anything can happen, especially at 3 AM. Zuli, a brave adventurer, decides to make a trip to the kitchen for some water in the dead of night. Little does she know, this seemingly innocent journey will lead to unexpected encounters and eerie experiences. The Witching Hour As Zuli navigates through the dark corridors of her virtual home, strange things begin to occur. The clock strikes 3 AM, a time known for its association with the supernatural and the unknown…. Read More

  • Insane Chicken Stunt in Minecraft!

    Insane Chicken Stunt in Minecraft! Welcome to the Blocky Thrills of Minecraft Roller Coaster Build! Designing the Ultimate Roller Coaster Experience Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft as we embark on the first episode of our Roller Coaster Build series! In this video, we dive headfirst into the creative world of Minecraft to bring you the ultimate roller coaster experience. Join us as we design, build, and test our very own coaster, complete with twists, turns, and breathtaking drops! From Concept to Creation From the initial concept to the final redstone-powered masterpiece, we’ll guide you through each step… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation

    Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation Minecraft: Crafting Adventures Await! Embark on exciting crafting adventures in Minecraft where you can build everything from cars and rockets to TNT launchers and planes. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities that await! Crafting a TNT Launcher One of the thrilling creations you can make in Minecraft is a TNT launcher. This powerful cannon allows you to launch explosive TNT blocks at your enemies or structures. Gather the necessary materials and follow the crafting recipe to build your very own TNT launcher. Watch as the explosions light up the sky! Building a Rocket… Read More

  • Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 610

    Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 610 In Minecraft Land, Episode 610, We dive into adventures, oh so keen. Exploring caves, crafting tools, Building homes, breaking rules. From mining diamonds to taming wolves, Every moment is full of thrills and hullabaloo. With each block placed and each mob slain, Our journey in Minecraft Land will never wane. So join us now, in this pixelated world, Where creativity and fun are unfurled. Stay tuned for more, in Episode 611, As we continue to craft, explore, and have fun. Read More

  • Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft’s Aquatic Encore!

    Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft's Aquatic Encore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Today we’re diving into ponds, where tranquility remains. Join me in this Let’s Play, as we craft and design, Creating cozy water features, so serene and divine. Watch as we transform our world, with nature’s touch, Enhancing our virtual landscape, oh so much. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds, As we build and decorate, our virtual grounds. So come along and dive into this calming gameplay, Where Minecraft magic is on full display. Let’s make our world a little more tranquil, it’s true, In this peaceful adventure, just… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft, But With OP Items… Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, is known for its endless possibilities and creativity. But what happens when you introduce overpowered (OP) items into the mix? Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft with a twist! The Introduction of OP Items Imagine exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft with items that give you unimaginable power. From weapons that can defeat any enemy with a single blow to tools that can mine through any material effortlessly, OP items completely change the gameplay experience. Unleashing Chaos With OP items… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sumo Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Sumo Showdown! The Exciting World of Minecraft Sumo FFA Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Sumo FFA? This action-packed game mode is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat as you battle it out with other players in a fierce competition. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that make Minecraft Sumo FFA a must-play for any gaming enthusiast! What is Minecraft Sumo FFA? Minecraft Sumo FFA stands for “Free For All” and is a popular game mode where players compete against each other in a sumo wrestling-style match. The goal is simple… Read More

  • Surviving the World’s Biggest Minecraft Creeper

    Surviving the World's Biggest Minecraft Creeper The World of Minecraft: Surviving the Biggest Creeper Exploring the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft can be both thrilling and challenging. In a recent video titled “I Survived Worlds Biggest Minecraft creeper,” players were taken on an adventure like no other. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this epic Minecraft journey. Survival Skills Tested The video showcased a player facing off against the biggest Minecraft creeper ever encountered. With its towering size and explosive power, the creeper posed a significant threat. The player’s survival skills were put to the test as they navigated through the blocky terrain,… Read More

  • City Coup: Mafia Madness in Minecraft

    City Coup: Mafia Madness in Minecraft In the city, the Mafia reigns supreme, Kicking out the police, it’s like a bad dream. But fear not, for Kerem has a plan, To take back the city, with his own hand. The evil Mafia, they don’t know us yet, But soon they’ll see, we’re a force to be met. With Minecraft news, we’ll spin a tale, Of heroes rising, and justice prevail. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Let the truth take wing, let the story start. Kerem’s on a mission, to set things right, With rhymes and riddles, he’ll win the fight. The… Read More

  • Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness!

    Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m mapping my hardcore world, living the dream. Exploring caves, mining for ore, Building my empire, always wanting more. With each step I take, a new adventure unfolds, In this pixelated world, where creativity molds. From sunrise to sunset, I craft and I mine, In this hardcore world, where danger is fine. So join me on this journey, as we explore and we play, In this world of Minecraft, where we’ll always stay. Leave a comment below, share your thoughts and your views, And together we’ll conquer, in this world… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Ronin builds a giant axe, a sight for sore eyes. With JAVA 1.20.1 for the best performance, And shaders that enhance, a true conformance. In the land of blocks and pixels, a house/storage takes shape, A creation so grand, it’s hard to escape. The music sets the tone, free to use with credit, As Ronin crafts his masterpiece, no need to edit. So watch till the end, leave a like, hit subscribe, For more Minecraft magic, where creativity thrives. With Ronin as your guide, the journey’s a delight, In the world… Read More

  • Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes Wither: I am the ultimate boss in Minecraft! BEES: Hold my honey. stings Wither to death Wither: defeated I guess I just couldn’t handle the buzz. 🐝 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of LEGO and all things creative? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the excitement happening at the LEGO Convention featured in the video “LEGO CONVENTION FULL TOUR – New Bricks on the Block – Bricking Bavaria & Brickhunter.” With 60 MOCs (My Own Creations) on display, including themes like LEGO Star Wars, Harry Potter, Ninjago, Minecraft, Technic, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. But why stop at just admiring LEGO creations when you can bring your creativity to life in a whole new way on Minewind Minecraft Server? Imagine building… Read More

  • Diamond Hunt Shenanigans

    Diamond Hunt Shenanigans Minecraft Mining Expedition: Finding Diamonds on Stumpscraft SMP S4 Ep.13! Exploring New Horizons In this exciting episode of Stumpscraft 4, our intrepid Minecraft player, Stumps, sets out on a mining expedition in search of the coveted diamonds. But before delving into the depths of the earth, Stumps takes a moment to work on their fishing dock base, adding a touch of tranquility to the adventure. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Equipped with a trusty pickaxe and a sense of determination, Stumps ventures into a new, unexplored cave in the wilderness. The dark, winding tunnels hold the promise of valuable ores, including… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE : MINECRAFT IN TELUGU #TheHanu0’, was uploaded by The Hanu0 on 2024-03-05 16:45:06. It has garnered 132 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:25 or 8965 seconds. Discord :- MI N E C R A F T L I V E IN TELUGU ───────╼| Minecraft – Live ┣╾─────── ──────╼|Recommending┣╾────── ✪ ➥  • Setting Guide & How To Survive 1st Ni… If You ENJOY My Content, Do The Below ⧭ Things. That Makes Me HAPPY ツ ⫷ SUBSCRIBE ⫸ ⫷ LIKE ⫸ ⫷ COMMENT ⫸ ⫷ SHARE ⫸ Discord:… Read More

  • Maximize Minecraft Advancements

    Maximize Minecraft AdvancementsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Collected EVERY ADVANCEMENT | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #16’, was uploaded by FitShaw on 2024-05-05 16:35:39. It has garnered 4682 views and 425 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:08 or 1748 seconds. In this video I challenged myself to collect every advancement in survival hardcore Minecraft! Schematics, world downloads, texture pack & more can all be found on my Patreon! • Patreon: • Discord Server: • Instagram: • TikTok: • Pinterest: 00:00 – Intro 00:35 – The first advancements 09:51 – The quick & easy 22:30 – The… Read More

  • INSANE Realistic Minecraft Graphics!! 😱 #gaming

    INSANE Realistic Minecraft Graphics!! 😱 #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:08:22. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE… Read More

  • Unlock INSANE Minecraft Parkour Tricks – Rijan Archer Music Group

    Unlock INSANE Minecraft Parkour Tricks - Rijan Archer Music GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour | HD | 60 FPS | Crazy Gameplays!!’, was uploaded by Rijan Archer Music Group on 2024-01-14 06:13:07. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:46 or 886 seconds. SUBSCRIBE NOW!! NEW CRAZY GAMEPLAYS DAILY!! Minecraft Parkour | HD | 60 FPS | Crazy Gameplays!! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock… Read More

  • Ultimate guide to creating Pearl SMP with Gem Stone Plugin in Java & Mcpe (Hindi)

    Ultimate guide to creating Pearl SMP with Gem Stone Plugin in Java & Mcpe (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Pearl Smp In Aternos Java + Mcpe || Gem Stone Plugin 24/7 Online In Hindi’, was uploaded by Youraj 777 on 2024-04-02 09:36:10. It has garnered 6763 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:01 or 361 seconds. How To Make Pearl Smp In Aternos Java + Mcpe || Gem Stone Plugin 24/7 Online In Hindi #minecraft #barriersmp #viral #lapatasmp #psd1 #romromsmpapplication #romromsmp #loyalsmp #phd1 #rosysmpapplication #bliss#blisssmp PEARL SMP KESE BNAYE PEARL SMP MAKING ATERNOS ME PEARL SMP KESE BNAYE dipu bhai channel link 🔗 discord link 💫… Read More

  • Unbelievable ChessHellfire Gameplay! Are You Feeling OLD Yet? #Minecraft #Shorts

    Unbelievable ChessHellfire Gameplay! Are You Feeling OLD Yet? #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Na, fühlst DU dich alt? #minecraft #shorts #chesshellfire’, was uploaded by ChessHellfire on 2024-02-18 15:04:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Just play a service worker in Bayville in Minecraft ^^ used world: … Read More

  • Numi’s Wild Minecraft Server Adventure!

    Numi's Wild Minecraft Server Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Numi Made Her Own Minecraft Server… Things got Crazy’, was uploaded by Numi on 2024-06-05 19:00:17. It has garnered 25736 views and 2424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. THE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS OF NOOMCRAFT! (we beat the ender dragon in 2 days) Follow Akuma Nihmune below: Twitch – Twitter – YouTube – Video edited by: Channel managed by: (Court) – Tags: #Vtuber #Envtuber #AkumaNihmune #Englishvtuber #VTuberEN Read More

  • “EPIC RetroRevival Build – Mind-Blowing 3×2 Door in Minecraft!” #redstonepowers

    "EPIC RetroRevival Build - Mind-Blowing 3x2 Door in Minecraft!" #redstonepowersVideo Information This video, titled ‘3×2 Door! #minecraft #redstonebuilds’, was uploaded by RetroRevival on 2024-03-12 21:26:53. It has garnered 2213 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Check out the original on my channel if you want more in depth! Subscribe please, this short is a minecraft redstone door build relatively easy! – Retro #MinecraftShorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1

    Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1Video Information This video, titled ‘best combo, Minecraft 1.8.9 | pika network’, was uploaded by Anfff1 on 2024-02-14 22:22:10. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. minecraft, smp, gabar, blox fruits, pvp, drdonut, donutsmp, pvp arena, blogger fights, blox fruit, donut smp, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, minecraft shorts, #shorts, bedrock, #minecraft, arena, pvparena, crystal pvp, #memes, java, tiktok, tiktoker fights, minecraft pvp, lifesteal smp, shorts, boys, lapata smp, lunakom, Bella Kuznetsova, race v4, clownpierce, blox fruits race v4, hermitcraft season 9, minecraft smp, minecraft funny, bounty hunting , my game,… Read More

  • Dupe Anarchy

    Dupe AnarchyThis is a server with the /Dupe command as well as /Shop. We were initally a Minehut server and switched to a new hosting service. Give us a try and join today! Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About Us: At PrismaCraft, we focus on community building and provide a variety of content for players to enjoy. Whether you’re interested in creating a town, leveling up skills, or making money through jobs, there’s something for everyone! Main Features: Towny for land claiming and community building Skills and unique abilities Thirteen different jobs for earning money Player-driven economy with custom enchantments Craftable gear and resources Custom fishing system with 170 unique fish species Join us today to experience all these features and more at or Discord Pride… Read More

  • Toxic Factions

    Toxic FactionsWelcome to Toxic Factions, an emerging community of passionate Factions enthusiasts! Our server offers a great cannoning experience that you’re bound to enjoy. We’re equipped with various plugins including KOTH, Outposts, MCMMO, Harvester Hoes, and more, all designed to enhance your gameplay. Join us on the thrilling journey to the top. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mode Confusion: Is this the right gamemode?

    Minecraft Memes - Mode Confusion: Is this the right gamemode?When you can’t figure out the right gamemode in Minecraft, just remember that real life doesn’t come with a handy little menu to switch things up. Read More

  • Hot pig, warden, zombie, dragon love triangle

    Hot pig, warden, zombie, dragon love triangle Why did the pig, warden, zombie, and dragon start a military in Minecraft? Because they wanted to bacon some heads and roast some brains! #minecraftmilitary #baconandbrains #gamerhumor 🐷🧟🐉🎮 Read More

  • Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody

    Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody Minecraft Parody: Mine It All Exploring the world of Minecraft can be an adventure filled with excitement, challenges, and creativity. The Minecraft parody of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” brings a fun twist to the game, highlighting the experiences players face while mining, building, and surviving in this virtual world. Surviving the Minecraft World In the parody lyrics, the player navigates through the dangers of the Minecraft world, facing off against zombies, creepers, and the elusive Ender Dragon. The constant threat of danger adds a thrilling element to the gameplay, keeping players on their toes as they explore and… Read More

  • EPIC Hive Party w/Viewers ft. KaneLion 😱🔥

    EPIC Hive Party w/Viewers ft. KaneLion 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Parties w/Viewers (Facecam) #hivemc #cubecraft’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-05-07 23:35:18. It has garnered 1101 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:15 or 7995 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock Minecraft live doing custom games with viewers on The Hive Minecraft Bedrock Server! =========================== Discord: =========================== Server IP: Hive Bedrock or Cubecraft Bedrock =========================== Texture Pack: Bare Bones 32x =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== Song: Beaty and Sylish Beat by Screamed Only You can ignore this – hivemc live minecraft hive hive customs live custom hive live hive… Read More

  • Sly Sumo Madness: Cursed Montage 6

    Sly Sumo Madness: Cursed Montage 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Sumo Montage 6 #hypixelduels #lunarclient #minecraft #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by SkySteveSparrowS on 2024-01-06 01:15:04. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #MinecraftPVP #HypixelDuels #LunarClient #duels #shorts Read More

  • Unlock Unlimited Creativity in Minecraft Survival!

    Unlock Unlimited Creativity in Minecraft Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building The Creative Inventory In Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Kostina on 2024-04-30 22:00:06. It has garnered 1260 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:06 or 666 seconds. This build costed 1 MILLION blocks! APPLICATIONS ARE STILL OPEN IN THE DISCORD!!! JOIN THE COMMUNITY DISCORD: Here is our Unreal SMP collab channel: @RealUnrealSMP Kostina: Unity Team: Shea Studios: Shea and Kain: Rants & Rewrites: Twitch: Kostina Animates: Kostina VODS: Join my discord to help out with future videos. Discord: Tiktok:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft CritChain in Pojaylauncher!

    Insane Minecraft CritChain in Pojaylauncher!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Deadliest CritChain In pojaylauncher | #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by GameXcoom on 2024-04-18 06:00:05. It has garnered 498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft Deadliest CritChain In pojaylauncher | #shorts #viral minecraft minecraft pvp #pvp fire mc crystal pvp fire mc fire mc pvp fire mc pvp montage best critchain in minecraft fire mc crystal pvp montage minecraft fire mc #pvpmontage #mrspells #minecraft #montage minecraft pe minecraft pvp montage epic combos #bedrock #combo #conexion #sharpness #pvp montage montage pvp montage ultimate adventure victory digital mastery gaming… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMP

    Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap)’, was uploaded by GamingGamer237 on 2024-05-16 10:25:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. india #lapatasmp #howto How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap) Hey everyone!have u ever think how lapata smp members … Read More

  • Intense Dog Battles from Another World

    Intense Dog Battles from Another WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLOODY DOGS! | FROM ANOTHER WORLD – S3 E2’, was uploaded by Rotch Games on 2024-05-31 11:20:15. It has garnered 1344 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:33 or 3933 seconds. From Another World Mod: List of mods and resource packs: Discord: Read More

  • “botXsonic – Insane Villager Rail Experiment!” 🚂

    "botXsonic - Insane Villager Rail Experiment!" 🚂Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Rail Madness! 🚂’, was uploaded by botXsonic on 2024-06-07 10:30:16. It has garnered 9500 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. minecraft horror game gaming twitch maizen horror jj maizen jj and mikey video game lets play live mikey maizen playthrough games mario gameplay livestream maizen challenge merely adequate maizen jj and mikey survival hermitcraft hermitcraft season 10 minecraft pranks maizen mikey jj prank video paper mario boss fight minecraft 100 days 100 days in minecraft cy yu plays ps5 maizen monster battle escape mikey jj mikey… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art – Must See! #Viral

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art - Must See! #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfying sand art #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts#trending #minecrafthacks#technogamerz #SHORTS’, was uploaded by mr. Allrounder gamerz on 2024-06-08 03:36:01. It has garnered 3894 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. satisfied sand art #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #viral #shorts #viral #shorts #house #minecraft morden house build #minecraft morden building #minecraft pocket #minecraft mod #minecraft download #minecraft morden houses #minecraft tutorial #minecraft tips #minecraft short #minecraft shorts #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral shorts #trading shorts #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning #gaminglife #pcgaming #online #gamer #playing #playinggames #videogames #instagaming #gamerguy #instagamer #onlinegaming #game #play #gamingsetup… Read More

  • Daku vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft AMV Edit!

    Daku vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft AMV Edit!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daku x Herobrine | Minecraft daku song AMV/Edit #trending #feeds @SquaredMediaAnimations🤝🏻@Jiban12’, was uploaded by Ahan yt on 2024-01-07 10:08:16. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • DracoNova

    DracoNovaWelcome to DracoNova! We’re a small smp server aiming big – a hybrid server/player driven economy, free to earn ranks, custom gear, bosses and more that is to come! DISCLAIMER: Currently we’re in a beta period with not much to offer, but with a soft-reset coming soon we hope to meet everyone’s expectations. Everything’s explained and updates are shared on discord. We provide land claiming for a comfortable experience, but for those interested in more exciting gameplay, we hear you, and we provide – wars. Read More

Silvervale’s Twitch Archive – Silvervale plays Valkyrie Elysium & Minecraft (Bounce SMP) | Episode 1