Sky Alchemist: Start

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For Stuff that goes away second off uh uh I can make everything really hard I honestly honestly don’t know whether that’s how I want to play this I’m thinking that kid should keep things normal and I know more about it for some reason it’s given me uh some goals of things to

Make already Sue hello Crystal well oh oh my goodness this is crowded all right oh and it’s got all kinds of interesting stuff with it I honestly am playing this just because I want to learn about Turtleman C so hopefully it’ll let me get there transversal one um yep yep that that

Looks pretty cool um and also impossible to make right now the basics and I can buy stuff with uh okay I can turn things into coins good good I was kind of hoping for something that was a little less jump right into things I’m also a little worried

That I’m not actually seeing the uh there we go there’s the little path I was going to try okay pretty much all I can do right now is break grass oh thank goodness a cultism seeds um I really feel like this may not actually be doable but people have done it so

Oh that probably nothing is there anything it’s just dirt uh lovely a lot of water they’ve given I’m just writing down so I can see what’s underneath okay this I was really expecting there to be more to be possible to do I may have to just give this back up

Is there anything down here I can get dirt wait can I punching the dirt does nothing hmm well this may be a very fast play through because uh I may be able to just accomplish making a slightly bigger island of dirt I lost the dirt and much much less big island of dirt

And I mean uh well in lack of anything else to do I guess I could put that on and see if it gives me uh functionality of Ring of Ender okay here goes that’s not how you use it you have to I guess put it on um there you go oh

I’ve now unlocked new chapters in something um yep this is super exciting so glad I took all the time to set up this stream oh my heavens look at that I must have clicked on the wrong button earlier ah and I don’t have any Tall Grass anymore oh goody

Don’t think I want that all the way down there but so I have already messed up this mod pack I’ve already messed up we’re going to just uh this is why well this is why you try out things before you start them out but um I’m gonna go ahead and just real quick

Give myself a couple of meal to fix my uh stupidity there we go now we have some tall grass and it says use your linking tool wait it said use the linking tool ah yes there we are all right so Crystal link to a block

Now I’ve got a tree okay don’t like the tree there so we’ll move the tree progress oh now that I’ve done what I’m supposed to let’s go ahead and get rid of our cheating kind of regretting taking the ring do you grow faster no all right uh um

Oh I know this is on fire no thank you no thank you being on fire and I guess let’s get a another one and Congress and it becomes a tree which I just broke and dropped to like oh there it is scary this is a very slow slow start um

How many are you you’re just two okay that’s as many as I want all right la la la la whooping that by starting the stream this time but some of the folks in Europe will be like finishing up lunch and we’ll have time to come in like I

Usually stream when it’s like like three in the morning for for folks in France and uh Germany and so forth and I was thinking maybe I do one that wasn’t a little so how are you yep you’re enjoying uh enjoying hanging out it’s good I’m going to not get knocked

Off the island if I stand here so I was uh I keep having Meghan Trainor’s mother song stuck in my head but since I don’t really know it it’s a real problem but I’ve discovered hey Echo Shadow yay I was hoping that this would be a chance that you could

Come in and not have to not be like totally tired of course this is like the slowest starting mod pack ever I don’t know like it doesn’t seem like any of the things that you make trees grow work I have successfully made um yeah that it started up they started off with this

They gave us this so that’ll be helpful if I can ever get a tree I uh was I was really expecting this pack to go a little bit faster than this you know like faster than molasses but it isn’t it’s like going to become nighttime before I actually get anything done in this Got a little late start um oh okay a tree I wonder if I can transmute the tree oh gosh it’s having us go all kinds of things and okay so I can make a little Miss crafting table pretty easy okay well tree first why is that

Is it going to is it raining or is it night time I shall learn there is no vein mining in this okay so it suddenly got dark in this in the world and I don’t know why yes I’ve been meaning to do one that’s more um you know that’s not quite as insanely

Late slash early for you folks but um my family keeps waking up sooner than I can actually do it so like I’ll get up like oh I’ll do a stream before they get up and then they’re like what morning time yes I did the Ring of the seven curses

Because I thought that was only I could figure out how to progress and now I’m regretting yay I now have a luminous crafting table I probably should have a regular one as well this mod pack is called Sky Alchemist and I want I I tried it up so I wanted to do

Turtlemancy like it’s one I had tried a while ago and one of the like all of the mods packs and oh I may just turn off fire spread because that’s kind of terrifying um or wait this lab do slabs burn I don’t think slabs burn Maybe

I’ll find out I’ll find out if slabs burn as I don’t I I’m tired of tired of that anyway so this has like it was a uh they do burn okay him yep yep yep we’ll just uh I I know what I can do I know I can do I

Can make a pickaxe and uh give myself a place to stand over here oh that was scary that was scary it was scary okay there we go and uh that should be I’m gonna catch on fire yay said I don’t I don’t like um the Cobblestone generators

Oh the opposite end oh so I’m standing in the water Maybe I’m kind of just wanting it to not spark fire everywhere although I’m not sure if I put a slab on well I’ll see okay I just don’t like all the fires I’m hoping Maybe this will discourage the worst of the Sparks

Yeah discourage the worst of the Sparks and I don’t like this this I don’t know what to do with the start um that’s a good place right we’ll just right there okay so that’s some sort of progress kind of and on this I need to make a resonating

Wand which needs a bunch of stuff I don’t have I love how they uh it really did like that I was going to be just every five seconds um so well let’s might as well make a might as well make a pickaxe oh maybe I can stand that well two all right and

And three yay I guess I could just play regular Skyblock because none of the magic stuff is successful right now I guess I could also try transmuting other stuff let’s see here if I uh link you to you do you do anything no let’s leave do you do anything

I don’t know what this idea does let’s let me consult my research according to my research I have done nothing in astral sorcery and no nothing okay well that’s not helpful yep that did nothing I’ve gotten a demon’s dream seed I guess I could plant that sure might as well plant some seeds

I really don’t need a demon’s dream seed right now though um that was definitely a thing that happened okay so in fact I only I literally need like one seed and two of the fruit that grow from the seed and that’s it like for the entire occultism

Foreign you get started right the mod pack is based on transmutations to generate basic resources starting with Starlight transmutation good thank you for telling me that I have done that part of it now dark magics ah okay it’s a check mark Quest it probably won’t uh that’s expensive um

Oh and I can get we’re going to start oh this is all chemical blizzard tree is that what that’s called huh it’s it’s that’s just the blood magic right and I guess we’re getting a dictionary spirit so they’re just giving me everything okay I’ll have an inventory full of things

Ooh a powerful staff yes that uh this okay that’s that path that’s yeah that is a blood magic thing three times light Wells that needs a marble I don’t know how to get marble and and they’re just gonna I mean there’s a bunch of stuff like I I

Know how these basic things work but they’re not giving me any means to go to that um so is there something in the blood magic book that I can start right now no there really is it like I have opened things up I apparently there’s a quest okay

There’s a quest I completed that I didn’t get and we’ve got idol on nice what would you call this yeah idlewine eidolon is a um yeah I think you you need gold and all kinds of stuff I mean you just need resources in general here

Uh so I do I do like eidolon’s um enchanting like it is the best it is the best in chanting I mean okay apotheos nuggets and also fish uh apotheosis is a really good like is the best for being for giving powerful enchantments but eilon is the best for um

You know convenient enchantments you don’t need like a million XP to do everything you want yeah I’ve only done idle once uh but I really enjoyed it it uh had some good stuff to it I well yeah this is this is very early Skyblock and also

I don’t know how you’re supposed to do with the with the lava and the water and not um losing your half the blocks do do did a tree grow no at least it’s daytime now so the completely growless seeds yeah yeah I mean you’re right they they do need water

Oh is it different you know I’d kind of silly here I have water I can I can grow the water come here seeds everybody come here we’re going to put you over here while you’ll get caught on fire does it need to be touching the source block

It needs to be touching the source block doesn’t it because that’s not hydrating hello oh you are okay good oh blood magic is uh yeah blood magic is good I’d I’m sure you’re doing it in a normal way like it’s kind of like everything is like go and

See the and you can smelt pewter blend I can’t make pewter blend from that ah what okay so what’s what’s the what’s the what’s this good spell for blood magic because all I really got out of blood magic that I liked was there’s something like the tier three one had

Some sigil that I liked and I like the um I like the nodes so what’s what’s what’s the 116 spell yes bro and infinite fuel on a furnace if you cast it oh no that’s Nifty because there’s a lot of like infinite fuel ones but there’s not a lot of them

I’m just gonna make sure I’m not messing this okay there’s no quickly yeah there’s a lot of like furnace spells but there’s not a lot of ones where they don’t then take magic energy instead of your furnace fuels I guess now I could see like batanias

You have to keep using more mana and uh um Nature’s Aura uses Nature’s aura I think a lot of those just trans transform your magical energy hmm so yeah I don’t think I need a boat meal uh do I want to go this way that way hi Meep blood magic for the equipment

The sentient oh that’s a good potential I’ve only ever played blood magic where like I already had um like really good equipment from other things and uh yeah so I haven’t tried that out as much is Otto turret spell have cast on top of the chest and given ammunition will

Shoot a hostile mob oh that’s definitely cool I am leaving these holes on purpose because I have a theory I don’t know if my theory will work um and I will probably hopefully not fall into them before I have a chance to do a thing okay so what I’m thinking is

Oh no oh no plan failed plan failed plan failed okay this had one below good neck one two three okay I hope I can get open up like a world yes I definitely need to check for that um so let me put those in this I don’t

Have holes to die in and also start these trees I think these are probably too close together and I need to space them out but I’ll move them in a second and dirt well I mean there’s dirt Essence for mystical agriculture yep okay and I I can transmute wood okay

Good this is good this is good yes good call Meep astral does have a way astral will lead us to the path um do either of you happen to know if uh these Oak saplings can be spaced out oh I actually maybe I should look up what other trans we take okay let’s

Let’s look up Starlight transmutation what do we got we have oh that’s Quizlet um all right I can make horizontal ores good good leaves become water buckets wait becomes a water bucket oh that’s cool um pumpkins sand becomes clay good Stone ah okay I can turn my Cobblestone slabs into sand

Yes and then the sand could become clay which means I’ve now got clay and sand and Polished Basalt salt Basalt ooh wheat seeds become sugar cane how do I um you can’t really read do I need to saplings must grow either ah no no no no

No this is why this is why I tried the ah goldfish and crackers oh please tell me I don’t have to fight this thing ah oh no good frick it no no no no no no no no why are you so this is going to be so tedious

I feel like I should start over with um out the Ring of Badness fall down you can fly yeah okay that’s a new and exciting horror so I did this ring of seven curses thing because I thought that’s how I had to progress and I don’t think I have this

Skills to handle things doing more damage um these have been growing so slowly I’m kind of wondering if it actually is possible um that was scary okay well I guess we’ll can I wait what’s this collector Crystal I will manage easy the ring well I will certainly something the ring

Oh I did not think that through I just destroyed the lava yep well well only one thing to do here okay trying again now I know some more now I know a little bit more and we’ll maybe not make completely stupid things new world I am keeping sheets on just

Because uh it’s always a good idea in case there’s something that’s broken that isn’t my fault [Laughter] that’s a it’s a learning experience yeah yeah now I can now nothing happened nothing happened we’re going to not make those mistakes again I am yeah I’ll wait on this I’ll wait on that

Oh yeah well maybe I had yeah probably I just it was more the like clear lack of sense I was having I hadn’t gone very far let’s go ahead and get our little things I’ll pick up the astral tomb later I think um yeah requires the astral basic yeah well so

One of the one of the uh things was going to have me do here in just a little bit was in fact um it was making the light Wells so I probably could have gotten it I just didn’t have very many resources and then there was a few there

I thought I linked it to the right block excuse me short grass link to block link to the there we are okay and I’m gonna see if I can get a seed here because that was no nope nope that that’s that’s the problem I had I don’t know that fire spread benefits

Anything here let me just go ahead and do um game rule no it’s I do want one Two Fire tick I’ll just turn that off for the time being just so I stop having like little hysterical fits every time anything happens okay I mean I’ll still I’ll still walk into that lava

But uh not quite so much all right I need a water bucket which needs an oak leaf okay so that’s good and this grass block the grass block transmute into anything I don’t know if I really want them to grass block oh I can Infuse it and make it into dirt

No I can Infuse dirt and re and get grass block grass block becomes wool I can make a bed that’s good it’s good to make a bed yeah because the water bucket would let me pick up the lava and move it somewhere safer um is there a way to

I’m trying to think here okay this is super a super dangerous idea that somebody else could probably do like could I make the wall let the lava flow around here and get more that’s a terrible idea that’s a terrible idea if I stand here do I go flying down

No I get pushed in I drowned and I get pushed into lava all right of course what I forgot when I started over like this is how long these saplings take to take to make um was that a fish it’s a fish hi fish you’re cute come come back here come

Back here so I can kill you no you’re you’re swimming down okay well I’m glad the fish spawned that that’s kind of cool yes no and then knock it out of the water I don’t get the fish come uh want to catch a fish but the fishes Ella

So I guess I could get all those books the fish is just hanging the fishes the fish is having is is chilling out all right um I gotta make Loomis crafting table for that bit let’s grab some Idol on books can’t get that one yet

Blood book there we go I think that this is um I think that this is Portuguese so I think maybe hmm so the Modpack authors maybe either Portuguese or um Brazilian I don’t know how to tell the difference between between those types of Portuguese hello

Let’s go see if the fish is still around oh there’s a couple of them now hi fishies how you doing there’s three of you look at you uh I could get both I could get bone meal if I killed the fish uh I have no idea how to make use of that

Information because I’m pretty sure if I kill the fish that they are going to just fall down oh this is frozen ocean deep frozen ocean hmm yep so we’re going to deal with slightly uglier grass so so fishies give me bone meal yes if she’s want to give Romeo hmm

Nope they’re very far away okay well oh I could make hold on I could turn the waterfall into a little puddle all right I’m gonna do that I’m gonna do that yay so what are you guys up to today got a nice lazy weekend gotta say for any tests or anything

This next week is the last week of school for my kids so that’s kind of fun for them um I need to go and do grocery shopping at some point today I’m not sure nope that’s not where I wanted that I don’t have enough dirt for my plan

Because I can’t do anything with that because the lava will kill me um I could make that go let’s see here I wanted to come out and around that way no kind of making this shape and then it’s um it’s freezing day I need to work on a

Mother’s Day gift oh yeah that’s coming up too isn’t it huh what won’t they think of next all right are you more of a purchase a gift or are you more of a craft a gift sort of thing yeah maybe something nope that’s that’s just gonna kill me okay

Although I dare say that that it’ll be less dangerous to fight my enemy without the Ring of seven curses like it’s got like I don’t like the neutral creatures are aggressive towards you like that’s just way on fire you burn forever I mean then that seems really hard oh that’s nice

This is the slowest growing tree in the whole world hello you want to grow here look I’ll Stand like this and you can pretend you can knock me off yeah huh what sort of crafts do you do I could transmute dirt we can I trans can I transmute dirt dirt becomes

I can Infuse it into things and I can combine it with enderman’s Essence to get in stone I have made another mistake it’s too hard to think of how to do stuff if I break that one the water goes that way we’re just thinking I could like

Come on fishies come up here oh there’s a bunch of you yep you’re running away all right I mean I understand that I would run away from me too if I were you making a little Pond area and then when I get more dirt I can do that oh clay sculpts that’s Nifty

That is very cool I um I cannot what sort of things do you well yay the tree the tree that does not grow it’s the best I wonder if I put the transmutation on that oop I had a question about the clay scopes like do you sculpt like little creatures or um

I think I’ve already tried that and it didn’t do anything uh or flowers or yeah like what type of little things what type of things do you sculpt hmm okay yeah let’s go ahead and unlink that one so I’ve got this seed um oh I think I need to okay

So we’ll link to that block that became wool which is not actually that helpful but I was thinking if I did that block that I could put the wheat there and the wheat would become your mother your grandmother likes witches you make a little witch with

Some bobbles out of clay ah that sounds cute that did nothing okay you think it looks horrible but she liked it um yeah but you had your uh you have your like artistic vision of like what it’s supposed to look like and so you can tell that it’s not it’s not

Exactly what you were wanting but she just sees adorable little witch I guess I could make make stuff for a bed there we go I’ll make enough for a bed yay I’ve accomplished that hmm I could jump in the lava maybe World transmission well so this these blocks like anything but here is going to be transmuted because it’s linked to like the block location um so I’m pretty sure that it will does not transmit to something else at this time just because

Um yeah because it’s not transmuting it’d be cool what else we got for transmutation oh it’s not like a star does it let me do Starlight Transportation no it’s infuser oh I guess the only way to do it is the only way to look it up is go back to her

The dirt was made by Oak planks which was the whole the whole idea um then this Crystal I know I feel like okay if I right click we had terracotta all right so here’s some progress the aquamarines I’m going to need for actual sorcery come from the aquamarine Shale which is terracotta

Good to know because I need so I need to make clay glass becomes the rock crystal ore all right so I need to need to make a furnace um Imperium seeds can become bamboo that’s weird and Oak clogs become cool so I need to do both of these if I ever

Get a tree Tall Grass becomes an oak sapling which you know and a star infused Bedrock becomes an infusion that’s good smooth Stone tiles from eidolon become iron ore which I guess um cocoa beans all right so I need to make like a big area so I can get animals I think

Be nests block of Quartz cocoa beans nether warts all right so it looks like another path a candle from eidolon becomes a candle from occultism the candle from occultism became a sea pickle I don’t well if you have Tallow from eidolon why wouldn’t you have Tallow from you’d have

Tallow from a cult for a cultism too at that point um and of course the water bucket I’m really hoping it actually literally turns into a water bucket like with the bucket attached because otherwise this is going to be really really difficult sand became clay right so we need okay

So I need a bunch of sand all right so you need a bunch of sand to make the clay to make the Terracotta for the like this is all just boys looking natural sorcery stuff I do want sugar cane um wait this has mana and artifice in it oh this is Scott

How do you ah this is gonna be so complicated silverware from occultism Cobblestone is gravel which and I oh and I can get gold okay so I can’t get gold with hay bale um right it usually turns a block into a block uh so the problem is

Ah that means I need I’m not gonna be able to do anything with it until I get a bucket or like shears um and dirt Essence sure this is a very I keep doing the wrong thing um yeah no this has Mana an artifact and Theory this has a lot of really complicated

Uh not complicated but yeah like it has a lot of Tricky Tricky Tricky mods all right so everything is transmutation uh which is good yes I kind of still want to try the water bucket thing but maybe I should try it with a wait after until I have another block pumpkins to

All right pumpkins I need sand clay it says it says bucket it doesn’t say like the water it doesn’t say the water um you know it doesn’t have like the liquid water picture in it let’s see what I mean right because I feel like if it was it

Water it would have told me this the fact this is water bucket makes me think that there’s a bucket that you get so optimism if it ever it’s night time and pick up these wool because that’ll be fine so thank you I really wanted the bone meal from those guys

Come back here fishies actually fishies you could just like jump up and land on the shore and die and just leave your bone meal for me to pick up at my convenience that’d be Nifty and spiffy I think okay so I am going to need a luminous

Crafting table at some point but I’m gonna hold off on that until I get some more dirt um yeah you know what I’m going to just make this island out a little bigger I think this is the three deep yeah it does usually turn a block into a block um so we’ll see

Yeah assuming but I can ever make a tree grow I am kind of concerned that maybe the Deep frozen ocean maybe the frozen ocean is not uh is not the place to try to grow trees there let’s try giving that tree a little more room and see what happens it might be daytime

I don’t see us actually that’s that’s what’s weird there was no moon here there was there was no moon in the sky discovery ah yes Astro sorry the most clear guidebook ever oh wait is that something yeah a space Stinger oh maybe I’m too close to the crystal

Yeah it isn’t um it doesn’t appear to oh my freaking heck I tried this and there was no um it wasn’t giving me the particles okay yep but glad you thought I did I did try and it didn’t do uh maybe I’m too close to the crystal here

Come on bro grow a little something there oh my ah okay yeah uh I’m gonna move this wait no if I plant if if it is water okay yay so oh this is dangerous uh where is gonna be the least terrible place to have just random flowing watt you know what

Let me get some of you guys first we’ll make I don’t want to take all of it because I want to keep one of these leaves in case all right so this is going to give me all right if that becomes water I can just break the water source so link

To the leaf you’re probably right about it just being a water it just flows everywhere but I’m hoping I’m hoping I get a bucket I want a bucket yep you were right as expected now I’m going to turn I don’t want to turn that little clog into it just yet

Nope nope nope no I want more dirt first more dirt first thank you okay very sad and now I also hold on I need to clear all the links because otherwise I’m going to have there we go otherwise as I place blocks stuff is going to be just randomly transforming oh my heavens

Okay so there is so there is the the Crouch and grow thing um which is good I’m going to make four or five six eight nine oh wait I am being really stupid here ah I don’t know I guess I’m just thinking like the little Crystal doesn’t

Have that much range but I could just probably build with this and have and Link the crystal to them yeah let’s try that try try linking all these okay that’s gonna help things a lot that you figured out that Okay so tree do you do yay now we’re actually getting

Particles yeah I mean I tried it just wasn’t it wasn’t giving me particles Yahoo progress um I don’t remember what uh what uh oak logs themselves turned into I think it was something I needed as well but I do need okay I’m gonna need like a bunch of cobblestone

Yay are you not transforming because I didn’t link you or you’re not transforming because you can’t reach oh no no no no nope nope nope nope nope nope core thank you good memory all right I don’t need more wool I don’t need more wool all right we’re going to unlink you it’s hiki

Okay and link to you all right progress keep making my little Pond hi fishy can I put you there yay Little Pond um maybe if I make it a tower uh no see that’s that link to it good to stop stop thinking stop linking all links unlink unlink how do I unlink you

No no no why are you we have everything we wore everything will be wool like I needed to be linked for the okay hold on if there’s shift right click it is hmm all right I’m gonna make this like I’ll just use this wall as my place to do this maybe

Click correct Crystal two three four five it’s like this constant fight against Grass and wool all right and oh why is it I thought that there was a unlinked link going there’s got to be a better method for this fine to grow these trees too okay this is

Starting to become big enough to do stuff I well options oh wait I know what I can do okay so if I go if I go out from the wall away from the wall then the dirt won’t become grass or something or no just just unlinking is better I just

I could have sworn that there was a unlink all links option and I’ve used it before and it’s not okay it’s like not doing it now I’ve made mistakes that’s fine become and don’t become an unbecome huh do you not reach is that the problem definitely there we go collector Crystal I

Apparently cannot reach that far oh something another let’s see if they can grow together I mean with this with the sparkly ones and yeah with the shifting thing I think that does work yes okay time to make some other materials I should actually double check about uh

About that let’s see your category X nope no excavate no vein mine all right I mean there was a possibility that like there was excavation in game mining hello thanks to Meep we have figured out some actual things I should make like an X and a uh stuff

The uh the shift the shift to bone meal thing does actually work in here I thought it didn’t because I wasn’t seeing particles why I tried it the first time and uh yeah so now there is actual progress of sort of kind of I’m going to have an entire Island made

Of wool which could be a problem but uh yeah it’s a it’s a thing look at all this there is no near as I can tell near as I can tell there is not vein mining in this and that’s going to be a bit of a problem sure yeah I did all those

Um okay crafting table I may as well make the Luminous crafting table because I’m going to need it for that for the asphalt sorcery at some point and one there oh so the question is is there already is I link a block to that Maybe two liter a Coca-Cola bottle and chips

Nice at some point I should probably figure out what I’m gonna have for breakfast and I wonder if I could like grow a tree down so that like a leaf appeared in a certain place gonna get all your energy I learned more about exploration yay luminous crafting table woohoo

It’s not that early for me I just haven’t actually um like I woke up and like fed my pets and stuff it’s actually pretty late now I think we’re already at 10 o’clock is it oh yep almost nine o’clock um so I guess it would be more of a lunch

I don’t I need to learn hmm there’s no there’s ways to do this where you don’t lose all your stuff in one of these days I will be a person who knows that um yep Stone X yay I’m gonna need to make like a bunch of terracotta and stuff so

I need to make furnaces and a lot of the Stone and axes actually occurs me I don’t really need oh no come back here come back here erase the thing um for my little Pond idea here it doesn’t need to be dirt in the bottom probably should be dirt up here but

There we go that’s that’s kind of a thing something another all right fund furnace one more and I get an X no oh all right so there you go furnace that’s not how I put an ax neither is that I can craft things he’s good um yep well

Hello grow more of these thank you thank you thank you grow the tree look how fast I can grow trees or mine trees with uh with an ax so good so good at making things yeah it’s so fast with a stone ax versus my hand s ome I really need a place to transmute things that uh yeah I need to make a good transmutation platform wood plank becomes dirt which was super nice um Cobblestone slab becomes sand which will be pretty helpful all right so I don’t like I don’t well maybe ah I guess okay I need

I need to move my trees over because I basically need to make this area a transmutation platform so yeah yeah it’s okay it’s okay it’s fine I don’t have to think of everything all at once this needs to like being in this area is going to help with the train with

With uh transmuting things those six now the key key is to break the grass before it becomes wool there we go this little area will just be for transmuting blocks good and I’m just going to move the trees over a little bit further uh yeah just gonna move the trees a little bit

I need some colors let’s make the core that tree’s gonna move yes there we go easy dirt I mean this is this is honestly the easier the easiest dirt like all the other ways of making like a lot of the other packs that have you make dirt are a lot harder okay

So you get some coal yay now I can start making the Torches oh I could make a bed I should all I should do that there we go make a bed and sleep away the night so that oh I’m gonna die when I get up

Well let’s find out do I fall to my desk nope but it sure tried to it sure tried to go that day didn’t it there we go now furnace there is one for iron but you have to like go through idle on for it um so iron ore comes from transmutating this transmute

What do you call this Starlight transmutation of the smooth Stone tiles from eidolon which oh okay that’s not as bad oh it’s just smooth Stone oh you are so clever and you have good ideas oh and especially if I can make a stone cutter which does need one iron so that

May be a good an iron may be that may be a good first use of iron um yeah all right so I just need a bunch of cobblestone oh I need so much Cobblestone for everything um I swear that there is a better way to do this

Uh and I don’t know what that is so it doesn’t no it’s Source blocks of water become um Source blocks of water become stone and that’s not going to do me any good because as soon as I mine it it becomes that so okay I’m going to need

12 12 will make a stone cutter and 16. for for something another no why are you being like this um all right I want to make a stone cutter because the stone cutter is going to mean that I can get I don’t have to make as many smooth Stone to do it

Right it is but so like with a stone cutter if I have one smooth Stone I can make it I can make an iron without the stone cutter then I have to get myself up to four smooth Stone in order to make my next iron so something or other

Um I don’t want to use that guy it’s eight we’ll let those go I mean and the stone cutter has is is nice to have in other ways um just do anytime it wants to go in my inventory instead of the lava that’d be amazing yeah amazing not going lava thank you

All right we’ll let those all process and make more trees that was I don’t know what I just pushed there I don’t know why that opened up the um I don’t know why that opened that up and I am going to also want yeah this is some I mean it was actually

Harvest leaves would be useful eight block cooking at once oh yeah that is a good point um I mean cool isn’t actually that limited I I you know I I can get cool anything like anything that comes from trees is not actually limited um it’s me being bored at mining eight hole

Cobblestone is more likely than true it is less grinding if I can maximize um what I really should probably be doing rather than the coal um is I should actually just be smelting this into into charcoal like that’s that’s something I should deal with the next batch of coal is just like

Do an entire batch of charcoal with my uh with my uh the trees we we make more trees so I was playing uh I’ve been playing po3 uh you may have seen some very confused streams about that and uh I learned long after I didn’t need this information

I actually already forgotten what it was I learned something um so first off I did I didn’t realize there was vein mining for a very long time in that pack and then I uh learned oh my gosh I’ve already forgotten it’s like some very super basic aspect of

Oh yeah that you can find I learned I I was like making dirt making dirt making dirt making dirt and sifting dirt and sifting dirt and sifting dirt to get caught to get Pebbles and you can just punch the dirt to get Pebbles which I

Knew and I just did not use at all until like after I was already I already had a cobblestone generator like like it’s just so so bad but in this one I mean I did I did punch I did try punching the dirt on this one but there is a DEX nelio in

This because it’s everything’s running off of you know a different mechanism um what do I want I need to start making some of these things I don’t need all this so stop blowing on me child oh that’s terrible wait no I need smooth Stone a three bite that’s cool

Uh compact uh claustrophobia I think um although there’s also like a Sky Factory 4 version one of the Sky Factory four things has that yep I have to make it I have to cook it again you are correct so actually 24 was perfect for my original six cool okay

I want to get some more um get some more dirt make a I think I can go probably actually need to move these tools over because I can make that area via linking area as well and Link clink clink make a little bit more dirt yeah I definitely want to move those tables

Um can’t go out this way here we go house type thing oh good idea that is definitely a good priority I’m basically I’m breaking the dirt here instead of looking it up because if it turns into grass then the grass turns into wool and I don’t want but I guess

There’s no harm in making a whole house out of wool I just yeah and making the island bigger okay so magnetism look at that mag oh so there is actually just straight up this magnet actually this so the magnetic ring is probably gonna be a lot more expensive than this magnet

Yeah so ender pearl I’ll probably go for this this one versus this one because um one’s a lot one’s a lot cheaper all right OH Close well so that way that way yeah let’s make a oh hold on before I go much further uh there is no building ones in this sadness

Blood magic magnetism room I feel like the blood magic path is going to be the slowest option of all of them uh why am I doing it that is no it’s a Sigil um you can go fast minor magnetism well the imbued Slate is yeah you have

To have a tier three blood Altar for that I don’t I don’t quite understand why why it goes it takes so long on that um Yeah so that’s what happens with blood magic is like by the like in order to get to the level where this the stuff’s actually useful you have to do you have to do so much and uh but then you’ve you know like the only way you can get to the higher enough in

Order to get to the tear of blood magic where you’re doing the useful things you have to already have done the useful things with other um with other mods and maybe like one more I will do like that oh yeah it has a thing where the new the

New stack goes in all right I do need some more coal for a thing kinda doing stuff please stop child yes a kiddo one more there we go and now the moment of truth oh oh that makes 16 of them oh that’s so much better oh I didn’t realize wait of course I

Made 16 because uh I thought it was going to get oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I’m gonna have so much iron probably I am kind of tempted by the fortune ring but I also like the fact I can just

Sleep and like not deal with anything did I just Harvest up those woods instead of I just placed I did just that is good yeah the the crop ritual to do crops all right um so does the thingy for growing stuff work on that is oh particles we are getting particles

There might be a workaround for No Sleep ring okay so maybe if I actually so I will keep the ring around and oh good um there we go I did just want so I need to actually replace those with dirt I don’t know if that can can that link that far

I think I can’t I don’t think I can reach no that is ranching uh what about you okay so this is all right so this is the limit of its range foreign make did become dirt you’re not becoming dirt you know what um it’s uh it’ll be good yeah everybody grow

We’re all growing we’re all happy and growing thank you thank you grow faster and I know there’s a one hi renzik if you make bread with one wheat and sugar instead of three oh oh good that’s good to know let’s see if it has that in there

It okay but it does need an alchemy table for it so that becomes less helpful um all right that’s in progress mirror iron we’re just transmuting things I did want to make myself more cool oh yeah and so this actually hold on the iron ore also becomes the Starlight metal

Um so yeah so this also become the star metal ore oh okay true the alchemy table is is the is one of the earlier ones um somebody in on the on the poll that I put up about blood magic somebody said that they were just getting into it and I think it was

I don’t think it was one of the regular people who chats that’s actually super pretty um it’s so expensive to do though Stardust wait is it gonna not yeah I need a grindstone for that marble so gold is uh what was it it was actually something pretty cheap I remember

Yeah just hay bales okay so I need to like get a farm going and a so many things to do all right I need more dirt to get a farm going but I do want to move that oh all right I’m going to get this stuff moved over can I pick this up

With a pickaxe yes um oh I apparently hadn’t picked that up yet okay intriguing to pick get the furnace get the gravity all right I’m moving all of this I really want I can move that now I can move the Wawa somewhere all right leave that for right now no what up

Self and things and things in self and it’s all very difficult for us probably need more furnaces that’s right leave one of you I’ll smell you alright and I really should just smelt the and make charcoal make charcoal instead of making coal or because that’s easier

Um I personally make myself a little bit more dirt so one two oh is that oh that is already transmuting okay good good good good good so now I’ve got this little area ah no that’s a tree in the way got this little area of transmutation

I’m sure there is an upgrade to it um I actually don’t know how to get uh don’t know how to get Mystic agriculture stuff at all this one that feels like it’s not linked no collector Crystal block I need dirt for my farm I do still think okay actually that’s

What I need to do is I make um I need to make this this sort of platform into are you not linked you’re not linked are you to a block there we go I don’t know how I actually get at Mystic agriculture stuff at all

Not only is my killing them up so mob farm doing agriculture yeah Um wait let’s see here we got I can smelt various blocks yeah no I a mob farm is always a good idea and a Skyblock I only know how to make the really awful mob farm though so he I need I need to make a better um a better one of these

Oh what do you call this thing like I need to make a better one of these where they where the thing goes and does the stuff you know so I’m so so helpful cobblestone generator I think okay we are gonna break that kind of thinking about how to do stuff there we go

Good I want to go down one more make this whole Pond uh too deep I think should I um well I need more lava to make a better I I thought that there was oh that there’s probably is a lot of a lava thing um lava comes from okay so regular stone

Bricks becomes lava so that’s easy that’s easy easy I think I can hopefully this will work um okay not gonna there we go okay I am like it’s acting like it’s gonna transmute but it’s taking a lot longer than I expected I don’t want this area All Around The Collector Crystal

To be transmutation no this isn’t even where I actually want this okay um yeah I’m gonna turn this whole like platform area into whoa kind of in this like General range because I feel like if it’s wool it won’t transmute the other stuff I’ll have to unlink those after okay so anyway

Um well that’s going on diamond pick an iron pick might be able to move the crystal um it probably depends I haven’t seen a pack where it can be moved uh so and let’s see here is it like this let’s see if I can do it

All right I went up one more than I wanted to that’s fine um maybe like that something I’m just hoping is that I don’t have a Starlight um the the the Starlight thing isn’t over underneath the collector Crystal that would be that’d be tricky but I think I can use I

I mean I think I can use the The Collector Crystal for um can I like there we go like the link going and let’s go in progress okay I’m like there use a prick just use a pick to break it but it does say level iron hmm well

I’m gonna I’m gonna do it if it tells me that it’s uh if it gives me the green light if it gives me the green green thing I’ll consider it but you know having my transmutation area there isn’t that bad yep still has an X so no nope

Well it said that it said that the braking level was iron I when they have little X’s I don’t trust them no it was broken wait can I can I fix it with a stone that’d be cool I can yay I should have made a I should actually have made a um

What do we call it ax iron should made Iron ax are you still linked over here no uh Crystal black there we go get all my get all my wool a little wool area that’ll tell me what I’m doing I’ve already forgotten how I make iron there we are

There we go getting some progress this one okay one two one two three four I like them four High um that’s gonna be an ugly roof eh now you guys come here okay do need another water is another water bucket which means ah too many things to do at once too many

Things too many things too many things too many things too many things you come here everybody come here I wonder if there was a wooden bucket this whole time nope okay good there’s the there’s an edge to the world right here I hope you don’t feel too untrusted

Who who I did not did not go for breaking the collector Crystal I’m sure well you know I’ve been finally just start start the the pack over again um probably had this iron ore this whole time cool and more smooth Stone hello why are you not transmuting okay

I feel like that’s gonna be big there we are now we’re now we’re cooking with uh transmutation or something do you reach how many of you how many things can I actually I just unlinked all the links awesome sure now now you do it now you unlink and Chris Crystal

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 16 17 18 19. 20. hopefully some of those will be good that is human dream seed not uh I am going to actually do some charcoal first foreign ly things progress I do actually want you to be there because I want you to all be cool make myself a little wool platform of transmutation really kiddo yeah we need to get you some breakfast too don’t we yeah I know

You can get some stuff from your stack jar for just for the moment something another do you need more okay I need to like look up a good format for a cobblestone generator get your food I’m using my stone at pickaxe to get rid of it um like a little more dirt

I should be able to leave that dirt and not have it go one more no bored because iron ax where do I want to actually put the Cobblestone generators the other question um okay there we are guess second bucket here yes you have so that water no problem correct Crystal

You you are going to be the water it’s bad water bad tasting Oh weird because I like I literally just poured that before I sat down here I’m sorry I tastes bad I’ve tried biomancy the mod being a I’d have Ender to start the mod oh gosh that’s uh

Not an early sort of game although uh yeah so like depending on what mods you had there are there are times where you can like get blaze rods by like sifting dust and stuff not rods um blaze powder so I guess for some some mod packs that wouldn’t be so bad I

Kind of am not trusting this can I unlike that uh oh why why do that and unlink um instead well I can just do like this okay I’m not sure I went for the one in the tree when I could literally just do like that there that hopefully that’ll do a thing um

Need some more okay progress efficient kind start putting some stuff away I’m not even sure thank you gonna have some of the soda oh wait I forgot I have to open it yes but also you were also starting to pour it really weirdly so Cleaves it became Water right

Okay I will break it after I can make a ring of magnetism from the one one mod I just want this to be what it was it was it was water I know I don’t we that I definitely made water with this and now it is not making water with us

I just unlinked all the links thanks self okay fine fine fine sure I I don’t even I don’t even understand what this um one two and now and and and and and why what okay that what I don’t maybe I don’t want it to be no okay foreign

Blocking why are you not Source blocking you go here you go here there we go okay something like that but a block below the middle oh yeah you’re right that was it hi Anne please do not hit me with the Thai snake child no that’s child stop hitting Meek oh that worked

That that’s that’s me okay we’ve got a pond got a pond got upon got a pond there we go thank you for testing that out in your astral in in this in the world that’s very useful to know um I am wondering if you tested it in the same pack because things behave

Differently in different packs you know I definitely have had talks where it did not behave like that yeah something like that um I’m actually going to need the squid so I’m going to need water flowing like below y60 gonna die gonna fall to my death and die

I probably need to actually need to go down in general anyway because the mod mob Farms are better lower but not firms were convenient higher so there we go a little Pond no oh no no no no no no no oh no no no this is a frozen ocean

Ah this is gonna be the worst okay um yep yep I’m in a frozen ocean biome which means everything ah just through my uh oh torches like a place but Will the Torches work if they’re like not right on the ice I don’t I didn’t think that that’s there we go grab some of that right now okay next to the water all right oh it does okay so there is the pickle the pickle tweaks yeah so let’s try

I’m not I don’t like this biome the grass is ugly and it’s mean to me all right something like that and we’ll come out this way for my beautiful Farm beautiful it would be so gorgeous now the torch there ah it’s so ugly it’s okay um

Oh that’s not where I want that one that’s a good idea I think you’re right changing the biome being able to change the bile I could change it to a oh that’d be Nifty you can choose which biome you can change it to right so

Yeah I actually do want that one to go I’ll put it yeah I need more of these I could grow bone meal now but uh do a wheel now that terrifying place is going to kill me I feel like this one’s not linked here we go hold on

Is there actually a sun in the sky so there’s no there’s no moon there is no moon and there is no sun that’s that’s that’s interesting okay keep making more dirt I need to figure out a uh considering there’s no stars either acid yep yep that’s

I’m hoping I’m not seeing any kind of stars because I don’t have anything in astral sorcery yet that’s what I’m I’m hoping um but uh we get if there are no if there are no stars then there can’t be constellations and it’s it’s it’s it’ll be an issue yeah that is for sure

I want to grow what did I do with that okay there we are um what I’m hoping is is that I can just make this go let’s see clear history so I don’t know what stage of growth like this is supposed to become they’re not really responding are they okay uh no Crystal Crystal so the weed seeds are supposed to become um The stuff paper supposed to become paper oh and there’s definitely more advanced furnaces because they do have like the watering can things so uh yeah they do have did you have the the classic mystical agriculture thing I wonder if I need to make uh constellation papers

It’s okay so I could all right so definitely have to go to um so blood magic is basically how you get your constellation papers faster than sorcery that’s preempty yeah well that’s why I was so that’s why I tried linking on these guys uh but it wasn’t it wasn’t responding okay well let’s

Start over again oops there I think I’m in range of that possibly fully grown yeah let’s see I mean it said wheat seeds but you know it also told me I got a water bucket so it may be a lie oh yep you’re right it’s definitely it’s definitely

Full it’s definitely a growth issue because that is getting way more sparkly now that now that’s fully grown come on we’re growing wheat we’re growing thank you good wheat um Let this keep going okay but it broke it because it was on Farmland that’s fine that one didn’t break that’s funny oh there it goes and we’re going to unlink everybody actually do I want to be on this set yeah sure whatever come on girl girl

Wait no that’s right I was just playing a pack where you where you where you held shift so I was trying that and of course that didn’t work because that’s not how that works in this panic Oops well sadness kind of weird that that one’s not like there’s water right here oh there it goes if you sprint it also grows faster okay good good good I end up not using the Sprint as much uh just because of the chance of me sprinting off of the island um

But definitely good to know okay shifting does not drain hunger though it does activate sticky keys I’ve actually deactivated the activating sticky keys thing on my computer because I was doing that to myself a lot so I also like the fact I can like mine and shift

Like I can’t run around and Break Stuff but I can um yeah shifting that what you missed was I got sugar canes yay and I made my house slightly better the dirt is not going to turn into wool because I already have the wool protecting it from so the wool since it

Can’t become grass so it can’t become wool and it’s okay slightly yeah well I mean it’s I need to make okay I want to make the farm bigger it’s like a little bit of everything if everything all at once so this will be the farm area somehow

And that’s also why I’m only doing a three by three of the wool even though I’ve got a four by four area that I could be doing um it has a two block rate but I thought I thought it still had to at least be like corner corner

Um like I thought it had to at least like be touching on the corners to do I shall find out I mean worse comes the worst I’ll just get some wolf I’ll get some wolf sometime it’ll be it’ll I I feel like I’m gonna get wool

More slowly just because even if it does spread it’s going to have trouble spreading quite that far that fast um one two three four one two three four yeah that’s all right and I’m gonna move this torch two here and here there we go something like that

I mean the water hasn’t been freezing since I’ve been down the Torches so good call good call I need to start some bacon cooking um it’s always like tricky there we are a whole Farm yay to celebrate I will dance I will dance about my farm

It has been one hour yeah that is my usual time frame okay I’m going to look up how to make a good um cobblestone generator and I think that’ll be a good that’ll be a good place to stop because I do need to I need to make food for my family

Do you grow sad these do not grow yep I shall call it here thanks for stopping by

This video, titled ‘Sky Alchemist: Start’, was uploaded by MineCraftingMom on 2023-05-14 03:03:54. It has garnered 141 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:47 or 6527 seconds.

Goal: learn Turtlemancy

Start: There’s an Astral Sorcery collector crystal on this island, what can it do?

Magical Modded Minecraft has some of the prettiest mods. by Monique focuses on the magic of Transmutation. My Goal is to Transform into a powerful Turtlemancer

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  • Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!

    Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring The Wonderful World Of Minecraft Magic Mods’, was uploaded by anlog on 2024-04-24 01:26:51. It has garnered 1619 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. Thank You For Watching! Second Scripted Video, Hope Ive Improved Some!! Outro Song Screen Recorder Video Editor Music Used: Sources:’s%20name%20and%20fame%20were,expanding%20on%20in-world%20structures. (yes i do not care that imma just cite wikipedia) Videos Used… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More


    "JOINING DEADLIST SMP, EPIC SWORD ACTION! #viral" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i joined this deadlist SMP Sword SMP #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by FivemateYT on 2024-03-21 12:35:51. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Waterfall Discovery – Found Secret Treasure! #mindblown

    EPIC Waterfall Discovery - Found Secret Treasure! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thrilling Waterfall Exploration Uncovers Hidden Prize #minecraft #learningminecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Jamza313 on 2024-01-04 13:19:26. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. In this video, . Enjoy! Minecraft educational gameplay, Fun Minecraft learning activities, Educational Minecraft tutorials, Creative building in Minecraft for kids, Learning math with Minecraft, Minecraft science experiments for children, Exploring history in Minecraft, Minecraft coding for kids, Art and design in Minecraft, Minecraft geography lessons Read More

  • SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvP

    SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Tiki” | Minecraft PvP’, was uploaded by sxbaswhy! on 2024-02-09 22:00:07. It has garnered 43 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:36 or 96 seconds. Like y Sub (: Tags hechos por Baifo: IGNORAR baifo, yipix, tomix leaderboards, clickero, sussano, daof, cdbs, jeremyasg, tahmn, shurroxd, shurro, top 3 minemen 0 losses, top 1 minemen, abif, woney, k0xar0, koxaro, vegard, tier s chilean, leaan vs staind, blackzide, how to beat leaderboard players, blackzide, jp2k16, ipraise, haxlux, staind vs marcel, potpvp tier list 2022, potpvp tier list 2021, potpvp tier list, potpvp… Read More

  • Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft Gameplay

    Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играй на самой лучшей Анархии FMC #minecraft #майнкрафт #анархия’, was uploaded by Swisher on 2024-01-07 12:33:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, in minecraft, mine, games, facts, trolling, compote, video minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    INSANE LIVE MINECRAFT CYBERGAMES 🔥 #LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 AO VIVO CYBERGAMES MINECRAFT 🔥 #LIVE #CYBERGAMES’, was uploaded by CYBER GAMES on 2024-04-04 19:43:47. It has garnered 343 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 09:32:47 or 34367 seconds. LIVE ON! #freefire #freefireaovivo #cybergames #aovivo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ lili.lilllili.lili. DEIXA O LIKE E COMPARTILHE ili.lillili.illi. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💥AJUDE O CANAL💥 🔴 LIVE EVERY DAY 🏃🏻 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (VIVI ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 VIVI: 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (SCAMMER ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 SCAMMER: 💥WANT TO KNOW WHO DOES MY THUMBNAILS?… Read More

  • “Ramix’s insane Minecraft bed trap!” 🛏️

    "Ramix's insane Minecraft bed trap!" 🛏️Video Information This video, titled ‘La trampa definitiva de camas en Minecraft! 🛏️’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-01-13 00:00:02. It has garnered 270746 views and 36950 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: → Twitch: → Instagram: → Discord: #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-06 08:52:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. the amazing digital circus, minecraft, pomni, minecraft the amazing digital circus, fuziondroid, mcpe, digital circus, jax, caine, the … Read More

  • HityCraft

    HityCraftHola a todos, voy a crear un de server de Minecraft survival con un montón de personas, Todo el mundo vivirá en una base donde estará su hogar y sus construcciones, También habrá clanes que seria como bases pero compartidas con varia gente (5 o 6 personas). Si os interesa entrar la IP es: Pero aun no podréis hasta el día 9 martes Normas: No está permitido hacer spam (publicidad de cualquier cosa) sin autorización de la administración. Usa un lenguaje correcto y educado, respeta a los demás y evita los insultos, ofensas y faltas de respeto, Evita escribir… Read More

  • MineVoid Anarchy – Semi-Vanilla PvP No Rules

    Welcome to MineVoid Anarchy MineVoid Anarchy is a new Minecraft server offering an authentic vanilla experience. We aim to stay close to vanilla gameplay and minimize Admin involvement. Join us on the server or Discord! Created on: 04/16/2024 Features: No Anti Cheat (may change in the future) Dupe plugin temporarily installed No rules, minimal Admin interaction Connect with Us: IP Address: Discord Invite: Join our Discord Read More

  • KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ

    KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ Read More

  • Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥

    Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥 “Who needs real friends when you can have a whole squad of blocky buddies in Minecraft? #FriendshipGoals #MinecraftIsLife” Read More

  • Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft!

    Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 20w10a: Smithing Table and Hoe Finally Useful! A new snapshot of the Nether Update for Minecraft, the 20w10a, has been released! This update brings significant changes, making the smithing table and hoe much more useful. Additionally, there are new ambient sounds in the Nether, adding to its eerie atmosphere. Smithing Table Upgrade The smithing table, previously a redundant block, now serves a clear purpose in the game. It functions similarly to an anvil but is specifically used to upgrade diamond gear directly. This enhancement allows players to retain enchantments on their diamond gear, making it a valuable… Read More

  • Unleashing Dark Powers in Medieval Minecraft | MysticArorah

    Unleashing Dark Powers in Medieval Minecraft | MysticArorahVideo Information [Music] [Music] hey [Music] n [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] all right hello everyone my here and we’re starting with this screen here because we have um because we have Origins to choose and actually I already know what version that I’m going to choose but um if you guys have any if you guys want me to choose a different origin then I can but yeah so we got first off we have wood elf and then we got Goblin um Goblin and then we got arid which is spider um we got shul related to shers… Read More

  • Making a Flying Ship in Minecraft Steampunk

    Making a Flying Ship in Minecraft SteampunkVideo Information [Music] is [Music] welcome to a dream [Music] everybody ah okay so welcome welcome welcome jyz welcome Kyle I I got the ship in the air we’re like ready to go right now this second leave our home for a while we’ll be back it is our home after all not for a [Music] while he it’s some very small improvements to the base quickly over I added a wall here upstairs and made it a little more comfortable everything has a wall between some extra detailing the pond the furnace this is our emergency supply of fuel… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars gameplay with fans LIVE!

    Insane Bedwars gameplay with fans LIVE!Video Information [संगीत] यो यो न टक अब मी लाइक आ लाक लाइक थक अब मी आ लाइक द आ लाइक टक अब मी लाइक आ लाक आ लाइक थक अब ए आ लाइक आ लाइक मेरा मु निई तो भाई तेरा भी हाईलो लगी है चोट जिससे जाके थोड़ा साइड रो आया फम में आने वाला साइक्लोन ब्रो पता इने भी सब मेरे बारे खाने वालान में डरे बैठे सारे व कहानिया तो बहुत सही मारे बचे सब फ मेरे बजे गाने ये तो शुरू वाली हाइप है आ लाइक आई लाइक मेरे भाई सारे साइक है आ लाइक… Read More

  • Uncover Frozen Treasures in Nerdtles! | Minecraft Let’s Play Part 19

    Uncover Frozen Treasures in Nerdtles! | Minecraft Let's Play Part 19Video Information hey guys welcome to Shell and we’re back with some more Minecraft I think today is the day we’re going to go over and explore that mountainous region that I found whenever I picked up Normandy and then I think next episode we’re going to go looking for another Fortress we’re not quite to the point where I need the nether fortress but I will eventually need it and it may take us a while to find one so I’d rather go ahead and start looking um yeah I need way more ender uh ender pearls to uh… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Firelight Drawing Challenge

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Firelight Drawing ChallengeVideo Information Minecraft but you draw My World this world is completely flat but coloring The Village will make a village appear which means I need to draw my entire world back sorry if I paint this awesome looking sword my sword will appear what if I draw the biggest base in the whole world that didn’t turn out quite how I wanted it to what if I made the most powerful Warden ever a run what’s this a new brush wo this brush just made me a professional painter dinky I can finally draw myself some friends uh that… Read More

  • Ultimate Prank: Transforming into OP MOBS!

    Ultimate Prank: Transforming into OP MOBS!Video Information today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to ruin that by traking him as a bush of super op bses but first we’re going to be a super cute little penguin that is actually super dangerous don’t let his cute looks fool you because he’s going to absolutely destroy you so let’s see what Dino is doing so we can figure out what to prank as first oh but I want to catch super big fishies today and I don’t want to catch two I want to catch all of them he wants… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Survival Stream – UNBELIEVABLE Moments!

    INSANE Minecraft Survival Stream - UNBELIEVABLE Moments!Video Information Угу [музыка] Угу угу так Алло алло проверка звука алло алло алло алло алло о всё нормально так угу Ага ага угу так Ладно всё разучивают у тебя выключит всё [музыка] всё охуел осуждаю нельзя ти если я не буду с Всё я мучусь тогда всё всё я замучился он нас офигел что что это было за выражение Я сказал Нельзя мы как бы снимаемся если что нам запрещено он на съёмках А мы на стриме нельзя подавать плохой е же снимать я пошёл водички налью да ё х не старша Сейчас секунду я понял ничка ой Ванечка… Read More

  • Unbelievable Combos: ZA & Fortnite…🔴

    Unbelievable Combos: ZA & Fortnite...🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘ZA & FORTNITE… 🔴’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-03-13 18:31:03. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. cashapp $jahdawn7 iff u wanna support #hungergames #prison #lunarclient #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars… Read More

Sky Alchemist: Start