Sky Factory 4 Ep1! My First Time Playing Skyblock!?! Modded Minecraft Skyblock, Survival Lets Play!

Video Information

Foreign [Laughter] so much I would sing along but I don’t know the lyrics laughs what is up the world of the living my name is welcome back to Sky Factory with the truly better crew everybody say yeah yeah this is a brand new modded server that we started in which is kind of bizarre

Because this is Java and like but you know the brand is called true bedok so whatever we’ll figure it out as we go uh working with Liara Jesse slack foxy silent system bistom and myself and we’re playing Sky Factory for rispered stone okay I’m literally right here oh I don’t see you

So each of us gets their own Island their own progressions their own everythings but naturally we can bridge over to one another and to collaborate or elaborate or do whatever the heck we want basically it’s just an SMP but running the Sky Factory mod pack but

This might work or we might all end up on the same person’s Island but at three two one go all of us it’s free real estate anyone fancy explaining what Sky Factory 4 is and briefly how it works I would if I had any idea yeah I have no idea

My first question is why is why is my tree Brown yeah it’s a dirt tree it’s a dirt so you start out with resource trees so the point of this is to uh upgrade with basically upgrading your saplings and you start out with just your little

Island and you have to kind of figure it out from there it’s a it’s a lot of fun and we have a advancements are going into the void yeah that’s not good I don’t know how to craft anything [Laughter] what do we do with dirt acorns and they’re saplings

Oh by the way uh Crouch rapidly whenever you plant a sapling that’s one thing I never modded any minute yeah you have to twerk on the trees that’s the one thing everybody knows about modded cleanse at the stop link with your butt we’re all demonetized so you can get

More dirt then by crafting is it the acorns and the uh oh cool uh quick question what do I do if I broke my only dot block suffer yeah I’m whooped I’m proper looped everyone I don’t think I can do literally anything nope you would uh you would need foxy to

Give you a new island if your dirt’s gone or did I just give him a new piece of dirt that would be a little yeah wasted dough why why can’t you I’ve fallen and I can’t get up I don’t know the trees are in one piece of dirt

There’s literally one point to this pack and that is don’t fall on the void I think we’re just leaving floating for a while let’s developer to me my coordinates are a thousand by a thousand uh see you around in like 20 hours silent from the future here with a little bit more more

Information about this series so first of all this is modded Minecraft on Java Edition the entire point of the series is just to have fun and shenanigans and derps and just kind of like take a little bit of a vacation and a little bit of the break from the grind of

Vanilla Minecraft and just enjoy some good old Skyblock I mean look at these galaxies and also the moon’s broke because well well you guys know how it goes by now you can’t trust us in moons so Moon’s broke if you are enjoying the series and you want to see more of it

Posted here on the main Channel make sure to leave a like on the video and or subscribe and share around the videos and just in general watch the videos as well if the series it does poorly here on the main Channel then it’s gonna get posted onto the second Channel just like

How we did with valhall Zia by the way this is not the first time that we’ve ever played modern Minecraft we did valhasia with zloy and the aura a few months back in 2020 and that was pretty fun you can see that on the second channel so yeah if the series performs

Poorly on the main channel it’s just going to be posted onto the second Channel as well just to not you know completely tank the main Channel because YouTube is weird like that one video or a series of videos that does poorly will completely ruin the analytics and the

Viewership of all the other videos which makes no sense but you know what that is the world that we live in so if you notice that the videos are doing poorly is specifically this video then go subscribe to the second Channel because more episodes will be posted over there

This first episode is a lot more collabby because of course you know it’s the first episode on the new server so we want to make sure that everyone knows kind of how things are going and what to do so the next episodes will still be heavily co-lab focused but there’s going

To be quite a bit of just me doing my own thing as well progressing through the game doing different things figuring out modern Minecraft for the second time in my life and it’ll be interesting so I hope that you do enjoy by the series like genuinely I hope that you do enjoy

It and let’s get back to the episode I I have a Chinese lawyer sitting on my head really what what I literally have no other way of explaining I’ll I’ll put a screenshot in Discord but there is no other way to just describe my current situation

His statue didn’t you when he died oh yeah he died and you stole his corpse vein Miner nicest thing ever yes while you’re mining yes Vine Miner literally the one good feature about Java Edition I mean what it’s modern anyway exactly so it does use many of your Foods though I believe

Oh yeah yeah this is a fine sacrifice you can have um I have no shortage of response I have three pieces of dirt you’re now in heavy competition Mister no tail economy yeah that explains Sky Factory hey so there’s this really fun thing that you can do if

You look at the slab platform that you’re building and you hold Tilda and break one of the slabs um yeah so you guys are being smart you’re saying slab platform me full blocks oh my gosh every single one anyone stuck in a desert I am in cold tiger Hills I’m in

A swamp my name you get do you get slime then silent oh great I’m gonna swamp I’m in a swamp as well oh no now I have competition slime well you’re you’re right next to me silent we could Corner the market ah we’re in the shopping district yeah

Make sure that you pay attention to where you are because some places it’s not gonna rain so you can’t get water uh other places animals won’t spawn so that’s the thing but yeah where where is the shopping district I need to know where to make capitalism work actually that makes that oh no

Here they go already I need to take over the meme economy of dirt and slime so the crooks not work after they get zero durability or is this just uh no it’s okay it breaks but it doesn’t go away so you can just mend it and stuff okay well you can repair it

With sticks that’s that actually is fine okay because you know trapping more sticks to an item with duct tape right exactly I put more sticks on my stick I’m trying to think all the sticks broke off of my stick so I added more sticks to it so a thousand

Divided by two equals 500 right and then divided by four equals 125. of course if you’re doing math yes and if you’re wondering why I’m trying to figure that out well you’re figuring out how many slabs you need to get to silence yeah I was actually wondering like how many

Logs I need and like if it’s doable at all 25 trees that’s not that many trees that’s not that many trees actually yeah this this sounds incredibly doable okay so how many trees do I need to build a giant wall to keep you from bridging here

I’m just genuinely glad that he is as far from me as possible because I’ve already spent one one Sky Block with him I don’t need to be in another one okay so a question what exactly do we actually do besides build platform of dirt and dirt tree that’s what the

Advancement book for oh I I don’t I don’t read you have no excuse it’s it’s mostly icons in it I don’t like picture books they scare me I have no idea how I’m gonna edit this because like there’s literally zero things I would cut out yeah

Either way my videos are always so long okay how do you repair axes do you need planks oh you need planks mud tools off the side and then make a new ones why yeah some fancy tools I’m just vein mining everything with my fist I know it now it says durability

By the way you can stand in the middle of like a five by five of dirt and just twerk your heart desire and they’ll all grow I shall now open the advancement book and oh my God this is scary can you make a wooden furnace or does that just like not make

The sense that’s a chest you did that’s why I was asking I put some saplings in it and jumped on it and I got water oh look at you so wait a minute I can’t I can’t do anything with the water though it’s just in a tub and I’m looking at it

But you know it looks nice adds a little bit of color to this very dreary brown dirt platform I think you can make bowls and transfer it from one thing to another using that oh I almost severely messed up I nearly put all my saplings in there man this series is already gone

Yeah this series got twists and churns already okay so it’s Loya exactly precisely how many logs do we need to bridge to one another okay it’s a very precise number thank you according to my conclusions all of them pretty calculations yes okay because somebody wanted to put us a thousands

Here I think I’m not safe to suffocate yourself intrigued yeah I need to stop you don’t have to stand on the tree what you don’t have to stand on the tree to make it grow you can stand quite far away from it in fact you can stand like

Eight blocks away thank you I’m just leaving that window open that sucks actually sorry I misspoke you have to stand directly on top of it yeah I don’t like the idea of how you’re going to get bone marrow just saying I ain’t figured that out yet oh crap

Composter how to make a gravel stop like uh gravel Acorn right how do you get a gravel Acorn from a gravel tree exactly that’s where I’m at I’m like um how do I Advance father a clay sapling okay how do you make a glass half look

No I love how they’re like clay acorns what is the one resource that’s like incredibly hard to farm in regular Minecraft uh trees yeah that’s right let’s make trees the basis of for this one yeah okay clay sampling I got one of those two of those

And now I need to go back to aggressive crouching I mean the Gravelly coin hey how’d you do that do that that’s not fair you’re not allowed to do that hold on back up a second throw that in the void tell us how to do it

Okay you know how you have a question you can’t bring enough to show yeah put your petrified acorns into the crushing table and jump on them and then it will give you uh gravel acorns I got like so many materials guys I’m like so prepared you should just

Like give up now because I have like all the things again not the competition I was severeign we literally have like an entire series of competitions on on the main server and like trophies for people who complete the competition God flippant I don’t know stop did you did you make some bottom slabs

So that you’re not gonna have things spawning on it I was just thinking I did okay good I’m not doing that because that sounds like a lot of effort he’s like can you make that jump oh no Lee I need a little bit of help here because raisins what is happening

I can’t I don’t have any yeah but no no no I’m getting hacker I’m getting you stay there okay stay there stay there yeah you just make them out of uh clay bricks I know Hey so uh if you’re perpetually falling from the sky because someone may

Have vein minored your platform you can easily you can aim just aim at my bridge you can land them oh my God I may mind his face yes thanks to somebody and now I don’t have any wood to bridge back to my grave foreign [Laughter] it’s gonna be my whole day yes get used to it okay so how do you open the graves without all of your items literally just going to the void uh I think you just stand on it they don’t get loads of your items you just right click them and they

Go directly to inventory you know for some reason I have a severe lack of trust guys that’s my experience with them at least and I’m the one who died the most so you’d think I would know what I’m talking about yeah that’s fair this Loy and the power

Of bridging tunneling and or just in general existing very dangerous I know right yeah I can’t believe you vein minor my platform I can’t I can’t believe you fell for it I can’t believe anything to vein mine are yours before you even my or mine right

I was entirely expecting you to a bridge over only to uh split me instantly no like I was actually being a nice person and a good friend and like saying hi to you and then like yeah my platform [Laughter] Phoenix tracks shows what I get for

Being a decent human being it’s called a trust exercise now that you exercise your trust you know full well not to trust me instead of a trust fall it’s a trust fail with lots of following involved because you know zoy what are you doing over

Here go right away I brought you slobs I wanted to like apologize and whatnot but you just seem to be doing pretty good for yourself outside of fusion I have a torch one look this is the secret zoy you gotta Crouch as your vein mining oh no I’m inside of a tree

Yeah I figured this never happened to me before I was I did shot several saplings at once yeah I got none of these going to grouchy not a single one like I needed this entire time like me like again I want you to appreciate the dedication yeah I’m over here innovating and automating

Um I think Purity is the one’s actually automating things from it but you know oh I’m automating because I have his lawyer now I crashed a bunch of gravel and like oh it’s raining oh no it’s nose here oh no yeah I mean I’m sorry for your loss hold

On are we actually having fun in Minecraft this isn’t allowed find a bug I don’t know what you’re talking about I need to yeah I need to find a bug it’s been it’s been more than 20 minutes where’s my bugs at hidden behind all the modded foreign To get there first so quite a while has passed the sense we split up with the group we now have a bridge that literally goes a thousand blocks over to zoys I walked over there he doesn’t really have much because like the entire thing that he did was just to like get

To me and then kill me it was great so we need to find a solution to getting to everyone’s bases like quickly and we don’t really have that much of a Teleport system in this mod pack we have the teleports from mechanism but this is going to take

Quite a while to build up to especially because you know all we got is these little tree things it’s not like terribly terribly expensive but it also requires power and power generation it’s just gonna take a while to get working so I’m gonna try and convince him to

Start basing like maybe 50 blocks away and then we can work together and have some fun times together and then we’ll need to figure out how to get to spawn as well basically just build another giant bridge going all the way to spawn but that can wait because maybe we might

Want to do another highway system I did just Farm myself a whole bunch of the obsidian really easy to get you put some of the Cobblestone into the brick of cauldron instantly turns into lava click on that with some water bam you got yourself some obsidian and now we can

Build ourselves another portal I believe fire spreads is on so that’ll be a pretty easy task we also have these little Bonsai pots with some mulch in them so this basically automatically grows at trees for you you can just right click on that with an ax that’ll

Harvest the tree and replant it you get logs and sticks and little bits of resin and little acorns from it the trees regrow pretty much pretty fast and then I’ve also got a bunch of other resource trees so we got all the way up to the lapis tree and the little Quest book

Here as you can see we’ve done all the way over lapis I gotta build myself a tinker’s construct like smeltry and I don’t really want to do that but I do have the materials for it so I’m going to build a community one that way no one else needs to go through

The pain and suffering of building up a tanker’s construct smell tree because it took me like 30 minutes or more just to get the materials to get the grout to build the bricks anyway so we got ourselves some lapis saplings some sand some Cottonwood which basically just gives you string and then

We also got clay saplings which I had to farm a lot of sorry these ones are more sand saplings we got bone saplings gravel gravel dirt I got up too cool and then we have some apple saplings as well for Apple trays and that’s how we got so

Much food so I’ve just been kind of farming away in these things you can see that I put a little bit of mulch inside of these and this actually makes things grow 142 percent faster now you can do a lot with this mulch uh do I know how to

Spell mulch mulch you can get like this blue mulch which makes things grow a thousand percent faster and increases the drop Chance by 350 percent but of course that’s an entire crafting tree you gotta go all the way down the line and this is kind of ridiculous so that

Is like a long-term project there and that’s really all there is to it you can make this stuff automated as well that way you’re just automating all of your resources furthermore there’s some like resource Hogs so you can have pigs that give you different resources kind of

Like the chickens or resource cows from other mod packs there is a lot of possibilities combine those possibilities with the truly Bedrock crew and we have ourselves many many Shenanigans and many many fun times and I’m really looking forward to it in the next episode I think we’re either going

To go to the Nether and try and set up some infrastructure and there and or get ourselves some mob Farms passive mob Farms or nether Farms or just like more farms in general I need all the items at all times and I will not give up until I

Have every single item in the game also like we have an entire Quest book that we need to complete we’re actually doing pretty well on the beginner stuff however there’s all love these ones and all of these ones cows in a bottle great and then there’s all of these well bonds

And then all of those and all of these and all of this this looks complicated it’s animated that’s how you know it’s complicated so uh yeah we we got lots of things to do also all the things oh my God LOL yeah basically that’s uh that’s the age of all the things [Laughter]

Oh I’m looking forward to this series are as well do it for episode one of Sky Factory four here on Java Edition modded I hope that you have enjoyed if you did and then consider leaving a like on the video it is a great way to support the

Video and the channel as a whole if you enjoyed the video also consider subscribing or maybe sharing the video around with all those who you think might enjoy it too and I’ll see you all down in the comment section and in the next one and then there was silence oh also I

Have no idea what I’m doing in modded please help me tell me good things in the comments thank you

This video, titled ‘Sky Factory 4 Ep1! My First Time Playing Skyblock!?! Modded Minecraft Skyblock, Survival Lets Play!’, was uploaded by silentwisperer on 2021-03-01 20:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Welcome to a BRAND NEW Modded Minecraft Series! The Truly Bedrock crew will be playing sky factory 4 and treating it as a …

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    🔥 Insane MCPE Theme Fantasy & Survival Quests! 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP ADDON MCPE Tema Fantasy Dan Quest Untuk Survival Di Minecraft (1.20.50 – 1.20.62)’, was uploaded by Pastaz ID on 2024-03-02 11:00:25. It has garnered 32893 views and 1272 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:43 or 463 seconds. Thank you to all of you who always support me on YouTube. Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBCRIBE. . And don’t forget to follow my IG and TikTok: Instagram: pastazid_ | TikTok : pastaz_id / pastaz id ^_^ thank you all, enjoy watching my streams and videos… ————————– ————————————————– ————————————————– ———– MCPEDL :… Read More

  • Insane! Watch me conquer my automated tree farm!

    Insane! Watch me conquer my automated tree farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘Finishing My Automatic Tree Farm’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-10 10:05:02. It has garnered 11948 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:07 or 15307 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More

  • EPIC Clash: Bluey’s Secure House vs Giant Bluey in Minecraft!

    EPIC Clash: Bluey's Secure House vs Giant Bluey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Little Bingo Most Secure House vs Giant Bluey in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-05-25 10:39:23. It has garnered 3664 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:29 or 3689 seconds. Little Bingo Most Secure House vs Giant Bluey in Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heelerand, Bluey, Bingo heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More


    ULTIMATE LUCKY BLOCK STAFF vs. COFFIN DANCE SONG! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Lucky Block Staff – Animation vs. Minecraft Coffin Dance Song (COVER) ASTRONOMIA. Vol 2’, was uploaded by SMART PUZZLES on 2024-01-08 22:00:58. It has garnered 543 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Lucky Block Staff – Animation vs. Minecraft Coffin Dance Song (COVER) ASTRONOMIA. Vol 2 #smartpuzzles #coffindance #shorts Original video Read More

  • Silvermoon Modded Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 English

    Silvermoon Modded Fabric Server Silvermoon is a small modded fabric server with a vanilla-friendly approach. Currently hosting 2-3 players, looking to grow to 5-10 players. Version: 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.7 To download the mods, please join our Discord: List of Notable Mods: Fabric Seasons: Trees change color and terrain in different seasons Terralith, Amplified Nether, Better End: Unique terrain generation for each dimension Xaero’s Minimap + World Map Various Structure Mods: Adds new structures to the world AdventureZ, Graveyard: Introduces new mobs and bosses End Remastered: Unique end pearl locations for exploration Lootr: Player-specific loot in chests Tiered:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My villagers hate Mondays!

    Looks like this raider is really taking “villager trades” to a whole new level! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Skeletons 🔥😂

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Skeletons 🔥😂 Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! 💥 #minecraft #meme Read More

  • AnTime: Anarchic Server with Magic!

    AnTime: Anarchic Server with Magic! Welcome to AnTime – A New Anarchic Server with Magic! Are you tired of mundane servers where donations are everywhere, cheaters abound, and aggressive players ruin the fun? Look no further than AnTime – a server where anarchy meets magic, creating a unique gaming experience. This swiftly evolving server, led by a student programmer, is set to open on June 11, 2024, and promises a version 1.16.5 experience like no other. What Sets AnTime Apart? AnTime is a server with a vision, even before its grand opening. Despite limited funding, the server boasts unique features that set it apart… Read More

  • Minecraft EXPERT Survives Day 1?! #1

    Minecraft EXPERT Survives Day 1?! #1Video Information तो आज मैं खेलने वाला हूं मा और मेरा टास्क है मुझे बनाना है एक घर बेड और कुछ सामान तो इस वीडियो को पूरा एंड तक जरूर देखना ये काफी जदा मजेदार वीडियो नहीं है तो चलिए स्टार्ट करते हैं बका वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल प्रो प्लेयर 102 हम आ चुके हैं इस माफ्ट के वर्ल्ड में तो जल्दी से हम चलते हैं यार वुड तोड़ते हैं क्योंकि हमें वुड सबसे पहले चाहिए होगी कुछ टूल्स बनाने पड़ेंगे और उसके बाद स्टोन कठा करेंगे तो मेरा टास्क है मुझे एक घर बनाना है और मुझे सामान… Read More

  • Is Mini World the New Minecraft?

    Is Mini World the New Minecraft?Video Information തോണ്ടി തോണ്ടി തോണ്ടി പോകാൻ വരട്ടെ നിങ്ങളെ വട്ടാക്കുന്ന ഒരു മൈൻക്രാഫ്റ്റ് വീഡിയോ ഞാൻ കാണിച്ചു തരാം ഓക്കേ മൈൻക്രാഫ്റ്റിന്റെ ഒരു മിനി ബേസ് ഒരു മിനി ബേസ് ആണ് നമ്മൾ ശരിക്കും നമ്മൾ ഇതിനകത്ത് എന്താ ചെയ്യുന്നത് അത് ദാ ഡോർ ഒന്ന് പുറത്താക്കുമ്പോൾ ആ വേൾഡിലോട്ട് എത്തും ബാക്കിയുള്ള സാധനങ്ങളൊക്കെ നമുക്ക് വലുതായിട്ട് ഫീൽ ചെയ്യും [സംഗീതം] പൊളിയല്ലേ വെള്ളം [സംഗീതം] എടുക്കുന്നു എന്നിട്ട് ഈ ഒരു മിനി വേൾഡിനകത്തുള്ള സാധനങ്ങൾ ആ ഡോർ ഒന്ന് അകത്ത് കേറുമ്പോൾ നമ്മുടെ ആക്ച്വൽ വേൾഡിന്റെ അകത്ത് കൊണ്ട് സ്റ്റോർ ചെയ്ത് വയ്ക്കും കണ്ടില്ലേ ആ ഫർണസിൽ [സംഗീതം] ഇട്ടുവെച്ച് വല്ലം മനസ്സിലായോ ഇത് വല്ല മോഡ് ആണോ അത് എനിക്ക് ഭ്രാന്താണോ സോ ഇതുപോലത്തെ വട്ടി പിടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന വീഡിയോസിനായി ചാനൽ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ This video, titled ‘Minecraft ൻ്റ Mini World ആണോ ഇത്? 😂… Read More

  • LaserJack DOMINATES Minecraft MLG! #epic

    LaserJack DOMINATES Minecraft MLG! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best MLG #minecraft #mlg #minecraftmlg’, was uploaded by laserJack on 2024-04-29 15:13:13. It has garnered 10052 views and 184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Hi, I’m laserJack and I’ll show you hacks, tips and tricks for Minecraft. ✌️ Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Survival with Friends ft. DamianTheRabbit 🐰💥

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Survival with Friends ft. DamianTheRabbit 🐰💥Video Information what you’re a warden are you at ancient city or something how did bro ACD Spa a ward bro what was that his magic trick does it say it’s I have like like I went no bro I don’t even go mining that much I it’s because I got get had to be why is [Music] dark yeah [Music] I’m already live I I changed my schedule um it’s the same thing just it’s the same is the same thing just streams on Monday just because on Monday uh I stay home I was just GNA do it… Read More

  • Uncovering SECRET 10K Diamond in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Uncovering SECRET 10K Diamond in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft diamond 10K on 2024-03-02 19:31:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – You won’t believe what happens!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - You won't believe what happens!Video Information e oh my God bro I’m trying to like set up the stream right now and right in front of me like my entire house just blew up what are these goofballs doing what the hell okay hold up you guys got to see this oh chilling bro all right hold on hold up hold up hold up chat I’m got to fix this oh that’s why it looks terrible hold up my stream good I don’t even know bro okay we alive let’s go finally oh it took way too long what the hell dude what happened… Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Rare Secret Rooms in Minecraft by Maira

    Unbelievable Discovery: Rare Secret Rooms in Minecraft by MairaVideo Information तो तुम लोग को पता होगा माफ में कुछ चीजें कितनी ज्यादा रेयर होती है लाइक इन चीजों के स्पॉन होने के चांस बस 0.1 पर है पर माफ्ट में कुछ और भी ऐसी चीजें हैं जिसके स्पॉन होने का चांस लाइक 0.1 पर से भी काफी ज्यादा कम है एंड आज के इस वीडियो में हम लोग माफ्ट के उन्हीं कुछ रूम्स को फाइंड करने वाले हैं जिन रूम्स को माफ्ट ने हम लोग से छुपा के रखे हुए हैं यस सो लेट्स गो ओके तो ये अब जा रहा है आउट पोस्ट के अंदर ओके वेल… Read More

Sky Factory 4 Ep1! My First Time Playing Skyblock!?! Modded Minecraft Skyblock, Survival Lets Play!