SkyFactory One – Overpowered Early Game Inferium Farm! EP8

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Hey guys system here and this is sky factory one hope everyone is well having a an amazing day go ahead and jump back into this pretty cool package in between episodes i’ve done not very much not much at all actually go ahead and take a look-see went ahead and did a little bit

Of processing on some stuff i’m going to need as well as i did nothing there actually i went ahead and made this here made some slime needed a bunch of that uh this is made by putting slime balls in the melting chamber and then piping

It over of course with that i put this this and this and there so the wither rose the obsidian and some of that crystallized amber that we made previously and we’ll get this here crystallized obsidium and with that we’ll be able to make a really good set

Of armor as well as weapons so we’ll get to that in a bit uh over here i have a mob slaughter factory i have a second one basically so i have that one there then i have another one here and this one is basically just to kill the ender

Slimes that are teleporting out of the muff arm because uh they would drive me nuts so this one has a range upgrade of tier 12. if i actually go ahead and show you the range on this and go ahead and hit over here uh this thing actually accidentally

Killed my passive mobs as well so i guess that’s the thing we can see how far it goes it’s massive it’s a 23 by 23. so whenever they get uh out of the mob farm you get past that point they actually get killed and then i

Don’t have to deal with them anymore so just a way of keeping myself same uh temporarily until i actually build a mop arm like out uh that way you know what i mean just uh separated from the base and they won’t have a place teleport basically which is uh what we’ll do

Probably in time another way someone suggested as well to use golems and they actually work too you could lure them way of columns but i didn’t do that but anyway that’s the thing so the first thing i want to get to today i think it’s going to be this here a imperium

Watering can this is from mystical agriculture it waters everything in a nine by nine area it’s gonna make it so we can grow in barium seeds really fast so we get inferior a lot quicker so we’re going to set up a inferior fire basically that’s what i’m trying to say

Here so let’s go ahead and try that out go ahead and get it done we need the base level water can so do that then we need to craft up a bunch of imperium as well so i have this here in an infusion bristle really easy to make not a bad

Recipe go ahead and grab our imperium real quick it is uh ethereum where is it at right there we only have 1.2 k we don’t need a ton of it let’s go ahead and grab you go ahead and grab 40 more because i kind of mapped this

Out as well so let’s go ahead and grab 40 just like that there you go sweet and i’m probably going to grab eight of that real quick and just uh throw it on the ground just so i don’t craft with it accidentally then i’ll go and grab it in

A second anyway let’s do that do this here get ourselves tertium that is the next level and now we’ll need eight of those ones as well so let’s go ahead did i mess that up totally yeah i did too let’s just do this there you go

Easier to do it that way that’s good there go ahead and grab eight of this level let’s do that then we need to go ahead and grab the next level which is going to be the imperium and each one of these is basically 64 ethereum the next

Level past this one is 256 and that’s why i can’t get to the next level uh watering ham and take 2 000 just do that plus all the imperium i need for i guess under that as well but we’ll get to that uh as soon as i can anyway

Next thing we need to do is make some of these uh igots right so there’s like four different i guess five different levels of the hits so we have to go ahead and get them done we need uh these prosperity eggs first i guess go ahead and grab i think we need

16 of these so that should not be too bad let’s go ahead and do that grab ourselves actually we need 20 of those don’t we because we need the base level too go ahead and grab i guess four more five more because i want to math wrong

Let’s get you out of there go ahead and grab ourselves some inferium because we need to make the base ones i think we need four of these for each one so let’s grab four of those ones that’s good and then we grab these here grab ourselves four then this would be

Four i wonder and this one four so i think we got all our eggs now and now we should be able to just make the watering can no we can’t because we need to wrap this as well mystical fertilizer is basically just bone meal for the mod right so

Anyway go ahead and grab that finally grab our perdentium awesome all this nested rafting can drive you insane too after a while so i used to automate all this stuff and that we definitely will later on but anyway that is the imperium watering cam next thing we would need probably is going to

Be a clicker so let’s grab a click machine go ahead and grab that that’s going to be what uses this thing uh we need absorption hopper we’re also gonna need uh there’s like a range upgrade for this too absorption we need uh one of these here i guess so let’s

Actually grab a hopper because i think i’m at a chest right now so anyway can i have just a chest can i have some oak that would just make my life easier if you could just give me an oak here you go grab like four of those that looks good grab ourselves a

Absorption again absorb there you go should be able to finally make a hopper sweet we’ll grab two of these upgrades i guess for now that looks good got our drawer we got drawer upgrades anything else i need here oh yeah i need a harvester this is gonna be used to

Automatically harvest the actual crops without breaking them it’s a gentle harvester basically and i’ll make our life a lot easier so let’s go ahead grab you and then it needs this weird mason plate as well so we need to make some of this uh mason cobblestone which is just

A junk and this one here is uh mason stone i definitely don’t have blocks of iron so let’s go ahead and grab four of them then i think we need one of each recipe right so i need one of that thing and then i need one of this mason armor

Iron but apparently we need this first weird nested grafting anyway grab that grab out there awesome and now we should be able to finally make the harvester now we need to make the actual mason plate right yeah i’m totally wrong but anyway go ahead and grab you i think this is

Actually everything we need so we have that we have that yeah i think we’re good we should be able to be able to uh completely set this up so last thing we need i guess is the imperium seeds and we’re just going to go ahead and convert

All the remaining of our inferium into these seeds because it’s actually going to produce at a really good pace right one thing we need to do here though go ahead and grab the watering can over here and fill it up once it’s filled up it’ll stay filled up forever so that is

Good go ahead grab you grab ourselves a clip machine go right there and this is going to do a five by five so i keep five out there then we’ll go ahead and grab our comma go ahead and do that i think it’s actually pronounced uh comma

I think that’s the right way to pronounce that but anyway i’m going to probably say it wrong again this is not a word i’m used to saying wait let’s go ahead grab you go ahead and pop that in there i think that’ll actually start watering that pretty much automatically right i don’t

Think we actually have to water this we’ll kind of see here in a second oh yeah i already see that the ground’s getting watered at least here anyway oh that one immediately spread dirt just to be a jerk anyway let’s do that there and uh this stuff should start growing at a

Good pace so the watering can actually speeds up protects so every two seconds it’s being nailed uh by is it two seconds i forget what it is there i think it is two seconds of that click machine right yeah every two seconds no it’s two clicks a second so every half second so

Uh it’s being hit by one of the rope sticks we set up couple of these it probably even grow faster actually if you hit it with a couple of the watering hands but for right now we’ll just go with this because uh we only have so

Much ethereum i really just want to uh get our initial farm going right so it’s actually going to work out really well and i think this thing’s actually be a pretty op farm for this early in the game but anyway let’s do that there and then maybe one

More row that looks good i think that’s gonna be nine out right there so i have to kind of you know that’ll be nine then this will be the center block this would be where we put the harvester so right there all faces towards me of course that would be right there

And then we need to set the area this thing is like i said just a soft harvester so we’ll be able to do the harvesting and not break the crops which makes it uh really good for this 9×9 will make it so can cover that area perfectly then we’ll need absorption but

We should probably start the power first i guess right so let’s grab the uh what is this thing called the energy transfer node go ahead and pop that down i probably should have put in the gps first but that’s fine sweet and then i guess we need to gps

This puppy right here this will uh keep this up powered up really easily so pop you up there and that should automatically start harvesting that right so yeah you can see it’s getting all harvested it’s being dropped on the ground and uh it’s doing all that good stuff right so we

Need to do collection now so let’s go one two three four five we’ll go right here go ahead and see if we can get the absorption on that end up going up off that and i’ll probably have to break one of these crops to uh i guess uh get this

In place too placing on top of the absorptions by jumping for some reason is really weird but anyway oh forget about that too you can use the imperium can you do that right away i think that makes crops grow bigger we’ll do that after okay so the inferior

Farmland is a better version of the farmland actually makes this stuff uh produce more i think per kind of harvest i just didn’t think we would be able to do it right off the hop like that but yeah i didn’t think you’d just use it

Like that either i did not know that was the thing the things you learn you know let me target the top of this why are you being so weird let’s go up there you go finally okay let’s go down that looks good go ahead and uh grab our

Comma one more time do that go ahead and grab our seed which is probably stuck in here right do that there that is uh filtered right go ahead and grab you we also need to go in i guess and lock this drawer probably a good idea so let’s do that

Lock that and this is effectively done this is already a done farm except for we may go ahead and replace all the seeds could i actually do it while it’s on there can i go like uh can i target that no you actually have to

Break the crops to be able to uh make the soil better but that’s still good that’s actually really good so we do this here if i do that does it say it doesn’t say what the output is it was saying the output on the other one right

See here if i do that do that there we go secondary chance 20 so it does give you a secondary chance so on this one you all hung it like uh you should get an extra one every five times so it’s actually way better soil so i went ahead and upgraded all the

Farmland so that’s actually pretty awesome i was looking at the other farmlands too because this is usually how i make it i usually always craft it so you could usually do use this recipe down here with a hoe and a piece of dirt in that and uh yeah we can actually

Looks like probably just make sure premium and automatically use it on soil and do it that way which is actually way easier i just never knew that was the thing but yeah anyway that’s cool that’s really awesome i also went ahead and threw the two absorption upgrades in

Here now so it can actually cover the entire farm and one more so when like one ends up right here you’ll still get picked up right so that’s working out also the seed duplication is actually on so every once in a while i’m actually getting more seeds as well so i will

Have to put in another drawer here for seeds probably with void upgrade to be honest but that’ll work out for us uh fine and uh yeah this farm is just producing really quick actually we’re already up to 134 so yeah i’ll end up doing that super fast i’m gonna have to

Set up auto practice on this stuff to make it so i guess the next thing we’ll have to do is make the master infusion crystal right so this one here that’ll probably be the next step of this so i’ll probably end up doing that but i’m not sure that’s about uh

15 1600 ethereum so i have to wait till we have that they’re not going to set up auto crafting for this then i’ll just run around and turn all the soil into some premium because why not right because the output is going to be way higher but

Uh i guess this is all working so anyway we’ll come back and uh work on the seeds here later on what i want to do right now though is probably go ahead and make us a set of armor so let’s actually grab these crystallized obsidian here go

Ahead and get that done i think i need to make a set of diamond armor first so let’s actually go grab that and uh yeah we’re already moving into mispo which is actually pretty cool and uh we’ll be able to get that op armor before too

Long doom but i want to get geared up because i kind of want to head to the i think that dimension in this pack is called the infinite dark i really want to go there soon so anyway go ahead and uh see we get that done go to i guess uh

Use on that probably in here somewhere yeah this one right here we want that then i guess it’s just uh i guess we could just go to use on all of them right right there there’s one go to this one what is this arbor here oh that’s

The inferium i’ll be doing that one later on go ahead and grab that one there you go you can see this armor silly plus seven armor plus six toughness each one has knockback resistance the chest plate has 11 armor on it it’s a super super good armor i

Can just get rid of this stuff now we’re actually armored up like a tank now i have my bean mask back on because i just look total badass anyway pretty awesome really like that this is also a really good sword we can do with this too so we

Get to i think it’s right over here right i have a pinned this is a 14.5 damage sword we’ll be able to make a better one later on but for right now that’s a complete beast that we’ll be running with that for sure and then there was a couple more items i wanted

To make here too i want to make this here silk weave slippers let’s actually grab some of that uh read here oh i need to grab some more nether brick apparently so i did not grab my uh enough of it melted down a bunch of that because it’s

Used to make the energy transfer nodes right so i need to have that stuff on hand go ahead and grab four of those then we need to make a cobweb which we can manage and then we go ahead and actually i guess make one more diamond

Boot and then grab the silk weave there you go and this will make me just straight up immune to fall damage i think it uses some of the durability though so something i’m going to need uh for that other dimension there but if we go down the bottom put a slot right

There then we’re good to go on that regards another item i probably want to make is this here i guess we’ll have to wait on that the ender book because i don’t actually have an enchanted book it’s really odd actually in this pack you don’t seem to get any books from

Here like i haven’t got a single book out of this at all whatsoever i’ve been keeping these armors because i know i can disenchant them but i was hoping to get a book just so i could do some crafting because there’s a couple recipes i need to do that require just a

Random enchantment book and i can’t do it so i guess that’s the thing so i kept this for something else i can’t remember what else it was oh it was this i was gonna go ahead and make one of these let’s go ahead and grab some of those there there you go

Then grab uh what is the other part of that what is that thing called let’s go here right there it’s called like the anti-gravity something rather anti-gravity ring yeah let’s go ahead and make one of them there you go is that thing on by default click on

Off off right click okay there you go and yeah if you just jump you just go up right it uses some durability so it’s very limited flight but it’s a lot more mobility than we had previously right so that is really good and there was

Another item i wanted to make as well i think that’s what the last crystal was for is there like a anvil yeah this one right here the powered anvil let’s go ahead and make one of these awesome and with this we should be able to prepare our armors and stuff

Right so that’s just a powered animal anvil basically it’s going to make it so we can repair things so do that that should start getting power i don’t care if it requires redstone you can’t repair repair stuff like this get it i don’t think so anyway no but as our i guess

Armor takes damage we’ll be able to put it in there and repair everything up so that’s really useful as well another thing i wanted to get to also i need to turn this thing off because i’m just wasting durability right now we can wear this as like a necklace too right

Where’s it go is it here there you go go into a ring slot holy moly they give you a lot of ring slots in this pack so the next thing i want to go ahead and work on is gonna be this here this uh infinite dark cake it is uh from tell

Pastries and uh yeah it’s gonna make it so we’d actually go to the other dimension so i’m gonna go ahead and start working on this stuff should be pretty easy i think i have most of it so that’s not too bad i do need to do an

Immense amount of rust cobblestone so i do have in my inventory external storage which will be able to connect to this uh i guess this kubstone drawer here this one just has some upgrades in it so it’s just got the three storage upgrades so it already has ten thousand it’s only a

Tier one so it only goes so fast but it’s been building up for a long time and just getting us lots of cobblestone so that is good we go up here though we should be able to uh now access all that and kind of do all the crafting i need

To do really easy basically so go ahead grab a whole bunch of brass cobblestone just like so there you go go ahead and probably drop most of that off and uh looks like i just used just about all of our cobblestone and one kind of quick go

There then we’d want to go ahead and probably do that again so take that to times two sweet and then i think we need a couple times three what was it there we need uh four times three and one times four so we’re actually pretty good there go

Ahead and hunt down cobble uh one more time sweet we got 130 of those i think we are quite good right so do that that’ll give us our times threes we only need what four of them then i guess we need nine more hopefully we’ve got enough we do

Have enough that’s awesome then we go back this way we are times four just like that so we have all our components in that regard not made that super easy now the next component we’re gonna work on is here it is pig iron it’s gonna be done in the smeltering takes molten iron

Blood and molten clay so i have uh iron and clay on me so we should be able to handle that really easy so we head over here go ahead and throw in a clay ball and an iron then i’m gonna have to dig into the side of this i guess so let’s

Actually breakdown that and that awesome we need to get some blood in here now you can like uh throw a mob in here but i’m just going to use myself so if i go in here i’m actually going to start taking damage kind of look at this too i

Gotta kind of see when it hits one slime ball it already did then i should be able to get out just like that really easy way to do it too so anyway i need to go ahead and grab these here don’t smell it down please there you go go

Ahead and put these in here and then we should have some pink iron here somewhere i haven’t cast it off yet so i should probably do that okay we’ll do that and we have a little excess slime not slime sorry blood but uh that’s fine we don’t really need that but we only

Needed one of those let’s go ahead i guess grab both i suppose double just throw both into the inventory and then we should only need one more component here right so we go to the infinite dark check that out looks like we just need some tertium so let’s go ahead and get

That crafted up real quick so i was a little short on ethereum so i ran over here and look at that there’s already 550 in here it’s only been a few minutes things are going to build up so fast but anyway that is actually awesome go ahead

And grab our last perdentium go ahead and do that right there and then we should be able to actually grab our tertiums right so that that that’s good and i just need to hit it right so let’s go ahead and grab a prosperity i have a couple extra right there that looks good

There we go we have that and with that we should be able to make our infinite dark cake look at that we actually have it that’s actually awesome and i don’t think it matters where it goes so let’s go put it like right there right now and

It just looks like a piece of cobblestone it looks more like a cobblestone slab so apparently you only get so many bites out of this too so i’ll only be able to use that six times so that’s something to be aware of but um i’m not going to

Jump in there right away basically we’re going to maybe work on a couple other things first because i’d really like to get into some enchantments here right so we have this here enchantment factory enchantment extractor i guess the main one i need is the enchantment extractor

So let me go ahead and grab that one first let’s go ahead and do that there go ahead and see if we can actually grab everything make books super easy too we have uh different recipes you can use the ticker’s one or the leather you just go ahead and smelt down

Rotten flesh in the redstone furnace and uh every four equals one so that’s an easy way as well i do need an automated way to get that sugarcane though so maybe end up doing like phytogrows at some point because i can’t really look

At a good way for i guess i tree farm in this back to be honest one i’ve been looking at going how do how do i do how do how do how do i do the thing i do and i haven’t been able to figure it out yet

I might be missing something though but uh we’ll figure that out in time anyway the extractor that’s good there grab ourselves some books that looks good and then grab ourselves the champion extractor right let’s go ahead and grab that that’s awesome and then we’ll go ahead and pop that right

Here and if i grab this armor is this the one that can do this right i’m pretty sure this is the one that can pull it off the armors and stuff right let’s go ahead and grab you go ahead and uh pop that right there apparently we need a book right yeah

That’s what we need we need books right so let’s actually go ahead grab a book here been a while since i used this thing although not that long you think i’d actually remember but anyway go ahead and grab that apparently i need more paper but if i put that in there

Does that pull that off there you go we can actually get our book now and then i can actually go ahead and make that teleportation book that i want oh i guess that’s the thing right so i want this here this is the ender book let’s grab that there we’ll just use this

Projectile projection three there you go crouch to teleport or scroth uh scroll through location so you can right click on this i believe oh you have to set gps locations now they change this let’s go ahead and grab a gps i’ll have to bring some of these with me as well when i

Finally do go so i guess that’s the thing need some paper here that’s good go ahead grab ourselves one are two of these carbons we’ll keep these on us just in case i want to set some teleports that’s good but i can set a location like uh right here i guess

Put that inside the oh i set all those to that but anyway we’ll have to fix that i think you can wrap these clear them yeah just like so but have a go in the book now uh how do you scroll said you could scroll oh overall it just tells you the

Area now they actually changed this you used to be able to open it up and name them and stuff it’s actually way different but if i do this now i can teleport there oh was it approach and use it teleporting in three yeah there you go so super easy it works

Right my main idea of this too oh you only get so many uses out of this too what does that count for huh i wonder how long this lasts this this is completely different how it used to be maybe it’s uh you know you

Get uh so many uses out of each gps data card maybe that’s how that works actually i want to test that real quick so if i go ahead and go to here save a second one right and then put that into how did i open up

The book was it shift and right click no you just right click right okay let’s put this one here right and i want to make sure it’s on the first one right two one this one here right and then shift and right click with it trying to figure out how this works here

So that worked fine but if i go to the second one now what happens oh the the book only has like six uses now huh this used to last forever so it looks like the book’s gonna break okay well it’s still good to know it’ll work

The main use of this for this anyway i don’t think it lets you teleport cross dimension but i want to be able to use an infinite dark cause you actually start up like up in the ceiling you have to go all the way down and drop down and

Take damage that’s why i made those boots too but um i should be able to teleport back to the exit point basically is what i want to be able to do and that’s what this book’s going to be for so we definitely need this thing so i’m not sure if we

Actually need one but i’m going to go ahead and make a overworld cake as well because it actually looks really easy i think we’ll be able to teleport home with this one i think i think that’s how this one works i guess we’ll kind of find out because we have a cake right

Here so that good so i’m hoping that’s gonna let us teleport home i’m thinking i’m thinking anyway i guess i also made this here i have fire charm that’s just uh the one from cyclic so we have that just so we have a fire protection as well so

Down here we have the wither charm actually almost got broken really can you repair these probably not right wish you good can you repair no you’re definitely not going to repair requires redstone always on oh we’ll prepare these oh will you repair you oh well the sample is even better than i

Thought but anyway let’s go ahead and equip our uh things again our charm so that’s good that’s actually really good now also realize we’re probably not gonna be able to wear the helmet the entire time because i’m probably gonna need night vision here because it actually is real

Dark but this thing has so much armor that i still have full bar so i should be okay in that regards and um i think we should just risk it and just head there also does this work on tigger stuff it didn’t used to it works on ticker stuff

That’s actually hilarious and uh oh one more thing i want to do here actually two things i want to make one of these insightful crystals so let’s actually go grab a piece of armor here so let’s go grab any with an enchantment i don’t want there’s protection too there you go uh i

Actually kind of want that projection too actually so let’s actually keep that one and wait there’s a production two then grab the second one here def strider we’ll use this for the crafting and uh yeah this is insightful for insightful crystals from thermal and just uh you can repair uh not repair

Armor hold your experience so i’m actually still stuck on the concept of repairing armor apparently i’m out of force wood so hopefully i have a four sapling no i have some right here there you go why’d you lie to me drop you there do that make some sticks wait there you

Go it’s this recipe there you go so you can actually make that tool now the force rod that is cool get rid of you and that should work with this right that’s the right bow it is too so that’s good then finally we make the insightful i think

We just record this thing is that the way that works yeah you do and did it stores it all actually i need to check if the bug’s still there let’s go see if the book’s still there no it’s not there okay actually it is the bug is still there i

Need to tell dar gusto okay i found this one where’d i find an ignomatica and uh they are very aware of it and uh i’m getting free experience from water okay uh that didn’t happen anyway we have a insightful crystal don’t do that that’s a bug if you do that you’re

Cheating cheating anyway let’s go ahead and uh drop this off there you go drop that off and i think we’re pretty much ready to go now i think i’m just going to risk it at this point i could go ahead and do like full enchants and

Stuff but i’ll just get that at a later point i want to be able to spend more time on the enchantment setups like apotheosis and stuff but i think we’re pretty geared up and ready to go right okay let’s go ahead and uh eat this cake here kind of see what happens loading

Terrain and uh we are just here in a room it’s a good thing i brought that cake it’s a really thing because i thought there might be a cake here but there definitely is no cake here and that’s definitely an issue but anyway let’s go ahead and get ourselves out of

The darkness there you go go ahead and grab that where’s that there just stone i’m gonna start digging down i guess in a little kind of angle but we’re probably gonna reach a point where there’s a giant drastic drop off if it’s like the old one and i’m pretty sure it

Is i actually know he’s done ton of work on this dimension and it’s actually it looks awesome so let’s go ahead and see if we can see a little bit of it but uh there’s also ores in this dimension as well so you’ll be able to get ores out

Of here so that’s definitely a thing he’s even changed how the ore spawned this dimension like instead of going like a little you know little pods down the ground like or normally spawns it spawns in like big long kind of chains that go down all the way down to that’s the

Bottom of the world so it’s actually quite neat how it works and uh how it looks so that is the thing oh there we found it this is about to do a cut anyway so this is uh what you’re going to come into now hopefully because we have our boots on wait

Why do i have that oh no that’s actually really bad oh is that what he did let me see here ah so when you’re in the light you get speed and resistance and when you’re in the dark you get all kinds of badness well that is good to know but uh that’s

Definitely a problem right we need uh some kind of torch here i’m gonna still dump down we’re gonna jump down and we’re gonna risk it right so let’s go let’s uh let’s risk it don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die i didn’t die we’re good okay let’s get

This torch down this torch is gonna make it so nothing can spawn in this radius right we should be safe we are gonna see mobs down here though but you can see the crazy kind of world generation here it’s actually pretty nuts also the mobs here are all super strong so this guy

Has 20 hearts so that’s the thing get ready that’s cool get rid of you you only have 40 hearts i’m not worried about you just 40 heart 40 heart enderman right but anyway this is kind of the dimension here so i’m a little riskier right now i

Should have gone home and got torches but i guess i’m i guess i should leave that down there right now let’s leave that torch right there is everything in 64 radius oh also the issue with me when i was trying to use this in the mud farm

I don’t know why i thought it worked on all spawns it doesn’t work on uh it only works on natural spawn so anything that naturally spawns will not spawn around it oh that i guess it actually counts the torch oh no i actually have to go

Back i guess we get to find out if i get teleport back because i i can’t live here now we’re actually in a bad spot but this dimension is super cool it’s actually really really cool and really awesome i just want to see if we can actually go straight to the overworld

Right so if i go shift right click oh we can is this going to use experience it didn’t even use experience so i can actually go right back there too i want to check out this building i know there’s a bunch of custom structures so let’s let’s see what’s

Here we got a bunch of spawners here that’s uh interesting it’s uh get that one covered up get that one covered up there’s a zombie skeleton what do you mean i just slept a couple nights ago what do you mean hey straight don’t do that yeah these things uh aren’t too bad with

This armor actually and i also have the uh food thing the uh oh i have to have light down i’m weak i’m a weak guy it’s hard to tell night vision of in the darkness or light so i’m not used to that wait get rid of you that’s cool get that lit up

There you go so we’ll have a bunch of spawners if we need it that is a stray that one is zombie is this one spider yeah that looks like it’s good there i don’t like the fact that you’re around that’s just kind of annoying but anyway i’m not gonna go

Sleep right now you making your horrible sounds doing your horrible things and we got a chest here what is that there a witch that explains where the witches were coming from so yeah just a really really cool dimension all around anything neat in there that’s some name tags sharpness

Five don’t mind if i do so i was all confused while i was getting phantoms like all over the place i went home i slept i came back all that jazz it appears uh this spawner here was actually a phantom spawner so i just immediately destroyed that thing because

That is a blasphemy just shouldn’t be able to exist in any way whatsoever but i’m gonna use this area to be able to teleport back and forth i guess from this dimension whatever i need to so that is cool right we’ll have this little building here to kind of keep us

Safe and then yeah just have it well lit up and uh i guess that’s the thing as well so i can’t remember where i put my other mega torch i’m not sure where i put it anyway maybe i’ll just put one down in the center just to make sure

There’s one right around this building kind of like so and i don’t think this is stopping them from spawning like why why why how are you still spawning i don’t understand these spawners at all looks like they may be immune to uh light maybe maybe that’s the thing a

Little confused i may come back with some empty sacks and pick all these up though but i’m hoping i can kind of disable them because i’m using like every torch known to man just to see if it works here but anyway we got a safe area here i’ll be able to

Teleport back and forth i go around explore see what’s going on this dimension although i know it’s all bad necessarily mean there’s nothing good here there’s a another build there oh that’s one of those big chains that goes all the way up to the ceilings isn’t it

I think it is yeah that’s what that is right there so that’s actually pretty cool and uh yeah i teleported right through the block that i was supposed to go into like onto right so i was supposed to go here and somehow i fell through that and died

Actually yeah of course i got no block underneath that too if i had a platform under here i’d be safe i guess but yeah that’s a solid block dude that’s not even a slab although it is one of these stone brick pillars so not sure how that’s going to interact with things but

You might want to make sure you have two or three block on a thick area to set your teleports too but i’m going to have to water pillar down there so i’m almost back to my corpse here i’m just riding down on this water elevator and i’m kind of hoping i can

Get this back really easily really really not a planned death at all it’s uh yeah not sure exactly what happened there but uh definitely definitely i died i don’t think you’d do the uh the teleport key either because there’s no recipe for it because i’ve

Done that in the past where you can bite it with a inner pearl but it doesn’t seem like it’s there so i’m not sure if that’s still a thing but uh hopefully hopefully we get down here and actually get our corpse and this work here wait what where did my block go

I just put an angel block it disappeared it’s not supposed to do that [Laughter] could i put could i put something off the side of that oh that works okay and then i can just do oh don’t do that that’s completely wrong oh no i gotta do this now

I didn’t even think about bringing tools man i just want my stuff back so yeah if this works this is super easy i think this is one where you just right click right let’s actually make a little platform i guess let’s do uh that here that here that here there you go

And uh that should be good actually go ahead and go get that out of there i think my inventory was pretty much full too so i’m gonna have to pretty much throw away everything you go and then right click on that there we go so we got our stuff back

That actually wasn’t too bad at all and uh before i go back up i’ll probably break this little platform here like so and then try to find the happy spot in the water pillar oh it’s so hard going up it’s so easy coming down to find the

Happy spot going up is always a pain but and okay i think i’m gonna go ahead and end this one here so as always you guys like this video please hit that like button really liked it hit that subscribe button it is always appreciated when you guys all have good

One see you guys next video later You

This video, titled ‘SkyFactory One – Overpowered Early Game Inferium Farm! EP8’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2021-10-22 23:38:06. It has garnered 37945 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds.

It’s skyblock like you’ve never seen it before… Or have you?! High tech mods, automation, and spawning in the void with nothing but a tree and a single piece of dirt between you and certain death!

SkyFactory One is a modernization of the original SkyFactory for Minecraft 1.6.4. The goal of this project is to remain true to the original modpack while updating features and mods to 1.16.5. Find yourself sieving for resources, twerk for trees, decorate your trophy room, exploring a deep, dark dimension, and much more! Many original mods have returned joined by several new and updated mods! And what would SkyFactory be without ForceCraft, a reconstruction of the original DartCraft mod.

SkyFactory One delivers a nostalgic experience with the quality of life upgrades to make it even more exciting! If you’ve never played SkyFactory before, prepare for a fresh experience in a modded skyblock. The original can never be replaced, but we can sure try!

SkyFactory One – Overpowered Early Game Inferium Farm! EP8

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#SkyFactoryOne #Minecraft #SystemCollapse

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  • WorkSMP Realms SMP Bedrock

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    Looks like Minecraft just got a little more fabulous! 🦄🌈 Read More

  • Animal Instincts: Transform in Minecraft!

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  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

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  • AI’s Outrageous “What If” Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch)

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  • Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!

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  • Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀

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  • Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!

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  • Pemwen’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮

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  • “Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness” #live #smp #minecraft

    "Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness" #live #smp #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK || FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sesav gamer Live on 2024-05-31 20:08:14. It has garnered 152 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:20 or 5000 seconds. #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite 🎮 Join the fun on my Minecraft Public SMP server! 🏰 Explore, build, and conquer together with fellow Java Ip: Mcpe Ip: Port:49350 🔥 #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore #BuildTogether #SurvivalMode #sesavSmp #JoinTheFun 🌐 #VirtualWorlds #GamingJourney #OnlineGaming #GamingFriends #MinecraftRealm 🏡 #ExploreAndConquer… Read More

  • Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | Minecraft

    Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Neuro DerNIER on 2024-01-08 04:30:01. It has garnered 10432 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts Enderman’s Revenge: A Minecraft Short. Watch how an enderman gets back at another enderman for stealing his block in this hilarious 8-second animation. #minecraft #enderman #shorts #minecraft #minecraftindia #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #minecraftanimation #minecraftenderman #minecraftrevenge #minecraftprank #minecraftmemes #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideo #minecraftyoutuber #minecrafttiktok #minecraftchallenge #minecraftcomedy #minecrafttips #minecrafttutorial #minecraftmods #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild minecraft minecraft india minecraft shorts minecraftfunny minecraftanimation minecraftenderman minecraftrevenge minecraftprank minecraftmemes minecraftgaming… Read More

  • AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMP

    AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMPAfiqNajmi46’s SMP Season 7 Version : 1.20.4 Up time: 99.895% Online mode: false Discord SRV available Awesome datapacks and plugins Free of lagg 24/7 support Bedrock/Java supported 1.7-1.20.4 support Port:5690 Discord: Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP – Whitelisted – Released Today – Non-toxic – 1.20.X

    Welcome to Fabulous Miners! Welcome back to our simple SMP server for Java & Bedrock players. We focus on providing a non-toxic, friendly experience with levels 1-20 that you can level up through various tasks like mining, breeding animals, and crafting items. Earn income by selling items to our server shop or other players through chest shops. If you love Minecraft features, this is the place for you! Apply now and join our Discord server for more information: Join Our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Big Screenshots”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Big Screenshots"Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

SkyFactory One – Overpowered Early Game Inferium Farm! EP8