SlimeInSpace – Slime Vtuber plays Last King Of Tyre [Minecraft Map] – part 23

Video Information

Foreign I exist I think I think I exist I believe I exist uh setting things up right now give me a sec I may go do something real quick hello I am in the game I believe yep I’m in the game uh is my game like I

Don’t know if my game’s lagging or not all right I’m gonna do test my audio testing audio hello hello hello how is the audio like is things working I’m hoping things are working Yep it works that is perfect so today I’ll be continuing to play the last king of tire I believe I’m on Extreme 22 or something around 22 streams by now I’ve been playing this map for 50 hours already God damn I’m still not that close to finishing the game

So I’m gonna go back into the tunnels uh I want to go back into Cathedral for a sec because there was something in there that I wanted to check out I wanted to check out that cult thing again ow ow ow I’m just gonna avoid this guy

Ow [ __ ] hell I don’t even want to fight you guys oh God okay they hit me oh God okay I’m gonna run past these guys real quick ow ow ow ow ow just gonna run past these guys I’m just ignore them I don’t want to fight them

There is literally no reason for me to fight these bozos did I unlock the top of this area I don’t remember I don’t think I did yeah I should really do that I should do this the next time I come here I don’t have to like run through this entire [ __ ] area again

Okay going down here uh okay foreign I shall not want okay I heard that last time I was just checking out if there’s something new here I’m pretty sure I like uh I don’t think there’s anything new here so I don’t think I can like actually do anything here

So I might just like you know leave all right I don’t think there’s anything up here anymore so I say I might actually just leave here I’m just gonna quickly heal myself right there as I do want to make sure that I’m not missing anything all right I didn’t check this area before

I still go upwards so maybe there’s actually something here I don’t think I went this way yeah I don’t think I went this way is there somebody here leads up uh as far as I’m aware it doesn’t seem anything be cool here I’m on the roof I don’t know if I’m just

Okay I can see uh I see doors I see doors okay I don’t I don’t I haven’t been here before so all they give me was a [ __ ] snare that’s it I climbed this whole thing only if you just gets a snare that’s it I climbed this and they only give me a

Snare you kidding me man should have given me something good you know but new all they gave me was a [ __ ] snare okay I guess that’s that then just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything so uh I think I’ve explored

This place right now I think I should be able to go leave unless there’s something else here I don’t think there is that perhaps foreign Ty tnto in chat I tried the map but I broke it right at the start also hi hello tnto welcome to the Stream

Uh what do you mean a broke did something happen what’d you do for it to break what’d you do what happened also nice to see you again Chad how you doing man how you doing hope you’re having a good day okay out frick okay just gonna run this way he’s gonna

Run past all these guys because I literally do not need to fight that ow [ __ ] I fell on hold though he’s gonna run past these guys hello hello there hello there Mr Reapers just gonna kill these Reapers real quick and I’m out of a stamina already I’m out of stamina already

I only have one key left which is the quality and mostam enough God freaking damn that Oh why do I have okay I have my shield right here I thought that I didn’t have my shield for a sec oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay I need to go in here I fell down to the tutorial again

Without setting my spawn outside not really broken broken but I would have to do the tutorial again I mean the tutorial takes like five minutes to run through it’s not that long you just have to like I mean it’s not that difficult I mean if like come on man it’s only a

Five minute run back it’s not that long if you’re not willing to run five minutes through like the tutorial then this map is not for you because in this map you’re gonna die a lot a lot it’s easier the second time it’s easier to run through the second time the first

Time you go through the tutorial it might be a little bit difficult but once like on the second run through you’re gonna unlock shortcuts and stuff so it’s gonna be a lot easier to run through the tutorial the second time oh [ __ ] but just say if you’re not willing to go

Through the tutorial this map is not for you man it’s not for you there is a lot of backtrack and you’re gonna die you are going to [ __ ] die if you play this you will die a lot in fact if you’re not willing to die that’s fine just I don’t

Recommend this map if you’re not willing to like run back because most of the areas in this game you die you run the whole thing back the only good thing about this is that there are shortcuts everywhere there are a lot of shortcuts but even with the shortcuts it still

Takes a long time to run back so if you’re not gonna if you’re not willing to run back I don’t recommend this map it’s literally harder than the Dark Souls if you thought Dark Souls had a lot of running back you haven’t played this math yeah so uh that’s why I played this

Stream not you know if you check on YouTube I am literally the only YouTuber who got this far on YouTube like I’m the only YouTuber who got this far in terms of gameplay videos I checked like several different channels on YouTube they got like a couple views

But they didn’t get that far they didn’t get that far I’m the one who got the farthest in terms of this game so uh that says a lot that says a lot uh this is really difficult everyone who’s played this on YouTube has all unanimously said that this was very difficult

And I [ __ ] fell into a hole are you kidding me this is why the game is so weird it just creates a random [ __ ] hole of nowhere yeah I realize it’s nothing for me threefold reference I don’t know what threefold is I’m not very cultured guy so uh yeah

I’m not sure what that is uh all right where am I going I hope I never found this chest oh God foreign scared me oh God there’s another one somewhere Jesus Christ hopefully you uh hopefully I wasn’t too loud when I started screaming I have a bad habit of screaming whenever

I get jump scared you can imagine how bad I am at horror game but I literally get jump scared by Minecraft three-fold is one of the best modded Minecraft youtubers I don’t watch a lot of YouTubers uh Minecraft youtubers I used to watch technoblade rest in peace that guy he is

An amazing dude but um I don’t besides from technoblade and a few others I don’t watch many of Minecraft youtubers so I haven’t heard of threefold I see threefold he’s an interesting Channel I see uh that’s guys pretty cool yes I will miss that man I missed that man but you know what

He he wanted his death to be a half wait no that made that but he didn’t want us to be sad I’ll say that so uh yeah let’s not be sad whenever we think of technoblade instead of being sad it’s thinking of all the good things that he’s done to this world

No sadness only happiness technoblade never dies he lives on in our hearts man he lives on in our hearts a man lives in in our hearts where am I going I’m not quite sure where I’m going right now honestly oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m taking damage makes me wonder

If technoblade were to play this map I wonder how difficult it would be for him and every time I think of him I just can’t help but be sad I know I shouldn’t be sad every time I think of them I just get sad oh man God sucks huh

The blood God is now in heaven showing off his PVP skills to the other gods hell yeah hell yeah sometimes I just imagine him fighting God in heaven oh God man what a tragedy what a tragedy he’d probably play with the steering wheel he’d probably play it with a

Steering wheel while blindfolded that’s how much of a giga chat he is oh boy what the [ __ ] I fell into three consecutive holes what the what in the world why is this place have so many holes oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I actually had another Reaper by accident that was by accident oh [ __ ] okay

Uh it’s a bit of damage there did a bit of damage that’s not so very good that is not good and I see a locked door [ __ ] so many locked doors oh boy hello there Undead Seeker guy out out [ __ ] I’m dead and I’m dead are you kidding me I died

Again oh frick well time to run back time to run back you know time to run back This is basically just my gameplay right now just running back and forth between locations where I need to be like if you thought running through the tutorial was bad oh boy try playing new oreo on this map this place is horrible it’s a [ __ ] maze it’s a [ __ ] maze

Down here mazes with explosions and a million enemies good luck trying to get through this area without dying a million times and having to run back oh boy there’s a reason why people say that this is the hardest area people on the Discord that is the the Discord for this map

This map is a Discord this map is so difficult I had no choice but to join their Discord to get help yes I know that’s pathetic but that’s what I had to do because of how difficult this place was this map is actually so [ __ ] insanely difficult oh man oh man oh man

I don’t remember my way I have a bad sense of direction so I literally forget where I’ve been five seconds later I say this to every new person who joins my channel I tell this oh God okay I tell this story to every new person who joins my

Chat one time I got lost on a straight pathway that’s how bad my sense of direction is getting lost on a straight pathway nobody in this world has a bad sense of direction like me my sense of direction is about as bad as the world’s from one piece or something it’s abysmally bad

Okay I’m just gonna kill this guy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy’s not dead yet that guy’s not dead yet okay I got it right got a ride that guy is a new sets he’s a [ __ ] nuisance he’s an armored starving Reaper okay there we go he is dead that bozo is dead foreign

That guy uses an explosion there’s just so goddamn annoying man God damn it why you gotta use explosions on me I think my game is also slightly lagging now which kind of sucks ow [ __ ] I took damage there we go I’m out of stamina though which is bad

Okay there we go that guy’s dead have I been down here I don’t know if I’ve been down here or not oh God there’s another [ __ ] hole why is there so many pit traps here oh God damn it Jesus Christ bro this place just wants me to fall and die

Are you kidding me or something especially just wants me to [ __ ] die I don’t appreciate them trying to kill me so odd oh God I’m poisoned I’m poisoned are you kidding me I’m poisoned oh God how lost my poison Gonna Last for oh [ __ ] come on poison go away what the hell

Why is my poison not going away God freaking damn man that is annoying okay I’m just gonna take this slowly I don’t want to die here I already have half my heart left so I just gotta taking damage from I don’t know this guy saying damage from that guy’s dead what’s over here oh hello there I said he’s shooting at me I’m gonna drink some water real quick stay hydrated people stay hydrated drink water and stay hydrated yummy yummy water got more heads of yearning

Hope I have unlocked a locked door oh dear this guy try to shoot me literally I’m the world’s Grace Archer you literally cannot defeat me man I am the world’s greatest Archer ha in a showdown of arrows and Bows no one can defeat me I’m the bow master

The bowmaster master of all things bows where is this it’s dark this place is dark I don’t like how dark this place is um okay I don’t like how dark this place is oh God okay I’m gonna need to use my burning iron for this guy oh [ __ ] I took

Damage are you kidding me that has a zero knockback Okay more conductations and stuff I suppose where is this this is a literal maze they built a maze down here a maze that’s filled with explosions too blank scroll a blank scroll prepped and ready to be imprinted on I don’t know why I have a blank scroll

Can I use this blank scroll for something later on interesting so I got a blank scroll maybe I can use that blank scroll to put a spell on it or something perhaps I can do something with that blank scroll later on but for now I don’t know what that blank scroll is for

Oh God it’s another [ __ ] hole are you kidding me do I always have to be on the lookout for a random [ __ ] holes okay let me uh let my stamina regenerate so that I can kill these bozos these [ __ ] bozos where’s my stamina coming back so slowly foreign

Might reload my game it is clearly lagging right now yeah burn them to ashes let it never rise again okay well what are we burning what are we burning to ashes are we burning the people to ashes what are we burning here I need to know what we’re burning first

Before we start burning them oh God enemies enemies foreign I’m gonna take my time to like kill these guys so that I don’t get killed myself okay I’m just gonna avoid that for a sec run over hit him a couple times and there we go that idiot is dead as well

There’s still a mosquito flying around my face though for some reason mosquitoes just love me for some reason You’re Just in Love With Me okay let’s just see around here what do we got what do we got around here oh I see a ladder this is uh the Hidden Wood

The hidden what the [ __ ] where the hell am I was just in a tunnel why oh God there are baby zombies here there are baby zombies here this is the worst possible combination oh God okay they gave me Flair so that I can see at least

I’m in a hit oh [ __ ] these baby zombies are giving me oh God I’m poison now oh [ __ ] man are you [ __ ] kidding me now I’m poisoned [ __ ] bro I hate those poisonous baby zombies man I hate them they’re horrible I always have to be on lookout for baby zombies everywhere

So where am I now am I in some kind of hidden Woods Maybe oh I see a fish monster I see one of those fish monsters again oh god oh they still deal so much damage they deal so much damage even through my iron armor they are [ __ ] hard hitting

Yeah I’m gonna reload my game real quick it is slightly lagging and I don’t want that all right all right let me heal real quick so that I’ll continue on I don’t want to [ __ ] die to this fish heads man those fish heads are probably one of the worst things ever

This guy is literally the worst mob created in history oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m gonna have to kill this guy stealthily I mean I think I might have to use my arc lightning oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

[ __ ] hell I got trapped in the corner are you that [ __ ] living mask literally pushed me into the [ __ ] corner and [ __ ] trapped me there and killed me holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] man God damn I hate those living masses so goddamn much those living masses are [ __ ] war crimes they are literally

Worse than vexes somehow I thought vexes were the one of the worst mobs but no these living masses somehow are worse than [ __ ] vexes they’re literally the worst thing in this game they’re horrible I hate that they’re literally a mini boss literally the bosses are easier than fighting these guys

I’d rather fight a [ __ ] boss than fight these guys holy [ __ ] man holy vegetables God damn I am pissed I am pissed I was doing so well too I was doing so [ __ ] well then Sally no this bozo comes out and murders me just [ __ ] straight murder that’s first degree murder right there

He just murdered me I’m so merciless just [ __ ] killed me oh god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hey gotta let my stamina regenerate uh I hate these guys I hate these guys I hate them all [ __ ] and I fell in the hole because of how [ __ ] dark this area is

I found you another [ __ ] hole God damn how many holes are in this place I hate this game I hate it which sadistic [ __ ] made this map holy [ __ ] which sadistic [ __ ] made this map oh [ __ ] I got hit by an explosion okay there should be baby zombies around

Here God damn it I’ll have to be in the lookout for baby zombies oh God they’re right there they’re right there [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I have to be so careful with these guys there could be baby zombies anywhere and they’re coming out from the dark they’re coming out from the dark

Oh God [ __ ] fish heads okay the fish head is back the fish head guys back oh God oh God oh [ __ ] that guy fell in my head holy [ __ ] oh God damn those guys are trained assassins they are actually [ __ ] the worst monsters in this game

I think this guy is somehow stuck behind the fence this idiot is stuck behind the feds you [ __ ] buffoon you idiot sandwich this man is an idiot sandwich God damn these guys are scary I’m just gonna kill this guy he’s stuck behind a [ __ ] fence but I don’t care

I’m not fighting honorably against this guy this guy deserves no honor [ __ ] fish head fish [ __ ] okay so where is this where is this hidden oh I see more baby zombies okay the baby’s always dead where is this place where is this place lead me to

There are so many places where I can go right now I don’t know where I’m going I see a chest with more burning salt where is this is this like some kind of like oh I’m back here again okay I am uh this is the hidden Woods

Okay where does this lead me to though I don’t know where this is this ixnx I think this is ixnx yeah that’s an ixnx building I did I leave horio by accident I honestly have no clue where this is uh I don’t know where this is I see uh

Is that the cathedral I think I’m beside the cathedral uh where is this I don’t know where I am right now man I don’t know where I am all I know is that I’m scared lost and Afraid this is the gate the gate to what why am I finding the gate two

What is this is this like a statue oh what what the hell oh God one of those lightning guys are back ow [ __ ] okay I literally have to fight a lightning dude now the lightning struck Reaper I’m assuming I see a locked gate I don’t can I get that chest from here

Oh I got the chest with me I’m a [ __ ] genius I got the chest from here I’m a [ __ ] genius you know sometimes even my own fright even my own genius frightens me sometimes such a genius uh oh this is the beginning gate isn’t it this is the the gate yes

This is the beginning gate oh okay so that’s how I open it from here okay that’s a useless gate I’ll probably never use but whatever it’s good to know I see an NPC over there oh god there are more enemies here [ __ ] okay I need to kill these guys

Oh God oh God oh God trick okay there we go these guys are pretty much dead now what is around this place ah this guy died and he healed me as well these guys are healing me as they die what how do you get ahead of that

Okay stay away stay a [ __ ] wait [ __ ] I got hit from that final attack oh and that guy is dead all right these guys aren’t much to worry about as long as I’m shifting they can’t hit me as long as I stay on the left and I’m shifting I haven’t

I hear back uh hear Reapers okay so where is this I see a bunch of like statue guys but I don’t know where this is I also saw an NPC yeah there’s an NPC here are you aggressive please tell me you’re not aggressive please don’t immediately attack me the moment I get close

Don’t try me stranger this gate is under my protection and nut shall enter while I stand beyond the gates at least this guy didn’t attack me right away I don’t care about going through his gate as long as you don’t attack me immediately I will be good with you

Beyond the gate the true gate from where the missionaries of kirion originate and so they are all humans are forbidden to go only we Gatekeepers have seen Beyond and even us but briefly this that that place is not meant for the likes of us all right what about your duties it is

My duty to guard this gate I have done so since I was young and have an apprentice to the prior GateKeeper and I will do so until the day I die no one has ever crossed the threshold without the gatekeeper’s permission many have tried in spite of that record and all have failed

All right what about The Purge yes a purge of the Reapers was attempted but the purge is no longer what you think it’s been corrupted you follow in the footsteps of truth but not yet do you see it what truth are you speaking of the truth

Yes not as some fail not as some failed King tells it nor even as the formless voice does take this key you will find the lock it fits by the chasms along new Oreos Eastern Edge you will find some friends there for people who will understand who will lead your right

Oh I’ll meet some friends wait friends I’ll actually meet other people I found the Seven Lakes key the hidden Cavern called The Seven Lakes has long been used by those needing time away from the world especially when the world is trying to murder them interesting that is quite interesting

Um so apparently this gatekeeper guy says if I go to um so apparently this guy says that if I go into the new Oreos Eastern Edge I can like meet some friends and actually people who are like me apparently so that’s really cool so hopefully I’ll be able to meet them

How’s it going my guy I’m still playing this map yay and I’m still in new oreo your favorite place new oreo I’m still here haven’t left yet I’m still lost as ever and yeah I’m just oh God the screams the screams and the nights the screams I can’t stop hearing the

Scream oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I think I cracked my jaw from that oh my God jeez LOL horio I know this is your favorite place isn’t that I know this is your favorite place you don’t want me to leave this area so that you could continue to be like ah

New oreo I love this place new oreo of course of course I love new oreo new oreo this place [ __ ] sucks this entire place is explosions everywhere it’s a [ __ ] maze it’s a ow [ __ ] it’s a literal [ __ ] [ __ ] show it is so bad it’s like the game the map

Developer was like huh how do I make this level as [ __ ] annoying as possible oh I know I’ll add a million archers everywhere and each Archer will light you on fire if you get hit plus I’ll make a maze and not only that it’s super dark and there are a bunch of pit

Holes everywhere so if you don’t watch your step you’re literally gonna fall in a hole but it’s so dark you’ll never be able to see the holes in the first place yes that is literally the mindset of what the game developed the math developer thought while making this map

That’s probably what they thought yeah yeah this place is huge this place is huge it is huge it is girthy it is big and it’s so well built I hate how well built this area is if if this area wasn’t well built I would be able to

Complain but the fact that this place is so well built so well built I I feel like I can’t complain even though it’s so difficult based game developer map developer God damn it man like they just want me to suffer I think this map was specially designed just to make me suffer specifically

Boom okay that guy exploded uh where is this I see a locked gate where is this locked gate lead to I do not know but I fear for my life I fear I feel I fear I fear so much oh God I hear explosion somewhere why do I hear lightning

Why do I hear lightning why is there lightning is there a Thunderstruck Reaper nearby Ow like [ __ ] man what this is a [ __ ] Thunderstruck Reaper around here isn’t there we go there this Thunderstruck Reaper is [ __ ] lightning lightning everywhere [ __ ] lightning everywhere foreign oh [ __ ] I still took damage because lightning

God damn that lightning is really annoying I hate that lightning why are these guys taking damage I don’t know why they’re doing damage here why are you guys taking damage that’s weird stop taking damage out of nowhere you can all you’re only allowed to take

Damage when I hit you you’re not ow [ __ ] how dare you hit me what am I changed why am I taking damage from I do not know what I’m doing damage from and I’m what the hell what if you’re telling me I have to run [ __ ] back

You want me to run back bro bro you’re making me suffer here God damn this map just wants to kill me everywhere just wants to kill me kill me over and over non-consensual damage yes everyone must consent to taking damage you must consent and I must consent final consent

You’re not allowed to take damage you’re not allowed to take damage if I’m not the one who gave you that damage I’m the only one who’s allowed to to inflict the damage God damn bro I have to run past all these bozos again oh God let me run Pat

Oh I took damage look how many holes are there’s a bunch of random pit holes there random pit holes everywhere just for if they’re specifically designed so that I will fall into them no one else is going to follow them besides me it’s so dark too so you’ll never be able

To see the zombie the holes coming [ __ ] hell this is what I’m talking about it’s so dark that you cannot see the hole you cannot see the hole it is that dark it is dark this is the hidden Woods yes the hidden Woods you know the big wood

You want to run past these guys because I don’t want to [ __ ] fight them man I am annoyed I don’t want to fight these guys I hate this place I hate this place this place is this plain misery oh the misery everybody wants to be my enemy

Oh God I sound horrible we’ll try to sing this is why I’ll never be able to do karaoke I can’t sing I can’t sing and everyone’s ears all simultaneously bursted oh God hello there dirty Reapers why are these dogs angry are they angry at me are they angry at okay they’re not

Angry at me I said I thought the dogs were angry at me for a sec I was like why you ain’t grab me oh [ __ ] hell why what’s like how was I supposed to know that was supposed to happen that’s not that’s not even my fault that’s not skilly issues

Do not spam skill you should do not spam skill issues in chat do not spam skill issues in the comments okay that was not my fault okay that how was I supposed to know that [ __ ] that the [ __ ] floor just collapsed out of nowhere how was I

Supposed to know that was supposed to happen huh huh we’re like what okay I’ve been like how was I supposed to know that was happening there was absolutely no warning no symbols there was no noise or anything to like signify that the floor is gonna collapse like that

Like that the map is just wanting me to die at this point it’s not even trying it’s like the gate the math designer just at first the map designer at the beginning of this map they tried to be fair they tried to make enemies and map

Design that were fair you could cut it was still difficult but fair but now the map of the developer just like gave up on being fans and she’s like yeah just make this as [ __ ] as possible and this is what this is that level the level of [ __ ] that this thing is

God damn and I hate how well made this map is I complain a lot about this map but I still respect how well made this is God [ __ ] damn it I hate this I hate this but I also respect it oh boy [ __ ] hell I don’t know why the

Floor [ __ ] clapsed on me man it was I so [ __ ] overweight that the floor just broke under me or something am I that overweight I don’t think I’m that heavy why’d the floors just break under me like jeez bro jeez they better build these [ __ ] floors more intact or something I don’t know

They really need better designers they really need better Builders they literally just [ __ ] built a floor that came and handled my weight ow [ __ ] what is down there okay let me kill this guy first what is actually down here though if I jump down I am clearly dead but like

What’s down there it actually looks pretty interesting I see a chest down there so maybe I’ll be able to go down there later without dying man this map is such a sadistic game map this map just wants me to die in every way possible they’re not even trying to play fair anymore

The game doesn’t want you to stop playing so it became unbalanced but that makes no sense the game becoming unbalanced would encourage me to stop playing why would I continue playing why would I not stop playing if the map is this [ __ ] that’s kind of counterproductive you know

Okay where is this I see an enemy right there I see a guy it seems like these dogs are actually on my side they seem to be angry at all like the Reapers and the skeletons and stuff these dogs are actually helpful because it knows you are gluten for

Punishment I’m not a mass kiss I’m sorry dude but I’m not a masochist I’m a normal Cena dude who does not like inflicting pain on myself I’m a normal person I do not have any BDSM Kings as Farmers away as far as I’m aware that is

Thank you doggo thank you for helping me fight that guy what is this particle effect oh I found the Seven Lakes Keyhole oh I found the keyhole for that already I was not expecting it to find it so soon but I found it they said that there will be friends

Here so hopefully I’ll find some companions or something that would be great um yeah I hope I find some friends here I’m in the Seven Lakes okay I’m in the Seven Lakes hello is anybody here are there any of my friends supposed to be here they said that I could find friends here

Um that does not look very uh welcoming is anybody here why is this place empty hello anybody Here they said that the out front friends here and I’ve never had a friend before so it’d be nice if I could get a friend hello we’re my friends they promised me

That I would find a friend but I do not see any friends here they lied to me was I scammed did they scam me I demand to find a friend hello where is my friend I do not see where my friend is where is my friend they promised they

Said if I go here I would find other people they said it right here um let me see uh they said that if I go you find they said it right here take this key and find it by new Oreo’s Eastern edges you’ll find friends there people who understand and Lead You right

But where are my friends I don’t see anyone here where are they they promised me that I would find friends but there are no friends here that’s [ __ ] where are my friends I demand to meet my friends my friends I have never met before that is

I hear a Fanta get the [ __ ] out of here you stupid Phantom nobody likes you oh boy oh boy I’m just gonna have to look around this place maybe I’ll find someone here oh I see dogs these dogs are friendly though are you guys my friends

Hello wolf are you my friend are you my friend please please shake your head please say yes I’m lonely I need friends please please dog please become my friend I need a friend yes I take that as a yes you’re my friend from now on you are my only friend

Thank you wolves for becoming my friends hopefully there are no enemies here so far so far I haven’t seen any enemies but besides these Phantoms though but these Phantoms don’t count they’re [ __ ] where am I going this place is dark why does it look like I’m entering a Satanic

Ritual and why are there babies oh there’s a baby zombie are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me God damn it where am I going I cannot see or the frick am I going right now oh there are more dogs here or good doggo good doggo thank you for being here for me friend

Oh God I’m scared oh God I can’t give me a sec I’m gonna close my curtains real quick it is yeah there go I should be able to see my laptop screen more brightly now the game’s still dark as [ __ ] my brightness is all the way up right now oh boy

Am I supposed to meet some people here or something they said I would meet people here but I don’t I haven’t seen anyone yet besides these dogs are these dogs the friends I’m supposed to be meeting I don’t think they are most people wouldn’t consider dogs as friends besides me

Oh you cute little wolf you’ll keep me safe right you’ll keep me safe promise me you guys will keep me safe God damn it I’ll be the one to keep you guys safe oh god there are more baby zombies here Shrek baby zombies baby zombies I’m off stamina I’m a stamina

And the game’s like I’m gonna reload I don’t want the game to lag so I’m gonna reload the game oh boy I’m in the seven in the Lakes they might as well just call it the seven seas seven C’s is much easier to pronounce than Seven Lakes all right

The hell why should I not open up my game anymore all right there it is okay where are my friends I was promised friends but I cannot find them where were these friends that they so promised me I was promised friends and I found dogs which is still technically friends but like

I’m looking for companions actual friends no friends only suffering God damn ow goddamn the Phantom hit me but damn this place is so dark I can’t see the enemies that are attacking me I need to go to the light [ __ ] come down here you [ __ ] vile feeders I’ll [ __ ] murder you where where

Are they attacking me from oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Double T Mimi even these Phantoms have friends how come I don’t have friends these [ __ ] Phantoms are friends but I don’t you kidding me tell that guy’s dead hey there it is this guy is oh [ __ ] he hit me before he died hey

Hey I don’t know where I’m going right now this place is so freaking dark where the hell is this and why am I walking on Soul Sand they literally had to build this out of Soul Sand of all things oh boy I’m walking in Soul Sand right now

Where is this this cave keeps going on and how long has cave been extended for hello where am I going I see a gate over there I see a gate over there so perhaps that gate is where I need to go oh God [ __ ] vile feeder [ __ ] you

Okay I’m gonna hide behind this pillar this these pillars are good for fighting Phantoms because they can’t get to you easily if you’re behind a pillar I see a structure over there perhaps that is where my friends are located perhaps they’re just like lounging in the couch or something maybe maybe

They’re watching TV together perhaps they’re doing friend things together I wouldn’t know what friends do together since I don’t have any there’s an enemy here why immediately why is there an enemy here I’m not gonna bother fighting you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] off what is this place what is this goddamn

Place ow ow stay away I’m pretty sure as long as I don’t hit them or kill anyone pretty sure they won’t actually like their Rays won’t damage me oh damn I’m just gonna scoot on over why there’s so many of these Sentinel guys I’m pretty sure these Sentinel guys

Aren’t the ones who are supposed to be my friends ow [ __ ] hell where are my friends where are my friends hiding why are my friends hiding from me where my friends I can’t find my friends why are my friends hiding from me do they hate me that much

Not only am I hated in real life I’m also hating this game as well oh no the misery oh boy I guess I’ll have to leave where the frick am I going where the frick am I going there’s literally nothing here why am I here why are we here just to suffer

You don’t have a Charisma build in game or IRL God damn there’s no Charisma stat that’s not even my fault there’s no Charisma in this game there’s no Christmas Dad in this game maybe if they added it I would invest in Charisma but they don’t even have

Charisma in this game so how’s that my fault they should add Charisma so that can become likable so these enemies will stop attacking me maybe I’ll become friends with them instead next time maybe next time I’ll befriend all the Reapers instead murder them at all like everyone always resorts to violence

Like oh there’s an undead Reaper we must kill it what if instead of killing it we seduce it instead of killing the Reapers we make it fall in love with us yeah that we’ve come friends with that and then we get married we live together forever that we live happily ever after

The undeads and I have fallen in love there’s the happy happy story of the undeads and How I Met Your Mother oh boy I’m fantasizing about an alternate universe where I’m not lonely oh boy where is this I see wait is this it is this it I see a couple like Bridges

Or is it oh I see NPCs welcome a light in the dark it is a rare indeed to meet one who walks so freely most of us are forced to hide away imprisoned but you’re very different from us holy [ __ ] I’m so glad to meet you you

Have the power and we have the knowledge only together can we make the world right this guy is ageli the Survivor and this guy is hot and this guy is Hani the Survivor they’re both survivors and I’m just gonna borrow some of your stuff if you don’t mind

If you guys don’t mind I’m gonna borrow some of your stuff because you know I’m like a [ __ ] Rogue guy oh my God I can’t believe I met these guys oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I can’t believe I actually met survivors okay let’s see what dialogue these guys have

I actually did it I found these guys I found other people I found friends and you guys gonna follow me later or you guys just stuck down here anyways who are you Connie the Survivor and ageli the Survivor together we comprise half of the survivors of the seven leagues our

Other two members have moved on to more dangerous places zinc sue the quiet Guardian stands watch over the circle of stones Edward and Liza guards the final resonating Crystal Toppy and Shadow Thrones in the league here and the lycium of the senior and the lycium of

The simia and the lycium of the Simeon all right what about the truth the K that King so caught up in his own guilt he can’t see with his own two eyes what he needs is forgiveness but he’ll find none anywhere not even his own in his

Own not even in his own soul and he and he’d have you believe you could save us by purging the land of Reapers the leap the Reapers aren’t much different from you or I you can’t just vanish them or send them away but you can’t kill them we’ve already slayed

Many and so too can you kill us the resonating crystals they emanate one’s willpower one’s strength one’s Essence out across the land the sacrifices or to resonate their strength to distract the Reapers not kill them and now the Cocoon has seized the crystals activating them would only activating them would seed the Cocoon

Within us all we would all turn into the likes of that those crystals the sacrifices they must be destroyed if even one is destroyed that would suffice not one not you nor any who come after you could attempt to purge this land again but ah but you wish to save this land don’t

You you want to stop the Reapers haven’t you heard this wasn’t the first reaping and nor shall it be the last but there is a way yes just as the Cocoon preys upon humans the devour shall Prey Upon the Cocoon and when the Cocoon Falls so

Too will the Reapers but it’s not quite that simple indeed the Cocoon isn’t the root problem the devour could save us now but it won’t stop another reaping for that we must move on have you heard of the vaults of time they lie beneath new oreo and in them are three balls

These balls that balls and those balls one for the past one for the present and one for the future the first bell rang when kirion arrived and the second when all but one of the sacrifices joined the resonating crystals now you must ring the third to bring

About an end to all this you understand destroy a crystal and ring the third Bell of troops we’ll handle the unleashing of the Devourer we’ll handle the releasing of the Devourer do this and we’ll all be saved and don’t lie and don’t fall for the lies that filthy King feeds you

Wow that is a lot of dialogue okay that is a lot of dialogue okay that was uh that was a lot of dialogue uh they said something about ringing a bell in the The Vault of Truth and destroying one of the crystals apparently and uh I’m pretty sure there are

Multiple endings for this game so this might determine one of the endings whether I listen to these guys or if I listen to the Kings or not so yeah okay let’s see what else they have to say the vaults of Thai indeed we were there along with two nights of new oreo there

We learn the truth and one of the knights gave up when we concluded the need to unleash a Devour the other night disagreed in the end we had to lock him in the first Vault of time so he couldn’t stop us a Pity indeed but he stuck to his misguided beliefs refusing

To use his mind I have a feeling these guys aren’t that good of people I have a feeling these guys aren’t good people either they kind of like they’re kind of suspicious if I have to do say so myself they’re kind of suspicious I feel like they’re trying to trick me they said

They told me not to fall for the king’s lies but I feel like they’re lying to me right now as well I don’t know can I trust these guys I don’t know if I could trust them they have big noses and people with big noses are kind of suspicious you know

So anyways um destroying resonating crystals Zing TSU the quiet Guardian resides in the [ __ ] sorry zingsu the quiet Guardian resides in the forest at the circle of stones where you can destroy the crystals you can get there along the path into the mountains south of the lake between ixnx and new

Oreo meet with him he’ll show you how to destroy the crystals but the crystals of stones are hidden for the location is shared with the entrance to alburious Crypt along the path you’ll find a lonely Arc way Circle back around to proceed towards circle around to proceed forwards

Circle back around to proceed forward through the arc way six times before circle around to proceed forward through the arc way six times before continuing along the path the circle of stones will appear before you I’m not sure what this thing that they’re trying to make me do is but I’ll

Keep in mind the path is sealed ah you found the sealed paths yes you’re not the first guest we’ve had the first one kashar jar the cursed he called himself disagreed with us he continued to pursue The Purge of the Reapers albeit with a roundabout method he had a sixth

Resonating Crystal moved below new horio to the great Cavern they are at the very bottom he sealed a shot the third Vault of time and he attempted to sacrifice himself along with the four existing corrupt sacrifices to purge the land of Reapers evidently he too did not succeed even if

He had we have our doubts about what his Purge would have entailed he was one of the greatest warriors ever he was one of the greatest warriors I’d ever met whatever stopped him it lures deep beneath new horio guarding the seal you’ll need to break that seal of course

But you must take great care else you end as just another failed hero God damn uh they just explained to me a lot of lore that I do not understand they said that I have to go to the vaults of time or something and I need

To like go around the the like Arc way six times or something I don’t remember all this I can’t remember all this dialogue so uh yeah yeah I don’t think I can remember all this dialogue so uh I think I’ll just do things I think I’ll just wing it I’ll

Just wing it and then see how things turn out you know I’ll wing it and see how things turn out faded away fire swarm scroll the symbols have worn away unusable I found another scroll in here which is quite nice I suppose okay there’s something over there as well

Which is I want to get over there so welcome back okay oh there’s an enchantment table here where does this enchantment table bring me oh I’m back here again I’m back in new oreo oh I’m back in new oreo the disgraced that’s quite nice

Oh some back here again uh do I have any boss heads on me I don’t think I have any boss heads on me do I yeah I don’t they have any boss heads on me so I don’t think I can level up in any way shape or form

You have a lot of like faded Scrolls and stuff I don’t know how to use hey that is interesting that is interesting so this brings me back to the the the [ __ ] new oreo area this brings me back to new oreo which is nice which is nice

All right is there anything else to do here or uh how do I [ __ ] leave this place oh it’s over there there’s the ladder okay interesting but there’s also an area over there that I want to see that I want to check out hey so there’s also oh god oh no I found

The water I fell in the water I found the wire I can’t I have to get out of the water okay there we go I thought I died okay so there’s also something over here as well that I want to check out something over here and where is this where exactly is this

I don’t think I’ve ever been here but there’s a locked door that opened up this is the dread Woods oh this was the other pathway I could have gone but I forgot to go so everything kind of like links back together so I think that dread Woods was like an

Optional location where I could have gone I think I see so this is the dread wood set this is the dread Woods how do I get to the dread woods from here though foreign I’m wasting my flares like [ __ ] here new area I have no clue man I am lost

Were you here for the dialogue just now you mind explaining the dialogue to me because I didn’t understand any of the [ __ ] dialogue I was so confused the entire time while reading it because I have no idea what’s going on okay you know what I’m gonna temporarily

Turn up my brightness because I cannot see a thing you expect me to play in this Darkness this ain’t [ __ ] konosuba I don’t like Darkness oh God I am so confused man why would they bring me here if I can’t do anything here Wherever I Go is there

Somewhere I can be is there somewhere I can unlock oh maybe I was supposed to like blow up this area using my flint and steel okay you think I have a lick of understanding of what’s happening in this cryptic game you expect too much of your viewers

Well I expect my viewers to at least be somewhat smarter than I am you know I thought that maybe if I didn’t understand maybe someone else would you know because I’m stupid but like maybe other people aren’t as stupid as I am you know I don’t expect

That much of my viewers but I at least expect them to be smarter than I am well well maybe not consider you guys watch me consider you watching me then maybe you guys aren’t so smart after all of all the people you guys could have chose to watch you guys watched me okay

Interesting interesting so honestly I am very confused with what these guys want me to do like they gave me a lot of dialogue I will definitely will be unable to remember all this I will not be able to [ __ ] remember all this so um I think I’m just gonna play the

Game as I go along and just wing it I don’t know about these like fancy pantsy instructions I don’t know I’m just gonna play the game however I want to play it and I’ll get the ending I get okay I’m not gonna go for a specific ending or

Something and if I get an ending I’m gonna check out all the endings on YouTube anyways there’s a video on YouTube with all the endings so I’m just gonna watch that yeah so I just I’m probably just gonna leave this area now probably just gonna leave probably by killing myself

Yeah I’m gonna kill myself yeah so interesting uh where are the other guys they said they said that there was uh other people as well so is this all that this area has or is there anything else here I don’t think there’s anything else here so I think I might leave now

And it’s also five so I think I’m gonna take a break this is my daily reminder to stay hydrated people stay hydrated grab a snack grab a drink go to the bathroom Maybe and uh I’ll be back from my break and hopefully I don’t break my legs while I’m on break foreign foreign

I am alive again I think I think I’m alive I honestly don’t know if I’m alive or not but like okay okay so um yeah oh I did that apparently and now I don’t know where to go [ __ ] can I dodge an explosion great just utterly fantastic just fantastic all right

Oh [ __ ] yeah I’m gonna kill myself screw that screw that I’m not gonna play with only [ __ ] half a heart half a [ __ ] heart it’s just not reasonable uh okay just gonna run past these guys again ow [ __ ] yeah I’m running past these guys I’m gonna run back

Oh God I took a little bit of damage I’m just gonna let myself heal real quick I’m also talking to oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you can fall off the hell did they forget to like build a wall or something I think they just forgot to build a [ __ ] wall there

Jesus Christ that he fell off very dead ass forgot to build a wall all right so I’m just gonna run back then I’m just gonna run back is gonna run on through don’t mind me just gonna run on through don’t mind me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] they knocked the

Explosion knocked me off are you kidding me that is actually annoying that’s actually annoying hey let me do something real quick uh uh uh just give me a sec I’m checking something real quick I’ll be uh I just want to check my progress because I remember a while back the guy

On Discord like he sent me like a list of the areas that I need to be so I just want to double check how far along the map I am still probably like 60 through this map okay ah so there’s like eight areas right now so

There are eight areas and I’m on the sixth area roughly eight areas there’s obviously probably gonna be there’s there’s I’ve been through a lot more than six areas so far but like six major areas so far there’s like there are eight major areas there are eight major areas where you

Fate or you fight I’m assuming eight major bosses perhaps or something I’m in new oreo which is the sixth major area the area before is ixnx um Tire Chasm burning warps revolting depths upper revolting depths lower and new and new oreo the new horror is the sixth area right now

Oh God I fell in the hole but the ladder saved me let’s keep running along I keep dying stupid deaths which is annoying [ __ ] dying stupid deaths he’s annoying okay I see a locked door here is this gonna lead me somewhere hopefully the floor doesn’t collapse on me again because that’s annoying

There’s a stupid oh God this guy’s fast thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] cat this guy fell in the hole what an idiot this guy’s a loser imagine falling into holes couldn’t be me couldn’t be me yeah it’s falling into the hole is for losers unfortunately I’m not a loser

So I don’t follow the holes there you go she’s dead there’s another one of him hey the game is lagging again which I do not appreciate the only time lag was good for me was during that Tower oh God was during the new oreo Tower but leg usually isn’t good

All right I see a chest more heads of Uranus oh God okay another one of these guys again I don’t want to get poisoned so foreign just gonna kill these guys I see more enemies oh God oh God there’s a lot oh frick that’s a lot of them

Okay I’m just gonna have to carefully kill all these guys and I have to kill them carefully oh God okay explosion oh God frick frick frick okay I miss all of my attacks I’m gonna back away hit him a couple times and then back away [ __ ] I got hit but like

Man my voice today is weird oh I said it’s weird I’m like coughing a lot I have like a lot of weird saliva as well which is weird and weird holy [ __ ] oh God back away back away buddy back away you do not want to be close when there’s an explosion happening um

Okay that guy disappears into a puff of smoke I mean a puff of bats yo where is this if I drop that I’m pretty sure I’m dead where am I entering oh it’s this place again is this the place where I fell down earlier I think it is oh Anna Katana a

Weapon of great quality and speed okay so it is pretty powerful you got bovid uh I don’t think so I don’t think I have covet no I don’t think I do though it is weird I am coughing and stuff and I see a gate here is this where I think it is

Nope it is not where I think it is I’m an idiot where is this I opened up a gate but where is this where did this gate lead me to this map just leads me to the most random locations in existence or did this gate lead to where is where

The [ __ ] is this where the [ __ ] is this I unlocked a gate to God knows where we’ll never get out so fight for them all I have no idea what’s going on here man I don’t know what’s going on here laughs foreign yeah I don’t know where the [ __ ] this is

Man I do not know where the [ __ ] this is why did this shortcut bring me here I don’t know where this is where the [ __ ] am I how did I get out here how did I get out here and why there’s so many enemies around holy [ __ ] it’s a teleporting [ __ ] dog

It’s a teleporting [ __ ] dog oh god oh dear Lord I’m fighting a teleporting dog oh [ __ ] oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] stay away stay away from it stay away from me God these dogs are scary stay away from me Jesus Christ why these guys attacking me like this huh

I honestly have no clue where I am and how I got here where am I how the [ __ ] did I get here and my game’s lagging again so I’ll have to consider reloading yeah oh [ __ ] man look at that [ __ ] knockback that insane knockback or an absurd knockback now that is what

I like knockback AKA stay the [ __ ] away from me and never come back and what’s around here let’s see and I might reload the game as well but it is lagging again and I do not like lagging lagging is not very good oh boy my progress is so slow man I just

Checked the Discord and apparently a guy said they beat this map in 30 hours and I am 50 hours into this game I mean this guy beat this map twice my speed I’m I don’t think I’m that bad at this game right am I just that bad where like

A guy beat the game twice as quickly as me he said that he beat the map in 30 hours on his first playthrough that is absurd that is actually absurd I could not imagine having been in this map yet this map is genuinely just crazy [ __ ] insanity

If someone asked me what the definition of masochism is I would show them this game maybe he’s an exceptional player still that like it really doesn’t make sense how the guide beat the map so quickly do I suck that much someone should play this someone should play

This and tell me if they’re if they do well or not you know you want to try playing this map for shash you want to try you want to give it a try to let me know how you do want to give it a try bro I I promise

You it’s not that difficult it’s definitely not that difficult it’s easier than it looks it’s easier than it looks oh [ __ ] what’s the average completion time I’m not sure this map does not have a big fan base I’m pretty sure the amount of people who’ve beaten this map can be

Counted on a single hand or something this map is not that big whatsoever I know that the some guy said the world record speed run was half an hour which is even more absurd how the [ __ ] do you beat this in half another an hour I don’t need another another one you

Don’t need another what are you trying to say bro oh [ __ ] you came up nowhere there you go that guy’s dead I I don’t know why I slept in that bed like you literally could not save your checkpoint in beds in this game I don’t know where I’m going why did

They bring me here I already play a difficult game when I have time what game you playing you playing undertale I mean uh you playing uh Hollow Knight what are you playing Dark Souls maybe sekiro okay okay maybe a retro game that I don’t know retro games are pretty difficult the MC3

What is that dmc3 Devil May Cry Dante’s Awakening I haven’t played Devil May Cry before it has been on my list though yeah Devil May Cry I should consider playing Devil May Cry someday I hear it’s good I hear it’s good there is a locked gate here [ __ ]

Fantastic I love it when I try to go somewhere but there’s a lock gate blocking me don’t you just love that feeling where’d you guys come from oh third’s the hardest with the play on DMD difficulty I have put spent six plus hour on stage two God damn are you a masochist

Are you a [ __ ] like you talk about you say the AMA gluten for pain and for difficulty have you looked at yourself bro are you sure you’re not the masochist here you might be the one who’s a masochist um I see a Stairway down another stairway down I see

Oh a nice Nifty chest Vanishing key this isn’t yours put it back well [ __ ] you I’m taking this uh was I uh uh did something just happen I got a key for some reason it Blinded Me did I just take a key that’s suspicious okay that is interesting I got a

Vanishing key and for some reason that is spooky LOL it’s actually fun losing in that game believe it or not well I’ve played Dark Souls Before Dark Souls is pretty fun to lose in so I understand how it feels like to lose and still have fun this game is not one of

Those games just saying this game is if you lose you are paying and suffering but I am a gluten for punishment too I guess so you are a masochist you are a [ __ ] mask well considering you watch me so like that is just pain or in and of itself so I should have

Expected my viewers to be a masochist anybody who watches me is a Mascus because they have to endure the pain and suffering that is listening to my voice okay interesting so I got a key I’m pretty sure that’s all for this area I think oh nope this area has a lot more places

To go this area has a lot more places to go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ow what the [ __ ] my arrow bounced off of his [ __ ] massive forehead and hit me Jesus Christ his head is bouncy TNT oh definitely God damn watching you makes my mental foreign too strong if I

Watch you I can watch anything yes I am can you watch the new Velma show though you say that but can you watch the new Velma show have you seen the new Velma show it is actually so god-awfully bad that even I the cringe lore think it’s

Bad that says a lot that says a lot if I find something cringe that’s probably very cringe I don’t think anything could prepare you for Velma that show is like [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] it’s a crime against God it’s a crime against humanity itself uh probably but it needs to be put as

Background noise or something no I mean you have to watch it pay attention and focus that is what I mean you have to pay attention and focus Velma you have to put it on you have to watch it actually watch it you can watch it if you keep it in mind

That’s just rage Bay it’s still boring but watchable man they really butchered Scooby oh my God they literally [ __ ] killed that dog holy [ __ ] Scooby growing up Scooby-Doo was my [ __ ] childhood I loved Scooby-Doo what the [ __ ] did they do to that poor show the [ __ ] poor dog I love Scooby-Doo

When I was a kid [ __ ] hate that show so much man [ __ ] hate it [ __ ] didn’t hit it they took such a beautifully fun show and they turned it into absolute hot garbage like that is beyond the garbage garbage would be something like I don’t know um

What’s it give me an example of a garbage show something that is garbage oh [ __ ] what the frick they killed the dog it’s Canon why do you think he didn’t show up in Velma oh my God that reminds me of this animation I saw oh my God let me show this

Animation I saw uh uh uh WebEx okay let me show you guys this video it’s I’m pretty sure you guys might have seen I don’t know it’s pretty popular YouTube video it’s like a it’s a it’s a Velma animation it’s a Velma Scooby-Doo animation I want to show it koobie wait wait

Oh yeah I give me a sec nif God damn okay give me a sec here okay Velma animation have you guys seen the Velma animation by avocado animations it’s a really good animation on YouTube have you guys seen it have you guys seen it you guys should

It’s a very good show I mean not [ __ ] what am I saying it’s a very good video the shash have you seen it uh okay where’s my Windows capture nope well I’m gonna watch it with you I’ve read everyone I’ve already watched it like five times

But I’m gonna watch it again where the [ __ ] how [ __ ] insane it is all right guys look what I got I found him right outside Norville that dog is big and brown which is the exact opposite of Fred’s tiny white dot yeah this is actually so [ __ ] good it

Is so [ __ ] good I love this animation this animation is actually fantastic to me this is my head Cannon this is my head Cannon animation uh is is something wrong the animation and this this YouTube animation yeah this YouTube animation is literally better than anything in the actual Velma show

Yeah this is insanely good I didn’t think it happened so soon me neither bro it’s getting worse Giga Chad Scooby-Doo right here gigachad Giga chat Scooby SD for sugma these that’s a bad joke but all right I love you I love you too Scooby I love you I love all of you but I don’t understand

Why you keep remembering the animation is just so [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] good This brings back so much memory Why can Scooby talk now that you mention it it is a bit odd yeah like what’s up with that man Keepers Velma you might be on something and suddenly The fight was over so I took what remained and I rebuilt you I rebuilt the world and we were back to our classic Adventures what you started to remember again and again and again We once yet each time my capture less of your essence this being my most flawed world yet okay this God damn I hate that line even Scooby hates that line too I’ll get it right next time God damn it this is actually terrifying bro this is actually terrifying I don’t like to chase God damn that is so [ __ ] insane this was uh by uh avocado animation say by the way you guys should watch him subscribe you know give him a like maybe subscribe maybe honestly this is my con this is my head Cannon this is Canon for me

This is my head cannon that is my head Cannon this was cool hell yeah that is very cool it is so [ __ ] good God damn it it comes to a point where the the the the animations the fan animations are just leagues better than the actual show is come to that point

Anyways I’m gonna continue on oh God the Reapers the Reapers the Reapers the reapers are coming I don’t think the readers can get in here I recommend you guys actually go check it out it’s a very good animation he deserves the like support or like the [ __ ] views really [ __ ] good actually

Insane tier quality I can’t get over how good it is it’s like that is actually just so [ __ ] good and then you watch the actual show and they’re always talking about [ __ ] Fred how he’s a [ __ ] penis small penis and he’s white I’m like why does

That relate to the show that it’s not funny it’s not funny to bully a guy’s penis size it’s not funny to like make racist jokes like bro it’s not a funny show okay it’s just bad why what happened to solving Mysteries what happened to like the ghost bar what happened to talking dog

Bro I mean every time I see it I miss I just miss the show so badly man PP small okay to be fair PP small is kind of funny it is kind of funny but Velma does not make it funny these nuts PP small are very funny words

But it’s not very funny when Velma does it it’s like taking Pizza but putting oh wait whoops it’s like taking pizza but putting like I don’t know it’s like taking Pizza by putting ice cream on it it’s just [ __ ] nasty or obtain pizza and putting garbage on

It it’s not a good show not a good show Velma just sucks sucks ass and not the good sucks ass either it’s just bad sucks ass where the [ __ ] am I where is this have I been here before mmm strawberry Pizza God damn if you are you into that strawberry Pizza stuff bro

Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] have I been here before I feel like I’ve been here before I feel like I’ve been here but I cannot remember where I’m just gonna kill myself I heard the writer want to make some other kind of show but the studio insisted it need to be about Scooby-Doo

Show so she wrote it just in spite of hating The Source material I don’t know like is that true I don’t know how true that is though honestly I mean I like I’m pretty sure the the main the person who directed the new Velma shows like Mindy or something I

Don’t I don’t like everything she ruined the show but I don’t know if she like chose daruna or if she was told to do it by the studio nah just say it because it’s maybe even worse than pineapple pizza I’ve tried pineapple pizza before it’s not very

Good I’m not a fan of pineapple pizza but I don’t think it’s bad either I don’t think it’s that bad I’ve tried pineapple pizza it’s okay it’s okay it’s mediocre pineapple doesn’t really like belong on pizza for me I’ve tried it multiple times but I’m not really a fan of pineapple pizza

And Velma on the other hand is absolute hot garbage hot garbage it’s like taking Pizza blending it in a smoothie and then putting sugar putting honey in it and then you’re trying to make a [ __ ] sweet Pizza smoothie that is what Velma is trying to do with the development

Taking a good pizza show and then blending it into garbage it’s just a rumor let’s see rumors aren’t like [ __ ] anything honestly I don’t like unless there’s an actual Source or something like if she claimed it then it would be more of like moral so a slightly more reliable

Me too and it hurts me on three levels uh one and one emotional that much is bad man honestly I’m impressed by how bad they made it I didn’t think a show could be that bad like the main like the Velma in this show is actually just evil she is evil

She’s just actually evil not only is she not a good person she’s like actually evil Pizza smoothie yes I know that is what Velma is taking Pizza which is the original Scooby show blending it and then mixing it with like vinegar salt sugar mixing it with the worst of the worst

And then taking a [ __ ] inside the smoothie and forcing it down her throat that is Velma is abysmally bad horrible show never I would recommend anybody watching even my worst enemies I wouldn’t recommend that show to my worst enemy oh God the only reason why I know about

The like the only reason why I’ve watched a bit of it is because I’m watching some to someone else reacting to that video to the videos I’m not watching it myself I’m watching another streamer watch it so like I I like even while watching stuff oh God okay

I’m watching someone’s commentary on top of the show itself and even then it’s still unbearable look at this wolf he’s attacking that guy look at it Brown sprinkles not chocolate I don’t know man it is just such a bad show I hate that show where is this this is wise Alice foster

Home this is a foster home it seems to be like infested with monsters now okay so what is this place uh there are a couple holes here uh this is where the seven uh Lakes were is right yeah that’s the Seven Lakes area all right so I’m back here again this is

Where I unlocked the seven Gates the Seven Lakes gate is there anything here there’s an explosion great those were the orphans oh dear what happened to the orphans Foster Homes for Imaginary monsters what happened to the orphans inside what happened to the orphans who the techno blade come by or something with his

Orphan obliterator God damn it oh God every time I think of technoblade every time I think of like orphans the first thing that I think of is technoblade and his orphan obliterator [ __ ] sword and uh in the dream SMP thing they added like a sword called orphan obliterator

God damn it he slayed so many orphans with that blade and yeah for some reason even though he slayed so many orphans he he like went ahead and made like a donation for Orphans or whatever I think uh what a great guy what a great [ __ ] guy uh techno plane

Second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans what’s the worst thing oh dear uh what’s in this place I found a blitz scroll your willpower will keep you safe from the Reapers and so will their perverted will if you know how to use it right per nearby foe plus 15 movement

Speed while not sprinting and plus two Max stamina so using this blitz scroll I can like so for every single enemy around me I use this blitz scroll I can become faster and have more stamina which is pretty interesting so the blitz scroll might be useful when I’m fighting

Against like a group of enemies that might be useful there’s also more Bernie salts and stuff you know they weren’t always orphans oh no oh no man oh no what is that trying to imply what is that trying to imply did someone murder the uh parents was it Batman oh dear lord technoblade

Versus Batman who wins Batman’s an orphan right he’s an orphan Batman vs technoblade who wins you know fight the orphan obliterator or the man of the bat himself oh dear lord oh there’s an enemy here get knocked off get knocked off what is this place man where is this oh

Look I think it’s the library I’m on the outside of the library look at that technoblade wins of course he does of course technoblade is just op yes technoblade doesn’t die he didn’t die he just transcended to heaven so he can challenge God in a battle yeah

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] God damn it Batman has unenchanted um netherite technoblade is just too skilled he’s too good man he’s not gonna die to Batman technoblade is a pig ain’t no way he’s gonna lose a fight to a bat

Ain’t no way man ain’t no way okay okay I have so many [ __ ] Scrolls here man I have so many [ __ ] Scrolls but I’m gonna see if I can upgrade my katana I have technoblade has 48 Hours prep time he’ll definitely win boss he doesn’t even need prep time what do you

Need prep time for what’s he gonna need Prep Prep time for huh he’s a [ __ ] mad lad no way no way he’d lose the Batman oh man um prep time plot armor for real for real God damn you know technoblade beat dream in a fight there

Is no way he can’t beat Batman you know dream you know the [ __ ] guy with like the the [ __ ] 50 million subscribers or something Batman how many subscribers does Batman have that’s right zero he has zero subscribers technoblade just definitely blows Batman out of the water to mine resources and make a villager

And slaver for potions and enchants well technically would he already have that on him though like you would assume that he would have those materials on him when you like fighter yeah you would assume that Batman the technical blade would have those items prior to the battle there’s a stupid shitty ass

[ __ ] gas shooting at me foreign get up there right [ __ ] that means I have to run all the way back I want to see if I can upgrade my katana Katana Katana Katara all right I’m back here again if you played in the world before yeah can you upgrade my katana

Should I upgrade my Katan I don’t know if I should upgrade my katana and I don’t have a crossbow that crossbow would be pretty good some reason I don’t have crossbow huh do I have a great sword where did I get where does one obtain this great sword let me asking the Discord

Hey okay let’s see here battle last I’ve already upgraded my battle ax right no I haven’t Nimble hellbird can I should I upgrade my battle ax yo I gotta go eat enjoy the Slime stream and TNT all right have a good day vashash technoblade is so powerful every world

For him is just another Minecraft save file yeah my man’s in heaven but Heaven is just [ __ ] uh I can save file uh bloody battle ax gain movement speed on enemy killed that does sound pretty good they sound pretty good pretty good but uh I don’t think I’ll be needing that for now

Nimble is such a funny word nimble Nimble timble Mr nimbus nimble like nimbus in the must where the [ __ ] am I Vanishing key go what wait what out of Vanishing key around here but it disappeared oh [ __ ] somebody’s attacking me I’m just uh checking out the Discord for a sec

Just gonna message this guy on the Discord for a sec uh yeah I don’t know why my Nimble my key disappeared I found a Vanishing key earlier but I can’t find it anymore where did my Vanishing key go where the [ __ ] did I put my Vanishing key where in the [ __ ] world

Yeah it might be actually kid just disappeared all right so I think I’m gonna go back to spawn I think because I just talked to these guys on Discord they’re uh I’m on the Discord for this map and uh because this map is so difficult

I need help yes I’m an idiot I need help for this map and they told me that there’s something interesting if I go back to spawn I missed uh I missed something a spawned so I might go back to the beginning area I might go back to ixnx

I might go back to xnx now run past these guys oh [ __ ] they hit me how could you guys hit me like this all right I didn’t make that much progress today this game is difficult bro this game is so [ __ ] difficult I’m just gonna shoot these guys back

I’m gonna kill these guys just die already man my game is still laggy I’m just gonna run past this guy because I really do not need to fight him [ __ ] hell you [ __ ] kidding me that guy just built another hole for me to fall through

Or I have so many heads of urinate I don’t know if I’ll ever use these I’m gonna ride on the mine cart now I’m gonna ride these Minecarts okay yeah I’m gonna reload the game it’s like I don’t know why the game lags like this

And it’s already 550 so I might end the stream soon progress is slow in this game progress is slow in two hours what have I managed to achieve nothing oh boy I wonder how many more streams it’ll take for me to finish this map I’m assuming another like 15 streams

Yeah I’ll do some sleeping now have a good night have a good night tntl have a good night bye bye have a good night oh my oh my God yeah okay okay back to the revolting dance all right just gonna set my Minecart here ride my mine car back to spawn takes a

While takes a while oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess I gotta run the rest of the way back XNX the empire all right running I’m literally have to run by foot this is annoying I have to run by foot boom I am a little tired after this I’m

Gonna drink after this I’m gonna eat some dinner I’mma Drew got nice soda later which will be quite nice they’ll need some dinner I’m gonna watch TV and then I might just relax for the rest of the night you know just relax ation always good to relax the body and mind

Anyways I’m gonna run through this place again okay okay okay okay okay laughs gonna run past these guys as long as they don’t fall off I don’t think I should be dead I’m pretty overpowered for this area now this area ain’t that tough with all my armor

Oh my I don’t think this Airship by that tough my arm is so tough it’s a toughy one Mama’s a toughie oh anyways I should be back at spot now X next the empire next next the Empire empire although Vixen blazing chat yo how’s it going how is it going

I am once again um playing this map it has been 22 streams or so it has been 50 hours since I started playing this and I’m still playing this still my pain has not ended yet all right so I was informed by the guys of the last king of tire Discord the if

I go back to spawn there is something in this ravine so I’m gonna go here and check this place out to see if there’s anything here because I don’t think I’ve actually checked this place out yet I think I’ve actually missed this so there might actually be some here

There might actually be something here that I missed so yeah I don’t think I’ve been here yet so yeah yeah hopefully I don’t fall off and die though that would be kind of annoying if I just fell off and died all right all right so this bridge brings me down

The Ravine next to spot and uh it’s leading me into here so this is why I use my flit and steel for this is why I use my Flint steel for it’s to blow up this thing that’s blocking the area and now I can move on

So this is a brand new place where I haven’t been yet I’m taking a break oh this is Tire Kaza I was like I have not been here yet but like this is Tire chasm I’ve been entire Chasm before and uh I don’t think I’ve been to this

Part of Tire Castle before though oh god there are baby zombies here I see baby zombies okay great great this is [ __ ] great oh [ __ ] there’s more there’s more of baby zombies of course there’s more there’s always more baby zombies okay mushrooms and lava not a good combination by day if I say

So myself okay so let’s see what’s in this area they said that there would be a good item oh [ __ ] poisoned the guy’s on the Discord said that there’d be something cool in here so I’m hoping to find something cool in here all right let’s see what’s in this place

Kind of like a mushroom-like area can I like grab a mushroom and eat it or something I mean there’s so many whoa that’s a lot of [ __ ] mushrooms they must have spent the Thai place in every single mushroom I see more mushroom people these poisonous spores please

Good thing I couldn’t one shot these babies on base or else that would be very annoying to be awesome I hear more baby zombies where it’s right there huh I hear babies obviously hear footsteps where where I see a chest here miasma scroll some giant species of fungi bear humanoid spores that spread

Corrosive clouds to weaken their prey this scroll was designed to mimic their nature create a noxious Spore cloud um I don’t know what that is but um that sounds very interesting it creates like a Spore Cloud oh that poisons you holy [ __ ] pointed to me as well ow holy [ __ ]

Holy [ __ ] that poisoned there is some effective poison holy [ __ ] okay so I have a poisonous weapon now interesting okay uh I have half a heart left so um that is a very dangerous spell to use not only does it poison my enemies but it also poisons myself

So I have to be very careful when using it oh and I found another uh Merchant guy chaos still rules Tire I believe your face implies for that I have items of use for you if you pay so this guy is a cotton cotton so this guy’s candelja the wise

So uh wisdom you feel that so deep below our feet deep down there where they sealed with their demons people just like you and I my people the ceiling brought us time but other ways there are there are the ceiling brought this tie but there but other ways there are out of this

Okay what the ceiling broadest high but other ways there are out of that City cursed the Sega Fortnight lasted but was it worth the lives perhaps but the survivors posed a risk they said I was a threat now here I am not are they what threat was I

But throw us back they did back to Hell friends went family went I watched I feared I could not die for I could not forgive I will not forget is that wisdom for you it is all I know interested um okay uh it seems like uh this person is not very happy

So let’s see what she has let’s see what they have to say about ship the river here underground a deep through fare for trading risk what the [ __ ] why am I really so poorly today the river here underground a busy through for a busy through fair for trading ships it once

Was at the Reaper’s beginning they they stopped quite suddenly but the ship of your reference impaled in the sea greet is it not the last to cop the crew or the crew most dead or reaped the Lone Survivor missing he might know but would not say for dead by now most certainly

Is the last of that crew cursed and the last king of tire imagine not that vile murderer’s name so it seems that she does not like uh the last king of tire then apparently seems like the last king of tire uh okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry dot dot dot okay oh okay

Okay so it seems that kashar jar sells some pretty good stuff candelja sells dissicated carpesses which is really good stuff if I say she said uh they sell really good stuff I’m gonna buy a bunch of their dissike carapaces which gives me seven wow okay okay it was nice talking to you

Um I’m gonna move on for a sec um is there anything else here is there anything else here is there anything else here can I get past this area I don’t think I can foreign okay what else is here through here wait I can’t get out no way I can

All right let’s see what’s through here if I take any damage I’m dead so I have to be quite careful here um I found another petrified knot and I found a locked door ass out of open okay I found a locked door that’s it and I am assuming there is nothing else here

I’m assuming there is nothing else here that all right so I’m assuming there’s nothing else here so I’m just gonna leave just gonna leave I don’t think I can open this yeah yeah I do think I’m just gonna leave now I do think I’m just gonna leave

Yeah I think I’m done here actually I think I am done here so I might end the stream now yeah I think I’m gonna end the stream here now this was a pretty nice stream I I wouldn’t say I made progress but I did do a couple of things today

I did do a couple of things today which I did enjoy so yeah I’m gonna end the stream here though it is six I’ve been streaming for two and a half hours and despite streamers so I made minimal progress So yeah thank you guys so much for

Watching it has been a pleasure if you’ve joined the stream I appreciate it thank you for being here bye bye everybody I met in the Stream now bye bye everybody bye-bye oh bye bye everybody I’m tired I’m tired

This video, titled ‘Slime Vtuber plays Last King Of Tyre [Minecraft Map] – part 23’, was uploaded by SlimeInSpace on 2023-04-03 22:50:49. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:00 or 9000 seconds.

The Last King of Tyre is a large singleplayer dark fantasy RPG, developed over 6 years for vanilla Minecraft 1.17.1. Complete with a full custom combat system, NPCs, spells, challenging bosses, tons of unique loot, a complex interconnected world swimming in deep lore and many secrets – both in lore and throughout the world.

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  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Cobey on 2024-05-20 12:36:24. It has garnered 8531 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:11 or 1391 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker! This has lots of Minecraft Mods installed! Today we built Barbie girl house! We are inspired by MongoTV, Wudo, Omziscool, and Kory! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun…. Read More

  • JJ’s Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw Hands

    JJ's Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw HandsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-14 20:00:11. It has garnered 94124 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:49 or 3649 seconds. How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft – EPIC!

    HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain (Imagine Dragon – Bones) #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #fyp’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-15 08:28:21. It has garnered 180417 views and 11387 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #tiktok #like Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Climbing With Heavy Weight (Imagine Dragon – Bones) HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain… Read More

  • Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

    Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST…’, was uploaded by AA12 on 2024-05-24 01:00:15. It has garnered 2002 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:47 or 1907 seconds. Today, we play Minecraft but we play the scariest addon… This mod adds a lot of scary jumpscares in Minecraft PE! Watch till the end to see if we survive this scary Minecraft mod. If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST… The Haunted Herobrine Addon: Fearcraft Addon: Addon Creator: Thanks for watching! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!

    EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Raw Gameplay Part 1’, was uploaded by CtrlAltFun on 2024-03-27 21:45:01. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. Welcome to ctrlaltfun, where adventure, creativity, and exploration merge in the pixelated world of Minecraft! Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into the endless possibilities of this sandbox universe. Introduction: Welcome to the infinite world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, embark on a… Read More

  • Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?

    Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby Cameraman Deserve Go To Heaven Or Go Down Hell?’, was uploaded by Baby Monster School on 2024-01-03 09:30:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Music: Sound Effects: #SkibidiToilet #minecraft #Cameraman. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My Server

    Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Special Program Reaction + Minecraft on My Own Server’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-26 20:08:58. It has garnered 24 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:15 or 12075 seconds. This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE WITH VIEWERS! | 10k Sub Hype!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS | 10k Subscribers?’, was uploaded by iitzDanger on 2024-04-05 16:54:21. It has garnered 1884 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:29 or 12989 seconds. 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS Other Socials: Minecraft Channel: Twitter: Sponsors/Partners: Use code ‘Danger’ for 15% off at: Use Code ”Danger” for 20% off at: Use Code ‘Adxpt’ for 10% off at: Use Code ‘ADXPT10’ for 10% off at fortnite,fortnite challenge,fortnite chapter 4,fortnite shorts,fortnite tiktoks,fortnite news,fortnite tips,fortnite memes,fortnite trickshot,fortnite battle royale,fortnite montage,fortnite… Read More

  • Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!

    Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonic.EXE VS Sonic Baby VS Amy Rose | Minecraft & Sonic @Mtime4 – Piano Tutorial’, was uploaded by OCTOBER SHORTS on 2024-06-03 07:08:21. It has garnered 6268 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Original Video Creator’s Channel: @Mtime4 Original Video: This video was created for educational purposes, with the intention of offering a distinctive combination of music and humor. If the original creator has any concerns about the video. I completely understand. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ([email protected]) . I will promptly… Read More

  • Friendly Pickaxe

    Friendly PickaxeA brand-new semi-vanilla survival server This server runs Fabric with the goal of maintaining true vanilla game behavior. 3 /home’s /tpa commands to teleport to your friends /randomtp so you can get started quick! 16 view distance Perfect vanilla behavior 20+GB of RAM Cross Minecraft/Discord chat & music bot We don’t take donations or reward players in exchange for votes Discord: Dynmap: Read More

  • BudderCraft Network – Bedrock Support – Anti-cheat – No toxicity – Survival – Skyblock – Prison – Parkour – KitPvP – Factions – Tower Defense – Mini Games

    BudderCraft Server BudderCraft Server We are an in-development/beta server dedicated to providing a variety of feature-rich modes, strict prevention of cheating, and fostering a friendly community with no toxic behavior. Development and Updates Our small development team is constantly working on re-imagining game modes. Updates may take time, but we encourage players to join, playtest, and provide feedback. Cheating Policy We have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating. Any form of cheating will result in an unpardonable ban. Mods are not allowed except for specific ones. Piracy is also strictly prohibited. Community Guidelines We strive to create a fun and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed itLooks like this meme has a perfect score of 365, must be doing some serious mining for those upvotes! Read More

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft’s Anime Masterpiece

    Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft's Anime Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has arrived, Jujutsu Kaisen fans, get ready to be revived. With sorceries and spells, your gameplay will ignite, Crafting and building, in a whole new light. Daosao Gamers, bringing you the best, In the realm of mods, they pass the test. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this anime world, where battles are won. Subscribe for more, turn on the bell, For updates and gameplay, they do it well. Like, share, and comment, show your support, For Daosao Gamers, the Minecraft cohort. Read More

  • Bro’s Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Bro's Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Bro thought he was about to drop some sick rhymes in the Minecraft XXL 2016 Freshman Cypher, but all he could come up with was “Creeper, oh man” on repeat. #minecraftfail #notsofreshman Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

    Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed! The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Seed for Version 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure? Look no further than this incredible survival seed for version 1.21! Packed with diverse biomes, fascinating structures, and endless possibilities, this seed is perfect for both Bedrock and Java editions. Get ready to explore and conquer new territories in the world of Minecraft! Key Locations to Explore Here are some key coordinates to help you navigate this exciting seed: Village: 216 ~ -344 Shipwreck: 680 ~ 184 Ocean Monument: 760 ~ 168 Join the Community Looking for fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to… Read More


    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?

    Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?Video Information This video, titled ‘¿Por que razón me cayo un rayo? 🤣🤣 #minecraft #humor #minecraftseries #shorts #funny’, was uploaded by Burguir on 2024-02-13 09:01:42. It has garnered 2441 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : 😎BEDROCK/PE – 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

SlimeInSpace – Slime Vtuber plays Last King Of Tyre [Minecraft Map] – part 23