Slush Mob – New STREAMER! {Minecraft}

Video Information

Oh and we’re live cam hey what’s up how’s it going [ __ ] timed out why did you don’t swear well i don’t care actually god god condemn it all right let everything loaded uh me nothing okay wait i can’t hear okay so tell us about the seed cam this seed is

Like like turn turn over this way this way look at the cool thing oh gosh i had to fix something one sec i just realized i changed my webcam so i gotta fix the size of it now don’t you hate your webcams packing too much okay what all right so like

Look over here like stand here and look over here yeah it’s a great view i hate i hate you so much that’s what you’re gonna do to me no no i you wanted me to tell you about the seed i’ll tell you about the seed get over here just tell us

All right so this this seed is a really cool seed because it’s a crater left over by the impact of your mom that was probably that i i recorded by the way that that’s the part that’s going up on youtube no i wasn’t recording the first place

But then i recorded the whole your mom thing and then that’s going up on youtube as the first video no because like well yeah but i can’t like i’m not gonna put up in like a full feature length youtube video when i’m not even sure if everything’s running right

I’m gonna do a little short one to test things out first plus i can barely hear [ __ ] from the video game right now how do i watch the video back and make sure it’s fine and then continue recording are you are you recording right now yeah i’m streaming okay suck my nuts

This guy [Laughter] could you hear that through my headphones no i cannot it like there is next to no game audio it is just my like slightly echoey voice it is like dead quiet can you hear me well including including you why’d you have me turn down

Huh what do you have me turn down because you were allowed before wow um that was just so fun why am i almost dead where am i okay yeah i’m turning up the muse the everything a bit more sorry your streamer are gonna record again or no

Leave me the hell alone figuring it out right now the for for your information the the sounds in that video there there was no game sound so i’m trying to turn it all up a bit all right wyatt tell me a joke what a chicken cross the road why

Because he was a pecker all right i i didn’t have a reaction to that so that would be interesting um if i just kill you right now no don’t i don’t want that okay can you like not do anything in the game right now i can’t tell if it’s game

Audio or the video okay murder okay it’s kind of louder but you can also hear my keys [Laughter] turn up your game volume more than not the actual decibel meter thing no i i am doing that i just don’t want to like burst people’s eardrums with like noise just shut up all right

Nothing so there’s a villager over there i see there i’m gonna turn match volume to 30 and everything else to like 50. why am i almost dead oh you don’t know no clue dude i don’t know it’s hard to tell your finger slip all right wyatt we’re going to survive

The night right yeah okay i can tell you’re recording now yeah i’m recording right now yeah that’s good all right a lot of things happens there which is good um we got uh i i won’t leave this tree right here it’s a very nice tree like actually

Okay it is so strange look listen back wow okay um yeah game audio pretty good balance a pretty good creeper i would have not liked that warning before he exploded you’re welcome you’re welcome see you should been recording that part why because i was like well you should i

Would have liked to warn him before he exploded you know before i lost like three hearts hey wyatt nice [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is a baby zombie why there’s a baby zombie i know what he just spawned as soon as he killed you oh i had to

Wait he despawned no way i i i i i can’t hold on no i forgot i should make the world spawn right here i didn’t realize that no i can see the the village that is in the distance from where we are in fact i’m just going to sleep there

It’s turning down sun glares on my computer it’s turning a day like any minute that’s now i did a nice caulking so i need to see that sounds kind of homophobic what sounds kind of homophobic no if anything it’s a homophobic or homie homster just stop and get smelly there’s no bed

In here god are you a homie sapien [Applause] yes you are i’m gonna iron screw you i’m getting beaned sleep i can’t please sleep there’s no bed near me make one i can’t why because i haven’t killed enough sheep oh there’s a creeper might delete me off

The planet though no just actually yeah that that would actually help just die please i just realized my record button when i sleep the tilde went into the search bar hello sheep uh creeper you’re not a sheep what’d you say nothing wait what’d you just say wyatt i called a creeper a sheep

Quiet buy it creeper oh man i already regret this oh you recorded that bit i can tell uh yeah i needed to test how that went [Applause] i like that my disposition gets across in the video why don’t you just use the webcam part too oh that was trippy what

This is so funny come on what are you working on in the game i’m not working on anything i’m just applying back to video okay i i can see how this can be kind of funny well we’re streaming and stuff yeah streaming and video winning but i like doing it not now

Now that i’m actually figuring it out although you will probably have to get used to it like me being like this rin this is probably how i’m gonna do everything like that’s fine by me okay you just like to make fun of me for being like this a lot so so like my

My like eternally disappointing sound like like tone in my voice like oh [ __ ] not this again yeah this is what you’re gonna deal with all the time oh [ __ ] zombie i mean i already i’m already finding an iron coppers uh coal so it’s almost day you said you’re going to the woods with

Jasper later tonight yep we’re gonna have a fire and cook some beans and hot dogs i like some some beans and franks huh um all right just to let you know i’m recording right now all right all right gamers i’m uh i’m i i died unfortunately yeah

That was just to give by an example of what death looks like oh and you also could record and then pause it and then go do something and then come back and continue the recording in case you didn’t know i i don’t know how to do that i’m getting no script by skeleton

It’s the same thing as starting a recording and then ending it it’s written that same uh hotkey option if you wanted to do that yeah i’ll probably figure that out i have 17 iron come at me game i i i have a 17 of this dick um where am i

That’s a great question i went oh i’m i’m i’m in the snow biome place i knew you were following me keeper um i’m lost i’ll tell you our coordinates i should be fine actually yeah some tell me your coordinates 700 geez okay 700 700 okay yeah no no negative it’s negative 573. okay

If you’re doing the exact same thing that i did to you earlier i was thinking about it but then i it’s not fun so okay um it was very funny negative 572. here i’ll just type yeah just type it i’m gonna die of hunger i almost have a stack of coal gosh i’m

Awesome gosh i’m so jealous i’m so jealous of your skills and your skills your skills your kills and your grills i’m gonna go pop in my grills real quick i got on you got your girls on heck yeah you get them on the cheap no they’re 14k right yeah

So yeah you know 144 i feel like you’re leading me astray if you’re watching my stream you could tell i’m not but yeah okay i just have this itchy feeling on my back that i think that’s just your pubes okay i’m gonna stop recording now [ __ ] no no oh god that was priceless

Don’t stop how about we do a world where you have to live stream like just go on it well now now this one this one’s not gonna be permanent yes this one’s permanent i thought we were just testing on this one no this is the world we said that last

Stream this is the waiting last stream last time i streamed last like you’re streaming right now still right yes guys this world is just temporary we’re not going to keep it no no we’re not that this this world sucks it’s like i’m getting screwed over so much in this

World that’s just because you died once i don’t want to hear it well yeah but it’s 500 blocks away what block did you you’re at the village that’s not 500 blocks from the village you’re 500 blocks you know i was also lost part way through so don’t blame me

Yeah i’m not gonna blame you for you getting lost you’re right thank you for agreeing with me oh yeah anytime um can you give me some supplies uh i can’t actually because this is going to be the permanent world cashier cow so was that a yes yes this is the

Permanent world so yes i’ll help you okay oh trying to kill too many cows nearby because i don’t know if there’s a lot around our place yeah i know i’ll kill pigs instead or snow fox kitchen names are pretty pretty stupid what’s the most useless minecraft animal chicken uh well chickens

Chickens you can use for arrows that’s pretty useful but you can just kill skeleton exactly that’s why you should kill chickens to get feathers so you can craft some arrows yeah making them useful not useless yeah yeah see i think in terms of drops pigs are the

Most useless they drop the second best uh animal food yeah but they only drop food while the others drop other things mmm well almost a problem i just ate raw chicken llamas don’t even drop food hey no i have to go all the way back i didn’t realize you were so low [ __ ]

Why’d you do that why’d you steal my stuff i wasn’t gonna steal it i was just keeping it warm hold on sweet log off turn i turn cheats on for a second set this is the world spawn log off and go back on no i’m not a okay i’ll just

Let me take some bread some horse armor Gosh i have to go all the way back i made a bed i stole a bed that’s good oh potatoes emerald wood pie um i i don’t know where no i do know i can see it from here how did i get lost that’s why i said it’s it’s not your

Fault i don’t know the the village is right next to the crater how did i get lost i i don’t know you know i’m not sure it’s not your fault though that’s all i know that’s right it’s not my fault right you know what is your fault though what i don’t know

But i’ll think of something okay you do that am i recording right now what you’re supposed to be that’s the whole point of us doing this no i i just stopped recording i had like a 15 minute long video right there okay that’s the perfect first video right there

You know what else is the first perfect video right what the porno that i shot with i don’t know team charles i i recorded that bit but i’m not gonna use it well my stream heard you say that so good job chat whatever they’re not going to remember they don’t know something

Is he gay question yes yes okay there’s no way someone actually said that you you you’re making that up okay yeah i totally am right i so am okay how do i pull up your chat or your thing ooh some nice minecraft tunes um what are you called again youtube

Slash mob that’s right oh gosh are you live right now new street oh my god no it just says x-rays is you hold on it pops up on my end first so i can improve with comments i’m looking at it you have okay you type that in

You typed that yes you did i just saw it what do you mean some some account named wyatt fogarty did not slush mob oh look at that i gained a viewer hello new vr yeah i you know what i’ve got a distinct feeling that that that we’re gonna leave pretty soon

Hey why what’s up look at what i have sad minecraft noises sad minecraft noises yeah hey wyatt oh [ __ ] i still got my emerald i just bully you into the water and you fall down and die again that’s gonna take so long to get up there

There’s a stream right next to us that goes up the mountain you’re a stream it’s right next to us goes up okay it goes up like halfway it doesn’t work hey halfway is better than no way halfway is better than i’m so norway Oh my goodness i’m so silly where i want to share you sheep i wanna i wanna skin you a lie i wanna skin you and your sugar and your children’s children curse them hey yo i think this guy’s a psychopath i think this guy is a little bit of a gay

I know my chat did say that guy was gay no no you’re lying they did you you’re a lion marv i sh i didn’t sleep in my bed that’s up there god damn it Oh look at that i’m sleeping in the blue bed it’s purple you [ __ ] idiot you don’t have anything to say to that i don’t i do not have anything to say that quiet i can’t get up there drop some blocks down or something where are you

Okay so i’m in the hole i’m dropping him right there okay where’s right there it’s a whole stack of dirt right there where oh no go back that’s right you drop out on like a ledge or something no here i’m dropping it i’m dropping this birch where i drop the stuff that’s right

I can see on the mountainside i can’t get to it you’re joking go chuck the edge of the wood platform or something i did well you just [ __ ] suck then oh now come down with me no most of it’s right cam it’s right there i can’t get to it yes you can

I don’t have that burst block that you gave me anymore this sucks how am i gonna get up now oh dirt i think i’ve ever heard someone say ooh dirt before don’t get shot down by the skeleton up here there’s a skeleton up here god there was

I don’t know if there still is there’s a skeleton up here well not there anymore that was close break the tower where’s my bed he didn’t take any knock back because he’s you know burning because he was on fire why did you go back down that’s fine my bed’s up there anyway so

I can die you took my pick accident down there no i didn’t yes you did no i yes you did that would have been hilarious if i did but i genuinely didn’t my iron pick isn’t with me you did the zombie probably burned it or something no that’s not possible

I see it down there seriously i didn’t even realize it was in my inventory [ __ ] that was on you oh you did it you put it in the thing you did that am i recording right now you put almost dot you threw it away yeah okay i have no idea if i’m recording

Right now how do you not know wow how far did you fall jesus oh wait maybe you didn’t take it what okay did you actually take my pickaxe cam hello oh oh there it is you threw it off the edge wait no you didn’t like you actually didn’t cam are you there cam

I’m watching my video right now no it is very confusing to try and tell who was actually talking right now why are you stuck down there no i’m fine i got blocks oh yeah i see you up there all right wyatt let’s get this bread all right seriously um

All right this is gonna be interesting first uh recording world this is uh this is uh and why are you here why are you here wyatt you’re taking my wood why i’ve got eight logs to my name get out of here i didn’t do anything i’m so disciplined so uh um

I heard that in real life before i heard it in the in the game what happened did you fall way further than i thought that’s the amazing thing about this seat it like you will like many a pitfall will be had so where are you gonna live are you

Gonna live like in the same i can do the same general thing as me i don’t know i’ll probably find a nice like hole in the side of the the ass crater um could live right across from me we could have a giant bridge we could have a giant bridge over

Where we where we could like fish off of say hi fit actually fish off of is not a bet like bungee jumping that actually be kind of cool um what’s that in the cake i can’t see from here well it don’t do anything to me

You see that cave over there oh on the other side that ice inside or is that just fog fog okay i have no idea if the mic will pick up me me eating mike nyx right now but oh well mike and ikes are just jelly beans but longer hmm

I said that mike and ikes are just jelly beans but longer my eggs are way better than jelly beans they are but they’re not all different who are you no you see like um you see the tiger place across there like to the uh right like you see this the stoney with the

Two tag on the sides of the right side i’ll probably make my house there still on the edge of the thing though right yeah yeah yeah likes similar ideas to you but over there yeah it’s still pretty tall but it’s not too tall so that it’s not funny i don’t know i’m tired

Everyone who is listening right now i am so tired it is stick actually what time is it 705 it is 705 i i it is the last two days of april break uh this is this will be my last april break before college um and i’m just tired i’m just really really tired

And like i want to do a bunch of cool stuff but like when do i have the time to do it you know so yeah i’m i’m grappling with that anyways here here’s where my house is gonna be it’s gonna except my bed gonna be awesome it’s gonna be a real

Real neat base if i do say so myself it’s gonna be a real real cool area to to live in and you know the the Property value will be like skyrocketing because i have both a lake view and if you go over here an ocean view i i i live like right on a ridge next to the ocean so so that’ll be cool and it’ll be my house would be made of exotic woods

Because it’ll be made out of the spruce wood of the surrounding trees and whatnot so that that’ll that’ll add a lot to the the valley of the hou oh no there we go that will add a lot to the value of the house and it’ll it’ll have a majestic overlook oh

[ __ ] i just fell off god anyways why how are you doing i just watched you fall off the side what if i had a zoom in option to rate where you died i was zoomed in on that block before you fell and died i’m i was sitting here watching you the whole time

And i just said why guess what i just find there is a zoom in option idiot i just see him go Are you watching my stream or i’m not streaming i’m watching you i’m watching you in the game you’re watching me in the game okay so you so you saw me just walk off the edge yes okay uh back to be doing progress so you won’t sleep and i actually i want to sleep

In real life and in game i mean i feel like many uh a midnight stream would be pretty cool be pretty funny you’re gonna do a midnight stream tonight no mainly because i can’t stream i’m gonna stream you should record and join no i i might

Play game but i might i don’t know about record i don’t know that this would be very much a depending on how i feel kind of thing always in the mood stream i’m not always in the mood i’m a very uh mood person why you always in a mood

Is it like a brand new i i ain’t trying to tell you what to do but try to play it cool baby i am playing by the rules everything looked better with the view is that how it goes uh restart again because you mess up on something begin i can’t remember the beginning

Okay well you tried it’s all right i tried i i tried to be cool like the kids i thought that was you in the middle of water but i realized there’s a squid why would that be me i’m red good good point dude you’re a stupid idiot oh yeah for those

You haven’t seen my skin i’m knuckles um it’s awesome skin i have no regrets you’re so quirky why you’re the one who has a texture pack that lets you see the blocks free and you died look at that you love to see that gamers like like why it’s chat type l right now

What did i have on me oh i had all my tools on me you had all yours all your stuff on you and it’s all gone it’s at the bottom of the i live hole to an ocean you idiot it’s it’s at the bottle bottom of the lake it’s really dark

But you know what i’m not gonna i’m i’m not gonna have a um a texture pack that you know makes me see stuff differently it’s gonna want me i do have a texture let me see stuff differently has optifine downloaded i don’t have uh optifine by itself doesn’t do anything

It just lets you do stuff what’s up music i think that’s music that’s playing right now i don’t know all my game audio is like super quiet well at some point if you go into the water you’ll see a bunch of uh iron tools they’re free for you if you want them

All right i’ll i’ll take a i’ll take a quick dip into the water although it is funny that we have like a giant trash can now like we don’t want anything we just throw it down into the hole yeah that is music that’s playing it’s awesome it’s awesome it’s really really cool

Music yeah it’s really really peaceful it’s really thought-provoking music it’s really emotional it’s really nostalgic just make me let’s make me cry on the inside i think we can rock hard yeah that too it’s make me it’s making my feelings rock hard um where’d you die there’s no water wyatt

You are such a helpful person you are such a helpful human being no of course you died in the water where is your stuff in the water i got no clue if i knew where it was i would have gotten it i fell off my balcony my porch

Thing okay so you’re probably right in front of it where um did it despawn okay no it’s here i found your iron axe should be an axe a shovel there’s only an axe here unless some of it’s on the cliff i don’t think it’s on the cliff

Did you hit the cliff on the way down yes i hit the cliff on the way down oh that that’s an awful way to go um yeah no i see you’re i see your stuff i just picked up an iron shovel ow i don’t feel like going further the music hmm Uh recording stuff the camera mic the thing that you gave me yeah uh not keep it but if you want to show me to buy it off of you you actually want to bite off of me yeah i’m thinking about doing this for a bit um 30 bucks 30 yeah that’s fair enough

Um i still want to think about it for a bit but i’ll probably do that okay only two on why you don’t have anyone else that’s gonna buy it i’m saying if i want it back i’m saying oh it is it is a it’s a it’s it is a

Classic mic in camera a lot of youtubers start off with it for those of you wondering it’s the electric c920 like it’s it’s like the blue yeti of those are you wondering i shot a porno with this once with this exact camera frag oh my god i hate this game

I was gonna have so much much stuff i just made a fresh set of freaking tools where’d you die oh don’t i’m grabbing it don’t you even dare think about it i would rip off your foreskin you know what it’s too much to ask for to to find it it’s too too lost

Found it so the one thing i need to get back oh there it is that pickaxe so why it’s viewers uh how’s your how’s your days been going because you know they’re they’re numbered you know okay but how have how have they been oh my pickaxe someone asked if you like uh dudes

Was that person you no i want some more vegan sausages now you are what you eat and jiren ass heck yeah i love a man of culture you you digging up the dirt tower and then placing it back down yes i can see you from here it’s called recycling

Hey look i have a zoomed feature look at that that’s so cool then i can do that and i can see him oh shaky cam it’s very intense right now holy crap it’s so intense right now oh man is he gonna live is he is he gonna die

Is like what’s gonna happen oh look at that beautiful sunset oh you can’t see anymore oh look at that fog that you can’t see from from being blind by the sun oh yes uh anyways stop throwing it back why don’t you throw this back if i throw a frag grenade anyways i have

My lighting rod attached to my wooden platforms and that’s gonna be awesome i don’t know if awesome is the right word but sure it means i’m willing to take risks and i’m brief you’re right are we sleeping this has already been almost an hour stream time flies by when you stream

I’ve been recording this entire time have you now and you know what my my viewers that they’re gonna say man that that camden he’s a real funny guy you know he he’s a real he’s a real tier three sub he is a real who in the hall of that one

Oh i found a food source oh what is it uh sweet berries it’d be stupid to not fish in a lake rim sweet berries guess who just got golden pants because who has no pants guess who’s got nuts where’d the hang on wait what a gold pickaxe can’t

Break gold blocks and give it to you no why that’s how stupid gold is i don’t know that’s that’s never works like that okay for for your cons i i stole the nether portal loot from from the thing you saw earlier and those two blocks are just gone through the wind now

So now i have i’m breaking two gold pickaxe and i’m breaking two gold pants i don’t know gold is but i know what butter is so you got some butter oh oh butter i i like that one yeah yeah i i know butter i know i don’t butter minecraft yeah hello cow

Come on how did you wind up in here i’m in a cave i’m mine in a coal and i found a cow down here i don’t know you probably brought him here Chicken balls oh hey i see you all the way up there look at you look at you and your fancy little little thing you know i have i have charm like i i like they like i am the most charming person out of the entire land so far i don’t have any

Food go charm the villagers for some food yeah i’m gonna go uh steal them you know steal i’m gonna steal mame kill i’m gonna pillage ah cooked um nice i just lit a chicken on fire put out the fire and hit the chicken with my shovel to get me cooked fish

Uh chicken [ __ ] actually officially sounds pretty good right now mcdonald’s though right mcdonald’s fish life oh man i still have the haddock stuff that is in the fridge right now haddock is pretty good you know what else is pretty good nothing this is i did something that’s pretty cool

Oh it’s pretty cool huh it’s uh looks pretty ass from where i’m standing okay chicken come over here there you are don’t touch the chicken i have to yay hello cat is that an atlantic cod fish cautious you’re gonna take my raw card hardwire you’re ready gosh that’s ear piercing coffin jesus

Yeah coffin these nuts just know i’m tired i’m retired ah i was holding shift oh my god this has been like what the fourth time now i swear to god my shift key is broken i’m really holding then i’m crowd i’m not even crouching when i hold it

You’re pr you probably broke it at some point you know i will break you oh [ __ ] i’m not dead that hurt a lot that hurt my feelings feels you gonna try and pick up these balls yeah so what’s up gamers um let’s let’s do this we’re here we’re

Making a house we’re making a house we’re we’re making a house we’re making friends we’re making memories we’re making babies we’re we’re making children we’re we’re we’re making kids um am i recording right now good question maybe i don’t know i have no i it stuck the the test widget

Thing is stuck on one second so i have no idea so this is so annoying you’re annoying i will come in your room punching your throat oh wait you actually said that i’m watching a video right now about my video where’s my sword the game sometimes my actual game but the recording lag

Sometimes that’s fine shouldn’t be running the shaders that are whatever it’s called oh there’s my sword i said try not to run shaders or whatever it is then no that that would affect my game like my game isn’t lagging but the screen recording is oh no then get up there jesus christ

You know since it’s a multiplayer stream this will be over an hour what nothing i’m talking to my people oh look at that sunset look at that beautiful sunset oh it’s gone now what is copper even good for um it’s good for making pennies making it’s good for making pennies that’s

Pretty much it baked potatoes in real life i’m really hungry for something meaty i don’t know what i’m on a real meat kick recently oh not meat kick oh i can cook ham steak after i’m done streaming oh that would legit be pretty good that that would that would be awesome

Some ham stick and some uh stuffing that sounds awesome sorry okay let me watch more of my videos of your actual videos what is it like videos of you or is it yeah i’m watching videos of me right now to see how good holy crap plenty of iron

So i made a way for me to get up and down if i fall down again i’m sleeping sleep oh [ __ ] come on what creeper oh man that cat oh my god the blanket can sit on me what i’m talking to the cat oh oh i look why i look back there’s

Uh we got three new people who’s joined oh hi people this is the world renowned streamer slash youtuber slash gamer major spanx talking i i am uh i am really funny you should check me out you should i’ll link his youtube channel in the description nothing’s gonna be there

And nothing’s gonna be there i am i am starting out today uh slush mob here he he hooked me up with the with the webcam well not a webcam uh a mic it is a webcam too yeah but my i i i have a face for radio if you know what i’m saying

But um yeah yeah he he he hooked me up and i i’ve been i’ve been recording and talking to both everyone and meeting you and and slash mob but also no one because these these recordings aren’t going anywhere this is just a test out well i mean i’m

Gonna post one of them probably a your mom joke or something just so that my name appears if if someone searches it but yeah the first video will be a yo mama joke all right so tell us about you camden like like what what do you want like you

All know my social security security or like what do you want to know about me what do you want to know where where’s wyatt’s thing type in questions in chat and maybe i’ll look at them or something i don’t know are you on my stream i’m going on it

You know my computer is running actually pretty good so far for all the stress that is being put on it right now i misspelled your name do people know your real name what oh if they didn’t they do now um oh there there’s why it’s is he gay um

Yeah i’m on your stream now oh this is though this is so confusing seeing and hearing wyatt because i don’t know if he’s actually talking or if it’s just recording just mute my stream actually you’re a genius you see this is why this is why i’m having wire be my my

Guide because i i am new to this whole thing and it’s it’s like it’s like learning how to ride a bike it’s like uh it’s really it’s really hard it’s really hard and like you you got you’re kind of pedaling and you don’t know if you’re doing everything right like like you don’t

Know if you’re steering right or is white talking right now no he’s not he’s just making faces as i’m talking say something huh say something i’m giving up on you oh yeah yeah look at that handsome young man hey wyatt what how’s it going it’s going it’s going it’s going that’s that’s good

I like it when it’s going who is that iron ore who it is that’s that’s that’s a real uh i don’t know people still say pogba’s that’s a real oh no i have no idea is my game music loud i am i’m out of i wouldn’t say out of touch because i

Still have like the internet and whatnot but in terms of what all the cool people say i am behind like i am i i am living under a rock in a in a hard place whatever what to do for the walls of this place i might do stone brick i don’t know

I am making mine out of anything that i find so i would do oh during during my rambling did you lose people uh my two people know and i was at seven on my end i said oh no i’m sorry no you’re fine yeah i just broke my axe i mean my axe

What do you mean that i lent to you that i gave to you it was the one in the water you lost and no i was using a stone before oh so this is the minecraft stream uh um you’re sure this on youtube right yeah uh i don’t know hit that

Bell or something hit the bell to get notifications when this guy goes live annually uploads videos so that you can be one of the first few people to watch them and while you’re there hit that thumbs up down below because it supports him in his channel attending dolly enjoy him streaming

And then while you’re there click the big red subscribe button so you join the major spanx community it’s free and why not do it it is not free you have to pay money you have to pay money to join the the the community i i don’t i don’t want to lie to you

People uh you you have to pay you know i i’m uh i’m a savvy businessman and you have to pay for certain services and you know i got bills to pay i’m lying hey why you still there yes okay i’m kind of afraid of it at some point i

Just say something so monumentally stupid that you just leave the call i’ll let you know when that happens okay thank you it’s good to know that hasn’t happened yet peace out what i just leave like right then you’re like oh thank gosh that hasn’t happened

It makes the discord no no like i left you like wait what oh right yeah i remember that mix of sound you know this is if you shoot in the woods no one hears it no but they could smell it they can smell it that is right oh man you’re still right

You’re so right you’re that is a very true statement that was made so you said that family members and whatnot watch your videos yeah dad nanny uh patrick’s jeffrey jolene well i don’t know if jolene does but this is it’s gonna be something i thought that sheep was a goat for a second

Where are you wyatt there you are i have a gift for you i just realized i don’t have my emerald in him [ __ ] um i was gonna give you a baby chick but it’s it died so at some point during maximum terminal velocity when i threw it at you

So when you baseball fast pitched the egg it sadly broke yeah when i when i like wound all the way like when i drop kicked the egg it unfortunately broke uh yeah that was all i have for you okay bye-bye i’m just hauling out the inside of my house right now um

There’s ground there oh man that was close i think i sneeze i feel like i gotta puke ew knock my phone off my gut i’m at some point i was that was a proper entrance to my house but uh for right now it’s gonna be a ladder

I might put a truck i can’t see anything oh just thought you should know but you didn’t have to cut me off have your friends collect your records and then change your number but i don’t even oh [ __ ] that was close oh by the way meanwhile’s wondering when

We want to do the mulch oh all right i told her probably tomorrow because that’s more both available because it was supposed to be today is that a two-person job i might be able to get on my own but you could you could just go there you remember where you should get paid

By her or not yeah of course we do well what do you mean of course you do she has every time yes i can’t remember and she did didn’t you know doesn’t matter you don’t understand why it always matters you know she watches these two it always matters

Although sometimes out of the depths of my soul i do nice things but usually it is false i do not do nice things oh fellas hold on my plates it’s 11 by 11. all right go to sleep why maybe some fish i want some haddock no

What are you uh going to adjust for uh we’re gonna go out at nine nine that’s a little late for two guys to go outside into the woods alone don’t you think you’re so funny if he offered to suck your dick would you say yes [Laughter]

How many views you think i get per stream how many just how many do you think i don’t know probably like five it’s actually very accurate normally fluctuates between five and twelve well for those five 12 people i am sorry like the one i did earlier got 13 i think

All right why i’m gonna head off soon as soon as in like now all right i am tired i’ll on my stream in just a second then all right i’ll see you later okay bubby uh you mean stream because you’re seeing me right after because i’m cooking him steak or yeah

I’ll see you hello hi i’m thinking birch for the floor right now i honestly don’t know i normally don’t like to build a birch but just because i’m using spruce and oak there’s some good diversity man this is a long stream hi cat hey feed you in a sec

Any more wood i need more birch i’ve only ever seen in my life i need more birds what no never been said by me after this tree there should be plenty i think for walls i’m gonna do stone brick yeah i feel like that’ll look good delicious so i got a stable food

System that’s good i also need to uh let me make a shovel in a second here come on cat come up here you’re gonna make a ruckus just come jump up here i tilt you back up here in case you guys were wondering what camera i use i use a razer kira

Or kiora i don’t know how you pronounce it there you are kitty there you are say hello to everyone i don’t like i appreciate if you don’t headbutt the mic i don’t know she’s headed on me that’s better than the mic oh i think i can’t hear my mouth doing that liberal ah

Alrighty well that will be the end of this stream right here if you guys enjoyed it make sure hit that thumbs up down below supports me on my channel lets me know that you enjoy me streaming for you guys and while you’re there tap on the bell to get notifications when this guy

Go live and we upload videos good job and then also hit the red button to subscribe and join the slash mob community also i’ll tag my brother’s channel in the description whenever he uploads his first video for you guys and it’ll be on the dope channels section on my channel

And i’ll see you all in the next stream oh the cat is wandering so come here i don’t actually know where

This video, titled ‘New STREAMER! {Minecraft}’, was uploaded by Slush Mob on 2022-04-23 11:59:47. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:39 or 5139 seconds.

Support the stream: If you enjoyed this video please SLAP that thumbs up button to support me and my channel! Also if you are new CLICK that big red subscribe button to join the Slush Mob community!!!

  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

    Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures with Sad! Exploring the World of Minecraft Robert’s insistence finally paid off as our favorite content creator delved into the enchanting world of Minecraft. With the company of their Mod and Friend Sad, the gaming experience reached new heights of excitement and fun. Building the Bean Mart During a recent TikTok Live stream, viewers were treated to a night of ordering, stocking, and planning as the Bean Mart took shape in the virtual realm. The captivating gameplay had TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new development. Join the Adventure! For those who… Read More

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  • 606: Minecraft Lands Mix, Tricks, and Pix

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  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

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  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

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  • “EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650” #shizzoclickbait

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  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

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  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build 🦊🔨

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  • MinionMC

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  • Dark Hearts 20+ – Realms

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  • GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Crazy conspiracy in Minecraft”

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  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

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  • Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥

    Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🤣 #shorts #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Flirting in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22

    Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22Video Information This video, titled ‘Bambus für Reichhaltige Erde & Reisanbau | Let’s Play Together MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22’, was uploaded by Z3ntus on 2024-06-02 13:00:05. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:26 or 1646 seconds. ⇒ Let’s Play Together Minecraft DarkRPG: Bamboo for Rich Soil & Rice Cultivation | #22 | 4K, 60 FPS, Blind ⇒ Playlist: ⇒ To the channel: @Z3ntusBl4ck ⇒ LPT by Z3ntus and with Lord Darq ____ Social Media ____ ⇒ TWITTER: ⇒ Instagram: ____ Livestream ____ ⇒ Twitch: ____ Participant ____ ⇒ Z3ntusBl4ck:… Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Boy’s Terrifying Hack

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  • 💎💰I’m the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1

    💎💰I'm the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Soy el mas RICO de Minecraft GENS.. 💲💰Cap.1’, was uploaded by Frozeado on 2024-03-30 03:03:17. It has garnered 1056 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⚔️Server in this video! 🡆 IP: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📱 My Discord 📱 🡆 🐦 Mi Twitter 🐦 🡆 📁Business email: [email protected] 📱 Twittch: 📁 Pack’s In this video! 📁 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #MinecraftHCF #StaffSeries #Frozeado Read More

  • Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft – Pixel Art Timelapse #010 Caterpie

    Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft - Pixel Art Timelapse #010 CaterpieVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse – #010 Caterpie’, was uploaded by Bug & Buds on 2024-02-18 10:16:21. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. I hope you have enjoyed this Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse! If you would like to build this in your own world, you can download the schematic below! Material List: Black Carpet x 828 Lime Carpet x 608 White Carpet x 284 Pink Carpet x 80 Follow me on my other socials if you’re interested! Discord – Twitter -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥

    Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥Video Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘I can Clutch🗿😎🔥#minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #sonyvegas #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-16 16:19:26. It has garnered 1490 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • AnParan – CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥

    AnParan - CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥Video Information huh live stream lagi langsung end dong lupa ganti dong Oke Guys kembali kita di Minecraft petulangan Baru kali ini gua enggak di kota karena kota Lagi offline jadi kita di sini kita kali ini targetan gua ngalahin Ender Dragon sekarang di episode 1 ya Jadi ini bakal sebuah series live stream yang bakal gua main cuman pas live stream aja ya teman-teman ya yaitu tujuannya tujuan akhirnya yaitu kita bakal membunuh yang namanya Ender Dragon dan ini kita sudah Spawn apa nih ini kita udah Spa G mana gua ya apa nih lagun Ini gua di mana… Read More

  • Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC Minecraft

    Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC MinecraftVideo Information hi welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to complete the first 10,000 days in this [Music] [Music] world oh my gosh you are so slow let’s speed this up starting from day 1000 I went straight to work doing a lot of neglected projects around the world first I ran most of the main farms in the world this included the raid Farm the quad mob farm a gravity block duper for both sand and concrete the gold Farm bartering farm and most of the farms on the industrial Island including the bone meal Cobblestone Nether… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! – Minecraft Border Hoarder 18

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! - Minecraft Border Hoarder 18Video Information hey guys lter here and welcome back to border hoarder if you’re new here border hoarder is a map where I have to collect every single Minecraft item in 1.19 and expands this border to be from small to very big so today’s episode we are trying to get some weather skulls as well as try to fight the weather himself and hopefully hopefully find the what do you say find the stronghold and fight the inner dragon ooh that’s good but it’s not what we want we already have sharpness five on this sword I did a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥

    🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNTIME DANCE FLOOR | Fnaf Minecraft Aninated Music Video’, was uploaded by Animation Lobby on 2023-12-29 09:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Animation By animation lobby Song By CK9C. Read More

  • VanillaEvolved SMP 1.20.4 Semi-anarchy Java & bedrock crossplay No hacks Seasonal & permanent maps

    VanillaEvolved – Vanilla Minecraft Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord community PlanetMinecraft Page: Check us out on PlanetMinecraft About Us: VanillaEvolved has been offering vanilla Minecraft gameplay since 2013. Join us on our seasonal or no-reset maps! Seasonal maps reset every 6 months while the no-reset maps never reset. You can switch between servers using commands. Why Choose Us? True vanilla Minecraft experience Java/Bedrock cross-play support View in-game stats on our website Semi-anarchy gameplay Active and friendly community Unique in-game rank for completing all advancements Freedom to play how you want as long as rules are followed For more… Read More

  • 1.20.6 Nuke factions Quests SMP Survival

    NukeFactions is not your typical Minecraft survival server. It combines the classic survival gameplay with a host of additional features designed to enhance and diversify the player experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, NukeFactions offers something for everyone.Key FeaturesSurvival ModeAt its core, NukeFactions offers a robust survival experience. Players can gather resources, build structures, and survive against the elements and mobs. The world is expansive and filled with opportunities for exploration and adventure.FactionsPlayers can create or join factions, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Factions allow players to band together, build bases,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Vote for your LEAST favourite Minecraft characters! Week 3 Poll.

    Looks like the meme is climbing up the leaderboards faster than a creeper in a mine shaft! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan’s animations are a dream. With humor and joy, he crafts each scene, Bringing happiness to all who glean. His channel is the place for child-friendly fun, Where laughter and smiles are never outdone. So follow along, join the Minecraft run, And bask in the glow of Fangkuaixuan’s sun. With rhymes that ignite and stories that sing, He spins the finest tales, like a Minecraft king. So leap into the verse, let your creativity spring, And let Fangkuaixuan’s joyous spirit bring. Read More