SMP Earth – Philza VOD – Streamed on December 18 2019

Video Information

Trouble in the neighborhood i got in one little fight Oh This is For us These are the girls i love the most i mean the ones i mean like she’s the one Galaxy Uh hey guys how’s it going oh it’s midweek and my mic might be a little bit different i don’t know there was an update and it’s it’s broken some stuff so i sound a bit different it’s probably that i can fudge with it on the fly though

Look i can do this i can make myself a little bit louder i can do this and turn down the threshold so you can hear everything i’m seeing i don’t know i’ll say i’ll i’ll [ __ ] with it how’s it going everyone my chair is low there we go

How’s it going guys all right yeah war apparently mean sure from what i can see i think techno is just decimating everyone though like it’s really only tommy that’s trying to like start [ __ ] and he’s gotten killed like multiple times i hopped on before just to like get prepared

And i just witnessed tommy just getting decimated i’ve been here in a while but i’m back now i’m here i’ll come back maybe three months uh lilly’s in fact in three months as well can i take an fx i should be all right like i said i think techno has already

Like done everything it’s worth it i’ll explain in a bit though hey buddy thank you 30 bits uh these one five nine things six months golden heart gang thank you thank you months ago i didn’t know i had to turn in a huge exam paper tomorrow

And there’s exam it’s exam week for a lot of people big it’s all right guys just power through it uh zelda 25 think about the five months chicago game i think the prime queen booth think of the prime verdict hunting thank you for the prime pro dc gaming thank you for three months

Human letters look at the probe cows fan one thing the tier one uh just oscar thank you for three months donkey tech playing with the prime uh lzr zp segment prime darker ish like three months long lucy one that gives four months love your fail A lot of people’s exams ended today or just kind of like wrapping up oh eat elements official thing with the two ones thank you dude all right should we get it should we just should we just join should we destroy the server real quick all right worth it

Hi phil boy what is this where you speak of so i’ll explain tommy started uh war with us because he just wanted to start [ __ ] and so far he’s been owned like three or four times before i even started streaming now we are actually also at war with

Another faction called packl i think and that consists of mike michael mcchill and a bunch of other guys like eight people and we’re with them because michael mitchell did a stream for charity and one of the donation goals was to start a war with technoblade i stole the paco pickle

Off stream and brought it here just to [ __ ] with them so i guess they’re gonna find out sooner or later they’re gonna find out sooner or later but uh yeah i’m just going to go to where the action is right now i believe tommy’s get his ass handed to him for

Like the sixth or seventh time in africa so we’re going to go have a peek Let me see if i can just shoot in there we go thank you you’ve had a thousand bits i hope that explains the war situation uh dragonfield thing with prime as well thank you dude okay i’m on target i should be able to alt tab now

The best wheel thing with the frame all right let me join the dc the vc discord i can’t it’s full six months oh it’s full boys hi i’m it thank you joe for the six months pog dude oh [ __ ] fits coming fitz is on his way fit is others weird dude

Nearly gold heart gang but yet so far three boxes like the five months man appreciate it thank you toaster thought raffy miki thank you for three months as well where are they are they over here i’m looking at the dying map i think they’re down here somewhere oh there they are

Oh there’s a trident that’s sneak greedy greedy phil worth it good evening i thought you were allies with it i am that’s why i was getting excited let me uh switch my stuff around hold on there we go so you guys can see what’s going on battle started 15 seconds wait what um

Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we win blood for the blood god oh this is never gonna end oh the flame flashbang for no reason i just killed the spider oh i’ve got an idea should i get the airstrike out guys i think it’s airstrike time oh someone you already just did it

Did you turn it down i think somebody just did it oh oh here he comes oh there he goes oh he’s trying to run oh come on let’s fit with this oh my god has actually made the crystals i think fit me in the crystals he’s ready nowhere oh my god

This is hilarious let’s go on our team i think he is techno just threw him some food greedy greedy phil worth then it you for hurting his throat cause he was sick yeah that’s me three months anniversary papa deity like so three months mate phil stop what’s happening i’m not in

The vice chat i can’t even join the vc this is cyber bullying three months already poggle underscore i can’t join vc i don’t know when war stops are you serious she had nothing in her inventory except like armor and weapons he gave me my armor back he didn’t give me any of

My apples uh i’ll throw i’ll throw the baked potatoes in there here’s some here’s some sandstone a water bucket what the hell happened oh why why what was [Laughter] that you don’t go to youtube’s when you kill him oh damn it i thought he was gonna give me one damn it [Laughter]

Oh i mean i didn’t kill him you can’t prove anything nothing happened i could have been i joined like in the middle of the battle i literally landed and then techno said we’re fighting in 10 seconds like what i was like oh my god what happened did my stream go down or something

War never changes oh that was so funny oh i accidentally took someone’s android wait is my stream dying or something well that was fun what happened nothing of it oh bro that’s so weird my viewers went from like 22 000 to 14 000 and i was like

Did someone say the n word and i didn’t notice and it instantly instantly shoots back up to 22 000. youtube analytics is trolling me i can i can relate to that i would say i haven’t dropped viewers that hard since like week five of minecraft monday oh man no it’s fine now

I was gonna say what am i doing wrong oh my god what was said [Laughter] any of my weapons what the heck is that an end crystal he was about to use that to eat someone tech though is not aware of the 2b2t culture i see

I am not you see the obsidian place down over there next to that plane yeah that was going to be a blast radius of like a huge creeper charge creeper explosion basically like you know when you fight the dragon and those those towers have the explosive bits on the top yeah he’s

Holding one of those explosive bits i’m just gonna get a watch i wanted to see if tech desire could withstand it it gets the job done dude he’s holding a bomb it caused some hell on us uh i would like any conference please probably where they got [Applause]

That one hour probably took off his health yeah yeah yeah i’m like nearly dead oh my god you’re like the guy that finds the weak kid at school and you’re like yeah i’m gonna beat him up yeah let’s get his lunch what a year buy an give me

That was such a long and hard-fought battle and then it’s over and the creeper is the one that makes the finish all of my stuff for my chestplate and pants there’s a bunch of stuff i put mysterious i put i put everything in there oh my god that’s so funny sneaks like i

Put them in the ender chest why are you worried Like you guys can’t see that ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen Oh Check out my skin and i don’t have a sword please it’s okay i’ll i think i’ve got a lot of your stuff okay okay all right all right jesus i don’t know i’m very very overwhelming just say the word say the word okay i was really over prepared for this battle beef turkey

Beef chicken can you take a seat please jesus man the man the king of florida could come up he’s just going to nuke all of us he’s like oh look at these easy targets dude um okay no shot my mic is not me to check get out of here this is kind of

Oh did did you have a speech prepared no i did i did i did i want to say let me just um okay i know um i’m sorry better material maybe we need to speak you have some how could dare you say i have bad manners

One of those things was not like the other no come on it was just a spicy chicken for the tea for four months pog flashback everyone i just flashbacked that was a grenade i cannot see anything i just punched all of us all right ladies and gentlemen oh sorry lady and gentlemen [Laughter]

Oh i’ll catch it [Laughter] i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to do that that’s why you always wear your bicycle helmet kids i just bounced right off yourself gentlemen no an old lady as well sorry all right so i i’m i’m sorry about the the sun just stop throwing the trident [Laughter] what

Calm down percy jackson i don’t have channeling on it [Laughter] dude the lightning season come on that’s a good reference i understood that reference i also had to read that book in school it’s totally going to be better than harry potter guys it makes me so mad because like i like

Reference greek i’ll be like hey i’ll mention zeus and they’re like oh like from percy jackson and then i’ll deck them in the face like they deserve three months boys guys now you guys done no i think we can keep going for quite a while i think they’re pretty tired of war i

Think we should form a book club and everyone’s gonna send me three months yeah yeah i i like it corbin taking the five minutes let’s read ready player one three months who are the other people i’m against sneak peek their usernames are above their heads yeah all right thanks ted nude no problem

Just call me if you need any more help i’m trying to i i get pie i’m sorry for trying to strap me oh sweet pie oh yes oh god the kids have sugar now tommy hurry up it’s getting dark okay sorry oh i need some time to prepare okay

The teacher takes more than 15 minutes we’re legally allowed to leave y’all just just you guys suck i’m just gonna [ __ ] hurry if you don’t hurry up i’m gonna harry strike the [ __ ] out of this place right now and everyone that’s not and everyone that is not allied with me is

Gonna get yeared do it right you wouldn’t daff do it You guys want to get out of here you might want to leave that you can’t hurt allies right oh yeah we’re good wait is scott allied with us don’t test me tell me but if you kill me it’s just invincible uh let’s take another seat again that was i holy [ __ ]

Okay ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen i suggest we um you’re trying to demeanor me sylvia i suggest that we um we call off war for a little while due to un preparation on both sides uh yeah we’re pretty we’re pretty prepared i was very strong i’m vastly silly is

Like the only person here who actually brought the items for war yeah true well i was gonna trap mutant now i had to everyone else is like yeah i got pratt too and some bread i can handle it i’ve got an infinity bow with no power i

Think i can fight tech no blade you know screw you i’m going to keep fighting screw screw all of you you’re going to keep get them [Laughter] I thought he was gonna keep fighting screw you i’m how do i re-enemy people oh my god don’t worry about it going pretty well we’ll talk about that later but right now it’s war guys guys we gotta we gotta get the war done quick my mom says it’s

Past our bedtime there you go can i get staying up you guys want to have a sleepover i’m staying up and i’m thinking yeah yeah oh can i have my things back hey gamers it’s server here i hope you’re having fun please don’t get hurt boys smile you’re not stopping

For 30 seconds it’s mom you need to give us on the console don’t brag about twitch prime or whatever you streamers do nowadays yeah techno should totally do that but also tell them to go to my channel and you switch prime smile okay advertise my youtubes that comes out

On december 27 are you aware pm esd 29.99 thank you piper for the gift itself to see you thank you uh y’all having a look at the primer as well thank you i ruined eastern taking the four months more marin thing with six months will not gank uh emerald ghostline with three months

Time again thank you this is the best forever Oh yeah [Laughter] Yeah server reset when your things are on the ground no i think they’re they’re right over here f’s in shot boys did they actually just get rid of them i’m playing this well i got it tommy it’s fine oh my god how are you playing don’t question i’m

I’m i’m moving my mouth to the side while i’m playing tommy your mending equipment’s gonna run get the heck out of here spider lending equipment’s gonna break no oh i do have a pickaxe that’s hog x oh that’s mine no no i’m kidding you still stole things from me you stole

My mending villagers i was so gonna try okay but in my defense tommy it was funny it was pretty funny in my defense any truers yeah man why can’t i sit down well how do i can i have my things you guys all stuff where is thomas you did this broken

Box totally isn’t full of harrier strikes don’t worry about it oh me why is my chat saying because it’s scary be careful who you choose to go with that’s all i’m saying is so scary i hope you got your hydration all i’m saying is the only one who

Oh let me not drop any of my items oh like i’m not really i feel like it feels like the tech that’s technics of the grouping ah this is mine the what um Thank you chris cost for 300 bits thank you for the two more giveaways to see you thank you starbucks like the seven months thank you man thank you what seems like what was that what’s anything for the three months thank you dude again now it’s getting a bit too well it’s me now

Listen sylvia was the only one that actually lasted more than five seconds so that was probably not a good idea to do that that’s like the one person you want is an ally now it’s time to promote my city plot we still have we still have to go to the wall with pacquiao

All right where’s where the heck’s packle i stole that pickle and they still haven’t came to get it yet they’re just gonna take that they’re prized packled pickle yeah apparently am sorry failure wait wait you need to sign the treaty and pay reparations to every story my friends

That’s what we should learn from does anyone have a book we need to make tommy assign reparations i’m headed back to um i won’t call this i got a book terrible you would not call this terrible form a treaty that’s actually helpful he’s getting defeated by a skeleton yeah i’m gonna head It seems pretty equal on each side it was pretty neck and neck i’d say i think we’re still at war until you sign the treaty and give me my reparations oh sick a book and quill we could just go we could just go to his country right now

No people let’s just go hang out in his face guys i don’t know should we just go to his country i mean we own it now pretty much i mean that’s what happens when you take over holy [ __ ] everyone get in the plane we’re forming an air force

Get that out of your hand fit everyone ready it fits go against somebody they’re forced to stumble it’s about to act up dude we’re currently shut all right we got four planes here we’re ready to just bomb tommy phil wait wait can i have some of these air strikes phil

No we got five planes oh my god oh yeah let’s fly in a v formation guys wait hold on follow phil i have the pro i’m gonna play you guys another tune on my trumpet hold on is that actually a trumpeter it definitely is hold on this floor got completely flipped around

I’ll try this a little bit let’s try this one because all right here we go here’s a piece from my trumpet oh yeah is this one of those like trumpets that has a bunch of different parts yeah i’m very talented like a violin he can speak while playing the trumpet guys oh wow

Yeah we need the music let’s play my chat wants me to ally sylvia are you guys sure if we ally everyone will have no one to fight I’ll consider a chat all right well the chat hates everyone so if they want me to ally it’s highly unusual just look behind you right now they’re very split on this fight fight ally fight ally there’s so many people to fight one of them isn’t thunder 14 away do not

Fight finger [ __ ] away i don’t see two of the planes they’ve fallen out of formation i’m pulling to the right oh wait i’m confused where am i going sorry i had to stop my feet we’re tired of playing we’re going to tommy’s tummy’s location all right tommy’s base i should say his

Country thanks for the six months of content and games and letters he’s pulled too far ahead i can’t see him i’ll say that i’m taking the scenic group but i think we’re all gonna get there about the same time anyways it’s fine i’ve no idea grunk be my navigator

Uh my man can you guys like not go to my country come on we’re here now we’re already here to hang out it’s like north isn’t it uh yeah you go north west west east this is not epic we’re like almost there it’s the land

Right oh here we are oh i found it we’re all landing well the formation didn’t really survive but it was keep coming to my base and doing treaties trying to get to like it’s me and beast but i can’t see where it is wait we beat phil here there’s so many people

You were following me but there’s so many faces on the map i couldn’t see where we were oh there we go oh the entire air force just showed up we have arrived all right uh there’s tommy all right tommy i’ve got a pretty generous terms uh all

Right no because it’s just gonna say buy my youtubes um that’s only one of the two terms no that would be stupid why would he do that uh one wait since tommy’s here we can kill him all we want you guys suck grunt we and you are allies

You tried pushing me into the pit buddy i don’t want to hear it i did get pushed in the pit tommy will make me a cow farm that is all oh wait we should make the return thing three in return i will stop cyber bullying him for how many days tommy two In return the antarctic empire and business bay will be neutral for one week and in december Uh 25 christmas all right perfect very good the treaty of what are we calling this the treaty of boys sylvie just kidding no everyone declare war on her that suck i don’t want to do a week that’s a long time for uh three days the treaty of december 22.

See it’s three days of peace so it ends on the 22nd dome economy chat all right the treaty of i need names chat pitfalls not doing versus high come on that wasn’t world war one that was just like a 3v3 that was a skirmish nerd the treaty of obama what

All right tommy i’m gonna need you to i’m gonna need you to sign tommy read these terms and tell me if they’re good tommy don’t go over there there’s pillagers there’s pillagers tommy where is he going tommy come come back come back tommy come back i need i need you to sign the

Treaty tommy oh what are you doing my villagers are the pro i didn’t do anything i didn’t do anything i’m trying to form the uh the treaty here oh treaty of the pit all right okay okay treaty of pit i need blood who put a raid on my villagers

What are you doing phil sure i’m just and i’m just showing them where the villager is you know no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don’t kill him don’t kill him no no no no don’t do that let him have his villagers yes officers

Right here this is the man all right all right tommy uh that didn’t happen i will remember that all right why are you guys here we’re not you’re not even like part of the war that’s kind of true all right no he is not scientists tommy you got we got to sign treaties

Eventually man what’s the point i do feel at a slight disadvantage in this current situation that’s why we’re having the treaty so we won’t beat you up yeah what are you doing how are you gonna get an advantage out of losing a war how do i advertise twitch prime um just out loud

Oh yeah you say it to your chat twitch prime i think the terms are pretty good i just want a cow farm because i need leather so i can yeah youtube all right okay tell me we’ll make sure six months no you just gotta get like two cows in the

Wheat it’s really easy it’s like no i have some coffee no we can accept uh wait what day is saturday i want to be neutral until saturday not today it’s a saturday isn’t it isn’t that the same thing as what we wrote down saturdays in three days you want to have less peace

So like it’s like four o’clock and my village is still good a lot of this difference oh yeah the menden villager is still alive i’m pretty sure uh the other i didn’t see the other villagers i think you might not allow to deal with the villagers that’s your

Shirt i can be part of the treaty oh yes oh now it’s my time can we get a lectern please oh we need a lectern man don’t worry buddy they’re reckon is wheat they replanted we’re civilized invaders i didn’t do anything you guys think i need red i eat gold i

Eat gold bourgeoisie who’s this guy you eat one new Always looks like he’s up to some [ __ ] he’s just staring at people with end crystals it’s like weighing it in his head what if i instantly neutraled everyone and killed all of them in one blow i’m i’m trying to be on my best behavior today

If it’s in here like people will be mad but but so many deaths that’s what he’s thinking think of the views five kills one second follow me everybody all right tommy’s made a lecturing i told you how i became the enemy on the system no we walk we walked right no

All right tommy walk thank you mini slap walk copywalk schnatz we’re all just watching single file boys punch me a single file jesus you guys have no respect no respect is pretty respectful if i remember right you just punched me down my own stairs i have no respect this is pretty good he

Was fit was that you no okay of course not that would be rude please never punching me still be trying to frame me gets punched turns around techno [Laughter] hmm what should my treaty be uh just just the things we did i guess you

Could i want to add my oh i know you changed the piece time you don’t get to negotiate terms here well that’s what you said last time yeah it is what it’s it’s been a consistent rule it was tech now sorry i was just i was just doing what

You did it didn’t work out stop hitting yourself attack now stop hitting me fighting your fight fight fight fight fight war and conflict a guy in my chat when is carson screaming guys so honestly i see that because sometimes i like go to mixer and find them i’ll like lurk

In s p earth streams when i’m not streaming myself and i’ll see people trying to like guys when’s techno streaming and i’m like why it’s like going into taco bell hey guys when’s wendy open guys yeah guys it’s wendy open like get out of my shop all right

See you later thanks for telling me all right he’s got the treaty it’s not like they could just go to their channel and see that they’re not live man uh all right all right tommy wants uh stop turning the page guys it turns it for all of us treaty of the

I didn’t touch it war the first term buy my youtube comes out december 27 29.99 with free worldwide shipping uh two second term tommy will make me a cow farm three in return will uh will be neutral until saturday and four techno must pay back the twenty thousand dollars that

Mommy gave me for no reason earlier thank you and five is not that’s getting raised all right i’m i’m good with these four terms you’re not getting a you’re not getting knighted out of this man get out of here give me a reward for losing thank you that’s like

That’s like losing a fight with a bully and you’re like yeah but i was tough right yeah um the fifth term’s not happening we can all just beat you up now if you want no call me alpha male nah Do you say it’s so weird call me alpha male 1 yeah what do you say like a beta program call me out as an alpha male this is a good thumbnail right i am Guys guys subscribe to my channel i’m hilarious funniest joke i’ve made yet guys oh my god i’m funny tenno alpha male is non-negotiable oh well it’s gonna have to be should we do we just stab him now oh my god it’s negotiable pull out your guns i’ll get

You right now change it back you have to type the tommy you change it we got it you got it guys this doesn’t feel very hard tommy you get your 20k back just take out the alpha male 1 he just you just put on clothes in front

Of us how did he do what i did my friend he’s too powerful he’s a witch kill him take off that part oh no oh he’s a flat stick he’s showing his true colors they threw witches in the water and if they floated they were a wedge okay

So i feel like you just need to go in the water and sink don’t put don’t make me do it don’t make me do it you know all right tommy just signed the treaty just sign it twitch fraud i just just signed it tommy he signed it i like

That no you didn’t you have to hit sign so does your name on it yeah you have alpha male at all times okay i’ll still sign all right sign wait will you refer to me as alpha male 1 just sign it all right i’ll go buy the contract of pitt treaty of pitt

Pit can we call that i think this guy with you pitfall dude it doesn’t matter what it’s called i think it does treaty of pets treat you all right fine can we call it treaty and then it’s just my twitch link you’re ready all right give me the board no not at

All i would never do that with all these people streaming to nuke all of us jesus christ i’m pretty good with these uh pretty good with these terms my name again what’s my name uh it says here condition five techno blade must be referred to as an alpha male at all times signed

By tommy in it original that doesn’t count the treaty has been signed he didn’t read the old tree the pack has been sealed you were just giving the slip dude wow wow i am amazed the chat didn’t snitch i was i was like sign sign hurry up before the chat sells me

All right all right as agreed you get your twenty thousand tommy just make the cow farm i’m not gonna actually call me that call me no no you call me that no no no no make me my cow for him no tommy it’s a cow farm it takes like

Three seconds just call the alpha male man that bloody oh my i’m trying to get a montage shot what do you mean isn’t grunk like allied with tommy no grunt i’m neutral now you’re not good at diplomacy we need to schedule this for when wisp is ready so then you’ll have wisp okay

Wisp is the biggest boomer here man he’s he’s not there for his faction teammates never happened so can we um call me out he is thirsty for blood dude just call me at once nah okay he told me i’m not i’m not here to king shame you but that’s pretty weird

The twitch prime shrine ow leave all right well we are neutral now uh i’ll be expecting my cow farm soon so i guess this was kind of a win for me i guess if you think you know i go well by when you mean like when you lose tactically and in reality

Did it was it me was it you that just got 20 000 off the blade yeah that’s like four diamonds he’s gonna make 20 000 off the video dude what are you talking about it’s real money for fake money i don’t know what will happen if i drop

A harrier strike on your mending villager tommy yeah no dog come on we’re neutral villager this old interesting idea from getting killed by chat oh yeah like phil cares about nuken villagers phil you’ve all seen the clip so many guys don’t even have me about killing them stop looking at my feet

All right who wants to get in the plane we’re flying oh you’re dirty you’re gonna party in antarctica boys i have a present that i never opened is scott still here all right everyone get in the plane flying v formation hold on f space show it shows you your allies and enemies

Get in planes boys yeah that’s a lot of planes holy [ __ ] someone said this is what happens when you don’t read the terms and conditions [Laughter] read the fine print i see this as a win for me i’ll be honest um you’re gonna need some glasses

There’s a 20 20 joke in there somewhere and i’m too too talented to make it dude i get it oh everyone’s taking off without me all right two antarctica boys six thousand eleven thousand he just me he did i have no idea what you’re talking about

Phil i don’t know what you’re what i don’t know what you’re talking about i heard thunder i didn’t do [ __ ] no i wasn’t anywhere near your house tell me i am in the sky hearing in the terminal it didn’t even kill him what a waste of money

Airstrikes are so expensive oh my god dude how much oh it’s like 20 diamonds per i think dollars oh my god all right i have no enough our information is kind of terrible sorry i am so disappointed in all of you no one is making propeller noises

This is why i’m a minecraft youtuber it’s the only thing i have the intellectual capacity to be sneak do the thing hold on let [Laughter] guys please be quiet during my performance it’s really rude to talk okay i’m gonna go give me give me a second all right all right here we go Okay just find you let’s show my chat All right I think i heard someone ask for an encore i’m gonna get copyright strike oh my trumpet’s playing an ad hold on all right [Laughter] it’s my christmas present boys hold on quiet open see it this is so cool it’s floof oh hey that’s from scott a dearest techno and antarctic empire i

Understand there is a deadly war underway though i cannot ensure my or my nation’s survival i can request to be spared in the coming times perhaps even a friendship will grow and the rest is uh always the rest is for uh my faction members you gotta read the rest all right

I got a dog look at this present you wouldn’t have a dog area to find that for you mate hey now i’m gonna i got a floof boys fills it you and i haven’t met wait oh i’ll i’ll guess i’ll read it oh uh you and i haven’t met we will and you

Will remember me i come bearing a gift for your co-leader and for all of you in the empire oh scott is so awesome pete’s not here though pete’s part can be read out by him on his stream i’ll help you take a pop we’ll take out the trash

Gotta take out the concrete present the most important part of birthday tidying up after the president clean up clean up everybody all right walk included for now this calls for a celebration performance no not all right floof uh last time i had a

Clip of that on my channel i got a i got a twitter email saying that i needed to stop posting videos about rick astley or is there that or george michael i can’t remember which one all i know is i tweeted about it and like four months

Later twitter emailed me and was like you have a cease and desist from the person’s attorney to stop tweeting with the song i was like oh relax i know i was like i guess i don’t need a we’ll just keep it in here with my other uh my other eight sets of armor

Phil look at how over prepared i am getting in here i saw i saw here i got the war chest ready and it’s not necessary because my actual special everything you could have needed and the water what if like eight people joined the faction and they only have 30 seconds to

Get gear before the war true technology we’ll be ready you got to give yourself some fun you just got to wear gold armor it’s easy maybe for the next 1v1 i just want to start more [ __ ] with packle now that they’ve stopped yeah we need to fight paco we have their pickle

I know i still i stole their most precious items also we have cats i don’t know why oh look at this sick poster by cyclone scones oh there was there was a thing about floof in the group hold on wilderness and brought by boat to you

Here in the south pole i give this gift as a peace offering and a gift of friendship perhaps in the future we will make fine allies war brings peace but a scorched earth cannot be ruled alone oh that’s not my shovel good looking try to snipe my cat i know i tried to

Snipe the dirt because i i i had it in my shovel spot oh history remembers the strong you are no exception signed scott of ursus and new hawaii enjoy floof precious floof i feel like it’s gonna be victim to a kidnapping we gotta make sure well dog napping oh my god

I wanna get like i wanna get a second dog and then breed them and have 50 dogs and go into battle with like 40. that’s how i used to play factions just overwhelm them their sword will break eventually and that’s when i strike true hey it’s great to use puppies as well

Because then they’re chats like tell me about wrecks i mean why would i steal the pickles you just send wave after wave of babies at them and then they they just have to like run because they can’t fight the babies or their chat will betray them guilt trip them

All right we’re gonna have to straw poll whether we ally sylvia or not out of context anybody yeah wait is there a way to like just pull my viewers with like actually within youtube uh there is on twitch but there is on twitch though not on youtube

All right straw poll it is a twitch cool smile uh yeah that’s what’s cool epic sylvie tommy just raided me yes ally hi tommy did you enjoy that hot dickens [Laughter] this is the wing what the [ __ ] man [Laughter] i hope you enjoyed the hot dickish night under the chest

He knows i don’t mean it what chess do they need what are they talking about oh wow that got me hey there’s the link spam the link there oh we already got uh already got 50 votes what are they i want to see the link i feel like your chat’s definitely

Definitely not going to be biased at all techno yeah i’m just going to spend all our viewers there i’m going to send it in my chat as well all right how do i they change the youtube studio just send me back i want to get to my chat

I have it open on my laptop but i can’t copy paste there watch streams it’s the first thing that popped up [Laughter] four months it has a crossbow of these cats right now from chicago just holding an apple out he’s like 61 percent right yes so far

I’m gonna spam the link the stream is freezing i’m aware that’s because i always tab to post in the chat it’s not a bug there’s the straw poll link i spammed it five thousand times oh this is spam it a little bit more wait i can just i can just show i can

Hit this button here’s the strapple boys 1400 votes make them all type it in everybody go right here please 563x the whole 60 of my chat doesn’t want to kill someone this is the first time this is about 57 i think they were impressed Oh this is going up really fast technically how’s it gonna end how is it gonna end i i only see ally sylvia in your check we don’t have we don’t have to get to the other states just close the vote oh yeah i think we’re good we got the result

We’re up to like 5700 votes do i hear 6 000 i feel like a lot of uh the people watching were impressed with how silvie kept kept their own she didn’t have like only person here exactly just eating notch apples repeatedly all right we’re at 6 000 raleigh hey

You still want these sub atomic polymers in here so what’s your username sylvie underscore kitty being an empire wait did i ally anyone else with this uh oh i allied crineo slam blame war owl wait who’s who’s 57 baked potatoes are these those are mine oh here we go ally gift i like

What do you have against me i don’t know who that voice is so that’s crinulus the guy you talked about you didn’t know my own voice why would i know your voice he’s got a point technically did you open the box i can buy one oh

Yeah i returned what do you think i appreciate the floof hey welcome dude yeah i’ve transported a few mobs across the world it’s pain all right well i’m glad i’m glad we can uh bond over the fact that it sucks all right man i just wanted to join and

Make sure you got it all right thanks man you’re very welcome we’re uh we’re friends now by the way because i did that for you for friends i guess i might spare your life in the voice to come you oh god i’m dying oh this is why i haven’t streamed recently

I actually me and tommy were going to do the war on sunday but then like we had to reschedule it because i was sick he was like hey is it cool if i invade on sunday i’m like can we reschedule oh sure man i wouldn’t want my invasion

I can’t lay waste i got a sore throat today [Laughter] can you invade me uh can you invade be i guess wednesday i think that would be good just for the people who think there’s like serious techno versus tommy beef it’s like no what what listen i thought this was for serious

Well there’s like two types of viewers one time’s like i hate tommy i hate him oh my god killing the other half is like guys why are you guys being so mean to tom i’m like you realize both of us are fine this is we’re literally planning this i

Mean you want to like a script or anything because that’d be too much work but like it’s a scheduled war no one’s mad i was about to ski him on twitter i can’t believe this oh my god i’m gonna nail this sick parkour and then if someone attacks me in my base

I can jump up here and bow spam them it’ll be incredible i kind of want to go to uh you’re doing it way wrong you you have to get all the countries right they were all on edge during during the 1900s they all had weapons they wanted to try they

All were pissed that they’re i have a lot of weapons i want to try you you got the weapons so you can either be the german empire the ottoman empire or the british empire you get to choose one of the three because these are those are those are the three main forces there

Right the indian empire held held india or sorry the british empire of india the ottoman empire held the middle east wait i dropped this it’s going to go on for a while isn’t it i dropped out of college ferdinand is and kill them and then all right who wants to be friends ferdinand

No the pope seems like a central figure that a lot of people would go to i don’t i i don’t like that idea i know someone’s gotta be france ferdinand all right there already is a german empire guys why would i be the german empire that’s like the worst one to be

I should be the ottoman empire i hear those guys really survive to the modern era yeah dude they’re doing great nowadays trump tweeted about them like three times this week that’s good yeah he called them great man it was crazy attention all right you guys want to france 2020 will be replaced

I really don’t like this angle equal to twenty nine he’s jumping on me with an energy 20 20. that’s really stressful if you have any questions i could take tommy running at me with a sword but i don’t think i can take a giant blaster and then chris i’m going to be honest

With you thank you braddock for the four months what the [ __ ] was that what was that message dude playing with the performance though uh barrett time with five months uh julian master thing with the prime peace rock thinking the prime minister uh federal time in three months

Call me cory with the prime sharpest of the five months later super hands with two months i’m gonna go get paco to get online right now thank you for the eight pound fifty uh dylan word uh cops thank you for five months thank you lean attack maybe three months like

Again tommy for the rear admit sorry we uh did that to you uh oh i always think of the 777 that’s what that thunder sound was i thought that wasn’t admin screwing with us setting up reflecting the five months and straight up psyche with every four

Months of tier three pog thank you so much man thank you three people that don’t do it correctly first too and then i know you made my claim sneak i knew it the final thing is that you just have to take a wrong turn that’s it i like when

I’m the co-pilot because i don’t have to drive i wonder what one of these days someone’s going to be co-pilot and start assassinating the driver it’s going to be a really awkward pvp fight stop stop stop please stop i’m trying to pilot stop no crashes into the ocean

I think i think our next action is uh allies right now is taking oh we got allies we’re good yeah we’re good on that front we need more and i think i think i think ximena’s us and alec like like your faction Since we’re all here and we’re all allies and we’re ready to go to war why don’t we take oh we got all the allies here and also thunder he’s just he’s here yeah fun to see it too hey thunder higher man i don’t think we’re allied with uh ant

Venom anymore i think he joined packle all right well let’s go to the packle right now i i i spot i spot a claim they have up in is that canada where is that it’s right at the top oh it’s so fun to raid people one day oh

I’m not reading them i’m writing nerds next to them next today oh you can do that you don’t want to grieve somebody’s face while they’re not there to defend themselves what that’s why i need the uh that’s why i need the cow farm so i can

Get leather so i can go to their base and do the use the thing that allows you to just print screenshots as maps and then i’ll just put a big advertisement for my youtubes right outside their base just to join to do that i need to know it’s uh

It’s like two map url and then you can like resize where do i type that in the chat hmm it’ll just make a map for you but you need the item frames i think i see oh that’s why i need leather for the important important mission of spam and

Spam pictures everywhere are the two x’s on uh the amount of item frames you wanted on or yeah uh the dimensions like uh like six four would be like six wide four tall you know i mean if you’re the tommy no that would you get to do two wars

Checking them out right now guys i’m checking out i’m down to do as many wars as possible i’m thinking phil are you did you leave yeah i’m not jumping we’re going i’m like flying right now oh he’s out of there allied with the arctic the right arctic empire hmm

Antarctic i’m just going to that clear as if i was out of the arctic empire there’s an arctic empire arctic arctic arctic dam came out of nowhere in five months happened pogba arctic empire what the heck uh there’s contrarian they make a base at the north pole

Sorry if i’ve missed anybody by the way sorry guys up to some [ __ ] hold on viewers i was thinking what if we like went here like a wall of fan art just take all the sickest art all along this wall oh people would come into my base and

They’d feel sad because they’re fan arts worse subjectively they’re objectively worse fan art because their fans are less artistically talented oh my god i like my fans my fans are all geniuses what happens what happens if someone makes fan art that is one of your fans for another person Stands after them get cans i’m kidding don’t do that stance now get cancelled carefully dude my thumbnails my first thumbnail with such a flex like when i was using it i told the guy that made it i like booed all the other s p earth guys are gonna see this thumbnail and despair

Exactly they’re not gonna stand a chance i was like [ __ ] dude what do we even do after that thumbnail man how do we even compete with that all right let’s see if they’re just a zombie villager out here so where are you taking me where’s the zombies gonna die no no

Where is my uber driver taking me guys i’m scared uh you’ll see in a second there’s just a free zombie villager here oh zombie villager no no please villager please don’t die please we’re in an enemy territory now Wait why am i allied with pakel no phil please f that’s oh my god villager villager you suck sucker stop dying please please ordered no thunder thunder you learned to do it i try to put it in the box that’s your fault man i was trying to help you you just you

Just didn’t build fast enough damn wow chat do we declare a war yeah your name yeah okay okay this doesn’t feel like this is adequate i don’t know uh you have precisely my stream delay before the chat makes the decision and i start fighting my chat has been trying to get me to

Fight you since day one this is not going to end well for me do it he’s your friend he’s the franz ferdinand if you target it I’m having a stroke out of excitement start a war time smile all right i’m gonna mute i’ve missed like two hours worth of donations smile am i allowed to pull a brutus and go back and forth between people just to spark political turmoil snake is in his base smile absolutely you’re still right

I can literally just draw i can just draw can i can i pretend that like trying to said something bad about you just so you go kill them sure all right you got it all right i’m gonna i’ll start world war one for you all started oh no

Give me give me two days and i will legitimately have the whole world against you see that’s how it works they go against the german or the whatever empire and then you have the three factions that decide who they want to be friends with but you

You can just you know you can find your friends ferdinand man or i’ll say what you can do you can actually just skip the first word one and go to the second one you can just start imprisoning people dude this is getting more [ __ ] up as it goes on

This is like start doing it you already got villagers man just do it just like start the purge when i had a holocaust when i had the weapons and i was like i want to start some [ __ ] and then sylvie and cranios just kept saying that we

Needed to do it but they had no way to help they just kept telling me to start a war look man look look i don’t i don’t have weaponry but what i do have is an ability to make people hate each other i’m i’m like this snake right i can

Slither into your ear sounds like some rasputin [ __ ] did you yeah dude oh my goodness i will be rap putin that’s a good idea anyway so i’ll be i’ll be like yo phil did you hear what sylvie just said about you yeah i said that you are very good at

Making no that’s not what she said she she just oh thanks man thank you she just definitely and then she said that you suck did you missed it you missed it she has mod perms dude she moved you out just to tell us how much he hated you

Um this is slightly okay this is this is this ain’t slander all right my dog’s walking around trying to find somewhere to bury his bone oh you got a struggle do you hear what joseph said about you you tell yo you’re never going to believe it i

Was talking to him the other day i hate him that’s what he told me can you believe it phil what this is this is ridiculous oh my god no phil did you did you hear what snake just said about you what Yeah hold on it should be working hopefully can i can i start independence revolutions as well can i pretend that techno said something better bet you phil oh god phil did you hear what techno said no tell me perhaps you should ask him is it working

Yeah hold on i’ll show it to my stream yeah all right i’m done i kind of [ __ ] up the d i gotta fix that d phil you’re you were on something today it looks like nerf how do i unclean do i right click do i right click it

What did you say when tommy raided you earlier you were like you like that good yeah like did you like that hot dickens me he knows i’m joking ah it does say no oh this is very serious it’s a serious business i think it affects the d

And it goes to the spot and unclaimed like blocker time give me something what happens if i claim it is it going to make the color green oh dude can we make it christmassy i can actually play some green can we try to like because i’m pretty sure lines around it

Yeah and stuff like that colon i think it’s this one oh i’m close i’m just gonna claim this chunk right here and see what happens okay walk away from it yeah it’s green dude wait so mine’s red on the map mine’s red yeah yours is red for me

Okay you can you can put like a green underline on it or something i guess ph we gotta fix the d first yeah i need to see where this one it’s not nerp it’s not nerf guys when am i getting my own shoe tomorrow i have a meeting with adidas

That actually be sick though cause i [ __ ] i love adidas i have i wear their shoes like literally all the time adidas if you’re watching hey guys you want to give us a give us a deal please ma’am give me shoe man i hope this does it

I unclaimed some land okay i hope that works howdy i guess it works wait can you unclaim yours as well oh yeah sure mario louis do i have to go over to it i think so yeah my mario luigi jesus christ spaghetti what’s that spaghetti okay i’m gonna start from the other side

I’m gonna start i’m gonna give it a pretty christmas outline very festive okay i think i should have fixed it now and i can just start doing it like i was before matt forget adidas gaming for the four months uh civilians like for five months uh the attack with 500 minutes as well

Dude do you see what we’re doing looks like the six months pog dude i guess i could have rated the phil but i forgot rip some people are saying techno writ there’s like there’s like a there’s like i totally remembered i told those guys five or six people said technically oh

Wait no that’s not the people just happened to come over after i ended oh you guys are so cool i get i’m getting another actually i smile this is how it is now anytime you end they’re just going to come here and be like techno raid As much as possible [Laughter] [Laughter] actually echoing through pete’s mike A better day or what do we go with that is that good is that a better deal oh my god dude i can’t believe i caught a phil’s stream for once this is awesome up he’s gone damn it my content fix the bomb which i match it to the bomb yeah

Gaming what is this that has the best day all right guys come on let’s be serious for a second i need to know if this do you want to have this outline or do you want to make it like tic-tac-toe where it’s like red than green guys just do the outline

And i’ve only just you did he’s logged in oh i left i’m happy with that guys i’m happy it looks good it looks good who’s streaming now me smile and me smile technomanded my life has no meaning [Laughter] that was all right wasn’t it guys sorry we’re really good now but that’s just

Listen you attacked techno that means i’m i’m gonna have to write you an angry tweet i cannot believe you did that to my we need wisp to get in here you recruited him for nothing i’ll be fine he’ll be here soon is me in london right now

Then i can bring in my new member oh do you have a new member oh i know we might we might possibly don’t say it out loud yeah i love that man might be in the works just some very shadowing i would be very excited if he joins just you’re very afraid

Ted now can i just speak to you for a sec yeah cool why is there always so many private it’s gotta be a private conversation look at my stream oh you’re making it look pretty yes sneak it’s the most wonderful time of the year [Laughter] yeah i didn’t expect to be streaming

This early but honestly pog uh oh i heard a noise in my house what is boomer doing oh i messed up the n whoopsie daisy oh and then guys do you think hold on oh oh ow let me go make sure that my house isn’t in crumbles okay f map

Okay we’ll fill that in do that okay now let’s look at it again and slash map better i feel like i scuffed up the end right that’s what i thought let’s go west so what did i miss uh so i i i started streaming um before that though i jumped on the

Server just to gear up and get ready so in that time technology killed tommy like three or four times um he had mercy so by the time i started streaming i went to africa i think that’s where we ended up and as soon as i landed i wasn’t in

Voice chat because there was no room as soon as i landed um techno tells me hey we’re we’re we’re gonna be fighting in 10 seconds so i was like oh [ __ ] all right so and then and then ball happened like it was about like four versus four

Wasn’t it sneak or like three versus five uh it was three versus four it was us it was us in techno versus the rest of them right and eventually it calmed down and they’ll still be part of our part of our crew the world conquer she is allies

Because she was the last woman she was she was the only one die immediately yeah exactly she was the last person alive because she actually showed up prepared troop wow did they start throwing all the air strikes how did you survive that they did they literally weren’t prepared

They had nothing yeah they had nothing they’re poor just make money i think we need to establish a gofundme just for tommy and friends fair don’t send money send diamonds now send them emeralds all right let’s see what this is so tonight michael mcchill and the pickle packle gang

Are are going to collaborate so phil that’ll be in some three four hours for you well i’ve already wrote nerds next to one of their clams i’m watching and i used i stole uh the packle pickle from their base the other night i think that’s in and of itself a

Declaration of war oh they already we were already they already declared war on us i was just they didn’t declare war i was hit i was striking first after they declared war [Laughter] i stole one of their prized possessions i hope i hope it shows up as green and red on

Everybody else’s map because this might just be a big red blob for somebody let me check that would be very awkward i think i fixed it chat is that right is that good oh it looks great [Laughter] it looks green and red okay good actually here’s a question can’t you

Overclaim their land i can’t but i didn’t want to go that far why not oh my we can’t be at war we’ve already claimed your land pete jesus christ you know he’s not wrong fix the d all right i’ll fix the d guys nerp nurp keck w it doesn’t say nip all right

Nerf cac w no why you bully me don’t bully me are you born oh before i forget phil did you happen to uh notice what i did in our antarctic main base um no not really you you can take the uh minecart all the way into our base all the way up

And then you’ll notice i made a uh uh a new path if you will inside our base i really don’t want to broadcast it even though i technically did broadcast it but nobody taught him it’s super secret he streamed already then it’s already nobody’s snitch yes

So i i made a path all the way to the moon pog excuse me pog jump pog total that’s a big park there pete that’s a big bug tell pete about the gift actually it was scott that informed me of the gift and i decided to leave it for

Techno to get there and unwrap the gift in some manner shape or form what i didn’t like was uh our friend tommy came in over the weekend and he he leveled up and got all sorts of stuff from our villagers it is mine and i was like

At all chat was a fire about the whole thing and i’m like guys it’s it’s really the end has already been determined he just doesn’t know it yeah it didn’t matter it was done it was done so yeah they’re like aren’t you worried then you’re gonna have pac-no and tommy all

Attacking you guys at once i said stop chet here’s the simple fact of the matter you have a group of navy seals going against a mob of villagers what do you think is going to happen to the villagers end of story it was it was pretty it was pretty brutal i’m gonna lie

I wanted to be there uh when fit pulls out the big nether star and drops the uh a-bomb he kept walking up to me and just holding it in front of me he wanted to kill someone so badly oh dude he showed it to me he made the trip all

The way over pete pete can i show you this [Laughter] we’re friends right yeah yeah can i show you this yeah take a look what do you think i’ve only got one that’s so expensive to make that’s what he said i said i could only

Afford one but i was are you shocked he made one though no well i i gave him the material i want one now i i give him the materials for half of it um with with the promise that he would enact some sort of punishment to somebody for me

Nice so hey that that’s still that’s still active right now so if he wants to kill someone he has the option to do that right now um i’m hearing a hit was contracted and is remaining to be executed that’s what i’m hearing very much open head all right

I knew i liked you for so many reasons you want to come over here man let’s go have a look at the house let’s try to do the outline let’s rummage through their drawers oh yeah that’s true actually you should probably do that let’s take their pickles oh my gosh

I’ll take the pickles man just find every single pickle that they own and take them all so phil before i let you go i couldn’t help but notice i haven’t been in the base in quite a while and um all the diamonds all the gold all the redstone it’s all gone i didn’t

Think i’m fine i’m fine with it if you and techno um uh needed it wanted it oh last time i was sharing you guys talked about materials somebody came in and uh stole it i didn’t take it and anything in there is pretty much like free game because we

Can’t fully claim that area it doesn’t work because it’s technically a stronghold so anything in there was gonna get stolen at some point but i don’t know who did it i mean we had i had contributed to blocks of diamonds foolish me for leaving it there i suppose it’s alright don’t worry about

It it’s fine we’ll find that we’ll find those those thieves yeah it’s all right for you you’ve got 26 freaking god apples in your inventory i should probably put those some of those aware actually i don’t i’ll hold on to them you’ve got you know 16 shulker boxes

Hanging around like oh my gosh listen this is phil’s first time playing minecraft he’s just a little passionate first time oh i’m so envious look at this look at this i can’t even tell my chat to look it was tommy tommy tommy 21 blocks what tommy stole 21 blocks of diamonds

From us 21. chat shot don’t lie to us okay no don’t even suggest that england right now don’t even say that why would he have like terrible like gear if he stole that many diamonds he would have just bought a bunch of guns yeah he would have liquidated all the diamonds yeah

Bought a bunch of airstrikes and actually been a worthy opponent but he wasn’t trust us he did he was in there he didn’t he would which is it you have half the chat saying he did the other half are saying he didn’t saying definitely lies so still i filled

In the border so it auto filled the inside hold on let me show chad should i just do it like that yeah screw it it looks all right it’s festive right yeah maybe i’ll just run along this line and then the other yeah that works yeah

As long as it doesn’t get rid of the the actual lettering yeah i think it’ll be alright it’s just it’s just um cosmetic remember no come on it’s super serious i just love that like tommy knew he could have killed techno while he was chasing him so tommy resorts are just

Following me around trying to kill me because i was in gold armor and then he literally didn’t do anything you know phil i think you ought to put uh nerp over at tommy’s base there we should nerd up his base yeah we can do that there next all right

Let me just fill in my lines i’m good at tracing i just put a giant l next to his base also would work oh that stops the beacon just by throwing one block on top yeah it needs to see the sky oh that is funny i’m tempted to yoink it

Because i’m not using it for anything right now what uh what power was it generally nothing they haven’t even switched it on i don’t think they care about it well that’s stupid i mean we’re technically at wall uh the only hesitancy i have in that is

Then they come and do that to our base yeah sure my chat’s screaming at me too you’re good i’m sorry we don’t care do it you’re not going to take please join oh my gosh yeah the savage have a bunch of techno fans in your chat

No there’s a bunch of twitch people with that one i keep getting blood for the blood god i’m like wow i’m not gonna take it it’s fine all right don’t worry about it last five seconds seven months mario thank you so much for the support okay mario The prime minister thank you daddy chugger for the frame excuse me take the phone just again blood for the blood god blood for the blood god this is where you need to bring in that great lord of the rings kind of music where they go to battle

Uh my chat’s telling you sneak that you can do uh slash f space map to see like where it is without having to check the map the dynmap that sounds like that sounds like more work than what i’m doing i’m just walking in a straight line and we can

Walk out you can just you can just click with your mouse i literally update within like two seconds that means i know when to stop oh i i i mean like instead of running around you can just click oh i can click it you can click with

Yours yeah what that’s what i was doing for the less f map yeah map height click to try to claim whole what yeah welcome to minecraft sneak it’s uh it’s a great game i just clicked all over john you know don’t be embarrassed about being a noob all right everybody said it

Wasn’t noticeable my my world is turned upside down wow sophie’s getting a little salty in there chills chills chill hey kristen yeah it was pretty one-sided phil will you be streaming uh tonight i’m swimming right now yes sir and will you be on in a few more

Hours uh possibly yeah i think so just trying to look for stuff to do i know what’s gonna happen you’re gonna have michael mcchill and the boys coming in and they’re going to be looking for blood and i’m going to be the only one standing there well because i’m down to

Oh i did it it happened hey let me check let me let me go fill in that little divot oh yeah yeah yeah i see i see it well i didn’t even know that was the thing we could figure out some stuff to do but before they get on [Laughter]

I already went live so i might as well just go until i want to pass out because i live a healthy lifestyle smile the stream of lifestyle just stay on until you until you pass out true are there multiple people playing this time what uh super mmwb thing with prime

Thank you man thank you appreciate it again so if anyone that i missed i don’t know what that comment i don’t think i read about your name uh see till gaming thing with prime alex yeah this is actually my single player this that’s my phil’s the bot over there i’m doing it

Miss trixon is in your chat yeah she’s at work right now probably on the brick she she’s normally in in my chat too oh yeah she’ll watch your stream from time to time she’ll stoop that low that’s amazing we look with our eyes we look beautiful wow

Wow i think you need to go claim all of tommy’s land ah that’s a bit far we’ve already done the treaty listen the entire time it went from tommy and techno talking to like two hours of tommy just getting the [ __ ] beaten out of him so

I’m gonna have to watch your vaude now can’t watch fine i started streaming halfway through you’re better off watching tech knows because he has the whole thing should we go to new mexico yes mexico what is it one one physical block i just find every single like important

Area of paco and just put a nerd’s thing on it that way they can’t be like well i never saw it it’s the perfect crime i say pumpkin is fit still on is he done he’s done i think all right these these short noob streamers you know they

Get on they get off it’s they’re done i don’t think if it was streaming i don’t think he was i think he was just there for backup he was there for chaos he might have been recording man he’s a good man that’s how you do it

I did that i did that little thing that is awesome that is awesome all right where are we going now tommy doing a dumb let’s have a look at this clip i guess uh-oh 20 grand strangely i want to watch it how much is 20 grand i don’t have it’s sad

Oh he’s in our base for he took so much and he called he’s selling diamonds whilst in our base there they are there’s my 16 blocks yeah actually took them because he killed me we can probably i knew i had blocks phil well he’s left 15 yes yeah he’s such a kind-hearted thief

I think that’s pretty much that i feel like i’ve been my privacy’s invaded let me check them up again hold on so which area are we nerding now so yes phil’s chat he did give it back he did give me six my six blocks back after i hunted him down

Like a little puppy dog so your chat just wants to start [ __ ] i know puppy dogs only when they take my blocks of diamond are we clear we could go to new mexico and then write something there what do you think and sneak we just gotta find stuff to do before

Warrior breaks out i’m right i’m headed back to my studio gotta shoot some more videos i’ll be on a little while all right bye matt cheers sure thing all right straight south i guess all right it was weird streaming this early let’s get the good old playing out take me somewhere pretty god

Oh i froze i’m okay squad stream we’re fine we’re fine is that a squad stream is that a squad stream recommendation guys squad stream we think it’s bloodstream yeah they can watch the same thing on two different i’ll sides you the invites it’s gonna be stick

[ __ ] so much can’t wait to try and accept it while i’m flying hey hon that’ll be good [ __ ] i can’t remember when you have a one in your username on on websites and when you don’t just on youtube and twitter pretty much just just get it with the idea twitch is

Like the only thing that i have have it said to i don’t i actually hate this beanie i don’t know why i have it on it’s too small i send it to you whenever you want to try to accept it all right don’t crash listening to epic music

I don’t know where i am though oh we passed it it’s because i’ve got my map on my main monitor i’ve got my second there you go okay turn around that’s better new mexico how are you how’s endland is coming i think that people still call me pope even though i

Like i literally haven’t done anything like hopefully oh we’ll take care of that again i said i have the vatican and the vatican doesn’t even exist it exists in your the hearts of your viewers oh yeah i’ll bear back on uh tg things thing with the six months appreciate it man thank you

How’s that it’s coming along part one is done part two is adding planets and stuff like that uh vinbonks thank you for the prime as well thank you dude uh [ __ ] i’ve always shot it again where the [ __ ] is this place dude why is it so many claims like in this one

Spot this it there we go wait where the [ __ ] are we all right [ __ ] this we’re going this way here we are that’s boomer hmm interesting they nothing here boys this is to look pretty i guess the [ __ ] is that i see water oh here we are here we are

Not going to lie kind of triggering that the top chest to the ones that i have the stuff in not the bottom ones considering they have it all lined up a little bit triggering not gonna lie how’s it been i’ve been away from the streams for a while hi mate

Like with the five months it’s been all right how are you admit i’m good one smps we’re technically still at war i’m in an enemy territory right now but nobody’s online i’m just kind of wandering around looking at this [ __ ] look at mine in their minds oh hmm

I guess my girlfriend ordered madrinas even though she’s still not here yet and adrenal coffee i thought i thought madrina sent me more coffee and i was excited because they said they were going to but it’s fine just for her where the hell is

My where did you go i’m on the ground i found a secret tunnel that they’re building oh let me look at the invite how do you how do you get on the ground i uh wow what a picture that is holy sh god oh i saw it yeah

I accepted the invite i think what you have to do now is you have to click start it happened there we go so when you muted my dog started howling but it was like really really deep so i had no idea like what because like you you’ve heard him how before it’s like

Very beauty induced there oh he’s only eight months old so he has no idea how to bark like without like cracking his voice so it was like i was like super low and i was like what the hell is that he was walking around

With his bone like i got him like a big candy cane bone right and he had it like in his mouth and he was still barking oh man it showed up so he’s just sitting here with this bone that he’s really defensive about he’s just like [Laughter] he’s just like making noise he’s very cute he’s just so mouthy like he sees anything in near the yard he’s like i gotta get a park at it it’s gotta get away from my home gotta save my home from possible invader boomer was voted word of the year 2019

In the netherlands dude how did the whole entirety of the netherlands know about my dog it’s awesome yeah yeah i’m down there now just kind of looking around can i make that oh that’s cool they organized it by emeralds do you do you want me to bring my

Villagers to you wanna help me bring the villagers i have to the antarctic because i have the guy that gives me like literally one emerald or one xp bottle for emerald it’s disgustingly good and he also has an ender pearl trade for one emerald he’s a very good villager

Oh i oh i mentioned madrina’s i forgot uh um uh code sneak sneaks wait i think it’s fifty percent off still i think today’s the last day to have fifty percent off your orders just saying any caffeine addicts smile what did you do to me am i a joke to you

Please help dad get me out of the pool i can’t i can’t swim this is humiliated what how i don’t know what i give you hey i give you a pill and i gave you my trust i didn’t do [ __ ] that was just there already dude i actually didn’t do anything

Oh i forgot i can’t place this one to get out i just did the sega’s 360 and nothing even happened like i still took damage from it is that how you survived in a hardcore world all this time just end the pill yeah no with skills like that the secret yeah

Hitting a creeper once and it exploding instead saying it blew up yeah it was really good that’s quite the opposite actually i’ve got a bucket yet but check it out because it’s an enemy’s land slash i don’t have permission on his land like i can’t actually place water

Even if i had permission you still can’t place water it’s really it’s really wonky all right wanna get my plan are we going oh time to fly where we going now i just want to you know just just check out this house again on stream i came

Here off stream and caused a little bit of uh a ruckus oh i like that pattern that is so many cows they i have to fix this wow that’s too many cows dude i have do you have a looting sword i do i do holy wow what are you doing man

I feel like if you jump in there you’re gonna get suffocation do you dare me two seconds do you dare me to jump in there and see what happens i got a plan is there a way to put in the group stream the perspective side but i don’t know

The sounds don’t even come out do you remember what you remember killing the chickens inside my pen and then i’m all good that was horrific my favorite it literally distorts it boys i could air strike it that’s right chad i could strike it but we wouldn’t get zero viewers

Are you going to zero viewers too no it hasn’t happened my streamlabs has zero viewers what happened uh-oh well it was fun being a full-time content creator um i guess it’s over now i remember when this happened last time and then yeah we are all equal and the same and everybody is special

So everyone just started typing smile and white people happy white people made people happy everybody everybody press one if you’re the zeroth viewer getting all these follows but i have no views this is crazy what’s happening let’s throw this food out oh my whiffed i mean this yes we all mean nothing smile

We are all equal we are all zero therefore we are all equal and also they’re gonna be so pissed when we cleared their cow farm that’s gonna be i can’t even remember exactly what i said i think i started like a motivational speech in chat oh here’s some letter

What the hell is going on coke gaming thank you for the 10 [ __ ] cocaine what cold gaming what is this Official sponsor all i did was just copy and paste the like a copy past of it on twitter and it got like 4k likes it’s just the dumbest thing ever it was so low effort on my part i was like okay it made me laugh so hard oh my god it’s

So funny though all right this is knowing them that was like their whole plan was to become a meme they were just like let’s make it looks let’s make a dumb video and those are like actually like like coke employees nobody can actually find the channels of the people in the video

Have you got the uh leather by the way that i threw out dig a hole in the railway so he falls to his death at filza in my chat the railway that goes nowhere sure guys yeah somebody’s new to squad streaming i need to put something we need to put

Something stupid on an item frame here we have a huh of leather now we do i don’t know how to do it probably though techno put the command in the chat earlier that’s long gone dude yeah is it map maps tool what is the item frame airstrike the cows slash two map

Involved argument yes you have to give like a url of the image then map url okay and you resize it yeah your squad stream chat bugged out lol dude mine too so true so true i have a real i have a really good picture i have a really good picture i found

This while i was raiding christmas movies on stream yesterday or not yesterday a few days ago i could use i could put phil i could i could use the fill first of all guys should we do that i just like put it somewhere this is gonna be great [Applause]

People that watch that stream will know what it is hold on let me see if i can get it how do i okay so it’s it’s slash toe map url and then what and then you have to like resize five arguments do i tab at night

Map tool does have a map in your hands map tool help i don’t have permission what two map then the url then resize x and y x and y is in like coordinates so my channel for likes for like length and height you have to have that you have to have

Volume in your hand apparently chat do you just have to have a blank map is that it get again get in the plane it has to be blank oh i need space on my inventory as well all right well i have a full pretty full inventory but

Ah you’re gonna love it it’s gonna be a good one we should put it right around here yeah yeah they have like a lot of item frames we can just kind of like we can use ah they have so many chickens i want to do the thing but stanley why is stan here

Why does that statue have a butt this place is cursed dude it’s pretty cursed that guy’s got a thicky dude four by four total of 16 frames oh you might placing your ender chest so i can just put a bunch of stuff there’s one over here oh that works

You get x times y amount of maps with the image okay so i don’t want to choose too much let me just put my gun away it’s going to give them a bunch of storm bricks i don’t want war is over set this i’m sorry did you just call woody a statue

What the hell is that what do you mean woody it’s woody he’s t-posing on san diego what else would he be i don’t know what’s happening i’m scared invalid stretching mode what i have to have a one blank map in my hand or the i wish i knew how this works oh guys

That’s a loom true but i saw that i saw this i was like oh it’s a banana thing like maybe it wipes it clean where’s that paper uh this card do you know how to do the item frame thing it’s toe map new than the url oh

Oh no there’s no new just two map url then you can resize do i have to have something in my hand or what do i need something else like can i just do it with an empty hand or i’m gonna get the url you just do the

You just need the url to map space then the url and you’ll get the map oh yeah wait so you don’t even need any paper on you at all oh yes this is gonna be awesome dude holy it’s gonna be awesome can i just do it with one item frame

No you need whatever amount it says on there ten by six if you make you’ll see any size if you need to no this is perfect okay wait is this going to be 60 item frames oh yes you can resize it i have four

What the [ __ ] no it needs to be 60. this is going to be an amazing this is going to be glory 60 item frames yes this is going to be badass six months went by quick what are you making you’ll see it’s going to be incredible

Phil can you make like a 60. no please how’s the wall just the wall we can do this together i swear it’s going to be a good payoff that’ll be six vertically and 10 horizontal this is [ __ ] christ i almost have 60 item frames it’s possible dude all right okay i’ll help

Building put on the building wall that might work up here yeah yeah over there yeah you watching my stream i used all my wood maybe you can’t prove it all right i have it this one you think this will be good like right here or where here i guess

I hear you take half the other side of the wall yeah yeah yeah check the other side 31. i have 31 as well okay three four five six and then ten oh that would work yeah that’ll work it’s gonna be oh it’s gonna be

Is it a wise image or like uh it’s gonna be top yeah it’s gonna be vertically flipped wrong but that’s gonna make it even funnier i think but i mean we can just stick this away a little bit make it 10 across here if it says 10 by 6

That’s 10 horizontal yeah it is ten by six i thought it was six by ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there you go oh i’ll put another exception one two three four five six like that high i think so yep all right

I hear my dog trying to bury his bone dude all right like that i think that’s gonna work i mean try it all right here’s the moment of truth you’re in the bottom left corner bottom left okay [Laughter] what the heck What the hell is that [Laughter] oh my god i’m glad you guys are happy dude my head hurts [Laughter] [Laughter] what’s the answer chat sycamore or more bamboo come on oh why not both no you have to choose holy [ __ ] oh my god wow holy crap dude oh [ __ ] you never saw all the stupid polar express memes from like two years ago oh no they’re really bad but really funny

It’s so dumb [ __ ] stupid i need more sticks i need more banners oh hold up dude all right now what i got i’m gonna put my face somewhere i think it’ll work i hope do you need more things any more sticks we can put on the other side of the building

Jesus christ actual boomer joke it’s from like 2017. i think i’ve left my one of my shulker boxes with sticks in somewhere that’s pretty boomer fair oh so funny hold on so stick’s in there chad i can’t see i’m just being the dummy drum card thank you for the six months

Javi thank the tier two for six months as well next time with six months there’s three of you absolutely nuts thank you guys thank you um nc sombra live thank you for five months as well thank you dude sorry if i missed you guys wow oh god that got me

I wasn’t expecting that that was great i don’t even care if they don’t get it just that reveal was worth it dude the fact that it’s there am i missing sticks am i dumb oh god squad mode can only be four people do what oh that you get bamboo from jungles

So funny holy [ __ ] how big do i make this six by six i guess uh yes one two three four five six yeah i don’t know where did how did i only get three pieces of bamboo from that tall thing oh my god i’m stupid huge one phil do you need

Do you need some do you need to help [Laughter] i’m going to come back and give them a [ __ ] ton of wood because i have a shulker full of it i just haven’t got it on me i’m gonna get i i need that second motor mobile one in my own base too

Oh jesus so [ __ ] funny mm-hmm all right let’s try that again my dog just walks around trying to figure out where to put his bone in my house by seven oh no i need more i got two i got two i need more than that though you make it six by seven

Oh what is there now three six seven it’s six by seven isn’t it one two three four five six seven one two three four five six six by seven is that right chad oh the other way around is it six by seven or seven by six

Stay on the map wait i i’m doing it i’m doing it wrong it’s me yeah cause i’m just six let me get the url again let’s see if it even if it’s going to be a lot taller if it’s 6×7 it’s like 120 by 120 okay image location

So you just type two map then the url then what you want it to be so like six and then six i guess right not gonna work it has to be imager only oh [ __ ] okay i guess i’m uploading it image yeah hold up let me just upload imagery real quick

He’s burying his bone on his dog bed by throwing the dog bed over it i’m showing her right now what an absolute goon boomer hi boom boomer what are you doing hey does it have to have like dot png or dot jpeg at the end of it like that to be

The direct link yeah it has to do directly okay to the i dot imager or what’s he whatever man boomer what are you doing don’t look okay i got it okay so slash two map then six no space and six sorry i’m trying to resize it oh no oh yeah resize wait

You have to resize the dog that’s just out the door now it’s gone do i have to go so just two map and then url then resize he’s gone i have to type resize yeah okay cool stuff to put six x six or just six spare six what a guy got it

Hopefully this should work sneak do you wanna look Beautiful this is my favorite thing now we need to up my cow farm immediately this is so awesome do they have do they have we we should re-breed their cows for them i’ll talk your pickle over here your pickle’s nice and my maid pickles for me there’s so much my

That was worth it all right i need to repay them the wood now so let’s uh let’s get we put birds on their base though let’s say we should put nerds off by their base again oh you mean on the map sure yeah let me zoom in

God i love that picture so much dude i just looked up polar express memes for like the the christmas ranking tier list i was doing and like that was like one of the first images that popped up i just [ __ ] lost my [ __ ] it’s so it’s just the dumbest thing i’ve ever

Seen it’s so perfect [Laughter] oh it’s oh it’s so glorious put a massive coke gaming on your face oh [ __ ] we could put it like up here i guess could make like three by three so they’re like a coke hold on let me see if there’s like a good image for that

I’m just googling coke gaming oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that was so [ __ ] funny this whole thing of all the things i i wasn’t expecting that i’ll be honest i was not expecting that this meme is too too new to have like any good images from it it’s just the copy pasta that’s there

Now i just want to find more i just wanna get more of them i want like a bazillion item friends just go make like tons we just got partnered guys wow cook gaming coke gaming in the chat what coke gaming thank you for the 10 000 bits i hate the scream

Yeah when she when she like freaks out horrible jpeg of a coke bottle that could work i’m gonna i’m gonna google that’s what i’m gonna google deep deep fried coke why is that actually a google suggestion have you got any more um item frames no [ __ ] god damn it emo sticks coke bottle

This isn’t yielding the results i was hoping do that What the hell is this picture hold on what what is this what is this picture what this is from coke’s twitter account i guess what i want to give this one the fit [ __ ] it it’s going on the wall [Laughter] this is gonna be a big image again isn’t it toe map boom

Rendering finished eight by four that’s doable [Laughter] i feel guilty for taking so much woods from them so i’m gonna go get uh the wood from a bit from my base i absolutely left it in a chest somewhere i’m going to go to mine and get i’m going to get cows

Well i already have some cows i’m just i’m just gonna read them even more so i can crank out some leather because this is my this is something i want to do now this is my new passion also this is great okay yes graphic design is my passion mo bamboo or sikko mode

[Laughter] boomer what’d you do with the bum bud where is it i like that he literally tires himself out he like comes in after he buries it like panting like crazy because he’s so tired oh bless him because he just puts it somewhere that he clearly can’t bury

It and he just flicks his head at it thinking he’s gonna be able to he’s having fun yeah you did it good boy uh caleb thank you two one spam appreciate it dude penguin with those six months as well paul thank you damn there’s like four people in the

Room that got sick right a sign saying that or cara will be blamed how is that even i won’t yeah why is that your first like wait what they say no that’s not my humor someone’s saying that if we don’t put a if we don’t credit that you put a sign

Of your face in their base they’re going to blame cara for it chat blames kara for everything what do you mean what’s new yeah they do literally like any chat you go into it’s like cars did this by the way it’s like no she didn’t cara’s gonna kill you watch out no she’s

Not yeah literally i was in a mine and my chat was like my chest started erupting with cars coming cars coming she’s going to kill you she’s going to kill you i was like ally what do you mean yeah same why are you oh my god dude stop existing near me please

You have like five continents near me it’s very intimidating silence ally yeah weird champ moment we’re champ isn’t trustworthy why am i not trustworthy what have i done chat we were allied at the time we’re neutral now but we were allied techno they’re neutral not too long ago

But the time we were allies i know they just want to see wall dude it’s almost like they have video footage of of both sides being placed from two different perspectives i was just about to say it how can they blame car yeah if they blame her at this

Point they’re just literally trying to find something to blame like was this my channel this looks like mine they’ll show up they’ll log in they’ll see it they’ll be like who did this some some [ __ ] will be like cara did it and then they’ll be like oh i can’t

Believe cara did this and then they’ll be like carl why’d you do that and then we’ll just be like no we did it and then they’ll be like oh and that’s it that’ll be done i’m pretty certain this the shulker box is mine yeah because i

Made that sign i did do the polar bears though polar bears full credit thank you very much there was so much wood on these [ __ ] things jesus christ fear i have like no cows uh oh i i hear him again boomer what are you doing bud

I’m committing so hard to this look look at how hot i’m coming look at this it’s all the sticks just all the sticks and all the all the things i’ve got a plan oh my god just a lot of item frames the polar bears got renamed no my sons tommy and sub two

What are their names now uh one of them still called soap too the other one’s called sneak like oh wait no they changed again jesus christ techno why that’s pretty funny more sticks we need cows we need tons of cows i should probably repopulate their cows that are killed need bread

Walked down my office there’s like six pillows flowing about i’m trying to find a place to bury it oh he’s so funny all right there we go is it 29.99 for huh for what for there’s no shipping or anything to be fair free shipping which which shipping is usually what guys It’s actually not bad i’m gonna lie something pretty cool and custom like that sweet deal yeah international that’s crazy that’s actually good you choose if you’re watching i would really like one thanks you get a better deal if you’re international oh yeah yeah basically yeah don’t buy it unless you’re [ __ ] up

Yeah don’t buy it unless you’re internationally what am i doing a youtube chat i have no say if i do a youtube or not that is not down to me the idea is dm that’s like all the people that go when are you getting yeah it’s like when

Are you getting youtubes i i that’s literally not me i got so many messages saying like oh phil look youtube’s replied and said 69k retweets i said dude i don’t even have 69k followers that you wouldn’t see yeah i love that [ __ ] dude oh hey techno what’s up what uh we

Weren’t talking about your um and i’m not gonna ask you to tell them to to contact me i just realized where i was heading i’m gonna i need to head back to the antarctic no we were actually just talking about how like the the shipping internationally like for

Free is a really cool deal yeah you get a good deal mm-hmm techno left he’s in sneak’s channel boys ha ha scammed surprises technically fk is in like everyone’s chat usually doing smps true he’s just chilling in the back excellent work promoting my stuff my 20 bucks will be in the mail

You just do that you can just do exclamation donate and give it to me from the from the stream if you don’t mind there he is gotta look so i know he’s talking smack he says true it’s really good for it’s really good for him though because his character definitely like stands out

It’s not just like white dude smiling you know white guy smile I don’t know i’m so salty that i didn’t get a schlatt youtubes i thought i ordered one but like it was about six a.m or something where i went to bed and i i had the webpage open on my phone and i just [ __ ] i must have got to the end and just

Didn’t hit purchase so i missed out sad i missed out so i didn’t get one though because that was one of the reasons i wanted one of his because it looked like totally different i was like oh nice yeah i i would bet that he’s going to have some different one where they’re

Going to reopen eventually yeah i wouldn’t be surprised all right gonna grab a bunch of wheat and we’re gonna breed those cows that we slaughtered that’s a nice thing to do see chat i’m not a total [ __ ] okay killed a bunch of cows we’re gonna breed them again

So you can sit on carpet i didn’t know that yeah it’s like it’s like a plug-in well i know you could sit on you can sound like slabs and stairs apparently carpet’s in the deal too that was weird did you go like right down to the floor

Yeah i was just breeding cows and also and i was just like [ __ ] it sit on the fence [Laughter] that was strange um i actually need wheat now huh hmm i’ve got a bunch i’m bringing some just replanting someone just gave me three bucks with an

Imgur link i’m afraid to open that just don’t open it on stream you’re fine is this you asking me to use this [ __ ] it sit on the fence look at this good boy look at this best boy trying to bury your bones coming over here to suck up because i took it away

Because he was literally like throwing apart my house someone in my chat says it’s a cool gaming league probably it better be for your band maybe i might be kidding and streamlabs is very cool and i can’t click links directly from it anymore so i have to type in it

What the hell is that what is this what did they send you open my stream for a second all right helen let me know when you’re watching and i’ll open it did you did you do the squad stream i could believe so code gaming pog it’s not code gaming

All right give me a sec it’s it’s something all right i’m watching now oh jesus oops nerf or nothing dude just nerf gun bambi’s mom [ __ ] it just just do yep yep actually savage i like his smile he’s like yeah yeah i’m gonna do this live no this is actually a vod

It’s gonna be a kill shot let’s do it yeah phil and i are just saying random things that we would say during streams right now this is a vod this is the part where somebody asks me if this is real i have to put up four fingers

And then two fingers and then three boom you guys can’t catch me i’m too i’m too clever all right what else do i need i should probably take a bunch of dirt as well but i could always collect that on the fly yeah do a double back flip if you’re live [Laughter]

Yep sure thing here we go chat you ready i’m gonna do it let’s put those higher strikes away don’t need them anymore currently not not in any danger yeah dude i did it that was sick insane double backflip i believe you chat you believe in me did it yep paul i believe him

Somebody clip it and send it to phil that was insane he’s literally insane i can’t believe he just hit that yeah that was crazy i gotta figure out where to put all this wheat all right it’s got so much sugar cane oh you know what i could do i could put

It on the other end of the island perfect i’m on my way back it’s a packle yeah yeah you guys want to find the back i’m gonna find a better image i think i farmed so many pogs just now what time is war where we had it we had a skirmish earlier

And now i’m just kind of messing with the enemy right now that that declared war on us we’ve already wrote nerds next to one of their bases here i’ll show you give me a sec I’ve done that already i’m heading here now I’m all the way down here going back to their base i’m probably gonna do some more like art or some [ __ ] That’s not what i wanted Can’t see it again i’m probably in the water closing parenthesis oh oh i landed handy have all the places to land i landed like in the safe spot okay i was taking those plants of 1v10 them going i mean they’re not on right now so

We can’t 1v10 them but i’m gonna let my dog outside i’ll be right back all right man Let me check it hold on I’m flying guys i have to like be really cautious with this oh i saw it he just he just flipped that was the best flip ever yeah that was epic that was good I’m on target Just north now hey it was a double backflip quite literally true double backflip off hey glam i’ll come here Uh okay gotta find the cows where are they Oh all right everybody get a coke gaming ad let’s go baby what is this where are the cows again like completely with uh somewhere in that big big area nice thank you yeah you’re welcome that’s good that’s good good subscription yeah no problem you know i’m always here for you man

Do you like my back flip i did the double backflip yeah really took it out of me this park dude well you know when someone says jump i say hi [ __ ] dude i can’t find this [ __ ] god damn it i can’t i can’t actually find the cows again where were they oh

No no no it’s like here oh oh oh we flew this way didn’t we yeah how come someone posted the clip in your chat but not even mine like second cause i asked for i guess what the f this is [ __ ] it was this it wasn’t a chat right here

Hey found that found i found it i found it time to breed breed the cattle breed cattle breed for you and said san diego in my chat why did people at you in my chat i already saw that it’s fine yeah i think they’re like switching between

Two the two of us that’s why they’re using squad stream the way it’s meant to be used smile smile any squatters not again make the baby baby bread make bread bread big bed i was gonna wait shit’s going down i guess i’ll stream wait well i missed that what do you say

I said i was going to make a video off of that today but then all that stuff all this stuff happened and i was like me during fight cause i’ll just go live let’s go live yeah i went i went live early because of

All it all kicking off i was like oh my god and then it ended at eight seconds it was over so fast oh it was epic it’s absolutely worth it i guess sometimes when they switch between streams to try to chat between you or me it just doesn’t work

Yeah it’s like the third person that’s been like i i switched but the chat didn’t switch yeah i would absolutely blame twitch for that 100 that sounds like something that would go wrong yeah definitely not like uh like them making sure it’s it’s the right chat kind of situation definitely like a twitch

Situation all right i agree i guess oh look at this cute little mine there there should be an enchant on on hoes that do like multi multi like tilling oh yeah you want to make it right click you right click and it does like the surrounding area instead of

Like just one very pretty cool yeah i come up i’m an ideas guy it’s just about it though i do ideas hey this is phil’s chat right yeah man you’re here welcome to this stream i gotta give him back some woods that’s still a bunch I always do that everybody’s just coming in my chat and going what’s up phil [Laughter] what have we caused i mean i mean i made up for it guys there we go listen if that’s who i’m getting mistaken for i’m not that mad about it i just sound a little more american i’m

Gonna be honest with you you gave me fun up now because i flashed myself please i didn’t i didn’t flashbang myself what do you mean no i did me oh stone chat where am i putting this big old billboard phil is america has changed you [ __ ] america that’s how it was spelled

Put it on the ground i guess it would show up on the map wouldn’t it i don’t think that’ll show up on the map properly though with it guys we’re playing hardcore survival today [Laughter] and atlanta is just being fit people have seen some sneak in my channel hey schneider’s going man all

Right dude my chat stats are going up this is stocks i’m gonna look at imagery and see if i can get a custom image going let’s see english isn’t your first language don’t follow you my bad this is funny though you can’t put the maps on the ground by the way oh

That’s that that’d be the greatest i said that would be really funny the gifts work you just fall them down a pit and they’re just like just the kid from polar express is looking at you i haven’t tried gifts hey you you haven’t tried gifts i have not tried them that would be

Insane if a gift works if a gift works i’ll be nuts dude oh wait that’s not possible i want to try it dude there’s no way you can that works [Laughter] that would be ridiculous get dude out of my way villagers love the stream sneak keep it up hell underscore

Someone just said love the stream sneak after the five months man derek schmidt wait is he trying to sub the me or you oh everybody everybody subbed the fill but my on my smile i’m looking to imagine now for like a good gift to try ian if you’re watching send me something

If you think i should use it we’ll test it i don’t think gifts will work though i think that’s too perfect so are we too good how are you so good at terraria this looks sick poke oh my this this meme is getting deep we must go deeper in this meme chat

There’s so much to choose from thanks for the rich man uh oh i remembered what i was doing trying to get a bunch of wheat now so i can have a bunch of cows so i can just item frame bomb people i might just put one of my moderators faces somewhere

We’re just like who is this who is this person He said wow jesus christ need a good gift Has to be on imager though Chat don’t try and post it the bottle time you out Oh philly is a moon all right could do that music’s probably i love these new emotes sneak bunch of filimos [Laughter] god damn it yeah i got past 800 subs all of a sudden i got all these new emote slots it’s crazy do you guys like my big pog i came up with it oh i should just do a big punch shouldn’t i i made this i should

Absolutely just have big pog somewhere that makes so much sense chat it would be pretty good oh being sent me one all right we’ll put we’ll use that we’ll do that one let’s try that one first uh what was it again it was like oh my god what was it called again two

Map yeah i’m an agricultural madman besides i did that way too early oh god one by one jesus christ cursed 3×3 [Laughter] phil i just want to let you know i’ve been enjoying your hardcore streams keep up the good work thank you i won’t die to a baby zombie this time

Or maybe i will for content who knows i’m kind of crazy guys you want to see me fill up the entire end it’s gonna be crazy If you place water a specific way the whole water fills up this empty block area it’s sick i have this really cool clip called ride the wave every time someone talks about it i mention it it’s awesome am i doing this right [Laughter] shot moving it i’m moving it i’m moving it

Why is the diamond hoe a deagle and why am i holding it sideways like a gangster Is it actually does it look like kill that soil [ __ ] jesus christ what the [ __ ] is this yeah i got the strap dude what’s up oh no no no what the hell is happening oh no no i mean yeah that’s right i got glowing for the beast

Not your seventh in the five months later you would have seen that with the four months as well pearl and you think of two months [ __ ] me this is so funny uh i’m gonna get something else hold on give me a sec we need a techno blade technically you

Choose uh image you’re right let me see the 29 i thought youtube was the 27th let me check twitter someone just donated to try to say the 29th uh oh look at you thanks for the dollar get scammed oh Techno if you’re watching i need an image of your youtubes now [ __ ] me that was loud no what are you talking about oh my god the zombie hitting the wooden door sounds like a [ __ ] gun going off what yeah it does that’s awesome it’s like what’s happening outside let me in

Literally like a gun firing like a pistol what the [ __ ] hey scuffed sorry i worked out today feeling kind of huge that sounds a little scuffed up dude i love when boomers at the side of my backyard cause my backyard’s like to my right and it goes further out like every

Time he’s like on this end of things every time he howls my mic picks it up you see a little tiny house in the distance messaging techno shoot the cows with the in chag lock i just love the idea of a minecraft character running around with a deal sideways really gets me going

All right chat we’re doing big pog look at this thing i’m gonna walk around with this thing when when other people try to bother us i’m gonna make it act like i enchanted my gun and then i’m just gonna i’m just gonna till the soil in front of them and freak them out

It’s gonna be awesome hell yeah farming with a gun let’s go all right nice scene i got that one as well i got it as well i got it to map um resize i guess four by four dude like that up someone’s asking why i’m using gold armor flex

Every stream dude every stream something’s like this is why just wanted to believe this’ll do i think he was trying to put it on the floor [Laughter] okay uh next yep all right two map oh how big do i make this one i could put on the back of this statue

Thanks for hopping in the discord with me the other day i’ll do what he did what is going to become an advertisement for techno you choose wow it’s perfect wait this is a perfect time for me to put my madrina’s code off what am i doing definitely gotta put that at their base

[Laughter] oh this is brilliant maps are the best dude i got a good idea now let’s see thank you typo for the three months he said thanks for hopping in the discord with me the other day no problem man exclamation mark discord in the chat if

You want to join i’m usually hanging out in there let’s see pop up chat should we just have pog over and over and over again that sounds like a good use of my time make a bunch of pogs big pog big pog big pog there’s pogba just on its own

It’s the bottom part this is park yeah i made a bunch what did you do killed cows oh my i’m telling peter so much sweet all right guys i’ll see you on later all right bye man i guess what nothing bye bye i got my deagle on this is so bowie

This is so dumb oh it’s epic dude oh my god well i need some chicken dying sounds be quiet for one second okay wait i need to i need a seed there you go all right come here chickens i’m gonna crank up the volume everybody ready it’s that check

Wait that’s not loud enough why is there a skeleton boy oh my god rip people are posting your enderman emote like when you do the enderman farm oh yeah the white people happy louder i don’t i i need more chickens to make it louder we’ll do it in the future

Big promise big pog i think why people happy like i’m gonna go back and i’m gonna help kill plaster stuff around this place all right one two three four five seven about that two one two three four five two by five white people have phil what are the what are the coordinates of

That place again just look at the dime up but i don’t it sounds like so much work dude you can just tell me i can’t i’m placing signs i’m making a wise people happy you could hit a single button making a white people happy though dude let me do the thing

Sorry creeper was exploding while i was in my plane gui give me white people happy image white people happy another search other search imager all right fine i found how to get there not no thanks to you you prankster sweet jesus white people happy 4k exists all right i i

Didn’t think i wanted nightmares but you know there it is there it is boys i need to need a cac w now [ __ ] me why does 4k version of that exist all right white people happy these people aren’t typing keck w correctly in my chat uh oh technically viewers are here

Guys keck w’s in full caps they have arrived also you have to have better twitch tv for it to work which i encourage installing yes because it makes twitch like five times better yeah it’s pretty good maybe even six times better it’s pretty good there’s a version of it that’s just kikw

No caps yeah but that’s not the right one that one’s stupid in line i’m doing i said it i’m doing 4k white people happy [ __ ] it i’m doing it that’s gonna be a long ass item frame all right give me a sec it’s going to [ __ ] w it’s gonna look horrific

It’s gonna look it’s gonna look absolutely horrific but i don’t care here we go oh there should do it maybe less i’m almost back one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven by two You guys wanna oh sorry didn’t you did you drop the people it’s horrific hold on i’m coming i’m almost there oh sweet jesus someone installed keck w and just goes i see now i understand thank you for installing better twitch tv an excellent choice okay oh there’s the big pog oh my god That’s so stretch dude look at look at techno behind you i feel like i’m looking at an illusion are you guys ready for the best one here you go ready wait i got a good idea eleven by one okay guys hold on let me see if i can time this right all right

The hell is that um yeah here it is it’s so messy when you [ __ ] up when you have to like replace it let’s do this let me take these off Beautiful it’s like revealing that same thing again yeah so good Here hold this in your hand jesus christ you hold it sideways why i don’t know [Laughter] just using gold ore very casual there’s stan where were these cows at they’re just like in the ground aren’t they oh i don’t remember where these are i did a chat where are the cows

Oh i think i might have found them i bred them so there should be a bunch of babies baby bread bread [ __ ] where is it is it near here i feel dare you guys i feel wrong i feel like i’ve soiled this place am i stupid just up the hill very much

Which hill uh the hill that was like east of us i thank god up this thing yeah just over there so we flew down here right oh there he goes nice throw yeah i’m a gamer yeah you could say i’m a gamer i don’t know why i’m not flying but i’m already

Committed to this are you stop racing me haha my throat is cooler where i am maybe it’s over here i i honestly can’t remember now i don’t know either i’m gonna be honest i gotta go back down Oh no no no no no can you see it are you looking at it from over there yep this is worth everything this is worth 100 i just realized i just realized how much wheat they have right here i could have saved myself so much time

Oh i should have give you some i have like two stacks on me oh no it’s fine i’ll uh i only spent a bunch of time getting a wheat farm for myself oh my god i think it’s up here maybe oh yeah i found it it’s this way it’s north not not

Uh east See wait this is not the same cow farm where are all the cows trapped in the pit they’re lost to time where are the pit cows see how this looks oh that’s all one i feel like we should we should definitely definitely do this what do you mean san diego i’m in san

Diego thank you for supporting techno and you choose smile smile smile someone someone clipped me turning around and called it no hannah or sicko mode the best part about this little uh image as well is that it’s got a white background so it stands out super well dude where’s the stupid carpet oh

Over those hills aways there’s a hill there’s a hill there’s a hill what do you mean ian found it ian found the image what would you say that that is ian in terms of uh size the way i’m looking i just looked in three different directions my dog is upset

We should make it pretty big we should make it like my son he is upset 10 by 10 though that’s not that’s not like even image guys come on two three four five six seven i might have fine i might have found the cows nice it has been found

It only took 10 minutes of going in every direction except the one i needed to this is gonna be glorious none of them want to breed it yet do i have enough fighting frames to do this so i don’t know if i do don’t think i have enough to do this guys

Let’s just see the size that it needs to be oops we have to go for a smaller one or steal some of the item frames from below us and redistribute them what’s good we what do you guys think of yoda backpack excuse me what you didn’t know that you got a backpack explain

Open my livestream right now hey hello because your your is not amused give me a sec give me a sec give me a sec give me a sec is it literally just gm ski do you think it is damn dude calm down all right well i got a coke gaming out

It’s very important okay okay oh that’s that’s horrific you have a problem yoda hold on hold on hold on he’s saying what coke gaming what is this i like his cold dead dead eyes coke gaming thank you for the ten pounds so cool seeing you having fun on smp

Here is to another six months big puck what the [ __ ] is it what the [ __ ] are you doing with this what the [ __ ] what’s the stream you will why are you doing this molding i am why did you just zoom in oh don’t zoom in oh god no

I’ve had enough i’ve had enough of that horrific [ __ ] image monk a [ __ ] w dude i closed it out i can’t i can’t look i can’t look anymore that’s so funny where did you even find that i assume you guys didn’t watch my disney like disneyland vlog nope

No i super totally did i promise but that’s where you got it from i’m assuming that’s like that’s like the highlight they just have a yoda of those yeah yeah no for real bro i’ll tune in a bit what the [ __ ] dude oh phil take all of sneaks stuff that would be funny

Yeah you’ll never see it coming dude chad have to resize this i need more item frames for this to work i don’t have enough chat just make item frames i need more leather i don’t have that much leather dude wasn’t a certain village trade give leather i’m not sure

That i don’t have a villager that does that though doesn’t like i don’t know should we resize it be very helpful jesus christ kill more cows okay hold up i’m working on it oh that’s not what i wanted leather workers do apparently i guess they could jump online at any moment i

Don’t have time for this i need i need i need them now we gotta get a fail if they show up let me see it’s over oh it’s right here cool more cows gotta say this has been a much better stream than playing jump king the past two

Why did you just push this [ __ ] up bro that’s straight up bullying i just bred them time for them to die somebody just prime sub to me and then just said a ninja fortnight ninja fortnite that’s just what happens when he can’t stream on here anymore it’s okay i got his prime sub

Scam killing all the adults ninja’s mad now gonna have to send me sneakers for me to pay him his uh his shoes aren’t as cringy as i thought they would be yeah they’re not bad i mean they say his name but like why wouldn’t they but they’re not like

I don’t know they don’t look like weird they just look like shoes with his name on it which is good so people besides like a 10 year old that one’s bright colored shoes will buy it can i get a big picture of ninja crying on the wall

Like the picture of him when he actually turned on stream what he did he accidentally turned on the stream yeah that’s like when he’s got like all it looks like super red eyes yeah i thought it was photoshopped no that happened oh my god that was super real 100 thought that was photoshopped

I think the eyes might be but like he did turn on his stream and look like death see like just woken up for some [ __ ] oh i’m in it i gotta craft these now technical youtubes oh they’re gonna [ __ ] love that chat send this clip to to you choose

Uh why is there much item frames or maps on the ground oh i got rid of i i salvaged my pog once i did i placed pog a bunch of times right and i salvaged the item frames first thing on the top of that on top of this this building

I’ve i’ve got that one that’s this park yeah it literally just says pog this is i’m holding this in my hand now let’s take back some of this would i put i gave them oops do you like that one man no i just love the sicko mode picture picture

That called me off god completely i like when i was streaming that i like sat there with that image up for like three minutes because i was like i want people to like see it on the street that’s awesome should we have this up against here chat

Do you think like starting from here instead of like this i feel like it’s hard to see if it’s in the middle [Applause] i could just put it in the middle of the [ __ ] on the floor you’re gonna love the image that i’m gonna make yeah come down here oh look

Come down on the the mo bamba side all right give me a sec i think you’ll really like this one all the momentum sir hey phil four months already love your call out keep up the good work what’s up luna hey what’s up i’ve been informed i’m jumping in youtube

That pack was being quote unquote grieved now i’m assuming they mean grief no no no that would not that would not be happening then what is this i see right in front of me nothing nothing it’s just sand a mo bomber sickle mode what is happening

You know i’m not gonna lie i expected something uh a lot scarier not mo bamboo or sicobo what is this [ __ ] building any tech w’s in the chat you know what this is fine although i don’t i don’t know about the mo bomb or his tickle mode actually

I i mean i’ll take it back you’re gonna be that disrespectful [Applause] leave it there for now i’ll see how i feel about it in a little bit but i thought that’s what i thought yeah how do you have one cold armor sneak whoa hold up try hitting me

Actually we’re allied aren’t we no no it’s sneak no no put the yes that’s the gun down you know what boy put the gun down i’m gonna do it i’m gonna put it i’m gonna do it put it down you like that [ __ ] yeah there’s more where that came from yeah

Yeah that’s right [Laughter] see what you’ve made me do scared the crap out of me i counted it too because i forgot how fast this [ __ ] thing was hold on we’re busy go away so you can have content later okay oh my god why is there just a really ex

Don’t worry about it everything’s fine there’s nothing wrong whose face is this it’s nobody’s it’s just a face dude oh my god i just all right phil is this one good what is this oh god [Laughter] [Laughter] had to remove it because you don’t have that as your twitch banner when you’re a

Partner you don’t you don’t do that [ __ ] wow oh that is something else oh god do you want some dirt yeah give me some dirt yeah all right person i’m griefing yeah just don’t tell anybody i’m look man i’m just an intern all right i couldn’t care anyway

If i just removed like two blocks and did it like 14. i most i mostly can’t wait to see michael’s phil can you pose at the bottom left of your picture for me i want to make it better now though it’s not filling up all the other side that’s the bottom right but

Where you get that dirt just so you dug it out can you look at me yeah this is in the corner of the picture that’s perfect dude i was in a hurry so i was trying to yeah very cool i can break these all right helen ready oh god

Phil you’ve been muted this whole time i don’t know if you’re aware oh whoops i was talking to my chat and like tell them like i’m going to be really quick i’m going to be sneaky i was in full sneak mode so if if you fellas don’t mind catch me

Up to speed so what what has led up to this i know so do you have any more item frames uh yeah yeah hold on let me just oh this is this is gonna this is gonna really i mean do you need the whole scene together just enough for the rest of this

Okay let me just do it it’s just gonna it’s just gonna tie a nice big bond on it yeah all right let’s see it wait what is it eight by four right one two three one two three four five six seven eight yeah [Laughter] straight from coke esports’s twitter cop baby let’s go oh no dude oh no thank you for the 10 thousand [ __ ] picked up a corner piece of this oh my goodness oh that’s fine for the sweet new wallpaper now we need a picture all together we need we need a picture of it

Together yeah sure let me get in here you know i live here what does it matter you guys didn’t fill up in here a little more oh dude that’s a good idea about the techno youtubers is just like on to the left as well what why don’t we fill this whole room

That’s a lot it’s a lot of item frames yeah but it also might have a bunch right there you have 62. yeah listen we can put a bunch of the little tiny keck w’s i have it’ll be perfect it’s like it’s four by three give me the kick the leaves dude yeah

Hold on let me just spam print it give me give me give me give me still have it on my copy paste yeah i do here you go wait it’s like okay i don’t have room any fur anymore give me some item frames wait no put it one over so you

Could put a second one on that wall okay ruined you have to copy some more oh god this is poor man you can hear the wheezing fading out [Laughter] this is so dumb oh my god i think the best part about this is this is michael’s whole building

Michael’s gonna log in and i’m gonna log in and just freak the [ __ ] out [Laughter] oh no no i haven’t got any left there you go oh we need more we need more we got to make this whole thing keck w’s it’s perfect we gotta do it

Am i the same sneak from reddit uh no it’s completely different oh it’s the other there’s more than one there is more than one oh my goodness my feet holy crap it’s a very good day gentlemen how goes that one we’re photobombing their entire base pete it’s incredible thank you

So you spot in one two five like the tier two performance thank you resting in my bed when i received the youtube comments stating my base was being quote unquote grieve i like that you received a youtube comment yeah it wasn’t a tweet it wasn’t a

Message no it was just a youtube comment wow their names so i can see if they’re on my in my channel uh let me see let me let me wrap them out real quick any more wood i have 37 more leather i just need sticks you have sticks i got six

Master of the weather set and i quote luna philza from antarctic empire is grieving the packal bases get on wow you gotta watch that guy that that nukemdukem guy can be brutal wow that’s my favorite we sure love to to snitch i’ve noticed yeah no dude they

Want to be a part of it it’s theirs it’s their job to be a part of that smile so phil i’m back at our main base i uh i’m wondering do i need to buy uh and bring some war gear just in case now you get to find there’s no threat currently

Currently that’s because the whole pickle peckle game isn’t around yeah we got we got the we got the exactly prime opportunity to bamboozle them pete we’ve got this we’ve got the the packle pickle oh base i’m around but i don’t care too deeply exactly someone say paco pickle five times fast

Everybody try it damn you’re gonna the guy with voiceover in his name the easiest tongue twister ever listen i did say somebody i didn’t say exactly pete but pete took the challenge with with poison grace bam didn’t even hit the ground it was done dude [Laughter] everybody’s typing pack a pickle five

Times in my chest that’s it that’s it oh my chad’s throwing bits at me for that one oh yeah celebratory tongue twister chat’s telling me i’m not a threat by myself and i’ve never heard anything more true i’ll be i’ll be right back hold on chat i need to go to the toilet

Everywhere back i was disconnecting just so i don’t get pranked or anything uh because i don’t know who’s gonna log on i’ll be right back let me just run and add a real quick boys gotta be professional oh my god i’m laughing so [ __ ] hard jesus christ oh so funny

Just finally starting to realize the power of um of the of the maps dude holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i’m backshot hi sean ah damn it i was just stealing your views [ __ ] technology next time next time pick up faster people or a longer pee break next time

Oh my god they kicked the leaves holy [ __ ] yes dude yes i need more leather what what what chat where are cows chat where are cows we’re gonna go slow while i go try to get my dog inside okay slash maybe get something to to chew on because i’m hungry

My plane’s oh my point started moving the second i got into it that was very scary i’m just gonna go look for cows chad probably knows where somebody has cows why do we need cows for leather to make item frames to put maps around custom maps can you guys get more of my

Epic trumpet skills uh absolutely let me let me think of something to play jordan has cows okay on my way to jordan are we are we borrowing cows no no no we’re just killing them and then reading them so oh okay as long as we’re just killing them

Then i don’t mind we need that leather i don’t mind that tommy’s going to make us a cow farm yeah that’s true we did win against tommy and he will make him sure he will yeah that tommy he’s such a great guy yeah he stopped the war within eight seconds

Because he didn’t want us to feel bad super generous of him uh which time when he died which time uh yeah all the above that’s what i do every time i’ll answer all answer is the correct answer shot i’ve muted i’ve muted and deafens i’ve got a banana do you want to see

Some five head [ __ ] right now how everyone opens a banana from this side from that bit and it’s always a [ __ ] mess and it’s usually like a bit of a funny one you have to like [ __ ] yeah wrong wrong way to open the banana open it at the booty just pinch that

And pull perfectly peeled banana some of you probably know but some people don’t know that that trick so i thought i’d just show you guys it’s surprising how many people still don’t know how to do that i don’t know that that is a way to open the bananas better

Because you always just assume oh it’s the longest part it’s just a bit with things so you can pull it right yeah i’m exchanged it’s not wrong all right so uh coming up on jordan now he’s not actually online but his territory is right here i think i’m about to cross into it

Any moment now i’m literally in this territory why is it not saying i am is it because it will feel it’s probably because autumn will feel right where the cows at oh jesus the lag ah there we go oh hey kitty time to breathe all right you can stop how the hell

He hasn’t even set up carpets to get in here oh wait no he has there is there it is breed is that a cow in the open is there’s a cow with a sheep rip just make sure i’m breathing oh he goes i’m going look at them straight

Look at them look at them go yeah it’s like all right lads what you doing push push you got ticket no push boosh got id nope push out nice i was a creeper over by his villagers as well okay is that all of them i feel like i’ve gotten to all of them

Yeah there’s like a there’s like a pool of babies in the middle looting three oh we’ll get like a stack i guess and then i’m gonna hang around and breed them again so there’s like more than like what i came here or rather more than what i like arrived

At with that makes sense yes i should do it it’s like five minutes or something isn’t it oh okay i’m gonna unmute now guys here we go phil real quick before the others get in i there is there’s something down here nobody’s noticed and it’s bedrock at the surface level but it’s huge

I think it’s possible that it’s hollow and that that temple could be inside it oh really that’s what i think if you if you haven’t noticed it and you and techno have been down here the most then nobody’s noticed it except me all right i’ll come uh see you in a bit

All right i’m just gonna make some more item frames all right is it underneath our main base did you say no no but it is in our area um i’ll show you we’ll get there by mine cart okay i’m just gonna hang around by jordan’s

Face for a bit so i can repopulate his cows oh whoops let me do that there we go because i’m not going to just show up to a man’s house and take all this cows in the man’s did you know that cows i saw a report the other day are the largest

Contributors in the world to uh carbon monoxide yeah because they poop a bunch uh it’s their flirtatious omissions yes i hope you don’t have a beef with that ah pete [Laughter] jesus uh stew okay i have a question there we go e um case so who’s responsible for the

Claim right next to the canadian part of pacquiao that reads out nerds i’m sorry you’re breaking up we can’t hear you sorry i it was i was unaware this was even a thing yeah nobody can hear you i’m sorry luna you must be self-muted buddy i i’m just yeah no nobody checks no

Yeah sorry dude what’s up yeah sorry can’t hear you it might have been me yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean we all walked now that’s fair i just i thought the canadian part was completely unharmed to which someone brought brought it to my attention to look at the map

It’s still unharmed then isn’t it it is it is i’m not i’m not trying to i’m not trying to claim you all harmed anything but i made sure to not overwrite anyone’s claim and do the outside just to the right you know no it’s very nice

I’ll be sure to i’ll be sure to keep that in mind i’ll be sure to keep that in mind i i i think the outcry of the fans uh just was overwhelming as they uh they had to have some sort of justice when you get when you when you you get

You when you get declared war on it’s whoever strikes first all right looks like i gotta come up with ideas all right uh p i’m gonna be a little bit longer i gotta fix this problem i just caused what did you you wipe out all his cattle

Creeper just kind of strolled in and blew up in the middle oh no all right some of them are still alive i’m here i’m going to fix it for him oh wow they couldn’t get out in time oh dang i could have maybe ended pills oh

I got some more leather over here at least yeah that works i’d say probably a little bit of beef too i’ll fix it it’s not like he named any of the cows chat come on they were just cows jesus christ no fish and chips for you

Why doesn’t he have it spawn proof dude this is creepers could just walk up it was cow farm oh my god dude all right we’ll fix it chap we’ll fix it i’m not leaving until i fix it like 33 cows just died oh no oh no no no oh no no no no

Sorry it’s fine i’ll fix it [Applause] i can nothing just go right why couldn’t it just go off without a hitch i just came for some leather i was gonna get more cows and what he already had it’s a good question can’t be answered can it hmm why doesn’t he have chats anywhere

What if i move those chat what is this what is the setup he’s got going on um he’s got a uh six uh what do you call it a hex no six point beacon jordan does right um maybe no he does i’m only getting his two from her right now let me check

He’s got one beacon here isn’t spawn proof yeah but it’s there’s six i don’t think right you don’t thought he had an octagonal beacon all right as far as i can tell maybe maybe cara i heard them uh oh talking in chat the other day and i one of them had the uh

Octagonal beacon hello i’ve returned shire man wow how many have accidentally killed like no not you not you ninety percent of them all right this way let’s try that again um my uh my mine cart just as one side we had to bring in the engineers over

Here on the uh high-speed rail system where we’re doing things that have basically never been done before in all of minecraft history phil and i are swat streaming pete if you want to get in on it i don’t know if you care uh tell me why i should care by the way

Because people can just watch all three of us from one window instead of having to put between uh many of my chat like that ability to not watch one streamer as opposed to all the you know what i’m saying dude i just figured that offer you’re a good man so

I have to go and uh dashboard yeah um you should get a little wait where the hydra did they change dashboard yeah they changed it you actually should just be able to look at your little like bell for your twitch notifications and it should say that i invited you

You just hit accept and it just puts you in there i’m not laughing at boomers i’m not laughing at pete or anyone i’m just [ __ ] looking at this this [ __ ] mess that i’ve just made oh [ __ ] killed all of his cows by accident [ __ ] the bed

The chest phil remove it why it’s for him all of this is for him fill the chests no evidence no [ __ ] you think i’m gonna steal this man [ __ ] move the chest why mobs can walk up on it all right tell me which mob is gonna walk up and kill these things

What mob is going to walk up and kill cows creeper the creeper already got up here by jumping on this it was the chest no i don’t think it was are you kidding me i thought it jumped up on this i thought i saw it come from

This corner oh my [ __ ] god all right i’ll move it there we go chat i thought he jumped up on this higher mirror make sure baby make more babies please jesus how’s it how goes the cattle breeding slow very slow wow i just i just watched what happened holy [ __ ]

Literally almost like four cows survived that yeah yeah it’s all right i’m using them i’m using them to repopulate how do you populate a cow how do you breed how do you breathe uh wheat wow got a lot of sheep there yeah i’m saving the wheat for the cows

What the [ __ ] is this abomination why is it go pecs why is this why does this doll thing have pecs no dude oh why does this exist good question oh it looks like uh i don’t know i don’t want it i know it’s jordan’s body but why the [ __ ] is it on this

Is that jordan’s body i don’t know seems to have man boobs you know whoa i’m a little uncomfortable with that looking at it slightly bigger than average pog two of us thank you carlton for the tier two for seven months thank you dude thank you so much

Appreciate it gta let’s take the two months as well bagels like with the four months oh is it a woody thing with the two of us as well taking the prime leaf the four months oh country i don’t think i don’t think i got one wow

I guess i don’t count what’s up what happened i think michael for his charity said he was going to put woody’s on everybody’s country oh really yeah i’m mad so that’s what they did which is why we’re at war that’s my that’s michael’s that’s michael’s there

Yeah michael look behind it no no this is gonna be a booty i’m gonna i’m gonna change the screen i’m gonna change the screen says chat so the chat doesn’t see at least now i can watch what phil’s doing oh that’s fine that’s fine it’s just a wooden booty

They give it a poppin yeah it’s dummy thick yep pretty impressive not gonna lie the fact that they did that props cows breed faster please jesus christ come on dude listen how on earth will jordan find out it’s not like there’s an incredible clip he used to have like 2 million

In the space of a 10 by 10. i have no idea i’m going to hang around here until it’s it’s full again i’m going to be here for like 40 minutes i have to return for my sins chat put keck w face uh that’s that’s a good point actually should do that

Oh look at this boy strut oh yeah lenny doing some now that’s a lot of damage Go lenny go just got fiber internet so i can look at your beautiful face in higher quality thank you juicy baby for the teamwork for eight months all right let’s move that one more man where did all jordan’s cows go [Laughter] looks like some of them just aren’t

Showing up maybe i need to re-log see can you send me the imager link for what of um of your kikw yeah that’s the one i use that i sent you like i dm the two that’s the one i use all right if you want the deep fried one

Wait you used that where’s the imager link that’s what i used oh that worked uh-huh all right i don’t know was on the image i’m not questioning it one two three four it’s four by four wow that’s quite the image oh pete should be four by three i think instead

Yeah let me fix that that’s not going to work though no i guess i could just rock that chat do you reckon i should just rock it so anything that’s going to fill it up i could resize it let me resize it let me fix it you make the keck w bigger

I’m gonna fix it hold on hold on i want the big kw actually the only streamer that deserves a good one i’m the party hello i’m hearing a happy puppy yeah he’s playing with the neighbor’s dog whenever the dog walks away from the fence he gets very upset and starts barking at her

Oh play with me now play yeah he’s again i’m getting the better image now hold on oh my image wasn’t good enough cool i’m getting the uh now i need one that’s a proper size like the correct size so it doesn’t get all scuffed not mad [Laughter] [Laughter]

Sorry just saying hi real quick uh where is it where is it where is it where if where is it why can’t i find a decent kw image you can’t i’m telling you for some reason all of them are terrible it comes photoshopped to the rescue

Jesus here we go here we go boys photoshop why let me just resize this boy real quick um phil did you get some sort of a letter from scott from scott yes you did with the doggo that you’re in techno got or whatever oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s

Uh it’s in the chest back at home uh next to where the present is all right my chat is telling me there’s something in there about me yep it was it was a message for you me and uh techno all right chad i’m working on it i’m working on it

Jesus christ why is it so difficult just cry no just crop the stupid thing crop this stupid thing how to get fish not sure all right do that do that okay save so without going back to the base do you recall what the message is

No i didn’t read your part i left it for you you’re too kind sir could i give chat content no that’s pete’s content [Laughter] how generous of you nope yes it worked not my content oh i love it when a plan works all right chapman’s there i’ve always

Got it i almost got it just uploading it now pete’s content back off chat back on all right headed to the base to uh see whatever this message is cool okay here we go [Laughter] all right minimize that get back in the game here we go all right two map resources

Someone said hey to pete in my chat i think it’s happening again phil yeah you’re worth it chat absolutely 100 so i mean you’re me and i’m you again i think so yeah big pog uh-oh here’s the big climb big pog mark it’s worth the witch it was worth the

Wait am i right [Laughter] there it is can you give me the improvement trying to attack w2 oh my [ __ ] god dude oh [ __ ] Wow oh that’s great that’s so good can you send me the improved version of the pickup event yeah i got you i need it for science i got you [Laughter] thank you send you back oh welcome back got your man i’m here in the base phil and do you recall which chest

It’s the um the techno’s building the middle yeah it’s techno’s building in the middle there was like a present that they got rid of but they kept the chest and there’s a dog on the fence sorry i’ve lovingly referred to that as the techno outpost of death and destruction

See i don’t consider that a base anymore because of how like scuffed it is and how the place is so cursed dude it’s cool it is and it isn’t scuffed i mean how many bases have a portal in it it’s really cursed people let’s let’s be real we can’t even breathe chickens dude

Minor detail i was you know chicken pretty big kill if you want to be sustainable rated i feel like that’s a pretty big detail all right that’s not working let’s get out half of those i might like i might let chad decide what the arms are going to be

I might just do it i might just give them the power they love the power all right let’s cut out that one and let’s put in that so keep this and take out that [Laughter] keep this take out thanos hands oh what why thanos hands t-rex arms

Might just make an image scene soap to filzer this has been a great way to to kill time it’s been an excellent way to wait for war we’re not waiting we’re not idle well we’re waiting for them we’re always ready but we’re waiting for them it’s probably gonna be down to you and

Pete i’m just gonna put that out there and then maybe sylvia if she’s on but like because i i i can only stream for so long and uh if they’re gonna take way too long to come on because of time zones then i can’t you don’t want to accommodate to us americans that’s

Really selfish of you and totally not selfish about of us Give him a neck steve arms is pretty solid could give him steve arms sticks i need sticks you’re right chat that would work that would work really well and he would listen to the cows listen to them No you guys have stripped the base The crack w is perfect it is pretty good right i’ve outdone myself again it’s excellent i’m doing it do one more thing now do steve um i’m doing a dory Okay that worked out oh no this is such high res it’s such a high res image what are you doing oh making steve gaming let me i need to check the measurements hold up making what arms steve um minecraft steve you get these measurements right i’m gonna lock it up

We’re gonna make it perfect guys you choosing his hands true i’ll make him hold techno’s your shoes two seconds i need okay so it’s one two three four okay so one two three four five six six by two scott has left the game six by two on each side jesus christ

Just looking at jordan’s pets I’m doing the chat don’t worry i just i have i have to kill time somehow right so yep you could go on an adventure with me phil that’s true but i feel bad leaving leaving jordan’s cows in the state that they’re in fortunately i’m i’m pretty

Close now i think i just need the kids to grow up and then i can get it back to how it was the kids always take so long just won’t leave the house yeah they’re not called kids anymore phil you know what they’re called what are they called millennials oh my god

I was gonna go with zoomers all right i’ll go with zoomers all right let’s move that over let’s resize that free transform rotate change into a shape of check w minecraft steve arm jesus okay it’s gonna look a bit silly but i don’t care all right this one’s gonna be the right

Arm i’m gonna save this steve right and we’re gonna give it a good old flipper rooney oh flipper rooney yeah gonna transform it we’re gonna rotate it 180 we’re going to save it again and call it steve left i’m watching chat and i’m learning from the master let’s get this desktop open steve

Left let’s go boys let’s get it and and poor sneak is swimming steve right we’re almost there shot resize 6×2 okay that’s the right keep him in the right i’m gonna do that to map resize 6×2 sorry i had a phone call i’m like trying to tell my mom i’m streaming and she’s

Trying to talk to me about christmas presents like mom please can i call you later mom please i need to make the youtube i mean well i’ll just keep it the same size same techno techno size let’s go i do mine there’s a techno size interesting resize one by one

Yo what’s up phil loving the streams next i’m that’s unacceptable now i can’t tell if this is a joke or not because like the squad string chats mess up so i don’t know if people do this now it’s like them joking about us making fun of it earlier or like

Them just not knowing any better anymore wait what happened to the to the map [Laughter] i’m not getting is that it that must be it yeah that’s it it was a joke well of course now i called you out you’re gonna say it’s a joke all right chad we go here it comes

Code bop voiceover pete thanks i worked long and hard thank you suicide funding for the t1 stuff thank you for thank the three months as well i’ve never stopped i’ve had mystic thing for five months uh dg killer thing with the prime thank you dude thank you all right

Here we go guys we’re ready let’s put that john you can finally fix what you did [ __ ] almost there the finishing touch let me uh read this uh no i can’t do it wait yeah be right back okay no problem i guess i can’t just do this hey jimmy loving the stream wednesday

It is wednesday right yes i don’t know what days are anywhere i wake up at like 10 and then i stay up till like four and then i’m like oh sweet look at my stream what’s up oh my god dude zombies are trampling my crops i’m trying to open your stream but i

Can’t mommy let me know when you’re ready um it’s thursday in new zealand oh you’re the guy that’s like well it’s past midnight so it’s definitely my tomorrow hey sneak legit do you know when carson will be on sneak let me know what you ready you have to see this abomination i’ve

Created dude okay hold on oh i heard you okay okay i’m going there now wait hold on let me let me pull it up on my stream i’m backing up to it worth it don’t do it just yet haven’t tuned in for about a week due to twitch bugging and not sending notifications

Can i get a recap of the last week or so i had the wrong thing open uh ash i think i told you last stream actually because you sent me that exact message i think but i i finished the basement and stuff oh finish the basement and stuff and uh

I haven’t i haven’t said what we’re gonna do for the new new thing yet are you ready wait there you go i got uh and then if phil do you know when sneak will be streaming uh let me fix the adjustment let me know when oh dude you’re squad streaming with

Sneak i love that guy people should come to my stream so i can play a three-minute ad the anticipation is killing me please i know it’s kind of funnier this i way miss clicking like unintentionally i’m not lying okay all right this should be good enough go ahead

What the [ __ ] is that he’s holding a techno you choose as well he got his early he’s still happy medium-sized christmas punk That’s incredible dude why it’s god dab it’s this it’s the shot from afar that kills me it kills me knowing that jon’s gonna log on and just turn to his right and see that just out of th look at it so good oh my god this is the greatest that’s a big pog

Cigarette a load and save your kick w holding a tech knows you techno you choose that’s my dad you looking kind of fresh though all right oh christ oh so funny holy [ __ ] heck no blade techno christ heck w for the cuck god know that’s very good that’s pretty good yeah dude

He’d have so many good emotes and he was on twitch man tech w easy i just got bounced around by two creepers what the hell nice i was walking through grass and then one was in front of me and then knocked me back into another one that blew up

And it did one heart i love this armor dude yeah it’s so unopposing too so everybody’s like gold armor and then i don’t die because i can [Laughter] you know i’m looking at that fence phil and i uh i don’t understand how a creeper could have got in there

Apparently my chest was too close oh just hopped right over you wanted to hang out this just hopped in i’m almost done fixing it no worries in fact i could leave now because when these babies grow up they’re gonna like fill up this pen so it should be all right

Just making sure um creep your iron farm i think people have been dipping it i would have expected it to be extremely full by now i don’t think the chunk anchors work i think that’s the problem i don’t think it’s keeping the chunks loaded

I picked up a carrot out of the bowl i have and this straight up looks like a finger you seen this you have a finger carrot like i could like it’s the same thing look i uh yeah that’s impressive and nice beanie thank you i like this one look at that

So many bubbies all right finger oh jesus that kills me okay i’m satisfied i can leave this place and not feel guilty now um pete where are you i am brian martin car mineco oh no no you can meet me um fly to where i’m going i’ll be uh

Roughly in the middle of the bridge okay i’m just gonna fly past tech w again what are you guys up to oh you’re doing the super secret thing okay i won’t participate pete found something i don’t know i’ll just pretend i don’t know what’s happening excuse me what i do

Yeah be like the rest of us we don’t know i smile and wave i’m here smile um so i’m meeting you on the bridge pete did you say it yes yes yes can i land my plane on the bridge oh no yeah uh why not

I mean i saw you i saw a clip of cara dying to you by accident and then she was trying to laugh and couldn’t land she was just like zooming past frantically trying to pick up her stuff because you didn’t box it that was hysterical [Laughter] that really was that was too funny

I’m just heading towards you we’ll just go there together uh no worries i’ll even have an extra mine cart should you need one want one all right there’s a little lag going on the server my villager won’t reset his trades reset you freak oh no it’s a past

Working hours no it’s midday oh there’s a lot of lag dog got it let’s just run there everybody else is resetting his trades he’s just being a freak sir move away from him because if he sees that you’ve got something in your hand you’ll try and like stop what he’s doing

I don’t have anything in my oh no oh he’s he’s escaped chap get back in the wall get back in there that’s a good get back in there oh nope nope don’t land there don’t land there oh oh pull it up pull it up all right woof

All right just pause pause pause i didn’t realize you had the fast play yeah i’m fine i’m good all right look at the map yep yep and see where it finally comes i’m almost there to the to the area um maybe two seconds you’ll be crayons like within six months

Dude pog going hot boys going hot gang and girls thank you man thank you big [ __ ] uh it’s thing for three months as well ash check with that five again not much has happened in the hardcore with apart from me finishing the basement and stuff and

Doing some menial work we also got bees that’s the thing uh there’s anyone i missed lago thing with three months mystic thing with five months as well uh no i think i got yeah i got everybody okay cool i’m back am i the only one lagging probably i’m bomb how far along the

Bridge peep i am there right now oh yeah do you see me not yet but i see you on the map so i’m heading there now all right it’s gonna glide it’s gonna glide i think it was really close i should be able to get that fine now all right

Have to make some more fireworks i think yeah we’re good so i’m bringing something that i think will help us get in um really yeah but we might have to do some like fiddling to uh make the game think uh that would get him since you’re

Flying i want you to fly high above me and you get the overview you get the advantage of the overview all right and you i want you to see how large this bedrock is i’ve never seen it come to the surface someone uh someone came to my chat and

Said tell pert his stream is frozen yeah i know It but i think it’s solid it could be one of the arg things you think um i don’t know if i’m getting back out if i get in there uh yeah that’s a concern let’s bring a bunch of enterprise i have some but i’m worried down the other side it’s just a pit

Like this will be one layer yeah i like that people are going into my chat to tell you guys what to do don’t worry guys i’ll tell them don’t worry what if there’s a spot where you can creep through wouldn’t that be i mean look at this all the way to the

It’s all bedrock hmm all the way down here i’m at level what am i at scott i’m at level one you just casually gotta tried it bro why can’t i never get that look at my hardcore world dude what the [ __ ] a sign

I sat in like a a deep part of the ocean for like literally an entire hour or two trying to get four tridents and we got two oh i don’t know all right so let me show you back here if you keep going this way um i found the part where um

Cobblestone meets bedrock okay i tunneled down going north going into the bedrock and there was never a hole but i haven’t looked all the left side and right side like what you’re doing chat what we thinking what we think in chat what is this is this nothing is this something

Have have you ever seen anything tell me that doesn’t look like there is one big honking cave in there i mean you’re right there’s nothing else with this much bedrock on it in the whole map as far as i’m aware definitely not like this make for the

A perfect place to hide something like a temple hmm how would i get out and i’m i’m still going swimming back here and i haven’t gone gotten to the end of the bedrock here it is here it is all right i’m to the end of the bedrock okay i’m still looking um

I feel like here’s the cobblestone i think it’s probably nothing honestly but like maybe they just use this and did a copy paste maybe they just use this for part of a build or part of like the landscape right yeah there’s a lot of travel here too there’s also blocks just kind of

Sprinkled around like here look yeah now we get into some of the prismarine did you place that prismarine there no no no no because it goes all the way down yeah behind you get out of here get out of here this is the antarctic and you’re not welcome

You want to tunnel in i found something interesting yeah hold on um give me a sec yeah yeah oh my poor stream i’ve got respiration three on my helmet so i’m can i borrow it uh actually i gotta forget it don’t worry dory keep it keep it i’ve uh

Sure i’ve got another method if you get a potion no a zombie coming up to you by the way that’s interesting if i get any torches yes all right that i feel like we should have hit bedrock by now uh we’re at level 28. that’s a good sign if we didn’t actually

I think we’re in it i think we’re actually in it but like it’s just rock underneath um can you give me torches if you’ve got them uh sure you bet how did i throw that why are you going up that’s the bedrock so it’s it’s one layer of bedrock i am lagging

I’ve got i’ve got something hold on Worth it bro i literally just shot myself in my brother’s cup of water we need a compost bin for to get like to see through the floor oh really i’ve never tried that little trick let me check this might be an alternative way ah that’s loud jesus could use a piston

Now yeah we need a compost and then push our head yeah okay okay all right we need a piston we need a compost uh block so i can see what the [ __ ] down here it’s either that or get a beacon and just tear it up

Uh i’m i’m all the way down to three yeah i don’t know if we’re gonna be able to just find anything by just digging normally because it’s so if nothing else this would make for one heck of a secret subterranean base that would be pretty cool

Why am i doing this i don’t need to do this i’m dumb i’m literally in one block of water okay i’ll be right back pete i know i have um a piston back at home so give me a second all right got an idea this really goes as well it just keeps

On going i wonder if we have to get all the way to the prismarine area hmm i wonder if this is the spot where something is well that’s where we came in is in the press marine area no no no no no no no no no this is mostly gravel okay

So this is a weird one i honestly i don’t think there’s anything there but my curiosity here has absolutely peaked i need to know now i need to know i mean do we just kind of poke around and do a few Tunnels that’s gonna take too long i have a quicker way oh i like a quicker way i need my piston which is it techno’s uh techno’s base Playing on the server matthew s p earth with a bunch of other youtubers and twitch swimmers like snp live born on a map the size of earth pretty much or one to three thousand scale of earth our base is currently in the antarctic we have factions all right let me go down here

Go all right okay let’s see did i put it in here yep i need a switch And the composter it’s funny we pronounce it slightly different yeah you guys say compost yes that’s correct i’m all the way down to eight and i found nothing again yeah i don’t think we’re gonna find anything just by digging i think this is the player is going to be squishing ourselves into

A block let me check the video again all right oh you blocked us in here so you basically sit inside the composter place the piston down put the thing down and it should just activate it and push you in and you can see through the floor

Um the dude has a night vision potion to help him see things i could make one of those real quick maybe uh did you block us in no look for the dolls and jump up my sounds aren’t working i’m going back soon pete don’t worry oh there you are

There you are in minecraft i suppose for a moment where the hell did i put my uh did anything happen with what you guys have done no not yet not yet it’s a good way to put it you guys trying to figure out how to get inside it um

We’re in it kind of but like it’s weird well there’s a lot more resources in in the antarctic than there are in this thing do you guys think it’s that uh arc thing possibly it’s just it’s just really intriguing that it exists there’s nothing else like it on the map I swear i had a brewing stand somewhere but i guess not i’m still left somewhere this craft one i guess i don’t get it a lot of clay we need clay there’s actually toward the back or the south there’s a lot of clay back here more prismarine more gravel

I need to really reorganize these things i can’t think where the hell my [ __ ] is it’s not on that one it’s not in that one this one there it is okay so i gotta do that and then a golden carrot isn’t it chat to see night vision

I i still have an a uh suspicion that the whole pack of getting on to do this war thing tonight isn’t real and that was just something someone said and then everybody’s like oh you’re tonight absolutely i mean we already like did what we wanted to do at

Pacquiao we already waged you’re so that’s so true like we we succeeded in that yeah but i feel like i missed out on all the fun that’s why i started streaming early it’s okay one of these days one of these days pete people will actually want to fight well

I think it was uh paul mccartney who sang with uh michael jackson i’m a lover not a fighter what was that song she’s mine michael jackson he’s he yeah who exactly my channel’s telling me that you found sponges pete that’s usually a sign of a um oh really

Sponges are usually the sign of an ocean monument yeah but i found sponges in like a mountain chat so i don’t know what it is a custom world to be fair yeah like i’ve i’ve literally found sponges i mean with all this press marine it made me think hmm

Could we be that far from some sort of a little suspicious well we’ll find out in a sec because i’m coming back and i’m going to do that trick to see through the floor uh let me check it actually work so fast will it see through bedrock and anything else or just well

Prismarine we’ll see if there’s empty caves that’s the that’s the dealio do you have three command no they have through no no what are you doing what i’m doing is i’m gonna test it now see if it works my only other thought is we’ve not really explored the ice under the

Antarctic wouldn’t it be a hoot if we also had the water temple under yeah the antarctic didn’t chip say that nobody found the water temple that’s around on the map nobody has nobody has yeah and then and then phil we never went and tried to find it because you were up super late

So you went to bed more than once yeah i just realized we never even sought out for it well well it works but and i’ve also found something else that’s quite intriguing which is what campfires on the ground what next to our base interesting that is very strange is this your old base

No no no no no or is this techno’s base technos it’s nearby interesting oh i see you’re back there don’t worry there are torches down there that i put because i did dig under there but i never put a campfire so perhaps someone else did oh it’s a mystery i’m investigating the

[ __ ] out of this ghost fire is phil doing the illegals what does that even mean you know him i’m gonna meet for a sec guys so i can hear [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this who did this is this like a mob spawner i gotcha did you place campfires underneath our base no

I would i would do torches and i did mine down under the base i would never do a campfire that’s not me so i’m looking at what you’ve got on your screen and that’s not me oh wait you’re that is me with the hoppers yes i did that

I feel like i’m watching a scooby-doo show you were under the temple you were under under his house that’s not under his house now you’re just under five for what however deep it is it’s me smile i did it what are you you’re at level 11. you’re at level 11 right now phil

Great work out there no if you if you go to the right there’s a stairway you don’t have to do what you’re doing or you could do what you’re doing there’s my stairway or is that your stairway it’s mine i made it um remember when i asked did you place

Campfires anywhere on the ground well you said you were under his ass taj mahal no i don’t remember that part it’s okay pete it’s my fault i should have been more specific very cool what saves me a trip down there i’m about to come help out

I thought you were under it under his base outpost whatever you want to call the taj mahal that’s fine sorry phil i didn’t realize you you were outside of it by the by the rails all right sorry just spent some time i mean why why was that there with the hoppers

So i’m curious pete why what were you doing i was throwing some em i was um you didn’t set up a thing yeah yeah all right yeah little workshop yep yep like if you if you have like a a dispenser shoot an emerald at a campfire would it place

It on it and cook it to make it an inter pearl oh i’m not sure is that what you were trying to do pete if you put an emerald on a campfire it turns into an ender pearl yeah what i’m saying what i’m saying is it could you make it to where

Something shoots it shoots the emerald out and then puts it on the campfire for you so you can automate it even better they it dropped into hoppers and the hoppers into a chest so that was i thought pretty good so you had a place i mean yeah i just wonder if

There’s a way to even automate it more be crazy so any anyway are you seeing anything well i found that um bedrock block that you talked about you know that one that you said that’s just kind of like by itself yeah i’ll buy that now um and i’m setting it up

So that i could probably get in there with a glitch or rather with a mechanic but abusing the mechanic slightly try and fool the game at the thinking that i can’t teleport anywhere else bug abuse phil park um hopefully it’ll work it might try and tell me tell paul

I believe the word is cheese true i’m gonna check it out my curiosity is peaked i place buttons all over the place like this what are the buttons do uh they make us out the game doesn’t think i can teleport there let me see awesome

Oh my on the chest when i put my in the chest [ __ ] put it down somewhere [ __ ] it’s up top it’s it’s right above me oh it’s up there okay give me a sec yeah i’m i’m literally on it if you come to the surface yep yep

I need my uh stuff let’s see is it in this one uh where was it that one maybe there it is okay so hopefully this will work let’s go check this out pete all right all right yeah get rid of the junk so this is the spot you were talking about

Earlier wasn’t it yeah okay now it’s just a block of uh yeah all right let’s how do you fall with no fault damage get me in there come on that’s not cool if you place water like at the last second i don’t think i can get in i think it’s solid

Well that’s here what if we go down deeper maybe maybe we’re too close to the the top what the heck level 35 were one two three four five six seven eight we’re eight blocks from the top yeah this prisoner stuff is weird just like up here like this

This is really weird i don’t think it’s possible chat give me a sec let me see if i can do this this is kind of spooky and did some weird thing to get above the nether with some with a boat and i can’t remember what he did

I thought he put a tree up there to break it i can’t remember what he did man maybe that was to get inside the the banner we had in the nether um i don’t really see anything that pops out um and i can’t necessarily see inside of the bedrock

Uh bit either this is really weird give me a sec oh yeah he did he did like a complex piston thing but it’s possible they patched that by this this version i think it’s so weird how there’s just a single like piece right yeah it keeps going down all this is

Weird all of this is weird that’s true to have bedrock come within one block of the surface for such a large area all of it’s weird there’s nothing on this side that i can see um i’m not sure how to look inside that bedrock and i can’t teleport in there by

Looks of it unless i spam in the pills but i think that’s really risky i think spamming in the pills into this might be like like actual death we don’t want you to die once is enough you know on the server once is enough i know guys i know there’s a glitch to

Remove the bedrock i know um it’s like using a redstone contraption there is there’s a weird redstone contraption that you can make that basically is essentially the abuse of a headless piston or get or rather giving a piston a heads in a specific spot so that it

Forces it to delete the bedrock that’s that’s how i end up with another smp all right i think that’s still in the game currently for now i i would i can risk going inside another or the under birth wow the bedrock i mean done some pills you know just pull you

In i have nine but it’s not like i care about dying i just want to trust my stuff i don’t have what can you uh yeah i got you how do i do it do i just throw it at the bedrock pretty much like in the corner if you

Can but then again i don’t know what’s in there so it could be i don’t know it doesn’t all bedrock it doesn’t necessarily look like there should be something in there honestly it looks like just a mistake that’s why i’m thinking find out i’m gonna leave my boots on so

I don’t take damage from the but you’re gonna have to like so i’m gonna give you give you give you like some tips here hold up f3 okay yeah and you want to make sure you can look in the opposite direction if you’re stuck in there suffocating to end the pull

Your way out so if you get stuck oh what kind of angle do i throw it from just from the corner like this i couldn’t tell like normally you can tell if you’re gonna do this in the nether right you you know which block is only one block thick

This we have no idea and even then if we go by how how the blocks are placed where i’m standing is the only real spot it could be either here or there uh if it’s hollow but i don’t think it is honestly i feel like it’s just i can see you’re taking damage

Yeah i’d leave it sneak i don’t think there’s anything there it’s too awkward pete what was the entrance again at this again over here right by your chest yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t look like anything yeah i’m gonna check everywhere along here i’m gonna dig in a straight line and

I’ll do the test again uh let’s see i can’t spam ender pearls there’s a delay on ender pro throwing it’s been in the game for a while it’s like a use thing isn’t it yeah it’s got like a cool down all right how about i get to this point

I’ll take about like 10 more blocks i’ll drink a night vision potion and just kind of look around alright let’s go from here someone said just get pete to destroy the bedrock with his massive biceps [Laughter] well thank you very much step on up i’m gonna drink one of these

There’s like one spot that has a bunch of mobs in it peep yeah i’m gonna direct you to it i want you to dig down that tone you’re looking in right now uh okay i’m right above you though no no no no no no go back go back

You really can’t no you can’t see where i am i can yeah you can all right so dig go i’m i’m straight ahead while you’re looking straight headway looking straight ahead okay keep going yup got some real lag blocks are disappearing reappearing disappearing where’s the tunnel at i can

Help out a little bit uh if you come to the top where the crafting table is yeah is it just right by it uh kind of cinnamon a lot further yeah keep going it’s in the wall by the bedrock or wherever brother or from the crowd in

The water you’ll see some doors keep going okay i’m just trying to guess roughly where you’ll be going uh but once you get close you’ll be able to use sound okay turn right this is a lot of bedrock um okay i’m headed now in a northerly direction that’s good that’s good with the

Little bit of water coming in chat i know he has to go down i’m getting them there first start digging down pete not directly down just make a staircase i have bound feet you need to get rid of that water it’s slowing you down dude this is

Wow you can really see that well hey tell pete that he’s white built from being on console forever and still waiting to get minecraft and also how is my [ __ ] doing you should be right you should be right next to them you should be right next to

Where the cave is i hear bats yeah should be down a little bit should be right right next to the kids right stop digging down dig forward and then left a little bit you should be right next to them yeah hero okay so you have to help him out just

Find out where the cave is not not further down not further down you’re about on the same height right now we are we’re he’s found dirt so bye there’s two creepers well one one quicker baby oh careful don’t worry it’s your worst nightmare let’s creep in there there’s dirt they’re gonna explode

They can’t reach this so we’re good scouts are fighting each other three skeletons left two all right darn i wanna i wanna kill him now what the [ __ ] is that area is this a cave it’s literally just a pocket are you serious okay okay it’s about 10 by

20. it’s the smallest little pocket of cave you could ever imagine oh my gosh okay that’s the only spot i could see that looked like it might have something that was like under the bedrock dude i don’t want to be i want to be sure what it is right

That is so much bedrock though that’s really hard don’t forget your sneak your chests yeah oh yeah let me throw the chest out just uh yeah i figured thank you thank you bad omen for the uh four months do you appreciate it thank you man

Uh mr b stone like the 300 bits free trading okay pretty excellent just gonna keep digging along here get fit to use free cam someone said no hacks guys just legit fix exploits allowed you need some coal sneak ah why not yeah you can have it then thank you so much wow

This is amazing the only other thing i could think of would be like mining all the blocks around the bedrock just to see if there’s an opening but that would take so long yeah my best guess is like when they were editing the world like they were they replaced the block with

Bedrock and that was what this is more than likely what they did was they placed the sand here with bedrock yeah they created a sand disk in multiple spots right and then just coat with it in sand and then said replace sand with bedrock that’s more than likely what they did um

People keep saying we could build a base i don’t think very weird i don’t think it would be a good base guys because it’s literally only one accident entrance you’re yawning and fills up at it like this feels beautiful so yeah that’s fine all right come back

Did you see something this way or you’re just gonna try it just try and just jump into the bedrock just going what is it good for l underscore this train see what we can find all right we’ll try here me too pete i’m just just checking it out oh yeah yeah yeah

No just another cave or two i don’t think anything’s here phil do you see me dang i don’t see you no okay oh i see you now yeah you’re looking at people i just saw feet that’s all i saw so i can see under the cave if you guys

Want to go to it but like did you like that you went to yeah all right if it’s that small it’s not worth it there’s nothing yeah i don’t think there’s anything here like like big no i don’t think there’s anything worthwhile we could keep digging along

Just to see if we can get a little bit further well that was nice thank you i just want to know i just want to know i could have just messaged chip and asked if it was nothing you would have saved us all this time i just i just need to

Know i just need to know my curiosity uh it’s interesting that you found sponge specifically here though that’s that’s very weird wow any torches we’re headed yes along the bedrock that’s that’s where it heads um pick this up the impression there’s a lot of might be diamonds pog coal here why is that

Oh i see a cave see another cave yep bottom left enderman golden stuff in there honestly um the bridge is like within within view distance yeah and go maybe one or two over to the right but i have a feeling there’s gonna be a lot of uh mobs in there there’s enderman

Enderpearl’s smirk there’s three creepers four skeletons one end of it it’s further down for the damn sneak okay because the bedrock was above me i was like wait careful you might drop in it badass yeah there it is wow it’s such a weird i don’t get it dude

It must just have been a design choice by the map maker yeah what all i’m thinking is like the oh my oh no oh what what i fell into the cave make one of them explode he did it all right just to get rid of the other creepers that were next to him

Yeah my best guess is when they were world editing uh i mean when the seed generated uh they they were copy pasting stuff and that was like them replacing something like a block with bedrock and i guess that one got effect this got affected somehow i don’t know what else it would be

To be honest with you yeah i can see pretty far and i don’t see [ __ ] now it’s oh sneak i hear gold armor is just awesome took days of grinding it and then i died because someone knocked me into the lava and nobody knew who because it was

Literally like nobody was near and reflex didn’t move his character and so i lost it and i got it back so here i am admin yeah invisible all right i’m calling that there’s nothing in here yeah um i think we’re just finding keys um you you know you you may want to

Follow me i don’t know where you’re at yeah follow dude um go back and i put two torches outside a stairway yep found you what’s up Um Just keep keep going what’s so funny what i’ll be right back pete never change all right never change sneak what is so funny i don’t know i’m confused i’m just as confused as you are he went into the piss and started laughing well anyway i got some diamonds oh worth

Phil’s uses x-ray passing on now a phil stream can see you finding the diamonds pog peter you cheating dude no did you use phil’s wall glitch to get to diamonds pete i i’m not exactly sure i just dug down found some diamonds that’s crazy and uh i know i know

So phil i’m down here mining and i don’t have to touch but i did find diamonds i say you found diamond i’m looking right at you are you cheating thanks hey you can’t look at me dude i told you he x-rayed it it’s on your stream we caught him yeah we caught him

Pete voice over pete yes yes are you x-raying right now no oh oh diamonds and i don’t have on a server this would be deemed x-ray at x-rays like stuff like this you you literally dug i have straight to it i get it i’ll get it i get it i’ll get

It yeah it literally looks like you x-rayed the [ __ ] out it looks like you actually ate the [ __ ] out of this pete not gonna lie i i’m not gonna lie you’re breaking up and i’m telling you there’s there’s just a ton of ore down here he stopped his stream

The stream is gone and all of a sudden he finds diamonds pete my stream has been lagging hard did you x-ray uh i’m telling you i’ll go live right now there is no x-ray you absolutely fine take these dirty diamonds take them dirty diamonds oh don’t mind if i do

Let’s get there you go pete right there you you have me confused it’s a weird jump from me man very convenient for your stream to go offline mr p gonna say yeah that right there is textbook x3 he was using you for your cheats phil that is textbook

X-ray activity right there that is the biggest evidence of anybody x-raying on a server ever you have literally looked straight to it pete i think you stopped and went straight down i looked at phil’s cat for a second and all i saw was voice over cheat oh he’s over cheat guys

Where the f that’s a great video title voice over cheat no no i don’t know how to get out of here insane i’m lost dude we’re stuck in the bedrock dude this is his trap just in here with him it was his plan all along

He’s going to x-ray to us and kill us dude you need to head south that’s where you came in head south so we’re heading but it’s just the tunnel just ends unless it’s coming he’s right there there’s nothing wait maybe is there a way like through that dirt he is innocent

Well one person in chat doesn’t know what the next video looks like what does it look like pretty much what i just saw yeah pretty much digging down and then making like one turn and there’s diamonds right there yeah yep i can’t believe this i can’t believe you’ve done this piece

I’m i’m oh you’ve jumped to false assumptions false there’s no clip chat because he stopped this stream this man stopped his stream listen his stream died when he was trying to change texture packs it was crazy texture pack something said something weird like fine diamonds resource pack it’s weird you guys

It’s crazy i have no idea what happened here i try to help and instead what do i get free money verbal abuse stuff your wallet i’m not angry pete i’m just disappointed oh my gosh dad seems so so you know respectful of the rules at twitchcon and then

I guess i just had you painted a different picture what are you talking about i just didn’t think you would you’d be a cheater phil have you found my way out i’m trying i’m trying to find it now i’m trying to find it now just by squishing

My dumb head into the [ __ ] wall We’re trapped in the bedrock i am the bedrock chat it is one with me now okay found it found it found it found it found it squished my head into the floor Wish me luck he’s got a sword outfit please thank you for the seven months man we’re good appreciate the appreciate did you have phil with you hmm i’m here pete found the exit somehow oh you’re so strange strange just happened to find the exit when neither of us could that’s really weird

Just because you’re clueless doesn’t mean i am you know what that’s a fair argument i’ll accept that that’s the one i don’t know what to say i’m i can’t believe it that’s a mukkam for sure i don’t even know what a monk of whom is phil do you have any wood

I do i do can i have some sure i gotta do something take what you need hold on so all this bedrock and basically nothing you file somehow actually i think this whole area is very rich with ores i i’m i kept running into coal a lot of coal yeah you’re killing me

You’re both killing me how did you find that coffee how do you find that cool start digging down um can you get me next to my picture with my strap i’m good got my gun in my keck yeah who is that it’s keck w pete oh the glorious better twitch tv emo

Tell me pete did you do it i did not i don’t know what to believe anymore i think you give me too much credit phil my whole world has been shook i i can’t even go from screen to screen voice over cheat i don’t know I don’t believe this after all this time my whole reality is shaking oh my god dude you still going after this bedrock dude i’m just curious i just want to do the thing with the squish the squish and things squish this yeah what side man the squishy and the thing in the squish

You know how it is yeah i can’t even see i’m such a dirty i can’t see it i just want to know what’s in there if there is anything nothing yeah why don’t you turn on those uh little streets pete find out for us oh you’re killing me i don’t even know

How to use cheats you give me way too much credit i can’t even switch from awesome we were the one that found that we weren’t the one that found diamonds so get next to it all right chat i’m doing i think this will do it right here

Does this look good wow it feels bug abusing but that’s different that’s cheating that’s different ain’t nothing in that bedrock boys ain’t nothing in that bedrock empty this [ __ ] empty what a great find hey this is quite the experience answer me this pete i’m listening what possessed you to go down that direction

I don’t know what you mean i i’ve been digging around just like you just like you fill the judge did you find any diamonds oh my god look someone felt like empire stuff oh my god what is that what look at this over here no no go go uh go

North keep going north there’s a pyramid with um yeah oh there oh my god dude no no no no that’s incredible it’s a stinks sphinx thanks i hate it a this steve best buy here i think this is james yeah i think you’re right oh all right ow

Okay uber driver hurt me i can’t believe this one star not even can you think of anywhere where we could go sneak where i could look underground with this exploit for the for the temple for just anything pretty much because i’m looking at the map right now um and there is

That spot where chip was named i’m very curious about it’s it’s he literally just wrote his name i’ve been there there’s a lot of good stuff in there though i don’t know how much is left but we could we could check it out someone just clicked phil x-rays voice

Over p x ring to diamonds basically made during the exploit and then looking at pete when i left to go to the toilet my camera was on pete when i left to go to the toilet everyone on my stream just watched uh what a time to be alive you feel that pete no

That’s understandable so tell me what happened on your screen from start to finish there pete what do you be from start to finish from when i left from when you were digging down what was going on there and besides a lot of lag a lot of lag what was the thought process

Your thought process yeah the thought process what was going through your mind like i’m gonna go down this way and then turn right that’s the way i i mine often is go down you don’t find anything turn you don’t find anything turn you don’t find anything turn

Okay is there a secret tell me the secret okay pete i’m gonna give you a benefit of doubt this time all right i know the evidence is stacked up against you it’s not looking good i i’m gonna believe in p what the [ __ ] is this dude wait yeah that’s the chip

What’s your thing he just built he poured it into the ground there’s a bunch of caves start there you can find diamonds worth it i don’t know how much is left because it’s for boomers michael was here once and then cyanide came to kill him and then we

Felt bad so we just mined with them but there might still be some stuff back because you were finding diamonds no because we traveled all the way here and this is when nobody had fast car fast points yet this looks so this is like yeah one so

Michael came here all the way over here and then we came all the way over here and then i was like we are here on day two and there was there were no diamonds here on day two really i found it a little bit this was so this is so close to the

Antarctic sponge that of course the chat was alive with hey go check this out look at it on the map it’s so close we came over here and it was chip’s name and josh’s name which was like josh was here i don’t know i came here i can’t

Remember when but there’s diamonds you can see like little i just found diamonds right here can you mine it though yeah oh nope not anymore nope i just tried i tried to place down the block and it was just like nah man well screw that idea i guess he rolled

Back this part of the map and then he was like haha yeah screw that idea this is so sad put him in the water please help oh that’s that’s weird dude that’s so weird why the why bedrock in that spot like what my best guess is it’s the world that it thinks

Something just glitched out or like a misclick and stuff go ahead you know they’re on my screen though i wasn’t so weird uh there is one spot i’m curious about that i traveled to but i didn’t have time to dig all the way up

Sure uh give me a sec let me load up on the map my as well your plane is so fast all right where was it we’re probably gonna land on the ice let me know if we’re like stuck okay i think i found it yes there’s a spot on the map at the

Very very top right that has some sea lions in it um and i’m sure it’s just part of part of the the scenery right but like i had to dig around and it was a ton of clear was thinking well why is this just specifically clear here

Now i can now that i can use this exploit to see through the floor i’m tempted just to check and see if there’s anything nearby what am i getting you choose no idea what am i doing right now we’re going to go look at some cool stuff sneaky [ __ ] i see you

What dude that’s not me it’s another sneak with a partner on twitch phil there are weird circular structures at five eight once is that the the stuff in the sky that’s already been explored there was something there yeah it’s already been found plenty of coral reef gosh passed by all this stuff yeah

Yeah champion that’s a cool building yeah that’s pretty nice oh look at this there’s another statue of liberty but this one’s in the right place i think it looks way worse though oh yeah that looks like a tall piece of grass oh i don’t see that oh

They tried really hard on it sneak sorry i think it’s cool smile these little villagers are these like good job smile i think these are yeah these are pretty pre-generated i think wait are they pretty generic there’s something going on with this look at this someone made that i think for definite

Uh-huh i think someone made these they’re pretty cool pretty made what this little fire stuff yeah that’s a toxic and pie i think yeah it’s pretty cute oh there’s something dear um all right it’s up here so keep eye on the floor up up where i am um there’s like

A little bit here it is yeah here it is see how it’s all done yeah there’s prison marine lanterns or whatever they’re called it’s not anywhere else that was very odd it’s really weird is it not quite there’s there’s blocks right here you see that little stone building to the left or

Maybe somebody was building here because sea lanterns aren’t that hard to make to be fair well that wasn’t there that wasn’t here when i um I found this it’s just some random cobblestones on the bill yeah well you see anything yeah hold on no i see a cup i see like the odd random cave but nothing nothing of importance really just random random caves regular structures i did a bit of poking around in these

Caves a week or so ago and i found nothing up where we are yeah iceland iceland was going to be where i was going to settle and found nothing the opposite of antarctic you go in the cave and right away you see everything huh they saw something die so two things

Just killed themselves i don’t know how maybe they stood on magma blocks you’re a bride this is like little spots so if anyone that’s just saying this um this is an exploit they can use where you squish your head into it get those emeralds you swish your head into a composter you

Can do this in vanilla minecraft as well i’ll get pranked and the stuff that you saw that was lighting up the places down there it’s naturally spawning like this little stone sprinkled around inside of caves that’s normal What happened to untock the campfire it still exists we’re still strong yeah watch what happened did it did it go somewhere i think it’s because he thought when pete said he was going to live here he met he thought he meant like now oh right right right pre-beginning of the server

I kind of want to look inside of this you see this i want to take a peek a lot of water dude i’m just going to throw an enterprise down the middle see where i end up there’s another plane peter you find by here yes oh okay

I saw the plane i was like who oopsed homestead i’m the guy in the slow boat you guys are the fast one there’s a lot of prismarine down here hmm just random case check out the glass dome chip was making where did i find anything in the bedrock no we didn’t

And the chest i’m holding it hooster summoned me phil delete this world you are cheating it’s not my world for one this is a server also this isn’t cheating this is an exploit someone consider that okay cheesy i call it cheesy that’s like seeing using the villager uh

Thing where they just like give you constant trades as cheating it’s not it’s in the game it was an exploit oh sneak you almost left me can i all right go ahead pete would know about cheating someone said in my chat oh you’re not in my oh yeah just though

Keep going wait what yes take off it’s fine what you’re not oh okay there you are all right are you just all tabbing or something no you can just have the menu open and you can just click that’s so weird uh i mean i fly hacked into the seat obviously obviously

That was a nice stretch there ye let’s go boys four months big pug men what is that i can’t believe how fast that plane is so phil is saying to dupe stuff no you could literally just get a good villager that has good trades oh woody 11 dedicated to

Oh this is probably michael’s thing yeah but yeah i guess at the request of whoever made it how rude of you sir how dare you punch me pushing me with your propeller how dare you push someone said check out one five six seven eleven two one one before we already been checked

Oh we’re in it we’re in pickle packle what what’s the you gonna check one five six seven one one two one one most places have already been checked guys the map marker apparently no it’s marked on the map if it’s marked on the map someone’s already been there

That’s why i don’t listen to people who ask me to check out chords on the on the chat because they most likely don’t know that it’s already been seen yeah that’s true i’m trying to think of places now that i wanted to see what was on the ground but i didn’t like

Know how to do this what’s even going on i have no idea we’re just flying around looking at weird stuff at this point we’re just looking for weird [ __ ] there’s weird stuff like hidden in this map all over the place yeah a lot of places have already been found chip told us there’s

Uh a sea temple somewhere on the map and nobody has found it and phil and i wanted to find it a few weeks ago yeah phil was staying up way too late so he didn’t want to do it and we just remembered about it so we’re kind of looking at weird stuff by

The oceans knowing chip he probably just stuck it in the middle of a continent with no water and just surrounded it in water so guardians spawned true was kind of wandering around Big c temple guy yeah dude i wonder if it’s just underneath like sand that’s what i was thinking because like this is a weird amount of sand like just to be on like right there right i don’t know like yeah i don’t know why else like it’s it’s

Clearly not like on the surface otherwise someone would have found it by now right yeah because people have been looking at this map since it was released yeah like scouring it so the only thing that you can’t say on the map is stuff that’s on the ground

That’s what’s leading us to believe that something is hidden on the ground i think he dug out a huge cave into a continent yeah that’s what i was saying earlier part of the water i think he just dug a hole and then stuck it in there where it’s not seen

See anything around here no absolutely nothing my friend oh hey let me let me remove this dirt before people are like go check this out there’s weird dirt right here chips glass dome is 15 465 4178 in new montana territory all right new montana territory is where a lot of

The ark stuff has been if i remember right yeah oh you could be wrong though greedy 3d phil oh worth it do you want to check that out uh hold on i’m over tommy what’s the uh 15 456 i think it was let me just check again it’s gone off my chat now

All right 15 465 and then 4178 15 465 what was the why oh [ __ ] 4178 what is this person oh somebody said it’s already explored and nothing’s that great cool there’s a bunch of glass yeah we can have a look at it i haven’t seen it yeah

There’s a lot of glass once again this is why i don’t listen to people in chat they’re like destroy something all there’s something there go there’s something that appears to be a bedrock block in this tiny map that i can see under the arctic iceville that’s true i

Was down there a bit though i’ve been wandering around it could very much be under ice but have we looked we haven’t looked at a lot of the northern ice i flew around there before i want pizza and pineapple on top let’s get a three in chat for pineapple on pizza

I give you a hedgehog for the six months well not a gang thank you dude thank you just won the trigger chat small asian thing with two months in the videos i see you as well thank you uh you killing games thank you for four months k4 hp

Time with prime this would be something with 300 as well thank you for the two months atmosphere for four months i think eddie playing with seven months again as well thank you dude i think i’m all caught up now uh fourteen 000 was this way right you check there notice random one block

Clear phil there’s a piece of terra cotta by this tree very suspicious gotta say i think you should check it out Have you checked out the octangula on the map yet there’s a rectangular that was very close all right well i just see people posting chords in your chat i feel so bad for you right now it’s all right it’s because i asked right that is fair oh you did ask okay yeah i

Was like chad is there anyone i thought people were just like i’m gonna help you legit just asks and says yo well you know i want to see chips thing though even if people already been there i don’t expect it to be anything uh that hasn’t already been seen but i

Haven’t seen it so i’d like to look at it apparently it’s around here somewhere it’s uh eastern it’s at fifteen thousand four hundred and sixty-five which we’re pretty much dead on and then four thousand one hundred and seventy-eight yeah we’re just south of the sound of phil there it is

Oh that’s cute i was expecting something way bigger yeah whatever but it’s chip doing it so that obviously makes it sketchy yeah chips chips [ __ ] there’s a thing on it he’s such a sketchy guy it’s like a like a seat or something in it we just lance

Matt what the [ __ ] like you see what happens when you enter the area why was it what the hell is that you see it what is masked up that shot wait what is down here thank you chip very cool is this just literally a glass dome though listen

Plaza my friend had a dream where my other friends people just built a perfectly he just edited a perfectly glass dome in here they said if he didn’t beat and then they would torture that is actually kind of sketchy gonna lie yeah i can see it i can literally see

It’s like a perfect he did it by accident i think i think he did it he did it by accident are you positive look at my screen by accident look at my screen what do you mean he’s absolutely done this by accident hit right click and then was like uh whoops

Did anybody grab the stick butter if because if it’s like the arg thing the the little the image might actually have something on it american maybe you see nope it’s just stick but awesome thank you for the 500 bits thank you man thank you said phil listen please my friend had a

Dream where my other friends called them hostage and we’re forcing him to beat the minecraft bosses they said if you didn’t beat them they would torture him that’s scuffed as [ __ ] dude what what a weird dream to have nightmare more like crazy very cute very very humbly in this sphere like you

Missed the face some of the three bits as well time sleep to the soothing sound only i should have got actually a little sphere like a little seat this little seat upon in the dick butt that’s what i would call myself a home this is a weird spot

Dude i don’t know what to think of this this is yeah chip being chip just [ __ ] with us oh there’s totally a thing here guys jk is just a dick but i gotta release caution it’s very scratchy even the water is all scuffed it’s just even better because like

People people are like this is weird check this out but like this entire map is weird because it’s just edited like this isn’t a normal minecraft map so like anything not look anything it doesn’t look like it was minecraft procedurally generated people are like go right here

Go here go here now go here now yeah exactly wow is that what you typed yeah that’s a coordinate thought so i see illuminati coordinates yup there it is crack the code [Laughter] chip is shaking shaking right now shaking and crying shaking and crying what the hell has he done with this one

Big cave though could be some cash i’ll get out i’m getting out get out take me to the plane there’s a deep ah someone’s definitely been yeah check this out this is so sad do i lift me up yeah all right man i thought this cave would be

Big and boisterous with materials but no it’s just big and sad greedy like me i just got surgery i’m in a lot of pain but your stream helps me a lot how to get out of here i’ll underscore i hope you feel better soon man ouchies

I was close well they gave me some painkillers maybe the bitties that can help there’s a bunch of sand looking in the ocean i i fell i i went down a bunch of the cave i’m trying i’m trying to ender pull back someone just said did you check zero zero

I don’t know is actually a zero zero i’m not sure maybe it’s just the beginning of that good point i’ve never actually checked out zero zero i don’t think seems like a super obvious thing to do right yeah but like one of the pat like the

Password to the to the machine and one of their like one of like the art clue things was literally the thing that was on the wall like it said layer me online on the wall and that was the password so hmm zero zero makes sense zero spawn zero

Zero is like top left it’s not spawn it’s top left where we were looking for a monument i jumped out of the cave somewhere else i don’t know where where you are okay i’m just gonna fly around on the top of the mountain oh yeah to your right

Your other yeah yeah yeah is that your other right oh i see you oh no i was really expecting you to push me i was totally careful not to do it that’s okay just trying to be really suspicious at joe’s house what’s his chords

The ice the ice m is at zero zero is where me and sneak went to look for a monument and then we kind of got bored because i was tired and i was like we never we never did the thing that you’re doing so true

Because if it’s a sea temple if it’s a normal sea temple guardians will spawn and you’ll be able to see the guardians through the glitch right 100 there’s a weird looking thing called spawn it’s nice what it’s on the map it’s looking very suspicious you should totally check out that place called spawn

Who knows what could be there i could barely show you for the three months thank you oh just looking at the floor as we go remember guys if you want to follow along type x meshmark smp earth and you will get given a link from the bot that you can click

Alternatively you can just type in into your browser but for the lazy this is one of the few games where all the fans can watch live where everybody is in the game you can literally see where everybody is so you can see pete’s head into antarctic empire probably right

Probably it’s heading that direction means sneaker crossing over russia right now mother russia yes come red you ever played metro no no oh it’s a good series mine i just never got anything it’s just a really it’s just like poke it’s like post nuclear war and it’s like russian

Based it’s just really good all three games already well fallout was kind of that way similar but in russia only in mother russia well metro was way it’s way more story based because like fallout’s like an rpg based game but like metro has like a story line and if it’s less like

You get levels and you upgrade your character it’s like you just have guns and you shoot things i thought i saw something i like storyline games i thought i saw something just one moment oh my gosh i never realized how slow these planes are that was nothing

Okay this one i saw something there but it must have been the world generating funny and away here we go Back on the beaten path like jumping in scooby-doo noises It’s like the noise they make when they start running like what’s going on hold on i’ll play a song on my truck a lot of rocks up here all right so we need to bank up this way now we’re heading towards zero zero chat here we go i bet there’ll be nothing

Like someone must have already went here that’s the one [Laughter] that’s the sound i heard when you flew in the air for a second nice smelly legs nice oh my god we’re at sierra zero we made it chat i can’t believe it oh my god dang zero block

Is that your nerdy american impression just my nerdy impression i guess all right it’s a zero zero right here guys let’s let’s play some [ __ ] here so people like this is weird something happens here and it’s a dick whoops trying to do 360 off of the deck i was

Building and then i accidentally smacked my mouse and went to my ender pearls so i bet anybody on the swatch stream thought that was great just look like i spun around and smacked my keyboard and then just ended curling into the ground sweet i found wood i think the [ __ ] is that

Wood i think i see what hold up we’re at i’m trying to get down there and like stop myself getting [ __ ] needed right right here i have respiration three oh it’s stone right is that still it’s just stone okay all right hello uh can you get out for a sec i guess sneak

All right guys i’m [ __ ] spamming the same link over and over again [ __ ] me dude literally like getting called six separate people why are they botting why are they posting that why are they posting this link i don’t care stop i’m gonna go grab dinner with the family

And i’ll i’ll be back after dinner enjoy all right ciao all right now i can now i can see jump in here stand in this okay place that down oh there’s something kind of down there the sponge hello m swag yo also six months pogell underscore zero explanation of why i should watch

It by anyone hmm there’s nothing really here that i could see oh oh hidden loot hidden loot hidden loot oh we need to go back to your base your original base then i see okay that’s actually kind of relevant so your chat was spamming appropriately there’s that there’s loot hidden inside

Your your cursed [ __ ] place what the [ __ ] people are cheating no that’s chip that’s chip stream oh it is chip what the [ __ ] is he doing being stupid and giving us something to do this is gonna be another rick roll i swear to god he did this on purpose This [ __ ] responsible spammers this [ __ ] but that’s old yeah but did anybody find it probably that’s old as [ __ ] that’s like that’s before i put the extra chests down that’s before like that’s that’s at least three weeks old or something stupid it’s only been two days guys i literally

Am looking at him looking at our wheat farm and there’s not the chests or the hoppers i set up there’s not even the [ __ ] zero tick sugarcane farm two days ago my [ __ ] ass whoa d colony it was clipped two days ago sure but that was not two days ago that

Was not stream two days ago unless he’s on an old version of the map even boomer agrees he’s like yes we can go check it out anyway though look all these dicks look at all these dicks and all right that’s nuts can’t believe it come on just check

Well i guess we should go look at it even though this [ __ ] all there and literally i’m telling you that is from so long ago phil i’m gonna feed my dog okay man talk to my chat while you fly us around boomer wait talk to your chat not the not the dog

That’s on the dog why are you making it sound like such a task my chat has like five people that talk in it i can’t say what they’re saying though don’t have it up wow i guess you hate me i’m just kidding i can’t look at i’m i don’t even care

Hey sneaks chat i’m carrying your boy across the world right now look at this girl we’re gonna go check something out that’s one clip two days ago thinking that it was something that hasn’t been seen yet but in fact is such an old clip that is most likely definitely been seen

It might have even been put there by techno to hide extra loot that he had because it’s so [ __ ] old i hadn’t made the zero tick sugarcane farm yet which was ages ago i hadn’t even added the extra chests i hadn’t done the [ __ ] the hopper setup for the the wheat we

Hadn’t done the tree farm [ __ ] ancient actually ancient so this is gonna be a wild goose chase there’s gonna be [ __ ] all circumnavigate no i can’t because sneak is currently fk we can’t circumnavigate in a plane that breaks the plane glad my eyes there’s nothing there

So i’m gonna look around i might check some places on the way if i see anything oh oh all right we’re heading in the right direction keep your eyes on the ocean guys i still don’t trust i still don’t understand where the [ __ ] chip has hidden a [ __ ] ocean monument

Dude i asked him he said there’s an ocean monument here there’s there’s a hundred percent an ocean monument in this world where the [ __ ] is it they’re not like this it’s not like a small things either oh oh there’s my own farm there we go okay on the right track heading to the

Antarctic so yeah i don’t think there’s gonna be [ __ ] all here guys you’re telling me to go look at the chest that’s probably been opened already always put there by techno because tecmo had a hidden chest already that i knew about so maybe that’s the one i didn’t know about

Like way early on hey kristen chat’s uh telling me to look at something that was clipped like 25 days ago or rather it was clipped two days ago from a stream that was 25 days ago and i could tell it i could tell it was

Old they were trying to tell me it was only two days old but i could tell it was old because when chip looked at my base and created in spectator mode [ __ ] nothing was built not even my zero picture came from so i could tell it was old as [ __ ] i’m gonna

Have land up here so sneak doesn’t suffocate i’ll just leave him in there yeah so they were looking at it the clip doesn’t have any of this doesn’t have any of that doesn’t even have this exit this platform super old apparently there’s a chest through here just through this ice behind where we’ve

Already dug out to do like chat do you see what i mean though oh i should take this off 32 diamonds that’s it we told you la mao pog i still feel like techno probably hid that it was just diamonds techno did you hide that he’s in my chat

Because i know techno had a hidden chest already sorry i made myself a sandwich so that would have been back earlier oh he didn’t free cash let’s go that was actually right free cash free cash money chet was right i don’t believe it dude sounds kind of sketch

I don’t believe it how the [ __ ] did we not find that you know what it makes me want to do that makes me want to rip apart this whole [ __ ] base now you realize this correct w chat not lying is a is a pog 1.6 airstrikes boys who’s techno let’s go

All right well that’s oh that’s one less thing pete’s just in here afk i guess i was like who the hell why is there two name tags yeah usually fk is in the base that scared the [ __ ] up why i don’t know just leaves it open i guess his cpu is probably pissed

I guess minecraft’s not that demanding but still hi boom do you like your food boomer no you like my food more that’s a spike it’s spicy chicken you can have that but no bro i swear to god you get anywhere closer to that plate i like that the two chickens that can’t

Breed her right here too still i know this [ __ ] chickens dude i’m not i’m checking the floor that would be a snow why is there a picture of techno in a 737 on the wall uh that’s what’s going on with this water what happens here jesus christ this is a mess dude

Just that one block was causing all that mess look at that look at pete’s railway are you talking about water again dude he they only did that during the endless is that the real way that he’s made where’s the railway over here [ __ ] you no no that’s fine i’ll stay over here

Oh you only talk about that june atlantis team here oh i keep looking over at your chat just for no reason and i keep seeing just great comments someone said so did pete actually make the x-ray technology melting ice is like eight percent of the reason why i change basis

Nobody cleans it up well i did where did you go i’m just flying around oh cool i’ll go [ __ ] myself you guys ever explored below here i’m sorry man so we did and then i got trolled by josh oh yeah yeah i have to hashtag [ __ ] josh by the way oh yeah

Dude is the biggest troll i don’t pay attention to anything you see us now yeah well we were sitting at the ark thing one night and like it wouldn’t cooperate because i didn’t know there was like a 24 hour lockout if you got the password wrong before you did the 24 hours

And i was like i was like this is stupid i should be able to guess again because i didn’t know any better and then something appeared in my inventory and it was just a huge like wild goose chase to get to the video link to a rick roll yeah

Sounds about right he tried to me he tried to recruit me to this the cia and then gave up halfway through because he realized how scuffed it was and he’s like oh sorry man just don’t ignore everything i just did and then he decided to rick roll my chat with a fake

Smp earthling after i gave him vip which he has now lost i don’t know where i’m at do you remember like a couple weeks in of smp when when cooper tweeted out like something that was like smp live applications are now available no no and

It was literally just a link to a gnome or something funny too so it was like so so convincing for people they were like i sold i sold the diamonds how did you guys live here there’s so much going on i have no idea where to go it’s been a nightmare right

Here for this parkour yeah that’s right i don’t believe dude i didn’t believe what oh that’s really mean i was convinced i was convinced you’re gonna fall you already told me you can’t water drop from all the way up here right it’s laggy that’s too laggy that’s so sad am

I the richest person on the server at 1.4 million uh i’m gonna prove you wrong but you’ll die i have 50 levels but i also have a villager that just gives me one xp bottle for emerald so i’m like i can’t believe i can’t believe somebody found that clip of chip

And they were like oh looking at ice accidentally looking at a chest from 25 days ago 25 [ __ ] days ago what the [ __ ] listen i’ll give them credit dude the our people are very dedicated to figuring out the whole mystery behind it hi boomer he’s just looking at me in the door what

Do you want bud what are you doing i am dog give me attention yes hello i am dog what are you doing huh what’s up good boy what we gonna do with this place man should we just [ __ ] you guys just see him back up into the room he just like

What happened nice that i need to see that museum see his technology he does walk backwards like like whenever i ask him like if he need like i’m not gonna say cause he’s gonna run in here and be like but whenever he needs to like use the

Stuff whenever i like say the words that he recognizes and i get up he like he like knows i’m going to let him out so he just like he starts he starts following me or he goes ahead and he keeps looking back and then we get like halfway to the kitchen

And he lets me get in front of him because he doesn’t believe it’s true and then he walks backwards he’s very weird man guys stop pestering techno the stream on youtube i’m going to time you out alright leave the man alone the man streamed earlier watched the vod literally

Streamed earlier go watch it uh let him live his life techno what the [ __ ] what are we actually gonna do with this place still technically i’m curious because like can we blow it up no we can’t doesn’t work tnt doesn’t do damage to blocks i really want to drop from up here

I really want to do it i believe in myself do slash b e l top one without him what did that do tnt just damage the blocks it doesn’t since when tnt actually does ignore claims no it doesn’t do damage to the block so there’s no explosion damage

Yeah that’s why creepers can’t do any damage that’s why wait tnt does break blocks uh-huh since when as always [ __ ] what i thought explosion damage as a whole was [ __ ] nerfed germany stan no not really why is there pig’s head that scuff dude wise i think

Why is that a thing why can’t you just tnt [ __ ] ah where’s our crafting table [ __ ] what there should be a crafting table in the main base but he is i’m looking for it oh he’s sitting he’s sitting in front of it you have a fun steal uh no

Might be in the chest there’s a lot of eggs in here i might take these i mean we can’t use them that’s not another secret by the way that i knew that was a that was pete i think people take my part oh you went past something

That’s right i should mod techno guys you’re right let me just mod techno you should just make a bot there we go he’s modded he mothered me in his stream so it makes sense for me modern my stream don’t expect techno don’t expect don’t don’t don’t think that i expect you to

Do any moderating though by the way worth it greetings coming from the youtube side to say hello and give my support keep on keeping on my dude i got a 4 pound appreciate it thank you rydo for the six months as well thank you dude thank you

Apache with the prime the woofer and woof or wolf thing with the prime as well the sandwich is very good what a technologist techno mod techno mods oh god where am i started techno mod i put in your chat can i be mod enough sad

I love that all these eggs are here just because pete afk is in this house and this building yep so i’m i’m positive that a lot of it was from him doing that but also i’m kind of curious how my zero texture came from has never broken when we’ve left this place

I think it’s because this area is a stronghold and is always loaded like like yeah yeah yeah like it’s always going it’s always moving it never breaks like there’s something about this spot that’s super weird [ __ ] doesn’t make sense dude techno people were telling me to do

Slash b e l top i don’t know what the [ __ ] that does was it was it dude you were telling me you told me to do it i’m gonna blow something what’s that block of iron i’m sorry he’s a steal now [ __ ] it shows the players with the highest

Balance oh back when i said am i the richest that was [ __ ] years ago you’re right wow beef’s got 2 million oh let’s change that peter’s two million beef oh beef i spent all my money oh i can’t beat that i might sell all my diamonds to catch up 1.4 million

Can we blow this [ __ ] up this is just hasn’t appeared yet this should be a good test you are not blowing this up i’m not right here there’s some area up here that you don’t care about i’m telling you that you can blow stuff up with the tnt oh we’re the richest now

2.5 million let me put this back until i buy more airstrikes get your get your mitts out of there not doing anything nothing’s going on smile sneak is at his base my my [ __ ] [ __ ] is all [ __ ] up dude there’s so much i’m holding on so much stuff sorry

I just thought i should share that thanks we’re gonna blow [ __ ] up then poster yeah where do you want where do you want to do this at oh my gosh um right here i’ll tell the chickens [Laughter] don’t even joke about that derek and alfred are cherished sons of ours they’re infertile

So that means they can’t find love no wow oh wow [ __ ] up sneak it’s not what i’m at smile let’s go to the bottom every time i glance at your chat something funny is said someone just said sneak dead yeah you got pills uh four fight come with me

Both of us took a sip at the same time dude squadron is badass oh yeah i’ll be right with you so i asked if you had pills dude [ __ ] prick i kind of just want to jump down dude telling you i can do it you’re going to die it’s very tempting

You’re going to die love the stream l underscore l underscore l underscore l underscore hello elx i’m skipping that little thing with the three months some skip literally a paragraph of underscores underscore are you jumping down i can try yellowstone i’m gonna die and my stuff’s gonna go

Everywhere wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it’s gonna be awesome wait wait wait we’re [ __ ] server dude there we go i’m gonna put an ender pearl in this in the enter chest in case i need to where are you hello god oh i see You really lost a lot of your confidence pretty quickly right i don’t want my holy [ __ ] all right all right i just i need to i need to place the song on my people he’s dead Oh he did it the server cards were kind to him today this game’s easy dude oh dude [Laughter] that was [ __ ] sick i fully expected you to explode i know me too and then when you stopped i was like oh my god did it glitch oh god

That was sick nice pog dude well done All of you sang pog said i was gonna [ __ ] die just wanted you guys to know you’re all cheering that’s true that was also you know what i did i pressed right click easy all right so i was thinking maybe watch what you said by the way because look

Oh holy [ __ ] yeah so let’s go deeper when i first came down here oh dude i should have fallen through that that’d be insane i got pranked by josh because i was like exploring underneath here seeing if anything was like worth getting because it’s cool right it’s like there’s just

Nothing but [ __ ] ice it’s really cool it’s just a big pit yeah and then joshua took me and techno on like a wild goose chase i followed him all the way outside like following the chords they kept giving me and i just found like a bunch of pigs and like two

Pig head [ __ ] player heads so i could pick up so [ __ ] stupid someone said do it again smile do it again do it again so i’m gonna go find somewhere where i can do that little trick should i come with me oh you wanna stay up here

It’ll be easier for you to get back up to the top from here because you’re going to take that [ __ ] up water bit that piece left this game is so easy this is real weird I’m over here i have arrived chad i have arrived hello where are we going hello we go here that was so epic it deserved the twitch prime sub dude i’ll take more than one i don’t i’m not mad have you gone you [ __ ] i just i put away all my [ __ ] didn’t i

[ __ ] i’m such an idiot i’ll be right back okay i’ll bring it back yo spiruli litera elijah sorry i’m feeling a little left out here being a groundy i haven’t even given techno um or penal i tried i don’t think maybe i did give technology i’m not sure

I can’t remember grunk died f f’s in chat boys uh switch there’s my composter i’m holding it i’m holding it cool there’s my piss all right i just needed a switch that’s all i needed a virgin elytra user chad water bucketer what the [ __ ] i like that one hmm how’s it going

Is it possible the second i place water it turns to ice it’s very possible it could have happened yeah it would not could be just perfect though yeah it could have just not placed at all also it’s a huge buildup it just turns the ice in my shin spring

Oh little lag all right okay i guess i’ll do the thing and see if it’s even worse for water bucket tricks there’s gonna be [ __ ] nothing down here i’m calling it okay there’s a bunch of lines or from pizza tunneling yeah that’s what i’ll see that’s legit all i’m gonna say i think Yeah we’re right on bedrock pretty much another rack oh quartz i need that with super little down that’s a weird box yeah it’s just a this is the ground that’s weird looking though it’s not a box it’s just the ground it looks like a buffer

It’s kind of cut out by the air it looks like a little box yeah yeah just beats tunnels pretty much that’s all i can see and then the bedrock you know pete was digging down here and he found a spot that had bedrock missing he just and he fell through it

He [ __ ] just he is into the void he almost jumped in that wasn’t even my plan you just jumped right into it yeah there exists different parts of the world that might have bedrock missing just so you know oh [ __ ] i kind of want pete to show me where it

Is now so i can fly through it and fly underneath and next to the void oh god you’re looking back it’s a pretty pretty cool i think we forgot to test the tnt dude oh yeah that’s just tmc like oh [ __ ] see one moment boom boom one moment

Uh oh how many tnt do you have uh that was that was the only one i had i was looking for sand at your base you had none [ __ ] i might have a lot of ground powder back in my place though and i have plenty of sand because of all

That sugar cane i had to place so we can make the trip back to mine to get it wait how much compounded do you have uh i have 19 on me but i’m pretty sure i have more saved up at my face all right what are you what are you scheming

Ah tnt minecarts oh and also tnt dupas like tnt flying machines and [ __ ] dude We could just send one into we could just send it off and just see it go we’re talking like so actual aerial war there’s a there’s a uh serie called fruit fairies that techno knows and he does this he does minecart traps during uhc games that we could literally like

We could go above well actually because it would blow up and probably destroy things it’s gonna break [ __ ] dude it’s gonna blow people’s things basically basically you can stand up you can stand on top of them they can stand above them and drop the minecart down and the impact of it

Falling down explodes and does a bunch of damage but i’m not sure if it doesn’t explode stuff because of the uhc plug-ins or if it just doesn’t because it’s in the minecart but still um like tnt minecarts um are super busted because you can just stack them

Oh my god yeah i think that’s literally what he does is he just stacks a bunch and makes him fall oh oh boy i put a little signal fire for you to find do you know when we’re going to switch to 115 no idea you have to wait for plug-ins

Yeah it’s let’s say because of all the add-ons we have to wait for x i gotta abuse that book villagers while i have him what can somebody uh somebody give me the clip of me surviving by the way i want to immediately tweet it actually it’d be so much funnier if i kept

If i put a bunch of stuff if i if i click together you continuously saying how i’m gonna die maybe i’ll do that what the heck that was my fire [ __ ] uh oh i have an idea i’m a dummy huh oh that was extinguished my dick and

Then ran away that was beautiful all right let me just let me just make a i’m gonna watch this clip while you grief me i’m griefing you i’m here to rescue you yeah i feel i feel so rescued yeah i gotta make the exit hole first

Dude i can’t just [ __ ] get through a block that’s tiny yeah yeah i’ve heard that excuse before oh my god you [ __ ] am i just gonna leave you in this pit hello hey cara i mean sneak we’re looking at stuff around the map and trying to find cool things but to no avail

And then we blew something up i did like four spins there what was that that was like a Did an mlg water bucket placement all right boom again my plane oh let’s see if i can get this one just call me would you just call me you do hurry up come on bro do you do come on that’s my word why do you use that why’d you say it only boomers

Like getting in come on have you seen the emote come on brug no it’s like you’ve ever seen two head or three head i think it is it’s like a distorted forehead emote but come on brug is like a distorted come on bro and people use it in twitch chats when

Somebody’s it would when when it’s somebody it’s supposed to be like somebody who who thinks like something is is being like it’s when it’s used when something seems like it’s supposed to be a come on bro and it’s just somebody using it to use it it’s like the oh what’s he gonna say

All right okay wait what emote is this it’s called i think it’s come on i think it’s br yg think i think i did it get out sneak i’m kind of scared too okay i thought i might have had to land another bucket drop chat was worried i don’t know what i’m doing

I’ve already landed it twice what was that so it’s 360 is a 720 1080 i did a a 1440 spin three three four three sixties and then landed it you get oh that scared me actually i almost you’ll have to fell pocket then get the nfl theme is that what that is

Yeah it’s the theme to the nfl jesus christ supposed to be also like from an action movie or something so i don’t know how to get back up from here by the way i’m just kind of wandering around look at this freaking british guy all right i’m about to head out

Oh don’t do it oh yeah this is weird i mean oh there goes pete he’s gone every time though and yeah i don’t know where the [ __ ] anything is in this place ph1l drunk man jesus christ superstar thank you yuxians for the three months we hear that ninja pop with

The prime thank you dude i think pete plays this one just that jacob playing with the prime as well i can feel street for the 461. ryder i think the six months pogba and i think yeah and uh yeah like slightly skippy but i hope you enjoyed that

I’m sorry i’m saying i’ll show my chat briefly Pete logged up when someone goes did he get banned banned in s p earth question mark not click bit hey listen all i’m saying is me use it me getting fake banned by carson was what exploded my youtube slash twitch so it’s it’s a good video title if it’s

Accurate it’s not just gummy titling is that wait did you actually title the video that yeah it was i was banned from s p live because i had a hit on carson i killed him and then he rage banned me that was the first i had like hundreds

Of people joined my stream to watch me react to it that’s so funny and then the rest of it was me harashing schlatt for like 30 minutes so it’s like a perfect video it’s at like half a million plus it’s fully demonetized because i was like a small streamer

Who just played copyrighted music because he didn’t know any better oh no dude i know i could have had a bugatti by now [ __ ] up lost opportunity could have had multiple multiple um multiple ferraris could have been the next captain sparkles now i only have a ferrari wait mclarens

Mclarens is what he loves isn’t it yeah well he has it i mean he have two or three i have no idea hey dad you probably won’t say this but i just want to say that my allergic reaction is still around and i’m feeling pretty crummy but your stream is

Cheering me up so thank you oh no from elizabeth thank you thank you for sharing that’s a kind word i guess i guess my stream is stupid i’m just kidding doesn’t mean that chat dory dory sneaks chat don’t worry it’s fine it doesn’t mean it’s just just sad doesn’t mean it

I’m just gonna mine on the stream i’m just gonna black out my twitter [Laughter] well now what dude i don’t know i’m trying to think of other spots that we could go through but we could go plaster we could go plaster you could do cac dubbies keck w’s for sure

We need way more item frames though i have a couple um i’m gonna go we’re gonna go back to jordan’s place uh if you want do you wanna meet me i can sit there and i can sit at my cows to get more leather i’m gonna show chat why i did to

Jordan’s uh statue your chat’s very spammy today dude jesus christ go here i go here it’s cause i said i didn’t know what to do uh that’s right they were like oh it’s my time it’s my time now oh coordinates here comes cara she’s deafened but is on our way oh no

Oh what does that mean she’s going to kill it does that mean she’s here to kill us gonna kill me this is neutral what is this voice where am i going i’m sick i’m heading the wrong way do you want to lift are you going to get in your own plane

I don’t know where the [ __ ] i am Girl maybe he put the temple in the sky well that would show up on the on the dying map then it would very much show up on the giant unless that’s the thing right hear me out he covered it above with the pattern that looks like

This guy oh get [ __ ] if chip did that a gigantic brain that would be but it would be a shadow shut up wait there was a shadow somewhere wasn’t there a shadow where we were that one time but it filled up no i don’t remember i just want to find all the secrets

Okay is there an underwater temple somewhere yeah he told us that like a couple weeks i don’t know how to get out she told me a while ago i asked him i i was in a call with him and i was like chip chip just real quick is there an

Ocean monument because i wanted to get the materials right i wanted to be able to like make a farm out of it and then just get a [ __ ] ton of prismarine um and he’s like yes there is like where the [ __ ] is it he’s like i’m

Not gonna tell you but it’s on the map somewhere i was like oh my god dude you still like a guardian farm so there are guardians somewhere that are like like there is a monument somewhere if it has guardians in it or not i’m not sure

I i would assume you would but like i don’t know part of me thinks so well that’s a thing right it would have been spotted in the ocean it’s either under the ice or it’s like in a [ __ ] continent somewhere like he didn’t say specifically it was in

Water he just said it exists so it could just be like a ruin inside of the ground oh like in a cave i gotta go i’m gonna chat where i did to john’s uh little statue that he has he did something to jordan’s statue yeah pull up my stream real quick you’ll see

In a second am i going the right way i’m so dumb where the [ __ ] is jordan’s area oh here it is his woody the one that had the the abs yeah the abs on it yeah yeah i made it i made it infinitely better all right check out my stream all right oh

No oh no what’s he holding he’s holding a techno techno blade [Laughter] he’s a big fan that’s that’s really good that’s hilarious i was just telling him about keck w oh brilliant that’s perfect timing then he doesn’t know what keck w dude he’s gonna totally think it was you then oh oh [ __ ] he will this could be a goddammit nice the perfect crime chat

You got to put your face on and now phil he’ll fill one thirst oh yeah i’ll put somewhere in this space i guess let me see i’m still at your old base by the way i have no idea how to get out i don’t even know how to get out dude i

Just kind of wandered around awesome give me a sec i’m going to get these i’ll come save you it’s so cold here i’m about to jump and land a water bucket like a champion again i found the end portal champions club really that took so much time to find

I thought it was filled out already what happened oh wait it was fake i forgot yeah i mean landing this thing come on how could you tick from their property i’m shaking literally crying and shaking i can’t choose what face to put in his face guys my face

Oh there is i’m about to i’m about to take pete’s railway about to fly I’m taking pete’s railway or not oh oh oh here we go here we go what the hell what is what is this where do i paw uh how did i get my inventory what the what the heck oh uh what are you doing dude let’s put a sign

Up in his uh in his house oh i made it in where are you i’m in pe i made it out oh you made it out already i mean i’m into snow oh my gosh i was looking for you i didn’t ask for your help i’m an independent creeper man oogie yeah

I can’t see your stream i can just see your chat and i see your chat spamming one very specific email so starting to think that i’m starting to think that he did something [ __ ] stupid fears everywhere think team made a new faction crap the beat goes scrap i should put one here

Chat what fish should i put here smile bruh oh they enemy the fight i guess oh just dodge ellen the score should we have ellen disco how political can we get that challenge uh the impeachment is literally happening right now yeah i was to say mary impeachment

Is it actually happening i know there’s like a discussion about it no it just happened like he actually got charged with impeachment yeah oh finally getting the [ __ ] out jesus christ that’s crazy i’m gonna go to senate and then i’m busy playing minecraft i missed history because i’m too busy

Being a [ __ ] and playing minecraft that’s insane man uh i’m doing that to see the politically yeah i’m not i can’t wait to see then the mayhem i didn’t know jordan looked this attractive hold on i want to see this then when did he get a mustache and he got the technoblade youtubes

Already that’s wow he’s he’s a true fan so you got it early where are you making this stuff at minecraft better than politics very big true any truers any truers big truth minecraft just went crazy stupid what’s the what’s with the the cyan part the blue part that says [ __ ]

Oh he has like a like a super super crop top i think oh he’s right here what are you doing i’m hoping his chat erupts in l underscore when he gets back giant prismarine building the [ __ ] who did this one oh i did that one the triangle isn’t anything in the in

The ocean chat that’s something we looked at when we were looking for more arc stuff that’s just literally i flew over that color because of the biome i i flew over that and it’s nothing it’s just it’s just water being different colors because of the uh because of the biome change what is

That one up there on the tree i don’t know i didn’t do that one oh my god excuse me oh [ __ ] peace treaty it’s review bro when he was in hospital yeah why though oh god i’m allergic to jordan so i think i think mine’s better oh yeah that one’s pretty good bunk

What the hell is over there in the emerald building hmm oh god both of y’all are being so cool with your elytras by the way it makes me really yeah that’s awesome do you guys want to visit the strip club i thought you’re going to offer me an electric all right

[ __ ] that it’s fine what’s that over there Welcome to the emerald ho look at the [ __ ] picture on the right [Laughter] hey no it’s a strip club look at that there’s the poles who made this i did oh my god behind you at this one [ __ ] dying [Laughter] hire me one one pint please how much for your boy

Look he’s getting it yeah thank you yeah there you go cheers man oh he’s so good i’m glad i heard that dude these music true oh you gave him an emerald i should put stuff in here like water bottles or something guys did you know there’s a triangle in the ocean that’s crazy

Oh my god wait are there any The strippers sucks hilza come on do your thing oh oh he’s spreading his wings dude oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my god upside down and [ __ ] look what the hell is your character what what dancer oh my god in minecraft it’s like jordan’s looking at you like wow yeah this is creepy

I feel weird being in here kind of kind of creepy i’m leaving not gonna lie i told me that of emerald as well it makes it even more sleazier what the heck can you do i’m gonna catch it what are you racing yeah i was trying to get back cool

What the hell is that it’s a creeper i almost said boomer it’s a creeper what’d you say it’s a buma did i not pick up my piston i guess not where the [ __ ] did i leave my [ __ ] i left like you know whatever i stopped carrying i stopped caring about finding things

Underneath the ground god damn it leaves gaming to become stripper reel not click fit let me ring the bell to make it official oh wait wait wait wait we’re in the middle of the ocean there could be an underwater structure there oh [ __ ] yeah there’s literally a microscopic triangle

In the ocean that’s a different color that’s totally doesn’t look like any of the other colors of the ocean that’s totally something secret you should check that out smile i’m gonna take a bunch of damage i don’t care oh oh look at that what in the are you scaling with pumpkins just so

Creepy oh my oh my god his eyes are spun around at the top someone turned it upside down oops oh oh [ __ ] how come those are oh there you go [Laughter] when the wheat kicks in dude this is a cursed place oh god oh no yeah i think chip did this one

Yeah she looks like it take us out of here sneak i want to see my family [Laughter] holy [ __ ] that’s actually horrific that fierce jesus christ i’m scared pick me up i’m scared wow [ __ ] pete a place with a huge shadow in the sky i think that’s just the wall guys

That’s just a wall changing color that’d be so funny if there’s just something in the sky that he hid by putting blocks over it that looked like the ground that’d be insane oh do you guys want to see petra yeah what i can’t tell you there’s nothing in

The water legit two different shadows on one [ __ ] triangle and there’s other a complete ass diamond wit coloration in the water what make that show it’s nothing nice come let’s go see petra phil literally flew over it and was like oh that’s nothing so maybe maybe move on

Maybe i mean you can keep you can keep at it if you want but nobody ow it’s i didn’t realize i could beat you to sign a wall just kidding carol was truly here to kill us oh no cara is here to kill everyone sorry i was i was dropped my bottle i

Don’t know where we’re going so like haha my car [Laughter] what do we go over here come over here okay this way this is so intense the [ __ ] is this song paul’s oh oh cool yes where’s my uber taking me nice oh beacon temple it was pretty uh oh

Oh yes he’s [ __ ] two here we go It’s just me all boys northern america there’s blue stuff go check it out dude i super believe you that’s [ __ ] crazy i’m so serious right now there’s actually blue stuff what’s you randomly dug there and found diamonds so quickly and all right it’s almost like

Almost oh i saw what she lent me as hacks wow are you oh my god [Laughter] he needs to make that an emote it just rolls off the tongue so easily it’s pretty good he got really upset by that you should have seen it cara what what he did literally like

Filled with this glitch where he could like you can like push yourself in a piston so you could see the blocks like you could see stuff around you but like not it’s basically like seeing with an x-ray but like it’s a bug abuse so it’s not like actually using an x-ray

And phil goes to the bathroom and literally like on phil’s screen pete digs down turns right turns to the right again and digs down once and finds diamonds it’s just like nothing it was ridiculously sketchy like it look it looks to anyone that wouldn’t believe

Pete i mean i i was just playing it up a bit i was like yeah of course but like for to anyone that would see that action that activity happening on the server like instant x-ray abuse like it’s instantly like okay that’s that person just dug straight to the diamonds it

Looked it looked really bad it looked bad i bet obviously he didn’t but it looked bad and it was convenient because his stream went down when he did it really yeah his stream turned off yeah because he lagged out like as it happened and we were like oh my god

So it was not on stream it’s really funny it’s like super bad it’s really this is the perfect storm it was such a perfect storm of like terrible events that just made the people look like you sacking yeah now voiceover cheats is a new frizz did you do this tunnel here stink i

Don’t know i i found some other thing over here i don’t know where i am finally entrance to something else a different emerald beacon with with the stuff dug out right here oh yeah that was you wait is that bank right or left hmm oh he goes down oh yeah it does lead

To his actual money i’m gonna do this look i was gonna look at me i can fly no point necessary i’m so cool how can you fly from standing uh you just jump and press him again he’s a dick that’s why it’s a little bit easier on them

On on like for me because i’m like from the uk so like the service in germany so my ping’s lower oh okay [ __ ] unless that you don’t live here now well you know what we don’t like our presents getting removed so what do you think about that

All the coley’s leaving holy [ __ ] hey what’s up dude what’s up oh yeah um you want to see more your backpack why is your mic sound different i know it sounds like it’s really far away oh that’s that’s casual just you’re just in your jacuzzi and you’re like you know what

I’m gonna hop in a voice chat with these guys let’s see what’s going on hey man sam what the [ __ ] yeah i got my education you can feed multiple people come over you’re gonna pay for my flight ticket yeah i will all right cool can we can we meet backpack

Come to my channel oh jesus all right do you need food i get to be in the jacuzzi and you don’t racism how is that racist you didn’t recommend me proper tacos last time i didn’t what and you nuked my cup by the way and never apologized for it i

Did i didn’t apologize i didn’t apologize enough my bad james if you just you actually should donate my chat and then give me like a thousand bucks i’d probably cover the flight i promise [Laughter] i’ll put him in his chest upstairs phil right how cute this mining is though look at this

Who mine’s like this i don’t know a madman that’s who sounds like a man with nothing to lose is that glass up there probably yeah well done well done good job oh yep it’s glass yeah all right here i come back down we actually just listening to

Jacuzzi why oh no dude just bathing myself what’s up also i’m just moving can you wash my hands uh sure you wash my feet like jesus yep ah that feels good sorry i’m just washing your hands oh god casual splish splash let me introduce this thing

I put my feet up on the camera but i think that would satisfy some people’s needs that i don’t want to satisfy for no reason even though twitch doesn’t care yeah do you think that’s the os no i’m saying that sticks anything oh hey dad i’m gonna have to delay at

The asking of my crush to next week i’m breaking your promise no problem dude as long as you do it thank you 500 bits man as long as you do it then that’s fine i’m okay with it right [ __ ] me it’s lit it’s like 2 a.m [ __ ] greedy green beans

30 bits it’s worth it what up phil billy hey man probably has boomer thing with the frame as well slack mcgee they were three once channel 27 of the frame can you stop do you guys have any prismarine We need to finish the left arm still all your liberty statute it looks really cool yeah it’s pretty sick how do you like it response well it’s been like a week now actually weirdly enough there’s a shittier liberty statue in new york yeah yeah oh yeah it’s not as good who

Cares about that one this one uh we’ll do it that’s just our date got moved monday and tuesday i’ll make sure there ain’t no problem here let’s get that away with you know try it do the thing uh hateful when is the war starting i don’t know i’ve literally been on all

[ __ ] day we had a mini skirmish war with tommy and you can imagine how that went techno was on so so that was at the beginning of stream and the rest of it has just been me like pranking um our enemies so like they’re not on but i

Went to their part of the world yeah i’ll show you i went to their part of the world and placed a bunch of signs should we go there before i head off making sure people what i did a bunch of signs i don’t want to talk about a bunch of um paintings

Yeah all right we’ll go there all right guys so i’m gonna go to the spot where we placed all those paintings you want to come with a packle yeah man yeah i’m just gonna show everyone on stream before i go gotta get out of here surely is a sight to behold

Car do you want to see what we did sure how do we get out it’s i don’t know where do we go where do we go wait where is it where is it i don’t know why you’re following me oh my god that’s so weird just hearing what’s splashing new minecraft sound effect

Are you okay james are we recording uh minecraft sound effects yeah can you give us a jumping and water sound okay sure [ __ ] there’s water everywhere you actually did it all right can you give us a a drowning noise that sounds very similar to the water droppings not really a drowning

I want some gurgles you want the what give me some gurgles like the sound of like when you’re drowning that’s a mute person drowning okay that sounded really similar but i get i think i can differentiate it if i’m listening okay what about um what about a chicken

A chicken yeah grounding chicken or just chicken just a chicken all right i think that’s good yeah that one’s pretty good yeah it’s a pretty good one um guys come to the beacon come to the beacon if you’re not you give us a uh a block being mined maybe

This is a juicy block damn this is beyond the [ __ ] weird i’m just gonna see it he’s losing the jam to the [ __ ] dumb dude jacuzzi [ __ ] sick why playing minecraft as the president got repeated he goes what the [ __ ] he got put in a peach

All right are we ready to fly let’s go i lost you guys did you go back upstairs next to the um yeah next to the beacon the stairs can’t believe trump got put in the peach i’m shaking right now that’s [ __ ] crazy a peach with mints white people oppressed again [ __ ]

Snake let’s go sorry i was killing i was killing jordan’s cows i saw you doing it you were pretty good at it so wow all right we’ll leave without you do you have a fast plane by the way yeah but i’m lazy hold on i’ll jump in nope too late [Laughter] Trump actually got impeached [Laughter] oh i’m lagging a bit should be able to make it there one one piece probably does that mean pence is going to be in charge no that’s not how it works i know i don’t want to do each one happens maybe the vice president too if

They go to bed soon i’m going to show everyone that missed it yeah you can what we’ve done to our enemies you feel like it’s necessary i don’t think pence has actually done anything no he’s just been riding the past four years with grace well not grace but with existence no

He’d have to go to his own shock therapy he endorses if that’s the case oh [ __ ] oh my god sorry i’m just a minecraft stream i don’t know anybody i don’t know anything i used to minecraft i poison blocks i build stuff like minecraft i’m knocking oh no i survived my life

Yeah so i believe crap and i’m not i’m not you know i i studied criminal justice it’s not like i have a political science or anything in a degree but i believe during an impeachment process if the congress thinks having the pres vice president put it being put in charge won’t change

Anything they can also remove the vice president from office because when trump first got elected people wanted to impeach him right off the bat for no reason and well for a reason but like not like legitimate reason i was like why i’m curious if this actually happens what would happen to pence and

Apparently there’s a situation where they can just deadass or move both and be like [ __ ] both of you and then it goes to uh the the per whoever’s in charge of house which is pelosi now right yeah speaking of that so the woman who started all this like made the

Announcement about the impeachment stuff would end up becoming in charge until the next voting for president yeah no don’t land in san diego there’s no reason she would be interested in removing him not at all smile does dead-ass casually become president so uh what the [ __ ] [Laughter] what

I didn’t realize how uh in shape you were phil so this used to be my old twitch banner before i blew up and then when i got a partner i was like i have to i have to change that why’d you change it this is art that is not professional

That is not a professional banner advertisers do not approve of that bill’s got phil’s a thicky dude this isn’t even showing titty so i think you’re fine you’re literally from cyprus look at this look at this dumpy bro what you’re inside Sorry i’m allergic to memes damn y’all did a lot oh my god she just she dead ass glossed over the mobamba one she did she really did that’s that’s really messed up guys i was in oh that’s right she didn’t get it yeah i was in discord all right you did this

Like crying laughing i like it it’s fine you want me to explain the context and ruin the meme when they get in the train there’s a nerdy ass kid who gets very technical and he basically is the personification of like people that go like um actually that’s not right and stuff like that

Uh so people took that and made it into a meme like two years ago somehow even the polar express is like literally 12 years old at this point or some [ __ ] okay and then they started doing a bunch of random [ __ ] with it just look at polar express memes yeah

It makes it so much funnier now that i explained it right definitely improves on the humor 100 100 i i at least get it more that’s fair and here’s beautiful phil’s face love it gorgeous i had to let them know who it was you know got white people happy as

My mother it is uh icon okay oh we should replace the keck with the better one i was just i was just thinking that yes let’s do it it’s a it’s a three by three instead of a four by three so we can put even more yes

Let’s do it let’s do it dude this is badass let’s do this thing i love the sounds something nice guys look wait what how’d you do that wait oh controlling yeah shift right click how how cool okay it actually gives you back the map what the frick did

Yeah but that’s the shitty map we don’t want that map that’s true but it’s less [ __ ] on the floor a witch there we go burn them all there oh you can’t do fire here i guess if i just keep doing it they burn one two three one two three do you have

The picture i can start copying them i sent you it right you gotta fix these oh i’m just dropping them because i don’t have space here we go i’m [ __ ] out kecks right now oh you doing it you actually making them yeah look at them they’re on the floor yes

Watch check this out Oh my god oh no no [Laughter] This is a no one jesus christ oh no there you go this one’s a lot better yeah it’s just bare crops yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t it doesn’t match the the layout as much stuff but i think it’s i think it’s good who’s this supposed to be with the orange hat

Besides one punch dude oh that’s one of my uh friends who motivates my channel as well i decided i’d put that on there just to confuse people because they’re like who who’s that wait who is that though look at that oh no [Laughter] this is poor man

I think he knows he’s a meme oh yeah these there’s like pictures of him like uh oh [ __ ] that’s wrong there’s already pictures of him i’m just [ __ ] laughing it up of people are like posting and stuff here what a legend he’s a little bit older now obviously

He’s aged like a fine wine what a gentleman look at this [ __ ] mess doodle [ __ ] oh wait we can oh you can do this and then like make it a perfect three by three at the top jmek you came all this way as well to explore the base

I’m just chilling man it’s nice of you to come all this way to chill dude pete’s getting territorial don’t touch my face stay away from base we can fill this room with the with the with the cacs that’s all i’m saying you thinking we just need all the item frames i

Really want to i have enough i think where did all these come from what do you mean just throwing them on the floor i’m throwing everything that i i don’t want you want to see some cats dude wait [Laughter] Yeah we shouldn’t kecks out oh there you go uh oh what just happened i got kicked for spamming you got chad yeah you got kicked the spam oh no this poor man let’s fix his head there you go whoops that not hurt you all right let’s see if i can do this

Give me some item frames no no no no no no give item frame keep i’m doing that dude the high ones two seconds no haha mine mike w he he oh my god dude the perfect crime he’ll never knows me uh that’s enough that’s enough in there [ __ ] it he just leaving

I’m going to those cows going to the cows back up here to get more get more weather i’m just placing cactus in just random spots now hell yeah it looks hilarious oh my god this is your pasta the room oh so many it’s so good let’s do some along here

Oh i ran out damn pete’s super territorial yeah he’s he’s straight up like get away leave this place human i don’t know what it is it’s probably people telling telling other people that we found you found a half stack of diamonds in the wall that [ __ ] showed off months ago and we

Didn’t believe it another stuff here there’s stuff in there guys go check it out there’s diamonds i’m very cereal all right well before i head off i guess i’m going to go help pete i mean he’s an abyss and he’s not doing anything pete’s getting pretty defensive let’s throw those away pepper

Poop it’s not even streaming right now is he i don’t know all right guys zoom in really at hmm i can’t believe hello he is streaming oh god i can’t move how do you get out of here i don’t this is my home now you fly there’s two people there’s two versus

One right now so you’re a long way from to water dude i’m on my way up here welp wait does peek it territorial when you go over there sneak no because i’m allied with him he just tolerates me though i’m gonna put my dishes away they’re in my way right now

If you go to cirrus cereal there’s an epic structure made out of dirt pog [Laughter] we’re looking for random clues because we were trying to find that temple and someone was like what about zero zero and so because it’s under ice we were like that’d be really obvious but chip’s

Done it before so we went there and i was like i’m gonna put a bunch of dirt dicks here so people see it on the map they’re like there’s dirt there’s random dirt blocks yeah i hope some person is gonna fly there out of out of that i’m asking him too and

There’s gonna nico with the 10 gifted subs dude pog iron man all right man i’m uh oh there he is thank you again you can pretend get yourselves dude thanks so much for watching do i air strike him guess we’re just vibing how’s it going nico mate sorry for mystery in the chat

Why am i up so late slash early i just kept streaming dude having fun not my usual time livestream blood for the blood god oh my god he’s holding roses he’s definitely more buff than me you’re right i’ve got skinny arms commit crime i mean it’s not our enemy we’re neutral i think

Right pogland we’re neutral techno orders all of his death where content that was street vibing i just want to see what he’s up to i think he’s just trying to get more viewers apparently standing at antarctic empire gets you like 100 more viewers i’m not even kidding

Go to antarctic empire get 100 more people watching because they’re like what’s he doing what’s he doing there techno is gonna be mad i should tell techno like it’s literally that kill him to end stream that sounds [ __ ] horrific dude look at this man oh he’s like in the chat oh no don’t

I felt business wrong pretty certain business i hope that would you beat him [Laughter] it makes the noise though it doesn’t it didn’t make the noise when i dropped it holding a shower for these view farming oh greedy greedy phil worth it philly needs a vibe check oh my god

Right so he’s neutral he’s neutral guys okay he literally is not at war with us he’s trespassing technically but he’s not actually doing anything it’s like say vibe check oh my god it’s like saying anyone that visits a country is an enemy you went on holiday

To spain oh you’re an enemy now he’s literally just chilling all right until proven otherwise this man is not an enemy currently i’ve already killed him once i’ve already killed him once on this server i don’t want to have to do it again without due cause i’m gonna let him chill

He did stalk techno and i killed him if you remember he’s a spy where he’s doing a pretty shitty job of being a spy if that’s the case he will steal your [ __ ] there’s nothing of value in that base um slash message voice over pete oh packle just got on

Somebody from pacquiao just got on and i’m going to bed oh no no no at war with pako [ __ ] time zones dude let me see the map i see where he is try pete’s railway i mean i have a plane i’m good i don’t have any minecarts on me oh there we go

Quack these on as well all the american boys are jumping on all right let’s get some food stole out my chests throw it on the ground okay i don’t need the oh don’t need item frames right now so you can go in here get some more ender pearls let’s mine the diamonds

Oh my god where’s my fortune 3 [ __ ] i always [ __ ] misplace it i think it’s in here yes that’s the one all right does the iron farm work kind of so like we had a chunk anchor uh placed there so it’s constantly loaded um but i’m convinced it’s not working

I’m convinced it’s busted because it’s not as insane like we’re not getting tons of drops i’ll just sell these diamonds screw it we’re currently the richest people on the server i think yep not for long though somebody will probably sell this [ __ ] to oversee me fire respect not back okay

Phil you are awesome see that wasn’t even like that was up to about here earlier today nobody’s been to it so i’m positive it’s not loading i’m pretty positive it’s not loading thank you again nico for the 10 sub suit pog thank you man thank you in fact there’s 300 bits suggested 285

Like the prime road rash thing the six months man pogba will not gang yes dude replace sign i tried it i tried it multiple times i even placed like multiple chunk uh anchor signs didn’t do anything didn’t do [ __ ] he wants to die what do you mean but someone clipped

Wait what did you clip do we last in the antarctic empire uh without being killed by them right like the stream ends when i die next stream boys it’s gonna be epic oh my god why am i hi i’m on stream subbed to penguin’s zero today

As long as he can until he dies if he does i would be funny as [ __ ] it would be so funny evil he wants to die josh did josh really okay all right all right that’s the case i’m [ __ ] leaving him there he’s gonna do a 24 hour stream for

His first fans all right he’s staying there for as long as possible i’m gonna go to bed and wake up tomorrow and if he’s still on then i’ll go kill him alright content see i’m doing i’m doing everyone that watches your mac a favor your boy is going to be streaming a long

Time tonight if that’s these if that’s the rule unless pete just decides to eat him greedy greedy phil worth it all right go log off in front of him that sounds like a bad idea yeah just log off in front of this person so they know where you are when they log

Back in cool oh look at that techno’s not lighting up his home properly he’s got a skeleton in his base i’ll just take like a couple oh pete’s taking them on the tour i guess oh hi man this dog did nothing floof did [ __ ] all dude

How’s this not lit up enough i guess i guess it was like here he spawned probably right probably here i feel like i should do um i should make my own room i should make my own room somewhere in here shouldn’t i and then pull up like uh fan out from

You guys i’ll be pretty sick that’d be pretty cool i think this is little enough now we’ll do that floof is there just for decoration true he didn’t do [ __ ] did he skeleton right in front of him didn’t care dude didn’t care stop me thank the

Screen a bit as well man thank you didn’t even care so i’m hanging around just to see if pete needs help but i think we’re good i think i’m safe to leave even though a member of pacl is on I think or is he gone oh he’s gone all right so we’re safe and i’m looking at their base where all the [ __ ] happened that we did no one has logged on there nobody is visited there apart from me cara and sneak and sal is an ally so i think we’re good

Hey adam smith four also i’m sorry i missed your whole stream dad i mind catching me up l underscore uh war happens it’s still technically ongoing but at the beginning of stream i pretty much joined in on a skirmish instantly i landed my plane in front of

Techno and he said in 10 seconds we’re fighting i was like oh [ __ ] so we just literally just jumped into a skirmish it was me techno and sneak versus cara tommy thunder i think grunk i think maybe grunk was just watching oh no yes sylvia it wasn’t carol was it no sylvie

Did i say sylvia carr basically sylvie was the last person alive everyone died everyone got [ __ ] heated yeah not kara silvi Silly was the last person alive so we’ve allied with her we asked chat technologies chat as well so she’s allied because she was trucking along proper mvp so that’s that’s a worthy ally to have right uh but before that tommy was getting heated on a constant basis he kept like

Coming back to our base he kept coming here and then techno killed him like three or four times pacquiao was still at war with because uh michael mcchill did a charity stream and one of the donation goals was to start a war technoblade so that’s still ongoing we’ve pranked their base

With a bunch of different paintings like this sort of thing where you can just literally upload an imager image to a painting and post it so we’ve done that all over that base so they’re going to log on and see it i also stole the pack of pickle off stream

None of them have jumped online at all i’ve been here all day not one of them jumped online so we’ve just been yeah pranking them dude oh i think he’s wary of me gmax still vibing uh i kind of want to just go kill him now because that because he said that

But at the end of the day if i don’t he’s going to keep streaming so there’s literally only me and pete on and i don’t think pete wants to kill him so we can just chill wanna go to the moon before you leave no pete i don’t think it’s ready yet I’m not going to the moon until chips ready in my opinion That’s i i i stick to that a lot of people can go there’s multiple factions that could have went to the end realm by now but we’ve all kind of just held off and we’re waiting on chip [ __ ] pete He said go to the moon dude come on how was i not gonna misinterpret that all right let’s go man i mean i came back here to log off but i guess i’m going back there again i’m waiting to join the vc if he hasn’t joined where is he hey man

Hey i didn’t know if that meant yeah let’s go i was trying to signal it yeah okay have you got an extra minecart uh i’ll make one for you i can make one sorry i’m here all right i’ll make two just in case oh oh

I go did you just throw one away no no it’s like glitched out okay do i take this one on the right uh hang on hang on i’ll go in front of you always press up dub what the heck where’d my oh there it is wow i’m lagging no i am lagging bad

I guess i’ll make one after all i know phil laugh at me it’s all right why do i why do i always feel stupid around you phil it’s okay there you go press w the whole way when we go up hills when you need to

Press w i should just say that okay okay oh i know i know what’s the device with the prime thank you how do i say this you laugh never change pete i feel the same bug you feel you’re a boss though staying up till 2 30 in the morning

I should have went to bed yeah it wasn’t worth staying up for tonight since no action i know i know one person’s online fitzy i see that i wasn’t sure what saul and jmac were going to do well gmac my chat told me my chat clipped it jmac is streaming

On top of our base and waiting to see how long it takes for him to be killed by us and he’s not gonna end stream until we kill him if he’s just gonna sit there uh what do we care that’s what i was saying and i told chat

If he’s gonna sit there and wait for us to kill him i’m not gonna kill him i’m gonna let him stream i’m gonna let him stream for like 12 hours cheers see you tomorrow with techno i’m gonna get up in the morning and if he’s still on then i’ll go kill him

I don’t know why not just let him sit there until he falls asleep let’s pull him out of his misery you know yeah that’s what we should do we could let techno do it we should wait till he falls asleep and then kill him damn you are cold-blooded you literally never

See it coming you are cold blood i don’t know duke nukem i i i couldn’t do what you did chat i know fitzy joins right but nobody has went to the main area like nobody’s went to the main area where we like did all the pranking stuff so i’m

Trying to say so like it’s nothing’s gonna happen yet all right no no no get back in those carts um we’re left there no i have my cots all right no there was a cart in front of me so i stopped to get out to um get it

Yeah i thought i saw it there he goes my speedy boys here’s your there’s your prismarine what’s left of the island yeah so there was a lot of bedrock there chat if anyone that’s just getting here oh there’s a lot of bedrock there and uh we were convinced something was inside of it

Turns out it was only one layer of bedrock but it was just regular stone no cave systems really it was like little pockets here and there but nothing major nothing hidden um we were hoping there might be an ocean monument hidden down there or something similar but

Now it’s all it is is just bedrock one layer of bedrock above it and then just regular stone underneath it’s really weird it’s like the only place on the map that has that yes super strange so we have to investigate oh did that weird thing pete when it gets stuck there i’m good

That’s why i say just keep your finger on w yeah cool so once we once we get up here i thought about it and i thought you know let’s just kind of take a shortcut instead of all the other stuff uh-huh so i kind of built a little pathway up here

Nice looks good i saw it before you didn’t mind that’s fine looks good and boom we’re in nice peep now all you have to do is add your magic and we’re good to go i mean we can do at any point i’ve said this a few times oh

I don’t mean tonight i don’t mean tonight but like i’m i’m i’m waiting on chip i’m waiting on chip and when he’s ready he’s given everything else he’s doing he’s in no hurry hmm that’s my impression we’ll see you’re worried about me dying over there aren’t you that’s very nice of you

In the end i yes yes i no you’re fine that’s phil caring for me you’ll be fine pete i trust you if you were to do it when we eventually go through alright one way to get better that’s right by doing it this is yours right the iron or the ice the chest

Uh the chest actually no i never saw that oh i a vendor yeah i figured it might have been techno’s or yours not mine i wonder if chip did it when he did the uh when he tore this apart and he put an eye and endure up there maybe

You can put in if you want uh sure listen to that sound okay there you go there you go let’s admit i guess i’ll just block that back up i’m going to say bye to my chat i call it because it’s really it’s really lit it is late i would say

Definitely just uh leave gmac up there he’s he’s just here he could go talk to him i guess just chat to him keep him company he’s probably lonely he sat by himself i looked for that uh chest that chip had shown somebody i found said that

Oh you did yeah yeah my chat spammed the [ __ ] out of my my stream for like a solid minute with that clip saying it was two days old and i was like no the clip that that footage is definitely a month old so i was like no way did it really have

Stuff in it had 32 diamonds that was it and i just sold them ah so it’s whatever dude i was expecting something going checking out i was expecting something to do with like the rg or something um but no just 32 diamonds all right now

I’ll be back in a sec though i’m just going to say a bite in my stream okay oh yeah cheers all right boys i’m heading off um i’m going to chat to pete a little bit more stream um i’m just going to end stream we’re just going to just going to leave

I’ll hit you with garbage deal though uh and the next time our stream will be friday probably going to be hardcore again we’ll see okay i’ll catch you all there bye

This video, titled ‘SMP Earth – Philza VOD – Streamed on December 18 2019’, was uploaded by Philza VODS on 2022-05-15 01:00:07. It has garnered 2897 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 07:59:07 or 28747 seconds.

In this vod philza plays on the smp earth minecraft server. ——————————————————————- Summary of the VOD: N/A Phil’s intro song: Link to the VOD on twitch: For any other Questions go the about me on the channel! ——————————————————————- ✯ Watch Phil LIVE ✯ Follow Phil on twitter πŸ˜€ ✯ Join the OFFICIAL Philza Discord for behind the stream stuff! ✯ Philza’s Spotify Playlist ———————————————————————————– The Playlists With All Vods (and more can be found on the channel)-

Hardcore Season 4 VODS – Origins SMP Season 3 VODS – Dream SMP VODS – MCC VODS – BOTW VODS –

————————————————– —————- Philza VODS , Philza vod , Ph1lza VODS , ph1lza vod , Philza twitch vod , philza youtube vod , Philza , Ph1lza , smp earth vod , philza smp earth , philza smp earth vod , smp earth philza vod , smp earth philza , smp earth antartic empire

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    INSANE NEW UPDATE: SUN AND MOON IN MINECRAFT FNAF RPGVideo Information This video, titled ‘SUN AND MOON ARE HERE | Minecraft FNAF Security Breach RP’, was uploaded by TheRepublicGamer on 2024-03-09 16:30:26. It has garnered 261 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:21 or 1161 seconds. #fnaf #fnafroleplay #minecraft #minecraftroleplays Hello everybody, TheRepublicGamer here and in todays EP Sun and Moon will be arriving at the pizzaplex to meet the Glamrocks… Anyways enjoy the video… Join My Discord Community Server TODAY! ➀ ➀SUBSCRIBE! Today if you haven’t yet and or if your new and interested to the channel… ➀LIKE! the video for more videos… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Hidden Villages In Naruto Mod?! | Ep. 3

    UNBELIEVABLE: Hidden Villages In Naruto Mod?! | Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGES ARE LITERALLY HIDDEN FROM ME! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-06-04 22:00:19. It has garnered 4122 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:14 or 1994 seconds. Minecraft Naruto (Ninshu Origins) Mod – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – VILLAGES ARE LITERALLY HIDDEN FROM ME! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 3 #NARUTO #Minecraft #ModReview Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Building Hawkins Library in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide to Building Hawkins Library in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Behind the Build: Hawkins Library from Stranger Things!!’, was uploaded by Wheelassassin Guides on 2024-06-12 08:01:22. It has garnered 170 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:16 or 6556 seconds. Hello Assassins!! Here’s a chill build stream for behind the build of my Hawkins Square from Stranger Things!! I’m just here finishing up the Hawkins Library before completing up the street near the cinema!! I hope you can come and say hi!! πŸ˜€ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” If you build this tutorial or any of my tutorials for a video on your own… Read More

  • INSANE: Our Plane POSSESSED in Minecraft!

    INSANE: Our Plane POSSESSED in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our PLANE Got POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 253314 views and 3227 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:20 or 2540 seconds. Our PLANE Got POSSESSED in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam hop on a plane for their vacation! But suddenly the power goes out, and strange things start happening… Will their plane land safely? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • πŸ”₯FREE FIRE VIRAL VIDEO Revealed by Mr.Ansh!πŸ”₯

    πŸ”₯FREE FIRE VIRAL VIDEO Revealed by Mr.Ansh!πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire New Viral Short Video #freefire #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-29 15:51:58. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Free Fire New Viral Short Video #freefire #viral #shorts Free Fire Viral Loop Short | #minecraft #viral #shorts Free Fire Rank Match Reward | #freefire Free Fire Zombie Hunt Mode Special Wining Trick | #freefire #ajjubhai #gaming Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment,… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet | Vanilla 1.20.2 | Whitelist | Age 25+ | No Claims | Smaller Community | Max Render Distance | 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! My wife and I have been playing Minecraft for over a decade and have built a great community to play with. If you’re 25+ and looking to join us, please use the link below to join our Discord. We aim to provide a vanilla experience with a few exceptions listed below. Our world border is currently at 10k blocks in every direction, but will expand in the future. Community Guidelines: No kids or annoying players No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins Maximum 32 Chunks render view distance Hard difficulty Additional Information: New… Read More

  • Wild Jail Breakers

    A mix of Prison and Survival Minecraft Version 1.19.4Server in Beta StagesThe server is now playable!!!Looking for members to promote to staff Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: What the hell?!

    It’s like Minecraft is trying to flex its meme popularity on us, but we’re just here like “nice try, blockhead.” Read More

  • Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV

    Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV In Minecraft, a friend turned foe, Locked me in a hole, oh no! Cheater’s tricks, a funny meme, Watch me struggle, in this scene. But fear not, I’ll find a way, To escape and live another day. Minecraft adventures, full of surprises, In this world, where creativity rises. So join me in this virtual land, Where blocks and mobs, go hand in hand. Let’s craft, build, and explore, In Minecraft, we’ll never be bored. Stay tuned for more, in every rhyme, As we journey through this pixelated time. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Laughs Guaranteed! πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Laughs Guaranteed! πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” πŸ˜‚ #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Crafting an Indigo Park Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting an Indigo Park Portal in Minecraft Minecraft’s Indigo Park Portal: A Gateway to Adventure Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new and exciting features to explore in the game. One such feature that has caught the attention of players is the Indigo Park Portal. This mystical portal offers a gateway to a whole new world of adventure and challenges. Discovering the Indigo Park Portal The Indigo Park Portal is a hidden gem in the vast world of Minecraft. Players must embark on a quest to uncover the portal’s location and unlock its secrets. Once found, the portal opens up a portal to Indigo… Read More

  • Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods

    Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods Farming and Raids – Minecraft Episode 56 German: With Shader, Mods The paths are long, the world is endless. Starting in a beautiful Minecraft world in Survival Mode on Hard, let’s see where our journey takes us. Why Watch? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there are valuable tips and tricks to learn here. Engage with other Minecraft fans in the comments and enjoy the stunning visuals of Minecraft with shaders. Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon to stay updated. Have fun watching! Leave a like if you enjoy the video… Read More

  • Unbelievable Phoenix Flare in Minecraft! πŸ”₯

    Unbelievable Phoenix Flare in Minecraft! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phoenix Flare on 2024-06-02 02:53:56. It has garnered 81 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:22 or 11002 seconds. Minecraft minecraft minecraft ——————————————————— Twitter: Instagram: Discord Server: Profile, banner, and PNG Tuber made by @astrogummi8610 : Streaming Loading Image by mondobutter_ on discord Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Makes BocaJ Go Crazy

    Minecraft Mod Makes BocaJ Go CrazyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Scary Mod’, was uploaded by bocaJ on 2024-04-05 16:00:26. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:40 or 1900 seconds. Truly was terrifying. Check Out Friends In The Video Here: @lhoenpedia7901 Read More

  • Dunners Duke Hunts Epic Griefed Stash in 1.20 Minecraft!

    Dunners Duke Hunts Epic Griefed Stash in 1.20 Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t updated to Minecraft 1.20. Griefed Base & Stash Hunting.’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-19 21:07:17. It has garnered 134 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:10 or 7750 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no… Read More

SMP Earth – Philza VOD – Streamed on December 18 2019