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Oops A My goodness amazing start to the stream all right hello everybody I am sneak and welcome back to another episode on the sneak Craft Server I’m going to join the voice call there we go all right so tonight we have big things planned um don’t mind that I’ve been working on a copper

Farm but I don’t have time to show it because we are in a bit of a hurry we are in a bit of a hurry to build um this thing it’s going to be a tower for New Year’s a New Year’s Tower if if you will right and it’s going to

Have there we go and it’s going to have ideally something going in it um but I’m a little worried we don’t have enough deep slate so maybe we should go down into the mines we have to get this done within the next hour cuz I worked uh until 2 hours ago

And then I procrastinated on starting this live stream so hopefully we’ll have time to get this done within the next hour um but if we can get some other people to join help us then maybe just maybe we’ll make it in time so let’s just like start out now mine

This out so we need quite a lot of deep slate I’m thinking we can make the base of the tower out of deep slate um I’m not sure I’m not sure but we’ve got to design something we’ve only got probably half an hour to do this whole thing realistic Ally cuz

There’s other things I have to do to prepair like making fireworks and stuff like that and there we go that’s important because that is now setting it so that way we will have the have It Be night when new year starts super important why would we have

A New Year’s party when it’s when it’s day out you know we just got to make sure we don’t sleep so that way the balance doesn’t get Disturbed you know super important super important all Right you know I was hoping we’d find a diamond or two doing this but that might be wishful thinking you know all right we need a few more Stacks I think oh good I’m kind of nervous we won’t get it done in time I guess we’ve only been mining for about a

Minute you never know you never know how long it could take get everything ready so this is a special night actually um and a special project we’re working on because my very first server um would have opened up on December 31st 2019 I believe New Year’s Eve it was a New

Year’s Eve party and I wanted to do something special for the holiday and I decided to make a public server and ever since then I’ve been making server after server after server it’s got to be a bit much but you know I’ve always enjoyed it so after server after

So in a way that was kind of the start of uh sneak craft maybe that could have been sneak Craft season zero in a way uh season 1 was a bit different season 1 came after that but yeah it’s it’s so weird cuz I I really do feel

Like uh um 2023 just started or like I can remember the start of 2023 it’s it’s it’s quite interesting but yeah I guess that’s probably just how it is as you get older um but yeah I I especially remember this year starting sooner because I I was like

Oh 2023 this is our last full year you know got to got to make the most of it and I mean whatever happens in 2024 it’s we’ll never really we’ll never really know until it happens I mean if you’re watching this in a year’s time then you’ll know everything that

Happened pretty much a year and an hour um yeah 2023 was a wild wild year yeah I remember I I I I’ve had this running joke for several years now that uh 2024 it’s going to be the something terrible is going to happen and it um CU you know

Every leap year every Leap Year something really bad happens um 2020 it was Co really didn’t start out streaming on a good year but even when there’s terrible things happening in the world um individuals can always find a way to uh make the most of it um I hear

A lot of people say you know 2020 wasn’t that bad for me I there’s you know it seems selfish to say this but honestly seems pretty pretty nice for me um personally I don’t see anything wrong with saying that or thinking that um I I think it’s good that somebody

Could find something so great and such a terrible time people are always able to succeed even under difficult circumstances it’s one of the beautiful things about Humanity you can always manage to do something great no matter the circumstances let’s head on over yeah so hopefully it doesn’t happen hopefully my little joke was

Just that a joke um in 2024 doesn’t have any terrible tragedies in it um I don’t know the the closer we got the more I started like like ah December December 2020 I think I started that bit at the probably October 2022 um the 2024 bit was wait yeah December

2024 um that bit started in like closer to the end of 2022 yeah the bit has always been that 2024 is going to be a terrible year however personally for me it’s set up to be the best year of my life so we’ll see I’m personally a little bit excited

I future just seems like something I’m ready for and I’m happy for um I’ll be honest uh 2023 it’s been a it’s been a big year um quite a few things haven’t been great in it but this is really nice this is like really really really nice I’m really a

Big fan of this has he been replacing this yeah howdy Kip hi hi hi I think I’m going to deaf in for a few minutes just going to talk to myself probably I don’t know if anybody’s in chat fair enough I guess I’ll mute stream to leave you to your privacy oh

You can you can listen and I’m just I’m just going to talk to chat okay just just in a rambling mood if you want to join the server I might need a little bit of help building this thing in time oh yeah I’d be down oh

Yeah I I need to build a tower before midnight and get a bunch of fireworks um if you want to get the fireworks that would probably be the best I don’t know if I really have any gunpowder hold on anything yeah I’m not sure if I have any gunpowder either

That’s kind of going to be something but let me see if I can steal any from car yeah you can steal any from me if I have some do you have a looting sword I barely have anything to my name oh oh I forgot I don’t know where Karma keeps all the

Stuff I know but I can’t really show it uh there’s some Gunpowder at Fort Rose I see five pieces eight pieces eight more pieces so 13 14 yeah I have two pieces here chest I think there’s 20 unless there’s some of these chests as well nope I’m going to go get some Gunpowder

Then what kinds of blocks would you need for this build uh anything I I don’t know you can add your own special little twist to it I’m starting with like a deep slate base uh don’t sleep by the way I have to I have the time specially aligned you know all

Right I probably could have just set the time later but oh well hang on he give me a chance to hunt for gunpowder yeah you can you can do whatever you want with the tower I just wanted to be like I don’t know my I was

Talking to chat earlier and I’m like H very first stream I did it was New Year’s or yeah sorry very first uh server I had was a New Year’s one so it’s a little bit a little bit special you know I somehow got attacked

By a zombie in in hang on in the end as I was saying I got attacked by a zombie in the whatever you call this the melium biome the mushroom biome I’ve been bringing zombies over there trying to bring them into the end the copper Farm but that hasn’t been

Working out too well I’ll be honest oh that’s why I was in chain mail okay oh yep I know which zombie yeah that one got lost actually all right I’ll be I’ll be back you can the towers in U Fort Rose you can build it you wish I’ll gather some blocks yeah yeah

Yeah I don’t know whatever you think would look good with the Deep slate base right I guess just anything even interior stuff maybe oh yeah if you could do it the interior I was thinking of making it Hollow um because I could have done a redstone thing in the middle

Like I did in the original thing cuz the the original tower was a countdown time Tower and it like set off fireworks around but I don’t think I could do that I think the tower will be nonfunctional given I’ve got like 48 minutes left to complete this thing for my New

Year’s at least do you need do you need a deep slate I think I have enough deep slate I started out by mining it yeah I was personally thinking like a dark oak or Spruce would look good with it especially dark oak but yeah at this point whatever we can gather the

Dirt 17 more gunpowder that might be closer to enough dies would be good but I could just run over to the forest for that or you could I don’t know dies for uh the fireworks yeah what else do you need paper gunpowder dye yeah yeah how do you specify the pattern of

Fireworks uh I don’t know it might just be the crafting recipe yeah can’t remember maybe the order of things are crafted I don’t know I wouldn’t know all right I’ll be back yeah 2023 crazy crazy year um I think I streamed for about 150 hours which yeah not that much

Mine’s are streamed for about 500 um I pinged the Discord everybody that I’d ping for streams which I forgot to do today okay this is a very important stream and I forgot to Ping Discord so I’m going to go do that right now real quick um come on view my channel

All right there we go at ping streams there we go yeah last night I pinged the Discord uh for M arts’s recap live stream because um yeah he put a lot of work into it I actually did a little bit of a roll in there I made a whatever you call it

Um ad that was put in there little fake ad maze secret Services um it was fun to make I am not so sure how proud I am of it it’s hey tendy how’s it going I like your Name colon 3 oh goodness I know I know the people I know

The people who love the colon 3s tendy firm wow it was a great ad I I absolutely loved yours Kip they were hilarious um gentlemen it’s great to see you I am Scully Jackson bonesworth Jr that’s a crazy name I love it actually yeah 2023 um

Honestly start a 2023 for me I hope y’alls was good but mine probably one of the worst years um but with that said start of 2023 end of 20323 couldn’t be more different um honestly I I’m going to get a bit personal it’s it’s it’s so so weird again personal like this you

Know um oh it’s you w manyi how fair they on this eve of the New Year ah pretty great pretty great I’m just Reminiscing on the ear um you know you got to look to the past to uh see the future you know always try to be improving

Yourself how would I do that if I didn’t reminisce on the year yeah 2023 it’s it’s probably been one of the more interesting years that’s for sure and it went by so so quickly so so quickly um I started out the year with a different name I went through three

Different uh real life names this year um I’m not going to say my death name but went through that name and then I went to the name Iris and then it was what it is now and that’s May um I’m a big big fan of May so it’s actually quite funny

Um I I looked up like different songs with like titles and stuff um so that way I may be May right now yeah um so that way I could figure out what like the songs would be you know it’s very important you got to make sure you have good songs that use your

Name when you change up um hope it’s almost day oh feel feel free feel free to join uh the IP is in the description yeah in April um I started coming out to with friends um about my transgender um and it was it was um my friends couldn’t be better

Couldn’t be better lovely lovely wonderful people and I appreciate them um they definitely helped me get through everything uh it was extraordinarily helpful um how y’all if you’re listening um just just kind of went along with it try to tried to help me um use my My Chosen name chosen

Pronouns make sure you have a uh paid for Minecraft account the server might not allow um cracked accounts if that’s what you’re using trying to cut down some trees so who joined the call I’m not so sure I have to always tab into Discord to figure it out it’s mine it’s m hey

Mines hi hi I’m talking to my chat right now Reminiscing on the year a little bit you know mhm mhm um Big Year big year how was yours thank you for the raid Mingo my eard drums holy [ __ ] uh my my year my year was something M you play the SMP tonight

Yeah I’m playing it um you asked that oh you did ask something there you go I’m G to play that right now I’m hopping on right now yeah I need help building this tower for New Year’s um take my Alchemist I shall take your students welcome welcome I’m trying to do thing

Something minute we have 40 minutes to finish up this Tower uh and by finish it I mean start what’ you say ke I’ve been Gathering a few things so thank you right over I’m chopping down some dark oak trees right now the stuff I was stuff I was familiar

With is just gone now so uh I’m trying here I need food really badly but I need the space so I can’t carry any of my food let me uh I’ll be back it’s fine there’s some creepers in the boat yes okay more gunpowder okay seven more okay

Cool goal is to just get as much as possible um yeah let’s let’s go kind of let’s think so the year started out I I feel like I feel like I’ve changed so much as a person um I’ve tried to be kinder I’ve tried to be sweeter to people I’ve tried

To give people the benefit of the doubt and other situations um tried to be more empathetic consider what other people people may feel before doing things and I think I’ve done a pretty good job um my friends have been like I was saying before um my friends have been so

Very very helpful um and I’ve made a lot of new friends as well um so I it’s it’s a thing of I greatly appreciate all the friends that I do I had before that have helped me through shitty situations and I really appreciate all the new friends I’ve made as

Well internet cut out for a second yeah super great friends who’ve just been super helpful uh Kip you’re not in the server right now I don’t know am might the stream disconnected for a second I didn’t see a death message uh I assume it just like kicked

You out oh goodness that’s crazy um I’m going to stay out of there sleep oh we’ve got 20 35 minutes 35 minutes to build this Tower ah dang it I wasn’t supposed to sleep hopefully it should be fine there’s other things we could do if it didn’t go well uh all right

Yeah they should all burn if there’s anything left burnner any AR you know skip here skip does not appear to be here oh goodness or am I not here nope I’m here let’s kill this creeper more gunpowder yeah I I came out as trans this year that’s definitely been the

Biggest thing thing um hugee huge change in my life um and honestly I don’t think it could have possibly gone better as I’ve said many times now my friends have been so infinitely helpful um my family though some hesitant at first have come around on it um it except for some

But you get to choose your family to some extent and um yeah I I definitely lost some family members from it but sometimes there’s not much you can do about it and honestly I wouldn’t want to associate with those kinds of people anyway so yeah it’s shitty but what you what

Are you going to do you know um I laughed a lot um I laughed a lot in 2023 very very very happy um especially after it came out made a lot a lot of friends and cried a lot is that better yeah I think I like we’ll do that one

And I hope this doesn’t intrude on whatever plans were going on there but I didn’t see anywhere else I could really build it other than over there this is going to be an interesting build don’t have much time to do it so it’s going to it’s going to turn out

Somehow hopefully that somehow is good but we’ll See yeah um I ended up uh that’s weird yeah I I when I kind of started figuring out I was trans I kind of panicked a little bit I ended up uh quitting my job and keep in mind it’s like you know i’ worked at a Panera Bread it’s not

Like not like anything too crazy but still um I did quite Panic this is going to be a crazy looking Tower I don’t even know I don’t even know we’re just going to place some blocks and see how it goes I’m actually going to add that there too that looks terrible I’m going

Back undo this undo undo ah I can’t make that jump not when I’m hungry you can go like that yeah it was a very scary experience um many times I’d just be like yes this makes me happy but how do I know if I’m like faking it or not eventually I’m just like

A I’m just going to do it I’m just going to not worry about it this is going to be something I’ll tell you that this is going to be one of the most something builds ever yeah my mental health after I don’t know I came out in

April oh funny yeah um I changed my name to Iris and one of the songs was uh Iris by gooo dolls I like that song um not like the biggest goooo dolls fan ever but I’m a fan I like it I like the song but you know I wasn’t really

Certain of the name every month I’d go back on it and be like you know I’m happy with everything in my transition except for maybe the name and I went back uh to the names that my friend suggested and one of my friends had suggested the name mave I’m like you

Know I really really like that name I don’t know what it is but something about that name I really like and then I could go byy May and I and I did and it’s yeah I haven’t had any doubts about it yet much longer than I would have

Gone nice actually I’m going to trust Kip on this one uh Kip can do this layer oh goodness we’ve got 20 minutes I hope you’re listening all right yeah I really appreciate everybody who’s tuned into the streams on this year despite a being the worst one of

The worst if not the worst years of my life when it started it’s definitely become the best so I appreciate everybody um yeah the biggest event my transition is really what made it so so good um that’s been so important for me so so important I know I talk about it quite a

Lot but I really can’t explain the extent to which it’s helped me um border worlds was really fun I really like border worlds oh yeah yeah yeah anyways so I was listening to the song today called Slide by Goa dolls and it it um it it it it says may and it and

It’s about a girl named May I think or at least sing song to a girl named May and I’m like ah the goooo dolls can’t get rid of me get rid of me that easily I just thought that was funny kind of cute you know big fan of the name

Yeah next year is going to be the first year I live as a girl full year and it’s going to be it’s going to be good Zed I love Zed Zed’s one of Z Z’s one of the yeah there’s so many so many new friends um I love everybody I love everybody that’s

Joined oh I’m going to make a a trans color um transol firework because that’s super important to me um and I could hopefully even maybe I could even do a buy one because I haven’t really come out as buy but like I’m openly buy um my family doesn’t really know it except

For my brother but they’ll find out in time yeah um I came out to my grandmother this year um and she pretty much just disowned me um and that was shitty but some things like that you can’t control you know and it’s honestly for the best

I when she did that it would felt like a huge weight came off my back you know I just felt free and in a way it just feels like transitioning has been a thing that just cut so many ties but in reality it’s just been something that’s freed me

Completely and it’s it’s allowed me to think about my future and it’s going to allow me to live in 2024 instead of just surviving which is what it felt like before if even that sometimes um so I’m excited to live 2024 as a gay little

May and I’m happy I really am I’m very very happy oh come on I need some flowers I could get some lapis I have some lapis let’s just use some lapis I don’t want to look for more flowers nervous I won’t really find any honestly it’s I I I can’t imagine it won’t

Be even if my little joke was right um that 2024 is going to be a terrible year for me it’s just going to be amazing I feel like cuz even when terrible terrible things have happened it’s just felt like I’ve just felt great I haven’t felt like I’ve been dying anymore and it’s

Amazing I kind of feel like never mind um yeah we’ve got we’ve got a tower to build so I’m going to stop the sentimental stuff and maybe we can continue it later um but I need one of these I need one of these I need one of you yes thank you thank

You oh good good good they’re doing something something special oh wow nice trick um yes okay we have plenty plenty of dye light blue that’s important and then we can get more white through there what other colors could we get we could get some green I know I’ve got plenty of green at

Home but any other colors we don’t have Canan okay we can get some green like this blue purple I can never remember the colors blue purple blue magenta pink I feel like those are the colors or was it red by flag okay magenta purple blue I wouldn’t have

Gotten that I wouldn’t have gotten that magenta purple blue how do I make purple what purple oh there’s purple blue magenta purple okay that’s an important one we’ll put that one to the side um and then I think this is how you make a firework ah okay a little more

Expensive on the gun powder than I thought okay light blue pink white all right can you add multiple Powers I don’t know I don’t know how to make anything more than a small ball oh well so those are some special fireworks we’re going to put them in

There uh and then the rest we’ll just do pretty random so we’ll do something like purple pink that bam that’s a crazy firework Bam Bam look at that that’s crazy look at that oh more plain orange ones I guess we need the plain orange um light gray beautiful colors uh let’s

Let’s let’s go unmute def I don’t know hello hello may hello we don’t have enough resources for this [ __ ] Tower 40 blocks tall okay we can stop it there then I guess no I don’t have to tune into your stream I can make like a Peak at the top

To where it like where the fireworks can shoot out if you want I don’t know or if you want it to spread out from the to everywhere I don’t know I think she wants fireworks spewing out of it I’m working on the fireworks part right now

Minutes who is up what what are you doing up there oh speaking of fireworks I just heard one happy New Year but you still have an hour the same time you don’t we have the T we have the same time on M Cindy you said you have an hour

Oh what time is it for you right now 11:49 11:49 exact same time for me wow it’s almost New Year isn’t it like already been New Year for you for a while yeah it’s already 12:49 p.m. here H I’m from the future Happ new no just okay H just H cuz it’s

H New Year no ha just new year new year no yep yeah I’ll just let you I’m just going to go grab some my God Syd shut the [ __ ] up I don’t care wow wow see why are you so mean to me like why am I so mean to you because you

Keep complaining about being old and I turned 21 this year so shut the [ __ ] up’ll be so will you no you’re turning 18 you’ll live I don’t know what you Won you’re going to die soon you’re old yeah so am I I’m going to die can I have some Polish s m Arts do you have any to spare uh did someone say they need deep S I have half a stack I can spare hell yeah that’s you that’s enough but okay that’s

Huge okay I got some fireworks it’s I guess we’re going to have it shoot out of An Unfinished building I think it might just at this point be easiest to how do I get out of this building you don’t do it by hand Stu help me whose house

Is do what by hand shoot the fireworks yeah fun it’s not fun I said there’s no fun in that no I think we should be able to sit back and watch what who doesn’t want to launch fire you should make a building you should make a building in Minecraft

That’s un un un like not movable and you can’t escape once you enter that’s a good idea do we have any crossbows anywhere like a building that’s impenetrable and you can’t leave where did all the items on the ground go they join back no I picked him up and put in

The chest I bet you cuz they had a crossbow I know they did oh all right well I’ve I’ve done enough for this build I got to open the uh new the yeah right M the live stream Time Square I’ll keep on my grind

Who sit back and relax no no no no no no I just got to get the Time Square live up oh hey I got more uh polish deep slay if you need any yes he has all of the Polish deep slate feels more like a castle like Tower than

Anything you should you should have seen the original one I made it was very interesting oh no can we try to avoid making this where did you build it it did not look like one I don’t know what you’re talking it doesn’t matter what we

Do it’s going to object a tower is a tower are you referring to M tip what your p no I’m not referring to okay I mean well kind of no what all calm the [ __ ] down you going go to referring to my tower that’s what I’m referring to in

About 7 minutes I’ll have 12 more hours until my stream ends wouldn’t horny jail just hook people up with like not like minded individuals yes but once they’re in there it’s not my problem you are you are suffering Minds I can tell I’m stuffer sorry stering apparently I’m stering stering

Suffering suffering suffering sufferer suffering suffer I hardly know her oh yes suffering my best friend oh that’s sad I hardly know her not really sad you like to suffer wow that sounds face all can we can we go into the new year without a freaking kinky joke mine’s too still need

Emerald yes I need a deep slay Emerald or just a regular Emerald you know I should have asked for that instead of for the [ __ ] key yeah I know I was I was surprised when you said the key instead of that it was cuz it was was

The first thing I saw in the inventory I couldn’t really think of anything God damn it whatever it doesn’t matter shut up shush it was it’s new I like keys and nobody else has one I love Keys 6 minutes until New Year yeah apparently my thing says five which is

Weird so what do you need more dark oak or you need deep slate dark oak okay actually both but I mean dark oak seems more important right now um okay are we get okay I really want to see this tower now cuz my tower that I’m building is

Also made out of the same thing I really want to see it though why is it a minute oh my God this going to be hilarious behind Okay I need to open time the Time Square stream hold down gases here we go 2024 in 5 minutes 5 minutes woohoo we’re going to

Watch it like how we did last year what did we do last year I wasn’t here last year yes you were you were in that [ __ ] stream I was oh I don’t know yeah middle of this open he doesn’t uh yeah we’re going to leave it middle of

It open so fireworks can come out the top that’s that’s pretty it’s we probably make the Tower taller later but should I I can’t go to the New Year stinking hold on I’ll be back what’s going to take a shower and miss the New Year

Oh I am here with some yeah it’s it’s not going to make it out of the tower if we start it there just get some get some scaffolding climb up there okay it is I I’m you wait it’s going to start at like a minute early no 2025 what whoa hey guys hey

Zad Tower 30 days 23 hours so that’s why the tower is taking long I my here zero days zero hours four minutes why can’t we just celebrate the New Year little help with our zombo bro over here Z bro yep yep yep yep all the bisexuals there any bisexuals I need I

Need my bisexuals right with me why only bisexuals uh cuz I have bisexual fireworks to give out at midnight do Coke for every am I the only VI person I swear there were more oh yeah there were more wa December 1st anyway all right [ __ ] that have one what

What oh [ __ ] thank you uh yeah I was yeah dark go be raining oh wait wait here here PR I oh my goodness wow if only like you didn’t hey uh may can I have a buyer work anyway yeah bu work oh yeah you want a trans one

Too I’m Hi C why wouldn’t you want a a trans firework okay I’m going to put some fireworks in here minutes we got two minutes I thought so and they said that they are New Year I’m I’m going to celebrate New Year twice hell yeah this is going to be my

Third now we got this is my second New Year let’s go this is going to be my third oh wow the turd what time zone was that hi hello um fireworks in the chest everybody get your fireworks cuz we don’t have an automated system I don’t care stop we’re just

We’re just going to chaotically slam and spam fireworks well I guess we’re doing window capture there we go No egg oh this is a very uh Tower it’s a very good so this is why this Tower is taking so long it’s oh all right we got one minute nice one minute one minute one minute one more time yes what hello hi hi hi got a minute to

New Year does hey does um does stream end on 12 okay it’s like 20 seconds this person does not sound okay are you sleepy or are we ready I’m are we my goodness Yay 2023 that’s 60 seconds behind what are you doing it’s okay we can celebrate in Minecraft like it’s 2024 oh my goodness 2024 forget I just had thator wait wait wait you didn’t give me fireworks I need firework oh there firework ow it exploded the fireworks Happ Happy New Year happy

New I made it just in time I don’t know what you’re talking about you’re a little late happy New Year happy New Year oh I like that wait I really like that firework oh my God you’re the my mom is death guys help me call for car Momom happy

Mommy mommy happy New Year mommy mommy oh my God I’m okay fine I’ll throw the cat at her oh no I don’t have the cat with me no what do I throw uh this the oh that actually has something in it where where’s a where’s a throwable item

Empty pill bottle let’s go I don’t have the horn with me what cats aren’t throwable you know no they aren’t well no it’s it was like a little it’s a little plushy okay okay technically everything’s throwable everything is you have the guts to throw it happy New Year you have it’s

2024 Karma you need to do 2024 n I’m clapping my hands in noise suppression prob I’m not nearly as hyped as not in 2024 yet there’s nothing wait Kip maybe the tower will be finished by your time very exciting happy New Year everyone yay happy New Year happy no it’s a

24-hour stream I’m streaming until lunchtime tomorrow oh Jesus I’m sorry Seth I’m leaving no can go to go to sleep that means it’ll be it’ll be um it’ll literally be New Year’s for Everyone by the time you end mes exactly perfect I’m going to be here

Until then i’ I won’t I’ll probably dip out it around it depends what time did you start your stream like 12 yesterday lunch time yesterday lunch time yesterday so I’m ending at lunch time tomorrow what time exactly 12 is is 12 just universally known as lunchtime I I’ve never heard of that

Before noral lunch I I bad 12:00 in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time yes all right well Happy New Year’s folks Bye bye hey sneak I have a question did you raise exp rates happy New Year F car hi I was confused because I did like the math for my thing and told me I would get around 33 levels from both furnaces and it gave me like 38 levels

From one of them so I was just a little bit confused yeah yeah oh yeah I took some of your Cactus I took like a chest for feel afraid and now it it’s time now I have green Dy and I don’t know what to do with for the next 12 hours can we

Compost it is that a thing we can do NOP but you could get a villager to trade it with but wait C that one like an awful trade to try to find more hours I yeah pretty much cuz it’s like a one and four it’s like a one

And something 16 no cuz colors no Jeffrey get out of there oh um it’s a it’s a trade that’s not the first one so if you don’t get the right villager then you have to kill it you got to roll yeah yeah can’t just roll well yeah I mean

Roll the Villager as in get a new Village roll the villager’s life stop stop Jeffrey Jeffrey dumb [ __ ] get out of there Jeffrey does anybody have any like New Year’s wishes or something I don’t know new resolutions are like dumb and stupid because nobody ever does them but like

That’s true my New Year’s resolution is to um not a res are you actually going to do your New Year’s resolution no resolution don’t you do the most [ __ ] thing I could say let’s do like New Year’s hopes and dreams hopes and dreams it’s resolution my New Year resolution is to stop

Swearing there we go that’s crazy you’re funny are you okay you’re I think you already failed mines I haven’t said anything yet it’s been four minutes and I think you already failed I have not he’s he’s going to fail because you get you’d get addicted to crack before you start stop swearing he’s

Goings guarantee he’s going to fail because of me I’m going to forget yeah probably like 5 minutes mines is going to fail within okay can somebody help me get Jeffrey away let’s try to get min to fail with three in my I think he already did next what hours

Or minute I haven’t said anything I thought you literally just did no did I be watching probably prob do that I probably did I it it starts after that my all love you toara what um everybody say good night to Cara or good night what’s a m what’s a word

That starts with the letter W wind okay I immediately thought of wh i m what’s how’s that what you think what’s a word that starts with the letter H ass wa Um what’s a what’s a word that starts with the letter Q qu okay all right I have a question yep who [ __ ] who went into the end City and started mining my sh the uh the the the stronghold and started mining [ __ ] and place an endstone oh what Cindy what’s oh that would have been but

I what s oh why uh my entrance is like weird now and there’s endstone and I just am sad I don’t have anything to say to you kid it’s not that big of a deal I’m just sad I’m trying to get zombies into the end oh okay that’s fair

Completely fair so I had to build a little bridge to get over oh is that going to be the EXP Farm you’re making it’s going to be the copper Farm I was making but yeah it would also work as an exp Farm what is the point of this

However it’s not been working very well well oh I think I’m going to have to build a bigger spawn platform for them for some reason hold I be back get water for once for once oh so it’s gone what you want no how I guess nothing I got one that

Was actually the only person who came up with a New Year’s resolution is mine we need to we all need to make one I’m not going to make a New Year’s resolution why I’m notna broken yeah it’s like a curse I don’t want to get a curse you know I

Do instead you have to do New Year’s wishes or something I don’t know give me an idea for a New Year’s like a hope and dream for 2024 I think I’ll figure out my New Year’s wish to be honest I don’t know if I should say give me an idea for a new

Year I have an idea but I don’t think it’s wait this is significantly more than I was given wait what what is it z i shouldn’t um uh I know okay I know a okay great New Year are you guys sure I can say it cuz

Yeah no one cares sure okay this is a great resolution um New Year’s resolution idea but yeah I figed you’d like not die a good as the Maryland one though that’s a pretty good New Year’s resolution if you ask me not as good as the I and I

Think it’s more like you can it’s you’re more likely to like you know make have it come I get yeah yeah pretty good New Year’s resolution if you ask me pretty reasonable if you need any hugs to help with that goal I’m I’m here for hugs for anybody

Can I get a hug yes yes oh by the way stay alive the Phantom thing doesn’t work snake I’m scared of your hugs M this is like the third time it’s happened a SC me may you are pretty scary how D okay you’re scary but it’s it’s it’s

Probably because of all the trauma I’ve had from you so everybody’s scared of me that’s not true listen I’m not scared of you you just scare me sometimes there’s differ I’m scar I scare everyone okay my New Year’s goal is to not scare everyone these Phantoms are really at least one person

Scaring actually my New Year’s goal is get a New Year’s kiss in 2025 a you know that’s that’s that’s that that’s my goal too why not good idea Ste Stills New Year’s resoltion yeah I’m going to fail it yeah for sure yeah I mean oh never mind a riddle or

Trophy I did all that for a trophy it doesn’t seem to have worked yeah this is literally like the third time this has happened and I was well within my Island I was literally enchanting so unless this enchanting table doesn’t count for some reason yeah mushroom Fields so yeah

I don’t oh no I tested it and it worked on single player or on the server single player but that’s why probably shouldn’t make a difference oh great I well I mean some mods just don’t feel like yes oh oh I have it in the cont disabled

Yeah oh epic could you just you know yeah next time I restart the server it’ll I don’t know to do see none of my mods have bugs yeah so it’s just ID tenter what it’s just an ID Tenter ID tenter mhm have you never heard that I have never heard that before now so it’s a it’s an ID 10 tier it was one of the things that uh all of my cutting glasses ingrain into my brain I’m I’m also curious what an ID

Tin here is um write it out or type it out how do I spell this i d 1 Z T are you having the yes I wrote out I wrote it out what is it okay what now hello hi hi do you know what an ID T toer

Is oh what why do you say air at the end because it’s supposed to be okay it is supposed to be like if someone’s like coding and they’re being a stupid then you say wow that’s an id10t error and then they don’t get it it’s even funny

Error yeah error error ER so it’s a way it’s a way no I just can’t speak it’s a way of insulting someone yes yes it’s it’s a smart person way of insulting someone I’m very good at insulting people yeah you are yeah you’re very good at insulting people it’s scary

I’m glad you agree I’m actually really proud of that all right all right it’s going to be night time for the next terrify me with how good you are insting 30 minutes 30 minutes still too long well we’re like 25 too long it’s 25 you let them [ __ ]

Sleep actually it’s been night time for a bit so it’s been night time I think someone just shot an AR in the air that was like that was like automatic gunfire that’s no some fireworks sound like that that was not a firework okay well I’m

Going to trust you on that and be scared for your safety I’ll be fine sounded pretty far away the fact that you can hear it is not a good sign I think I just indirectly egged your trans flag I’m sorry I just realized Jesus I mean guns are pretty

Loud at you while you were building that not knowing the cultural significance of what eggs mean for for yeah damn what is trans phobic now what do what do to do with being trans wait oh you don’t know huh no I don’t is that like a uh is that like that YouTuber who

Likes to put eggs up his ass what what no what what yeah there’s there’s a Tik tocker who thinks he’s Adolf Hitler he like’s like what are you speaking can your New Year’s resolution not be [ __ ] oh hey K I didn’t know you were up there I just thought I needed some

Scaffolding English I assume these rails are yours almost certainly oh my oh look at this boow it’s mine now how do I oh I can place it I can place it there we go yeah there’s just rails in this chest so I assume almost certainly mine yeah I

Won’t touch them I just wanted this bow that was in there I just covered it all in trans excuse me excuse you excuse you was that so close to the mic compared to everything else yeah I don’t know I I I it wasn’t I literally have my mic at a

Fixed distance I don’t know why I did nothing different good burp dude me I’m just going to make this Tower more colorful I think that it would just improve get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat not me what what what nothing don’t worry about

It I’m trying to get Jeffrey into the freaking somebody trashed my farm someone jeffre so oh yeah did you Ledger it yeah and I think it didn’t say who did it it probably was banned that got banned it should still say it it’ll just be crossed out well it didn’t it didn’t say

Who did it might have been fire was it right click or my theory is um since the front of my building has been replaced in um Sprucewood by Riley I’m assuming the water rushed out the back and they didn’t bother to fix it yeah so that’s how that went you know I I

Keep wanting to do like a combination of red and white but it keeps looking like Nazi stuff so I can’t oh um that is like just like color scheme wise or like just what you’re doing is it’s impossible to do I think just make the Canadian never well you can probably put another

Color orange that’s not black yeah I was thinking that oh it’s definitely not helping that this is on deep slate oh no um let’s think come on maybe if you put like orange or something orange doesn’t feel right okay let’s purple purple purple red you have 16 col to choose

From that is true um yellow I only have pink red orange and white on me then do pink literally anything but what you’re doing the pink the pink will make it better but the white looks so good yeah the pink red and white I don’t think there’s enough room for another

Color well we don’t want it to be noty propag I don’t I know oh my God I know anyone’s going to think that we’re putting down Nazi propaganda on this inclusive server okay on this inclusive server with the gay people that’s yes I mean no I’m not okay you just call me

Mindy yeah M are my bad sneaky don’t say anything about her calling could you never not could you not ever say that again why I want my has been wanting me to call her her that for a while no no he didn’t include that clip he didn’t include that clip in

The rewind I’ll include it for next year don’t worry no technically this happened in the 2024 end of the beginning of the no no we’re not no no stop stop stop we need a compilation of every times Ms calls me sneaky we need does anyone need food by

The way I mean I know Min doesn’t mine say like 5,000 like should um yeah know I have everything if you need any um you should do like one type of flag for every side I was going to do that but I only know how to do the uh well the

Trans flag the bisexual flag which is going to be like blue pink and purple I do the gay flag but it’s just like green green green and green no it’s more green blue there’s too many there’s too many for it to actually work um do the the rainbow

Flag with only five colors though Um that’s so tricky yes was that carom in the background yes that was her like getting her tub sted toe stubbed no no we now hit um we’ve now hit drain brimage hour um welcome everybody I can’t do this again bro we are it’s January Karma it’s a refresh

What it did it did break it definitely did and everyone got to hear that it’s fine my dad he saw the 404 error I thought she got I heard the 404 error oh my mom definitely did get hurt a oh is she all right yeah she’ll be

Fine probably I thought like she got seriously hurt cuz that scen was no she just her toe her toe got stubbed and so it this is not good I didn’t do it right I did it very very wrong I didn’t like I don’t like this one I don’t like this

Design I broke it I broke it it’s not okay don’t look anybody don’t I’m going to kick your ass what did you do please nobody look at my mistakes I have to fix all of this I don’t think I want to I think whatever you just accidentally

Made is going to be awful it was a bunch of penises oh oh I’m sorry also sneak um if you see like weird chest activity near like things that I touch I have a sorter mod that’s only client side and it kind of looks weird and yeah

Oh [ __ ] it kind of looks a bit funky funy fresh okay I’m sorry so if something looks like I was like placing and taking a lot of [ __ ] just assume I sorted it yeah okay why is everyone right there Scarlet why are you like this like a mad

Scientist okay you know what this works for me you have good enough your eyes are just it doesn’t need white in it that would just make it I don’t like Nazis so we’ll just keep it I’m so confused Scarlet your eyeballs are just black please calm the hell down

No more Zoomies stop it no more Zoomies my room can’t handle any more Zoomies you’re going to break too many things that I cannot fix all of them yeah Zoomies yeah the Zoomies when the cat runs around a lot you have those when the cats go

Insane at 3:00 a.m. and keep you awake yeah mine this looks much better with the Birch guys guess what time it is what what it’s close to midnight something Evil’s looking in the dark I’m I’m the thing that’s the you hear the door slam I’m sorry you

Got I’ve been working on this I would have gotten it much sooner if I didn’t get yeed by the barrier but you know with the help of with the help of sneake I am now good with the help of who sneaky F do you want me to call you

Sneaky is that what you want what yes okay with the help of sneaky I have I have done it for now on May’s new name is sneaky welcome your 2024 nickname why are we normalizing sneaky yo why are we not normalizing sneaky CU sneak sneak asked very nicely that’s why exactly

She really likes that you that Nick it’s just that the first time you said it you sounded so happy you were like hey sneaky oh my goodness it was just it was just so cute because I so happy exactly it’s like that you give

Like a cat or a or a dog or something yeah actually fun fact that’s the name of um a a beanie baby plushy it’s a panther sneaky yeah sneaky it’s name is sne how do you know this because I had it I owned it beanie I oh my God that’s a

Creeper oh man I almost blew up like your stairs up to your house um what the freak what about just random glass planes on my St oh yeah we’ve had a couple raids recently like byid oh I’ve been trying to keep it under control but like Karma you’ve been

Doing a really good job cuz I’m really sorry I keep bugging you sneak it’s just they keep happening yeah they do and I’m like I can’t if I would if I was able to roll it back I would but like one I don’t know all the Ledger commands even

So like even if I did have it you know yeah I keep forgetting oh I was going to do it the other day but then I uh you forgot no I couldn’t because you wer sh again oh technically you could do it now I could but I’m streaming so I’m not going

To oh yeah never mind if NYX replaces my birch logs one yes me use fortune on the crops yeah that’s good to know get you a lot more you also do it with Nether wart and that you we’ve had this conversation like five times single [ __ ] yes but

Like this is the one time I’ve focused more on food than sugar cane so I mean grab your potatoes grab your I don’t want the potatoes why would you focus so hard on sugar cane because that’s always been my thing mine’s like sugarcane why I still have it and I’ll

Still have a bigger Farm I just got to focus on living first broke the wall I’ve fixed the wall [ __ ] can you um come up here and ho this um when you get a chance not the same one it’s a different one well when you get flown or flown

Flung out of the elevator when you fly out of the elevator it’s going of and then D it yeah no it wasn’t that it was um my pick is efficiency 5 and I one of the walls and then I and then I jump and

Then I I fell down and then and then um um maybe you have a zombie invasion have a zombie invasion yeah sure it’s fine hey sneaky can I have some beatroot please I have some seeds but it’s not special if you do it every time

Yeah lose its effect we won’t do it time fine that won’t do it ever again Dam watch it behind you we should start may can I please have some beet rout uh I can try to find some route okay what what hey Kip can you actually Mingo M what was with that

Giggle can you help once you’re done with the no mine’s I need to know why did you giggle why did you giggle when I throw these carrots in the chest with the carrots yeah why you got much fing Health my farm is trying to eat itself um don’t spam eat

You there’s also another zombie behind oh boy jump and crit never never jump my money don’t jig on your way down hit it and if you spam click it it will do less damage you look at me I have gone 30 minutes without interrupted ads you’ve gone 30 minutes yeah but you

Can’t go an hour I me said I was going to say swearing but I’m like without uninterrupted ads feel like you I don’t I don’t know if you’ve sworn honestly I haven’t been paying attention cuz I’m just used to a regular conversation honestly I haven’t either so I really

Don’t know M say [ __ ] after I said it doesn’t work every time or it’s not the same if you say it every time no I said something else I don’t remember I feel like he did say something else I probably did say that but I didn’t wait what I said I probably did

Say it but I I want to hope that I say what I forgot what are we talking about funny the funny word the funny word oh the funny word oh you no I I know I remember yeah oh you know look I wasn’t here earlier so I the

Funny [ __ ] word you know yeah that one that one that one that’s crazy never going to happen he you this is a weird this is a weird feeling and I I can’t say it on C because I think it’s going to get you guys [ __ ] on stre what is the weird

Feeling um it’s uh tonight’s gonna be here I’ll message you okay DM I’ll message you I’ll message actually my power one bow is very low durability I realize Emoji please please I want you underground before it turns dead why did you please there oh wait I didn’t I didn’t I

Didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I’ll check it after I get these guys underground cuz I’m scared it’s I’m scared I brought them across the whole ocean please please also the auto like put back in your hand mod does not like

Auto clicker just head up I wonder why it gets very angry and it just starts yelling at me Mingo what are youing chaos yeah yeah hello hi I need to find myself some want me to say hello does anybody have any lights at all shroom lights I can go grab some how

Many do you need uh going through my nether portal I I need I want to I want to say at least AE you’re so close just get right in here get right in here um there’s there’s a CS wart Forest like right yeah but a stack of shroom lights

Is really hard to get but I’ll try it is cuz you get like maybe one two three per tree and like maybe like maybe three per tree and it doesn’t help these trees are like can I take some coal half nonexistent yeah yes great I thought they that are glow stone but glow

Ststone doesn’t have a superior I hope nobody’s in the end oh did sneak not add that mod what what did you did you add the damn it I it should okay I haven’t tested this is like the first time I’ve gone into something the ne it’s just a carpet mod

Feature yeah oh that’s good I know that sneak tends to add that one so I was like I think that would be also the carrots are overflowing if if it the pickaxe works on glass then it should also work on glowstone um I might have to get another villager

Buys carrots so I can get rid of the carrots cuz what am I going to do with carrots yeah you kind of got like the one you traded with a villager that had beetroot as its thing it was very we well yeah but it also sells golden

Carrots so I mean okay like half of them yeah never mind whatever and you didn’t even know that when it traded it oh that’s a b exactly what yeah why would I know what I uh let’s just move on yeah sure whatever um let’s just move I need to be receips

Please thank you you were using that as a point for why you should have it’s a big right there m okay I got four messages in Discord one is at everyone happy New years’s the other is oh yeah I should probably say happy New Years in my the other

Is Gavin May this is don’t read mine happy year new see you happy year new see you this year uh happy year another one is from Pine Kingdom Ultima happy everyone happy New Year everyone onto 2024 heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

The the next the next message is opening Christmas gifts but it’s notifications all right what I mean I think that was pretty clear is that what is that what you’re doing right now yes while I’m playing Minecraft I have in front of me and that’s what I’ve been doing like this

Time why would that be okay uh I can and I’m home what does the fox say yeah I know why would that why would that get us banned because I’m not of the funny age do you know the things that um what what what are we talking about

Damn what is what is the second half I got half a stack if you can just get me another half mean what is the meaning of the second half what do you mean the the the it’s because yeah that was like the weird feeling I was talking

About never had this what we talking about why you say Cindy see oh you’re your um your mouth nice mouth you got can I have some what excuse me wow what happened what nothing disappointed about my karma karma if it’s possible um I have a half

Of a half a stack of shroom lights the other half if you want to get it I don’t really care now well I’m currently trying to like get your stuff back my yeah which is through my portal so um preferably just don’t worry about it don’t worry about it then okay so mines

Are you out of the nether please say you are I I don’t know where the portal is so now I’m not [ __ ] could I interest you in logging out yeah please yeah I guess if I lose my stuff again mines I don’t think I’m going to continue playing

I full disclosure if I lose my stuff oh yes okay the um where I know where I died but like again like the issue is do you need help uh no with collecting shroom lights or something oh well probably not I just got [ __ ] by a lot of

Piglins oh D um that was my problem how many were they uh there was like three and they all had swords and I was like kind of like half Health [ __ ] how long H what the [ __ ] was that no you’re I didn’t even hear it what

What happened I didn’t even hear it bro creeper oh D got blown give me just a second I just need to get to the H I swear F okay it’s all right I no because I I need to get there as quick as I can because mine is

Currently waiting on me so I’m like no you’re fine I’m going to eat chocolate no not oh good I’m whiny that’s great oh at least I’m self-aware you are we love a self aware Queen why are you so quiet I don’t know why you’re so quiet I need always so

Quiet it’s I’m turning your volume up to 200 am I really quiet then yeah you’re really quiet a what the I wonder what would happen if I start shouting do it y uh I will get scolded oh I well that’s what happen if you get louder you know Origins has a different

Profile thing oh yes Cam’s in the call I miss cam I haven’t seen cam in such a long time oh really yeah I’m sorry cam was with us earlier and was playing Lisa with us hello cam sorry hello hello oh [ __ ] hi Twisted hello Twisted there’s quite a few people in

This call Sams ham IIT May yeah just a little bit who is that oh yeah sneak I had an idea no nobody’s particularly um you could always make a kelp Farm kelp Farm considering would be really good I was considering making like a really big kelp

Farm and what do we need it what’s back here uh dried blocks and then you could have the dried kelp blocks um just manually fill it um and attach that to the cactus farm and that would be a good XP farm yeah a really [ __ ] good exp Farm

Oh my God this stream playl is actually not going to last it’s 20 hours long it’s not going to last the entire thing oh that’s sad oh well it’ll just start looping and then by that time you’ll already forget yeah okay I’m going in mhm I am going to

Where I was and if this piglin [ __ ] appears I’m going to scream okay you just left who just died Twisted maybe me hear you scream You save me please save me Road the okay you can lo back in never mind yourself uh well in my fence did you at least get your Stu first West vir I grabbed some of my stuff is happening but I didn’t grab some other stuff so I would appreciate if someone

Could help me I would love to but I don’t know where I am help you but I don’t I can go I um give me uh I need to go to my’s house okay yeah it would be better if you clean clean clean the copper farmer work that’s a little wait there’s

A I’m working on one oh okay does it like what does the copper Farm do exactly produces copper and gold oh okay got it got it got it about gold in equal part to Copper at this oh I didn’t know produced gold it’s because of a data pack that I

Have to make it drop more copper okay come on scarl I had that data pack in the first place so that way there you go the copper Farm didn’t have to be as big and kill the server okay listen friend a Cocker F who’s repeating a Cocker f is that you Z yeah

It is yeah why are you stuck on I am running my way also sneak I just wanted to let you know mther what so does anyone still you still need help to get your stuff yes mther what is Hello sounds like wither but yeah with did someone

Say wither was in your base I don’t know why you’re confused what wait there’s there was a sign above like a dirt tea that said Mther and it made me laugh so hard and I could not stop repeating it I I haven’t seen that it was at it was at the lava cast I went through I mther yeah cuz it wasn’t a Wither it was a m who placed it do you know I have no

No clue I thought it was you I didn’t bother to check why are you in [ __ ] it sounded like something you’d D I’m waiting for it does but I don’t remember doing that okay I we can go we can go over there once I get my stuff back yeah I’m almost at min’s

House for anyone who’s going to help also me I’m also over here now cool I’m by the portal there’s so many boats what the freak oh yeah it’s probably stop stop crafting boats just reuse reduce recycle yeah well I need to Craft boats in order get you can’t exactly do that

Oh yeah people tend to go to places and then not go back to the same places so they just get congested in one area I mean yeah okay how about this I’ll grab every single boat that I see and then I’ll use them yeah and my place I had

Like six boats come on oh yeah yeah no no no that that place seems to be the Middle Island to the greatest let’s go you know what should I come as well have iron armor I have diamond armor is this cover Farm seriously going to die out help help pig pig pig pig

Piggy I’m having so much trouble actually getting this C Pigg start gay tourist destinations where’s the my freaking Shield yeah gay tourist destinations actually can I have that golden drest plate sounds like hou oh yeah sure it’ll keep me alive I didn’t even think about that okay I

Should be fine now as long as a hogin doesn’t eat my ass yep it’s okay great I’ll protect you from them freaking you now where are where did you go I love I went across the bridge what Minecraft version is eclipse uh 1.20.1 okay never mind okay wait wait pause

Freeze for a sec freeze I need to figure out if this um that piglin has half my armor hey it’s not going to despawn oh God yeah it’s I don’t know where my boot does it have my pants wait just a sec I lost you you left me you left me it does

Have my okay so it has most of my armor you left me alone yeah yeah yeah let me let me walk back oh I’m above you I’m behind you okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to trap this guy okay you stand back there or you can

Fight him did it oh it fell okay okay we got to make sure he doesn’t go near the lava I’m keep him busy I’m going to go down and I’m going to block him in an area okay okay okay I’m going to put him here I’m dead there’s no way yep

Yeah back there go made did you get did you get your stuff no I have to kill him now okay oh my God I can do it want my sword for your def the r no I have my sword okay nice re okay okay are we

Ready go oh you’re not hitting him I’m not okay I’m afraid to hit you cuz I sweeping Edge oh go ahead no cuz why it’s a bra violence is always the answer see violence is always the answer cuz if you did you’re right yep yeah actually know Mingo would know something

About that yeah Ming you scared the [ __ ] out of me you broke a block and I thought I was going to die from lava oh no no no I won’t do that unless unless unless okay yeah you’re you’re completely fine M yeah okay good cool I don’t know where I

Am okay here I’ll find you how’s that where’s my food oh there it is so confused why I’m having trouble getting this Farm actually start found a giant Bridge did you want to know what version Eclipse was on I’m going um because it looked like there was a Minecraft bug

That was marked as actually not a bug where it doesn’t tell you the local difficulty or the time like day number um but that bug looked like it started in 1.2.2 found the a port my brain wow that’s a lot I would get out yeah I think I think I started at 1.20.1

Because that’s like the version that I started in and where am I yeah I up where am I so we need to go around here can you just give me your cords mes um over just type your cords oh you’re in the oh you’re fine though I found a way

Out um are you ready you my cords are um giant lava cast oh yeah you can just let’s go see the my oh my God where’s the here I’ll go over there and we can go you again I just went through the wall let’s see the M together the wall

Yeah I du to the wall oh look beetro seeds I’m taking those okay I want to see um this is the way yeah this is the nether for no you don’t get to see the what do you mean I don’t get to see I don’t really have a way of

Figuring out the local difficulty if assuming it’s not broken completely difficult will so help you I will M you why would you do that oh I’m taking the orchids they’re mine now hey look hey so if we theoretically found Logan at pizza’s base we can loot it for all

It’s worth right yep thetically cuz cool I found it we found it oh my God where’d you find it we went through your portal and it happened to teleport us here he has a lot of clay it’s head okay doesn’t really have much oh actually um we might

Want to dig around for more chests yeah I am I’m going to do that yeah selling price 300 diamonds I got head for the land cinnamon te were you trying to sell the land for 300 diamonds what there’s a sign what is it I’m stuck the art for 300 Diamonds oh

The art oh hi are you still stuck the the Polish SL fence dirt Cobblestone thing I’m helping ow is that what it is oh I had to do it uh I think I stopped lagging oh look at this oh yep okay stopped lagging so sorry I didn’t

Mean to hit you you it’s okay what are you punching yes punching punching to see what whether or not they hit anything in the wall do you still even own this I’m out of here technically I mean do you want your stuff from it at least I want to blow

This but it’s there is there’s barely anything oh yeah at Logan’s place there’s like nothing but I am looking for cuz this is all fat minions actually no there’s some Logan stuff so yeah they are that are losing their minds over here I just grabbed some iodine head oh

Phoenix also found this place oh yeah we found it I think a while ago yeah that makes sense speaking it’s like going through your portal yeah yeah yeah I think we found it accidentally and then ended up at W’s base somehow apparently there was ancient debris oh I mean I

Know how to get to W’s place I found the mther oh I can find a yeah you found the I’m going back up guys the that run Ledger on it see you placed it half ends MC anyone else watch damn but the mother was so funny yeah what did you say did

Any did anyone did anyone else watch Max Steel when they were younger like the TV show I have an item that I’m very happy about Max Steel yes it was weigh like 2,000 it’s my item do you want to see it you got to be quiet I was too busy

Watching Spy Kids in freaking super yes I have a lot of those I don’t this is my first one ni nice super with Super Y Scarlet super yod’s head I mean I think that’s rare’s going to log on oh my God it’s Lo that there was

Super Y and then you had um Clifford and then you had uh I was watching Max Steel what’s that one math on there was a math um based PBS TV show what was it called divide I can’t Cyber Chase is this like American TV shows yes oh that’s

Why where do you I have no idea Reading Rainbow Max Steel I’m trying to figure out why this copper work Rug Rats like9 Little Rascals like the one their ship that gets really tiny and stuff okay I’m going to clean up the uh yeah yep is that is that the one hang I

Think that could that could their ship gets really tiny and they like go on adventure solving stuff no wait is the ship red I have so many names yeah the ship’s red that one Little Einstein Little Einstein Little oh my God Einstein do you guys know Wonder

Pets Wonder Pets run our way this is so pretty mines what turtle what is Hello the turtle was creepy oh my God the area between the farm and the sugarcane farm yeah it’s so pretty the area between the farm and oh the bamboo area in my house yeah Scarlet you can’t play Minecraft

Stop moving my mouse I can’t the cat play Minecraft because the cat has already bit me times she lost cat has no thumbs why can’t a cat play mcft because because the cat bit me and thus is in time out and so she doesn’t deserve it you like my little there be green

Particles in the sky wait where’s the where’s the where’s the where’s a good I don’t think there any solid block I have an idea are you ready for the idea K thank come here put it right here right you should put Scarlet in air jail yes air jail what did you do this

Isn’t a lie we made it better two Center don’t worry about it it’s not I know but it’s worse if you look at it from this way cuz then you realize the entire thing’s off no no be right son of a [ __ ] you always make the two Center Minds it’s literally your

Curse I’m not even doing it on purpose I think you are I think that’s the problem I’m not I think the reason it’s not working is because I changed the day just ignore it just ignore it it’s fine mhm I built the farm and then I built a sugarcane

Farm and then I built this in the center so it just happened to be the ex guess what M guess what you want to see what I you want to see what I got want to see what I got whose head is that what what time

Is when are you when are you going to play GTA got minions head worry about it actually I haven’t forgotten I knew there were oh that’s what that mod is why why is day night day um don’t worry about it we’re going to the Rapture Day counter

Oh not again not again oh I guess 2024 was the last year uhoh oh hey you know what I I I’m thinking 2024 going to be a bad year let’s skip to 2025 let’s go if when the world ends I guess we can find out uh yeah whose time shaders make this

Hilarious I it’s really bad for me oh my God the clouds uh warning for anyone who has epilepsy I guess uh do the clouds change as well the clouds are going you know I should make this mod public at some point cuz it’s actually very it’s going at like 50 not 50 FPS

It’s going at like 10 frames a second here here here it’s the devil it’s the devil here I know how to make this better yeah okay M you want it’s do you want what I died for it’s a m it’s a monkey oh my God it’s a do you want what

I died for here what I have I got three before I [ __ ] died you did amazing that I like go I like grabbing it it doesn’t go any oh yeah go get his go get go get things here let me message you what I what I message snake all

Right mines oh it does what going on with the sky I’m so glad I’m in Discord right now and not oh it hurts it literally it actually hurts oh yeah this does hurt mine’s asked if it went faster I’m going inside I’m going inside a house

Before I like have a here this this will fix it this will fix it I’m going inside of this house where the chickens are and I’m going to oh it it doesn’t help it doesn’t help actually it karma you have to go do into the caves I’ll go here go underneath

Rosefield oh my God it’s I’m going into nyx’s house it’s going goodbye everyone I’m Yelling night you w remember be the one you won’t forget why is there house uh is it day or night it’s day it’s day I don’t know anymore got knocked out of I think the planet got smacked by something it kind of got a little bit of a out of it’s day

And the sun’s Rising both of them this is inconvenient for me give me a second oh you know something happened it’s gay what this gay sneak I’m going to give you something that’s very dear to me and I only have one of okay wait wait wait wait

Something there we go yeah all right I’m ready oh that’s a great gift where’d you get it pull down walls now I no longer a full moon I got it though nothing can stop me now if you’re asking if it’s anyone else’s it’s not I I just

Had it in my inventory and I wanted to give it to you so there you go why is it dear to you to be honest because I like golden apples I have a I have a New Year’s present for you okay oh my God we’re giving out New Year’s presents yes

Was that the don’t have anything cuz I’m broke I have something very very very very very important and I don’t trust myself to keep it safe I have a present for you mards uh I have a new year present for you I got a present for you here I got

Orch for everybody I have been and I got an orchid no it gave it to May no no you can’t have two May no okay you get two Karma I’m oh [ __ ] God damn it okay I have for I was going to give you something but I’m like actually I

Have plans for that I have another thing for that Z wherever you are I got to for you M’s Arts will me what I need to think of something everybody just started talking at once would you say your Christmas present should be the weding Tomorrow build with your heads now is the wedding

Tomorrow your Christmas present is arriving tomorrow oh I thought there’s a wedding you going to be it’s I’m just going to tell you right now it’s an empty spinach can telling you that right now it wouldn’t surprise me coming from you why is it empty CU I because I can’t

Even I’m not I don’t even deserve to eat the spinach inside wait this is a good song this is I I think this song is really good if the world was ending IE it is it is ending for me it is ending for me please don’t LOL

XD please please please please oh I really like this song Oh I can play it on song I can’t help you I’m across the world right now got I’m fine I’m alive I don’t know how I don’t know how I’m alive if I would have helped if I could have helped you I

Would but I was literally across the map there’s no way I could have come back and saved you come back thank thank God I have ender pearls Jesus Christ I’m still alive I don’t know how I fell into lava I wasl oh [ __ ] sad my grand I was going to

Take I was going to take the Swift sneak book if end if it wasn’t them sneak no cuz I think this is like the I think that’s like the only Swift oh no that’s not true um I guess I could hate myself Swift and I could hate myself if I

Really wanted to but I don’t think I want to do that at the this time of day face who that I coming to say hi my friend I’ll say it clear I’ll State my case no of which I’m certain N I live if that’s I like when using shaders

I can see my own like I’ve traveled each Shadow while I’m flying every high so it just looks like a little fly on it’s really pretty I don’t like my own shadow it feels weird do it I’ve had a few too few to mention I did what I had to do and saw

Through without exemption I don’t have anything to give you I just wanted to say hi each charted course each careful step along the byway okay much more than this I did it thanks really appreciate that no one else will see that I know I’m a generous man I’m sure you knew when I

B I started this what is even that who did you who is seven no like seven people 7 more than I could choose it was an at all all there’s seven of us online when there was doubt okay listen I AE hit up I faced it

All and I stood tall what and did it confusion scares me my confusion is Happy New Year cam hi Cam 1:00 the brain cell is shutting down you’re fine anyway M did you check your DMs yes I did yeah and now okay just making sure you did yeah progressively

Worse don’t worry about it let’s just let’s just move on so you know you know why if things happen if they happen all that I just wanted to warn you may I say yep not in a shy way why I’m such a giggly [ __ ] at the curent moment a

Giggly a giggly what’s a giggly did what what is a gigap not a gigal leap gig is a man what what has he got hello what’s happening I might be I don’t know forgot me it again what he truly feels take a pork chop and not the words and the record

Shows oh okay I took the blows what is and did it is it Modern Art what is it bu this is the high this is The High Ground you can you can I have the from zombies you know I this song plays as I’m dying yeah very very exquisite

Don’t call it that that’s too that’s too what happened to the white your voice it’s very great what word yeah it’s like you like you you start up a new stream 12 hours in and so we could play all so we could request I up on

That why uh because I didn’t feel like ending stream again after my cat ended my stream 13 hours ago wait really that happened yep 3 hours into stream she jumped on my computer and shut it off [ __ ] hilarious I have this watch the don’t you [ __ ]

Dare stop it stop stop I trying to get your hit you again [ __ ] kill me bastard I find it kind of weird that at this point I’ve I’ve look my memory has gotten really good like I don’t know how I remembered that it wasn’t me who put

That myther sign there cuz I I I would have just yeah I was also surprised I was like good like I remember details weirdly what’s the point accurate I’m telling you right now you can put all your belongings in here they’re going to despawn you can pray to God going town

I’ll hear a song and be like yeah never heard that song Or that artist before they’re they’re going to they’re going to just stay there I’m not I’m not doing what are you an atheist bye God did I just balcony I’ve been good with places taking a screenshot that’s actually good um

Yes I was going to ask something I don’t remember what I was going to oh um so creepers and gas are the only way of gunpowder correct than a year damn can should do that who put who who fishing R me who probably the best to be

Honest at least cuz then you can a raid farm and get yeah raid Farm but like the creeper Farm is technically easier to make than a raid Farm I don’t think so it is easier what do you mean your raid Farm scare me oh if you if you do

Like an En x04 raid Farm they’re so easy those take like an hour and you’re you see this diamond axe what I li do you see this iron sword however we don’t really have an unfrozen ocean so would really what I just just do you hate fun or you honestly I just I

Assume you need fireworks uh fireworks and TNT where you obviously de mother how are you how are you planning on getting all the sand for that you’re getting un alived come here Ian floor here it is it’s I wasn’t going to mine your desert okay that was

Your question I was just going to mine the bottom of the ocean like I was doing previously I’m the hide and seek Champion um okay can’t find me is for sand so ow Scarlet you have very sharp nails stop on the other hand I could just technically lead a Wither throughout the

Nether that’s no they don’t they don’t I assume they don’t work as easily now the bring me bring C oh yeah cuz their blue things would destroy the debris wouldn’t they yeah it’s just yeah and their bodies themselves would just get hurt that sucks all right not leaving your base

Why why I like it here yeah cuz like there’s a lot of tunnels in the nether right now cuz like no one’s mined like a lot so most the tunners that are there are actually like straight shots so it’s the best time die but you threatened me so I defended myself that’s my

Justification that’s my moral you fishing rotted me you could have left it alone and I would not be hunting your ass down right now if you want to do something like that holy [ __ ] where you can you slippery [ __ ] but I have a secret project okay tell then I won’t no no no

No no no no you can’t you’re not the only one who can jump on bamboo do you want me to do it or do you not want me to do it right now off stream I’ll give answer off stream I’ll show you my my secret project and then you might want

To reconsider if if it’s something you want to do or not okay uh in the meantime I do have enough like gunpowder for a while for Rockets I have like 55 there is a chance this will be the secret project that you’re the most scared of and like you’ll you’ll be

Like this is taking it too far you should have what what is wrong with you um but that’s okay is this worse than the than the perimeter yes no no no then the um yes it’s worse than the perimeter no I was going to ask I was

Going to ask but for getting nether ancient debris that’s it’s scary how on Earth oh okay then I’ll um what other project is would be oh I was talking about like the um the two times you did the uh skipping and the the the tick skipping and the tick

Cuz those are probably like the most scariest things SC this is so scary that’s terrifying oh God no I’m talking like I’ll ask you after then you’re going to be baffled and Bamboozled and scared hey M do you have any gun powder uh whatever have should be my chest I

Think somebody already rided all my stuff why is your bamboo so jumpable like I my roof is right there mind out your your bamboo just so I could had a good way yeah you don’t have any oh no unless it’s what of course you have a higher

Point of your base that you can reach the bambo I spit it out is that not where you is that not where you were doing no I was I was over here I came over here and then I made a little thing over here but looks like it’s already grown back

Now you God damn it sneak what now I’m going to be waiting until end of stream for while I don’t know I I I don’t think I’ll be going much longer I have to wake up at at 12 cuz I’ve worked at 1:15 like noon yeah okay I was like

Probably I’ll I’ll probably end a stream around like 2 the whole point of me being in this is because I’m too lazy to change it from game to game so it’s just gonna be just chatting for the entire screen stream stream that’s oh my God

Um I am going to do uh end part two oh good luck Electrical uh yeah but this time I’m never going near that [ __ ] barrier again thank you I’m not doing that again I never I’m never going out of the barrier ever again in any world I have

Been [ __ ] every time and I’ve literally never gotten anything out of it do you want to bring any zombies to the end I’m not convinced this copper Farm will ever start up um I mean if I see any yeah but if I don’t then I won’t you know

Tragic I would but like I’m already going to have like a mental breakdown just massive destru going back into the end so oh that 1 120.4 wait what version what hello okay um I’m assuming there’s Shuler still left in that main Farm I’m not going to kill them uh in the main

City like your area is most definitely protected considering it’s not it doesn’t exist anymore I hope okay um so if I see any shulkers in any other en cities um I’ll probably kill them it does ex keep sumon every city okay just for like backups yeah

Yeah I’ll do that cuz we do not want die out yeah I just need like a couple like shulkers just so that way I can you know have some amount of storage where am I oh I know where I am why is there a chicken on the third floor of my

Building uh because people keep throwing eggs yeah when I R hat I’m trying to give you a little hat you [ __ ] please yeah when I ran out of fireworks I just started throwing oh I need mental help I’m sorry M makes me laugh way too much

Funny I did not see any zombies just the tax that you have paid to we thank you for raiding raing hi hi blade hi strawberry Happy New Year I know that’s why I’m trying to lead them towards you and then running away Scarlet low some back on you Kip I’m going to

Slaugh you if you don’t get that thing off my head I explain to you why it has to be there I’m way I’m like 100 some blocks out so if they’re still aggro there’s a problem it wouldn’t be aggro to you but would be like properly aggro

On me sorry have to come out here and how is How’ve already made it that far if not then I’m sorry but it’s okay that big of a deal Kip you have 10 seconds to get this fishing rod off of my face before I [ __ ] murder you oh that is weird

No has to be there the thing uh the thing yeah oh seven six I’m just going to die a you know my brother and anise had a that thing night the other night oh that’s weird I mean it’s not but no but they they played a game they made me come down

Stairs willingly I did okay why did you why were you counting down cuz I’m about to kill K right now the game was called awkward and basic it’s like a a question game and there’s four question categories was it awkward oh is it like I’ll be in stream just DM me if you’re

If you don’t want to answer drink no weird well maybe but I don’t know yeah the the four question C I didn’t want to drink and they weren’t going to make me so do you need just a stack um I just dodged you how do you feel

About that oh I’m wagging you’re Frozen I can’t I can’t oh my [ __ ] four question categories one of them was dating relationships real talk and sex cam I have no idea yeah I would leave I would have just SK skill issue it kind of reminded me

Of the thing that happened on the second time I’ve ever seen Analise oh oh no oh [ __ ] however this time those heads did nothing Kip it was me making them uncomfortable they were the ones asking the questions and I was the one answering very truthfully you’re dead why why do you

Want to kill me so badly you not can you not [ __ ] come here get egged you’re done I don’t want to be done you’re done all right zombieing Big Boy Egg y big boy B mindsart GG oh God I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die no don’t die

Y I should not be doing this I should land I should land and like take a moment M did you piss off the all I did it m way whose way welcome to my house where Cindy welcome to my House to my house chip come get your Sh I don’t remember that song no that’s the my house in the middle of the street yes oh man how light do you need hello I finish takes two and one sitting it was very fun sorry not to chill what is talking to talking spider a man yeah sorry what’s

Up what a spider get how many how many shroom lights do you just a stack take stack more okay well all right thank you thank you Lily um have a wonderful rest of your night oh did L ra you yes by I keep getting slapped around by

This big buff guy oh lucky would be complaining I know God why did you piss off the Iron Golem it hurts and he’s almost killed me oh you’re playing something else suay I can kill him for you my what showing what your wenus I’m sorting out my items my wenus

Wus how do how have people not heard this I know it’s awful it’s classic I say it and I just get very sadar for the weenes your extra skin on your elbow I found another n city guys look I did it God finally congratulations only took 90 years congratulations oh my God M

Yes oh my God okay jumped off of my roof cuz I thought you were down here I’ll pull you back I was going to suggest just looking at the seed however I remember placed try that again oh okay now it’s raining hilarious it’s raining shroom light it’s rain

Hallelu from out of the sky need to ask why raining tacos everyone your I’m going to die if I I’m going to die back go back trust me here let go back grab the balls grab the balls you say grab the balls it keep saying you to stay there and you just

Don’t listen oh grab their balls feel their balls love their balls y yeah stay up there do it again okay I can stay go backwards a little bit what’s wrong with you go back I’ll leave the shulkers near the beginning don’t blame your so that way

It’s easier and so I can kill everything else yeah just leave like the two at the front that would be perfect oh my [ __ ] god that also lets me kill all the ones in like towers and that so the issue you suck at this skip yeah let him know oh e chest

Yo that so good yeah that was the that was so good what the fre wait I killed the Nether wart where’ it go oh yeah I’m taking it and all the flowers you did say take it right okay I was like I thought you were like don’t take it and

I’m like don’t those are very important they must stay there I got a Spire armor trim okay the first trim we found this is a great game I wasn’t trying to [ __ ] pull you up dip ass I was going to mine the blocks nice one my bad on the bright

Side Spire is a decent one what you call me I’m coming down there I trust your yeah you fell from a high I remember Spire is okay you really came down here happy New Year everyone K became a firework happy New Year bab you’re aor don’t your wor make him [Laughter]

Go Kip you’re not supposed to kick yourself I’m still in the game what no you’re not I just made a Shuler duplicate itself I guess okay exciting it is exciting unfortunately they’re going to kick my ass stop jumping and walk towards me Bo I think water in one of the towers is

The best thing to ever exist stuff you inside it got an appe grab a couple slices Mom and Dad L and they told you I was lifeless what about stuffing people this someone in the main office H obnoxious who the boss your mother they call me Freddy I’m the teddy with a temp

When I see a face like I Remember most of us got a major upgrade so I hope you don’t hate staying up late if you see give a resume an update cuz unless you quit you’ll still be making minimum wa when I come to you got to high keep an eye on the time and a by

Your side you can try if you like to survive your show you why wear mango your brain scrambled you can see he’s got a couple wires Tangled he likes a prising you from a different angle keep an eye because remind me of I don’t remember

Keep I don’t remember what I was I don’t remember anything I I just like died I was told that there was a 30% chance with every zombie I put in that it would that this copper farm would work I’ve definitely put in at least

30 oh here I come oh my God that’s not even yeah something’s wrong the it’s great to see maybe maybe only sneak what if what if only like what if one Farm breaks every time last time it was the Sher farm this time it’s the [ __ ] drown Farm I need

Where are my diamond boots okay I don’t have anything I just need some light block just a full block for light other than Jack lanterns or a build yes I’m going to remove this an isur yeah that’s cool thank you okay what the giant pillar on top of the farm

I diamond boots minart do you have any knowledge of this um I have uh uh peonies and rose bushes that was not what was asked yeah because I don’t have anything Kip you fish rod me one more time you’re going to be missing everything I’m wearing pink pants Oh God not the pink

Pants no please the pink pants why are you people scared of pink pants K made you talk to yourself for like you definitely talk to yourself for solid yeah I was I was watching that and I it’s either pck pants or May special service pick pick your poison Secret

Service that was the oddest thing I think you’ve ever done and I know it was an excuse to try different like outfits it wasn’t actually that was definitely not the oddest thing that May’s ever done really cuz it’s pretty [ __ ] odd it was pretty tame All Things Considered

Really oh you should have seen some of the clips I recorded it was just it was just really come on um Mingo that’s about it that’s yeah you heard me really hear you what I already got a I had to watch the video hand comment so my boots Bo what

Yeah oh I’m sorry I’m giving you your boots thank you welome also asked me to be their New Year’s kiss but whatever it’s called oh I’m glad anyway I have some diamond armor in case anyone wants it thanks I got a helmet with aqua affinity a chest plate pretty shitty Pro chest plates

That’s ship that I don’t want to talk about are Z in the Box you are not this is not every time every single time you fishing R me I can see exactly where your location not F I can see exactly where that line leads to I’m not

You’re out of my range I’m not fishing rting is the box that you’re in a closet it’s a z in the Box to be honest I just want to try and yit him I just want to try and I threw him out of Rose literally oh yeah I just want to did your [ __ ] explode out everywhere they’re already dead so oh K did you put all your stuff in chests and stuff oh

There’s a creeper I found the most effective way to clear out the Sher rooms right behind you right behind you right behind just put water in the middle it’s right behind you trying to make me have a schizophrenic episode it’s really nice because if you need to like rise to hit

Them you can just get hit by their bullet and then you just go down I just realiz that land chicken landed come literally come literally come please come what what are you talking about zombies again yes and they need to come come okay there you are where’d you go I literally was

Looking for you come up there’s there’s chickens everywhere come wait you’re a different one the other one couldn’t grab oh there are chicken chickens everywhere oh my God please come where’s my uh where’s my chest plate M I bet you have it you swi is

That all of them really a [ __ ] no Sly fellow oh bastard but I refrained cuz I don’t think you’re a bastard SL I am what I am too I was also an accident but not a mistake no that was me you’re not a mistake not to

Us okay start if you were a mistake then who would watch all your siblings oh so I’m just a built-in baby baby now yeah what is better a crossbow or a regular bow what is better a crossbow or a regular bow it depends on what you want to do

But a regular bow regular oh do the regular bow yeah give IDE you can’t put power on a crossbow can you give it like any like boosts at all like any like power boost piering and that makes it go through Shield sorry makes it damage go through Shields

But um what that’s so gay that’s gay I’ll just take the power two bow then you’re gay you’re gay everyone that’s why I said it everyone’s gay we are gay together yeah crossbows at the most are just are better for maybe damaging armor but like at that point you might as well just

Like like crossbows are very Niche and it’s like not it’s not really worth it honestly just make a I don’t want to pick up let go to the beach get it’s hard to come by WAFF WAFF there’s definitely one with a ship somewhere oh wait I just came across

Another city so that I haven’t seen before so yep there’s still some that I haven’t found I have been marking all the cords of these so I will have probably all the cords of the end cities I think needs to move a little bit immed move the m sorry Z I thought you What oh my goodness I don’t think I’ve seen the copper Farm go this quickly yo it’s going to stop now no no no no no I believe no it’s not it’s not it’s not going to work no it’s not going to stop look at this look at this cuz it

Tends to like have a a wave of them and then it’ll end up stopping for some reason I’m watching this that’s really weird whoa please and and then I always think it works and then it doesn’t you can’t how I felt about the Shuler Farm though admittedly this one

Is lasting longer than usual you’re going to use it all up and that’s going to be really mean I will try to give you my Lu oh my goodness don’t don’t actually use it all so help me get well well can I have his block of dirt

I’m just trying to give you a bit of New Year’s fun where’s the block dirt block I need the dirt block there’s like 30 there’s like 30 in here I’ve only gotten it up to 20 why do I have to do this again cuz

Yes why I have to I have to beat this girl to a death it’s going down excuse me yeah clarify you’re playing Batman going 29 28 it’s not to death it’s I’m throwing B so that’s it so much better I’m G to cancel you you on Twitter but it’s whatever I don’t think

That would be very hard to be fair 26 oh with all the oh yeah no with all the [ __ ] that said can I try something oh what’s happening what’s up what’s going on you’re getting canceled that’s what’s going on yeah I’d love to already five times I can probably stop killing

Goodbye just wait do it to me do it to me oh okay oh my God oh my God K remove the pillar what pillar well you didn’t you didn’t let me get rid of this you didn’t let me get rid of it last time I Tri getting rid of it so I don’t

Think I don’t think I will just because just because you’re so rude get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it huh just give me a moment I need tools my tools were taken from I’m nervous cuz it’s not up to 80 yet and when it gets to 80

That’s when it tends to be like stable please oh there’s the chicken zombes why does she yell like that we got World Destroyer version 23 damn it mines every new server oh why we like every new [ __ ] like week yeah well I haven’t throw this one in the void

Yet yet yeah keyword Minecraft oh we’re not doing Minecraft role play Minecraft role play you know I don’t the hallway to get water and I see the things from my nightmare staring back at me at the end of the dark hallway this massive destruction allows nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare okay nightmare

Nightmare nightmare okay we’re at 60 zombies I think it’s finally working [ __ ] zombies yeah yep okay I got the dog what also been away from main island so hopefully that also helps you got what in you I’ve been circling around this is absolutely speeding up yeah that

Dog got that dog I got that dog there’s a slight problem of me getting back 80 it looks like the copper Farm might finally be wor 100 I am not going the right way that was definitely towards main island I mean not go that way 110 oh summoning a

Wither what 120 I placed my Pawn wither I don’t think that’s a bro 120 W uh guys wow what a Wither my game has 30 wither my game has a uh has a New Year’s Event fireworks are going off and Batman game yay Batman kind of stay at 130 oh 140 15 I can’t make more though so oh wait never mind this is just the last mission of the game prove a death wish huh well psychos I have a fun wish I have a fun wish have a death wish I have a fun wish I like see I’ll show you

Yeah oh oh boy oh sorry I stopped counting for a second it’s at 180 now it’s 190 now sorry for I it’s I think it’s going up yeah don’t look behind I think it should be fine I’m oh that’s the city again something just like

Teleported was not me was not me oh I think it was a baby zombie Before Christmas we’re all through the house everybody was dead yep I see the baby zombie came back Christmas CH oh my New York New York jle ball dropped yeah yeah my balls

Dropped trying to we you around like a dog okay snake let’s undrop your balls I’d love to but unfortunately my voice will be like this bro unless my balls I don’t think i’ do vocal surgery toy unless you know I yeah I was listening to

My voice in um mind’s recap and my voice just sounds so full it just sounds like I’m like shouting all the time or something I also probably too L it’s also because mine’s Clips like the most chaotic moment so that probably doesn’t yeah that’s I found it it’s at 300 oh nice 320

330 this is the jankiest ship why is it above the void sorry oh you know cuz it it 340 350 360 away from me yeah yeah this copper Farm is working I’m just going to AFK on top of the Bamboo there’s a very chance I die right here 400 okay got the elytra yay I have gained the second elytra I’ll be right back I’m going to go take a shower so I don’t for new okay okay oh my God on the wrong sword I just dropped it from 400 to

130 oh my God okay um I’m going to mark this city I’m can I head back uh snake I want to go home now fine okay I’m just going to loot this top of this Tower and then I’m going to probably leave the end I don’t like being in the end you can try to leave

The end what do you mean to try get try I feel like that isn’t a threat it’s just like an objective statement yeah okay free CER oh yeah Co I want you to shut the freak up this feels weird y you did it m were

You yeah nice it just started so I got lucky he doesn’t hate me right now y I have my ancient debris is blue right now blue yes it’s so helpful like that it’s also really nice it’s it’s really it’s a really pretty color for me I’m I

Mean sneak would probably beg to differ but you know hey I saw Connie and I loved Connie and Connie’s that color what Connie’s that color and I love Connie who’s who the [ __ ] is Connie Connie squish mellow all guys oh little wait can I have a

Picture I don’t have a Connie though I need to get a new Connie or I need to get a Connie doesn’t know what a conic is I don’t I don’t know what a I don’t know what that is here I’ll send a picture I but if you close your your eyes I’m just going to do an Elmo impression whole I’ll put Connie in general I feel like I need more Sleep can I not can I can I stop burning ELO needs more sleep Elmo needs more brain cell who Elmo Elmo needs more brain cell I really need it okay that’s what I thought to quiet oh I thought I almost accidentally typed kill booner please don’t no I’ve tortured Kip

Enough’s not even I I I why did you do the SL kill command in the first place no I was the SL I clicked on chat because my auto clicker and it did SL tell booner AR okay I’m leaving okay um I did not manage to hit

The trap door on my way down okay it’s a different color but I still love Connie and Connie’s like a light blue did you hear me what I did not manage to hit the trapo on my way down it should be fine the worst that’ll happen is zombies will overflow into the Mushroom

Island H God damn it whatever not again they spawn if I log or if I’m I don’t know feel like I’m just being annoying but not PR no you’re not loveo okay does anyone want some diamond armor that I don’t want I can take it Andor shovels

Yesel shovels I there’s a silk touch mending efficiency for shovel that I have so I also have a silk touch and mending pick yo I want that yo can I get that sub touch yeah okay here I’ll go to min’s house and for the people who want

It oh you’re up for diamond armor okay I’ll give you um some as well cuz I have a lot of duplicates I just I just gained it and I don’t want it so I need that and the ocean’s right right for thatou if you have El you uh quick question snake do Sher

Stack no I don’t think so okay they do not d d okay I have nine Shuler boxes I cannot okay well that makes sense let me let me just how much NE or nether how 450 requ for a whole set six uh what like full set of armor yeah

Does this mean that you guys have the smithing upgrade now yes I’m going to buy one seven Diamonds oh never it’s seven diamonds because I will not pay you for a fee I I just I just don’t want to waste eight why not eight

I think I mean if you want to give me eight then I mean I’m not going to complain um as a businessman myself I think eight is a better friend okay I understand yeah cuz you’ll yeah yeah okay I’m on my way to min’s house if anyone wants to do any sort of

Trading with me go to Min I’m is now the um official trading Hub well I mean it’s not like I can like stay at my house cuz like I already have to go over there anyway cuz I know you’re too lazy to come to my

House you know what I want to make a shop now but the what the [ __ ] yeah exactly is anybody even plan using the surface of the Mushroom Island yes okay well okay it depends what do you what do you want to do oh I I don’t have any ideas but like Zed

Mentioned shopping district and I immediately think Island I mean that is like the best that’s fine yeah I mean I’m fine with that like I had to move my I wanted to have my stuff on the top of the Mushroom Island but because people kept griefing

And I didn’t want to have to bother you like every day disgusting looking freaks like that was the main reason I did mine I end up uh there’s no boats today so I guess I’ll just fly over okay there’s currently 870 88 89 900 910 9110 zombies 920 zombie

930 zombies 940 950s 60s 97 a th000 I have a question you wanted the silk touch pick correct yeah what gracias if I’m going to do world destruction but in a cute way will you guys allow me to it depends in a cute way depends on what you’re doing

Adorable way yeah trust you uhoh y okay um thank you I have two silk touch shovels one of them with Unbreaking three and silk touch one of them with silk touch mending and efficiency four I’m probably just going to give that one mines um and then I have an efficiency

Three shovel and then I have some diamond armor with some things I’ll give wza the full set like the almost full set I have and then if anyone else wants a chest plate or leggings let me know oh my God does that seem agreeable mhm okay M already has a full diamond

Set I really can’t believe that M Services the the M Services where s you wait Z did you see my May secret Services yeah I did um oh yeah we saw that I’ll I’ll leave the diamond stuff in the bone me chest I was so hyped when I saw m but

Then when I saw her in like the maid out I immediately tabbed out damn oh yeah yeah it’s not that I don’t like it it’s just that may seriously for free for free for free for free come on uh Min do you already have a oh don’t worry there’s more on you

SL you SL but D for free okay what up you you heard the ad are you at your house it’s not free uh $299.99 $300 yeah the service is not free but the main outfit was free free no rush was up uh okay I think this

I think the farm has stab stabilized out around, 1400 to 2,000 just want to point out I love your makeup what I love the makeup oh yeah the makeup was so cute yeah it’s so good oh my God as someone who doesn’t use makeup and never has you did so

Good yeah I have a friend that does makeup and you know you you I was so proud of my the wing on the the the the the the the the right side unless that’s the left side side I don’t know my right side I think because I did

It first try and it was like perfect I have given wette diamonds Diamond items wette now no longer needs to use stone tools I have I have accomplished something that I have set out to do for a while finally okay the farm is losing zombies it’s around

1150 that is the good thing I hey snake how did you find W at that’s what scares me the most how did you just find in the first place yeah uh it would have been I joined the cubic chunks Discord and yeah I would have joined the

Cubic chunks Discord looked at who the list of people there was that is a moderator there and um I would have clicked on was that stream cuz I would have seen that streaming that’s fair uh Z whst and I like to stream thought it was a little quirky with the

Stone worky at night yeah I remember you were so excited when you first showed him to me I was like oh my God and then I was like oh my God this person this one this one right here add to the grp right now with a choke hold now way now you

Can’t leave you cannot leave you’re surrounded by actual Gremlins I’m sorry for your loss by the way if anybody happens to notice any server lag right now you don’t yeah okay nothing to do with the 1300 zombies in the end I don’t feel anything to be like full fully like it’s

Definit the server is definitely lagging last time I checked it was at 60 MSP right now it’s at 60 so yeah that’s 10 millisecs above what it should be but to be fair it’s like did they say they were going to be right back I don’t know I can never hear Z

Okay well uh if I type in chat and they don’t answer then I assume yes they died that hurt okay yeah that really hurt oh well this is helpful I’m in the wrong pain all right I’m I’m destroying logus portal I can’t no that’s fair like at food stuck in a piece and

It went down your throat that’s nice can you come to M’s house so I can give you the thing take obsidian I need four I almost just gave myself a charlie horse that was awful okay let’s just how did you almost give yourself a cuz I

Flex my calf muscles but if I was like if I’m like walking or like doing anything i’ die hello hi it’s me 1 hours who is Zed you okay got it I have a new name let’s go I thought that’s what we were we were

Calling you Zed is in like z z in a box yeah z y I’m done I’m down underneath what the hell is this it’s just funny you actually spelled it Z yeah I can’t Join This hermitcraft Server because now I’ll perant associate Zed with Z in a box

Inste of Z it’s tragic I mean but the thing is it’s Z no be able to join in but yeah I I um yeah so do you want an efficiency 3 shovel also M don’t forget to check you the chest yes I can hear the clicking now the clicking do you want an

Efficiency 3 shovel um yeah sure okay do you want Pro Three diamond chest plate and pro two Diamond pants you know what yeah sure okay um and did you want to buy the another giving this to the wrong person H do you want to buy the netherite

Upgrade you want to buy the netherite upgrade yeah okay it’s eight Diamonds the your chest is over here okay I’ll grab my diamonds I don’t think it’s in here though oh it’s not it is never mind it is wait wait I need a c oh never mind I

Don’t need does anybody want some uh iron shovels I’ve got an infinite supply of them here you go thank you thank you did you give me nine No I gave you eight oh you gave me nine oh you know what it’s okay cuz you gave me a lot of diamond stuff oh okay

Okay all right cool you know what it would be really funny yeah if somebody went to the end wait did I swallow my estrogen did you I feel like I you said I had to take my meds I feel like I only swallowed my

Spyro oh I know you said you had to take your meds but I don’t know if you took the other one cuz I can’t see you I know I only remember taking my Spyro oh no s the dragon do I do I double up on estrogen potentially

Or um okay is it if you miss a day will it like do something really bad no and if I double it it also wouldn’t really do anything that bad then let’s then let’s let’s just assume you took it a okay take another no yeah that’s cool anyway

Um sneak you want a Spire armor trim I got like four so I’m just going to give you one because you’re less likely to lose it um yeah I’ll take them okay uh where I’m in the end right now you can you can come here oh yeah really funny if

Somebody went to the end I think do you want me to go to the end I have a question again I want would it kill me will he kill me uh there’s a lot of there’s 2,000 zombies I can see if all it fails I’ll just be trapped in the end for a

While here I’m going to call I’m willing to take this chance I’m I’m I’m going to call I’m surrounded by Z okay well I fin I will come to the end though you want me to do do you want me to go to the end

Then or no you finished it no yeah I finished it like where do you want me to put the I’m going on Batman Ark ar City rather now going to be going on night oh my God are you going to kill a child as well I I’ll be right back

Okay better I warm myself up you want me to put this fire oh I’ll I’ll be there in a sec okay like where beware uh where are you I’m on my Island okay I’ll be there in a second okay what how many zombies do I leave I’m at

800 whatever won’t kill the server preferably eight H yeah well well well I don’t know I think that 30% chance was like a 3% sneak I don’t know about that one I think you were lied you guys know whatd life series is I don’t know I added more and more spawn platforms and

Stuff oh and did actually Advance the day that could have probably been what it was cuz they said to make sure that the um local difficulty was at 3.0 and it was only like day three so doing the day thing is probably what actually okay I’m going to be playing as animated

Batman wait I’m just letting you know I never touched the day night cycle so it’s not me cuz I know setting it today and that [ __ ] with it well I I changed it for New Year’s so that way it would be night time when we did things that’s completely

Fair um I guess I’ll chop down these trees while I’m later and I also messed with it because I thought that the local difficulty thing was like a bug um which it is however it’s one that I can’t fix technically according to that’s they’re Liars so what I

Don’t I’m animated Catwoman too wait what’s the bug specifically um certain information isn’t shown to clients local difficulty in daytime being one it looks like it’s 1.2.2 plus that’s okay there is so much armor on the ground does anybody want armor I Diamond uh there’s probably some Diamond somewhere actually no

Unlikely tons and tons of gold armor tons and tons of leather and chain mail and some iron as well tons of leather huh yeah okay not as much leather is gold it’s mostly gold yeah check out I love seeing these guys walk through the armor and just picking it all up and

Picking just the best of it who actually like crafts leather armor me you you genuinely make Lea armor yeah I kill a bunch of hogs and I craft armor leather armor out of that and then I di like a b in like a base survival world like nor one you crap Le

I kill hoglins to get leather and then I die at different colors it’s cute yeah I’ve never ever seen someone do that yeah me neither you need leather boots though so you I mean at that point just fish up leather boots though like that’s usually

Where I get my leather boots I just fish them up my sneak is literally just me crawling on my hand so you won’t like sink and powder yeah usually I don’t care though and I just eat [ __ ] anyway I’m pretty sure I didn’t take my estrogen is it going to bother you that

Much maybe then just do It they shot me is your meds like in botle in a bottle yeah oh yeah that’s difficult I should set them out for like a week or something but then I’d then I’d always be yeah confused whether or not I took it on the day that the

We uh it’s estrogen it’s a hormone most likely the next time that I not the next time I go see them they’re most likely going to raise it even further at some point in the nearish future however since I had issues that they thought were side effects oh they might be hesitant to

Raise it I don’t know I don’t think that was a firework um that was a gone not it did sound like it it sounded like a pistol going on off repeatedly surpris quiet on my cuz normally it’s like nuts around New Year’s but now it’s do really quiet

Actually I haven’t heard a single firework it sounds like a pistol it’s most likely or a double one oh my God thank you so much man this is this is so nice these tools are so nice oh no joke I okay so I had logged in and

Like noticed my base was like gone and I was like H well whatever you know and I logged off and um waited for you to fix it so that way I didn’t [ __ ] anything up yeah getting ended up getting [ __ ] up anyway but you know I I had already gotten the armor by

Then yeah um and yeah I assumed because you know makes sense but I had um when I logged back on the next day you know after you had fixed it and everything I saw it it was like the first thing I saw when I walked out and I just started crying

A because okay the only other person that’s ever like gotten me armor like that is Zach and um mui oh we’re justad I could not you don’t understand how actually happy that made me I I knew it would make you happy that’s why I did it the only thing comparable is probably

That one time when I um did that one drawing of you oh it was Um I’m so proud of that drawing that one came out really well wait comparable in what way like about how happy I was oh what time is it 206 cool I still need to do my gench and dailies and honkey but what’s a gench and daily uh gench and impact oh would

You like a know WEA boy would you like to know WEA boy I’m actually being nice oh no oh no that’s what happens when I’m all right cool that’s good to know just nice awful that’s actually probably the best [Applause] one yeah I mean you right this is like

One of the only times Karma hasn’t threatened to [ __ ] mute me that’s not true that’s we were vibing that other day tame that other day yes I was like this this is one of the two days I’ve been nice to you like yeah I know I’ve been

Nice to you before that as well it’s just that usually you’re a piece of [ __ ] and try to egg me on so like that’s true it’s and you’ve done a very good job not doing that yeah so I would I have no reason to be angry at you like when I

Mess with mines it’s just because like he’s being a dumbass I forgot my diamonds in the Ender Chest oh I’m sorry I’ll be right back I wonder why you don’t have no I was just going to give it to you I forgot my diamonds I’ll be right back oh my God I

Have an e chest on me oh okay okay do you I was literally just going to give it to you I forgot my diamond fine if you must but like I I wasn’t I literally got that one for free so there was no point thank you

Okay oh my God I have to start shoving carrot in yeah this is one I stole from the um n city there’s still like a quite a I think there’s a more ender chest in the en cities okay good I do have the cords marked for quite a few of

Them um if you want I can send them to you so that way you can find shulkers oh that would be very useful yeah thank you mhm I marked all of them down including the one that’s near spawn it’s the third one I think I’m going to send you that’s

Near spawn depending on everything I need to get this wood out of this tree where are you wood I I I find it useful to do to hit F3 and just see the distance yeah you got them all wait what do you mean if you hit F3

On the right side it says targeted block you can see it’s Minecraft char leaves and then below that is distance seven uh that’s the distance to logs to the closest log you see it on the right oh yeah distance s yeah distance to the closest log through other Leaf blocks I didn’t

Know you could do that yeah super useful yeah I get okay what if I just make what if if I just plant cherry trees across this entire Island do it it looks super cute on the mycelium yeah cuz it’s like pink and purples I saw it and I’m like oh that’s really

Cute help yes give me stack can we just are we going to do the whole one uh ideally okay let’s go we may not have enough saplings for it but you know ideally this looks really pretty with shaders with the snow oh does it yeah’s going to have to go away within next

Couple weeks but oh yeah oh I’m animated now it gets it gets tiring after like it’s not like we can get any real honest um what about the ice um the ice will probably go away at the same time as the snow okay oo oh it’s kind of tragic cuz like Now’s

The Time that we’ll actually be getting snow in real life but where you get snow we get some this year it was really it’s really cold in Florida right now and by really cold I mean it’s like 50° oh that’s like what it is oh no sorry it’s like 30 here

It’s 28 where I am I’m just more used to it now pretty warm Ryan you have to realize I hate the cold as it is live in desert because I’m in Florida it’s like Amplified is it a desert there I live in a place no I’m joking it’s just there’s

No though it’s just really hot that’s all yeah that’s what I thought everyone going like it’s so okay ran out of saplings me sweating you get a large portion of the island though sweating how’s every Yay see I made I see Kip I’m making the island I’m taking care of it I don’t see actually but I can take the word for here oh yeah true I’m planting cherry trees yeah I liked how they looked uh when I saw those few ones I’m glad

They’re going over now it’s a it’s a nice yeah I’m going to put I’m going to put them all over especially since everything’s already purple yeah so he purple and pinks so I gotta go I got to be going down yeah I feel like when I’m in your

Situation Karma oh hey it’s it’s myther guy uh oh my God I feel like when I get to be in your situation Karma I’m probably going to get like super sad because I’d get like super cuddly and I wouldn’t have anybody to cuddle I’m sorry for your loss so I’m just

Going to end up getting super sad what situation Karma situation oh the oh I definitely get super cuddly and super sad if I don’t have I have some um liquid booze liquid all right that’s that’s wow okay liquid what a way what a way we all

Love if I drink too much it doesn’t tast much did you drink um oh no what kind of this in my defense in my def Ambrosia but for drunken swab no no no no no no no no okay so in my defense one it’s New Year’s um two yeah like it’s it’s one

[ __ ] you so it’s not that bad are we is white wine or no get rid of my pond white one guys are we drinking now are we are we dring I’m going to grab mine have years to come so they don’t give a [ __ ] what’s ilal don’t have

Bra where you are 21 uh oh really yeah wow oh wait Cindy lives in I can’t go there oh I’m stupid never mind what’s the legal drinking age there yeah to be honest people drink here at seven at seven oh real real oh okay 17

Yeah I I also heard seven I heard I mean I know that I don’t know they drink milk but not yeah I don’t think I want to know what kind of a man I’d become if I drank I don’t know I never been drank actually

So I don’t know you want to know do you want to know the do you want to know the answer though to the to the question the question of how much yes how much um two bottles much um come on I can’t it’s between

Half to 34s of a Red Solo Cup oh Red Solo Cup but you have to realize that like my face is kind of hot right now happen why does that happen because it’s it’s alcohol does it do that it is yes alcohol makes you warm that’s why when

Like they do um uh rescues with dogs um like with snow snow um like victims and that they put Whiskey on the dog um on like the dog’s collar so that way um you can drink it when they save you so it warms you up quicker so you

Don’t take as much damage I think I think it doesn’t actually warm you up I think it just makes you feel like you’re warmer it warm it it raises your it raises your temperature yeah really yeah it raises your temperature um Nether Nether one I mean usually when my temperature like goes up

Like it chills just duplicate it okay you have seven diamonds I have I have stack of diamonds okay then give me seven mine’s I used a lot of diamonds on these templates I don’t think you realize I’ve used almost all my diamonds making these templates so if I don’t get

Reimbursed I will just start crying I apologize oh [ __ ] wa Happ that’s four thank there we go I didn’t say 14 I said oh do you want two or what why do you need two I have two ingots oh yeah your core body temperatures dropping yeah you can

Just duplicate one make okay I thought yeah I thought that wasn’t right yeah you know whatever you know whatever your core body temperature actually drops when you alcohol yeah you okay m he’s just two of us he are you drinking wine right now I’m out uh I will be back hold up oh

My goodness please don’t drink please I had actually is why you didn’t want to say it payment I didn’t actually think about this but yeah this is awful for the first I’m just just now peer pressuring people without any pressure they just don’t want I don’t want I don’t want

People to drink I don’t the only reason I drank that is because I liked the taste it’s not because it’s alcohol it’s cuz I like the taste that’s my problem if I become a raging alcoholic it’s cuz I like the taste just drink like Mountain Dew or something I’m sure that

Has a good taste to it too no it doesn’t I think it’s actually worse for you than alcohol probably how the [ __ ] is Mountain Dew worse for you than alcohol did you know that one of the components they use to make Mountain Dew is the same as they use in paint what the

[ __ ] oh okay good to know I I drank a shot of sake and that’s all the alcohol I’ve drank and and that was because I wanted to try sake I’ve had two glass of white how does sake taste is it like bitter or sweet or like I can’t remember honestly

But I it wasn’t bad oh the my got moved to this igloo I didn’t even move it who moved it can we call it the Mig glue let me get a sign hold up yes it’s the mther lives in the mid glue actually I’m the who move that the m in the

Midle you go Karma yes put it on put it on oh my God we should have like glowing stack for this oh I got you I’m going to slaughter you don’t do that you’re not allowed to I forgot how much I hated red wi get the fishing rod

Out of my face and I won’t okay I made the sign um can we do can we do light blue as the text I have light blue I have light blue yep yeah light blue blue and then uh glow I got you I feel like I saw some in your chest

Mes I looked I I I don’t know out what place this it might have been someone else’s chest to be fair yeah cuz I remember hearing I think minart saying that can someone move the mther so I was like okay let’s move the mether somewhere oh here a great place glow

Sack which Min is getting attempting okay I’ll go grab one getting oh yeah actually you’d be faster yep much significantly yes I’m going to go over where I know the ocean isn’t frozen over uh oh I’m dumb I’m dumb might just be here part of the ocean will ever freeze over found it

Did you just realize that or something I found some glow Sid Hey thank you Cindy not you oh what you’re you’re decently smart hi got monkey bunked okay my bad I just got monkey bked apparently not sure look at this look at this I just want to show you something I just want to show you something what the [ __ ] is wrong

Look it’s a way it’s a way I just wanted to show you this I do think I feel a noticeable difference though this look at don’t don’t do that being drunk this I don’t think I’m drunk I think I’m tipsy I think there’s a difference yeah definitely I

Am can someone get me a see myself I can’t even stay awake long enough to like I’m very calm act normal I don’t know what I’d be like under that oh my God it’s perfect come on mines come over here we need I need to show

You this I could I could see it from here look it’s Migo home of the M Migo home of the oh why is it hurting you it’s hurting both of you now you too oh it’s hurting me too oh I didn’t even [Laughter] realize I’ve been hurting for so oh it’s

Cuz we’re both moving each other star that yeah I was doing that so it was not hurting earlier ow ow please please Mo K I told you to move you were warned to be fair I I have gained nothing in that encounter um mine’s I’m going to give

You my in my glowing sacks so that way you can color signs okay move excuse my sire this is my bush I should have for about the shovel should get the shovel you should get the shovel my bush I didn’t realize that I had a silk touch shovel

Already this is my bush depression well not have to this is my bush my bush I’m going to go fly back to my house to heal things oh my God sneak I’m still screen sharing I need I need to show you something that I I think you’ll find hilarious what the

[ __ ] okay I can join sometimes my inter my internet tends to disconnect after I join streams uh just make sure that like it can’t be seen like on stream if you’re still streaming I can’t I am still streaming okay just wanted to make sure cuz like you know you know but I think

You’ll find this hilarious with the side effect of you rolling back it’s the best thing I’ve seen it it was a very special Rob back I’m yelling timber you better move you better dance night you won’t remember I’ll be the one you w forget just screaming I forgot that

Though ow I do that that’s I’m going by the way I do have sweep you have what like a sweeper now yeah what are they called a broom a broom oh you have a a for what a broom what I don’t understand floor sweet yes Sweet Home Alabama okay um so you see

This yeah how did it do that you can’t put any items in it but I haven’t moved it cuz it’s too special to me are you able to put blaze powder in there I don’t think you are AR no come no it’s cuz I double clicked it no I have a screenshot of

It I did take a screenshot of it so we’re fine at least you have a usable brewing stand now yeah but it wasn’t the same my day oh by the way we’ll never have to worry about that so back in my day we eat berry bushes I have that

Saved just so that way itself Mac and M we ate berry bushes berry bushes didn’t eat us yeah Mac and M uh do you need I’m always happy to take quarts off your hands if you have okay yes I have I Wasing it back in my day berry bushes

Didn’t exist um I’ll I can give you some quartz but I will give most of it to sneak because sneak needs an egregious amount of everything at all times old man in my how many times do I need to teach you this lesson old man di all right Granda let’s get you back

To sleep it’s an wait for me oh I don’t have Grandma was a prostitute what the [ __ ] back oh oh you just got you just got monkey bunked oh my God I’m going to show you what a [ __ ] I would stop watching my stream by the way snake just

So that way your internet doesn’t kill itself by the way does anyone need interet it will it usually happens after I join the lat zombie with I’m laging and there’s a zombie with a hit me from a mile away hit me from 50 blocks away I understand

Bab zombie got to give me a second I think that’s a you’re on your own yeah sorry you’re not though well I mean I did throw Kip out of the wall not apologize does anyone need is watching me there’s a zombie trying to get into

The the villager farm I like how you you guys are like listening to music and I’m just sitting here going like yeah I’m just like dying on the inside where’s the music I am not listening to music I haven’t listen to music while talking to people in so

Long I’m not listening to music it’s just oh yeah I mean I used to and then like the problem is is that I’ll start like coming along with my music and like i’ I I’ve conditioned myself not to want to do that I see that’s actually really good

It’s only cuz I can yelled at my people in like the past so I you know oh my goodness that’s why I can you guys that’s why my brain isn’t completely clouded during the stream I stopped playing the undertale music for a minute

All right I to turn it back on now I can actually think clearly during this stream damn don’t turn it back on why are you saying sorry I’m [Applause] the because I didn’t expect to one shot you with a stone ax uh yeah Stone ax is [ __ ] hurt bro that’s a skill issue

[Applause] Elmo El your mother’s a SK excuse me oh I thought you said carom and I was like what did she do to I do to you I was like what just Happ mom gets fud off my property did where your mom is Myro watching me

Fudge Elmo I don’t think my mother’s in your bedroom yeah you know I no no no look at this if you’re going to be in my bedroom are you at the end right now I am why oh I had something for you she really pretty why are you punch me

Ow I’m I’m on my way oh get away from me away from me oh so opinion your mom is I’m I’m going to go back to that Island cuz I need toer okay give me just a second finally oh there you are be opinion thank you

Elmo got my good jeans why did that one just not grow he s you still have 10 hours of streaming to do you have inventory I I can up you can why are you why you oh is it the quartz yes do you guys stop reminding me how long I have left in

Stream I’ve been streaming for 14 hours St reminding me how much left I mean how much never mind I didn’t careful there’s a zombie I failed oh I failed as a human being you fail no that was all of it though thank you stop reminding me how

Many years I have left in this earth stop I’d say about two left what is that aat hey you want me what yes you know how you know how previously the best way of getting rid of all the um or getting all the ancient debris would have been

Like a perimeter mhm yeah that would still be the best way red Stringer but it takes a lot of effort we need Squad something else oh my God The Naz the Nazis question well is that the world border doesn’t get moved in this world that was a border world’s

Thing hey buddy thank God cuz my sheep would actually question unless I expand it for like a day um just like to cause a little bit of chaos just to see what people end up doing so block of the one time you told me not to go out out of the world Border

In season 3 I didn’t so or or if there’s a glitch that makes it so that I think I still I don’t think I would go out I think I’ve learned my lesson the one time we went outside of the world we got yeated into it so no

Well that was planned yeah but you know what that’s the one and only time I went outside of the world that’s not by the way I feel like you’ve gone outside with me before I don’t think I have I’ve had a fight with some I remember having a

Fight with someone outside the world Border in season 3 that was fun I [ __ ] shot them off by the way did you win yes block of Quartz don’t turn into quartz right it just stays a block of Quartz it doesn’t unfortunately there’s a bunch of block

Of Quartz here so do I even know what I’m talking about no yeah Karma I was planning on keeping this project a secret but I think it would benefit you greatly so did you guys know I’m Batman I can help you with yeah exactly it’s potentially the biggest project

Then I’m batom that I’ve done or at least the project that has the greatest consequences it’s can you shift going to the end yep Boman I’m in the are you also an orphan are you an orphan yeah basically I see oh yeah but um oh my god

Um you’re good saw you go through that was hilarious yeah I have the increased furnace XP rates and then I also have the Um I’ll figure it out eventually I also have valer hi how algorithm for gaining XP levels it oh you have that new one yeah right yeah so it’s easier to get higher levels it’s possible to get like really high levels That’s not Healthy oh yeah that to n to well I’ll let N anyone need Saddles I have like six okay okay seriously world domination is allowed if it’s adorable adorable for you maybe but it depends on like what flavor of world domination are we talking a really adorable like strawberry flavored you know what watermelon are we talking like resource Monopoly like like destruction

Like what kind of like Flavor are we talking about um like wholesomeness and absolute like you know love and joy Ming is not a Ming yes Ming does not approve I don’t think ever happened ever okay if you guys are streaming if someone is streaming then

Clip this cuz once I’m done with my world domination no one can say [ __ ] about it aha that’s ominous anyway me and M are both streaming I not clip okay don’t clip yeah don’t clip don’t clip it don’t not yet but one day one day one day I’ll clip it myself I’m

Being chased you could be you’re still very quiet to I am underground at the moment actually the same volume as mines but I have mines turn down it’s like Mingo and Karma are the loudest oh yeah I’m just loud and z are the quietest am I actually that loud damn I

I just have the volume’s poorly adjusted and then I don’t think anybody else is in the call oh that guy has a gun oh Cindy’s also very quiet oh yeah that’s just I think I have Cindy turned down or I’m just burning the world uh I’m not talking normally I think I started

The I think I started the fire I didn’t start yo nice if you and it’s still bur the world stop turning why is it so loud today why is it so loud today oh sounds like a [ __ ] blender bro oh hell no oh hell no I I gained the best best thing

Ever not kep sounding like one of those freaking I downloaded a mod that like chicken things that like the Sorting mod that I got but it also lets me craft way quicker it’s amazing how so what it’s those you can dok like crafting and it throws it all out when you craft what

Mod is that rubber chicken um let me check I can’t remember the name oh my God it’s why there so many water caves I found it it’s it’s so Jank though because its dependency mod is a 1. 20.3 snapshot but it works is It is it a M’s mod no [ __ ] clue let me let me look up the name [ __ ] this game um yo creeper Bo inventory profiles next oh why are there’s so much zombies it also lets you trade with a villager like at once like all of its trades I like using

Uh Mouse wheelie cuz it gives me the 1 2 3 4 five six zombies this is like Mouse wheelie but on steroids and I have both of them oh and I new game and New Game Plus do they not cause issues with each seven zombies uh all I had to do was dis

A um Mouse wheel is like up and down movement oh okay what are you looking for a zombie villager anybody looking for a zombie villager before I go ahead and kill it all right can I have it head what is this fort Rose yeah who almost sevenes stair up

Into the bu how do you make a shepher it’s a loom correct yeah how the [ __ ] do you make a loom uh isn’t it like and then two string oh cool oh it’s two string yeah that’s weird looms are the weird crafting recipe that nobody knows cuz they

They’re the only one that uses two planks of the new workbenches yeah that’s really weird I’m going to make two looms and hopefully one of them turns into a good so I can get rid of this [ __ ] if you could also get one that has red then

That would be cool too oh red and green are the good ones yeah I’ll try no promises cuz I’m just going to roll two and if it turns out awful then uh we’ll see Green’s definitely the better cuz of the cacus oh yeah the red would just be nice oh hell no creeper

Oh uh oh Karma of all the Farms that I’ve made what one generates the most XP out of all the Farms you’ve made yeah is it the gold one um end defitely not it was fast no no no it’s in between the copper farm and that one um like gold Farm you did

With skipping I think those are like the two but I think it’s that gold farm that I forgot about that one yeah but I couldn’t make that one again yeah because it was in a certain version did the copper uh can you still do suppressing I think it did you can but

Not really oh okay I think it did because I think it was a really high rate it might still be the gold Farm it’s got to be the gold I think it’s also like a matter of you can just AFK at the gold as well it’s just for like

Long periods of time so I think it’s just better I think it would be the gold one I need tips um also the a guardian Farm I could make with like portals instantly teleported to the ne that would probably be equally fast we would have to have

A punch them harder don’t care about that you know you know your catchphrase harder oh by the way I do have another got to go harder what where did you summon at uh underground somewhere I I I just keep summoning I know it’s ax something I want to keep summoning them under where

Mingo’s base is cuz that’s I I dedicated that as my Wither spawning spot but I’ve could I have no clue where I went I’m going to be 100% real with you I have no [ __ ] clue honestly it doesn’t really matter if you can kill them do can I disarm his shield yeah I

Got three because they were two um buy two get one three get one fre we going half off I disrupt his shield I can’t I’m stuck um hey guys in the Overworld can we sleep I’m on night I forgot well yeah hold on I can go s right now well it

Requires four people the game I can’t well we already got two out of four hold on I’m about to make three s oh that’s sleep oh hi come on one more person he not sleeping you guys are good it’s so much more convenient doing this once every

Hour instead of once every 10 minutes die why oh no the villagers are getting [ __ ] you come back in let’s just go to Batman oh wait there we [ __ ] I’m going to have to go okay Goode byebye byebye bye goodbye goodbye bye um sneak yeah what’s the number

At the lag number why don’t you connect I mean yeah I guess that one but like it’s pretty bad right now okay I I I’ll stop using it uh it’s 3,100 yeah no [ __ ] Wonder everything’s stuttering bro no 2,400 um going be flashback there’s probably also a lot of yeah let’s do a

Little coing I think um this tunnel never RS not never oh hey wait that’s crazy when I kill it it just like it does a little jiggle and then it’s just like anyone want shears jigle jiggle green I want to see you wiggle wiggle creeper hell no oh man do you

Have wood on you I got I got no more arrows way back skin though oh God that’s not what I wanted I can’t M oh my God cany this is awful this is awful this is awful I can watch a I can the back okay

I was able to pick up items okay so a villager got out when I the button well which one it’s a what tray does he have you know maybe he doesn’t have any Trad maybe he just no uh the should be much better I can hear the noises at consistently yeah

Just kill him no don’t what do you kill okay or keep him I don’t I don’t care what you do what tra wait what is what is his profession he’s unprofessional Then I then I’m taking it I got him oh there there a tool Smith

Wowow TR no do not no don’t he wants him to become a farmer I want him but this is the this is the wi if you do it I will end Your Existence again again you will St that can someone make me a chest pretty please okay I’ll do that right

Now spider I don’t think it should be lagging anymore if I had uh it doesn’t feel okay that’s stupid it’s not cool I just need a I just need a chest and just put it in the middle okay well that’s can can you put in the middle please for me thank

You you put those or whatever I don’t care oh that’s my Sher boxes and my sword oh almost if you did I would have [ __ ] killed you um very take a she get you don’t need these purple bands do you what I don’t messed up you can have

Everything I just put in that chest I guess I’ll help I’m outside the Border how how is somebody outside of the Border because you can get outside the Border that’s a very good question but it’s not it’s like an intentional thing unless you Pearl I guess uh it might be a pearl

But like I mean get outside the Border just like come in yeah you can literally get inside again um so sneak there’s a problem it’s orange dye only one of them got one and it was orange dye oh wait wait wait wait what level what level hey um it’s third

Third trade level is somebody zooming around the ocean right now please tell me that’s one of you guys so base trade you level up once and then you level it up as second time do you think someone’s hacking and then that’s the uh die trade level May are you zooming around the

Ocean like no armor or anything um cuz I just watched somebody go in and out of my frame in like2 seconds I didn’t see who it was yeah they’re flying oh delete them when was green Dodge 11 here uh they joined like a couple minutes ago

I I literally like came up to the Sur that do you want a present was that I have a present for you oh boy this is where I was before that’s why I’m it’s going back it’s heing oh you want a present well bye here’s a

Present can I look at an end oh God that’s awful oh God Karma I have a present for you too no no okay help me Robin it’s your job what’s the present what’s happening you don’t want to know I want to know you’re welcome whatever was tis or

Sounded negative and karma seems like she’s fine so karma might have gotten the slightly better present I’ll be honest what are you talking about wait where the hell am I here what was that I also have present for you thank you here you go oh what was

That oh I guess I’ll take it oh that’s M okay I know where I am for no problem I have a gold Obsession and I don’t have a use for it so I have actual gold Obsession it is a problem obession it’s a problem you just have infinite copper now may kind of

It’s not really I need to add a modification to the farm and then I will have infinite copperish I don’t know was this like what you got from the farm yeah I don’t know I get roughly equal parts copper and gold I I I I’d say probably get like 1.25 times more

Copper ah how do you get copper and gold what’s the farm silver and gold drown Farm drowns don’t drop no but they used to so I was changing the um drown drops to be what are they called um to be like higher in another server because I didn’t want to run the drown

Farm at full capacity because it would just lag the server but the rates were like pretty slow not slow have full capacity so I just added a data pack that increased the drop drops of copper I’m like you know it was pretty cool that they used to drop Gold kind of sad they removed that part so I added it back but as raw gold instead [ __ ] I mean I’m not complaining it means I can smelt it yeah he that reminds me I need to remove this also like raw Gold’s a really cool block oh yeah it is really

I will say that Ms mindart uhoh S want to that scen Dodge I mean it is a likely it is it is likely welcome to number two out a sh I don’t think hang on you care if I put my headphones off as he dies Oh yeah why did you have like a fire aspect book in my chest upstairs oh actually it is Dodge did you hear that one delete them I can beat people on while they’re on the ground that’s awesome I love this game it’s funny you you when they’re on

The ground you just beat them hilarious yeah oh [ __ ] uh well clear check being a freaking iin yeah Robin Ms I think you have an issuein why your base is a little bit small what does that mean what do you mean by that I mean that like it’s it’s

Fort Rose is like pretty full that is actually yeah that is true okay to be fair I’m not used to having other people in my in my area you’re used to being the only one that builds in it until it gets taken over by a p why you hate fun

Y sorry people people build in Starlight to be fair yeah I buil the transer I love the transer oh yeah the transer is is great the trans give me my transer give me my the transer okay hit me give it back so I have an elytra yes nck already said they want it

Yes so feel just die with it though yeah that’s like one of the reasons I didn’t want to yeah that was like one of the reasons I really didn’t want to I wouldn’t use it well I’d use it a little bit but I wouldn’t get as much

Use out of it as almost anybody else would yeah but like again you would you would at least keep it that’s the thing yeah I so that’s my that’s my issue with that’s my issue right now is that morally I’m the one who gets to give the

Away well where’d it go then huh I don’t know BR disappear you know yeah you broke it where did it go then so I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know you should have just left it to be found by who uh yeah but I didn’t want it to be found

By random true and then them loose it m Arts there’s a bit of a problem in your base yeah supp be it’d be a shame if it if it if it went to if it went to [ __ ] shame if it went to if your if it all went away I think I’m

Going to make my base look nicer I don’t know what you’re I don’t know I don’t like I don’t like how sad it is right now what the did you ban them no ban their IP now they have an IP they have a VPN they have a VPN on

Now so they really me ip me yes I mean they can try bro I I I feel like I’m just I I think I’m just going to end up Banning everybody that joins and unfortunately it’ll be unfortunate for everybody in the crossfire oops this is why I want to add like a

You have to do like a whitelist command in Discord to Whit list your account cuz then it would I know a lot of servers have that yeah I feel like that’s probably the best way I could go about it because then I don’t have to worry about yeah like repat hacker

I just and they would have to have like multiple Discord and multiple like Minecraft accounts and IPS and it would be way too yeah so that would be odd yeah I mean to be fair most of the people that do this have like multiple Minecraft accounts but like multiple

Discord accounts as much trickier I thought especially if I added like a layer of authentication onto it oh yeah any layer of like then it would just be impossible they have to get multiple phone numbers involved and yeah I mean I have multiple emails for mine but like I

Mean when’s it happening happening in minutes that’s when’s happening yeah if I made it like 15 minutes you have to be in the server for 15 minutes as well that would just oh my God that would be epic but I feel like at some point it would just prevent viewers from joining

As well so sneak I have a great idea you want to know what my idea is what is the idea do you know the thing that like you gave me because you didn’t care the egg I was thinking of putting it in a spawner there’s absolutely nothing I

Don’t think it would work remember but I don’t think it would work cuz technically you usually no because I don’t break it so it should work what kind of egg was it GTA it’s an axel right so I kind of just want to have a spawner

Do an act a lot maybe like a a zombie spawner yeah hear me that’s why that’s why sneak Craft’s the best cuz I can just like do things this person’s just like admitting that they’re the same person every time Cy really is it’s very funny cannot hear you what I don’t

Care I’m on right now I’m getting on it’s actually just kind of nice it’s like a little habit that I’m like repeating and it’s good for my autism or something okay all right I I heard G and I got off that’s fine just like oh 5 it makes you

Happy 2 1 happy new yeary I love the noise yay yay you’re you’re three hours late but it’s okay yeah uh New Year don’t say that to they’ve got okay sell apples I doubt that um I could check sad that’s why I wanted the other one

But the other one’s gone I feel like pretty much all Farmers sell apples it’s a 5050 I think seconds where is the farmer who is this on my Island who is this uh it’s not in the pen yes he does he sells four apples or one Emerald for four

Apples cool oh you still need the Beet rout no I got a [ __ ] T now okay did karma give you the city no I stole it from your base oh okay how long I completely forgot long MC I can’t say that on stream oh give me give me a second to

Replant this um be I thought you were going to end SN I was um and I should okay I’m going to go play Grand Theft Auto I’m not going to really leave the call but okay I wish I could play with you yeah when you just drag me into

Another call cross compatible then that’ be great I’ll stream now now I’ll be responsible and home with a it’s just Xbox oh that’s a shame is that number the same person thanks B okay now wait okay that’s funny though s that’s [ __ ] hilarious bro how many alts do they have too

Many it I think they just have an infinite amount they say new year new you but doesn’t really seem like much change with them well they got to wait a whole year now depends on their time zone I’m a completely I’m I’m a completely different person [ __ ] hold on Happy New Year okay

Now [ __ ] B oh yeah uh Minds do you want to do the hilarious bro oh dear what the [ __ ] you want to do the yeti hunt where are you right now snake y running around Rose okay are you getting on the old version I don’t running around you know

New year new me last year I started out as a boy this year I’m a girl new year new me new year new me [ __ ] dies New Year dead this I made it a new year between and now I got to work another full year let’s see if a national

Tragedy or an international tragedy happens this year wouldn’t it be really funny if it was an international tragedy oh God funny yeah like I was warning of this year and that is true election year now yes unfortunately I got a thing in the mail might as well be an international

Tragedy well I mean you’re not wrong who are the candidates if we make it freaky uh we have I don’t know if we have them yet we don’t have them yet but so far it’s looking to be a 2020 rematch Biden and Trump I’m so excited

Trump cannot be a contender yes he can there’s no shot that people are going to revote for him well you’d be surprised well he has a cult I’d rather have he does have a c yeah no C is the perfect way to describe it yeah no it’s literally like a Cole

Um first i’ rather I’d rather have Trump as a president than Biden honestly I feel like they’re European gay or european are we gonna stopping for real now are we going are we going into Politics on stream no I totally would but I know you would but

No I don’t want to listen to it that’s hilarious talking honestly I this guy like you know hacking he’s pretty chill no I like this guy I I do I’m 17 I can’t vote I don’t have a reason care I don’t either iot but I don’t care know

Say if he dies of old age in the middle of his term what then uh hopefully we have a good okay I’m stupid Mingo um so are you able to vote for president I’m able to okay that’s interesting how old are 20 it’s not the age it’s the location yeah

No I was just curious cuz I’m stupid again like I don’t I don’t you need to be a certain age to be able to run for president oh yeah you need like 45 I think GE assume mango either DC or no Island yeah like a ter teritory

Boy you’re an island boy that’s not a good thing to be I mean says you what that that’s actually very accurate you vote against the worst one says you I don’t I don’t I don’t do stuff with my siblings unlike this unlike the uh you live in the middle of

The continent shut the [ __ ] up sweet home I live near an ocean you live near a [ __ ] Lake I I’m landlock what are you talking about I need to care politics skill issue anyway I’d rather I don’t want to deal oh my God I thought this going to

Stop how could you the output oh could you li by the way you like me I mean yeah I like the counting you’re funny but also don’t don’t hack you know it’s it’s like um like you’re funny but like also design your logo I like them in a way in

The same way that I like Skelly mob M Arts getting right now no just like funny but on be patient I gotta plug [ __ ] in this is really cute though I really like my God Cindy overh we have years upon years of time to play you don’t

Know you could you could you could have a brain aneurism right now you don’t know that not can yeah can we not say that oh no I didn’t say can we not I said hopefully not oh it’s accurate yeah same difference I hate ending my streams like 4 hours

In because that’s when I start to pick up viewers sad I’m not going to say anything yeah I think I should do a 24hour stream I agree maybe you should do it today right now I would I would have I would have done a 24-hour stream

Uh if if I didn’t want to take your thunder oh my God my my work alarm is going to go off in 50 minutes I would have felt bad taking um stealing my th what are you talking about okay I can now trade with more villagers um I can make more looms wait

That’s crazy oh nice do you have a source of emeralds to get there um scarlet no stop hold up for a second uh yeah I I just got like almost four Stacks so oh I really want to channeling for Trident did you already Implement that on the

Server yes I think so oh I I think so cuz I remember you saying you’re going to restart the server yeah like a couple days ago mine sold me I also need to publish that M what oh my God there’s a c yeah oh my God if you have an Xbox cam

You can join us on [ __ ] a camel that I hadn’t seen before so and he’s sitting down he’s chilling fence you put around this Mingo if you’re still in the call yeah cam if you have an Xbox you can join us umn can you drag me playing Grand Theft Auto I’m

Big yeah as I just said I’m going to end stream uh I had a I had a lovely year uh oh what is this oh okay never mind give us a second um I I imagine this is CC’s yeah it’s still going still going still going this cave is very well lit SAU

Wait scre jump scare did Mingo find one of the trail runs new one of the what now I mean maybe because I think there might have been like a yeah it looks like this is found by Mingo why is this Happ oh there’s even some sus gravel left in there oh yeah

Sus gravel do the unsus it that’s what you’re where am I what is happening why is it a string pickaxe hi Min I can hear oh why am I in story mode hello I haven’t played story mode what are you talking oh you’re breakdown we’ll see all right go

On a date with me who’s doing what now what what I’ll be back all right thank you everybody for watching um I really really appreciated everybody tuned into stream this year um especially if you join the server luckily um yeah I I appreciate all of you I love to

I my favorite streams are the ones where people join and people chat it’s it’s the whole reason I end up streaming and I I realize I take quite a few breaks for like several months and it’s really really really great to see all if you

All come back even after that um so I genuinely really appreciate it um and I also really appreciate that with um my friends I I I kind of jump between friend groups sometimes sometimes like I’m a little bit absent for a couple months and they probably aren’t hearing this but I really

Appreciate y’all when you stick with me after I disappear for several months right it’s just kind of how I am um yeah um here’s here’s a good 2024 I’m almost crying I’m sorry it’s I’m I’m getting emotional um I I really I really do appreciate everybody who’s come here

And y’all yall are so great I really I really think that U um every time I see somebody new who like consistently chats it’s it just brings so much joy to my life um every time I see somebody return after a while I I I I really do try to remember like

All the names and I sometimes get them wrong or not wrong but sometimes I forget a little bit but I I I think I’ve done a pretty good job remembering but yeah 2023 it’s it’s been a pretty great year all things considered um there have been many many many bad moments

Um and yeah it’s it’s really crazy to see just I I noticed that for some streams I I end up running around Minecraft and just talking just talking for pretty much the whole stream and people still watch it and I I do notice that the watch times on those are a

Little bit lower but yall still watch and youall still join and I appreciate it so much um yall really are the best so keep chatting keep watching even if you’re a silent Watcher I appreciate you um yeah yeah it’s just really great it’s just really great I always keep coming back because I

Always I always love it all right well it is 2024 now it’s crazy to say um part of me thought that 2024 would never come and it’s here so thank you all to thank you to all who have supported me this year um I hope I provided some entertainment value to you all

And I got to sneeze oh my goodness I yeah I hope I provided some entertainment value to yall um you have definitely brought a lot of joy to my life I’m just repeating myself at this point I feel like there’s more to say but I can’t say at all

Um yeah so thank you everybody for watching I hope you enjoyed don’t forget to leave oh my God I’m messing it up probably because I still have to sneeze thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed don’t forget to leave a like And subscribe and I hope to see you all

In the next stream in all of 2024 I’m sneak and I’m sneaking out byebye

This video, titled ‘New Public Server | New Years Party!!! Sneakcraft Season 7 Ep 8’, was uploaded by Sneak on 2024-01-01 08:33:28. It has garnered 71 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:53 or 15413 seconds.

Welcome to Sneak. Public server you can join my minecraft server please uwu this is a viewer smp and ill give you a hug if you join and maybe a smooch on the lips

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    MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?! Majority of Multiplayer Servers Disappearing in Minecraft 1.21.10 Update? The Evolution of Multiplayer Servers In 2018, the official server software BDS Alpha version for the Bedrock Edition was introduced, allowing players to engage in multiplayer gameplay using the latest vanilla version. Prior to this, unofficial software like “PocketMine-MP” was the only option available. However, BDS offers advantages such as plugin support, making it a popular choice even today. Key Point: The ability to run plugins on BDS sets it apart from unofficial software. The Importance of Debug Symbols Creating servers for Minecraft requires developers to replicate the game’s network,… Read More

  • Green Shell Shenanigans: Kars’ Chaos

    Green Shell Shenanigans: Kars' Chaos A Green Shell Shock | Kars’ Chaos 2 Introduction Joining Kars’ Minecraft server has been an exciting adventure for many players. The vibrant community and engaging gameplay make it a must-visit for Minecraft enthusiasts. Let’s dive into the world of Kars’ Chaos 2 and explore the wonders that await! Exploring Kars’ Chaos 2 From the moment players step into Kars’ Chaos 2, they are greeted with a world full of possibilities. The server offers a wide range of activities, from building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures. With a dedicated community and exciting events, there is never a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “I Obtained illegal Ender Dragon Egg in This Minecraft In Lifesteal SMP”? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience. Whether you’re looking to test your skills in PvP combat, build awe-inspiring structures, or simply make new friends, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick

    Minecraft's Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick Minecraft Auto Crafter: A Compact Solution for Efficient Farming Are you looking to streamline your Minecraft farming operations with a compact and efficient auto crafter? Look no further! This easy-to-build, observerless one wide tileable auto crafter is the perfect addition to your Minecraft world. Whether you’re playing Minecraft Bedrock Edition or Minecraft Java Edition, this system is designed to enhance your gameplay experience. How It Works This auto crafter operates on a simple principle similar to item filters. By placing iron ingots in one slot and redstone in another, you can witness the system independently crafting these items. The… Read More

  • Bob’s Papa, Jackbhaiya – Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts

    Bob's Papa, Jackbhaiya - Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Jackbhaiya and Bob, their adventures bring. PvP training, lucky blocks, and more, Their gameplay in Hindi, a gaming lore. Bob Ka PAPA, Jack’s rival in the game, Their battles and challenges, never the same. With Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet in tow, Their Minecraft journey, a thrilling show. So join the fun, in this virtual land, Where creativity and skills go hand in hand. Jack vs Bob, the ultimate test, In Minecraft world, they give their best. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above

    Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above The Latest Minecraft News: Updates and Film Production For all Minecraft enthusiasts out there, staying updated on the latest news, updates, and film production in the Minecraft universe is essential. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and explore the recent developments. Updates and Features One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the constant updates and new features that keep the game fresh and engaging. From new biomes and mobs to gameplay enhancements, Minecraft players always have something to look forward to. Recent Updates: The latest updates have introduced new blocks, items, and mechanics that add… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Split-Screen Minecraft Gameplay

    Ultimate Guide: Split-Screen Minecraft Gameplay How to Play Minecraft with Split Screen If you’ve ever wanted to enjoy Minecraft locally with your friends, playing with split screen can be a great way to do so. In this tutorial, Levito explains the step-by-step process to set up split screen in Minecraft. Let’s dive into the details! Deactivating Antivirus and Downloading Necessary Files The first step in setting up split screen in Minecraft is to deactivate your antivirus temporarily. This is necessary to avoid any interference during the installation process. Next, you’ll need to download a file containing all the necessary components for split screen play…. Read More

  • NOOBS IN THE HOOD: Minecraft Ep. 1

    NOOBS IN THE HOOD: Minecraft Ep. 1 Welcome to the Minecraft Adventure! Exploring the World In this first episode, our adventurer sets foot in the vast world of Minecraft. Starting from scratch, they embark on a journey filled with creativity, challenges, and unexpected discoveries. The goal? To build, survive, and thrive in this pixelated universe. Gathering Resources The adventurer begins by collecting essential resources like wood and cobblestone. These resources are crucial for crafting tools, building structures, and surviving in the wilderness. Every block mined brings them closer to their ultimate goal. Building the First Home After gathering resources, our adventurer sets out to find the… Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: ⦿ 📷 Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, Read More