Sneaky Hugs & Creeper Cakes | Minecraft Livestream

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Hello everyone and welcome to Mooncraft we’re just going to hop right into it no intros no nothing no fancy smancy not until I get something much more official so I’m going to join along with you and you can join on in today is going to be a little bit weirder than

Normal but let’s just get into the game and find out we’re going to go to multiplayer now this is set under drizzle live which if I edit it it’s under drizzle live. hut. so I’m just going to go ahead and join that one now they could be in there

They could not it’s fine if you look on the stream to the right you’ll see the Revolt you’ll be able to join it uh if you so wish to be in chat versus just talking like this but let’s just join in and if it hasn’t loaded like

That then all I have to do is it should load so it’s sending me to the lobby so I I’ll know I’ll be able to show you what to do boy it’s doing a lot of weird stuff so once you get to the lobby if it

Ever is not present or if the server is not open then go on ahead and go into the chat right here in the chat boot by pressing D oh I got a text message son of a beast anyway you go in and you type forward slash join space

Drizzle live and then you press enter and then it’ll send you to the server if you ever want to join the server while it’s you know offline and I normally stay on about 10 minutes after just in case the server isn’t on let me make sure I didn’t get any weird texts

CU kind of weird oh okay okay well well well milone got your pickaxe swinging from side to side hello melon how are [Laughter] you okay so this should work out just fine and if you haven’t already make sure that you uh hit that Bell icon because it’s been unsubscribing people

Which people should get notified within the hour not 24 hours um then of course subscribe or I’ll Bonk you on the head and you don’t want to be bonked because bonked equals Death so don’t get bonked okay so this is very good what so I’m going to start being a little bit

Weird cu the more people that show up in the server it’s good I want to show you something real quick before I start getting weird oh off in the distance we have some new people I’ll let them introduce their little homes later on but I want to show you something here in the

Distance oh shoot oh shoot so see this see this over here Twilight Sparkle doesn’t approve of this does that look like 20 20 blocks away from the nearest home no so what did I do I burned his house down if you want to join you are not

Building more than 20 blocks from the center or from the nearest person okay oh my gosh melon you are still going in the chat I don’t know the lines I don’t know the lines H but if you build your server or build your your house too far away I

Will we’ll burn it down so don’t do that and we won’t have a problem they hence have later learned from their lesson and built within 20 blocks and uh we won’t talk about this one talk about we won’t talk about that one we won’t talk about that one but they built

Closer which is oh shoot they built closer which is a long a road which is perfect which will work for it so this will be a very simple game no problem no problem at all what the okay I didn’t understand that who keeps eating the town Village

Cake oh my gosh well guess what guess what guys all right I’m Twilight Sparkle and I’m here to make some cake you going to make some cake with me you’re going to make some cake cuz I’m Twilight Sparkle we do this together okay that’s what Twilight Sparkle

Does I want that cat I want that cat I want that cat I want that cat so I’m going to join the Revolt uh chat and then go from there and then uh we’re going to get weird for the the next 30 minutes we’re going to get

Weird let’s see where is Revolt there it is there’s General hello hello there squidy hello hello hello Wing my I I love you I love you so I’m going to I’m going I’m going to oh oh what the I mean hi my name is Twilight Sparkle what’s your name my name’s Twilight Sparkle

Um oh my gosh it’s so you’re okay okay okay okay okay okay um I’m sure you got some uh I’m sure you got some gems for me don’t you I’m sure you got some gems huh these little purple gems I know you got some since

You built so far down I know you have some gems for me I know you do all right yeah I like it you’re going to give me some of those gems I know those do these things from right here came with a little jam and you’re going to hand that

Over right now you’re going to hand that over right now that is the most valuable piece in this game the most valuable my name’s Twilight Sparkle and I’m going to I’m going to make a cake guys guys wait is this the sparkly stuff is that the gem

Stuff that’s more than spare oh my gosh that’s more than spare oh finally I hear you what the heck seriously yeah everything wants to fight me on this one man what the no computer come on you with me oh oh oh uh I don’t need that many I only need

Girl I’m G to take this and I’m GNA use it okay I’m going to use it I mean my’s okay I’m hearing something what you got going on up in there I’m going to look at your house now blue firsty make it pretty pretty kute going to wait a

Minute my computer is giving me the Dirt how are you getting all this how are you getting all this you’re not allowed to have all this I’m out of here yo drizzle don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t gas bur him down I was going to burn him I was going to burn Mr melon I’m I was goingon to burn him down he’s getting all this Advanced though he’s I’m gonna eat you I’m gonna eat you

One day you know this right T like Sparkle’s GNA eat you it’s going to feel good it’s going to taste good going to put you in my you’re going to taste like not even melon you’re going to taste like kumquat you know what a kumquat tastes like tastes like soapy melon that’s what

You’re G to taste like I’m get the heck did you just give me I didn’t even know what they just gave me what did they get up you know what it’s cool there you go she had no choice but the break [Applause] oh you asking okay blue once you’re in you can

Let me know you let me know okay I’m trying to remember how to do this again okay I mean I already did the part this is time to meet a creeper name tag name tag I know I hit the compass right right uh I need I need iron I need iron oh

[ __ ] do you get iron okay let’s just say uh my Minecraft is giving me a lot of trouble today I don’t blame you this is It’s perfectly fine oh goodness okay I that and it’s also been a while since I’ve you know actually Minecrafted and stuff hey hey it’s cool in my book

Where is it okay I know I’m not stupid I need iron oh wait wait was it the telescope I I forget yeah it’s the telescope or scope or binoculars or whatever it’s called what’s this you get where did you get where did you get where did you get am I going to have

To cause problems here we’re not full white t-shape below three blocks on top of four angers reverse that TSH that’s all the IR giving me everything you got don’t give me everything you got I’m sure it’s only like I only need like one piece of iron or something

Yeah I think I only like one piece this this okay I am so confused Hollywood just search everything okay just give me a like tell me how to do this again uh so where did you get two so far I’m in like the part where I have to

Find out where your Ser is after got through your uh in the main Hub so the main Hub you’re gonna do for SL jooin in the chat yeah and then you’re going to do space drizzle live and then enter okay for slash join right yes sorry I haven’t been on your server

In a couple days I I am I am so sorry man no no no you good you good it’s been a hot minute okay for space Grizz Live know how to spell drizzle he has it he made it okay’s alive with again he made it again okay just alive and then after alive okay it’s okay I’ll learn how to make it I’ll learn how to make it I’ll learn how to make it just the jkey

Making I don’t know how to make it is it scope is it ta is a telescope drizz drizzle drizzle you’re helping me get on here oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay Yourself by doing that uh okay so I got drizzle alive what’s after that again um that’s it that should be it

Oh okay I I hit the enter button oh it did not work I must have not spelled right oh well the instructions are in the description of the video of the stream by the way wait wait there was forward slash not back SL no I’m going to make it

Myself no I’m going to make it myself I’m going to make it myself now I’m going to make it myself I know it’s in the description I’m going to make it myself I need to go find Copper I need to find Copper wait why you need to find Copper

Cuz I want to make a spy glass oh you you want a spy glass what okay yeah I want to be able to make the little thing that goes ching ching ching ching okay sometimes when we’re actually chatting together things just get quite quite silly man they get Derpy that’s like this it

Gets goofy sometimes that’s what it is it gets Absol dud this is why I subscribed to you in the first place man you it’s weird you just have that would be weird if I said you have this weird aura that just makes me forget what happened today and then I’m

In like my own alternate reality where it’s a good day oh yeah that happens a lot to people makes sense like quite a lot I need to make K because I think I mentioned some of that when we we did that podcast years back uh

Uh wait wait you were part of a podcast I don’t even remember that far back remember the PO card I remember the PO podcast yeah just yeah I was in like one where we were talking about like how I think I think it was about how I

Saw your Channel or something I it is very vague it’s been a while it was probably something about either I like MLP has a hole or yeah yeah oh yeah how I saw the fand cuz it was it was Goofy I need spider I’m TI

SP Oh by way I have changed my uh character’s skin uh one how you change the skin Oh I made a new new one took me time I’m running away right now that zombie oh that Zombie’s fast okay all right it’s going take a while for the other ones to actually

Realize okay I’m I’m joining just please don’t die I’m only halfway there this child who follows me all the way home what the heck is it one of them Kid Zombies yes I hate those they’re so fast so so fast are you miling my cows melon are you milking my cow cows my coconut cows my cows with the coconut what’s a cow cow my cow cow are you milking my cow cow are you miling my cow cow

Cooco kaka gaka do you have some eggs AC bro listen come on in come on in come on in let me see if I have any no I don’t have any come on in just just lean that way just lean this but yes I’m having a rainy

Day it’s kind of one of them days yeah it’s rainy over here too get in here melon touch touches just scooch hell justo here I am did you get did you get an egg here oh who’s been sh in my sheep noing your sheep who who’s been going near my

House we’ve all been up in your house so many times I mean the last time in my house you like and here’s Blue’s house we’ve all up in your house we just been dumping stuff in your chest we’re just off in your house by the way I am a dwarf a dwarf

You’re a dwarf you look you look like a ginger K now the thing is if I could change the height I would say I’m a hi can I B buckets does he have buckets in I don’t know if he I don’t have no buckets man okay I have one

Bucket one bucket you may borrow this one bucket wait I’m going to tell you this clearly I haven’t been here for a long time so I have no bucket all right here here’s the bucket although I wonder where the the the pleasant is I don’t know I

Don’t know usually I’d be hearing him wanting to show me his Diamond where’s your sheep are I remember people shearing your sheep like forever ago that was so long ago how are they okay I still don’t know why I mean I don’t mind people going to Shear my sheep but like

Twilight Sparkle can make a cake now Twilight Sparkle can make a cake I’m going to oh I can make wait a minute I need one more bucket we need iron Twilight Sparkle says we need iron we need iron right now and Twilight Sparkle demands it okay

Okay I can tell I’m I do not have what you guys have you’re going to come with us cuz we’re going to go for iron excuse me you need to wait for everybody else I have an iron sword unless you can break that into little tiny iron pieces that’s not going

To work sadly Minecraft doesn’t have that your guys are already down there D oh yeah I just kind of skid along the side excuse me excuse me excuse me sir sir oh hey Minecraft realiz it’s raining in real life so let’s rain in the game excuse me sir excuse me

Sir you can’t you you have to you have to give me that iron sir you have to give me that iron I I I oh wait no never mind screw you okay uh okay just give me to run down I I mean I watch your streams the ones I

Weren’t uh what’s been going on mostly mostly just tom foer boy eating behind my back okay sorry he was eating he was eating Spark this far I’m prob Sparkle I’m T Sparkle I’m Sparkle I’m Twilight Sparkle I’m Twilight Sparkle I’m Twilight Sparkle I’m twilight spark okay you’re you’re doing some

Weird sounds nothing nothing that wasn’t me where’d you go you’re dead okay great I’m still up here safe alive this is how we make a pretty cake you know you can’t be lazy you got to do the cooking actually I’m kind of half dead I think something hit

Me and then you have a cake wait I need a find Copper even though copper is like so common I can’t find okay like I need to find Copper find big container I didn’t ask for diamonds I need copper okay cool now I can fill it up with milky

Milk we’re looking guys know where you are I’m back get my I’m just gonna go back to the base I guess what the heck is that noise someone is arriving what what is that noise I do not know what kind of spooky mess is this oh someone’s playing a music

Track oh I made cake I made cake oh look it’s a be cake first off I need to turn off this creepy music where is this music coming from it’s inside his house break in his house is this the guy with the Mansion Again I’m going to eat him when he least expects it I’m going to eat you uh the melon and then I’m gonna eat you wait why would you eat me because one of you is is a fruit the other one’s a dessert so I’m going to eat eat you

Both I’m going to eat you both I’m going to place out this cake I’m going to place down this cake and everyone prob like sparkle says to take one piece of the cake take only one piece only one piece of the cake One Piece of Cake only one piece of cake

Here we go I place Place yeah I got the place everyone everyone have One Piece of Cake come come yeah you have you have a piece of cake right now I want to I want to see you eat it fight Sparkle wants to see you eat it hey yo P

Sparkle wants to see you eat this cake go ahead eat oh yeah that was that was good so good okay yo Mr um Mr uh night Sir um you’re saying you don’t mind getting eaten um okay just know you told me to do this all right okay I’m still

Punching this is this is taking forever what are you doing here we go if you want me to okay okay yeah that oh yeah he a piece of that gake um I think got thing what did you say he said he does not mind being eaten v he’s a divor

Wait I I think so I mean he said clearly that he doesn’t mind getting eaten after you said you were going to eat what yeah I mean well you know tlight Sparkle really likes to have have some someone eat a little bit of tlight you know what I’m

Saying just kid I’m going to stare at this be now Hey Barry I do not like jazz but I do like you like jazzel doing my housekeeping shift and a b was laely just on the vacuum I was supposed to use and I had to take the be out hello Blackjack hello

Hello Blackjack how you doing how you doing Oho black Jack’s in the chat hello is he he wasn’t able to join hold up hold up someone’s having difficulties well that happens yeah yeah it does happen hello uh let’s see there we go okay let’s just let’s just we made a cake and

That’s all I wanted was to make one little cake wait we made the cake one of these buckets or his buckets let going give him back a bucket hold on I got to get him back Buck I’m cursed to the deadly wait where the heck is here there’s my inventory here is a

Bucket that’s your [ __ ] who’s a there’s that I don’t know where that’s from there’s some drugs uh I only give you like those a little bit of those back here’s some tropical fish can’t do nothing with it um here’s happy eggs here’s some raw fish oh here’s some

Sugar I found make a base with B now do I want it on my left or my right left or my right what to put a little piece right there how do you like that huh how you like that I’m messing up the symmetry of your

House how you like them apples okay I’m going to tell you this I don’t really care for symmetry so oh maybe I wanted that push though yeah yeah what about if I put it like like like like that oh that makes it look weird doesn’t it no no that actually looks

Nice that looks nice too SE flowers I like flowers what if I put this random one way over there I mean it’s not near my house I’m fine I’m going to put one on the back did you really need to burn that house down though oh yeah I totally did oh yeah

Absolutely we have strict rules here all right in the pink Village hidden in there I mean I get you want to have everything listen here close and tighten I gave everyone three reain on my personal server and no one took the bait but the second I put rules on this one

Oh no oh no I already saw the free reain of your personal server that darn oh yeah you saw that just hanging just hanging there forever my name’s tlight spark and I love you I brush my hair with a rake for you you know I can’t take you seriously without face

All right hold on I’m sorry my bad there we go oh my name’s proba I I don’t know what to say right now listen we are both Twilight Sparkles now we love you we love you I’m just GNA back up very slowly and park where you think you’re going

Where do you think you’re going where do you think don’t you come come you don’t you dare oh you’re going to give me that the shield sucks okay I’m twice spirital and get in me bloody house no no how did I open your chest where the [ __ ] did that come from why is

That protruding from the top of his head Hamer oh youed him in what the I did that I blocked myself in good no problem yeah no problem oh No hi I’m Twi Sparkle what’s your name I’m Twi Sparkle I I I really like books I really like books I I I really I I really like books getting in those books make a books hey you know what else I like about books they’re they make that doesn’t even make sense Twilight

I’m TR okay now here’s the question are you Twilight Sparkle from the beginning or are you Twilight Sparkle at the end obviously I don’t have any Wings ah so you’re the one that’s supposed to be antisocial actually wait a minute oh yeah melon that is a challenge do you make a base with

Glass that but you can’t Harvest any more glass from your your house you just have to use the materials I gave you all right I don’t know how you’re going to work with that but you know teach it own you know who chopped down this uh Christmas tree I’m going to

Steal some of it it’s the second day of December I’m steal some of it oh someone joined I don’t know let me find out it’s Tim Tim hello Tim took you five minutes to figure it out hello glad you’re in here you’re actually glad that I’m in here it’s

Scary well well yeah yeah it’s more than just the two of us talking better add the extra sound effects I’m going to more sound effects than just just more sound effects I’ve got balls of steel hey we’re doing the the 1.20.1 right correct but I would hurry I only have 10 minutes

Left oh my God you’re timing M yeah I I literally have set the stream start time the same ever since I started ain’t no way you don’t know [Laughter] oh you don’t like that you don’t like that you like me drizz I don’t know if you want to

Finish whatever recording we had to finish for that video um oh yes for the for the Gmod thing also by the way thanks for reminding me that that’s actually very good that you remind me uh there is a uh so the Gmod server is back up it was a passive announcement but I’m

Going to have more of one later on so the server is back um some things may not work um but most things um okay there are some items protrude across the map which I can’t get rid of at the moment but the point of it is is that it works

That is a good sign I mean yeah I think all we had to do was like that last little bit but I know I had to go at that time and I kind of just want to make sure you have all the oh yeah I’m definitely

Going to need more footage than that oh yeah absolutely yeah I have I have all the time so after this I could just boot it up and we’ll finish that up if you’re feeling okay just might be I’m free dude I’m I I to use what free time I have right now

And just get it out of the way where is it where is it plus I’m also I got a lot of sugar I drink a lot of St so I’m ready so just who said you tell me where you want me to go and we’ll get that last little

Tid bit save me I’m in the darkness the darkness alone up myat up my boat wait there’s a light coming from there what is going on out here this I don’t know what is going on here Mr man I just love how melon’s over here just like mining everything up for some

Reason I I don’t even know I I haven’t been here for two streams I’m gonna I’m going to do something wild I’m going to do it’s also going to be awkward that your oh my God the viewers are going to realize wait wasn’t this dude a spider last time I wanted

To wait oh you mean you oh yes yes you were you were purple you were purple yeah you’re still purple going to eat they’re purple yes okay yeah how do you like that H oh yeah you need to take come have a bite of the uh Town cake

Why is it going to poison me no everyone just needs one piece go ahead eat it eat it eat one piece just one piece you got to get hungry oh you gotta get hungry when I’m hungry I’ll be back well yeah I have to watch you eat

It it’s better if I watch you eat it that’s even Creep Show me where you found that copper right now show me where you found it very you dear enemies of the stage who made that I want that and I didn’t realize it required copper right so everyone come with me we’re gonna

We’re GNA go on an adventure okay what copper yes no not copper no no no we’re just going to go in an adventure all right just come with me right now all right um I don’t have stuff to go I don’t care just come on you you’ll be

Fine come on oh someone else is joining guess is back back back back again look at this goofy look at this goofy goer yeah y go ahead come come at me come at me throw all the insults at me say that I’m it say that I’m stupid say I was GNA

Say that I I like turtles oh hey J okay oh so it’s not the person in the server then uh no no no no that’s uh melon likes to be for some reason secretive uh are y’all in Minecraft already oh yeah yes we are five minutes

Left wait five minutes oh man I’m I can’t I can’t record for too long not unless you guys want me to keep going uh I got copper drizzle excuse me I’m still waiting for you guys to come on the adventure with me like if you want Copper I got copper I need two

Copper I can give you two copper no no you need to come with me on this then what what is there like something in the fine lines that I have to do this your CFT CFT or is that just a plan on words for Minecraft craft can I put my

B awkward uh side tangent I went to Walmart right you know because I was shopping for my cousin uh and we go to the toy section I see the Spider-Man toys right and I’m like their head’s missing like oh no not again but funny thing there was one

Spider-Man toy that still had it head so I just like I take the toy I turn the head to look at it’s Fallen brother and who have lost their heads what ow Morty Morty you no I’m trying to make a boat hold on I need to make a boat SE boat I

Don’t remember how to make a boat oh wait I need a crafting table what do you want five wooden blocks 51 five I’ll make a a stupid boat and come meet you Lord oh oh there’s some copper oh uh I don’t know why but I want to see

The ruins of that one freak thing hey drizzle is your adventure over no but I feel stupid just passed over a whole Legion of copper oh spiders oh I’m gonna eat one you know for what it is at least the house looks sort of

Neat in a way I want to like a beat the left side the head wow who would have thought oh no oh no oh no no no I can’t attack the creeper I’m going to guess all you guys are well I’m trying to be there but I’m not

Like drizz like hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up okay you killed the creeper no Don’t Fear The Creeper oh well I need need on my way server right now seconds I’m going to steal all this and then in 5 seconds dz’s going to die I need no no

No I’m on the way where did you holigans run off I’m theas I’m on my way don’t know where something in my heart something that’s the start away way oh no get away from the creepers no come on hello the P chaos hello Tyler 2015 oh hello there denzo I’m out

Of my Pama shirt this is I’m all ready for this adventure thing okay now I know you got some spider webs there so when we were all like Gathering our crap go do this thing with Drizzle did drizzle just like take off running I think he

Did no you can’t have this it be as shame if he did you’re going to steal it I don’t even know what I’m doing I’m just I’m just doing I’m I’m going I’m going to we’re coming back we’re coming back we’re we’re coming back right now I

Got the copper we’re good good yeah I do remember we were trying to do like a I don’t know for some reason we were using a j rap oh yeah the DK rap oh yeah DK donkey come’s you know him well he’s coming back to Ki tail

Tail’s got style so listen up dude you can sh size to Super Mo oh go you can and climb up trees I forgot the lyrics oh wow how about you eat bees whose house is this same thing whose house is this I actually like this house oh that’s some melons or

One of them no it’s probably no what melon’s house is that weird that weird color or that weird texture on the on the side not one’s talking about oh I was talking about this one I was talking about this one oh let me see I I I

Burned down a lot of houses I don’t know the one next to mine uh hold on I’m almost there almost back on an adventure the thing of my [ __ ] is up and away go go go go really drizzle really really really really yeah but that’s for little kids shut up

Dr SS is for everybody all right I just want to know where he ran off to which one this one this one right here oh cuz this one’s Tim’s we’re we’re here we’re all here okay oh wow I could take a photo of you guys wow wait hold on I

Got I forgot how to take photos a shoot all right whatever let’s let’s just all take a photo together I’m gonna press F5 uh works I guess okay okay every wait I can’t see okay I can see everyone now okay uh get closer than that what the heck all right

One two wait I got to see everyone’s eyes Okay uh three got it yay I got it bye guys you know what just that Waitz that’s not your house get out of there get back here you there’s a reason why there’s two beds I’ll just get to my little stole that man’s

Bed is the door sing a holey hole secret tunnel secret tunnel secret secret secret secret tunnel okay I need to make a copper thing come on come on make the copper yes dig a dig a hole dig a tunnel dig a tunnel this is this is already fun you’re not

Allowed to have fun here not how to have fun your what do you mean I mean we’re going to be having fun here and then fun have fun anymore no it’s [ __ ] misery I’m going to burn someone’s house the threat I’m mostly joined here to get the Minecraft side

Story before we do anything else okay got it got it okay so that means I can grab yes Yes yes oh wait how I put this way oh yeah oh yeah look at this heyo baby I can see far away now yes where is everybody in bed oh oh am I supposed to be sleeping there are monsters and you’re D Oh no just get in the bed up here I can’t

Get in the bed he’s hanging out right next to my window now I can sleep now let’s try to sleep you guys are so Would be great if I can join well well the instructions are in the in the in the thingy the instructions are in the thing black which are in the description of the stream which hey help you figure it figure it out hey drizzle yes instead of burning someone’s houses

Down can you come light a couple candles oh yeah I I can light a candle yeah where’s your candle upstairs the two candles that were next to the same bed you tried [Laughter] taking cand oh where did you get those candles what I made them excuse me beehives man okay now I

Think these make honey and wax so you why because I died in Black spooky there you go it’s extra spooky now be a shame if I just set your carpet on fire just tell me how you think this tast what carpet don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about

It five minutes later come down the candles have burned my whole house down again oh hey look I can eat some cake drizzle wait you gota wait for me to do it this isn’t a bad idea right just to leave this fire here okay oh not that fire what is wrong

With you you just said it was fine you fine fire in the damn all right this I never knew you were look just eat a piece just eat a piece oh yeah hold on I got to move a cat come here go over there look at that weeb over there look at that

Weeb how dare you go ahead eat a piece eat it eat it oh oh spk drizzle stop stroking it over a piece of cake I must hit you because you this is for Kids drizzle drizzle is probably gonna be the first man to make a [ __ ] uh a cake video on the fun fun websites and not even know it well okay wait first let me answer this uh Blackjack so what so all you have to do is go in the description launch up your Minecraft

Launcher and and in the description it tells you what to do exactly so changing the installation type back to 1.20.1 and that’ll bring it bring it back so you can use that call it whatever you want are those diamond boots okay I’m just GNA ignore that I’m

Just going to ignore that uh you go you go into this uh the uh server type and all the instruction should be there um if you still get stuck just let me know uh and by the way um wait what was I going to talk about dang what G mod

Server oh no something before that I was going to mention something you guys said something I was going to mention something about it I don’t know what you guys a shoot oh my gosh my brain did he fall in please don’t fall in there’s no way out I already did excuse excuse

Me it’s going to give someone an Ang room okay everyone let’s go to the swamp we got we got to go find Shrek here real quick come on Shrek yeah we got to find Shrek come on oh Lord this is going to be a weird fun one isn’t yeah let’s go let’s go

TR and the fact that we might live near one makes me think hey yeah one Sprite cranberry yeah someone beat him with a stick I actually got actually got Sprite cranberries wait where where are you guys going I I didn’t see any of you

Guys M wait go behind my my uh house and just head in that direction I was the only one that put some pants put some pants on yikes behind your house I didn’t know I had no pants Oh sheez this is live footage behind your house live on

Minecraft wait go yeah go behind my house and then oh my Lord I oh I didn’t realize I had pants Jesus hi welcome to me swamp welcome to me swamp I don’t know if I’m going the right way oh yeah just is there any frogs Yeah there’s frogs here but at the

Very end for some dumb reason okay you like pop up in front of me and be my guide okay we need to head back we need for we we need a headback so we could show him the Frog I’m very hungry okay I’m just going to let you know I’m a

Dwarf dwars don’t really see in locations don’t attack the pigs that’s too late they’re a land mark for me what the heck they respa him plus you need meat can I get them from someone whatever okay where are you let’s see let’s use our handy dandy spy

Glasses and where are you you should I’m going back to our base and then we’ll go to my base okay there it is with all your fruits okay okay so all those vegetables in the opposite direction direct opposite you want to head head that direction it’s the opposite of this this um cherry

Blossom right yes just head in that direction you’ll be there heading straight okay going to come out what he came out of the closet I don’t know I don’t know where he is okay please Grizzle please please help me yay looking good W Okay here all right Gentlemen let’s stop staring at each other in the eyes and let’s get going back get back here I’m sorry you know what let’s go to the swamp we got to we got to let’s go sacrifice drizzle already come on no I want us to all look at this frog

And just look at it real weird just stare at it and I hope it eats you remember when they first introduced the Frog they have this whole animated thing and everything I even I I don’t even know about the frogs not even the bees so I just kind of left yeah Minecraft

Has it own you attack one more Pig and I’m I’m gonna kill you I’m gonna kill I’m kill you okay where is it where is it oink oink oink oink to a swamp I don’t know how that here it is here it is boys here it is it knows it’s in

Danger Hey Hey look it’s it’s the you to frogs I don’t know what you even do with frogs you you put them in your base and they will eat they’ll eat any enemies I guess if I call I’m looking at my own frog the heck does wait someone gave me

These diamond boots who gave me these diamond boots I know it was it was him it was him he gave me the diamond boots there’s excuse me there’s two frogs take your diamond boot boots back maybe there’s two frogs hey there’s two frogs look over here there’s one right

Here I’m going to call you what are you going to call this one like the brand or or oh there are two com he’s coming heing froggy how you doing how you doing frog if we if we find a why’ you stab him with a hook

Where are you going I don’t know I’m just kind of looking I I don’t know what’s beyond that point I’m very curious did you go go over that big hill yeah yeah or the big yeah I just kept going in the same direction I’m just seeing what’s out here I’m just going to

See there’s a bees I killed the chicken you killed the chicken you must be sacrificed okay there’s nothing but just like people people like drowning cows in lava this is not normal where’ you guys go okay I’m heading back I’m heading back I’m heading back oh you’re heading

Back yeah I’m heading back oh beehive I don’t do I need like hone let’s see if I remember where we’re going yay okay so I can’t take a bucket of bucket of honey okay I’m just going to go straight like you know can I like Beehive I’m probably going the wrong way hey look a mushroom oh no oh no bees bees did you get a bees nest yeah I was trying to harvest it you need a fire pit drizzle in the shears I just made a bunch of bees angry

I was yeah when they sting yeah they die eventually exactly am I going deeper in this water oh my gosh he’s like permanently aggroed on me what he nuts who said that read the text then you are banned from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse okay I’m definitely going the

Wrong way again I don’t know what we I will tell you all I suck at location how you doing how you doing we need to have like a beacon I’m going to head home before uh Tel dies for no reason we’ll be fine just got to oh no okay we won’t be fine

So we just got to attack this guy no problem no problem just get through sneak past him okay okay okay aha you did is Squidward I’m going to take those bones and I’m going to suck on I’m going to suck on you’re you’re going to suck on Bones what is

Wrong you know how many people are right now in the chat he’s going to suck a b yeah let’s definitely go I cannot run right now so definitely go there are so many get out of there man get out of there there’s so many oh hi I see your a little Squadron of

Enemies they’re like they’re like the zombie party they’ll never stop coming since I don’t know how to get back I’m just going to jump off this Cliff no don’t jump up did you jump off the cliff with all the stuff in your pocket yes I’m sure you’re going to go back and go

Get it right well hello again friends creeper had to drown now chicken protect me go clu I can always make new stuff right yeah about that listen you is more you’re not supposed to sit there and make new diamond sword sword right you’re not supposed to make those hey I still have

A golden helmet and like no he crashed no he said he had to go he crashed it was an explosion and then he died oh no I did that was me a creeper tried to blow me up why did he die what the because he had to

Go he did yeah he said he has to like leave early I’m going to do nothing but just zombie me being rotten flesh you’re disgusting cannibal I need Foodies and there’s a ton of this stuff so I’m just gonna eat it he’s just gonna be sick all time and then might turn

Into him himself hi how how you how you doing dzo if you turn from purple or the purple the P the green I’m killing you excuse me I don’t need your pity all right I need you to take that me that was wait those are all

The I told you not to eat those pork chops I told you not to eat those pork chops you little stink oh my gosh what are wait what are these no they’re are you downstairs I think melon has played play that spooky music Again who’s playing what instructions description what is this garbanzo paste okay that’s it that’s it no no oh oh you found a record uh all the way out to my house I heard that for some reason look out spider look out look out it’s something I don’t

Like right done punching it all right anything you want to say to the internet blue is there anything you want to Say come on countdown to creace what wait what did you say what it’s the countdown to km kma a sure like kma kma yeah CH marry yeah good good where’s it where’s is either your new sponsor yes primma why you throwing on pants first off take your boots

Back I I’ll I’ll gladly wear those I have my gold boots my gold butts no I have my gold butt wait a minute Unbreaking keep your boots I will keep my I’ll take them here what would you like to say to the internet Twilight Twilight what do you

Want to say to the internet Twilight Sparkle get up come on Twilight Sparkle just tell me what you want to say come on come on twil Sparkle just tell it dig in there dig deep eat lots of melons sub the drizzle don’t trust pumpkins and keep

Breathing I trust you more than I trust this one I trust the pumpkin well I trust this one well guys it’s officially he has lost it let’s kill him now all right no come here no come here I see you eating chips over there you ain’t sharing with nobody Ain Chips uh we’re here he’d probably tell us why we not I’m going to steal his cat wait don’t be stealing this cat it’s kind of weird hi Cuties I’m going to steal his cat all right where is it where is where is he I know he’s around here where the flip is he where is he where’d he go you’re blind drizzle oh you me the whole time what would you like to say of the

Internet with your diamond pants and your very no look out bu now what would you like to say with your diamond p no we go I can’t people one tonight try again to sa the internet Diamond want to spray cranberry okay no that’s cool that’s cool yeah

FL iard this guy he he looks hurt it’s hard to do this in third person put I’ll put down ladies ladies and gentlemen this is the makings I’m an insane person look look at this and never be him never be like this man oh that was like it whatever going to play on

Here for a little while longer and then afterwards I’m going to get the tbod server and ready and yeah just just just be smart be like those fools over there you see those fools over there you see them oh my gosh he has aimed he aimed at

What he people calm down calm down all right I love how he had his compass in front of his face that look like like blind shotting it I don’t know what he’s doing he just looks like he’s trying to threaten you and you guys are just standing there just taking

It just just put put it down you want a spider eye I mean it’s it’s it’s useful for that stuff wa a minut crap I forgot how okay well thanks for watching Everybody thanks it’s great great seeing you bye oh you uh maybe I should

Uh I just GNA pull fing this is Goofy I am out of here this is silly

This video, titled ‘Hugs & Creeper Cakes | Minecraft Livestream 6’, was uploaded by DatDrizzle on 2023-12-03 12:52:26. It has garnered 106 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:16 or 4456 seconds.

I’m twilight sparkle, what’s your name?! Join me this Saturday on the 2nd at 2:30PM PST (USA). Hope to see you there Marshmallows!

Join the Revolt server if you dare!:

Basic Rules for watching: 1)Viewers must say hi during the stream 2)Players wanting to play in-game, should arrive 30-60min prior (but don’t do anything!) 3)Each streaming session is capped at 30-55min 4)Bring some healthy snacks & Enjoy the show!

How to join in-game: 1)Launch the previous version of Minecraft Java 1.20.1 edition 2)Select “Multiplayer”, then select “Join Server” 3)Type the server name whatever you want, then type “” for the IP 4)Click join server! 5)NOTE 1: if the server you join, is not a survival world, press “T” then type, “/join drizzlelive” 6)NOTE 2: only 10 players are allowed per world


I can’t wait to see you there! God Bless ya!

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  • INSANE Modern Minecraft House Tour! MUST SEE! 🔥

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  • Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!

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  • Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2

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  • Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memes

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  • Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!

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    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k Discord: The Wolf Pack Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk MERCH!!! SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There 🤫 #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By ‪@TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This server offers a unique experience with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity for all playstyles. Whether you’re a builder, PVPer, trader, or nomad, there’s a place for you here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them! Key Features: Great Performance: Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal client-side lag, and the server has high-end hardware for smooth gameplay. Safezone-Borderlands System: Experience both bloodshed and peace in different areas of the server, catering to various playstyles. The Origins Mod: Explore unique custom origins along with the base origins, carefully curated for a balanced and exciting… Read More

  • WebMC OneBlock

    Play our game mode reimagined on our very own OneBlock server! With custom mechanisms inspired by DeblokMC, start off with just one block and build your way up to greatness. Fun, challenges, and a friendly community await! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft pro or nah?

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft pro or nah?That meme must have really passed some gas to score so high! Read More

  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

    Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 - Ticket Tightrope Welcome, welcome, to the Bean Mart show, Where we mix business with Minecraft, let’s go! On TikTok Live, I shared the behind-the-scenes, Of ordering, stocking, and all the in-betweens. The viewers were hooked, on the edge of their seats, As I navigated the game with swift and neat beats. Join me on YouTube, if you missed the live stream, For a night of fun, like a gaming dream. Subscribe to my channel, for more content galore, On Instagram, Amazon, and so much more. Follow me on Spotify, for tunes that inspire, And on Facebook and Pinterest, for content that’s… Read More


    PEDRO'S FIERY MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS! 🔥 Why did Pedro bring a pickaxe to the club? To mine some sick beats! #minecraftparty #miningforlaughs #pedrotheDJ Read More