Sneaky Sabotage: SkyBoundSMP EP 8

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Last time on bound smv uh run was working with Sil to finalize and create the grappling hook they were working over working on it over the course of many many days sleepless nights and long hours trying to get it to work they did one test that it didn’t quite work but

They tried to build a safer area of honey and water for rooma test it in they built a second one but wasn’t strong enough he needed more and the third one seemed to be perfect and just right and room was able to swing around

And uh get get around all on top of the buildings and it was really fun and good um uh Ava came on by kept bringing them food every day in between their adventures and uh also hung out towards the end after R finally got the grappling hook set up and that’s where

We last saw him so let’s see what he’s getting up to now hello the holy frog thank you have a nice stream thank you so much I appreciate it one little song and we’re going to get into it all right let’s get into the lore times I’m turning on the box okay let’s

Go all right wa where did I what did this come from what all right I don’t want that I’m just going to I’ll put that up there for later okay oh night oh not a fan of that one all right what do we have so far

Hello hi hi there hi hi nice to see you all how are you today hello I don’t really know what’s what that was squid yeah uncomfortable uh actually you guys what I’m working on though this is what we’re doing right now this this one one right here uh on

Onto the next thing we’ve got one success uh we got to do another all right as always I’m glad I’m glad you’re doing all right I’m all right as well moving up to this the disenchanter I’m trying to get it to work we’ve been we’ve been we’ve been

Doing things on it I’ll tell you what I’ve got so far all right um so I’ve been out this this a bit it’s been it’s been since the pants incident um that I’ve been trying to get this working I want to be able to disenchant our and tools without losing the good

Enchantments I just want to get rid of the curses um so far the way we have it set up is that you put the item up here in this Hopper it goes down into this grind Stone which holds it down um and then you heat you use a fuel source down

Here to heat it up um these RS act as a really good conductor between this and over here you should be able to flip the lever after a bit and it should pop on out Cur free ideally um that’s that’s the that’s what it should do that’s that’s the idea that’s the goal

Um I’ve written all my notes down here and this is kind of our disenchantment study book I figured it might mean to be separate than this book which I’m still I can’t get the little bit of redoff it’s a bit weird I don’t know if it’s Redstone but it wasn’t always there

Science science so the issues I’m having right now is the fuel source I’ve tried coal I’ve tried lava I’ve tried Ember rods I’m running out of items to try I’m I run out of materials to keep going for I run out of armor pieces and weapons

That are are cursed um but they’re not strong enough I can’t tell if it’s a matter of heat or not we have a couple trials we have the one outside where we use the lava um we have ones in here with the Ember Essence and even regular

Essence and it’s just not the right magic does obsidian run hot I don’t think so I I think in it’s technically cool that’s the whole thing it’s cooled very fast I believe I don’t think it’s typically warm but I’m not sure of any other I’ve been stumped on that one

Oh no give me my B back I wonder if there’s something else I have that could be used as a fuel source I’m kind of run through all the normal ones technically I believe a lava bucket or a block of coal or the hotest but amethyst that’s an interesting

Suggestion hold on oh wa all right no no I I okay no all right this by itself though it’s not it’s not good to grind down it becomes shards it doesn’t I need it to condense yes kind kind of like um the essence I i’ need it to be kind of like

This the Embers where it’s it’s a smaller more condensed form but I still need power I need electricity in here somehow melt it perhaps maybe if I heat it up amethyst what if I combine them Redstone is already a natural power source of it’s it’s natural power source we use to

Do all kinds of redstone contraptions amethyst is a natural magical Source but by itself it’s just there it doesn’t have anything to react to it maybe if I combined a little bit of redstone with the amethyst I could get it down to a powder put that powder in something and

Use that to heat up a furnace okay all right oh okay no we’re cooking we’re cooking ideas we we are have no give give that back I was going to I was going to writeen it give it back I was going to writeen it okay uh we’re cooking ideas we’re cooking ideas

For sure for sure so it’s not the right magic let’s try Amethyst in its natural state no not strong enough its natural state but if we could be stabilized in a powder okay let’s give that a try let’s see let’s see how that works he Sparks are smart you are you’re delightful you

Are you’re so smallart let’s see maybe a lot of maybe like this many how how many do we think needed to be what’s the ratio how much amethyst two two no not that maybe less maybe Redstone isn’t needing to be the strongest thing here maybe it’s really the amethyst that should maybe maybe

That yes yes this this the powder okay but wonderful oh oh this is wonderful Move oo okay okay that that’s it that’s what we need that’s what we need we cooked we cooked that’s a lovely way to say that I love that you okay let’s see if we can make just so many more so many okay perfect this is this is delightful this is delightful put the

Notes away oh this is so perfect okay I want now H we need a good way to put it put it in the furnace like I like why not just a bucket we just keep we don’t need to make this more complicated what if we

Take what if we take these give me these you make more and what if let’s see if this will work if I just kind of put it in if I just take it out and put this new thing in there maybe is it this

Oh in a copper bucket yes put in a cup put in a little cup put a copper one because it’s just it’s just a better conductor for for the Redstone look at this look how cute that is look at that’s oh it’s it’s it’s it so oh

It’s it’s so lovely look at that bucket of amethyst okay okay all right bucket of amethyst perfect no notes I love that so now we’ve got in a refined powder oh okay that’s fine this should work this should be able to fuel that okay wonderful wonderful that you know I’m curious can

I what happens if you combine four amethyst shards you get a block of amethyst you get you get a kind of bigger condensed amethyst block what happens if I’ve taken it from A Shard to a powder combined with the Redstone to give it a little bit more power excuse me

Pon oh that’s wondrous oh that’s delightful this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life oh oh that’s so pretty oh oh I love that it’s just it’s it’s a Charged amethyst block the Redstone combined with the that is amazing light source the Redstone combined with the amethyst has

Turned just just wait wait comparison we should compare them we should go get give give put in my hands give me one now I need ah we’re going so fast I me your eyes oh that’s that’s I sweet to say thank you look at that

Oh is it how sturdy is it h okay oh okay it’s it’s not very sturdy at all but we can remake it okay so you probably should use a silk touch oh it glows like you it does glow like you look at this okay I’ll have to

Update the notes this is this is amazing this is wonderful I don’t have soap touch on anything maybe if I can see if I have a book I can quickly put on this pickaxe it’s it’s so it’s so important to me um do we have any we don’t have any okay

Unfortunate it’s so much brighter it is so much brighter it actually Sparkles how amazing is that oh this is this is delightful this is wonderful I I don’t have any more cust items though to really test it out yeah let’s see if I can will you give

Me that’s upsetting I was hoping for silk touch I could go buy it I guess I go buy it this is fine maybe there’s one in here this is a really good pickaxe I shouldn’t be upset I just I’m just I’m just in such a

Spe T it yeah okay we can we can buy it from the we have so many we can make we can buy more of this let’s make some more of this powder take these with us M has had a whole chest oh oh you busy oh speaking of B no what do you

Need there we go because speaking of us it’s Walkers it is really pretty I want to make more all right let’s make a couple more of these now let’s just make the rest can you come can I come over I need help with my hair yes of course oh sure come on

Over there you me help with hair I can help with hair maybe’s having a bad hair day maybe maybe maybe hair apparently I don’t know I’m not sure but I can help with that I can do that actually should be maybe not be down here okay I have to have to go

Upstairs I have to go upstairs and be normal let’s go up head up be S let me do other hair I I mean I do my own hair just fine I’ve got my little oh hello hi hi there uh I was wondering if you’re busy just just making

Things but noal oh oh oh I okay I have something I need to show you I M look what I made look at it look what I made I made that a grappling cook yes yes me and S were working here for hours hours to get

That made uh our days uh it was multiple days apparently AA told me later but look look at it it works there’s so many trials it it it’s it works well can I show you mhm I was mean to come by but then I got distracted with

Disenchantment and I I didn’t get a chance to come show you but it’s really cool sure yeah uh okay okay okay okay so we had a couple issues we have a couple trials we had to do here but but see I go right and then I can just go up look

At that oh look at that I’m up here I’m up here now I can even swing can even swing and you know what I can swing on down to you if I I just okay oh oh uh uh sorry sorry oh my goodness oh oh no

Uh oh the cords oh they’re all tingled up I didn’t I didn’t screw up anything what oh no oh the CTS oh okay um okay sorry sorry sorry wait wait wait wait art one second wait one second what did you do what did you do you silly I

Screwed up okay wait give me one second I I’m so silly there we go got it okay there okay ah [ __ ] ow I’m so sorry oh no I’m so sorry it’s fine it’s fine okay oh no no no no it’s a work in progress just just just just

Yeah um if I if I pull it here and and then ow I’m sorry I’m sorry no you’re good maybe I don’t maybe I don’t pull it there that’s not what is it okay here just just just just I’m just going to is it okay if I just cut

This one yes I I can put I can make more it’s no problem at all uh sorry okay okay yeah just here there there there sorry I did I that uh I’m still getting used to it it’s um bit of a new invention I’m learning the learning the ropes the

Ropes a bit of a pun ah that one is are you all right I know I’m not are you okay you’re the one that fell out of a tree oh i’ I’ve fallen so so much so so much nothing to worry about as long as you’re okay I didn’t mean to crash

London to you you’re not that heavy it’s okay fair fair there but still still um but that’s my grappling hook uh it’s it’s it’s cool I promise I promise it’s nicer than that um most of the time I can get up on the buildings and

Everything um when I no when when I aim well and don’t fall you don’t aim for my face yeah maybe I should have aimed a bit differently just uh the horse was there any any other option of things I don’t know I I think it’s a little bit easier to

Disentangle I don’t know if I got out the hor I don’t know if the horse would let me go but anyway you sorry you came here for something and it wasn’t that it wasn’t me tumbling into you no it was it uh no it wasn’t um what can I what

Can I do for you this is bit of a weird I maybe request I don’t even know if you know how I just I don’t know um can you cut my hair oh cut your hair sure sure come on in let let’s not stand outside with the

Horse um I don’t know if I have a good spot yeah you can can sit right here right there the table are you looking to get your end trimmed kind of kind of sprucing it up do you want to lose a couple I can get

Some layers in there I want you to cut it off oh like all of it maybe not all of it all of it but Just just you know so it doesn’t look so much like a girl I don’t think it looks I don’t think has gendered in that way I don’t think it works that way no I I don’t think you the peacock the who the B the peacock said the same thing about skirts

That the the skirts aren’t gendered that way because I said that a skirt was girly when he they I didn’t do the question that you asked that you say You’re supposed to I don’t know their pronouns are I that’s if you don’t know they is safe in there

The they said I would look good in a skirt and I got I said that that was for girls and then they said that that skirt fabric doesn’t have gender like that and then they said that why do I even care cuz I have long hair what and then I guess I

Just took that to mean that my hair looks girly even though Tech technically they didn’t actually say that I just look this is really dumb I just do you like your hair this is dumb I’m I’m no sit back down do you like your hair it doesn’t matter ask if it’s girly

It does I like my hair I’ve got long hair down up here on the front if I take those brids out it’ll be a lot of hair even if it’s care lip toop I’ve got a lot of layers going on in here and I like my hair a lot I don’t think it

Changes how I present myself as anything but room having it long or short I’d still be room to you right well yeah you’d still be vast whether your hair was long or short it doesn’t really change who you are just how you look same thing if you were to wear a

Dress well scirt you don’t have to but if you did it would just be you and a dress or a skirt I don’t think they’re very gendered AA growing up was was much more into not not doing all the feminine things of of all the other girls uh and

And presenting individuals and I didn’t make her less of a her cuz that’s how she identifies you know but I’m not a girl I I don’t this is do you like your hair not that it matters do you like it genuinely do do you like your hair I haven’t

Really thought about it I guess this is the most I’ve ever thought about it because of a comment that a peacock made I just I tie it out of my face to keep because it’s practical and I don’t really know how to cut it because I’m take your Hut off

Not I’m not the one that used to cut it that’s fair take a helmet off you have nice hair I like your hair a lot it’s very soft very soft very long you got a TI back here got a little bit fling over your bangs work well in your

Face it’s a lovely shade of red I like your hair do you like your hairir I I think so then you should keep it as it is as simple as that I don’t know this peacock fellow um I haven’t met them but their words are just words your hair isn’t gendered it’s just

Yours if you really truly deeply want to cut it because you want to then I will help you but not because someone else made you feel like it was wrong for having it the way it is that one I won’t stand for yeah yeah okay I think on it a

Bit see how you feel in a couple days if you still want to cut it I will okay yeah I’ll I’ll think about it thank go process now would you like to have a bit of a distraction yeah come on it’s late which means it’s inventing Hours come

Now I’ve working on something very cool that I would love to show you other than the grappling hook come on in you sure mhm you may enter sorry I did it just I don’t know this you’ve never invited me into this room before and it kind of feels like I

Know okay well I know you’re not an Aven but it just it feels like Nest Your Nest I suppose it is for all intensive purposes it’s more of a room than my room is but I don’t mind you will can come in this is my office we were at the desk

Over here we’ve got kind of a forge happening over here all the smelting sketches on the walls uh just a pile of copper I like copper a lot it’s a great block and then over here is what I’m working on right now there used to be a

Like a cutter in the middle of the floor but then still fell onto it so um I haven’t gotten that repaired yet they’re all right mostly a self fell on it we were trying out the ropes for the grappling hook and they decided the best thing to

Do would be to try it out um before we finalized it and the RO wasn’t strong enough and it’s not a very far fall like a long like a large fall it shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did but then the cutout was in the middle of the floor so

Uh that I’ll do it they’re coming to managers but they are all right can can say they are doing all right we disinfected them and everything uh anyway this I’m still I’m still working on the armor the the the disenchanting of the the tools and the and the things

In that nature but I got a bit stuck on this one so I came back to it recently and I think I figured it out um the problem was the fuel source the way this works is that you put the put the armor piece up here and this top Hopper pushes

It down to the grindstone you put something to fuel it under here so heats up into the grindstone and theoretically you should flip this switch and your your item should pop out here with all the good enchantments and none of the curse however it wasn’t strong enough

And I if one of the Sparks actually had the idea of using amethyst but amethyst is really hard to to work with without giving it something else so I was able to make oh wait I don’t have one on me uh I can make one I was able to make

This powder by combining Redstone with a couple of the amethyst shards which I just have a bunch of what did you leave those the amethyst uh I found an amethyst and yeah you know that at a level you can’t get to very much thank you I appreciate it it came

Great handy in a way you’ve helped me do this uh I’ve made this powder which is it’s so interesting and wonderful and I love it a lot it’s very cool but even better is that I could put it into a bucket to make lovely fuel sauce has been copper

Because of the Redstone component it just needs a little bit more a little bit more safer but here we go refined ameth powder now I haven’t gotten a test it yet because I’ve run out of items but first now this one’s the good one in and this that one’s for

You when you combine four of the powders when you combine full amethyst sha you get an amethyst block um but with the addition of the Redstone it gives it a lighting component and it’s it’s it makes a refined amethyst that glows uh wow mm yeah you can have that one

Too it is a bit fragile so if you break it without silk touch it will uh turn back into the powders but just a little bit more fragile than an amethyst block but just the comparison there it’s so pretty Sor this this is the most exciting part I didn’t even get to try

Out the disenchanter I’ve run out of cursed things do you need more do you have more yeah I’ve been keeping supplies that that I pick up oh then Absolutely I’ll take more then we could try it out we can see if it works okay yeah come on all

Right you going to bring your grappling hook of course I don’t know how much of it I’ll use on the way it’s it’s it’s a work in progress oh we probably got the back door I’m so silly all right try again you say this into the water it’s a little

Anticlimactic this is just me walking now see it works very well in a it works well in nice areas where it works oh mhm what is this sorry hold on believe it’s the peacocks oh oh I think this is the one I haven’t met then I hav haven’t seen them

Around oh it’s very brightly color I like the little Sun of bit oh you’re still here oh no wait why is it holding V why is it holding beef why is it I don’t know but it’s it’s it’s if Gavin wants to deal with the beef bird Gavin can have the beef bird

Bird what is it do it want something anymore I don’t know don’t give it does it want cooked beef I don’t I feel like I should be helping it it’s going to get like her her disease that’s its own fault oh no I don’t know I’m a little concerned

Stairs I know I’ve got the grappling hook but the stairs are very nice and I will use them little friend where you hello I always love your area it’s very lovely great colors thank you uh hello what do you have feather delightful it’s not yours where you get that good

Goodbye all right that one’s that’s fine anyway sorry distracted items but I wait okay was that was that one of your Mac pies cuz I also had one oh all right then you’ve made your your stance clear hello no no no no no no oh R give a lead

Um maybe right don’t go anywhere I’m watching I’m watching you hello there friend I don’t have any seeds um can I hold one break all the grass okay don’t break my grass stay with me RA we we you’re having a moment you me hello hello little friend we’re just hanging out outside

We’re just waiting calmly oh hello you have an iron nugget you I’m sorry I’m distracted I’m supposed to be looking at you or I where you get a nugget do I not have stuff uhoh no what if I just push them you can potentially just push them

I’m pushing I’m trying this other one’s in the way don’t dras okay well you no wait wait second we’re going to fix this we’re going to fix this please come back over here you silly we can’t all come outside wait you you have you’re holding a seed you need to come

Inside so that they will actually come in oh this is so right I could have just done that you also get this one with the Nugget he’s also important well okay you’re here now okay all right oh I feel like I’ve got quite a console no hello

Jasper it’s good to see you again hello Ry okay be free one off or not all right come anyway quick about that door oo storage room some Vanishing can I go down there Vanishing H can I go down there what’s in there the be Hive sure be oh

That’s beautiful and that’s so lovely oh I love it that’s nice that’s a good one I’ll make sure to just hold seeds on me at any given time okay here I have a sword a helmet and a pickaxe okay perfect Wonderful okay let’s go give it a shot Oh I thought hello gold nugget Oh not the magpie egg all right J but I have enough I promise I do what do you have Flint a that’s delightful what are you going to do with that what are you fire isn’t going to start little rap skull stop leaving raw meat around my house wait aren’t they

Over there how did they it was the squid again oh one of the magp thinks they’re funny I don’t know how feel about that I don’t know how I feel about the squid it’s not very yeah it’s going to make my house smell bad it’s going to house just smell like squid

Oh is that you fight the creeper yep no way hello llamas you have nothing of use ouch it’s fun maybe you should really invest in some feather falling I have a book I just forgot to I’ve I’ve been trading I’ve got lots of emeralds to work with

I’ve I’ve got 40 levels and lots of emeralds and I just um I get a bit distracted you don’t say hey now sometimes I just work like that hello what do you have what did you get here cow okay anyway sorry we have paper okay let’s see if this will work

Now a bit don’t Sparks you leave me be okay going to put the random macpie egg away and this yep we going to put that away all right so I’m going to start with the pickaxe we’ll go in level of uh quality of ore so theoretically I should be able to put it

In here put the bucket already got one in there with we’ll put a little bit we’ll just have something cooking some some copper there we are oh that is a that’s a great fuel source that’s so fast and theoretically we should be able to just flip the switch and it should just pop

Out with the correct one mhm this hasn’t worked before so if something goes horribly wrong duck behind the forge uh there you are there you are there you go all right I will give it ow what ouch oh that are you okay oh yeah that hurt h i

It worked oh it worked it worked oh that’s wonderful ow anyway it worked look it’s all gone why why did it hurt why did it hurt ah I’m all right yeah I’m fine I’m socks it’s all right nothing just a just bit of a hit that enchanting gives you back some of

The experience from it gives you back some of the power from the enchanted IEM when you disenchanted I imagine that works the same with curses except instead of getting the good experience you get maybe a bit of hurt I that huh do you want me to do the

Other ones no no you’re good you’re fine I’m all right it’s just a little I’m right is we’re going to eat a little bit of food doing all right I think that’s that’s why that that makes sense just Equivalent Exchange and all that of course of course you would do there we

Go yeah that’s huh well I’m going to try the other one because now I need to make sure it works multiple times I’m going to try the sword this one’s Cur of managing we let that cook we let that simmer I guess that’s fair if you’re

Going to be taking away the curses which is normally not done this got to be you know some kind of backlash but it’s minimal just just just a little bit of a whack but it works it works look at this the curs is gone we can remove curses from items how amazing is

That really amazing oh this this is a wonderful success this is this is wonderful oh I have to success I have to make these notes better I’ve started an entirely separate book for this because that just the flight Journal wasn’t working okay let’s give this a short here

Ow yep still hurts still works though it still hurts but it still works that that wasn’t even as bad that time get used to it look that look at that okay okay O Okay helmet last one last one one more one more shot do you want me to do this

One y you okay all right it no way way at all it works this is I’m I’m safe I’m all right listen it’s it’s just a normal an animal like one of the cows take damage instead I don’t know if it works like that I don’t I don’t really want to

Sacrifice a cow that feels upsetting that’s an upsetting don’t suggest that that’s upsetting don’t do that all right let’s see if I put that back up and down oh yep okay maybe that’s enough for now but success on an armor piece Oh this is wonderful look at that I got disenchant I disenchanting you don’t have a helmet do you no I I think all my I just have all iron armor that’s just kind of somewhere where I don’t even know where I put the armor oh oo that’s

Lovely o oh oh are you giving this to me yeah I already had aqua affinity on my helmet oh so when I traded for it thank you it thank you oh here I guess I should prob give you back your now disenchanted things I I I don’t know if

You really want the the kind of just kind of okay Diamond uh golden pickaxe it’s it’s not particularly um I just got things to probably upgrade these more soon o good I found a another spawner oh had some extra gear in it oh the blazes mhm oh that’s good I’m glad

People were able to find them now it seemed like they were being a bit elusive for a bit yeah I felt a bit foolish there were two right next to each other oh okay that that’s fair that will make you feel a little bit silly but you found them

Now yeah so I have those in we’ll get them upgraded soon I should probably work on the gear and things um I’ve got three out of three great success yes three of three great success um I got a big exract with grappling hook and and out with this but

That’s two for two success is down the line and the village is all set up so now I can actually you know put on some boots maybe but also upgrade this cuz I can make this better Sil want to add Rockets I didn’t really agree with that one but I did

Suggest teleportation and I think I can figure that out I just think I can more than the lasers the lasers yeah so wanted the lasers that just felt like a bit gy if you ask Me yeah a little bit but uh I’m glad it worked yes oh thank you for bringing more items by it was really nice of to test them out and thanks for joining me on my little my little testing Adventures here wait yeah give you for your service don’t mind me I’m

Cooking I’m cooking so much right now that’s what the Sparks have been saying they’ve been saying I’ve been cooking lately I think that’s delightful that’s a wonderful word that they’re using hold on I need more to cook but I do really appreciate your help even though I fell into oh oh okay

I see how it is fine yeah I will make you more but those are what I can make right now I need more of the the shards but I have blocks but I will make you more do you want more shards if you have shards specifically that’ be great I just have

A lot of the blocks I can go check or we can I can go you we can go I’ll go yeah all right I’m glad that worked I’m really glad that worked I’m sorry I’m glad that worked out that was really good that we finally have the disenchantment for get out now

We can have things all done and dandy going forward yeah yeah great success if you will we always love to see it I wonder if I should if I could I need to get one of the source blocks to grow more okay oh I’m right I’m all right got

A little bit hurt from the disenchanting won’t be doing that too too often and we’re proud of you thank you thank you I’m glad it worked we’ll make our notes a bit better and we can have a full finished book and we can put it on the Shelf once we’ve we should

Also do one for the grappling hook I will write how it worked and um the process it took and who helped and then I’ll put it on the shelf and then that means it’s a finished convention you keep adding to it but have it on be

Finished yeah it’d be good it’d be good sorry I really didn’t mean to fall into him uh earlier I felt like it feels like he has a a personal bubble that I entered without meaning to in that moment give him my hug no I think I’ve done

Enough I think i’ I’ve done that enough oh I think I’ve done that enough oh the thing let’s go back hello again I have more that’s all the ones that I do have wonderful wonderful I’ll make more more of the lights more of the lights it seems like it’s not it’s not a

Very plentiful exchange but I think for how pretty it is it is so worth it are more like so much here we go he’s like now this this feels like the most wonderful success so tou works right there we go all right look at that yeah yeah I’ll

Uh get out of your hair thank you for helping uh with mine of course thank you for being a good spot helping me with the things and sorry again for falling into you uh I will look more when I’m coming uh through swinging about mhm your work shop is nice thank you work

Really hard on it welcome down here anytime Nest Vibes it is just kind of everything everywhere and then like a small sleeping space in the in the corner there’s food in here can you even get up to that um that’s s that’s not even mine

I I fall asleep on the Cupa often I really should I I have a bed roll with me most of the time so I can just kind of do that not that don’t wonder why the floor does that but like do that that’s that’s Sil Sil just kind of

Put that up there and then will fall asleep randomly but I I just kind of fall asleep up here generally in the copper it’s comfy enough for me NES can look in a variety of ways I think so too yeah I’ll uh let you get back to your

Inventing of course I’ll see you later fast bye uh R bye all right oh I meant I meant to keep sitting I’m doing it wrong a better nap space down here maybe I mean I don’t I’m not a big sleeping person to be very honest what if we

Do this well hold on I don’t um I’ve made a bit of symmetry here I was going to replace this block maybe we replace him with that and then we can put more when we get when we get a couple more of the shards yeah I like

That I like that a lot I have to ask I have to tell AA that we need just so many more of the shots make a glider oh that sounds interesting that that sounds like an interesting note I’ll put that in my pocket for later but okay we did it

Successful first invention we we we’ve made it iton frame oh I that’s so true once once I get a bunch more we can put a bunch down and kind of put on put it kind of lined up on the sides right there that’ be pretty I might change

Those to the teals might look better but we’ll oxidize that later oh we did it I feel bad that he’s he was so worried about his hair being feminine and that that was a wrong thing I can’t really stop thinking about it I hope he lets himself talk about it think

About it more cook on it if you will I think his hair is really nice maybe you should to cut it is this Choice show them your hair down see the thing is my hair is like this because I don’t do a whole lot of hair things made something pretty we did

We did it we’ve made a disenchanter we’ve got it look at that that is wondrous I love it so much it’s very exciting I really liked getting to do to show him the things that I made even if I did fall into him and maybe cause a

Bit of a prce there it was nice getting to show him having him be appreciated it’s nice for things go well him feel better true true I consider it I’ll cook on it I’ll cook on it that’s nice here let’s let’s write our notes a bit and then we’ll go we’ll

Go tend to the animals and all that so the amethyst I can write down success armor is able to be disenchanted with use of refined amethyst as a fuel source side effects well we should note those disenchanting standard armor get the success out of here why does this

Tools allow for experience to turn to the individual however doing so with curses seems to have a negative effect first other testing needed impact increases with types of armor or levels keep that in mind glider too glider will be very cool we’ll consider it we’ll cook on it we’ll consider

Um added discoveries let’s do that real quick and discoveries uh and with this shot when combined with the Redstone and dust in the center can create refined amethyst Powder place in a in a copper bucket makes for a powerful fuel source and if the powder themselves are combined like to make standard whole amethyst will make a will make a wondrous light source Redstone component X as electrical charge with the amethyst’s magic there we are

Are you are you doodling on the pages all right well it’s all done now oh I might refine it later but I’ll leave you Doodles go on now you can have your little drawings I’ll I’ll leave them in use use the pink ones that’ be nice match the colors that is interesting

Though how red stone works with amethyst’s magic that’s very useful for future things this dust might be well it might just be a bit of a key for what we need later huh I mean if I’m going to make wings they’re going to need power they’re going to need some kind of

Magic I have to make my own in this is a wonderful step in that direction all right let’s note this in the flight journal and we’ll be good to go yeah and then let’s see if we can get more of these but I’ll call this day a success

This video, titled ‘Cuts and Tangles { SkyBoundSMP EP 8 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-03-05 01:29:33. It has garnered 707 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:43 or 3163 seconds.

Hello! Welcome to Episode 8 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Vast spend some time together..

Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch

Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound:

Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok:



Alright that’s all from me, see ya next time byyyeeee! :]

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

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  • Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends

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  • Torture Chamber SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Unpopular opinion: Just noticed this Minecraft change”

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  • Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale!

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  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness

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  • Insane Church Build & Mob Farm in Minecraft 1.20!

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  • Kidnapped & Tied to Rail: Scary Train Eater vs JJ in Minecraft

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  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!

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  • Le.Le7 – Opponent’s shoes make video end | Minecraft

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  • Epic Survival in Modded World: Insane Interior/Exterior!

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  • Insane Highlights from Twitch Rivals Minecraft!

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  • Incredible: Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Hardcore Minecraft!

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  • Herobrine Returns in Heart-Wrenching Minecraft Animation!

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  • Realm of Kings

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Minecraft Server! My name is Alfred and 3 weeks ago I opened up a server for me and my friends to play on. The server now welcomes anyone (Java & Bedrock users) who can contribute with positivity and kindness 🙂 Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanism (sethome, tpa) Levelling system to unlock new perks/commands Fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack required) Personal harvester hoe with autoreplant, autosell etc Server shop and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We want to keep the server simple yet enjoyable, with limited features. If you’re… Read More

  • Helvetia Network

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Shotguns in Minecraft?? 🤔”

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  • Snowstorm Showdown: Duolingo Boss Battle!

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  • Hot Villager Alert 🔥😂

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  • Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City – Day 2

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!

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  • Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shorts

    Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘destroy village house #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Underworld gang gamerz on 2024-01-18 02:07:05. It has garnered 2500 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. destroy village house #minecraft #shorts my Instagram id :- Minecraft techno gamerz beast boy shub chapati hindustani gamer minecraft but live insaan minecraft challenge minecraft house minecraft gameplay minecraft in hindi minecraft manhunt minecraft mod minecraft mods minecraft speedrun minecraft speedrunner minecraft videos shorts smurfs the lost village demi lavato smurfs the lost village rainn wilson the smurfs song ujjwal #minecraft #short my… Read More


    🔥 TREASURE IN SURVIVAL - KING VS KILLER!! 🗺️ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND TREASURE MAP IN SURVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18’, was uploaded by KING AND KILLER on 2024-03-23 14:52:09. It has garnered 116 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:23 or 743 seconds. I BUILD IRON FARM IN SERVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #17 Hii EveryOne and Welcome To Our Channel KING AND KILLER. Don’t Forget Like , Share & Subscribe. ABOUT :- KING AND KILLER Is A YouTube Channel. Video Creator And Gamer. Follow Me On Instagram :- Join Whatsapp Group :- DISCLAIMER :- The… Read More

  • EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy Swamp

    EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy SwampVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons – Soggy Swamp ( A Perilous Potion)’, was uploaded by LegendSmehoo on 2024-01-14 13:54:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚

    Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚Video Information This video, titled ‘WE’RE SO BACK’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-22 23:38:05. It has garnered 936 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:35 or 8855 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me… Read More

  • From PVP to Mining – EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥

    From PVP to Mining - EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘De PVP a MINERÍA #minecraft #twitch #streamer #gaming’, was uploaded by PoolSLive98 on 2024-04-12 19:00:28. It has garnered 4020 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.Net

    Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.NetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | | Projekt Schiff Finale’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-19 07:04:51. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:43 or 4063 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would be… Read More