Sourceblock SMP : DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS SHOP : Minecraft 1.14 Multiplayer Survival

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What are you doing out why who brought up all the sheep wait what now what what is this now all my sheep I got a few fences on me can we get these guys back in I don’t know what half my gosh well hey everybody and welcome on back to

Source block of the multiplayer SME sever where things are exploding all over the place I think we got to get things going in here and get our sheep all back into place oh my gosh what the heck is happening here let me see if I

Can’t get these guys back in here and we can start this off the right way that took a lot longer than I care to admit to get our sheep back in there but welcome to source block we are up here on top of my first shop the scaffolding

Shop and we got two stacks for one diamond we got two stacks left over here but we sold one that’s awesome that means people are buying them one diamond richer for two stacks Kaplan I think that means that we need to get a little bit of a string farm set up in today’s

Episode we got quite a few things going on for today’s episode I’ve got some good plans I’ve got another shop in mind I think it’s gonna be a great one I think a lot of people are gonna take advantage of it let’s get inside before we get any more unfortunate explosions

Around here though because those are not very fun to fix coming inside the base after the end of last episode where we had to mess up with our broken bamboo farm that only works really slowly every once in a while because you know look right there we got two more bamboo

That’s great it’s flying through there I set up this thing it’s not perfect we do get a little bit of loss in there but it’s been running since everybody’s been playing inside this area and look at that this is absolutely awesome we have a good chunk of bamboo ping being

Constantly produced around the area it’s just seven long we got some observers and all that piston good stuff any of them grew up all the pistons are gonna fire and knock it all down here and then we collected all this pretty great alright it’s time to make some progress

On our first shop here we got zombies all over the place and I think it’s finally time or I guess second shop we got the scaffolding one will figure out that string farm later in today’s episode we’re going to be heading over to the desert to gather up a little bit

Of sand the idea for the shop that our on a but I want to run today is called flip digs I love grinding I love getting about your resources and as you all know I pick pretty large projects to work on which means we’re gonna need a lot of

Resources to build those projects so I think it’d be a really cool idea to get a flip digs shop set up basically they could pay me diamonds and I will clear out an area for them and we can mine it away like crazy we’re close to being the

First person on the server to get a beacon as well there were two desert wells right here what the heck hello it’s fun so close to each other look at this when do you ever see this that’s crazy if only they had something useful to them

But anyways flip Diggs is gonna be our new shop idea that we’re going forward with and I gotta just gather up some stone here we’re gonna make a like a digger machine like a modern digger machine just throw it up in the town and it should be pretty cool so let me

Gather some resources and I’ll be back to the all once we get to the build inside totally forgot I don’t have God tools here and this shovel does not have unbreaking on it so we almost lost that guy but we got a few stacks of sand here

That should be good to get us going there are some new houses popping up here in town which is very cool and we got a creeper knock them into the water get out of here boy who you need get in the water you are so dead unless I you

Know break a grass block instead of hitting the creeper but that’s fine we do need a little bit of ink today as well because we’re gonna be making some cool window bits going on with it we got some ink sacs right there I think that’s probably just one of them I think this

Must be Skippy sixes house it looks like maybe I don’t know he’s going inside it’s a look at that guy like he’s got a good storage room up there that’s looking good it looks like somebody else is building up an awesome farmhouse over here we’re going a little bit of Toro

Spawn down guys now this is cool whose is this I don’t know who I love this pathway though look at that that is sweet even you can’t even get up these licenses a haunted house whose base is this I have no idea whose this is welcome to manse Cottage what is what is

That I got no idea here but check this one out the mythical sausages place is up there it’s looking pretty sweet we’ve worked with him a bunch and it’s has to been around for a little while we even got some nice spruce trees coming here into town this is pretty sweet

We got beefs first shop here building blocks it’s one diamond a stack so I don’t know about that I might be brought this stuff up though for a future project we’ll see I thought I saw another creeper they are ever around this place mobs are all over

The place but this one I believe this is the one and only slip Gator I believe this is house his house it looks like is we could come in here we could get him he’s got some pressure plates we could totally mess with him on this stuff so

We are going to be cooking the sandstone down in do some amazing a smooth sandstone over here so we can get those better lines in it and it looks more like a completed structure I got distracted and started farming up some obsidian for another project and by the

Way that’s the best freakin idea take a giant lava vein just break it all down and get obsidian just water bucket at the top and slowly work your way down we’ve got a half stack of city and and check this out two diamond veins right next to each other and we got that

Fortune three oh it’s gonna be good oh there’s so many diamonds totals of 21 diamonds I think that is a pretty good fine right there we have we were down to one diamond so we’ve got quite a few more diamonds now that one diamond was the one that we earned from shopping her

From our sale added scaffolding shops I think that’s pretty good news I was actually down here looking for a spider spawner and I remember because I remember that I had one I can’t remember exactly where it is but I know I have a spider spawner and wow we’re right back

At her base right here alright so I believe it was right over here and then up in this direction there was a spider spawner I think it’s at the end of this cave just randomly we found a spawner this isn’t even a poisonous spider spawner I remember correctly okay

There’s a dungeon yep cool that’s just a regular spider spawner we’re just gonna turn this thing into an automatic farm right here so we’re coming back for this guy but let’s get up there and build our little digger thingy move up I’m always nervous when there is a chest in front

Of my house wait what what is 12 diamonds 45 iron and a lily pad who did this was what’s this you Skippy whoever this was thank you thank you very much we we can get a full set of diamond armor now look at that we’ve got 33 diamonds oh my god

We have so much so much stuff I can’t even talk right now I really wanted this build to look like basically a trash yard or something like a garbage dump of sorts with this thing in here that’s basically just gonna be picking everything up moving it around you’re really gonna sell people

On I’m getting rid of your junk I’m getting rid of the resources you don’t need I’m clearing a space for you so let’s thinking about really well this design here is not my own I do have to admit that I’m not the best by coming up

With modern designs here so I took one that I saw online and kind of adverb dit a little bit to be more my own style and using some of my own things throughout here but after we had this digger in place I wanted to just add the area to

Bring in a bunch of dirt bringing a bunch of gravel and making it look like we just have a heap of mess around here kind of like a trash yard garbage dump of sorts so we’re doing this and we’re gonna use some old school walls throughout you’re just like really

Crappy looking fences being just some spruce trapdoors growing around the entire thing so we just got heaps of rubble all over the place you’re really trying to steal that idea of pay me to get rid of what you don’t want or pay me to remove whatever you don’t want and

Then kind of I really want to sell people on that you you let me keep the resources and it’s in then we’re all good like that’s kind of the big deal that I want to go for here make some diamonds in the process of clearing some

Things out but the real end goal for this is giving me a lot of resources hopefully so this can be anything from tree clearing forest clearing to clearing a big hole in the ground or whatever it might be so be sure to tell everybody else on the server that there

Is a yet another new shop in town now time for the final step to fully christen off this shop area is I think we need to add in a few things here to the front to make it really known that it’s a dig shop so we got D I and G

Hopefully I spelt that right dig I don’t think that’s too hard to misspell there but I love this shop it’s so small it’s so quaint I think it’s perfect I think this really sells the idea of what’s for and you know it says dig and inside I’ve

Got a book here for welcome to flip digs your one-stop shop for any terrain or old projects removal you could ever need need a giant hole dug out of the ground wolf foot and will flip it away for you just point and it’s gone like magic

Magic that takes a few days to finish our diggers are specialized in clearing any old mob farms to leveling a mountain contact via scored to talk about plans we’ve got to payment options here one is flip keeps the resources mined 10 diamonds per hour of work or two you keep the resources

Mined 25 diamonds per hour of work so I think we’re gonna be setting up a beacon so we can get this going pretty quickly I don’t want to be overcharging people or anything like that and then page number four is any deaths as a result of clearing old mob farms farms or any

Contraptions will add an additional five diamonds to the cost of any removal project happy building I think this is gonna be a good shop I got high hopes for this one and a lot of resources to come soon to our name I think it’s gonna be pretty freaking awesome but now we

Got this one wrapped up let’s go deal with the string I’m out you’re in the nether because I want to get a bunch of magma blocks for how we’re gonna be making this spider spawner farm thing all I need out of this is string I don’t need any source of experience or

Anything like got that out of this one and so how I know how to kill mobs myself is by using magma blocks you can just have the spider flow on top of the magma blocks and then we can use like a hopper minecart or something down below

The magma blocks that we can use to kill said spiders after they’re down there so saying we need some of that too but this is gonna be a quick and easy way that we can get a lot of string production out of this farm without doing too much

About it since we’re not worrying about the experience we can just let the spiders die themselves we don’t need to manually kill them at all because then we would get experience and that doesn’t matter so we can just let them die from sitting on top of a bunch of magma

Blocks and I’m getting some soul sand here as well so I can have some to get a quick bubble elevator for us to get out of that area because oh my gosh I have been walking up and down that staircase way – why am i oh then magma block you

Touch the side of it lights on fire okay well I think we just need to get out of here speaking of spider farm time let’s get to it so what we need to do is start out is basically place out four blocks in each direction they can spawn in a

Nine by nine area around the spawner so if you clear out four blocks in each side kind of like this and then we basically just take down all of the walls basically just remove the cobblestone and the mossy stone that comes with the spawner dungeon itself

And you’ll be good to go after you’ve dug out everything around you I would say give yourself a bit of a head room below the spawner just so that they don’t bob up and hit it and get stuck on it so I brought everything down an extra block and then

One side of it just place water along the entire thing and then the mobs will just flow all the way here if you’re not within the area the spiders still won’t track to you so you should be good to go won’t have to worry too much about

Anything going wrong with it and what we can do inside this area which we still want to clear out three more blocks on this side and then this is I think where we’re gonna be bringing in those magma blocks which should be okay I don’t know

If we have enough we actually should I think this should be only 27 of them we got 35 but what we can do in here is you basically just come in with a bunch of magma blocks along this whole way and you’ll see that the spiders start dying

As they touch the magma blocks like this as we showed inside the nether you take damage after digging the area down a few blocks we can start setting up the collection here on the end of it this is gonna be the final collection point we’re gonna do that guy and then we can

Do a powered rail and we definitely need some more rails but we would bring it all the way out to here turn it around like this and then we can do another powered rail right down in this area I should just bring these blocks of redstone out and we could BAM then bring

Him all the way around here and then we want to basically keep looping that all the way back I didn’t want to waste my own iron so he went back into the mines and thankfully nobody else has mined all these up yet so we got a lot of them

That we can use throughout here that’s gonna be a huge time-saver and a good iron saver for us I know they’re not too expensive but something like this it’s kind of nice to be able to just get it from the game instead of making your own right doing one final test for our

Little minecart here let’s make sure that he can get going and he’s I had to break the tracks here a little bit so I don’t think we actually got one down on there let’s do that guy and that should get him back on and he’s off is he gonna

Come all the way back yes he is perfect so that’s all we really need to do it’s gonna collect the string deposit it down into these chests which are right here there’s got some hoppers feeding into that chest if they fill up it’ll feed it down into this guy right here which is

Perfect now we can quickly lay the magma back on the top and to show you all that it works let’s throw some cobblestone down here we should see that collected up there it all just disappeared and then we should see that all down here in just a second once they eventually get

It everywhere over here he’s got to get back and collect it all he’s not gonna be the most efficient guy I didn’t want to set up one of those stopper things mostly because know how to do it but this should be good enough for us to get everything we

Need and what I want to do is just on these levels right here I’m gonna surround this with cobblestone just so that people on the server don’t really be like oh I’m just gonna go break into this area and then they accidentally break in here maybe the cobblestone I’ll

Help deter people from wanting to break into this thing and messing it up I guess it’s just gonna be a big dark hole so it doesn’t really matter I always forget you can turn diorite and cobblestone into andesite so I did that and now we got some polished andesite

That’s gonna make this look a little bit cleaner around here so if we had a ring of this stuff that should help us out here and help deter other people from jumping in so I’m gonna get this farm finished up and then we’ll give it a

Little bit of a whirl well we definitely got spider spawning they are definitely spawning in here so that’s good news at least let’s get these last torches on one last thing to note though is while you’re in here it’ll help you out a lot with the Wrights is actually putting

That pillar in at the top I always forget about those so I’m glad to remember that this time but let’s get out of here real fast we gotta quickly get out of here before these spiders start spawning I do like this glow that we’re getting down here with the

Polished andesite or those things that is very dangerous let me fill this in that’s not good that’s not good well the spawner works okay everything in there should be good to go now I’m going to just drop this out here and let the spiders do their things and I think

I’m gonna go get lunch and we’ll come back and see everything we’ve got after this so right now the chest has to string in it and a bunch of other random things that are actually my stuff and we will see what it’s like imma give it like a half hour I’ve come back to my computer to these sounds of spiders dying on the other side so that must be good news right what do we got ooh we got two and a quarter stacks of string and apparently some arrows I will take that that is great news

Wow that’s a lot more than I thought it’d be it’s only been about 20 minutes so I think if we leave this as like our afk platform up here like that’s a really good spot for it we didn’t need to fancy this area up a little bit first

But I think what I would like to do now is restock our Scout fling shop because that thing has been empty for a quite a while now I think it’s safe to say we are the only person on the server so far with two shops and shops that have made

Diamonds I think we were doing pretty good here let’s make one two three four five six and then cool we do have a good we got an even number of them in there so we’re not gonna have an extra second there that should be good for a while

We’ll come and check up on this one later on let me know if you guys hear about any sales on that or you make sure you guys tell everybody about our dig shop too we got to get some diamonds rolling on here I know there’s some people on the server they’re starting to

Be a little rich so I think we need to get into that diamond market here as well I know we got a good amount to us we got the 33 to our name right now but we don’t have diamond gear yet where I think I’ve been seeing ol Skippy running

Around with enchanted diamond gear on him so I think we got to do some catch up time man I love coming back into this town and seeing so many different things happening around the world like there’s so many people are building so many cool and unique things in here and we got to

Go back underground and build something cool and unique and make our spider spawn or not look like crap so that’s kind of the goal for the next one we got another shop up here that’s been a good episode so far so let’s finish off that spider farm also while we’re up

Here sausages joined the hobbit hole team check this thing out he’s got a pretty sweet storage room in here I don’t even know what you would fill all this stuff up with this point in time but that’s pretty awesome I guess we should probably close the door form you

Know I have never made one of these before for like personal travel inside of a Minecraft world these things are awesome just soul Santa at the bottom source blocks all the way to the top and you just fly up we got up and we can come around the

Corner and we are right back down on the bottom of the mines that is awesome I’ve been starting to work on this area as well by starting to work I mean I placed in like 8 stair blocks but what I’m gonna do now is basically come through

Here and smooth this area out a little bit further I I want to make it look like a spider Den coming through here so I think we’re gonna kick this off into yet another time-lapse mode for the day inside of our world we don’t have access

To silk touch or anything like that yet nobody really has those enchantments and I really don’t like dealing with placing stone blocks down only to accidentally place out of the wrong spot and need more stone in the end of going to smell things up and I hate that cycle so in

Here we’re using a lot of cobblestone and a lot of fences and just things like that to add in that extra life in here and I want to add that polished andesite that we’ve been using to kind of signify those redstone there’s mechanics there’s farms going around along in here I’m

Okay with people coming down and exploring here and using this farm themselves as well it’s just an afk spider from there’s not too much really in it at all it’s just a string farm there’s nothing you can really steal from here it’d take too much of or

Anything like that so I wanted to leave this area rather open but I thought it’d be really fun to turn this really so people can know it’s a spider farm as they’re walking towards it obviously it looks like a player has altered this but it just looks like a tunnel it doesn’t

Really look like anything at the end so I figured right in here we could bring in a small spider den and adding in our leftover cobwebs we have from the Halloween transformation of the village so I threw the rest of our cobwebs in here and just kind of scattered them

Around and made it sure it looks like a lot of spiders are living inside this area and I think the end result is awesome our small area down here could use a little bit more love but overall I think our cave leading up into the spider farm is feeling very spidery this

Whole area down here is totally mob proof so with all the slabs and stairs and everything nothing can spawn in there so dark spider cave it is I think that’s absolutely perfect then we come on up here and it’s right into the farm with a

Quick way to get up into our afk spot I don’t have blocks here to like block ourselves in or anything like that I think this is OK for now I think we’ve done a lot in today’s episode this was a simple one this isn’t intended to be a

Very long-term base or anything like that so I think we’re gonna have the simple thing set up here so we can have some good things to use the the world but this is all in preparation for moving on to a future build in a new place which we should be doing here

Pretty soon I think we’re gonna spend next episode inside the town here still working on a few more things around here help another out some other people and seeing what else we can do but it should be pretty good I am very happy with our progress so far in that in this series

Let me know what you all want to be seeing moving forwards but unfortunately I am way out of time for today’s episode so please be sure to hit that like button if you did enjoy should we do a prank in the neck up next episode let me

Know what type of prank we should go for I don’t know we should be looking at but anyways thank you all so much for watching and I will catch you on the flipside you

This video, titled ‘Sourceblock SMP : DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS SHOP : Minecraft 1.14 Multiplayer Survival’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2019-10-12 18:30:00. It has garnered 69532 views and 2769 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:24 or 1224 seconds.

In today’s Minecraft 1.14 Vanilla Multiplayer Survival Let’s play Episode, We are building a brand new shop on the Sourceblock SMP server! fWhip Digs! a lot! We’re also building a quick spider farm and doing some work around town on our base.

Thank you for Watching! Links and everything below!

Sourceblock Members: AshleyMarie – Avomance – davidangel64: Katherine Elizabeth – MythicalSausage – PeteZahHutt – Skippy6 – Sl1pg8r – SystemZee – VintageBeef –

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:: Music used ::

Intro Music: “She Knows it” by PS

Outro Music : “The Night” by Lumian

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    EPIC HoloStars Sleepover in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 Minecraft Sleepover’, was uploaded by Crimzon Ruze Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-06-06 09:03:23. It has garnered 14554 views and 1356 likes. The duration of the video is 07:16:54 or 26214 seconds. Bring your blankets. Thumbnail: This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( ▼X (formerly Twitter) ▼Twitch ————————————————————— Crimzon Rulez: 1: Don’t be a jerk, that’s my job. 2: If you backseat me, I’m going to defenestrate you. 3: When someone’s causin’ trouble in chat, let me handle it. 4: Keep… Read More

  • The Haunting of Minecraft: A Spooky Adventure

    The Haunting of Minecraft: A Spooky AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most Terrifying Entity Sa Horror Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Psalm Playz on 2024-04-26 10:16:52. It has garnered 54690 views and 1494 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:27 or 747 seconds. HELO Mod: Shader: Apollo Lite Social Media • Instagram: • TikTok: • Facebook: 100 Days Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse, Parasite Horrific Wasteland, Post Apocalyptic Wasteland sa Minecraft, Minecraft prank, 100 Days SCP Psalmplayz, Skibidi toilet mob battle Daxx, Minecraft noob vs pro, Morph mod, Minecraft prison break challenge eider, Maizen, aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building!… Read More

  • EPIC transformation: Mikey & JJ’s Village to Block Village in Minecraft

    EPIC transformation: Mikey & JJ's Village to Block Village in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Village Become a Block Village in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Cool Mikey on 2024-05-22 00:15:02. It has garnered 1375 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:13 or 733 seconds. Mikey and JJ Village Become a Block Village in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Maizen – @maizenofficial Read More

  • Unbelievable Redstone Farming Tips – Get Rich Quick! 💎🔧

    Unbelievable Redstone Farming Tips - Get Rich Quick! 💎🔧Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Farming: 🌟 Effektive Wege zur Redstone-Gewinnung! 💎🔧’, was uploaded by DerJulianShorts on 2023-12-27 13:00:07. It has garnered 896 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. Minecraft Redstone Farming: 🌟 Effective ways to mine redstone! 💎🔧 Video description: Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮 In this tutorial, we’ll dive deep into the fascinating world of redstone and show you how to mine redstone effectively to take your projects to the next level! 💡 🔍 What can you expect from this video? Tips and tricks for optimal redstone procurement in… Read More

  • HACKS ACUSADOS en SERVIDOR por TobiiM9 #clickbait #Minecraft

    HACKS ACUSADOS en SERVIDOR por TobiiM9 #clickbait #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ADMIN me ACUSA de HACKS en su SERVIDOR!! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by TobiiM9 Shorts on 2024-01-04 23:30:06. It has garnered 20795 views and 1654 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!

    EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen Craft on 2024-03-31 11:00:27. It has garnered 12597 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024

    Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rivals! Livestream: 16.04.2024’, was uploaded by Tandzo Zockt on 2024-04-20 05:25:49. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:48 or 9168 seconds. Have fun watching 😇 If you want to support me, be sure to leave a like and subscribe! 😇💜 We do livestreams of the project on Twitch! My Twitch: Discord Team Tandzo: Special thanks to @Tzagor who made the video! #tandzozockt #minecraft #minecraftdeutsch #minecraftchallenge #minecrafthorrormaps #minecrafthorror #newvideo Read More

  • Soul Reaper Scythe in Minecraft Bedrock! OP Custom Weapon Tutorial

    Soul Reaper Scythe in Minecraft Bedrock! OP Custom Weapon TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Soul Reaper Scythe! Custom Weapon Command Block Tutorial (Minecraft Bedrock)’, was uploaded by Guppyduck on 2024-05-10 17:35:47. It has garnered 5362 views and 231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds. Want to make your own overpowered magic weapon that feeds on the souls of your foes? Then check out this tutorial! This weapon will tear through hoards of enemies to power up it’s lethal spin move! These commands were made live on stream based on viewer suggestions, make sure to keep an eye out for my streams to suggest your… Read More

  • Insane Showdown: Caseoh VS Sonic VS Aphmau & Amy Rose Reverse | Piano Tutorial

    Insane Showdown: Caseoh VS Sonic VS Aphmau & Amy Rose Reverse | Piano TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Caseoh VS Sonic & Aphmau & Amy Rose Reverse Version | Minecraft & Sonic @Mtime4 – Piano Tutorial’, was uploaded by OCTOBER SHORTS on 2024-06-03 21:01:50. It has garnered 140166 views and 1188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Original Video Creator’s Channel: @Mtime4 Original Video: This video was created for educational purposes, with the intention of offering a distinctive combination of music and humor. If the original creator has any concerns about the video. I completely understand. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ([email protected]) …. Read More

  • Hogbrains

    HogbrainsBecome a Hogbrain! Hogbrains is a semi-vanilla SMP server with many custom features and a small yet growing community. We have land claims, custom enchantments, and much more. Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted No Teleports 1.20.4

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Semi-Vanilla Server! We are a Java 1.20.4 server with minimal plugins, focusing on a chill, lax community. Launched on 23 March 2024. Features: No teleportation, claims, McMMO, etc. Events and minigames Permanent map with no resets Custom world generation using TerraformGenerator Our rules are minimal, operating on a trust system. Enhance your experience with minor features and plugins while maintaining a vanilla feel. All playstyles are welcome, events revolve around east asia timezones at night. Interested? Apply here! Read More

  • Pixelfam 1.16.5

    Pixelfam 1.16.5Welcome to the PixelFam Pixelmon 1.16.5!Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.11Minecraft Version 1.16.5IP: We have to Offer:Absolutely NO Pay to Win!When someone pays money on the server, EVERYONE wins!If you are online when someone buys a crate key, you ALSO get that same crate key!EVERYONE gets the current weekly rank that has been donated!GTSEconomyWeekly EventsCompetitive PVPMuch Much MORE! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang’s secret message!

    Minecraft Memes - Mojang's secret message!Mojang’s response to this meme: “We may not always have something to say, but when we do, it’s worth at least 550 points apparently.” Read More

  • Crafting Unlimited Carpet: Minecraft Farm Fun

    Crafting Unlimited Carpet: Minecraft Farm Fun In Minecraft, a carpet farm, oh what a delight, Unlimited colors, a beautiful sight. Just follow the steps, it’s easy as pie, Duplicate carpets, reach for the sky. Start with a hopper, a chest, and some wool, Crafting table ready, don’t be a fool. Place the hopper above, the chest down below, Fill it with wool, watch the colors flow. Red, blue, green, all the colors you desire, Carpet for days, your creativity on fire. Unlimited farms, a dream come true, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing you can’t do. So hop on in, give it a try, Unlimited carpets,… Read More

  • Bedrock Golem Wrecks Golems! 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Bedrock Golem Wrecks Golems! 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes When the Bedrock Golem shows up to the golem party, all the other golems are like “Oh great, here comes Mr. Indestructible, stealing all the attention again!” #GolemDrama #BedrockGolemProblems Read More

  • Dwellers & Terror Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.12)

    Dwellers & Terror Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.12) Minecraft One Block Skyblock: Exploring Terror Mods with Dwellers (Ep.12) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft One Block Skyblock, where terror lurks around every corner. Dive into the world of horror mods with the infamous Dwellers, including The Man From The Fog, The Mimic Dweller, and The Midnight Lurker. This unique modpack for Minecraft is packed with spine-chilling experiences that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Unleashing Terror: The Mods Prepare yourself for a heart-pounding journey as you encounter a variety of terrifying mods, each more chilling than the last. From The One Who Watches… Read More

  • EPIC Medieval Minecraft Co-op Server Day 1!

    EPIC Medieval Minecraft Co-op Server Day 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval Minecraft – Day 1 Livestream – Co-op Server’, was uploaded by GreatPadinski on 2024-05-24 06:08:24. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:18 or 12138 seconds. Check out the Medieval MC [FORGE] here: I’m also live over on Twitch: Come join the community discord server: I have a Patreon! From the curseforge mod page: ⚔️ Completely Overhauled World Generation (Biomes o’ Plenty, Geophilic, Ecologics) ⚔️ Thousands of NEW Dungeons & Structures (Wabi-Sabi Structures, When Dungeons Arise, Towns and Towers) ⚔️ Grow Your Own… Read More

  • The Kill: True Scary Minecraft Story

    The Kill: True Scary Minecraft StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE KILL#ai #scary #minecraft #story #true #scarystories #night’, was uploaded by Minecraft X Scary Story😱👻 on 2024-05-01 07:01:15. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate PvP Showdown with Teammate – McBox #Anarchy

    Ultimate PvP Showdown with Teammate - McBox #AnarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘1 часть пвп с тимейтом #anarchy #майнкрафт #mcbox #minecraft #pe #анархия #босс #ивент #пвп #pvp’, was uploaded by McBox on 2024-06-04 08:09:28. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Ultra Hard Minecraft World!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Ultra Hard Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mình Sinh Tồn 1000 Ngày Trong Minecraft Thế Giới Đá Siêu Khó (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KienRic on 2024-01-13 04:00:19. It has garnered 241324 views and 3532 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:33 or 17073 seconds. This is the video: I Survived for 1000 Days in Minecraft Super Hard Stone World (FULL MOVIE) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A few notes 🌟 ✪ KienRic Shop: ✪ Please help me reach 500k registration!! Here → ✪ Click “🔔” to watch the latest videos… 😍 !!! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Social networks 🌍 📍 Facebook: 📍 Fanpage:… Read More

  • Insane Noteblock Dance Tutorial: Toothless Dance in Driftveil

    Insane Noteblock Dance Tutorial: Toothless Dance in DriftveilVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to play Toothless Dance on Noteblocks? (Driftveil city)’, was uploaded by koshkamatew on 2024-01-06 17:34:00. It has garnered 1697990 views and 18201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. #minecraft #noteblock #toothless In this video, I will teach you how to play the Toothless dancing meme on Minecraft note blocks by hand. This song comes from pokemon black and white’s driftveil city. The difficulty of this tutorial is Hard – can be slightly annoying to play. Timestamps 0:00 Tutorial: Explanation 0:33 Tutorial: Layout 0:44 Playing the song 1:05 Outro funny… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Minecraft Battle with Netherite Monster!” #clickbait #epic #GeorgeXT

    "Unbelievable Minecraft Battle with Netherite Monster!" #clickbait #epic #GeorgeXTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I fight with netherite monstrosity Finally Revealed#minecraft#viral#gaming’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-03-25 14:22:41. It has garnered 111 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. I fight with netherite monstrosity Finally Revealed minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy… Read More

  • Borntorule57’s CRAZY Train Obsession!

    Borntorule57's CRAZY Train Obsession!Video Information This video, titled ‘I like trains…’, was uploaded by Borntorule57 on 2024-04-12 03:05:12. It has garnered 8217 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. I like trains… #twitch #gaming #gamer #pc #twitchstreamer #twitchaffiliate #videogames #twitchtv #streamer #comedy #minecraft Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Hell

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft HellVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in an Evolved Sculk Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2024-06-05 20:00:16. It has garnered 300054 views and 7203 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:20 or 13100 seconds. I Survived 100 Days against the Sculk Horde – and this took everything I had… The Sculk Horde knows all, it grows, it hunts, and it wants to add you to the collective… This mod takes Minecraft’s Sculk and makes the Warden look like a teddy bear with Sculk Ravagers, Mites, and the Enderman who will obliterate you with a… Read More

  • Join the Deadly Samurai Squad: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse! 💀🔥🎮

    Join the Deadly Samurai Squad: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse! 💀🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed zombie apocalypse | Looking for people to play with 🙏🙏’, was uploaded by Three Samurai on 2024-05-22 08:16:32. It has garnered 171 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:00 or 1260 seconds. “Hey everyone! I’m looking for people to play modded Minecraft with and collaborate on a video together. If you’re interested, let me know!” In a cursed zombie apocalypse scenario, imagine a world where the dead don’t just rise due to a virus or contagion, but because of a powerful and malevolent curse. This curse could be the result… Read More

  • Prosper SMP – Vanilla 1.20.4 – Discord – DiscordSRV – Dynmap – Voice Plugin – No Whitelist – Coreprotect – Age 16+ – Crossplay

    Join our Minecraft community! Tired of smp’s dying off? Our community has been going strong for years thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and our active Discord server. We welcome new members who are dedicated players and who share our values. Join us for major build projects, a mature and friendly community, and a variety of gaming experiences. We have a few rules in place, including no hackers or griefers, so respect your fellow players and have fun! All members must join our Discord server to access the Minecraft server. Join us on Discord! Read More

Sourceblock SMP : DIGGING FOR DIAMONDS SHOP : Minecraft 1.14 Multiplayer Survival