Stam1o’s CRAZY Minecraft MESS Fix

Video Information

E hello chat hello hello hello oh yeah hello hello hello we got the full screen on today as well um I need to fix the chat more but I it’s all right okay it’s all right I don’t know how to get the chat to go the full way

Um hello hello who got in here Lord streams toast Modo garie uh Bram and Viper hello hello batsy thanks batsy you know I was just about to say that I’ve I’ve updated my Cobblestone farms in my world to batsy design but honestly I might just take the credit myself hello beard how we

Doing welcome in hanky hello hello um Alexandre hello Dino um Logan hello hello hello people you know I was I was going to talk about I just I’ve just upgraded all of my all of my uh Cobblestone Farms to the B to design and then you’re in here and just like say you

Stam what what is this what is this what is this that’s rude that’s rude I’ve actually not updated all of them but I have changed one out for for the batsy design to be fair um works very well very very well well uh once I got it working and uh having some fun

With it there slack spinner as well hello what can I say hum smell funny all right fair enough fair enough um how we doing how we doing the iron farm one yeah the iron farm one that one was laggy and I upgraded it um I mean I

Will admit I do I might I might smell a little bit it’s a good design I use too I know I’m I I mean I don’t know what no I wasn’t I wasn’t snooping around um let’s get into m inecraft chat uh I think that’s Minecraft I hope that’s

Minecraft again yes it working oh why is why is my chat box over my face nuh-uh it’s just going to be small I didn’t want the chat book open my face getting blind thanks stream how percentage of De played on create mod worlds have the baty Cobble G

I think a lot of them do now honestly it used to be the trial one but that one the sign is laggy and also doesn’t work anymore cuz they patched it out of the game um but I think a lot of the worlds

Have it now um and and I use it in two places oh yeah now I’m I’m reworking that area a little bit I’m I don’t want to show it um that’s going to be a surprise surprise for the video uh that’s coming later um so uh actually it’s exciting it’s exciting

It’s EX and stuff um and uh I I don’t want to spoil everything cuz we’re doing most of the things on stream but some things I’m going to keep a little secret that we are going to do on uh that I’m going to do just in the videos in the video I’m

Actually I and I also got no idea how long the video at the end of the month is going to be it might be way longer than a normal video it might be like an hour long I I don’t know we’ll see how it ends out but I’m excited for it hello

MCR welcome in jumpy as well welcome welcome I think we’ll get straight into it um I’ve got some uh how to get your skin I ser search steampunk Minecraft I believe and I found it I need to I need to commission a new one i’ I’ve just

Been too lazy to find an artist and do it um no I think we get straight into it here um I should have start of materials already over there and we can just start building which is exciting watch your beard Stone every day yeah I I I told them that last uh

Last um was it last stream was it yesterday I can’t remember go MC usern name yeah if you want to get my exact one just go on MC username and write my uhor stamina wow uh I start school tomorrow and oh my God my schedule has

Changed and I’m like no this is not nice um it’s it’s change for the better and the worse it’s not gotten over theboard worse but it’s not going gotten better it’s definitely it’s definitely worse than I had before but I it’s not it’s not bad I I

Now end one day of the week at 400 p.m. uh yes I I had one day of the week last like last term or like semester whatever you would call it where I ended at 300 p.m. that was my latest day every other day was before 2

P.m. so I had a very very good schedule and I didn’t get to keep it fully um I got more I got more like early days or like uh what is it called I got more late like I start later um a few more days hello Craig welcome in R’s

Here Uber’s here as well started school halfway last week I start tomorrow what time do you usually start start um varies I start at 10: p.m. like 3 days I think I start at 11: one day um it varies a lot uh which time of the day I start

Um and also varies when I end we don’t have like in Sweden you don’t have like a set schedule uh I got to get back to leave this open in the background this some Stam ASMR oh oh wow yeah yeah sounds lovely my school starting a

Week o nice I honestly just want to get the semester over with I want to I want to do fulltime we got beard is in here he he does the YouTube thing full time and I I want to join him honestly I am I am so done with school

Now like this final year it’s oh are you Tire forming yes we are Tire forming today we’re fixing this mess we started yesterday uh cuz I I want to get it in I want to get the port visualized cuz if you weren’t here yesterday um if you weren’t um I stream

On Sundays at 4 p.m. uh Central European Time um but uh if you um uh weren’t here we we started a few messy things here and I I want to finish it it’s stressful stem well school is also stressful beard so like I don’t know pick and choose I’d rather do the

Content creation stuff um are you going to go to UNI I will at some point yeah I definitely want to go to university at some point but I don’t want to do it right after school I don’t have the motivation and I also want to do this thing and see what

Where what it happens with it cuz if I go to university I know I’ll just be I won’t have time for this uh as much uh probably less than I do now or most likely hello Le welcome man was here yesterday but I had to go because it was

P nothing working oh no worries no worries we we got to this right at like the end of the stream um yeah we got a celebrity in here taking a couple of leap years exactly just uh taking a break we finish un at some point as well been like 12

Years okay well Uber you know yeah honestly it feels like that I I’ve got no idea maybe the YouTube thing just doesn’t work out when I go fulltime maybe I can’t do this as a living so um I am the celebrity Leon is the celebrity honestly I’m going to school on on Thursday

Yeah I’m going tomorrow and I start at 8:00 p.m. I used to start at like 10:20 and uh tomorrow I start at 8 p.m. and I am not looking forward on a new mod pack right now o sounds fun Hank is having fun with my new mod

Pack un takes up so much time yep that’s uh that’s what I’m there for so I mean I want to I have the opportunity now living at home and all of that to uh to do the YouTube thing full time and not have to worry about

The finance side of things uh I can just save the money uh um I bet you no I know he’s going insane he’s uh it’s not working out sodium doesn’t like create and it’s annoying cuz sodium need everything needs sodium basically um and create isn’t sodium and create isn’t complying

Ever to stop with YouTube If you uh if too old later I I don’t know I might stop with YouTube at some point but uh right now I don’t want to it’s it’s one of those things if I’m not having fun with it or um

If I’m not having fun with it or it’s just like I’m not getting any views and like the further down line and like I can’t like pay bills and stuff with it I probably will Stu nothing need sodium except for the people playing exact okay

Well look at that no ctm needs sodium no ctm doesn’t need sodium but it needs indium if okay never mind I mean even without making the M pack I think hanky would be going insane daily true no who who knows like what if I

Make a career of this uh which is like I want to do it but I also want to go to UNI at some point so um that’s that’s like one of the challenges I have I want to go to UNI but I also want to do YouTube and it’s it’s it’s a tricky

Balance so yeah we’ll see I’ve got an editor now but when I did edit my own videos took around like 20 20 I would say to like 20 around 20 hours to edit a video is uh but I’ve got an editor now just because it was so timec consuming

And and well I I don’t dislike editing I’m not like beard Stone who genuinely loves it I don’t know if he loves it but like beard Stone I I was surprised to hear this he really really loves editing um and I I wouldn’t say I love editing

But I don’t hate it I can do it but I just didn’t have the time and I wanted to get more videos out to you guys so I had the opportunity to start working with an editor and I was like yeah I’m going to take

That I do yeah yeah look at that look at that areas my always crashes when I try to boot up Minecraft cre started when I updated create yeah if you update any mod in a mod pack or or like stuff like that it might just break um you need to

Check some dependencies uh maybe hany can help you out in the in my Discord um oh beard while you’re here I was going to DM you this question earlier the the containers in your world like the the containers that you have going through different areas of your world

How how did you make those is that like a block that you have cuz I’ve seen them in other places I’m just like I kind of want that uh Discord link is in the description um also everybody like the stream like the stream I still haven’t fixed the commands cuz no one’s reminded

Me low did remind me but I didn’t know what it was I was supposed to do a’t that foxy foxy has a too but last night I saw beard had some as well I might be wrong though but I I think so I think he

He has been using the the maybe he has oh maybe you have been using the the ones from shift cuz I think you do have shift right maybe he’s been using what are they called the pillar I have two there’s a create Deco ones and the other are pillar books oh

So they I’ll create Deco for 1 20 yeah yeah the pillar blocks I I think I knew M that’s actually ooh I don’t have that cuz it’s not in one uh 20 and create the Eco is the mod that I think is messing up my new pack I think so

And I cannot live without my catwalk so um we need to figure that out balls was die from create GCO Oh that’s oh that sounds so cool and they work as well oh my God yes yeah Hank confirmed it the create Deco is is what doesn’t work with my pack at the

Moment how big is the train station what train station I I have not to started Design This Train Station at all I have no idea what the the size of the train station is going to be uh I think they both use steon rails mon rails plus pillar blocks to make

Containers yeah the pillar blocks yeah uh but like you said create Deco apparently has some uh colored vaults I guess they are then uh you could try to contact the dev as a YouTuber eh yeah I mean I’ll reach out at some point maybe if it doesn’t fix itself I can reach out

And see if they’re working on something yeah this is going to be nice and then imagine a port here yes I don’t want to do a modern p uh because it’s world isn’t quite modern so I don’t want to do a um like a modern modern Port but I want it semi

Modern I test the mod pack from K and just made it go yeah at least in 1 20 it works fine in one 19 but um I’m struggling here in in one 20 so chat um what what’s everyone been up to today and maybe um I want to do some moving boats

Eventually everyone space will be funny in like five months when you actually go down there and the then collection I actually don’t have um I have that off I think I have a data pack that I think turns enman griefing off I usually turn that on I I think I

Have it in this world when to makeing mod packs but for really unreliable fabric doesn’t really have a manych mods yeah are yall how is everyone I agree I’m I’m doing good I I went for an ice skating trip earlier today that was fun um lake is

Frozen and I went I took a trip around the lake um earlier and it was nice I haven’t ice skated in like a year so fun to do it but also like my back I I I feel like I have the wrong technique or something because my back just starts hurting

Eventually and a broken leg I do remember Dino I’ve transcri with 100 of pie in letter so I to edit a wall for a school project could just steam pun steam por is what it’s mostly going to be uh I’ll I’ll look into it uh it’s not yet there

Yet I I don’t know when that video is going up I have a date for it but uh I’m not entirely sure exactly on When U this is going to be really steep here actually no it it’ll be fine it’s going to be really really steep but yeah get I broke my Hand show last like 10 minutes then said it was really heavy ah I hate when when it snows and then the snow just doesn’t stay like it’s rude I’ve been to school and then when I came home I started sculpting on my new 3D project and then I watched you sounds

Awesome uh I played some t as well I also I didn’t only go for an ice skin trip I played a round of tarov today and I haven’t played that game in oh in like a year time two years time since I started YouTube I basically haven’t played

It I was like I was thinking the other like I think earlier today I was in the car for 11 hours lovely um I was just like I really want to get back into like tarov but and I actually like go for I I don’t know if anyone in chat actually

Plays tarco know what knows what it is but um it’s a fun game when you get into it we should do some tar of dude you play t of uber hell yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I haven’t played it in a few years I got Capa a few years ago for those

That know what that is but since then I haven’t I’ve basically not played at all and um well I played like the vipe wipe after that and that was really it um and then I sto playing and now I just don’t have the time to like get into it

So I’m like eh I don’t really want to it’s only level 11 the swipe though I played one raid I played one raid I think I got I got out of the raid like 8 minutes before the stream started I think um I was in there uh testing to my

Friend cuz my friend is an avid uh T of enjoyer um and um he was um he was um he’s having some frame issues um and I was like we have the same basically the same like PCS now now but he can’t like shoot any gun in the game without dropping to zero

Frames all right goodbye bam but yes let’s we we totally got to play it some points and everyone’s told me another dirt box some negative gossip they said in response oh don’t grasp oh my God I think that joke I think that joke deserves a like everybody that joke was brought you by

Crystal I think it deserves deserves a like on the Stream Peak entertainment here what you find at the stam the stam stream I like trains I do like trains too trains are pretty cool more grass aha we are going to have to mine some more grass after this but

We’re also going to have to light up because we’ve covered actually a pretty big area here so it’s going to be good it’s going to be good uh let’s get that oh we can do something like that maybe like this terrain isn’t the best because we’re working on a hillside but

I think it’s it’s turning out pretty good I have three stacks of Oak and stack and a half of dark oak logs on my inventory very nice I’ve got a few chests of it because create is op when it comes to Wood I do miss chopping wood

A bit though I I quite enjoy that part like chopping wood I need to expend this off like that back people on trains but but still like trains trains are still nice en numerator and the pretty annoy because I have this train design I spent a few good hours

Trying to look um good cuz someone else wanted it and then the server died and rest reset and it was never used oh no did you not save it anywhere hello monkey did you not save the train design anywhere else I chopping some uh like a mango

Acacia isn’t too bad mango is pretty bad though Mango’s awful uh but ACAA isn’t that bad everyone like train yes Everyone likes train I think everyone who place create likes train if you don’t I don’t know what you’re doing you’re a lunatic I think we’re going to get a little bit of a

Just like retainer wall in there cuz a little little little little steep here was the all got down yeah pretty terrible have new movie constipation uh oh oh wait has to come out yet look at this guy should add a uh stream or video when you return to the because of Minecraft

Then build a factory wait what go I did not understand a single word you said in that to do a stream or video when you return to basics of Minecraft then build a factory about your favorite Basics I I don’t cre play create but I like trains I mean you can like trains

Without playing create but I feel like if you play create you you probably like train trains I don’t know what I what you said either no I don’t know what I said you said gei not me uh I need deep states can please give me hard a video

Comment for it’s for video um if you make a good comments Shad is clowning Shad always clowns make a factory without creates I mean I made factories without creates I made a massive factory in my hard hardcore world made uh that helps you terraform in survival in a non Shey way

I not world edit honestly world edit is just like like does not help me at all in terraforming I suck at world edit and terraforming the emerald Factory yeah indeed looks stream sense I may I I can show it um let me just find a screenshot real quick I’ve

Got a few of those I should have it saved on new PC as well I do believe I copied over all my screenshots yes here they are [Applause] um what’s a good picture of it I saw one but then I lost it there it is there we

Go here you go chat can you see it got to go hope you have a good stream all right Uber have fun have fun have fun we got to play t at some point uh can you see it yes you can ha look at

Me so this is um this is a factory I built uh here you have it without Traders as well um burning actually found my channel when I was working on terraforming for this thing um this is actually not in the hardcore World cuz I this was for the thumbnail the video did

Very very bad for the amount of time I spent on it I was very sad is that a working clock the clock does not work this is vanilla Minecraft um it’s cool yeah it’s a massive factory I thought I was going to really really well on

Uh uh so I can make the training creative with world and then cop it into my survival world I still have the build it just have a blueprint I I never do my like terrains with li matica I do a lot of other things with limaa but not the

Terrains um I I was happy with it like I would never I never want to build that again cuz I I was happy with it but I could have done so much more to it but I was just like that project drained me that like I struggled to finish that it

Was just so big that it was not fun to make honestly um so yeah it took me it took me a while to finish but I was not motivated to finish that video um I thought it was a good video though I mean I I thought it was a good video but

Um um I guess other people did not been when you build a factory you can give it a hard pleas I’m trying to get a hard of all YouTubers I’ll see if I check it out maybe try using Clockwork bearing in the train station if there’s going to be

One yeah I think that’s going to be cool I already have one clock in the in the uh in the uh City so another one just I don’t another one is going to make sense that’s what I’m trying to say another one might look uh pretty good

Actually um all right so what do we need to do now we need to connect that up to there okay uh how are we going to do this I think we’re going to get a middle line this one’s going to go that one I think I don’t know where my glasses are

Uhoh hey Dennis you used the cooking pot again yet I’m not used the cooking pot again no um but I have crafted sandwiches uh it actually can’t go up as much cuz it’s going to be very annoying good afternoon good afternoon Eor is brokenly op yeah it’s just like a pain that you have bowls and it’s only Stacks to 16 so yeah so I’m late no worries no worries hello welcome in I’m hungry around are you today St I’m doing good I’d recommend eating food L if you’re hungry

Hello Serv hello hello this is the man that forced me to play Darko I actually had fun that raid was good the raid was fun U I believe you saw my message with my with my accomplishments we send shares 57 bacon sandwiches with you honestly I can I can give you one

Maybe I can share one bacon sandwich look I’ve already offered I I don’t think I did offer it I actually don’t yeah St I’m Swedish and uh Leon is in South Africa so lose him in the future uhuh I’ll make him play forever really realist loter shooter

Where you have to extract with your loot or else you lose it all uh it’s a decent way it’s a yeah it’s a decent way of putting it it’s definitely worth checking out some videos on it’s a very fun game uh when you get into it it’s

Very it’s a very it’s fun and then it’s also very draining and it can be both it’s it sounds it it is fun but like the amount of like suffering you need to go through to actually get K get uh get into it is uh is a

Lot I’d say it’s worth it though um it’s fun that hurts you yeah pretty much I I searched it as uh I searched is it the escape from T yeah that’s it I mean they just released like a beginner friendly map and then they put landmines in in rooms

And that you just walked into and just died so yeah that’s how beginner friendly the game is beginner friendly map yeah it’s quite pretty expensive it doesn’t cost1 EUR now uh uh that’s a very very expensive there’s different versions of the game uh slightly paid to win in the

Beginning My Stream keeps crashing uhoh that’s not nice that’s not nice hate to see it the starter pack thing did they remove that now all right I got not the EOD Edition hello David and if you ever get bored of TCO try ghost of Tabor it’s a

VR yeah I’ve seen it probably not going to buy a buy your headset though to play it let’s see if we can connect all of this uh we’re out of dirt though so let’s go get another box of dirt I think we got really good progress

Though yeah this was a mess when we started stream I I don’t know how long we’ve been going 30 minutes only and uh it’s not a mess anymore hello nicked man where can you download T you download the launcher first you buy the game then you download the launcher and

Then you download the game start YouTube channel when it comes to uh the fun you have recording and posting it depends it’s up to you if you have fun doing it I mean I wouldn’t say it’s worth making a YouTube channel if you don’t have fun doing

It waiting on lunch break oh oh wait how are I feel like you were working hours ago cre Adventure the return the jar but it’s a BX of dirt CH I got Tot but it’s a books of chat it’s a box of chat no it’s not a box of chat it’s a box of dirt chat you’re not in a box I promise I’m sorry how how long have you play this world how many hours do I have uh I have time spent with

World uh time played I have almost 11 days played in the world so that’s what what is that 250 hours is which isn’t a lot honestly I thought it would be more but yeah we’re in a seller all right PC as where uhoh yeah it’s not a pure diversion it’s a

Uh I don’t know I don’t think it’s too hard to install the game they have their own launcher and things so that’s that maybe is what’s uh different that’s a lot it’s all right there’s not that many considering the how fast beard Stone caught up to me in like base

Played the man is grinding cuz it cuz he’s played like roughly around now probably half the time I have sorry but got to go no worries no worries have fun doing whatever I don’t know why I placed that book back but I did see you next live stream see You so work at 5:30 I do 10hour days it’s 11:30 a.m. all right yeah if you start at 5:30 I I I I can see I see I see the S mov in the background from your stream probably wasn’t from my stream it’s honestly really fun cre is

Honestly really fun I think David you’re on the money there cre is honestly really fun I’m going to be honest I got inspired to play cre mode by you that’s awesome love to hear it I think that’s one of the best comments like someone being inspired to do something because

Of you it’s uh it’s probably one of the most like I I get I probably get the most like rewarding feeling of that either that or like a long genuine comment it’s um it’s probably the comments I uh I enjoy the most in my opinion create mode is the best mode in Minecraft

Yeah but that’s my opinion I think we there might be a few people in chat that share that opinion but arguably there are a lot of other good mods but inspire me to do other things too yeah exactly it’s I I I think that’s as a content creator I think inspiring

People to do something is one of like the most rewarding feelings at least for me and has been so far um I started my survival world and all my builds because of you thank you it’s really awesome actually um like I was inspired by um by FP to to

Start this whole YouTube channel in the first place and all of that stuff and he inspired me to like I learned how to build from him so if I ever got the chance to say tell him that I I definitely will massive thank you that we inspired you flip

100% uh there’s been other YouTubers that inspir me from time to time but flip has been has always been inspiring me um really really really uh fun YouTuber to watch and uh cool guy from like live streams and stuff really fun to just sit and watch I usually just watch his uh

His live streams like a podcast and it’s pretty fun I know if I ever inspired people from my post or if you can the self advice no no no worse so yeah I mean it’s um if people don’t tell you you never know but I’m pretty

Sure like if you make some really ni nice looking builds and you post them somewhere I’m sure someone will be inspired like the amount of pins I have in my pin Pinterest of just random builds of random people I have no idea who they are they’re just like oh yeah I

Want to do this sometime or like I want to take inspiration from this so you going to stream on YouTube we’ll see honestly like I’m I’m on the offense of it I haven’t fully decided yet but uh I do kind of want to continue on YouTube um but also chat like the

Stream just got sneaking in there we are on 45 likes can we get to 50 helps me out a ton um cuz if you didn’t know liking YouTube streams is a very very good way to promote them to more people and what do we love we love more people in here what

Sell out all right Qui wiper it’s free it’s free and it supports me as you going over and see my data ran out got going to be expensive watching stream uhoh woh last stream’s got twice as many likes yeah but that one was also like

What 3 hours almost not really it was a bit over two hours uh create outs and the mod I can find storage or thermal stuff even something from R tools uh I’m person know yeah I I’ve always wanted to like set up a really good like uh uh refined storage or applied energistics

Uh setup but but I’ve never had the like motivation to get that far in a mod pack uh to get to that point we like on the stream so far we got 52 actually I just said it and we got another seven likes you are the product exactly I’m

The product wait I’m the product what no I don’t know what they’re saying what do you mean what we do Under the Mountain nothing under the mountain is going to be empty empty empty we are at that point in teolis yeah we’re in that point in teolis we got to

Do it yeah we just stop playing viper well I do I have to remind you you do do not have a computer capable of playing teolis and that is roughly when we start playing teop lips is this something Viper you have forgotten well will you please don’t uh forget to give Hearts I

Won’t I will see I’ll look at the comments tomorrow is my brother’s gone for two days easy easy I I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow I’m probably going to have studying to do honestly cuz I start school need a PC that’s killing me yeah do like me and buy one It’s fine skip school for me stamp skip school for you we’re in the same time zone so I wouldn’t even have to skip school to play I’ll just have to not study which I’m probably not going to do anyways so you know might play some track or something I might just enjoy

Myself tomorrow the thing is like I have I have stuff I could do in the world um so um I um I’m probably going to work on that then maybe play some dark C and stuff just because I think it’s going to be fine all right let’s get this fill

In I mean this is the easy part here chat this is the easy part the the part that scares me is this up here and how to like incorporate this part I might not do too much to it honestly though uh but I have to incorporate R line and and

Some parts of it love the names people call me when they can’t pronounce my name gari is that like is that a good name is that a good at your school know you stream uh few do um few do I mean I think the some of the

Other ones know as well they just have so bad memory that they forgot I think they um uh my math teacher knows um cuz like last day of school I think right before the Christmas break um I I got there early or no yeah I got

There early um and I was in my um Math teachers classroom just chatting because she’s fun to chat with and um and she mentioned something that one of my classmates had a YouTube channel where he R reviewed fireworks and he’s like oh yeah yeah yeah and um and he he he I I

Don’t know what he he brought about having a YouTube channel I guess I don’t know anyone can have a YouTube channel but anyways I by the way I don’t like this guy that much um not a huge fan of uh of him but um she mentioned that and

I and I said like oh yeah I also I also do that actually and and then I and and she said like oh yeah so and and she asked like do you get views or stuff cuz he had like what like 20 views maybe on

A video and um it says go back to studying no she she’s never going to tell me to study again she said that after I I I showed the YouTube channel so um so she she asked and I showed it and she was like really surprised about the

Amount of views the channel had um and um and I told her like roughly how much money I make from it as well and uh and she was just like I’m I’m never telling I’m never telling you to study again I don’t need to study anymore guys

I also don’t need to really study beforehand either so like you know it’s fine not the math at this I didn’t show what the iron want I don’t think it’s too good I showed her one of the most recent ones cuz I said those are the ones that are better and

She like started recording on Snapchat and sending it to her friends uh W teacher yeah she’s uh she’s great okay thanks s thanks that was a good moment to tell her um when she was talking about my mother classmate having one just fireworks reviews cuz he spent

Spends so much money on fireworks each year which is I I don’t understand why but I don’t know maybe that’s fun is you’re watching now I don’t think so I think she has more important things to do honestly Flex on a teacher I didn’t Flex on the teacher I

Just what what’s the other gu’s reaction I think I think he um he he was I think he went and disliked all of my videos the first time he found out like a year ago uh and then he very quickly forgot about it like he found

Out for dates that yeah look at that um so can you really conf play exactly um he found out that I did it and he went and disliked all of the videos and I was like yeah sure that’s fun uh and um and I was like and around that time I also

Were was getting like four 500 like views a video so like disliking them probably actually like kind of hurt the videos a bit cuz at that point I was still getting like a 100% like likes on all videos just because there was not enough people watching them um

And I was like well that’s annoying um May drops in your view level right no I didn’t no I know it didn’t it probably didn’t do anything honestly but he went and disliked all of my previous videos basically and um and I have he’s Shadow ban from the channel so he can’t like

Comment or anything and I don’t think he’s getting notifications your first hater yeah honestly biggest haer he also says he hates my math teacher and then he tries to spend like every single moment in school in her classroom so petty yeah he’s not a fun like he can be all right sometimes but

Uh no no one I’m going to talk with uh after I graduate I’ll punch him in the face uh no worries he’s he’s good he’s all good he’s also like failing every subject so he’s he’s not doing too good already Viper I don’t think you need to

I don’t think we need to add to it who dare dislike you right you dare I watched this stream you can go from 60 to 57 yeah it’s going up and down it’s around 60 around 60 is good though and go by have a good time no

Worries geometry have fun have fun oh this is looking so good chat oh never mind I thought I had done this as well I hold him and you punch now he’s had his moments where he’s been fun with uh fun but most of the time times just loud and annoying mad’s watching stream

Honestly I don’t think he’ll care it’s going up and down be ha else if burning after you you not mind I really can’t handle this struggling music starting again oh that’s why it’s so long between the music maybe I should uh cuz the new Spotify doesn’t have my settings on it

Cuz I’m using spotify now cuz I want time on my Spotify I want to see how much I actually like listen to music in a year hold up chatting uh uh hold up chatting Hold Up chat I can speak it is fine where’s the One there we go uh I’m going do like 3 seconds or seconds good I think there we go Spotify settings have been fixed I used to sit in front of my class because I like talking to my teacher but all the annoying uh people were also at the

Front where so few people in my math class that you can sit anywhere I always sit towards the back though cuz I just enjoy more you can speak it is impossible to learn this power it is impossible how how have you done this Magic edge of the third r i s like right at the door in my math classro I have the same seats every like I sat last year I sat in the same seat we have like free seating you can sit wherever you want um and um custom playlist or something

Public it’s it’s a custom made one I I don’t want to share it because I don’t want to share my Spotify in anyway so uh I’m only sharing what I listen what I’m list currently listening to on Discord but that’s it um it’s an epidemic it’s all epidemic sounds though Say the name of the song This one is called on water a world by Jules guia by Jes Gia I always I was W it’s fun Class Can’t read very well bad does this yeah then it’s good sit the friends our my um my um my uh what is it called my um my math teacher forces us to sit like closer to the front in in her class just because we’re so few and she wants to response

On what she’s saying cuz we’re we’re first of all our class during math like um um like what is it called lectures and whatever it’s called um we are so quiet and we give like no response to to her so it’s very annoying to teach us

Cuz we’re just like we just sit there completely quiet when she asks a question um and um and we just get forced to sit cuz now we’re like I think we’re five people in my math class now because everyone in my class is not doing math because they they’re they’re struggling or they

Have other things they want to do um which honestly math class it’s nice to skip it’s a lot of work to be fair uh so I I can see the the the temptation of skipping it and I would like to do the classes they’re taking just because

They’re fun and I know they’re fun but math is more fun put curfew in school oh man song name this one’s called Outlaw Funk n of VI uh still like Me like these are artists with like a some of them have like barely a thousand like viewer or like listeners a month J like mad makes up for the rest of us honestly I think if you you like math if you’re good at math h i don’t if you’re good at math

You would like it or if you have an easy time with it I think that’s that’s one of those things if you’re just like struggling constantly you’re not going to have fun with it rest of my life I read every song now I’m not going to respond I go look at epidemic Bram

Loves maths Bram does not love maths R despises math Vier what is this you’re lying what was the name again I don’t know what a funk I believe I don’t know my math teacher is fun because but the lessons is too easy for me I’ll make them

Harder I made it very easy for myself when I like in lower grades I still make it very easy for myself cuz I don’t like doing the extra mainly because I do this if I didn’t have anything better for me probably still wouldn’t do it but I mean I I I

Could imagine that i’ do it would you get all that dirt form well I over here a video that uh does not live come out just wondering 1st of February yep that’s a Thursday I’m travel math but I like watching people solve GE geometry and trick

Problems I think I like people I like doing it myself uh oh has so nice this is looking so much better now the MTH we started with and this is where we are now geometri equations guy I like equations equations are fun song name please look at the Discord

Instead you got to stock my Discord ask BB he’ll probably write them all down for you he’s a fan of stock in my uh my Spotify can’t wait for next year I don’t want want that year to come cuz next year I’m going to go to new school I

Want to be over with this term as fast as possible I wanted to feel as fast as possible uh because I I I want to go fulltime I guess we’ve got to add both commands to the stream again SMH yeah I got a mod team full of people

With ADHD I’m not going to be reminded and uh I forget things too so h hly I I don’t think it’s on Me Sam we’re watching Minecraft building well you know I might be biased I say it’s important to study but a little bit of a break doesn’t hurt we’re so helpful yeah and I scho gradu with two years of Cav college math that’s nice know many people are understanding of it I think a

Lot of older people don’t know really what it entails I think a I think a lot of people in today’s society have ADHD or it’s just that Society now feels like it I don’t know just m the spring semester always crawl by more than way more than fall no fall takes so

Much longer than spring so much longer at least in Sweden like in Sweden we have we have two breaks during the spring semester towards the end of the year I don’t I won’t have anything to do cuz I’m done with everything um let’s break up five minutes of study

Is a good study strategy I agree maybe um what’s fall fall is awesome also I think it’s time for another like I want to try to get to we’re on 60 likes I want to try to get 100 we’ we’ve hit 100 the first four streams but the view counts keep falling

So it’s harder and harder to hit 100 good but we did go over it quite a bit last stream to be fair like woo I agree me when I had home school do five minutes then take the rest of the day off honestly I did home school as well

For a bit when I was living in um I lived in Abu Dhabi for a few years and I did uh you need refresh Craig to uh to see the updated one um and uh we did basically homeschool um we got like the material from my

School that I was going to at the time and um and then um we just um we just did home schooled so I did like 2 hours of school because to be honest school back then I was not old I what maybe like third grade I think right now last stream has 1,400

Views yeah but during the uh during the stream itself um do you want to visit the most I really want to go back to Abu Dhabi and UA um I really really want to go back there not sure if it’s the country I want to visit

The most but I really really want to go back there I also want to go to om man Um but I do want it to stabilize a little bit over there I don’t know really know what the situation is but I really really want to go there though I want to go to the not the deserty side of Aon um the I want to go to the

Um I want to go to the the Lush one uh cuz I’ve been in the um I’ve been in the deserty one uh and it was fun it was fun I’ve uh um I have memories there uh but I really want to go to the Lush one I I

Really want to go to the Lush side of one uh sounds seems Seems like a nice place last stream reached 132 likes it reached like 110 before we left left the stream want to go there but it seems pretty it seems pretty nice yeah no

Honestly like I I lived in Abu Dhabi for 5 years is and uh really really fun um I actually found I actually found some pictures from there the other day the the what’s them what was that accent um the other day uh because I was looking through an old USB stick because

Um uh I needed uh I needed to use it for my new Windows installation we’re much late but hi hello AC welcome in no worries I need use of our new Windows installation and I found some pictures from there and oh my God the memories again in Chile and outside of

South America I’d love to go to Australia and Spain what is bro jaing about no I think might be a boulder time shot I think we might be a boulder time here it’s hard to justify Boulder here actually n I’m not going to do a boulder

It’s hard to to to justify one over here I’m also going to be building in this area so I don’t really want one over here that’s a bold move yeah that works out it works out works out works out a this is just looks so good this is

Going to be very nice I this is a project that it’s just been empty for few months and it’s it’s good to get like some Terrain in here cuz it used to be just like what it cut off along this ra line here that one well there was a person didn’t

Realiz you were on Minecraft um and yeah it’s it’s fun to see this area start coming together uh must leave hopefully I can return see you good boy back no why deleted the first world no clue oh yeah someone asked Day Count we’re on 1,288 I will be curious for the season 2

World how fast uh did you turn on the cross fade I did yeah uh I I am curious on how fast I’ll reach uh like the day count I end with in this world in the next World will I I think I’ll do it a lot faster just because I’m playing a lot

More but yeah my wife are barely doing half a mte oh my God the tech problems are never ending Fus cobbled Cobblestone honestly that’s a good texture though uh where’s that one it’s going to be I don’t like how bright like shiny all of the Cobblestone blocks are and

Shipped so I’m not a huge fan of actually all of all like any of them really but the Cobble one is really really nice season two going to be out when you start full time um roughly at some point it will be I mean I will

Be fulltime during it so yeah it might start Lev before though um wi I blue screen who knows who knows when I it’ll start maybe it’ll start before we go fulltime or maybe it won’t I mean I have a set of things I want to finish in this world first and then uh

And then then we can move on but we’re not quite there yet we still got time who knows maybe I started the New World before I go full time still can’t find my tea what and mod pack has to work mod pack has to work but I mean he is not working

Tirelessly at it at the moment uh we’ll get it working when I I need it when I got the black screen of death so many times and and saving up for a new pc ah yeah when is he not well he he was doing it y he was working on it yesterday

While I drink his time I’m drinking water cuz uh I’m healthy like that I don’t know probably crashing like 8900 yeah it’s nice nice it’s nice get a new pc but no money to get one yeah when the screen goes black insane and you can’t do anything yeah

That’s not where I wanted you to go that for a long time yeah likewise I prob with 32 gab of ram no idea I don’t know anything about laptops I know that laptops aren’t too worth it but I mean some people have an easier time buying a laptop I guess it’s

Easier to do that hello Harley welcome in built it four years ago yeah I think I built my current PC my old PC uh I upgraded the parts for that uh 3 years ago and then I switched and then I bought the PC itself 3 years before

That next upgrade is probably going to be a CPU maybe a motherboard and cooler yeah got to look what it’s bottleneck in the PC uh mine is very good setup now that do feel like a scam sometimes you got to be careful yeah exactly uh very

Much like the vi I’ve got I’ve never really bought a gaming laptop though they can be good but it’s most of the time it’s more worth buying a real computer but it’s more expens it will be a little more expensive cuz you need like monitor keyboard and all that stuff

Oh this is looking so awesome I have too many driver issues with them and like AMD I don’t have I haven’t had any issues with them so far um with a new one with a new computer prebuilds are like prebuilds aren’t bad you just need to know what

You want the pc4 though um you need to to get a good like pre-build you might need to like talk with someone who knows what they’re on about to um to make sure you’re buying something that’s good um but you need to you need to kind of

Know what you’re going to be using the PC for and stuff like that to get a good PC like my first PC was a pre-built I didn’t have any issues with it um it’s very handy dandy I just built my second PC broke it so you know it’s a

Little tricky to build the PC I won’t lie um but it was able to be be repaired for didn’t have to pay anything for the repairs um at all so that was very very nice and handy um because there was a chance I I had to

Buy a new a new motherboard and that would have been a little more expensive I’m going running I5 going good when streaming so I recommend i7 or ryson 5 I’ve got a ryson I think into days where like you’re going to want probably like if you have like if you’re

Saving up probably get like Ron 7 or I I actually don’t know really I I I’m not going to give any PC advice it depends on what you’re doing um and stuff my food’s done see you later see you hello tho it depends very much on

What you’re doing with the PC and all that stuff um as I can recommend amount of ram I guess like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go with lower than 16 16 or 32 is what I would do if you’re just using the PC um I got 64 now I’m probably not

Going to notice the difference between 32 and 64 but I have it my have the bed and send me back uh the laptop fully fixed nice came from a Google worker I spoke to one for help yeah place where you can choose the parts they build it just SC there’s a

Lot of those companies out um I have in Sweden we have a local like a one in that’s just in Sweden that I go to what do humans do to stay warm I’m freezing here um I am struggling in heat baty so I’ve honestly got no idea socks are good

Um I don’t know it’s very warm in my room uh I’m going to open my window real quick actually layers layers are good layers are good uh where she G Hold Up chat I’m GNA hold key something real quick uh Webcam boom boom aha no that’s the wrong one uh how did I even do that maybe I just did that yeah whatever it’s fine that works that work it does the trick if I do that I disappear haha keep feet and head warm and you’ll feel warm exactly

I won’t like chat almost window almost just fell out the window the the like window frame was frozen and I had to push a little bit and I and I and I I did go outside a little bit no I I I was not close to falling off the window but

You know please bring the warmth to M Michigan it’s snowing here it’s pretty cold outside it’s minus- 6 nexts I know how to open a window people I am what they call a professional maybe maybe not what did I do over there did I just

Changed all the dirt yeah I did I want to connect this up down to here at least uh I don’t want to move my beacon but we can try to do a little bit of digging though hopefully it works today I don’t know why it didn’t work

Yesterday um when I tried digging but I have mve my beacon and I kind of need it over there and I’m my little La just keep moving it back and forth It’s Summer it is winter for me oh it’s not working it’s not working I I don’t know

Why that’s what happening I have the the fix for it but I don’t know say something yeah I have the mod installed I checked it but it clearly doesn’t work anymore oh no wait I have to change some settings with the mod itself uh someone call hanky there’s something

Here there’s something something here should I ping him I’ll ping him myself hello GG see you can’t handle this and rendering so got to go all right have Fun hanky what is the fix I do I cannot see and water Hky can’t even play alone no I need I need help I can’t remember how I fixed it or how how how one is supposed to fix it I have the mod but I don’t I don’t have yes no 100 all right on both of

Them I put them both at 100 there we go save and quit EG tank you we can now see under water chat just water well I did it for both get wrecked there new here welcome in welcome in maybe we can go get another Beacon

Honestly I might I feel like I want to Beacon Hanks like the stream has Hank not even liked the stream as SM M that reminds me everyone should like the stream yes it’s good to like the stream everybody helps me Out at 64 I did level look at that HK you supporting all right I never empty that oops oopsy do Welcome back shop what happened while I was wait no clue when you left so I do not know sleep at the bottom of the ocean just took out the trash I’m back welcome back aha I mean I open the window and it’s not even that bad elyas from the

Incident yes from the incident indeed uh let’s go get an another um anything interesting probably I am interesting hello Slayer uh um let’s put that on and then we will put this in here for now we’ll leave all of our dirt in here joint the dir I have in there and

Then let’s go get a second Beacon cuz I need one the UK is cold SW is cold as well I just need the window open a little bit because yes um where did I turn that off um let’s see here first of all I do want

To empty this out a bit no not that one this one it’s way too full this might dump it all in from projects books it’s not a book stamp it’s a backpack and then we got to get my sword out South Africa is hot yeah Viper sent

A picture earlier and I was like I want that you know any more famous YouTubers if you would like to say so uh uh I don’t know what you class is famous I wouldn’t class myself as famous but I know some create YouTubers I didn’t use this one I didn’t use this

Nether fortress what nether fortress did I use I had another nether fortress I used but I cannot remember where it is Mr beone is great yeah I I know Mr bearstone uh yeah beard Stone fangy batsy was here skish hasn’t been here skish has lost his world to corruption

Um I don’t know what the guy does but he he corrupts world like no other he corrupts worlds like no other Fox is also a good one do you know Charles I spoke to well I didn’t speak to him directly earlier uh but yeah I do know

Shs I wouldn’t call us friends we know of each other uh he even mentioned me in a video it’s pretty cool um but I I do uh I do have um I have some U I have some plans with shells I might actually have two plans

With shells now um one of them won’t be on my channel though won’t be on ch’s either so uh New Year welcome in Ober uh where is get me out of here uh I I don’t think this is the one I CH I did I used maybe

It was actually cuz I kind of remember this but this is like a bad mon with the skeleton Farm yeah I’m not setting up a with the skeleton Farm to get like three more skulls I this world I’m not getting I’m probably this is probably going to be

What I survived 1,000 days without getting a single uh there’s one without getting a single Beacon I definitely oh I’m pretty bad at this game with you like now I and oh there’s two of them cool uh I survived a thousand days without the single Beacon so I think I’ll be fine with

You they create building battle against him that would be fun you just got to invite me wasn’t he’s going to restart on one 20 anyways he was but yeah still sucks he was working on the video as well and sucks to just like lose all the progress on

That hello follow me in here please I don’t want to do anything with the places they’re not my friends hello when comes the next episode 1 of February so in let’s let us look at the I can’t I don’t I don’t know how to look at the date in uh in Windows

11 so I’ve got no idea in how many weeks that is but it should be in like three weeks right this week and then two more I think while wearing that right the with can put on the armor and use the sword two weeks I think I think it’s

Three cuz it been one one week of January and it’s at the end of January so it’s what it’s it’s the eth today right yeah I think it’s the eth today it’s the eth eth today so it would be uh yes math stem you know how to do math

It will be 23 days until there’s a new video that’s many days jeez I might always just start recording the video after that and just Vibe with it might just get everything just pre-recorded no but I probably will like start recording or start planning at least

That could actually do that that I could do that fun can I just get one more scull please like I got two from from the first like two we killed I would like one more please I’m just going to despawn everything and go back find a screenshot of

What can you face them oh my God what I didn’t know that we can’t you wait you can or you can’t okay uh skeletons oh my God you almost have me we can yeah I know when are we getting face reveal I don’t know maybe at a

Mill I’ll think about it oh I don’t want to burn and be withered thank you very much that does not sound like a nice combo like I said not a nice combo I think I’m good oh God help help like I said I’m good oh how do you find

Me n I’m I’m fine oh no stay behind the wall go away go away why do you haunt me professional Minecraft player here yeah uh why were there so many oh there’s more oh you guys are going to back me in a corner here no called the incident 2.0 take that let’s

Go oh what it’s proba like crazy nope not today sir oh skeleton can could you like oh no can I just get one more skull please put some torches around to keep them from spawning well I I want the Withers from spawning you know Bram yes I’m going to place torches to

Stop the wither skeletons from spawning also I think lases spawn quite High Life levels what’s the time there for me it is 1924 yeah I already have like a blaze farm I don’t need more blaze rods honestly it’s fine oh there we have some but they’re

Right in the open I’m going to get attacked by 20 billion blazes oh why is this like terrifying chat I’m actually kind of low here I would say I don’t want to get head once more I’m fine my nose is itching I’m going to go close the window it’s a mess

I wish I could just get one more um one more skull please let me go back inside level five for image perms yeah you need a chatab bit you’re a regular skeleton I don’t want you honestly no I’m going get some more Rockets I refilled this these like 3

Hours ago and I’ve already used them all a word yeah then it’s going to be a hard time your cam is out oh thank you true I’m just going to fly away a bit oh no actually no I’m not going to do that hello guys oh you’re you’re in here

Oh I was very lucky with the first ones you should have used plateria to fly okay I going up peace good boy hey Sam welcome in the first the first time I fight I fought wither skeletons fight oh the Wither fight is going to be easy peasy there’s a thing

Called bedrock and in the end where I don’t have to worry about it yes I’m chasing it because I do not care no you stole my looting kill I feel like that was quite rude of it honestly a bow would be handy I can’t lie but I haven’t been bothered making

One since you know the incident uh oh I’m actually very low here oh Stam oh Stam uh work can find SK try looking for it it’s in the announcements chat in the in the Discord or on my Community page oh why are you Landing in lava Stam jeez I agree

Cheez why am I suddenly so bad at Minecraft maybe I’ve always been bad chat who knows why do I keep getting hit I’m also really low again I’m so bad at this game now I’ve I need to learn I need to learn how to play this game again

Help I keep being attacked by everything maybe we don’t get a beacon how about that chat I I don’t want to find a new Fortress I hate this one this one’s dangerous fireus potion that would solve a lot of my problems wouldn’t it you’re right but if I could find a new

One well this isn’t a new one I was going to land there but then I saw here’s a new one Bas won’t attack you as much but then ah no but this one seems to be in a mountain this one like fully in here oh my God can I hello

This is going so well chat SP an entrance nuh-uh they saw the gift in the Discord yep sh fun that experience honestly no I’m not having a good time chat I just wish I could get one like we killed we killed what like five of them and we got

Two this would have been such a good Fortress if it um if it was um a good Fortress no if it was in the open but there also would have been more blazes to worry about can’t you like shoot a pigman for me hello oh okay I thought it went for

Me and I was going to be like what oh I was about to be so mad welcome back here there someone who who’s paranoid of dying from playing hardcore get a totem of dying even if you don’t need to me the fair I I am against totems I will not use

Them I played a year in hardcore without using totems and please I is this what we’re going to spend the rest of the stream doing just because I’m too I don’t know I’m unlucky chat I guess hello now I’m actually I as like a an a previous hardcore um player I I don’t

Like totems um I just think they really take away the uh like they make hardcore T into just vanilla cuz you basically just get infinite lives um with them oh there’s more over this way change the stream name no we’re still working on the mountain we’re just

Taking a detour to help work on the mountain this is in twitch I just don’t know the stream name stays the same I think we’re going back to the old one there’s too few spawns here if I can find my way out and then find my way back to the

Portals the luck with these my luck is terrible my luck with finding skeletons is not bad but my luck with getting them to drop a skull is um oh there we go can we get another one just because to in to spite no okay good I would I would not have enjoyed that

Um I’m just going to probably just do this hello I’m free I think it’s this way I believe so yeah lav us fell Fallen like halfway here so I think it’s this way say please all Right I think it’s over here maybe yeah this is the Bastion right uh or maybe not I think it’s through here yeah this looks familiar no it doesn’t really actually yeah uh oh wait there’s okay I’ve I’ve gone I have my netherite diving set almost on me I would probably survive

That uh oh why am where am I flying chat I’ve completely lost the how to play this game Honestly I am bad at Minecraft Guys do you go to college no I go to school not on this one next one I’m not going to touch the nether or the end in this world really I had to be in there anyways no actually no I have to go back

Here cuz I I don’t I don’t go to the end through the nether CU I live so close to the portal uh that in the wall and then grab some Soul Sand which yes Soul Sand perfect let’s go hello Samuel hello hello welcome in let’s go kill the Wither and then we can

Get back to the work TOS are for him cheat have defeated the Ender Dragon yeah yeah I have an elytra of course I’ve defeated it like to break of lava why am I getting an ad because this is YouTube BR Minecraft mobile ad and here’s my nether portal end portal I

Mean not nether gotcha prick you I don’t know yes good job St good job gotta yeah at least I’ll sleep now but ah did you die in this world and yes if how many times I’ve died a few times but maybe like four five five times I think I’ve

Died I’ll want to say five times do you have no respawn part Point uh I usually have a bed on me because I usually I used to play hardcore so I just had a bed on me because it wouldn’t matter really and um you weren’t here for the incident I died twice that

Stream right no three times actually so yeah maybe six times then the incident the incident oh this looks so good oh oh oh my God I love that now I love coming in for that Angle now it used to be an iore but not anymore we go respawn Point set let’s go

Let’s go kill the Wither this time and not fly into the portal Stam they got the shat uh active though no what incident not what incident nothing just an incident um I um I first died on a train in a tunnel creating the tunnel for the trains then

I flew into a Crusher and crushed all of my things basically and then I died in the end trying to get an A new elytra and lost the rest of the things that the things that didn’t get crushed basically it was a bad stream it was a bad stream I don’t

Remember what project I was working on at that point what project was I working on was it the I can’t remember what I was working on I was working on episode 10 cuz yeah I was making the tunnels and I was like I really need to work I need

Really really need to record cuz I was like busy and then I just ah I just died three times lost all of my things um I survived like eight videos without dying a single time cuz the time I died before that was when I got run over by a train in

Episode 2 I think think so and I was on a time like I was on a time crunch to do some things oh my God Nuh-uh hey I didn’t look at you hey that’s rude it’s so loud oh my God C I’m sorry chat back at the bee farm oh yeah CH I didn’t forget to set my spawn point before going to the end we totally didn’t go an extra trip no what wasn’t me wasn’t me I

Promise glass and obsidian um I think I still have obsidian up here right yes yes I do yes I do oh no it’s not that gemetry um I was quoting charl Sinclair um nothing just an incident hold up I need to show you that chat if you don’t know I need to

Show I need to show it oh that’s hello no work Please YouTube She didn’t here we go let me turn off music Max what’s happened no he’s just unfair I’m leading he wants to pass he push me I push him back and after he push me off the track it’s not fair thank you thank you Max Char what’s happened with the Max

Nothing just an incident on the race nothing just an incident it’s funny okay back to the Minecraft um nothing just an incident um I think I have enough iron Max ver St Yeah yes I do H just a slight nudge yeah just a slight nudge this it’s fine uh that put that back in there that was an incident exactly I have 2,000 iron actually oh I don’t want the egg but okay thank you I guess in my head

Could have grabbed that when I was up there as well I should have probably grabbed some iron because I apparently don’t have any Stell work stamps that work oh 69 likes look at that it’s kind of like most of most of the songs I have they’re just

Like I do like the like clear buop in them it’s good ah someone ruined it at 70 now well thank you but no funny number Max first I get it you know I get I got you I got you what’s this we’re building a beacon this is

Minecraft um we’re preparing to dig a uh dig a uh a river and I need a beacon I also need to save the replay probably it’s fine it to our replay shouldn’t be any worry should work should work we’re building a bacon yeah the bacon the

Bacon I got the BLT sandwiches and uh I got the bacon maybe I Dam one day on this world probably Not Where’s my water water I was about to say that the weird Beacon shape but it was a different way to build one yeah I think a lot of people have different ways to uh to build beacons I’ve done it multiple ways I think this is the one I like the most I

Do the I usually do the cross um studying me exactly I usually do like the cross to get the height on it just one one one one then do the three and down and then just fill it in uh usually ends up pretty good uh netherite boots we’re going to need those

Two let’s jump in I have reunited with the PC let’s go be our back through time all right have fun AC so imagine Acton Viper hello bro oh act wait I mother should have ate five at to 5 hours ago uhoh you might get back you might get

Back right before we end the Stream enjoy the food acon I know I’m going to mine away this eventually anyways I I’m I’ve I don’t think I’m going to touch that I don’t think I’m going to touch that because I do want to do a port over

There so I don’t think I’m going to touch that I think I’m going to design the port and get all of that stuff worked out and then I’m going to fix it I’m going to fix it in the T no I’m not going to touch it Viper stop it I don’t want to

Nuh-uh arms to shot and ban people nuh Viper I’m going to leave it alone give in thoughts no I don’t want to do it nuh I mean I would never ban anyone you know you would never hello sh think Viper I you were the one who started

Viper I don’t need all the sand I’m just going to throw it away I have 35 thou 35,000 sand in a vault I would like the dirt but that’s about it vipers are cute snicks yeah all I’m done studying that was a fast study session um streams did you are you

Sure I feel like that was a little too fast browser crashed woohoo mean 5 minutes studying 5 hours of watching YouTube yeah that sounds about right yeah right right Gojo the area of the circle and some other things how they get the area of the circle streams what math level are you

At like two three formulas why do you need to remember formulas I love the map my sister is doing she needs she’s getting and using like formulas and then she doesn’t even have the formulas on like her the cheat cheat cuz in math I don’t know it it should be

Like that all around the world cuz you you should always have access to like the formulas you need there no Advanced courses math yeah exactly a formul collection I really just like snakes snakes SES are not cute a sheet sheet you get a you get a sheet with like the

Formulas back when I was in school we didn’t have that I don’t remember them all no even snakes well it’s it’s okay to not like snakes we don’t have to yeah we get them free like we get them I I know search formula sure in my

Head I the ones I use commonly I I do know cuz I use them a lot but it’s so nice to have cuz you’re able to look at problem so differently if you have the formula if you know how to use it to your advantage it it’s so worth it

There’s no way I could do that no there’s no way buckets ah hello fix yourself please vibr is so cute v ah f are you talking about this Viper Leon is this the Viper you’re talking about which um I’m going to a winery tomorrow have fun

I’m such a cutie don’t you think St definitely to bus panicking about doing well instead of actually doing it sounds smart sounds annoying actually love wineries Stam gift oh my God I think you did though maybe didn’t River time I mean I clearly I I did name I did

Name the video or the stream fixing this mess and this is part of that mess one is to find so unbelievably attractive that one yeah wait why are we digging the river cuz the diver is too shallow River the diver the river is too shallow so we’re making deeper cuz it makes sense

Isn’t it the last song yeah should be have that on got to go thanks for great stream no worries we’re actually about to end here in just a little bit so you’re not missing much mzr wasn’t going hello Andre you see I feel offended I didn’t read I can Tell we’re just going to do it from here start playing dirt going back what do you people usually put at the bottom of the rivers I am so deeply sorry I forgive congression the great one St so I know yeah gravel gravel sand dirt those reminds me of whips yeah it’s

The same one I think I I don’t think he uses it anymore though does he playing mcraft x uh three Island there’s like 12 Ocean Monuments oh my God to got open laptop and two TPS of twitch and YouTube uh well we’re about to end Acton actually not we got three more

Minutes got three more minutes see if we can finish this up here God is also live I think that’s why he needs to open a new tab up you go say hi to gy afterwards I screams my name like five times on stream team we need to fix the commands the

Commands the commands yeah I’m going to do that after stream then I do not know what I’m going to do probably work on my other little thing in the world or or play tarov I don’t know I kind of want to play tarov kind of want to play tarov I will not lie

He look on is no that does not interest me watch anime anime does interest me even less all the songs are on Spotify though should be fair all righty uh my boots my that my this my this and then we get that up here and put in all of

Those and we go for a CR sleep and uh we’re getting ads we’re going to skip the ads because we’re ending stream haha all right cool chat um it’s been a fun stream uh this looks so much better this mess is no longer a mess and um it’s pretty much ready for

Build we need to do a little work here but we’re going to finish that a little later in the month I think we’re going to I’m going to try to find some other projects to work on meanwhile and uh we’ll play it later we’ll fix that later

And I’ve got my this ugly hat on lell all right it’s it’s a tier mess it’s a tier mess now uh we fixed the areas we started with which is nice it’s always nice to fix the areas you start with but yeah I’ll see you all on Wednesday 6

P.m. Central European Time and uh join the Discord if you haven’t and um see you in the next one bye-bye guys

This video, titled ‘Fixing a MESS in Minecraft Create’, was uploaded by Stam1o on 2024-01-08 19:07:49. It has garnered 993 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:14 or 7214 seconds.

Fixing a MESS in Minecraft Create! If you enjoy the stream make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

Modlist/World Download can be found in my discord.

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command

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  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

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  • Unleash Your Inner UHC Pro on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

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  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

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  • Survival Twist: Minecraft’s Delightful Flight

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  • Touching Grass Ends Video?!

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  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Who will make the sculk scream louder?

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World

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  • EPIC Minecraft Glitch: JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED!

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  • Friend Pranked with Scary Myths

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  • TentenCubify: Ultimate Toilet Titan Showdown!

    TentenCubify: Ultimate Toilet Titan Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Warden + VS Titan Skibidi Toilet Multiverse minecraft addon’, was uploaded by TentenCubify on 2024-06-01 11:00:22. It has garnered 59 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Minecraft, warden, Titan skibidi Toilet Multiverse, warden +, titan drillman, tri titan, tri titan upgrade, minecraft build,build battle,build battle minecraft,battle royale,minecraft battle royale,minecraft mob battle,mob battle,minecraft battle mod,minecraft video,minecraft song,minecraft animation,minecraft movie,minecraft music,bionic,bionic minecraft,animatic battle,tentencubify,battle,rap battle,animatic battle,animatic,minecraft animation,meme animation,anime,battle cats,death battle,battle through the heavens,one animation,bfdi,the battle cats,battle for dream island,animation vs,animation vs minecraft,minecraft animation movie,minecraft movie,steve minecraft,steve minecraft animation,minecraft song,minecraft animation… Read More

  • Unbelievable Redstone Puzzle by Oyo Jodha Gamerz! #shorts #minecraft

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  • INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20

    INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Zephyr Smp Npc Susano And On 24 Jm Senjata Legen’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-02-27 01:16:28. It has garnered 1868 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. 💫 ZephyrSMP – Server Indonesia 💫 ➦ MCBE/PE:————————————— | ➢ | ➢ 25581 | ➢ 1.20.60-62 | | LINK ALTERNATIF JOIN | ➢ ➥————————————————————— ✨️ WhastApp ➜ ✨️ Discord ➜ ✨️ Vote ➜ ————————————————————————————————————————— 💫 Server Rules – ZephyrSMP 💫 SERVER RULES 1. Avoid Using Cheats/Hacking 2…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trolling

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  • JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shorts

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  • Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯

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  • Spork SMP – 1.20.4 – Semi-vanilla – Whitelist – Modded terrain

    Datapack Driven Custom Weapons & Modded Terrain Generations Our server features several server-side terrain generation mods including: Tectonic Yung’s Better Minecraft These mods are server-side only, allowing you to join with a vanilla launcher. The datapacks, in combination with the resource pack, introduce custom combat features and weapons of varying rarity and powers inspired by other games and media. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • NZNetwork Minecraft – Online for more than 13 years.

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  • Minecraft Memes – u/EntrepreneurUnusual6 predicted it: Epic meme material!

    Looks like this meme is really mining for laughs with that score of 66! Keep digging for more humor! Read More


    TENGE TENGE vs GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO: SPAWN SHOWDOWN! 🔥 #shorts #minecraft #meme When you can’t decide between fighting ALL TENGE TENGE or GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO SPAWN, just remember: it’s all fun and games until someone gets a block to the face in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

    EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft! Exciting Minecraft Adventure: Lucky Block Tower Race! Join Sand and KAYDNN in an exhilarating lucky block tower race in the world of Minecraft! The duo will be breaking random lucky blocks on their towers, with each block holding the potential for amazing treasures or unexpected challenges. The stakes are high as they compete to gather the best gear for an epic battle at the bottom of the tower. Who will emerge victorious – KAYDNN or Sand? The excitement is palpable as they dive into this thrilling Minecraft challenge! The Lucky Block Tower Race As the players take turns breaking… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths

    Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths The Intricacies of Minecraft PvP A Brief History Minecraft PvP has evolved significantly over the years, with various updates and changes shaping the way players engage in combat within the game. From the early days of simple sword fights to the more complex mechanics introduced in recent updates, the world of Minecraft PvP is as diverse as it is challenging. Reach and Schooling One key aspect of Minecraft PvP is the concept of “reach,” which determines the distance at which players can strike their opponents. Interestingly, schooling can actually make you better at PvP, as it hones your reflexes… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n’ Goat – DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!

    EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n' Goat - DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!Video Information This video, titled ‘DON’T SAY STAL 3 TIMES IN A ROW! #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-06-02 00:18:23. It has garnered 470 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. A funny snip-it of @PizzaNGoat dying in Vex’s SpellBound Caves map. COINCIDENCE, I THINK NOT! You can watch the full video; as well as, our whole let’s play on our channel. Read More

  • I Played Minecraft with Jake Webber

    I Played Minecraft with Jake WebberVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played Minecraft with Jake Webber | VOD’, was uploaded by HansumFella VODS on 2024-02-14 20:00:02. It has garnered 219343 views and 4351 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:37 or 6397 seconds. This VOD is HansumFella playing minecraft with Jake Webber! Twitch: This is the full VOD, not cut up into funny moments however sure does include a lot of them, as seen on tiktok for funny moments and the full youtube video “I need your help (ft Jake Webber)” on the HansumFella channel! #HansumFella #Minecraft #Livestream Read More

  • “Nabi Gaming – Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!” #wow

    "Nabi Gaming - Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!" #wowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Extremely Realistic Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:07:20. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by xperia_minecraft on 2024-04-09 16:00:43. It has garnered 1083622 views and 29192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON’T Believe!! #minecraftparody

    INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON'T Believe!! #minecraftparodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mine craft Funny Shorts #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftmeme #minecraftparody #meme #craft’, was uploaded by DRK FLAME on 2024-01-09 11:26:33. It has garnered 2444 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!

    Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!Video Information This video, titled ‘You Won’t Believe These Hilarious Mind-Bending AI Meme Transformations #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Gav on 2024-02-17 17:50:08. It has garnered 479 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #memes #music #fortnite #funnyanimals #comedy #minecraft #animals #cats #landscape #nature cats, slow mo video, funny animals, manchester united, man city, shorts, roblox, slow motion, the last of us, fortnite, the last of us reaction, family guy full episodes, cats, elden ring, velma, minecraft, world cup, slow mo, funny videos, funny video, funny animal videos, besharam rang song, overwatch… Read More

  • BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀

    BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘I became SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🗿’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-29 11:18:15. It has garnered 222057 views and 4150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Roblox NEED MORE MEWING | SIGMA MALE in Roblox (FULL GAME) | ALL ENDING 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel: @AyushMoreReacts ➤ 🎥 WATCH FULL SERIES here:- MINECRAFT STORY Series ▶️ ➤… Read More


    🔴EPIC MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S CELEBRATE 15 YEARS ON STUNNING SERVERS!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:12:18. It has garnered 1406 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:04 or 6844 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!

    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: Donate and request a video reaction: 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More