stampylonghead – Minecraft – Q&A + Lovely World Wandering – 🔴 Live

Video Information

Hello this is dumpy and welcome to another live stream uh yeah for the second stream in a row i am doing something that i have never done before in a stream at least uh so i have done q and a’s before so i did a bunch on my uh second channel stampy

Long nose this is stampy long head the channel you’re on now if you didn’t know where you are there’s no slime post uh yeah uh basically i’ve done a bunch before in the past um but yeah i thought i’d do it as a live stream because out

Of everything this is one of the the styles of like content i guess that kind of works best as a live stream because it can be intractable because normally what happened in a q a someone would like ask a question and be like um what’s your favorite type of cake and

I’d be like oh i like this kind of cake but then that’d be it they’re like that’d be the end but here someone could say like oh do you like this i could be like oh do you mean like this and they could be no like this i’d be like oh i

Like this what do you think and then we can have a bit more of a back and forth obviously it’s not going to be quite a conversation because just by the fact that i’m doing it in my lovely world i know that there’s going to be a lot more

People here than i normally hear in my streams so the other thing i want to do with this stream is just to like just kind of do what a lot of people want me to do because in my streams i like streaming stuff that not many people

Will really know about it means that there’s not going to be too many people watching which generally is a little bit more fun just because we can have that little bit more of a conversation but i do know how much people want to see me doing minecraft how much people want to

See me doing lovely world and how many questions people have we get a lot of questions a lot of the the same questions coming back again and again and again and i answer them again and again and again so i thought having a dedicated place where i’m going to be in

Minecraft in my lovely world answering questions uh is going to be the uh the perfect way to to do this so yeah what the the format of the the stream is going to be you ask questions uh i’m going to be doing a mixture of hopefully some like serious questions not like serious

Serious questions like don’t worry we’re not going to get you’re not going to get that soon you know but like genuine questions about like you know in this video why did you do that or how do you record or what setup do you have like you know questions that people just

Might be curious about that might help them out or just you know maybe uh it’s been uh something that someone has been wondering about for years and years and years here will be your chance to actually ask me um and i can talk about it and then hopefully some fun ones as

Well maybe like some would you rather questions some kind of sillier ones basically just some uh ones that um yeah we’ll hopefully have a little bit of a bit of a chuckle uh about uh as well um yeah so it’s not just too um boring i guess um

Yeah uh and then um yeah while we’re doing that we’re also just gonna be in my lovely world so i was originally gonna call it like lovely world tour but i think like calling it uh lovely world tour probably um isn’t the right way to call it because

I’m not going to be like oh and when i constructed this wall you know we thought we wanted to do this you know i’m not going to be really talking about much that’s going on in the the gameplay uh it’s going to be much more while i’m answering questions rather than you

Having to sit there and just staring at me swinging back and forth in my little chair uh you can be uh seeing lovely world so i know that there are probably um a lot of you that haven’t been watching so much recently which is fine i mean

People got things they need to do um but uh they might have kind of come back to to check in on me uh and so maybe you’ll get a bit of nostalgia looking at some of the uh the older builds uh i probably will a little bit as well because i

Don’t do this you know i don’t wander around my lovely world when i’m not recording i got stuff to do as well and then also uh as a double whammy uh if you haven’t been around for a while i can show you some of the new stuff

Hello alex oh yeah i can show you some of the um the the new stuff uh which you may not have seen and i guess kind of spoilers a little bit uh for the lovely world if you want to see me actually build them but yeah i can show you uh

Maybe some of the newer mini games and some of the newer builds um which you may not have have seen before so that is the uh the plan as you heard i’ve been joined by a dog we did a um a poll before the stream started uh of

Just may or alex who are our two dogs i never said what they were voting for i was joking in the the chat that’s saying they could just be voting for which dog do i poke in their belly uh but no i was uh i was doing a poll but who was gonna

Join and uh should say this quietly in case mae can hear me downstairs but alex won alex one so if you hear any barking in the background of the stream blame the uh a couple hundred people that were in the stream before it started and they voted

For alex because it’s their fault we have the uh the crazier louder dog rather than the one that kind of just sleeps quietly in the the background and the reason she’s so attentive at the moment is because i have a big dog treat for her so um yeah i feel mean because

She’s going to be sitting there drooling building a little swimming pool under my chair so i’m going to be nice and give it to her let’s make it do some treats though going to make her work for it don’t get anything for free in life all

Right can you see here i just come here easy one spin sit pour down oh you’re jumping she knew what i was gonna do she’s learned the routine didn’t even say roll over oh did anyone see my um my tickety top when she did that i was

Getting her so we were just tucking her tucking her into bed she gets a little bedtime biscuit before bed and she’s on the sofa and i’m like down and she’s like down and then she just goes but she’s gonna roll off the sofa i have to

Like dive forward and like save her life so now you can uh you can understand uh how that happened uh probably uh a little bit better uh hello everyone who is from tickety tock by the way uh been a bit of a crazy time on tickety tock uh

I didn’t expect to get um yeah like uh i think yeah i’m like two million followers now on tickety tock which um i did not expect uh just because oh it’s stampy and tick tock like they are they ain’t things that go together stampy’s like the nerdy guy who plays

Minecraft you know like why why is he cut so many photos on and i know obviously like i’ve had a following in the past that was like bigger than that and stuff but i think the reason it’s so shocking is because you know like i’ve i’m less now but i’ve

Been very active on twitter you know for a very long time and i’ve been relatively active on instagram posting pet pictures and you know like i mean what am i on what am i on on twitter and instagram like it can’t even be close to to tickety talk

So twitter where i’m most active i have to try and work out how i see i have um 690 followers and then on instagram this isn’t bragging i’m making the point i have 820 so like you know i’ve been on those for years i guess maybe just tick

Tock so big that you know it it was just enough um i guess to kind of boost it over the the top uh so sorry the uh the slow mode so big uh just because i knew there’s going to be a few more people in

Here and i would need to have a chance to actually read the the questions um so what i’ll say is once we get into it the best thing to do if you want a higher chance for your question to be read is um save it so that like you’re putting your

Question as the main thing obviously you can react and you know you can do what you want it’s up to you but if you want the best chance to be read maybe mainly just put your questions in because otherwise um you’ll write like something and you’re right in like like snappy smells or

Something and then you have to wait like two and a half minutes until you can write again so um that’s what i i recommend um yeah uh obviously i won’t be answering every questions this isn’t i can ask me anything like if there’s a question i

Don’t want to answer i’ll just ignore it so if there’s a question that you can see loads of people asking and i’m just not reading it like i’ve probably seen it but i’m just ignoring it so bear that uh in mind yeah let’s say hello to some

People first let’s say hello to god thanks for watching god uh hi frankie welcome back to the stream hello to amber hello to pazza hello to mag says hi uh hello to uh sofia uh hello to stinky winky i think that was um hello to you you might

Have a much better chance of getting a shout out if you have an easy to read name as you can see i can’t speak hello to no who says hi hi to molly hello to lauren sanders was that sean fields hello hello to leah tv hello to elmo

Thanks for watching elmo uh hello to freyja harrison i think that was this is like a great speed reading test this is like amazing uh hello to hannah cruz uh hello to to nathan h i also say thank you to uh to some donations that have come through uh if the donations come

Through um too fast i’ll be honest i might not be able to get to uh through every one of them like just because i don’t wanna make it so i’m only reading uh questions from donations and not from people in the the chat because no everyone wants

To donate which is fair enough you know you don’t have to um but so i’ll kind of be doing a mixture um of both uh so don’t donate thinking i’m guaranteed going to get to your your question uh any donations you know are much appreciated um but completely uh

Voluntary and not a guarantee i feel like i need like a sticker like satisfaction not guaranteed i need in the uh in the the chat uh somewhere uh also uh because this is much more lively uh than my streams normally are the chat’s going so fast uh

It means that the mods are gonna be working like several times harder than they normally are which is gonna make it much more difficult for them and my mods are amazing and incredible so if everyone wants to just say like thanks to the mods because if the mods

Weren’t here then like these streams couldn’t happen like if i was streaming like this and there weren’t any mods helping me out in the the chat they’re like i couldn’t do it so it’s like it’s literally it’s literally like if they weren’t here i couldn’t be doing it so

Um yeah if anyone wants to say thank you to the the mods even if you um you know get annoyed because they’re telling you off because you’ve done something like trust me they’re here to try and keep everyone safe uh keep everything uh positive and happy so uh

That’s nice thank you all for for wishing them a thank you so yeah let me say um let me say thank you to a few people uh thank you to elijah uh thank you to sponge uh thank you to uh to to billy thompson thank you to sam thank you to

Uh to metal ev for becoming a member uh thank you to tamika eli uh the gaming and movies uh so i’m not reading all of your messages i just wanna try to make sure that i don’t miss anyone out uh thank you to uh to graham uh fun fun han

Solo cousin welcome back uh thank you to jaden and uh dominic t uh thank you to uh to jinx walker meantime uh cell ware jake uh meeker again uh thank you to uh gatito kitten which is a great name uh welcome back joss phillips uh jay helberg dog wolf i

Haven’t seen you in a little while dog woof welcome back uh thank you to amiibo plays as well welcome back to you uh thank you also to um uh to definitely not uh thank you to mcdonald’s energy uh to uh cossev cosplays hopefully i pronounced your name right pretty sure i

Didn’t pronounce it right but i tried my best uh thank you to her to ice and oyster uh who says uh i’m ready to uh to grow down now and go back to the good old days thank you also to ray cipher oh chicken nuggies welcome back uh thank

You also to uh to read zurit and uh applejack thank you all uh so much but um right i think i’m i was gonna say i think i’ve chatted enough but that’s what i’m gonna be doing here but let’s chat while we uh while we wander so as i

Said we’re not touring my lovely world we’re not like showing any oh one second yeah we’re not doing anything um in particular uh it’s just while i’m answering questions i’m just gonna go and do a little bit of like aimless wandering around my lovely world oh yeah

It’s a few things to get out of the way at the beginning uh i’ll do the intro i’ll do the intro see as soon as i’m here in my bedroom would be weird not to don’t worry about where barnaby is by the way he’s safe he’s in

The dog house so this is an old version of my world so if i like break anything like don’t worry about it like it’s fine like this is an old version of the world um these columns if you don’t know what they’re about uh there’s a hit the target video that

You’ve missed okay i won’t say anything more about them because i don’t want it to be spoiled uh i guess i say what episode it is would be helpful it’s called darkness so if you want to find out why there’s towers all around my world uh it’s the episode’s called

Darkness uh the reason they’re all still here is because as i said this is an old version of the of the world right let’s do the intro probably for the first ever time with facecam maybe hello this is don’t be actually let me

Tell you how i would do it in a video so i’ll be there talking to all my helpers going all right is everyone ready everyone has everyone got their materials william have you got your clothes everyone ready everyone got the food okay okay right uh barnaby’s

Sitting down oh i need to get hungry i need to get hungry this is what i’ll be doing i’ll be going like this spamming the button going i’ve got to get hungry okay we’ll skip that bit because it takes a while so i need to eat my cake

And i’ll be like okay let’s wait for it to become night wait for it to become night then we’re all asleep and we’re all asleep then we’ll start the episode right in the morning right everyone go to bed this is like behind the scenes of how

They all start and then we’d go hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let’s play video another video inside of stampy’s a lovely world you can see how the um it lags as i look at my love garden oh look at that so over

Here nice and smooth oh like butter than over here oh i like sandpaper and that’s even with my um pretty powerful pc uh it’s still um yeah it’s still chunks when you look at my love garden i like the the joke is always like anytime there’s something

New and powerful it’s like okay that’s an amazing computer you got there like nasa you have an incredible super computer but can it run my love garden that’s the uh the big question right let’s get some of the uh the biggies out of the way at the beginning

Uh for the uh the questions uh any questions about me having facial hair unless i have facial hair it’s fine um not a big deal uh when is the lovely world coming back when’s it returning uh it returns on wednesday so what day is it today sunset like three days three

Days lovely world we’ll be back at first it will be once a week if i record enough it will go back to being um twice a week fingers crossed and then smps am i joining an s p am i joining the dream s p am i joining a

Shady yolks smp am i selling my own smp do i eat smps for breakfast uh none of it i’m not doing any s ps uh there’s i’m not like i’m not saying i’m not doing an smp to then surprise you and i’m gonna show up no i’m not i’m not

I’m not doing uh any of the uh the smps lovely world will return soon what perfect timing there are a few little messages uh that will uh pop up to ask some of the uh more frequently asked questions so i’m sorry i know for those

Of you that would want to but i’ve got like yeah like they’re just not my style of thing i’m only kind of like half dipping my toe into youtube at the moment anyway like i wouldn’t want to commit so much of it and if i was going to do one which

I’m not saying i am like i would want to be there for like the setup i would want to have some input in like what it is and what the plan is and you know i wouldn’t want to just kind of jump into someone else’s and not have that control

And not know how committed everyone else is so um yeah no no smps uh i am afraid so um yeah i would just ignore any more questions about that uh because they’re um uh there will be more uh coming up uh a little bit uh so yeah let the i guess

Let the questioning um let the questioning uh begin i start off taking one from the um uh from the the donations i guess while everyone else in the chat can uh can catch up uh what’s your favorite halo game uh halo 3 quick answer to that one

Uh oh what boom arm and microphone do you use el robo asked um i don’t i should oh i don’t know um oh one second one second uh oh uh-oh they can see you by the way on the other camera she’s just walked in with a cup of tea

I don’t i don’t i don’t know what i use a rode microphone uh okay so for live streaming it’s a um ntg 3b don’t know about the the boom arm but they don’t matter too much i use an nt1a it’s great to use as an nt1a bonus bonus

Free question i thought what’s this what is this where’s tea yeah thank you my love i have snacks as well oh not for me you’re just no chocolate as well i’m having hot chocolate i’m just just pranking i’ve only just been i’ve just been talking for ages i’ve only just what are you

Doing can we know i you got a question yeah um if you could be any type of fruit and you can fly okay flying through what and you could change color what would you be i’d like to take it so does the um does like the aerodynamic

Nature of the fruit matter like if i was a melon would i fly slower than if i was like a banana okay uh well i i wouldn’t want to be a squishy fruit because i feel like if i’m not i see how it is hello alex are coconuts fruit oh i think so

Google it if only there was a way to find out uh ah coconuts free what does the chat say do they think coconut is fruit basically speaking a coconut is a fibrous one seeded droopy or droop droopy is it droop or droopy also known as a dry droopy

However when using loose definitions the coconut can be all three a fruit a nut and a seed i’m counting it then is it is it droop i guess not droopy what does it say here a dry i dried fruit a dry drupe that counts do you want to be a coconut

Then well yeah because i’ll crash all the but then time break yeah it’s better than being a grape isn’t it and you just squish yeah you bounce is your grape no if you’re flavored fast fast oh okay what color would you be though um what color coconut i’d be just like

Default brown so then i could blend in i could like i could that’s so boring you can be any color coconut you want to be and you choose to be around because you know that’s a new personality because i’d go to the bahamas yeah i’d be up in the tree someone would walk

Underneath me yeah i’d drop down go well yeah like on the top of their head and i’d go back up and they’d like be looking around and i’d just be there like they just see one coconut like shivering it’s just like giggling that’s what you do yeah i’ll go now what’s your answer

I didn’t think of no one’s ever asked me no one’s ever cared about me enough to ask well no one did ask me until right now go on um if i’m so boring i would be a oh what’s what’s a fun what’s a fun fruit or like something

Like a raisins fruit it’s dried fruit it could do does dried fruit count is fruit i’d be um a little raisin what color like a fly um I don’t know you can get any color raisin anyway so it’s not like that interesting what’s a different color raisin that no one would eat no one would eat a blue raisin would they or a raisin’s already blue there’s if there’s like if the thing is with raisins is

That they’re like every color anyway could it be a rainbow raisin could about rainbows and rainbows and rains and other rains and that’s my answer and i’d have little wings as well yeah okay next question anyone else in the chat guys got another question jamie messaged me

A lot of a question saying bruh stamps has 7k people watching him with that shocked face that we always bruh bruh hello jamie rocket willing says i’d be a pineapple on a flying pizza no i mean you could be a pineapple but you the piece of pineapple

Would be the thing that flies yeah the pizza would be grouping over it that is so smart no because then you can just be any fruit and i could be like i’ll be a raisin but i’m like strapped to a plane but oh no they fly anyway

No i’d be strapped to like um um a dog and then the dog would be flying and they’re basically a flying dog but you wouldn’t be because you’d be the bit of fruit that flies and it wouldn’t be like yeah right i’m gonna pause the chat

So i can actually read it and see if i can uh can i read can i pick you a question i’m doing my cute thank you one god though because then the person’s gonna be really happy if i choose their one yeah that’s a good one tiny hen pronounce it

Why did you and squeeze decide to go vegan in breakfast vegan two by the way with a little plant okay i’ll choose that one because why not agenda go on bye uh yeah well we went vegan in like 2019 and um it’s just the normal you know

It’s just just for the animals really like we ended up watching like um uh some youtubers in particular someone called earthling ed and kind of reading more into it and then kind of like just feeling like we basically were vegan but just not acting on it i guess like all of our

Morals and everything that we thought of like the way we thought of animals and stuff lined up with it but we’ve just been like you know most people in the world raised to eat meat and just kind of doing it by default i guess and then it’s only when you really stopped and

Kind of question it uh did i uh yeah did we really kind of think about it great view from up here yeah one of the things i mentioned is we’re playing on um we’re playing on bedrock on pc so uh it just means we have a really high draw distance so normally you’ll

Never be able to like like see uh so far off in the the distance so we’ll go up on the clock tower because that’s going to be where we’re going to get the best view i didn’t explain about these towers i kind of i could i think it was i

Wanted a version where i could kind of show some of the new stuff that i’ve built but i wanted one without all of the uh the towers um but uh yeah that just doesn’t really exist so just ignore all of the other towers for now uh horner says that will

There ever be a barely cooking contest part two uh squid and i have actually spoke about that um but uh yeah obviously we haven’t been on a meet-up uh this year or anything but um yeah no plans for it but i won’t say that like it couldn’t happen

Uh what was your most fun video to make says that slime dude so i don’t know if this is my most fun um but it’s one that kind of just stands out for just being so unique but there’s a stampy short uh that i made uh not

That long ago called um the interview or the interview i think it’s called the interview and that one where was where i didn’t really write the script i kind of wrote a bit of the script and kind of like the start of it but then everyone

Else just sent in audio clips of them answering questions and going through and like listening through like everyone’s responses was really funny because if i make a joke in a video or write a joke in a video like i know the joke because i did it but this way i never knew what

They were going to say so some parts weren’t great because of just how long it took to like listen through as many of where as we could of them but the ones when we did find like a golden one that was really funny uh that was

Amazing so that one was a was it was really good fun to to make oh ben says pineapple on pizza i guess we were probably going to get that i have a bit of a boring answer to pineapple on pizza basically um i think it’s fine like if given the

Choice if someone said you wanna or not i’d probably say no but if i got a pizza with pineapple on it i’m not gonna like flip it off the table or anything so um yeah i think it’s okay it’s not what i would like um purposefully choose

Do you watch anime uh was asked by uh grace morgato um so i don’t watch any like anime like series i feel like there’s kind of like there’s anime in terms of like a certain style of japanese animation and then there’s like anime anime which

Is almost like its own genre of like a very specific certain type of style so i don’t watch anything like um like one piece or like naruto or like dragon ball z like i don’t watch any anything like that but i do really love uh studio ghibli films um so

I’ve watched um probably not all of them but at least most of them uh squishy and i kind of started collecting uh the blu-ray um the blu-rays for them and there’s not much that i would care about having on blu-ray i’m very much a um bring forth the digital future like get

Rid of discs kind of person like i never buy video games on discs i you know we stream everything that we watch but there is slightly better quality when you watch like a 4k blu-ray compared to um like streaming it and like studio ghibli films because they’re so beautiful that

Is one of the few things where i’m kind of hanging on to physical media for just because i love them so much uh the gaming and movie says what is the most unexpected uh hit the target attack uh so i guess if i think through like the lovely world story um

I mean i guess one of the ones where i’m just kind of in the middle of like building something and here attacks i will say that there’s been a lot of like unexpected things that has happened while recording those videos things that were definitely not planned and we have a have rolled

Have made those videos better like i always think that like people think that they’re more pre-planned than they actually are because often it will be like there’ll be certain things that need to be done in a certain way to make the story then there’ll be a whole big chunk of just like shenanigans

Yeah i had like almost um anything uh anything could go at that point um do you plan on growing your beard any longer uh no believe it or not i actually shaved today um so uh like i don’t actually want a full bit i don’t

Think i could get a full beard like my beard isn’t very good like i have penicillin i’ve got a patch here you see there that’s not like me messing up shaving that’s just like one perfectly smooth like section of my cheek that doesn’t grow hair um

So no i don’t think i think if i did grow a full beard maybe it could cover it up but uh i i’m so much about just like living my life in a way which is as like low hassle as possible and so having a little bit of stubble helps

Because you can kind of not shave for a couple days and like no one really tells the difference and i think if i had a proper beard that takes some sort of beard maintenance once it gets to the point where people are buying me like beard creams for christmas that i know

Then i’ve gone like a step too far and i need to bring it back a little bit uh what is your favorite tv show um I don’t know if i have a favorite tv show there’s a lot of like uh british comedy shows which i really like uh but some of them i probably couldn’t really say about they’re not like really rude or anything but um yeah they’re not completely kid-friendly uh so trying to

Think what am i watching at the moment so we really enjoyed watching mandalorian uh we are uh up to date now with one division uh and i really loved how in the most recent episode at the ending there was only joking i’m not going to spoil it i’m not going to spoil

It for her for anyone else that is still watching um yeah all i can really think about uh is uh is things that we’ve been uh been watching recently uh i don’t have like a this is my favorite tv show anytime someone asked me like this is this is my

Uh my favorite one um favorite breed of cat i don’t really know like the names of breeds of cats very well um yeah i feel like there’s not many like breeds of cats i don’t like like i don’t know i just love cats i do like fluffy

Cats like i feel like ori is like the perfect cat for me and i don’t know if that’s just because she’s our cat and i love her so much i think of her as the perfect cat but she’s like she’s quite small so she’s a great like little lap

Cat but then she’s all fluffy so like she comes up to you and she looks quite big then you pick her up and you’re like oh it’s just like a ball of fluff with a tiny little cat somewhere in the middle of it so um yeah but we don’t really

Know what breed she is um so she’s probably got a bit of maine in her just because she’s so fluffy but then she’s so small like she probably uh she probably isn’t uh can you do a shout out uh chase i can do and stay your dog uh i say hi yes

Tesla says hi or actually i’m gonna not engage with her too much like she’s fine i just don’t wanna hyper rule up again and start her barking uh giggy says if you were a minecraft tree which one would you be i mean that’s kind of like a bit of a no-brainer right

It’s got to be spruce i mean that’s that is like by far my favorite type of wood probably the uh the most built out of wood in my lovely world i don’t know there is a lot of oak here actually because of my house but if we if we take

My house area out of the picture i think spruce is a is my most most used uh type of wood uh throughout the uh the rest of my my lovely world uh do you play guitar uh kinda like i used to play guitar a little bit um

Back in the day but i never really got like confident like so i never liked playing um like chords and like strumming and playing actual songs all i’d do was like pick stupidly i’d pick like really difficult bits of like picking and like try and do it really fast so i just like

Just try to do that like with a um uh like a classical guitar and that’s what i enjoy i always like i like i didn’t like it for the music i liked it for like the speed challenge i really like uh rhythm games like uh guitar hero is probably the most famous

One on rock band but then even older games like that like games like amplitude some of you may know um yeah i really love that style of game i love beat saber in vr and so i almost kind of used guitar as like a like training for

Guitar hero like i did it the wrong way around so but i never actually like i’m not a particularly musical person um so i never uh got really good at that uh can you go to hit the target’s castle i don’t i don’t know if he’s there i’m

Kind of a little bit i’m a little bit scared i probably won’t go to to hit the target’s castle um right once uh another questions coming through uh what’s your favorite minecraft block i feel i feel like it’s a cheat but i think cake is basically a block like

Cake is basically a half slab so i’m going to count cake as being my favorite blog i’m not going to take any dogs with me or is barnaby in here what are you sure there how high barnaby oh hello everyone else as well i shouldn’t shouldn’t have favorites yeah

I’m gonna take a dog with me because uh it might get a bit dangerous uh oh go to the go to the rocket uh we can go to the rocket if uh if you if you want uh if you want to everybody every no one’s asking questions everywhere everyone’s just

Giving me orders for uh for where they want me to go to in my uh in my lovely world um uh who inspired you to make youtube videos so um i don’t i don’t know if there’s anyone in particular who inspire me the thing is like if you’re talking about just in

General i was going to the rocket wasn’t i yeah making youtube videos in general uh like no one just because i was i was already making loads of videos just not for you like before youtube existed i was making youtube videos because i was making um just videos with my mates just

For fun you know like not to go anywhere we were just for the fun of making videos we just made them and then for a while i was uploading videos to uh to google video uh put your hand up in the chat if you’re old enough to remember google

Video so google video was basically like google’s version of youtube so there was youtube and then google video they were basically the same but then youtube got more popular than google video and so google video was like oh and just like ate youtube and like bought them so i

Was uploading my videos to google video before youtube so it doesn’t doing any videos at all no one um then i guessed in terms of like the gaming stuff that i started it was uh people like c niners and stuff i used to to watch um in the very early

Days before minecraft um so i guess kinda them but uh yeah there’s there’s never been someone who i’m like oh god that’s cool i want to then do that i kind of just sort of naturally stumbled uh my way uh into doing this uh what are your pc specs uh lewis

Crowder says um so i know my graphics card my graphics card is a uh 2080 ti because i wanted it to do ray tracing in minecraft which i haven’t even done yet and to do vr don’t know the processor it’s an amd processor um i think a ryzen

Something or other don’t know the motherboard don’t know anything else about it so don’t know the specs of my pc i’m afraid i pretty shouldn’t go too in-depth about it anyway because uh for those of you that um that have no interest in uh in pc specs would probably get uh really boring

Um uh do i have any plans for 10 million uh cyrus asked good question uh because uh very relevant because we are rapidly closing in to uh to 10 million subscribers which is very very exciting so my current plan is is that i won’t do anything i won’t do anything when i

First hit uh 10 million subscribers uh but the plan is is when i um get my uh not my play yeah the play plaque thing the diamond play button uh when i get that i will do a special live stream where i will unbox the play button uh but then i’ve also been

Planning a few other little surprises there’s a few other um things i want to do in that live stream so that will basically be my celebration live stream that is going to be just all about 10 million subscribers there’ll be some like old clips of older videos put

In there and then some new stuff that i’m going to be recording and yeah make a little bit of a celebration uh would do about it and the reason i’m not doing one straight away is basically because it kind of snuck up on me like looking

At like the way my subscriber growth was going it looked like i was going to reach it about here and i was kind of sloping up to it and then suddenly in the last few days it kind of went like that and it just shut up and i was

All panicking like no i need to get a video ready i was trying to write a script and plan something then i also realized that like i’ve done so many subscriber specials in the past especially if you consider that like i did one for like 1 000 subscribers like

2 000 3 000 4000 5000 10 000 20 000 i think 50 thousand and then i minister like i done so many before i even reached a million and then did a lot of a million landmarks there’s so many of the things that i’ve already done before

I’ve done so many videos looking back at the the channel and reminiscing and like montages and stuff like doing another one just feels like almost like a bit of a waste of time because i’ve done it so much um so i think that doing it live

And being able to chat to people and do something a little bit different uh will end up being quite fun anyway so that is the uh that is the plan uh what is your favorite structure in your lovely world um Good wording saying structure because that could be like a mini game or um like a building or anything i guess i don’t know i mean i like the clock tower i don’t know if that’s just because it’s big and you see it all the time

I feel like that’s kind of become a bit more of an iconic thing the house i hate i hate my house i don’t know if i’ve ever said this i really don’t like my house because i mean it kind of makes sense because it’s like one of the first thing that i built

And i know a lot of you would be saying like no i love your house your house is perfect but like honestly it’s rubbish so the thing the bit that i really hate about my house was a few things one is i don’t like the way it’s like

Basically just sandstone and oak and i get at the time i didn’t have a uh a bunch of materials to to build out of so that’s why that’s why it’s kind of made out of like that but this is the section i really hate that bit over there

Because it’s like a big old blob because if you remember originally the plan was is my house is above the lake and then i tunnel into the cliff and then like there’s a bunch of stuff in the cliff like like hidden but then i kind of just

Dug out the whole cliff and built a giant blob but then it’s like right next to to here and then look if we dig in here like there’s building like behind hillary that’s my library there so i think at some point when i can be bothered to really work out a good way

To do it i’d like to um i’d like to sort this out maybe like dig away all of this mountain make it into a building add a bit more shape to it maybe extend it add a few more towers and stuff like i i think it’s time my uh

My house had a uh a little bit of an upgrade um i think that’s the uh yeah i think that that’s gonna be something that’s gonna be coming coming up at some point uh thank you to her to sam for the donation says in your new vids you see

More chill uh you even missed the garden one time and had to go back 2016’s 2016 stunby would have restarted the video how has your work ethic changed uh yeah that’s pretty quite a good observation obviously like i’ve been doing youtube uh for a little bit longer so like when stuff does go

Wrong um i’m just a little bit more relaxed about it and then still to this day we do restart videos say if i’m like halfway through building something and i’ve completely got it wrong or it was like too slow it’s always about time if i spend too much

Time on a mistake i will restart it if i like forget to go to the love garden or something that like doesn’t really matter too much and i can uh restart it quite quickly it’s not too much of a big deal in terms of uh like work ethic i

Guess i’m like i don’t consider myself a full-time youtuber anymore like i kind of just do um videos when i fancy like you know i don’t post like too much i’m just like i’m much more of a a hobbyist youtuber at this point i just do what i enjoy like i have no

Motivation for like what’s going to be popular or get views or you know sustain my career like i’m not a career youtuber anymore so maybe that’s kind of a affected a little bit but i think the main thing that you’re noticing is just i’ve been doing it for longer

So i’m probably just a um a little bit more relaxed uh about it and then it’s also just nice to just because there’s just less people watching and like even if i’m doing a live stream if i’m live streaming there and there’s a thousand people watching like i just tend to be

More relaxed than if there’s you know 20 000 people watching you know which i don’t know if there ever has been maybe the building time stream i can’t remember but um yeah so i think that maybe that like the the attention’s off my channel and like i’m

Not on the home page of youtube anymore i’m not you know when people sign up to youtube like you know on my channel is not pushed forward as like one of the happening places on youtube you know i’m kind of tucked to a little corner like oh yeah he’s still here

He’s still going he’s still doing it so i think maybe that’s maybe a little bit more relaxed because it’s kind of stepped away a little bit of the uh the the pressure uh anna says uh hello do you have any siblings i do i have two

Sisters uh one of my sisters is called nettie and uh she is a youtuber if you want to go check her out she doesn’t really do so much anymore because she’s uh just had a baba uh making me an uncle so she has a yeah a new baby uh last

Year so she um as you can imagine hasn’t had the uh the same amount of time uh but yeah you can go watch back her old videos and then my other sister rachel um isn’t a youtuber so um yeah i guess she’s a little bit more secret

To you but yeah i do have a have two sisters right let me uh i have to keep just kind of pausing the the chat so i can go and have a read through to pick one uh again a few ones uh are you on the

Series x uh duke says no so we’re playing bedrock on pc uh can you stream more overwatch i probably will do uh when overwatch two comes out uh uh show us a picture of your nephew it’s actually niece um i won’t i won’t show any pictures here but um i think

Nettie’s put some pictures of her on instagram maybe on twitter uh does squishy call you stampy uh or joseph so almost always stumpy but the problem is is like we’re we’ll call each other stampy and squishy all the time but then there’ll be times in like in the real world where like

Like someone will be like oh nice to meet you i say like we just moved house recently and uh like we’ll be meeting the neighbors and i’m not going to go up to the neighbors and be like hi nice to meet you my name’s stampy longnose this

Is squishy quack she’s a duck you know i think we’d be like chased out the village with pitchforks so in those situations we have to um say you know this is joe and beth hi nice to meet you um but um yeah those situations have had

So like happened so much that now we’ve actually started calling each other by our real names um a little bit more oh should i try and go for the piggyback oh yeah a little bit more than we used to and so even sometimes now when it’s just

Us we will still say um uh joe and beth but generally it’s uh it’s stampy and squishy uh thank you to kazoo says are you a football fan i’ve wanted to know for years so i wouldn’t say i’m like like not not to the oh no guys who wants

To watch me do some parkour oh dear right i’m gonna drink some tea to get ready for this okay right there’s some let’s do this so yeah i wouldn’t say that i’m a um a proper football fan in terms of the level people like are like

I don’t really care like follow a team but like i i enjoy watching football i just don’t care who wins but like i don’t really watch it regularly if it’s like the the world cup or something i watch that um and i’ve been to a few football games live i saw

Fulham play against pompey uh when like i was younger and then uh when i was in l.a i actually saw la galaxy play against uh man united which was pretty cool because david beckham was there um and uh rooney was there and stuff so that was quite cool so like i

Have a mild interest in it but certainly don’t follow it properly oh dear i’m going to mess up i built this i i put myself through this i built this so if you don’t know this is my um my piggy bank it’s one of my older

Builds and the idea is is i have a vault uh but only people that are good at parkour can get into it right should we uh should we change the tone a bit let’s do um let’s get let’s do some sillier questions let’s do some joke questions

Some like would you rathers or like uh yes some kind of funnier questions if you do have a genuine question and i see it like i won’t ignore it but i think it’d be fun to do some uh some more like silly thought experiment ones would be uh would be quite fun

Right okay let me pause this chat uh oh lauren says what’s the biggest spell that’s happened when recording oh man there’s there’s too many there are two ah there’s been the amount of outtakes is ridiculous so the one that always stands out in my mind is

There was right this is a little bit behind the scenes for lovely world uh if you don’t want like anything to be spoiled for past videos for how they’re done any of like the magic then maybe don’t listen but there was a hit the target episode which i

Can’t remember what it’s called maybe um someone that knows could put it in the the chat um where i think it beaver dash like hacked my teleporter and it was making me like get teleported around the world and then i got teleported into a room full of

Spiders uh then i got teleported into a room where like there was like lava on the floor and just like this i had to do parkour um and so that episode took basically the lava room took most of a day to to film uh it’s called evil plan evil plan

Thank you everyone for saying the name so i i think in the end i had about like i think it was close to 40 outtakes of just one clip because if you imagine every every time i teleport’s a separate video which is good like the more complicated the hit the hit the target

Video seems in terms of like editing and stuff the easier it is to record because anytime there’s a cut it’s basically like a checkpoint where if so anything goes wrong we can always go back to that checkpoint especially on the old console editions where you could like exit without saving because i could

Just save the game if something went wrong i could just quit and just go back in on bedrock it doesn’t work the same you’d have to quit out make a copy of the world and right i’m gonna try and keep this not a stream of me venting about how bad

Bedrock is but um yeah basically um yeah the scene with the lava like i i either failed the parkour or and i’m not even joking i did too well because there needs to be drama so i’d always want to be just getting out of the lava and i’d always want it to

Look like i was only just making the jump so i was always trying to make it look more natural and real and so if i would did it all perfectly and i knew right where i was going it’d be too easy and if the lava wasn’t close to hitting

Me it would be too easy so that wasn’t like i wouldn’t say the biggest fail but i’d say definitely one that stands up for where i had some very patient friends helping me out make that video as i did it again and again and again

All right let’s pause see if i can pick out a question uh what’s been your favorite den series um it’s hard oh i don’t know is there a bone arrow in here oh yeah there is um it’s hard because like obviously sky den has like a special place in my heart um

Just because it was like the the first den and like the first series i did with squishy um so that one always that was almost unfairly my favorite because it’s like my favorite but nothing because of what’s what the series actually was just kind of because of the situation we were

Recording it in in terms of like the most fun and the most i’ve laughed and the most i’ve like lost my voice from laughing too much um it’s going to be space then the most recent one like for those of you that are like old timers that are just coming back and don’t

Watch space den like don’t sleep with it like i i don’t mind saying it because it’s not like me saying like oh my videos are so good it’s like it’s just fun to record like squashy makes me laugh we make each other laugh silly stuff happens like it’s made me laugh so

Much so like obviously the series still going so i don’t know if i can like um like pin it at the top yet just because we’re still halfway through it but certainly in terms of the one that’s made me laugh the most in terms of like

Builds and stuff uh probably cave den i really love the area that we built in cave den and then ocean den has been the best so far in terms of uh places to explore in terms of us going out on in journeys and like discovering giant fish and flying things and

Submarines and stuff like that’s been the best there oh i could be such a good politician don’t you love the way how i didn’t answer that question but it really sounded like i did and i made everyone happy because i mentioned all of them i really could be

A great politician if i knew anything about politics oh this is going to be a difficult one oh no oh i got it does anyone here we go oh this is going to be fun let’s have a memory test does anyone remember and could tell to me

What the combination is to open this bank does anyone know let’s see if anyone knows how uh how i can know because there’s a there’s a combination i need to do uh lightning says what’s the stupidest video you’ve done with squid one that stands out for me as being stupid is um

Best friends pooped together there’s just like it’s just that just that that that sentence the fact that an episode spawned that that that one always stands out in my mind oh does no one know three three three someone’s saying um five nine one like i i i don’t even know

How you would like describe in the chat how to do you know i think there’s a glitch actually i think there’s a way to to hack it right wait let everyone look away one second all right no one look no no i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna hack in if you saw this

You could hack into my computer and get right in the mainframe so i’m gonna do my secret hack to open the door i did it i hacked it i hacked the door open i managed to get through that and i didn’t even bring you far i was breaking

The door down yeah everyone thought i was gonna smash the door i did it i sold the code so the secret is is that if you pull down all the levers like you’re gonna pull down the the ones that are needed like it’s not it my redstone wasn’t good enough to make it

Smart enough to know if you’re pulling down one you shouldn’t so if you just open all of them i shouldn’t say this you can all you can all break into my bank now oh we’re not even done yet oh yeah there’s the fishing rod one oh this

Is quite fun this is like me playing my own adventure map uh who’s my favorite uh musician says uh noah oh um So i really like a lot of like older rock and roll uh i like the rolling stones are up there i do like the beatles i like led zeppelin i like um some newer stuff i guess i like the killers i like kings of leon um nothing

But thieves i’ve been listening to a lot recently um yeah hopefully that will give you kind of an idea and then a few like other like single artists that you would assume oh queen i like queen as well i saw amy said queen i don’t know i didn’t

Think of queen queen’s probably my favorite band i don’t know that wasn’t the first one that i thought of um i really like adele and uh squishy makes fun of me so you don’t especially making fun of me so i have loads which i don’t know anymore

But i used to have loads of madonna cds and that’s not through even anything to do with me but i think someone once got me a madonna cd and i was like seven and i had like a very limited selection of cds to listen to so i listened to the

Madonna cds i said someone would go past my room and be like ah joe’s listening to madonna he must love madonna so they’d buy me another madonna cd for my next but then like eventually it got round the town that i just love madonna and then just everyone

Bought me a madonna cds and now i like have the biggest collection ever but i never really liked madonna i just didn’t have many options but there we go that might be a funny funny story if anyone wanted to make fun of me yeah i like david bowie whoever said david bowie uh

Do you listen to podcast um i do i listen to loads of podcasts uh i mainly listen to gaming podcasts um and then i also listen to some comedy podcasts or like um like comedy science podcast there’s a few that i listen to um but yeah mainly when i try to find

Gaming podcasts where the hosts are funny uh is kind of what i listen to um so like either like in the shower on dog walks if i’m by myself or um sometimes in bed uh as well uh anyway here we go look at oh god this must be

So mouldy how many years has this uh this cake yeah i’ve been sitting down there uh do you still speak to squid says tyler uh yeah uh obviously not as much as i used to was recording him but uh yeah we still um we still stay in contact

Uh ezra says we ever do lovely world on rtx uh and also what do you think of the the clash i’m not listening to the clash too much um so i won’t go out as far to say as i’m a fan uh but yeah i really want to do um

One second let me just finish my table i’m so nearly done but i just i can’t leave a single drop so let me just finish this we carry on done good right you got my you got my full focus um again uh yeah so rtx basically um ray tracing um

So i guess if i close this as i go back up um yeah i really want to so i didn’t realize so i i can do rtx or ray tracing um but like there’s like a i don’t know how to do it on an existing world it’s so

Confusing because i assume what it seemed like is that like once it was released as it is now you would be able to go to the settings and just turn like ray tracing on let’s say if i go to like video maybe it’s going to turn to tech support um

I was even there or was it not in video yeah rachel so it’s greater so i think it’s because you need like a certain like you need like a like a resource pack or something to turn ray tracing on it’s like this whole um yeah it’s like this whole big thing to

To do it and you can play existing pre-built worlds in ray tracing but i haven’t found out for sure whether you can do it in pre-existing worlds i know you can make new worlds with it on so i need to like find out like what’s the best resource pack that someone’s

Made to make ray tracing look good but kind of be the default textures so i will look into that i’m sure it will happen at one point and then we’ll get a uh a stampy’s lovely world with ray tracing on i’m also a bit worried about

How well it would uh it would run to be honest um hopefully it would be okay but ray tracing is very demanding and whoa don’t you always think that when um because on the 360 you could never see very far and it’d all be foggy it did everything just kind of seemed bigger

But now you can see like basically my whole lovely world in one doesn’t everything just look like way way smaller um than it did before but here we go here’s a good overview of my uh my fun land uh or what’s ray tracing kaja says so basically

I don’t know properly all i know is it’s basically a new way to kind of um it’s mainly used for like lighting and shadows where it’s like physically working out the way that light works just to kind of replicate it in the game more accurately so imagine like um in minecraft you have

Like your door closed but like the sun is setting like you could see the light like shining through the gap in the door and you could open it it would cast shadows and the light would bounce off realistically and stuff so it’s basically a way to to make light act

More uh more accurately uh people are saying shaders that’s a very similar thing but it’s not it’s not the same like ray tracing is almost more like um like a physics calculation like shaders is almost using trickery to make it look good and make it look realistic like ray

Tracing’s like doing the maps and it’s it’s much more uh adaptable and um you know much more close to how lighting uh basically it’s trying to replicate the way light works in the real world um but it would make everything look pretty and look a little bit different uh are you

Still writing your books i am i haven’t got back to them in a little bit but they will at some point something will come out related uh to my books that has not been uh abandoned uh doom uh not panic um i just haven’t had uh too much

Time recently for those that don’t know i’m writing a series of four books i have uh i’ve done siri is thinking i’m talking to him uh yeah i’ve done um oh i’m in my gym uh yeah i’ve done i’ve done three of them already uh

But they still need to be edited and i haven’t done the fourth one yet uh so i am working uh on them uh and still kind of deciding like how would i be able to uh to release them and stuff uh here’s a here’s an easy one from henry what time

Is it uh it is uh coming up to uh to 4 p.m uh in the uh in the uk no this isn’t working or is there or is there a button oh there’s a lever i think i think the floor is meant to do something

I think it’s all meant to like light up it seems to be broken yes obviously because a lot of this was built on console edition uh and we’re now on on bedrock uh a lot of this stuff doesn’t uh quite work the uh quite work they’re the same

Uh so we was going to go in the creeper coaster yeah we go over to the uh the fun lad in just a moment uh what country do you live in uh i live in england uh how old is your lovely world i have no idea it’d be pretty easy to find out

I guess i could look back at the um the uh the original episode i uploaded and uh and kind of just assumed it took me a day or two to get it uploaded and kind of do it that way uh thank you to her to wally club for the donation uh

Stampy uh will there ever be another series of wonderquest in the future uh and do you want to see my chicken statue world it’s got lots of chickens um i’m going to do a hard pass on the chicken statue world wally club but it does sound amazing and sadly there there

Won’t be any more wonder quest almost definitely um oh no oh no why doesn’t this work anymore that’s meant to say hello instead of follow up as it says at the uh at the moment why does that not work oh yes because the redstone’s different in bedrock i’m sure that’s fixable but

That’s annoying isn’t it um yeah there won’t be any more wonderquest basically uh for those that don’t know wonderquest was made in collaboration with maker studios who are now part of disney which basically means if i uh was to do anything new with wonderquest i would have to do it with

Disney and if disney wanted to do anything new of wonderquest they would have to do it with me and um i tried guys i’ll be honest i don’t i’ve spoken about this much before uh but we tried we tried to make season three um i’m sure i’m fine talking about this

Hopefully i haven’t signed anything to say i wouldn’t have but yeah we were trying to make a a fully animated version of wonderquest um we wanted to keep stuff in minecraft i’m gonna do that as well but we wanted to make basically an animated tv show for for it

Wouldn’t even be wonderquest season three would be like its own thing and we spent a long time working on it and developing it and coming up with all the characters and the world and some of the stories and stuff i don’t like it was all going ahead and then it all fell

Through at the last minute uh which sucked because we spent a lot of time uh working on it not just me as well a bunch of people spent a lot of time uh working on it so that was a that was a bit of a shame uh if i’m honest but we

Tried so any of your um uh i guess anger’s not the word but frustration in a in wonderquest not existing anymore it’s it’s not it’s not on me i tried i tried my very best to uh to to make it a uh to make it a thing

But sadly it was a it was not to be uh caitlyn places are you planning on having kids uh nope uh no plans to to have any kids uh in the future or now for for that matter uh will you join shady oaks smp so i did

Answer this earlier i kind of did a a flat uh answer to all snp questions uh but i guess there’s a lot of people that are joining in now uh but yeah no plans to join any smps i feel like i’m saying no to everything i feel someone asked me

A question that i can say yes to yeah yeah um Uh let me uh this chat’s going so fast it’s so hard to pick up questions even with the slow the other ones uh what’s your favorite ride at disney world that’s a good question uh from a joy dance joy dance oh i don’t even know what the answer is

Oh i don’t know oh maybe may i don’t know if this counts because it’s from what’s it called is it california adventure the you know the one in um in a in anaheim the not the magic kingdom the other one uh but the cars ride has anyone ridden on the cars ride

Oh it’s so good it is so so good i almost don’t want to talk about it too much because of spoilers but it’s got like some of the the best big animatronics uh that i’ve seen in a disney ride like there’s more detailed animatronics like the uh the ones on

Like the avatar ride and stuff um but in terms of like seeing a giant talking real-life pixar car it’s amazing and i don’t even really like the cars films that much and then it goes fast you can have a little almost like roller coaster type thing and you’re racing the

Other car oh it’s so good oh i love it i love it i love it i love it uh so yeah probably cars uh i am a big fan of um of space mountain uh all the space mountains i mean my favorite is probably the one at the um disneyland paris

I’m just gonna talk about disney world for ages now we’ve been a lot um the uh the new um uh snow white ride the seven dwarfs ride that’s a really fun one um splash mountain is always a bit of fun i’m really excited looking forward to the um

The the rework of splash mountain where they’re turning into um princess and the frog that’s something i’m looking forward to i like tower of terror tower of terror really makes me laugh i don’t know why i know it’s meant to be scary but the way you bounce up and down like

I’ve got a bunch of like of the pictures that they uh that they take of you um uh as you’re doing it and they’re always just me and hysterics laughing i don’t know why i find it so unbelievably funny but that’s one of them uh thank you so much to uh to

Blackbird’s folly for a very generous donation um says uh hi stumpy have you ever considered playing a game called song i’ve seen wandersong i think it’s on game pass i you know you know i think i’ve got it downloaded but i’ve not played it yet i

Think it would fit in well with your channel’s content and it’s so much fun i hope you have a great day so that recommendation actually means a lot i mean it means a lot i don’t mean like emotionally but it’s an impactful one just because i

It’s a game that i’ve like looked at screenshots from it’s like oh that looks kind of good but the fact that someone’s actually played it and it is good um yeah maybe i will i will check that out uh justin stumpy are you going to do any meet and greets obviously not anytime

Soon so i did plan on going to the uh like last year’s minecon but not really minecon event uh basically they were going to do what would essentially be minecon but not minecon because minecon is a live stream now and not a con but they were

Going to do a con which was like minecon but not call it minecon i can’t remember what it was called they’re so weird with their names because it was like minecon earth and then they released a game which was like minecraft earth and they changed like i’ve completely lost track

But yeah i was hoping to go to that i wasn’t like um officially invited or anything yet or like planned what i was going to do there but i kind of thought that would be a nice last convention to go to as a final hurrah to say i guess uh i guess not

Goodbye but like you know like i’m not i ain’t going to be doing this for too much longer um uh you know i’m gonna keep up doing occasional videos and stuff you know where i want and like you know kind of what i’m doing now when i want to enjoy

Doing something i’ll do it but like as i said like um youtube and this kind of stuff is you know for at the frost um at the front center is a hobby now you know rather than a job so um yeah just practically i can’t be like

Paying loads of money because like i think they think people don’t forget about conventions i mean maybe it’s different for other people and i’ve been scammed but you lose a lot of money because you don’t get paid to go um and especially with the minecons they don’t

Pay for your travel they don’t pay for your hotel you know basically you do a bunch of i’d say work you know obviously it’s really fun but um you know in terms of planning it and like any pre-work you need to do and like yeah i’ve got to

Call it enjoyable work you know it’s long tiring days but you know it’s it’s it it does take a lot out of you um physically you often end up getting ill because you meet so many new people and the hygiene is usually uh not great like

I’m not going to be keeping up doing that you know all year round but they’ve been some of the most amazing experience that i’ve ever had and meeting people in person um who enjoy my videos is always the most gratifying thing you know like um i’m looking forward to reaching 10 million

Subscribers because i’d like to have that that diamond play button will be a lovely thing to have on my shelf and it’d be a great thing to to look back on when i’m older as like a fond memory but none of it’s going to be um close in comparison compared to like the

Joy that comes from a from meeting someone what’s that oh yeah how do i uh how do i open this so this this might be this might be something that some of you haven’t seen so this is a beetroot what’s it called a uh beetroot that’s quite good that’s quite cute uh yeah

Which is my beetroot cafe which no one ever goes to and fizzy has hidden a cookie restaurant underneath but there’s something i needed to do to open it i wonder if it still works i’ll take the water out okay let’s take the water out and let’s see if anything happens

Oh it still works on bedrock and now we come down here oh and now then don’t i have to throw something on the floor to make the cookies come out what did what did what did i need to throw on the floor to make the coffee

The the um the cookies come out there’s some there’s something hidden under the floor i think it’s down here somewhere and if i throw so do i throw do i just throw anything down i throw some eggs i think it’s like i think it’s down here no

Oh do i have to throw a cookie i have to throw anything some people are saying anything oh did that do it my egg my egg disappeared did the egg disappear i don’t know if i’m free i swear it was somewhere around there oh

Oh no i heard i don’t know if you heard it i heard a bunch of dispensers going off but then nothing happened i reckon there’s a bunch of cookies like down here or maybe they don’t go through the walls in bedrock are there a bunch of cool oh yeah the cookies are falling

Down there so the way it was meant to work is it just fires a bunch of cookies from every direction but um yeah like one of the the sad things is a lot of the uh the stuff that used to work on console editions uh no no longer works on the on bedrock

Uh the bc player says that will you ever play any yokai watch games again so the ones that they released that were very similar to the one i played i decided not to play just because unlike pokemon uh a lot of them are set in the same

Setting and so i kind of wanted to wait until they had like a bigger upgrade so i still like goku watch i really love the tv show for for a yokai watch but no plans to play any of the ones that are currently out but if there’s a

New one that comes out uh that i like the look of uh then i i will not say no and i may uh i may check it out right this is my fast food restaurant where the food goes fast i think this still works you know oh there we go

There goes the apple there goes the apple is it bad that i’m still sometimes impressed by my own bills i know they’re not very good but they’re things i built ages ago and i come back so i’m like oh that’s quite cool yeah i’m glad i did that

Uh where is the sweater from uh annabella asks oh i could be fancy here this sweater is from sweden i can say actually no it’s not from sweden i’m just lying i’m so sorry for lying to you it’s almost from sweden it’s from before sweden if that makes sense so uh i got

It at the uh the airport when we were on our way uh to sweden uh to visit mojang for something so i realized that uh i hadn’t i was going to sweden and um it was in the middle of a um a giant snowstorm and i didn’t have

Very many warm clothes so i i got it from the uh i think heathrow probably uh airport um so i could have it in sweden so if you go back and look at one of the vlogs i did with stacy and squashy in sweden you see i’m wearing this a lot because it

Was my one to keep me nice and warm during air go away glass uh to keep me nice and warm while i was in there in sweden so i don’t know what the actual shop is called uh if you can tell i’m not a particularly fashionable person i don’t know anything about like

Clothing brands or anything i just buy things that are cheap and comfortable in fact i don’t i very rarely buy uh anything just because like most of the the clothes that uh that i get are presents so like normally like around christmas time i get a big influx

Of of new clothes just because my family and squashy uh buy me a bunch of clothes and that normally lasts me for the uh the rest of the the year so uh yeah not not the best answer uh have you heard they are making uh disneyland in kent charlie paradise says

They’re making disneyland they’re not making a disneyland in the uk they’re not making a disneyland in kent that’s not real is it i’m going to search disneyland and kent and if loads of results don’t come up i’m going to call you a liar a new picture has been released of the

London resort they’re making disneyland and ken is this how do i not know this how to how is i spoke for like 20 minutes about my favorite disneyland right how do i know i’m so sorry for assuming you’re lying but i just like squishy did you know this

Why do you consue your squishy like i love disney but she’s like like this is like this is like a normal person this is someone who really likes disney this is me and then like this is squashy um so she must know this is a thing because

She watches so many youtube videos a new picture has been released of the london resort the 3.5 billion pound theme park or mr beast could build it uh it’s set to open in kent in 2024 no it’s not opening in 20 2024 it’s like soon the aerial rendering of

The park said to be the uk’s answer to disneyland wait a minute the uk’s answer to disneyland is it disneyland or is it a theme park to like be liked it i don’t think it is disneyland i think that’s what it is because when i searched it it came up

Disneyland ken but it says the answer to disneyland i think it’s just a different theme park which is going to be like disneyland is that what it is because then i can calm down candy’s like why kent uh a new picture’s been released in the london uh

But most people are saying like kent’s disney i i think what it is is all of the news articles are just putting disneyland in the title so people think it is yeah the company uh behind plants wheels kent’s multi-million pound theme park has racked up losses of more than 50

Million but says plans are still on cause yeah that’s fine but your title kent online publication says kent’s disneyland london resort it’s not disneyland it’s me fake news actual fake news it’s still exciting though i still want to go like if it’s anything like it uh cats or dogs asks uh are sloppy

Uh i’m gonna say dogs just because uh alex is about look at alex i’m gonna have to move my zoom in camera a bit so you get a better view of her oh if i can come on let me move it there she is i promise you she is she is only

Sleeping she is uh she is okay we just had a we had a very cold walk before i am before i started streaming was um is it like storm darcy i think it is is uh is sweeping across the across the nation um and yeah it’s made it really cold it’s

Actually snowing this morning i don’t know if it’s still snowing now it was very gently snowing certainly not enough to her to settle but it was good because it was all settling on alex’s back and squashy said it looks like the night sky so it was quite pretty

But no no proper snow where i am i’m afraid tom braganza uh says uh asked me what i think is the best disney film i always feel like we need to uh clarify whether we’re including pixar and i know pixar are disney you know what disney

Bought pics are but i always kind of put them in their own little they’re in their own little box like off to the side so i guess i’ll answer both so favorite pixar film is woolly with a toy story and up close behind uh inside out is high up there as well

And then favorite like classic disney would probably be aladdin with lion king just peeking around the corner saying what about me like so close but not close enough um and then for like 3d animated disney but not including pixar i’ve got so many like sub categories here um would uh

Probably be oh moana i was going to say tango but no moana i love moana moana’s amazing the only problem with moana is the songs always uh always get stuck in my head that’s the that’s the only downside uh ross young says chocolate or sweets um i’d have to lean chocolate i think

I think sweets can be tasty but there’s a um there’s a comfort that you get from uh from chocolate that has actually been one of the uh the big downsides though of uh of going vegan like i feel like i thought it was going to be cheese

Because like most people that have grown up eating cheese a lot are kind of like kind of addicted to cheese like like genuinely so like that’s one of the hardest things to give up i was like oh no what pizza without cheese really you know so that’s what i thought

Oh no just this minecart’s got a bit a bit stuck um but yeah i’ve actually adjusted to that relatively uh oh this ain’t gonna work is it uh adjusted to that relatively quickly but the uh the milk chocolate’s been a bit harder there is amazing like vegan milk chocolate

Out there which tastes great tastes amazing there is so much good stuff but it’s just like it’s just a bit harder to find um and it’s just not quite there the same but still really good so it’s kind of made me like i guess like i’m having less chocolate

Than i used to which you know what probably overall just a good thing you know right i’m just holding forward to try and get the uh my car to keep going oh am i going the wrong direction okay there we go back the track oh the

Power some of the power rails are not lit up anymore so yeah there’s a lot of these these things that i’m not um i’ve not tested up um in a in a in the bedrock and oh yeah it looks like it’s cut off a bunch of the ride as well

Okay sorry creeper coaster no longer works i’m afraid oh sure i’m gonna give a little shout out here to uh stampy’s lovelier world for those of you that haven’t seen the uh the tour of stampy’s lovelier world which is basically a um a remake and then some of my lovely

World where they basically took like my builds and my mini games and rebuilt them but improved them and added things and redecorated them and changed the theming their version of the creeper coaster is like with all of these talks of like disneyland and stuff uh yeah it

Basically feels like a disney ride it is incredible uh so uh if you have any interest in that i definitely recommend it to to do it uh will you be unboxing the 10 million uh subscriber plaque i will do i’ll be doing it as a live stream as soon as i get it

So stay tuned for that does anyone have any fun questions or some like would you would you rather questions uh if you could be any animal what would you be uh fluffy the the sheep asks um i always try i always think of these two seriously i should just say something

Silly and be like i’ll be an aunt and i’ll crawl around but i always think like what would i want to be so i would want to make sure that i can fit inside buildings too much as cool as it would be to say like i’ll be a

Elephant or a giraffe it’d be annoying to ah you know what you know what i think it would be the most boring answer i think i’d be like a chimpanzee or something because then i could still play video games okay or like a gorilla but is that boring a gorilla would be

Quite cool actually because i’d just be so like tough you know imagine like tuning into a live stream and i’m here just playing minecraft i maybe need a bigger controller i do like big giant joysticks and i’m just a just a big old gorilla yeah it’ll be good just walking down because

I could be like i could get a i think if i got a cool hat if i got like a fedora or something imagine a gorilla with a fedora and like no other clothes but just like a tie and just walking down the street with like

Like a like a costa cup of tea or something and just being like good morning give a higher good morning like that would be cool because if i was like like if i was like a cat or something i’d be like scampering around and people might step on me and stuff

Oh is everyone angry that i didn’t say i’d be a cat i mean a cat would be cool it would be cool to be all nimble and fast and stuff i think everything i i don’t really remember i think what i was gonna remember is that i never decided to be

A cat in minecraft i never decided to be stampy cat that wasn’t a decision that i like consciously intentionally made it happened i my youtube channel was called stampy long nose i had to pick a skin i ended up like i did uh for those that don’t know this story

Uh this doesn’t work by the way sorry we can’t do that um i did a video so i kept changing my skin i was steve i was a wizard for a while i kept changing my skin in in my in my lovely world videos and then i did a video while i was

Showing everyone how you downloaded a free skin pack that they just released and in it was the fidget skin which is the uh the skin that i use um and in that video the last skin that i showed was this one the fidget skin and

So i ended up just staying it at the end of that video then i started the next video i was it and in the end i was like this is quite a cool skin i think i’ll just like stay being this skin for a bit you know not even knowing it would be

The skin i kind of choose forever um so yeah i ended up staying as a as a as this and then i realized that it looks a bit like a cat it’s not a cat like this isn’t a cat skin like this isn’t a cat

But i called it a cat and now it kind of made it a cat and now when people look at it they think it’s a cat but if you look at it it doesn’t really look like a cat you know because it’s kind of quite ears but they’re not cat ears so you

Know i kind of just made it up as being like a stampy cat um but i never thought oh i’m gonna be a cat it just kind of all happened will happen very naturally uh will you ever do a setup tour says uh says go jordan um

I kind of did a little bit one today so before i uh started this stream uh i got a tickety talk by the way uh i i i did it i did i did a live on tickety tock uh on tick tock if anyone’s oh it’s a squid it’s like fish inside the

Bowling ring um yeah i did a um a tick tock live basically just letting people on tik tok know that i’m going to be streaming here um just because it felt like a good way to um to let people know and in that basically because i realized i kind of

Started 20 minutes quite early i didn’t really know what to do so i kind of give like i gave like a little mini tour of my office so i don’t know if on tick tock you can go back and watch old lives old live streams but if you can

That’s uh that’s the closest thing i’ve done to a proper tour in terms of like a whole proper like filmed video tour uh i don’t have any plans to do it um maybe i will but um yeah i see uh see how much interest there is for it i just

Never like going too much into the the tech stuff just because like the tech stuff like i guess people are interested but it’s so not important to the quality of the content anymore like there used to be like quite a hard barrier to like to do video production you would need a proper

Camera and tapes and editing software or and like skill you know and i don’t mean like as if you don’t need skill now you still need creative talent but you needed like technical talent in order to physically cut things together or to know how this complicated for professionals only software work and

That’s all out the window now now you can make real high quality content by just doing this you know you can just hold your phone out and just talk like this and like the content that becomes quality by your script or your ideas or your your dance moves or your uniqueness like that

That’s where the talent is and that’s where the quality of content comes now not you know how many megapixels is your camera what resolution do you record at how many frames a second that that isn’t what dick and it never really dictated true quality but it all mattered in a

Way that it doesn’t matter now now that anyone you know who’s got a phone can like record a thing press a few buttons upload a thing and that could be you know an incredible thing that you know blows up and goes viral so i never like focusing on the tech too

Much because you know i have upgraded my setup over the years and it is you know quite a i guess from a technical standpoint high quality setup but i never like trying to give the impression that that is in any way the thing that matters uh on youtube

Which is a very long answer to me saying no probably won’t do one i’m getting a bit hot so i’m gonna take my jumper off but i’m gonna go to a be back soon screen uh just because i don’t want you to see my belly

When i pull my job bro i was just going to stand up and stretch for a bit if anyone’s been sitting down for a long time watching uh maybe now would be a good time to have a stand up a little bit of a stretch and a shake of the uh

The limbs as well and have a drink stay hydrated Do So Okay welcome back it would say like stretching i’m stretching i’m drinking water there’s only a list stretch as you stretch ginger moon says stampy doesn’t want us to see his six-pack says bike yeah no that’s what it is that’s what it is covering up my embarrassing six-pack that’s the reason

Uh would you ever consider playing slime rancher it’s very addictive and fun in my opinion so i’ve actually seen loads of slime ranch just because squashy um records it does videos on it uh so i’ve never actually played it a little bit but just like like you know in her world um

But uh yeah i’ve never really played it uh played it properly um yeah i don’t know if i’d get it if i’d really get into it too much uh can you show the the dogs uh well may’s downstairs but uh alex is here unless you’re alex hello

You can go that looks like it looks like you’ve found like the world’s uncomfiest position to lie in that dog bed is more than big enough for you and you’re sprawled she’s like dripping she’s like she looks like um someone’s put syrup on a plate and it’s

Like drooping over the edge and she waterfalls onto the blanket to be fair as far as as far as wrongs go it’s a pretty comfy one so i can’t can’t blame her too much to to be fair um i’ll thank you too i still have a

Question but thank you to er to sweet who says uh you may not get as many views as you used to but you still have a special place in everyone’s heart thank you so much uh thank you to um uh to dr zoidberg who says uh hey stampy

I was wondering why longbow isn’t in your videos and why after episode 95 uh no one else was in your terraria series uh so longbow uh he did appear in videos um after that um there was a few because he would always come back and uh build the

Snowmen but the reality is is people people have lives people are busy and so i kind of moved away from um having helpers as like real people um you know like other youtubers or friends and stuff uh yeah basically because people have things they need to

Do and like say if i have a say if it’s like squashy is joining my videos and she kind of becomes the character as squishy like if she’s not able to record that day then if i had any sort of story related to her it kind of doesn’t line

Up so i’ve decided to have it as the the helpers we have now basically william polly and fizzy and then that means multiple people can play those characters um much easier uh and then we can always have the same consistent cast i guess it seems weird saying like you know it’s

Just these little let’s play videos i mean because i get some like big production rather than just a few of our friends being silly and building stuff but uh yeah it kind of just seemed to to make more sense and i know that people miss some of the old helpers just because

They have like uh nostalgia towards them and uh and stuff but the reality is even for those old helpers uh other people played other people’s characters uh and stuff so um yeah i think this is kind of the the way that’s uh worked out uh a little bit better for for me

Uh thank you to hayman who says hey sams would you rather play flower power or cat and mouse for a whole day with friends i think uh flower power just because two reasons one i think that uh like it would be each game would be more unique like there’s so many

Different stuff that could happen in each game of flower power it would be more fun also by the end of that day i’d be so good at pvp like if i did like flower power for an entire day if i went online and started doing like hunger

Games i would just wipe the floor with everyone so um yeah that would be uh that would be my my answer uh how’s nettie uh no he’s doing really good uh nettie um my sister uh dave um they’ve just got a new house uh and they’re um just getting some building

Work on it and about to move in uh i called her up yesterday and had a good chat with her uh we uh we played a lot of like quiz games and stuff online so yeah she’s uh she’s doing really good oh my hunger bar oh thank you roxy i will

Have something to eat uh who lives in a pineapple under the sea says croy i’ve no idea don’t know what you’re talking about there uh um any uh any other more i want more fun questions i want more would you would silly would you rather questions and so

I probably keep asking for them and then missing them i’m sure there have been like loads of great ones but the uh the chat is uh is going by quite quick so uh any uh any interesting uh or fun would you rather questions it’d be good

To do a few of them i feel like there’s nothing else uh nothing else that i could say about myself i feel like um every everything everything’s been asked about me so let’s uh let’s get some sillier ones uh would you rather be a cowaris now i

Think i’d rather be a cow because i don’t want to be gooey um emily says beans question mark yes beans i had beans on crumpets for lunch today so um yes i guess would be my answer to that question uh would you rather be stuck in a room

Uh for a day with squid or squashy definitely squishy i can barely make it through a 20-minute video recording with him let alone a whole day locked in a room with him yeah i said lovingly about him in case anyone sends this as a clip to him uh billy

Says can you say hi billy i can hi billy um uh okay amy says would you rather spend a day with timmy the turtle or spend a day with sandra the penguin i’m gonna say sandra the penguin because i know you love um timmy the turtle so um

Yeah i’m gonna do that just to annoy you a little bit uh what’s your opinion on cheeseburgers um like beyond meat burgers are lovely um would you rather eat suspicious stew or a glistening melon in real life see that’s a great question michael taylor because the obvious option

Would be glistening melon but then you’ve got a question why is it glistening what’s in there is it gold and you think oh is it gold in the melon that’s great i’m gallows of gold but i gotta eat it and would eating metal be worse i just can’t believe what alex

Is still in that position see look she stays like that yeah would eating like literal metal be worse than suspicious stew but suspicious stew could be made out of anything it could be so gross but i have to go with the stew i think that’s the only answer i don’t i don’t

Eat literally i think i’ll choke to death eating metal um oh what dog would you bring back deserted royale says i mean it’s gotta be gregory right the first dog that i ever died i loved gregory so much gregory was like in a time when i was new to minecraft

And often playing by myself and not knowing what was going on the constant companionship of gregory being there with me was um was a special thing that was stolen from me by a uh by a skeleton so um yeah uh your camera is flipped so skating frog uh it is the reason it’s

Flipped is so that if i’m looking at the game i’m like looking inwards at the screen because if it was the other way i’d be like this the whole time which looks it always just looks a bit weird when someone’s looking to the edge of a

Screen here’s a fun thing that you can notice and you’re never unnoticed so say if you’re watching a tv show or a film and there’s two people talking they always like talk into the space and it will always be the opposite bit of the space so say if i’m here and i’m talking

Blah blah blah blah blah you see that there’s like much more space in front of me than behind me then if you come to the other person talking like this blah blah blah blah it will be the same thing where there’ll be more space here it just looks much more natural rather than

Like it almost looks like they’re talking to a wall otherwise and or like like they’re like not in the right position and stuff so yeah that’s why i flipped it just because of my setup otherwise it would it would look weird uh swarvey says your room looks so nice

Oh thank you so much uh yeah this is my my new office uh there’s probably gonna be a few more decorations and stuff i’ll add in at some point but uh i’ve been uh happy with it uh any more uh any more questions let me

Pause the chat so i got a chance to read one um oh what building in your lovely world would you want to live in in real life i mean if i was gonna live there it would have to be the house right just because then i’ve got like a bedroom and

A kitchen and stuff but which one would i just like to like exist in real life um it depends whether it be like how close it would be to me like i’m just trying to think if there’s any of these mini games that would be amazing uh in like in real life

To go to no i think i think it would have to be like the wackiest thing what’s like the weirdest thing or maybe uh maybe raindrops that ride like you go up into a giant tube and then you like launch through the air in a boat if that

Could be built in real life and be made a hundred percent safe i’d love that to be built in london and i’d like to ride that there we go there’s a there’s my answer and actually i’m changing my answer again my answer is i want my clock tower

To be built five meters in front of big ben because then no one would care about big ben everyone like all the tourists would come over and be like oh look big ben and then we’ll be like big ben who cares about big ben look at that giant cop tower stamp he’s clocked

Big ben is old news small ben we want big stampy forget forget big ben big ben’s tiny now then i’d get all of the credit so there we go that’s my that’s my actual answer uh frankie says have you ever been to brighton i have i have been to brighton

Regularly regularly um yeah i’ve got friends who live in brighton uh and uh i’ve been there a whole bunch of times uh what’s your favorite mini game uh probably temple trap i would i would say should have got this parkour for those haven’t seen this game basically you do parkour and you go

Around like this and it’s a race so everyone will be doing parkour at the same time but these red blocks you can stand on them now and they make it easier and faster to get around but after every single lap we have to see whether the the redstone works uh they

All drop down amazing i’ve actually done this so far yeah so let’s see if this works hey oh oh no it doesn’t work okay so on console edition where i built it every yeah every time you did a lap all of them would drop down and so it would mean that like when

You finish a lap you’re kind of messing up everyone that’s behind you because they might not be expecting it so they would all stay down until the next person goes round and then they’d all go and lift back up again uh ethan asks what’s your favorite minecon moment um

I don’t know if i could pick a single favorite like i got to be honest like the feeling of being on stage and like being in front of the crowd like i’m an introverted person i’m someone who like the idea of being famous is something that like not only

Has not appealed to me of like even during youtube i’ve kind of acted actively what are you doing up there benji get down i’ve actively kind of tried to avoid and it’s kind of one of the thing that’s like i’ve been kind of grateful of the

Fact that i never got famous i kind of got slightly popular and i got to a point but it never got to the point where it intruded in my life in a oppressive way but when you’re on stage and there’s like i don’t know what 10 000 people or

Whatever it is at my cons like cheering and like engaged in what you’re doing and laughing and you’re um you’re up there like it’s an amazing feeling like i get it like i get why musicians and people that love that stuff like i get the uh the appeal of it you know it’s

It’s exciting and it’s just it’s just fun because i’m just i’m just a bloke who plays video games like i just like i’m probably about as average of a guy as there could be in terms of just like i’m just you know like in terms of every area i’m just an

Average guy yeah but then to suddenly be like thrown on stage it’s like i won like a contest or something you know like you can think of actually even like other youtubers who might feel the same way but they just kind of like have a different atmosphere and they’re

Just a level of confidence and you know they feel like they’ve been almost born to be in that role and i feel so far from that so then the fact that i can be on stage and kind of do that stuff it really stands out um another really uh great part um

Something that’s probably not spoken about much uh from mojang is uh mojang have always been really amazing with their the charities that they get involved uh um at minecons uh so like especially with uh with make-a-wish like a lot of people’s uh wish through uh make-a-wish and other wish charities not just

Make-a-wish is to go to minecon and they don’t just let them go to minecon they have like the premium minecon experience so they’re all sitting right in the front row you’re literally in front of the developers and of the game way in front of the youtubers and you know the other people

Involved with the show they’re front and center um and then they also um hang out with us so in the vip room we have like like uh sessions where we go and meet everyone uh we had one year uh is when we were in anaheim where they actually

Booked out an arcade and we went to uh to an arcade and played minecraft with a bunch of them and they’re always just really uh really special moments uh so that uh definitely uh stands out uh as well um so yeah they’re kind of the the two

Big stand up things and then just the general meet and greets as well it’s just like a day spent doing meet and greets is just like is the most tiring thing you can do but the feeling you have at the end of it it’s like you’re in like a

Dream like it’s meetings people like it the feeling of having someone just excited to meet you like it’s just it’s weird it’s it’s weird to have that and have it and like all day like having people come up because and i don’t want this to sound like i’m being big headed

Or anything because the reason it’s so weird for me is because then i go home and i’m just here and it’s quiet and it’s just me and a couple dogs and a cat and my wife and we’re just living normal life and we’re playing video games and

We’re having baked beans on crumpets and then i go to town and no one looks twice at me you know it’s just complete normal average boring probably life for most people and then to transition it to put me in a different place and it’s you know like

People act like you’re some sort of star like it’s just it’s just weird i think that’s the way to put it it’s like it’s not i wouldn’t say it’s necessarily really good or really bad it’s weird but i’m so grateful that i had the chance to experience what’s that that’s like but

I’m so glad i can step away with it and i’m not like you know like you know will smith or someone who just can’t go anywhere or do anything you know he’s just too famous he’s too famous he can’t do anything you see he’s like he could like you know

Loads of people are like that they just can’t you know i’m gonna go down to the cafe and have a drink so yeah you need like bodyguards you need to like put like a cap on and sunglasses like i would hate that i would hate that um

Anyway sorry i rambled for a uh a very long time uh anyone got any new connections uh what’s your favorite spider-man movie james hobbit says uh into the spider-verse uh without a doubt i do like the old spider-man the old old ones but the um oh you know spider-man one two and three

Um the i don’t know i can’t i don’t know how else to describe them because i never know the name of any actors um but uh yeah i did enjoy those ones but into the spider-verse is amazing anthony says do you get recognized in public often not so much anymore like

I’ll be honest i used to a lot more uh than i do now um it used to be pretty regular like it would never well unless like there was sometimes when we had gone to like an arcade or we went bowling or like cinemas places like that it would happen more um

But normally if we were going to the shops or something like the supermarket like we would generally get spotted um once or twice uh you know was was quite consistent uh now it’s kind of i mean obviously now i’m not going out the house at all really apart from what

The dogs are loving at all but like before that it would be you know we would get i get spotted maybe twice or three times a month or something so yeah not uh not too regularly um uh yeah the tobey maguire spider-man films that’s the one toby maguire so

Yeah so i enjoyed the first and second one of them third one not so much into the spider-verse league of its own love that film now i’ve mentioned it makes me want to watch it again and i watched it relatively recently because it’s so so good uh okay um

Taco or toco says fight chicken size zombies or zombie sized chickens right so chicken sized zombies so tiny zombies or big chickens basically i mean zombies are just terrifying no matter the size right i feel like even a little zombie still kind of scary because they only need to bite you once

And then you could turn unless they’re like minecraft zombies because they’re rubbish because they just like punch you and you swat them away but then again like chickens are quite scary anyway if they’re pecking oh i’m gonna i’m gonna go with the zombies actually i’m gonna go for the zombies

And i’m gonna have a big stick and i’m gonna go and poke them all away uh thunderbolt i’ll say a few questions um thank you also to uh to to danzi the red finger and uh sam game grand for the uh the donations uh he says hi stephanie i

Wanna go you said uh uh for my friend uh danielle uh to get better and they did oh that’s so good uh they wanted to say thank you uh from both of us oh thank you so much and thank you for the uh the update i’m so glad danielle’s uh doing better

Uh so yeah thunderbolt excuse me i’ll have to end this soon i’ve done too much shouting the last few days maybe i should stop shouting and just talk normally uh vanderbilt says i have two questions uh one have you ever been rick rolled yes i’ve been on the internet of course

I have uh two would you rather meet paul mccartney or ringo starr i mean paul mccartney like right like i think i think out of everyone here the only answer is even is like paul mccartney or like who from like people that that don’t know the beatles i mean i

Think most people here know the beatles but um yeah we have a we have a mixed audience here so um they might not know them by name but yeah paul mccartney obviously uh favorite minecraft update um i don’t really know them all by names

You know i’m i’m gonna go on a limb here my favorite update is the new one the cave update i’ve not even played it yet not even played the snapshots all it all like what is alex doing i thought she had found literally the world’s most uncomfortable position and

She was like ah but what if i put my neck backwards at a 90 degree angle i could be even less comfy i don’t know why it’s like a an evil plan for her to be uncomfy but yeah i’ve not even played the new update but

It looks so good and i’m so excited about it i think it is going to be the best update because i am someone who’s all about vanilla minecraft i don’t like the mods and resource packs and add-ons and stuff so um oh i didn’t bring a boat

Oh this isn’t going to end well is it up here oh i didn’t think about this um yeah i i’m going to leave and say it’s my favorite update that i’ve not even played yet i may end up regretting that i mean to be fair it’s probably something like

More mundane which we don’t think about but change the way the game works like i remember being excited for when they added shares because i was trying to build my lighthouse which you can see in the top of the screen there and i was going around punching sheep for like five weeks

To get enough wall because i couldn’t shear sheep and then they added cheers and my my life was improved so it’s probably going to be something really boring like that but in terms of excitement i mean the uh i don’t know what it’s called like the caves and something um

It’s probably my uh probably my my favorite one uh any uh any more uh funny would you rather it doesn’t have to be would you rather questions but just kind of like some fun some fun silly one uh what’s your favorite fantasy book slash movie um I’m so bad at questions like this because i always just pull a blanks i know there’s a probably a really like obvious answer oh do you think i can make that am i gonna die here You saw nothing you saw nothing all right let me go let me go get my stuff back i’ll take the tree tray i didn’t ride the tree train before i take the tree train what’s my um no i don’t know like i kind of like harry potter but i’m

Not like a big harry potter fan and that’s like there could be a more boring answer i’m not a big lord of the ring fan i’m trying to think of like something more obscure that i like i just can’t really think of it so sorry i’m gonna i’m gonna say i don’t

Have an answer to your question just because my brain is so bad at recalling stuff uh what font do you use for lovely world now that’s an interesting i don’t know if i want to give it out because uh actually you know i will because why not uh the font is called simplicity

I can’t remember where i got it from uh pretty like a royalty-free font website but there we go that will uh help everyone’s um lovely world parodies and uh recreations i guess i do like those really like directed fine uh fine detail uh questions uh zoe dragon just says horror movies question

Mark and i guess i would say no i don’t really watch horror movies like i’ve seen some and there are some that i’ve enjoyed but i’m a bit of a bit of a coward so uh don’t really i don’t really watch too many of them if you could have any animal in the

World as a pet what would it be um the problem is is the classics are pretty good like the reason why loads of people have cats and dogs it’s because they’re pretty like great for pets like not only are they like cute and adorable and fun and stuff and sleep in interesting ways

But like they’re quite convenient you know they’re like quite compact and easy to feed and toilet trained and stuff like i’d like to say like ah it’d be a hippopotamus but it’s like yeah but they’re big and hard to look after and like dangerous and where am i going um

So i’m gonna say my pets i’m gonna say my own pets uh what’s your favorite minecraft mob uh rjb asks uh i guess that includes does that include friendly mobs i guess i’ll give my favorite friendly and hostile so friendly uh next exclude dogs because i have like personal connections to specific dogs

I was gonna think of the mobs as a whole um sheep no not sheep pigs foxes are cute the bees are very cute i like the bees dolphins are pretty great because they can play oh pandas pandas right pandas pandas pandas yeah i’m gonna go with pandas where’s this rainbow

Well there oh there oh so here’s the patch here okay there it is oh how am i gonna get up it can i swim up here yeah i’m gonna say pandas for now uh and then favorite hostile mob i know this is probably an unpopular opinion

Maybe it is a popular opinion but i love creepers because i love the drama i get it if i’ve just been ages building a thing and a creeper blows up something it’s a bit upsetting at the time but i love the drama like zombies are boring you know what i

Hate i hate the drowned i know i know it’s meant to be favorite not least favorite but the drowned are just the worst thing that’s ever been added to minecraft and that’s probably not true there’s obviously something that i’m not thinking about which is actually genuinely bad that has been added

But i’m going to say i’m going to say uh yeah favorite creepers because they’re exciting and they’re unexpected and their iconic least favorite is the drowned uh right uh oh phantoms are the worst see i don’t mind phantoms i think they’re quite cool like because if you just sleep you don’t

See them and i’d like yeah i don’t i like phantoms and they give and there are quite a cool natural way for you to be able to repair the elytra i is is this gonna be my my unpopular opinion that i like phantoms because i normally

Like every every time i see someone on twitter being like here’s my unpopular opinion and they say it and i’m like well yeah some popular opinion because you’re obviously wrong they’ll be like here’s my unpopular opinion but ice cream is best eaten hot rather than cold and it’s like well no

Obviously not no the reason is that on popular produce because you’re just obviously wrong but maybe maybe my one maybe my one is i like phantoms uh people having to go with the glow squid squishy doesn’t like the um doesn’t like cave spiders ghasts are so annoying girls are funny girls are dumb

Guys feel like they were done by like like someone who’s like their first mod they’re like let me add something stupid to the game it’s going to be a giant box with tentacles and it’s going to fly around of a big silly face and go baby zip they’re just so stupid

They’re like i think a lot of the things if they hadn’t been in the game for so long if they added them now someone would be like oh they don’t really fit in with minecraft you know or they look at their you know they don’t they don’t

Fit in with everything else i think there’s a lot of stuff in minecraft which we like only because they’ve been in long enough and then if they took them away that we’d be sad because we’re used to them and i think garcia are one of those oh slimes are good yeah you’re right

The voice of the ghast is a cat really i hope the cat stood alive does anyone else get i get sad any time i see like a cat in like an old video say if i see like a video and it’s from like like i don’t know like 1980 and there’s

Like a cat or a dog in it i’m like oh they’re dead isn’t that bad that my first thought was oh no they’re dead now yeah and that’s what that’s what my first thought when they said like oh the ghast the ghast voice is a is a cat i’m like oh

I hope that cat’s still alive they might be dead i welcome a black um welcome black welcome back black birds folly says hello again uh so glad uh you’re considering wondersong thanks well for everything yeah i don’t know i’ve got it so i’ll be honest we’ve got we’ve got a few xboxes

This isn’t like a brag this is just a reality of lockdown life is we play a lot of video games because like obviously like squishy and i have our offices i’ve got my office xbox which i record on it’s great she has her one and then we have like the living room one

And then we have another one in the living room so we can play overwatch together online and on one of those xboxes i downloaded wondersong because i’m pretty sure they added it to gamepar so hopefully it’s uh it’s it’s still on there phoenix the cute kitten

Says uh would you rather be sticky oh this is what i was after these sorts of weird questions would you rather be sticky for the rest of your life or itchy for the rest of your life oh see i hate being itchy and like obviously i hate being itchy because

Everyone hates being itchy like no i don’t think everyone’s like i actually i’m partial to a bit of a scratch i mean scratching’s fine it’s the itchiness and i i often get itchy at night like i’ll be in bed like i’ll be fine like all day

Long and then i lie down in bed and i’ll just be itching it’ll annoy me all night so the idea of being like that all of the time would i get like would my mind create some sort of barrier some sort of um resilience to the itch or is that

Against the uh the spirit so i feel like if you’re continually itchy your brain would like blanket out and then sticky so what level of stickiness because i feel like there’s different degrees of stickiness because there’s kind of like you know like oh someone’s all they’ve been a

Little bit sweaty and they’re a little bit sticky and it just feels a bit gross and then there’s like you know i’m trying to put down this piece of paper but it’s stuck to me sticky you know there’s there’s different levels but i think i’m gonna assume it’s like medium levels

Of sneak stickiness and medium levels of itchiness i think i’d rather be sticky than itchy but everyone everyone else can share your opinions in the uh the chat would you rather be sticky or itchy uh dawson says uh did you ever think that you would hit 10 million subscribers

So it depends on like like for like when you ask me like say if i was just starting out youtube and like if my mate came up to me and said oh jack you ever get 10 million subscribers i’ll be like no i don’t think i’m ever going to get like

1 000 subscribers let alone like 10 million like it’s really funny because there’s there’s a a 1 000 subscriber special that almost no one’s seen because i reached a thousand subscribers on my original channel shortly before i reached on my second channel and it’s so funny because my my

First ever 1000 subscriber special is a gameplay commentary of me playing halo 4 and i’m just chatting and i’m like hey i hit a thousand subscribers it’s pretty cool and in the video i’m like go you know what like it’s not been easy it’s taken ages i think it took me like you

Know a good few years of almost daily videos until i reach i reached a thousand subscribers and even then that was only because i started doing minecraft and so like like back then like i was basically ready like i was stopping doing youtube altogether so if you asked me then are

You going to reach 10 million subscribers and i’d be like is that even possible on youtube because i think at that time no one had reached 10 million subscribers uh so if you ask then like definitely not but then if you ask me like like if you ask me now

Like yeah i mean it’s all almost guaranteed you know so it’s it’s kind of hard but certainly starting out like i youtube was never meant to be anything other than just a city thing that i do you know just for a bit of fun like i’m passionate about games i like i like

Making videos it made sense to link them together like you know i was doing videos with my mates just playing around just enjoying it like yeah like it was it wasn’t it wasn’t even like uh oh it’s not likely but could happen kind of thing it just would didn’t even enter my head

So um uh yeah i guess uh because that’s your answer i thank you to uh to to the gaming and movies uh who are there will you do another bed wars live stream uh i won’t if i do anything else on bed wars it will be as a pre-recorded video just

Because the uh the stream sniping was just a little bit unbearable and even with disguising my name and youtuber modes and uh and stuff it um it never really worked out uh the robloxian says where are all of your old friends now uh i don’t know

I’ve stayed in contact with a decent um amount of of some of my older friends but you know it’s basically people that have stayed online and playing online games and stuff i’ve stayed in contact with and then uh other people that have kind of grown up and become adults

I don’t spend as much time playing video games um i haven’t spoke to uh to as much so uh yeah i don’t know where everyone is but i couldn’t handle them uh if not talking all the time at least a few times a year we’ll kind of message and have a little

Check in and see how each other are uh our says never drink tea again or never eat cake again why would you ask such a mean question why would you be so mean there is an answer though there is an answer like i love cake i really like genuinely like cake isn’t

Just a minecraft thing i do love cake in real life but like tea is like is like an essential substance for me you know like i feel like a fairer question would be like what would you rather never have again tea or air you know like that that

Would be a question i’d have to think about be like ah see if i didn’t have air i’d suffocate and die but if i didn’t have tea would life be worth living yeah you know like tea is essential like the first thing i think about when i wake up

In the morning is going down and having our first cup of tea so i’m afraid like t versus almost anything else t would be the uh t would be the the winner i’d say uh four for that one uh will you ever put your world up for download uh gaming central says um

Uh yeah i will do uh so i’ve always said i’ll put it up for download um when it’s finished when it’s done uh and it’s uh it’s not done yet i am still building it uh so my plan is is once i’ve kind of recorded my first uh

My first my my last uh lovely world video uh then i’ll put it up for uh for download and then anyone else can go and have a play around in it if they if they want to all right we’re drawing uh into the the end of the stream here so

Final few questions so if there is a any um last things that anything anyone wants to to know uh feel free to to write them in now and i’ll try and get through uh we’ll try and quick fire a few of these uh thank you to ducky ducky who says

That we’ll get a u2s uh i have over a hundred and forty wow i did not know that many people did it uh no um i don’t think i would ever do any of those kind of group uh like merchandise stuff uh terraria or minecraft uh minecraft um

Uh if you could go to any fictional world where would you go to says the flying tiger uh it would be something sci-fi i want to go to space so but like what’s like a happy a happy sci-fi film um i don’t know a happy sci-fi film that’s

My answer i can’t think i do mind blank uh what happened to hit the target uh watch darkness my most recent hit the target video and you will see you’ll be up to date uh can you go back to tab says je uh yeah i might do another tab

Stream they were good fun uh no plans to do them soon i do have a plan for uh what game i’m gonna be streaming next uh so it’s not tabs uh but i can kind of do those as one-offs whenever i want whenever i want to stream i don’t know

What to stream uh tabs is always like a um a nice option uh for for that um when did you realize that you kind of raised a whole generation says mj smith like that’s only something that i’ve really probably been thinking about recently and it’s only been very like

Within the last five months or so that i’ve got so many comments uh from i don’t know it seemed like everyone got to the same age together and everyone suddenly got nostalgic for me at the same time and so i suddenly received an influx of messages but uh yeah until

Recently it’s certainly something i didn’t think about and when it was happening i was obviously very conscious about um you know i do hate the term influencer like most influencers do but um i was very aware that i was having an influence on you know people that may have been

Younger at the the time and was very conscious of of that and that is something that i always considered when i you know was making a decision about you know am i gonna do this branding deal what topics am i going to talk about in videos what tone am i going to

Have if i lose a video a mini game am i going to be angry and shout or am i going to say that was fun well done to the person that won we had a good time anyway you know what what message am i giving out so it was something that i

Consciously thought about but not in the uh the degree that i have about uh recently uh why do you not want to join an smp benny asks i guess i might as well end with a an smp question as a sandwich we had one at the beginning one in the

Middle and one now uh yeah it’s just not my kind of thing it’s not my kind of thing i don’t like the fact that i wouldn’t be in control of it uh just because i don’t know what’s going to happen if there’s drama or if someone

Gets invited to it who you know i wouldn’t um want to record with and i don’t like big group stuff uh and yeah i just don’t really i just don’t i just don’t want to do it like at the moment i do whatever i want to do on youtube um

And that’s just something that i wouldn’t really want to do so there’s not really much more more to it than that uh last question final question uh was a good one all right here we go the final question that i’m going to answer in this q a is

From hoodie girl says would you rather have really bad gas or a really dry mouth what is going on here this is what we uh we call in this household as the uh the crosson position you can see the curvature of the entire body from snoot to boot

Yeah when we have a a position like that we call it the full croissant and that is uh what alex is going for here you can see the way she’s moved from the bed onto the uh onto the rug oh hi alex hey sweetheart how’s it going did you know

That there are five and a half thousand people watching you sleeping in a silly position right now alex did you know that did you know that there’s over 5 000 people staring at whatever it is you’re up to right now did you know that alec did you know they

All just saw you have a little yawn i did she has no idea would i rather have a dry mouth oh come here come give me a cuddle come here alex come here it’s a good girl uh yeah uh i think i would rather have bad gas and that is because

I wouldn’t be able to record very well with a uh a dry mouth and i already have bad gas that’s going to be the end of this dream here everyone hopefully you enjoyed it we might do this again at some point in the uh the future with something else going on for

The the gameplay uh there’ll be a lovely world restarting on wednesday new streams coming up regularly on the channel stay tuned but for now thanks for watching and i’ll see you all later bye Oh Ah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Q&A + Lovely World Wandering – 🔴 Live’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2021-02-07 17:45:07. It has garnered 520812 views and 18051 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:05 or 7685 seconds.

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  • STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!

    STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!Video Information This video, titled ‘Alla FEL i “My life in Minecraft” 2024!’, was uploaded by STAMSITE on 2024-03-01 16:30:06. It has garnered 16819 views and 1083 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. Playlist for this series: Draw pixels here: Party Bots Youtube channel: 10% off if you use the code “STAMSITE” at X-Gamer: – Buy merch here!: – Streams take place here: – Stamsites Gaming Community (SGC): – The game’s Discord is here: 00:00 – Intro 00:19 – Episode 41 04:41 – Episode 42 07:25 -… Read More

  • Insane Secrets: Modern Underground House Build Minecraft

    Insane Secrets: Modern  Underground House Build MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How To Build a Underground Modern House🏠’, was uploaded by Pulpyx on 2024-04-15 16:02:40. It has garnered 389 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. An Ultimate version of an Underground Modern House. Level up your Minecraft Journey by Building this. I have included everything you need in this build. So have a look and believe me, it’s quite easy. Creating Builds that require less time. If you like my work then feel free to support this channel by Subscribing. Also you can suggest any ideas… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared Merlin

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared MerlinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MOB World 2 Ep 3’, was uploaded by Jared Merlin on 2024-03-27 02:46:29. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:31 or 3271 seconds. You can also find me on… Facebook: Instagram: Video created & edited with Microsoft Clipchamp Opening sound provided by Pixabay Read More

  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

    Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4Video Information This video, titled ‘EXPLORING A CAVE | Minecraft Survival | S1 EP4 | VOD | READ DESCRPTION’, was uploaded by SquirtNugget1 on 2024-05-24 07:30:03. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:31 or 7771 seconds. ✨Welcome to my channel!✨ Here is a Minecraft Survival VOD series where I explore a new cave! I find lots of new things around my world and more! I even found some cats and you won’t believe what I named them! I hope you enjoy this VOD! If you would like to watch any of my… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

    "ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames - WIN big prizes!! 😱" #lastgametitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft sonOyuncu titanyum Karpuz / yüksek ödüllü Minigames // Guard Çekilişi #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SeFqYEAHHH on 2024-02-12 15:53:59. It has garnered 36 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. #titanyum #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncu #titanyumpvp #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncu #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival DISCORD 🚩CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @blacksh4rk_baank craftrise the kingdoms vs craftrise the kingdoms open space craftrise the kingdoms raid craftrise bug craftrise 1.2 craftrise gezlos ahmetdeniz thekingdoms craftrise survival crafrise skywars craftrise thekingdoms raufai captain pilot emirsty thekingdoms cashing… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build 🦊🔨

    EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build 🦊🔨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Cute Fox House Build Tutorial 🏡’, was uploaded by Krafter on 2024-01-12 16:00:31. It has garnered 152 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. In this Minecraft Tutorial video, you learn how to build cute fox house in 2024 + interior . If you enjoyed it, drop a like and subscribe to my channel for more!🤍 —————————— ᐁ SOCIALS ᐁ —————————— Discord: —————————— ᐁ MUSIC ᐁ —————————— song i used in background : —————————— ᐁ Chapters ᐁ —————————— 00:00 intro 00:40 layout 00:49 head 02:49… Read More

  • MinionMC

    MinionMCJust some basic survival multiplayer world to play on and have fun. Come join if you want some basic vanilla smp just for fun. Read More

  • Dark Hearts 20+ – Realms

    Welcome to Dark Hearts 20+ Bedrock Realm! This bedrock realm is looking for players ages 20 and up to join. Our realm is about a week old and features cool mods such as one player sleep and shearing sheep for OP loot. Currently set to peaceful mode with survival and keep inventory enabled, we plan to adjust difficulty and inventory settings as we progress. Join us for long-term fun! Rules: Main Rule: Ages 20+ only. Maximum of 20 players in the realm at once. No direct invite link; provide your gamertag for a manual invite. Respectful behavior is a must…. Read More

  • GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]

    GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]GenuineMC is a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server that is run by an amazing community! We have attracted individuals of various ages and nationalities who have all found themselves at home on our server. Their voices have helped shape our community and have helped us prosper for 11 years as a Java Minecraft Community. Their voices have allowed GenuineMC to become what it is today!As a team, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for new and current players. We also strive to meet the needs of every player, as well as listen to their personal comments about our community…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crazy conspiracy in Minecraft”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really “mined” its way to the top! Read More

  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

    Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery! In Minecraft, trees are key, don’t you see? To survive and thrive, plant them with glee. Different types to choose, each with a use, Find saplings in Survival, no need to abuse. Pick the perfect spot, where they’ll grow tall, In Survival or Creative, plant them all. Dark Oak trees, giants in the making, Follow these tips, no time for faking. Like and subscribe, for more Minecraft fun, Join the community, a new adventure begun. Plant those trees, watch them rise, In this blocky world, reach for the skies. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥

    Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🤣 #shorts #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Flirting in Minecraft

    Flirting in Minecraft Minecraft Animation: Talk to a Woman Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of characters and scenarios. One such instance is captured in the animation titled “Talk to a Woman.” Let’s delve into this humorous and engaging Minecraft short! The Encounter In the animation, a character proudly declares, “I’M A WOMAN, @PoKeX87MeLLaman!” This unexpected revelation is met with a comical reaction, adding a touch of humor to the storyline. The character’s enthusiasm is palpable, drawing viewers into the unfolding events. A Hilarious Twist As the character continues to assert their identity, a sudden sound interrupts the… Read More

  • Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22

    Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22Video Information This video, titled ‘Bambus für Reichhaltige Erde & Reisanbau | Let’s Play Together MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22’, was uploaded by Z3ntus on 2024-06-02 13:00:05. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:26 or 1646 seconds. ⇒ Let’s Play Together Minecraft DarkRPG: Bamboo for Rich Soil & Rice Cultivation | #22 | 4K, 60 FPS, Blind ⇒ Playlist: ⇒ To the channel: @Z3ntusBl4ck ⇒ LPT by Z3ntus and with Lord Darq ____ Social Media ____ ⇒ TWITTER: ⇒ Instagram: ____ Livestream ____ ⇒ Twitch: ____ Participant ____ ⇒ Z3ntusBl4ck:… Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Boy’s Terrifying Hack

    Minecraft Mini Boy's Terrifying HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try This scary hack in minecraft #short#subscribe mini boy’, was uploaded by Mini Boy on 2024-01-03 17:01:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 💎💰I’m the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1

    💎💰I'm the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Soy el mas RICO de Minecraft GENS.. 💲💰Cap.1’, was uploaded by Frozeado on 2024-03-30 03:03:17. It has garnered 1056 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⚔️Server in this video! 🡆 IP: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📱 My Discord 📱 🡆 🐦 Mi Twitter 🐦 🡆 📁Business email: [email protected] 📱 Twittch: 📁 Pack’s In this video! 📁 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #MinecraftHCF #StaffSeries #Frozeado Read More

  • Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft – Pixel Art Timelapse #010 Caterpie

    Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft - Pixel Art Timelapse #010 CaterpieVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse – #010 Caterpie’, was uploaded by Bug & Buds on 2024-02-18 10:16:21. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. I hope you have enjoyed this Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse! If you would like to build this in your own world, you can download the schematic below! Material List: Black Carpet x 828 Lime Carpet x 608 White Carpet x 284 Pink Carpet x 80 Follow me on my other socials if you’re interested! Discord – Twitter -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥

    Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥Video Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘I can Clutch🗿😎🔥#minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #sonyvegas #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-16 16:19:26. It has garnered 1490 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • AnParan – CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥

    AnParan - CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥Video Information huh live stream lagi langsung end dong lupa ganti dong Oke Guys kembali kita di Minecraft petulangan Baru kali ini gua enggak di kota karena kota Lagi offline jadi kita di sini kita kali ini targetan gua ngalahin Ender Dragon sekarang di episode 1 ya Jadi ini bakal sebuah series live stream yang bakal gua main cuman pas live stream aja ya teman-teman ya yaitu tujuannya tujuan akhirnya yaitu kita bakal membunuh yang namanya Ender Dragon dan ini kita sudah Spawn apa nih ini kita udah Spa G mana gua ya apa nih lagun Ini gua di mana… Read More

  • Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC Minecraft

    Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC MinecraftVideo Information hi welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to complete the first 10,000 days in this [Music] [Music] world oh my gosh you are so slow let’s speed this up starting from day 1000 I went straight to work doing a lot of neglected projects around the world first I ran most of the main farms in the world this included the raid Farm the quad mob farm a gravity block duper for both sand and concrete the gold Farm bartering farm and most of the farms on the industrial Island including the bone meal Cobblestone Nether… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! – Minecraft Border Hoarder 18

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! - Minecraft Border Hoarder 18Video Information hey guys lter here and welcome back to border hoarder if you’re new here border hoarder is a map where I have to collect every single Minecraft item in 1.19 and expands this border to be from small to very big so today’s episode we are trying to get some weather skulls as well as try to fight the weather himself and hopefully hopefully find the what do you say find the stronghold and fight the inner dragon ooh that’s good but it’s not what we want we already have sharpness five on this sword I did a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥

    🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNTIME DANCE FLOOR | Fnaf Minecraft Aninated Music Video’, was uploaded by Animation Lobby on 2023-12-29 09:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Animation By animation lobby Song By CK9C. Read More

  • VanillaEvolved SMP 1.20.4 Semi-anarchy Java & bedrock crossplay No hacks Seasonal & permanent maps

    VanillaEvolved – Vanilla Minecraft Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord community PlanetMinecraft Page: Check us out on PlanetMinecraft About Us: VanillaEvolved has been offering vanilla Minecraft gameplay since 2013. Join us on our seasonal or no-reset maps! Seasonal maps reset every 6 months while the no-reset maps never reset. You can switch between servers using commands. Why Choose Us? True vanilla Minecraft experience Java/Bedrock cross-play support View in-game stats on our website Semi-anarchy gameplay Active and friendly community Unique in-game rank for completing all advancements Freedom to play how you want as long as rules are followed For more… Read More

  • 1.20.6 Nuke factions Quests SMP Survival

    NukeFactions is not your typical Minecraft survival server. It combines the classic survival gameplay with a host of additional features designed to enhance and diversify the player experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, NukeFactions offers something for everyone.Key FeaturesSurvival ModeAt its core, NukeFactions offers a robust survival experience. Players can gather resources, build structures, and survive against the elements and mobs. The world is expansive and filled with opportunities for exploration and adventure.FactionsPlayers can create or join factions, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Factions allow players to band together, build bases,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Vote for your LEAST favourite Minecraft characters! Week 3 Poll.

    Looks like the meme is climbing up the leaderboards faster than a creeper in a mine shaft! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan’s animations are a dream. With humor and joy, he crafts each scene, Bringing happiness to all who glean. His channel is the place for child-friendly fun, Where laughter and smiles are never outdone. So follow along, join the Minecraft run, And bask in the glow of Fangkuaixuan’s sun. With rhymes that ignite and stories that sing, He spins the finest tales, like a Minecraft king. So leap into the verse, let your creativity spring, And let Fangkuaixuan’s joyous spirit bring. Read More

stampylonghead – Minecraft – Q&A + Lovely World Wandering – 🔴 Live