STARTING OVER in Hardcore Minecraft… Episode 1

Video Information

Hello everyone today I would like to start a brand new Hardcore Minecraft world you see back in 2020 I created my first ever Hardcore Minecraft world where I transformed a village I managed to survive for a long time in that world without dying so I’m here today for

Attempt number two in the new 1.20 update let’s play some more Hardcore Minecraft shall we ah take it all in everyone this is Minecraft 120 and look right at our spawn cherry blossoms that is by far the thing that I am most excited for in this

Update but there is a lot to see and we’ve spawned slightly in a cave which on Hardcore Mode probably not ideal it’s fine though I’ll just uh punch a tree because that’s what you do there we go lovely it’s so refreshing to start once again in Minecraft and do all

Of this beginning stuff like getting the stone the first wooden pickaxe it’s not very often that I restart in a vanilla hardcore world anymore I mean it’s it’s been quite a few years actually there we go got an upgrade brilliant now I do see a tiny bit of iron in here

But I oh yep there’s a creeper okay I’m just gonna stay over here and you’re gonna stay over there and it’s going to be totally chill right oh this is actually this is actually quite a bit of iron since it’s been a while since I’ve played in a hardcore

Single player world like this I have set out a few long term and also short-term goals for myself in this episode the main things I need to achieve in order to stay alive is I need to get some armor I need to build a very cute starter house and I’d also

Love to locate a village and try to keep it safe there we go we’re up to 12 raw iron which is a pretty good start kind of weird to start out with an actual cave but there was no baddies so it’s all good now of course I have to go see

The cherry wood oh and I should probably grab some food sorry pig look at the look at them and you can just pick them up just like that oh my goodness this is the dream come true this is gorgeous oh and there’s a village look at that yep I think I could

Stay here all day and the watercolor in this biome is gorgeous I feel like I’ve never seen anyone point that out before but God really good watercolor that’s important watercolor is important now of course I have to chop one of these down and get some saplings so that wherever I

Go to build I will have some glorious pink wood I’m In Heaven There we go Hardware acquired perfect weird choice I know I’m gonna start us off with shears we may need them to make a bed anyways and of course I can’t resist taking some leaves

With me yeah I feel like that was a good use of iron okay next on my list of things to do I want to go see what that Village has in store because I can see that it does have a blacksmith it looks like so we gotta go raid that before we

Make anything else with our iron one of my favorite things to do in Minecraft is transform these Villages it’s not the only thing that I want to do in this world but if I could set up in one maybe even this one that would really help kick start my journey in Hardcore

Minecraft and it would also give me a bit more of a purpose you know and here we are lovely little blacksmith oh yep there we go we are of course going to be able to suit up so we don’t have any leggings but that’s okay we got two

Extra helmets and a sword which I did need thank you villagers this Village is um a mess to put it nicely but it’s got an interesting design unfortunately I don’t see any hay bales but maybe yeah there we go you’ve got a little bit of food

For me this is better than nothing I guess who a dangerous Village oh and just like that the Sun is setting on our first day in the hardcore world I’m so sorry but this is going to be my bed I’ll just um I’ll be here I absolutely love the way this looks but

If I’m going to want to transform this Village it’s gonna take some effort I mean I just have some questions about the general terraforming of this place I’m always down for a challenge of course but I do think I’ll go exploring a little bit first I feel like I spend a

Lot of time lately playing in big smps with my friends working on giant collabs or Mega bases but it’s just so fun to get back to the beginning of a world the very Basics and start from scratch goodness that is a very big hole oh I don’t think I’ll be going down there

Today obviously since I’m a builder I’m also going to want some Spruce saplings so that I can get building with this wood type as well some berries Don’t Mind If I Do I see pumpkins of course we need pumpkins if we’re going to be working around villagers having pumpkins to trade with

Them is a must oh look here we go our second village of the day I love a tiger Village I haven’t lived in one of these in a long time you just have an egg really unfortunately Village number two did not have a lot to offer me besides a little

Bit of danger and since it started raining I decided it was best to go back to where things were good back where I spawned okay I’m back at the original village now where I have claimed this little pink house as my own I think I’ll eventually dress it up with a little bit

Of the big Cherry saplings but for now I’m just cooking some food so I can continue my Adventures of course we still need all of the basics so I’m gonna gather up this sugar cane really quickly this Village layout is a little rough to get up and down not gonna lie I think

We’re gonna have to work on that good news though sugarcane farm it’s gonna take a lot of work to get this Village actually safe in hardcore mode for both me and the villagers I’ve never really met a villager with very many brain cells so they’re gonna need some help

Unfortunately it’s hard for me to be of much help well because I haven’t actually gathered anything villager don’t look at me like that I’m working on it so first things first we’re gonna need a bunch of fences to pen in some animals because I don’t think the villagers have done that themselves for

Some reason no I was wrong they do have a pen it’s empty honestly you guys needed my help chickens I’ll take chickens so now that I’ve set us up with some animals at our lovely little home base here in the village it’s time for me to

Go out on an adventure and actually get prepared of course I’m going to be doing this in a pick boat oh I’m so excited this is awesome you see at this stage we could probably go mining for diamonds but it’s still the early game I really

Don’t want to die and there is an easier way since we have a big open body of water here I should be able to find the ocean pretty easily and hopefully find some buried treasure yeah that’s right it’s pirate time do you know what the more that I look at that Village the

More I think that it’s got a lot of potential this is an interestingly shaped Village oh and I love the cherry blossoms all along this Ridge that is a dream come true well done Minecraft oh hold on quick detour new type of wood can’t say no to the opportunity to get

Some dark oak wood right okay back on the Open Water and I’m not stopping until I find diamonds I know they added mountains to Minecraft a while ago at this point but oh it’s just so nice looking here we are my very first shipwreck of the episode let’s

Hope that this thing has a treasure map oh what is that interesting and yep it does in fact have a furry treasure map perfect I think there should be one more chest yeah there we go the treasure don’t die don’t die don’t die perfect what are these smithing template Coastal

Armor trim cool I can’t wait to use that and we’ve also got kind of a good leather tunic not gonna lie impressive enchants of course we are here for the main event the buried treasure so um let’s put our course South I suppose we seem to be right in front of it small

Oversight on my part haven’t actually crafted a shovel yet this episode I got it oh there we go that was easy and look at that our very first diamonds nope the diamond is absolutely not for you I might be getting greedy at this point but I’m gonna try to find some more

After having great success in my first expedition I decided to continue my journey out on the Open Sea looking for basically any and all treasure and also getting a good scope of the world that I was to live in until I ultimately perish without going mining and risking my life

At all I have all of this iron gold and diamonds that’s not even to mention the iron nuggets and the emeralds I’m rich everyone I’m rich Hardcore Minecraft is easy at least when you’ve got a village and a bunch of buried Treasures in the world there we go iron pick up grade

Now I couldn’t help but notice on my way back to the village that there are actually geodes down in the water and I want to go check those out yeah you guys see that literally just right here this is a geode and so is that cool nice these things are gorgeous and I

Definitely want to be able to build out of amethyst so I will try to expose as many of the little buds as I can two of these being so close to the village is definitely a dream come true for the amethyst lovers and it’s going to go

Great with cherry wood okay I’ll leave this alone to let it grow now Was that a trident um I would love to try to risk my life and get a trident but I’m definitely gonna need a shield for that thank you very much there is our Trident thrower not today dude those things hurt come on give me the trident

Man just a bit of rotten flesh why are all my unemployed villagers hanging out on one roof guys guys gotta get you some employment huh right I’m also curious about how this smithing template armor works so I’ve made a smithing table um not just for my benefit but also for

The villagers jobs I will um I’ll put it over here and let’s see we should be able to now add an amethyst Shard and look oh crafting a new look oh this is so fun I have purple on my chest plate definitely want to gather up

A lot more of those that seems awesome also going to make a blast furnace because I would love an armorer hello can I entice any of you to get off of that roof please probably put a torch there just in case oh these villagers are going to be an

Absolute nightmare to keep safe I could tell already there we go I see you’ve decided to become an armorer I will buy some hats from you thank you I didn’t already have enough hats I guess I feel like at the very least I could start making a couple of staircases

Around here that way me and the villagers can actually access everything it’s not much but it does feel a tiny bit safer I know this is absolutely not a priority right now but I can’t help but think how much better this area could be if it was just you know a

Little more villager safe I don’t know I just feel like we need like a retaining wall here and a whole bunch of staircases before I can put a ton of work into the village though I need to put a bunch of work into myself I need a starter home this villager

House is good but I think I can probably do better what do you say Mason villager yep they like it so it’s time to chop some wood and get some supplies together What is this I think I just found something related to archeology and I kinda actually need this clay for my build so if nobody Minds I’m just gonna take that thank you this could totally be one of those Trail ruins from archeology in order to explore it though

I’m gonna need a brush and uh well all I have on me is building materials so let’s run home oh I should Mark the location thankfully yeah I think I’ve gone ahead and collected all of the building materials that I’m going to need to transform this little villager

House so now I need stuff to make a brush I haven’t even unlocked the recipe for it yet I think I’m gonna need some copper for this yeah there we go copper Ingot now yeah there we go the brush recipe so all I need is stick oh and it’s not a string

It’s a feather I saw so many feathers when I was out today and I didn’t pick any of them up cause I thought they were junk it’s fine I’m so sorry thank you yeah I’ll make some babies oh okay that was a lot of babies interesting this is the brand new tool

For archeology all right Sun is setting but here’s what I’m gonna do I’m gonna spend a night out by the archeology site and see if I can completely uncover everything that’s there okay yeah here we are so I’m just gonna set up a little campsite it’d be super cute don’t worry

And we’ll sleep here and get to work okay the Builder in me is getting a little out of control but I just wanted to have like a cute little kind of Hut to work under while I’m doing this so basically I think some of these gravels end up being suspicious those two are

Not though so we just have to very slowly make our way down making sure we pay attention to win the gravel looks a little different like that one right there it’s really subtle but yeah there we go look is it gonna give us orange dye orange

Dye this is a weird place to uncover orange dye I mean okay let’s carry on the rest of these seem to be okay I love how there’s terracotta mixed in as well because this is a place where you’d never find terracotta this is something I can build out of now that is totally

Different here we go oh is that a pottery Shard no no it’s a brick okay false alarm oh there’s glazed terracotta oh here we go this is something different and we got a smithing template razor armor trim gotta make a couple of ladders this is actually getting kind of deep I love it

Okay let’s go down another layer the more I do this the easier it’s getting for me to actually spot the suspicious gravel like that’s one right there I’ve officially broken my first pickaxe doing this really deep hole to be digging on episode one but I’m invested now so I’m

Doing it I just can’t believe how far in this way this is gone I mean I’m still discovering even more parts of the trail ruins oh is this a pottery Shard oh it is howl Pottery Shard it looks like maybe it has a dog or something on it interesting and we

Got a new advancement for that that is awesome I kept exploring this archaeological site layer by layer trying my very best to be very careful and not break any of the gravel that looks like it could have buried Treasures in it I’m not kidding when I

Say this took me a really long time to dig out now I do have obviously very beginner tools and it’s my first time doing this so maybe not the most efficient methods as well but it was a lot of fun and I would say really rewarding game experience oh a hanging sign cool

The Stig site was incredible every time that I thought that I had found the bottom it just kept going and I kept uncovering more and more Treasures I used up an entire brush my official review of archeology is in and it’s a 10 out of 10. it’s actually amazing this is

The first time I’ve gotten really this lost in Minecraft in a very long time this is a absolutely huge dig site every single time that I think that I found the end of it or the bottom it just keeps going and as you can see I’ve

Still got a ton to dig out even though my brush has been fully used just because my brush broke does not mean that I’m done but I definitely need to return home for some refreshments really quickly oh my gosh it’s only the first episode and I’ve already completely derailed myself new brush acquired

Yes I was absolutely fully addicted to the archeology feature by this point it was kind of hard to stop if you’re curious about what Treasures I actually uncovered it’s uh it’s a lot so as for the rare Treasures I got two of the new music discs and a bunch of pottery

Shards which I’m so excited to use and I also got a ton of smithing templates that are new this is so exciting Okay I uh I should probably take some of this home at least I have lots of building materials now okay I’m back in the village I’ve

Brought all of my stuff and we now have a lot of decorations and just general blocks to work with so I think they’re going to transform this little house right here so I’m not planning on going too crazy with this transformation we’re gonna get rid of the Oak and also the

Cobble in favor of some of the new cherry wood because you know of course it’s it’s got to be cherry wood we can definitely do a more interesting roof than this and the roof will be a nice simple little triangle facing the rest of the village perfect honestly that seems better already and

Now I’m gonna go ahead and add another little section just over here in order to hopefully keep things interesting I’m gonna do this back section A little bit taller with a roof facing in a different direction speaking of the roof let’s get that on After a little bit of effort that is my starter house it’s uh it’s looking a little bit bare and basic at the moment but I think that there’s a lot of things that we can do to actually dress this up why are you in love yeah that’s right

Now is not the time I am not ready to be a Nancy to Village or children yet now comes the fun part where we actually get to decorate and look at how cute this cherry wood door is oh my goodness my only wish is that they kept this sort

Of diagonal lattice energy for the trapdoor because the trapdoor just kind of has it straight across it’s still gorgeous but yeah I do wish they kept the energy I’ve decided that for this house I would like to have a ladder up to a second floor that way it sort of

Maximizes the amount of space that I get to build it we will put a second little door up here and this will be our garden area I want to have an area where I can Farm things away from the villagers they do have a tendency to kind of Steal

Crops otherwise so we’re just gonna have a little doorway right there we’re gonna plop our bucket of water in the center and this will be our farm of course we’ll also need some safety railing I think this is a great idea I’ve always wanted a rooftop garden I’ve just spent some time putting away all of my things and I think one of my favorite things about building a starter house this late in the first episode that we have so many extra decoration Vlogs so I get to actually build a nice little official path right here out of

Some mud and some coarse dirt we also have a lot of really fun colors of stained glass so I think we will also go ahead and have some fun stained glass windows in here yeah that’s pretty cute we’re gonna pop a trap door right there so that this house is villager proof as

Much as I love them I don’t want them inside now I get to decorate which is of course my favorite part little table and chairs a little kitchenette area and over here we’ll have the bedroom importantly I would also really like to be able to compost from up above so I’m

Just gonna make us a couple of Hoppers and create a little system right here maybe it’s a little bit odd but I love the idea of being able to just throw my extra seeds and things down there in that hole and have them compost and come out in the kitchen foreign Okay I’ve had my little pink decorating moment and I loved every second of it this starter house is definitely the most colorful I’ve ever had but it features a bedroom a composter a kitchen and an upstairs storage room and also a farming area I may be biased but I think

It’s absolutely perfect even the villagers are demanding to come in it’s not your house I’m so sorry I’ll build you one up I’ll build you one now before I get too distracted I want to try out some of these Pottery shirts that I have

Here so I have a bunch that I like but I think today I’m gonna try out this one that looks like some wheat these one that looks like the iron golems and this heart one because it’s gorgeous basically you can configure these any way that you want and the different

Decorations will appear on different sides depending on where you put them in the crafting recipe I think for this one I’m gonna do front and back and for this one I will do the same oh look how adorable that is on this side it’s got what looks to be maybe an iron golem

Face and on this side it’s got a heart that’s perfect so the fun thing about these is you can punch them to get them back but if you break them with a tool they will shatter into their components so that you can try to craft them again in a different configuration if maybe

You didn’t like the way that you did it the first time personally I absolutely love these and I want one everywhere unfortunately we can’t stick any flowers in them just as they are but we can put pots in them in the top and then put a flower on them

It’s a pretty good compromise I think means that outside we can probably get some things that kind of look like little Street plants on the sides here you just need to come up and put that right there yeah yep that’s adorable I think an azalea Leaf would make that

Look even better but it’s just episode one so we’ll use what we have speaking of using what we have I have a bunch of diamonds that I have yet to use and they’re kind of burning a hole in my pocket so I would really like to use

Them firstly for a diamond pickaxe and then I’m going to save two more to use for an enchanting table we’ll have one left over and I don’t really want to shovel so we’ll just save it yeah all I need is some obsidian unfortunately it is raining I think I saw a ruin another

Portal over here while I was on the way to my dig site oh hello uh I I have a village I can’t be bothered with you we’re not doing this no thank you oh God they they kind of hurt I am so used to having really good armor

You lose Health pretty fast when you don’t have it oh perfect here we go ruined portal oh you really you followed me here ouch now I need a bucket of milk before I can go home getting obsidian is gonna take a while okay got it all I will admit one of my

Long-term goals for the series is to do a raid I just I wasn’t thinking we’d do it on episode one you are a lifesaver you have no idea now let’s craft a few books make ourselves an enchanting table and maybe even a couple of bookshelves oh and for

That extra Diamond I suppose we could make a jukebox after all we did find this brand new music disc lovely little entrance way jukebox It’s quite good I think I like it right that’s enough of that for now now I’ll start a beginner little enchanting setup right here and we can finally get some basic enchants on some of our gears so that I’m not so weak projectile protection would have really helped a moment ago and you know what

I’ll finally go ahead and make a pair of pants now all I gotta do is wait for all of this lovely wheat to start growing up so I can breed some more cows and get lots more leather for more books it’s going to take a little while but that’s

Okay that’s what the early game grind is all about while I wait for my cows to grow up I think I’m gonna fix up a little bit more of the village sure it’s not the most important thing that I could be doing in a hardcore world but

It feels important to keep my villagers safe and it also feels really good to have a hardcore world that actually looks quite nice it’s not much but those little dividers already look a lot better and once I get some fencing on them they’ll also be a lot safer oh for goodness sake

They are genuinely so prone to accident it’s actually incredible how they survive at all oh no no thank you okay maybe I should also light this entire place up out of here this Village may just end up being quite a hazardous place to defend after all

I’m gonna have to keep an eye out Golems we have a lot to do if we’re gonna keep this Village safe and there’s still a ton from the 1.20 update that we haven’t yet explored so make sure you subscribe if you want to see where our adventure in this Hardcore Minecraft village takes

Us thank you for watching and I’ll see you next time goodbye everybody

This video, titled ‘STARTING OVER in Hardcore Minecraft… Episode 1’, was uploaded by GeminiTay on 2023-06-09 13:28:09. It has garnered 1610964 views and 46754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:35 or 1715 seconds.

GeminiTay is playing the new minecraft 1.20 update! In hardcore mode we begin another adventure, discovering a village to protect and diving in to some of the new update, such as the new archeology!

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Recorded with OBS Minecraft version 1.20

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    Crafting Table Tutorial: Quick & Easy Minecraft Crafting Table: Your Key to Crafting Success! One of the essential items in Minecraft is the crafting table, also known as a workbench. This handy tool allows players to create more complex items and is a must-have in your inventory. Let’s dive into how to make a crafting table in Minecraft and unleash your creativity! Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a Table To craft a crafting table, you’ll need four wooden planks. Follow these simple steps: Gather Wood: Start by collecting wood from trees in the game. Create Wooden Planks: Open your crafting menu and turn the wood into… Read More

  • INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi Adventures

    INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 10:41:04. It has garnered 104 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:25 or 12685 seconds. ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More ⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions &… Read More

  • Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1

    Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Rolling Fruit in Bloxfruit#roblox’, was uploaded by AKMO on 2024-01-03 13:23:33. It has garnered 2314 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #funny #comedy #mcpemaps #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #funnymoments #like #minecraftmeme #funnyvideos #horrorstories#horror#AKMO#horrorgaming#horrorshorts#mcpemaps#minecraft#minecraft #comedy#funny #minecraftmeme #minecraft#minecraftbuilding#minecraftmemes#minecarft_pocket_edition#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemaps#mcpemod#mcpesmp#mcpespeedrun#minecraftmemes#minecraftshorts#minecraftpe#minecraftsurvival#minecraftlive#minecraftvideos#minecraftpe1#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftplayers#minecraftbuilding#minecraftfunny#minecraftfunnymoments#minecarftgameplay#minecraftmanhunt#minecraftpc#viral#videogames#video#myanmar#myanmarminecraft#funnyshorts#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#fun#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#comedyshorts#comedyinthecity#shortsfeed#videoshort#videos#videoshorts#videogame#gameplay#games#gamer#gamers#gamingvideos#gaming#vidio#subscribe#subscribers subscribers#yputubeshorts#youtube#youtubevideo#youtuber#dance#day100#day#dayz#zombiesurvival#zombieanimation#minecraftsurvivalwithfriend #drawing#dancer#dream#entertainment#trending#youtubeshorts Minecraft Day 100 Myanmar #mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog#mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog #funnyvideos#minecraft#minecraftbuilding#mcpemaps#mcpeservers2020#motivation#music#memes#meme#motivational#maxpreps#mobilelegends#minecraftmemes#minivlog#midzy#minecraftshorts#mindset#minecraftshorts#mix#mindfulness#minecraftpe#minivlog#mini#minecraftanimation#mine#minecraftmeme#minecraftlive#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecrafter#minecrafters#minecraftedit#minecraftedits#minecraftespanol#minecraftersonly#minecraftepicmoments#minecraftep1#minecrafteggwars#minecraftepisode#minecraftepic#minecraftepisodes#minecraftepicseeds#minecraftpocketedition#minecraftpe#minecraftpc#minecraftpvp#minecraftparkour#minecraftparty#minecraftps3#minecraftplayers#minecraftps4#minecraftpetips#minecraftpeserversip#minecraftprzygoda#minecraftproject#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisma3d#minecraftpremium#minecraftpremium#minecraftprotips#minecraftprobuild#minecraftprisons#minecraftpemulriplayer#minecraftpeserver#minecraftpelivestream#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftmeme#minecraftmods#minecraftmlg#minecraftmaps#minecraftmultiplayer#minecraftmanhunt#mcpemaps#mcpeaddon#mcpehindi#mcpemlg#mcpehypixelskyblock#video#viral#vviquestion#videos#videogames#videoshort#videogames#videoshow#videoshorts#videoediting#edit#education#edits#editing#editor#editz#editingtutorial#editorberkelas#view#viralvideo#viralvideo#viralvideos#funnyvideos#funnyshorts#fumetti#funnycomedy#funny#funnyvideo#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycats#funntvideo#funnyanimals#funnydogs#funny#comedy#comedyinthecity#comedyvideo#comment#comedyshorts#comedymovies#dream#sub#subscribe#subscribers#like#live#likeforlikes#likeandsubscribe#myfirstvlog#myanmar#myanmarnews#savetheworld#save_myanmar#minecraft#minivlog#minecraftshorts#minecraftmemes#minecraftbuilding#minecraftpe#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemaps#mcpehindi#mcpemaps#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemod#mcpemods#mcpeaddon#mcpeaddons#mcpeandroid#mcpeindo#mcpeindonesia2020#mcpeios#mcpemap#map#maps#maplestory#creator#creative#creepypasta#creepy#challenge#comedy#comedyinthecity#trending #cute #cat#inshot #cutebaby #comment#cooking#callofduty#technoblade#rip#technoblade#respect#mcpoze#minecraftanimation#minecarft1#minecraftmeme#mineraftindonesia#minecraftlive#minecraftlivestream#live#like#love#livestream#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecraftbedrock#minecraftvideo#mincraftvideo#minecraftnewupdate#minecraftmyanmar#mincraftnoob#minecrafthighlights #hardest#new#nevergiveup#funnyshorts#fun#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#popular#viral#views#view#subscribers#subscribe#sub#like#likeforlikes#likes#likeandsubscribe#comingsoon#coming#coming_soon#dance#day100#day#zombieanimation#zombiesurvival#zombieland#zombieshorts#zombietsunami#apexlegends#apocalypse#apocalypselatergaming#zombie_codmobile#zombieapocalypsegame#dance#dream#dog#တုတ်ကြီးတို့ရွာ#အတုံးဂိမ်း#minecraft #comedy #mcpemaps #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #like #funnyvideos #funny #minecraftmeme #minivlog#100 Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-05-01 17:00:07. It has garnered 4554 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet Coaster

    Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet CoasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CE PARC D’ATTRACTION VA VOUS ÉTONNER ! (il y a pleins de cubes) – Planet Coaster’, was uploaded by MColo on 2024-03-08 15:00:10. It has garnered 2794 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:30 or 870 seconds. Super destabilizing but impressive! Minecraft fans, players and nostalgic fans will enjoy it, and Planet Coaster fans will also love this crazy work done by Afrosheep! ✨ The best offers to buy games with Eneba: 🚛 My simulation steering wheel: 🎢 The coaster on Workshop: 📝 Send your park so that… Read More

  • Minecraft Live: Ultimate Obsession

    Minecraft Live: Ultimate ObsessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Лучшее #492’, was uploaded by Одержимый Live on 2024-04-19 11:15:00. It has garnered 362 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY’s Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!

    KYRSP33DY's Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Speed Dating Event on Mythical Survival Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-04-05 02:42:40. It has garnered 30774 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:45 or 8985 seconds. Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – #MythicalPartner Read More


    A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE NOW! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE | Minecraft Live Streaming’, was uploaded by A SUMIT GAMING on 2024-01-11 11:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is 24/7 Minecraft live stream! SUBSCRBE OUR HORROR CHANNEL :- @ScaryStoriesWithA THANKS FOR WATCHING……. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World’s Biggest Cactus!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World's Biggest Cactus!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: #1 The Giant Cactus!’, was uploaded by BanditGaming on 2024-04-03 14:15:03. It has garnered 45 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds. The cactus farm needed a little touch up in my opinion. Design Credit: WhoopSection05 on reddit Dont forget to go and check out my other socials! Patreon : Twitch : Twitter : Instagram : Read More

  • Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shorts

    Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet Power Level – Minecraft Animation #shorts’, was uploaded by oreE+ on 2024-02-22 05:00:20. It has garnered 526 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. #animation #monsterschool #minecraftanimation Read More

  • Celestria SMP Java 1.20.4 Dynmap Earth

    Welcome to The World Of Celestria Greetings wanderers! Join our Minecraft geopolitical server where you can unleash your creativity. Whether you’re a builder, roleplayer, lore writer, or PvPer, there’s a place for you here. Earth is your canvas to create nations, cults, religions, guilds, and more. The only limit is your imagination. Are you ready? Join Us Now: Read More

  • Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]

    Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]Are you ready to leave a mark in our history?Null Network: Seliana is an rpg survival server that focuses more on a unique experience. The server emphasizes on RPG elements, and a medieval feel. Currently, we are mostly a filipino playerbase, but we also have some players around the world, mostly in asia! We have a ton of appealing features that will get you hooked!Server has not been reset since the beginning. Your legacy is safe with us! You can also claim land to avoid getting griefed!Weapons for every style of combat! Be it hard hitting Greatsword, fast hitting Daggers,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced up

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced upI guess even in Minecraft, getting a high score is a rare item! Read More

  • Adelia’s Trauma: Sam’s Minecraft Saga

    Adelia's Trauma: Sam's Minecraft Saga In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Adelia’s trauma began, a tale to survive. Nico, Mark, and Lira, a family so tight, But darkness crept in, casting shadows in sight. Adelia, the youngest, with eyes full of fear, Her innocence shattered, her cries hard to hear. A tragedy struck, leaving scars deep within, As grief and despair, their hearts did begin. But through all the pain, they stood strong as a team, Facing their demons, in a world so extreme. With love as their armor, they fought through the night, In Minecraft’s vast world, where dreams take… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonebad 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX!

    Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Exploring the Killadis SMP In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players find endless opportunities for fun and adventure. One such realm is the Killadis SMP, where players like to relax and enjoy their time. Whether it’s building magnificent structures or embarking on thrilling quests, there’s always something exciting happening in this multiplayer server. Joining the Fun If you’re looking to dive into the action, Killadis SMP welcomes you with open arms. With a vibrant community of players, you can share your creations, collaborate on projects, and make lasting friendships. The server… Read More

  • Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review

    Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review Minecraft Java Edition on Mobile? | PojavLaucher Review Have you ever wondered if you could play Minecraft Java Edition on your phone? Well, with PojavLaucher, now you can! In this review, we will explore the features of PojavLaucher and how it brings the Java Edition experience to your Android or iOS device. What is PojavLaucher? PojavLaucher is a launcher that allows you to run Minecraft Java Edition on your mobile device. It provides a seamless way to enjoy all the features of the Java Edition, including mods, servers, and more, right from your phone. Features of PojavLaucher With PojavLaucher,… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Addons Revealed!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Addons Revealed!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘top 4 Addons for Minecraft pe and bedrock’, was uploaded by cyrixmc_YT on 2024-04-10 18:11:37. It has garnered 215 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:09 or 1209 seconds. Number 4 Number 3 Number 2 Number 1 Tanks for watching ❤️ Tags #minecraft Keys minecraft addons bedrock edition minecraft addons bedrock update minecraft addons bedrock 1.20 minecraft addons bedrock naturalist minecraft addons bedrock free minecraft addons bedrock xbox minecraft addons bedrock computer minecraft addons bedrock techna minecraft addons bedrock review minecraft addons bedrock decocraft minecraft addons bedrock… Read More

  • Launching New Shop on Copper SMP!

    Launching New Shop on Copper SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Copper MC Smp Season 1 @AncientMC7 Opening My New Shop’, was uploaded by Shagil Gaming vlogs on 2024-05-21 09:50:14. It has garnered 27 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:14 or 9374 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Shagil: Minecraft free fire call of duty clash of clans bgmi pubg techno gamerz ujjwal anshu bisht niz gamer mosambi total gaming BY TOTEM chapati hindustani gamer proboiz95 yug playz psd senpai spider mr lapis its dip Bebu mc addon dream smarty pie technoblade pewdipie junkeyy… Read More

  • Become a Parkour Legend in Minecraft with Sixtos!

    Become a Parkour Legend in Minecraft with Sixtos!Video Information This video, titled ‘El pro del #parkour en #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sixtos on 2024-01-10 18:54:41. It has garnered 2421 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Attitude of Ertughul & Osman! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Attitude of Ertughul & Osman! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ErtughulXosman attitude status😎 #shorts’, was uploaded by Pathan Bhai on 2024-01-17 18:48:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft gaming channel! Here, we bring you the ultimate gaming experience in the world of Minecraft. Whether … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with the Squad! 😱🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with the Squad! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft 1.8 with the Bois – EP 5 – ⚒️👷’, was uploaded by 0x6b on 2024-05-20 18:41:27. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:21 or 261 seconds. Will we survive longer than the 2 week Minecraft binge? Just some solo building and whatnot. ✔️ Barn ✔️ Cow death chamber ✔️ Chicken Coop ✔️ Enchanting Table ❌ Tom Read More

  • INSANE Duo Bros Play with Subscribers!!

    INSANE Duo Bros Play with Subscribers!!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAY WHIT SUB’, was uploaded by K_D _BROTHERS on 2024-03-23 05:16:34. It has garnered 23 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:42 or 1962 seconds. minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider, lapata smp, senpai spider pvp, lapata smp new video, lapata smp war,… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Skyes – Would you dare try this job?

    Insane Challenge: Skyes - Would you dare try this job?Video Information This video, titled ‘Only a crazy man would take on this job…’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2024-05-30 21:00:18. It has garnered 12026 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Rebuilding My Mega Base in Hardcore Minecraft! MY SECOND CHANNEL! – ☁️ MY SOCIALS ☁️ 🐦-= Twitter – 🎽 -= Merch – 🎥-= Twitch (Live streams) – 🖥️-= My VODS Channel – #hardcore #survival #minecraft Current Subscriber Count: 1,356,089 Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Auto Pool in Seconds! 🏊 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Auto Pool in Seconds! 🏊 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Best Auto Swimming Pool! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Cubius Shorts on 2024-02-17 14:02:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HOW TO MAKE A water pool in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts. Read More

STARTING OVER in Hardcore Minecraft… Episode 1