Sunny uses SECRET DOORS to CHEAT in Hide and Seek Minecraft!

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Today in Minecraft hide-and seek melon and I compete for a $1 million castle that’s right but I suspect Sunny is cheating I swear he rigged all these secret doors everywhere and even a security camera system to spy on me bro I would never cheat yeah never goats if

Sunny is cheating let me know down in the comments wa melon look at this place bro this is amazing hello hello villagers hello is anyone here this kingdom is epic bro they have a fortress wall all kinds of village houses where’s the main Castle where’s the main Castle Sunny

Something’s off there’s literally nobody here yeah actually bro now that you mention it this place feels kind of abandoned that means I dibs it it’s mine bro I own the kingdom yeah right I’m the one who showed you this place I said hey Mel you want to come on a boat trip I

Found something really cool in the wilderness well clearly I dibs it obey the rule of the dibs I get this Kingdom nope that’s C bro not true I think the only fair thing we can do is play hide and seek and the winner gets to keep

This brand new Castle Fortress if I get to seek first Sunny You’ve Got 2 minutes to hide okay I don’t really see why you’d want to seek first but fine sounds good let’s go okay guys let me show you where I’m going to hide first I’m going to go

Upstairs in here and reveal to you something tough top secret and first I’ve got to confess I came to this Kingdom 2 days ago and I did a little exploring I already knew it was abandoned and I thought it would be the perfect location to play some hide and

Seek but I have a few tricks up my sleeve to ensure Victory and guarantee that melon admits this Kingdom now belongs to me sunny the one real goat so yeah pretty much I put a lever back here that opens up a secret doorway and now

All I have to do is flick this flick that and I can sneak back here and jono oh I should have flicked it oh I hope he doesn’t notice I meant to flick it again on the way down oh well this place is awesome check it out guys my

Secret treasure room and from down here you can even see an image of the entire Kingdom I’m right here this little Green Dot and this is every little bit of land that’s soon going to be owned by me sunny are you ready yet yeah bro I’m

Good I’m chilling all right go for it bro try and find me sorry I just burped Sunny for my first question are you hiding inside or you hiding outside let me just check um what if I did this melon I just stood over here would that be outside bro I

Don’t know where over here is sunny oh yeah of course sorry my bad uh technically I’ll just say I’m inside cuz I don’t want to be a filthy cheater okay you’re inside well then I’ll ask my next question which building are you inside of yes how much yes that’s the best

Question ever asked uh melon most of the buildings inside of this Kingdom look the same I’m inside of one with a brick chimney and it has multiple floors brick chimney you say multiple floors you say looks like I found your house Bingo yeah okay good luck with that and guys look

At this check out my reveal I also have secret security cams check it out I could spy on melon if he goes inside of this house and upstairs I’ll have a perfect view of him bro there’s literally nothing to this house I don’t understand yo guys look I’m staring at

Melon on the cams he’s right in front of that chimney um wait a second when you were saying oh did you count technically I’m outside here if I’m standing there this must been where you’re standing let me guess you’re on the balcony yes I’m on the balcony Sunny the heck there’s

Something very very suspicious about this fireplace no wait are you telling me this Castle has secret hidden entrances no no this isn’t even doing anything bro what yeah you’re right it doesn’t even do anything okay triggered this Pistons there I’m so confused what just happened good let’s keep it that

Way and you only have 2 minutes left to find me bro what does this piston do it doesn’t do anything you’re right it does nothing it’s broken just run away and move on already no you’re in this house somewhere bro are you breaking the fireplace I’m coming down sunny oh no

Guys I got to make a Mad Dash for it he just jumped downstairs what is this place what is what place bro I’m hiding in the chimney bro I’m so confused why is there a map layout of the entire Kingdom down here I don’t know but you

Only have 45 seconds left dang it where are you where are you dang it I’m so confused you should be bro this is a dead end there’s literally nothing here go guys I can’t believe he didn’t see me that was insane you must have went out the other tunnel Sunny I’m

Coming after you come on come on wait what is this what is this bro where does this lead 10 seconds left 9 8 7 wait there’s a butt in here yo this opened up a secret door where are you Sunny three 2 1 let’s go I win the first round dang

It bro I really want this Kingdom yeah now that you’ve discovered some of its secrets you probably want it even more absolutely and for the next round Sunny you know I’m the best at finding secrets so I’ll find my very own hidden passage uh melon where did you go I’m trying to

Spot where you just went what the heck where did you go bro I just found a staircase and pressed a button oh this button yes exactly that button Sunny this place is so many Secrets I love it bro you were down there you scumbag I’m

Not going to cap you know that place at the end of the hallway where there’s a little bit of water yeah I was in there you were like 2 feet from me I was breathing down your neck no way how did I not see you you should have looked

Around that room anyways first round is my dton well now it’s my turn to collect my dubert well you’ve got 2 minutes to find a hiding spot I’m going to chill here at this wall and count in the corner okay guys I need to find a goated

Hiding spot there’s got to be something here somewhere look for something suspicious something that stands out this gives me an idea goats check it out two trap doors guys I told melon I was just going to stand and count in the corner but watch this I’m going to spy on him

Question is which camera will have the best view not that one maybe here yeah there he is what is he doing with those trap doors no all I’ve got to do is hide and close them up yo guys he just hid inside of the pillar in front of the

Stables all I got to do is mess with the trap doors this is going to be easy all right Sunny let’s go I’m ready all right melon my turn to track you down and ah there’s a fowl disgusting oh smell out here bro you smell like poo poo what are

You talking about bro I smell good like watermelon cologne yeah watermelon cologne is literally fertilizer which is literally made of cow turds no that is false hny actually wait you’re right dang it all right are you in this house no you’re not in this house okay let me

Just check the windows of this house oh no melon are you in this one nope oh I guess I vandalized the kingdom uh what about over here maybe you’re over here somewhere you’ll never find me sunny my place is very hidden and top secret some would say interesting I found this

Little trapo doohickey uh what trap door doohickey I don’t know I’m me just check this other one over here guys this is way too close this is way too close I’m getting scared uh melon I’m so confused where could you possibly be hiding Sunny why are you talking like that why are

You talking like that talking like what like bro is your spot totally radical like I don’t understand where you could be hiding right now it’s crazy Sunny what are you why are you talking like that talking like what brother uh uh found you how did you know bro you’re so

Easily predictable I just knew you would have hidden in the trapo of course you would do this bro there’s literally no way you found me so fast well that’s two wins for me melon if you don’t find me in this third round I win and the

Kingdom is all mine dang it guys I really got to clutch up this round you got 2 minutes to hide Sunny good luck thank you okay goats where to hide where to hide kind of want to do something different and mix it up so I think I’m

Going to try and hide on one of the towers that guard the gate let’s see maybe this one over over here yeah it’s extra cheeky cuz that’s where melon’s counting yep let’s climb this ladder and see what we can find up here oh this looks pretty cool should I just

Leave the kingdom that’s a pretty goated hiding spot if I just went and swam in the ocean for a bit sunny I overheard that bro there’s no leaving the kingdom that would be cheating oh my bad yeah I would never do that I wasn’t going to go

Out and swim in the ocean or anything that would be cringe yeah it would really be cringe Sunny thank you now what do these buttons do they’re so oddly positioned here what was that what oh I am inside of the Tower and the only way to do that is to press a mysterious

Button to activate this turbine I don’t know what I just did but it’s awesome and I actually think I’m on top of where I was earlier I think I hid down there in round one anyways melon I’m ready all right sunny it’s time for me to come and

Hunt you down okay okay so Sunny my very first question will be yeah yes I am goated thanks for asking well let’s just keep it with the basics are you hiding inside or you hiding outside bro get original with your questions I am hiding inside that’s what I like to hear my

Dude that’s what I like to hear honestly melon I feel bad for you so I’m going to give you a clue I’m hiding along the walls of the castles oh very very interesting Sunny being very cheeky huh almost hiding outside of the map yep but

I’m not cuz I’m in the castle walls and now guys let’s spy on melon where is he where there he is guys I just saw him go in the main gate uh it seems like there’s some kind of hand crank here what is this what did I just uncover bro

What is going on what am I lifting up melon whatever you’re doing stop bro there’s a giant spinning turbine coming out of the gate wait is there actually a spinning turbine that’s awesome I think it’s supposed to be a flag pole bro but how do I get up there there’s got to be

Some way up I’m not up there bro I’m in the walls yeah sure you are buddy sure you are melon I feel really bad for you I’m going to give you another clue no I want to ask you my question are you at a place of high or low elevation medium

Medium elevation that means you’re not up in these towers I don’t understand okay fine I’m going to give you that clue I’m in the towers yes exactly in the towers in the towers you must be high up cuz there’s no other place you could go melon I’m going to give you

Another clue go back to where you were twisting the hand crank okay why are you giving me so many Clues because I feel bad for you obviously all right just got a park or up to the hand crank all right Sunny what is up here now just keep

Going that same direction out of the roof along the wall keep going keep going along the wall I can’t go along the wall Sunny oh oh that’s awkward well I was going to say just yeah see that Tower over there look at it I’m in there

Oh yeah you’re really going to just give me that bro you’re in this Tower yeah I’ll give you that clue why not oh this is hilarious I’m looking right at you it’s over for you Sunny there’s no possible way you could win this round wait melon melon go back down

Go on the stable roofs go on those Birch planks uh I’m on those Birch planks bro no you’re not lower those Stables I don’t understand what do you want from me just go there and then look up a little bit turn around and look up and turn around and smile what there’s C

I installed these security cameras before we started playing hide and seek so I could spy on you you cheater you cheater that’s it sunny that must have been how you found me the second round bro you didn’t even say cheese that was kind of rude that’s it that’s it there’s

Got to be something with these buttons yo yo I just flipped this entire Castle why would you do that bro that’s super dangerous wait bro I just saw you down there I saw you down there I’ve just got to get down there myself no you didn’t you didn’t see anything you didn’t see

Anything let me me down hey Sunny hey Sunny where are you I’m nowhere bro I’m everywhere it’s over for you sunny I know you’re heading down this Escape path Sunny you scumbag you blocked it off wait what am I hearing Sunny no no I found you dang it bro I

Gave you way too much help let’s go that means there’s a chance of me winning yeah I guess I was cheating anyways so here you go now it’s my turn sunny it’s my turn to hide melon I’m on top of the tower again and I’m starting to count

You get 100 seconds to hide um all right all right wait I want 12 second so that’s 2 minutes I will give you 125 seconds how about that okay you know what now that you’re bartering how about 145 seconds okay I’m good with that no 200 seconds that’s all you get oh really

I’m really happy with that you know what melon why don’t you take a whole hour to hide awesome that sounds like a deal all right that’s that’s the best I got anyways I’m counting okay guys I’ve got an idea check this out there’s something suspicious about this it looks like it’s

A sewer check it out and now I’m swimming in the sewers the last place Sunny will ever go to find me wo this place is awesome where am I honestly dude I think this is perfect there’s no chance Sunny finds me here all right Sunny I’m ready uh no you’re not melon

You still have 57 minutes to hide no no no I’m ready I’m ready I don’t want the rest of my time you sure yes all right fair enough time for me to track you down cuz wait how many wins I have two wins you have one win so if I win this I

Get to keep the kingdom yes sunny but if I win I get to keep the kingdom actually not true if you win it’s a tie game come on bro you really want to make it a tie game come on Winner Takes all Winner Takes all bro that’s cringe but I’ll

Accept under one condition oh my goodness what is your condition my condition is simple if I win you have to put a giant Sunny flag marking my kingdom okay sunny sounds like a deal cuz you won’t win my spot is too good okay first question are you hiding

Underground or above ground um I’m hiding underground why would that be your first question are you hiding inside or outside as far as like a building or is it natural bro I just told you I’m hiding underground so obviously I’m inside No but I mean it

Could be like a building or natural like is it a cave is it like uh I don’t know construction I would say it’s more of a building more of a building interesting so you probably just went into my secret spot really cool now how do I get in

There again let’s see there was a cool button I could press where’ it Go ah yes my secret button right here open the back entrance and let’s seal that back up now perfect it’s closed now melon I know you’re down here the only question is where um nowhere Sunny nowhere guys

What an idiot he really thinks I’m in his secret base got to be around here somewhere there’s nothing else underground let me just check back here make sure he’s not using my secret hiding spot and no he is not what about what if underwater he found like a

Soul sand block that he could get bubbles from and breathe come on come on come on come on come on here’s my camera monitor oh hey melon um what is this how did you find me well I saw my camera monitor floating here so I thought I’d

Come pick it up no no no no no no this not how it’s supposed to be no no no no I win no no no no you didn’t find me you didn’t find me I’m I’m literally finding you over and over and over and over and

Over and over and over I win dang it now melon take a look at this map you see what’s here yeah I’ve been here yes that’s Kingdom of Sunny gamus Maximus that’s me no do I really have to build you a flag oh no I already have one

Built I just need you to hoist it Hoist the flag you’re my first peasant dang it wait you’re telling me this was the flag the whole time yeah pretty much I had a feeling I’d win dang it bro oh it’s beautiful the land of Sunny has risen

How high does that thing go I don’t know it looks pretty good right there you can leave it there now Mel Mel that’s enough no meel Mel that’s enough it’s hoisted it shall be hoisted no you’re lowering it down just just just leave it it’s perfect and you know what else is

Perfect perect pressing that like And subscribe button the first 500 new viewers to subscribe to our channel will get goated this is Minecraft hide and seek but I have an insane secret spot uh guys I can’t find Sunny anywhere please like the video right now to make him

Teleport to me I found you hey yo what no melon are you ready for hide and seek brother let’s do this hny I’m too killed oh oh chill chill Sun can we talk about this really quick okay yeah really quick you have two seconds no no no can

I have 5 Seconds 5 4 3 2 1 get over here ban I just want to Splatter you stay away oh wait there’s a diamond here I got to grab it sorry I got distracted yeah good luck buddy good luck buddy I don’t need luck where I’m going

Cuz I’m hiding first bro get inside of the diamonds and start to count You’ve Got 2 minutes okay I’ll get inside you can’t kill me inside can’t kill me you weren’t inside but you are now take this diamond and give me my 2-minute warning uh 2-minute warning okay thanks melon stay away stay

Away oh it’s too fun though if you kill a man in his blindfold you lose automatically I don’t make the rules okay okay but how will you know it’s me if I killed you uh I can read the chat after but you’re blindfolded you can’t read read anything shut up you got 2

Minutes all right I’m giving you the power you’re cold now ice cold okay guys I got two minutes to hide and I’ve wasted a lot of my time already so I got to go in creative and I’m going all the way up literally I’m going to fly up

Here and one of these clouds let me find the secret block I placed it before we even started hide and seek is it this one this one looks a bit suspicious is it this one no is it this one which block is it dang it it there’s so many

And it’s so well Blended I can’t even remember which one is the secret scale block maybe it’s uh this one this is how secret and hidden my spot is I can’t even find it myself bro all right I’ll get a fresh scale blocker if you insist

And I’ll put it right here look at that you seriously cannot tell a difference from far you have to get so close up if you want to see it and then I just go like this and go inside of it and and I got to decorate these walls really fast

Or melon’s going to see me light gray glass perfect and then we just got to fill this all the way yeah I think I’m going to do this a bit quicker we’re going to break that block grab the corner fly over here this is so weird

Inside of a tiny block and over here and then I’m going to go outline light gray I don’t want to do shulker boxes that would be awkward and stained glass boom oh yes look at this I am perfectly Blended maximum camouflage and now I just go in survival clear the old

Inventory and tell that dummy I’m ready melon finally time to take this blindfold off oh got a burp dude stop being so gross we’ll see about that Sunny your name tag showing bro I oh wait that’s DJ wait what the heck who is this bro we got a DJ in the

Stew yo don’t play with my homie right there all right he’s the one with the music bro this guy is jaming please don’t stop the music music oh guys by the way I can see the entire map from my hiding spot this is awesome so I can

Just spy on melon yo Sunny first question uh out of the four biomes which one are you hiding in let me just do a quick analysis of my surroundings and yeah look at that it turns out I’m in none of them bro what wait that means you’re either in

The sewers are up High second question would you say you’re in a place of high elevation or low elevation I would say that I have a pretty high latitude and longitude I don’t know why I said it like that let’s go and now I’m going all the way yo chill

Melon now where are you Sunny bro are you doing something funky spunky like in this helicopter huh yeah bro don’t go in the helicopter and definitely don’t go in the spawn platform dude there’s no way you can’t get up to the spawn platform unless you’re cheating no we

Could use creative whenever we go to hide so it’s okay all right dude that’s crazy I have the power of creative mode waa you’re not even up there I know bro I just wanted you to waste your time dude you are such a troll yo guys where are you hiding you

Got to be up here somewhere he just jumped right over my head bro I swear this block just despawned what the heck was it this one that despawned uh uh wait uh this block looks a little bit weird Sunny does it I don’t I don’t think it

Does I really don’t think it does bro you r SK you didn’t even get the slime blocks this is how you do it what that’s not slime blocks yeah that’s just a normal car where didd you go Sunny you won’t get away I’m invisible what the heck where did you go

You’ll never find me melon my hiding spots are too goed uh what happened let’s go dang it you smacked me with the ice bro yeah bro I’m just a goat like that and now now it’s your turn to seek Sunny I’m giving myself 2 minutes to hide and peace what the heck

Give me the Ice Cube back thank you okay guys I’ve got the perfect spot to hide if Sunny wants to mess around with these scale boxes let’s mess around with these scale boxes little bit of Parkour guys trust me totally legit parkour definitely not doing this or anything

Like that give myself a scale box H what scale do I want to go for I think I’m going to go for a nice 16 scale gray box plop it right in this corner actually no no no let’s go for the 32 scale box place it right in the corner and look at

That you can barely see it now I just got to fly in somehow uh have to uh uh break some stuff here we go and replace this concrete fall in please yes there we go hold on this this is still a little messed up I’m going to have to go

Back in Creative I’m so slow uh let’s just place this door here give ourselves a ghost block place this block down enter spectator mode and now I enter my scale box yes bro I’m practically invisible in this spot good luck getting me sunny all right Sunny I’m ready okay bro I can’t

See I got a take this blindfold off yeah that thing was too itchy it was giving me allergies no melon you think just cuz there’s name tags and texts all over this map that I won’t find you oh you got another thing coming nah bro I kind

Of want to wear this uh I’m pretty sure I’m good in my spot bro I’m going to be dirty this round I’m going to beat you up with my hot fu fire get it cuz I’m a grass block with a magma block dirty fire yeah all right oh I thought cuz you

Were the sun nah bro I’m just coming to beat you up all right I’m going to plant you back in the ground like a real melon what if I don’t want to be planted huh what are you going to do then huh too bad bro you were born in the ground

And I will bury you in the ground uh well uh actually oh my look at this doofus bro look at him he looks so dumb he’s literally wearing a a grass block melon my first question for you is going to be are you currently located inside or outside that is a very interesting

Spectacle if I divide by the quantum realm decide I’m inside thank you bro I thought you were going to try and waste my time and then I was going to have to get really angry and Y and uh side note melon before I go in the sewers the

Sewers counts as what inside or outside that’s definitely inside bro is it cuz it’s kind of like poopy and poop belongs outside uh I do you poop outside yeah bro every day you don’t use a toilet ever Noah bro I’m allergic to toilets I keep it fresh I go in The Great Outdoors

Find myself a nice Bush and I just oop right there dang you keep it real Sunny uh well I don’t even know what what was the question uh I didn’t actually ask a question I was just trying to bait out free information yo give me this one

Hold on hold on I got to swap up let me take this one right here yes oh oh they see me creeping from my shadow this is not good I threw my diamond and it’s stuck right next to my block but it’s too big I can’t pick it up no going

Downstairs hey melon can you give me an a man if you see me ah man wait you can see me right now what the heck he’s in here he’s you’re not in a barrel are you are you in one of these stupid barels guys this is not good he’s going to see

The diamond what is this under underneath the TV oh what the heck does happened I grabbed the diamond let’s go I clutched up what is this melon what is what what is down here yo secret underneath the television no way bro you found a secret yeah there’s weird

Candles down here in these prison cells what is this is it my birthday or something uh no but it is my birthday so for my birthday I minus one question from you why what I didn’t agree to this anyways I’m going to ask my next question which of the four quadrants are

You hiding in uh the big house one are you kidding me I’ve been exploring the big house this whole time yeah buddy okay you’re inside the big house and you only have 1 minute left br br br so you’re inside of the big house the question is where okay last question are

You using a scale box to try and cheat cuz I used one potentially yo are you underneath one of these trap doors in a secret scale block come on uh something like that okay guys I’m going to drop a diamond right below just to give him a

Chance you know I feel bad I feel bad please don’t no what happened again no oh this is not good guys melon what happened again uh uh nothing happened again don’t worry about it dude are you in one of these barrels under the bed I don’t understand where you went you only

Have 30 seconds left yeah and you know what the viewers have 3 seconds to hit that like And subscribe button boom ring it what the heck no no let me back in please oh that’s it I’m going downstairs there’s no way you’re in this bedroom where are you hiding melon guys I’m

Going to troll him again you got 15 seconds left buddy wait is that a secret spot up here yeah it’s secret bro it’s super secret wait there is a door up here on the balcony what is this hold on hold on 10 9 8 7 6 5 Four 3 two one let me

Up let’s go wait melon I see you wait hey Sunny go back in there or die ow I win right no you did not win bro you’re trash there was a diamond hovering there for so long and you didn’t see it bro I couldn’t see the scale block it

Literally doesn’t render in until you get super super close and there’s a freaking light blocking it this chandelier was in the way uh sounds like an excuse to me sunny dude there’s so many secret spots in this room there’s literally trap doors leading to the roof a secret tunnel under the television all

Kinds of secret trap doors in every room but you were just in a corner on top of the chimney yep okay melan it’s your turn to count take all of these blocks you think you’re too cold I’m going to melt you yo you got two minutes inside

Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck oh man get me out of here 159 158 156 57 156 155 154 which way are you counting up or down I count both ways sunny I count two down then one up and then four down and then two up it’s just the way I count

That’s good that gives me extra time I appreciate that okay goats I got to find a really good hiding spot this round so the question is what do I want to do this Marketplace is so goated like look at all this stuff right here y hold up

Let me get full netherite on so melon can’t kill me anymore there we go and the boots oh I look good and snazzy and then I think I’m going to put a scale block somewhere super impossible to find me perhaps right here underneath this Barrel so let’s grab ourselves one scale

Block color brown put it in there awesome then I’m going to grab some trap doors yo oneway glass trap doors are you kidding me this is awesome let’s grab the chocolate bar version and then I need to somehow like place this in how

Am I going to do this I go down I go up oh I go down some more I go up yeah there we go and then can I place a block here or this this is just not going to work is it let’s see what this looks

Like oh this hiding spot is goat mode then I’m going to put a grass block there can you open these you can’t even open them Yo there’s no way melon’s going to find me he’s going to be so confused too he’s going to see this and

Be like why won’t it open why won’t it open and then to really mess with him I’m going to put a real trapo like this it’s like double trapo trapo setion and now spectator mode fly into my scale block and I think I’m ready and you know

What else I can do in here if I want to be extra sneaky I can lie down look at me crawling around like a little snail oh I look weird yo I’m multiplying why am I multiplying what the heck is going on that was weird Okay melon I’m ready

Time to find you shny first question are you using one of those annoying scale boxes again yes bro this eight scale box hide and seek well actually I guess it is at this point bro this is secret spot hide and seek and the scale boxes give you the ultimate secret hiding places all

Right Sunny second question out of the four biomes if you had to pick one of the biomes and walk into that biome of all the four biomes of the four biomes that are four which one are you hiding in the biome that’s the most biome like

The biome I’m boming in yeah it’s the one with all the shops yeah let’s go now I just got to look for your stupid scale box in here yeah it’s going to be a little more tricky than that one melon bro does this go to the sewers too sunny

I swear if you’re in the sewers bro I like the sewers it’s poopy down here bro this goes right oh my I got to fly out now dude doesn’t even work I’m just harvesting fertilizer for you so that you can grow up to be the strongest

Wondermelon M that is so kind of you Sunny yeah mostly I just want to watch you eat poop what the heck was that invisible block bro what what is that what is what bro there’s some weird blocks in here give me these Diamonds though give me them diamonds yeah melon

You’re scaring me you’re scaring me I’m just hidden away in a secret spot it’s nothing scary wao I think I found your secret spot honey honey yo chill that’s sus I meant I meant sunny I meant Sunny bro not honey Su bro dude you know what

I meant man I know I am kind of sweet sometimes no you’re always uh hot like annoying sus bro stop yo where are you because because you’re the son though that’s like what I meant all right I get it you’re making this weird just ask me some real questions already okay bro out

Of all the shops which shop are you closest to uh I think the closest shop is uh uh just just going through my photographic memory uh closest shop it’s uh the candle shop yeah the candle shop okay we’re good take you to the candle shop where is the candle shop and then I

Got to go back here guys oh we made it wait Where’d I go where is this candle shop guys I’m a ghost I turned into a ghost wait is this the candle shop oh this is the candle shop yo what’s around here bro wait are you even in the shop

Sunny no you said closest to it bro what the heck what what is this trapo what’s what trapo bro wait why do I see a little yellow pixel through this trapo wait how do you see any yellow pixels why is there a trap door in a trap door

What is this yo what yo chill chill hey what did I just find Sunny melon melon you need to relax bro ow ow ow owow yeah you’re burning yourself up you wasted your sharpness 1,000 magma you think you’re safe from me huh Sunny huh little do know I know how to crawl

Too what hey buddy no no look at me look at me I’m not Sunny I’m just a ghost I still got that ice bro you actually made me more ghostly than before I didn’t even think it was possible what did I do look at me I was white before and now

I’m seethrough uh bro Sunny you’re just normal uh not on my screen bro ow all right bro I’m going to give you the T Cod and it’s my turn thanks Sunny you interrupted my evil monologue now it’s my turn to hide sunny and just so you know there’s zero chance of you

Finding me this round I have the ultimate hiding spot okay melon have fun with that I like how your villain art turns you into a super nerd bro shut up stop wh yeah right get your calculator out and go find your secret hiding spot oh you’re all right you’re going to regret

That okay guys for my super duper secret hiding spot I’m going to grab myself a scale boox actually I’m going to grab myself two scale boxes and look at this it doesn’t even matter where I start it let’s just build right outside of this door then I’m going to hop in my first

Scale box jump up on the sides and place my second one down come on let me Place why isn’t this working please this is supposed to be working here we go here we go and there we go now I what no hey melon good to see you again bro Sunny

You didn’t see anything okay okay just stop slipping and falling dude you can’t be dying like that okay guys I need a bigger scale box give me a size eight this should do the trick now I’m going to build it right back outside again right here shrink down go into my skill

Box jump up and boom now I’ve entered my own inter Dimension bro check it out I can look at tiny version of me it’s so trippy and then there’s the big version of me bro I’m in my very own Dimension let’s go all right Sunny I’m ready let’s

Do this come on melon melon melon I’m going to find you in world record time world record time first question why is there a scale box entrance owner big man melon right outside of the spawn what are you talking about there’s literally this blue thing that says you own it why

Is this here melon wait you’re not supposed to be able to see that sunny I see it I have it in my hand so where the heck are you hiding you’re around here some wait a second you must have built something up in the air I’m closer than

You think Sunny what does that even mean bro you’re up in the air that’s why this broken fell mhm mhm you’re up here somewhere let’s go melon I’m going to find you okay melon for my first question are you up really high like did you maybe go in

The spawn platform um let me ask you a question are you up really high why are you answering my question with a question uh no reason I just need to know I am currently on the helicopter yeah not anymore I died okay well now I’m at a place of low elevation

What what do you mean now you’re at a place of low elevation uh that’s just how it works Sunny okay I’m going all the way up back to the helicopter and I’m up here now now I’m I’m at a high I’m at a high elevation that doesn’t

Make any sense you can’t just change your location cuz you feel like it uh I’m not bro that’s literally where I am are you doing some weird thing where you like mirror my movement I don’t even understand what other mods are in this pack bro you don’t understand the

Dimension I’ve entered dude what is what is a what is a finished home M and a wait a second what is a glass frame and sand buckets what is this this guys I wonder what happens if I throw an item in here and boom yo wait why did a

Creeper head just fly out of my face bro what you got a creeper head that’s really trippy cuz I’m seeing a lot of creeper heads right now oh make the jump oh I missed that’s okay shortcut right yeah dude I just got a creeper head what are you doing are you using commands

Right now melon uh I don’t know but this is really trippy bro I don’t understand what’s going on what are you using I don’t know man I can’t tell you that’s my question you have to answer it uh sunny I don’t even know how to answer it

What do you mean are you using glass frames are you using shulker box mods like what the heck are you doing uh I don’t know bro I’m using a scale box I’ll tell you that right now I’m using more than one scale boxes bro if I break

Glass here it breaks the glass above me this is so trippy wait so you’re using a scale box I literally have one that says owner big man melon yeah oh Sunny hold on melon I I got I got to ask something here I’m really confused okay so you’re at normal

Elevation right that’s what you said uh are you at normal elevation yeah I’m at normal elevation uh melon I’m also standing in a basketball court uh last question are you standing in a basketball court perhaps I I guess technically yeah what the heck bro how are you attached to me I’m holding this

Block are you in it I think technically I’m in that block right now Sunny I’m in the hot bar dimension and you can never find me what hold on I threw the block out I’m looking at it wait a second maybe if I crawl my way inside of it no

I just pick it back up hold on if I place it yo I see you melon what the heck no what have you done and I see the creeper head I see the other scale block I see everything you were doing uh you ran out of time would you

Look at that you’re my little pet now and I’m going to bring you everywhere with me what did you do I broke it and now I have you in the palm of my hand big mistake bro where am I right now guys I’m going to bring melon

Where up here he doesn’t know what too cold means but soon he’ll find out I just need a little bit of ice I’m going to place him right here oh hey there melon uh what the heck where am I Sunny oh don’t move a muscle melon don’t move

A muscle no Sunny no I fell I told you not to move that’s it I’m bringing you back bro where am I what the heck that’s it I’m moving you again boom yo Sunny chill chill I control you melon you’re all mine no hey melon you like this no Sunny

Don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it sunny don’t do it uhoh please I can survive I can survive please yes wait I saw a little dot up there still uh I’m back in the hot bar dimension guys I’m Immortal what is this I can’t find you

Melon guys I’m trapped in the hot bar dimension please make sure you like And subscribe to save me today in Minecraft hide and seek I Ed portals to cheat and troll melon sunny I found you oh yeah look behind you what how did you do that I won’t tell you unless the viewers

Click the like button right now hey melon it’s that time of the week hide and seek let’s go let’s do it Sunny you’re hiding first and I am the all powerful Hydra this round I’m going to destroy you when I find you yo that blindfold looks awesome hey can you see

Me can you see me no I can’t see anything Sunny I’m wearing a blindfold hi and kick and boom ow ow ow okay I’m going to go hide I got two minutes good luck okay guys I got 2 minutes to find my hiding spot I want to do something

Really epic like maybe go behind one of these paintings let’s check it out let’s see here any secret spots back here Perhaps Perhaps a little something dang it there’s no secrets wait what’s back here I want to go back here I want to go back here stinking iron door in the way

Though I can’t fit what about this chest can I grab it through the door no I really want to see what’s in this chest there’s got to be another way in is there some ghost blocks or something here not seeing any ghosty blocks oh wait there’s a lever up here what does

This do flick oh it just controls the lights so that’s not very useful now this looks a bit sus anything here dang it how do I get in this door there’s got to be another way in maybe through this room let’s see and I’ll close this so that melon doesn’t see anything back

Here um wait I remember this level now there’s a secret hideout over here yes through the rose bushes check it out and then I can make my way to the secret chest yes it worked yo a portal gun and a Time clock this is epic okay I got to

Get out of here and I got to find out where I’m going to hide now let’s see now that I have this portal gun I think I’m going to go hide on the highest point of the map and it’s going to take like 2 seconds to get there look at the

Crane it’s so tall then I just zoom in a little bit and I got to find The Sweet Spot yeah that looks perfect I’m going to put one portal right there I can’t see it but I know it’s there and then I’ll put another one right

Here and now I am at the tallest peak of the highest mountain well actually just a skyscraper but still it’s epic and then I’ve got to remove my portals so no one knows I’m here oh this is perfect and then I can even make this jump and

Go to the very tippity top of the crane and I’ll make the announcement that I’m ready hey melon I’m in my hiding spot take your blindfold off all right blindfold coming off and and where are you Sunny yo guys look at him down there he’s so tiny sunny

Sunny yeah yeah yeah good luck finding me bro you’ve got five minutes um okay sunny first question uh are you inside or outside uh right now I’m inside and right now uh hold on yeah I guess I’m outside now wait a second you’re running in and outside Sunny are you at a place

Of high or lowash what did you just even say are you at a place of high or lowash oh am I high on the map or really low like underground in a sewer system yeah okay I’m really high up I’m not in a sewer system what oh I know who you are if

You’re in and outside you have to be up this Tower somewhere I’m Coming For You Sunny yeah but even if I was all the way up there do you even have enough time to get to the top yeah I have like more than enough time I don’t know bro I’m

Literally at the highest point of the entire map right now Sunny I’m literally going to be up there in no time it’s I got like 4 minutes left on the clock actually according to my calculations you have uh let me just check the time yeah you’ve got 3 minutes and 53 seconds

Remaining well if you’re at the highest point on the map you got to be on this crane I’m Coming For You Sunny I’m coming guys I hear him he’s getting close I got to uh just do this get a portal way down there put a portal here

And I’m out wait I just heard a weird sound what was that I can’t make it I got to move this portal uh put it like this that should work what am I hear I’m hearing some weird sounds bro what is happening I just removed the portals

Before melon got to the top he’s so confused wait this is the highest point on the map but I don’t even see you here yeah that’s unfortunate bro sunny I was hearing some weird sounds did you jump down yeah maybe dude bro I actually jumped down it’s okay I know a speedr

Running tactic check this out speed run yes what a clutch guys he’s right here he’s on the slimes I got to close the door hny where are you don’t worry about where I’m hiding worry about where you’re seeking okay uh wait I just saw some movement I just saw some movement

In the window over there you’re in this house aren’t you you’re in here Sunny where are you guys I really hope he doesn’t come in the bathroom I’m just trying to poo I swear I saw him in here hey melon do you have any TP I could use

A WIP or two or 10 wait is this a bathroom uh I don’t see him in there guys I actually survived it’s a good thing I didn’t fart or it would have been real stanky Sunny where did you go bro okay final question what story on

This building are you on I’m on the bottom floor and uh I already saw you wait what you’re on the bottom floor bro what do you mean you’re on the bottom floor I’m making a little bit of sewage wait there’s a basement wait is this a

Basement no oh no I was not on the bottom floor what do you mean you’re have you been here this whole time yeah you came in and you didn’t notice me bro but I think I farted a bit too much now you smelt it so you dealt it actually

Bro I still found you round one goes to me yeah bro whatever I’m so proud of you you’re really epic well melon You’ve Got 2 minutes to find your oh that’s so romantic thank you uh you you made that sus bro you made that sus I’m going to

Hide no I’m going to give this Rose to Melanie My One True Love she’s got such a big crush on me I’ll kill you I’ll kill you no you won’t no you won’t you have to hide you have to hide get off the edge no no no what are you doing

What are you doing no give this Rose to Melanie for me and then I take my dragon head blindfold cuz I stick to the classics Mel where’d you go it’s so humid in here it’s disgusting it smells like your breath it’s so gross okay you have a minute and 35 seconds left to

Hide all right Sunny that’s more than enough time cuz guys I actually know a secret about this map in this building one of oh there it is Secret Door and check this out oneway glass for me to spy on Sunny there’s also a secret door here never mind there’s only one Secret Door

This time this is awesome now just wait and burn out the Clock all right the clock’s been burned out Sunny I’m ready sounds good I’m removing this stanky blindfold it was getting really uncomfortable in that thing and now I’m going to track you down and delete you from the game let’s see did you go into the shop is

There a secret spot behind this painting no there there is not so I’ll just put it back ooh that’s a nice one the karate painting let’s see here melon where are you look at this idiot where the heck are you hiding is one of these like secretive under this chest that would be

So cool nope nothing here H I already checked this building in the first round and I didn’t see anything too shush but I’m just going to remove all these paintings to be safe I don’t want to see any secret spots dang it there’s nothing back here sunny I told you buddy my spot

Is too goated this round now put that painting down ah you can see me wait that means you’re really high up there what the heck I hid there maybe why don’t you go up there and find out sorry I’m just decorating the place you’re annoying dude you asked me to drop the

Painting so I did all right melon first question are you at the very top of these tall buildings uh no dang it I thought for sure okay guys that’s fine I’m going to now use my portal gun to get to a higher Vantage Point I’ve just

Got to find The Sweet Spot that’s about right about here and then we’ll put another one right about here and I got to do this carefully cuz I don’t really want to die I got to go boom and then remove the portals let’s see I’ve got a great view

From up here melon oh melon Sunny oh son he’s up there he’s up there I got to hide guys melon thinks I can’t see him right now and I’m just going to keep to that even though I know he’s hiding right there behind some secret blocks I just got to fake it

Melon where the heck are you I’m looking everywhere I’m on Minecraft what does that even mean I’m on Minecraft that’s where you asked me where I am yep okay fine great really really nice one oh well I’m just telling you guys I want to get a really strong weapon and Destroy

Melon Sunny you only have 2 minutes left okay I only have 2 minutes left left I just got to figure out where you are now come on come on oh wait what’s this yo a fiery sword that’s perfect I’m going to burn melet to a crisp now I’ve just got

To be real careful about how I do this I know he’s down there but I don’t want him to see my portal gun got to zoom in put it right there oh that’s good that’s good put another one there and look at him he’s so clueless sneak

Through reset the portals hey melon what are you looking at nothing nothing nothing do me a favor yeah turn around okay what uh Sunny chill chill chill burn bird how did you get behind me sunny that makes no sense it’s because I’m the very best that no one ever was

And I totally never cheat I’m just the goat of hide and seek give me that blade sunny next round I shall set the sun on fire and not in a good way the kind of fire that Burns you so like not nuclear fusion but like flammable fire like a campfire on the

Sun and that’ll do damage to you I get it all right I get it here you can have it enjoy have a great time I’m going to go hide now in a place where you can never set me a blaze all right see you

Soon I’m out of here guys I got to find a really good hiding spot I need to win this round so that melon can’t light me on fire with that crazy sword I think I have the perfect plan check this out I’m going to hide at the top of the

Apartments building let let melon see me then I’m going to use the portal gun to come back down to the street put a portal in front of the exit and bait him all the way back down the stairs and have him portal into his demise yeah

This is going to be perfect I’m going to pretty much cheat and kill melon all I got to do now is go up here reset my Portals go up here perfect now I’m on the apartment’s roof and all I got to do is distract melon long enough to bait

Him into his death okay melon I’m ready that was pretty quick Sunny let me take my hydr trophy off time to destroy you Sunny yeah yeah yeah you got five minutes good luck with that all right Sunny for my first of the three questions the question shall be where is

Everywhere on the map that you’re not located okay so let me just Ponder on it I’m not located in the forest I’m not located on the crane Tower I’m not located where you hid on the oneway glass I’m not located in the bathrooms I’m not located on the slimes I’m not

Located on the block that’s at coordinates -54 17 I’m also not on block negative uh oh wait I just gave you my coordinates wait wait wait wait can you can you repeat those coordinates again please5 407 no I didn’t say that uh -5 40 is this way yo you’re in the building

You’re in the building guys I really messed up or did I maybe it was all part of the plan 540 you said you’re at 40 yeah that’s pretty high up there bro that might even be on the roof uh no you need to chill guys this isn’t good I got

To make moves uh go down to the bar and put this here and I’m out and remove the portals yes I’ve you’re not even on the roof Sunny you just capped to me you capped so hard oh my bad I meant to say5 I must have misread the decimal

Point so I’m at -5 4.07 sorry about that yeah right Sunny bro -5.0 what what did you say again just look down bro hi hello see I’m not a liar wait you’re right there you’re dead you’re dead Sunny no you’re dead uh-oh uh-oh not

Like this guys I got to move I got to move I will set you a place where did you go where did you go okay guys I’m almost back at the roof this is not good not good did you go in here this door’s open portal portal ah oh no I’m fine I’m

Totally fine he’ll never notice got to just clear the portals sunny I know you went back up to the roof I could hear the doors open where are you this isn’t good melon’s literally looking off the ledge I hope he doesn’t look this way Sunny hey Sunny no I’m going to get you

I’m going to get you ow ow I went one floor too low one floor too low I I can get back up I can get back up this is the ultimate game of cat and mouse and I will win it like that and delete the portals yes where are you sunny sunny I

Don’t understand how you keep doing this where did you go I’m so confused oh hold on let me check my coordinates oh I’m at -5 4.0 uh 17 I I’m right where you left me I see you oh this is awesome hey melon why don’t we do this whole top dery race

Again you’re dead you’re dead Sunny you’re dead Okay guys he thinks he’s going to catch me but now I’m going to activate time freeze ass and it’s time to lay the trap I take my portal gun and I put it right there and place the other portal way up high like right

There and now I just have to unfreeze time and unfreeze Sunny you’re a dead man you’re wait what what what was that yes my plan worked how much time do I have left how much time 30 seconds I lost my sword where did my sword go what the heck was that

Hey guys I’m going to freeze time again and kill him once more now that he’s Frozen I just have to set up my portals I’ve got one portal way up there just got to drop down a little bit Yeah and then right in front of the stupid little one watermelon that’s perfect and

Unfreeze Sunny what yes it worked hey melon you got 10 seconds left by the way you’re a dirty cheat there’s portals you have portals bro you’re such a cheater you weren’t supposed to see that I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t have that I don’t have that I just have

This sword this really cool sword that’s it that’s all I have I’m going to kill you I’m going to kill you I’m going to kill you you’re dead you’re dead I’m going to kill you I’m dead you’re dead I I’m not dead you’re going to be dead

Guys I gave myself a glass sword I’m going to kill son with this how much time how much time yo melon you have 5 seconds left to find me where the heck are you I’m at spawn hi am Batman what the heck was that yes dude

You killed me with 2 seconds left wait no no my items my items hey Sunny let’s go to the next round Sunny thinks he can cheat huh it’s my turn to cheat it’s my turn hey you left this fiery sword I’m going to totally kill you oh yeah I’m so

Scared of you Sunny give me my 2 minutes your 2 minutes to hide begins right now – 10 seconds that’s okay freeze time and now I have as much time as I want what do I want to do to Sunny think first things first I’ve got to lock him in a

Toilet somewhere I think this is the perfect prison hold on just put a toilet in here and then I just unloaded a gigantic poop and now I just got to teleport sunny in here so portal one portal two when I unfreeze time he’s going to walk in I’ll remove

The portals and guys I can also lock these iron doors so there’s no way out check this and lock the doors they don’t even open anymore it’s amazing and unlock now I’ve just got to find a place to hide H I know there’s doors back here where are the doors Sunny hid this

Himself oh there they are the secret painting building that Sunny created all right sunny I oh sorry almost got done freeze time all right Sunny I’m ready yo that was like 1 second yeah dude it only took me 1 second with your time clock bro whatever removing the dragon head

I’m coming to kill you where am I let me out let me out of here let me out of here I can’t get out this portal has got me trapped in a toilet hey Sunny hey Sunny wait I can’t open these iron doors the doors are locked I locked the door

Sunny I also left a special present in there for you don’t you smell it now that you mention it it smells disgusting ah let me out let me out please please melon uh no I’m not going to let you out see you got to be kidding me you’ve got to be kidding

Me you got to figure that out yourself buddy there’s got to be a way out there’s got to be a secret trap door or something let me out of here that’s it I’m breaking this door slow and steady 2,000 years later please I can’t breathe

Let me out let me out guys I’m going to snipe him when he gets out and he’s going to fall in that portal and wait there’s slime blocks there let me uh let me yes salvation there we go hey Sunny where are you I’m looking for you bro where

Are you hiding I still have 4 minutes to track you down and when I do I’m going to slap you with this iron door yeah wait son can you look up don’t you see me don’t you see me wao there you are ah Get Wrecked you’ve got to be kidding

Me you’ve got to be kidding me it’s okay sunny you can probably get to me if you try hard enough yes I know I can and I will I’ve just got to climb this ladder it’s going to take like 2 minutes of my time but it’ll be worth it when I kill

You yeah I I don’t know what I just did to those slime blocks but I think I just glitched The Matrix okay they’re good now they’re good wait what do you mean slime blocks hey Sunny hey melon question for you are you at high or low elevation right now I’m at pretty high

Elevation dang it I thought you jumped down onto the slimes yeah no I did not are you on the crane no sun you climbed the wrong building nice one nice one did I no yeah yep you did now guys I’m going to go teleport up to the top of that

Building let me just snipe it and perfect guys I bet melon’s got a portal up here if I’m quick enough I should be able to jump inside of it and catch him come on come on where’s it where’s the portal where’s the portal M I know you have a portal here

Somewhere no I don’t no I don’t free time guys I’m I’m going to place a bait portal now that’s just going to lead straight off the world right there and I’m actually just going to put it right there there we go and unfreeze dude I thought for sure there was a portal here

Somewhere there is a portal die Melon No no no no no no no get baited Sunny get baited dude I’m in a portal Loop what is this help help I can’t get out of this okay okay sunny I’m sorry I feel bad here let me help you out let me help you

Please please M I don’t like this ow never mind you’re dead by the way Sunny you only have 10 seconds left what the heck no there’s got to be more time than that no pretty sure there isn’t I can climb this ladder super duper zooted speed mode guys there’s one thing I have

To do I’ve got to hit the sickest portal clip of all time 5 seconds left Sunny with these last 5 seconds I’m going to hit a clip let’s go yo I did it at time up I have no clue what you did but you sound really hype

So it must have been cool it was cool and you know what else is cool pressing that like And subscribe button and make sure you get yourself a nice glass of water to stay hydrated for the rest of this Epic movie ah yes finally a relaxing day away from melon enjoying my

Television time yo sunny sunny are you kidding me I thought I could finally relax and enjoy my favorite show I mean oh I got to turn this off I got to turn this off yo Sunny what were you watching bro that was sus nothing melon it doesn’t matter don’t worry about it it’s

My favorite show and it’s not for you to know about anyway Sunny quandel has this epic new thing in his lab he wants to show you follow me wait a second melon qu’s got a laboratory yeah bro how do you think he comes up with all these crazy gadgets and doohickeys I thought

He just kind of magically had them and then sold them to us no silly he’s a scientist that’s crazy yo Sunny we’ve made it hey this looks so cool qu’s lab is crazy goated hey what’s up condo yo he’s got sheep that are changing colors melon did you even notice this yo how

Did he do this he’s a genius Pro he trapped a snow golem it must be an evil Snow Golem no way quondal Dingle could do something evil you’re right and this thing looks huge bro it looks like it was working out he’s got big muscles yo

It might be a mutant no away maybe quand is trying to bring him back to normal and save him yo you’re right kwale you’re such a good guy wait a second I wonder what quandel keeps in this room uh Sunny he told me to tell you to not

Go back there okay he’s conducting a top secret experiment and no one’s allowed in there let me ask him myself quale quale what’s the deal with that room behind you what do you mean it’s off limits so what if you’re conducting top secret experiments I could

Help what do you mean I’m stupid if I was stupid would I steal this from him I don’t think so hey let me just fist bump my friend right here melon let’s get out of here quo’s being mean to me wait Sunny we can’t leave yet dude I’ve got

To admire these sheep for another 10 minutes what why 10 minutes uh because I’m Amazed by them how did he do such a thing whatever I’m going to go talk to quale again can I at least have some Redstone lamps or something cool for decorating yeah they’re in the chest

Thanks quale better than nothing I guess I really wanted to know what he keeps in this room though it must be so cool melon has it been 10 minutes yet uh no it’s been like 1 minute dude uh I got nine left well you have fun staring at

The Sheep I’m going to go decorate the house a little bit all right yeah have fun man and now to decorate I think I’m going to put a redstone lamp on this corner another one over on this corner that looks really nice for the entrance

And then and when I go inside I kind of want to remove these pesky sea lanterns they’re not my favorite and there’s more in this hallway that I’m not the biggest fan of wait what is that why are there diamond blocks in the ceiling what’s in

This chest what the heck is melon been doing he’s got all of these resources but he hasn’t been sharing why is he always so greedy whatever I’m going to replace these and cover them up quickly before melon gets home and I’ll pretend I didn’t discover his secret stash of

Diamonds okay guys this sheep is pretty cool I’m done now hey Sunny what’s up oh not too much I’m just redecorating the house with these Redstone lamps I got one more to go right here and then I got an extra for you dude that’s actually really

Pretty you just got to rig them up with redstone now so you can see please tell me you did the wiring um yeah about that I don’t have any red stone and I don’t know how to do that well now our house is dark good job sunny I can’t believe

You I’m just going to go to sleep man you’re so annoying maybe quandel was right maybe I am dumb psych I’m a genius melon doesn’t even realize I know about his secret diamonds upstairs yes you sleep the night off melon you sleep okay guys while melon is sleeping I’m going

To take this invisibility potion that I stole from quondal and use it against him boom no one will know what I’m up to I’ve just got to sneak out of the house back over to kwale’s Laboratory and go inside of his top secret experiment room

And whatever I find in here I’m going to use to prank melon cuz he has so many diamonds but he’s not sharing now I’ve just got to figure out quand Del’s password he has no clue that I’m here guys this is perfect now let’s just see uh quand Del’s password’s probably like uh

000000 no that wasn’t it 69 69 okay 1 2 3 before it worked no way quandel you call me stupid but my passwords are way more secure than yours gono I wonder what’s down here let’s see what types of experiments is quale up to this looks insane what the heck he’s got

End crystals in his research and development area I’m not going to mess with that he’s got lots of redstone hey I could actually use this to help wire up those lamps that I borrowed H yeah yeah no idea what these things are what’s this oh condale secret journal

Yeah I’ll save that for later oh this looks like fun he’s concocted some wither skeleton spawn eggs a Time Clock TNT and a portal gun what the heck is a portal gun oh this is going to be awesome and then what’s here oh it looks like I found quand Del’s bank vault yeah

Don’t mind if I do I just help myself uh to a couple diamonds hey I won’t be too greedy I think that’s enough and it looks like I’ve got plenty of supplies for my own research and development now and I think what I’ll be developing are

The best pranks ever time to try out this portal gun good morning Sunny yeah good morning melon I had an interesting night hope you slept well yeah I did uh but I really don’t care what you’re going to say right now cuz I got to go to the

Bathroom sounds like melon’s got an emergency let me in oh guys oh dude I can hear that from outside in the TV room you’re disgusting melon what’s that son I can’t hear you guys melon is disgusting he is taking an atomic dump right now that is the stinkiest loudest farting I have ever

Heard that’s it time for the first prank I’m going to take my portal gun place one there like that and let’s find ourselves a little pit of lava shall we this looks perfect then I’ll take my portal gun out and drop him off right about here and now I

Wait that was beautiful guys I’ll be honest I never wash my hands or wipe and I’ll keep that poop stewing for sunny anyway time to chill what the heck what what was that y guys that worked out perfectly let me just remove the portals before melon notices what just killed me sunny

What is going I swear saw a portal here a second ago where did it go I’m so confused Sunny what’s going on melon everything okay what did you do to me what did you do I don’t know what you ate yesterday bro but you were stanking

Up the house so bad I had to leave bro what do you mean so you’re telling me you had nothing to do with me just magically falling into lava there wait you magically fell into lava that’s hilarious it’s not funny sunny I don’t know it sounds pretty funny to me dude

I’m just going to go and work on my melon farm just leave me alone okay guys while melon’s tending to his melon farm Farm I got to set up a little portal way in the sky one up there that looks good and then I just got to sneak up on melon

And place the next one just got to put the melon seeds down and watch them grow this is a awesome day besides that lava that kind of sucks just got to put the portal there and boom ah wait what just happened what just happened I jump scared him into the

Portal and now I got to clear them dude I swear there was portal this time something is going on Sunny I know you’re up to something right now what are you doing how did you just teleport one second you were at the melon farm I scared you and the next second you’re

Back in the house sunny I died I fell from those two blocks right there and I saw a portal I swear I saw it this time yo you’re right there are blocks in the sky that’s pretty weird huh yeah uhhuh Sunny really weird all right well I got

To go use the bathroom but unfortunately you ruined it so instead I’m going to go into this room and poop in the sink wait what no don’t poop in the sink that’s disgusting well maybe you should learn how to flush next time dude don’t do it you’re disgusting okay guys it’s been a

Few days since I’ve pranked melon and now I’m going to make something ridiculous check this out I just got to build a little bit like this and it’s going to be the NeverEnding trap he’s going to be falling for Infinity I got to build up build up the side so he

Can’t escape it I think this should be high enough now I’m going to put glass here so I can see him falling this is going to be perfect now that the containers ready all I got to do is set up the portals so I’m going to go here

Put the first one in but not the second one yet cuz first I got to move melon inside of this so let’s go pay him a visit melon where are you bro I’m gathering wood because someone doesn’t do the chores around here yeah because chores are boring dude nobody wants to

Do that dude sometimes you you got to do things you don’t want to do you’re right you’re right and melon have fun punching that tree freezing time now you can’t move a muscle which means I can put a portal under him and just got to push

Him in like this and there he goes you know what I’ll even jump in with him shortcut then I just got to come here place a new portal like this and now I just close him in unfreeze wait Sunny where am I what’s going on it worked look at him

Look at him melon do you like your new home no Sunny this is awful I really don’t like this you’re going to live there forever so it was you it was you with the portal gun uh yeah do you want me to put an end to this please Sunny

Stop Sunny please no what’s happening no please yeah I removed the portals and you got suffocated underground why are you doing this I’ll explain it to you when I’m ready guys I’m I want to make sure my melons are all good what is that why are there Mutant Zombies by my

Melons that’s it I’ll take them out with my hoe I got this get over here ow ow melons do you need help Sunny please help me there’s a mutant zombie and he’s close to my melons no worries I’ll freeze time and kill him but you can freeze time yeah I’ll freeze time and

Kill him all right just got to pick this boy up and drag him over to Big Man melon I think right about here should be good and and unfreeze wait how can you freeze what the heck that was beautiful that was the best thing I’ve ever seen Sunny did you

Sneak into quondal dingle’s secret laboratory yes I did melon turns out you do have a brain in there get wrecked dang it sunny dropped his items I got to grab them right now this is my chance to stop him come on come on yes they’re right here yes I

Have the portal gun and the time watch it’s time to get my revenge what the heck that mutant zombie killed me so hard I lost my portal gun and my time clock uh this isn’t good whatever I’m going to watch TV okay guys it’s time for the first prank look at sunny in

There watching TV this scumbag now I’m going to dump a whole lot of animals on his head just let me in sheep okay put a portal right there yep I’m going to need you to stand on those portal sheep thank you very much then time to put the

Second portal right above sunny and kaboya uh why are there sheeps in the house guys Sunny is so confused hold on I’m going to drop a bunch of cows on him now whatever I’m was going to watch my show and cows get in there cows I need

You to get in there bro why are there cows falling into my room dude I’m trying to watch my show I am utterly confused uh wait there’s a portal on the ceiling melon melon I see you die uh sunny um I don’t appreciate that ow yeah that’s right that’s right go

Away turn this portal off and get these cows out of here okay fine I’ll clean them up relax calm down sunny all right that’s it melon getting rid of your cows the oldfashioned way what are you doing what are you doing I got to get out of

Here you brought this on to yourself let me out of here let me out of here now watch melon as your cow’s cook what have you done that’s it sunny you’ve messed with the wrong melon freeze time guys check out what I found I found myself a stronghold Now

Set up the first portal here and all I got to do is set the next portal on Sunny would you look at that Sunny time to send you to the end just go in thank you yes and now it’s time to un freeze time itself let’s go

Ah y sunny I may have sent you all the way to the end melon I’m trapped why would you do this because Sunny you trolled me too hard and with great power comes great responsibility so I’m locking you away and returning these items to kandale melon you have no idea

What you’ve done the Ender Dragon is here and so are mute and Enderman there’s so many of them I’m going to die I don’t know that sounds like a you problem ow the dragon why wait I respawned to the end melon please melon I don’t know what you did but you messed

Up the time continuum please I guess you’ll have to defeat the Ender Dragon somehow bro yo quale what are you sitting on bro kwale is levitating he’s giving a rose to quand this is so romantic I’ll come back later yo quale is this a better time yeah okay okay

Well listen Sunny stole the portal gun and the time clock so I’m just returning it to you with great power comes great responsibility and neither of us are responsible wait what do you mean you’re missing 10,000 diamonds uh I’m out of here guys quickly press like And subscribe before he sends his Iron

Golems after me that’s it guys I’m going to be the richest player to ever beat the Ender Dragon diamond blocks yeah melan thinks he’s returning all the items to quand he’s got no clue that I got all this money on me the money although the dragon has a clue it just

Tried to kill me for it but I survived half a heart and no I didn’t survive this is Minecraft hide and seek but I use time freeze to hide from my friend melon Sunny where are you oh get Frozen you Noob uh guys Sunny was here just a

Moment ago and now I can’t find him can you please tell me where he is in the comments below ah vacation it’s so beautiful sunny isn’t it I know I could jump and splash in the water I could sunbathe on these beach chairs it’s just so beautiful but I’m getting bored how

Are you bored this fast melon I get it you have four seeds for a brain sometimes you can activate the fifth melon seed but bro chill out and enjoy the views dude I’ve enjoyed the views it’s been 10 seconds and now I’m bored is going to play hide-and-seek yeah okay

Sounds pretty good but just give me a second first melon I really got to use the bathroom are my bladder my bladder I told him not to drink the tap water guys I did that to troll melon so he thinks I’m going to the bathroom for an emergency but really

I’m visiting quand Dingle he’s got a secret shop set up over here quand Del I’m going to play hideand-seek with melon but I really need a secret item that’s going to help me win wait what I could freeze time oh that is so cool where is it where is it

Yes I promise we can leave soon I’m sorry you’re so homesick quand okay it’s just up one of these trees let me look around a little bit not that tree nope not these trees oh I’m sorry it’s a coconut tree okay okay I’m focusing on the coconut

Trees coconut trees yo there it is okay quand I’m going to go get the time clock and then I’m going to dominate this hide and seek just got to climb up this coconut tree yes let’s go melon will not know what hit him what is this the time

Clock yo this thing looks awesome so you’re telling me I could use this to freeze time and defeat melan in hide and seek o I got to put it away quick Sonny are you done yet bro yeah I’m over here I just relieved myself that was like a a

World record P dude it just wouldn’t stop flowing that is disgusting just like that Fountain right there doesn’t stop flowing yeah that was actually me bro that’s not water that’s from me bro that’s not even humanly possible well I am a Celestial body after all I’m the

Son that is true all right Sunny since you peed so much and I’m kind of proud of you in a weird way you get to hide first yeah let’s go okay you stand in the counting area and give me my 2 minute Head Start yeah 2 minutes

Starting now okay I’m out of here I’m going to find the best hiding spot ever and oh I almost forgot need to put on my blindfold and I’m ready okay guys before I go into my hiding spot I’ve got to test this thing out activate the time

Claw yes I’ve frozen time I wonder if that means I can sneak up on melon hello hello yeah he’s got no clue that I’m here time is Frozen now I just need a little creative mode a little bit of TNT and a wee little flint and steel check

This out and because time is frozen I can light this up see it’s not even flashing yet and then when I unuse it’s going to explode okay now to find my hiding spot for real yo look at this stupid zombie he’s Frozen b b eat this

Have a taste of my knuckle sandwich you like that is it delicious yes I hope he dies when I unfreeze time cuz I don’t really like zombies very much they’re pretty evil okay now my hiding spot yes of course yes of course oh Mr receptionist huh do you mind if I just

Go to the top floor of your fine Hotel establishment oh what’s that you don’t care cuz you can’t do anything cuz time’s Frozen boom now we just got to go upstairs and get a nice view of melon exploding yeah I think the top floor should do and this room should have the perfect

View oh I just got to open this up a little bit yo look at him he’s going to explode okay now because I’m not a cheater I go in survival mode cuz that’s the rules of hideand-seek I not I munch on my bread and I tell melon that I’m

Ready okay oh wait he can’t hear me I didn’t unfreeze time uh and I’m going to unfreeze time right now 10 9 8 7 what just happened yo guys it worked I blew melon up bro what just happened I just exploded from nothing Sunny’s probably up to something again Sunny

Your time’s up bro I’m going to find you and wait why is that window busted open in there oh guys melan’s starting to look for me and he’s already spotted my window I got to be careful uh Sunny first question are you inside or outside I’m inside second question are you near

A busted window uh maybe oh my sonny you’re so trash this is the easiest round of hideand-seek ever that’s not true bro why are there skeletons why are there skeletons you want to enter my hotel you must pay the iron price that’s it I’m slapping this boy to death get

Out of here you’re so annoying okay guys I would have freeze time on melon and now I go down these stairs and show you my ultimate Evil plan this is my villain Arc I’m going pure evil I just got to take this bow and these arrows and look at this

Melon’s already turned into a porcupine and this skeleton’s about to shoot him but imagine just imagine if a bunch of other arrows also hit him at the exact same time look at this and then hit him in the legs get him in the arms oh he’s

So oh finished when I unfreeze time this is going to be crazy and he’s going to think it was the skeleton couple more and then just in case we do a few from this angle you can never have too many arrows you know what I’m saying couple

Of head shots yeah there we go pew pew PE all right I think that’s enough now guys I’m getting a little carried away there is no chance meon survives this now I just got to go back up the elevator get a nice view oh this is perfect perfect and then I unfreeze time

In 3 2 1 what the heck wait what does that say yo melon I saw that from where I’m hiding you got obliterated wait Sunny why does it say big man melon was shot by Big Man sunny using time clock I don’t know it’s probably a glitch dude

There was a skeleton that was shooting you that was so awesome bro you’re doing something sus what the heck man I don’t know what you’re talking about melon you’re probably imagining things again oh yeah I’m sure I am I’m coming up there to find you and end this round

Sunny no yo no yo I literally am looking at you right now you didn’t get me I found you you didn’t get me I’m just going to touch you there’s only 5 seconds left and I freeze time guys now that I froze time I just got to go in

Creative and break a few pieces of ladder here that’s perfect and then I go back in Survival cuz I would never cheat and unfreeze bro what the heck why is there no ladder I’ll slap you sonny get back here oh I’m sorry Mr melon were you

Trying to find me bro you thought you could win this hide and seek think again yo chill chill wait I can use this no yes touch you touch you no no you’re out of time time ended no I caught you bro I caught you bro I caught you comment down

Below if you think I got sunny in time sunny I know you cheated using something called a Time Clock I don’t know what it is but take this head uh I got 2 minutes to hide see see you okay I’m putting the blindfold on your timer starts now oh

Melon where’d you go and I freeze time on him Boop then I take the blindfold off and where is he actually gone oh there he is in the distance now I just need to grab a couple of fun items out of creative mode I’m thinking some security craft explosions would be

Pretty funny yes we’re going to grab mines and sand mines that way if he thinks he’s getting away he’s got another thing coming just put a couple of more and a couple of more that should be good there’s no way he Dodges this and then to make it look

Really weird in sus I’ll put some of these out in the distance yeah that looks good that looks great then I come back over here dragon head on no cheating was done that day and then I just go ahead and unfreeze time yo wait what the heck where did all these mines

Come from Yo Sunny’s up to something bro he really thought I’d run into these mines what an what y guys y guys it worked he stepped on them and exploded Sunny what did you do nothing I’m just counting uh 99 98 97 96 bro this thing is so itchy I can’t

Wait to take it off yeah sucks to suck that’s it I’m going the other way I can’t let Sunny find me and troll me anymore freest time I got to figure out where melon just went to let’s see I don’t think he’s down the road he’s probably trying to avoid

Stepping on my landmines which way did he go then I saw a little blur of him when he was accusing me of cheating he went somewhere this way let’s see melon where are you melon wait there he is perfect I need to sneak up behind him and unpause and where would a good

Hiding spot be I’ve got an idea me’s got an idea free time he’s got to be around here somewhere where did he just go I think I caught a glimpse of him running this way melon please be in this building I hope he didn’t pull a fast

One on me oh here he is look at this little guy right here oh he’s so cute oh if only he could see me right now but it’s frozen and he’s got no idea eat it eat it eat it knuckle sandwich knuckle sandwich and some bread yeah oh that’s

Going to be a little sus when he comes back whatever then I just got to come over here and hide right in this corner unfreeze ow what the heck why did I why does it feel like I got punched and why did bread just come flying at me what is

Going on I’m so confused uh this is really weird guys I don’t like this just going to go in my hiding spot now y guys what is he doing I got to get a better view just got to grab some ghost blocks do my thing wait he’s taking these

Banners out and then he’s going to go and hide behind the glow stone what the heck this would be an impossible spot to find him break these blocks these banners and uh I should place two slabs down and cover myself in ghost block come on cover myself in ghost blocks

Please cover these in banners yes it’s so beautiful it’s so beautiful okay guys while melo’s finishing his hiding spot I got to get out of here quick and return to the counting area don’t want to get busted I don’t want to get busted yes yes I’m going to be fine and then I’m

Going to go straight to where he’s hiding and he’s going to be so confused put this back on and nothing happened nothing at all and then jump in let’s go I’m completely hidden enter survival and now I’m chilling all right Sunny I’m ready good cuz you only had 5 seconds

Remaining bro that’s plenty of time when time doesn’t mean a thing you’re right time doesn’t mean a thing I’m going to take this itchy head off and I’m going to come get you so quick where is he where is he where is he don’t you worry

About it sunny okay Mel and then for my first question are you hiding in the hotel uh yeah okay melon for my second question are you hiding at a place of high or low elevation I would say low elevation guys I’m just asking questions to make it look like I’m not cheating

Cuz I’m going to pinpoint his location now and for my third question would you say your hiding spot involves things like banners and wo blocks or stuff how how would you know about that what do you mean I wasn’t even done asking my question bro you are so sus you’re so

Sus right now you literally watched me count what are you talking about bro I didn’t watch you count the whole time what did you do what did you do I just asked really intellectually powerful smart ingenius 500 IQ type of questions and now I’ve narrowed you down to this

Area looks like there are some banners here huh melon what kind of place are you hiding in uh chill Sunny chill you wouldn’t know you wouldn’t know there’s more banners here what the heck bro I don’t see you anywhere good let’s keep it that way oh no guys he’s he’s

Breaking glowstone I’m scared wait what’s this what am I seeing through this wall right here what do you mean there’s like this little uh guy back here looks a lot like a wee little melon give me a second let me just investigate this more closely uh what bro I just got

To get a little something out of my backpack yes clay mores melon are you in here melon what are you talking about I’m just investigating bro let me check the front area I’m really scared right now is he in here hello Sunny what are you doing

I’m just seeing if anybody’s home uh uh hello oh no yo I found you you didn’t touch me yet you didn’t touch me yet see you get back here get back here oh no how did you know how did you know I have my ways and now guys I just freeze time

Let’s see where’d he go look at him out here he thinks he could get away from me he thinks and then I’m going to unfreeze it hey melon got you wait what how what do you mean I’m just fast bro you are doing something really really sus I

Don’t like it let’s just go to the next round melon get your countdown started I have such a good hiding spot planned all right bro you got a minute to hide see you yo you’re such a troll whatever 60 seconds is more than enough I just got

To go back to my favorite spot yeah I should not have said that out loud huh bro go back to your favorite spot yeah nothing nothing nothing nothing I’m not in the hotel I promise I’m not in the hotel bro you just made this round so

Easy for me melon thinks I made it easy bro I’m going to freeze time and then I’m going to approach this wander melon and I’m going to encapsulate him in obsidian boom you think you’re going somewhere Mr melon well I’ve got news for you you’re trapped forever or at

Least until I win hideand-seek and just in case that’s not enough we will surround it with Claymores yes it will self-destruct should he leave and then a couple more over here like this oh this is going to be hilarious if he gets out he’s just going to explode

Oh yeah and in the front too yeah just in case oh that might be a little close that might already explode yes he is surrounded on all sides by death and destruction perfect now back to my hiding spot at as I was saying I’m quite fond of this hotel but you know what

Else I’m fond of raising an army of creepers yes it’s beautiful oh wait they’re actually damaging themselves cuz I have so many what the heck that’s fine and now when the time is right I will unleash the hoorde upon melon so pretty much I’m just going to stand here and taunt him

Now and unfreeze time melon I am almost in my hiding spot bro it’s only been like 10 seconds how is that possible anything’s possible when you’re having fun what the heck are you doing what do you mean just let me know when you’re ready okay melon I’m ready in 3 2

1 all right time to take my blindfold off and what the heck why am I in a spear of obsidian bro what the heck why did something just explode wait things are exploding I’m in quite a PE ful location right now bro what is going on

Why is the grass a mine wait what’s wrong bro how am I going to get out of here are you really going to make me slap this obsidian to break out okay okay I’ll help you out give big man melon diamond pickaxe fine I’ll do it

With my pick see I’m a nice friend I might have trolled you and built that around you but I even gave you a pickaxe to undo the damage how did you do this with only a minute to hide bro what the heck I’m a speed building wait why

Didn’t that obsidian break oh my Jill janga dude the obsidian isn’t breaking bro I literally can’t get out of here do you need some help bro do you need some help that’s it I’m going in Creative I’m going in Creative bang Bing game mode survival and wa whoa whoa you really

Tried to get me with these claim ow they’ve got range they’ve got range yo stay away from me this is my hotel I mean this is my hide and seek get out of here bro I don’t know how I didn’t get lit on fire but I’ll take it

Bro why can’t I break blocks what the heck Sunny what’s wrong all right I’m out of there I escaped your trap now it’s time to find you you said you were hiding why is there more obsidian blocks uh no reason what the heck what sunny I

See you I’m going to get you I’m going to get you no you see Steve you see Steve no I see you Sunny I’m coming up I’m coming up with dirt how the heck did you survive my trap cuz I’m the goat all I got to do is touch you once sunny and

The game’s over that’s what you think bro I’m actually a hypnotist and you’re about to go to sleep yeah that’s true yeah I’m perfect now that I’ve frozen time and melon’s been put to sleep I got to decide how I want to troll him I think I’m going to do something like

This I’m going to take some lava let’s put it all like this this yeah that’s good and when it unfreezes he’s going to run straight into this and then what else just in case that doesn’t do the trick let’s put a bunch of melon beds

Cuz I did promise he was going to go to sleep so now hush little baby don’t you cry everything’s going to be burning hot lava and wake up melon and what the heck why why is there lava why are are you alive how did you survive bro I am all

Powerful Sunny you can’t escape me I don’t know what you’re doing but but the power of This Server I shall get you this doesn’t make any sense you’re the hacker you’ve been hacking the game all along haven’t you just got to slap you I’m going to slap you I’m so close I’m

So close that’s it freeze time and now I’ve got to eliminate him there’s nothing else I could do somehow he survived the L I don’t understand how he’s immune to it this should work though this should work and unfreeze yes bro what that time clock again Sunny are

You manipulating time I might be manipulating time and space because I am a god of Minecraft and you’re a little peon a little pleb bro how am I ever supposed to beat you you’re not I’ll find a way melan this is it it’s the last round of hide and seek it’s your

Time to probably lose again good luck bro we’ll see about that I got to figure out what Sunny’s doing there’s got to be something here wait is that quondal dingleberry this must be how he got the time clock quondal what can I do to defeat the time clock what there’s one thing stronger

Than a Time Clock the black hole TNT what do I got to do to get it I need a fish so rare So magnificent it’s only been seen once per Millennium in the Great Atlantic Ocean a puffer fish oh I got one right here there you go yo I got

The black hole TNT and a flint and steel let’s go I’ll use this to defeat Sunny where is this dude where is this dude melon you have 30 seconds left bro yeah 30 seconds is more than enough time wait what are you doing what are you doing

I’ll take you out with me freeze time please no no melon what have you done the only thing that can stop time is a black hole Sunny time is nothing to it what the heck not my time clock it just got ripped away from me no I’m

Dying the fabric of time and space it’s been obliterated I’m so proud of us melon we managed to save up enough resources to buy a new house look at it bro it’s beautiful and it only cost us 64 diamond blocks # worth it absolutely bro once we

Were rich and now we’re well poor but at least we have this house exactly bro now Sunny let’s show off some of the rooms all right starting with your very own room right here check it out wao I get my own bathroom this is awesome mhm this

Is where you can take baths and sleep and then this is where you can poop and sleep and then this is where you can shower and sleep wait what do you mean and sleep bro this is a bathroom this is like my private bathroom I must have a

Bedroom in this house somewhere too I’m not sleeping in the toilet you’re disgusting people fart on this thing Sonny you’re right that was very inhumane there you go there’s your bed what this looks more like a prison cell in a bedroom what is wrong with you melon quit complaining I didn’t make the

Rules now come in here let’s check out this next area let’s take a view of the kitchen yo melon this is amazing we can cook and clean and make awesome potions this place looks incredible it is pretty sick Sonny you’re going to be spending most of your time in here making me food

All right and now I want to show you my master bedroom wait what is going on Mel why is everything just about you uh listen I paid the bills around here I paid 32 diamond blocks and one Diamond so I call the shots what I also paid 32

Diamond blocks though yeah but you see this diamond right here yep I paid that extra one so it’s pretty much my house dang it bro how can I argue with that your logic is so sound now check out my bedroom it’s pretty humble it’s not even really that cool bro I got the

Glistening melons I got chests and I got my very own bed and it’s bouncy what the heck melon I thought we agreed if we ever got a bouncy bed that we would share this is so cool nope it’s my bed get out of here be gone why are you

Being so mean but also Mr melon can I make you anything in the kitchen yes I will demand a steak right now how about a knuckle sandwich ow what’s your problem okay guys I’ll tell you what my problem is we buy this new nice house together and the first thing melon does

Is steal the bed bedroom and make me live inside of a bathroom that is not cool so let me show you guys the secret stash up in the attic melon thinks we’re poor now but really I have a lot of diamonds left so many and I’ll leave him

With just one Diamond that’s what he said he paid extra so now he gets one little Diamond I’ll keep the rest of these supplies and I’ll be on my way to visit quand dingleberry cuz melon’s being mean to me so there’s only one thing I can do and that’s talk to my boy

Kwale and see if he’s got anything I can use to troll melon back let’s go by the way what the heck is quand Del up to I swear every time I visit his shop he’s got a new business going this looks like a mechanic shop what is he fixing up

Cars making automobiles what is going on this guy is a mogle yo look in here he is fixing up cars this is crazy quale I need need help bro Mel’s trolling me again and I need something to get my revenge wait you’ve got just the thing I

Need an admin hacker device that sounds perfect well good thing I’ve got those right here and here you go quale really I could just take it from this chest let’s go melon has no idea what’s coming now that I have the power of this admin device I can hack anything thing in the

Game what a splendiferous day in my house uh Sunny what are you holding uh oh uh uh it was a diamond here you go thank you very much sunny I very much appreciate that just remember I own the house it’s mine yeah and remember you’ve got me working in the kitchen cooking up

Knuckle sandwiches yo chill What’s your deal bro listen I’m going to tend the Farms right now and I want to show you something what do you call a cow with no l eggs um maybe like a coward or something ground beef you’re so funny melon thank you bro

I thought it was pretty clever myself anyways time to feed these boys okay guys while melon’s tending to his cows I got to come over here use the hacking device really quick and I summon a Time claw oh no the baby cows they’re in the ground dying that was so cruel it worked

I’ve got one and now I can freeze time and troll melon Ready Set freeze it worked it actually worked now I think what I need is a diamond sword it worked let’s go and now I’ve just got A Sneak on P melon I’ll just nudge him a little

Bit and kill all of his cows kill all of his cows yes all cows must oh sorry melon oh you’re on that cow whatever I’ll let him live this time all the cows must die that looks good that looks very good then I come out here and let’s

Unpause the time now what happened I only have one cow left stay here stay here you’re okay buddy you’re okay I’ll find you mate and we’ll reproduce and it’ll be like your brother’s never left Sunny did you see what happened to my cows bro they just all died that was so

Weird one second they were there and then the next they were dead bro why do you sound happy oh I’m not happy about it uh it’s just now you you have so much more raw beef that I can cook into nice juicy delicious steaks for you yeah go

To the kitchen and cook me a steak and while you’re at it go grab me some cows how about this instead melon time freeze he has no idea what’s about to happen hacking device I’ll take creative mode perfect and now I think I’m going to grab myself a we little bow some

Arrows yeah that looks about right actually let’s do something a little more dangerous shall we arrows of harming and then I’m going to point some at this here cow yes yes and a couple at melon’s face oh when I unfreeze time he’s super dead yeah couple in the nuts

Too take that bro no more Dez nuts jokes for you yeah that should do the trick and his beef you know what I’m going to do to his beef let’s cook it up he wanted fresh steak that that’s what he gets and now I just unfreeze the time in 3 2 1 what

Happened guys melon got obliterated uh melon something happened to your staks bro they got burned bro what the heck happened there was just like a million arrows in my face all of the sudden why do they have these particles coming off of them are you sure are you good bro I

Didn’t see anything dude I’m so confused I I don’t understand what’s happening I’m just going to go in bed and lie down in my bouncy castle bed that bounces yeah me too I’m going to do the same thing not in my bouncy castle bed but my disgusting toilet bedroom all right I

Got plenty of rest it’s time for me to herd some new cattle I got to go and find some cows for the farm hey melon do you need any help with that I could help you find some cows um actually that would be very helpful could you come

With me please yes I would love to go on an adventure Let’s Do It um I need to free the ground beef please be free follow me Ascend cows I fight for freedom for ground beef everywhere and I freeze time melon doesn’t stand a chance this

Is a chunk Buster TNT so what’s going to pretty much happen is you see this whole chunk we’re standing in it’s going to get pummeled light it up and un freeze time now all right what’s that sound oh whatever got to find some cows what the

Heck no I was so close to the water yeah me too I just clutched it though that was awesome yeah I clutched my fall melon that was crazy Sunny how did you survive that there was water down here it was so close though could have ended

Badly for me well at least I have this cow here Sunny get your butt up here and help me H More Cows I don’t know what’s going on but I know I can tend to the fields you got it melon I’ll be right there hacking device teleport me hey

Dude I’m back what how’ you disappear here that makes no sense what do you mean bro I climbed out of the hole and walked over here and helped you gather the cows I’ve literally been hurting this dude with you the whole time no you haven’t Sunny stop gaslighting me melon

It’s getting late now bro I’m glad you got at least one cow back to the pen but we should probably get some sleep dude yeah bro it’s time to hit the bed I’m going to go to sleep on my bed that bounces yeah you you mentioned it thank

You rub it in one more time I dare you uh this bed bounces oh it’s so much much fun he’s going to regret that good night melon and now I leave my bed to surprise him watch this hacking device transformed me into a zombie it’s working it’s working

Yes I’m a Zombie now time to troll melon in his sleep melon I’ve got a Surprise What is going on in here is so annoying guys I think melon’s asleep right now is he sleep bouncing my bed is so awesome yeah he’s definitely sleeping what the heck that’s it I’m going to wake him up wake up melon There’s a Zombie ow why is there a zombie in here

Die die die die die die get out of here die die you get back here melon melon there’s another zombie in my room oh no there’s zombies everywhere ah yo that sucks hny I’m huning this zombie down get back here and then guys I freeze time yes hacking device zombie

Eggs please that’s perfect and now I will surround melanin zombies there will be nowhere for him to run every last block I’m building an army of zombies melan is going to be so surprised when I wake him up yeah that’s probably good enough and because I’m a Zombie as well

They should not attack me and unfreezing time right now wait what ow what is going on what the heck yo melon you should have stayed inside it was way safer in the bathroom bro that’s it I’m going in I’m going in close the fence and close the door and and I’m going

Back in my room I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared hey Sunny I’m going to go out fishing all right have a good time melon I’m just going to keep watching my favorite cartoon guys it’s been a few days since anything weird has happened I’ve gathered my cows back and I think

It’s time I can enjoy myself nothing weird should happen ever again time to go fishing in my favorite little Pond and now we wait yo I caught a slaming already okay guys it’s been a few days since I’ve pranked melon and I’ve got the perfect idea I’m going to use my

Hacking device to drop sand on top of the house and Crush all of his cows they’re really going to be grounded beef soon now all I have to do is Trick melan into coming over here so he can witness it firstand hey melon dude you got to

See quand Del’s trades he’s got this new shop where he makes cars he’s got some really cool things over here like Lamborghinis andaris I got to see this I love Lambs andies dude I want to see these stuffs and hacking device drop the sand now

What did you just do melon the house the house what did you do I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything everything’s lagging what has become no my cows my precious cows don’t worry I can dig you up don’t worry you’ll be okay you’ll be okay please please please melon melon look

What the heck what is going on this does look kind of cool though this house is not safe bro I know you’re doing something Sunny what are you up to I’m running away from the house too I’m scared bro you’re right it’s cursed the house is cursed guys it’s been 7 days

And I’ve almost cleared out the house please last two blocks yes oh I still got all that to do but for the most part it’s good I am starving it’s time to eat some honey I’m right behind you bro did you make me my steak uh I didn’t make

Any mistakes if that’s what you’re asking I want my steak now okay okay relax I’m going into the kitchen I’ll make you a steak hey what the heck what’s that for I thought you wanted a Sandy steak dude I’m waiting out here give me my steak I’m chefing it up I’m

Cooking it up real good okay hacking device give me TNT yes it worked I have 55 TNT check this out I’m going to put it in here like this and and melon I finished cooking bro I wasn’t sure when you wanted to eat it so I put it in the

Fridge to keep it fresh okay that’s fine give me the steak give me the steak I just said it’s in the fridge I left it in the fridge oh you left it in the fridge I demand that you bring it to me next time what the heck is that bring

That to yourself melon I’m not your Sidekick to just be ordered around bro you literally tried to kill me you could just tell me next time jeez now make me mistake all right and a salad and a sandwich dude clearly actions speak louder than words and I didn’t even do

Enough you still want me to do your bidding for you I’m not your little minion okay I’m sorry you’re not my little minion now can you please make me a steak and a salad and a sandwich okay only because you ask so nicely lockal sandwich ow chill I’m going in my room I

Don’t want to talk to you fine I don’t even want to talk to you either okay guys because melon thinks he can still boss me around and have me do whatever he wants I’m going to do something really bad to our house hacking device change all the quartz blocks to TNT

That’s perfect uh what is going on why is the house TNT melon I don’t know what you did to curse the house like this but I’ll forgive you if you help me water my Cactus um okay but I didn’t even do this sunny neither did I so just help out my

Little Cactus his name is Cactus Jones and he’s really cute but he needs a little bit of water he’s thirsty yeah hold on just let me turn on the sink real quick what have I done no get out of here oh I’m so dead I’m so dead how

Am I alive how did you survive I actually survived what the heck hacking device you’re beautiful thank you s what do you have in your hand uh a diamond sword bro I managed to salvage this on the way out dude you’re up to something you’re up to something bro and our

Beautiful hous it’s gone I paid for that I pretty much paid for the entire thing dude you added one extra Diamond as a decoration we split the cost and then you stole the bouncy bed dude don’t be mad because I put in more work than you

Okay let me show you how you put in work ow ow ow ow yeah how’s that for work how’s that for work no no sunny sunny we can talk about this we can talk about this all right tell me use your words um hold on I’m thinking I’m thinking I’m

Thinking thinking I’m out of here you can run melon but you can’t hide 2 hours later Sunny stay away from me dude give it up I’ve been chasing you forever BR that’s it guys hacking device blind him wait why can’t I see what’s going on why

Why can’t I see what’s happening what is happening guys look he’s running into a wall you know what hacking device spawn a mutant zombie wait I can see again what’s that say why is there a mutant zombie ow ow I got to get away I got to get away from this

Thing I’m cornered I’m cornered what get destroyed melan you thought you could run bro dude the mutant zombie he can catch anybody oh wait no he’s turning on me he’s turning on me wait Sunny what do you mean he’s turning on you I I mean like he’s turning around and chasing me

Yeah give it up sunny I know you’re up to something sus I know you’re doing something no melon I would definitely not spawn a mutant zombie on you after making you go blind I would never do that that’s it I’m talking to quale he must have something to do with this yo

Quale bro I have a question did you supply Sunny with any overpowered items what do you mean you can’t say tell me right now you did you gave him the power to stop time and hack anything he wants oh no this is not good this is way too

Much power for sunny what is he going to do next sunny what are you up to uh nothing I totally don’t have a hacking device and a Time Clock you scub bag stop it right now yeah what are you going to do about it what are you going

To do about it huh I’m going to beat you up I’m going to beat you up knuckle sandwich knuckle sandwich knuckle sandwich knuckle sandwich hey melon why don’t you stay right here freeze time guys he tried to pick on the dude who’s got a clock that could freeze time and a

Hacking device that could do anything that’s it it’s time for me to do the ultimate prank and because quale thought he could get away with ratting me out he’s left me no choice hacking device convert most of this scenery to redstone blocks that’s pretty good but maybe a

Little bit more yeah that’s looking better and now watch this hacking device turned me into a mutant Enderman it’s working it’s actually working yes now give me an Ender soul p and hacking device last thing can I get some TNT for ammunition it worked look at this I got

Regular TNT bunker Buster and lightning Zeus TNT all this left to do is unfreeze time and troll melon there we go uh what is going on why are these blocks in the air what the heck why is there mutant what is what is that what is

That why why catch bro this is not good this whole area is redstone I’ve got to Escape there’s nowhere to run melon there’s nowhere to run what I can’t get out of here that’s right I used the hacking device to create a barrier you’re stuck dang it get shelter it’s a

Lightning TNT yes I’ve survived nice try Sunny for now oh no oh no oh no survive this melon survive this bunker Busters what the heck did you just do nothing nothing at all oh no oh no what is that what is that oh that was so close you think you’re safe in there

Melon you think you’re safe I know I’m safe sunny but I’m going to bring you a special recipe what is that what why’ you teleport get in my safety cart here you go what are you doing what are you doing and freeze time now watch this guys

Hacking device please do me a favor and remove the ceiling that looks pretty good it should do the trick hey melon uh unfreezing time what where’s the roof no I can survive I could survive it worked guys Victory I got to troll melon so hard you are a scumbag

You know what’s not a scumbag clicking that like And subscribe button do it before I kill melon wait what yo relax uh-oh uh-oh yo chill chill chill

This video, titled ‘Using SECRET DOORS To Cheat In Hide and Seek Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2023-12-10 13:15:03. It has garnered 136973 views and 2067 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:18 or 7398 seconds.


Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy

#sunnycrafts #minecraft

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    Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Ultra Hard Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mình Sinh Tồn 1000 Ngày Trong Minecraft Thế Giới Đá Siêu Khó (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KienRic on 2024-01-13 04:00:19. It has garnered 241324 views and 3532 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:33 or 17073 seconds. This is the video: I Survived for 1000 Days in Minecraft Super Hard Stone World (FULL MOVIE) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A few notes 🌟 ✪ KienRic Shop: ✪ Please help me reach 500k registration!! Here → ✪ Click “🔔” to watch the latest videos… 😍 !!! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Social networks 🌍 📍 Facebook: 📍 Fanpage:… Read More

  • Insane Noteblock Dance Tutorial: Toothless Dance in Driftveil

    Insane Noteblock Dance Tutorial: Toothless Dance in DriftveilVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to play Toothless Dance on Noteblocks? (Driftveil city)’, was uploaded by koshkamatew on 2024-01-06 17:34:00. It has garnered 1697990 views and 18201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. #minecraft #noteblock #toothless In this video, I will teach you how to play the Toothless dancing meme on Minecraft note blocks by hand. This song comes from pokemon black and white’s driftveil city. The difficulty of this tutorial is Hard – can be slightly annoying to play. Timestamps 0:00 Tutorial: Explanation 0:33 Tutorial: Layout 0:44 Playing the song 1:05 Outro funny… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Minecraft Battle with Netherite Monster!” #clickbait #epic #GeorgeXT

    "Unbelievable Minecraft Battle with Netherite Monster!" #clickbait #epic #GeorgeXTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I fight with netherite monstrosity Finally Revealed#minecraft#viral#gaming’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-03-25 14:22:41. It has garnered 111 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. I fight with netherite monstrosity Finally Revealed minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy… Read More

  • Borntorule57’s CRAZY Train Obsession!

    Borntorule57's CRAZY Train Obsession!Video Information This video, titled ‘I like trains…’, was uploaded by Borntorule57 on 2024-04-12 03:05:12. It has garnered 8217 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. I like trains… #twitch #gaming #gamer #pc #twitchstreamer #twitchaffiliate #videogames #twitchtv #streamer #comedy #minecraft Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Hell

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft HellVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in an Evolved Sculk Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2024-06-05 20:00:16. It has garnered 300054 views and 7203 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:20 or 13100 seconds. I Survived 100 Days against the Sculk Horde – and this took everything I had… The Sculk Horde knows all, it grows, it hunts, and it wants to add you to the collective… This mod takes Minecraft’s Sculk and makes the Warden look like a teddy bear with Sculk Ravagers, Mites, and the Enderman who will obliterate you with a… Read More

  • Join the Deadly Samurai Squad: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse! 💀🔥🎮

    Join the Deadly Samurai Squad: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse! 💀🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed zombie apocalypse | Looking for people to play with 🙏🙏’, was uploaded by Three Samurai on 2024-05-22 08:16:32. It has garnered 171 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:00 or 1260 seconds. “Hey everyone! I’m looking for people to play modded Minecraft with and collaborate on a video together. If you’re interested, let me know!” In a cursed zombie apocalypse scenario, imagine a world where the dead don’t just rise due to a virus or contagion, but because of a powerful and malevolent curse. This curse could be the result… Read More

  • Prosper SMP – Vanilla 1.20.4 – Discord – DiscordSRV – Dynmap – Voice Plugin – No Whitelist – Coreprotect – Age 16+ – Crossplay

    Join our Minecraft community! Tired of smp’s dying off? Our community has been going strong for years thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and our active Discord server. We welcome new members who are dedicated players and who share our values. Join us for major build projects, a mature and friendly community, and a variety of gaming experiences. We have a few rules in place, including no hackers or griefers, so respect your fellow players and have fun! All members must join our Discord server to access the Minecraft server. Join us on Discord! Read More

  • Burly’s Doctor Who Universe

    Burly's Doctor Who Universe—-Welcome To—-public Burly’s Doctor-WHO Universe! publicThis is a Server Hosted And Developed By BurlyTheHobbitNo Whitelist!NO MODS ARE RQUIREDThe Server Uses a Custom Resource Pack Which Replaced Hit SoundsWith Sonic Screwdriver Noise VariationsThere Is a Custom Dark Oak Door Texture For Your TARDISThere Is a Custom Diamond Sword Texture (More Sword Coming In Future)There Is Custom Armor (Only Netherite So Far)And Finally There is Custom Music!warningRULES TO FOLLOW warningDo Not Perform COUNT Any Kind, This Will Result In a 2 WEEK BANYou Have Been Warned!Please Be Kind and Friendly Toward Others, This server isMostly Family Friendly, It is PG-13 RatedAlso Keep… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Items nerfed into oblivion, get it?

    Here’s a joke for you: Itms got nerfed so hard, even Endermen started picking them up and throwing them back! Read More

  • Daredevil Riverswain Tackles Lava Challenge

    Daredevil Riverswain Tackles Lava ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Always follow the lava | Riverswain on #Twitch’, was uploaded by Riverswain on 2024-06-10 03:49:41. It has garnered 10161 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. I know my way around the old caves #shorts #twitch #minecraft #riverswain Read More

  • When you pause time in Minecraft #hilarious

    When you pause time in Minecraft #hilarious POV: You can stop time, but you still can’t find diamonds in Minecraft because you’re too busy procrastinating and watching memes. Read More

  • Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6

    Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6 KRESH VÀ LỜI MỜI HỖ TRỢ VƯƠNG TRIỀU SAKURA !! l MON TƠ MINECRAFT MEGA SMP TẬP 6 In the latest episode of the Minecraft Mega SMP series, Kresh receives an invitation to join forces with the Sakura Dynasty. This exciting development promises new adventures and collaborations in the vast Minecraft world. Joining Forces with the Sakura Dynasty Kresh’s journey takes an unexpected turn as he is offered support by the powerful Sakura Dynasty. This alliance opens up a world of possibilities, from shared resources to coordinated missions. The collaboration between Kresh and the Sakura Dynasty is sure to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AXOLOTL Family Adventure!

    Insane Minecraft AXOLOTL Family Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having an AXOLOTL Family in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gara on 2024-05-12 00:08:06. It has garnered 27509 views and 393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:24 or 1404 seconds. Today, Gara and his friends have an AXOLOTL Family in Minecraft! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #GaraAndKylie Read More