Surviving 100 Days in Endless Ocean! (Minecraft Hardcore)

Video Information

I survived 100 days in an endless ocean in Minecraft hardcore full of Sunken Treasures dangerous creatures lurking in the abyss below and on the surface as well nowhere is safe but that won’t stop us from defeating multiple bosses raiding ships and fighting creatures that really shouldn’t exist and you know

That’s just my opinion but they shouldn’t exist and of course Scavenging Treasures that make us Unstoppable later on grab yourself a snack and a beverage and enjoy this 100 day adventure PS this year we’re going for 100,000 subscribers so it would be nice if you subscribed anyway enjoy well hello hello guys how

You doing um all right let me get let me let me get set up first so welcome to the ocean world this is a this is a new hardcore uh 100 day series that I’m doing not a series per se as of right now but this is the first video are

These guys going to attack me please don’t it’s an ocean only world and we’re going to try to survive on it for 100 days obviously right guys little manay um first thing first I see a ship I’m not going to go to that right now cuz I’m pretty sure it’s dangerous but I

Will go to that Village that I see that’s floating in the middle of the ocean so you can also see we have some very interesting things oh is this just Flint okay we have an 02 meter as opposed to just bubbles on our screen you know this makes it more realistic I

Guess some coal right there I will completely forget about it but there is some coal there let’s see what this Village has to offer us but yeah pretty pretty much uh this mod pack is just an ocean and there’s Flint on the ground me meaning that there’s a bunch of new

Creatures in the ocean I already saw some when I was experimenting with the mod kind of weird creatures as well obviously there’s ocean all around us even though there’s like a peaceful little village and that Iron Golem’s almost broken there’s a peaceful little village that we’re a part of right now

And that we’re stealing the food from obviously cuz it’s mine now you can also probably tell I’m a bit under the weather right now yeah I’m a bit under the weather why am I going up here I know there’s nothing there but I still have to record this video for you people

For the for the people for the people who enjoy my content I must record oh what is that over there you know what there’s a lot of lot to explore right now so first we’re going to get set up by by probably getting this guy this is this this might take a while

But he’s he’s close to broken so it shouldn’t take like a crazy amount of time there we go all right got three from that so I can already get a pickaxe we’re going to get ourselves a little situated here we’ve been doing a lot of trading in the past videos and I really

Want to go explore that little island there but yeah we’ve been doing a lot of trading in the past few videos so maybe maybe we’ll give it a rest for a little bit and try to get things the oldfashioned way you know what I mean take this because we don’t actually have

A lot of wood just laying around here I do have to check the farm I don’t I don’t think the Farms have any wood either oh and there’s a shark yeah okay what on Earth is that oh I hate that they just what is that if it comes

Out of the water does it there’s a stick on the ground but there’s another stick over there I need it what the hell is that I’m scared wait I can’t even make I don’t have any wood okay I have to go for that stick without this thing killing

Me please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me oh I didn’t even get it oh my God is it stuck there hm what if we Uh it definitely attacks like it has to attack me it looks freaky hey guy hey did I just get a titanium chunk what on [Applause] Earth dude it doesn’t take it doesn’t take any damage I don’t I don’t like this I don’t like this all right first

Of all let’s make a pickaxe and uh a pickaxe right that’s what I need let me use my okay what’ I get why is there just sticks floating around also I did notice that little island there like over there has a tree on it there’s also floating

Wood in the ocean but I didn’t come across any on the way here so is there a flint sword of some sorts I have noticed there’s a bunch of little rocks you see that a bunch of little rocks on the floor I wish I could zoom in but I can’t

And those I have a feeling are pretty good titanium chunk for example I’m pretty sure if I use the titanium chunk I can make titanium ingots which then I can use for oh a wet suit an O2 tank so this I I need the titanium stuff because

Look at this I can make myself some diving gear that’s a huge manite and I have oh it’s a sunken ship as well I hate those crabs okay here’s the thing there’s three things I want to do right now I want to go collect more titanium

Chunks I want to explore that ship there and that island but I’m pretty sure I already see a spawner on it so I think I’m going to go down downstairs and I also have a bad feeling this island is completely floating all right so apparently this is going to be a bit

More complex than I initially thought can I make a stone sword from sandstone o I can make it from Flint isn’t that wonderful you know it’s starting to make sense and I’m pretty sure I can make this out of Flint as well oh but I’m out

Of sticks oh no I used I used up all my sticks oh okay I’ve I may have overdone it with the bread I may have I may have gone a bit too crazy with the bread I might that’s my bad I have to go I think

I have to go that direction but I’m so scared that something’s going to kill me we’re going to have to be fast about it actually oh but I want a boat now to get a Boat Jesus Christ get lost bro where is bro going bro where are you going bro dude where are you going why don’t leave us now man you got so much to live for all right well he’s gone is that wait that’s wood down there 100% oh

Dude I’m a dumb Dum this is definitely wood oh and there’s and iron Okay so here’s the thing this is good this is very good oh you can mine like normal speed underwater this is great I’ve got plenty of o2 I’m going to keep going

This is good what did I get here iron chunk ooh very nice wait I’m missing one iron block iron uh thing there’s definitely four iron here where’s it okay I got to take these little chunks of whatever I got two more iron chunks let’s see I can I get enough to make my

Myself some armor I have six already well six iron I guess in total in theory I think that’s how it works iron let’s go I’m just scared of sharks showing up out of nowhere give me some give me some more iron what the dude it just electrocuted me okay get

Lost why does it make that s down so there’s apparently even small fish that attack you good great okay I’ve got a bunch of titanium chunks I’ve got I can probably make some flippers which is something I want to make not flippers my bad what was it um bins okay fiber mesh

So I need kelp oh there’s definitely kelp over there I I see kelp oh guys guys guys chill out all right I can make leggings that’s that’ll do for now so I’m going to get this kelp over here is this water going to be cold hope

Not taada ooh Max diving depth oh so there’s implications to diving deeper than you should okay I see so let’s make a uh diving mask and uh fins I forgot how to make them look at me wait dude that is dope okay no this is certified this is legit maybe I’m just

Going to go down into the ship here okay something’s already hurting me I’m already down to like no Health what happened that fish did so much damage for no reason dude that fish does so much damage for no and there’s another one right there look it’s just

Circling wait is that bone meal what is all this stuff floating up to the top what was that okay I didn’t like that sound I’m going back ah no no no no hey buddy you you brought some more iron for me you guys are a great source of iron

Feel like I’m going to need some iron armor before I head anywhere because that fish that fish itself did an insane amount of damage for being just a fish all right new day new dawn it is time to sail over to that Island fin um I only

Have a stone sword unfortunately but I I hopefully that’s enough all right here we go there we go and there’s some wood here and oh a diamond what did I just hear I don’t know what I heard but I’m not going to stay around to find out let

Me see if I can take some of this wood hopefully it drops saplings there’s not not a lot of leaves but did I just walk upon this block wait what Auto jump is off what wait a second it’s dropping leaves it’s not even dropping saplings what what on

Earth all right well I mean cool cool I think there’s an should be another chest down in this ship but I’m kind of scared that I’m just going to get ambushed by rabs and other creatures so oh my wait there’s so much here I’m leaving oo go go go go go go go

I don’t really want want to uh use these diamonds on a sword I feel like that’s kind of kind of a waste so instead I’m just going to take over this house mine now thank you I’m going to see what I can do with all this stuff that I

Got what did I just hear oh it’s one of these things again God I hate them I hate them flippery biter scales disgusting creatures what I just made what is a palm desk wait wait wait wait how do you make a chest what the what is this wait wait

Wait you can make ships how is that no that’s not that’s impossible that you can’t make chests what do you mean I can’t make CH okay I can there we go okay I was worried I was scared but I’m not anymore I’m a grow like what few

Bamboo just have some bamboo I guess not really a necessity but oh no um whoops I may have trapped two villagers unknowingly why did I just make palm desks what can I even do with palm desks wait but why couldn’t I make a chest out

Of it okay actually let me yeah that’s a good idea let me make a shield find a use for them at least and we’re already out of chest space so I’m going to make another one no this is very very cool War Galley I can make a

Ship oh oh my God a backpack a ravager hide to to to get a backpack I’m so intrigued on what these ships look like and if you can actually sail them I’m so very intrigued hello there mister I heard you’re offering me goodies sir please thank you all right

Actually one thing we can make is a little bow and that could come in handy if I find any arrows I just realized I don’t have arrows I don’t have any I don’t even have any feathers so what you can make a chicken you can make pets in this game

You can make pets so there’s different oh I definitely need a pet I definitely need a pet I wonder what the most useful one is iron golem pet I can make one I’m hearing things what just happened to my Village uh guys what are you doing here excuse

Me excuse me this is excuse me this is my house I have to make this now what did I just do oh I gave myself absorption okay um you can’t defeat me now I have absorption yeah I don’t take any of your damage okay that’s it you guys you guys got

To what on Earth I just got poisoned I just got poisoned yeah yeah let’s go Golem no this this mod pack is insane I don’t even know what’s going on I did get leather though that’s cool there’s there is a ravine down here that I kind of want to explore

So I I think what I’m going to do is do exactly that there’s one problem though I don’t know when the max depth is too maxed I don’t know how deep I can actually go I can definitely not Place torches down here trinket unlocked Creo I don’t even know what that

Means we’ll be taking all this though I just got a diamond chunk no way did I just get a diamond chunk well I definitely did I I saw a diamond chunk I need another Diamond chunk okay thank you I will I will take that diamond chunk with oh my

God I thought I heard something weirdo this is like a great way to get diamonds did it just it just teleport no it just teleported that is messed up that is so messed up actually oh there’s a bunch of them down there that is not fun I think that’s all

She wrote for this little Ravine maybe potentially I got three diamonds from that is is there’s one another one of those things what is this what what are these things that look [Applause] creepy okay hold on first of All God okay those do a lot of damage those do a lot a lot of damage I’m going to uh go back here okay so I can pretty much smelt these and hopefully get exactly what I’m looking for AKA three dios there we go we get out of my

Freaking house what like why did I just walk up instantly here why is that I have Auto jump off radio so I don’t think I’m G to get a backpack anytime soon I do want this chest and I want to see if I can actually make this and I will waste my

Diamond on it I’m missing see this these planks this Palm desk thing awful atrocious cannot use it for anything oh my God it doesn’t have a durability yes we don’t need a what just happened we don’t need no stupid thing it’s very loud for no reason but it’s

Fine that’s our backpack we have a backpack now okay guys I think I’m ready to actually go explore some more do we go in this Ravine and just just try not to perish cuz I know there’s things under this Ravine it’s actually going to be 100% harder to find anything like anything good like diamonds in this kind of a cave it was 100% easier to find them out in the open in those little black rocks at the side of the thing outside 100% is

That a spawner oh no no oh no no that is one of the spawners you do not want to break okay is that a guy with a helmet you didn’t even give me the freaking helmet there a lot of emeralds I don’t know why my God I hate this I hate whatever

This this is found some sticks I found some sticks let’s go I love sticks I actually do like some sticks right now because I don’t I have a very oh my God what do you mean trinket unlocked what does that mean can I use them somehow oh wait

There’s actually wood here hold on I just realized ooh this could be good or bad I don’t think that’s a mimic though I know these I know these things can sometimes be creatures that attack you but it’s not and instead we got a whole bunch of good

Stuff who hey buddy where did you oh you came from up there you think you’re slick you think you’re so slick and like I’m not going to find where you came from you joking me you kidding me all right check me out I’m a Minecraft veteran maybe not okay I was I almost

Died and guess what boom chest best pet you can have this is definitely not Diamond level so I’m not really sure what I’m trying to find here but I am looking at the walls just to see maybe just maybe is that going to make a source

No all right well we got what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oh my God we’re missing One I mean come on I mean come on we might need a few more pieces here can I gather enough to get myself an enchanting table probably not I’m probably going to be missing exactly one because that’s my luck of course I will no I’m not I’m just the best I’m literally the

Best there was a huge lava pool right there I’m not going to talk about it oh I see you need to feed it logs and I can’t even get I can’t even get my stuff out of it until I feed it logs okay let’s just see how many logs it actually

Take what oh it just ate the logs as I was picking them up that’s crazy did you hear that did you hear that it actually scared me I’m not no I’m not even lying one two three all right let’s see do I have any Flint I

Do all right so there’s a couple things I need before I exit the Overworld and go into The Nether I want to get more diamonds so guess what we’re going to do exactly what we got to do in the first place to get the diamonds which is go

Look for Ravines I saw diamonds right down there I’m going to go take those what what is that oh God that looks scary that might kill me it might if that if if anything kills me it’s yep it’s oh that is not a good creature to just leave just despawn there’s three are

They what are they doing nope nope nope nope nope that is not even wor that is not even worth it it’s not even worth to try those things look like they can instakill me hey but we got four diamonds from that Excursion that’s a plus so in theory if

We can make paper allows me to make an enchanting table pretty cool right let’s make some books leave get out there we go we have an enchanting table we’ll probably use that later but diamond sword put the old one away we don’t need it anymore yeah we’re we’re set now I’m

Just going to go back to the what on Earth is what is this what is plus one what does plus one mean what does that mean what is this what huh you have to do Jress you have to this has got to be a joke you have to do Tetris what am I doing here what on Earth okay yeah I have no idea what I’m doing what did I do did I just upgraded some okay I’m going to have to I’m going to have to

Look into this cuz this is confusing using me I knew it I knew he’s going to follow me through you weirdo what is that I mean let’s just try to shoot it I guess oh hello there please don’t destroy my portal please don’t destroy my portal bread okay bread didn’t work whatever

Man what do we have here even what is oh there’s a Bastion looks freaky looks scary I don’t think I’m ready for this quite yet I don’t think going to the base biome is the play wait I’m seeing sand over there is that another Village over there hold on exploration time so

Far it looks abandoned h a brewing stand nice absolutely not one piece of loot in that in that entire house with three Barrels in it not one piece of loot these people are broke like not not a piece of loot not one piece of loot anywhere is that the island I already

Been to over over there or is that a different one looks like the spawner is not destroyed what is that is that a ship floating that’s a that’s a floating ship it’s a floating shipwreck all right buddies please do not spawn in my face like please I beg

You don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it thank you gold Apple feathers wait wait wait that’s huge give me some diamonds give me some diamonds come on please not what the now that is diamond oh my whoa wait I just found like what did I

Just find I just found some crazy stuff I’m able to find more diamonds just chilling at the side of rocks in the water so it’s really not that big of a deal let me just check out this little floating sunken ship ooh we’ve got buried

Treasure oh we got golden hook we we got jellyfish net I don’t even know what you do with it so let’s add some stuff to the hands could there potentially be more spoils I just heard a fish I just heard a fish I’m leaving it’s hurting me oh my God not not again

Guys you just set me on fire because I set you on fire that’s cringe everything in this world just has to kill you it really does like everything I’m going to sleep I do want to check this bury treasure map though weaker than diamond tools but breaks all block types H H

Wait that sounds kind of good I might consider this I don’t need most of these things why why is my inventory are you going to take the grill job now is that what you’re doing gelatinous milk and cenut but butter get out of my house treasure

Map so we have to go East this is right around here oh good God oh there’s so many of these let’s figure this out it’s probably right here this is going to be a painstaking process I can promise you that what does one need for a shovel a crafting

Table hey yo I just placed it in the give it back oh I’m running out of water okay I’m stupid there was one extra gravel just sitting there buar what luked Edge some very random things I’m just so dumb there was one gravel piece sitting out of

Order I wonder which one it is I really do want to make that digging claw this whatever Diamond Claw Gauntlet I I want to see if it works the way I think it works surround it in leather I already forgot the recipe I I literally already

Forgot just just give me it what the freak is a curio slot I I answered my own question oh my look at my hand I’m digging oh so I could just dig without any tools hunger usage from digging without a tool is increased I want to see if I can get those

Diamonds all right uh I mean I might just well I might just go for the diamonds here and forget it just go just please I just want these diamonds and I’m going to leave I want these diamonds and I’m going to leave quick and easy I’m out oh my

Oxygen where’s my oxygen going I guess that’s too deep oh also we haven’t been to that ship hold on let me let me quickly go explore that I can’t even get on the boat this is a struggle o a golden apple well that’s all she wrote shut up you stupid Bish oh there’s

Two of them now great oh that is a ship all right guys guys guys guys chill chill out oh of course dude these things hurt so much I’m just chilling here bro how you doing you doing all right I’m just digging your spawner sorry these these guys actually do some

Damage and I hate those fish I hate them I hate them I hate them the worst worst worst thing in the game right now oh a diamond yes very good and get hit by this fish again because oh there’s two of them great great great great that’s

Exactly it’s exactly what I was looking for and waiting for what just broke oh my my mask broke great I just love I just love this game very treasure hopefully it’s not the same one that’s showing me another jellyfish net interesting interesting this one’s going to attack

Me yeah of course I’m not even going to bother with it just going to go up here destroy this as fast as possible very nice D’s got a mask on I thought that dude had a tridon for a actually a lot of them hold on can you stop

Twitching hey why is so many of you fishing rod I’m expecting the stupid fish stupid fish got nothing on me don’t touch me ah I know he’s behind me I know I feel it I feel it yeah you thought you thought you’re sneaky a another whoa

This is cool look at this there’s a nether portal at the end of a sunken ship respiration that’s pretty cool I might just take that real quick there is a village what does it say on the the top of my screen it literally said Kraken on

My screen okay we’re going to come back to that at a different time Jesus Christ scared me all right hold on there’s too much stuff to explore and the fact that there was a kraken what do you mean Kraken what is this thing what is that why what up

Dude wait I just realized there’s regular wood oh my God I didn’t know this is possible oh please I need a sapling I need a sapling there you go more any more please yes one more H dude not one sapling oh my God please there’s a village with a ship

Next to it and then there’s another ship did see another I think I saw another ship just one whatever I’ll be taking your logs then I think the little ship there is the one I went past anyway any whoes oh my jellyfish some interesting stuff here also now that I

Have regular wood I can definitely make myself a ship ship I have to try that guys I I hate to say it but I think there’s a I think there’s a ship on your land I hear skeletons in there dude the ships in your house did you notice that oh what up what

The who’s blowing stuff up oh you actually blew it up I hope I hope he didn’t blow up a chest but it looks like he did we got some bones it’s actually good I need those and a bunch of feathers oh iron blocks you’re kidding oh freaking

Enchanted golden apple baby very cool I blew up someone’s house but I mean it is what it is guys it’s time we make a gallion or a galley a gy oh there’s one problem we need leads and we don’t have slime balls so we can can actually make we can smelt

Jellyfish oh but I have jellyfish jelly man I thought I could oh I was so close oh I need jellyfish okay so let me investigate what we can do about that that sharck is chasing me okay you’re being annoying it does too much damage it just just does too much damage

I’m asking for trouble I really am he’s oh my God he’s got a gun Jesus he was shooting at me however he was hiding some who Enchanted apples bing boom any more chesticles uhuh good thing I checked oh whole two ender pearls this is a great

Way to get ender pearls there’s two is that two sunken ships next to each other Jesus it might just be one but I might be tripping oh my God how many Krakens how many Krakens I want to get to that Temple I want to fight a

Kraken what is that oh my God what is that oh my god there it is it’s just chilling there is has it half Health that’s a scary thing does it know I’m here is it getting closer to me I have a feeling it is and I’m going to leave I

Will defeat you one day my goal is definitely going to be to also defeat the kraken I don’t know how I would go about defeating the Kraken I probably need a gallion and I need arrows and a bow there’s a few questions I have one

Of them is how do I find jellyfish I’m guessing there’s a like a deser designated spot for them yeah no idea no idea what I’m supposed to do Spoils of War eight diamund very nice very nice U I’m probably going to make those into an armor piece right away I think this

Should do very cool very cool but definitely do need like bookshelves 33 leather look at me go let me keep some of these actually and grow them real quick TAA I mean this is just beautiful this is just beautiful I mean if a visiting Trader just appeared out of nowhere with two

Llamas that both dropped leads I wouldn’t be against it okay I just planted active trinkets whoa wait wait wait wait wait oh I just figured out how to do trinkets what oh I just spent a lot of XP levels Reaper targeting you when nons spawn an explosion nice and four plus Max Health

Points I definitely just spent way too many levels that I shouldn’t have spent but oh that is so dope that is awesome go put down a little uh enchanting table so let’s do This how does this work well I tried you know I don’t know what this I don’t know what this does how does this oh what okay well I made it Unbreaking two just now Unbreaking three okay oh it’s oh yeah but I don’t want that so now can I do different

Enchantments no it just does the thing again you know what I mean at this point I might as well I might as well do it at this point I don’t know see the thing I just thought about is maybe a jellyfish is something you can get while

Fishing you got a bowl give me a jellyfish give me a jellyfish give me a jellyfish I need a jellyfish it actually is fishing oh my god oh my god let’s go I’m about to have a galley if it’s going to be something super underwhelming I will be very upset oh give me

Jellyfish nice nice nice nice nice nice nice oh yeah oh yeah yeah I have leads I just made four of them I didn’t need four of the I okay I only need one jellyfish very cool oh I needed two more leads okay that’s good it’s good

Actually all right now where do I find wool let’s see I could go to the ship that was right there and take that wool maybe there’s wool close proba sir s there’s two of you get out of my boat is not for your use this better be the coolest thing

I’ve ever made in Minecraft it better be like a huge ship and there it is okay please please for the love of everything be cool please what is that oh wait it’s actually fast turning is not fast wait that’s kind of cool though it is way titiner

Than I ever thought it would be but it’s kind of cool oh there’s a war Galley wait I should have made the war Galley oh I’m definitely making a war galley Dude it’s come on there you go finally ta okay I hope this is cool see that is actually quite impressive sometimes it doesn’t actually stop the boat just keeps moving let’s use our War gy for something good shall we what a crazy thing this is look at

This all right it seems as though is it is in the ice so we’re going to have to come back to the ship later I I love how easy it is to find those now I’m a sailor you know what I think is next I think next up for us as a community

Is to go and collect a bunch more diamund I forg where they are found the entrance now all we simply have to do is say hi to this creeper hello I still get nervous every time um take all this just just let’s just let loose a little bit you know what I mean

Is that actually B wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what’s this what Bedrock wait a second there just diamonds here can someone explain why I just found bedrock and actually quite a few diamonds I’ll be checking out what’s over here o diamonds hello I mean I do enjoy finding them

Just like this it really that dude fell in the water and there’s quite a bit of them too which makes it even more beautiful and for some reason they all have the old texture which you know what I’m actually quite a fan of one Jesus that the Laughing has got

To go it’s got to go oh no oh of course I was like what does that sound don’t be a weirdo wish you did that to me thank you so much you dropped TNT what on Earth I just see TNT on the ground that’s did I just did I walk over it on

Accident or something what loot bag more like douchebag oh my go what just happened name tag mule spawn egg mixed color dragon scale but this grants immunity to poison and withering that is insane what weird things have I just found weeping Blackstone wall like what do you mean

What do you mean weeping Blackstone wall what is that what do you mean by that if I find more of those spawners I should definitely consider trying to fight whatever is spawned the loot I just got is kind of insane yeah this looks like a regular regular old spawner thing this

Is a ooh a skeleton spawner this could be somewhat of a XP farm we have emerged at a different o I see one of those camps I need to get to those those have great loot these camps are oh my God what just happened what is

Going on oh Enderman I do need your spoils thank you very much it’s not a mimic it’s a completely useless chest is what it is so I definitely have no idea where I am right now I mean I mean I I just I just I’m on to something aren’t

I oh there it is I unlocked the trinket provide you with luck too interesting I don’t really need that right now per se I would do wish I had Fortune so that would have made this way more lucrative like triple quadruple lucrative o I need that okay oh come on spawn it in

Oh man all right so I guess I don’t really know how it works there it is that’s just a bunch of zombies give me some of that good good come on guys what did you drop zombie heart what do you got for me guys there more scales I didn’t know you can’t destroy

Them I thought you were supposed to hit them and then they just you know empty amulet you can use ender pearl infinitely ooh might be worth it but I also have 30 levels okay I’m going to keep that around because I can obviously do it whenever it doesn’t just

Disappear I hope that is really good that is really really good oh I’m going to be here for a little bit long now gosh I hate those things also there’s an Enderman right there there’s two my lucky day what up guys can you move please thank you what’s up dude you doing [Applause]

Right oh my God they went everywhere I just you know what I love I love the poison immunity probably the best thing ever got a oh my God I got so many bone blocks too all the bone meal I can make now oh my goodness this way and then cuz

I see a chest here is it a mimic oh there it is oh it’s two mimics I haven’t actually seen two mimics ever what did we get we’ve got a superstitious hat and Bunny Hoppers now I can jump high you can poison me all you want you poison yourself and didn’t even poison

Me Oh Me Oh My that’s is definitely a mimic if I’ve ever seen one wait it’s not a mimic a recall potion too interesting interesting wait this is great oh that is definitely a mimic kind of place like 100% there it is I mean it just makes sense

Ow you can do a lot of damage it’s a scarf though applies an extra level of Fortune oh well that could have come in freaking [Applause] handy right okay I have to be a bit more careful with this here well that happened oh by the way I

Forgot to put this on lethal damage destroys empty heart containers instead sleep to regenerate heart containers see what do you mean by heart containers what does one mean by that what do you mean hola h a loot bag maybe we can make another chest pet actually one of this one of

This I have another chest pen it works it actually works the way it’s intended oh my goodness we even have a recall potion so I can pretty much recall whenever I need what antler headdress I look so stupid it’s the stupidest thing ever those loot bags are

Insane though I got to say it’s I don’t know it it’s quite op I’m leaving no I’m not 39 diamonds dude I think I think just I’m going to put this out there I think I’ve got enough I think I’ve got what I really wanted y’all led me to die diamonds thank

You infested Stone cringe diamonds not cringe God I just lagged like crazy greatly reduces drga lucky horseshoe negates fall damage wow the stuff I’m finding is actually making me very very happy it’s the last C This I Promise This is yeah this might be it this might be

Where I call it cuz what is that and what is it doing the big problem I’m having right now is I see diamonds right there maybe I can get them while they’re busy I’m not here don’t mind me I’m not here that’s not

Me let me try to fight it let me let me just see let me just see what happens it is ripping me apart what the Thrasher it doesn’t do nearly as much damage as I thought it would so I’m kind of all right God I hate those oh look Oh oh my God I just survived with the Golem thing oh oh my goodness wow wow wow oh I need a second oh I need a second oh my God I wasn’t paying attention to my oxygen oh that could have been so bad that Iron Golem thing

Is so clutch get me in a bed now so when do I get the hearts back I did get 44 Diamonds though oh my pants shoes and a hat okay I don’t know why I made that cuz antler headdress is just like a million times better take

These take that and there we go we have a grindstone as well three sweeping Edge sharpness boom I honestly have no idea what I’m doing here why is this so difficult I feel so stupid I feel so stupid looting three sharp one Unbreaking then I can’t have

KN back sharpness three okay sharp 3 knock one that makes this sharp 3 knock one okay fine fine and we just combine these two that is nice that is nice not amazing but it’s nice yes dude this enchanting system like it needs an update or upgrade or anything it just it

Needs some work I look so dumb so here’s something I don’t understand how am I going to get my hearts back well I log back into the world and look at that there’s me hearts we have things quite situated now there’s one major issue I have all this

Loot plus another two chests over there and I have nowhere to put it so I’m going to have to make some type of house right here seems like a much more peaceful place right yo I’ve come here to take what’s mine since I did something spherical on my adventure Z video I’m

Going to do something very cubical this time but I want to use uh bamboo and I want to use Oak I want to combine the two to make something very cool I should have I should have installed the wood cutting mod but I I actually I didn’t

Expect to have much wood in this world so yeah all right so let’s begin let’s let’s see what we can do here uh I want to make I want to make this look good and you should have dropped me some leads sir only one the oh no two yes oh

You see that actually I think this might look good now I need to do stairs I think surrounding it so let me do that it doesn’t even connect with which kind of worries me but oh surely I didn’t just ruin this how did I just remove this water

This is absurd I’ve never seen this happen before how did I just make a wormhole oh okay that fixed it well there we go and that should connect to the other thing well this is just going to be great not really sure I’m not really sure how I feel about that right

So what this needs is a expansion this way just like this I think I’ll keep it like this actually I have my slabs I think I like that more cuz I mean I can just get out of it you know what whatever this works so I’m going to have some of

These that could work just for decoration that sounds weird um so it’s like a you know it’s like a trading dock as well some people can sail over here and trade and stuff H I might just you know what I might do I’m going to start I’m going to end it like

Kind of stubby here and I’m going to make it not too crazy wide probably something like this okay well either way I’m going to make it quite long that direction I will be crafting up my Supply hopefully there is a use for this at the end of the day I could do the

Inlets of the windows with them actually I I will do that it’s going to be so good the bat how do I keep unlocking these trinkets like crazy right now Prov I you with night vision oh whoa that is so good I need the ender pearl one as well

So I just need to keep unlocking trinket slots honestly that’s all I need but I will actually go get those skeletons going cuz I do want those trinkets unlocked and I need a whole bunch more bone meal look at how much I’m spending oh they also go sideways hold on

Hm you know what that might just work nice Palm desk wait we might actually have a use for the Palm desk hold on it kind of looks like a window though I don’t know how I feel about that in theory that’s a good thing no question

Becomes what do we do with the middle window I mean that works I think that works obviously it’s going to look a lot different once you know there’s an inside to the house it’s not going to you’re not going to see through it but other what other pains can we make maybe

I’m maybe I’m missing out on something Grand framed glass yep see see what I mean you see what I mean this is exactly what I was missing out on that would fit in so well instead of these stupid ones what looks better regular or pains that’s regular I mean not that’s pains

And regular yep it’s definitely going to be the pains oh he gives me back nice oh dude that looks actually so good it should work and the roof’s going to be up to like there we might have to start moving the loot over pretty soon though butcher’s cleaver

I’m getting all these trinkets but I’m not I don’t have enough levels for this stuff chance of dropping bones when killing animals it’s not amazing it’s definitely not worth the trinket spot kind of kind of sucks that I don’t really have any sort of XP farm right now all right technically the skeleton

Spawner should be right down here we’re back let’s just dig out this entire spot we’re going to feed them into what’s going to be a little system now technically if I release this it should only float down to it floats down too far that’ll work that’ll

Work don’t know how this is going to work in practice no idea they should float right to here well hey guys I mean I hope you’re doing well I will be breaking apart your house spliff it’s just a bunch of losers getting spiffed that’s all it is they getting stuck on something

Ow oh you’re three blocks tall well look at you good for you man well shoot each other that’s good that’s fine what is happening there I’m hearing many foe who needs an Enderman Farm really guess what I can unlock these things now so now I can unlock the bat so I have

Night vision now we have empty amulet right so what you do is you go here you do this and you swim up I need a million kelp I don’t know if I need to do all that but either way way there’s a help right there so I can see where it is and

I’m not going to go crazy you don’t stack chests in real life you just don’t oh wait what ar ar ar arachin Hammer this tool will break blocks in a 3X3 radius scuba chest plate turtle mancer wand this is very cool I like this this questionable I don’t like that why is there a flower there it’s probably like a sign that someone’s coming to strangle me or something put some hay bals in here honestly why no idea no clue I feel like they add to the place I mean it sort of gives off the bed frame Vibe you

Know nice little cozy bed not sure what I’m doing how much wood does a wood chuck need I don’t think that’s how the sentence goes how much wood does a wood muffin need to finish his base I think I had already some of this stuff that I [Applause] Need there’s a window here so got to repeat it here I finally have a clear inventory oh my God [Applause] you know what I think it actually doesn’t look terrible we’re going to do a special entrance to this how much of the bomb desk okay fine I have to I have

To see let me just see how this looks okay those don’t even look like doors bro what is that a good old yeah I mean it just it works it works every time it’s it’s never really failed me so I just have to go with it first time

Sleeping in the new house though hello of course ruined by I should have done the voice acting for these things still don’t know what’s making that sound by the way no idea right I do need to consider on how I’m going to be doing the roof I need to

Look at this and go okay gosh I just think this needs logs does the rest of it even work without logs I’m not sure maybe I need to remove those too as well then maybe not it’s a little bit out in the open but I mean I mean genuinely if you saw

This running at you would you not be like scared oh I really underestimated the amount I need oh my God and also I kind of want to make a little whatever you call it like a thing here wow I’m good at explaining things aren’t I you know

What it’s the idea that counts right maybe I even remove these to be honest that that works I think I’m going to yep I’m going to leave it at that how do you make vertical slabs I think this will help with making it look

Good I have a feeling I want to do it like this it might look weird but it might look cool either this is going to look super cool or very bad why would anyone why would anyone need this complex of a roof on their house why no

One needs this I want to have this be bamboo just have it running across like this yeah I like how that looks look at that look at the bamboo well don’t look at this part but but look at that I think my house is not waterproof seems

To be raining inside um not good not good there we go we have finished the inside I have still haven’t finished the outside though so let me let me quickly just do that and we’ll be all done and we can move on to something more important maybe finally oh my God I

Finished it oh my God I’m done TDA my house it’s complete almost hold on it’s complete gosh that took so long next thing I guess we’re going to go to the nether we need a few things we need blaze rods we need glow stone probably some other things that I’m forgetting right now

But oh my God oh my God oh my God my entire Village my entire Village is here guys what are you doing here oh my God they’ve infiltrated they’re making babies in the nether oh my God they’re making children they’re making children in the nether all at least I have

Glowstone already that’s good that’s one of the things we needed what on Earth is that okay um uh right where are you coming from what is that is that a Fox whatever the drop bear thing is hate it these oh these are wolves okay this

Nether is already bad and I have to get out of here somehow problem is I’m expecting drop bears and other creatures that I don’t like speaking of creatures that I don’t like any Enderman as I’ve exclaimed multiple times in all of my videos I just despise the Nether and

Everything it stands for so theoretically if I can possibly get what I need and never come back I’d be happy gosh there’s there’s so much of this biome I don’t see a single Enderman what the hell is that down there I have a look at that portal though oh what the

Flipflop why is there mosquitoes on me Obsidian skull yeah I’m getting this obsidian by the way because I have literally no idea where my portal is not the slightest clue actually it’s also those obsidian spikes so in theory I could just take one of those and and have enough if a

Misquito hits me while I’m trying to Bridge Over I will cry I will literally cry how did I just place a block below how do I do that okay I have enough I’s got a trinket Frost Walker that seems kind of useless well hello there precious I’ve

Been as you call it looking for you you can place block I can place blocks like this under what what how do you do I see the blaze spawner I see some blazes in my first Blaze Rod of these 100 days two blaze rods hold on is there an enclosed Blaze

Okay the blaze spawner it’s kind of enclosed just got a loot bag don’t mind me what do we get not a big fan of having knockback pretty sure we got oh we have nine just got a nether helmet and a chicken pet pirate Gunner spawn egg why

Why would you give me that you think I’m going to spawn myself some pirate Gunners is that what you’re thinking this nether fortress is kind of weird champ you know what that means that means I’m getting out of here I’m done I have what I need I have what I came for

Came for kind of almost completely I bet I don’t have any Flint do I we might have have a problem right right right right right right I’m a Minecrafter I will light this portal I can hear mosquito you’re being weird let me show you how to how to do

This thing let me show you how it’s done who just oh you want to light my portal I mean be my guest hit me thank you thank you very much and here we are probably light years away from my house oh pain I’ll walk myself over to this

Village wait wait wait wait wait wait wait look at this kraken’s somewhere over that way I think but who cares about the Kraken look at this magenta Rune just the whole oh a loot bag we like loot bags Unbreaking one very mid very very mid and that’s about it that’s

Really all she wrote and another loot bag was did I just see Windows 3 point .1 what on Earth are these drops man petrify block or mob uh I think it might be time to figure out where our house is I just realized we have a very long boat

Journey ahead of us 3,000 blocks that direction I guess uh I’ll see you when I get there I kind of want to go to that ship last time it had ender pearls on it well easier than last time yes it has ender pearls nice oh it’s not the same every time oh

There’s another chest come on give me something good please what dude I just got nine ender pearls in one ship it’s like all I need I am supposed to be going that way but I just can’t ignore whatever this is is this actually a floating village unlike

The other ones that are not supposed to be floating the only problem is you don’t really have much loot do you well I’ll take the bread I guess well that kraken’s quite close isn’t it is he going to kill me instantly stick around to find out you just have to hit it at

The right spot I’m guessing is that even hurting it it’s not hurting it dude it will probably eat me if I get too close to it maybe I just can I just sneak in and take what whatever’s on this ship or is it going to rush towards me and

Instantly kill me let’s find out oh my goodness wait wait wait wait wait L stuff just got to be quick got to be quick just got to be super quick I don’t see it doesn’t seem to be guarding them I don’t know how much time I have to loot

It I just kind of took everything I don’t even know what I got I didn’t have time to check I’m hoping I could just go around maybe another time my friend maybe another time oh wait that’s the that’s the ship I broke I’m almost home I can see my

Home okay my house actually looks very cool I have to say I did a great job we have securely made it home oh my goodness I I have a recall potion I just realized I had a recall potion the entire time what the oh my God so I just

Need the chicken pet in my inventory I’m super fast wao or does it need to be in my hot bar yeah it needs to be in my hot bar I see actually this is kind of cool oh my God yes stools stools everywhere stools you can sit on them oh my God you

Could sit on the stools I’m in I’m on a stool this will have to do Bing Bong God I hate this enchantment thing like it just makes no sense oh new trinket witches love you fair enough I guess I’ll take it now let’s see I want to create a new bow and

Enchant it with some goodies okay Unbreaking and power it’s good we like that and punch power three punch one Unbreaking one good good I already have looting on it so I don’t really care to have that and then we proceed to try to combine them but fail because we don’t have

Enough levels sharpness four Unbreaking two looting three knock back two I need that sword a trinket once again what is this one Auto smelting any block mind instantly smelted as a processed by a furnace H that seems more useful and the witch thing the good sword everything’s upgraded everything’s done I think I

Think it is about time to go and fight that Dragon it is that direction I hope these villagers don’t mind I take a little nap in their houses let’s throw another Pearl why not oh not what I meant to do what did it just go down there is a

Ravine I lost my eye I hate that why do I hear every creature ever I’m hearing a lot of zombies okay but we do have this hello there well isn’t this just exactly what I’ve been looking for now the question becomes where exactly am I supposed to be going you got trapped son

If if I were to be looking for a portal let’s say where would where would I go I would be such a bad speedrunner I might as well throw a pearl that it went that That Way Fountain what what happened to this Library oh my goodness loot bag whoa

Sharpness five give you something good I 12 waist Stones I didn’t even know waist stones are a thing I didn’t think this mod pack had waist Stones another loot bag what resurrects you once and breaks I mean I’ll be taking that thank you very much where am I why am I

Here this is stupid all right it’s not stupid this is amazing this is this is amazing this is exactly what I was looking for actually so thank You well this just got serious okay here we go what the why are you here boom boom I’m goed at this actually oh my God wait wait I’m owning wait I’ve never owned like this Before how about we uh do a little pearing I don’t know how to do that definitely Failed I’m so goated I’m so goated flip you dude yeah I totally fell but I’m goated I’m goated I’m goated I’m goated I’m goed I’m goated we kill an Enderman for Good Luck Good Luck Enderman kill oh no there’s one more help me out I’m I’m so bad I did it

I’ve been watching speeduns I’m getting better I’m improving wait I have a bed hold I’m using a bed uh how do you do the how do you do it again um you need you need like some some strong stuff I don’t have any strong stuff my

Bed down I’m ready if you break my bed I will be Pissed he broke my bed he broke my bed he broke my bed he broke my bed oh no I fell in the thing I didn’t mean to oh no oh no no no wait check me out still still keep checking me out drink this

Oh shut up shut up shut up I have a plan I didn’t get all my XP I’m like I need my XP and my dragon egg obviously give it to me I’m worth it okay now we can head on back I think my house is somewhere this way

Wait do you see what I see what is this it’s a village no hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on big ship okay there’s a there’s a lot to explore here and I am overwhelmed big ship underwater thing I’m getting overwhelmed go go go I must

Get home I’m back I’m back home wa Stone Way Stone Way Stone was Stone was Stone was Stone was Stone um call it base I’m going to place this bad boy right here if anyone knows how to use these ancient Toms please leave it in the comments

Below and I may do it for 200 days got the nice benches look at that oh my God I don’t know how to use these TOS BR first of all let me have a look see on what is going on down here hey guys how are you sorry I kind of busted into

Your house oh my goodness this is probably one of the coolest things I’ve seen so far what this is epic this such an outlandish thing like an underwater civilization and of course thank you for another Anvil and another one of these and some lava I’m very intrigued to take

This jungle wood off of you I just got bananas oh my God I just got like a million bananas I mean anyway guys thank you again thank you so much actually before I forget I wanted to make a few good old lamps w Wait a freaking minute glass glass glass glass

Glass I call it instant glass I don’t even need glass am I stupid wow I’m actually going to need a a lot more Redstone two as you enter the house one built into the ceiling here I got to go get some Redstone it’s been a while

Since I’ve been here but I’m here for another thing I’m here for red stone never been here for Redstone but now I am got 15 from just two blocks I might be out of here pretty quick and look at that we have a lot of stuff now I can pretty

Pretty much light up the place all right I think I’m going to go to the end and get an elytra all right let’s go why I just spawn on top of a tree bro I should have brought some blocks oh I see a ship I see the ship

And I’m going to the ship what the flip what the flip why is there a burning Enderman there oops wrong button make it over there and make it over there now where’s my ship hey buddy ow I’ll be taking that what the what on Earth is that what the hell is that

What I’m leaving dude did the Slime just took my shield and my my what what just happened I can’t believe what just I don’t know what just happened wait a second where’s my chest plate oh I definitely dropped it I need to go back in need to go back in for my chest

Plate ooh ooh I can leave now and what is this that just looks like a boss to me just looks like a boss fight I hear a witch the question really becomes do they keep spawning I’m interested to find out what this guy is so you can’t hit him H

Whoa that’s pretty good I’ll try to defeat this guy it was nice while it lasted all right buddy I I mean let’s find out what you’re all About I can’t bow you can I bow [Applause] You dude just bent over that’s wild end troll skin nice that was good fun we and we’re back end troll box all right I mean I can combine these two for Thorns 3 Unbreaking 3 fire protection 4 mending I don’t see myself needing either of these to be honest but I guess

The Mending really is that just good you know I don’t even need Shuler boxes really what am I going to use them for you know you know what I want this pixie pet and it will eat my Emerald nuggets I don’t care wait a second I have so many waist

Stones yet I haven’t placed one at my XP farm skeleton spawner any who let me see if this works wait I don’t have my other hook with me hold on Double XP double hook I should get immense amounts of I just got eight levels from one

Skeleton 12 what excuse me if I had an Enderman Farm no this is not okay this is just so not okay these pets have to be the most stupidly overpowered thing ever but I love them so if I’m not mistaken it should be it should be right here oh no oh

No there is a uh there’s a certain individual here and a kraken okay there’s the kraken’s there where’s the bad guys I was confused on who’s shooting me oh Jesus Christ oh what up guys oh my God what just what just hit me for like a million

Damage something just hit me for like a million damage okay I actually have no idea do I bring TNT ooh I have an idea you know the one way to deal with pirates is with some TNT you and me we’re going to have a few words oh that’s the captain I think

That looks like the captain Jesus why is he wobbling like that no worries I’ll take out more of your men I think the captain’s done for But they’re Not what do you think you’re doing get back get back I’m not done [Applause] either oh my God what a battle pirates weakness is what did I just I just got a cannon I just got a cannon either way for now we have to deal with this I want some

Sponges and other things knock back here isn’t great actually see where’s the main spot well I guess I have to figure out how to find the main thing actually pretty much never been in one of these ever there’s gold here sponges I can’t believe this has been in

Vanilla Minecraft for like ever this is literally the first time I’ve ever even gone into one of these oh hey how are you check this out check me out now you can’t do anything to me good stuff guys I blew up a ship and I took over a house what is that up

There what is this what why am I Jesus well you fell down GG’s oh this is Difficult what the flipflop loot the chest I mean what did I even get obsidian nugget ocelot pet wasn’t that impressive and going to have to uh get a nice little villager to uh offer me mending yeah there we go we’re going to be best Pals lava waxed what even does that

Mean I’ve never gotten this lucky I’ve never gotten this lucky how did I already get mending you’re a treasure is what you are treasure that is what you are you’re my golden they can make me you you are beautiful you are beautiful you are gorgeous I love you it’s really

Looking up for us you know we’re really we’re really looking towards a brighter future here ooh rock candy trinket I get more movement speed I mean don’t mind if I do oh my wait I’m actually wait I’m so fast hold on hold on what look at this

No this is not okay this is not okay this is not okay at all what is this how is this okay how is this okay let’s go to the uh good old Disposer What why am I what is happening why am I a speedboat look at this in one jump I’m going to make it to the other side of my house look at this jump I don’t even have my elytra on okay so after a little bit of research I

Can use this as ammo for the Cannon is this okay I don’t think this is okay oh my God oh my God yo what up guys I’m back the kraken’s still there you know I have to take out the Kraken I’m really tempted to just just do this the villager’s looking at it I just killed the Villager I just

Killed the Villager I didn’t mean to kill the Villager now you’re free don’t run away oh my God it’s running away all right that’s it I’m going in oh my god did it just do as much damage as I think it did cuz I think it

Did so you can’t get too close to it but you can just shoot arrows from afar is this cheesing it I don’t know okay that did not get away from me you can’t catch me I’m too fast what are you doing get away from me you have no

Chance you have no chance I will come back with more arrows how does it take no damage it is just healing I’m not sure I’m doing any damage to it just stay there and let me do my thing it is half health I don’t know how many arrows I’ve

Have left this might be my only chance I’m out of arrows oh no I have 64 more arrows wait I just did it what it said it had like so much more Health Unbreaking ancient cracken teeth W whoo whoo whoa this gave me 16 and what I need to put mending on it

Right now where’s my home I just killed the Kraken hello I’m back I I’ve become Aquaman you know one thing I I might be all rich and stuff but like one thing I’m missing is some food D I’ve got mending on it let’s go there’s literally no other way I would

Have killed the Kraken absolutely not cuz the best armor in the game is not going to defend me from it like it’s insane how much damage it did to me 51 blocks of iron okay need to make myself a little farm little Animal Farm let me just quickly go over here okay

Guys I’m going to need uh some of you to come with me do I have any leads oh I have leads what I just do is I go whoop how are you not in the boat we’re about to fly my friend if this is how you want it fine I’m okay with That I’m I’m flying so quick I have a feeling uh the pig didn’t make it I don’t know where the pig is ah the pig didn’t even can I not put you guys in a boat oh there we go see y’all uh see the rest of y’all later this is

Actually the slowest mode of transportation I have how fast can you go you could go pretty fast Bud all right let’s see oh my God he can swim with me we are speed my friend oh I’ll be back I’m torturing these pigs no I’m not no I’m

Not Peeta if you’re listening I’m not doing that it’s that was a joke that was supposed to be a joke all right just uh chill out here for a sec Billy Bob and Spencer this one’s more of a billy and this one’s more of a Spencer okay dude in front of my family

So simply it goes like This Spencer’s having a problem Spencer’s a bit special that’s all right Spence please you’re going to get sick come on Spence and Billy Bob you too come here taada now I have food forever you know I kind of feel like we could do something with this spot and I

May have a very dumb idea now the whole idea is I going to have a little Zoo right here we have drop bears we can put some drop bears in there pirate Gunners right Penguins penguino was saki mushroom time can’t wait for the pirate Gunners to join these guys I’ll just have one

Mule in there honestly hold on I think I think there’s too many of you let’s get the get a drop bear in there just one he seems to be making a lot of noise forgotten a pirate Gunner maybe too oh no no no no no oh no oh no it’s

Begun oh no it’s begun oh good God what did I do oh no oh no oh no my Zoo didn’t work out I’m sorry buddy this was a mess I just wanted pieace all right two of those then we’ll have One Singular drop bear totally not loud and annoying now to try

And put a pirate gunner in here there we go what a zoo three parrots two mules and one mule that didn’t make it oh come on are you kidding me okay there’s one parot one mule and one fire Gunner I’m not putting a drop bear in there anymore because those seem to cause

Problems bro’s trying to get out you’re stuck here forever boy this makes more sense it’s like I’ve got imprisoned pirates with their mules and parrot I will name one pirate um Captain uh wiggle bottom and the other one will be tayor Taylor sailor Taylor which one oh

God I don’t know which one it is now it’s the guy without the name all right guys uh the mules I’m going to need the mules to get closer to me actually the parrot’s going to be PR no okay Prince escaped Prince is now my parrot me and

Prince we are an Unstoppable Duo all righty so there’s two things I kind of want to do right now first things first I need to go get myself uh a wither skeleton skull because I’m trying to fight the withered there’s one problem though please tell me I have the wayist

Stone thing on that end portal where’s my nether portal oh my God I have to find it manually all right my nether portal should be somewhere around here like this direction there’s a kraken nearby all right let’s go for a second I forgot why I’m here but then I

Remembered I almost fell into lava okay let’s not do that again hello Withers I need your stuff funniest part is you can’t wither me oh my God you are annoying though but you can’t wither me a bit too many things right Now return to Cinder I don’t know how I did that but I did it I didn’t come prepared let’s just say that I think technically if I just do something like this I learned this in speedr running you load in like three chunks and then you load back in more than three

Chunks and it does absolutely nothing you can’t wither me but you also haven’t given me anything I want did you give me what I want or did you not nope give me a rib dude just give me a wither skeleton skull please even with looting three

Walk around exist for a little bit and then turn it back up where’s all the theoretical blazes that should have spawned oh my God that’s a freaking mosquito not blazes I don’t need blazes I need wither skeletons you drop me like two skulls no you didn’t drop me any skulls these are

Kind of cool I want I want to make my tools have runes on them ooh that might have worked they just spawned in three Withers right there and a mosquito shut up one I got one skull nice it works look at that the rates okay can

I get rid of the blaze oh my God guys I need wither skulls please I think I just continuously do the same thing over and over again I got another Wither Skull let’s go it only took like forever I hate mosquitoes they’re the worst they’re the worst wither skeletons hello

What just caught me on fire I’m so close I’m so close I just need one more one skull one more skull come on where are my 1 million Withers anything but this anything but you or you I don’t like you either no one dropped it you it’s you

It’s you have it no you don’t yes I can go back I even know where that is I don’t know where to go back I would assume it’s somewhere this way there it is one issue though I may have the skulls but I definitely do not have a

Way home I mean who needs an elytra when you really think about it you know I’m very close to home actually there it is I’m back perfect hey guys okay nice to see you too actually fun fact I really want to get myself a nice looking Rune on my

Sword I wonder what looks oh orange looks cool only cost 15 levels I’m doing that I have a white Rune I have a magenta Rune red doesn’t look great what that looks cool the white runes look really cool look at that look at my sword look at that like look at this

Stuff oh my goodness the bow looks so cool anyway it’s time to finally fight the Wither yes okay okay where do I fight this guy I’ll do the other Village I have a better idea we’re going to do it right here out on the waters so this is

Where we started it all all right let’s Go it shouldn’t be able to hit me once theoretically it’s pretty quick just like me what you know about Naval Combat I’m faster than you he yeah you already know it didn’t even ruin the surroundings and I have another star so guess what we’re doing we’re

Making a beacon we’re making a beacon I just fought a boss yeah that’s right let’s make one of these Beacon things never done it in a 100 Days episode before so pretty cool in my opinion now the question is what kind of Beacon can we make I’m going to make a nice iron

Beacon this means I need a lot more iron we have like a third of the iron that’s needed for a full Beacon guess it’s time to go mining huh how about it I am starting to wonder how long it will take for me to actually get this

Beacon well hear me out if I’m not getting extra anything might as well put my smelter on and have it smelt these bad boys instantly I’m going to have to do it later anyway so I might as well uh smelt it this is actually going to take me a

Very long time did I consider that when I started this no no am I considering it now yes is there a cause for a concern maybe well there definitely is a lot of iron in this cave oh oops y’all good yall having fun I’m only here for one thing iron if

You can’t provide me with iron then I don’t Care I just mined iron with my sword there’s too much stuff in my inventory man I need 100 blocks I’m not leaving this cave until I have 100 blocks of iron you might think well you’re just insane yes yes I am why is these 100 days become just me trying to get iron

What happened iron iron iron iron oh my God oh my goodness there’s so much iron I’m just in lava right now by the way oo a trinket Blaze heart you are immune to fire damage huh pink item frame that’s too gangster not to have I can actually swim in lava oh my God

Okay so in theory I should have enough here I have two stacks plus I have some at home oh I think it’s time to go back I think it’s finally time to go back and for that we have a recall potion it actually worked oh wait I have

I had way more than I thought I have look at that I’ve got item frames what am I going to put there diamonds potentially oh yeah yeah oh my there it is baby ta Beacon and that ladies and gentlemen is going to conclude our 100 day

Adventure but don’t be sad it’s over be glad it happened and I may not know how to use beacons I sure do know we had a great adventure so thank you everyone for stopping by and enjoying the this 100 day video if you did enjoy it

Obviously make sure to leave a like and maybe even subscribe there will be more content coming out this year a whole lot of it actually and we’re going for 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year hopefully we can get there if not that’s fine but hopefully we can so if

You haven’t already make sure to check your subscribed and I hope to see you in the next video peace out [Laughter] guys

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in an ENDLESS OCEAN in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by MuffinatorMan on 2024-01-10 17:00:53. It has garnered 28675 views and 909 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:00 or 6240 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in an ENDLESS OCEAN in Minecraft Hardcore Today’s hardcore adventure begins in a world full of deep dark ocean, pirates and sea creatures.. none of which particularly like me. Will I thrive in this ocean world or will I be taken into the depths by some nasty mobs Find out by watching today’s episode!

If you enjoyed the movie, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss more of these in the future

modpack used:

Business inquiries: [email protected] Inspired by: suev, forgelabs, lukethenotable, legundo

#minecraft #minecraft100days

  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

    Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies In Minecraft’s world, a battle unfolds, 1000 dogs versus zombies, stories untold. The wolves howl and charge, teeth bared in the night, Against the undead horde, a fearsome sight. Armored wolves join the fray, a fierce display, Clashing with zombies in a deadly ballet. Level 2 wolves, armored and strong, Against armored zombies, a clash that’s long. The fight rages on, in pixels and blocks, A mob battle for the ages, no time for talks. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic scene, In Minecraft’s realm, where battles are keen. Read More

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  • Bakwan Battle: Minecraft Roleplay

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  • Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod – Part 3

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  • Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming

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  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

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  • Aquarium Upgrade: GW’s Minecraft Makeover!

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  • CleanSMP – SMP 1.20.4, Money system, Survival, Java, NO Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate Showdown

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    REDSTONE MONSTROSITY DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Mob Battle! The Redstone Monstrosity may be tough, but let’s see how it handles a group of angry golems armed with nothing but their fists and a whole lot of attitude. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers take on a giant robot – except in Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce!

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  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

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  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

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  • STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared Merlin

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  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

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  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build 🦊🔨

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  • MinionMC

    MinionMCJust some basic survival multiplayer world to play on and have fun. Come join if you want some basic vanilla smp just for fun. Read More

  • Dark Hearts 20+ – Realms

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  • GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Crazy conspiracy in Minecraft”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really “mined” its way to the top! Read More

  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

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  • Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥

    Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🤣 #shorts #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Flirting in Minecraft

    Flirting in Minecraft Minecraft Animation: Talk to a Woman Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of characters and scenarios. One such instance is captured in the animation titled “Talk to a Woman.” Let’s delve into this humorous and engaging Minecraft short! The Encounter In the animation, a character proudly declares, “I’M A WOMAN, @PoKeX87MeLLaman!” This unexpected revelation is met with a comical reaction, adding a touch of humor to the storyline. The character’s enthusiasm is palpable, drawing viewers into the unfolding events. A Hilarious Twist As the character continues to assert their identity, a sudden sound interrupts the… Read More

  • Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22

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  • Minecraft Mini Boy’s Terrifying Hack

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  • 💎💰I’m the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1

    💎💰I'm the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Soy el mas RICO de Minecraft GENS.. 💲💰Cap.1’, was uploaded by Frozeado on 2024-03-30 03:03:17. It has garnered 1056 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⚔️Server in this video! 🡆 IP: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📱 My Discord 📱 🡆 🐦 Mi Twitter 🐦 🡆 📁Business email: [email protected] 📱 Twittch: 📁 Pack’s In this video! 📁 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #MinecraftHCF #StaffSeries #Frozeado Read More

  • Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft – Pixel Art Timelapse #010 Caterpie

    Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft - Pixel Art Timelapse #010 CaterpieVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse – #010 Caterpie’, was uploaded by Bug & Buds on 2024-02-18 10:16:21. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. I hope you have enjoyed this Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse! If you would like to build this in your own world, you can download the schematic below! Material List: Black Carpet x 828 Lime Carpet x 608 White Carpet x 284 Pink Carpet x 80 Follow me on my other socials if you’re interested! Discord – Twitter -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥

    Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥Video Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘I can Clutch🗿😎🔥#minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #sonyvegas #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-16 16:19:26. It has garnered 1490 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • AnParan – CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥

    AnParan - CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥Video Information huh live stream lagi langsung end dong lupa ganti dong Oke Guys kembali kita di Minecraft petulangan Baru kali ini gua enggak di kota karena kota Lagi offline jadi kita di sini kita kali ini targetan gua ngalahin Ender Dragon sekarang di episode 1 ya Jadi ini bakal sebuah series live stream yang bakal gua main cuman pas live stream aja ya teman-teman ya yaitu tujuannya tujuan akhirnya yaitu kita bakal membunuh yang namanya Ender Dragon dan ini kita sudah Spawn apa nih ini kita udah Spa G mana gua ya apa nih lagun Ini gua di mana… Read More

  • Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC Minecraft

    Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC MinecraftVideo Information hi welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to complete the first 10,000 days in this [Music] [Music] world oh my gosh you are so slow let’s speed this up starting from day 1000 I went straight to work doing a lot of neglected projects around the world first I ran most of the main farms in the world this included the raid Farm the quad mob farm a gravity block duper for both sand and concrete the gold Farm bartering farm and most of the farms on the industrial Island including the bone meal Cobblestone Nether… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! – Minecraft Border Hoarder 18

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! - Minecraft Border Hoarder 18Video Information hey guys lter here and welcome back to border hoarder if you’re new here border hoarder is a map where I have to collect every single Minecraft item in 1.19 and expands this border to be from small to very big so today’s episode we are trying to get some weather skulls as well as try to fight the weather himself and hopefully hopefully find the what do you say find the stronghold and fight the inner dragon ooh that’s good but it’s not what we want we already have sharpness five on this sword I did a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥

    🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNTIME DANCE FLOOR | Fnaf Minecraft Aninated Music Video’, was uploaded by Animation Lobby on 2023-12-29 09:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Animation By animation lobby Song By CK9C. Read More