Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Desert

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I survived 100 days in a desert in Hardcore Minecraft this desert is void of life it doesn’t even have trees that give us sticks for tools or planks for a crafting table but during our time in this world we transformed this Barren Wasteland into a massive civilization

Rivaling ancient Egypt well here we are in the middle of nowhere I think our main challenge starting off is the fact that there’s no wood there’s no trees and uh it’s going to be hard to get tools along with that it’s also going to be really difficult to get food so

Getting those two things will be my number one priority at least for now I can get sticks from dead bushes that’s something uh oh ruined nether portal but we’ll we’ll go there in a little bit I don’t want to go there just yet well actually you know what I can’t break the

Gold block but you know what I can check the chest maybe maybe it’ll have some good stuff for us this might be our Saving Grace in the middle of the desert where resources are really hard to come by um oh well we got an axe with sharpness four so uh that’ll be really

Good to protect us but unfortunately gold block another gold block we’ll have to come back to you so despite the lack of resources to find thankfully it shouldn’t be too hard to find villages and I think that’s a village Tower over there but uh they’re pretty much everywhere since 1.14 so finding

Villages will be fairly easy and hopefully within those Villages we’ll have a little bit of food oh please have some wheat please have wheat oh yes there’s blocks of wheat thankfully okay we’ve got food but you know what we still don’t have any tools well I guess

We’ve got this axe but it’s not really going to do much for us because there’s there’s no trees for me to break now I know there is a small small chance to find saplings within Village chests but I don’t know if that applies to uh to

All Villages like if we’re going to find them in desert Villages or if we’re just out of luck oh a CMO hey buddy chests oh bread perfect okay we’re probably going to have enough bread to last us a while so that’s good and we have beetroot suits if we need anything okay there’s

Tons of wheat around this Village which is really good we’ll collect all of it in a little bit I want to just grab what I can from the chests first you know what I don’t think I’ve actually seen a camel since 1.20 came out so uh we might

Have to get him as a little friend seem very scared of us huh I I’ll make you my friend soon oh never mind okay I think I’ve collected everything from the chests so here’s my plan with the iron golems oh oh God oh God oh

God uh-oh I missed I missed I got to run away no whoopsie um that that wasn’t that wasn’t the plan here let’s let’s try this again let’s try this again here here here okay come on come here buddy can I drop any iron oh here it is

Okay oh we got four pieces of iron just from him okay sweet um where’s the other Iron Golems are they going to be just as mad at me cuz I could I could use their stuff as well okay we got him let’s have him follow us over

Here uh-oh did we go too fast come on here we go okay there we go so because of the lack of trees getting a wooden pickaxe would pretty much be impossible right now and I don’t think there’s any way to get Stone from Village chests so this

Iron is it’s it’s pretty much our only option but you know what it’s a good option ah but unfortunately I can’t make myself a shield right now ah here we go down here I want to grab some Stone so we can make a stone hoe and then uh

Let’s make some torches so there is one way we can get wood which is by finding an abandoned M shaft which they’re sort of rare but thankfully not too rare I do want to find one pretty soon here just so I can get myself a shield because uh

Without a shield it’s going to be really hard to protect ourselves against the dangers of the night you know what there’s a ton of sugar cane around here I wonder if we can just break it all and make tons of paper trade it with the Villagers for some

Emeralds and maybe get ourself a weapon Smith or something and trade up for some tools I’ve got different options okay this is this is doable okay let’s head to bed ending our first night of many okay so first things first let’s see just how much food we uh we exactly have

Because oh boy I I think I think we probably have enough bread for the entire 100 days this is this is going to be nice now let’s briefly explore the area surrounding this Village if this is the only structure within miles then uh this may be my home base but maybe

There’s greener pastures somewhere else well actually that’s impossible for anything to be green because we’re in a desert but uh metaphorical greener pastures is what I meant another village with some Iron Golems would be great because we can take them down and take their iron iron in this cave here no I

Don’t see any okay I really hope sometime in the future I can find saplings and some sort of chest because uh it’d be really cool to make a sort of Oasis in the desert but if I can’t get any it won’t be the end of the world I

Wonder if I can trade for some with some wandering Traders a here we go another beautiful Village and uh I I don’t even need to break the wheat because we we’ve got enough wheat to last us a lifetime seriously I think I think this is enough wheat for the whole video this this

Should be great knock knock anyone inside nope okay any other Iron Golems any others so even though there’s no planes biomes which means we unfortunately can’t really get any livestock thankfully there is some in these Villages like we got a pig here the other Village had a few animals so

Maybe maybe we can get a farm started sometime in the future might be hard to transport the animals across this huge distance though I don’t really need them for food but a cow would be useful for leather for getting bookshelves while these Village chests don’t seem to have

Much but maybe this pyramid in the mountain will have some more loot for us okay I’ve got to be really careful not to mess this up this going to go very badly okay a golden apple and some horse armor if I get a saddle a horse might be

Really useful to navigate this desert Oh Dune armor trim okay and we did get ourselves a saddle sweet so uh I can get ourself a camel friend I’m not sure what’s better a camel or a horse I’m pretty sure camels go slower but they can also jump pretty far which is fun

Camel get out of the way I don’t want to hurt you so with that let’s do this ah you know what I actually like that we got the Dune armor trim because you know it’s it’s pretty fitting for or a desert only world you know what I’ve been

Traveling the desert for a while and I really like this area right here what I’m thinking about in my head is you know we’re in a desert and so obviously build ideas that come to mind are things related to ancient Egypt so I think it would be really awesome to have a nice

Big flat area in the desert to build a giant pyramid or a series of giant pyramids and of course we have to have the N River nearby so that we can grow some crops so we’ve got this Big River Running here and thankfully it’s a relatively flat area which makes

Excavating a lot easier for me likewise it’s close to a village so not only can we make a villager breeder fairly easily but uh we can also get a town population going I think having a big city with tons of houses and villagers would look absolutely amazing inside of the desert

So I think that’s what we’re going to go for but obviously that’s a big goal and we’ve got a lot of things to do before we get there so I guess for now we’ll just hike up in this Village and thankfully there’s wheat which means we

Can get seed for now I think I’ll just use this larger uh village house as my own little home base uh-oh I just realized a big issue I should have been breaking the village chests I came across because I I don’t even have wood to make a chest uh-oh please tell me

There’s at least two chests in this Village because I I’ve I’ve been adventuring for a long time and the the next Village is a few hundred blocks away it’s not too far but I don’t I don’t want to do that right now oh we have some books which is nice give me a

Chest please with a full inventory it’s hard to like go on a mining trip or anything because I I don’t have anywhere to store my stuff well with not a single chest in this entire Village uh I guess we have to go back to another desert village and

Hopefully break some I’m so stupid why didn’t I think of this I mean thankfully if I check my coordinates we aren’t too far away from Spawn so it won’t be super hard to find another Village but man this stinks just going to check on the other side of this hill to see if

There’s maybe any other vill is close by nope well time to travel back to spawn well there’s this Village do we have any chests inside I don’t even need two I just I just need one well no chest look in the village but this this is where

The desert temple was so uh I guess we can just steal the chests from the pyramid okay two double chests should be enough to hold all of our resources for now and hopefully it just won’t be too hard to find either more chests or an abandoned mine shaft so we can get all

The wood well let’s head back to the other Village cuz I like that area better well now that we finally have some chests for organization how about we do this I have that I’ll bring some iron with me and then we’ll grab a crafting table from the village I want

To do a little bit of a Mining Adventure just so we can get ourselves some basic resources like enough coal for a good amount of torches and some iron for armor but also along the way who knows maybe we’ll finally find ourselves uh an abandoned M shaft and we can get some

Wood but I’m not betting on it because it is fairly rare to find them all right so right near the village here we actually have this area which looks fine and then if we go right here there’s one block that shows us a very very deep

Ravine so I want to try to get down there and maybe maybe it’ll take us to an area with a lot of resources I don’t really know oh this is a little scary actually before we go down there let me go back up to the surface really fast in

Case I need to make myself a new pickaxe or some more tools I want to grab just a few sticks I can probably just break some dead bushes and we’ll be okay I’m also going to steal a bed really fast just so so that when it’s night time we

Can skip the night and not have to worry about dying ah here we go I’m going to try to collect a good amount of iron so that we’ll never need to get iron again at least not for a while and any other valuable resources we find obviously if

We find like diamonds or something I’m going to collect them but I’m not going to bet on it I don’t want to go too deep into here because I don’t want to risk dying this early on I just started all right come on boy yeah oh it seems like this Ravine is

Just a straight shot way deep down I’m a little scared here okay here’s the thing skeletons in hardcore are already extremely difficult to defeat uh especially when you don’t have a shield so I I really need some wood soon oh gosh this doesn’t look fun doesn’t seem

Like there’s a Min shaft over there though so I don’t think we’ll get the wood we need thankfully with with the bigger caves update it seems like M shafts are a little easier to find I don’t think they necessarily spawn more I think it’s more so just that with

These bigger caves there’s more of an opportunity to spot potential M shafts water so does that mean there’s a cave uh-oh uh-oh okay got to take them out fast there we go oh I have the automatic tools mod still and uh makes my sword go to an axe

Okay there’s definitely water nearby are we oh are we under an ocean or is this a cave oh looks like a cave ooh glow squids look cool okay okay time to hide time to hide well there goes one Golden Apple uh maybe maybe going in caves is not the

Best idea but I I need to go in caves because oh gosh this stinks I really have no other option I have to be in caves and I didn’t bring enough materials to smell iron for another pickaxe sweet well we’ll figure this out somehow okay we got that skeleton we

Just have to try to avoid all the other ones oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute there was a m shaft up there there but there’s skeletons oh boy this is not good I don’t know what to do let me hide in a corner really fast

Okay this is the corner that skeletons can’t see me I don’t know if I should risk it I think I have to I don’t really have any other option here that’s my source of wood but there’s skeletons let me try to go the long way

Around if I can at least get to that y level and mine just a couple pieces of wood I can get myself a shield which uh should be pretty easy I don’t even have to smelt anything because I have smelted iron already from killing the Iron Golems oh I’m nervous right now this

Isn’t good I guess we’re only on day like six or something so if I do have to restart the world it’s it’s it’s it’s not too bad oh that was too close I don’t like this one bit oh wait here’s some coal okay okay before we go

Over there we can at least smelt some of this iron and make a full set of iron armor that is going to be really beneficial for us at least with iron armor will take much less damage but still a pretty good amount because skeletons in hardcore not only have Aimbot but do Insane

Damage please be kind to me okay well I’ve got all the iron smelted that I can now I just have to figure out how to make my way over to that wood I just don’t want to get caught can I go down there maybe maybe that’s a good route I

Just need a few pieces and then we can quickly put ourselves together a shield okay let’s try to do it oh good we have these long pillars of logs so I can just break all of these and we should get a good amount of wood from that okay

Beautiful oh finally okay now that we have a shield we should be much more equipped to uh protect ourselves from the dangers in this cave okay perfect well now that we have some wood I guess let’s uh let’s explore and see what else is in this m shaft hopefully some pretty

Good stuff let’s also do this and this and this ooh there’s a a chest what’s over here ooh okay okay I’ll take all of this H it looks like this spider spawner was uh was interrupted by a geode ah oh okay um there we go we got a mending book and

A diamond I mean I can’t really do anything with The Mending book yet because we don’t have any good armor or weapons but hey that’s that’s still pretty good and of course the Diamond I’ll always accept oh I didn’t even see it I just heard the creeper oh boy okay

I’ve been trying to be pretty sparing with my torches but I guess I have a pretty good amount now so I can uh I can actually start using more but oh my gosh that was that was almost really bad almost come on nice is that what I think it

Is not the zombie the I think it’s a diamond I may be color blind but I’m pretty sure sure that’s a diamond a thanks Skelly okay is this a diamond oh sweet one oh it’s more than one what is this two chests right next to each other I’ve I’ve never seen that

Before okay B of Arthur pods no thank you oh but the two diamonds I will take okay wow we’re going to get all our diamonds just oh wait what wait what is happening here is this just luck because we have I wonder to see if there were any more

Nearby is this real no chests over here and then there’s just four like back to back to back to back that’s crazy I’ve never seen anything like this been playing Minecraft for a decade I’ve never seen such good spawn chances yeah I guess this is a second this must be a second M

Shaft and just all the chests are like right next to each other that’s that’s crazy o a name tag okay well you know what these chests weren’t bad um we’ll explore around here a little bit more and then I think we’ll be okay the good thing is we have five diamonds which

Means we can allocate three of those towards a diamond pickaxe and then also get ourselves some obsidian and use the remaining two diamonds to make an enchantment table some of the village houses have some books so I can easily get books that way we can just explore a

Few Villages and break all the books and bookshelves but yeah then we’ll be able to enchant you know some like basic level one iron armor which won’t provide any crazy amounts of protection but will definitely be a nice little boost well I’ve been looking around for a while so

I think it’s about time we uh what’s that little glitch oh it’s just lighting effect uh we head back I have no idea where back is but thankfully I do have my coordinates screenshotted so uh I can’t figure out a way back I guess we can just dig to the

Surface this was a pretty successful trip though oh is this our village are we actually that close already well I truthfully had no idea we were that close uh sweet we can just throw it all in here oh you know what I did want to collect a little bit more coal and wood

I totally forgot about that but we can just go back to that mine since it’s right over there it’s pretty close I like the look of the light shafts shaders shaders make everything better okay so we can do this well I guess I have to go back to

The cave anyways so that uh I can get myself some obsidian for the enchantment table and then we’ll also break some bookshelves around here wherever they are maybe they’re not oh yep they’re here could put my enchantment table right here that way I wouldn’t need to

Break these three but this is a bad location I don’t like it you know what before we head back into the mine let’s actually get ourselves a water bucket just for a little extra level of safety water buckets always help keep things uh nice and safe in case you’re about to

Fall into lava oh wo well I took another path but I think it served me well because we definitely have what we need this might take a while nice okay we have it let’s head back okay let’s head back and get this done oh wait I grabbed enough obsidian for an

Enchantment table but not a nether portal well guess I don’t need a nether portal right now voila okay so let’s get some basic enchantments that’ll that’ll that’ll serve us really nicely nice I got full Protection One on all of it okay I’ll use the iron pickaxe for now

And this should be good right yeah and total we have about half the bookshelves we need so I can probably get the rest of the bookshelves I need honestly from Villages close by I’m sure they have you know at least a few bookshelves I can break for books but I’m not entirely

Certain we’ll have to see so like I said before my main goal for this beautiful landscape is to build a giant pyramid as well as you know farms and a huge village more like a city spanning this entire area but before we get into the big building projects I think it’s

Always important that we have oursel pretty well prepared that means go armor good weapons good tools so what I’m thinking just so we can be quick with it is do almost like a speedrun tactic of just quickly get ourselves to the nether get ourselves everything we need to go

To the end in the process we should get a few diamonds from chests here and there and through mines and uh go to the end defeat the dragon and quickly get ourselves to an end ship for an elytra and some good armor and weapons if we

Can even just raid a few good end ships we’ll get ourselves all the diamond armor weapons and tools we need now the danger obviously is that fighting the dragon with only iron armor is a little bit more difficult but I fought the dragon hundreds of times at this point

That I think we can do it since we already have a good amount of food this really won’t be hard we can just rush our way to the nether I should have got more obsidian but I can do that in two seconds here uh and then it’s just the

Process of taking down the dragon shouldn’t take too long and then once we’re geared and stacked up we can get started on some really fun build projects as well as some other cool things I want to do in this world however I have to survive all of that first I

Don’t know if I’ll be able to in hardcore it’s still a little difficult okay well step one uh we need to get to the nether oh I got you well uh this is crazy because the last few worlds I’ve made I’ve had horrible nether spawns and

Looks like this one is a really good nether spawn not only do we have a variety of biomes but we’ve got a fortress right in front of us no way is this another one right here too I just decided to turn no way is this what I just made this portal right

Next to my house wait a minute this okay this might be not as crazy as it looks it could potentially be one Fortress and it’s continued through this wall here right or no is it really just two fortresses that spawned that close to each other again in my 10 years of

Minecraft here’s another thing that I I’ve I’ve never seen yeah it could potentially you know we have this Fortress right here I could go over there and maybe extend back and over there I can’t access it from over here so let’s try to access it from the other

Side even if this is just one Fortress and not two it’s a it’s a huge Fortress I mean this this would be crazy regardless if it’s one or two I think we’ll be able to get all the blaze rods we need as well as hopefully um some potion making materials especially in

Hardcore I really do not like to fight the dragon um unless I have some slow falling potions in a normal survival world I’ll do it but in hardcore I I don’t want to risk it especially in these 100 Days videos where I already put in so much effort I don’t want to

Die and then not be able to upload the video that would that would stink okay let’s see hopefully there’s some good stuff for us here I can’t really see much with these shaders it’s it’s kind of dark man uh it’s it’s kind of scary because this this Shader pack is

Actually making me use torches just to actually see what I’m doing but honestly it’s it’s kind of fun you know I’ve been playing so much Minecraft for so long that the game it becomes pretty automatic and pretty easy for me at this point so I like when things add a bit of

A challenge and it’s also a little bit a little bit scary that I can’t see especially if they were like wither skeletons nearby I would not really be able to uh to see them right now now where was it a here we are this is what I wanted oh oh we got him

Oh that was close this is by far one of the craziest Nether fortresses I’ve seen because not only did I find out it is indeed separate from that other one but there’s parts of it that are so low to the ground and then there’s parts of it

That go way high uh and also for some reason I’m not really seeing the animation when blazes shoot their fire at me it’s not it’s not what’s not wanting to work okay so we’ve got 16 blaze powder I think that should be enough for now right we only need 12 for

The portal and then a few extra to get us there so that should be okay plus I’ll probably take out another Blaze or two on the way home oh half a heart no run I didn’t see the Wither Skeleton they’re so hidden oh how did I do that I

Keep getting so close to death I’m probably making people so nervous I’m so sorry I’m not trying to woo okay these blazes are not playing games today it’s just these it’s these it’s these shaders man everything’s so dark I can’t see what’s going on and with skeletons are so strong oh I need

To get out of here okay there’s just another blaz spawner there I can’t go that way I’m just too good no one’s going to touch me today all right I have myself in the Warped biome nearby and it’s crazy how much xp mining quartz gives I totally forgot and uh I’m

Probably just going to mine a ton while I’m here to get a lot of XP because quarts are fun to build with and it’s leveling me up super fast but um the reason I’m in this biome is because I don’t know if this is true but I’ve tend

To feel that in my experience I see the most Endermen within this biome Endermen are definitely more prevalent in the nether but especially in this biome I tend to just you know I see them everywhere and I just have to look at one in the eyes and it’ll come to me I

Don’t even have to chase it down uh-oh I didn’t mean to get two of them there we go and we got a few eyes from it since I have no idea how many eyes are already in the portal I need to get at least 12 ender pearls so I can

Fill up the portal and then a few extra so that I can find the stronghold I’m sure there’s a stronghold hopefully not too far away from my house but you never know I like to have a few to find the Portal okay you know what we’ll get a

Few more ender pearls in the Overworld I’m going to head back because we’ve been getting hurt so much that I’m going through all of my food I don’t want to run out of food I want to play it a little bit on the safer side just in

Case food is pretty much the only way I can regen right now so I need to be extra safe oh nice dang maybe the food isn’t going to last us as long as we thought good thing this Village is just covered in Hay Bales still okay let’s smelt some

Glass so we can get some bottles while we’re waiting and then in the meantime I wonder if the Fortress is close by we’ve had quite a few sleepless nights in the nether but I don’t know if that counts oh great we lost it I’ve only got one more um I don’t know if

That counts for Phantoms spawning I think Phantoms in my experience only really spawn after a lot of sleepless nights in the Overworld so we’ll have to see I don’t need the slow falling potions I guess but they would be really really nice to have we’ll just start heading in the

Direction of the stronghold and hopefully on the way there we can at least find a few Endermen we are in the desert biome and it does seem to be a good biome for hunting Endermen since there’s not a lot of cover for them to hide behind you can see him fairly easily

Then we also need this now in case the slow falling potions don’t happen let’s do this we want two buckets of water that way we can create an infinite water source on the end Island and from there we can pretty much just cover the entire end island with water right when we get

There it’s a really good strategy actually because not only does it protect you from the Enderman but if the dragon shoots you up in the air or if you fall from a high distance you’re you’re totally safe you’re not going to get hurt at all and if Enderman want to

Gang up on you you can just hide in the water I especially like like night time with the shedar pack the light rays from the Moon looks so good I think I love it even the cloud Shadows okay well I guess we’ve got everything so let’s start heading in the direction of the

Stronghold actually wait one more thing okay now we’re good I want to grab my crafting table and a little wood just in case we needed it for anything well we’ve come across this Bell let’s ring it and see nope I’ve heard if you ring a village Bell um you can know if there’s

A stronghold nearby because it’ll actually have some green particles light up see if there’s anything good in here for us ooh more Dune armor trims okay I’ll take that and that’s about it yeah once we get enough diamonds which we’ll probably get enough diamonds and or diamond armor

From n city chests uh we’ll make it the Doom template I think the Doom template looks all right it’s not my favorite but it’s definitely not a bad one some of the template designs are just a little bit basic for my liking trying to be very sparing With These Eyes of Ender

Because we still haven’t gotten any ender pearls yet hopefully it can serve us and make it there we’re not that far from our house I wonder is it an underwater stronghold those are rare but they do happen I can’t even see under the water with these shaders um nope I’m not seeing a

Stronghold here okay well actually right around this water the ender pearls are wanting to act a little strangely so I think I think we’re close I think it’s right under us actually not right next to our base but fairly close I guess I settled in the correct location oh wait

A minute wait a minute we’re close well we’re not close we’re we’re we’re here actually um huh okay well let’s explore around looking for the portal room as well as uh looking for some chests I have exactly 12 eyes ofender so this is this is pretty perfect I don’t even know

If I’ll need all 12 though we might not or we might nope not down okay what’s in here uh not much I’m not going to take it before we also go to the portal I will wait till one more night and see if any Phantoms spawn I haven’t had any luck in

The last couple of nights but I don’t know maybe maybe I just have to wait for them if not we can just use the water like I said before Oh we have the eye armor trim okay at least we’re getting some fun ones now now I do still need

The netherite template which might be a little bit tricky to get as well as a few more diamonds than I’d like so that we can craft more armored trims okay well uh here we have it in front of us portal room let’s head in Let’s uh let’s

Actually let’s just get rid of this right away boom and uh let’s fill this in okay good we’ll have one eye avender left over not that we really need it but you know what see you well here we are but we’re not quite ready to fight the

Dragon so right up from this portal room I’m going to build a staircase to the above World basically I want to see if it is possible for me to get myself maybe a few uh Phantom membranes cuz why not I should brought some Redstone with

Me to extend the potions but I can find some Redstone pretty easily if I need to potions would just be nice but again it’s not essential so if we can find Phantoms fairly easily I’ll just eventually give up and move on and we’ll fight the dragon anyways along with that

I am going to make myself another iron sword with some of the iron we have just in case because I don’t want my sword to break during the fight it looks like my sword doesn’t have too much durability left and I want to play it on the safe

Side do this uh-huh then I also also collected a little bit of gunpowder from killing creepers so we can make some firework Rockets just in case we maybe potentially come across an elytra I’m not going to bet on it though I don’t know sometimes it’s rare but unfortunately we still have not come

Across any Phantoms yet I’m starting to lose hope I don’t know the last time I needed Phantoms to spawn this was happening too been many Minecraft days without asleep but it’s only been a few in the Overworld so I’m not sure if we even meet the requirements well unfortunately no Phantom membranes for

Me so I guess it’s time to head to the end and defeat this Dragon okay uh end is looking pretty pink here but here we go oh my gosh you can’t even see all right so first thing before we even take down the towers is to get this water

Situation figured out so basically I’m just going to go around the end Island here and just Place water buckets that’s about it I’m going to throw some of those glass bottles out because I don’t have a ton of inventory room right now I like having a little bit of inventory

Space just in case I need it okay I think after these two we should have enough water placed we can finally get started on this dang fight Towers should be easy unfortunately I don’t have a bow because I kind of rushed it this time but whatever it’s fine what’s with the

Shaders making this bright light in the end so green it’s kind of weird okay that should be the last one well this fight unfortunately is going to take quite a while because I have no bow at all so we just got to wait for him to come down we can just chill here

And take him out as it happens okay she’s coming down let’s see if we can do some damage oh maybe not like that okay uh maybe that wasn’t the best move did I get behind the dragon here we go this is a little safe okay we did a little bit of damage

That’s all right uh-oh the Ender are mad at me and they broke my helmet I didn’t realize my armor would be breaking during this oh gosh this has been good I keep getting so close to death I hate having iron armor see I told you this

Water was going to be worth it okay come on fall in the water woo man good thing I placed it oh no come on no you kidding me I was the dragon not dead look at that health bar no way I just got to get close let

Me get one hit oh maybe not maybe not dang I’m coming so close to death man this is bad half my armor is broken this this dragon’s trying to kill me I need to get to the end cities quick maybe I can just camp out under here come on oh there we

Gooo I kept coming close to death I had to use a little bit of the golden apples we had but that’s okay honestly it’s really nice getting all this XP before we had to uh do any of our major enchanting because now it’s just going to be super easy if we even

Have to do any we’ll have to see uh just sort of what kind of items we get from the n city chests we might be really lucky and get some great items or we might not be so lucky just depends do this and this and this and then this

Boom there we go dragon egg now unfortunately I can’t search for n cities too long because I don’t have a ton of food but on the bright side there is chorus fore which does actually work as a food source uh I am a little nervous though because I don’t really

Have much armor so instead of fighting shulkers whenever we get to an end City we’re just going to need to get in there steal what we can and get out wow this spawn kind of sucks uh with my distance up all the way I don’t see any end

Cities so let’s go to this island here we’ll just build some bridges with our pinky stuck on the shift key and then we can ender pearl to the island praying I don’t fall and die can we make it let’s see nice oh in the distance I see

Something but it looks rather small you never know because you make it an n city with a massive ship with tons of chests and it will give you multiple sets of enchanted diamond armor and an elytra and sometimes you get a small end city which is just one tower on its own and

It has almost nothing inside of it and unfortunately I think this is one of those nothing end cities oh or is there one next to it are those two separate end cities or is it just one I’m confused let’s check it out I don’t I don’t know what we’re looking at here

Well this 100 days is full of Firsts because I have never seen two end cities spawn so close to each other like if this was one continuous end City that would make sense but this with them being so far apart I’ve never seen anything like it it’s kind of cool I

Listen I’m not going to complain about finding n cities I’ve had Survival Let’s Plays where some is this a joke um well I stand corrected it it is accurate to say that I’ve never found two entities this close to each other because in reality I’ve never found three and cities people are

Not going to believe this sometimes I have world where my luck sucks more than any other and I really can’t achieve anything and then sometimes I have worlds like this where everything just sort of happens my way I’m you know it’s it’s bound to happen with chance sometimes you’ll have good

Worlds sometimes you’ll have bad worlds but this this is just crazy if there’s more than three n cities though I’m going to I’m going to need to put this on Twitter and get some answers because this this just doesn’t seem right this doesn’t seem like this should be I’m going to

Die okay this just doesn’t seem like this should be happening if I’m being honest this this doesn’t seem right okay let’s get R items and get out a good iron pickaxe but I don’t really need it I don’t I don’t need it I don’t need it

Okay now let’s get out of here oh okay let’s put the diamond helmet on actually it’s it’s something it’ll protect us a little bit more than we’re protected now come on we’re almost there just let me outside come on stairs yes okay well it does look like it’s just these two

Cities now I don’t have any ender pearls to get over there so maybe maybe we’ll have enough blocks to build if not I can just use cement Stone I guess wow and we have five diamonds plus the diamond helmet and a shovel so I can get rid of

This iron shovel to make inventory space actually maybe I can go around this long way and requires less blocks let’s try that this world is being so good to me look at that I mean that one’s a little bit farther away part of the reason I

Can see these nend cities is because I have my render distance up as high as it can go however I’ve never seen them spawn this close usually a little bit close happens sometimes but this has got to be a one in a million type of thing I

Am going to put the seed in the description by the way um not only so you can verify that all these crazy things are happening but also sometimes people like to play in the world with me just so we can reach the boat let’s also collect a little bit of endstone so we

Can build our way over there hopefully once we get slightly better armor and weapons from these chests we can actually take on some Shuler boxes or some shers because some Shuler boxes would be really nice for some of the mega projects I have coming up you know

Building of ancient Egypt is going to be kind of hard it’s also nice because we’ve got this little portal right over there so we can just hop right in there after we’ve raided these three n cities if there’s others nearby I guess I’ll raid them too but uh you know we have a

Few firework Rockets so we can easily just fly from this first one to the others once we get our first elra okay let’s get these let’s get these uh oh more diamonds oh efficiency 5 Fortune three and efficiency 4 Unbreaking three okay that’s pretty good I can’t really

See what these armors are right now so I’m going to take them I think it’s Pro four iron armor stuff stu okay I need to avoid these because they’re doing too much damage to me let’s go on top of here and see see what’s going on okay so

Protection three I’ll throw my old chest play out to save room I don’t need that I’ll take these Pro for breaking 3 Iron leggings for now uh oh this is pro forign mending we’re going to use that over the diamond I think that’ll be more beneficial uh sharp a great sword okay

I’ll take that and an amazing pickaxe of course I’m going to take that uh we can combine all these shovels and get some pretty good stuff okay I’m not going to have much uh much inv I don’t even know if I’ll have enough inventory room to carry all of these good things we’re

Getting honestly I wish I had more wood so that I could make some shocker boxes to take on my way that would have been the smart move um but you know what if there there’s a solution the only solution is there is a small probability

We may come across an Ender Chest um and then we might also come across a silk touch pickaxe however the probability of those two things happening is fairly low so I’m just going to have to really be be picky and choosy about uh what I want

To carry in my inventory with me here cuz we don’t have much space at all okay if there’s a silk touch pickaxe in this chest I’m I’m just going to delete this world cuz some something’s going on I doubt it though nope no silk touch but there is an Ender Chest so I

Could put some stuff in there for now and get it later I can make an Ender Chest back at home let’s do that I’m going to throw the dragon egg in there I don’t need these um I don’t need the potion things anymore okay sweet uh armor trims I

Don’t need let’s keep the crafting table just in case protection two diamond leggings okay that should up keep me a little bit more safe here cuz I’m taking quite a bit of damage okay well I guess we’re just going to float up here we’re almost out

Of food we got to hurry this up at least we’ll have an elytra so it’ll be a lot quicker after this uh-oh well we lost one dragon head hopefully we can get the other I didn’t know you could use water to counteract levitation that’s interesting water pushing you down is

Stronger than the levitation effect I’m going to take these instant Health pots just to be safe as I’m running out of food here I might need another healing source and elytra aha okay a pretty good chest plate and a really good sword what okay we combine these two swords and almost

Get a perfect sword not quite perfect but almost perfect and now from here here’s what we can do I really should have had at least one totem before I came here colle everything yeah I don’t know if I got stuff from this building okay let’s head

Over here first we’ll get this end ship we are completely out of food though so these instant health potions are you kidding me uh I mean the game’s not kidding me I know that but why why is there another Ed City I don’t even have the resources I physically cannot raate

All I don’t have the inventory space nor do I have the food so you know what we might just have to raid only a couple and then we can come back later on with more resour it’s f though I’m not going to maybe I shouldn’t be complaining about too many resources here hey

Perfect boots thank you this is pretty crazy this is exactly I mean this was the strategy it was risky you know I almost died many times this is I knew that it was going to pay off if I survived oh gosh they’re going to kill

Me okay from the outside here oh well I guess I’m not even safe from the outside what where are they how do they even know I’m here so let’s be quick about this okay in here oh is this is this silk touch oh my gosh it is okay let’s see if

We can mine this really fast I don’t know if it’s going to be easy to do while levitating nope this nope it’s not easy to do while levitating okay well we’ll go back there in a sec okay taking out those shulkers let’s fly up here come

On we got it so we can just put okay we can put items in here even more items I need food desperately this is this is not going this is not too good actually will the chorus fruits satisfy me enough let’s try that before raiding the last

Couple places oh it gives a good amount of food okay interesting well let’s raid the rest of this well let’s head to this one this is the last one I’m going to raid what happens if I eat this in the air oh that could have been bad uh I

Guess it teleports you in the direction you’re looking but this may be the last one I raid oh I was going to say it’s the last one unless there’s one close by is is this at to at all to do with the fact that this is a desert only world like does

That affect the way the nether generates at all or am I just getting extremely lucky perhaps you know sodium having you know I have my render distance up all the way maybe that’s part of it but I guess we can check that out really fast

I’m just getting tired of this I want to I want to be over this I’m ready to go back to the over world and start some fun build projects like I don’t even need this many elytras cuz if I lose one while I’m dead anyways we’re getting a

Lot of diamonds that’s good that’ll be nice for armor trims okay what’s in here let’s be quick oh a pretty good pickaxe okay not perfect but I can combine it with another one to get it perfect let me out okay I think we got all the chests in that one um there’s so

Many NCS around I don’t even know which one’s which which ones have I raided is this one I haven’t raided or is it that one or is it that one like what’s what’s what there’s too much going on this looks like a new one and is this a new

One next to it or are these the two I already raided what okay these are the two I already raided I can tell I can tell from the little trail of Netherrack that that is the one I already raided okay so this was the one we just raided

I think only chests in these two we collected and then there’s this one we haven’t raided and is this one we haven’t raided either what is going on I mean maybe I shouldn’t be freaking out I mean this is nice but I’m just going to go in if

There’s nice stuff in the chest I’ll take it if not I’m running away that’s about it me and this floating floating shulker up there well that was exhausting it was just it just kept going and going and going let’s just take a sec to settle relax and recount

Over everything we obtained so all at all with everything here we got a pretty good turnout I mean we have a decent amount of armor trims and we’ve got some pretty good diamond armor uh we definitely got some good tools which I’m also excited about the only thing that

Stinks is I have no more wood or chests to put any of these items in so uh for now we’re going to we’re going to remain slightly unorganized we’re just going to have to scatter things wherever they can fit see we have this protection four chest plate but then this one is mending

And then this one’s Pro three so I guess I don’t need this for now we have efficiency 5 and Fortune three so we can combine that with Unbreaking three and get a perfect pickaxe do any of these have mending okay this one is mending sweet and then this already has mending

This just needs Unbreaking three so we can get that from another pcka we’re in a pretty good space here we’ve got almost perfect shovel we didn’t get an axe of any kind but then for our sword this one is sharpness four knock back to fire aspect and looting and this one’s

Sharpness on breaking three and sweeping Edge hopefully an anvil will allow me to replace knockback with sweeping Edge I just I really prefer sweeping Edge over knockback I like to have sweeping Edge but I don’t like to have knockback I actually think knockback is rather annoying to try to uh

Manage are you going to attack me like you’re almost gone I might as well take your iron okay let’s smell the iron we do have and make an anvil I definitely have enough oh instead it just lets me keep all the enchantments you know what I’ll I guess I’ll go for

It oh that was expensive but I’ll take it then while we’re here let’s make a perfect chest plate so we have one piece of perfect armor boots are also perfect just how they are we don’t even have diamond leggings but these iron leggings are pro four so you know that’s that’s pretty

Good on its own and the helmet is also perfect so realistically actually we only need perfect pants here we have efficiency 5 fortune 3 and breaking three so the fortune 3 will make it really easy to get some ores coming up and then the silk touch pickaxe I don’t

Think we have another Unbreaking yeah fortunately we can’t and then for our shovel we’ll get mending on that and now our shovel is almost perfect I just need efficiency 5 on it so we definitely got some really good returns from that whole trip I mean we we almost have a full set

Of perfect armor weapons and tools just a couple enchantments need to be made a couple adjustments nothing nothing crazy though for now I’ll just do a basic enchantment on an axe just something easy and then I don’t even have enough coal to smelt the iron so let’s head to the mine really fast

And with our new Fortune pickaxe we can just load up on the coal ah I love having Fortune this is so nice so earlier I mentioned how I wanted to develop this area by the river and that’s still my plan but what I want to do first is get access to some resources

That are going to make make this a lot easier by that I pretty much just mean firework Rockets So I want to quickly make myself just a basic automatic sugar cane Farm as well as a gunpowder Farm I use a really easy gunpowder design I’ve

Used many times before so I can link it down below if you guys are curious in it but we’ll throw those together I’ll probably put them around here because later on we can disguise them so that they don’t look like farms and instead they look like buildings that fit into

This whole structure we’re going to have I’m not entirely sure how we’ll do that but you know what I’ll figure it out Um I totally forgot the creeper Farm design I like and most of them actually require trap doors and since I’m pretty much out of wood I’m going to try to make my way back to that abandoned M shaft we were in before and I’m just

Going to mine all the wood I can can I’m sure from mining that we’ll be able to get enough wood for this but uh I’m not sure so fingers crossed a creeper farm would be very nice though because then I could pretty much get an infinite supply

Of rockets and I can fly whenever I want wherever I want well here we have the creeper Farm it was actually pretty easy it’s pretty quick to build and moving the cats around was extra easy because I got some leads from killing a Wandering Trader

But uh yeah we’ve got a little bit of gunpowder nothing crazy and then we’ve got the sugarcane farm right over there so now with these two Farms finished it should be much easier to get ourselves all the materials we need for firework Rockets now we’ve got this big vast area

To build in front of us and I think we can make some really exciting things obviously the main event either has to be one very large pyramid or maybe a series of a couple medium-sized pyramids as well as taking normal villager designs and uh adding some villager

Houses around here I think it’ll take a lot of work but in the end it’ll definitely be be worth it because it’ll look really nice so to start off I want to work on this side of the river and on the other side of the river right next

To the river I think what I’ll do is add some Farmland so what we’re going to have to do is flatten out some of this area you know just taking our shovel breaking a lot of the sand thankfully we do have mending but uh I might need to

Get an XP farm pretty soon but yeah we can flatten out a lot of the sand maybe within like 10 to 20 blocks of the river and we can just build big farms with potatoes carrots wheat and then from there we can put small villager houses maybe move some villagers over here have

Them start breeding and I think it’ll look really cool that farming system will be used as the foundation to feed the rest of this Society we’re going to build where we’ll have a lot of pyramids and houses right around here I think it should look really cool in the end and

If we can ever find saplings somehow I think it’ll make it all the better so let’s just start off with flattening a fairly large area All right so I’ve got some big news I was in the middle of you know mining a bunch of dirt flattening the area came back here to grab some wood crafting table and building supplies and uh I killed his llamas but we have this guy and he trades acaia saplings now listen

Acasia saplings aren’t my favorite however uh it’s it’s a tree which is which is Big cuz we’re in a desert so uh do I have any dirt is my first question doesn’t seem like I do um but I do have emeralds so that’s good did a couple of

Trades with one of these villagers where where where is he give me that well there we have it we have one sapling now I do have an issue uh flatting out this area has been good except I did say I wanted to make it uh farmland and the issue is we’re in the

Middle of a desert and I have no dirt um and so since I don’t have dirt there is there is a couple ways to get dirt obviously I can get a little bit of dirt from these Farms here in the desert so I’ll probably break these also getting

Crops in the process but I might just have to uh hope I get lucky and rely on underground sources of dirt you know how sometimes you get di right or andesite well sometimes you can get dirt in caves so I’ll probably just do some cave exploration after we build a couple

Village houses and see if I can get some dirt I don’t need a ton but I’ll definitely need at least a few Stacks so I can surround into the river which honestly might be a little difficult to get it might take me some time I think with enough patience though we’ll be

Able to do it it shouldn’t take too long if we explore some big caves just anytime I see dirt I can go for it and take it down but for now let’s get this tree planted in this area I’m working in because this is a big deal it’s just

Going to help the area look a lot more lively and also it’ll be nice to have a consistent source of wood that isn’t just going to M shafts and breaking what wood I can find although I did get a decent amount of wood doing that this

Down right here and there we go we’ll have our first tree shortly hopefully when we break this tree it provides us with more than one Sapling well let’s go over this house we built because I think it looks really nice so I decided to have a small oh we have a Wandering Traer but anyways I decided to have this small little boxed in area and as you can see I brought two

Villagers with a boat over from the village and then I just gave them tons of bread and a few boats and you know they do their thing on their own do you have do you have any good trades um no nothing I particularly want but yeah this actually isn’t too hard we

Have villager beds in the village but also I have access to a ton of string from the M shaft and you can just turn string into wool and then from there you can make beds so I’ve got a few white beds to add more villagers but this

House design is pretty much what I’ll use around this area hopefully the villagers don’t die I’ll have to uh I’ll add some torches or lanterns around here as well as Maybe I can get an iron golem or two to spawn I don’t know we’ll have to see if we’re lucky but yeah we’re

Just going to have these fenced in or walled in houses and then Farmland around here I might add one more house in this little front area um right by the river and then also maybe I’ll add a smaller one over there and then besides that the rest of this area I want

Covered in Farmland which means I’m going to need some dirt I estimate that we’re going to need quite a few stacks of dirt but thankfully if I just go in a cave I I think I’ll be able to get that dirt fairly easily so let’s go collect

Dirt and then make this area Farmland as well as adding a few village houses here and there I think in the end it’ll look really really nice what do you think yeah he agrees woo I really saved that oh my gosh what oh that would have been the end of

Me but oh man I’m too good I’m too good but yeah it should be pretty easy to get the dirt we got a stack and a half just from that one little pile I thought this was going to be a little bit more challenging but thankfully this is Prett [Applause] easy Well it’s been a little bit and I’ve done a lot of progress on this area I hope you enjoyed that little Montage so let’s go over everything we did because that that that took a long time but it’s looking pretty good now so in front of

Me is pretty much where we’re at right now I’ve got these two Farms on each side of the river and they’re filled with wheat and carrots because those are just what I had access to too and uh each time that one of these patches gets pretty filled up in the middle of

Building some of these houses and whatnot I just Harvest it replanted and so far we’re we’re starting to get quite a bit I mean we have quite a bit of carrots quite a bit of Wheat and some wheat over there so I’ll get more farming villagers eventually villager population is actually coming along

Nicely because uh pretty much as we just get bread I give a bunch of bread to the villagers I placed a few beds in their houses and they keep having babies so we should have a ton of villagers around here soon and I’ll litter a few composters around

The farm just like I littered some light sources and it should hopefully get some villagers working in the fields I also have this bridge and just a small little bridge over there I don’t know they don’t look too good but uh I might I might adjust them in the future it’s

Kind of hard because I don’t have access to a lot of resources the only wood type I have is really Oak and AAA so I’m trying to use it where I can I don’t really like AAA wood here so I pretty much just used all my oak wood for the

Houses I keep having to mine a little bit but uh thankfully I’ve gotten enough to get us by so so far I like these houses litter throughout here I don’t have quite as many beds as I need because I need to get a few more uh I

Need to get a few more beds going I can just break some string in the M shafts or uh break some beds in other Villages and add them around here but I think it looks really good I like these houses and I liked to add as many trees as I

Could just breaking trees to get saplings and using bone meal to grow them because uh I don’t know I want a lot of trees around here it’s a lifeless desert but I like the idea of this River sort of bringing this area immediately around here to life so I will continue

With the farms and possibly continue adding a few more village houses here and there but first I want to move on to the next part of this just like I was saying before I want to build a pretty large pyramid right around here I think in this space between these two houses

And the creeper Farm over here oh we’ve got good raid so far okay cool yeah this whole area we’re walking in I’ll try to flatten it out so that it’s all One Singular block and then we can make a pyramid we should be able to make it I

Don’t know maybe like 30 to 40 blocks by 30 to 40 blocks it should be relatively large and then maybe since it’s not quite as big as I was hoping we can build a few more maybe like another one right next to it diagonally I don’t know

I think it’ll be very cool once we have those big pyramids built it’ll be easy to sort of frame out the rest of this area and I can add some Pathways add some smaller village houses and maybe some other decorations like some wagons Village stalls make this whole area

Really come to life and I think it’ll look really cool but we’ll see what we can accomplish in this 100 days first I want to get this pyramid D and I also want the Middle top block to be a beacon so we’ll do that when it’s Time well it took quite a bit of time but here we finally have the pyramid now this is not the finished pyramid because I want to do some decorative work on the outside I think that’ll really make it but uh here it is I’m not sure if it’ll

Show up in the little montage video but I actually messed up the pyramid initially this top instead of being one block was two blocks like this so all I did was uh I just trimmed down uh I almost died there I just trimmed down one of the walls it only took a little

Bit of time and we successfully made the pyramid the correct size and shape I get out of here I guess I can I can go right here so uh yeah here it is now I want to do some decorative work like I said so on this side or this side I’m not sure

Which side I want to like do some fun entrance work I think that’ll really help it look better and then I might also get rid of this house right here just because it’s sort of like right in front of the pyramid I’d rather have some houses be over here on this side as

Well as some houses over here on this side I think it just doesn’t look good having it be right here in the middle so uh that might have to be what we have to do but for now this looks pretty good now before I continue work on the

Pyramid there’s something I want to do so let’s get some more firework Rockets first but what I want to do is head to the nether one of the main details I want on this pyramid is a beacon I think it would look really cool now I don’t

Have a lot of materials to make a beacon how it is however you can make the smallest version of of a beacon with just a few iron blocks or Emerald blocks I might actually be able to get myself a very good amount of emeralds between farming villagers I can trade some of

These crops and then also we have uh quite quite a bit of sugarcane we can just uh turn into paper and then trade that paper for emeralds so it shouldn’t be too bad either way I’ll be able to get enough of some type of ore to put a

Beacon up there all right well let’s head to the nether because this might take a while oh we’ve got that Fortress right there and then this one right here just the hard part of this whole process is going to be getting enough Wither Skeleton skulls so that I can actually

Spawn a wither now the rate of getting wither skells and skulls is fairly low however I do have looting three so uh that should at least that should at least help a little bit I guess I’m just going to fly around these fortresses and kill as many wither skeletons as I can

Until I get all the skulls I need I think it’ll be pretty easy since we can fly around all right well we finally have our Wither Skeleton skulls so let’s make oursel a Wither where should I go actually what we can do is just let’s find our well actually no I’m going to

Grab food first after we get some food we can go to a cave dig down and fight the Wither underground because that that’s always the best method it makes it really easy but man just walking around here I’m super stoked because I think this whole area looks great I

Really do enjoy the pyramid in the background I think it’s fantastic addition even though it’s not finished yet once we’re finished it’s going to look even better this whole area is going to be awesome okay well here we are we’re almost ready uh just to make

This fight a little easier I did get myself a bow because that’s that’s how you do this method but I’m always a little nervous I I never even I usually don’t even take damage when I fight the weer like this but you know what it still makes me

Nervous I got what arrows I could I’ve got pretty good armor and weapons I think I’m fairly well prepared yeah here we go so just hit the tail until the weather gets a little bit weaker and then once the weather is down past halfway Health

The bow no longer works and we just use our sword beautiful didn’t even take half a heart to damage and we have our nether star is there anything down here nope H it’s fine well let’s uh let’s head back to the surface all right so let’s make

Our Beacon and there we have it all right so here we have our Beacon but what we don’t have yet is enough blocks meaning we either need some iron blocks diamond blocks Emerald blocks something like that just to place underneath the beacon so it at least has a little bit

Of power so I do have some villagers that will trade wheat for emeralds however I don’t think that’s the best path for me to take because they’re going to run out of Trades Fair fast meaning like I won’t be able to get enough emeralds so I think our best pit

Is probably just heading back to the mines and doing some iron mining I should have done that when I was fighting the Wither that way we can easily get enough iron for some blocks plus I’ve got Fortune now which will make it even easier all right we’ve got I I think

Enough iron for like two levels of a beacon I really got a decent amount so let’s smelt it all we’ll make a few furnaces pop it in and then once it’s done we’ll have a beacon on top of this pyramid and it should look pretty cool

All right well we’ve got all of the iron smelted so let’s finally make these iron blocks and also make myself a beacon I think this will be enough for a couple layers got that one iron I’m kind of glad it perfectly worked we have exactly a perfect number of blocks and there was

No iron left over actually I’m going to collect a couple building blocks we may need this okay I need to make this one block lower than the actual pyramid huh I thought it looked weird for some reason my uh my shaders weren’t on well anyways let’s

Fill this in ah perfect and we have one block left over just in case we need it and then we place this here uh-huh there we go and I mean this this doesn’t really matter too much because uh I don’t really need it but I don’t know I guess I’ll choose

Resistance that could be useful enough hardcore when uh we’ve got zombies climbing the pyramid trying to take me out but there we go yeah I like the way that looks I think that’s really cool oh and the resistance activates right when you get on the pyramid meaning that it

Protects the entirety of the pyramid but it only protects the pyramid I kind of like how that works that’s kind of cool it’s like this is a this is a safe place well with this beautiful beacon in place let’s finally do the final step to all of this which is decorating this pyramid

A little bit more it looks all right how it is right now but I think having some design to it could be really beneficial it’s just a little bit too bland and it Blends in a lot with the landscape since all this sand is just sort of all the

Same color well first I think I’m going to remove this house because it’s it’s right in front of the pyramid and I want to build here okay well here we have a slightly better entrance to the pyramid or at least an actual entrance and I like it a lot

Better it’s not completely finished I’ll probably do a little bit more detailing but uh I think this is good for now so before I add a little bit more detail to this entrance what I want to do is finish decorating the entirety of this area not just the pyramid so we

Destroyed this villager house but what I want to do is go around this pyramid area and add a few other small smaller villager houses continue adding more trees cuz I’ve got tons of saplings now maybe adding some cactus leaves stuff like that just to make the whole area

Come to life and then I’ll also make any other adjustments to the pyramid entrance that I want to [Applause] make okay well I’m fairly happy with how things have turned out I like this little well I like the trees I added some walls and whatnot I can’t go too

All out right now because I don’t have a ton of resources but uh for now this is the best I can do however there is one thing I want to add to the pyramid which is at the top this is obviously somewhat inspired by ancient Egypt and a lot of

The pyramids originally had a gold Capstone meaning the very top of the pyramid should be made out of gold now I don’t have a gold Farm however I think the best way for us to get this gold would be to head head to the nether maybe I think within the nether we could

Easily just get some nether gold and hopefully get enough gold to make this because we would only need about nine Gold Blocks nothing too crazy but I think it’ll be a nice touch to the top plus it’ll add some variance in color because much of this desert is very

Brown and tan it’s kind of boring but besides that I’m really happy with how things have ended up we really turned this Barren desert into a lively Oasis and I like how everything looks so far I definitely want to do something cool with the inside of this pyramid

Eventually but I’m not sure what I should do if you guys have any suggestions let me know down in the comments below and I’d be curious to hear what you have to think all right so we’re in the nether I have my second elytra because the first one’s about to

Break and I don’t have any Phantom membranes uh let’s look around so I want nine gold blocks and I have a crafting table with me but each block is nine gold ingots so I’m going to need a little over a stack around a stack and a

Half of gold ingots which is going to be a lot of nether gold actually because oh gosh I almost fell fell down there uh yeah nether gold you know you need to mine a few veins just to get a couple of ingots but we’ll see I do have fortune 3

So that that should that should help a tiny bit on where’s all the gold if I can find another waste biome or even a piglin Bastion that would be pretty cool the piglin Bastion would actually directly pretty much give me all the gold I need the only downside is they’re

Extremely dangerous right now a piglin brute can probably kill me in just two hits okay well uh there we go we’ve uh we’ve got enough now I just have to head back to the portal and truthfully I have no idea where it is nor did I save my

Coordinates uh-oh might be a little tricky I’ll try my best I don’t think we’re too far away I’ve mostly traveled in circles so we should still be fairly close oh finally here it is all right so let’s head to the top here and here we go perfect and we’ve got a couple extra

Well with the little time we have remaining in this world I think there’s one more thing I want to do we have this pyramid but right next to it there is this space right here that’s already fairly flat not perfectly flat but how about we flatten it out and use the sand

Plus some of the resources we have to uh build another pyramid just cuz why not get him Iron Golem get him Yeah All righty so we’ve got our smaller pyramid let’s head to the top and place the gold blocks I built it just the perfect away so it would use the rest of our gold blocks and there we go we have it finished maybe I’ll put another uh beacon on top

Of this one but for now we don’t have time for that I tried to just make this like a smaller version of this pyramid I really like it though because flying over this whole area just looks really amazing I love it I can’t imagine you

Know if we take this to 200 days 300 days I bet we can make this whole area look absolutely amazing so since we’re on day 99 all I have to do is wait a little bit of time and there we go we have officially survived 100 days in a

Desert in hard Minecraft you guys want 200 or 300 days I don’t know let me know down below I thought this was pretty fun I definitely enjoy expanding this area and doing more within this world and just truly seeing what we can accomplish anyways I hope you all enjoyed please

Consider leaving a like subscribing for more if you did enjoy my name is Jay Wisp and I will see you guys all in the next video

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 days in a Desert in Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by JWhisp on 2023-10-28 14:00:35. It has garnered 139660 views and 3214 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:15 or 4215 seconds.

Hey guys JWhisp here and welcome to 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft in a Desert! Will I be able to survive the 100 days? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔔 | Find me outside of YouTube | 🐤Twitter: 📸Twitch: 📸 Instagram: ⚫Discord:

Seed: -6412962736129850301 (Desert Only World)

This hardcore series is inspired by Wadzee , acookiegod , FWhip, notnotbrock, suev, paindomination, wunba and Farzy, maybe sandiction and ezy with their Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Grian and Mumbo Jumbo on Hermitcraft. Acookiegod is also cool. I like to make Giant Mega Builds , Automatic Farms , and Mining Videos. This is an Epic Minecraft Legend of JWhisp in a Hardcore Let’s Play!

💰 Work with me directly to grow your Channel!

Comment: Your Favorite Minecraft mob if u see this!

#minecraft #MinecraftHardcore #100days

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  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

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  • Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let’s Play

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  • “Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!” | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity Streamer

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  • The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars Mastery

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  • Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1

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  • “BONINGRO – BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰” #minecraftsurvivaltips

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  • Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamer

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  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

    Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WITHE THE VEIWRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by Nobu’s_Back_In_Blue on 2024-03-24 06:24:35. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:35 or 7355 seconds. Toriyama Read More

  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

    VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘VR 360° GIANT MRBEAST ATTACKS the TITANIC (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by VR Planet – Minecraft on 2024-06-01 11:45:01. It has garnered 9796 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. Giant MrBeast Attacks the Titanic! Minecraft Animation(4K, 3D). 360/VR video. 📌Our other YouTube channels: 👉VR Planet(2nd channel): @VRPlanet 👉VR Planet – GO!: @vrplanetgo MrBeast: ►How to watch 360°(VR) video on Youtube? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To watch 360-degree video (360) on YouTube, a headset is not required – all you need is a mobile device or desktop computer. Instead of… Read More


    Shad SPEEDRUNNER VS ANIME FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-26 17:00:26. It has garnered 117891 views and 2661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds. Today, Shad is ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft! Will Shad get all his anime god powers? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruh

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  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is an online community that was established in 2020 as a place for people to connect, chill, and play games together. We currently have 5 active players and are looking to expand our community. Main Attractions: Active Staff: Always ready to assist Events: Regular contests and activities Role System: Obtainable roles with perks Economy System: Money drop from mobs, shops, and more Protected Areas: Player market and village plots Quality Hosting: Smooth gameplay experience We value community input and encourage discussions and suggestions for improvement. Join Us Today! Visit our Discord server for more… Read More