Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Snow World

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Here we are in a snow only world now I decided to make my world entirely out of snow because it is nearing Christmas time and no other way to celebrate Christmas than with a bunch of snow and right off the bat we got the little scary Tower over there which is great so

Definitely going to go over there at some point but I think for now we need to start off with the basics and that is punching a tree now that I got my wood I’m going to make a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe and I’m going to go mine

Some of this Stone over here to get myself full full stone tools there we go full stone everything and now I’m going to go and explore a little bit to hopefully find a village or at least somewhere with food because there seems to be no animals around here oh there’s

A ruined portal over there though see what we got okay curse of Vanishing silk touch more gold and flint and steel and I will take the chest with me oh and just over here we have a village this is great I’m going to loot all of this ooh

A blast furnace I’m definitely going to steal this from you a bed we’ll need that and what crops do you got here oh the good ones carrots and potatoes those are definitely needed as well as that we got a smoker here I’m going to take that from you and a furnace definitely going

To take this the other Farm here okay we got some regular seeds that’s fine but a lot of carrots and potatoes which is really what I’m looking for I am going to kill this Iron Golem though because I do need its stuff and it it walked away

Come on come here buddy please come back please come back to Wars me why are you walking away from me all right buddy it’s time to die come on I know you want to die I know you want to come on drop your iron come on I know you want to

Anytime now come on buddy I don’t oh my God finally that took way longer than I thought it was going to take okay four iron out of that that’s pretty good with this iron I’m going to make myself an iron pickaxe and I’ll save this other piece of iron for something else yeah

That’s the whole village explored it wasn’t a very big Village but it did give me some decent stuff oh there’s another Pillager Outpost over there there’s one over there and there’s one over there which is very interesting oh this cat just killed a rabbit oh okay thanks cat I’m definitely going to have

To get myself a couple cats at some point but now I’m off to find a place to build my house I want my home to be in a flat area but also with mountains nearby I will take some of these pumpkins though here’s a mountain I like the look

Of this definitely we also have another Village over here so having a village close by my house is probably beneficial so I don’t have to transport them a million miles honestly I think this is the area I’m going to set up shop here I can build my house right on this hill we

Got the village over there we got a mountain behind us we also got this little Lake River going through which I think could be very cool for maybe some bills on the side here that connect this frozen lake before I get started on building anything I’m going to need to

Sleep so that no mobs spawn on me and try to kill me and end my 100 days early I did put some potatoes in the furnace to cook up and while that’s happening I might as well explore this second village while I’m exploring the second village I just wanted to quickly pop in

And thank everybody for 1,000 subscribers here on the channel I started this channel a couple months ago in August and never really thought I would be at 1,000 subscribers by now I know a lot of you say that I’m very underrated and then I should have a lot

More subs but honestly I’m very content with the growth that I’ve had and I’d honestly rather grow a little bit slower than super fast cuz growing super fast never really works out on YouTube but then again thank you all for the progress we’ve made on the channel and

Please be sure to like And subscribe if you’re new I’m going to head back to the side of my future house going to make a pair of shears I’ll also make an iron axe now to actually get started on my base I will need a ton of spruce wood so

I’m going to go and mine as much Spruce Wood as I possibly Can All right I think a stack and 28 Spruce log should be good enough because it is about to be night time here so I’m have to go and sleep and there’s already a creeper and a spider that spawned near my bed that is wonderful oh okay spider I’ll take your

String all right creeper you’re the one that’s going to be tough to deal with here because I don’t want you to blow up my land okay I’m just going to go to sleep I know there’s a spider over there hopefully he doesn’t see me okay we’re we’re good we’re good that zombie over

There is just going to burn to death and I’m actually going to go and kill this spider because I need its string and it dropped nothing wonderful now that I got all this wood that isn’t everything I need to build my house because I have an

Idea for my house which would fit the theme very nicely but also look very good and to finish off my house design I will need deep slate so I think it is time to make some pickaxes here and go mining and hopefully find some diamonds

And iron and get my deep slate that I need okay this cave looks pretty promising I’ve been exploring a bunch of the caves around here and all I found is coal but that’s the first one that has iron and hopefully this leads down to deep slate level all right we got this

Place opens up here looks like we go down all the way to this pool of water and some gold there that’s fun I’m going to go keep exploring this cave until I find some deep slate all right I found the Deep slate and there’s a m shaft and

Wow there’s this big opening that I did not even see before okay that is very much interesting I did not bring a bed with me unfortunately so I am uh-oh my sword just broke oh no this is not good um I am very much um stuck down here

Without any way to sleep off the mobs but I’m going to go around and light all this up even though I have full bright I might as well still light things up just so I don’t get any mob spawning here while I’m trying to mine my deep slate

So I’m going to go mine the rest of this iron around here and then I will time lapse myself mining a whole bunch of deep slate because nobody really wants to see me mine deep slate in real Time Okay hopefully three stacks of Cobble deep slate is good enough if it isn’t I will have to come all the way back down here to go grab more now I’m going to grab the last few pieces of iron that I see around here and then make my way

Back home all right I am back home and I decided to put some of my iron in the blast furnace here to cook up and now I want to start on building my house now I’m quickly going to do an outline here is the outline for my house so to start

Off I have these fences here which will lead to this Courtyard area which will have like a bunch of plants and stuff on either side then you’re going to walk in here this is going to be a more inside area there’s some sugar cane over here

On this side that acts sort of like decoration and then over here is going to my enchant table and these are all going to be walls built up with deep slate there is also going to be a ladder right here which will lead all the way up to this little balcony here which

Goes all the way around and there’ll be a door right there there’s also this staircase that goes up here there’ll be a door right here which will lead into my house area and the floor will be more oak wood which to get more Oak I’m going

Need to go back to that M shaft over there because there’s no oak trees in this world I don’t think but once this floor is completely covered in Oak wood there’s going to be some windows over here chests are going to go into the back then I might add some furnaces down

Here but I’m not 100% sure on the interior yet I’m going to go grab a little bit more materials and then completely finish the house in a nice time lapse for You So here is my house I am missing a few little details like I’m going to add some leaves and lanterns around here some plants to the side as well and I also got to fill in this floor oh my God there’s a creeper right here this is not

Good get away from me nope don’t blow up my house please I spent so long building this thing oh my God I heard it behind me and I jumped that was terrifying yeah I definitely need some lanterns in here because that was almost bad but if we go

Up here you can see that the house has been complete there’s a door on either side and there’s also some barrels here for hidden storage but I can put my bed on either side maybe some other decorations up here and around here when we walk outside we got the balcony we

Got this little doorway here that leads down to the ladder we got this little thing that stins out over here I don’t know why I built it I just decided to add it so we got this extra little thing here that really serves no purpose at

All but overall I’m happy with the way this turned out besides all the little finishing details I still haven’t added but the next thing I want to do is go down into the mine and try to find some diamonds because I have zero diamonds to my name I am back from Mining and

Unfortunately my recording corrupted so all of it was a black screen which really sucks because I did find a lot while mining you can see I got a good amount of iron I got some diamonds I found in total but I used three to make a diamond pickaxe I also found a spawner

Down there which had a fortune 2 enchanted book which is great and also there’s a village over there which has two cows which is what I desperately need because I need to make bookshelves for my level 30 enchantment table which goes right in there oh and speaking of

My house here I did add some details to it so I added the gravel here as a path some plants the interior here with some carpet around where the enchant table is going to go I also started adding some Det detail here for the sugar cane and

Also added some lanterns around just to light this place up a little bit but in order to go grab those cows I will need to make a wheat farm and I was thinking that right underneath here would be a great spot to build a small Wheat Farm

As I add these pillars in here just to finish this up essentially there’s going to be some wheat in between here and there’s going to be a gate out front it’s just going to be three long here and however many wide before I do that I

Do need to sleep I don’t have that many seeds but I might as well completely hold the entire area just prepare for all the seeds I eventually will get and now plant these across here and just for the time being I am going to bone meal

Some pieces here just so I can go and get the cows and then be able to breed them I also decide to grow these giant spruce trees just so I have enough wood for future projects as well while all of this is cooking up I’m going to go grab

Those cows and bring them all the way back home I am almost home with the cows and it is turning night time so you guys got to get into this hole real quick please be great if you could walk in here no stop walking this way in in in

There there we go okay all right they’re in the cage that’s what I needed and now I’m going to go to sleep and make it day 15 I I saw you I saw you looking at me while I was sleeping don’t you think you

Can sneak up on me going to use this two wheat that I have to breed these guys to make a third cow and I think the next thing on my to-do list is to make these guys a proper pen because putting them in a hole is very inhumane and pretty

Cruel for the these guys but in order to make the pan I will need to cut down all these trees because wood is going to be the main thing that I’m going to use to build it so let’s get started on some time lapse tree chopping five stacks of wood which

Should be plenty enough to build a little pen for these cows but before I do that I do have to sleep here to make a day 16 and make sure I don’t get attacked by a bunch of mobs now for the pen I was thinking of making it right

Over here but I want it to be level with my house so I will have to go and take down this entire big amount of dirt here and then probably fill in this area a little bit All right everything’s cleared out and this area is filled in so now I’m going to start on an outline there we go this is the outline I have let me give you a little explanation for what this is supposed to be so this is supposed to be

A main area you’re going to walk through it’s going to be open on either side there’s going to be fence gates over here and one side will be cows and one side maybe will be sheep there going to be fences all across here and then the

Roof kind of goes up a little bit on this side and it’s going to be replicated on the other side and then this one goes across and it’s going to go up a little bit more and there’s going to be some more decoration for the door here and for the flooring but I

Think you get the basic idea now I’m going to go into a time lapse of me building the rest of it All right here’s majority of it finished I do need to still add some stuff in the floor here but overall I like the look of this I might change some of the blocks around to sort of match my house because this is very much one shade and

This has like the Deep Slade and the Spruce Wood all right I ended up adding in some accents of deep slate just to make sure it matches my house something very very simple not too overpowering just changing the edges a little bit in the front and glass does need to go here

So I’m going to go fill that in real quick all right glass is in place and now all that’s left is to move the cows into the pens and add a little pathway which I think is going to be gravel just like what I did here I think gravel

Would really work in this area come on cows welcome to your new home we’ll breed you guys up make another baby I just realized that right over here there is a whole lot lava pool which is great for me because I can get obsidian which

Can be used to build a nether portal and an enchant table and I was thinking for the nether portal I’m going to put it over there and the reason why I’m putting it over there is because nether portals make a bunch of sounds and the better sounds mod that I have doesn’t

Allow me to turn nether portal sounds down for some reason so I’m putting it super far away so I never have to hear it and plus I think would look cool over there imagine the portal sticking out of the wall and then Netherrack sort of expanding from it into the ice and then

Maybe I could have like a boat Highway going from here all the way to the end because I do have a silk touch hoe which I can use to break blue ice and make a blue ice pathway all the way to the end all right I got the obsidian I need I

Already used four of it to make an enchant table which is in my house but now I need to clear out this area and I forgot to bring a shovel all right I’m back with a shovel so I’m going to clear out this area a little bit to make space

For my portal there we go space is cleared out and now let’s create a nether portal right in the wall here and light it up and let’s see where we end up okay this is an interesting spawn we are right near the biome that spawns Enderman which will be great for getting

Ender pearls and oh my God there’s a gas right here oh my God I missed again No oh my God don’t die please pleas please don’t die that was that was almost bad that was almost terrible because I killed him but he hit me with a fireball Point Blank Range and decimated my health and I tried to use a water bucket but um it’s the nether I

Can’t use water okay I’m going to go explore around a little bit see if I can maybe see a fortress near here oh my God a fortress is right there and my portal is right there this is amazing and we got this biome here which has a bunch of

The like hog thingies I forget what they’re called those things drop leather which is great and my Portal’s right over there this is an amazing spawn now I don’t want to explore this just yet because I don’t feel like dying because blazes do a lot of damage I might as

Well grab some of these mushrooms and then head back to the Overworld all right home sweet home back in the Overworld away from the dangers of the nether yeah I definitely want to go and get myself some better armor and tools before I start tackling the nether what

I’m going to do when it becomes day 20 is actually go explore the Overworld a little bit see what Villages and other structures I can find and loot because maybe I can find a village with a bunch of book shelves which would make my life easier instead of having to breed these

Guys for 4,000 days I might be able to find some other little goodies like enchanted books or diamonds or emeralds and maybe some good trades okay I found a Pillager Outpost that’s good and the village over there wonderful I think first things first I’m going to go ahead

And free these Iron Golems so that uh the Pillager guys will get destroyed raed by set Iron Golems these okay you know what you guys are no I just have to uh run a little bit because um I have to break all of these and these Pillager

Guys don’t like me come on iron golem do your job please while the Iron Golem goes and cleans up those guys I’m going to run all the way to the top and see what the chest has to offer okay some smithing templates wood string iron okay

Not bad why as well grab some of the hay bales here as well and I’ll let the last Iron Golem out cuz why not you can go Ram with your buddies oh there’s actually one more wow these pillagers really were collecting Iron Golems now it’s Village time looks like we got a

Blacksmith here with some iron Bread Oak saplings that’s actually really good cuz I don’t have any Oak and I’ll also take this cuz I will need that for my enchant setup and the rest of the village really didn’t have anything of interest just the usual stuff like potatoes and

Carrots but I’m going to keep exploring and I’ll bring you back if I find anything really interesting after searching Forever I finally found a library there’s 11 bookshelves in total here I also found a silk touch pickaxe so I’m going to go use that to actually

Break these I don’t have to just carry books around I will have to clear my inventory though look how much stuff I found just by running around I have definitely been looting all the villages I’ve seen and there’s a lot of them pretty close together which is great for

Me but this is mainly what I was looking for and I finally found one all right 11 bookshelves to my name and it’s starting night time so I’m going to go to sleep in one of these and then in the morning I’m just going to go and see if I can

Find another library because I do need 15 bookshelves for a level 30 enchanter and I only have 11 I am now back home and I found a lot of stuff unfortunately I only found one village with a library in it I don’t know why these seem to be

So rare but they are so I’m going to have to make the rest of the bookshelves manually but I did find pretty much all the food I’m going to need a bunch of smokers and blast furnaces grind stones which I’ll use silk touch pickaxe which is great and just a bunch of other

Miscellaneous things so with all the sugar cane and leather I have I can make 13 out of 15 bookshelves so I’m definitely going to have to breed some of my cows while I’m waiting for these cows to grow up I was looking at all the chests and furnaces I have out front and

I really need to get rid of this cuz this is a big eyesore so what I’m going to do is make a storage building that’s going to go right about here and of course I’m going to make an outline there we go the outline is complete and

Let me explain what this is supposed to be so what’s going to happen is there’s going to be chest that’s going to start here and it’s going to go all the way to this side and the same thing on this side and then in the middle there’s probably going to be some crafting

Tables and furnaces and then the roof is going to go up to a point but also sort of go flat out and down a little bit on either side then I’ll probably add some details being leaves on the outsides here and maybe some trap doors but yeah

Without further Ado let’s get into the time Lapse all right here is the mostly finished storage room I didn’t have enough wood to fill in all the chests but overall I think it looks okay for now I also need to get stone brick to fill in the floor but this amount of chest just now should be plenty enough

For the 100 days now I think my cows grew up so I can breed these guys again one step closer to a level 30 enchant table I have removed my chest monster and put everything in here some of it is sorted into different chests but some of

It back here that I haven’t sorted yet but now I am going to go to sleep because those creepers and zombies over there look very scary but today I’m going to get myself a level 30 enchant table and I don’t know if these cows will give me enough leather so I might

Have to go into The Nether and kill some of those Pig things to be able to actually get enough leather but I do see my target over there and as well as those things I will need that for bone mailing a bunch of the trees I’m going

To stay here and farm these guys for a little bit even though they do a lot of damage which really sucks I think I got to climb right if I climb up like this be able to hit me nope he’s still hitting me okay this isn’t good they do

A lot of damage I knew they did a lot of damage but I didn’t expect them to do this much damage this is not good I’m at two hearts one with a crossbow is chasing me and the other Pig guys are still chasing me and I’m stuck in Soul Sand okay I

Knew it wasn’t a good idea to be out here but um I decided to do it anyways so yeah we’re just we’re just going to go up here we’re going to stay in this hole a little bit we’re going to eat and then I got to figure out a better way to

Kill those Pig thingies okay this guy dropped one piece of leather wonderful I do not have the armor for this this is going to take a long time now I’m able to get up three High I swear I was on a three High pillar before and it didn’t

Work maybe he got up higher I have no idea I’m going to keep farming these guys and I’ll be back if I find anything interesting finally after battling those giant pigs forever I got enough bookshelves needed to make a level 30 enchant table so let’s put these two

Bookshelves here and see what I get so we get Unbreaking through on the diamond pickaxe same with the axe so I think I’m going to go with the axe first just see like hopefully I get some efficiency okay E4 Unbreaking 3 that’s good for the pickaxe it’s Unbreaking 3 again I’m

Going to go for it please give me something good oh my God that is amazing fortune 3 efficiency 4 Unbreaking three that is what I needed and for the shovel gives me Unbreaking three but I don’t have enough levels and on the sword I get fire aspect 2 but I do need some

More diamonds so I think with this pick it is my cue to go Mining I am back from Mining and I got 57 diamonds which is amazing now I think it’s time to finally make a diamond sword and a full set of diamond armor here we go sword Acquired and the last piece of armor I also decided to make another pickaxe to see what enchant I

Get on this I’m breaking three not really going to go for it for sword we got fire aspect 2 I’m going to try this hopefully it gives me sharpness as well okay sharpness three fire aspect 2 not amazing but not bad and for the armor we got Unbreaking three Unbreaking three

This is also Unbreaking and this is fire protection now the pickax we got E4 I might go for this one cuz I really want a silk touch cuz that will help me for future builds I’m going to head back into The Nether and grind enough quartz

To get enough levels to enchant all of my armor and hopefully I get some good enchants all right I am back with 40 levels which should be good enough to enchant my armor and I think first things first I’m going to go to the chest plate please give me protection

Blast protection that’s kind of terrible what do we get here Unbreaking anything go on the helmet Unbreaking what do you get the pickaxe E3 terrible okay we’re going to go with the pants and it’s blast protection what’s with them giving me blast protection okay this is Unbreaking and it has silk touch that’s

What I needed perfect okay I like that boots is dep Strider three I mean that’s not bad I guess I’ll take it and for the helmet I get prod four but I still need 30 levels which I mean these two are okay they’re Unbreaking but they don’t have protection on it so disenchanting

It it goes because these are kind of useless oh it took me a while to get 40 levels and then it all just disappeared with really bad enchants at least I can get prod for my next guaranteed enchant which is great I do have some iron left

In here that was cooking maybe this will give me enough levels uh just over 29 so not quite enough fo close but what I want to do now is add a little bit of detail to this place because right now it just looks like three separate buildings rather than a connected sort

Of town or Village so I’m going to do things like fill in these holes and add a pathway made out of gravel and probably some tough connecting each building and maybe add some lanterns around and maybe some other little Details There we go added some details and I really feel like this place is starting to come together with the road and the walls in here it makes it feel a little bit more cozy I also added this lamp design I came up with and honestly I

Think it fits the theme very well and I set it to only light up at night as you can see on this side we got a little robe that leads all the way to the Village and we got a similar one over here that goes towards the nether portal

Of course I will extend this one out and that one over there towards the village but for now I do like the look of this I’m also back to 30 levels from mining a little bit of coal so I think it is time to enchant my chest plate hopefully we

Get some Unbreaking 3 yes prod 4 Unbreaking 3 that is amazing and we get blast protection on the pants and Unbreaking through on the helmet what do we get on the shovel E4 I think I’m going to go for the shovel next hopefully it gives me Unbreaking three

On that what I want to do next is create a bridge that goes from here all the way to the nether portal and what I’m going to do the nether portal is actually extend it up a little bit to make it so that the bridge will go across and I’ll

Be able to walk into the nether portal and then if I decide to take the boat underneath I’ll also be able to enter the nether portal so sort of two ways to get into the same portal so I built the second portal and I’m going to start the

Bridge from here instead of over there just to make sure it lines up now I’m not going for something too difficult to build because I have to build this pretty far and I don’t want to do something that I will mess up inevitably so I’m going to go with a very simple

Design but a design that still looks good okay it lines up to about here which is where I expected it to line up to I do have to do one more row on this side and one more row on this side and I do need to count how far this is because

I want to make sure that when I put the pillars in it is even say for example if I put a pillar every four and over there it only reaches like three I don’t want it to be like that I want it to be equal so so starting the pillars here by these

Dirt blocks you’re going to go underneath on either side should be fine to make it equal if I counted correctly and what these pillars are going to be is basically just some stripped Spruce logs there’s going to be some more detail as they stick out but for now I’m

Just going to go along with the spruce logs every four blocks so there be four in between and then another one and it should be okay hopefully all right I tested it and it does line up all the way to the end which is great so now I

Just have to replicate it on the other side all right that goes down fine all right that’s fine now I just got to fill in the bottom pillars there we go all the pillars have been placed and they’re all stripped now I need to go add a

Little bit of wood sticking out from the ends here there’s also going to be some stairs here and some more stairs underneath and there’s also going to be fences and trap doors so this is going to really take me a while all right so I created what the bridge is supposed to

Look like all the way across as you can see there’s some trap doors going at the top there’s some stairs some wood sticking out and some oak wood here with some fences underneath and I have to replicate this all the way to the other end so I think this is the perfect time

To do a time Lapse so I ran out of blocks but you can see everything’s starting to come together slowly but surely I just need to get some resources mostly oak wood and then I can finish this bridge up and hopefully it’ll look good the bridge is now complete added some polished deep

Slate just to give it a little bit more texture but overall this bridge took me a while to build as you can see it’s day 44 I had to place things break things this just was a bunch of trial and error but overall I’m very happy with the

Outcome there’s an area down here for a boat so I can go zooming straight into there and there’s also an area up top where I can just run across and walk into the second portal now I’m pretty sure the second portal should lead to the same spot hopefully and I need to

Get more levels anyway so I’m going to go test this out right now and and hopefully it brings me to where it’s supposed to bring me to all right yep it brought me to the exact area and I got oh shiny what is what is this achievement distract piglins with gold

Um okay I didn’t bring any gold with me but I’ll take it see I’m going to go m a bunch more quartz and get enough levels to hopefully enchant my shovel and the rest of my Armor All right I’m back with enough levels and let’s enchant the

Shovel first off we get efficiency 4 Fortune 2 I mean okay I wish I had Unbreaking for the pants we get prop three for the helmet we get five protection I’m definitely going to go for the pants here protection three okay and for this I give blast protection I

Really don’t want that so I’m actually going to disenchant the shovel cuz I really want Unbreaking on it because it doesn’t really have uh that much durability left so we get E4 again hopefully it gives me Unbreaking nope it’s just D4 and the helmet is prod 4

Though so definitely taking that so all my armor is Enchanted I do need PR on my boots and I do need them breaking on a shovel let’s see what I get on a bow power three that’s not that good either but what I have realized is that

Throughout this entire 100 days I have not built a farm and mainly that’s because I’ve just been go into looting The Villages and kind of getting infinite potatoes but I feel like it’s not right to not have a farm so I’m going to build a farm right here and

It’s going to be very natural looking so there’s going to be some fences that are going to go across over here all the way down to the ice over there and there’s going to be fences splitting the middle off between potatoes and carrots and then there should be some fences going

Down from here all the way to the ice as well and I might add some little lanterns in between here just to make sure the water doesn’t freeze and will also give some light for the plants to grow when it becomes nighttime here is the farm that I created I recorded all

Of this in a nice time lapse and everything but my power went out so I lost all of the recording but I am going to go to sleep to make it day 49 and the next thing I want to do is go to the Nether and get some Wither Skeleton

Skulls but in order to do that I will need to get myself a looting sword because trying to get Wither Skeleton skulls that looting is going to be pain I’m going to get myself 30 levels and see if I can enchant another diamond sword to get looting three it took me

About two rolls to get a looting three which is great and I combined it with my other sword but I combined it backwards so it costed me like 30 something levels instead of like 10 it would the other way so now I’m down to no levels which

Is really unfortunate but at least I have a looting three now so I can go to the Fortress and kill a bunch of Wither Skeleton skulls but at least I have a looting three now so I can go to the Fortress and get a bunch of Wither Skeleton skulls to hopefully put a

Beacon right here where this piece of deep slate is and get maybe some resistance or regen or speed or something I am back from the Nether and I got three Wither Skeleton skulls I also mined a bunch of quartz which you can see is all in here like look how

Many blocks of quartz I have and I was able to get enough levels to enchant Two bows and this is the first one I got and then I Enchanted another one and I got Infinity which was what I was looking for so combining these I have power four

Flame punch to Infinity Unbreaking three that is a great bow I also use some of these diamonds to repair my tool tools and armor because wither skeletons really do add a beating to your armor so now I think it’s time to go and fight the Wither so I’m going to have that way

Into the caves dig a nice long straight line and then place the Wither Skeleton skulls on some Soul Sand and hopefully I can kill the Wither without dying all right I am ready to start fighting the Wither here we go ladies and gentlemen I got my bow some arrows got my sword

Everything is all nice and ready to go now there is a cave above me so hopefully the uh wither does not decide to go after the zombie which um it looks like he already has which is been great okay oh my God there’s a creeper up

There oh my goodness this is not this is not how I wanted this to go I should have gone deeper but I’m already I’m already here so we’re going to keep doing this oh boy he’s doing damage come on wither usually he goes down here and

I can hit his toes but this guy just insists on going above me which is not great here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to actually dig up a little bit and then do a long tube and hopefully he’ll follow me this way and I can just

Kill him like normal instead of having to deal with a bunch of my health yeah here we go okay there we go I’m going to eat real quick and now we’re just going to keep doing damage there we go this is what I wanted to

Do there we go now he’s dead got my nether star and we are good to go all righty here we go let’s craft the beacon and right in here is where the beacon is going to go there we go the beacon is now working I think I’m going to select

Speed we put that in there and perfect the beacon shining all the way up to the world height and now I think it’s time to go to sleep make it day 53 that wither did make my armor take a beating so I think the next thing to do is is to

Transport the villagers over there to make a villager trading Hall and I think the perfect place for it would be right here so of course first things first I’m going to create an outline here is the outline complete so as you can see there’s spots for three villagers on

This side and what’s going to happen is it’s going to be replicated on this side so there’s going to be another three villagers over here and a path will go up here it will go straight to my base but it’ll also loop around this way to sort of have both sides yeah let’s

Finish building the rest of this thing so now that this is complete I need to transport the villagers and I already have a boat over there ready and the plan is is I’m going to get them in a boat over there both them to the shore

And then put them in a mine cart that goes all the way from there to one of the pods on either side and I already have the rails created so hopefully this should be a piece of cake all right I got the first villager let’s hope that

This works um we’re going to go ahead and break this real quick no okay now that guy’s there we’re going to try to get him into this mine cart here there we go okay he’s off all right villager one okay villager one is in place I just

Need something to put in front of him all right and make this guy a Fletcher and he takes that job right away okay one villager down a bunch more to go I’m not going to make you watch me transport every single villager so I’m just going

To cut until all the villagers are in place and hopefully we’ll have a fully functioning villager trading Hall all righty here is the last villager and hopefully this guy doesn’t cause any problems okay he instantly tries to run away that’s wonderful come on buddy in the mine cart okay you know what here’s

What I’m going to do here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to take rails and I’m going to connect rails all the way this way and put him in a mine cart like that there we go I just solved the problem okay finally after a lot

More trial and error than I wanted to we have all the villagers in place and this guy for some reason won’t change to anything else I don’t know why I broke his job but I don’t think he’s going to change to be a librarian will he no he’s

Just stuck like that okay well we’re going to place one of you there and we’re going to go get rid of this guys and make him a librarian right in the middle and unfortunately no mending right off the start so I’m going to recycle these guys a couple times just

To make sure I get the correct trades being the stick trades and mending after recycling this villager for 40 years I finally got mending so I’m going to lock that in although it doesn’t have the best price ever I I guess it’s better than cycling for another 40 years all

Right I traded the rest of my sticks so I should be able to get some more mending Books Okay one more and I think I’m going to put it on these two pieces of armor first because they don’t have Unbreaking so I feel like they deserve

To have mending first and I’m also going to put mending on my shovel because that doesn’t have Unbreaking either now what I’m going to do is go ahead to my shift tree farm and just keep growing some giant trees and keep getting sticks to trade with these flexors to keep getting

More mending books and hopefully put mending on everything that I own almost everything has mending on it except for these boots and the reason why is because I want to enchant these boots first to see if I can get prod 4 un breaking three then I’ll go and trade

With the Fletchers to get enough emeralds to get a mending book to hopefully put it on those prod four boots and then combine it with this one so I’ll have depth Strider prod 4 and Unbreaking 3 hopefully but to get enough levels to even enchant this I got to

Head back to the Nether and mine a ton more quartz I am back from the Nether and I got enough levels to enchant These Boots so let’s get this started here protection 4 and it’s just P4 okay not Unbreaking unfortunate I want to do a pickaxe as well because I want to add

Efficiency to this and this is Unbreaking three hopefully has efficiency and it’s Fortune I’m I don’t really need Fortune but that’s okay I might as well combine these two to get protection for dep Strider 3 and I’ll also combine these two the other way around to get silk touch mending

Efficiency 4 Unbreaking three there we go so now I have two of the best pickaxes great sword great armor except for mending on this and now I’m back down to two levels I’m going to go trade with my villagers a little bit more to add mending to these last pair of boots

I have collected seven Eyes of Ender just by playing and running around and finding Enderman but I do need more to end up going to the end to beat the Ender Dragon so that is going to be my next major goal it is now almost the

Middle of the day on Day 70 and I got way more Eyes of Ender than I will actually need but it’s better to have more than have too little so I think it is the right time to go and try to fight the Ender Dragon cuz I got full

Enchanted gear I got my Infinity bow I got my sword got my water bucket I think I’ll add an extra water bucket and let’s throw this IE Ender and see where I end up all right it does seem like right here is where the portal is because I

Was throwing ender eyes and they all all lead to here so in the water I go to hopefully end up finding this place oh we got the library here this is great what books you have in here sharpness 3 I can add that to my sword Bane of Arthropods kind of useless another

Sharpness three all right some armor trim books all right it’s pretty good I was wondering why there was so many zombies and there’s a zombie spawner inside the end Fortress here which is just really odd but I will take that water bucket I’ll leave the rest of the

Stuff in here for now I’ll come back for that later and I’m still searching for the portal itself finally I found the portal I was just digging around because I could not find it and I just randomly dug into it which was great and then I

Realized that there is a area where a door was supposed to be but there wasn’t and I ran by it a million times which is great wonderful I love that but now I’m just going to fill all of these up and we will go to the end and defeat the

Ender Dragon okay I spawned right next to the end Island which is wonderful so I don’t have to build across which is great and now I just have to not look at Enderman and destroy all of the pillars one pillar down this one is being a bit stubborn so I’m going to

Have to climb up to get a better angle there we go I think that is the last one and now I’m going to go all the way back down he should almost be dead this should be the last little bit and there we go the Ender Dragon has been defeated

Now the real question is where am I going to put this Dragon Egg and I was thinking of building something right here now I want to add details to this place so I was thinking of maybe making a pond right here full of ice and then

Under the ice is the dragon egg so you’ll be standing on top of it and you be like hm what’s that down there and it’s the dragon egg so without further Ado let’s get started on the detailing of my Base It is now day 82 and as you saw on the tile Labs I did add a bunch of details to my base most of the details being these trees here with a bunch of snow blocks around and these little campfires here I really do like these I really

Feel like they add a little bit of coziness to the area and then over here I have the pond with the dragon egg at the bottom moving down here I decide to add the pathway going all the way to the water and inside the trees I added some

Lanterns being held up by some chains you’re going to walk up to here going to go past the village villagers into my little area here you have the beacon in the middle you got the chest area to the right got my house and the barn for the

Cows and also these little mounds of snow everywhere just to make it look like it snowed heavily a bit and I pushed the snow to the sides to sort of Make Way for everybody to walk through I also decide to add a little dock out there like one of those floating docks

See the chains there go all the way to the bottom I like to imagine that this place in the summer everything melts and it’s all nice and warm and kids will go swimming and they’ll go head to the dock out here but in the winter it just sits

Out here in the nice cold lake but now the last thing I want to do before it becomes day 100 is to put little buildings on the side of this mountain they won’t have anything in them they’re going to be more faces than anything else but I feel like this area over here

Is a little bit Bland and boring so adding little houses that sort of stick out of the mountain I think would be a really cool idea [Applause] [Applause] The Little Mountain Village is complete you can’t really see it very well because of the snowstorm happening right now but it is day 99 so I’m going to go to sleep and make it day 100 and there we go 100 days complete in a snow only World overall this world was very fun

Usually I avoid the snow biomes but being forced to survive 100 days in one was really interesting because it forced me to build some things I wouldn’t normally build that being one of them so this Mountain Village it doesn’t have a function but over here it looks like

It’s actually supposed to be something like you take a bridge all the way towards a Mountain Village and if I had more time I would have extended it all the way this way and all the way that way but overall I’m happy with the way this turned out I also always like to

Build in Darker tone so building things in this 100 days wasn’t actually that difficult because but overall I think this is actually really really fun if you want to try it yourself I would highly recommend it because it is a little bit challenging compared to the

Other ones I’ve done but yeah this is the last video I’m going to upload most likely before Christmas so I hope you all have a great Christmas break I hope Santa brings you whatever you want and I also hope that we all have a great 2024

Yeah I hope you all enjoyed please like And subscribe and I’ll see you all in the next video bye and have a great day

This video, titled ‘I SURVIVED 100 DAYS In a SNOW ONLY WORLD In HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Commodore on 2023-12-21 11:55:49. It has garnered 4344 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:55 or 2875 seconds.

Hello everyone in todays video I spend 100 days in a snow only world in hardcore minecraft 1.20. I focus on building a house, a huge ice bridge, multiple farms, fighting the wither, making my base look nice, setting up a town, enchanting table, villager trading hall and beating the ender dragon. Feedback is greatly appreciated as I am very new to recording and upload 100 days content.

pvp channel: @CommodorePET

#HardcoreMinecraft #Hardcore #100days

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  • Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptain

    Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptainVideo Information इसको मैं मार रहा होता हूं तभी मैं देखता हूं बाहर में कि रासियों के पीछे बहुत सारे यहां पे पीछे पड़े हुए थे तो गाइज इसका हेल्प करने में जाता हूं एंड पीछे से सारे को मैं मारने लगता हूं एंड रासियो भी यहां पे मार देता है सारे को बट सीरियसली गाइज बोलू तो इस वाले मेंशन में मुझे बहुत ज्यादा डर लग रहा था क्योंकि मैंने अपने हाथ में टॉर्च लेकर के नहीं आया था जिससे मैं कहीं भी टॉर्चस प्लेस नहीं कर पा रहा था और चारों तरफ अंधेरा ही अंधेरा था बट गाइज… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GET OP ITEMS FROM DIRT in Mine Craft!Video Information यो व्हाट्स अप गाइज कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं कार 4 सेल सिमुलेटर तो जैसा कि आप लोग को पता है कि हम लोग अपनी कार शोरूम techno-economic बेचनी है तो अब जो सस्ती गाड़ियां मिलती है ना मैं वो सब नहीं खरीदता हम लोग सिर्फ bmw’s सु गाड़ियां खरीद के लाते हैं तो आज आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं चैलेंज लेने वाला हूं 10 से भी ज्यादा लगजरी कार्स सेल करने का लेट्स गो ज्यादा टाइम वेस्ट नहीं करते फटाफट… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trolling

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT logic short video 😱#minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-23 08:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT logic short video #minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short @Happy_Goldsmith @MrBeast … Read More

  • EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trending

    EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trendingVideo Information bye dream wait what oh my God what This video, titled ‘Dream boat clutch 😳#viral#shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:02. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Hand #minecraft #mobbattle #mobbattles #shorts’, was uploaded by MMB Battles on 2024-04-06 23:04:32. It has garnered 1790 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!

    Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!Video Information [Music] hello everyone welcome to season two of movies and Beyond I’m your host movie Blaze and my co-host is awesome dude hello everyone Y and our guest do Hawk official hello yes and we’re so happy to be back uh I know it’s been about a week um but we’re back now and with a brand new season uh recap on what’s happening during the season uh David’s gonna pop by every now and again so is Donovan and so is Oren I don’t know about will maybe maybe not really it all depends and and if… Read More

  • BLOODBASH – PVP/PVE server 1.20.1+ Eldritch Horror theme

    BLOODBASH Explore a mysterious world full of secrets and dangers Features: Killstreaks Events Different perks Ingame item shop An interactable map with secrets Several unique and interesting items Player trading Weapon enchanting (custom enchantments) PvE boss encounters DISCORD: Join our Discord community SERVER IP: Read More