Surviving The Scariest Minecraft Mod: Mist From The Fog

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I’m going to show you how I managed to survive 10 days on this ridiculously scary Minecraft mod pack this mod pack has monsters that stalk can hunt you at night a sanity mechanic and server wide infections that turn regular Minecraft Mobs into mutants welcome to the fear SMP action I’m not trying to get scared why you got me out here and why do the trees look like this uh there’s a whole lot of modded content that we’re playing with I would recommend we potentially start cutting down some of these trees get a base going okay yeah you’re right let me get a branch I don’t have a plan like I do not have a proper plan besides make a house like I know we need to get a house quick cuz the night time here is not friendly what mod you put on this uh every horror mod that I could find in Minecraft what yo yeah we lasted two days I’m I’m might over oh hey yo Timber what that I got a stick oh I got a piece of wood okay we got a crafting table sticks wait how do we get uh the rest we need to make an axe bro we got to we we have to get like a log from one of these trees this is so much harder than I thought it was going to be I’m wildly underprepared for this yeah this is about to be something I hope we can actually get a house done before night cuz I do not want to experience nighttime outside at all and so me and action were already faced with the first task of the playthrough get a house done before nighttime night time in this mod pack was horrific and if we didn’t at least have some sort of of defenses built we were not going to make it past day one dude we need we need a log this is really bad this is really this is really bad I’m like I’m getting stressed C this tree four times bro Circle and punching it bro I’m getting stressed out we really need a log as it turns out one of the mods I added made it ridiculously difficult to mine trees and also lowered the chances of actually getting logs meaning getting a house built was going to be way harder than we thought dude I have 15 sticks this is ridiculous what are we supposed to do with 15 sticks can we combine the sticks make wood I actually have no idea yeah let me try to get this one I’ve been at it for a minute and a half like here it is I know it’s coming down Tim okay okay okay look at you look at you you got a tree is that our first tree boom that’s good that’s a whole tree I got some Oak L dude make an axxe make an axe make an axe can you make two axes yes here’s one for you okay okay okay one for me and I’m going to make a pickaxe too so we can get uh Cobblestone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah quick quick quick I think we’re like halfway through today yep it’s noon it’s noon okay okay you start cutting out some trees I’m going to go down and get some uh Stone what how toss me an axe I’ll get trees let’s clear let’s make a little clearing let’s clearing right here the second you can get us a stone axe or stone tools the better so while action focused on upgrading our tools I focused on chopping a ton of wood and clearing out a nice space for the initial base hey yo Miss yeah yo I got 22 Cobble I kind of want to like use my pickaxe all the no wait can can we make a stone axe yeah yep I got some extra stone for you right here oh yeah three okay and I’m going to make a sword smart uh we got some tools we getting solid with it the Sun is going down I’m going to start the build all right bet I’m going to get us a bunch of cobblestone I’ll be down here for a minute I needed to get an entire house completed before night time if we wanted to survive day one okay doors doors doors hey I found an underground uh Cave I think right under us uh that could be good or bad I’m going to see if there’s any uh coal in there so we can get some torches yeah we absolutely need lighting if not I’m going to have to burn up some logs or something okay just in case he doesn’t come back up with coal let’s just cut down one of these oh okay it’s a fly it’s a fly it’s a fly it’s why I freaked out for nothing I freaked out for nothing if you can’t tell I’m a little on edge this mod pack is going to get terrifying real quick action action action action action action come around the house we need to build a furnace go inside go inside do you have do you have coal did you get coal I got one piece of coal bro okay I’m about to go down and get one more at least one more cuz it’s underwater leave the coal with me leave the coal with me leave it yeah I can make a torch never mind I’m just staying here it got dark very fast keep this one on you keep this one on you all right sweet all right look at us we got a little base set up just before night time hit it that’s the first objective dude we did it we did it we did it we we did it we did it we did it unfortunately for us this mod pack had quite a few surprises prepped for us hey yo why did you sound like somebody was ringing for dinner bro do you hear that ding ding ding ding D ding what do you mean you heard you heard a ding ding ding oh heck noely why did you hear ding ding ding that that that right there that dong ding ding dong ding I hear that too I hear that too I hear that too I don’t like that oh oh oh there’s a guy out there there’s something out there there’s something out there there’s something out there close it up close it up close it up what was that what the heck oh it’s trying to get in trying to get in the house trying to get in it’s trying to get in the house yo I’m freaking out I’m freaking out I’m fre out I can’t do this I can’t y I’m stressed I’m so glad you told us to get a house first day bro I’m stressed what did you put on here man I put I put way too many mods on this I put way too many scary mods on this oh my gosh you heard a ding ding ding there’s a dud D dude right there there there oh my gosh that disturbing creature is the man from the fall it’s a terrifying Minecraft mob that hunts unsuspecting players at night he chases you down relentlessly going so far as to literally break into your base and kill you straight through the wall bro I do not want to see your teeth come on man he treat me like a slim gem he big F oh oh oh I’m going crazy oh that is on fire that on fire put it out put it out action action put it out put it out put it out oh shoot bro I lost like a third of my brain out here you’re probably wondering what that brain is next to my hot bar that’s the sanity mechanic as scary things happen around me I lose sanity and when my sanity gets too low I start seeing deadly monsters that nobody else can see or fight meaning I’m on my own okay okay tomorrow day two we need to get beds what why is it still fire oh my gosh how long do these nights oh yeah we going to be in here for a minute so getting beds on day two is going to be the number one goal that is if we could actually survive to day two without our house burning down or us losing all of our sanity is that iron what this no this that stone oh I’m so insane that stone looks like iron now uh uh my character is saying hm hm what the heck is that my whole thing mm-m something is making sounds yo I just saw it’s the man from the fog it’s the man from the fog again we’re going to go crazy action action we’re about to go crazy again yo he better not try to break in this okay you scaring me I’m going just stay in the middle in the middle oh we supposed to get the boys on this too I’m hyper medal nobody’s going to want to join us if they they see one episode this they’re not going to join they’re not going to want to join yo at all yeah bro hey I just want to get a peep though no stop action action oh shoot okay okay you cannot play around okay you cannot play around I lost all my sanity dude never catch me do that again that action it’s breaking stuff action it’s breaking stuff I lost all my sanity bro action’s curiosity nearly killed us I know he did that for Content but come on bro this is hard enough and now we had real problems action why for the meme for the meme was it worth it was it worth it we’re dead after now obviously this world is already terrified but to make things even harder I thought it’d be a good idea that if every time someone died they’d lose half a heart of maximum health permanently when their Max Health reaches zero they’re banned and that included me all right all right all right all right first day tough like that first day tough like that for real action you got so many people out front you’re dead yo bro bro the house is gone the house is gone I’m going to try to put it out I’m trying to put it out I’m trying to put it out the house fire very quickly became the least of our problems oh who is that oh man too big you too big you too big bro they don’t fed you way too much relax too much okay put the fire out put the fire out go on the house and put the fire out I got this I got the mob distracted okay get hey there’s one more there’s another fire there’s another fire ow there’s piranhas on the inside got it got it got it got dude the ocean’s not safe either I don’t like that whistling where you at oh my gosh I got stuff for you I got stuff for you what do you mean whistling what do you mean whistling action action look out run what do look out oh no oh no please please please [Applause] please please please what is it these freaking piranhas yo I’m getting eaten up by fish fish oh my gosh fish I got you all right that’s two deaths already hey I got a stuff again yeah who is who in the world is is breathing like that bro me and action had already died two times each to some terrifying mobs but the only thing scarier on our world than the man from the fog was the animated spiders I added I mean at least to action they were no no no no no I forgot you’re afid of spiders action has Arachnophobia oh no get off me action please just block the place up block the place up block the building up block the building up block the building up stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you’re being AIC I can’t I can’t I I I can’t bro good luck Lu chill chill chill chill chill it’s gone it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead we’re good we’re good we’re good are you sure we’re good because that tree is on fire right next to our house look the fire’s headed that way it’s not coming this way we need to we need to close this place up okay we need to split the tools give you some stuff tools okay I’m going to throw everything in his chest and then we’re going to figure it out that’s ridiculous you’re me it cost us so much two lives so much so much oh my gosh what what are the rules to This Server bro don’t die if we die too many times we get banned oh no okay yeah so that means we need a home base yeah I don’t know if this can be our forever home base but this this is solid no not forever but for right now okay that dude can climb through like half block gaps by the way which is terrifying I did not know that like man I knew he was in here but I didn’t know he could do all that for real see even though I had a lot of Modded Survival experience action did not so everything he’s experiencing is brand new but now it was time for us to focus on day two who is that in the barrel oh man hey yo come on bro that ain’t even cool what you trying to go to a Halloween party bro if you don’t get so like don’t you see what we deal T oh okay fish we got some raw fish let’s let’s leave all the good stuff leave all the good stuff can we cook some of that raw fish bro I’m about to go out there and not be able to run with 2 and a half hearts yo you cook cook whatever you want I’ll be back we need sheep so bad it was time for my first real adventure to begin I was on the hunt for sheep wool and anything else useful I could find out in the forest pumpkins that’s a renewable source of food that’ll be good okay pumpkins it’s still not sheep which is what I really need but oh a house a little building okay hey heyy my friend uh oh none of this is useful bro can I can I steal stuff from your home though a bed we need this I’m sorry we need this more than you do we need this way more than you do I’m so sorry and with the bed problem knocked out of the way so early in the day it was time to spend the rest of the day exploring there’s the Savannah oh there’s a village there’s a village oh but I’m out of hunger I have to get home I have to get home to eat action action I see him on the M over here action action I got us a bed there’s a man chasing you with a sword there’s a man chasing you with a sword he he can break blocks he can break blocks he can break block shoot oh shoot hit him hit him H H hit him jump get yep another death this time because action accidentally knocked a monster into me no I made him lose another life okay I actually feel bad bro all right I’m going to have to learn how to do this a lot smarter bro I can’t bump no fighting towards each other okay we didn’t find a sheep but you hear action you said find a sheep no we didn’t find a sheep but I found a bed oh creeper not by the base please please please please pleas who is that okay okay okay okay Y no please please please please okay gone is that uh-uh people pulling up on me oh he turned his head you see him right there him right there you don’t see this dude right here no no you’re going insane look we got one bed but there’s a village there’s oh my gosh what are you fighting you’re hitting something I don’t see it oh you’re going crazy okay I’m going to go get another from the from the village he’s absolutely losing in his first experience on modded maybe maybe I shouldn’t have made his first modded experience so terrifying but at the same time it’s way funnier chatting it up uh give me your beds please thank you and I’m going to take this too just in case I don’t think we actually need it but oh that scared me so bad okay food food is great action is going to be so excited to he we Spa By vage leave me alone bro get this text off my screen we spawned right we spawned right by a village bro I just took another bed I’m going to go place it in our base that way we can sleep through the night all right I’m going to see if they got any bread bro I’m hungry in this thing man got you got you got you okay so action sorting out food I’ve got the beds day two will kind of be an achievement even though we died again uh we’ll probably have a way to restore our lives a little bit later down the line I think I think our next focus should be getting Shields Shields would help us so much okay let me just cut down more trees for now I don’t like how much shade we have here oh action died I died three times I got 17 lives left uh it’s okay it’s okay we got we got a bed in the base we can Mark our spawns we can sleep through the night it’ll restore sanity and with that action decided to head back into the village and sort out our food problem while I put a floor in our base this floor would help us differentiate between the outside noises and what was actually happening inside something just like moaned outside action is that you action I opened it up open it up no come on in come on in all right bet come on in say yes sir okay we’re going to hey I got some bread in case you didn’t get any yeah I got some too there’s actually six in the chest waiting for you oh look at you looking out I got a orange bed if you wanted that instead oh yeah that’d be so sick that’s way better which which one do you want gray or red I’ll take gray okay I’ll get rid of the red orange down oh we’ll have a backup bed in there for when we travel easy peasy hey oh man from the fog man from the fog again sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep what the heck what you can’t can’t sleep no is it because he’s out there oh bro bro bro okay double reinforce the double reinforce the doors bro what type of troll is this after how night one went I decided we were not going to take any chances on night two uh uh it’s running it’s coming here it’s coming here it’s coming here it’s coming here it’s on the base it’s on the base right now okay get some blocks on you that isn’t wood get some blocks on you that is not wood just in case cuz he keeps lighting fires somehow oh yeah I keep seeing something through this wall right here that’s him that’s him again hey so oh what the heck did you get hit how did I get hit from in here it’s all good my hearts is still going up oh I just saw chance Block in your hand these right here are chance cubes they’re blocks you can find while exploring in the Overworld that either bring great fortune or extreme danger and the only way to find out what they do is to break them open yeah I got three of these bro up in the village no three ah we’re on fire we’re on fire we’re on fire we’re on fire we’re on fire oh shoot I’m going to sleep you can sleep no you can sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleeping through this night ah yes okay day three day three we made it all right well I guess uh we can open the chance cubes today but we should do that very far far from the base yep let’s do it far from the base I gave two to you I got one where are you trying to go the village uh maybe just like across the water cuz we should probably also change this whole base out to Stone M I like that yeah let’s get underground today yeah there’s another fire there’s fire there’s fire there’s fire sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I was not going to fire out let’s open these far all right bet these these can instant kill us these can instant kill us it’s it’s a 50/50 shot of something really bad happening that means something really good could happen I’m going to let you start oh of course of well just in case I die take take the other one all right bet okay on three one two two three run R run run run run you should have ran you should have ran you should have ran you should have R I’m lost I L of course first chance Cube opened by me is a terrible one is a terrible one mind your business tell them mind your business are you still fighting no I ran away oh one’s after me though yep after me too after me too after me too why’d you go like that oh no that was crazy that was crazy block up block up block up block up I know it’s spiders I know they can climb but it’s okay we want to bait them in the climbing that I knock them off and they take bonus fall damage what oh of course now you don’t want me okay oh you went up in the air there you go ooh fold him was that thing’s name cascading dongs yep ow oh no not poison bro I’m going to take so much damage I’m saying hey eat some food and then get some distance I’m going open up the next chance block take this one there’s another one oh yo why is he jumping like that n n uh-uh easy all right so chance Cube one was bad but maybe the second and third ones would be better you know what I’m saying what is this are these ants what the heck oh oh yeah leave that leave that alone leave that very much alone all right bet let’s take a chance oh you want to do it let’s do it oh oh oh that’s good that’s good that’s a base welcome to the CRI that’s that’s a base bro remember how chance cubes have a 50/50 chance of being something really good or really bad well they’ve also got a really tiny chance to turn a good reward into something terrible this is so sick now we have villagers close to home uh-oh do you want to play a game now Mario Luigi I do not want to play no it was not good it’s not a Bas are you kidding me get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out out run run you kidding me run run are you serious dude bro that’s ridiculous oh actually they’re at our house they’re at our house why they come from there I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know get inside get inside get inside that’s insane dude I thought it was going to be good I thought it was really good bro I was like yo there’s like six seven beds in here I’m I’m putting this last one away that’s ridiculous you don’t want to bro we had two bad lucks we got to get some good luck dude we were supposed to upgrade the Base today now we’re attacked by a raid how are we supposed to go get cobblestone like this we can’t leave missed I don’t think you understand bro day three three cubes bro it’s the theme of the day all right okay just take the other chance Cube okay uh do we want to fight them I don’t think we can I don’t know if I have the hearts fight them man we going to go out go to the right and then run that way all right on three one two three it who put this down here oh my gosh no that is a Herobrine signal bro yeah so there’s also the Herobrine mod on this pack totally for about that oh my gosh there’s crows man all right here we go chance Cube on three 1 two take a chance cookies look at that man three chances and our third chance was some cookies all right so the third one was good I was kind of I was freaking out a little bit I thought that was going to be really bad dude there’s cookies everywhere those got launched I ain’t going to lie there’s so much Cobblestone over by that Village area I’m about to go back over there one more time yeah let’s get let’s get the Cobble we need to upgrade cuz this whole base needs to get converted if we want to survive any longer we should we should probably go back because it’s halfway and we need time to actually build an upgrade yeah y here you carry that oh yeah now we together we getting it down yeah we should have stuck together day one for real oh how are we going to upgrade with the illers out front dude oh switch lows take our beds and move since we got to reinforce it with Cobblestone anyways might just use Cobblestone yeah let’s just move let’s just move forget about it we’re going to move okay I got the bread they to R right now to our base that’s crazy that’s insanee we should just move towards the village The Village would be safer bet no I like that smart yeah grab grab torches wh what what you’re just leaving my fault my fault my fault it’s us strategy but I do need wood so I might let’s let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go where you going to the Village all right bet I’ll see you over there I want to get one more tree that one more tree I hope it was worth it action so while action gathered more supplies for our new base I went uphill to go pick out a new new location for us to build a proper Fort wow I just took damage I take damage in the dumbest ways possible top of the hill top of the hill top of the hill yeah I think up here’s good we’ll just live here and with a spot picked out it was time to get to work especially because the sun was setting ah dang it blocks don’t sit properly that bothers me so much my perfectionism is going to cost us a night oh my gosh why is the sun going down so fast help me action action action action is that you help [Music] me all right you ready most important ow the most important detail little flowers yep that’s cute we’re going to die now I feel a lot better action help me put a roof on all right bet I’m do one more height and then I’m going to put the roof uh we should do slabs yeah do do do the roof out of slabs that’ be good bet blocking the front door up reinforced front door okay okay okay slabbing slapping slabbing slabbing sweet you feel like something is chasing I feel like something’s chasing you no no no no slap up slap up slap up slap up slap faster slap faster help help I can’t click fast enough I don’t know how to make slabs oh my gosh this is crazy you’re joking you’re joking you’re joking okay I’m so serious bro I don’t play my craft bro lights lights lights lights lights lights lights lights lights there we go there we go we’re good we’re good sleep what you can’t sleep again oh not this again okay it’s okay look our house is made out of yo what whatever our house is made out of is causing Echo man you’re worried about the sound right now I’m trying not to die no get me off that I’m worried about the dude trying to get on you oh bro he almost bit your ankles why is he like this okay at least we’re stoned at least we’re stoned yo successful day three successful day three we stoned up we stoned up we stoned up stoned up come on I’m hungry I’m munching I I stress eat hey I got a bucket for you as well just in case you want to get some water thank you you always have a bucket of water on us that’ll be good uh that dude’s paws are clipping through there’s monsters nearby you can’t rest maybe he wants a flower my gosh oh my gosh my sanity is bad oh dude I think he shocks you when he leaves that’s what happens cuz he’s gone now okay we can sleep no wait we can’t we can’t sleep because there’s a terror near us a sneaking Terror action’s low sanity was about to cost us another night of sleep unless we could find a way to get the monsters to leave o I did not want you oh my gosh okay I’m staying in the middle putting stuff away I’m putting stuff away build stuff bro I just got hit through the wall don’t stand a block too close to that wall well he that means he’s gone if he hits you he’s gone he’s gone oh we still can’t sleep cuz the Terrors are nearby I can see them on the map they’re like right above us bro I’m about to go for it n what do you mean go for it this way there’s houses there’s houses there’s different houses I’m going to take a bed but at least go out the front door we’re going to do that cuz then I can just close the door behind you close it yeah there’s villagers getting chased by monsters too are you ready I’ll break it I’ll break it you go I’m about to be fast all right this is how night three ends on three one two go ahead go go go go oh I did he make it oh he made it oh good okay okay I’m sleep I need him to sleep I need him to sleep I can’t they on me bro is he trying to come back action action be next door neighbors that works I don’t like that there’s like multiple sneaking Terrors above me and my sanity went so far down just by being near the front door he said get ready I’m coming back I’m hearing some wild stuff okay I got some damage out there I was hitting them I was fighting him a little bit Yeah Yeah are we good woo still can’t sleep they still out there yep dang all right we going we going to Thug it out if we were stuck being awake all night I figured it’d be best to spend that time at least making the base a little better what can we do tomorrow day that’s going to make tomorrow night easy uh for one we definitely need to figure out how to get iron for Shields and like starting to get some little armor or something um and then for two I would I we should expand this compound and like put little walls and stuff like actual Cobblestone walls and things like that around just to really enhance the safety so one of us should get a ton of cobblestone the other person should get a lot of Iron Coal stuff like like that I’mma put uh what chest can we have for like random like just throwing items in and then what chest should we put like loot in any chest for get organization right now we are we are in survival mode oh here’s your Journal by the way your animal dictionary oh thank you totally forgot about this this will be good for maybe a couple days from now we start hoarding some animals uh the man from the fog is here again he’s that way yep yep he just he just gunning it this way they they really don’t make him like they made him anymore do they I mean that’s you say bolt that is a real athlete out there so you said you said dig down what no I did I I said none of that all right bet you you’re going to kill us dig straight down I got you man I’mma let you know what I see down here too are you digging straight down action at least make a stairc oh my gosh I’ll make the L hey yo like the ladders what was what happened what could have possibly happened in the two seconds you went straight down it it was more like what I seen and me wondering if I could get out in time I’ve never heard you scream like that that was pure Terror that was actual Terror bro nah bro no o I like that you labeled the dead okay go crazy okay we need a trap door as well cuz I’m not let me grab some Cobblestone you have an extra Cobble yeah here take half okay look so you here’s the plan hey whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo you can no no I’m I’m going to make walls I’m going to make walls oh go down okay all right bet here we go you got to oh my gosh oh my gosh imagine if I did not close that imagine if I did not close that are we good can we leave I don’t want to be trapped in here I got you this way yep oh yo this where is the air Bro Look if we need to go we can just go like this and then we can just build oursel a platform poow okay the man from the fog left all right we’re good okay let’s go get as much Cobblestone and iron as possible we need all of that oh getting shot at getting shot at they firing they shooting they shooting oh shoot they shooting they shoo they shoot oh shootting not a good jump oh my gosh I just watched you do that why why I got to miss my jump bro I play too clumsy at Minecraft for all this bro this ridiculous okay just a side of this wall should be pretty safe this would be the perfect spot to set up our first ever official M shaft and soon enough we’d be finding oh iron yes okay we have enough for Shields action yo I’m out of I’m out of torches but I could did get iron I got some iron we could leave you do we could straight leave all right bet I got uh two stacks of cobblestone and 15 so okay we can go expand the compound successful mining Mission and it’s still day we’re good ooh let’s go we’re making good progress today okay so day four will finally be like a solid calm chill night man stop looking at him like that bro don’t you know we just got a successful trip man hating big nose the Villager yeah he was looking at you hating there’s our little compound oh there’s coal right here that’s good too oh that’s perfect I might need that crafting well you can’t hear him anymore I decided I’d spend the rest of the day expanding our compound uh I’ll use dirt to expand some of the foundation so I guess if we’re going this way we’ll just keep going this way upgrading the floors oh we upgrading them to Cobble too yeah just so we can hear the difference between once walking outside versus what’s walking inside this fort is impenetrable really is like this is that stuff oh we can sleep take it take the chance take the chance sleep sleep sleep sleep day five let’s go bro day five all right we should focus on getting a lot of coal all right bet day five I I kind of want to look for Herobrine what what dude I didn’t tell you if we go back to that other base that we was just at bro the next letter was there the H was behind our old base and then where that uh lucky block or that chance block was that’s where the second one was you might need to get checked cuz that’s that is such a crazy idea all right I’m going do that you get the call I’m going go get I’m going tell you everything I know about Herobrine at least help me put this stuff all right bet let me uh make sure I’m geared enough for it too I’m going on a Herobrine hunt oh never mind I hear something moaning out there bro I’m cool I’m good you changed your mind that quick I’m good you said you know what I I don’t want to see him that bad s I’m going on adventure I’ll be back oh gosh all right good luck he’s definitely dead so while action gunned for his death at the hands of Herobrine I decided to go get the iron and coal we needed what stop please please stop there’s no way no a thought I was going to say handled like a pro guess I didn’t all right let’s figure out where we’re headed iron or coal I’m calling for it as if it’s going to talk back and be like hey I’m right here nothing what is this I don’t even know if I can mine this legitimately yeah you can’t dang I hope that wasn’t important iron and coal I think action saw Herobrine oh miss I found him I found him yep is he uh is he fighting no but he’s scary is he is he still here did he go bro I went over to where I thought he would be and he was there yeah you found what you were looking for Mission success buddy oh my god oh I found what I was looking for too iron this is perfect talk about a successful day five look at yeah this is a dub I’m losing sanity so fast we need torches so bad yep I hey I got a ton oh thank thank you so much here can you toss a couple yep I got you here’s 31 31 oh you have a ton ton yeah it was an accident I meant to like get a few and I sh have clicked so that means I need to get more sticks and more coal oh there’s coal right there we can grab all that this iron will be great we can get closer to some armor oh I just let in so much water today years old when I realized you could middle click a block in survival and if you have that block it’ll pull it out even if it’s in your inventory we got to get you playing Minecraft more I thought it was just a creative okay how much uh I have 15 raw iron okay we can get a couple more from right up there and then there’s coal over here too okay that’s all of it that’s all of it that’s all of it let’s go up well I’m going home before we lose daylight I’m feeling a lot safer actually I’m feeling so much safer okay he has the coal right now but we don’t need this many sticks so a couple of them are going to get sacrificed also don’t these doors so we’ll burn those up too just to conserve resources two Shields get a nice surprise when he comes back is that how you make a shield no Shields yes this will actually protect us action I got you a shield I got you a shield I got you a shield oh you got me a shield yep uh there you go my dog let’s go okay we have to use up 12 of The Iron though hey um there was something down in this cave if you want to check it out to today or tomorrow the sun’s right there so that means we got at least like 5 minutes maybe all right I mean the iron has to cook anyway so let me let me put one more thing into the fire though let me put the iron away anything else important away cuz whatever he saw is probably going to kill us hey don’t assume that oh you’re here okay all right let’s go adventure adventure reluctantly okay so I was a little skeptical of a little cave that I saw and I thought it was something small and then it just kept going down and going down and going down so I was like hm I probably need to check this out with the boys let me see what was it all right unfortunately for us I don’t think action quite remembered where the cave actually was hold up so we was over here where Herobrine was and then we got up and then we did this then uh-huh on this side okay remember how we had 5 minutes uh-huh yeah we don’t got 5 minutes oh man come on it was somewhere actually you better figure this out quick action totally forgot where the cave was and the sun was starting to set so I decided to head back to the house and upgrade our front doors before any more creatures spawn y I’m going back to the house we need iron doors so bad I don’t think I can craft them fast enough and we also don’t know if the man from the fog is actually going to chill with iron doors oh I didn’t know you get three what that’s way less irer than I thought okay iron doors iron doors iron doors what how do I get in okay that was so dumb that was so dumb okay so this will be the test to see if iron doors work just in case I’m going to close it up anyway hopefully mobs cannot access buttons go Bop come on in come on in hey I put some lights outside now too sick okay so tonight’s a test I want to see if iron doors will protect us from the man from the fog so okay I’m going just stay right here when he pops up tonight we’ll see if these doors are enough to keep us safe wait so there’s no is there entrance on the outside you got buttons on outside no huh yeah I I look I’m prepping it I don’t have any coal you don’t have coal I got 10 coal here you go oh there we go perfect now we can fill the furnace I think we should get sand at some point too we’ve had a successful day five why we can sleep and then tomorrow I’m going to go get sand so we can upgrade and get glass so we can see outside ooh I like your ideas let’s do it y easy peasy all right so for sand I’m going to need a shovel iron is precious so we’re not going to make an iron shovel we’re going to make two Stone shovels all right Reaper population is still healthy and strong sand pile back that way now we can put the shield to use getting rid of the infected is a great idea go that guy’s gone you should also be gone ow ow oh wa you hit hard you hit way too hard for your own good what is that my celium infection why am I infected I decided to refocus back on getting the sand that is until I got sidetracked by a fish I saw I have major add by the way oh there a fish just kind of let me help you buddy go that way this way friend I’m clearing a path for you get into the water get into the waters no friend let me save you let me save your life please you making this challenging you are jumping the wrong direction I know you have no fine motor skills but please dude okay there we go back in the water I saved a fish ruin portal wa that’s going to be a lot of Loot and I’ll get the sugar cane hey oh what’s up hey I found an area by the way oh you found the thing you were talking about yeah and I Che out that ruin portal last night before I went in the house did you leave the gold block on top no oh shoot yeah dude we got to get to that hey dude you are you sure you looted this you did not loot this a snap I I came over here I didn’t see this chance Cube chance Cube It’s been a minute bro since we practiced our luck hey I’m not going to do it by this ruin portal you ready though you ready though tiptoe in my Jordans Jordans tip to in my Jordans they sparkling man look at you yeah I’m going take a chance I’m going roll the dice over here all right I’mma watch Good Luck oh you going to watch I’m going get it on HD 4K footage how’s there Village over I got to talk to him oh that dude is probably not friendly okay oh they just having a conversation I’m going to show you something real cool Y come this way man I got a magic trick everybody want to see this magic trick it’s doing that magic trick a little close let me step back yep so there we go so now that you here this is the best part vill where you going here we go bow this is for you man what happened fishing rod oh hey we got a fishing rod yes that’s huge infinite food and other things we can loot up we can we can get good loot from fishing oh actually dude with fish we could tame the cats we can get a pet o okay are you good at fishing yeah day six let’s catch some fish do you know a good Pond that we could catch some fish at yeah right here bro what the heck all right bet there’s a cat right over there let’s do it look at that that’s how you cast one out oh yeah who’s going to bite that bait man I put a gummy worm on oh got him got him fish yes I did we need like 10 for a cat all right bet and while action focused on fishing I decided to explore some more and look for some good loot one of these fish want to come worm man y next yep I got four of them oh what what is this a grave well take the lantern I guess we’ll open up that is some good loot that is so sick okay okay okay I’m taking this back I’m bringing this to action on the road again hit it back to Mr having everybody mad at me like say the turtle like I ain’t ask you to bite the dang trollies hold up y nice bow I got a surprise for you that’s six what is it what is it what is it your T-shirt yo no way bro let me see it’s my size yeah I got it out of a grave look what why’ you take it oh come on man go there’s nothing wrong with it look at it it’s Unbreaking you got it out of a grave yeah that that dude doesn’t eat it okay you know what the when you say it like that I got something for you too little tra oh that’s a whole cow okay yes sir all right you want to you want to get the cat you want to get the cat I think we have pet cat oh we’re going to end day six off with a pet cat more iron some armor found and some loot it’s a great day six I’m saying I got three fish for you I got three fish for me easy oh there’s a cat right here take these oh okay uh what do I toss out okay slap from the dead guy’s grave hi Kitty Kitty dang I ain’t never seen a cat run that fast come back come back come back come back come back be my friend oh it didn’t love me action you got to get it you got to get it okay please please love me please oh wow ungrateful wow we got to try again tomorrow yeah dang we will get this elusive Kitty back inside oh did you get sand uh yes dude I got like a stack oh okay so now we can do the window do we need any more coal I found that uh I found that cave by the way if you want to check it out tomorrow the one that I said just kept going down down bet and then we got gold how do I make a clock oh we need Redstone for a clock dang it not dark but it’s getting night it’s definitely getting night you want to have a easy sleep night yeah I think so all right bet day seven we can we can see what the trouble’s talking about yep let’s do it good night all right woo day seven man let’s do it uh little Sky okay let me uh let me start with the glass hey bro I don’t get how these iron doors are that heavy that you can’t hear through them I know right that’s kind of crazy that’s insane glass it up okay you thought this through see my bills don’t be symmetrical that was a that was a total fluke but it worked out perfect all right let’s uh let’s do this wall too 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 there we go now we’re out of go all right I’m going to go down to that cave while you do this cuz you actually know what you’re doing I want to just sit around every minute is precious all right okay so we need a meat hook which is honestly really cheap that’ll sort out some of our food problems and then I guess we’ll just butcher animals in this section of the of the Bel uh warning the next section is graphic pow okay another hook there we go getting right into it pow okay now how do I butcher them I need a meat cleaver Cleaver stick and get and a nugget cleav there we go I don’t like how close to the edge that was so let’s move the hook to a more centralized location they both should be here and here center of the base activities but for now we’ll chop you up as well sorry Mr Piggy meat hooks pound pound all right so now we got ribs we got different foods we can eat a skull cow what do we do with this can this go on the wall no does it sit on some something what do I do with the skull cow oh it becomes bone meal that’s nice but can it also be decoration it can be that’s sick see this this place is starting to feel like a home log log log log f i smoker so we’ll do if I do chest on either side I can do smoker nice design I knew that little cave had Secrets man what it have you knew it had Secrets it had a m shaft under it and I kept going down and oh it was just more and more there was deep sleigh and I just had to turn around I saw mobs well here’s a secret For You Adventure for Miss what the heck is that you give me an orange slice what you give me Por ribs yeah we eating good tonight brother we eting good tonight you throwing down yep I’m throwing it down in here man we cooking heavy let’s go let me do this let me throw these over here and then that’ll cook way faster all right I need to make sure I’m prepped for my next adventure next time I need more pickaxes I got some iron I got 13 iron I’m going to throw it in the collection now there’s 21 raw iron um I’m going to make a couple more furnaces one two 3 all right three more furnaces now we can really get the cooking I’m going to put them on the back wall yeah I’m going to do one more spin down there I’m going to see if I can get some more iron for us all right sounding perfect oh I can head outside too let me put this Tanner now oh that’s a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be I guess I should leave leave the fishing rod with you too actually if this is going to be this small I might as well take it and put it back inside I thought that was going to be way bigger than it was with action deciding to go out and get some morees I decided it’d be a good idea to stay in the base and organize things I was having a pretty easy time until I started hearing some weird things coming from outside uh-oh uh-oh blocks just in case actually needs to hurry up and get in ooh get inside get inside get inside get inside get inside get inside oh get inside he’s running he’s coming he’s coming yo we’ll actually see him this time look oh sweet yeah we’re going to catch him walking up oh I think he’s stuck he got stuck in water oh now he’s coming he’s having issues getting up the hill oh he disappeared he disappeared this time yeah no problem man whoa what’s burning outside a Enderman was on fire I think he got struck by the lightning from the man from the fog well I’m sleeping yeah yeah that’s something to go to sleep on okay tiny bit of iron left it’s time to really get in this cave and see what’s up I’ll come with you all right so I know I missed oh what the heck is going on right here what oh dude there’s a traiter whoa whoa dude oh we can’t do any of this it’s just Emerald what you mean you guys for some ridiculous prices man let me find out something can’t help you brother sorry where’s your cave at all right so this is where it threw me off my cave is actually so much closer than I thought it was cuz it’s like right here oh wow you see how it’s hidden though yeah now this thing spirals down all right just like we will be when we go insane in here no no no no cuz I I got the way out I made it out already once do you got torches on you some questions all right do you have pickaxes on you yeah all right bet that’s all we need oo let’s get some diamonds bro yeah is this the day we get diamonds it’s the day we get diamonds day eight come on I want to see them diamonds in my face oh coming down coming down wow you really uh took this kind of far so I didn’t get back down to here last night because you said it got dark there so many Ms yeah and so you can go down even lower there’s more down lower more to go I went down this the only way I checked so far okay so this is the safe way oh I thought this was a safe way huh oh that look crazy bro my whole body is still twitching from seeing that okay I’m going to get some Redstone there we go oh we need that for clocks now we can keep clocks on us and this is why I ran out of torches and turned around you uh you fell o that sounds crazy should I be worried yo what is that over there what’s what over where wait you see that there’s like Red Blocks that’s what I’m saying oh there’s somebody having indigestion near us man what bro your stomach is not fine I’d get that checked out immediately yeah this man needs a doctor we line up some of this red it’s Crim site okay oh dude there’s a there’s like an an infected witch fighting everything we can can third party we can third party like this is fortnite bro oh B let’s go I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low I got you I got you I got you the whisper The Whisper dude is getting me huh yo what is he eating bro you about to get beat up come on bro you must not know you messing with man ooh ooh keep yourself safe oh this was not a good idea at all wow wow that was not a good idea at all that took a lot of Hearts okay we got to go back in we have you want to rush back down there or you want to grab something to make sure we can get back down there I’m just grab my stuff I’m going to click the transfer key super fast and then we’re going to live and DP all right bet you do you you do mess with the cave though right yeah yeah this it’s it’s a good cave it’s a good cave all right I give you that bro it’s surprising you see like I had to break a little bit of blocks right here and then block lava right here they really tried to hide this one okay hopefully it’s not the same mobs down there is what we just dealt with oh it is oh it is ow okay oh I’m dodging I’m dodging got him oh he’s he’s getting hit with potion after Potion No Yeah so action did not make it a lot of infected mobs down there we just wait for him to come back action action action action action action what’s up action what up okay I think if we go down at the same time we got a chance okay on three one uh-huh 2 three up going grab your stuff grab your stuff got it got it ah dang it dang it it dang it dang it this adventure was our worst decision yet of the entire playthrough and we ended up dying again again and again that didn’t work you swim in lava to escape I yep that didn’t work yeah I think our lives are more important than all this yep y it’s one of those nights so that’s all the how many hearts you got I only got five bro I got 10 lives remain I want to keep all 10 till they I got six oh dude there’s a massive group of infected outside and they’re just killing stuff okay how do we get lives after an extensive Google search and a whole lot of research I realized it was going to be way too hard for us to get any additional lives through this playthrough so what we had is basically what we were stuck with I think we’re just picking up the pieces and certain from scratch pickaxe we have no stone oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s all right I’ll make gold ax and no this is a super waste just do this you got to kill on me don’t you see I got five Hearts you can slap me one what there’s no way a tree just fell on action that’s insane that’s insane you going to pick up your stuff yeah I blame Herobrine though did Herobrine push the tree down Camp is in disarray h a zener Ingot what is this whoa something whispered at me I don’t like being whispered that oh is that friendly I guess not if he’s under okay that’s that’s that’s where I call it that’s where I call it thanks for watching And subscribe if you want episode 2 or other videos like this see you

This video, titled ‘I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Mod… (From The Fog)’, was uploaded by Mist on 2024-04-07 16:00:06. It has garnered 4753 views and 296 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:50 or 2990 seconds.

I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Mod… (From The Fog) (EPISODE 1 OF “FEARSMP”)

I decided to bring Action along for a tour of the Fear Nightfall modpack (of which we edited by removing a couple of mods and adding some new ones). This was one of Action’s first ever modded survival experiences and let me tell you: It was pretty incredible.

The pack’s terrifying as it is but with us two being constantly on edge and purposefully trying to troll/scare each other it just added so many layers to it. This session was about 2 and a half hours and we’re considering expanding the SMP to invite a few of our friends and other creators on (depending on if they even WANT to be jumpscared lol).

Let me know what yall think of this video. I’m still doing my Dawncraft series but this was a little test of the waters to see if you guys enjoyed the content enough to have 2 ongoing series at once. Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed recording this and playing this modpack, and i hope you enjoy watching it! – Mist

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This HARDCORE MINECRAFT FROM THE FOG SERIES is inspired by Calvin, WelcominTV, Forgelabs, Protagnst, aCookieGod, Suev, and Skyes! Instead of being the Hardcore Fear Nightfall series, this series is a scary modpack edited to be closer in similarity to From The Fog by Calvin and Shadowknight! This is similar to my MINECRAFT HORROR ROLEPLAYS but more HARDCORE SURVIVAL focused!

^and before you ask, yes I took the time to write that out, it’s not just tag bait lol. this is though:

100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Horror Modpack 100 Days in the Scariest Minecraft Modpack

I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Mod… (From The Fog) (EPISODE 1 OF “FEARSMP”)


#Minecraft #100days #fromthefog #fearnightfall

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    Craft a Free Aternos Server: Minecraft Masterclass In the world of Minecraft, a server we create, Using Aternos, it’s free, no need to debate. Just follow the steps, sign up and log in, Choose Java or Bedrock, let the fun begin. Give a unique username, a password too, Click create server, it’s all up to you. Select the game version, don’t make a mistake, Options to customize, your world to make. Start the server, wait for it to load, Invite your friends, on this adventure road. In Minecraft multiplayer, type the address in, Join the server, let the games begin. Share the IP, let the fun… Read More

  • GLASS!!!! Most Annoying thing… #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts

    GLASS!!!! Most Annoying thing... #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts When you accidentally break your glass in Minecraft and suddenly become the most hated person on the server. #oops #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft vs Roblox Kitchen Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft vs Roblox Kitchen Showdown Minecraft vs Roblox: A Battle of Virtual Worlds Are you a fan of virtual worlds and endless possibilities? Look no further than Minecraft and Roblox, two of the most popular sandbox games on the market today. Minecraft: Limitless Creativity Minecraft, with its iconic blocky graphics and limitless creativity, allows players to build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world. From building towering structures to battling dangerous mobs, the possibilities in Minecraft are truly endless. Roblox: User-Generated Content On the other hand, Roblox offers a unique experience with its user-generated content and diverse range of games. Players can… Read More

  • Uncover Zultan’s Insane World | Hardcore Minecraft

    Uncover Zultan's Insane World | Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information ah honestly I’m not even going to I don’t need to pull anything up oh actually I do on my computer never mind I forgot I do need to pull up the YouTube chat let’s see let’s see hopefully it’s live I don’t know sometimes it’s a little weird but we should be good yeah there we go all right boys how we doing how we doing welcome back I don’t even know what day this is of well I guess this isn’t even really the same hardcore world so it doesn’t really necessarily matter but yeah you… Read More

  • Escaping Cursed Minecraft Entities

    Escaping Cursed Minecraft EntitiesVideo Information the last episode ow shoot bro bro you going to back up off me with that ow wa New Day Day fresh nice World let me check let me check how he doing where’s that dude missed at oh my gosh bro who supposed to get started watch out welcome to another episode of us surviving crazy scary dwellers um turn around look at that tree over there you’re going to that oh oh yeah there’s a brother up there yeah yeah there’s a brother up there oh there’s also a whole lot of sounds happening I think… Read More

  • UNLOCKING SECRET WOLF ARMOR?! – Hardcore Minecraft S2 #5

    UNLOCKING SECRET WOLF ARMOR?! - Hardcore Minecraft S2 #5Video Information dames en heren op de basisschool leer ik als kind om klok te lezen ehm dat is heel handig want nu kan ik heel goed klok lezen en kan ik zien dat het tijd is voor Minecraft Hardcore Survival aflevering 5 vandaag gaan wij naar huis eh wat interessant hè Ja ik dacht ik ga dit eh behind the eh ja gewoon achter de schermen behind the scenes ehm dacht dat jij mag dacht ik dat ik dat ging doen Ehm maar nee ik dacht ik ga jullie gewoon de full Experience geven Ik ga niet eh achter… Read More


    CRAZY MINECRAFT LOVER BUILDS INSANE RTX HOUSEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft RTX 127% house #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-05-09 03:34:58. It has garnered 475 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where players must fend off creatures and maintain their health, and… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Revealed (OMG!)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Revealed (OMG!)Video Information m 1.21 अपग्रेड इज सो बैड बिकॉज मैं करने वाला हूं तो चलो वीडियो की र बढ़ते हैं तो यहां पे पहले आया था 1.21 अपग्रेड में मॉब वोट उसके बाद आर्मरर डिलो उसके बाद आया था एक शार्ट जिससे कि आप वल्फ आमर बना सकते हो जो कि बहुत ही तगड़ा है और मैं इस अपडेट को बुरा क्यों ब बोलने वाला हूं वो वीडियो में पता चल जाएगा आपको वीडियो में बने रहो लाइक और सब भी ठोक दो और दूसरा है कि ये अब वल्फ आमर अपग्रेड हो चुका है और इसको अगर आपने वल्फ… Read More

  • Avernon’s CRAZY Secret in Hexxit II!!

    Avernon's CRAZY Secret in Hexxit II!!Video Information starts streaming wow she’s real oh dear she wa what he’s he’s real oh I heard I heard I heard she no OB no no women on this channel just kidding I was about to say uh that’s Jerome John wasn’t like that Asia has oh but I mean she still identifies so I mean I don’t know man you say that think she’s an action oh boy what a way to start off welcome in already dropping frames God I love this [ __ ] [ __ ] wa no [Music] hooray um oh you activated the… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Mad Hatter Gene Survives Minecraft Jumbled Chunks!

    Insane Challenge: Mad Hatter Gene Survives Minecraft Jumbled Chunks!Video Information This video, titled ‘The IMPOSSBLE Survival Map (1) – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – New Stream Series’, was uploaded by Mad Hatter Gene on 2024-02-17 14:04:36. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:07 or 127 seconds. Trash Panda has set up a brand new Minecraft series for us and we WILL DIE – a lot!!! Can this group of friends beat the impossible challenge??? This is the start of a brand new exciting Minecraft stream series: MINECRAFT JUMBLED CHUNKS 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE SURVIVAL map that is designed to kill you… Read More

  • “Unbeatable Minecraft Strategy to Crush Mobs 🎮” #gaming #minecraft

    "Unbeatable Minecraft Strategy to Crush Mobs 🎮" #gaming #minecraftVideo Information the mobs as Minecraft grew as a game more and more creatures were added to the world the only ones really requiring anything strategic when it comes to non-hostile mobs villagers as you can trade with them very specifically in order to level them up as well as give them a certain job steering them towards having exactly the stuff you want for sale in order to help you further down the line however when it comes to Hostile Mobs the situation is the polar opposite you can get killed very often very easily if you’re not careful… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT TRAVEL HACK - EXPLORE LIKE NEVER BEFOREVideo Information and I was running far away what i r Off the Wall someday nobody knows nobody knows I This video, titled ‘Realistic Travel – Minecraft’, was uploaded by PROT31Nn on 2024-05-14 15:14:12. It has garnered 1064 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmod #survival #minecraftmods #challenge #beatingminecraft #diamonds #minecraftrealistic #minecraftsurvival #camman18 #minecraftspeedrunner #camman18shorts #minecraftbutchallenge #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftmanhunt #camman18minecraft #minecraftbuticanttouchgrass #cavesandcliffsupdate #cavesandcliffs #howtosurvive #newminecraftchannel #grian #fastestdiamonds #enderdragon #minecraftupdate #craftinginminecraft #craft #craftee #newminecraft #crafter #crafty #craftingrecipe #crafting #custom #diamond #familyfriendly #customitem #customitems #emeralds #tiktokcamman18 #camman18tiktok #camman18twitch #camman18clips #minecraftbutyoucanttouchthecolor #gaming #minecrafthitmen… Read More


    Welcome to Civ SMP! Civ SMP is a new Minecraft 1:1500 earth server that offers various ways to earn money, such as jobs and player-run shops. Explore the dynmap showing all towns and nations on the map here. Join our small community by connecting to our discord here or directly to the server at Read More

  • The ‘Minelanders [1.20.6] {Player Shops} {Plot Protection} {SimpleClans}

    The 'Minelanders [1.20.6] {Player Shops} {Plot Protection} {SimpleClans}⛏ Welcome to the ‘Minelanders! ⛏ Server address: ml.newmineland.comVersion: 1.20.6OverviewThe ‘Minelanders is a semi-vanilla survival server. We believe that Minecraft can be a political game as well as a creative and PvP game, and our server is intended to lean into that. This means our server includes this general structure:* Griefing is allowed, except in protected player plots* Stealing is allowed, everywhere* Player clans can be created for a small in-game cost, with access to clan chat.* Protection plots can be purchased in four sizes for not-so-small in-game costs- The world is restricted to 6,000 by 6,000 blocks, to encourage… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bye bye Minecraft Console Edition!

    I guess I’ll have to resort back to playing Minecraft on my mom’s old flip phone now. Read More

  • Blaze it up with Minecraft Memes!

    Blaze it up with Minecraft Memes! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Upgrade & Blaze Burner!

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Upgrade & Blaze Burner! Minecraft Encrypted_ | POWER UPGRADE, QUARRY & BLAZE BURNER! Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft Encrypted_, where power upgrades, quarries, and blaze burners await! Join Nik and Isaac as they navigate through this modded questing survival world filled with challenges and new discoveries. Unleashing Power Upgrades One of the key features in Minecraft Encrypted_ is the ability to upgrade your power systems. With these upgrades, you can enhance your abilities, unlock new technologies, and progress further in the game. Utilize these power upgrades strategically to overcome obstacles and thrive in the world of Minecraft. Exploring Quarries Quarries play… Read More

  • 🔧 Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Mastery Guide!

    🔧 Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Mastery Guide!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (12)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-06-14 19:53:42. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Elly Fakes Death in Minecraft

    Elly Fakes Death in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Elly FAKES her DEATH in MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Elly on 2024-03-06 14:00:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Elly FAKES her DEATH in MINECRAFT! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! Read More

  • Insane Tricks on Day 2 of Minecraft Survival #EpicStream

    Insane Tricks on Day 2 of Minecraft Survival #EpicStreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival DAY 2 #chillstream’, was uploaded by Yauma Hidayat on 2024-05-02 15:32:39. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:46 or 7306 seconds. Hi friends who have just joined, you can support me by watching or support by donating via here friends: support yaumahidayat here: saweria: join discord: You can also use the nightbot command: !spec !donate !origin !discord Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: YOU control hearts in Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE: YOU control hearts in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But You Control The Hearts…’, was uploaded by dayta on 2024-03-23 10:32:46. It has garnered 10413726 views and 644056 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft, But You Control The Hearts. This was HILARIOUS! dayta does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2022! Today dayta plays not Minecraft, But… Read More