SystemZee – 50 Things That Should Be In Minecraft

Video Information

There are a lot of things that should be in minecraft and over the course of 2020 my team and i decided to add all of them to the game my name is system z and today we’re taking it back in a compilation of all of my favorite ideas

From this past year so sit back and relax and let’s start the show eighty percent of the people watching this video are not currently subscribed and that means that you could very well be one of them so if you enjoyed today’s video please consider subscribing it would really help my channel out all

Right back to the video builders you are about to lose your emeralds so make sure to hold them because this is going to be incredibly revolutionary for building especially if you like to build bridges now as you can see here we have got a sign that says better leads i’m sure you

Could expect exactly what’s going on here however this isn’t any functionality i’ve seen yet even through bedrock edition i would love it if leeds could connect two fences together so that you could actually do this because i mean come on how oh well i broke it

Let’s try that again shall we there we go fixed oh well this is yeah it’s a little it’s a little buggy but that’s fine as you can see it works so well this would be incredibly handy you could do so many things and instead of having to

Have a whole load of fences or fence gates you could use the imagination line to keep players from just falling off the edge even though it’s not functional it does look good and i think this would be excellent and i think i could speak for all of the builders when i say

This is something we have wanted in the game for a very long time and honestly i don’t imagine it’ll take you too long to figure out exactly why this redstone golem is my favorite now this is a very unique golem to any other golem that we currently have

In the game in fact this could be more considered a minion now let me explain why as you can see if we go well i don’t have them in my inventory but that is perfectly fine we can grab them here if we grab some blocks of redstone again

Each golem would be summoned using their specific ore block to summon them like you normally would a normal golem we can go ahead and build him here oh my goodness this is super exciting imagine being able to build loads of redstone golems again acting as minions now to further explain imagine

That you’re doing any task in survival minecraft like for example chopping down a tree whenever you’re doing this and you have a redstone golem or even multiple redstone golems they’ll also go around chopping down trees bringing the blocks to you this would be amazing you could

Even use this to dig out very big spaces in caves being able to mine stone organic blocks in general like trees dirt and even farming this would be a really cool way to add a redstone twist to normal farming imagine taking care of a large wheat field and having several redstone golems

Going around plucking the wheat for you that would be very very fun and honestly a super cool addition bringing redstone into the mix so to recap the quiver could be a new item not only allowing us to wear it as a cosmetic along with storing various types of arrows

Keeping our inventories clean of clutter it could also be used to attach various blocks and items to arrows making for some interesting fun and combat let me know what interesting arrows you would like to see in minecraft down in the comments below and now for the biggest feature of the alchemy update

The alchemy table you stink imagine a new workstation that combines the magical aspects of both the brewing stand and the enchantment table to unlock new recipes for potions enchantments and more allowing players to take their enchanted tools and potions one step further using the mechanics of alchemy so

How would the alchemy table work it would allow players to explore the various different ideas in this video in one workstation to keep it clear and concise there would even be a recipe book added specifically for showing players how to make certain potions buffs or even different uses for the

Runes and in order to even use the alchemy table the player would need some sort of magic currency like the current xp system for example all in all the alchemy update has a lot of potential as it currently stands the presence of magic in minecraft is very low but with

An update like this players would have more opportunities to improve their gear and become the strongest player in the world we are directly underneath a jungle right now where as you can see on layer one of the underground the caves look a lot like the jungle

I think it would be fantastic to have caves that are specific to their above ground partner in this case you can see that we’ve got a lot of jungle related blocks as well as a completely new stone type this is just one example at how many new

Blocks and items could be added to the game if we had biome specific caves now you could see the shiny new ore at the end of the cave as well now i’m going to be talking about the new ores in various different blocks a little bit later in the video but for

Now let’s just admire how this looks from an aesthetic point of view i mean as you could see there are so many different things to explore as far as new content and this is only one biome there are countless different biomes in the game so imagine various different biomes that match those caves

Like for example ice caves for the colder biomes of minecraft as you could see this biome is incredibly different than the jungle biome in terms of contrast i mean the blocks alone definitely give you a different feel for the environment that you’re in and if you’re strip mining this is a

Great way to find the various biomes of minecraft now this one is made up of sapphire which is a new loot again i’ll talk about that a little bit later in the video as well as a new block type that perhaps is cold stone and various different snowy and ice

Materials i mean as you could see the water is cold to the touch perhaps there could even be a frostbite effect that whenever you’re in the correct temperature it’s going to be freezing and unless you have an appropriate amount of gear or enchantments it actually hurts you

This is just one way that we could dress caves up to be just a little bit more interesting when you’re exploring the overworld it’s fun because there’s various biomes caves however as it currently stands no matter where you’re at they’re all just stone granite diorite and andesite whereas

With this we’d have different blocks for each biome and therefore different atmospheres but this is just one example for existing biomes in the overworld what if caves had completely original biomes like for example my new favorite biome which is heavily inspired from the glowing mushroom biome in terraria

I love the idea of having a poisonous mushroom biome underground and as you can see i’ve actually been poisoned and that’s because these mushrooms are actually poisonous mushrooms you can see that this biome is glowing we’ve got a new light material a shroom like there that’s actually white so you can use it

For very modern light sources we’ve also got loads of new plants that actually if you look closely they shimmer and i think it really brings this biome to life we’ve also got shrumite which again is very inspired from terraria and again i’ll talk about a little bit

Later in the video but just to give you a heads up that particular ore can be used to put potion effects on your weapons but that’s just one example of how outrageous this could get i mean even for building materials this place is beautiful and just imagine being able to actually find something

Like this amongst various other types of cave biomes underneath the overworld i love this idea we could have crystal caves for example those crystals could be used to create colored lighting all right uh this next one is a little spooky minecraft as a game is not the most you know spooky game

But this is a suggestion that would make it just a little too spooky for z okay so this my friends is a mob that’s actually going to be coming to realm origins so i’m very happy to give you a demonstration of it now this isn’t actually working in the game

At the moment but it is an example of a wraith now this is a ghost mob that will spawn very rarely during the night and if we go ahead and spawn it in as you can see it just looks oh gosh absolutely terrifying and sounds horrible this is a terrifying mob

Now one of my favorite features of this particular mob is that if you happen to die i really like to imagine that they would have a chance of spawning collecting your items and you have to fight them to get them back which they have 12 health so they’re not really too

Difficult to fight but at the end of the day they’re going to be very quick now one of the best parts about this mob is that it’s a lurker it’s going to follow you around as opposed to simply chasing after you if you’re looking at it it’s going to

Stop and kind of bob up and down but if you move it will follow you being a little bit faster being able to swoop in and attack you this is probably one of the scariest things that i could ever imagine being in minecraft i mean just imagine seeing

One in the dark like this is terrifying i i really don’t know how i feel about this but i’d love to let you know or i’d i’d love it if you let me know down in the comments below do you think a wraith would be a good addition

For minecraft or do you think this would just be a little too scary uh alright well welcome my friends to the voight dimension the place all of you really really wanted to see but that’s okay because honestly it’s really cool but also incredibly spooky i mean look at that

What’s going on over there okay all right maybe we’ll check that out in just a moment for now again welcome to the void dimension the major component to this hypothetical void update to start how exactly did we get here well simply put we jumped into the void

And fell but that’s not the only way you can also jump in the end and jump through the void in the end to get here or you can be around bedrock in the overworld perhaps in a beacon cave and one of these guys a void master might spawn and of course chase after

You and pull you in okay he’s really coming all right all right slow down buddy please don’t do it if he grabs me he’ll pull me down into the void which because i’m already here in the void dimension means utter death meaning losing all of my items if

I had any lucky for me i came prepared i don’t have anything but honestly if you’re in this dimension you’re probably gonna have your items on you so how exactly are you going to avoid losing them i mean that’s pretty much exactly the allure of the void you’re gonna die and lose all

Of your items well not exactly the void dimension is a second chance limbo the only escape is either to die and of course lose all of your items or to defeat the fallen which of course we’ll get into here in just one moment for now we’ve got more important matters to attend to

Like making sure we don’t get grabbed by the void master which yes this is heavily inspired by the hand master from legend of zelda ocarina of time the ghast geyser biome a biome dedicated entirely to the magnificent yet terrifying gassed now i’ve gotten a lot of suggestions over the months

To create a gas type structure well we’ve taken it one step further and created an entire biome dedicated to gas types which as you can see we have got all over the place they pop up randomly and are hanging from the ceiling some could be attached from the side and

Others could be embedded in the rock which we’ll get to here in just a moment taking a bit of a step back you can see this place looks amazing now small fact i am a huge fan of metroid and this reminds me of brinstar which i think is why i love it

So much now we’ve also got a couple of different blocks as well as entities like for example the geysers which actually spawn on top of the charred rock and spew out lava they can actually be obtained to use to spew out water or lava in the overworld as well

Unfortunately i don’t have a good example of that so let me know how you think that would work down in the comments below but also you’ve got these gas types which like i said spawn in pretty much any orientation and they spew out baby gas that essentially grow into normal-sized

Gas that alone looks creepy and as you can see it’s combined with the charred rock as well as birch fences and it looks incredibly weird i mean imagine seeing gas pop out of that it’s very cool though and i love the way it looks my friends grab your coat because it’s

Starting to get a little chilly outside or at least it would be if seasons were in the game but instead we’ve got a biome to give us the same effect this is a variation to the existing forest biome much like how there’s a lukewarm ocean with the ocean

This is something that i think would be amazing and honestly i think i speak for every minecraft player out there who would say this is something we’ve been wanting for a very long time this biome would feature coarse dirt even pumpkin patches and probably even dead bushes

To really give it that vibe of an autumn forest and honestly this looks amazing this would be a biome that i would more than likely build in every single time i played in a minecraft world the surrounding colors are just captivating and imagine seeing falling leaves as well

That would be awesome now i do have a challenge for you if there was a unique mob that spawned in this biome what do you think it would be i am incredibly excited because today is the first day on this channel where we officially get to fight one of

Our new ideas and that of course is the trollager but i never actually explained how exactly that ties in to the desert well now we know the backstory how about the present well my friends let’s say that you’re traveling in the desert and you find a desert well

Before it would be pretty boring i mean sure you could fill up a water bucket i guess but at the end of the day you more than likely just skip right over the desert well it has no functionality well that my friends is where the totem of undying comes in i

Think we would all agree when i say it looks like a baby villager so that’s why i chose the totem of undying simply throwing the totem of undying into the desert well will resurrect the baby villager in the form of the dreaded trollager so without further ado

This is where the battle comes in i’m a little scared throw it in it’s going to explode after a minute okay there we go trollinger is spawned in and as you can see it actually functions this guy is angry at us now it has two main attacks one it’ll jump around

And if it basically if you get far enough away it’s going to try and jump at you and i’ll show you exactly what happens when it lands on you you get slowness and then it actually hits you and slings you flying it’s definitely not fun

You got to be careful what are you doing in my swamp one of the most anticipated features for swamps of course is the addition of frogs a new mob found exclusively in the swamp biomes and yes i said biomes you’ll see why here in just a moment

But that being said as you can see here we have got a new frog entity and yes it’s actually working this is huge this is the first time on this channel where we’ve actually been able to bring an idea to life you can actually see we’ve got a frog here

And i’m incredibly proud because i animated it myself it looks amazing look at it just bouncing around we can actually spawn these guys in though they do spawn naturally in the swamp biomes and as you can see they croak they jump around and you can actually tame them

Using none other than spider eyes it makes sense right it’s a nice little bug material and then once you tame them you could actually put them on your head which i think is amazing but there’s actually some really cool functionality here if we actually spawn in a silverfish

You can see it runs away basically any bug type in minecraft are absolutely terrified of these guys so if you’ve got spiders coming after you all you got to do is have a frog in your head but it actually gets a little bit better than that

Or well i wouldn’t say better it’s more of a lateral movement this is a very nice addition to the swamps a new biome variation to the swamp known as the mangrove forest as you can see here which i gotta say this is an absolutely lovely biome

And the fact that it blends so nicely into the existing swamp really really makes me want this this is truly amazing not to mention you can’t see a couple of frogs around or at least you did rip frog friend in the chat all right so as you can see we’ve actually

Got one smaller edition here they did talk about adding chest boats to minecraft so we’re gonna go ahead and use that to travel on over here as you can see we’ve got a chess boat we are in action frog left behind but if we go over here

To the center little pillar i’m breaking all the lily pads i’m sorry frog friends you can see we’ve actually got a new block set mangrove logs which of course can be crafted into mangrove planks honestly it’s not the most beautiful block but honestly you can use this in a lot of cool ways

I’ve actually been practicing with colors of blocks like this and i’ve gotta say this would be a really nice block to have in minecraft but essentially the mangrove trees would give you this new blog type not to mention perhaps there could be a new food type that drops from them as

Well but this is essentially the mangrove forest you could also see we’ve got lily pads lily of the valley cattails which of course if this were to actually be added would be a new decoration altogether this is just a really nice atmosphere i mean just take a look at how this

Really feels when you’re swimming through it i love this one of these days we’ll be looking at mountains and they will be beautiful that is unless we are faced with a blizzard the first idea of the video my friends this is what i would love to see in a mountain update

A blizzard or should i say not be able to see because as you can see it is incredibly foggy my vision is completely blocked by the snow i’m slowed down and if i were very unlucky i’d even be given a blizzard effect which would actually cause damage every few ticks meaning you would

Want to have some sort of protective gear to keep you away from the chilly chilly cold vibes of a blizzard how you doing there my friend good old lumberjack villager something that everybody in minecraft wants i mean it just makes sense a villager dedicated to all of the wood of the minecraft world

Whether it be spruce wood oakwood birch even you know you name it acacia jungle all the possibilities even new trees we need some sort of lumberjack villager to keep track of it all and this is my example of that i absolutely love this design i think it is absolutely adorable

This works very very well and it fits the theme of minecraft too i don’t think every single villager profession needs to be found in a village i think it makes sense that there are other structures in the world that give off signs of villager life and

In this case we have a cabin found exclusively in the mountain biomes which as you can see if we head on in here it’s actually got a new block that goes along with the lumberjack which of course is a sawmill you know kind of creep in this village i

Hope this iron golem doesn’t mind and we’re gonna check out the first villager otherwise known as a pyro technic this is a mob that i have wanted in the game for a very long time because simply put this would really bring more light to the fireworks system

In minecraft because let’s face it right now it can be really difficult to craft fireworks especially considering some of the recipes require diamonds every time you want to make that specific firework so this would be a villager that would essentially sell different firework materials as well as even

Tnt but it doesn’t even stop there as you can see here there is even a professional block added with it and that is the pyrotechnic table and of course that would be the block that assigns this particular villager to this profession but not quite as amazing as

A beekeeper villager this would be a villager dedicated to the 1.15 mechanics of bees bee nest honey oh my there are plenty of opportunities here because simply put this would have made so much sense for 1.15 the addition of bees came with the honey block and honey is one of the biggest

Redstone tools that we’ve seen in a very long time having a beekeeper associated with this part of the game would make it feel a little bit more complete just like i was talking about in the intro of this video also as a side note he’s been stung a

Couple times so that’s how you know he’s legitimate he’s been around a lot of bees in his day you could just see it in the stair and that of course is a redstone engineer a redstone villager dedicated entirely to the mechanics of minecraft from pistons dispensers redstone torches you name it

Something that’s been in minecraft pretty much since the beginning redstone is one of if not the biggest parts of minecraft right next to building what’s up sheep how you doing yeah it’s a nice mine shaft i would agree but without further ado let’s go ahead and check out the first variation

Which is actually an underground mine shaft that is connected to a village this would be a mine shaft that would in all sense of the word be peaceful you wouldn’t really have to worry about any mobs spawning down here apart from villagers at least during the day during night zombies

Might come down here and make a new home and you know of course find the food that they so long for but as you can see this is a really cleaned up mine shaft we’ve got lanterns we’ve got really nice pillars to support the structure and we’ve even got a gated off area

That’s blocking access into the caves which i should also mention that there is a chance that you could find this in a cave essentially this would be your guaranteed exit because every single underground mine shaft would be connected to the outside and you could essentially either walk out

Or take the minecarts which are actually activated to easily exit at your own discretion and then get caught in a loop just like this please help and of course if villagers are gonna have their own mine shaft then you could imagine that a pillager would as well

In the base of a pillager outpost you are almost guaranteed to find a mine shaft currently in use by pillagers also what’s that on my head don’t worry we will find out momentarily but as you can see here this is a slightly abandoned mine shaft or should i say taken over mine shaft

You can see that this place is pretty much abandoned it’s covered in moss including a new type of block known as mossy planks which you guessed it is craftable which adds us more mossy type variation blocks which i think would be amazing as a builder i would love to see this

This would be awesome especially for all types of planks and maybe even all types of blocks so as you can see here we have got a base level boat you’re definitely no stranger to this we’re all too familiar with the normal boat and all of its variants from spruce

Dark oak to even acacia but what we all agree on is that it’s pretty boring you can’t really upgrade it from this point but what if you could using advancements or some other system which i’ll explain here momentarily to actually upgrade it to add a chest with a level 2

Boat that way when you’re out on the seas you can collect all of the treasures you want because you’ve got an additional method of storage that way when your inventory is all filled up you are still good and clear to loot and then of course the next upgrade would allow you

To personalize your boat with something like a banner step number one more supplies simply put we need to be able to upgrade the fishing rod to make it even better so in an update all about fishing this is the first step to improve fishing as a whole the

Fishing rod has long since in minecraft been boring you craft it throw a couple enchantments on that bad boy and there you go but could it be even better could we use diamond hooks to increase the chances of getting better loot when fishing or could we even use

Bugs well it finally happened the mob vote that the community voted into minecraft was none other than the glow squid so let’s go ahead and walk over to my nice little pond because this is where probably one of the coolest ideas would come in handy let’s say that you’ve gone

Out in the world of minecraft and you’ve collected yourself a precious gloss quinn oh look at him he’s so adorable you need water buddy what are you doing go underwater okay okay let’s let’s grab a fishing rod because this is actually one of the coolest things in ways that the glow squid could

Actually work so whenever there is a glow squid within a 16 block vicinity of a fishing bobber it actually boosts the effect of lure and luck which as you guessed it means more fish more treasures in a shorter amount of time this this is awesome

I love this idea are you in a really dark cave and forgot your torches at home no worries my friend because you can throw the glowing ink sack and create little splatters of ink everywhere i love it honestly it’s great too because it’s a temporary lighting source

So that means you wouldn’t have to pollute your caves and areas with torches if you just want to see temporarily this is a great way to do it and it’s also a good way to know exactly where you’ve come from because hey you’ve got splattered ink everywhere

My friends let me introduce you to the lumen biome let’s get started well my friends i say it’s time we jump right into the water and get ourselves going this is the lumen biome a new biome designed entirely from scratch by my team and as you can see we are currently in an

Underwater river canal which is how you would actually find what you are about to witness this upcoming is the lumen cavern a new biome dedicated exclusively to the glow squid now i’m underwater okay there we go sorry about that welcome to the lumen cavern cavern cat yeah we can do that

Via editing i really don’t have to repeat myself i don’t need air i’ll be fine i’ll be fine i need it definitely more flying creatures would be amazing but the lumen beetle is one of my favorites and the reason why is they actually glow as you can see here they have an

Emissive texture set which absolutely looks amazing but it doesn’t in there they are attracted to light and they are actually very defensive if we hit the guy you could see that we actually get nausea and even slowness and they even put out particles in the process all right my friends let me

Introduce you to geyser the first of the four bosses now these particular bosses are not in any particular order in fact i imagine that whenever you create a new world all four dungeons would appear in various different orders it just pretty much depends on the random experience that you get

Whenever you create a world that being said this is geyser or geyser guy for fun located in the nether in the midst of the lava sea now this guy is honestly menacing i mean just look at the way this guy is made goodness gracious i would definitely not want to battle

A mob that looks quite like this i mean it’s made up of fire lava and netherrack and netherrack brick and all that good stuff so you could imagine it’s gonna burn whenever you get close that being said you’re gonna want to be very careful whenever you find this dungeon because the dungeon is

Actually located on various different geysers that are propelling up netherrack rock islands which as you can see here we’ve got an example of we find ourselves in the middle of the ocean for the next boss which is cyclone aka deep sea dude the funnest dude that you

Definitely do not want to be friends with now the way it actually attacks you is through various different traps it basically pulls you in slowly for one of its traps which obviously whenever you get into the mouth it does immense damage but if you actually do manage to get close enough

Without being pulled in you can attack the centerpiece here which actually allows you to deal damage if i’m being honest this guy looks a lot like a pokemon but there’s nothing wrong with that this is armor rock or bouldery boy as we like to call them located in the badlands within the temple

Grounds now those of you who are a fan of my channel you may know that i love badlands in fact one of my favorite dungeon designs was my badland temple now this particular boss would essentially roll around in fact it actually has a rolling state

As you can see here which i think is just amazing now the trick here is that it can actually damage terra cotta by breaking it that means you’re gonna have to bring various different materials to actually stop the particular guy from rolling around in order to slash away at his spikes

Which as you can see here are basically the weak points this is nimbus aka cloud comrade located somewhere in the clouds which is very mysterious and i want you to let me know in the comments down below what you think that means but essentially this is a cloud-like boss that flies around

Oh and we almost fell it flies around in the skies shooting gusts of wind and tornadoes basically pushing you off any blocks that you may currently be on keep in mind that at this point in the game you would not have an elytra because obviously you would not have

Been able to go to the end so that means that this boss battle is going to be very tricky because you’re not going to want to fall down because obviously you’ll die which is very sad and dangerous listen system z if that’s your real name you insulted my mother for the last

Time i didn’t do that but all right mustache man hey that’s going too far that’s going too far that actually doesn’t do much damage i’m just gonna i’m just going to slap you with my stick that might be more efficient to be fair yeah see you made fun of the fire but it

Really it does a lot it does a lot my friend the only thing i’m not oh god that wept a punch dude the shield didn’t even work and without further ado let’s jump right on into it where you can see we have essentially just gone through three different

Floors now i’m gonna go into creative mode so i can show you around a little bit here i love to imagine that the jungle temple as i said would be made up of three different floors all of which would contain a very secret lever which as you can see

Here is revealed to be the cavity that stores the stone head now once you go onto these floors they’ll actually start to circle around these paths which you can see are kind of indented due to the slabs now i honestly love how this looks plus it would be really dangerous considering not only

Would you have to find each lever on each floor you would also have to be avoiding the trap stones and of course the stone heads as they circle around now there’s a lot of cool opportunities for loot obviously stored here in the pots and vases but of course the

Reason you’re trying to find the levers is because it will unlock the secret vault which as you can see actually has a new block type a little bit more on that here in a moment imagine you’re exploring the treacherous layers of the pyramids underground dungeon when you’re ambushed by mummies

A new mob found exclusively in the desert pyramid similar to zombies mummies would walk slowly towards the player but would also have the ability to release a sound that could temporarily freeze the player that sounds absolutely terrifying and of course to make it worse if you get hit by them you’ll also be

Given the slowness effect and as fun as that sounds mummies would also drop new items amongst other silly things like paper for example this could be a great opportunity to drop new items that allow you to temporarily slow down enemies or even freeze them with the magic item as a rare drop

That being said let me know in the comments what you think mummy should drop additionally desert pyramids would be filled with various new decorations like pots for example scattered all around the premises of the pyramid pots would drop loot when smashed giving you more entities to take your anger out on

From emeralds and enchanted books to paper and string this could be a great way to not only introduce a new decoration which doubles as storage but also a new form of exploration and loot gathering who would have ever expected there to be a diamond in one of those pots

My friends this is probably the best outcome for what the stronghold could offer to the player not only do we have new decorations like pots and different vines which you’ve seen in the other structure videos so i won’t go too much into detail on those but also improvements the entire generation

From new rooms more loot new decorations and so much more as you can see not only have i made the pathways double wide getting rid of that terrible iron door which always seems to cause problems with generation i’ve actually expanded the design of the room making it just a little bit taller

And honestly it fits more of the stronghold theme not to mention the new loot that could come from all of the different spawning rooms now this is something i firmly believe in this is an enchanted book known as sight of ender which essentially would be placed on a

Helmet and allow you to look straight into the soul of an enderman and not make him angry i think we could all agree that this would be a fantastic addition to the game especially considering it would be entirely exclusive to the stronghold only spawning once per structure

Giving you a reason to explore each stronghold that you find we are back in the workshop and of course we’ve gotta feed dwayne the pet rock because if we don’t he gets a little angry that being said we are here because of shareable item frames an idea that i’ve

Wanted to have in minecraft ever since minecraft 1.16 which added the invisible tag to item frames unfortunately this can only be done using commands meaning you cannot do it in a vanilla survival world so this is an idea that would allow us to do that as you could see here oh

I didn’t feed him let me give him his rock there you go uh well he can’t move so me here you go as you can see here if we go ahead and place item frames on the wall as well as diamonds emeralds gold really any item

If there is an item in there you can actually shear it and of course if you pop the item out it will reveal itself so that you don’t have a whole bunch of random item frames all over the place i think this would be an amazing feature

And i mean just for decoration it’s amazing just as an example i should have a sword in there let me go ahead and place an item frame on the anvil you can really theme out areas just by using this trick this would be awesome and as a side note

This is a really small update that would tweak the way the elytra works to help us get up into the air sooner this is the idea for double jumping as you can see here i’m able to actually propel myself upwards by simply double jumping and it

Allows you to just get just a little bit more air time to actually activate the elytra this would definitely save me in the end because simply put i would be able to avoid dying in the void how many times have you thought you activated your elytra but simply put you did not

This is definitely a really simple tweak that would be amazing we’ve got enchantments for the elytra something that i definitely think belongs in the game simply put the elytra needs more than just mending unbreaking and thorns through commands you should be able to actually apply new unique enchantments to the elytra

And as you can see here we have got the wind catcher we’ve got collision and of course soaring one through four and i bet you’re wondering just what these do let’s go ahead and jump straight to soaring so that we can see this in action we’ve got our fancy dyed red elytra

And now i just need some fireworks there we go we’ll act like that never happened and as you can see we can boost off into the sky and yes we have an incredible speed boost i haven’t even had to use too many fireworks and i’m essentially able to fly

Without any assistance from the fireworks now this is a little overpowered because i mean as you could see i basically don’t run out of speed but i do imagine that this would be incredibly rarely found in the end cities giving you a reason to explore the end

That would be really the only place to find it it would be extremely rare at that well there’s not much time for this one so we better hurry collision as you can see oh no let’s go ahead and grab that this one’s really cool because it allows you to actually collide

With mobs who let oh well i guess it should all right let’s try that one more time head-on collision as you can see you could actually deal damage by flying straight into them but not quite as handy as wind catcher this well i need some xp first

There we go that ought to do as you can see we can now combine the wind catcher with elytra which actually gives the wings a realistic approach you can see that now we have slow falling as if the wings are catching the wind underneath us to allow us to

Essentially negate any fall damage that we would ever get but what about that netherride elytra that sounds pretty interesting well my friends interesting it does sound because at the end of the day and at the end of the game it makes sense that we can keep going

And upgrading ourselves so that we can have the best suit of armor and the best gear possible unfortunately the elytra does not allow you to actually do that because at the end of the day you can’t wear the elytra while also wearing a chest plate however mojang does not like this they

Don’t want this to be a feature in the game so i have a unique take on it this is a way that we could essentially reinforce the elytra with a netherright ingot giving us a beautiful netherrite pair of elytra which looks amazing i mean come on but you can see

If you’re paying close attention i was actually able to get a couple of armor points from that you could see if you look below that it actually takes them away and goes whenever i place it on there now this isn’t the same amount as a normal chest

Plate as you can see we’re still missing two armor pieces but it’s meeting halfway in the middle i love this because this would allow us to be just a little bit stronger while also having to pay the price of elytra and i mean come on how amazing does this look this is incredible

Well this is boring my friends this was probably one of the most suggested features on my channel over the last year and honestly it is one of the most useful inventions that could ever be in minecraft that’s right everybody’s favorite invention the sleeping bag in this case we’ve got a red sleeping

Bag an item that you can actually place on the ground and we’ll do so beside this nice cozy fire and we can actually sleep now the beauty here is that you’re able to sleep through the night just like you would in a normal bed however if we oh if we die which we

Could do so by jumping right in that lava over there geronimo you can see that instead of respawning by the sleeping bag we actually respawn in our normal spawn point this is incredibly useful for those times where you might be exploring for distant structures but don’t actually want to lose your

Progress and where your base is located and that my friends is the woodland owl which is probably now my favorite mob that we’ve shown on this channel this is the most adorable creature i have ever seen now in this case this owl is out during the daytime but you would only ever find

Them at night however they can actually become your best friends but can we just take a moment to appreciate just how adorable this is i mean look how amazing this owl looks and just wait till you see them actually flying around they flap their wings and it’s so adorable

But that being said we need to go grab a snack for this guy i’m sorry to do this rabbits but i’ve got to if i can actually reach you oh come on okay well that didn’t work just one rabbit meat please i don’t want to have to do this

This is so cruel only you can allow me to make a pet at oh there we go rabbit meat okay so now that we have rabbit meat we can actually use oh well i guess i need a little bit more you are one hungry owl aren’t you sooner

There we go we have now officially tamed the owl and you could see that it actually does follow us around and if you go too far it will of course just teleport to you so don’t ever worry about losing your pet owl first and foremost the addition of ender

Rails which is one of the coolest ideas i have ever had on this channel and i am incredibly excited to actually have a working example here for you indorel’s would require interright a new material found exclusively in the end which is one step above that of netherrite if you’ve been watching for a

While then you know i have been wanting this in the game for quite a long time but as you can see here we are going to create a really really interesting rail we’re going to take our indoorite ingots which yes would be in-game material again this

Might be a little bit op but at the end of the day it’s going to require the most expensive object in minecraft which would probably even require netherright to create but that being said we could take these items here and craft an inderight rel otherwise known as an indorel which you can place

And sync together using izavender for teleportation yes that sounds crazy but yes it is amazing and yes i’m going to show you how amazing what we can do is set up on minecart as you can see netherright minecart a little bit more on that in just a moment we are going to teleport

To this platform in survival minecraft yes i know it’s crazy but it gets even better than that so let’s go ahead and hop on our test cart here and go ahead any day now we are going to teleport boom now in an ideal world this would actually do a little bit of damage

Just like using an ender pearl in general that way it is a little bit more of a risk when you take it but this is amazing i mean yes this is overpowered but keep in mind this would be in-game material i love this it is amazing it is probably

One of my favorite things that i’ve ever seen work in minecraft we definitely need something like this the end cities could use something more they just need something some sort of enhancement well that is where the new block the dismantler comes in this is a really cool block that fits the lore of

Enderman and also gives you a reason to visit the end city apart from of course getting an elytra now this would be in-game material so i think it would be perfectly fine to introduce a dismantler this would essentially be a d crafting block now this is kind of a bad example but if

We go ahead and open this up you can see that essentially if we put in a block it would decraft it now obviously you can already do that with blocks of ore but imagine being able to do that for every other block in minecraft now this is something a lot of people

Have wanted for a very long time and i can understand why it’s not already in the game but seeing as this would be in-game material i think it would definitely be beneficial and give players all the more reason to defeat the ender dragon alright my friends next up we’ve got an idea that

Well you know honestly i don’t really know i don’t really know how to describe this next idea other than the fact that i want it i want this in minecraft so bad this is the idea of a chess pet now hear me out before you go

A fun pet that allows you to pick up your items on death and also follows you around now i know you might be having a hard time imagining what this might look like oh man energy has really outdone himself with this one but the thing is is it

Actually will follow you around or at least it should it’s a little stubborn at the moment let’s try and get this going here come on you could follow me now chest pat there he goes chess pet is now mobile but i imagine that this would be a pet that follows

You around and gives you additional storage when you need it i mean why have a backpack when you could have a chest pad look he’s in the corner there there’s a selfie with my chest pet and then the best part is when you die it would collect your items

And wait for you which i think would be awesome well would you look at that you’ve made it to the end of not just any video but potentially the longest video i think i’ve ever uploaded on my channel i have no idea how many people could be hearing this right now like

It could just be me here in editing or it could be one other person but if it is you thank you so much because you are the reason i’m able to do what i do for a living and it’s a dream come true every day is a dream come true and i’m very

Very grateful and appreciative for everything that all of you have done for me but especially you viewer who’s at the end of this very long video but anyways that is gonna do it 2020 was an insane year i’m excited for 2021 hopefully it’s better but also there was a lot of good

That did happen in 2020. i hit 600 000 subscribers which is great hopefully a million will come next year that’s the big goal um but yeah a lot of awesome stuff projects really interesting video collaborations and just a lot of interesting developments i guess but anyways that’s gonna do it for today’s video

If you enjoyed it make sure to leave a thumbs up consider subscribing although i have a feeling you already are if you’ve watched this long and let me know which video was your favorite of the year that would mean a lot to me um but yeah that’s gonna do it my name

Has been system z and this time for real you and only you you are awesome thank you so much for watching

This video, titled ’50 Things That Should Be In Minecraft’, was uploaded by SystemZee on 2020-12-16 23:00:08. It has garnered 1610707 views and 43423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:35 or 2795 seconds.

I made a compilation of my favorite ideas from this year, in one video. From the quest and dungeons update, to the trollager, to the cave biomes, and more. Here are my ideas for Minecraft. 🔥 Click Here To Subscribe! – Click the 🔔 bell icon to get notified of new uploads and livestreams!

Special thank you to all of the people who have helped me put these projects together. Especially my team, the workshop!

💛 Become A Member! – 💬 Join My Official Discord! – 🔷 Follow Me On Twitter! – 📷 Follow Me On Instagram! –

Minecraft, but I added literally everything to the game. Check out this compilation of my favorite ideas from this year. Here are all of the things that should be in Minecraft. From the trollager, cave update biomes, to even wizards in Minecraft!

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  • Crafty AMA: Architect Player’s Minecraft Mastery

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  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

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  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

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  • Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!

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  • Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shorts

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    "DOLANAN GAYENG: SKIBIDI TOILET ATTACKED US!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘KITA DISERANG MUSUH SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-04-20 11:00:48. It has garnered 12236 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. WE ARE ATTACKED BY THE ENEMY OF SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet #shorts Hey I’m Dolanan Gayeng Here I will play and learn to play various existing games, so we play together and learn together, there is no intention to offend anyone so,,, help like comment subscribe and share ya guys…. thanks you instagram: Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Gold & XP Farm in Minecraft 1.16+

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Noob Dominates TOP Games! 🤯🔥🎮 #gaming

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  • “EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars – Minecraft Battle!” #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattle

    "EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars - Minecraft Battle!" #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Troll team mate in bed wars part 2 #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #playingmincraft’, was uploaded by Smart Veer Gaming on 2024-03-16 14:41:46. It has garnered 92 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #gaming #minecraft #pvp #viralvideo #minecraftpvp #minecraftmemes #pvpgod #minecrafter #minecraftpc #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuildtutorials #minecraftdaily #minecraftdairies #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftjava #minecraftjavamods #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftdungeons #minecraftlegends #minecraftmoments #bedwars #dream #gaming Yours enquires- pvp gaming console pvp pvp montage pvp texture pack pvp video game pvp god pvp server pvp ventuer latest news pvp server ip pvp devil minecraft pvp video minecraft pvp tips minecraft pvp… Read More

  • Nabi Gaming – Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥

    Nabi Gaming - Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT REALISTIC MOD 😍🤤 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-03-22 12:15:03. It has garnered 5256 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme… Read More

  • Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends Showdown

    Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘xPiglegends’, was uploaded by Globeysweats on 2024-03-05 04:06:06. It has garnered 2212 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder, EvidentP in skywars, trapping in skywars, Evident, hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,OvaPade,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack… Read More


    EXPLOSIVE DIY MINECRAFT - UNBELIEVABLE KOLA BORE HOLE TRICK! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WAIT FOR KOLA BORE HOLE TNT #minecraft’, was uploaded by DIY MINECRAFT on 2024-03-26 12:07:25. It has garnered 11561 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits Read More

  • WorkSMP Realms SMP Bedrock

    Looking for Players for Bedrock Realm Join my Bedrock Realm with a unique story/lore element. Create your own story and immerse yourself in the world. If interested, message me at “sirwondernut” on Discord. Read More


    Looks like Minecraft just got a little more fabulous! 🦄🌈 Read More

  • Hot gamer fleet Minecraft meme

    Hot gamer fleet Minecraft meme “When you accidentally hit your friend’s dog in Minecraft and suddenly become the most wanted criminal in the server.” Read More

  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

    Zaheer's Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival Series Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft in this survival series. Join the adventure as our protagonist navigates through challenges, builds shelters, and gathers resources to survive in this virtual world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Survival Series, players must utilize their wit and skills to thrive in a hostile environment. From crafting tools to hunting for food, every decision matters as they strive to stay alive amidst the dangers lurking in the shadows. Building Your Sanctuary One of the key aspects of survival in Minecraft is… Read More

  • AI’s Outrageous “What If” Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch)

    AI's Outrageous "What If" Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch) Minecraft Sketch: AI’s Ideas for “What If…” Scenarios Imagine a world where AI generates ideas for Minecraft videos! In a recent video, AI came up with scenarios for “What If…” sketches. Curious to know what AI concocted and how these scenes will unfold? Stay tuned till the end of the video to find out! Host: The co-pilot for this creative endeavor is none other than the AI from the Bing browser (although it’s still not the best browser, by the way). Inspiration: The inspiration behind these imaginative ideas comes from the series “Bláznivé nápady” by StudioMoonTV. Editing: The video… Read More

SystemZee – 50 Things That Should Be In Minecraft