Talia Mar+ – I Caught Freya Spying On Me In Minecraft SMP

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Okay right should we do our so this is my chest room should we do the chests all right let’s also just visit Frey dot yay my thing is how are these not oxidized yet it’s weathered copper no I want oxidized copper or has it gone too long have I left that

Out for too long um let’s just put those in there for now right let me my God my inventory is stressing me the hat out okay let’s just go see what phrase done this is right now vibes I just put my boat away that’s fine

That’s fine no my house is not done of course it’s not you crazy yeah look she’s got this little rainbow glass it’s really cool so this is like freya’s little chest room oh look there she is Sexy lady she can hear me hi hello wait I think I’ve not changed my coupons wait hello sexy lady hello how are you I’m good sorry I had to like reinstall it all because of the new like the mod thing the update oh I see yeah so I’m stupid

I’m just asking at its finest shoes um and and what are your plans with your house now I love how we’re just talking through this glass I know um I need to make my finish my chest from downstairs and then give it a roof and organize it

Because it’s so disorganized right now I actually quite like it open you know ah what just like no roof feels kind of like Oriental and like mystical sure see what I mean sure I’ve come to show them your house yes but no but no I’ve come to show them what you’ve been

Doing oh okay okay enjoy enjoy thank you it’s kind of nose you around here oh cute she’s got a little pathway see look she’s got a roof cute damn look at these purple Vines oh it’s just collecting cats oh ow um oh cute you can actually get a sofa

What’s down here oh so this is where okay that’s the room that she’s in okay what’s she done to my globe that I gave her why is it what’s going on and then down here look guys look whoa oh my goodness I did not expect it to be look like this ah cute

Oh my God so I saw you do the Secret Door and I ran through it and I generally just screamed I did not expect this also look at these blocks as well they’re rainbow blocks you know they’re like rainbow eucalyptus oh my God it’s pretty cute this is vibey thanks love it Pepsi

And then sorry cute drawers as well yeah let me see like rainbow glass yeah look you can get drawers instead of chips they’re a lot smaller oh yeah they are than the chest but they look cuter they are very cute oh this is adorable organized did you do this yes I’m proud

Of you we’re like Freya Freya yeah please organize your chest because they’re like a mess um now trying to be organized I love it yeah yeah I need to as I’m doing today I love organizing my chest I haven’t done it yet do you oh it’s one of my favorite things to do

No way yeah okay well enjoy enjoy thank you I’m excited these are this is freya’s giraffe okay all right chat Let’s uh wow Frozen on the side right a little longer in case you can’t tell my house is um you should use a little love you know there we go

Okay I don’t know what happened with that one it just wasn’t working a bit weird all right what’s this one this is just bull crap cool um I do need to make a book like an enchantment room I reckon I put the door here and some stairs or something I don’t

Know hang on let me see not sure um no why is it okay oh it’s because I had to have that in my hand oh did I say in my hand the whole time is that why I couldn’t pick it up why was I what I don’t know this is food

Is this stream lagging oh what’s happening why is my thingy not oh hang on you’ve got a black bar at the bottom I need to change my video settings change as well right sorry I don’t all my settings change annoying um cool this one’s kind of thingy as well so

This will be food this is in China’s stuff this will be I don’t know what can I make out of prisoner dot prisoner in let’s find out uh wait what am I doing yes these are dark I want this prismarine damn it okay I can definitely make some cute

Stuff out of this though like maybe the windows I can do out of that stuff Gothic window kind of cute hmm okay I don’t know let’s see um so this this can be like cute materials let’s get rid of all this shite that I do not need in here that log no

I do need that’s full of shite that’s kind of full of shite where I left the game what the hell this is gonna be cute blah this is vibey blocks we need to change a bunch of this stuff this is a nice material vibes okay what’s oh this is food foreign okay

Um I need a wooden I need a wood wood one oh God this is so ugly okay let’s paint this down here that makes sense to have to be there foreign does it make sense to just like probably makes sense to put these in the wall uh before is it three that’s four

Three okay yeah yes I can’t open the top one that is true uh can I turn those into slabs or not I don’t think I can it’s really annoying okay what pink slabs I could make pink wooden slabs like this stuff maybe that’s the vibe Oh I’ve got some slabs stone cutter interesting yeah well that looks kind of ugly that’s sad ah what’s wrong with me I’m gonna have to do the same again here oh this is gonna look so bad I can’t I’m trying to make these into slabs it says I can but I can’t I literally can’t click on them everything else I can click on that’s so weird that’s literally the single only material that it won’t slab sorry that Sandstone as well oh that’s so annoying hello

Hello that’s good the life out of me oh my goodness I’m having a bit of a mare I really want to make Sandstone out of my Windswept no I really want to make a slab out of my sandstone and it says I can but it’s literally the only material

That it will not let me do like it won’t let me click on it even though it says it’s a thing yeah like um sounds a slab out of smooth smooth Windswept sandstone and also just regular Windswept Sandstone it says I can do it but it doesn’t work it’s the

Only one that doesn’t work like when I type in slab it’s weird oh pain well rip that ruins my whole plan I know that’s hard um I don’t believe I do let me have a quick look downstairs I don’t think I do though oh let’s see foreign

Sorry if I find one I will let you know oh yeah chat I need to start I need to kill some like flying things because that’s how freyja just Freya can fly forever because she’s killed bees and stuff I need to kill a bee or a firefi or something okay that’s and

That’s food yeah all right huh oh I was like how did I get those wow best day ever that’s really creepy did you figure it out is that you oh my God you’re making the creepy noise um yeah I think the one of the mods just gave them to me oh my God

I hate it this is making noises at me it’s terrifying I need to kill a bee I said I’ve done that I can’t fly oh what the hell is this you know the teleporting Stones yeah this is a portable one so you can use it and it doesn’t use your experience oh

My goodness what the hell I just clicks right clicks oh my god oh I panicked there so that’s what you do you just hold right click and then it’ll bring up the same list of all the clinic quotations oh my gosh this is Iconic thank you so much

No worries wait I must give you something in return what do you want oh I don’t have anything that exciting a diamond do you want some diamonds are you sure I promise honestly I’ve been I’ve been sweating this game with a little bit okay I love that thank you

No worries we love James also I’ve got some um if you need any yeah no phrase or something things like this is clean my glass if you need it cute thank you let me take you up on that thank you bye Legend oh yeah oh my God

What the hell just happened that scared the life out of me it’s the taser oh my God I just got tased you too oh my God that scared the lifer I was not expecting that whatsoever that scared the frick out of me okay this is gonna work I’ll put those there because

This is where I’ll put the size oh this kind of needs to be one wider this kind of needs to come out one more so that I can put the thingy in evoila oh nice this is gonna be a cute little chest room this is no longer Central

Why could I not fall in there that’s weird I didn’t need to and this is not oh more of a central point cool nice Vibes pure Vibes I think it looks pretty cool yeah that works obviously though uh that we’ll have to go up here I will put lights on the walls anyway

Cool anyway let me put these yeah um yay vibes I don’t need to bring this with me so neither do I I’m gonna take half of my coal uh let’s pop it in here for now foreign with me in case I need to make anything cool I think we go and we um

We nether it up you know where’s the fly I unlocked the fly identity though where is it is here how about you fly with it yeah one heart is ribs I do need to be a beer well I need to find a bee freeze spider me are my capitals me know what no

Who’s been creeping what he was creeping up eight what do you mean creeping where are you oh would you be in grief I’ve been told someone was spying on me with what with your eyes I can barely see you like look look how small it is over there that is true

Actually yeah I couldn’t see I need something but I don’t have anything to do yeah I need to try and make you a telescope or something oh yeah all right I’m gonna go to the Nether and I’m not scared not been yet thanks honey where is oh yeah this is another portal so

Sorry oh does that still work oh I can climb it obviously stupid she doesn’t have a spy glass or anything honest he has a telescope I low-key is that Pigman I low sorry why is he chasing me they’re not meant to hurt you I don’t have gold oh yeah

That is true I’m not wearing gold okay I forgot to put on the gold helmet right I also need I need to kill a bee I really do this is about to die Oh I thought I could just I don’t know um I really do want to see a beer excuse me

Excuse me I heard you do have a telescope diving I had someone has a spyglass no um I knew it oh all right I’m back what I hear him oh I see him now I see him hi where did you get the monkey from man under one of the trees okay you saw

Nothing Chad Okay just like in your house should I go and get a bee there’s flowers over there yeah I know bee sting you I do really feel like a bee would help me a lot oh it’s not that many flowers I’m gonna kill the end around or at the ender pearl for James

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m gonna die [ __ ] [ __ ] no no I did it I did it for James I’m a good friend I got you an Ender uh James it’s fine to be anyway I’ll just take the undercut with me foreign I just feel like my another journey is

Gonna be a lot easier for my V that’s gonna hurt yeah that’s a fly I don’t want a stinky fly I want to be I can’t fly as a fly which is so ironic oh maybe they’re inside it foreign I did it I did it I did it

B sorry I didn’t mean to yay I can be a bee this is why being a bee is the best you guys know how much I love oxidized copper oh my God no way monoxide guys I’m an oxidized cloth of a girl making all my stairs out of oxidized

Copper so that’s why I’ve been oxidizing copper all this time this is really exciting there’s a ball down there do I need to not like kill me This is a mod Mouse that’s why I could be a bee best ever no I can’t make a couple Windows which is a bit annoying but my giant staircase I can now make because I’ve just found loads of copper stairs best ever that guy is already angry he does not seem friendly

Is that someone’s house no no there’s no way this is something else this I can tell this is a structure I feel like I can tell this is yeah there’s like cob worth and stuff this is definitely a structure okey-dokey let’s making my hmm this is annoying okay that’s actually fine I think

Actually I might as well just fill these in oh enough looks a bit more robust you know I could make the ceiling now oh my God I could make the roof out of this now oh yeah this is gonna look cool the front I can put there yeah yeah I

Can get more I can get more I can get more I think foreign Okay oh yeah this is gonna be oh that is gonna look so beautiful sorry but are you seeing what I’m seeing foreign oh no this is actually looking so snazzalicious sorry not sorry is this not so delicious it is dead oh my God I am so good at this I’m joking

Oh it’s a firefly I thought that was James aren’t I perfect kind of Vibes man and then actually what I’m gonna do oh my God I’m gonna be creative hang on my brain is my brain is braining my brain is burning yeah my brain is brain and

I’m excited well this is gonna look like this is gonna look so cool okay foreign that’s not gonna work so actually um let it work like this I think nope Talia that’s not what you want to do foreign okay yes hmm oh actually if I do this and then I do this

Wait maybe my brain is burning okay I just tried to blow that piece off um okay this is wax this is waxed this is blacks this is whether this is fine uh I wasn’t gonna do love heart but actually I could do a lot of art I could

Flip these two upside down and make them into a lover foreign anything it was just meant to be a little design that I could then make this glass just that it’s like cute Vibes you know actually if I flip them upside down it would be a little harp so that could be

Kind of cute stop I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead right I know I said I want to see the nether so should we should do that maybe I’ll do rainbow glass in the the heart at the top of my house oh my God no it’s actually looking so vibesy I

Love it I love it I need to make Windows but that’s why I want to go to the nether because I want to get Crimson planks to make Crimson windows I think they’re the ones that are going to let the burst in fact let me have a look

Yeah these ones here the crimson warped stripped warped walk these would look real good I think I think I don’t know Dark Prince Marine we tried that a little bit weird like where is that found it’s warped you know okey-dokey never oh maybe okay now I can be a b do another

Um right let me wait I didn’t save that okay let’s just get a bit of everything I think because we want to we want to get all the like all these bits and Bobs freaking Talia man why you like this you literally know the lava will kill you

Sorry do I just stay on fire the whole time if I could do some glowstone okay there’s some of that for now what is this stuff gel Bowl just ask you’ve lost everything no that was pain where the hell am I going there’s no is that a crimson Like it’s not oh it is crimson that’s crimson’s stem okay is that it yes why is the music so loud all of a sudden Thank you Foreign this is Crimson stem not Crimson so I think it’s different Oh it’s the same okay um cool I found a little Crimson for us all right let’s go back this way uh let’s go a little bit the other way might as well see if there’s anything super close that’s like Vibes oh green what makes the fire a different color I

Don’t where and is it just different material that it’s burning on these giant chains anyway okay let’s go back to the portal and start with my crimson okay this is just a regular oh Ember they’re quite nice actually yeah Crimson blanks okay right what the hell can I do with this anyway let’s

Right what can I make it won’t grow some stem crimson I’ve got to strip it okay right let’s give this a go oh they’re gonna be horrible after all of that oh I quite like just a little like no they’re cute they’re cute they’re cute they’re cute finally got walls like

Windows I can’t just jump into my hat I like going insane going insane what’s up I know I was gonna do that when I looked that way oh it’s so irritating like obviously I don’t want the window to be that way so why are you making it that way oh

Well 40 is not enough me going oh it’s more than enough it’s it’s not it’s really really not blocky what is in squares what do you mean what do you mean there’s different types like look hang on so this type is the window base it doesn’t have squares in it

You can do them like this is the one this one here whereas I could do them like this and then it’d be blocked or like this no blocks if that’s what you mean but I don’t have OptiFine or anything on because I’ve not done normal glass it’s just just like this yeah

Yeah it’s Vibes it’s pure vibes green Enchanted long I really don’t need that either lately forgot how much glass your girl is gonna need oh my God oh [ __ ] oh yeah that’s gonna look way better anyway sauce soups adorbs yeah I want to put rainbow glass at the top

I do need to make a little like room here yeah right it looks so much better it’s cooler look my roof is Roofing I now have a staircase and look I have a little heart oh you can’t even see it well let me turn it jumpy sorry what the hell is going on

Foreign oh you mother thing I literally was like I’m so confused and then I was like wait there’s a bee that’s so weird I was like that’s not a b I know that b Lew what the hell the hell are they um um so much evil man evil

Yeah I was literally I don’t know what’s going on like where have these come from oh my God then she’s in my stream so she’s like you if you dare I’m gonna swing wait how are they disappearing they aren’t I just put them everywhere

Oh wow I was like what is going on okay I’ve got ten nice look at that chat never trust anyone against somebody else love it thank you oh what is it it’s like a I think it’s called a cone jellyfish oh where are they just in the water they

Oh [ __ ] you’re dying oh because you’re not in water oh my God he said I forgot their child he died because he was a jellyfish out of water unreal Fish Out of Water yep oh that was tragic that was so tragic you have to see my well it’s it’s less

Of a prison than what you’ve got as your um yours is full-on Prisoner of walkout oh yeah it’s the AIM foreign yeah I killed far too many elephants today oh my God I didn’t mean to they just kept falling and dropping but I finally got one of them oh

My God where the hell did you take him from oh my God very far away honestly it was it was quite a sight to see a bee oh an emu is this a wrap it or a dwarf oh he’s not having a guitar in the water he’s he’s

Playing he’s fine oh he’s playing he’s not trapped and drowning wait so where is your house here no just here I think I’ve actually seen it this little cottage oh cute wait let me be a person oh oh Moonstone that’s cool oh it’s like a woodland oh your glow up

It’s upstairs oh it was downstairs let’s go downstairs whoa no chest room yeah I was saying to pray doesn’t the floor like this pattern of the floor reminds me of um yeah it’s actually really cool oh my God I’m being nosy what is oh my God you have been sweating wow

Wow oh okay yeah it’s a work in progress do you have a plan for that one yet not really no no I like things to be symmetrical so I was like yeah you gotta do the other that makes sense that really does oh oh a little Terrace I thought that

Was a giant Cross when I first came up here I was like if you want to praise the Lord that is um it’s good oh my gosh that was terrifying um you’ve got lots of different types of wood here oh you’re burning good but in hell

Yeah you know go do it God do um excuse me uh is that you yeah yeah I think I’m gonna die yeah comma he tried to scare me oh this is what happens when you try to scare me okay the universe is on my side is it really all right

Oh I’m dizzy I’m so dizzy oh you could chest outside oh yeah I need to make some different colored chests oh yeah so that was also going to say as well if you if you um Waypoint here so in this little house there’s three different portals oh oh my gosh It’s difficult okay I’m gonna go put stuff away and then I’m gonna go and explore Ty I’m excited about that it’s home oh well I’m going to complete wrong way I wonder if I could put a painting on it I don’t know I might not like that oh I’m gonna kill myself okay

But anyway okay next time I’m gonna cut off now I’m gonna go off now I’m gonna come off now next time what we need to do is we need to wait no let me plant these trees sorry please I don’t know how to Enderman hate this stuff is so ugly hey Firefly

I want to be you sorry to be you I must kill you a sheep over there it’s Loki like move them all right so next time chat there’s one more portal to explore is that I thought I okay so no I will look off now tomorrow not tomorrow but whenever I’m next on

We will finish all the windows of the house we’ll finish the house it’s looking pretty snazzy this needs to be these need to be oh wait hang on actually I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing the thing that we just said I’m doing it um why am I like this

Look at that threads I just couldn’t see this um we’re gonna finish the house is what I was gonna say and then we also this is what I want to do I will actually use the slabs but right now oh no I need one more but

None of them are ready yet let’s go let’s go to bed um finish the house I need to make a farm and like a food farm s make a backpack as well yeah are you true explore some more Ace Megan enchantment room like an enchantment room

Because I made my chest room now I need to make that room and then we can explore some more and see what the Vibes are

This video, titled ‘I Caught Freya Spying On Me In Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Talia Mar+ on 2022-12-30 16:00:01. It has garnered 76479 views and 2156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:17 or 3137 seconds.

Mod Pack Used: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/captain-puffy-friends-server

NEW MUSIC: https://nathandawe.lnk.to/Sweet-Lies/itunes —————————————————————- MAIN CHANNEL: www.youtube.com/taliamarmusic —————————————————————- MY SOCIALS: • Twitter – https://twitter.com/TaliaMar • Insta – https://www.instagram.com/taliamar/ • TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@taliamar • Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/taliamar —————————————————————- MY MUSIC: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7zoc6JsY8GWVcl2qFwiKay https://music.apple.com/gb/artist/talia-mar/1132209 ————————————————– ————– #TaliaMar

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    MC IMAGINEERING - Minecraft Disney server looking for staff!MC Imagineering is a Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.2 server dedicated to replicating Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Minecraft at 1:1 scale. We are currently looking for Imagineers, or builders, and for Technicians who are familiar with plugins and commands.We are looking specifically for Imagineers that are willing to work on the Ticket and Transportation Center, the Seven Seas Lagoon, and surrounding resorts. Help anywhere is appreciated though, and once a builder has proved themselves with a resort they will likely be asked to assist with the main park.Technicians will have more to work on, from shows, animatronics, audio, etc.Since… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting farm vibes only.

    Looks like this meme has really cultivated a following! Read More

  • Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod’s Guide to Minecraft Magic

    Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod's Guide to Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, potions are key, To survive and thrive, they’re a necessity. With the MCPF Mod, you’ll learn the way, To craft elixirs that will save the day. Mix ingredients carefully, follow the guide, To create potions that will turn the tide. From strength to speed, and even invisibility, You’ll be unstoppable, with perfect agility. But remember, caution is always wise, Drink with care, don’t meet your demise. Transport them safely, in a secure place, To ensure they’re ready for your next race. So dive into the world of potions and brews, With the MCPF Mod,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos πŸ˜‚]

    Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos πŸ˜‚] When you finally build a perfect underwater base in Minecraft, but then realize you forgot to bring a sponge to dry off the floor. 🀣 #WaterLogic Read More

  • Building Villages & Forts in Minecraft 1.20

    Building Villages & Forts in Minecraft 1.20 Welcome to the World of Towns and Towers in Minecraft 1.20 Fabric! Are you ready to explore new villages and fortresses in Minecraft? The Towns and Towers mod introduces exciting additions to the game, expanding the possibilities for adventure and exploration. Let’s dive into the details of this mod and discover the wonders it has to offer! Discovering New Villages and Structures With the Towns and Towers mod, players can encounter a variety of new villages and structures scattered throughout the Minecraft world. From quaint villages to imposing fortresses, each location offers unique opportunities for exploration and discovery. While… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Top 10 Minecraft Mod Addons for 2024

    Unbelievable! Top 10 Minecraft Mod Addons for 2024Video Information This video, titled ’10 of the BEST Minecraft Create Mod Addons for 2024′, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-04-20 19:00:21. It has garnered 153483 views and 6511 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:46 or 1246 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome 25% off your first month with Bisect Hosting: https://bisecthosting.com/dejojotheawsome Create is one of the greatest mods ever made for Minecraft and it’s addons make it even better! In this video I make a list of 2024’s best addons to enhance the base gameplay of Create and even add some delightful QoL! 00:00 showcase box by @gtheglorious… Read More

  • Mysterious Spider in Minecraft

    Mysterious Spider in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Perhaps spider on 2024-05-27 22:33:41. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:51 or 11691 seconds. I think im really starting to like this game Read More

  • INSANE Crafts on CraftKhana 6 by its_smies

    INSANE Crafts on CraftKhana 6 by its_smiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘CraftKhana 6’, was uploaded by its_smies on 2024-06-02 18:27:56. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:12 or 132 seconds. the map is made by: Newalbacore8 https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/splatoon-3-in-minecraft/ The sponsor of this video is the Straight Up minecraft server, The Straight Up minecraft server is an anarchy server, that means you can walk right into someone’s base and open their chests and loot them, the server is java 1.20.4 and has an anticheat, join the server’s discord and come play with us and make history, https://discord.com/invite/camSwwyUAe Read More

  • Unbelievable Backyard Adventure – BillyRantz Ep. 00

    Unbelievable Backyard Adventure - BillyRantz Ep. 00Video Information This video, titled ‘A Whole New World! | Backyard – Ep. 00’, was uploaded by BillyRantz on 2024-02-29 23:38:01. It has garnered 1069 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:41 or 941 seconds. #minecraft #backyardMC Join the Backyard Discord! https://discord.gg/BGyaBgpeV5 Hello and welcome to the Backyard! A place where 22 Minecraft creators have come together to play around in the endless sandbox that is Minecraft! Watch us as we create amazing builds, get into numerous shenanigans, and make a whole bunch of fun memories together! Today is the beginning of a wonderful thing! We… Read More

  • Unlock Ultimate Power with MAzPulse!

    Unlock Ultimate Power with MAzPulse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best texture pack for armour and tool 1.20.50 1.20+ pocket edition’, was uploaded by MAzPulse on 2024-01-10 13:40:39. It has garnered 26 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. Minecraft best texture pack for armour and tool 1.20.50 1.20+ pocket edition Minecraft pvp texture pacK how to pro pvp tips Minecraft lag fix Minecraft pvp texture pacK how to pro pvp tips Minecraft lag fix Read More

  • Join TimberHines123 & Izzy for Minecraft fun! (She’s single btw)

    Join TimberHines123 & Izzy for Minecraft fun! (She's single btw)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Izzy (“the best friend ever, she’s single btw”)’, was uploaded by TimberHines123 on 2024-03-25 06:30:17. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:19:51 or 19191 seconds. Read More

  • 🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFT

    🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE – WIR WERDEN REICH ✿ YOUTUBERINSEL 2 ✿ Minecraft’, was uploaded by Flauschi on 2024-01-14 12:32:47. It has garnered 11570 views and 805 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. *πŸŽ‰ Don’t forget to subscribe! 🎨 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flauschiyt Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com * all links marked with an asterisk are affiliate links / advertising βœ”οΈ This video is child friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)

    Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)Video Information This video, titled ‘Speedrun Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – No Death + All Boss [No Commentary]’, was uploaded by Anya Gameplay on 2024-04-21 01:14:59. It has garnered 216 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – SpeedRun + No Death + All Boss [No Commentary] This adventure map is filled with action-packed battles, epic showdowns from the movies, and pand-tastic co-op action, so sharpen those chopsticks and start practicing your kung fu kicks – it’s time to unleash the Pandamonium! Read More

  • Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation – Must Watch!

    Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘β™ͺGak Pake Lamaβ™ͺ Animasi Minecraft Indonesia [Prisma 3D]’, was uploaded by RyMoon on 2024-04-23 22:36:45. It has garnered 285 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:17 or 197 seconds. Thank you very much to those of you who have watched this video πŸ˜€. Collab With : Retqi : https://youtube.com/@Retqi?si=yMW83x6PPoVklK8g Liszz : https://youtube.com/@Lisz-gak-kece?si=b4kyddQbCsdObZay _____________________ Original Audio: https://youtu.be/adq15m54YI8?si=q4wHVmLE9mPnjD_S Map : https://youtube.com/@IanMCAnimID?si=x18y0Q0YD4xjRuU4 Thank you to: Allah SWT, Parents, Prisma 3D YouTube Subscribers. I hope you enjoy my video πŸ™‚ Hastag: Minecraft, Minecraft Animation, Minecraft Animation, Mojang, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Song, Minecraft Indonesia, Minecraft Song. Read More

  • Glory4Glory

    Glory4GloryΒ‘Glory4Glory! π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Όπ™΄πš πš‚π™΄πšπš…π™Έπ™³π™Ύπš πš‚πš„πšπš…π™Έπš…π™°π™» – πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 1πŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— π™΅πš„π™»π™» π™Ώπš…π™Ώ πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 𝟷𝟢𝟢% π™°πšπ™Άπ™΄π™½πšƒπ™Έπ™½π™Ύ πŸπŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— Read More

  • CleanSMP – SMP 1.20.4, Money system, Survival, Java, NO Whitelist

    Welcome to Clean-SMP.World We are a new Minecraft server seeking active players to join our community. Our server offers: A clean vanilla map without claims and other world-changing plugins A money system where you can earn by selling items A shop with essential items like enchanted books and ores The freedom to build with friends, while keeping in mind that griefing is not allowed The challenge to become the richest player through farming Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/ye72wNkTCG Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate ShowdownI guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top with that score! Read More

  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

    Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies In Minecraft’s world, a battle unfolds, 1000 dogs versus zombies, stories untold. The wolves howl and charge, teeth bared in the night, Against the undead horde, a fearsome sight. Armored wolves join the fray, a fierce display, Clashing with zombies in a deadly ballet. Level 2 wolves, armored and strong, Against armored zombies, a clash that’s long. The fight rages on, in pixels and blocks, A mob battle for the ages, no time for talks. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic scene, In Minecraft’s realm, where battles are keen. Read More


    REDSTONE MONSTROSITY DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Mob Battle! The Redstone Monstrosity may be tough, but let’s see how it handles a group of angry golems armed with nothing but their fists and a whole lot of attitude. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers take on a giant robot – except in Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: Wind Burst Player Bounce Change Wind Burst Enchantment The latest Minecraft Pre-release 3 update brings exciting changes to the Wind Burst enchantment. This enchantment now allows players to bounce 7 blocks up per enchantment level. However, at level 3, players will bounce a whopping 21 blocks up, posing a risk of fall damage upon landing. Players are advised to have a target locked in or other means to mitigate the fall damage before hitting the ground again. Data Pack Version 48 Update In addition to the Wind Burst enchantment changes, the data pack version 48… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Favourite Modded Minecraft Series (From the 2010s)’, was uploaded by Manic Bestia on 2024-06-01 18:34:01. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:43 or 4183 seconds. I promise there won’t be any Herobrine jump scares in this video. LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/ManicBestia SUBSCRIBE: @ManicBestia SECOND CHANNEL: @CrummyCaketin [Video game modding (Modification) is the process of alteration by players or fans of one or more aspects of a video game] The modding scene of early minecraft was whacky, today I showcase some of my favourite ways YouTubers would use… Read More

  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

    Ultimate POMNI Challenge in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey save POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation’, was uploaded by Mayzee – Minecraft on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 99724 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation Today JJ and Mikey save Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus In Minecraft. We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! #maizen #minecraft Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Read More

  • “EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650” #shizzoclickbait

    "EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650" #shizzoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 12:57:03. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:02 or 242 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!

    STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!Video Information This video, titled ‘Alla FEL i “My life in Minecraft” 2024!’, was uploaded by STAMSITE on 2024-03-01 16:30:06. It has garnered 16819 views and 1083 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. Playlist for this series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp5oigUIqFWSHkfZ5YJq1cqb1aVf6E9x6&si=yakL4IfweqjB3tz7 Draw pixels here: https://display.stamsite.nu Party Bots Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PartyBotsOfficial 10% off if you use the code “STAMSITE” at X-Gamer: https://x-gamer.com/stamsite – Buy merch here!: https://stamsite.nu/sv/ – Streams take place here: https://www.twitch.tv/stamsite – Stamsites Gaming Community (SGC): http://www.discord.90gq.se/ – The game’s Discord is here: https://discord.gg/2UdqpDwTBT 00:00 – Intro 00:19 – Episode 41 04:41 – Episode 42 07:25 -… Read More

  • Insane Secrets: Modern Underground House Build Minecraft

    Insane Secrets: Modern  Underground House Build MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How To Build a Underground Modern House🏠’, was uploaded by Pulpyx on 2024-04-15 16:02:40. It has garnered 389 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. An Ultimate version of an Underground Modern House. Level up your Minecraft Journey by Building this. I have included everything you need in this build. So have a look and believe me, it’s quite easy. Creating Builds that require less time. If you like my work then feel free to support this channel by Subscribing. Also you can suggest any ideas… Read More

Talia Mar+ – I Caught Freya Spying On Me In Minecraft SMP