Technoblade and Philza being Funny 1 hour straight on Dream SMP

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Yes he’s a wick is he a wick i don’t think he’s a wig this music yeah the music was so intense for no reason whoops oh brim ah there we go just leave him be for a little bit i’m gonna have a wander over here

My favorite thing to do on smps is to replace three logs with stairs and wait for people to find them i have severe mental issues techno looking at that dirt block be like yep that’s dirt yep that’s real dear alright he’s gonna grab some [ __ ] whilst i’m

Here two months let’s go tongue just random [ __ ] just lying around is cool i said 13 months 17 months free beacon you say i said 25 months tommy i had a double take there 10 months punk i told him i hope your day he rolled over in slumber and said just

10 more minutes the actually that will happen it’s like canon thanks sorry for the 25 [ __ ] months thanks mate did i do did that tommy did i do uh one of the og’s uh shout out for you when you hit two years i can’t remember six months yo grayson i did

I wonder if we’re getting raided i wonder if people joined early and i was following the surprise don’t think so frown dancer hates me frown what are you geez i said two years man higher phil damn it was a surviving i’m this one around killing nature this is 17 months 17 baby I’m surprised whoa six months punk all those people that showed up early spamming raids definitely didn’t give it away man starting them sound like sneaky who do i want i’m starting to sound like bold italics Both two months dad so let’s go 7 77 logic almost almost almost almost thank you speaking for the 29 [ __ ] months thank you man thank you i see it fairytale sex is five gifted as well thank you uh slicker thanks to 17 months of tier two oh there he is Where you are how little dance he eats immunology wait is he in discord and i can’t oh my god he’s in discord and my headphones aren’t even configured he’s been here the whole time and i am a fool that’s it’s exactly what happened yep there we go bill why weren’t you talking earlier

Come on phil i don’t know it was crazy dude i it’s i just had to warm up uh the vocal called you know la la la la la la la that’s fair let me uh keybinds add keybinds uh push to mute z you want to open a highly new setup or something

Yeah i’m on a whole new setup oh [ __ ] you do sound a little bit different yo i’m hoping that this mic doesn’t get owned by discord because every time i was on like other people’s streams i would just sound terrible like this [ __ ] every time you like my voice it was like

The lowest quality and i didn’t understand because on my stream my voice was fine but on discord it was like nope yeah it’s a bit weird it was very funny though all right let me just thank all my donators for one second with my new push-to-talk key jesus christ there he goes Thanking people for their money there goes my hero he’s [Laughter] ordered right so anyways phil so basically the idea is i woke up today as you do and i thought you know today is pretty good but you know the only thing that could make today better is if i had

12 497 red terracotta 14 068 sand 43 730 sandstone and 4032 oak logs as you do so i was thinking i should get together a workforce and we could go get all those resources for no reason in particular other than they’d be nice to have so let’s go phil so specific

Listen it came to me in a dream okay oh okay well that that that explains it i don’t know why you’re acting like that’s specific man i’m a man who knows what he wants okay fat fact anyways i did the math and that seems

Like a lot of work to do by myself so form in the workforce yeah oh i got ace raced mean these little paths you can just like hop to yo yeah there you go makes things a bit easier all right so where are we gonna go fast though

I have no idea let’s all meet in le mansburg or whatever the crater the hole poured up oh there i go falling through the earth oh scared to shout me oh you see the fallen through the earth thing as well it’s an omen man it’s a deep war it’s lord it’s lore

It’s not a minecraft bug it shows our psychological state hmm falling into a deep void of nothingness i get it i get it now portal shows us our greatest fears and perhaps the future anyway let’s go acquire things from people yeah by force wow what the [ __ ]

I just took that into the dome dude oh my god this guy that’s scared to shout me all right well i don’t want to deal with this so i’m just going to walk past i got i got i got it is punk in the world thank you eve street spoken

I was just in the discord like yo who wants to do manual labor yeah really that’s all it took yeah listen somebody’s got to revive this server man i know what he likes in so i thought manual labor all right i can get other people to do my work for me and it

Doubles his content and all the fans will love me there he is vc1 yo yo vc1 aaronvc1 vc1 aaron is in vc hi man what’s up ready for hard work and in bad shape why did my stream start playing on my phone that freaks me out

Aaron why do you sound like you’re like in the other room of your microphone um is what is it bad it’s fine now i think you moved it yeah it’s fine it’s fine oh yeah yeah okay okay apologies i i’m ill but i’m ready to move up i’m ready to walk you

Do we have to stay six feet from your head over here i’m not canonically have you seen have you seen the coronavirus charts we flattened the curve on the wrong axis yeah it’s just zoomed out straight to the moon i’m sneaking to my elbows don’t worry wait where was pog did you just

Where did pom go you just run away i i thought he walked up and i was like oh does he want it and then he just he’s gone i think it’s cause we ran away and then he just like assumed we were running from him i don’t know time for message

Do you want to do manual labor yeah i don’t know about you guys but this is looking like a real good workforce right workforce i can convince two people to stream with me let’s go let’s I think he’s down bad oh come on man he’s not wearing shoes so he can feel the eggs beneath him crushes them between his toes exactly all right so we need terra cotta which uh i forgot to bring up city and does anyone have obsidian um

I can guess some how much do you need this stack oh we want there we go oh that’s good enough i just needed enough to make a portal in life dude honestly okay pog there’s half a stack yo we got a plane in steel um uh um no wait

I bet we could make one really quickly oh yeah that’s the i have a steel so yeah i have iron okay here’s the steel here is the steel okay now let’s find some gravel let’s find some flints let’s go well prepared stream going back to basics well prepared stream let’s do this super

Prepared 100 planned i’ve located the gravel yo um oh wait i’m so i’ve got a silk touch shovel that’s not what we need i also have a silk touch just i just punch it that’s why they call them phils of minecraft keep coated back doors into the game so we could hack

Everyone thinks i’m cracked but i’m literally hacking it’s fine he just gave his character permanent resistance three and then hard coded it into the game because how he’s still alive for long yeah all right so here’s the plan okay yep yep all right so i believe we can use nether

Travel to get to a uh badlands which will have uh terra cotta okay and then we can all mine there just a warning i fall through the world about five times whenever i join a portal honestly it’s it’s a british thing at the moment i think

Yeah we just yeah we suffer for a little while and then come back we gotta go to these coordinates that i just made up all right we gotta go this way let’s get on the roof we can be exact and we can be extra safe climbing upstairs

This is the content you subscribe for and then up here yeah labor yeah andrew doing any of the labor are you going to be partaking oh probably of course yeah it’s okay that’s good i brought tools for everyone as well huge are you hello okay so we gotta go this way this way

All right everybody follow me friendship labor let’s go yay friendship labour walk oh just keeping an eye on everybody yeah that’s phil just me i only had one single file single file you gotta use the body system so no one gets lost yeah we definitely can’t lose

Ponk he’s essential to this plan come back punk we’ve got to slow down for him is only as strong as the weakest link he can’t run that fast he’s an iron armor why is he right-clicking by clicking water buckets on the floor i think he’s having a bit of a time

Are we there yet ask the chat are we there yet we’re we’re about a third of the way yo this is fine this is fine on the bright side this would take eight times longer in the overworld true true techno you might want to switch places

So we you don’t have to work as hard because of the air resistance in the nether just saying you know we’re slip streaming in the nethers food i was honestly expecting him to say that at some point [Laughter] he looks so damn bad right now we’re in

Full nether right and he’s just chilling with like an enchanted golden helmet and then just unenchanted iron armor he’s put his shoes on for one thing i guess i gave him shoes i don’t hate to choose the er the errand charity is just too wholesome oh wait there’s wood over there what’s that

What if that’s a old portal oh yeah make sure we’re going to know i’m following you i think we should angle slightly this way yeah yeah i don’t know what the words are because i left after you sent me there as well why’d it actually leave the

Before the overlords why would you do that it was my incident it was a critical mistake all right we’re almost there wait i went past it on this oh are we getting through this portal why not just that that’s the exact coordinates oh my god it just may be there’s no way bruh

It’s like seven blocks off oh i wonder if there’s anything left for us to to take like no oh it’s a base what is this it’s a base new australia oh i found some terra cotta guys yo let’s go this is amazing all right we got it it’s like just a

Chest full of diamond armor here poke this why would you do this he made me step on he trapped me with the with the eggs dude why would you step on his eggs phil what the heck he placed them beside me right okay you just hate baby turtles all

Right we gotta find somewhere let’s go a bit farther from fundy space before we like completely terraform the land true true to make a little bit of a deeper light well technically fundy terraformed the outside of our land but you know oh yeah let’s rise above let’s rise above i

Remember that my oh my god that was so much so much it took him so long and we just annihilated it in like 30 minutes it’s gone all right we need a red terracotta but honestly i think farming regular terracotta and then i’ll diet afterwards is also fine yeah honestly we can get

All of the roses and stuff okay i brought stuff to make a beacon all right everybody get to the top of this mountain we’re doing this fancy oh we’re going fancy you want to set the beacon up lower so that we get the effect up here because

We set it if you put the beacon up here and then we go further further down we’ll lose the effect all right you think uh you think here is good that’s a good spot yeah it’s a good spot i’ll do all right and i got pickaxes for everyone

Anyone need to pick x here you take a pickaxe i think i’m good actually i think i’m all right i’ve already got one they’ll take a pickaxe i have so many efficiency five on breaking three pickaxes uh actually i’ll just keep mine because it’s um i’ve got another right

Do you want me to just like burn through this and then make it like just break it through it yeah i mean it’s insta break anyways it doesn’t matter does it no i mean break the pickaxe oh yeah i don’t think he cares about do you care

About this pickaxe techno can i just nope pog i’m gonna break it nope activating the beacon dude we’re gonna get so much five six seven yeah it just needs to be nine yeah there we go this is such a flex dude jesus christ all right you know what you start

Placing emeralds yeah i was just about there i was just about to see it i’ll watch whoops and boosh did we both make the same mistake we’re too efficient yeah i’m hoping i brought it up because that would be really awkward yep yo and then i brought emeralds yeah

We all got the achievements beaconator that’s not a reference to anything i’d get mad at that’s crazy dude all right first park uh somewhere punk’s like the only person i can give tools to and they won’t be taking them out of pity is probably going to be useful he’s just

Here mining like normally like really slowly he’s got an iron pickaxe [ __ ] One if you want to join all right terraform time boys get that terracotta e We don’t need that much we only need twelve thousand four hundred ninety seven i might have to ask why we need twelve thousand nine hundred listen that’s just 196 stacks of red terracotta i don’t know why you find that suspicious yeah i wouldn’t worry about it he’s fine

Oh yeah yeah sure sorry yeah yeah you’re right it’s just normal behavior all right don’t be don’t make it weird yeah don’t ask questions why are we storing all 196 of these if i may ask uh you’ll you’ll find that out later okay don’t question don’t question the man he

Knows what he’s doing yeah i actually my inventory is like half stacked with like potions and stuff to kill people with because i don’t you know like when i was forced when i was expecting labor you know i wasn’t sure whether you’re going to force labor upon me you know i came like

I just came a bit prepared but you were just going to start stabbing yeah oh yeah i was like is is it like what am i gonna get like is he’s just gonna force me or like you know you need people just not show up or yeah or i could go dabbing people

Yeah look it’s just the most logical like why do you just automatically go to stab because it’s fun that’s fair that’s bad to go down to what’s uh what’s an easy way for me to increase the brightness torches uh yeah i only brought one bed anyone have a torch

Um does anyone have wood so we can make chests i didn’t bring any well i guess i’ll go get some wood no it’s fine i’ve got some i’ve got somebody get out my inventory actually because we’re going to run out pretty soon i’ve already filled my inventory listen there’s some trees over there

It’s fine no i’ve got i’ve got a stack of dude all right make the chest here and we’ll uh just fill it all up yeah we’ll prioritize regular terracotta and red terracotta um just okay one second i’m gonna try to change my minecraft settings so that my stream can actually

See things all right option all right so i’m going to close minecraft nobody’s going to panic because i just announced what i was doing ahead of time yeah they’re all still gonna panic by the way they’re gonna be like we can’t see the screen the screen’s gone it’s freezing

We can’t see anything please we’re missing the content is your view account just like bulked or something oh suddenly it transformed to 124 000. i guess what we just did was really entertaining and we spontaneously went viral you logged off everyone just said oh no the stream and refreshed all right

Oh this is so much better oh fulbright so we just want red and normal terracotta right yep yep yep yep and i think normal tur i don’t know how easy it is to farm red terracotta naturally so yeah it is i’ve i’ve got i’ve been only getting ready to go it’s

Like if you fight you find like big veins of it and they’re like the top middle of the mountain i guess he’s just like trying to prove himself to us or something maybe he’s like look how strong i am guys oh god i’m dying i got this wait this hurts no

Wait he’s fighting back help hold him back guys hold him back oh this is efficient yeah i should probably try mine in a red terracotta just to see how it works pretty good so how many double chests do we need of this stuff did you work it out

Uh i just i think four four doubles a bit less than four because one double chest is 72 right so i think it’s 54 stacks wait oh so then we need yeah yeah and then we need 196 stacks yes and if we use advanced calculus yeah yeah it finds yep

This is what i did my qualifications for well the good thing about this server is um for collecting large amounts of stuff like this it’s actually like really helpful the server automatically bundles together all of the blocks into like little pockets so like seven being everywhere they like uh merge together

So you can just pick up like maybe five or six stacks off the ground that must be why i keep missing them because i’ll mine like a hundred and then look at my employees there’s 13 and all of them got stacked like one place out of yeah yeah

Oh it’s fine there’s only 10 blocks it’s fine if i miss it but in reality you’re missing all of it that you might yeah it’s a lot it’s a lot easier to just grab them so like have a run to every edge in every corner of the area of mind

All right let’s see where i’m up to okay inventory’s full again pog i got too far from the beacon i was sitting here like why does it take effort to mine things now what the heck do that oh my god we’ve almost filled up one chest already yo

Manual labor is the way to go it seems manual labor it builds character we don’t know what what we’re mining this for but we’re doing it we i just i really wanted this much terrible little man come on guys relax i’m not i’m not planning anything yeah

I mean even if you were finding everything it’s not like anything bad could happen for me planning anything yeah exactly man come on i’m sure this won’t be relevant to the lore later i wouldn’t say we’re an organization we’re just you know just hanging out yeah oh

Wait so how but i’m being employed right now am i not you’re here of your own free will right my streamlight again oh yeah free will course no voluntarily voluntary nature yes sorry sorry my apologies completely a hundred percent of my own yeah volunteering well just hanging out you know having a good

All right obvious says the stream is good now the connection was starting to drop for a second there dude my internet is trolling me i specifically checked and it’s like okay you got like 35 to 40 upload i’m like okay well then i’ll use 10 upload to stream

And it’s like you can’t do that right what is it just like that that upload was just for display dude come on is it just like um did you have you called your isp uh nope i would complain because a lot of the time it can just be like some setting

That they’ve got switched on which they can just turn off or like give it a boost it’s got the the sucker set in where it’s like all right if they don’t complain we’re just not going to give them internet you know you you say that but you are so close to the truth

So my speeds are that grimy dude like nah they don’t need it they don’t need it and then if you say you do need it then they’ll give you it it’s like cable companies like oh they’ll pay this much and then you complain that it costs too much like oh

We’ll give him we’ll give him it for slightly less it’s fine we’ll give him some deals are we even gonna be able to bring this much with us well i mean that’s why i asked you at the start i’ll give you one trip no but i have a plan

Yeah i’m wondering what that plan is also we need shulkers but we don’t have shulkers yeah it’s time to beg dream how about we just kill the end the dragon i mean you know listen we can we can just make a second trip later it’s fine

Oh yeah two trips yeah it wasn’t even that far too fast if if we just make a note of where we’ve kept the chests we can just like do this later we can just like pick everything up there yeah i mean if we keep the beacon up we can

Just see the beacon in the sky um the chests are full by the way we need more chests oh yeah um how many chests do we have we’ll go get some wood oh wow this is terrible we need more chests yeah we need way more yeah we only need actually four more

Chests right yeah more wood yeah just just two more and i should do it for this area i’m going to start throwing blocks around just to keep them from i haven’t done this much like mining repetitive amounts of things in so long like oh god this is what i used to do

Every day in and out in and out in and out it’s therapeutic in a way i like it it is therapeutic we’re just throwing terracotta onto the floor now we’ve run out of chests it’s okay a slight inconvenience you do have uh obs running in uh administrator mode right maybe

All right we’ll check that after the second stream i’m gonna end the stream and lower the bit rate slightly i think you can lower the bit rate whilst you’re live techno yeah you can never mind he’s gone and we’re back and we’re back everyone type refresh in the chat you didn’t have

Whilst you’re streaming still yeah it’s just yeah that’s like something oh yeah yeah well you know what you’re right how about that [Laughter] we need to have we need to have a little chat about your obs settings dude it’s long trash got 10 megabytes this is so annoying it’s literally my job

I mean like in america surely the internet has like further to travel so it’s like harder to get better internet or something like is that how it works no no no it’s not fair okay now why is it still struggling i look it’s just my my illness riddled brain speaking that’s why

All right technically i mean dropped frames 22 percent okay 10 10 to 10 um double check that you’ve got my bit rate is suffering double check that you’ve got obs um running in administrator mode this is the same problem that will had the other day i said the other day it

Was like the other week and doing that fixed it because like obs just kept getting pushed back in the queue of his uh processor and he was losing frames all right oh okay we’re back i’m running as administrator okay let’s hope this fixes it for you

If not it might just be that’s right as administrator bro still doing it i’m supposed to have gigabit uh download i’m still getting the same problem except now i’m getting 40 drop frames mine what what is going on with yourself bro it’s comcast they hate me oh no wonder jesus christ

Dude i’m british should i know comcast the trash what the heck is happening what’s coming oh that’s all i got comcast it’s like um you know like how sky is like bro i’m not even connected to the server at this point what oh my god dude on the bryson

Okay i’m gonna stop streaming and then i’m gonna do an internet test oh yeah all right give me a sec yeah yeah so comcast aaron is like uh notoriously [ __ ] awful um like you know that whole episode that south park did with the guy like the the

Cable guy like oh it’s too bad oh you’re gonna cancel oh it’s too bad for the only supplier in town That is pretty much comcast bro i i swear to god i checked my upload this morning it was like 35 now it’s five how am i supposed to stream with five oh you’re getting throttled oh i bet you’re getting throttled uh because it’s like peak hours or something or like more

People are using it no no no i checked earlier so it’s not i checked earlier they just hate me maybe they’re like hey you’re actually using that internet whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa excuse me wait wait a [ __ ] wait a minute you’re you’re using something you’re paying for how dare you

To its full capability okay i’m gonna okay what i did was i did rescale output to 720p 5000 bitrate yeah that’s good please please work please haven’t dropped any frames please type refresh in the chat okay i don’t know how youtube handles it when i change the resolution mid stream

Probably just remove the quality option for 1080p i would i would hope so we’re on 720p right now because comcast is trolling me i checked earlier so basically get a certain amount of internet and i need 10 internet to stream at the quality i want so i bought 4d internet

And then when i checked earlier it said 35 internet and then when i started streaming it said five and it’s like wow you’re trying to use twice as much internet idiot you can’t stream like that are you trying to do your job it looks good to me this room looks good

Okay so we’re back yeah it’s been half but we lowered the quality to refresh okay okay we’re recovering all right we’re good on the terracotta as well i’m just double checking that with uh there’s a few spots i’m going to swap for regular terracotta because the red isn’t full all right um

Let’s do that oh my god just been holding red terracotta in my ender chest that i can take a minimum amount that’s good he’s such a little [ __ ] i know because the thing is once he dies grab as much terra cotta as you can we’re going back all right uh let me

Just throw some useless crap out uh do we have an end of chest i don’t think i’ve got any reminding the chest now we’ve got an enter chest over here do you have a stack do you have a stack of um emeralds on you i

I do not [ __ ] okay i was i was just gonna that reminds me you should probably bring the beacon with us as well i’m on that it’s not sort of incredibly valuable i’m on it you know what i probably it’s it’s not that valuable assuming is the amount of withers you’ve spotted on

This listen listen i don’t want to have to farm more withers later all right we got to use the beacons that we already got finally spam refresh stream back refresh in chat all right this stream’s fine it’s just a tiny bit lower quality yeah every everything’s fine yeah it’s like

Obs like tells me if it’s going wrong and right now it’s saying it’s fine they’re all just filthy drama style exactly well now i have zero viewers maybe check out maybe check out all those specials that you have why do you have so many shovels because we have to

Get so much sand later oh we have to get uh who has the rest of the emerald blocks um well pongs just threw all of the emerald blocks that he picked up in his ender chest punk we need where’s the beacon also there we go all right

I’ll throw them on you there we go uh i’ve got the beacon i’ve got the beacon all right okay now we can go i can hold a little bit extra if i put it in my off hand there we go yo that’s true an extra stack it’s worth it totally worth it

Yo all right i’m gonna throw this bad away totally isn’t scuffed and i don’t hate comcast at all which way do we have to go uh towards the portal over this way there’s some spare stacks over there i don’t know where they’ve come from we just mined extra [ __ ]

Which is the phrase the portal uh this way i think soon we just ran over here yeah it’s this way it’s this way it is south this way yeah yeah see there it is let’s go park yeah oh only rains on the rivers so we can’t really leave punk behind with our elytras

Time for a road trip yo phil you can lead the way totally dude yeah are we going to those corners in the nether that you typed techno oh look we spawned two poles oh no don’t go through that one okay don’t go through that one go to the other one

Wouldn’t it be the same no they go to different places punk no somebody has to he’s not in the vc he can’t hear us he’s wearing airpods no oh it’s okay we went through the right one wait what the heck is this one All right did we go through the right one is it putting us on the roof not putting me on the roof one way of fixing this actually if you really want to do it um we don’t have to do this trick we can we can make a portal back where we were

In the overworld right but make it really really high up in the sky and that’ll work phil why are you stepping on those turtle legs he’s just putting him in the way what what’s wrong with you phil god he keeps planting them down right surely if you just go into this

Block up here i don’t have any pearls oh i can drop you one three pearls it’s 127 right yeah one two seven one two seven he dropped me some pills hey guys there’s a portal up here i’ll go through it oh bro i i got stuck you

Bro what is your problem techno oh my god we’ll give you a heart attack stuck in the ground all right all right and now we go back to whatever the other coordinates were there yeah probably yo my viewership’s coming back take that comcast you thought you could win

They thought they could keep me down but now i’m back with a strong 50 of the viewers i had before let’s go let’s go only lost half of them yeah oh this is so painful Are you running in a cool formation if you look it’s like a diamond On the bright side the primary purpose of the stream was to get all these resources and that’s going great yeah one down three three more resources to go right yep oh my god and we haven’t even transported them all yet i’m gonna i’m gonna probably go back and

Empty my inventory so then you know oh yeah you’re gonna dump the potions yeah yeah do do do my line of instant health potions my stack of cobwebs my stack of harming arrows oh man you are crystals yeah look i’ve refrained from end crystal so far because i feel like it’s

A bit of bm but yeah it might might be a bit too sweaty for the dream smp yeah especially since like the explosions afterwards if you’re spamming it will destroy their items yeah like jesus [Laughter] uh i love to i’ll have to look over and see youtube telling me concurrent viewers zero

No it’s actually even moms left [Laughter] mom and dad gone who will i stream to now oh boom no not even my parents are watching all right we’re recovering we’re recovering people are coming back yeah it’s only racking up yeah we just followed this now yeah we’re gonna build it um

Yeah when we go back buy some pearls if you guys are going back to your base so you can pull through again if you need to yeah we’ll have like a stack i think we can just get like a stack of them yeah exactly from a villager i can get

Some from my video Yeah that’s kind of and then where is it it’s over here it’s over here if you want to go back down to the the regular portal it’s down here it takes us back yo and also if we do this we can just go down there yep perfect yo

Just punk hold down jump not have sprint i probably probably can’t eat hold down jump when you fall on this slime block hold down what uh jump oh yeah and it just like makes you stop instantly pretty much yeah oh this isn’t going to kill me immediately no it won’t

It won’t you’ll be fine yo all right no pressure please let me just place terra cotta right hold shift punk [Laughter] it works the same way dude totally yeah i’m just going to get all right everybody uh meet outside the portal popped us through that poll that was

Weird he’s stealing our terra cotta now i’m coming back my valuable red terracotta why is it raining my bit rate how do you turn off brain um are you running off defined yes uh options and then video settings and it should be under uh other i think and you can like turn

Weather off or uh i would say probably going to that didn’t work at all details details go into details rain and snow on the top right all right yeah aaron where are you at um i’m i’m depositing my things for more efficient it’s deposited in my terra cotta no no

No no i can’t believe he planned this whole time where are we taking this stuff now i’ll show you once aaron gets here okay oh uh i feel like i’m holding back the the group now you really are you really are no don’t worry i’m just falling through the

Endless void a few times tens of thousands of people are waiting uh well i i actually made me faster in minecraft so like it’s um it’s really you know i hope by now i can’t open chests the world does it’s not even my fault it’s the world imagine having internet problems

Screaming it’s so crazy cringe never happens could not be me okay all right i’m just gonna get some food for punk as well oh he needs it yeah he needs the food yeah let me just give punk all this i brought extra food i also probably big hills

Yeah i’m treating my workers well man i got the tools i got the food yeah i mean you’re doing most of the labor for us really exactly that’s definitely how it works totally i love seeing how delayed my chat is just by like zooming in on something staring and then looking away

So many of my chat are like 30 seconds behind mobile viewers l all right let’s let’s delay test my chat everybody that can hear me type idaho as fast as you can idaho what does idaho mean it’s a state what’s i everybody say united kingdom go go go

United kingdom type it in the chat bro okay you know what i’m just going to move on yo i’m trying i have not that much delay actually i’m trying a new setting right now oh yeah we’re literally going to make this is going to make cheating and guess the build so much easier

Of course that’s the first thing you think of coming through how can i use this for my advantage in building exactly oh my god aaron you’re holding us up you’re holding us back now you know i’ve gone through the portal there we go all right oh that’s not good he’s not taking any

He’s spacing out he’s not don’t hit me oh bro you’re fine you’re fine okay was using a sword we were okay how’s everybody going dude everybody go to this mysterious different portal oh And now we’re just gonna leave them in all of these chests that just happen to be here for no particular reason oh my god did that thing where it throws me into a different portal underground i’ll be with you guys in a second phil you’re you’re missing out man

This is the worst i hit this i hate when it does this gotta fill it all up with resources i gotta make my way back over to the pole again but this stupid unless at least it’s raining i can just get over there like real quick oh

It’s a good thing i had low chat latency so i could read that a few seconds earlier no mobile viewers no mobility at all [Laughter] whoa you were just flying holy [ __ ] this guy’s fly hacking band uh so this is we just put them in any of these or is it like

I just throw them in one of the terracottas i guess see phil you could just start flyhacking on the dream smp and be like this is lore this is my character’s ability this is what i do now yeah he decided to regrow it it’s all a dream [Laughter]

Because that’s how the dream smp is going to end it’s like it turns out it was all just a dream all the dream that’s why it’s called the dream smp oh it was right in front of them the whole time it was under their noses those fools i can’t believe it nothing

We’re in the nether yeah i just go through the portal again no i thought we were going back to the place to collect more resources i thought we were i thought we were going to get sand i i guess we could make a second trip

Yeah sure we might as well get as much of the terracotta as possible yeah i had so i still had some concrete in my offhand i gotta get rid of it and the service loving this four people just going through portals in multiple different worlds over and over and over

We don’t have enough viewers to afford a stronger server man come on hey are we meeting in the nether to go across the nether roof again no okay i’m at the top actually it’s everyone except you phil you’re really holding his back bruh phil come on mommy i’m ready i

Didn’t do enough cardio anyway this is why you need fly hair that’s why i need to fly i just need no clip don’t look at me like that hey what what’s over my face man oh my god why are you staring at me it’s this way okay are we going straight

Back to the the terracotta place yep all right got it flexing it was punk it was punk flexing but we’re gonna need those under pearls to get back on the roof after this i know i don’t think he realizes punk’s like later idiots i hope he uses another pearl and then

Just gets lost ibiza just imagine he throws a film hits the ground it’s like pogba’s died to throw an end honkers died running away from gas this was the exact same time they asked are we there yet last time they just need to accept that it will take a while it’s tradition

Yeah chuck clearly hasn’t gone for their the long walks to transport thousands of blocks of terracotta for no reason well my chat usually just complains that we haven’t stopped for chicken nuggies yet i don’t eat chicken sorry my liege yeah i just drink you just try what nice nice

It’s just normal things you know gives you sustenance yes and it gives you a lot of salt actually guys did we bring any snacks oh [ __ ] i didn’t mean to go that far hey wait wow way to flex on us phil i wait so wasteful you just want to get away from punk

He’s getting a little bit too close for comfort wait oh wait oh god all right the portal should be like 100 blocks away this one right in front of us yep ee yo where the where the eggs were left the turtle eggs of course of course he gives it away All right perfectly cut off like right as um right as we went through the portal too i’m gonna go fill up my inventory and come back yeah It’s theo destroyed this hill is over here so it was a natural disaster if if anybody asks natural disaster it happens all the time yeah we were like let’s go far away from woody’s base so you can’t see it you look from philly’s base you just see like a decimated mountain

Awesome it’s fine it’s taken out of here it’s fine about i am full running back over i’m jumping through the river like a salmon is everyone already gone um i did yeah i’m i’m awful i guess i gotta catch up then i’ll wait at the poll

The other side i guess i gotta get on the roof is the second trip even gonna be enough no offhand oh no no the lower delay wasn’t enough now i gotta catch up i think we got most of it by now right yeah probably which we left behind you

The last person there so i mean i’ve been i’ve been taking like an extra like 14 stacks or so in my andrew chest so i feel like i feel like if like two people when we get the rest of it maybe i mean we only need 196 stacks so we

Probably we probably mined extra actually if we just count when we get there then we’ll be able to tell it’s fine we get uh sand and stand still next what is this because it used all the pearl i should give him another pearl he’s gonna oh there he goes there we go okay That looks so weird totally i always i always feel like i’m gonna die every time i go through it’s like a little heart jump when i’ll go through i’m like oh is this the end for me this is the end is this fun why is swinging his sword at us run [Laughter]

You know the thing is with our armor and he’s using a gold sword his sword’s gonna break before we do yeah true any fight that occurs man just losing before he even has the chance bonk is gonna like break his sword stabbing us and be like hey guys can i borrow a sword

Yeah i mean you have thought so he’ll probably die before guys please that’s true actually yeah oh no i’m on fire how inconvenient that did literally no heart patients turn around and [Laughter] true he knows he knows the power he holds over us really powerful mind chat we’re not having chicken nuggies no

No are we there we don’t have time to stop we don’t have time to stop technoblade you missed bedrock all right once we get there we can do the most important part of this entire stream he’s so broke he’s so brave He’s bringing out the pickaxe gifted to him to end me no i i see you they’re hugging their m m’s chair you little shits [Laughter] all right here we go that turned a little bit to the right over there yo yo we got enough terra cotta now we just need 43 730 sandstone

Samsung’s going to be the worst yeah that’s the most annoying one i don’t know wait can’t we dig sand and then turn that into sunstone yeah but it’s super yeah if you want to get you know 172 000 sandstone yeah but i mean 170 gonna have to go underneath the sand somehow

So that’s true well we also need 14 000 sand so oh sorry what’s up i guess 14 068 for no particular reason yeah no particular reason to do no reason whatsoever oh okay i’m sorry i’m here all right hold on and done oh you’re just flying tech nose is

Flying so it’s punk it’s floating in the air oh went through the wrong portal oh did it skip you out all right i’m gonna go through the portals again and see if it works yeah so like you’re gonna have to go to the overworld aaron thank you guys for the portals no

Yeah don’t worry it’s okay don’t worry it’s a friday night film my wi-fi stays on today i’m in a completely different location yeah exciting where am i so are you in the nether or the overworld techno the overworld okay somewhere you’re gonna have to um travel back to that portal again yeah

It should be the road next to you near spawn why did i hear a cat or because it was a cat i’m gonna put my that was also my first hypothesis i’m glad we’ve come to a conclusion all right and this time the portal is gonna work first try let’s go

Don’t even see you yet oh there you are you’re floating oh that’s so weird just trying to instill fear in the punk oh

This video, titled ‘Technoblade and Philza being Funny 1 hour straight on Dream SMP’, was uploaded by Minecraft DONO on 2022-01-22 03:32:36. It has garnered 470794 views and 13826 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:40 or 3760 seconds.

Technoblade and Philza being Funny 1 hour straight on Dream SMP

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  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More


    "JOINING DEADLIST SMP, EPIC SWORD ACTION! #viral" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i joined this deadlist SMP Sword SMP #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by FivemateYT on 2024-03-21 12:35:51. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Waterfall Discovery – Found Secret Treasure! #mindblown

    EPIC Waterfall Discovery - Found Secret Treasure! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thrilling Waterfall Exploration Uncovers Hidden Prize #minecraft #learningminecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Jamza313 on 2024-01-04 13:19:26. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. In this video, . Enjoy! Minecraft educational gameplay, Fun Minecraft learning activities, Educational Minecraft tutorials, Creative building in Minecraft for kids, Learning math with Minecraft, Minecraft science experiments for children, Exploring history in Minecraft, Minecraft coding for kids, Art and design in Minecraft, Minecraft geography lessons Read More

  • SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvP

    SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Tiki” | Minecraft PvP’, was uploaded by sxbaswhy! on 2024-02-09 22:00:07. It has garnered 43 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:36 or 96 seconds. Like y Sub (: Tags hechos por Baifo: IGNORAR baifo, yipix, tomix leaderboards, clickero, sussano, daof, cdbs, jeremyasg, tahmn, shurroxd, shurro, top 3 minemen 0 losses, top 1 minemen, abif, woney, k0xar0, koxaro, vegard, tier s chilean, leaan vs staind, blackzide, how to beat leaderboard players, blackzide, jp2k16, ipraise, haxlux, staind vs marcel, potpvp tier list 2022, potpvp tier list 2021, potpvp tier list, potpvp… Read More

  • Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft Gameplay

    Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играй на самой лучшей Анархии FMC #minecraft #майнкрафт #анархия’, was uploaded by Swisher on 2024-01-07 12:33:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, in minecraft, mine, games, facts, trolling, compote, video minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    INSANE LIVE MINECRAFT CYBERGAMES 🔥 #LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 AO VIVO CYBERGAMES MINECRAFT 🔥 #LIVE #CYBERGAMES’, was uploaded by CYBER GAMES on 2024-04-04 19:43:47. It has garnered 343 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 09:32:47 or 34367 seconds. LIVE ON! #freefire #freefireaovivo #cybergames #aovivo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ lili.lilllili.lili. DEIXA O LIKE E COMPARTILHE ili.lillili.illi. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💥AJUDE O CANAL💥 🔴 LIVE EVERY DAY 🏃🏻 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (VIVI ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 VIVI: 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (SCAMMER ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 SCAMMER: 💥WANT TO KNOW WHO DOES MY THUMBNAILS?… Read More

  • “Ramix’s insane Minecraft bed trap!” 🛏️

    "Ramix's insane Minecraft bed trap!" 🛏️Video Information This video, titled ‘La trampa definitiva de camas en Minecraft! 🛏️’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-01-13 00:00:02. It has garnered 270746 views and 36950 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: → Twitch: → Instagram: → Discord: #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

Technoblade and Philza being Funny 1 hour straight on Dream SMP