Ted Nivison Live – I joined an ABSURD Minecraft Server (EPIC SMP)

Video Information

Hello ladies and germs welcome it’s a big day it’s a big day we’re doing some epic smp today baby oh man we got some minecraft going on thank you guys so much thank you for the happy birthday wishes i appreciate it thank you so much i’m excited i’m really excited everyone’s pretty much

Everyone’s pretty much already in here oh oh there we go holy crap holy crap matt matt i want to say thank you to everyone who’s here today let’s have some fun ladies and gentlemen hey baby no money how are you birthdays [Applause] Thank you all so much for coming to uh what is now essentially a minecraft birthday party looking to mine looking to craft and uh let’s have a damn good time how about it huh huh [Applause] you all are my best friends and i and i love you so much and i absolutely will

Not never betray you i would never do anything of that sort let me just make sure and i’m gonna set this in stone and i need to make this clear never would betray a single one of you just in case that was up in the air wouldn’t do that wouldn’t do that

I never when i’m saying happy birthday to somebody yeah it’s practically Let’s get to crafting how about it hey charlie charlie charlie come here i can hear you over there you’re 50 it’s 15 meters all right charlie you know that whole thing i said about like i would not never betray anyone right you put you you said it not just once

But uh like three or four yeah you really put a lot of emphasis on it i did i did but i just wanna i just to let let you know that me you know what hmm i i know i know what i i i i mean let’s just say

The devil’s in the details i just feel like something in my soul is telling me that that may have not been entirely true i mean i intend on i intend they’re all my friends i intend on being very nice to them but you know something inside me is just listen to me

Ted it’s your hey listen i’m gonna tell you this man it’s your birthday feel free to cut loose a little all right get a win get a little wild you’re right i judge you for a little treachery for a little betrayal on your birthday you’re right you’re right i shouldn’t

Feel too bad about it you’re right oh i wouldn’t i wanted i guess i’m gonna go collect some wood now but uh it was nice uh chatting with you let me know i’m gonna do the same i’m gonna get a little house going on here yeah um just

Like oh looks like you’ve got a little friend behind you there too oh hey ted just you can call me trevor that’s okay i don’t know okay monica it’s okay threshold real quick here’s a little birthday present dude oh oh thank you so much yeah i don’t spin it all at once

Oh [ __ ] come on you had to give him something right in front of me now it’s going to be weird for me i don’t know charlie if i had to think of something that i wanted most in the world i’ve always wanted to be a bit of a fisherman that’s sort of been

Okay okay my dream from the start i’ve always wanted to be a fisherman so that gives me that gives me a couple ideas ted i listen i won’t disappoint you okay and please can you just remind me again because i’m looking at this uh massive emerald in your hand it’s the

Thought that counts right uh-huh you sit still okay you don’t worry about that i’ll handle that okay all right let me tell you let me tell you ted i’m just telling you this because it’s your birthday man you you are quite the catch charlie you sweetheart

If you need any help setting up man all right all right you keep on keeping on my friend you don’t betray anyone while i’m gone as far as i know i won’t i may never find out if you do okay all right see ya all right let’s let’s this is a whole

New world here so i don’t even know what is what is available hey how’s it going how are you doing are you doing good i gotta start popeyes you’re gonna stop a start of popeyes i gotta start the popeyes what what so you’re making a popeyes what’s your plan jacob

I’m a titan of industry of course you know uh chicken sandwiches papa wow god so many people have are coming in with a they’ve got so many ideas of what they want to do i don’t think i’ve quite found my purpose did you eat any louder in front of me

We’re in the middle of talking right all right i’m looking to find my destiny and you’re not even helping right now all right i’m trying to become the best man i can be and you’re coming over here loud honestly i kind of like mukbangs so i think it’s a little pleasant

If you ask me you like watching mukbangs jacob yeah sure yeah all right she’s walking right here you’re watching mukbangs all right if you would please now stay the [ __ ] out of the town hey hey hey what did i just say you said you said walk with me i yeah i

Know but then i led you to the end of the town and i said stay the hell out of town i’m kicking you out i’m kicking you out [ __ ] that’s what i’m saying get your ass out of here sorry i don’t understand what you’re saying oh

Son of a [ __ ] all right i’m out of here i’m looking for my destiny is really all i’m looking for i you know i sort of was all over the place in my past life i was all over the place a castle for the king

I kind of like the sound of that we need some coal oh this is oh this is perfect oh this is great this is money moves right here baby boys money moves before we really start interacting with people getting some uh getting some [ __ ] going we need to

Sort of set up a home base if anything i i wonder where people are building uh uh they’re setting up a town aren’t they oh [ __ ] pog another village you should make a large ravine and call it the void what is the void i have no idea what

That is who we got over here what else birthday boy hey happy happy birthday how did you roll around did you get that hemorrhoid wait how’d you get the hammer hey guys what’s up oh hey ted wait ted what is that in your hand what oh nothing what is my birthday

Present no i’m just curious what is that emeroid i call i like to call this my little green friend i like that all right i’m going to say hello to some other people have a wonderful day guys what up pimps what up guys is a two-man can’t steal iron out

Has he been stealing from him yes yep a little bit i’m gonna cook some i’m gonna cook some food here if you don’t mind i haven’t i haven’t about the house what if we make the physical structure you know a penis let’s continue to say hi to other people

Let’s see what these guys are up to should we get going now hey birthday boys oh i’m almost dead i’m almost dead that’s not potatoes oh milkman have any of you guys seen uh uh charlie slime i got a boat no not recently no not recently all

Right well i guess i gotta figure out where he is then i’ll see you guys later ted before you leave before you leave here have a boat oh thank you happy birthday happy birthday appreciate that thank you so much so many birthday statements being given around i feel so loved

Does anyone have any info on where charlie slimsicle is because he’s got i think he’s working on a birthday present for me and i really want to receive it from him i think that would be really great i gotta find where i’m gonna build this house it’s gotta be maybe maybe behind

Where the where the pedestal was castle mountaintop castle i see a lot of people want one mountaintop castle and i respect that honestly i respect the love for the mountaintop castle i’m just not like sure where it uh crap where’s that noise crap what is that noise what what the hell is this

It’s a giant hole in the ground but why is making that ominous noise what is what is up with that geez that’s creepy all right well that was kind of strange gonna keep moving on i think that we should go in this direction guys i think that we should

Build something around this um this plot of land over here may but potentially maybe something on top of that hill maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah we could build actually wait a second this is kind of nice is it not we could build something into the side of the

Of into the side of the wall right like look at all this open area i kind of like this guys gotta say as they do on tick-tock what is it what do they do on tick-tock you know you know what i’m talking about they go like you know what i’m talking about that

Expression that they do with their hands yeah i think that’s pretty good i think that’s pretty [ __ ] good i think that i think that uh hey hey hey you what up like you’re making a home for yourself oh yeah i am you better believe i am i’m

Building maybe a shame if some friends came to say hello you know that’s a little what do you have here that’s a little um who am i talking to right now though i don’t recognize the usernames that you have this is justin and my name is ryan

Oh ryan i’m assuming your name is ted i am ted yes this is me ted hello ted i’m just building a little situation here in the wall but um you already look set up yeah but i think i’m pretty close to spawn right now i think i’m like maybe like 200 feet

Okay that’s where we were trying to head yeah just head in that direction and you should run into people thanks man no problem have a good one epic crossover yeah isn’t this is this isn’t this crazy how many different like walks of life are coming together with this server

This is [ __ ] wild i need i need better tools than this this is ridiculous we need better tools guys this is out of control it is time to go mining let’s find a cave make a lesbian cottage sounds [ __ ] awesome i don’t even know what that would entail

That sounds just like a normal cottage except that you just call it lesbian cottage let’s go in here what the [ __ ] what is this oh copper ore oh it’s copper ore wow i haven’t seen that before i’ve never seen copper ore before in the game try jumping into the void see what

Happens i don’t have i don’t i i like my life though i have no particular desire to jump in the void as far as i know i don’t know i i don’t really see why i would do that weird can i make a pickaxe out of this no i can make

A block out of it so that’s kind of cool let’s see what happens if i put this down what the hell well that was weird okay copper copper is spooky i guess i guess copper is spooky that was weird let me see if that happens with

Every piece of copper is that a normal thing to happen is that a normal thing to happen with copper why why is it why is it doing that what is going on there okay all right okay okay that’s enough that’s enough of that jesus christ that is weird

Who is this up here hello hey travis how you doing buddy did i scare you uh a little bit i i did actually [ __ ] myself oh is that why your pants are brown we don’t talk about that how you doing travis what’s what’s new good you’re just traveling around saying hi

To people i actually was just traveling around and i saw civilization so i was like hello yeah yeah i’ve been i’ve been doing i’ve been doing some mining i’ve been i’m my plan is to build a little a little situation in the side of this mountain my pictures broke

But i’m pretty i’m pretty freaking excited yeah yeah have you set up camp anywhere no but i think i’m being so generous i’ll give you half of my total possessions wow travis you are [ __ ] loaded dude i’ll give you one piece back just because i like you i’m gonna keep this forever

There he goes into the sunset bye-bye travis i don’t i don’t i honestly have no [ __ ] clue what i’m doing with this house right now this is like just a whole this is a cave this is a cave is what it is i mean it’s looking kind of good right

Now what do you guys think am i doing a good job fantastic job yes this will be epic because we’re on the epic smp huh that looks pretty good what do we think that’s a good starting point at least let’s go see if we can find where mr

Uh where we can find mr charlie oh they’ve got a present they’ve got a present for me i did me hello hey you’re dude i’ve been yelling at you you’re hard of hearing man but that’s okay oh sorry hey how’s it going i’m down here i got something to show

You okay you know you know how you said earlier that you you’ve always wanted to be a uh a fisherman right yeah yeah i did i did say it i remember saying that what’s this oh just for you ted nefishin this is incredible i know i know you’ve

Always wanted it this is apparently i never knew but this is the best birthday ever oh my god happy birthday let’s see if i can catch something is anything going to show up first cast your first cast you were born for this they call me the fisherman of truth dead man i hope

You’re having a great birthday so far i am i’ll give you that gift i am you want to see my house actually i would i would love to see your your uh your house all right yeah so i kind of live in the bit of the backwoods

Right now this is sort of an undeveloped area that’s a nice i mean i like this sort of forest situation yeah this way hey okay oh yeah about that um about what i i was meaning to talk with you about this but um have you noticed this yeah i mean it’s a

Nice forest that where’s your i don’t see your house though i mean uh is it like where where is it probably are you okay i mean i don’t like that there’s not really too much hey charlie oh yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure for sure for sure yeah

Let’s just keep going okay yeah yeah sorry my bad my bad all right i just i just had to think for a second i was just thinking first like yeah all right interesting yeah this is all i’ve got so far this is all i’ve got

This is more than i’ve got going i mean it’s like where are you living right now i um i’m i’m currently mobile a nomad one might say some have different words uh for it are you looking for a roommate i mean if you’re if you’re offering i

Mean i wouldn’t i’ll take out the trash you do the dishes hey a little bit a little bit a little bit of move in here That’s what i’m talking about um so let me i guess if you’re moving in here’s the lease just take a look at that okay i didn’t realize there’d be a oh i think i signed it i’ll just hand it back to me let me just look it over

Yeah it looks like everything seems to be in order here this is definitely a lease you can set your spawn point here too if you’d like oh there you go good night charlie boy hello charlie are you okay hey i don’t know if this life’s for me man my pickaxe bro oh [Laughter]

Um what should we call this place my chat is saying lesbian sweat hole i like the alcove i think that’s cool oh did someone say the alcove this is the alcove i think that’s neat why don’t we know how the pal cove the pal cove the pal yes

The pal cove what do you think what do you think okay we’ll extend it a little bit and we’ll i’ll name this mountain here i officially name this mountain mount cool so it will be called the pow cove at mount cool everyone is gonna okay we gotta expand fast cause everyone

Is going to want to be here ted you hear about the pal cove at mount cool you want to be there officially founded where i [ __ ] love the pal cove that’s awesome brian see you guys well well well look who it is welcome to the welcome to the pal cove at mount cool

Palco nice but with the word pal which so you can tell that we’re pals well it’s not as cool when you explain it let’s start cooking the [ __ ] sand i’m the sandman with the sand can with the sandman looking for a sandman doing this sand man i’m kind of like corpse right now

I’m kind of like corpse husband i’ve got bars just like corpse husband sorry i’m rapping i i know no no no i’m going to keep going no because everyone in chat loves this they love this [ __ ] right i am going to dig as deep as i don’t modest cube is

Looking for me right now i think he’s got a birthday present oh okay go get his birthday present i will probably uh i will probably not be here when you get back bro but i hope you have a fantastic birthday i hope nothing nothing weird happens

What are you talking about wait what do you mean where are you going i gotta i just i gotta go what do you but you live here it can’t be sand time forever man that’s true i guess i just gotta ask charlie since we’re roommates and uh i just gotta level with

You have you no are you trying to tell me that you haven’t seen the giant hole in the ground am i going crazy right now where is it what where is that we passed by it we saw it earlier i mean i’ve had to jump over a couple

That people have dug i mean jack’s films he’s a little bit of a bloomer he’s made a couple polls no that i mean that’s not quite what i mean but well listen listen i mean all these you’re letting all these birthday birthday wishes get into your head i

Don’t know i but i swear i saw i don’t know whatever have a great day charlie i’m gonna go uh hey youtube hey happy happy birthday ted bye see ya that was a little weird he definitely saw it he definitely saw it i mean i saw him looking at it myself

That’s so strange something’s going on in this town and i don’t know quite what it is but i’m definitely got a hankering to figure it out for sure let’s see where mr modest cuban folks are i don’t i don’t have a favorite i like colombian

Coffee i guess i use k-cups i’m one of those k-cup using [ __ ] oh he’s the k-cup using [ __ ] i’m very wasteful hey happy birthday birthday boy thank you jacksonville thank you weston thank you so much knight also nice to meet you jack’s films hey likewise likewise what’s your favorite kind of coffee ted

Do i sound like an [ __ ] for saying i drink tea more often yeah no not at all that is [ __ ] activity okay so we seem to be a little bit split in between the opinions here but you know how are you guys doing is this your house right here uh

I don’t believe in houses i’m kind of a vega bond i’m making a kind of a show here so i’m like interviewing about coffees you know just trying to figure out what people want oh okay okay very nice appreciate that i’m gonna keep traveling around i’m looking for i’m

Looking for trevor right now so gotta find okay godspeed birthday boy thank you trevor thank you so much hello ted hey welcome i like your uh your your ted ted ted ted hey can we have can we have a word with you yeah sure what’s up where’s where’s the

Rest of us where’s rev am i in trouble you saying you’re saying uh you need a word with me and i’m just we just need you for a second if you can just stay here for a minute okay oh there he is sorry i got lost

So um how do we do this how should we do this okay i was thinking i was thinking like we can make him like a little little table okay oh okay i see and then Getting slower [Applause] Are we gonna go trending are we gonna do the trending things It was a very nice ceremony though i very much so appreciate it i don’t even need cake i’m trying to put off the pounds don’t worry about it guys you still have your pie oh ted i got something for you oh really yeah here’s uh watch what i’m talking

About baby you don’t want any chunks of cake stuck in your throat yeah that’s nice i’m gonna head back to my place i think i’m gonna i’m gonna go and i’m gonna go to uh to sleep hey i’ll see you later yeah high five maybe just boom things are going pretty

Well i got some [ __ ] birthday presents and everything ted nefishian [ __ ] yeah i just want to sort of make sure though that uh i’m not crazy i swear to god that this hole is real like what the hell jesus if i’m the only one who can see this hole

Why is that why am i the only [ __ ] person on this server that i know of so far that can see this [ __ ] hole what the [ __ ] is happening right now i don’t understand what’s going on and i don’t even know what’s at the bottom there could be something down there

I don’t know i think i’m gonna do it i don’t know oh [ __ ] i’m scared here we go huh what the [ __ ] where am i what’s that noise what the [ __ ] what the hell is that the void the void You

This video, titled ‘I joined an ABSURD Minecraft Server (EPIC SMP)’, was uploaded by Ted Nivison Live on 2021-01-27 20:15:00. It has garnered 197875 views and 17479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:07 or 1447 seconds.

Today we join the EPIC SMP – The Greatest and Worst Minecraft Server of all time. It is cursed.

Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tednivison

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Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tednivison/

Edited by Kiio: https://twitter.com/kingkiio

This Minecraft server I am playing on, EPIC SMP, is incredibly cursed. There is a giant hole nearby that is very ominous, and we’ve got lots of folks playing such as jschlatt, slimecicle, eddy burback, gus johnson, matt watson, and many more. This shall be a glorious time, playing on this minecraft server, and I hope you have a good time too!


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    Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay - Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by More Than A Game on 2024-05-26 15:43:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral Minecraft is a 2011 … Read More

  • “Waseem Khoso’s Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed” #mincraft #mincraftnoob

    "Waseem Khoso's Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed" #mincraft #mincraftnoobVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Harvest Haven: Exploring My Minecraft Farming Empire” #mincraft #mincraftnoob’, was uploaded by waseem khoso on 2024-02-08 19:59:24. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to a world where the wild roams free and every corner holds a new adventure. Join me as we embark on a journey through my Minecraft zoo, a sanctuary for creatures great and small. From majestic lions to playful pandas, our safari promises excitement and discovery at every turn. In this video, you’ll witness the beauty of nature come… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL” #minecraftmods

    "Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL" #minecraftmodsVideo Information hey you yeah you wait hold up the mushrooms can go in the helicopter dude you just ruined my intro get out anyways yo what’s up everybody today we’re on a pretty popular Minecraft seed the reason why it’s so popular is because of this Village and the surrounding area now look at me when I tell you we’re not here to look around and appreciate the beauty wait this helicopter is so sick this is the most satisfying thing ever yeah hidings for the weak let’s just take a minute to appreciate this beauty while I’m destroying… Read More

  • Get OP Items to Crush Gym 2 in 100 Days! (Minecraft Cobblemon 1.4)

    Get OP Items to Crush Gym 2 in 100 Days! (Minecraft Cobblemon 1.4)Video Information and I’m just going to plop one of these oh okay uhoh our health Cindy this is a skeleton this is Bones hey buddy speaking of water look at that the icebergs they’re melting H and people say global warming isn’t real SMH huh there is uh magnetic charismatic hello angry shoelace you ah don’t go away from me one second Lads I’m being chased by old people oh that’s so ah non-consensual back shots the hell are you looking at that’s a impressive looking cave damn boy Mother Nature is gaped damn not Meg you’re up okay… Read More

  • Insane KittenCrystals gameplay at 600ms! 😱 #cpvp

    Insane KittenCrystals gameplay at 600ms! 😱 #cpvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: your play on 600ms.. #cpvp’, was uploaded by KittenCrystals on 2024-01-14 03:16:41. It has garnered 2090 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #pvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #texturepack #pvppack #mcpe #minecraftshorts #mcpe #smp #minecraftserver #meme Read More

  • Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦

    Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦Video Information Me encontré con este chico que parecía recién estar comenzando me di cuenta ya que estaba haciendo su generador de piedra y por alguna razón este jugador lo hizo mal esto Me hizo sentir un poco de pena entonces le tiré un cubo de lava y agua nuevos en ese momento se quedó muy confundido pero continuó haciendo su generador y esta vez volvió a hacerlo mal Pero además de esto se terminó cayendo de su Isla Entonces le hizo una bromita transformando toda su isla en bloques de diamante Además le dio un pico para que pueda… Read More

  • Mind-blowing ENVtuber plays C418’s “Wet Hands” in LoFi style!

    Mind-blowing ENVtuber plays C418's "Wet Hands" in LoFi style!Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: c418’s “Wet Hands”, but played by a LoFi pianist…’, was uploaded by Impers!【ENVTuber】 on 2024-04-16 10:03:07. It has garnered 308 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:59 or 179 seconds. #piano #wethands #minecraft #lofi Herro! why are you reading this? there’s norhing interesting here… or is there…? maybe… just read a bit further… Femboy Tummy happy now? just subscribe already. Read More

  • Clouded

    CloudedWelcome to Clouded, the ultimate BoxPVP experience! Step into the arena, where you’re enclosed in a box, armed to the teeth, and ready to unleash chaos. Engage in intense battles against other players, strategize your moves, and upgrade your gear to dominate the battlefield. With a dynamic array of skills, levels to climb, daily rewards, quests to conquer, and a thriving economy, Clouded offers non-stop action and endless opportunities for glory. Join us and let the mayhem begin! mc.clouded.network Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! Looking for a new SMP survival server to join? Check out Shaded, the best SMP survival server in 2024! NEW! Lobster Pots. Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond. Land claiming and grief prevention. Custom gear from the Gear Merchant. Skills, economy, shops, and auctions. Free (vote) ranks, kits, and perks. Quests, events, and challenges. Shaded is cross-platform, regularly updated, with a dedicated staff team. Join today: play.shaded.gg Visit our website, discord, and social media for more information: Discord: Shaded Discord Twitter: Shaded Twitter Vote: Vote We hope to see you soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft anniversary nostalgia intensifies

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft anniversary nostalgia intensifiesPast anniversaries in Minecraft be like: creeper explosions, failed redstone contraptions, and accidental drowning in lava. Here’s to many more unforgettable moments! Read More

  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

    Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With Liam and William, their story told. A friendship tested, emotions run high, As they navigate through the dark sky. Jurias and Ameyra, a chance encounter, Their paths crossing, feelings begin to stir. But trouble lurks in the shadows deep, As secrets and mysteries slowly seep. In the realm of Minecraft, where stories intertwine, The characters’ fates, in the hands of time. With each twist and turn, a new chapter starts, In this world of blocks, where creativity sparks. Read More

  • Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely!

    Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely! I would choose the cursed Nether portal that leads to a never-ending supply of diamonds and enchanted gear, because who needs safety when you’re decked out in bling? #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience! Are you tired of the same old servers and looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Minewind! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world on this epic Minecraft server. With a focus on survival gameplay and exciting events, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join the fun today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, creativity, and… Read More

  • EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian

    EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft with a Massive Real-Life Build For Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary, the community came together to create something truly spectacular – a massive Minecraft block in real life! The event took place at Alexandra Palace in London, where fans gathered to bring to life a series of Minecraft artworks inspired by the creativity and imagination of players worldwide. Reflecting on 15 Years of Minecraft Over the past 15 years, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon, captivating players of all ages with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. The game has seen incredible feats accomplished by… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️

    Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (11)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-13 06:19:20. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Sab & Friends

    Minecraft Madness with Sab & FriendsVideo Information for for for e all right who the heck I can play geometry Das all my controller this is actually so cool by the way I do not play Geometry Dash so I do not know how good I am going to be at this this looks kind of fun though it looked really fun though like on while I was watching other YouTubers play it and I just decided to down spend five on it and then just play it so I used to play it a lot on my uh phone though when I was a… Read More

  • Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter Quests

    Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter QuestsVideo Information on day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul… Read More

  • Insane Parkour in Minecraft – Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPS

    Insane Parkour in Minecraft - Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPSVideo Information [Music] listen TR love [Music] is the must the must it seems [Music] bright smoking of for the pain J is all like a unicorn I step inside the club I see her on the FL a white designer dress is what she call I position and BRAC toen in my as she looks up I’m standing in the life I don’t know your name and you do not know I office but that does not matter at least for my office are let no to to the moov in the sky my it seems right toight [Music]… Read More

  • 🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ Minecraft

    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ MinecraftVideo Information [Music] fore [Music] speech speech [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] spee [Music] spee [Music] [Music] you [Music] you This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШИЕ ТЕКСТУРПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП 1.16.5+ x5 Minecraft | HolyWorld | FunTime | ReallyWorld | РП | МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by __Crook__ on 2024-03-16 17:52:20. It has garnered 7715 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. open, here rp open, here rp open, here rp SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE BRO THANKS FOR WATCHING i love ❤️ ● tgk with rp: https://t.me/crookrp =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ⚡•Nick:FeDaMonsTeerka ⚡•Ds:Chupaa#9577 ⚡• My fanpay – https://funpay.com/uk/users/8107098/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ● tgk… Read More

  • Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires Battle

    Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires BattleVideo Information disclaimer before this video starts this is not the video clip that we are using this is just a this is just a episode of what we were planning to be a series but then WF fail the whole recording and then we decide to do the series again so that starting series episode like the next one that’s going to be the real series will come out a later date C is basically a pilot and yeah please like subscribe and enjoy the video w welcome everybody to the long awaited Minecraft series with your boy 4J… Read More

  • Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1

    Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1 – The Zombie two-step’, was uploaded by DogOfKrondor on 2024-01-10 14:00:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:37 or 1237 seconds. A MineCraft recorded round organised by Codwhy Thanks to Spyro, Rochket, Crow and Camkart for teaming! Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashi

    Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashiVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Illogical & wierd things in Minecraft #kazirikashi’, was uploaded by Kazirikashi on 2024-02-19 16:38:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftrtx #realistic #mine #craft #minecraft #creeper #vs #gun #enderman #herobrine #amazing #minecraft #shorts … Read More