TendedTadpole2 – I Transformed the END into a CITY in Survival Minecraft

Video Information

Cities i’ve built several of them in the eight years that i have had this survival world and today i’m building another and before you say it i know what you’re thinking tadpole you have built over 200 skyscrapers what could you possibly do that i haven’t seen well

I don’t know have you ever seen an entire city of them built in the end because that’s exactly what we’re doing what a great idea and he’s so handsome now the first step to any good city is dirt and i’m not talking the kind the clintons have on people no you see how

Like when i run around my city it’s all at the same y level you don’t have to do that when you make a city but it makes it so much easier more importantly the end looks like a block of cheese and i hate that so let’s find all of the dirt

That i have that’s not real dirt rooted dirt what is this a farm we’re not doing that but i want to find all the dirt that we have and then we’re going to cover the entire end island with it that way we just have a base point to build

With because i don’t want to have to do this later more importantly though where is all my dirt you have got to be kidding me that’s literally a stack where is my dirt oh yeah i placed a hundred thousand blocks of it hi hello ronnie but is

There any excess dirt lying around i guess that’s a start this really just is not going to be that much i’m estimating we’re going to need somewhere in the ballpark of five shulker boxes i really don’t know i’m kind of just banking on the fact that my base will have some oh

Yeah we got dirt with very little understanding how much of this i’ll need we’ll just take a few shulker boxes of this and now let’s head to the end now i know when most people build things in their end dimension they usually want to do it somewhere around here the issue is

And call me crazy i want to be able to fight the dragon again without it completely destroying this area funny enough this isn’t actually my first time trying to build a city here look what the dragon did to it it’s literally half a building now this is disgusting so

Anyway to avoid that problem i’m thinking let’s go to one of these end gateways i probably should just make a staircase but i’ll be damned if i’m proven wrong there we go oh that’s perfect this is like just the size of what i was looking

For and not to sound like every mom from the 90s but this definitely needs to be flattered time to let my inner american show and devastate an ecosystem All right put your listening caps on because i’m only saying it once this may have been a mistake i i this was dumb in hindsight maybe i didn’t need to put dirt everywhere but i feel like it just looks more like a city if i do that me

Baby i don’t know that right there should be the last of the first shulker box that we had and i just want to get a view of what this looks like oh no fellas literally this is one entire shulker box of dirt whoa okay i may have slightly underestimated just how much

Dirt this is gonna be oh no baba bowie hey put that back you little i had to export all of that from the overworld put the dirt back not gonna lie i forgot that that and teleporting is like the one thing these guys know how to do

Whatever time to bust out the second shulker box this one actually has some grass to it at this rate we’re too far gone to stop anyway so i’m just gonna have to go with it stop st okay all right uh uh oh oh no oh what happened to

All the endermen that’s what you get for stealing my dirt oh the tadpole it’s literally dirt and you just massacred an entire specie hey shut up shut up how about that not gonna lie this is really starting to come together it’s been a couple of hours i watched like a podcast very fun

Anyway we’ve made it all the way through i think three total shoulder boxes and you know progress is progress i don’t know what to say part of the issue with this was also i couldn’t just straight place dirt i ended up tearing up some of

This up here and then we put a bunch of end stone that goes all the way around i know it looks really boring but because we’re putting skyscrapers in here later i’m thinking i want to have like a big one here maybe like one here oh wait

Also did i say that we’re putting skyscrapers here i said it was a city what else was it gonna be i just want it to be flat enough that i can get a couple of those in place the issue is just like every bad reporter in their

Day i have run out of dirt i’m thinking the five shulker boxes of dirt that i thought i would need might just be a fever dream at this point if i had to guess it’s looking closer to like eight shulker boxes we’re gonna need even

After i get all of the dirt i’m still gonna have to make like four or five trips because there’s no chance i’m bringing all of it at once and now it’s back to placing dirt young frog boy what the hell this is my true form young

Tadpole i am but a shell of myself in your realm in this plane i am the overlord of the dragon’s keeper where are your pants what your pants you have boots helmet chest plate even a freaking scepter it’s just kind of weird silence frog boy well it’s hard to be silent when you’re

Breaking public decency laws i will strike you down now if you don’t cease your bickering okay me baby wait hold on how are you even here aren’t you still stuck in your lair my being transcends much more than the single realm that you know fine whatever i’m trying to do

Something what do you want i command all beings to go follow me on twitch.tv slash 10 to 10.2 damn you was that all just a ploy to tell them to go follow me on twitch damn you amethyst fairy i hate you hello you know admittedly i don’t really

Know what that was but i just thought it would be funny the amethyst fairy wasn’t capping you should go follow me on twitch because i finished basically all of the dirt on there oh oh boo hoo you’re gonna cry that you didn’t get to see me place dirt ad nauseum we’re fine

So this took a long time and by a long time i mean like all of this took at least six hours and that’s just the start of it because the issue is i do want to get the skyscrapers in place because it is a city but a city isn’t

Just skyscrapers and my issue is i have 43 steak here but if i want to live here for the long haul i need to have something to eat but all we have right now is just a big old dirt pit and that’s not something that you can

Actually live in if i want this to be a city i need to make myself like an actual food supply line so we’re gonna have to make a couple farms before the day is through let’s just grab some of these plants and eggs and we can start

Our own farm there i’ll worry about wrangling these things later let’s just get a whole bunch of chickens walking around i literally only got two that’s pathetic i wanna have a whole bunch of you so you guys need to grow up oh that’s so cute

I’m gonna eat you and now we just get to put plants going all the way along here Okay that should use up all the stuff that i had to plant now admittedly it takes up a very small part of the island but that doesn’t matter much like the grass and the chickens i just need to wait for that stuff to grow so i think

The plan now is let’s get out some of this stone and figure out where all of the buildings are going to be so let’s see i know i want to put one here okay that’ll be one skyscraper goodness that’s larger than i thought it was gonna be we can put another one right

Here well i was really gunning to do four skyscrapers but i think three might be good and then in between all of this i’m gonna put pathways we’re gonna put benches probably trees and other stuff i don’t know i think the big focus is let’s get these skyscrapers in place

First and although i already have a lot of stone let’s go get some other stuff as well i’m thinking maybe quartz stark oak and birch or something like that um also for all you that like the amethyst fairy if you want me to make a video

Specific to him leave a like i don’t know 500 likes i’ll make an am at this very lore video anyway what do we need i’m thinking we’ll use granite i already said dark oak so at this point i kind of have to birch would not be a bad one

We’ll get some extra stone for the road this was very haphazard i don’t know what i’m doing well okay i mean to my credit do i look like i struggle at making skyscraper designs no so let’s hush up and let tadpole do his work now

If i had to pick one of the three i’d say let’s go for the middle skyscraper first because i just feel like i’m sorry what dammit i built a skyscraper in my sleep again i’m kidding but what i’m not kidding about is we are on day three of working on this video oh

Oh what a surprise i did another live stream and i built this skyscraper right here absolutely gorgeous i love this design yes i have done this design before shut up that doesn’t matter it’s pretty and i like it whatever for now we have two more designs to go i’m thinking

This one i want to leave till the end because it seems like it’s going to be the easiest to build wait hold on why are my carrots growing am i crazy or does it look like the carrots haven’t grown at all okay don’t answer the crazy

Part i know the answer to that but why aren’t they growing hold on what is going on with my crops why i am not that bad of a farmer why are my crops growing oh it’s because none of this is lit up well i’m not gonna do that so didn’t i

Bring bone meal over here at some point nummy nummy eat up the way notch intended shut up you do this too what i want to focus on now is i still have two entire buildings that i need to do i can worry about stuff like that later let me

Just try an idea okay so how does that look i’m gonna be honest this isn’t the first time i’ve done this building but come on that looks good i just love that the windows go like horizontal vertical horizon you get the idea i love it the

Only issue is now i just have to do this over and over again until i have the whole skyscraper that’s why i brought all this stuff over it’s not like i’m gonna run out of materials uh oh and i’ve never made a skyscraper before i can’t imagine what this will be like

Shut up i know it’s like all i do Do you have any idea how far you just time lapsed well fellas the building’s pretty much done already no i don’t know okay my issue is when i’m building this thing i get so in the zone partially because i’m streaming but more so like

What do you want from me oh my gosh stop it tadpole you did not girl power yes queen slay i promise you when i’m doing this on twitch it’s a lot more entertaining but this just sucks also sorry i don’t mean for this to sound

Like one long ad for twitch the issue is i think we’re up to three days i’ve done this on twitch just because i get so bored doing this most of the dirt i actually did while watching a podcast why hasn’t any of the grass spread this

Was some of the earliest dirt i placed why isn’t any of this grass just over here by oh is that another thing i need light for yeah okay fine that is another thing i need whatever we’re gonna have to get more light sources over here i will do

That in just a minute but i really want to get this building finished also speaking of which that one we already named after somebody in the twitch chat this one does not have a name so if you have a cool suggestion leave it in the comments personally i think it looks

Like a beehive am i wrong but if you have something better i would love to hear it and we’re done lovely let’s see what that looks like i mean it’s not that different than without the windows but i still love the way that this building looks i’m not finishing that last tower

Until we finally have a grasp on what is going on with this grass oh and the farms i forgot about that too now if memory serves i think literally just bringing torches through here might fix so let’s give that a shot also while i’m

Doing that i need to figure out a way to light this up too i have an idea but i don’t know if it’s okay hold on we gotta go get stuff from the overworld anyway i will be back momentarily i brought groceries it’s not that exciting i

Brought torches oh tadpole oh they’re so ugly why are you putting torches everywhere shut up shut up literally i just need this grass to grow so i’m putting torches for the time being maybe i’ll get rid of them later probably not okay so with that out of the way i want

To try something oh shoot i don’t have leaves okay hold on let’s grow up a tree really quickly and then down with the tree die sorry i need your leaves i know it’s gotta hurt my bad and then i wanna try it’s a weird little lamp idea but

How does this look now that is a certified bag alert if i’ve ever seen okay screw that we’re doing this on everything if this is not the most broke thing i’ve ever had to do in minecraft i don’t know what is you see how there’s like grass

Up there and then down here is all dirt yeah i’m literally taking little pockets of grass and moving them down here oh this is gross here is where my missouri roots have to come in because literally all i have left to do is just farm oh

Wait no i have a building i have to finish whatever aside from a building i literally just have to farm and make sure all of the grass gets all the way down here so what do you want from me it’s like midnight of day three already please leave a like if you haven’t

Already well darn toot and i reckon that right there is a good farm apple shut up about the farts the farms have taken me multiple hours to finish i’m just too proud of them what i’m not proud about though is do you see like on the corners

In between each of the farms i don’t know how to do a border between farm like i’ve just been looking at this for a while wait hold on i do have one idea what if in this area we just like dug up a big ol pit and then this could be like

A little lake or something i don’t know i just think it would be cute to have it like going off the side as water now come on you can’t tell me that isn’t beautiful look at that now it’s flat as can be but that’s a simple fix compared

To what we had the issue was i was thinking about repeating this on the other part i don’t think that it looks good over here yeah this might just have to be the two going back to back i don’t know the landscape is just not conducive

To putting water shut up okay you can just see the final product i went a little overboard but can you blame me this looks so good oh my gosh this looks so good okay my thing is look is it the prettiest thing in the world no never in

My life if i picked up an egg and thought wow that’s the prettiest thing in the world say for the fact that we literally have space islands in the background if you were just looking at this this looks like the overworld and that’s exactly what i was going for now

If i come up here you can see this is that little pond that i made i think it’s so cute oh i forgot i also made a little bridge that goes across it and you’re probably thinking yourself tadpole that’s awesome why didn’t you show me building it pov you are my recording

The recording shut off midway through me doing all of this so that’s just splendid finish that up also got another little pond going in here oh this one i forgot about yeah we have like the tree of life i have a little bridge that goes up i don’t know this is all just

Adorable to me so with everything else on the island complete there was only one thing left to do And with this one being complete we have finished all three of the skyscrapers and thus finished off the entire island fellas this was the culmination of over 40 hours of work spent transforming an entire end island into a small city so if you made it this far please leave a

Like and i would absolutely love it if you subscribed i’ll see you guys You

This video, titled ‘I Transformed the END into a CITY in Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by TendedTadpole2 on 2022-07-02 14:00:17. It has garnered 13626 views and 854 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:23 or 803 seconds.

Go follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tendedtadpole2

Today I Transformed the END into a CITY in Survival Minecraft in my 8 year Survival Let’s play! I love building skyscrapers and cities in the overworld so I figured why not make some in the end realm. I hope you enjoy!

#Minecraft #End #Transformation ————————————————— Use code TENDEDTADPOLE2 in the Fortnite Item Shop #EpicPartner #ad ————————————————— Check out my Discord: https://discord.gg/sKDF27V ————————————————— My Survival World Tour (2021): https://youtu.be/Hj8DNb58H_Y ————————————————— TendedTadpole2 Minecraft Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… ————————————————— Running Away Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… ————————————————— My Socials (if you’re into that): Twitter: https://twitter.com/TendedTadpole2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tendedtadpole2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tendedtadpole2 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tendedtadpole2 ————————————————— Business Inquiries: [email protected]

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  • Earth Network

    Earth NetworkWelcome to Earth Network, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! Dive into our diverse gamemodes: conquer the wild in Survival, master the skies in Skyblock, and brave the depths in Underground Survival. Each mode offers unique challenges and endless adventures. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or strategist, Earth Network has something for everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting gamemodes coming soon. Join our vibrant community and embark on your next Minecraft adventure with Earth Network today!Discord: https://discord.gg/Twitter: twitter.com/earthnetwork Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro Forgot To Turn Off His Lava Tap

    Looks like Bro is helping flood the virtual world instead of saving it! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked

    Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked In my Minecraft city, a bank I did build, With timelapse magic, my vision fulfilled. From planning to finish, each step in line, Crafting a masterpiece, a sight so divine. Gathering resources, preparing with care, Every block in place, a grand affair. Step by step, the bank took shape, A testament to creativity, no escape. The final reveal, a stunning sight, In my Minecraft city, shining bright. Inspiration for builders, a joy to behold, In the world of blocks, stories untold. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t be shy, For more epic builds, watch me fly. Minecraft magic, in every rhyme,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂 When Minecraft cuts you off, just remember it’s not personal – it’s just trying to keep your brain cells from getting too addicted to building virtual worlds! #MinecraftIntervention 😂🔨🧠 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Horror Adventure: From the Fog Embark on a terrifying journey in the world of Minecraft with the mod pack “From the Fog.” This mod pack introduces a host of eerie creatures like Herobrine, Cartoon Cat, Siren Head, and many more. Follow along as the protagonist navigates through this spine-chilling adventure, encountering a myriad of challenges and dangers. Exploring the Terrifying World of From the Fog Step into a world reminiscent of Minecraft’s early days, with outdated textures and haunting sounds that set the stage for a truly immersive experience. The protagonist must gather resources, survive the night,… Read More


    SJIN'S INCREDIBLE WORLD-CHANGING SPELL in Hells KitchenVideo Information hello and welcome back to enchant the world all the mods 9 magic mods last episode we looked into growing crops and developed the colony a little bit check out the worly sprig Farm now we’ve put down loads more seeds and decorated it a bit and this place looks really h and bustling and also it’s generating loads and loads and loads and loads of crops for us the question we have now is what are we going to be doing with all that food and that’s why I’ve prepared an area over here which we’re going… Read More

  • Legendary Gamer vs Pillager Outpost

    Legendary Gamer vs Pillager OutpostVideo Information si tú quieres bailar jugar pintar cantar tú puedes venir a mi casa La idea es compartir te vas a divertir si quieres venir a mi casa quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa todas mis amigas y amigos quiero saltar bailar y lo que tengo compartir contigo Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daa mágico mi dubi du Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daa mágico mi dubi tú quieres cantar yo te voy a enseñar si quieres venir a mi casa y digo a mi mamá que diga tu mamá This video, titled ‘DESTROYING PILLAGER… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT NIGHT W/ VIEWERS!! JOIN NOW!!🔥Video Information holy [ __ ] a stack of gold for eight golden apples bro you’re tweaking that was all of my gold dang and I wasted two of them just to get my H back that’s crazy bro broke now back like whoever that was talking about pizza should share facts facts big facts I got y bro pull up big facts big facts kok key slam now I mean I just came from a restaurant so not really but I mean Fast Metabolism so it’s like I’m going to eat whenever you know yeah the um the dude… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!

    Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!Video Information welcome back everybody to another episode here of the top 10 seeds Series today ladies and gentlemen it’s such a variety 10 seeds is so many for me to cram into into a video the way I do my videos so there is a little bit of starter seeds there’s a little bit of advanced seeds and there’s a little bit of seeds that you probably don’t even want to play on but they look absolutely beautiful now this was recorded in Minecraft jav edition 1 120.4 uh trrain generation should work in Bedrock but you know structures… Read More


    ULTIMATE PVP RESOURCE PACKS! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🍒ЛУЧШИЕ РЕСУРС ПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП🍒1.16.5 🍒FunTime🍒HolyWorld🍒 АНАРХИЯ🍒ReallyWorld🍒’, was uploaded by zloyaim on 2024-05-20 19:28:58. It has garnered 89 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. all RP in my tg: tg: z1oyaim Tags DO NOT READ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #RP #ResourcePack #Totem #Minecraft #pvp #pvp #anarchy #cpvp #holyworld #funtime # akrien #pvp krysatl #1.16.5#akrien,#celestial,#wexside,#download,#best,#resource pack pvp 1.12.2,#pvp resource pack 1.12.2,#rp for pvp 1.16.5,#pvp krysatl 1.16.5,Nursultan #minecraft #hvh #hvh #rp #mineblaze #Rigen #padiloi #KRAY #tirepsik #DARKHELL #Podpolcovnic #Grif #pvp #pvp #gv0zd #slivrp #trypesex #nursultan #funtime #minecraft #mst #hollyworld # aresmine #rp… Read More


    DUAL ANIMATORS TACKLE MINECRAFT HARDCORE!Video Information okay testing testing one two three one two three hello zodiac you are literally the first person to even join us on this fine afternoon for us there we go I think that should be okay for the chat now all right hello toga welcome to the stre we’re getting some good people in Arrow is in fact there yeah of course oh hang on guys I literally forgot my water in the other room just one second it’s fine I’ll be here to talk to him hello everyone it’s your number one man all right let’s see… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Matt’s Intense Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!

    SHOCKING! Matt's Intense Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE TIME | Matt Plays LIVE (Short)’, was uploaded by VarietyMattMedia on 2024-02-17 08:06:10. It has garnered 83 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:36 or 5916 seconds. Heyo! – Be nice! (Towards Jenny aswell.) – No stream sniping/harassment/doxxing/trolling, etc. – No sub4sub/No self-promotion. – Mods/Friends only! – No Sparta/Game(?) Requests! (I quit that unfortunately.) – No spamming. – English only! (Not trying to be xenophobe!) – Don’t joke about serious stuff. (Disabilities, tradegies, etc.) – Generally? Be a decent person, alright? Want to join my discord server? Here you… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Golem Battle – 1.21 Mob Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Golem Battle - 1.21 Mob Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Mob Battle – Iron Golem vs Every Mob (Java Edition) – Epic Showdown!’, was uploaded by MetShubhoo on 2024-04-05 09:30:24. It has garnered 825 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:07 or 667 seconds. Minecraft 1.21 mob battle – Iron Golem vs All Mobs – Iron Golem vs Every Mobs (Java Edition) Witness the colossal clash in Minecraft 1.21 as the indomitable Iron Golem takes on every mob in an epic showdown! In this action-packed video, watch as the Iron Golem faces off against a diverse array of mobs,… Read More

  • Ultimate Outfit Reveal – CRAZY reggae rap BTS style!

    Ultimate Outfit Reveal - CRAZY reggae rap BTS style!Video Information This video, titled ‘See my outfit for today #music #reggae #guitar #song #rap #bts #minecraft #funny #btsarmy #kesfetaci’, was uploaded by Atifthamin on 2024-02-18 14:26:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • FutureMC

    FutureMCThe Best Public SMP Introducing FutureMC A Brand new server that is about to Release coming 26th July! The Server that we are realeasing First is a Lifesteal SMP! Containing Many Features! Join up to take up the Spot for the Most PowerFull Player.. Compatable with Both Java and Bedrock play.futuremc.co:25476 Read More

  • Atlantis SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Custom Plugins

    Atlantis Server Information Server Name: Atlantis Server IP: Server Location: Europe – France Version: 1.20.4 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, PVE, PVP, Land Claim Atlantis is an SMP server where you play as an Atlantean with special powers, ranks, land claim, PVP, underwater city and market, special items, special plugins, and the opportunity to become a staff Mod. Play like a true Atlantean with Atlantean’s power and ranks. Read More

TendedTadpole2 – I Transformed the END into a CITY in Survival Minecraft