The ATM Dragon War: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #56

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Hello again welcome back to asgard and welcome back to atm spellbound since the last episode it hasn’t been a ton of time but one thing that i have done is i’ve went through and got us prepared to knock out a couple quest tabs it’s basically just a lot of crafting

Because i have been working on not this one the storage staff i actually managed to run out pretty much all of my gold i’m going to throw some gold ore before we get started i’m going to throw some into the system just to let it start

Kind of gnawing through that but i also laid out what’s going to be a foliate mining upgrade so we’re going to go ahead speed that up and this is going to complete the occultism tab for us and then we’re also going to take our compacting upgrade we’re going to upgrade this

And there’s another one done uh of course the storage tab we use the drawer stuff that we wanted it was like a little like uh the flynn upgrade which we didn’t really have a use for it and like the glowing the illumination ones quantify key which i don’t usually use

And then the barrels and the backpack upgrades which i don’t generally use plus we had never gotten another right backpack apparently uh this one’s just a gold but honestly it’s plenty of storage with the occultism tablet like i don’t even use my backpack that much we’re gonna go ahead and throw in a

Bunch of gold ore get the crusher working and that’s going to make us about five well this is like 890 something i think it’d be give us close to 5 000 gold so i think that’ll be good uh okay so you can see are all the modium and stuff is starting

To make its way up to the top the top areas now if we take a look here we have 1800 unobtainium at this point that’s one thing getting uh getting 12 ores per or getting 12 ingots per ore super powerful uh it looks like we’re actually yeah we

Got a bunch in here at the moment it should still be running are we just producing that much i mean the num the the amounts just keep shooting up so it’s very very possible yeah i mean this is this is kicking away it’s just i guess we’re producing a lot

Of it right now it kind of comes and goes as to how lucky we get but you know we’re we’re making a fair amount there’s 230 enough times that’s another 500 right there uh but anyways today okay we’re going to kind of expedite a little something i originally wasn’t gonna start killing

Dragons until we did the other character development episode and we finished up mods and that was pretty much all that was left to do but there’s two reasons i’m going to expedite it first up uh after the last episode i had a couple co or well i had a comment and

Some some messages about mahou sukai being the only way to kill dragons so i want to address that today and i’m gonna i’m gonna show you guys my method for killing dragons there’s a few different ways you could do it you could do it with the reliquary dagger very

Very powerful uh that was brought up in the comments because if you add if you keep adding enchantments to it it becomes extremely powerful and of course the dragons in this pack are huge health sponges with thousands of hp you know uh mahou sakai because it does big

Damage over the top damage that dragons are the only thing that could even like absorb that damage you know uh you could also just have epic dragon battle you know and just it take a while but you got to kill a lot of dragons so that’s not really realistic for us this

Is my method for killing dragons and there’s there’s potentially some other methods kind of similar to mine but this is the one that i’m gonna be using uh for us to handle dragons and we’re gonna we’re gonna take care of some dragons today now one thing i do want to do

Before we set out i want to get some soul shards ideally i mean i’ve got a bunch of stuff in here i need to sort through these are for later i’m just going to make a couple soul shards and of course we don’t necessarily have to have soul shards for the dragons i

Just want to be able to fight the dragons in a place where we’re kind of free from interruptions you know we want to be able to fight our dragons in peace and so we’re going to be fighting our dragons in a very special arena so to speak

You’ll see it’ll make it’ll make more sense soon enough once we get to actually fighting our dragons and if you if you’ve been having issues with dragons like within this pack or this would also work on like atm six as well you know if you’re having issues with dragons on thayer

Because i know they’re buffed up in there as well uh of course i don’t think atm 6 has occultism if i recall but there you know there’s other options just and like i said you don’t even necessarily have to have this but we’re just going to be using this method

Now we do have an all the modium portal but they’re cheap enough yeah they’re super cheap we’re gonna go ahead and just make another one uh because you know the one that we’ve got set up it takes us the mining dimension that’s we went there once just a mine

Was it 10 or something really obscure like that but what we’re going to do today is we’re going to be going to a place called the other and to reach this we’re going to have to set up this same portal we’re going to set it up in the nether and before we

Set out let’s just go ahead and get some more epic oreos uh you know i was debating on making some other foods but epic oreos they’re actually like one of the best foods you could possibly have for fighting dragons because because they give you uh really nice healing based buffs

Okay so we are now in the other and we’re going to be looking for dragons now as far as tier and stuff it doesn’t actually matter what’s here dragons that we come across it’s not going to matter to us at all let me do this um now realistically we could probably

Stay underground for this but we’re going to go above ground just so you can see the other this is a totally kind of custom dimension where we have this kind of alternate sort of alternate overworld dimension and there’s some additional structures it’s like supposed to be like the piglet

Overworld or the piglet homeworld but there’s these right here i think these are actually trapped so we’re going to remove that and i mean there’s just some basic loot we’re not really here necessarily for the loot but just wanted to show you that um oh yeah we’re gonna be getting a ton of

Junk today okay but let’s go see if we can find a dragon now i’m not super familiar with this dimension i don’t know if dragons spawn above ground or if they’re only below ground like if we can only find like the high teal dragons that i’m not entirely sure about but

Basically all i really know is like from comments that these guys apparently have a lot of health like thousands of health basically necessitating really big damage now we’ve done a lot of preparation and character development to basically make ourselves practically unkillable uh we will be taking it a little bit farther to where

We literally are in killable in a later episode but uh damage we don’t actually deal that much damage we rely on reflect so oh wow vibranium spawns here not that we need it but it does spawn here let’s uh this map really it doesn’t allow us to see through caves

But generally if we just kind of mine along we could maybe hear dragons let me actually check the quest book there’s some other tricks that we can use i do think abyss got updated now to where it’s an option uh fire types are the most prominent ice dragons are below cold biomes

And lightning dragons are in mountainous depths okay so maybe we should look for those uh a little bit more like those particular biomes because i know this mod just from using the nature’s compass i know this mod adds a bunch of biomes and honestly it might be worth us

Grabbing our nature’s compass at this point uh and let’s set it to source and we can see all the different all the modium uh biomes and i’m assuming maybe mountains for lightning dragons we’ll go see if we can find a lightning dragon i want to

Find one of h basically i know you need a lot of kills to actually make the the forges but it’s not actually going to matter too much for us and i’ll show you why that is here in just a little bit all i want right now is just one of each

That’s why we’ve got our three soul gems like i said tier doesn’t matter to us whatsoever of course it’s going to be loading really really slow the file size for this world is getting it’s gotten so big for considering it’s a single player world like it’s over 8 gigabytes now for

The file uh for the save so when we have like the final world upload it’s gonna be a big one i think the last one was really big too like the last patron one um but the next one is probably gonna be the last one you know because we are getting

Fairly close to uh finishing up progression and finishing up the pack can we do subtitles for this this is like the traditional way of finding dragons the traditional trick you can see at the bottom right we’ve got subtitles and we’re going to be listening for dragon roars i see a dragon body though

So might as well go ahead and get ourselves some dragon bones and dragon skull stage 4 ice dragon okay we’re getting pretty close to our mountain biome and there’s also this grassy one i don’t know see these just kind of stick out right this is a mountain’s edge let’s go down

Naturally honestly i wasn’t sure how rare they would be i figured they’d just be flying around the skies uh if we came here like it would be like really really dangerous super biome or super dimension but um it seems like maybe and we’ve been flying around for a

Moment so either they’re pretty rare or they’re under the ground this pick is so good now that we’re out of the blue skies like this pic really gets to shine at this point we’re gonna make it a little bit bigger but uh for right now i mean this is fine

Because we’re just digging out tunnels something trips i like that one best subtitle ever okay yeah we didn’t find anything yeah we might just go a different route and to get this because i think because this is the the y level for the ground is like 130 ish

It’s probably going to be hard to hear dragons from the surface i feel like so i think the ring of spectral still uncraftable but we can do the spectral eye amulets that should be very doable for us so let’s just go ahead activate this and that way we can kind

Of see through walls at a pretty decent distance and what we’re going to do let’s head out let’s see where was our mountain that we found back over this way let’s go back to the mountain let’s just pop down we might be too far to see it from the surface but

Uh with our super pick we can just kind of mine through uh okay yeah there’s a dragon right there perfect we want you we want you oh oh it’s an ice dragon okay so what we’re going to do let’s grab our soul gm our soul shard we’re going to pop down

And click it there we go we got a captured ice dragon okay so that’s one out of the way uh unobtainium legs okay i think we need that for a quest we’ll go ahead and take it so these chests oh look unobtainium nugget pile vibranium nugget file that’s kind of nifty

Uh let’s take a look inside of these i might get some well i mean i can make the armor it’s not really a big deal unobtainium helmet with a bunch of enchants uh let’s see like there’s not really anything at this point we need but unobtainium legs we’ll take all the nifty enchanted

Gear uh unobtainium boats we just need the chest and if we can find that we will have an entire set of the armor nope i don’t think we’re going to find that but let’s go ahead and turn this back on i’m going to go ahead and mark this though

I don’t see myself needing the building blocks but i don’t know maybe something will come up and i want the the ice i actually love the ice you know we’ve built we’ve done a build kind of based around that so this was a mountain but it must classify this as being cold

Uh do we want to just mine out or do we want to just come over probably what we’re going to do is just come out a ways from this because i was thinking maybe they would be in different biomes but i don’t this is gravely mountain well maybe

Because there wouldn’t be ice here because it’s so hot right so i guess gravel is like the coldest the coldest biome uh oh there’s a chorus nest let’s pop down here we can kill ourselves or some miramax sorry not not chorus thinking of skyrim of course there we go

We’re going to get ourselves a miramax egg because we can we’ve basically achieved the point of being a god and now we get to just destroy things uh let’s go ahead then which i know finding the dragons is just part one of course we’re gonna have to kill this dragon

Uh i didn’t happen to notice how much health it had though i should probably pay attention next time to get an idea of how much damage we have to do to this thing right they do seem like they’re gonna be pretty rare i figured honestly i was anticipating

This dimension just being filled with the dragons and of course we still have to finish up man and artifice and stuff we’re going to be doing that we’re not totally forgetting about those mods and we have some other like miscellaneous type mods to cover but we’re not going to be forgetting

About them we’re just going to be prioritizing there’s a dragon i see you dragon let’s go ahead yep that one is a lightning dragon how much health did this thing have i didn’t even see i may have to go back and look at the footage just to get an idea

Like i said i’ve got a plan this is i think a substantial method usually for dealing with kind of health spongy sort of bosses like this like boss bosses that aren’t bosses i guess because these dragons i mean they’re not technically like bosses but they’re basically bosses

Oh hey uh we got a coin dragon and just a bunch of junk there was a lot of things in there but not really anything good okay so now we’re just looking for fire dragon which is the most common all right fire dragons your kin have made themselves known now you have to

You have to exist here somewhere and of course we need these so that we can make our dragon forges uh to be able to actually do end game because you know in game is all it relies on us having the all the modium alloys and they require dragon forges to craft

Those so in dragon forges of course pretty expensive so usually i i try to i try not to farm them like the really traditional way you can and i’ve done it in a few series like where dragons are pretty common and in some cases we already have enough

Scales to make the forge by the time that we want the forge but Generally some way of not having to do this constantly because this is gonna this would take a while i can only imagine how terrible this would be did i lose my broom i may have lost my broom somewhere yeah it would appear i have i have left my broom behind somewhere it

Would be the last place that i used it because my inventory got full i guess get away from my broom okay i have found you again broom all right well i’m thinking because i’m not seeing any dragons whatsoever uh whilst mining oh actually right here we have one of the dread scuttlers the

Like the dread hoard ice and fire mobs are in here very hard to believe they are very very rare and you would need a you know you need a bunch of these to make the forge like i said i mean we’re going to be using and abusing our dragon i mean

Our uh magic mods so we only really need one of each of these beyond that the rest of these dragons can keep their world i don’t care but i mean luckily we’ve got the aiot because in the broom because we can just tune right through here

And just bust all the bra all the blocks okay we have found one and i don’t know if this is gonna be a fire or not but we’ll find out okay we do have the charred stone so this one should be a fire it’s ice for the ice and then

Charred for the fire and crackled for the lightning so yeah let’s um yeah it’s a red fire dragon it’s a big and it’s a begging let’s try to see if we can see what how much health it’s got all right here we go 15 000 it looked like

That’s what it looked like to me so we got eyes lightning and fire awesome this one was a big one uh we got all the modium chest plight i actually need that because pigs only produce boots for some reason another one i’ll take it whatever don’t actually need them

I mean we’re gonna end up making one like a set uh probably in the last character development episode but uh that’s just because we can honestly like i said our armor is perfectly sufficient we take like super reduced damage as it is and have all of our like spells on there and

All of our little buffing things and this one had to have been a tier five dragon so this one we could get an egg off of it possibly but now we’ve found our prey now all that’s left to do is to kill them and then we have to farm them because we

Need like i said we need a bunch of kills to make dragon forges uh i did look at the recipe for dragon forges i mean they’re pretty much default but even with default recipes it means you got to kill a lot of dragons so 15 000 hp that is a monstrous health sink

I mean like i said that you can make the reliquary dagger and you could probably be getting about uh probably end up getting about a thousand damage per hit off of that maybe i’m just kind of guesstimating but usually in a pack like this with like apotheosis and stuff if you really

Just pump every enchantment that you possibly can into it you can get some really high damage uh mahou sakai like i said has crazy damage like we talked about last episode it’s super over the top that one’s an option too um like but like i said it’s not the end

All be all solution there’s other solutions the time has come the time has come to slay dragons uh we’re gonna go out somewhere flat we’re gonna keep it in blue skies we’re gonna get a couple things together uh first and foremost i’m gonna want my spectral glasses

Second up we’re gonna want our vengeance focus and we’re gonna want some boxes uh let’s go with these they’re empty that’s perfect uh and let me get another empty one really really quick and we’re gonna want kind of a flattish flat-ish spice just going to make our lives a little bit easier

So this will be perfect all right i’ve built us the perfect arena to fight a dragon and we’re going to get our weapon of choice and we’re going to take on dragons in the most epic manner am i building up a lot of anticipation are you guys ready to fight

Some dragons uh we’re gonna be going with the let’s start with fire yeah let’s start with fire and our sword that we’re gonna be using i’ve created the ultimate sword actually we created it a long time ago it is the most powerful sword in all of atm spellbound for

Dealing with huge health poles yes it’s stronger than all the mautium sword it’s the best sword we’re going to go with dagger of sacrifice all right and all and what we’re going to do at this point it’s about to get epic we’re going to place down our dragon and try to get over

To the blood altar there we go now we gotta find our yeah you’re the one i want the hitbox on these is a little weird there we go we got it perfect okay now we’re gonna harvest our dragon there it is hitting right click a lot of times and there we go

We have slain our very first dragon and inside of our box we have the soul of a fire dragon and you could see that we got a bunch of dragon skulls uh scales we didn’t get an egg off of that one which is unfortunate but that’s okay uh it actually did some decent

Damage like i said we could we could boost our damage resistance and give ourselves like constant regen three constant instant health constant resistance all that stuff but it’s really not needed uh because dragons are not all that powerful realistically okay not not when it comes to the blood altar

Uh so now what we’re gonna do is spawn our next one try to get it over to the blood altar and of course if they grab you just hit shift i think it i think it actually broke our blood altar that’ll happen on occasion i’m going to put this away just so i

Don’t accidentally place that one down because it can happen yeah there’s not a vengeance spirit in that you lie it lies so much uh honestly i wonder in this case i’ll tell you what we’re going to do let’s go ahead and switch out armors because i’m dropping a lot of my doubles

And it would probably make it easier if we didn’t drop doubles in this case so i’m just going to switch to like this super crazy armor for now and that way we’re not making doubles so it’s easier to get the souls because it’s kind of important that we

Don’t lose our souls otherwise we’re going to have to actually go out and get more dragons we don’t want to do that oh okay god that dragon lags us so we did die i think this ice dragon has like some super powers that uh we can’t contend with that well

Uh this one it might it might be better to have like resistancy type things oh uh i switch some of these things around he messed up my stuff okay dragon i need you to go here honestly probably since we have access to it in this pack bedrock would probably be a good bet

The only thing we don’t want to have happen is the sole to go into the bedrock yeah i’m actually going to break this bedrock it would make a cipher but i guess i really don’t wanna have to go out and find more dragons there we go come here dragon

It’ll take us a couple tries this dragon this dragon’s got some skills um probably because he’s so big too you know that doesn’t that doesn’t help matters uh let’s see if we can just put him right on top of there oops i need your soul little dragon

Yeah placing them on top of the blood altar definitely a better choice than placing them to the side i always hate because you have to do it with an empty hand hey we got an egg so we do have the ice dragon egg okay i’m gonna have to probably dump this

Stuff at this point realistically at least a bit of this yeah i’m just gonna dump it uh but we did get our box with an ice dragon in it so let’s put this one away for now and then last up we do have the lightning dragon and i think this does

Make it a bit easier uh just placing it directly onto should probably eat placing it directly onto that and looks like no i don’t want all this crap looks like we did get our dragon that one went easiest we got a lightning dragon okay so let’s talk briefly about why this

Actually works oh we got a copper dragon ink too awesome not a whole lot of dragon skills off of that one at this point we also don’t really need the well we’ll keep a soul gem on us for like just in case the only reason we’re switching armor

Isn’t because it’s stronger it’s just because we’ve got too many duplicates in the way and this just makes it a bit easier for us let me go ahead and mark this as super awesome dragon arena this is where we fight our dragons and at this point we’re going to pop on home

Here uh i can’t remember honestly this is the heel spell we can wear this one i think it’s the boots yeah boots are summon decoy so we can actually wear the rest of this that way we keep like our night vision and all of our cool enchants

Let’s do that we are just going to change boots actually plus we got a lot more health and stuff when we wear our our proper clothes and now what we can do is we can take all of our dragons that we captured dump them into here speed this up a bit like that

Boom and boom okay and we got we got dragon eggs for all of them except for fire so quite good let’s pop back now uh and the reason this works of course we’ll talk about it from a more serious uh serious approach but the reason this works is because

Dagger of sacrifice if it’s next to a blood alter it insta kills mobs providing blood right so it sees the ice and fire dragons it’s just regular mobs basically turning them into blood so a whole lot easier than having to go out of your way or do mahou sakai or any of

That you know that’s not any fun let’s let’s really just abuse our dragons a little bit here all right so at this point we basically to kill ourselves some more dragons yeah this is substantially easier oh i wish it wouldn’t do that there we go okay

It’s kind of a lid that’s probably the biggest challenge to the us aside from just finding the dragons that one gave a lot of dragon scales uh still no dragon egg for fire though but the biggest challenge is making sure that you don’t lose your spawn eggs because we definitely don’t

Want to have to go out and find more dragons if we don’t have to we’re just going to keep cycling things basically take the soul make an egg spawn the dragon get the soul take the soul make an egg spawn the dragon take the soul

And over and over and over again we can loop this indefinitely with ice and fire like i said you can’t turn these into a spawner with apotheosis they’re disabled from being able to do that uh which of course does make sense oh you want to fight do you this is also a

Really good way to deal with boss mobs for the record there you go very very easy way to do that it’s very very very very powerful and often overlooked uh at how cheap you can insta kill things but you know it’s not something that you’re going to use generally in combat

Like running in and doing things but you could you could place it down especially if things don’t destroy blocks you know it becomes substantially easier at that point but let’s do a another keel and we might get some lower tiers uh you know with this because it just spawns a random tiered dragon

From the spawn egg but that’s okay it doesn’t really matter we’re just kind of farming scales at this point okay looks like somebody just some epic boss just broke himself on us so i’m not even wearing like my full stuff of course it’s all astral sorcery that’s doing our reflex so

It actually really doesn’t matter what we wear all right so now we have our lightning dragon there we go i think i had him yeah we got him okay we got another copper dragon egg lightning dragon perfect i want to make sure we don’t lose these hooray okay let’s pop home

And basically we just get to rinse and repeat this method forever that way we don’t have to search for dragons any more than we have to and we don’t actually have to exert ourselves to kill them uh i mean granted it’s it’s a bit less climactic

As uh if we had actually fought it right like it’s not as exciting as flying around the skies doing epic battle with dragons but at the same time that’s not really how dragon battles go in this pack dragon battles are i guess meant to go is just as anticlimactic because you just

I think the preferred method is to farm heavily farm mahou sakai to make the super sword and upgrade it and all that which is basically just this really redundant kind of farming process not terribly exciting and then you go in and wreck the dragon’s face with the sword wearing you know

Unobtainium armor or whatever super armor that you have now we can survive the dragon’s attacks just fine with epic oreos and like i said we can make it even easier with like a constant regen effect or constant instant health constant resistance constant absorption that kind of stuff

Which we will be doing a little bit with constant effects just for fun in the character development episode so if you’re curious about that we will be covering it but that’s the i guess preferred method the other two methods which probably aren’t as popular is making the reliquary

Dagger upgrading it going in having to hit the dragon you know 20 30 times still not that bad um and then there’s the other method where you just go in with like normal people gear and i actually have an epic battle with a dragon which will take you

Forever because it has like 15 000 health so blood magic is my preferred method because we’re actually kind of getting to utilize the mods that we’ve been learning up to this point right or using up to this point i should say utilizing the magic mods because we’re

Having to use evil craft or having to use blood magic to make this and and we’re having to use occultism for the soul gems so we’re using like three different mods bringing them together and doing our epic dragon battle now at this point we do have an ice dragon egg we

Have two lightning dragon eggs now as far as making the forge we’re going to need um we’re going to need a bunch of these dragon forge fire bricks okay and the way we’re going to get these is just by compressing dragon scales now right now we do have 13 it’s not enough

13 fire six lightning and exciting and five ice and we will have to get some dragon blood well no because we’re not making dragon steel right we won’t actually we won’t actually have to bottle the blood in this case now okay well we can make ourselves

Some of these that’s going to get us a start and i think technically we can make the aperture for the fire forge now and we can make the core for the fire no we can’t we need eight bricks for that plus we’re gonna need these bricks to

Actually build the little multi block so it’s very very expensive very very expensive but at this point it’s just a process of farming our dragons and making sure that we don’t lose those souls as you can see it’s fairly quick you know basically you just drop the box you mentally prepare yourself

You make sure that you know which button your dagger of sacrifice and your vengeance focus are on then you just do that pull it into the box like a ghostbuster and there we go there’s another dragon dead unfortunately this one was a really really miniscule dragon didn’t even give us a single block

You definitely there we go you’re just sitting there waiting you’re like okay i know what’s gonna happen i’m just gonna stand here and wait for you to suck me into the box now doing it this method it can take a little bit to get a dragon egg because i

Think in that dimension it’s pretty much all tier four and fives so you have a chance every keel to get a dragon egg but doing it this method it’s random tiers so we may get tier ones you know uh let’s see we’ve gotten yeah there’s a stage two dragon skull

Another stage two so we’ve killed a few stage twos doing it like this however it’s a whole lot less just burning through chunks uh because it would take us a lot of okay you are my hey you got a thousand health you do like no damage at all

And for some reason it will not allow me to sacrifice this one this is this is our epic dragon battle right here a thousand health baby dragon yeah so the tier ones are not what you want to have spawn don’t even think about it that was so small

It didn’t even give us like scales or anything okay but we did get a few more ice dragon scales and then like at this point we can do the ice bricks like i said color doesn’t really matter when it comes to this stuff like we can do that

And then we can make our ice dragon aperture because we’ve got to get all the apertures and then we have to get all the cores and then we basically just have to get enough ice bricks to build the multi-block at this point which once we get the

Cores made it’s really not too bad uh it just takes it’s it takes a little bit so we can actually at this point make our very first fire core so there’s that the only fire core that we’re going to need we only need one core and we’ve got our aperture

So at this point we just have to get i think it’s 17 of the the bricks that we’re gonna need unfortunately ice i had a baby so i didn’t really get much out of that lightning there’s four so at this point we can finally get our aperture

Lighting for some reason i’m not having as much luck with but that means that fire we are like almost halfway through the fire ones if we could get like a couple more big dragons we could actually get our fire dragon forge set up but at this point it’s really just a

Process of going back and forth kind of farming these uh my fire one did get away uh and charred some grass and turned my blood altar to stone so i had to use another blood altar but but didn’t really seem to do a whole lot of damage to us so

Let me get this out of the way sometimes that helps a bit starting to kind of get my method down you know for doing this and keeping our souls and all that fun stuff because usually the soul is not as much of a concern but yeah throwing it right

On top of the blood altar does help a bit more just to keep it within range the only the only dangerous thing is if you get a stage one then you’re going to waste a little bit of time dealing with that uh that little bitty minuscule dragon because they’re the hardest the hardest

Dragon in the pack the stage one is so and if you’re curious about where the idea for this comes from when i was working on tails uh trying to get some of the the balancing in place and making sure that you can’t exploit things this was a very big concern for me that

I had to really kind of work around to make it so you couldn’t do something like this within tails so you couldn’t just kind of exploit certain there we go that’s what i’m talking about there’s a good lightning one where you at little dragon there we

Go uh but i wanted to make sure that you couldn’t kind of exploit sort of uh not really cross maw i mean blood magic is extremely powerful and i think the dagger of sacrifice is severely undervalued for stuff like this but it can definitely can definitely come in handy to say the least

As you can tell it’s very very powerful uh just the ability to be able to insta kill you know pretty much anything is a very very oh no not no not a 3400 health one this is like the worst possible because for some reason the dagger of sacrifice

Will not get these low tier ones but dagger of sacrifice hands down the strongest weapon generally in most packs unless you have like the creative sword or something you know to that effect that just automatically insta kills anything but generally dagger sacrifice gonna be your strongest strongest weapon available for like

Really high health things so usually i wouldn’t suggest using it because it’s really exploited to do it like this but it and normally i wouldn’t but in this situation i will totally use it okay we have finished grinding and if you wanna see look how many dragon skulls we got

As you can see it takes a bit for sure but at this point we have 20 technically we only need 17 of each of these but we have 20 of all the different bricks we have the cores and apertures now all we have to do is make ourselves

Some bone blocks let’s see i want to say it’s 8 per dragon forge so there’s our 24 bone blocks and that’s it that is the dragon forge oh because i never picked them up i just had them in here i was like well wait a second i’ve already i should have

Already done those achievements but uh you can see it took it took a lot of dragon kills like a whole lot of dragon kills and it filled up my thing because most of these don’t don’t stack unless they come out i think it’s unless they come out to be like

Exactly the same size roughly uh so you can see a few of them here came out to be the same size stage one i had i think certain certain stage ones don’t really drop skulls i guess because they’re too small or something but i think i had like five

In total maybe spawn something like that uh so i mean it wasn’t too bad but when they come up you’re just like ugh cause now i gotta whittle through all this health you know uh but that’s that’s the worst part of it um it took me i don’t know my sense

Of time i never look at the time beforehand and then i’m like well i think it only took like two hours to basically well yeah actually it took took about two and a half hours start to finish going out and finding the dragons bringing them back

And getting all of our dragon four so that’s really not that bad right like if we had actually had to fight them or we had actually had to look for them it would have been substantially longer but i think that’s a pretty reasonable amount of time and i may end up farming

A bit more uh just so that we have the the skills to make our armor just for decoration you know it wouldn’t take that long just making the armor but if i do that it’ll probably be after we make the atm sword just so we can whack them

Like once or twice when they when they come out as a stage of one the dagger of sacrifice is still stronger than the atm sword for sure but when it’s like a stage one dragon you know there’s no fear of dying from a stage one dragon because they do like no

Damage uh but they do they do have enough health that they’re annoying a little bit but uh but yeah so anyways we’re gonna end out this episode here next episode when we come back we’re gonna be using our dragons we’re gonna be basically setting up dragon forges growing up some dragons

And starting to make our alloys but i hope you guys enjoyed the episode i know it probably wasn’t what you were expecting but uh like i said i wouldn’t normally use it you know we don’t normally exploit the dagger of sacrifice in packs but the health pools are just

They’re just silly in this really kind of limiting our options and i figured well we’re gonna go with something a little bit different that we don’t that we don’t normally do and go a little bit exploited with it so anyways i hope you guys enjoyed the episode if you did as always

Be sure and hit that like button and go ahead and subscribe if you’re not already stay updated with when new videos come out and i hope to see you guys next time so until then as always do take care stay safe and i’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘The ATM Dragon War: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #56’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2022-03-16 16:52:40. It has garnered 3700 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:54 or 2874 seconds.

The day has finally come, we declare war on the dragonkind of the Other and seek to bend them to our will in order to create higher quality materials for use in our ATM stars. Today we set out to search for these dragons in their homeworld, break their will with our sheer power, and force them into servitude. Will we succeed or will be beaten back to the drawing board? —————————————————————

Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————–

Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: ————————————————————————— World Download Ep 30:

—————————————————————————– If you find yourself in need of a server of your own for anything you may need for minecraft or beyond, you can go to and use the code “ToAsgaard” to get 25% off your first purchase ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.

#ATM #Minecraft #AllTheMods #Spellbound

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  • Realm of Kings

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Minecraft Server! My name is Alfred and 3 weeks ago I opened up a server for me and my friends to play on. The server now welcomes anyone (Java & Bedrock users) who can contribute with positivity and kindness 🙂 Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanism (sethome, tpa) Levelling system to unlock new perks/commands Fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack required) Personal harvester hoe with autoreplant, autosell etc Server shop and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We want to keep the server simple yet enjoyable, with limited features. If you’re… Read More

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The ATM Dragon War: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #56