The Best Terrain This Season!! Exploring in 1.19! | Minecraft 1.19 4K RTX Survival: Ep. 13

Video Information

Hello everybody this is roxamilius coming at you with another minecraft episode i hope you’re having a fantastic day i am having a good day today is an exploring episode but quick let’s go up oh hi rocket oh i saw it yes there it is oh isn’t that a nice view of

The rocket oh right between the trees perfect this way is our gonna be our spooky area i have some big plans for this so there’s the pod that we made before i’m gonna turn my ui on so i can point to stuff there’s the pumpkin pod

And here is the lemon pod i made lemon the lemon pod why is there not lemons in minecraft uh no the melon pod and that is coming down here do we have any in here look at that i put those three in there i don’t think i put those in there so it

Just drops down right into the hopper we’re going to lose some with this setup like this but eventually it’s going to be we’re going to be having a stream that goes this way i might have to dig this down i think is what i’m gonna end up doing mausoleum right here everything’s gonna

Go to the mausoleum a nice spooky path coming in from here and i think the sheep farm not the sheep farm but the wolf arm with the sheep in it is gonna go over here fully designed and everything is right here and these two it’s a big build it’s uh intricate it’s

Lots of different blocks so i got everything all set for the next episode doing that but like i said this is an explorer episode and while we’re exploring let’s explore the house real quick uh the inside is done for everything that i have designed this side is not done i’m

Trying to figure out what i want to do with this area here uh i don’t know i might put more of the like the blast furnace and things over there here like that i don’t know but or maybe just make a silly kitchen who knows that’s been done already you

Saw that but upstairs is completely done painting with a lantern in there candles everywhere a couple of lanterns coming off the ceiling i brought the ceiling down just a little bit to make it look a little cleaner and a nice table to flower and here’s the bedroom

Smooth quartz a roof to ceiling to the bedroom and yeah here we go we saw a little bit of this at one point but yeah then back here is the crafting table and some stuff back here lights and just uh fill up the area it’s a nice little area i

Use that crafting table every once in a while and look at that light coming in from here oh that’s nice yes that’s nice okay and then up here is the the map room that i was telling you about and this is also done oh look at everything’s fully grown in i’ve been

Doing enough work that map is missing because it’s in my inventory we’re going with that but yeah so we’re just fill up this area this wall here with maps and we got some cobwebs up there for a little extra fun little candles and we’ll we’ll store all

Of our map stuff in here in fact i should bring a paper up and put up in here and yeah cartography table and just a nice little table for decorations so yeah so that’s where we’re at but let’s do this i’m going to get ready i got most of

Everything ready but uh let’s get do going on our uh exploring here we’re gonna get right into it oh hello i got the other half of this room done by the way are those lit i wish they would just like constantly flame i don’t know if it’s a performance

Thing where they didn’t want them see there they go good yes this area is done now as well painting on the wall for fun buttons for a little extra detail banners and yeah i’m just going to kind of fill in this area with these tables maybe i don’t know look i have to

Go to bed already and oh these over here just for extra detail over here a little strut this area not done i need to find a geode i still have yet to find a geode i have some stuff i want to do in this area that will make it look even nicer with

Some of the amethyst blocks and stuff like that uh huh and oh i was telling you i needed a lot of these uh many episodes ago and that’s why lots of those big chains holding up this table basically and holding up that area there ah yes but let’s get moving let’s get

Moving and we’re gonna have to sleep pretty quick on this explorer but that’s fine we’re going to go this way do i have the wrong map yes i have the wrong map back up to the map room all right we have the proper map thankfully towards rocket look at that

That lighting even during the day i guess the sun’s going down but during the day it looks pretty cool huh yeah awesome awesome let’s get to go we’re going to go west today off to the west and there’s green area right here we’re going to get out of the snow i am really

Looking forward to this this explorer oh yes i love that up there i’m really looking forward to this explorer and hopefully we find some jungle and things like that there we go yeah we got some sleep good good i am looking forward to getting a lot of different blocks and

We’ve just been in the area for so long especially together i mean i guess i’ve been i have a boat hello a boat right there we’ve been in the area so long when we’ve been together that i wanted to get out and explore a little bit and see see what we can see

We came in from this way on episode number two i think we didn’t find this area until episode two i know that uh so we’ve explored this at some point but i don’t remember if we how we went like did we just come in straight from the

Straight from the west and then just you know i don’t know we’ll see we’ll see but let’s follow this river a little bit down here i follow this to get to the caldera up there sometimes the kind of northern part of the caldera but yeah so we’ll just keep doing this

And see what we see i wanted to you know what i’m gonna get to a new map and then we’ll we’ll start talking dude our usual quick talk at the beginning of the explore episode croikey in nature there’s many things that can kill you but here we see

The sea turtles in their natural environment and the beauty is i have a sheers to get oh there was like three of them where’d they all go there’s only one now do they despawn let’s see oh no there’s one oh i have a silk touch i have shears

We’re gonna get some eggs right like this let’s do it uh let’s do it sheared up give me this grass give me this grass and stay nearby you two stay in your bry i need your eggs i need your eggs oh this is great oh this is already a successful a successful

Explorer episode oh i love it all right let’s see seagrass let’s go this way where did the other one go come back here other one they got to be nearby okay there it is yes this way oh no that’s the worst sea turtle i’ve ever seen no not a drowned oh

Where did the other sea turtle go oh come on where’s the drown come here get out of here sir we don’t you’re not welcome here this is sea turtle breeding grounds there’s another drown what happened to the other sea turtle is it gone where did it go oh man

I swear when i first hit record i saw three of them and now we’re down to do they go down in there oh man where’d it go squid what happens when you do a squid and a sea turtle together anything oh shoot all right i’m gonna look around here

Well i i think i’m calling it i don’t think that if i see two more then i’m gonna maybe you can walk along the coast here but i think i’m off the map here let’s see i think i’m off the map so i’m gonna make my new map here

And keep an eye out for more sea turtles all right the new map is made and i there’s something else that i see that i want to grab real quick too i’ve been looking for two tall flowers and there’s a few of them over here yay

And also this is gonna be a good spot for digging up sand for concrete i’ve got mega concrete plans man that’s that wolf farm takes up some concrete too man all right so let’s grab a good bunch of these and man this is well i guess the first successful thing it wasn’t as

Successful as i was hoping because the sea turtles just despawned or something let’s uh let’s keep moving i think we’re gonna have to go across this vast ocean uh ocean monument would be fun to see uh and hopefully we can get in on some of that action here but let’s just keep moving

We’ve reached the other shore a quick scan for sea turtles this would be a good place for them to spawn as well there’s one okay let’s see if we now that i saw the like the three of them together over there like i really want i really want to get

Some sea turtle eggs ah okay so there’s one let’s see if we can’t find another one here at some point and so we can still touch up some eggs let’s see there’s so much sand around there’s one there’s one off in the distance you coming this way can you come this far

Let’s go let’s go down in the water oh there’s one there’s one perfect yes come on up ah you guys will be good friends come on come on up let’s you can do it right here right here you can get up here and i hope the other one didn’t despawn there we go

Yep come on up there we go right there you go let’s do this one and this one and oh man nature at its best nature at its best now let’s see which one goes off to lay eggs and i’ll get my silk touch pickaxe yes somebody’s gonna go up to lay eggs right

Who’s who’s going to lay eggs anybody anybody one of you guys is gonna go lay some eggs right um i fed you both the seagrass and that’s supposed to do it maybe this one’s going off to its new home let’s see uh nope that doesn’t look like he’s go i got some

Oh boy i don’t think it worked oh man this is rough okay i don’t think that worked they’re supposed to go off to lay eggs one of them is anybody where’d the other one go are they just confused on where they are oh let’s go let’s check over here see if there’s any

Eggs laying around any eggs any eggs anybody oh one got up there let’s go check over there but this is not looking too promising this is not looking too promising i don’t there the this turtle definitely wasn’t over there long enough to lay eggs and okay ah let’s just keep moving on

Okay more sea turtles one here oh acacia i like that one there let’s try this oh a baby sea turtle there’s a baby there did you see it where did he go where did the baby go oh man okay come on up yep come on up let’s do

This one more time like that and look at there’s the baby okay well you guys are making a baby oh look at that thing look at that little baby sea turtle oh that’s nice that’s nice okay who’s going off to lay some eggs anybody any takers this time i’m laying eggs anybody

Anybody to lay some eggs so i can take them with me to make a sea turtle something or other there we go there we go you’re the best you’re the best all right oh that’s nice yes nature edits mice yes all right so make sure to double check silk touch yes

Silk touch one silk touch two perfect we got two sea turtle eggs that’s nice we’ll get some babies over by somewhere maybe not in the frozen area maybe who knows who knows but we got the two eggs now i like the signs of that i like the acacia i’m gonna go towards acacia

Well we are running towards the acacia in the hopes that there’s a jungle connected to it ah that’s that’s my hope oh look at this we got a donkey do we dare this is juvenile donkey that’s okay i’ll let you go and you’re probably better off for it

You will probably have a much fruitful and longer life if i don’t tame you my donkey career is not my donkey hurting career is not spectacular let’s grab some of these sunflowers i want to grab flowers as we go too we might have to drop some of them

And as we go but i already have the corn cone flowers uh corn flowers uh but i’m going to grab the ones that i don’t have because i like to have one of each flower so i can decorate with it oh um well we’re going towards this acacia

As i was saying in the hopes that it becomes a jungle i would like to put out a request my request is for some nice constructive criticism i like to i want to keep improving how i’m playing the game i want to know what you guys are looking for what your favorite

Parts of the series are and all that fantastic stuff what do you guys like what don’t you like be nice you know and maybe some of it i maybe wouldn’t do because there’s some things that i just kind of like i want to do stuff that i

Want to do but at the same time if some of that stuff matches up and hey if there’s something that i’m doing that’s annoying please let me know like hey by the way raxamilius uh your microphone sounds like absolute trash i don’t know what you’re speaking into you know i can adjust stuff

But to me it sounds like it’s okay so i don’t know like things like that and why do you keep saying okay okay why do you keep saying oh uh stuff like that just let me know constructive criticism don’t be mean there’s no reason to be mean

But uh yeah i’m looking forward to getting some stuff like that that’s another good thing to do on like the facebook and discord if if you guys are interested in any of that uh hook me up over there and we will and you can talk about it there whatever um anyways i

Just wanted to put that out there i’m okay with constructive criticism as long as it’s done pleasantly and not being mean like why you suck so bad even though i called myself son ah let’s see flint uh a gold helmet sure we’ll take the gold nuggets fire charge pass no pass on

All that ah crying obsidian though i will take that all right we found an acacia village and you know what the best oh i like this i like this i’ll take these hay bales all day long i don’t think hay bales spawn in those winter villages

So i’ll take this for sure mud bricks man those are those use a lot of wheat oh and also these oh i am oddly like don’t have a ton of them i like using the the bells i got the bells for my wolf harm you’re going to see how i and

It’s actually a working part of the wolf arm because i’m not gonna give it away i’m not gonna give it away you’re gonna have to watch next episode but they are a working part of the wool farm let’s take these torches why not and yeah it’s fun i can’t wait to show

You guys but uh yeah let’s get through this village here quick and keep moving and hopefully find a jungle More hay bales yes i don’t have to grow as much wheat that’s fine i can grow weed i need to build a farming area that’s uh that’s on the daca too at some point let’s go like this cow over here if you want to get out

Right here dude right there there you go that’s my boy that there you go yeah there you go well done sir well done all right let’s do a bed in here so that i can i’m going to steal your bed sir now if i die i’ll respond here wouldn’t

That be going to be nice yeah hi what else do we have in here let’s leave that hay bale and i’m not gonna do too much more in this village here yeah i know i think i’m gonna move on i got the bell that was the big thing is i

Got the bell and those hay bales those hay bales are nice ah let’s keep moving okay now we’re talking this is officially a successful trip that doesn’t mean i’m gonna live through this whole explorer trip but it’s official it is a success we’ve gotten some some turtle eggs we’ve gotten some bells

We’ve gotten some two tall flowers and now look at this we have our desert we didn’t get a desert at all last season look at all the sand oh this is amazing this is amazing i wonder if there’s a desert temple let’s get to the top of

This hill and hopefully there’ll be a desert temple oh man oh yes yes okay i don’t see a desert temple i do see a village but look at that oh we are this is jackpot direction why did we not explore in this direction to begin with can anybody tell me that can anybody

Tell me that the only thing that we’re missing now is a jungle look at this we got oh i don’t even know what they call is it badlands i don’t even oh my gosh why do i not remember what they call that anymore i don’t know but i like it infinite

Infinite terra cotta beautiful beautiful let’s grab up these hay bales and i have an idea too for i just need a i need one jungle sapling i need a way to to grow my cocoa beans oh my gosh i have an idea i want to s i wanna

Subsist i’m not gonna take all these hay bales look at all these hay bales wow all right i want to live off of cookies i want to live off cookies that’s going to be my fun goal uh any bells i don’t want to explore this whole thing we’ve done enough exploring of villages

But yeah let’s go this way where are we at okay yeah let’s go make sure we get to this terracotta so we can see it on the map ah badlands what is it oh my gosh it’s like that fortune enchant i couldn’t remember at the beginning of the season yeah that’s kind

Of the way this is oh look at that interesting there’s like a acacia biome on top of the terracotta interesting yes yes this is cool this is interesting up here is that what that is it’s not acacia there’s the oak this is just like a sub biome in the

In the in the badlands here is that what this is oh look at this like a spiked terracotta thing that’s not jungle is it what’s that down there oh look at that oh my gosh oh my gosh all right um okay so i’m gonna stop recording for a second

And i’m gonna take a nice screenshot of this okay i’ve worked my way down here a little bit i want to go check out this green area just in case there’s a rogue jungle tree sitting in there i don’t think what is that in the back there is that more terracotta area

More big terracotta spikes wow okay jungle tree anybody bamboo is another thing that i need jungle and bamboo no this is just just an odd uh an odd green area into acacia this is this is really a fantastic area if that makes any sense like this has got like a lot of fantasy

Things going on in it like this looks pretty cool in here wow i just this is so cool i’m so glad we did an explore episode today i was really looking forward to doing something but wow we should have just like carved out that could have been our artemis sls rocket right there

I did want i was thinking about making that rocket out of orange terracotta because the color probably matches a little bit better but i didn’t know about this and i didn’t want to go digging up too much of the clay and all that to get the terracotta

How far are we i’m not even looking at the map i’m just too busy looking at looking at the scenery here like how far north are we getting we’ll go a little bit more north and hopefully we’ll see there’s got to be a jungle around here somewhere i think all these

Biomes these warm biomes are all grouped together so golly this is really a cool area like this might be a neat villager area depending i kind of want to do it on the stronghold so hopefully there’s a stronghold in this area that’d be cool like maybe i’ll

Come down here to start throwing the eyes of ender to see if something pops in this area that’d be pretty cool i might do that we’ll see that’ll be part of an episode for sure but all right i don’t want to stop recording because this is so cool i

Think you guys are probably enjoying this view this is incredible i wish i had a horse so i was going faster that’d be good but wow this episode’s gonna be long i could tell that already maybe we’ll be splitting into two hopefully not i hope not oh man this is awesome like the

It’d be cool to have the villager area here because then we have like the two biomes just the biome diversity between the two would be just awesome like the house is in the snow cold nasty i don’t say nasty because i actually enjoy cold and snow

But that’s in that area and this is in the hot sticky terracotta area oh my gosh this must be a river biome in between is that what’s going on this thing is huge unlimited terracotta red sand might be fun to build with this is opening up build options for sure

And let’s get to top right there and peer over even though it might be off the map a little bit and peer over and see if we can’t see a jungle on the other side we’re not climbing over the mountain we’re going through the river

And once we get to the other side here let’s see what it is then i’ll probably cut back to the southeast to start making our way back towards home i’m probably going to just do a diagonal straight back kind of to the southeast but oh man nope no jungle

Not a jungle over here all right so let’s start cutting back this way yeah yep this way oh my gosh you guys look what i see look what’s right there i see a bamboo so at least we get the bamboo let’s hope that we get some jungle

Saplings too this is weird in here isn’t it this doesn’t look like a jungle why is this bamboo here hello what and there’s a zombie oh yes yes yes yes ah man this explo let’s just do the sword point this explorer was very fruit oh hi are these jungle right there

Let’s go take a closer look i guess they are aren’t they no oak jungle right here a jungle tree all right awesome i don’t need a big monstrous jungle that’s not what i’m looking for i am just looking for room in my bags yes i am looking for

I’m gonna get six saplings so i can grow a big jungle tree and usually those are enough oh i got a fortune i don’t even need that i could probably just do four i got a fortune hoe so i’ll be get plenty of saplings

Uh as long as i get one here at some point which i think i will oh man this this episode’s going well all right i’m just going to get a sapling and then we’ll keep moving on hey racks use your fortune pickaxe dude it doesn’t have to be a hole just use

Your fortune pickaxe to get your to get your saplings man am i getting any there’s one okay i got one good good all right i’ve got four jungle saplings as you can see in my bar there and we’re headed home we’re headed home i would just like if i was playing world

Of warcraft i’d do a little hearth and just i’m done hit the button it’ll bring me home but we’re not playing that and we are playing minecraft so we gotta work our way home hopefully not die but at least we know where everything is and if i’m going to get really greedy

I’m going to be super greedy and if we get a horse oh my gosh that this would be right i keep saying it’s the perfect explorer episode but then i keep asking oh boy okay all right so let’s get the saddle on the bar there he is hi good sir oh nice brown

Oh hello good sir you are a good looking horse how how are you is he’s got good hearts uh and he was tamed pretty easily let’s do this and no pretty slow i’m gonna take one of these two though i’m telling you that one of these two are coming with me and

Hopefully they’re gonna live i like the color on that one look at that thing oh he’s feisty he’s a feisty one you know i like the feisty ones he’s got a lot of hearts oh he bugged me off oh but that reminds me of bucky the donkey

Ah the poor bucky the donkey this oh slow all right uh i like i think this one was faster so we’re gonna go with you sir faster slightly oh my gosh well is it faster to run is it faster to run on my own i don’t know

All right ah gravel uh that’s a good place for gravel oh man oh painful that’s okay i asked for a horse and i got a horse the world’s slowest horse ever okay let’s do a boat like this and here we go all right let’s just keep moving because

I’m gonna put you you need to go in this boat here sir because you are oh no i don’t want to ride you right now oh i’ll take the sand do i have any room in my inventory maybe i do need sand of course i got that desert now oh my gosh

Learn how to get into boat racks there we go all right off we go down the river with our slow horse all right i think i see another portal up ahead so let’s go grab the krying obsidian out of there and whatever else could work i think

That’s an abandoned portal looks like it yeah it is yeah it is let’s see what this one has to offer us ooh there’s the chest gold block we can grab that up and hopefully oh well maybe we’ll take a nap at this one yeah we’re gonna take a nap right here

One thing that’s nice is look at the horse doesn’t do that crazy glitch it used to so they fixed something that’s good they fixed something i wish they’d fix the texture pack thing doesn’t look too bad i haven’t noticed too much of a difference but it still comes up with that warning

Every time i boot up the game like your texture pack is uh in low texture mode low low mode because it’s memory problems and two gold blocks okay i’ll take that uh so i don’t know i haven’t noticed the difference but um yes gold apple oh so we’re going to

Start making decisions grass no and these two gold angles obsidian no and boots yeah i we know about boots in the nether sick sand yeah sorry and if it no we’ll leave that yeah i need to make sure i keep continue gather up gold gear for my another

Exploration we know how well that went last time all right let’s uh let’s hopefully this river turns around to the south i know i said i was going to go southeast but i just wanted to follow the river but we’ve got our trusty steed there he is he’s ready to get moving so

Let’s maybe get let’s run them let’s run them so the nice part about this horse is that if there’s a big like cave or something coming up that it would usually be hard to see it’s not a problem with this guy we there’s plenty of time to stop

Plenty of reaction time for me i already have those flowers right yeah i already have those ah so that’s the good news anyways uh we’re just gonna keep voting all right so the decision has been made i would rather have these then these purple ones where are the purple ones do i oh

Peonies get rid of the peonies i’d rather have these red roses in front of my house so i’m gonna take these i don’t actu should i should i do it ah i gotta get make room for the boat too so maybe i should sacrifice something else yeah you know what

Oh rotten flesh has that been sitting there the whole time you guys just sit there like uh dude you got like one piece of rotten flesh why don’t you just get rid of that i’ll just get rid of that all right um this way good we’re coming back into

The map just a little bit and uh actually we’re going to want to go so we’re going south actually we’re going to want to turn this way just a little bit to get to the other map i think let’s do just a little bit this way there’s a glitch

Yeah i don’t know if that’s that texture pack thing that warning that i get but yeah that doesn’t look good for sure anyways yeah this way uh oh look at can you this even jump two blocks oh that was a bad jump but oh no oh boy oh you are you serious

This is just uh all that i could have just voted right around it nice nice all right we’re almost we should be able to see the rocket here pretty soon i think oh you are not a good horse i’m so i’m saying it i stare i said i get get off me Oh you are a bad horse all right but he’s a horse i asked for a horse i got a horse and i don’t oh that wasn’t a drowned okay okay i can’t okay i gotta dig this out for my horse there we go come over here come over

Here bud look at there’s a whole little area for you to just walk right up because you can’t even jump up two blocks oh i did not do that on purpose oh sorry oh i don’t like doing that okay there we go oh man oh man

All right let’s go up this hill i think we’ll we’ll see the rocket up on the other side of this hill if i am not mistaken oh off in the distance let’s find out let’s find out don’t even get my bullet it doesn’t matter we’re not going back it’s a boat

Here we go right up this way not quite yet where is it There it is There it is this is the the fun part about the rocket is that uh yeah you can see it from a long distance there we go perfect nice you know what i’m going to do it uh we’re close enough we’re close enough i oh don’t run away ah yeah

Let’s do this let’s end it off in the sunset with our beautiful new horse hi [Applause] hi oh Oh i don’t have room okay oh what am i going to get rid of oh these peonies i was getting rid of them anyways let’s do that hello look this it was this close to our home and look at this there’s a i have dirt in here why do i

Have dirt get rid of that geez um hi sir oh yes oh he will not have any of that okay we should probably sleep let me get my oh he’s oh my gosh let’s get this down watch creeper’s gonna blow him up and he’s gonna die before i even like get him taped

Is that what’s gonna happen where’d he go he’s like peace out i want oh there he is he’s a stubborn one he’s a stubborn one there we go there we go i don’t have a chest with me i have some wood that’s fine we’re gonna look at this donkey is faster than the

Horse this donkey is faster than the horse can it jump two blocks can you do that can you do that let’s see if we can find a spot to jump in oh no well okay never mind all right with the oh here we go this

Would be a nice view oh with the rocket in the background there we go that’s nice yes yes all right i hope you all have a fantastic day and we’ll see you in the next episode

This video, titled ‘The Best Terrain This Season!! Exploring in 1.19! | Minecraft 1.19 4K RTX Survival: Ep. 13’, was uploaded by Raxamelius on 2022-09-10 10:44:34. It has garnered 222 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:24 or 2244 seconds.

Welcome to my next Minecraft RTX Let’s Play survival series!! I am really looking forward to this exploring episode. I have done a lot of work around the house, but want a change in scenery.

Music: “New Beginnings” Written and performed by myself and friends at Deer Trail Recording Studio.

Texture pack:

World seed: -836515538073764508

Bedrock Version: 1.19

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    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Miser: A Smiley Stingy Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With memes and animations, each video a delight, Bringing smiles to faces, shining so bright. From the classroom series to songs adapted with glee, Cube Xuan’s channel is where you want to be. So follow along, subscribe without delay, For Minecraft news in rhymes, each and every day. With humor and fun, Cube Xuan’s style is unique, Crafting content that’s sure to pique. So leap into the verse, let the story take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “INFINITE FUEL IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE INFINITE FUEL SOURCE IN MINECRAFT” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a community of like-minded players. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vast open world, unique gameplay… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut!

    Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut! In the world of Minecraft, a hardcore debut, Building and crafting, a tale to pursue. From cherry tree islands to mountain base high, Every step in rhyme, as we reach for the sky. A world of adventure, with challenges to face, Surviving and thriving, in this blocky place. From farms to fish ponds, and rooms with a view, Every detail in rhyme, as we journey anew. So join me in this journey, in Minecraft’s embrace, As we build and explore, in this blocky space. Let’s craft and create, in this world so vast, Every moment in rhyme, as we… Read More

  • XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP!

    XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP! Welcome to Killadis SMP: Building an XP Farm in Minecraft Survival! Welcome to the world of Killadis SMP, where players embark on exciting adventures in Minecraft Survival mode. In this episode, our protagonist is set to build a new XP farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling endeavor! Building the XP Farm Building an XP farm in Minecraft is a crucial step for players looking to level up quickly and efficiently. Our protagonist is ready to tackle this challenge and create a farm that will provide them with valuable experience points. If… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods

    Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods The Terrifying World of Minecraft Skyblock with Horror Mods Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Skyblock with horror mods. As our brave protagonist navigates through the treacherous landscape, they encounter the ominous presence of Herobrine lurking in the shadows, the ever-watchful Cave Dwellers, and the haunting gaze of the pale hound. Herobrine: The Shadowy Stalker Herobrine, the legendary figure rumored to haunt Minecraft worlds, adds an extra layer of fear to the gameplay. With his eerie presence felt at every turn, our protagonist must stay vigilant to avoid falling prey to his malevolent schemes. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts

    Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Shorts: Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Update Introduction The Minecraft community has been buzzing with excitement over the latest mod update inspired by the popular Japanese manga series, Jujutsu Kaisen. Created by manga artist Gege Akutami and published by Shueisha, this mod brings characters from the manga to life in the Minecraft world. Features of the Jujutsu Kaisen Mod The Jujutsu Kaisen mod introduces various characters from the manga, allowing players to interact with them in the game. From powerful sorcerers to cursed spirits, the mod adds a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Fans of the anime… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival house ideas and building tactics? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for construction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and survival skills. Imagine taking the inspiration from videos like “How to Build a Stone Survival Base in Minecraft #12” and bringing it to life in a multiplayer setting. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, explore unique structures, and create your own modern minecraft houses or survival bases. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server (IP:… Read More

  • Frog Building Shenanigans

    Frog Building Shenanigans Minecraft Creative Series: Building a Frog Pool Minecraft is a game that offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. In this episode of the Creative Series by Sword Art Gamer, the focus is on building a frog pool. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting project! Setting the Stage In the world of Minecraft, players can shape their environment using blocks. Sword Art Gamer embarks on a mission to create a frog pool within the game. The goal is to provide a habitat for frogs to thrive and entertain viewers with their antics. Building the Frog Pool The… Read More

  • Adiar’s EPIC Minecraft Transformation! Noob vs Pro

    Adiar's EPIC Minecraft Transformation! Noob vs ProVideo Information so I was browsing through Power mods getting ready for the week when suddenly I had a thought I’ve never beaten Minecraft and then I saw [Music] this the and here we are let’s get started man it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything what the heck is that what is that a villager hello oh no that’s a crossbow no no no no no no hey hey hey hey hey no no no no okay why are they shooting me no no no no no no no no no let me go are they are… Read More

  • Cursed LotusIsPotus Minecraft – Short Video

    Cursed LotusIsPotus Minecraft - Short VideoVideo Information this is Minecraft but really cursed all right what do we have here it’s just the skeleton but a spider and now we have a spider that looks like a skeleton wao this is a really cool Village I wonder it could be very cursed about this the villagers are Axel look at these guys bro it makes the villagers look so cute he keeps going in and out the house okay you guys are not ready for this last one this is like level 1,000 cursed why is the chicken trying to kiss it yeah this is… Read More

  • 2 Wardens Take on 15 Golems! CRAZY Minecraft Battle! 🤯

    2 Wardens Take on 15 Golems! CRAZY Minecraft Battle! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Warden Vs 15 Iron Golems #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-01-17 15:55:18. It has garnered 2502 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. 2 Warden Vs 15 Iron Golems #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in… Read More

  • Join XRN’s Truly Magical SMP – APPLY NOW!

    Join XRN's Truly Magical SMP - APPLY NOW!Video Information the magical s SMP is ready for you to create the best original content you could done and we are not about a silver from magical soall items to all power custom weapons new biomes and structures and even a whole new custom Dimension I’m sure that this is the perfect s SMP for you to join applications are open right now so join our Discord for more info we hope to see you there This video, titled ‘This Is The MOST Magical SMP You’ve Ever Seen (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by XRN on 2024-02-20 01:43:44. It has… Read More

  • Apple hazard in Minecraft – Insane fall challenge! #shorts

    Apple hazard in Minecraft - Insane fall challenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How high can you fall?? #shorts’, was uploaded by Apple danger on 2024-01-14 18:26:13. It has garnered 2504 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!

    GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!Video Information we’re back on Squid Island me jelly and crina and today is going to be a big big day King glowey will be returning but how can I explain this everything goes wrong hi we’re back really did you make a pyramid out of tree okay guys well who can we just talk about this a second we’re back in Squid Island wow I forgot sorry I got distracted by thater I built a and hope going to because I started a pyramid Foundation okay but but but but but before we get into that today is going… Read More

  • Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱

    Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I guess you guys heard my uh clicking before you actually heard me oopsie that’s loud as hell oopsie all right is that a good volume I think that’s a good volume I think that’s fine all right so what we’re doing today is modern Minecraft I actually made the mod like I made the mod pack like 30 minutes ago I hope it works if it doesn’t then it doesn’t if it does then yay all right hi hello how are you doing today okay okay o so… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animation

    Barnava Gaming - Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animationVideo Information menos de um minuto vou te levar ao céu vou te catucar e fazer o ell This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-01-10 08:00:32. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #power #shorts #herobrine #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100

    Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100Video Information if you drop sand into water it will do this satisfying bounce but did you know this also works in real life today we’re testing the most satisfying Minecraft experiments in real life and to start breaking a tower of scaffolding is extremely satisfying so we’re going to do it in real life but that’s not how scaffolding Works in real life but it is abomino work just like breaking the bottom Scaffolding in Minecraft causes everything to come crumbling down it’s the same for dominoes it’s the same for dominoes how it’s the [Applause] same and that… Read More


    campfire.plPolski serwer Survival na najnowszej wersji gry 1.15.2. Posiadamy masę innowacyjnych rozwiązań! Na serwerze znajdziesz bardzo rozbudowany system działek, w których możesz konfigurować wiele ustawień. Dysponujemy autorskim systemem zadań, dzięki któremu nie zawieję nudą. Read More

  • Fermium MC Roleplay Survival Tool Leveling Races Quarries Infinite Blocks Custom Model Weapons PVE Quests Jobs Sellwands Buildwands Supply Drops Upgradable Spawners ViaVersion 1.20.X

    Hello! 👋 Looking for a fun, family-friendly Minecraft survival server? 🚸 Well, look no further! ⤵️ This server includes land claiming, quarries, player cosmetics, player shops, quest, player warps, build wands, sell wands, custom 3d weapons and armor, pets, particles, rotating shop, jobs and more! If you want more information regarding Fermium MC, join our Discord channel! Come have fun with us on the server join now! 🔵Discord: IP: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Illagers are way superior anyways

    Illagers may be better, but at least villagers can actually hold a conversation without trying to raid your house! Read More

  • Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza!

    Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Gala_CZ brings us trading halls with no chains. Villagers selling all for just one emerald, XP gathering fast, the process is heralded. Zombies infecting villagers, the process is clear, With weapons in hand, the infection is near. But fear not, for Weakness potions are here, To cure the villagers, make the infection disappear. Gala_CZ guides us through, step by step, Building the trading hall, no need to fret. With trapdoors and pistons, the setup is grand, Ensuring the villagers are safe and sound in the land. So join us in the… Read More

  • Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂

    Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂 Why did the car challenge the Gegagedigedagedago Portal Upgrade to a race? Because it wanted to show off its horsepower! #vroomvroom 🚗💨 Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring New Mods and Features Introduction In this episode of Minecraft, Pilot delves into a world filled with new mods and features that enhance the gameplay experience. With a plethora of mods like Additional Structures, Alex’s Mobs, and Biomes O’ Plenty, the adventure is bound to be exciting and unpredictable. Discovering New Possibilities Pilot embarks on a journey to explore various structures and encounters unique mobs like witches with sophisticated backpacks. The addition of mods like Dungeon Crawl and Dungeons and Taverns adds depth to the exploration, making each discovery a thrilling experience. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “The WORST START Ever In Minecraft Hardcore! (Hindi Gameplay) #1.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience? Imagine embarking on a new adventure in a world like no other, where every decision you make could mean the difference between survival and defeat. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its hardcore survival mode, challenging gameplay, and vibrant community, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience that will… Read More

  • Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial

    Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial Minecraft Build: Easy and Fun Creations! Are you looking for some easy and fun Minecraft builds to try out? Look no further! In this video, the creator showcases a build that is not only simple to make but also incredibly enjoyable. Step-by-Step Guide The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to create this particular Minecraft build. From gathering the necessary materials to putting the final touches, every detail is covered to ensure a smooth building process. Engaging Content With clear instructions and a visually appealing design, this Minecraft build is sure to capture the attention of both new… Read More

  • Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shorts

    Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shortsVideo Information [Music] woo This video, titled ‘Minecraft you have to watch this video till the end #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-02-12 08:30:09. It has garnered 102 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Minecraft_ you have to watch this video till the end #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pro Tips

    Ultimate Minecraft Pro TipsVideo Information annp oh is ANP you know what it means yeah he doesn’t so anyway you live in [ __ ] pistan mate [ __ ] up angry said he Liv pistan we lost we lost another OG but I’m not giving you all this I found Bro you’ve been playing without us that’s so cra fat oh I just found a what it called aole is this [ __ ] whatever version we play on the newest version which version are we playing on I don’t know who asked youing the host your balls if you don’t hush down all right I’m not playing… Read More

  • Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in Minecraft

    Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing PVP Legacy and not doing bad (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Gentalaman on 2024-02-14 05:00:06. It has garnered 41 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:39 or 1959 seconds. hope u guys enjoyed the vid pls like it up and sub 🙂 Kevins channel discord: tiktok: heard this helps: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP /… Read More

  • 🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥

    🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥Video Information Looking to add a fresh and exciting touch to your Minecraft bedrock experience? With exciting additional content that is designed to improve your experience and free you from monotony, today you have come to the right place because in this video I share with you my top 10 of the most incredible addons for Minecraft bedrock for versions 1.20, but don’t forget to subscribe and leave your like so that this Minecraft channel reaches more people to start I send a greeting to the following little people if you want a greeting Comment many times the word addons… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Profiles – Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!

    Minecraft Parkour Profiles - Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!Video Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 04:46:21. It has garnered 558 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱

    Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-29 02:30:03. It has garnered 884 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯fishing#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral @TechnoGamerzOfficial @imbixu #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!

    Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!Video Information [Music] stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon no I’m not late I’ve been waiting on you I’ve been here waiting on you I’ve been here all this time waiting on you waiting on you waiting on you wait is stream starting soon what time is it hang on I’m not ready 3 2 1 stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT TIPS & TRICKS- Boost your skills FAST!Video Information some moments in Minecraft can get confusing for example easily finding diamonds getting overpowered armor and fishing if you consider that as confusing so here are 35 tips and tricks to help you become a better Minecraft player we all know the golden rule of Minecraft and that is to never dig straight down because you can either fall in lava fall from a great height fall into a cluster of mobs that you can’t handle or awaken the warden like waking up Dad if you are going to dig straight down Dig A 1 by two hole… Read More

  • Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #Trending

    Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending’, was uploaded by FX SHIVAM 69 on 2024-02-16 03:55:34. It has garnered 2880 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:51 or 771 seconds. LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending 📷 Instagram: / Priyanshu_Patel_89 🕊️Twitter:- / fxshivam69 👍 Facebook: / FX SHIVAM 69 📶@Priyanshupatel89 Email: [email protected] 🔥 Like Share & Subscribe My Channel. granny house in Minecraft Minecraft best house granny new video Granny wala game granny wala cartoon Gulli bulli game granny chapter1 ki video granny grandpa… Read More

  • AmiSMP

    AmiSMPWe are a SMP server for all, we have a few YouTubers and Streamers and would love some more! If you want to join us click the discord link, we are active, have friendly staff. Read More

  • SoulCraft Vanilla – No Whitelist – Hermitcraft – Rewards

    🌟 Join a Thriving Community: Immerse yourself in a mature and vibrant player community inspired by the legendary Hermitcraft. Discord Invite: 🌍 Explore a Fresh Server: Embark on an epic journey in a brand-new league, where every adventurer starts on equal ground. 🏆 Claim Your Rewards: Seize the opportunity for epic rewards in this exciting league—your chance to stand out and be recognized! ⚔️ Choose Your Path: Whether you’re a master builder, redstone wizard, or intrepid explorer, Soulcraft welcomes diverse playstyles. ✨ Craft Your Legacy: Be part of a dynamic world where creativity knows no bounds. Shape your destiny… Read More

The Best Terrain This Season!! Exploring in 1.19! | Minecraft 1.19 4K RTX Survival: Ep. 13