The COMPLETE Out of Dungeons WEAPON PROGRESSION GUIDE | Hypixel Skyblock

Video Information

After releasing both of my armor progression guides i have gotten so many comments ever since asking for one on weapons now originally i was a bit hesitant on this as weapons can be very tricky and coming up with an accurate guide is very hard but after hours of research

And discussing with others i’ve finally gone out and made the long awaited video despite this coming up with these guides can be quite the challenge and answering everyone’s questions is nearly impossible in a reasonable amount of time so if you do have any further questions or comments about this video

I would highly suggest that you stop by over on my twitch streams the links are down in the description below but with that being said let’s get straight into the video alrighty so as you can see today’s video is going to be the long awaited out of dungeons weapons guide

Now i’ve been thinking about this video for many weeks now and i’ve talked to a couple of people about it some viewers that have come up with some suggestions for this video as well and i’ve also gone out and done a little bit of my own research and i’ve paired together all of

My past experience with all the weapons that i’ll be talking about in today’s video to hopefully bring an accurate guide for everybody who’s looking to see what weapons they should buy depending on what stage of the game that you are at now before we do hop straight

Into the video i’m going to be splitting this up into two different parts the first part is going to be the main progression between what you should be buying at the very start of the game all the way up until you are end game and you’ve pretty much maxed out your account

And then after that i’ll be talking about some miscellaneous also useful weapons that don’t really fit into the main progression but are definitely very useful for specific things and i’ll get to that in the second half of the video without any further delay let’s hop straight into the first couple weapons

That you should be buying as soon as you start out in skyblock so the first three weapons that i want to talk about today are going to be the undead sword the end sword and also the spider sword now all three of these weapons are literally a hundred coins from the weapon merchant

Who does live just behind this building right at the corner of the entrance of the cave and the reason why i say should buy all three of these weapons and not just one of them is because each one does deal 100 damage to the corresponding mob

Depending on what it is so the undead sword obviously does 100 more damage to undead mobs the end sword to end mobs and the spider sword to just spider related mobs and early on you should not be stressing about getting any crazy damage or sort of maxing out of weapon or really

Enchanting things and doing stuff like that because early on all you need is a couple of weapons to help you clear out the mobs on your island and maybe get your combat levels up a little bit as you are focusing on coins because as long as you

Are earning some coins early on and also working on things like your fairy souls the damage will come off of your talismans your skills and other things so getting anything that’s really useful for just killing random mobs is going to be your best bet and these three swords do it very well

At a very affordable price now the next two weapons that i have in my inventory here are going to be the raider axe and the aspect of the end now this is when things start to get a little bit beefier maybe you’ve gotten your first million coins right now you’ve probably got a

Couple of minions at this point maybe your skill average is also going up slowly but surely and maybe you’re getting to the stage where you were able to go to the end and try out to one shot zealots if this sounds like you then the raiders

Act i would say is probably the better option over the aspect of the end but the aspect of the end is one that you want to buy regardless of any weapon that you’re going to be maining because this is going to carry you all the way up until the end of the game

I still use this weapon to this day even though i have some of the best weapons that are on this list and this aspect at the end can be upgraded later on when you are super rich and have higher requirements so i would definitely recommend you buy

This weapon even if you’re not going to use it for left click damage as the raider axe is probably better for that job now i’m not going to talk too much about why these weapons are good or what’s super beneficial about them but i will talk about pricing

Throughout the entirety of this video and to keep things simple this random raiders axe that i bought off the auction house not even from the viking npc was only about 165 000 coins and it already came with a couple of kills and some random stuff on it and the

Aspect at the end is around 175 000 coins also off the auction house so overall pairing these two weapons together isn’t going to cost you any more than 350ish thousand coins and they’re both great options to start out early on in the game when you are

Sort of picking things up and trying to one shot certain mobs now the next weapon up on this list is none other than the aspect of the dragons now this definitely is a very sweet upgrade from the raider axe and it’s definitely when you start to see some increased damage and is the

Point of the game where your weapons really start to mean something now the aspect of the dragons at the time of me recording this video is only about a hundred thousand coins and because it’s so cheap and so affordable some people are actually able to skip the

Raiders axe entirely and go straight for the aspects of the dragons but obviously if you are following a sort of a set progression that is quite the drastic jump so most people probably buy the radar axe first and then go for the aotd afterwards the beauty about this weapon as well is

That it does have some pretty strong capabilities inside of early game dungeons but i’ll save all the dungeon weapons for a separate video and i’ll make a separate dungeon’s weapon guide hopefully in the following weeks but to keep things short after the dragons very very good mid-tier weapon and i do

High suggest that you pick one up when you are progressing through skyblock now the next weapon up on the list here is going to be the zombie soldier cutlass now the reason why i haven’t bought one here is because i want to stress something really important

Before any of you guys decide to go out and buy a weapon like this now because the zombie soldier cutlass is a very common dungeon drop when you are looking for a perfect quality epic one as you can see down the bottom this says that it has a 50

Base stat boost and it was obtained on floor six but if you don’t have the required skyblock mods and you see another zombie soldier cutlass that looks like this one here if you couldn’t already tell this one’s actually been recombinated and there’s a high chance it was due to an order recombinator

And it actually does not have the same 50 base stat boost but it was obtained on a higher floor now price wise both of these weapons are very similar although the recombinated one in this case does do more damage but i figured before i do start talking about

This weapon i feel like a lot of my audience may not have already known that so when you are buying these weapons that could be auto recons be very careful to make sure you buy a proper epic one and not a rare one that’s just been upgraded by a talisman

But with that being said the reason why the zombie soldier cutlass is on the list here is because at this stage of the game you should have already been able to reach around catacombs five hopefully most of these weapons here are catacombs five and if you can’t use an epic one

You can just stick to a rare one as the rare ones still are very useful and provide lots of damage but the main kicker to the zombie soldier cutlass on every single one that you can see here is that it does have a hundred percent bonus attack speed now the damage and

Strength outside of dungeons is definitely a downgrade from the aspect of the dragons but the damage and strength inside of dungeons is significantly higher and assuming that you do just prefer bonus attack speed or you prefer doing in dungeons things and you see yourself running more dungeons than other people would but the

Zombie soldier cutlass might actually be a better choice than the aotd because it has slightly different benefits to it that aren’t just raw damage and raw strength now next up on the list here of course i had to bring in the liver dagger and the flower of truth now the ongoing debate

Of whether you should buy the livid or whether you should buy the flower of truth has been happening for many many months now and people have non-stop been arguing over the flower of truth being better the liver dagger being better or which one you should go out and buy

Now like i always say you should always just follow your gut and pick the one that personally suits you best some people prefer having the 100 attack speed from the liver dagger other people prefer to have the highest single target damage that the flower of truth might have depending on your stats or

Others just want to have that ability that the flyer of truth has where it shoots out a rose that ricochets between enemies or you just want to have a weapon with higher strength whatever the case may be i’m not going to tell you which one you

Should pick if you want to you can go out and buy both depending on how much money you actually have they’re both very functional in their own ways and both have pretty similar requirements the flyer of truth actually has no requirements at all while the liver dagger only has the floor five completion

But aside from that the livid is a little bit more expensive and arguably a lot more powerful but once again it comes down to personal preference and just choose the one that suits you best now another semi-underrated weapon that i want to talk about at this stage of

The game is actually going to be the fel sword now the fel sword is really really cheap and i believe the last time i tested this with a pretty maxed out one that a viewer actually lent me it was doing more damage than this liver dagger and this liver dagger is pretty

Maxed out five stars recombinated it has really good enchants on it and it’s fuming hot potatoed and despite that a half maxed out fel sword that wasn’t fuming and didn’t have all tier 6 enchants was out damaging the liver dagger and it provides a lot of useful healing benefits to the healer class

Now the only reason why i wouldn’t recommend this too much to too many players is because this weapon has higher requirements being catacombs 20 and ultimately people do prefer having the bonus attack speed from the liver dagger anyways and the single target damage isn’t as helpful but i just wanted to bring this

Weapon to light once again as it is very underrated and has got some incredible capabilities and the fel sword should definitely not be ignored as it could suit some people now from here on out this is the stage of the video where things get a lot more interesting this is when you

Start to really leave mid game and sort of progress into early and mid late game and weapon upgrades become very expensive and are also very dungeon oriented now i am going to leave a full dungeons weapon progression guide for a later video down the line but if we just pretend to ignore the

Dungeon weapons for the time being and just focus on what’s good outside of dungeons and we act like the requirements of stuff don’t really exist the weapon that i would say should upgrade from here on out is going to be the giant sword now as you can see the cheapest clean

Giant sword on the auction house right now is about 117 million coins and a lot of these are very expensive although i definitely don’t recommend buying any of these weird ones that have enchants on them because what you want to do with the giant sword is pair it with the one for all

Enchantment now the giant sword has some of the highest left click damage in the entire game and it has got some very versatile uses inside and outside of dungeons as well so at this stage if you choose to you can upgrade from the liver dagger to a giant

Sword although a lot of people would still prefer the bonus attack speed or they value the lifesteal or siphon enchantment so if you are somebody who still wants to stick with a liver dagger you definitely can but the giant sword is an option for a

Lot of people and it’s one that i would certainly recommend and now we get to proper late game here so this is the stage of the game where now you have a lot of money you’re probably running floor seven maybe some master mode flaws and things are looking a lot more interesting

And if you haven’t seen it this entire time i am talking about any necron blade variant now for me personally i use a cilla and i use a cilla for various reasons but ultimately the necron blade that you choose is entirely personal preference as long as you are fully aware of what

Each one does and the benefits behind the abilities of every necron blade that’s going to allow you to pick out the one that suits you the best for your play style and every single necron blade pretty much acts the same way in various aspects with some minor changes here and there

I would give you guys a brief rundown of what each necron blade is actually good for and the various pros and cons for all four of them but that would drag out the video for too long so if you do have any questions about that you can always leave a comment below and

I will try my best to respond to them or you can also tune into my twitch streams when i am live or just join my discord and ask me over there now the final weapon that i would class as definitely the end-all be-all best weapon in the entire game would

Have to be just the simple emerald blade now the emerald blade itself is not what makes this weapon so powerful it’s the user and the amount of money that you do have in your purse now i would never recommend that you go out and try to main an emerald blade it just

Isn’t reliable and there’s not really much to it but if you are super rich and you get to the stage where you have probably a billion coins in your purse or some insane amounts of money the emerald blade does do the highest damage in the entire game

And with the right setup the emerald blade is absolutely busted but it’s not something that i would definitely go out and go for i would just stick to using a necrons blade and some of the other miscellaneous weapons that i’ll talk about in a minute

But it’s still good to keep in mind that this weapon does exist now another end-all-be-all final weapon for the end game has definitely got to be the terminator now the terminator is used instead of high-level dungeon gameplay although it doesn’t really have that great of a use outside of dungeons which

Is the main reason why i don’t really recommend it either because you aren’t gonna run around just bowing random mobs all the time that being said it is still an endgame weapon and it’s very expensive for good reason so i’ve put it on this list really just

To acknowledge it but once again i wouldn’t recommend using it outside of dungeons and now that i have covered the main progression for the weapons you should be buying outside of dungeons i’m gonna cover all the miscellaneous weapons now and the weapons that you should probably just

Have as they aren’t gonna get too much use all the time but they will come in handy depending on what you choose to do in this game now first up on this list is going to be any of these slayer weapons now the one that i wouldn’t suggest buying would be

The pooch sword as the pooch sword is super situational and because most people don’t actually use mastiff this weapon is kind of useless in most situations and just isn’t as great but the katanas on the other hand for all the enderman slayer are crucial for doing enderman slayer efficiently

They really aren’t only good for enderman slayer and when you pair them with one for all they are very good at it and alternatively you could use a scorpion foil to do spiders easier if your liver dagger or other weapons aren’t good enough or you could use a reaper fashion for revenants

Or an axle shredded if you are rich enough as these will also help you with a lot of slayers too now another miscellaneous weapon or should i say weapons that i want to get on this list has definitely got to be just any other cheaper one for all alternative

Now as you guys know before i did talk about the one for all giant sword being a really powerful single target weapon however if you aren’t rich enough for one you can definitely opt out for a shadow fury instead the shadow fury from what i know is

Really good with the one for all enchantments and so is other things like the reaper scythe and the reaper scythe is also another weapon that is really good with the one for all enchantment the reason why i don’t put these ones in the main progression is because the

Liver dagger just has that 100 bonus attack speed which is super super helpful for taking out bosses and if one for all is something that definitely suits you more than say the liver dagger and its high attack speed then in that case a one for a weapon is

Probably a better option which is why i put it in the miscellaneous category because it’s not really for everyone now next up on the list here we have some very important dungeon weapons now this includes the wither click sword the bonzo staff florid zombie sword and the ice spray wand

Now these all depend heavily on what you run in dungeons how frequently you run dungeons how much money you have and a lot of other factors but to keep things short the wither cloak sword is unreal for being able to lava hop inside of floor seven

It’s almost required in any run that you decide to do as this will save you in so many situations the bonzo staff is incredible for mobility and just makes getting around the place really easy especially inside of dungeons but it could be useful outside as well the florid zombie sword or the ornate

Zombie sword whichever one you’re able to afford is super super good for burst healing if you’re doing slayer bosses or you’re doing dungeons or really anything that does do a lot of damage to you i suggest picking one of these bad boys up and it’s going to be

Very helpful just in any part of the game and last but not least the i spray wand is very nice for stunning mobs whether that be inside dungeons whether it be outside if you really needed it the i spray wand is very helpful and versatile to pair with other weapons

But it isn’t required and doesn’t really sit with the main progression for the second last set of weapons that i do have on this list it’s pretty much just going to be anywhere you can get your hands on whether that be the brunon’s bow or the juju short bow

Any bow that you were able to pick up and just use outside of dungeons is going to benefit you quite a lot especially for things like dragons you do want to have a bow at the ready just so you’re actually able to shoot the dragon and do a little bit of damage

Both do have some other helpful uses outside of dungeons like killing the mobs for the slayer quests and also doing the commissions in the dwarven mines although people normally stick to something like the flower of truth for this kind of thing as the flower of truth can be spammed a

Lot quicker and bows aren’t as great but nonetheless having a bow that does do some kind of decent range damage is helpful because you never know when you might need one and now last but not least the final weapons that i do have on this list have just got to be

Any of the event weapons for whatever that may be now not many people do jerry events spooky festivals or anything of the sorts but if there’s any weapon out of this little list i have here that i would recommend you get it would be the soul whip as the soul

Whip can be good for room clearing in dungeons as a couple of other uses that it does have but it comes without saying that the frosty the snow blaster is very good for the jerry event and if you are a lower level player and you still want to do spooky somewhat efficiently

The ghoul buster and the pumpkin launcher can be pretty helpful for that if you do choose to use a ghoul buster any spooky festivals make sure you get the fast reforge for that extra attack speed but you don’t really need to enchant it or put any damage stats on it

Because it’s not really useful for anything other than the spooky mobs but with all of that finally being said that’s gonna wrap up everything that i had for today’s video now hopefully you did find this useful or informative in some way and hopefully this does guide you throughout your

Skyblock progression when it comes to buying weapons now if you do find anything in this video that you would like to comment on or you think that i said wrong maybe you have some different opinions or maybe you’d like to clear up some things that i may not have explained in this video

Be sure to leave it down in the comment section below i’m always open for discussion and constructive criticism as making these guides is really difficult and hard to get accurate i know i’ve said this a lot already but if you do also have any other questions

And you just want to reach out to me in a different situation i do stream live over on twitch every friday saturday and sunday i do also have a discord server that you can join to ask me questions wherever it may be and i’m always happy to help with any of

These kinds of videos as my goal is just to help out other players but with all that being said that’s gonna wrap up everything that i had for today’s video and as always take care and peace no way bro oh man i’ll take it dude i’ll take it free money free money bro

Free money will it just play boys let’s just wait no way no way no way second would it just play let’s go let’s Not a hand

This video, titled ‘The COMPLETE Out of Dungeons WEAPON PROGRESSION GUIDE | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by ModernSoldier on 2021-07-14 00:47:17. It has garnered 224540 views and 5352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:12 or 1152 seconds.

This video has been long requested by so many people, and I’m glad I’m finally able to deliver it after over a month now. With there being so many weapons inside of Hypixel Skyblock, deciding on the correct ones for each stage of the game can be tricky, so in today’s video I’ll be walking you through step by step the weapons you’ll need at each stage of the game, to hopefully help out those who need it!

More Content! 2 Handles, Less than 300 Runs… UNSTABLE DRAGON ARMOUR IS THE NEW META: Why I NEVER Take Contraband:


0:00 Introduction 1:48 Early – Mid Game Weapons 7:24 Mid – Early Late Game Weapons 10:54 Late – End Game Weapons 13:14 Slayer Weapons 14:13 Alternative Options (Main Progression) 15:06 Must-Have Dungeon Weapons 16:15 Bows 17:02 Event Weapons 17:48 Final Thoughts, Outro + Bonus Clip

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FAQ: Q) Where are you from? A) Australia.

Q) How old are you? A) 16 years old.

Q) What texture packs & mods do you use? A) I use a custom default edit that I made myself called “Orange Flare” and for Hypixel Skyblock I use a custom edit of the texture pack “FurfSky”. As for mods, I use a handful of carefully selected skyblock and non skyblock mods, so if you would like to download any of this information, I have provided links down below:

Orange Flare for 1.8.9: Orange Flare for 1.16.5: FurfSky EDIT for 1.8.9: Mod Folder:

Q) How do you rename your sword (or any item) in Skyblock? A) Install the NEU mod, download link in and once installed run the command /neucustomize and follow the prompts that appear on the “?” symbol

Big thanks to both REEV3S and Fanku for editing these videos, links to their stuff here: REEV3S: YouTube:

Music: YouTube:

Tags: Minecraft, Hypixel, Hypixel Skyblock, Weapons Guide, Weapon Guide, Best Weapon, Best Weapons, Which Weapon Should I Buy, Which Weapon Should You Buy

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    Welcome to Better Towny! Experience ultimate progression with a unique leveling system, grind your mcmmo skills, level up jobs to earn money, participate in events for rewards, and unlock OP gear with gems. Join the server now Server launched on the 1st of June! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to start fresh and become the best player on the better towny server. Join now at Experience the Best Play on a server created by a highly experienced owner. Enjoy balanced gameplay and fine-tuned features for the best possible gaming experience. Join us at Features: MCMMO: Level… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This Minecraft Meme title is hot

    Minecraft Memes - This Minecraft Meme title is hotScore 12 on the Minecraft Meme Scale? That’s practically legendary status. I bow down to the meme master. Read More

  • Farm Disguise Surprise: Minecraft Edition

    Farm Disguise Surprise: Minecraft Edition In Minecraft, disguise your farms with style, No need to hide them behind a wall of stone, that’s vile. Modify tutorials to fit your world just right, Show off your creations, let them shine bright. It took 31 hours of animating, over 4 months of time, But now I’m back, ready to share this rhyme. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, Minecraft farming tips, let’s make them glow! Read More

  • ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE IN TENGE TENGE! #minecraft #meme #scary

    ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE IN TENGE TENGE! #minecraft #meme #scary When you accidentally stumble upon the cursed Tenge Tenge passage in Minecraft and suddenly find yourself doing the Tenge Tenge dance with a creeper. Talk about a deadly dance partner! #minecraftproblems #cursedpassage #watchoutforthecreeper Read More

  • Reinventing Minecraft: New World Build

    Reinventing Minecraft: New World Build Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a sandbox environment unlike any other. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft From lush forests to towering mountains, Minecraft offers a diverse range of biomes for players to discover and conquer. Whether you’re mining for resources deep underground or taming the creatures of the surface, there’s always something new to explore. Building Your Dream World With an endless supply of… Read More

  • Double Trouble PVP Showdown

    Double Trouble PVP Showdown Minecraft: A World of Blocks, Creatures, and Adventure Minecraft is a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. With its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival, players are free to shape their own virtual worlds using blocks of various materials. Whether you’re building a towering castle, exploring deep caverns, or battling fearsome creatures, there’s always something new to discover in Minecraft. The Power of Blocks Blocks are the building blocks of Minecraft, quite literally. Players can use different types of blocks to construct anything their imagination can conjure up. From simple houses to intricate… Read More

  • Bluey Play: Queen Bingo’s Super Safe House vs Evil Bluey in Minecraft!

    Bluey Play: Queen Bingo's Super Safe House vs Evil Bluey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Bluey In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-05-09 09:00:29. It has garnered 32652 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:44 or 3764 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Bluey In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Ultimate Desert Oasis Build Challenge

    Ultimate Desert Oasis Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Has Anyone Made A Desert Oasis Better Than Mine?’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-03-26 19:32:15. It has garnered 6449 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:16 or 10156 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft JuJu after 15 yrs

    Mind-blowing Minecraft JuJu after 15 yrsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 15 Years’, was uploaded by JuJu on 2024-05-17 16:37:40. It has garnered 19 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Celebrating the 15th anniversary of Minecraft Thanks for all the memories :3 Worlds (IN ORDER): Minecraft’s First Video Notch’s Test Server Server 060809 USS Enterprise Herobrine’s Seed Pack.png Fallen Kingdom Map Revenge Parody Map Greenfield Survival Island Temple of Notch Skyblock Skygrid Imperial City Survival Games (Hunger Games) Minecraft Online The Dropper TU1 Tutorial World Stampy’s Lovely World Jerry’s Tree Herobrine’s Mansion Cops n’ Robbers TU9… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Sky Gaming SMP Live! #MinecraftMadness

    Unleash Chaos in Sky Gaming SMP Live! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE | PUBLIC SMP LIVE | LIFESTEAL SMP JAVA +BEDROCK #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by SKY GAMING on 2024-04-06 19:50:06. It has garnered 182 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:54 or 6474 seconds. Hi guys.. It’s me akash.. Welcome to the stream of minecraft… Here we can play public server with you all.. Just need your support to grow.. Make sure to like and subscribe the channel.. ❣️ #minecraft #mcpelive #minecraftlive #mcpehindi #smp #publicsmp #lifestealsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmpbedrock #lifestealsmpjava #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftpe #publicsmp #publicsmplive #herobrinesmp #herobrinesmplive #fleetsmp #herobrinesmp #fleetsmp #skygaming… Read More

  • “OMG! Minecraft Number Reveal if I Take Damage!” #minecraftshorts

    "OMG! Minecraft Number Reveal if I Take Damage!" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Это Minecraft но если я получу урон мой номер появится на экране #minecraftshorts #майнкрафт #shorts’, was uploaded by Покочка on 2024-05-04 14:31:21. It has garnered 42276 views and 4124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: My Shocking Demise #shorts

    Unbelievable: My Shocking Demise #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how did I get this… #shorts’, was uploaded by Demise on 2024-02-17 03:57:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #bedwars #minecraft #bridge #clean #trending #juke … Read More

  • Mystery VTuber encounters creepy stalker in Minecraft

    Mystery VTuber encounters creepy stalker in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREEPER NYAAA #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by Mipa Abirupa on 2024-01-09 19:15:37. It has garnered 9536 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Invite! Join my epic adventure 🎮

    Minecraft SMP Invite! Join my epic adventure 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Join My 1.20 Public Smp | Minecraft Live Java + Pocket Edition |  @Imheregamer69’, was uploaded by IM Here gamer on 2024-02-12 04:10:40. It has garnered 47 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:47 or 5987 seconds. Join My 1.20 Public Smp | Minecraft Live Java + Pocket Edition |  minecraft live server #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcpe #gaming #live #minecraftsurvival #smplive #jayislive Minecraft #GamerFleet #MinecraftHindi #SASURASMP #JAYARMY minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: ARMADILLOS vs OCEAN!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: ARMADILLOS vs OCEAN!Video Information This video, titled ‘ARMADILLOS VS THE OCEAN l Minecraft (15)’, was uploaded by AsterKatt on 2024-05-12 01:11:41. It has garnered 206 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:28 or 9088 seconds. Last stream, we found two armadillos (and Basil the Parrot) only issue is, we’re FAR away from home. Is it possible to make it back with everyone alive?? This is a very chill stream, so feel free to pop in and say hello or stick around!! I’m glad you made it!! :)) STREAM TIME: 6:30PM-8:00PM → Join the Discord!!: Huge shoutout to… Read More

  • The Superflat Experiment – Vanilla Semi-Anarchy – No Whitelist – 1.20.4

    IP: Version: 1.20.4 Discord Server: The Superflat Experiment offers Minecraft’s most unique experience: A completely vanilla Superflat world with no resets and gameplay limitations. Surviving in a Superflat world requires ingenuity and resourcefulness. Players can utilize villages for essential resources like food, shelter, and initial tools. Access trading with villagers for valuable items, explore the unique End Portal for rare loot, and use ruined portals to reach the Nether. Join a tight-knit community with a 2-year history, focused on creating and exploring in an anarchy environment. New players receive support at spawn with hand-planted trees and farms. Explore… Read More

  • The Mousetrap [1.20.4]

    The main theme of The Mousetrap is scarcity. At the start of the server (6/9/24) a world border of 500 x 500 blocks was set, and with every hour that passes the radius of the world border expands by 1 block. This forces players into close quarters with each other and creates scarcity in non-renewable items like diamonds and iron, and also makes open space and farmland more difficult to come by. As a result, the economy of items is much more interesting than it would be if you could easily obtain resources by walking a thousand blocks in one… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 3D dead pixel: Minecraft edition

    Minecraft Memes - 3D dead pixel: Minecraft editionIt’s like finding a pixelated hidden treasure in a sea of blocks! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Growth Spurt: 15 Years of Evolution

    Minecraft's Growth Spurt: 15 Years of Evolution In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’ve seen growth and evolution, through joys and pains. From humble beginnings to where we stand today, The community’s spirit, never fades away. Researching real-life mobs, for a touch of reality, Bringing new updates, with boundless vitality. The community’s reaction, to the latest mob vote, Shows the love and passion, that keeps us afloat. So here’s to 15 years, of blocks and mobs galore, Minecraft’s legacy, we’ll always adore. Keep crafting, keep building, keep exploring with glee, For in this world of Minecraft, we’re always free. Read More

  • Seba’s Hot Minecraft Fail #memeLol

    Seba's Hot Minecraft Fail #memeLol Seba salah dalah? Sounds like someone needs to lay off the potions of confusion in Minecraft! #minecraftmishaps #lostinthemines #oopsieminecraft Read More

  • Disappointing Brotherly Alliance in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 5

    Disappointing Brotherly Alliance in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 5 Kết Giao Huynh Đệ Với T Gaming & Khangg Và Mình Thật Sự Thất Vọng… l Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 5 Exploring the Minecraft Mega SMP Universe In the fifth episode of the Minecraft Mega SMP series, viewers are taken on a journey through the vast and exciting world of Minecraft. The collaboration between TGaming, Khangg, and other players brings a new level of excitement to the gameplay. Building Bonds and Facing Challenges The episode showcases the camaraderie between the players as they work together to overcome obstacles and build impressive structures. From mining resources to battling monsters, every… Read More

  • Inna Sumba’s Insane Dance Challenge! 💃🔥

    Inna Sumba's Insane Dance Challenge! 💃🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#tutorial #dance #challenge #anime #minecraft #trend #trending #music #magic’, was uploaded by Inna Sumba on 2024-04-26 01:20:50. It has garnered 27205 views and 435 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Story Mode: Epic Gameplay!

    Minecraft Story Mode: Epic Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Actually Properly Playing Minecraft Story Mode…’, was uploaded by Elomentoplayz on 2024-03-30 15:32:55. It has garnered 541 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:45 or 6105 seconds. THIS IS JUST MINECRAFT STORY MODE SEASON ONE LOL Subscribe: *My computer (currently): I might upgrade it later this year though: My gear: My Phone (Editing Machine): My Discord server: Scratch profile: Basic information about me: I usually make Friday Night Funkin’ content and stream it on Saturdays. I also like making Scratch ports of popular Friday Night… Read More

  • Unleash The ULTIMATE Keyboard & Mouse Settings for MCPE/MCBE

    Unleash The ULTIMATE Keyboard & Mouse Settings for MCPE/MCBEVideo Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Keyboard & Mouse Settings [MCPE/MCBE]’, was uploaded by FLQMZE on 2024-05-14 04:51:30. It has garnered 38 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. —————————————————– Sub Goal: 100 Subcribers Game Settings: FOV: Ask Sensitivity: 7 DPI: 1800 Mouse: Glorious Model I Texture Pack: Ask in comments Let’s Chat: Leave a comment below and let’s start a conversation! —————————————————– Tags: (Ignore) #MCPE #Hive #Minecraft #MCPE #Hive #Minecraft #hive #mcpe #1cps #controller #combo #clutch #montage #jump #hivemc #hiveskywars #hivearcade #giveaway #gift #gifts #giveaways #packfolder #hivepackfolder #mcpepackfolder hive, treasure wars,… Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Escape in 2 Seconds with Kolaplay

    Ultimate Portal Escape in 2 Seconds with KolaplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО ПРЯТКИ С ПОРТАЛ ГАНАМИ! КАК УБЕЖАТЬ ЗА 2 СЕКУНДЫ’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-02-11 12:00:46. It has garnered 56 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More

The COMPLETE Out of Dungeons WEAPON PROGRESSION GUIDE | Hypixel Skyblock