THE *CRAZIEST* FIRST 24 HOURS *F-TOP #1* | Minecraft Factions | Minecadia Pirate [1]

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All right guys so mind kdf factions has literally just reset not even a day ago I just hopped on the server it is currently Saturday uh afternoon I guess you could say I was very busy Friday I got home really late so I was not able

To get on Friday unfortunately I kind of talked about in that in the uh announcement video I made about the new season if you guys watched that yeah boys we are currently here on if you guys do want to hop on the server right now is the

Perfect time to start playing factions you can join using and guys I’m gonna do this as well but make sure to type slash redeem space Robbie and uh oop I put a slash there we go so if I do that click this Red Bull here to confirm that you’re like not a

Bot or something and then you get some free gold and some free money to help you guys get started and it does directly support me of course and boys let’s try to go for 75 likes on today’s video let’s see if we can go ahead and

Hit that so make sure to go leave a like down below if you guys want to see more factions content and yeah looks like in chat right now there’s supposed to be a citadel event or something some kind of PVP event uh because it’s apparently like 15 minutes late now or something is

What people are saying and Chad is being spammed so I don’t know that’s all that’s going on in chat like I said I literally just logged on I do want to do some of my G kits or my cracking kit where’s my uh Kraken and cracking plus

We’ll do cracking plus right there and we’ll do cracking as well and that is going to give us a bunch of money right here we can claim we have a mystery pet level Hunter we got an XP pet nothing crazy got some soul gems that is pretty

Good slot crystals uh yeah some some decent stuff I think the KDAY rolls are gonna be good our roll tickets enabled they are not okay okay so these are gonna actually open in like two more days it looks like or unless the fund uh gets to 500 million dollars then Kitty

Rolls will enable so it looks like it might actually get there before because uh the fun has gone pretty high it’s like halfway there already and we’re not even 24 hours in the map yet but guys this is gonna be a huge uh competitive map this season apparently randoms

Versus oh what was the other Factory name I don’t even remember okay so I went back and looked and it’s apparently soapy time and null I think I don’t know if they’re emerging or if they’re two different fashions that are playing but apparently there’s gonna be a lot of

Competition I am going to be joining randoms again because I think we’re on like a three or four winning streak right now so uh yeah I gotta stick with the homies we’re gonna be joining randoms I’m sure the faction is full right now now yeah 25 out of 25 but as

You guys can see if we do slash f-top you can see uh we’re kind of killing it right now we already have three billion in uh value and the next closer faction has uh 680. so you guys can see how much we’re uh winning by right now it’s kind

Of crazy yeah guys I think I’m gonna join up with the faction and uh hop and call with them see what everybody’s doing and maybe start trying to build a godsend or something because I know I need to do that or get some crates open and uh yeah we’ll bring you guys back

When we actually have something like that all right guys so raining Outpost is about to enable I actually got an invite to the faction we’re in the fashion now we got a 25 out of 25 online rating Outpost enables in four minutes so if I do slash Outpost obviously you

Guys know or might not know if you don’t play mind Kitty very much but the reigning Outpost right here uh this is basically like a base you have to raid but it’s an admin base it comes with a bunch of cool Buffs like that uh you get

Uh 1.3 XL multiplier 30 mil every 30 minutes like all kinds of stuff like that so yeah it’s definitely a good thing to have it is very important especially at the beginning of the season so our faction is gonna be setting up a cannon once it releases and

Uh yeah we’re gonna try to get in and hopefully be the first faction to breach because that will mean we will take access of it so uh yeah I’m gonna be probably just patrolling walls and uh fighting people in pvping and uh doing that sort of stuff on top of the wall so

I’m gonna hop in the call at the fashion and I’ll bring you guys back when you’re actually at the rating Outpost once it enables it’s open yep come here I just got here I’m here already it’s open yeah let’s go oh I’m so ahead holy crap what’s the chords of our post does

Anybody know my flies just I’ll just our place probably um when I fly on fly boots okay the art post is not here what wait actually how big is the claim does that mean again oh my God wait the art post is actually an image oh it is here

Oh which is holy because our post is 20 chunks oh inverting’s on the top of her thing I’m fighting him right now if you guys want to come up here I just got knocked off oh bro it you take father in here don’t you yep bro bro I got knocked

Off I didn’t realize it yeah I’m gonna try to go back down can somebody rally where uh that Cannon box is that or did somebody already do it right here okay I’m gonna come back and try to pick up my my stuff oh true I got not one but two

They’re inverting die or something this stuff is still here I think I can’t pick up either of this stuff uh yeah you’re gonna yeah you have to wait it’s because you fell yeah I don’t know which one’s mine I think this one’s mine yeah this is my stuff

Here okay perfect wait well I need a depth Charter shirt does anybody have one of those like a spare one they’re like five mil a dog are they actually no way should I should I even buy one I feel like I have to right are they in our box oh they’re in here

Oh you guys got them trapped or something or what well I don’t oh my god oh no you guys don’t know oh go south there we go well he’s dead I need like help now there’s a kid sagging our Canon dude he’s in the cannon box I don’t know where where did

He go dude I lost him dude there’s a hole right at the top and you can fly Right In can you like Buck her up something I literally called that bro like why is no one patched to you what holy I don’t know I’m trying to

Find where he went he flew right past me oh there’s a kid on top of the walls you just oh this guy’s jumped on me oh two there’s two of them here I’m gonna have to throw down I just rallied I rallied I rallied my Pearl landed on swimming up the side of

This wall oh shoot I’m like at the bottom of the walls at our post this is a really bad spot I just gotta jump down and buy one nice nice nice do you want to just go down to two VM he’s gonna be stuck down here I rallied

He’s super he’s getting super low he just went all the way down if only had depths bro oh he’s just put on did he put on that oh he put it he took a bus armor bro yeah it was back up here he’s up here he’s up here he’s up here

He’s probably probably sprawled probably but I guess bro he can’t block he can I knocked him down and knocked him down no way oh rip oh I fell under him dude hey wait I’m here I’m here I’m here wait wait is anybody fly yeah nice nice nice nice oh

I attacked someone on top oh shoot wait what oh they got it dude they got it well did we even get close were we close at all no okay well shoot all right all right guys unfortunately raining Outpost did not go the way we wanted it to so uh

Yeah we did not actually end up getting it I think it was another faction Groot something yeah group Team Six I don’t know if this is like a I don’t know what faction this actually is like if that’s I have no idea or maybe that’s a real

Faction name I’m not sure but yeah they were actually the ones who won rating outposts apparently we weren’t even close which kind of sucks we just pvp’d them on their walls we killed some of them so it wasn’t horrible but you know I had some fun doing it so that’s that’s

Good but guys now we do have three sogw crates we have gone ahead and got these so we’re gonna pop these open because I’m kind of broke right now so I need a little something to boost me up so we’re gonna pop these open and hopefully we

Can get something good out of these uh did I click all the things I did okay so we’re gonna get some mystery mob spawn or some cooldown shards uh the cooldown charts are actually pretty good uh for early map armor orbs definitely we’ll uh take those we’re gonna go with the meso

It had on the right side three KD roll tickets I don’t think that is very good uh I don’t know I can maybe sell those for some money we’re gonna go PV we’ll go PV like 12 and put this stuff in here because I want to uh try to organize my

PVS at least like the the first couple ones all right let’s pop the second one open hopefully we can actually get something good out of this one please bro I really want to get like a like a weapon like an admin item or something

Okay we got some arm orbs we got uh some random part items phase two tag some keys we got a million dollars or something good we’re gonna go with my head and we got shielding Escape loot bag okay that was definitely the move I think oh they’re all shooting okay okay

Well hey we still got our showings cave loop back I’ll open that that’s gonna give me nine million dollars right there that is very good we got a million dollar banknote from that as well a bunch of XP holy crap that one is actually pretty good we’re up to 16

Million dollars now I also did go ahead and buy an IG pet and a cow pet off age I think the IG pet was like two point something million and the cow pet was like 200k so I just instant bought that but uh yeah we’re gonna open the final

Srtw crate right here please bro let me get something good mystery level 50 pet if I get like a shield pet out of that that’d be pretty good chunk Busters do not need those okay yeah this one we didn’t really get anything good out of

Except for this uh let’s go with the hey food is not even a partner anymore so we gotta go with royal and we got oh okay wait that’s actually pretty good A charged Chronicle dude that’s gotta be good that’s like I don’t know that’s

Like 30 or 40 bucks on the store I think okay that is not bad I’m going to clean out my e-chest as well because I don’t need this stuff in here let’s open the mystery level 50 pet we got a cow pet okay that’s completely useless level one

And uh level 100 cow pet are like exactly the same if you guys didn’t know that so I’m just gonna store all this stuff in here for now I don’t really need most of the stuff we’ll uh take the legendary keys I guess we’ll open these

I can do like create quick open right quick open legendary would I have like five or something uh Dives uh how many more do I have okay that was all of them okay perfect so we got a random mask bandage Master mystery fragments we’ll pop these up and get some random g-kits

Actually well my inventory is filled okay so I’m gonna go PB 13 and just store all this stuff up somebody picked up some of my stuff it’s fine I don’t really care about it anyways the black Scrolls will be helpful when I uh go to

Build the god Set so uh yeah I’ll gladly take those and is there any good enchants we got off of here I don’t think so anti-life 10 that might be uh kind of good okay actually I don’t even think you put that on your set dude I

Could be maybe I’m stupid I don’t know if I’m thinking of something else but is it anti-lifer I might be thinking of another engine that goes on your helmet I don’t know yeah guys this season I do want to try to do a lot of PVP and more

Group stuff with the fashion okay I know you guys like the um Team fan and stuff like that I was trying to do that group PVP at writing Outpost it’s really hard early season though like especially this video uh because uh the map just started so there’s not a whole lot of content

Nobody has God sets really obviously but once I get a god Set it should be a lot better I’m gonna try to get away from arcade PVP because that is just not my thing as many of you know I can’t do 1v1s on This Server I just don’t the PVP

Just never clicked for me dude I’d much rather do group PVP and I think I do a lot better in group PVP so that’s what I’ll try to do probably more of this season that and I want to do a lot of raids raids are so much fun so let me

Know what kind of content or if you guys have any content ideas in the uh comment section down below I’ll definitely consider all video ideas if you want to comment something down below I’d very much appreciate it I want to do a lot of voyages and some gambling maybe we’ll

Probably end off the video with some gambling so we’re gonna do we’re gonna throw up a four million dollar coin flip we’ll put it on heads and just see what happens here all right oh it’s quality okay I know this dude I used to be good friends with them okay so uh hopefully

We win this right one right here at least If I Lose I’m losing to one of my good friends so uh we lost okay you know what that’s uh that kind of sucks all right the only thing to do here now is go oh double down so you know that

That’s the smartest thing we’re going to heads again and quality accepted it again okay so let’s see if we can win this one right here we got heads again we want the heads again because Tails just won so maybe we can win this one please bro okay we won that one okay

Actually that’s good so we’re up to 20 million now I gotta turn off my message dude I’m getting spammed a lot right now it’s kind of annoying we’re gonna go coin flip let’s do 10 mil let’s do a big one we’re gonna go on Tails 10 mil on

Tails and uh we’ll see if anybody accepts that right there what is bow top looking like it’s only like a day into the map right now so I want to see how much money do people have 300 mil looks like oh something this guy took it right

Here okay so hopefully we win this one right here what are we gonna be up to if this if we win this what like 30 mil I think okay come on please bro let me win this let me win this please I need this

Bro why is it going so long why is this one taking forever holy crap wait we won did we win that oh my gosh we won that no way okay well we got 30 mil that’s probably nothing crazy but you know that’s a lot more than we had I think we

Just doubled our money there we had like 16 mil didn’t we I’m pretty sure we did an hour up to uh 30 ml so I almost doubled it dude that is not too bad my coin flip luck is starting off at the beginning not pretty good I thought I

Was gonna lose all my money oh you know the enchant I was talking about I was thinking of Lucky not anti-life I don’t think we actually need anti-life on your set I don’t know why I was thinking that I was thinking of Lucky that’s what I

Meant okay so that enchant might not be that good but hey we got some more money so that’s pretty good oh is this a steal I want to know should I buy this for nine Mill apiece dude I can’t afford the whole set though that’s the thing I

Wonder if this is gonna like insta sell yeah that actually looks like a really good deal if only I had the money to buy every single piece dude when a message to do 30 mil for the whole set question mark we’re gonna see if he would do that

I’ll pay my whole ballot for that full set actually no this thing isn’t even very uh no this thing actually kind of sucks hold on I think one of the pieces just sold too like the chestplate yeah the chest plate just sold okay well or

Did he take it off I don’t know if he took it off uh so is he taking it off right now okay I’m gonna do withdraw 30 mil I hope I’m not getting ripped right here because I didn’t really take a look at the set I just looked at anti-life

Armor I think that I think some of these pieces are pretty good and this should go up in value as the Eco goes up since this is the only like the first day so we’re gonna do this right here hopefully this will increase in value though we’re

Gonna do that right here so I guess we got ourselves a kind of a god Set this probably isn’t the greatest set at all I know like uh demonic or I don’t think that belongs on here I don’t know about spiked I don’t know uh Obsidian Shield I

Know that belongs on there because I don’t have uh the Fire Res from the skill tree or the crew tree not skill tree but I also know anti-life I don’t think that goes on there there’s some other enchants there’s some weird enchants on this set but you know what

It’s it’s pretty solid it looks like but the downside we’re down to 178k now but we did ICF or coin flip our way up to a god Set now so maybe we can use this thing in the next video we just gotta get a weapon made

This video, titled ‘THE *CRAZIEST* FIRST 24 HOURS *F-TOP #1* | Minecraft Factions | Minecadia Pirate [1]’, was uploaded by Rawbie on 2023-05-28 03:45:03. It has garnered 5438 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:53 or 773 seconds.

Thank you guys for watching! Hopefully you enjoyed this video. ☕ Make sure to watch this video in 1080p 60fps for the best experience!

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    NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!Video Information This video, titled ‘que flojera ⚒️MINECRAFT BEDROCK⚒️#videojuegos #minecraft #minecraftberdock #streamer #shorts’, was uploaded by NinjaGamerGirls on 2024-04-05 18:00:04. It has garnered 665 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. ————————————————– ——————————— 💖🎮 GAMER GIRL 🎮💖 ———– ————————————————– ——————— ⚒️ Minecraft REALMS ⚒️ Technical Realm: Realm con Hacks: Verify your Minecraft username on Discord to be able to play: 🤖 [Discord] 🤖 – Minecraft Whatsapp Groups: Facebook: ————————————————– ——————- Social networks: 💜 [twitch] 💜 – 💝 [Instagram] 💝 - 💠 [Facebook]💠 –​ 🐥 [Twitter] 🐥-… Read More


    INSANE HUGGY WUGGY REMAKE PRECISION BUILDVideo Information This video, titled ‘REFAZENDO O HUGGY WUGGY DO MINECRAFT BEDROCK/WIN 10 NO MINECRAFT JAVA’, was uploaded by IsaacBeyCraftYT on 2024-04-05 15:00:41. It has garnered 766 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:36 or 576 seconds. Description/Credits Here: | V Channel of the original addon creator: Wiki do addon original: Mcreator (The Program I used to make the Mod): [Versão do Mcreator usado no Vídeo — 2023.3] Blockbench (The Program I used for the custom models): Plugin (Geckolib) that I used to run the customized models in Mcreator: [Versão do… Read More


    EPIC DOOMER BUILDS UWU TOWN in MINECRAFT! 🔥#GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘| The Town of UWU | Minecraft BETA 1.7.3 #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by DoomerPlaysMinecraft on 2024-02-21 00:51:57. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. The town of UWU was founded by Ospence5 on August 9th 2023, and currently has 25 residents. If you want to see UWU for yourself you can find it at Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please considering subscribing and hitting that like button as it supports us in a major way! ~ Doomer… Read More

  • Coca MC

    Coca MCCoca MC is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with treecapitator and /home and /warp plugins to help with mobility and gathering resources. There is a small and friendly community with active players who can help you if needed. There are certain teams you can opt into joining, which each have their own lore, but it is entirely optional. This is mainly an English-speaking server, however, we have German members too. We are planning to add more plugins in future, mostly just QoL or fun plugins which don’t alter progression Read More

  • EpicGaming: Semi-Vanilla, Vanilla, Minigames

    1.20.6 EpicGaming Multi-Server (3 Servers) IP/Address: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord: We offer: Towny Survival (Semi-Vanilla) -Mobheads -Playershops -Death Chest -Teleports -Ingame Ranks -Ender Dragon respawn Minigames (over 20+): -Soccer -Horse Races -Build Battle -Bedwars -Ice Boat Races -Parkour -Boost -Sheep Wars -Pig Race -Chess and more 100% Vanilla: Opened 3 weeks ago, version 1.20.6 Server Tournaments: We regularly host events and tournaments. Next event is today (Sunday 8pm CET). Join us! Community Details: -Small, active community -Average age: 20 -Server uptime: 100% Interested? Let us know in the comments for server connection details and a past event video. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why can’t players ride zombies?

    Minecraft Memes - Why can't players ride zombies?Looks like the zombie got the better end of the deal! Who knew they were such skilled sniffer riders? Read More

  • Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness!

    Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone with texts!” 😂🎮 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure!

    Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure! The Evolution of Minecraft: A Look Back at 15 Years of Creativity and Innovation Delivering Updates and Managing Community Expectations In the world of Minecraft, the pressure of delivering updates is a constant challenge for Mojang Studios. With a dedicated community always hungry for new content, the developers must carefully balance innovation with maintaining the core essence of the game. The team’s ability to manage these expectations has been crucial in keeping players engaged and excited about the future of Minecraft. One key aspect of this delicate balance is the regular release of updates that not only fix bugs… Read More

  • Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2

    Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2 Minecraft Hardcore Season 2: A New Adventure Begins! Welcome to Wolf City! The beloved Minecraft Hardcore series is back with a thrilling second season. Fans are in for a treat as they join the adventure in this hardcore gameplay. Exploring New Challenges This season promises exciting new challenges and adventures for players. From building intricate structures to surviving dangerous encounters, the stakes are higher than ever in this hardcore world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Hardcore, survival is key. Players must navigate the world, gather resources, and fend off enemies to stay alive. With limited lives and increased… Read More

  • Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft Hexxit

    Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft HexxitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft – Hexxit’, was uploaded by UntoldGG on 2024-05-09 18:05:29. It has garnered 58 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:38 or 7298 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!

    Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but only with Leather Armor! | Stream 6’, was uploaded by YertaPain on 2024-04-09 06:35:34. It has garnered 780 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:10 or 8470 seconds. Yoo this is Stream 6 of the Minecraft Hardcore Series! Today I set up the villager farm (mostly) so that I can have good trades for enchanting! Lets see how long it takes me to beat the ender dragon! I hope you enjoy this stream and be sure to subscribe if you enjoy the fun! If you want a Text… Read More

  • Dronio’s Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viral

    Dronio's Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft с Компотом – яркий фейерверк веселья. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 13:45:00. It has garnered 11491 views and 1639 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!

    Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT A CUTE COTTAGECORE STARTER HOUSE – OLYMPUSCRAFT SEASON 4 EPISODE 1’, was uploaded by Fuzzycub_ on 2024-04-17 17:59:46. It has garnered 324 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:40 or 1600 seconds. Join the Bear Cave Discord : Olympuscraft SMP is a Modded 1.19.2 Minecraft java Server. Check out the other members here! @CodeMC1 @styrkatMC @RobPlaysMinecraft @CallieBuilds @dergrietz @saigeyplays @MB_C-137 @BeardedSurvivalGuy @zinjy @jblader111 @MasterCWG music licences from Epidemic sound. Read More

  • INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! – Battle Lock Gamer #3

    INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! - Battle Lock Gamer #3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3’, was uploaded by Battle Lock Gamer on 2024-02-27 16:17:32. It has garnered 400 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3 Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition you can adventure solo or with friends, and discover an… Read More

  • “UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night” #gamer

    "UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night" #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft’, was uploaded by Night Gamer on 2024-04-08 13:00:44. It has garnered 5050 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft Read More

  • Daekock’s Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #Minecraft

    Daekock's Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JFK Mega – Auf zum Mars 🚀 🌍 #minecraft #JFKMEGA #atm9’, was uploaded by Daekock on 2024-02-28 12:00:31. It has garnered 453 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Livestream on Mon – Thurs: approx. 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fri – Sat: approx. 3:00 p.m. to open end Sun: approx. 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Follow me on: Twitch: Youtube: TikTok: Instagram: X (Twitter): Youtube playlist: #minecraft #JFKMEGA #JFKMEGAPROJEKT #atm9 #allthemods9 Read More

  • Minecraft PVP with DISASTER

    Minecraft PVP with DISASTERVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DISASTER in Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-05-30 17:00:00. It has garnered 716757 views and 14305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:25 or 1765 seconds. Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

THE *CRAZIEST* FIRST 24 HOURS *F-TOP #1* | Minecraft Factions | Minecadia Pirate [1]