The Librarian – Minecraft: From the Fog #10 – The Song From the Cave

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Foreign What is this what was what was that okay before I even get started something weird is happening was that part of the mod or was it just like a weird issue with Minecraft itself uh who am I kidding I’ve been asking that question the entire series hello everyone and welcome back once again

To Minecraft from the fog and in this part I think we go full Sarah Winchester others have compared this whole idea to 13 Ghosts or even SCP but I want more of this I want a house that grows ever larger all in an attempt to figure out what’s been plaguing us

I’ve got all kinds of housekeeping insurers that I have to take to now all kinds of farming and whatnot and trade but I think the first thing we’re going to be doing in this part is heading back to the other Village and going down and seeing what’s in that mine shaft

There’s all kinds of potential for riches there but also horizontaled and plenty of tight narrow spaces for something to crawl in behind us the Sun is setting and just look at this Hall yeah we’re kind of getting to the point where we have more than the villagers

Will actually buy from us we may have to start selling some overflow to the Villager in uh well you’ll hear the name when we get there whoa okay uh oh you waited for Sundown to do that to me uh the the I looked up and I saw it out of the

Corner of my eye and I thought oh it’s a zombie it’s getting dark and then it turned and ran I thought that movement’s irregular and it was only then that I glanced up and saw what it was and of course that was the instant advantage that movement may seem a small thing

Especially since now every time something starts moving out of the corner of my aisle think it’s that oh that creeper you didn’t need to stand exactly where it was stood you know I’m still recovering can we hit you from here there we go because we’re too far away

You won’t even react yeah that’s what I thought I think he said that planting flowers in the vicinity of these things you are unwelcome with your glowing eyes you’re the same one from before aren’t you so let’s uh grow some uh it’s mostly just grass not sure if there’s like specific

Flowers that are needed I’m not really up to date on my Minecraft botany there’s usually specific things but we’ll do that and maybe try to lead some bees in maybe we can Allure them with flowers Let’s just take aim at you I’m ready for round two nope nope nope yeah you don’t get affected by arrows it seems okay well that’s a problem that’s like a huge problem for me uh in we go in doors okay now I’ve really haunted this place oh you get out of there

Nice Liberty get out of the way uh Liberty doesn’t like violence except for the kind and the nether because it’s like natural like the natural order or something I don’t know foreign it seems we’ve retrieved our first ender pearl now from what I remember we can use

These we can toss them and teleport but we’re not going to do that right now we don’t want to waste these on such things we’re going to put that in our list of nether Oddities even though it’s not from the nether and go to bed Liberty I guess you can

Wander the hallway for now but just this night you can’t escape this nightmare have you learned anything from watching me play I’m not trying to escape this nightmare I’m trying to make it mine two more signs You Are Not Alone wake up and there’s a real tendency for it to

Sound like something’s running up behind me while I’m reading these things you know what I’m gonna leave these two these two signs sitting amidst the shade of my man-made Forest I’m gonna leave them as a reminder and you’re apparently going to keep reminding me by shuffling up behind me

Now if I’m correct and let’s take a moment to preserve our orientation so if we look that way and that way in that direction should be the nether portal at the other Village so let’s just see if we can’t have a look at that also I have found a reason

To get glowstone dust apparently we can use these to make those spectral arrows now I haven’t yet figured out what they do exactly but I’m going to use some of the ones we found and maybe get an idea for it in the future yes Yes actually wait

We’re not far away from the other portal we’re actually high on top of it look down there that’s all the path that I made marked with torches for when I was trying to find my way back from the Nether Fortress have we been on top of one this entire time

Oh that is so annoying oh it’s the bomber babe yep come on the Two of Us in it together just don’t get too close why are you trying to get yourself hit save your life oh it’s amazing the kinship I’ve started to feel with these guys you can’t have the loot though

Patty folks I to seeing another Village don’t you worry about that and we are once more at our limit but we find ourselves wealthier than ever one full stack of emeralds and another third I just heard like shuffling footsteps behind me and nobody actually oh right I completely forgotten about you from

The VR dream I had oh wow it’s like a premonition that’s what we’re gonna call it foreign there are monsters nearby I don’t see or hear anything okay well that’s not ominous at all I feel like an old man walking around in his old dark Lighthouse candle in hand

And just like that whatever it was is gone what could that ah let’s be real we know why don’t we even this up a little bit let’s get on top of here just balance okay good that doesn’t damage us and have a couple of these coming down right above yeah

Yeah now they’re like fangs hanging down with my throne in the mouth now if I remember correctly cows may be led by carrots right no I guess that’s pigs perhaps you’ll prefer wheat yeah that did it that got your attention okay I’ll take as many as will come but

Uh I only need two of you uh trying to lead a cow downstairs it’s like Wayside School all over again okay that movement that’s really going to get to me the way they just because I always register them as something else at first that’s the worst

Part I don’t expect them to move and so at first I always think it’s just another one of the animals that’s all over the place I get in here you get it one at a time please form an orderly line pushing you in is not gonna work while I’m holding this is it

Come on follow follow follow and don’t ruin my crops there we go that’s you now we just need the other one come on don’t you think about coming out behind me I don’t like being out here after dark anymore that’s just a new fear yet this

Is what you get to listen to 24 7. have fun with that you’re literally just for milk so I don’t know why I’m breeding you but I guess a child being born in captivity is just another part of the billinar oh I’ve just realized you guys have

Horns I don’t know how long that’s been the case I love this side door I love how that was my takeaway from walking outside and seeing two zombies set a light by The Morning Sun but a bunch of you told me that I should put a chest in the boat

Now I knew that you could do this but are we still going to be able to sell with it also how do we do this do I need to maybe craft it with the chest hang on ah there we go Spruce vote with chest um oh where don’t you go trampling my crops

I’m aware that you can do the same thing with mine carts ah but I’ve always assumed that you wouldn’t be able to get in we can’t interact with it while it’s here but that is a huge help thank you guys that will seriously increase our carrying capacity when we’re going on these extra

Continental Adventures oh great the rain actually it’s only appropriate that the skies should gray and the rain began to pour just as I arrive at this Village last time I asked you guys what we should name it now because it is a port city that apparently at some point dabbled to me

Occult building that nether portal and hastily destroying it some unknown Calamity in their past not to mention the abandoned mine shafts just outside of town in keeping with the Lovecraft theme you guys have opted to name it innsmith now if we were to name a tangible objective for this Expedition it would

Be to go into that cave and try to find some coal which we can sell to level up the toolsmith but really it’s all about exploring about finding out what lurks below and in the interest of doing that I brought with me uh the fishing rod by

Accident so I’ll put that away first but I’ve also brought a bed because we’re going to build a base camp at the mouth of the cave or maybe even at the mouth of the mine itself we could also try selling you a couple of iron ingots yeah that actually

That’s much better than coal and it doesn’t take long to get a discount so that’s nice to have tell you what I did forget is to bring a potion of water breathing which would have been pretty helpful if we find any submerged caves in here I’m gonna want some of this drip Stone

As well for well my house but as usual let’s keep the Torches mainly in our offhand using them mainly as navigation guides rather than anything else uh it’s so spooky how we have to go through this in order to get to the mine shaft itself all right uh let’s descend ever deeper

Grab some of that iron oh this is deeper in a way we haven’t been before hang on we may be finding new things even before we encounter the mine shaft uh this is something we haven’t seen a whole lot of in actual classic narrow Minecraft cave which connects onto the rest

That was so uh this space is going to be so much worse you lose yourself in the mining you get so focused and then uh there hasn’t been there hasn’t been enough of this in this playthrough it’s been a while since these things have been able to get me this way and

They haven’t even while here they haven’t even started doing their movement stuff yet that’s a cave noise hang on I thought I had I thought I had ambient sounds turned off you know whatever I guess I you know what I’ll leave them on I might have had it turned off for the

Creative server I have with my cousin but uh maybe we’ll maybe we’ll put it back on maybe because I feel like that’s actually a part of the Minecraft experience that I’ve been missing out on isn’t it those horrifying sounds when you’re near dark areas like the game wants you to fear them

I don’t know if this is I don’t think this is one that I placed before and it changed I think this is someplace we haven’t been I’m actually having a real difficult time locating this mine which is weird because the first time I was here it felt like I just ran to it

In a linear fashion like there was almost nowhere else I could end up the fact that this is happening it almost makes me think like did I dream that whole thing uh here we are well we made it but I don’t remember this path here at all okay how’s that dripping water just

Startled me all right well let’s start placing torches so we know the way out and the way here at every potential intersection that was a noise oh drowners there must be bodies of water hidden behind these blocks we maybe mine our way to you do we want to

There you are hey how about you come over this way there we go could always use more rotten flesh for leveling up clerics oh so much there but I wish I had brought the water breathing potion were you walking towards me all I saw was it could have been my own

Movement but all I saw was just like these two glowing red eyes advancing towards me out of the dark okay let’s um let’s get ready pickaxe for this yes take free rails certainly and here come the mobs I have gotten myself more than a full

Stack of uh of what do you call it arrows and I’m gonna need to start thinking more quickly than that if I’m gonna survive down here let’s bridge this Gap although we should make note of the fact that there’s more beneath this cobwebs which I believe if we Harvest those we get string

Which will be pretty useful for when the time comes to make candles and what we always want to do oh my God the way the way I turned down and like because I was looking down my view swept over his face and the Shadows from

The torch just kind of crept over him or at least from the vignetting that the normal view has one thing I usually like to do when I’m done with a given mine shaft is just kinda wallet off this way I remember that it’s there but I also realized I’ve been this

Way and there’s nothing else to see there these darkened corridors are just the worst let’s build a staircase I mean I guess it’s better to be deeper right I mean that’s where the more valuable loot is I should always be proceeding with my uh with my ax instead of my pick

Because I can hear mobs all around me and I’m not seeing so many of them but that doesn’t mean they’re not there imagine if I broke that away and Herobrine was standing right there and also these indicate that there’s more still below us this thing is so multi-leveled a mob spawner

It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of these oh ow ow no it’s you guys it’s you guys it’s you guys that’s incredibly dangerous to me um milk could probably help with these but I don’t really have the no you go away you all go away there’s

Too many of you there’s too many of you oh I hate these things I’d forgotten they existed we just got to keep ourselves alive while this passes man these things suck we got to destroy your spawner ASAP all right if we dive in no we need a sword to get through this really

Let’s just destroy it do the public service of getting rid of it once and for all and the amount of you that are here that’s the amount that exists we don’t even really get any good loot from you oh there’s another one here uh how many of you are there gonna be

I’ve never seen them spawn in clusters like this and it goes deeper still this place is terrifying and I know I’m gonna get lost but because it’s so winding there’s not even look there’s torches here how horrifying is that the still lit torches all over these long abandoned Chambers that’s a trap

Come on that has to be a trap it’s practically under a spotlight beckoning me yep there’s a mob spawner let’s rush in and what’s going to spawn skeletons no they’re not ooh a music disc and a name tag and horse armor and I didn’t even have to pay three dollars for it

Oh and there’s even mine carts with chests with all kinds of goodies oh and watermelon seeds an enchanted book for aqua affinity yeah this is this is why I love mine shafts you get so much stuff without having to strip mine for it it’s like the exploration is just kind

Of gift wrapped for you but I think it’s just about time to head back to the surface because we’re full up and it’s just as well because I need a breath of air also very curious that this lava isn’t destroying the blocks see what’s in some of these chests more

Rails more glowberries a golden apple a diamond more mob spawners yeah we really need to clear all this out as quick as we can it’s probably another one in there right no it doesn’t look like it yeah we need a sword at some point we should make

Ourselves like an iron sword so we can help clear this out but this is another dead end now what’s in you more iron more torches and more rails and another name tag do they stack they do the one thing I really don’t want to leave here without is these melon seeds

So what can we give up what’s like the least valuable thing in our inventory right now probably these wood planks I don’t really need them take those and get rid of the dirt as well grab the enchanted book and let’s get out of here I think we’ve done quite enough for now

And quite enough is quite a lot indeed okay so this little chamber here clearly is the real entrance to the mine so I think right here is where we’re going to construct our base camp there will be doors and all this later on when I’ve come back with more wooden supplies

But for now I think we’ll just place our bed right here the emergent Knight which means there may be hostiles waiting for us on the surface now the path seems relatively clear rise and shine and I’m actually gonna have to hold off on selling some of these lootables until

The next time because I gotta process all this iron but we can sell lots and lots of coal and have plenty left over for ourselves uh this was a very successful run and we’ve only scratched the surface it’s only going to get better in the future However we did also learn if those tunnels are absolutely terrifying it’s a maze and so many directions for Horrors both real and imagined to attack us from but we at least made it a little bit safer there’s just so many of you though I can’t quite tell which of you is the

Tool Smith and once again that unnatural rain falls over in Smith seems like it’s every other day with this world there you are finally and you’re still giving us that discount which is good for us sell you some of those iron ingots we found and you’re gonna level up once more all right

So you now offer us Enchanted iron stuff but we’ve got to get that up more still and at that level you really don’t give us too much for coal or rather a more interested in your uh in your leveling up than the emeralds so I’ll sell a few more

And after that and one more and the rest I’ll keep for myself well I say the rest will keeper myself I literally don’t have enough to sell you another trade but this Hall is nothing to sneeze at and we can now return home actually let’s sell you the rest of

These there we go yeah this leveling up is actually not proving to be too much of a problem as long as we keep up to date on what we’re actually trading with you what have you got now now we’re getting there yes you can already sell us a diamond shovel

With efficiency too exactly what I have for only eight emeralds man I mean we might as well take that now right yeah let’s grab that get a ton of XP for you it costs us like literally nothing in the context of this trip that’s unbelievable

Being a port city it seems that in Smith is more economically prosperous than Dunwich although I guess it doesn’t see too many visitors these days which is why they’re so eager to trade although I hear they have a reputation for not being so kindly to Outsiders look at that

The glow from our Throne Illuminating the shore put that red hue that’s how you know you’ve gotten someplace where even in the midst of a storm you may think that it may actually be better to turn back which is certainly the vibe that I hope to put forward with this place

I’m fine interacting with the Villagers but only on my own terms ah they’re trying to they’re trying to weaponize huh two of them with swords coming at me but they’re a distraction Battalion literally sacrificial you guys cover the rear block my escape the zombies distract while the creepers

Move in from the side for the killing blow well it’s not gonna work and the Torches from here are gone I don’t know see I’ve never put one inside this chamber because I don’t know if that’ll actually stop them from growing I don’t think so but I never wanted to risk it but

Nine of these yields 26 another wart which leaves us with 17 neck now how do I make a jukebox one Diamond lots of wood so let’s just do that and Matt and we have ourselves a jukebox of course it’s going to go in the main hall so Liberty can listen to it

You don’t like that do you well since the Enderman made his contribution there this place is getting real cramped isn’t it we’ll just place this right here at the head and stick that music disc in You’re rocking out to this this is scary Although I suppose appropriate Uh it’s like her laughs Fade Out and I’m left to reflect on everything that’s led us here those from the ship that we abandoned you’re having way too much fun with this this is your jam I ended abruptly steps yeah I think we’re gonna we’re gonna put that one away for now Liberty

Uh you actually do seem to have reacted to that by dancing that was a lot more of your energetic reactions than usual ah that girl ain’t right but I think for now uh my next objective is going to be to connect the next line of the trans nether rail system this

Isn’t going to be enough to connect it right away but we can at least build a shorter path even walking is better than taking the boat I’m also going to bring cobblestone as the building material just because I have tons and tons of it now and gray

Really stands out in the nether so it’s really good for helping you find your way okay we need to get ourselves down there that’s the primary objective interesting to see one of three torches turn to Redstone yeah I had my path down to the lava from before when I was mining for Blackstone

And such and now here we are I think the move is going to be to go from here and just stare our way up and it will come out right here beside the lava just Mark that with a torch you’re getting more and more frequent

The last one was like 30 seconds ago now I have you guys set to uncommon it’s apparently uncommon ain’t that uncommon oh but here here we are path to insmith is not that far via nether howdy guys we’ll be making use of this in a very mere future

Oh it’s in Smith you’ll fit right in you know with the ambient sounds on I’ve realized that there are just sounds in the nether things echoing throughout these cavernous spaces groans whales this place actually does take on a much different feel when you can hear those things it is so awesome to me

That I can go out and within a few minutes just run errands in both Dunwich and innsmith even be back in time to do a bunch of work at home and still pick up the spider size that I dropped before when I needed inventory space you guys having your daily meeting

Well you’re the Mason so I don’t care about you I care about the tool Smith you’ll trade me one diamond for one Emerald or you’ll trade me nine emeralds for the one diamond shovel which consists of one diamond and two sticks labor costs am I right but you won’t take any more shame

Just gotta wait let’s just get you leveled up just because I’ve always been real curious about what you actually do when that happens and you’ll just sell us some lapis lazuli I don’t know if all this stuff was here before we can trade you gold

That is something we can do so that is useful in terms of emeralds Liberty I’ll be honest I really don’t like this kind of music that you’re jamming out to which really makes me feel like an uptight dad in this situation I guess we can listen to it sometimes

But only if you’ll agree to keep it to a minimum in the meantime let’s sort of renovate this chamber since fire is no longer an acceptable form of decoration and how big can we get this stuff no come on that’s considerably smaller than before oh I see we have to stack it

On top we can’t just apply it to uh is that it ah yeah Those great tusks of our war machine Makes more sense though to have it sloped downward I think so we’ll do it like this there we go although maybe we can have them go up one more how high do these things actually extend uh we can have them rise past the peaks of the throne

Which means one more in length for each of you there we go now that looks pretty sick Liberty you enjoy this way too much now earlier on I tried using name tags on Liberty and Justice in the throne room this might be the first time you’ve appeared in the throne room do you like this music too oh that is so funny though if Liberty

And the ghost had the same taste in music and kind of bond over it even though they know I hate it You know I’m realizing now though exploring in here would be kind of creepy set to that music barely hear it from here curiously enough none of these have actually ignited yet I’m wondering if maybe those things igniting before wasn’t some deliberate feature where Netherrack catches fire when the ghost is near

Maybe those were each attempts to burn my house down and Netherrack was just the only flammable material in sight it’s happening every time I load the world now which has me really nervous for the future of this save I mean it’s a good thing I’m backing it up after every play session but

I don’t know I’m worried that the world itself is coming apart unless this itself is part of the mod now I don’t know if it actually causes bees to come if you plant these flowers but I know we can lure them using Flowers by holding them and I’m also pretty sure that we’re

Gonna have to elevate them anyway instead of just placing them on the ground so I’m gonna go inside get a couple of fences for this and you know what hey Liberty how would you like to come outside for a little bit gotta do some farming and might be good

For you to get outside and get some air come on let’s go let’s go nope come on come out come out come out and there you go it’s kind of a pain to get you outside with these doors I’ve created but you can never be too careful

Now let’s just do a little bit of gardening together pretty soon I’m going to construct something so that Justice can join us as well but we’ll just build our fences like this and place this between them so that we can always Place Another campfire right here

And I’ll tell you what else Liberty you want to go on a little field trip I kind of want to see if I can get more honeycomb from the other Hive that’s in the distance where the I guess you do want to come say hi to the cows and the chickens

Feels like take your kid to work day now I know this is over in that direction but uh yeah don’t worry we’re not going as far as the bad place you came from just over to here to get us some bees mind the gap not that that’s any risk to you

But it looks like this has replenished that will make the bees docile and we should be able to use our shears to get some more honeycomb I guess it’s not quite there yet well that’s all right because look uh we don’t actually get the thing back that’s so annoying

Uh how about we get a flower out and that will attract you very very good all right come with me liberty stop playing down there look she is so fascinated by having another friend that can fly all right right this way get in there there we go

And now we have our very own bee farm up and running let’s go get another one I saw another one over back that way now I’m not sure if more than one of you can go into one hive no I guess not so we’ll need to get some more of this

In order for this to work but you can hang out around this area and I’m gonna go back more towards initial spawn oh boy uh Liberty get inside come on there you go I’ll deal with this man I haven’t seen these guys in Forever and now they decide to come right as I

Promised Liberty that you’ll never have to deal with them again I don’t think so nope headshot no you do not and there’s got to be one of you with a banner right nope just a regular dude hello managed to eliminate all of them without getting bad Omen I guess they were just

A raiding party still weird to see them this far out unless maybe they followed me from over there while this furnace is making us some new charcoal to be used on more campfires I’m gonna start heading into The Nether and I want to see what these spectral arrows do

So I’m going to take those with us I don’t know if there’s any way for us to switch or if it’ll take from them randomly or if it’ll take from them first we’ll just have to wait and see excuse me oh right she can open these things okay

You can’t be allowed in the hallway come over here oh that that’s honestly not the worst thing that could have happened but it’s pretty bad I mean I thought that maybe the ghosts could somehow like use my doors but you really need to get in here come on you gotta throne in everything

And maybe grab myself a couple of blaze rods while we’re at it I just want to make sure that I’m full up on those things for a little while and that we’re not gonna have to worry too much about having to come back here when we really need them in a pinch

So let’s get back to our shield and see what we can do was that just an ambient noise I honestly thought that that was like a minecart going by that was a weird sound all right now I don’t know how often you guys spawn but I’m pretty sure it’s

Indicated by the speed at which you spin around but yeah it’s not taking from the spectral arrows first a whole bunch of you well that’s good for me yep wow what what’s burning me none of you are left up well now there’s a bunch of you ow well oh

I guess that must have been a spectral arrow and it targets you or something yeah we fired a few of them I don’t know how it determines the order hello does it just spawn like a random number of you or how does that work well in any case we now have 11 blaze

Rods so maybe I’ll do one more spawn and call it quits yep there you are I don’t think I’m gonna really have to come back here again for a long time at the rate that I’m making potions now oh there’s one of you over there now is there not for long

Oh wow oh there’s actually a bunch of them here now okay we need to climb down off of here uh where we’re less exposed and I believe I saw a wither skeleton out there I haven’t seen one of them in a while first time seeing them in this

Playthrough you must have come from the other spawner that’s down the way no come on can you please die more over a place where I can go now my question is do we actually get anything worthwhile for killing a wither skeleton from what I remember not really

But I guess we could try it anyway that one just has a sword I don’t know if they can spawn with a bow but I know we get some pretty nasty effects if they manage to hit us more blaze rods and just bones okay so you guys aren’t really worth all that

Much at least as far as that drop uh there’s a bunch of them here now didn’t see any before and they dropped coal too uh there’s a bunch of you but there’s a Blaze Rod in the way so I’m kind of interested in fighting three to get at that

Thank you very much you guys seem to pretty reliably Drop Bones so that’s nice for my farming business yeah sometimes even two we’re stopping off in Dunwich because I do actually kind of want to see just how fruitful trading gold for emeralds actually is it’s very fruitful

In fact it’s much more so than trying to sell you lots of rotten flesh uh where’d you go probably back to the church and now you will actually sell us glowstone you’ll also buy Lucky Rabbit speed for emeralds uh but so far not super worthwhile tell you what take

Three more of these things oh what the heck one more because I don’t really have a ton of use for them and we’ll go buy ourselves some more bookcases level up the librarian while we’re at it there’s actually a very good reason why I wanted that bookcase which now sits in

The corner right there see I find the series is at its least interesting to watch when things aren’t moving forward but I’m just kind of sitting around and building up what I already have and now that we have the tool Smith and insmith I’m thinking about the future

Sure I could sink a whole bunch more iron into repairing this awesome set of armor but how about a new set of armor we have a surplus and that Surplus is only going to grow now that we can buy diamond tools and sew it over level 30

I think it’s time we start looking at our first set of diamond armor in fact I’ve decided since we have so many I’ll even take it a step further and go with the leggings but of course we’re going to want to start with the chest plate get protection three

Still leaving us at level 30 and giving us Unbreaking three meaning it’ll last quite a long time and I’m also now seeing the stat plus two armor toughness I’m not quite sure what that means but we can level this up get Unbreaking three which of course you always want to go

For the better one and we get protection three right along with it oh yeah we are gonna get you we lose projectile protection but I’m sure the actual stats will more than make up for it oh yeah we are bad to the bone you know what I think it was maybe it’s

Not that flowers actually cause them to come here maybe it’s just that they come out and they pollinate the flowers because I think that I read was something that you need to do in order for them to actually level up the honey level so yeah why not why not just place a

Whole bunch of this of course are you guys going to be spawning in here because that would be ever so poor oh they can probably spawn on the roof as well but I can definitely hear them out there was that just a coincidence or is that okay I’ve been thinking about this for

The entire game I’ve been thinking what if they could do something when you go to sleep but it never happened and I my suspicions were further there from the very first episode when I was going through the config and it said nightmare mechanic I assumed it meant like something would

Happen when I slept but it just never did and I forgot about it hang on wait even worse that it’s the one that was in the tunnel its eyes glowing out of the dark hang on wait I I’ve been looking at the statistics screen I think now would

Be a great time to go have a look at that if we go to statistics blah blah damage taken all these things you might be surprised at some of this uh but if we go all the way down there is a Time slept I’ve slept in a bed 123 times that is

The first time that’s happened oh and you can see uh the approximate record time of this series which is approximately 1.92 days so it shows how much gets cut oh my God that right after being told I couldn’t sleep because there was something nearby and I thought there’d be some Shenanigans and oh

That’s not even a new feature of this update I’m pretty sure that’s been in the game for a while one campfire is gonna go right here another is gonna go right directly next to it uh I don’t know if we want to have these things on while they’re just around

But I just want to make the space for a second one uh now you guys come out and start doing your stuff with the flowers cool hi what are you worried about this isn’t even about you and I felt kind of bad that Axel couldn’t come outside whenever I bring

Liberty to watch me Farm so I built a little exterior tank so that they could come out and have a look around I’ll add some more uh ground underneath them now I was gonna have this be open air just like the one inside uh however when I first opened it up

Liberty immediately seized on the opportunity so now here we are Justice gets to enjoy the view I’ll put a better ground under them momentarily and we can get back to her more ghostly related Construction I see that the bees are working happily that’s good we’ll have to grow more of

These flowers so that they can work even more efficiently yeah yeah you’ve done the same thing in the same spot before oh geez maybe it wasn’t the ghost actually you know what I’ve just realized might be kind of fun it’s starting to become more of an issue

That Liberty has a hard time going through doors now that we’re letting her out more I was just thinking if we carve out this part of the wall right here yeah that’s right next to the door and you can come in this is actually a trapdoor from the wreck of the ship

Which makes it nostalgic we can actually maybe have a little window for her right here now I’m not sure if it’s actually solid when it’s like this but it doesn’t matter because no mobs can get through anyway at least not as far as I know will you fly through yes you will that

Is so cool now the problem will arise if we go outside can you follow me through it will that block you uh you haven’t flown out so I’m assuming that means that it will okay yes you’re stuck in there that will actually work although that’s quite sad because you’ll just

Wait for me there until you get back or until I get back anyway and then we can let you out and you’ll fly through oh Liberty okay but it’ll work we’ll just keep her in the throne as always and then uh and then we’ll use this to let her out when

Need be and not have to struggle with the doorway oh that is so adorable in fact because this works we could even potentially put these all over the house right uh she always wants to go out but it’s got to be supervised it’s just a dangerous world out there okay

I gotta be real careful that we don’t hit Justice doing this because I don’t know how much health they have they look quite squishy and you really like to get in the way you also really like to have that extra space so I’m definitely going to make

This a little bit deeper for you there you go you now have a nice deep end to play in the ability to see outside maybe we’ll add some more water source blocks later that looks pretty good for you now we’ll definitely need Liberty out of the way for this because it is time

For us to continue our Construction relating to ghosts I kind of sound like a crazy person when I put it like that but you guys have been with me through this whole thing so you know what I’m talking about Roofing ghosts spec I see weird how it’s always during these times

Yep oh man see I had the haunting delay on I swear I do huh this is deeply concerning I’ve just come back to the nether to find that all of my stuff all my torches have been knocked down that’s extremely bad hang on I tried making diamond boots but unfortunately

They kind of suck they have fire protection 3 which I should probably put those on right about now place like this I tried to save ourselves some diamonds by going to visit the toolsmith to see if we could level them up but unfortunately he’s still not accepting iron

So I guess I’ll finish this part off by showing you our latest Ghostly countermeasure this one was actually suggested by you guys and I thought it was a really good idea because it references an aspect of this that we haven’t looked at ever since the last time I tried it

Now I have no idea if it’s actually part of the game or if it’s just a coincidence but I have constructed this Observatory in this line so that from any angle from wherever we may be it will enable us to look straight at the Moon but more so than that

It’s seemingly enabled us to look straight at the ghosts this one in particular seems to have been stalking us for the entire part which is really interesting I have no idea if that’s actually a mechanic go away don’t have time for you right now I have more important things to tend to

You’re not alone even here they seem to have bested me a constant arms race has evolved where I built something to catch them off guard it worked I built something to enhance my own experience with dealing with them and they showed that if anything I’ve given them a giant window into my world

But I still have more to do more to expand on the space and I am not giving up yet but I’m going to need your help I need more ideas for what to build and how to test this thing because the more they do the more they evolve

Honestly the more Curious I become although not as curious as I am right now that after I’ve built all of this I notice there doesn’t seem to be any moon in the sky at all well if you like this video please remember to like comment and subscribe for more creepy and comfy content

If you have any ideas for other videos you think I should do the best place to suggest that will be at the Discord which I will link in the description if you want to try this mod out for yourself that link will also be in the description and as always

I will see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: From the Fog #10 – The Song From the Cave’, was uploaded by The Librarian on 2023-03-29 20:00:06. It has garnered 89021 views and 5175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:16 or 3556 seconds.

Download From the Fog here: Join the Lunar Eclipse Discord: Join the Librarian Discord: Title Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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  • SahuPlays – INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplays

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  • Doepiecraft

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  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bunny Dies Chasing Carrot Down Stairs

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  • Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge!

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  • Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab!

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  • Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure

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  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!

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  • JJ’s Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw Hands

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  • HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft – EPIC!

    HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain (Imagine Dragon – Bones) #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #fyp’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-15 08:28:21. It has garnered 180417 views and 11387 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #tiktok #like Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Climbing With Heavy Weight (Imagine Dragon – Bones) HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain… Read More

  • Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

    Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST…’, was uploaded by AA12 on 2024-05-24 01:00:15. It has garnered 2002 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:47 or 1907 seconds. Today, we play Minecraft but we play the scariest addon… This mod adds a lot of scary jumpscares in Minecraft PE! Watch till the end to see if we survive this scary Minecraft mod. If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST… The Haunted Herobrine Addon: Fearcraft Addon: Addon Creator: Thanks for watching! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!

    EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Raw Gameplay Part 1’, was uploaded by CtrlAltFun on 2024-03-27 21:45:01. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. Welcome to ctrlaltfun, where adventure, creativity, and exploration merge in the pixelated world of Minecraft! Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into the endless possibilities of this sandbox universe. Introduction: Welcome to the infinite world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, embark on a… Read More

The Librarian – Minecraft: From the Fog #10 – The Song From the Cave