The Lonely Mage’s Epic Return – Minecraft Modded Survival Series #7

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Uh hold on a second let me just get uh ah that should be good ah there we go hello everybody risey Lucas the mage of light once again here for another live stream and uh I apologize for for not doing this yesterday um had some had some personal

Personal issues with family um but yeah but we’re here now and we’re going to be we’re going to be play I’m going to be playing on my single player modded sky modded survival Minecraft world and um I think we’ll just hop right into it right now um so I’m going to be spending

Probably like a couple hours in the single player doing some stuff in there and um nearing near the end of the stream I’m going to go over to my uh talk room and then I’m going to uh discuss a little bit about what um what

My plans may be for um for uh for 2024 for streaming um but yeah there’s a lot of talk about a lot of talk about and uh I might do some of it during during my Minecraft part of it but um let’s get right into it okay all

Right oh well look at that stopped right here where the thumbnail was let’s see uh just want to check something quickly here see if this is okay all right okay so it looks like uh looks like my the music didn’t stay on in here

Oh darn I had it over there okay I was going to put that Christmas music uh I was going to put that Christmas music in uh in here but I put it on the wrong on the wrong channel uh um there we go should have it up here right

Now Christmas music in uh let me check here but I put it on the wrong on the wrong Channel um there we go should have it up here right now the Christmas music in uh there we go yeah that sounds good all right haven’t been in this world in a while but um

Basically last time we were here I was working on my house I might build a second floor in the F in the future but um right now I’m not going to really going to do that have a nice mine down there which leads into a nice

Crevice and we set up a nice meager little farm got all that um there’s a llama roaming around got uh sheep chickens and I’ve got a nice black horse yeah so I got a lot of I got a lot of here but I got a lot more to I need

To progress on plus I built nether portal I think last time I was here so yeah I’m looking forward to doing some more uh traveling in the nether oh wow I’m coming in when it gets getting dark yeah we’re going to have to Uh have to figure something out about this and I do want to do some terraforming around the land here because uh it’s a lot it’s still a little bit uh rough around here need to smooth this out tame the land here so we can um make a really nice place here we may

May maybe we could even build like a a city right here on the peninsula ooh I oh oh I missed the Echoes I missed this mod all right ow we got a lot of stuff here and a bunch of maps that are pretty much copies of each other okay H i better put these Maps somewhere else yeah we’ll put them in There let’s put the iron boots back on until we go to the Nether um got a lot of stuff here should we use these diamonds for anything else oh yeah last time we were going to get we were going to make an we were going to make a um yeah we’re going to

Make an iron no not iron I mean uh an anvil we were going to make that but uh I didn’t have enough iron so I’m going to have to do some more min mining well way back to the mines then so way back in the mines just kidding I better not sing

That song Captain Sparkle’s going to be mad at me yeah I missed this hello cave Papa’s home and what do you know the zombies are already out to greet me wow look at that beautiful cave down there some day I’ll conquer this whole piece of rock down here no more mobs

Spawning on me I’ll rule this place uh I hope I’m not sounding too crazy right now I was um I was uh I was binge watching um a sword online AB bridged so uh if I started to act a little uh weird and that might be that might be part of the reason

Kido and ASA it was quite um quite an experience watching that yeah I’m going to grab some copper while I’m at it even though I don’t really need it ooh gold all right well um uh-oh I hear a witch oh no no no burn the witch well I’m May mean I’m not really

Going to burn the witch but I’m going to slice her hello zombie you can hear for a hug nope denied denied ooh more iron I definitely can’t get enough iron yeah I knew there was going to be more iron here oh my gosh can they just put them all together

I don’t have to make this thing so difficult all right well uh we got uh got these slabs we can put on top there we go oh do we have any torches I figure that oh cool oh we got lapis down there nice oh um going to make us some stairs down here

Here ooh dark creepy oh and there’s more iron down there do I do deceive me ah more iron here can’t get enough iron you need a lot of iron in your diet so I countered I countered some um a group on uh Twitter or X or whatever they call it now

Um yeah I I’m on a Minecraft server I’m on a Minecraft server with this uh group and uh I’m kind of interested if I can if I can stream on that server it would be pretty fun I do want to stream on a server on a Minecraft server I think it

Would be a lot more fun than just doing a single player survival but then again like I can continue to do this series for um or you know like achieving a goal of defeating the Ender Dragon or something like that where as I can have some random fun on the

Server I kind of would like to do that ow ow what the heck okay uh there’s some lapis there let’s get the rest of that lapis that dropped I don’t want to go all the way down there right now I mean I suppose I could ah hello that’s the

Huggers well we’re going to stay away from the green huggers oh hello oh wait no I’ve been there already o cool I don’t not remember this place oh maybe I was here before okay not as many monsters here as I remember but I might just jinx myself if I keep saying that

Cool cool um I don’t know if I want to venture too far away from familiar territory I did get a lot of iron though so think I’m going to start doubling back okay get lost in here ah there we are ow okay oh of course I walked right into that one ah this

Way yeah I I really I really would like to do uh really would like to go in a on a Minecraft server and have more fun with other people cuz like like this is like single player is good for like if you want to for me I think it would be good like

If you’re just doing it to complete it for completion or get slay the ender dragon or whatever but uh honestly I kind of like uh I kind of like doing builds and all the other more fun stuff I kind of would prefer to do that stuff on a on a server with other

People it’s not really much fun doing that by myself even if I’m streaming it oh okay we got we got team Huggers here hi guys how’s it going denied denied denied denied you will not you will not get away with hugging me today boys there we go ah hello Mr Skelly how’s your

Brother I hear he’s boned sorry all right we going to get right back up here oh this is Stills so good climbing up climbing up the steps o man I do not get tired of the the shaders in this in this mod pack all right uh let’s put my my new found Treasures

In uh wait a second let me just let me throw the iron in the furnace oh forgot there were some of those there in there wait no put the rest of the nuggets in there I’ll put the gold bars back there and then I got to do the Iron ah lais ah deathmaster 22 welcome to the stream how’s Minecraft uh it’s doing good I mean I just got back on here um haven’t been on this world for I think a couple weeks maybe I kind of uh kind of stopped playing it for a little while

Cuz I was working I decided to do some uh I decided to stream a little bit of uh a little bit of uh vroid Studio like basically just some touch-ups on my model I updated my model a little bit it wasn’t any major it was just like little

Details like on my collar and my uh tattoos but yeah but I’m back on Minecraft for I’ll probably be still doing Minecraft like into January uh I mean I am taking a break Christmas and New Year’s week but um aside from that I think I’ll be carrying over Minecraft

Into January but I will be probably be doing some changes with my schedule for for the beginning of the for the beginning of the next new year all right let’s go uh no wait got to to get that rest of that gold out there and put in the put in the

Iron oh wait whoops oh crap we need more uh need more coal darn well I’ll put the raw iron back in there then So how have you been doing I don’t know about you but I feel like this year went by super fast for me yeah it kind of It kind of did I mean at least for me the last couple months have been pretty fast but then again that’s because I

I’ve been pretty busy with the live streaming and stuff St I mean still pretty new to me but I’m kind of excited that um that I’ve finally made some progress in that regard but like in the future like um like I I like doing these game streams

But I really wanted to uh pursue more uh art and writing for for writing type of streams because um ultimately I want to be uh ultimately I want to like create my own uh my own write my own story or uh or Draw my own like a manga or

Graphic novel that’s kind of one of my big goals for the future and um I feel like um I should use my channel too for a way to way to channel me getting more experience with that so I have a lot to learn and uh I’m not totally confident with with my uh

With my skills with art like I’m pretty I’m pretty bad at Art right now aside from drawing Maps which I will be doing my um I will be doing a will be doing an incarnate uh map crafting stream on uh I believe I’m doing it on Friday I

Don’t I’m doing it this I’m doing one this week I know that but I forgot the day oh yeah you’re doing great yeah I just think I I think I need to balance more out uh my game streams and uh and my writing sluh art streams cuz I really

Want to do more art streams than just one a week but at the same time like I’m not as confident with that so it’s going to take a lot more work for me to uh to get those really off the ground all right wait where’s Some Coal I need coal H coal coal

Coal I might have to go higher up to find coal please do not the M please do not the Minecraft Mobs they are not friendly mob girls they are not down bad mob girls oh I I know that I don’t have a mod for that

Yet ooh cool all of that light Ray that shines down all right uh I need to find if there’s any more any more coal down here that I missed sure I would have gotten it already if I if I did but not so sure oh there’s more iron here that I completely

Missed all right um yeah let me take one of these torches I need a torch uh uh stop by to say hi and leave a like lol looks like you’re having fun yeah I mean I just started but um I will be having fun once I get uh get some

Good get some better stuff right now just mining around and hope I don’t hope I don’t get snuck off on by a by a creeper I was almost expecting that to happen as soon as I said that ooh gold all right I still need coal why is the most common the most

Common ore in the game the one thing that I can’t seem to find right now maybe I’m just too low for coal I think it’s coal is higher up in the new versions of the game I’m probably too low probably need to go up for some coal

Can I find any up here probably not that just goes down there he if you guys want me to turn off the uh turn off the Christmas music just let me know or if if you have any uh if you prefer to have the have the music on or

Off like just let me know or if you want me to change the music to like what I usually have on all right uh now how am I going to find I think I should just go to the to the m to the side of the mountain over

Here maybe I can find coal there I love I love what the what the shaders do to this nether portal you can can you play Maria Carey All I Want for Christmas but she has asthma it’s hilarious um I would have to I would

Have to go I would have to go uh I have to go search for it and then uh then download it and then uh get it onto OBS but so that’s probably going to take a little while and I don’t really want to tear away from this right

Now but that is a good suggestion ah there’s some coal oh wow that has a that has a ledge too I forgot that that had a deep ledge ah cool no way I probably shouldn’t have done that oh well we’re going to go like this ah stop it

You stop trying to go up you idiot what about Minecraft Christmas by yog yog’s cat why does that sound familiar I remember i’ I’ve heard of yog’s cat before I but I don’t remember that does sound familiar old Minecrafters uh that doesn’t ring a bell

Oh we’re getting a storm or is it just dark dar oh oh looks like I got to do it the oldfashioned way here oh thank goodness now I can [Applause] Crouch all right yay level 20 um I believe um like even if I’m going

To be doing like a uh I’m going to be doing like a regular breaks from streaming for like for Christmas and New Year’s weeks um I might do I might do at least a g one game stream on each of those weeks um I do know that there’s a um

There’s a first person shooter that just came out that I that I that I did uh stream stream the beta test for a a little way while ago like probably like a month ago was called uh the finals it was pretty fun and I um I want to stream that game

Again okay so we got the got what we needed there like lost a lot of those scaffolding yeah let’s see if there’s any more up here a there’s some cuz I need I need a stack of this stuff ow that was stupid whoops I don’t have a spare one I’m

Going to have to use my diamond one all right okay we got 41 we almost got a full stack yeah I don’t think there’s any more up here not right now anyway well time to plunge in the river before any mobs get me and now I’m hearing now I’m hearing

That gungan City music from Star Wars ow ow oops going a little too crazy on the um on the F5 key ah the green Huggers are back hi guys but sorry I’m a little busy don’t have time for your Hugs oh you guys are you guys are determined aren’t you ah all right little little water Here ah it’s a lovely day the sun is shining the animals are are bleeding and uh the zombies are burning oh what do you want know you look spazzy are you the are you the zombie King not anymore oh good you maybe you can help me uh uh level this ground or

Not a good Christmas OST Frosty Village from Diddy K whoa hello or Diddy Kong Racing oh that that suggestion was quite the bang all right I think what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to be leveling this ground in this area cuz I don’t

Really want I don’t want there to be a little Pond right here in the middle middle of nowhere Wait I don’t I don’t need to do that I can cover that very catchy tune Yeah is there’s actually there a cave in here I guess not building the Ender Dragon strip club what okay uh I don’t know what you’re talking about Ender Dragon strip club I would never do such a Thing oh so I can’t fit the sand cuz there’s two little flowers in my got to make her work for ender pearls oh Interesting okay there is a cave in here there’s a cave down there somewhere oh the poor renters are going to be renting any houses I build here they’re going to be way awake all night listening to zombies underneath their house ah the property value is going to be pretty low in that spot

Right that looks better already now it’s a nice little wide open space there instead of being pretty much a uh a place to to fall into I just got to get this sand out of here we’ll make ourselves a nice lawn and it broke at the right time all Right do have to dig up some of this stuff too here and fill in a little bit there do what I did in Sim City 2000 stick a ton of ton of houses right next door to the wind turbines oh my gosh you’re cruel

Right let me go get myself a uh myself a new shovel and a new iron pickaxe all right the coal where’ I put my where’ I put the copper I guess I didn’t have anything for copper yet that was weird no no not the gold just the Copper I got enough here for a shovel and a pickaxe pickaxe and the shovel ah there it is did you make the floor Blackstone cuz that was my suggestion um let’s see what this black stone no it was polished deep slate yeah you did mention the black stone I

Remember I I didn’t I didn’t put that in Yet I do remember somebody told I I do remember somebody told me recommended me Blackstone I guess that was you all right let’s put the ironing gets there It’ll look much lcer than deep slate Because deep Spate clashes with the wood it kind of does but honestly it’s far enough away from the wood that I don’t really think it’s that bad I mean it’s not like it’s touching the wood at at

All but yeah I do I do think that the Blackstone eventually will be better but right now I don’t I pretty much have to go to the nether to deal to get all that uh Black Stone but uh but now I can so I guess I could go over there right

Now should probably make some glass too trust me on this black stone all the way make sure it’s polished okay all right well well that iron is cooking I guess we just go go into The Nether uh hope I have enough here that I need over there I guess I should have

Enough oh wait let me just go Shear the Sheep before I go I need a haircut I need to put I need to put one of those uh those carpet carpet blocks on Top oh we’re definitely going to be at least digging this all right that’s better at least I get a straight shot to the portal now without having to hop on a hill please don’t let them please please don’t let those gas oh oh right great every time I use a

Ah every time I use a terot every time I use I use another portal I always end up running into a ghast oops forgot to put my glove my boots my gold boots on piglins in their obsession with gold ah there’s the gas two days till help wanted to help wanted to what’s That oh hello okay do I hear a drunk piglin somebody’s drunk oh five nightes at Freddy okay I guess it’s like a new update or something because I never have heard these piglins sound like they’re going it’s like they’re drunk or something I don’t think I’ve ever heard them like that

Before there there their sound is creeping me out oh hello they always made this noise I guess I’ve never been close enough to a piglin before to really know noticed that cuz wow that is weird they sound very cartoony that way all right I think the black stone was over here last I

Checked sometimes there’s random radiation click noises in the another and nobody can explain why oh that’s lovely that’s ow ow ow uh it got me distracted with the radiation I walked right into lava ah here we go oh Crap oh I hear the radiation now lovely ooh tons of Black Stone yep I just got to be careful that I don’t uh that I don’t end up uh bursting a hole in the lava pit I decid on what my pronouns are by the way oh okay My new pronouns are barely existing and not feeling rested after getting 8 hours of sleep okay that that that’s funny all right half a stack here we’ll get rid of this deep slate here need that also I don’t know how to make these look like polished bricks oh you know I’m pretty

Sure polish Blackstone yeah you basically just uh put them in a square Pattern 2 by two fun fact sneak across magma blocks and you’ll not take any damage I do remember that I do remember that I just never think about it when when I’m in the when I’m in the magma situations Here’s some more black stone that’ll that I can get without worrying about lava I take that back let’s put some tough in there it can save your life so remember to use it Okay yeah got to stop doing that I never liked adventuring in the nether yeah I mean I’m not too fond of it myself but um but then again I don’t come here enough to really be bad bothered by it yes it was polished Blackstone brick

I was thinking of I had to Google oh oops oh looks like I hit um I hit a full stack that’s Nice yeah I’d say that’s close enough um my first Minecraft experience was all the way back on the Play Store on Android only mob was a zombie and no hunger bar what version was that what the heck it was on Android I don’t think it was I don’t think that was

Minecraft um might have been one of Minecraft the Minecraft clones cuz I do not think uh cuz there’s no way you would have have had just just the zombies because cuz I I thought the first Minecraft uh game in on the Android was like uh I thought it was

Just the Minecraft Pocket Edition but it was a demo on the Play Store I don’t know why why there would only be the Zombie on the demo that’s kind of weird I remember uh the first block game I played oh ga welcome to the stream that’s the original Minecraft mobile version

Probably Minecraft mobile was really Limited at first oh okay see the first the first uh block game I actually played um was actually was actually wasn’t Minecraft itself it was actually one of the copies called uh okay what the heck’s going on okay it was like a it was one of the

Clones it was called Block World it was definitely an inferior version of Minecraft there weren’t any dangerous mobs but I do remember the music to this very day the OS the music for block world was absolutely cool awesome it had this real nice fantasy kind of music you

Can actually still find that music on uh on YouTube um okay I I got two stacks I think I have enough right now let’s get out of here before those uh those magma cubes start attacking me also pixel gun really good clone that became its own thing you should play it

On on mobile it’s free oh cool oh Darth 27 hello Minecraft again yes yeah it is yeah I was just Gathering some black stone basically to touch up on my uh floor in my house but uh I also need some other stuff too I still need to get more coal for my

Crafting why am I hearing something in my sounds like there’s like some some bug got into my computer and it just got caught in the fans seriously I have seriously like this fall and winter like there’s these a little Annoying black and red bugs that get into my house and they’re so

Annoying like they just prop it’s like there’s like swarms of them just get on my house every fall and winter and it’s so annoying I think they’re called like box elder bugs they get into they even get into my into my room and just like they don’t

Harm you or anything they’re they don’t they’re not they’re not they’re harmless but they just are really annoying to to have around I’m constantly constantly picking them off the walls crawling on my screen and uh and I think I hear one in my uh in my PC right now yo hope you’re feeling

Better Lucas yeah yeah I’m doing okay ww stream haven’t done that haven’t done that much yet but thank you all right um I think I’m going to put the black going to put the black stone in here for now the the salt all the nether stuff in

There I have to deal with creepy alien daddy long legs the size of my effing hand my fight or flight response is an overdrive whenever I see them you know what Daddy Long Legs aren’t really that bad I mean my encounters with Daddy long legs aren’t aren’t that bad like they’re

The one kind of spider I’m I’m I’m okay with them crawling on me that’s one of the few spiders I’m okay with the with crawling on me I’m actually a bit more paranoid with with around a bees and wasps than I am with spiders try running Minecraft was super

Tensive mod packs to toast the trapped bug and no I think he’s doing I think he’s has enough with the T he has enough problems with the tumbler I have crippling G okay it’s I think you’re right with theophobia it’s aerophobia but you you don’t you didn’t need the G in the

Beginning I think otherwise you I think you got it right but yeah these uh box elder bugs they’re they’re pretty harmless they’re just so annoying it’s just so annoying to have not as annoying as a fly which which wants to fly fly into your ear but uh but they’re always around it’s like

Every time I turn around there’s always one there crawling on the wall crawling on my screen or crawling on anything I even find him in my bed in the middle of the night um I hate rodents and reptiles don’t really care about bugs oh okay I don’t know I I I

Mean I think with with rodents it depends on the rodent I mean like like I understand like rats and stuff yeah yeah yeah screw the rats but uh other other reptiles aren’t so bad especially the copy baras like do never diss on the cap C bars um reptiles I mean yeah I

Understand I understand the like the hatred for like snakes and stuff but Mo most most reptiles I don’t I don’t really mind oh no boxelder bugs in Australia is called a stink bug you should never kill them because they get a gut-wrenching foul oder oh no no no no

Um the um yeah we have stink bugs too but they’re not they’re not the same kind of bug as the Box Elder yeah the these box elder bugs they don’t they don’t give off a stink but we do have we do have some some stink bugs

That get into our uh get into our house and they do stink but I don’t think there is gut-wrenching foul odor like you’re describing they do smell bad but not I don’t think they’re that bad I think that’s just an a I think the Australian variety is worse Australia has mutated bugs that’s

Probably true we have a rule in Australia never leave your shoes outside at all ooh ooh ooh ooh now I’m starting to itch all this talk about bugs is making me itch all right um don’t think I want to go down there right now because once a red back or

Funnel web has made its home in your shoes say goodbye to them oh oh gosh ah hello Mr Skelly oh you going for like a 360 360 no scope or something you turned around minding your own business and then ow no seriously you’re not getting your

Shoes back o a funnel web spider will kill you in around 14 minutes if you’re bitten ooh I mean I think I think I think we’re I live like we have like the black widow but I don’t think I don’t think there’s that many black widow spiders in my area

But I know a little further south of me I know there’s uh black widows that live there but yeah they’re they’re pretty uh dangerous too I don’t think they’re as bad as the funnel web spider but I may be wrong I don’t I don’t remember I wasn’t joking funnel webs

Will rear up and try to shake you extremely territorial strike you ooh yeah I think um do you C come across those spiders often oh oh yeah I hope I hope I hope they don’t come around that often but considering that it’s Australia like I wouldn’t be surprised

Wait did I just hear a robin why am I hearing birds from down here that’s weird I think it I think if I worked out more I could take on a kangaroo well good luck to that I was bitten by a red back as a child worst pain of my life legs swell

Up 10 times its size ooh oh wow the worst thing I’ve ever seen was um was my little sister getting uh getting stung by a bee I mean I don’t know what what kind of bee it was it probably was a bumblebee or something and like her stomach swelled

Up that’s probably the worst I’ve seen there was a story of a kangaroo attacking a man’s dog so the guy ran up to the kangaroo and slogged him right in the face with a single punch knocked the Kanger clean out awesome Mate yeah I I I did see that too uh-oh uh-oh I hear a witch oh there’s the witch burn the witch uh no I’m not going to deal with that right now that was more British than Aussie yeah probably Was ever since I heard that I’ve had imagination go wild about getting about getting in a predicament where I have to fight a kangaroo huh that’s interesting oh I’m back in the village I don’t come over here much I need need to come over here more then again I probably I think I

Took everything here that I needed all right so how do I get back from Here o bro want to play FIFA cuz that’s all the British play um yeah I’m not really big not really big on those type of sports games I’ll fight one day defitely okay there we go see if I go this way and see if I can

Get back this way I don’t think this is the right way but I got to try oh it is the right way wait till you Google the redb spider not to be confused with an Australian cricket team oh wow there’s a cricket team named that wow Mhm red bike spider looks awfully like a Black Widow oh okay all right Let’s go Harvest this stuff right now ah there’s the axe I think I got to wait till all that is white I’m more afraid of the black HBA ooh and if only real world crops grew that fast will you stream tear towns tear down someday there’s a custom map on Workshop

Of procedural generator back rooms map you can destroy oh that sounds interesting maybe I don’t Know all right uh let me go no I think that’s enough crops for now I think now is a better time than ever for you to get into Grand Theft Auto 5 yeah I do need to get that I do need to get that um but I do have some other um I do have some other games that uh that I just got

Recently that I would like to play with uh especially with with other people like I really would like to do more uh do more games that the that the audience can get involved with with if if you guys want to um I was thinking like um like there’s one game that’s pretty

Popular right now like lethal company I really find I I I play I’ve played it a couple times and it’s pretty fun it it would be kind of cool just to um to basically stream a kind of a horror SL comedy game that would be

Pretty funny for you guys to see me do that I mean I don’t do many horror games I do have I I did get death by daylight recently um that’s another one I could probably do in the future um then there’s uh oh then of course I I I’m doing I am

Doing a monster hunter world and I am doing a stream of that tomorrow so and I just I just started that that stream stream Series yeah I thought there was something else that I got that I don’t remember then there then I heard that that that stardew stardew Valley I heard that

That’s a pretty popular game right now or is a stardust Valley stardew Valley I don’t remember what it was called let’s go um polish these things Lethal company is so much fun easily one of my favorite games right now yeah I Agree I mean just watching people play it on on on YouTube is hilarious H yeah that that might look better tear down is not a tear you cry but to tear something down oh okay ah speaking of which there’s a there’s a one of those box Elders right now oh well he got Away oops Yeah it kind of looks better maybe in the maps you could destroy everything thing yeah yeah yeah you yeah that does sound yeah that reminds me of um that reminds me of um of the finals that’s the that’s the first person shooter I was talking about earlier yeah that uh

The finals that that has a that has an arena that can be destructible like some of the buildings you can destroy break through blow up charge through like a maniac tear down is a tons of fun stuff from using dual Min guns ion cannons from space nukes ac130s controlling gunships oh

Wow but yeah these are a lot of a lot of cool games see I have an idea that um I want to I want to see you guys input on this but uh one thing I would want to do is do like a um do like kind of like a a

Writing stream Where where like we like me and the chat we we like make like small short stories or something where we can where we can like create our own create our own stories I don’t know how to make that work yet but that’s kind of of something that I’m thinking about

Right now cuz I would really love it if uh if we if we did something like that the best maps is the infinite Ikea SCP and infinite generating back rooms collapsing Bridges with physics diving maps and more I mean that that that sounds pretty cool Ow Writing sounds great yeah I want I want to do it somehow um not sure how to do it yet but that is something I want to do in the future I want that to be like a project for next year where um where we can basically where we could basically some

Kind of opportunity where we can write our own stories I mean they don’t have to be like big major stories that you wouldn’t want to like share with share with people until they’re like they’re you’re ready to publish it or something but like just like short stories that short

Stories that could be fun to fun to fun to share share with people Um I don’t know kind of would kind of I don’t know maybe something like um you know kind of like kind of like fun writing games kind of like Mad Libs you know where um like with Mad Libs you uh you have this uh you have this story

That has a bunch of blanks and you got to fill in the blanks with certain things like adjectives verbs and nouns and such and it turns out to be a funny sto it could sometimes end up being a funny kind of story oh hang on did you make them

Bricks oh I was supposed to make them bricks Whoops And that’s that’s what I get for for talking too much I get I get I get talking and I get distracted it’ll look nicer yeah probably don’t worry I’m not capable of writing anything imaginative anymore this sounds brilliant oh don’t don’t sell yourself short like that I’m sure I’m sure you

Can I’m sure there’s a I’m sure you still have some imagination left tear down is really fun you’ll enjoy it yeah I should definitely try that ah can I it’s going to cost to get a stone cutter Here ah okay so it’s just normal Stone normal Stone and some iron well we got plenty of That let me pop a few Uh one time I made uh I made a D and D setting about Karens and the leader was of a dystopian World a cruy l Kingdom the brave managers rise up with a lonely hero to defeat the emperor Karen wow um and let me guess this Emperor Karen

Woried uh oh no no no I I was going to say something but I was like nah that was a bad idea um she probably wanted to speak to the uh speak to the the hero’s manager [Laughter] probably ah there we go stone cutter this will make my job a little bit easier Here aha polished Blackstone bricks all the chiseled ones look good too but we’re just going to go with That oh wait I didn’t get all of them yet wait where did I put the rest oh there they are this Karen was of of the Christian the worst ones H okay that took some time but it was good what there we Go oh the joke I made okay is that a vroid model uh yes it Is it was a model that I that I started quite a while back like probably like a year or two ago um and i’ basically been um I’ve been tiering with it for for quite some time um and basically yeah back when back when all I had was like a

A crappy laptop and a and a mouse I I had a I had an older version of this um which basically looked like this but um had a had less defined uh tattoos on my face and uh my collar but um yeah I I basically did a

Little editing with it um on a stream recently and so now it look looks like this if you can look at my older streams some of my earlier streams and you can see like what my uh what my tattoos used to look like they were pretty rough but

Now I’m I’m armed with an art tablet like I still have a lot of room to grow when it comes to like working with 3D art and such but I do want to continue to learn I made a fantasy world like 5 years ago of the bird people called Elenor Al alorian a set of beautiful sky islands Hidden Away From Evil called alinor they are all anthro griffins or full giant Griffins other various bird Races they study Alchemy botony of plants magic with impressive spiraling Towers

Ooh feel free to read my thing well that’s cool uh GA nice you can definitely make some cool stuff with vroid but it can be a pain yeah I I mean I kind of just Chu chalk up to it like my lack of skill cuz I generally have a

I generally have a lack of skill when it comes to like 3D art and such But but I am determined to learn it all right so we got most of the are area with the black the Blackstone bricks but got a few more spaces over here than may need to be done but uh I’m out of Blackstone bricks right now but looks good looking much

Better you guys were right all right next thing I got to make some glass So the alorian don’t really have any military except for a fleet of giant armored Griffins called the silver claw highly trained for emergencies in combat huh that’s cool one of my big stories that um that I’m working on I I kind of have um it’s basically going to be like a

It’s basically going to be like fantasy it’s it’s kind of like science sci-fi but it’s uh it has a strict fantasy flavor to it cuz basically like think of it this way like I got I got spaceships that are actually made of wood like uh put that image in your mind

Like wood spacecrafts like I’m not talking like um not quite like um Treasure Planet like not not that not that not by that much they’re like they’re they’re not actual sailing ships in space but um but they they look like spaceships like like your traditional sci-fi spaceships but they’re made of

Wood or they kind of have like a more of a a fantasy biological look to it but that’s some of the ships like there there are some metal ships in my in my story as well but yeah too bad you can’t can’t import custom 3D models into vroid yeah I

Mean yeah maybe you can’t do that yeah I don’t know but yeah that would that does uh that does kind of stink I just recently figured out how to uh how to export my my vroid models to um to VR chat um but the funny thing with the

Funny thing with the vroid chat is that uh I kind of made uh I kind of made some kind of mistake during the process and BAS basically bleached my shirt bleached my uh cloak so now uh so if you see me in VR chat sometime um the yellow on my

The yellow on my uh robe is white and my eyes look kind of weird too so yeah if you ever happen to catch me in VR chat that’s Pro it’s probably going to I probably look a little Different oh there we go oh we’ll put the buckets in with the chests no let me keep one keep them another quartz let’s go refine that see what we can do with this ah there we go they islands are powered by hidden giant gems called the LIF Stone it’s

Hidden away deep within the islands that keeps them afloat for hundreds of years ooh it almost sounds like pyrro blowing from one piece and so the alorian live in peace there’s only one way to access these islands head to the docks on the grounds and call for the Griffin taxi service

Giant Griffins who will happily take bird students you know what this I I know I I’m sorry if this I’m sorry if this is a wrong picture but um when you’re talking about these these bird people like um I’m my mental image is T looking at that uh at the

Protagonist from uh from that new anime shanga or something uh sh shangry La Frontier or something kind of reminds me kind of reminds me of the protagonist from that he’s basically he looks like a human but he’s got like a he’s got like a a head

Of a blue a blue uh bird or something like an eagle or something I don’t remember exactly surprisingly the alen orians have good ties with humans and fairies and chars oh Cool okay whatever God my PC is annoying me now going to have to open that up and take a look at it after the Stream all right we got some glass here I think now I think we can finish up putting up the window panes in here I think I missed a few oh yeah there’s one right there that I didn’t get okay that doesn’t work ah there we go told you the black stone looked nicer

Was I right or was I right yeah you’re right you’re right it does look better maybe I don’t know um I mean yeah it’s definitely a more better contrast I guess got to put this pain here don’t know why I forgot to do that before okay I think we’re looking good in

Here I don’t get the mental images Though yeah okay H he let’s let’s go uh let’s go back in the Nether and see what we can what else we can find wait you don’t get mental Images yeah the black Stones look really clean okay thanks dumb bugs Okay so we’ve been hanging around in this area but I really want to find a way to get to some of these other spots like it looks like there’s some Forest down there got to figure my way out down

There figure my way out out there um know I have a fan a Fantasia oh which means I see nothing in my mind ooh oh man I would I would hate that Ooh and that that that that sounds kind of rough I only recently found out that people can see things in their mind literally oh Wow I mean I don’t I don’t see things as clearly in my mind as I used to like when I was younger but um I do I do actually I did used to actually see see that stuff like especially like if I was like Dreaming or something

In at night I had some really crazy vivid dreams in in in the past um like one of my fa I I I don’t know if I would call it my favorite but uh I had some really creepy dreams um like I had this I had I had this reoccurring Vivid

Dream where where I was uh where I had the ability to fly but um the the twist was that in instead of uh instead like I would lose control sometimes in the dream I would lose control of my ability to fly I mean I could still fly but I

Mean like I would lose control like I couldn’t control where I went in the dream so when I lost control instead of falling to the ground like you would normally think you would do in a kind of dream like that I ended up uh I ended up

Keep I kept going higher like I kept going higher and higher into the sky and until I ended up floating in space like that was always the like I remember the first times I had that dream that’s how it ended like I would end up in space it

Freaked me out so bad that every time I had that dream again I would force myself to wake up before I reach space it was it was so crazy I mean back in that day I I would I considered it a nightmare but nowadays I kind of wish I had the that dream

Again because man that I would love to feel that trippy in my sleep again all right uh so looks like there’s a Causeway over here so I just have to get down here then Man that sounds like an amazing dream yeah it kind in hindsight it kind of was it was it was really fun the the best part of it was that it was reoccurring it didn’t uh it happened quite often in the past I don’t I don’t really have it

Anymore but my dreams are filled with random jibber jabber I mean the last time I had had a dream with random jibber jabber there was basically a bunch of spiders crawling all over my room like I’m talking millions of spiders G gross like that that that dream was just

White noise and a bunch of spiders G like I never want that one again uh my craziest dream is probably when I was a kid I was being chased by a crazy guy with a chainsaw through my neighborhood until I got to my house then for some reason I got into a flying

School bus oh did you say uh hello to miss Li Miss uh frizzled for me right on the mag School Bus woo Woo who’s here oh hi Nemo welcome to the stream who here knows who Jonathan Taylor Thomas is oh yeah yeah yeah I know who he is yeah as uh gaen said he’s the voice of Simba but he was also um he was also the second son he was also the

Second son in the in the show Home Improvement starring Tim Allen that’s what I know him by but I did love magic SP I don’t remember who was driving unfortunately ah someone knows but I did love Magic School Bus as a kid yeah I mean I didn’t actually watch the

Show but I did I did have books of it of the Magic School Bus yeah he Simba and was on Home Improvement Randy my boy yeah Randy all right now I could go straight over to the forest then look the Striders he is the cutest I love his hair especially in

1997 we watched Magic School Bus in school one of the episodes where they winess the human body I remember the book for that one the human body one oh gosh what the heck okay I do not want to mess with that I’m not into guy so I don’t see him

That way but he’s cool yeah he was he was cool dang guys let me let me make of the road in here for Pete sakes all right now let’s see what we got over here then I’ve never actually been in one of these uh biomes before in the nether updates

They were always too far away kind of like this this is cool I need to Mark a mark away so I can figure out how to get back from here I don’t want to wander off too much and get lost um I’ll I’ll mine a couple of these magma blocks and then I’ll

Uh I’ll use these as markers I think you was seen in public for the first time recently in a long time oh yeah I I didn’t know that but uh I did know recently um they finally gave uh McKelly culin a uh a spot in the uh in the

Um that uh you know those uh handprints things in Hollywood where they where they have the have the footprints for the Hollywood actors I forgot what it’s called the Chinese Theater thing I know he was he returned recently hey wait what why are you attacking me why was he attacking

Me I didn’t take any gold did I oh okay okay I might have Min some gold in his presents sorry hope you forgive me buddy All right pretty good I’m just surprised more than one person actually remember he existed e ground here is squishy wow nether looks really vibrant Here oh see you Nemo all right don’t think there’s a fortress around here I don’t want to go too far in here I’m going to get myself Lost but at least I have access to this area now but I do need probably will need to get make a bridge across over There or I can uh get a saddle and grab a Strider that probably would help too those poor shivering striders There’s an Enderman over There yeah I think we’re good here made some passages here but uh I going to get back over get back to the Overworld oh oriko Septra hands hello how are you oh I’m doing good how about you welcome to the Stream man just wait till I get an elytra and

Fly around in here I’ll probably die and and go face first into the lava let’s go harvest my cocoa beans Hello I never get tired of the Jungle ambience in this mod pack do you know the nether was once Minecraft’s past that was Buri there no I didn’t know That I remember a while ago that uh I wanted to make like a series where um where I would explain Minecraft’s lore it BAS basically was my own interpretation of what the Minecraft lore would be kind of Miss thinking about that but um with all these new updates with the

Game like I kind of I kind of lost interested it because there’s always something new that Mojang adds to the game so I almost felt like it wasn’t worth worth making it because like it’s ever expanding and all that so it would be hard to add add the new

Stuff to whatever lore I would have I would have written Overworld is the new world in Minecraft while nether is is the past oh okay let’s put these cocoa beans where they need to go Um I’m going to I need to take a I need to take a quick break I got to go do something for a second but uh I’ll be back in a few moments so um stay tuned all right we’re Back All right looks like we can harvest the wheat now so yeah there’s um there a lot of things I’m looking forward looking forward to in the new year um one of my big goals that I really want to do want to complete this doesn’t have to do with streaming but uh

There the story one of the one of the a big story that I’m that I’m wanting to write that I’ve been basically planning for quite a few years in my head I have um I’ve been i’ I’ve pretty much been slacking off on actually writing it down

So I actually want to I actually want to finish the first Arc of the the story within within 2024 based on some of the recent things that um that kind of been happening in my life recently makes me feel like like I really I really need to get moving with

It like very often like I feel like I’m not I’m not good enough to to do it so I constantly tell myself that I’m not ready to do it yet like but I feel like I really need to especially been feeling that this past the past

Day like I this is something that I really want to do really want to do in my life and something that it’s always been a dream of mine to write novels create a world of my own yeah that’s pretty much been been that’s pretty much been my dream

Too it’s kind of interesting like with me like I I’ve been I’ve been basically coming up with stories in my head since I was like 14 years old and like I I’ve had stories come and go but now it feels like like with this one story that I’m that I’m currently

Working on in my mind that it’s kind of been merging a lot elements of some of the old stories that I I used to have and merging it merging merging these stuff into into this particular story and I really I really would love to I Really Love would love to get this

Actually written down like I constantly neglected to do that and that’s that’s one that’s one of my big goals for next year and part of the part of the reason that I’ve started that I’ve started this like one of the big reasons I’ve started this YouTube channel in the first place

Is because I felt that I’ve that I slacked a lot like actually making any progress in doing what I want to do and I felt like I needed something to push me forward to do something the hardest part is starting yes exactly and that’s why I like a lot of

My focus when like when it comes to the story that I’m working on a lot of my focus has been on the beginning of the story like I I want the story to be impactful from from from from the get-go like I want I want it to be something that people can can

Quickly understand and fall in love with basically cuz like a lot of stories that I’ve read over the years like some of my favorite stories like not all of them have a very solid start like I mean I would I would say that some of them are

Solid start but a lot of them take a while for you to to start to really appreciate at least that’s how what my experience has been but I wanted to be like a story that like that can impact that can that can be impactful like as soon as possible maybe I I mean

I don’t know if that’s something I should really focus too much on but but I do feel like that like some of my favorite stories like like one of my favorite stories like one piece like it takes takes a while for for you to really understand what what it’s really going

For and then there’s like L of the Rings and stuff like it starts off pretty pretty L of the Rings starts off pretty calm and so does like The Hobbit but like it takes you it sometimes takes a while for some of even these some of these classic stories to

To really like get your attention to get you to really to like the sto to really get attached to the story so like like with my story like basically uh yeah like a lot a lot of my favorite sto a lot of my favorite stories they

Like they act a lot of these stories start off like they they start off in like these very nice pleasant places you know like uh like in The Hobbit or the L of the Rings it starts off in the in the Beautiful the beautiful Shire basically

Kind of like a landscape as peaceful as as this right out here it’s like it’s a peaceful Countryside where there’s like tiny Villages and all that for sure it can take a while with some others grab you from the beginning yeah I I want this I want this story to be something

That grabs you pretty close yeah I I love the Shire too but the thing is like with my story like I don’t I feel like um I I I I feel like there’s so to so many stories where where the beginning of a story starts in a relatively

Comfortable place a cozy place I mean I I know that that it can be relatable I guess but um like like with my story like my my car main character like like she starts off in a um she actually starts off in a pretty harsh environment but it is a

Sort of a um it is sort of like a bubble or comfort zone to her because it’s the only place she’s known for her whole life and while there are people like within that environment that aren’t really used to the the place she kind of

Is because like she was one of the few people born in this like she lives on like this she lives on an island but it’s like it’s a it’s a harsh Frozen island with like treacherous mountains and such and that’s kind of I kind of wanted

To put put my main character in a in a setting like that that it would it would it would soon quickly challenge the character like especially if like if she finds finds things I don’t really want to get too in depth in the story right

Now I don’t want to give it away right now but but I I feel like I feel like I wanted to be able to kind of like make like a contrast like despite her living in like a harsh environment it is still in her perspective it’s like a comfort zone but

Even within that but um but it would also be kind of symbolic because of of the storm that basically affects that basically changes her life in the first Arc of the story I don’t know there’s a lot of thing ways I can I can I can interpret

It but I do want to go for that can be peaceful if you’re customed to it like her yeah yeah exactly okay um okay let me store some of stuff in here I got to think about what I want to do next here I think I want to start

Making I don’t know should I work on the second floor but I kind of got enough room in here right now okay oh yeah put my crops in Here oh yep got to make that into some red all Right is this a solo world uh yes it is um I that’s that’s one thing I want to do with Minecraft in for next year like starting in January I do want to work I do want to I do want to I do know want I

Do want to stream on a server um I haven’t really decided uh I haven’t really decided whether I’m going to make my own server or if I’m going to go on another Ser on another server I know there there is a server that I I’m

Currently going on um I found it I found it from some some people I met on met on Twitter X and uh they seem like really nice people and it’s a it’s also a modded server so they got some pretty cool stuff in there it’s kind of like more

More like a it’s like a more like a fantasy RPG kind of a mod pack that they have going on there I would like to stream that I’ll have to ask permission from them before before I do that but uh I would like to actually stream there that I think would be fun

Okay all right what do I need here looks like I got enough iron you talking about Asom yeah yeah yeah that’s what I’m talking about astram yeah yeah astram is the astram is the place yeah I forgot yeah you yeah yeah gain you you were the you were the guy who

Was private messaging me earlier on Discord yeah so yeah you were from astr yeah you you were on the astram server okay I forgot about that yeah I’m going to have to ask permission to see if I if I can stream on there I don’t know I don’t know if I can

Or not yet oh why’ I do that that is me yes I play on this server nice yeah that would be that would be great if we can we could work together on that I don’t think you need permission to stream it okay um yeah I might

Uh I might check it’s open to anyone on the server okay yeah I might uh I might check that I might then uh decide to stream that but I I mean the last few days when I was on the server like i’ I’ve been hoarding I’ve been basically

Being a complete Nomad i’ but just been traveling around looting like whatever I could find whatever I could carry too and right now I got a I got a ton of spell books and I have no idea how to use them yet like it’s ridiculous how much loot I’ve just I’ve uncovered in

There it’s heavy art BG like D and D based yeah yeah I got a ton of spell books found a couple cool weapons and uh found some decent armor I think I hit Level 9 I think I hit Level 9 when I was in there all right I think I think it’s

Time we go down to the depths and find some more diamonds oh shut up you darn witch it’s cool for a different kind of experience yeah I think so too Yeah burn the Witch H let’s look Around and of course hello Mr Green hug I’m friends with nazami Sora who also streams on there um I don’t think I I don’t think I know who that is are they um are they a big streamer or no don’t really need the Redstone right now but what the

Heck okay I think I need to go even lower for the uh for the diamonds right no I think this is the level ooh glowing ink sacks yeah we can I’ll take some of those you know last time I streamed this there were a lot more mobs down here I

Don’t know why there’s less right now but I’m probably going to jinx myself if I keep saying that it honestly doesn’t feel as dangerous as it you as it used to be ooh wow two Enderman right above here she’s smaller as well she has around 50 to 60 Subs on YouTube and 330

Followers on Twitter oh okay I’m still hovering between twitch and YouTube yeah I I do want to do some I feel like I I need to do some like uh I need to do some some uh multi streaming I feel like I need to multi stream on

Both YouTube and twitch um I haven’t done anything with twitch yet but I do want to oh hello here for hugs denied okay so yeah I I want to do some I want to do twitch streams as well but and I have like uh I have that program called Ram

But I haven’t figured out how to get it to work entirely because uh last time I tried that it streamed on Twitch but it didn’t stream on YouTube for some reason even though I had it set for that I’ll have to figure out how that works all

Right uh let’s see if there’s any more any diamonds around here otherwise I’m going to have to go somewhere else I don’t think there’s going to be any diamonds in here he’s not out in the open I have used restream and it works but it can split your audience which

What I’m afraid of yeah maybe but the thing is like right now like I don’t think most of the audience that that is watching me on a regular basis I don’t think most of the most of them are watching would even be watching me on

TWiT on on Twitch I don’t know but I like to have a vanilla Minecraft server for a group of us YouTubers to stream on yeah that would be fun ah more Huggers okay what level are we on 40 seven W we’re not even at the lowest point where you could find

Diamonds darn it means there’s a lower level than even this kind of like the hollow live server oh that would be that would be fun I mean I know I mean besides the hollow live servers like I know like some of the other other bigger groups

Like uh V SoJO I know I think they have servers like that too but yeah but yeah H life server is a big uh ah ah no no no you’re not bumping me in the you’re not bumping me in the lava boys sorry hugs are not on the menu today boys that scared

Me holy cow that’s a lot of lot of skeletons over there yeah I think hve niii vjo all have their own servers for their vtubers yeah yeah there should there should be like a big one for some smaller vtubers whoever who would like to do that yeah this cave doesn’t go as far

Down as I would like Ah it’s cool watching it build up over time from everyone yeah I agree okay time to go Scooby-Doo and get away from these people run scoob ow ow ow come on really ah boo it’s cool watching it okay ever since the caves update caving got scarier here

Yeah I don’t know I kind of like the caves now they were kind of boring before Though actually feel like real caves now man I really need to I need to find a deeper cave cuz I don’t think this cave these caves are reaching uh reaching Diamond level it’s really cool but you have to be way more careful now yeah some in some ways yes

It’s going to be even more interesting when the um when those uh trial Chambers show up in the next update those are going to be interesting the last update I know anything from about is the one with the mangroves oh okay that had to be one of the recent ones I think Yeah I got a lot more in this shaft to the shaft to explore mangroves came out in June 2022 oh okay was that like in the um yeah pretty recent yeah yeah let’s not go over there ah hello creeper this is one thing I love about these stalagmites cuz they actually some of

Them can actually prove to be a buffer against mobs so like stalagtite stalagmites actually make uh make some things kind of easier for the for these caves all right I think we’re going to go for a little boat trip here just to get you an idea of like what

What I’m kind of planning for the future for the at least for the sing for the single player world cuz I got some cool stuff that I want to do um let’s can’t they fall from the ceiling sometimes I haven’t seen any I haven’t seen any fall from the ceiling

Yet I don’t know maybe it’s certain circumstances I don’t know but anyway this uh this kind of mountain this kind of uh Plateau you see over here I want to make a huge Dwarven like Dwarven like uh Dwarven like Palace in here I want to make this to be like the

Heart of my kingdom for this world I’ll build it within the mountain here and over there is like the the town this whole Peninsula is the town and this big thing is going to be basically the capital palace hope it I hope hope it I’m looking forward to to working on this

Thing let me get that give me get that rowboat before I leave lose It you looks like the longer they are the more usable and vibration like running and placing blocks Can Make Them Fall okay And they do a lot of damage ooh I I I heard I did hear that that falling on them can cause a bit of damage but I didn’t I didn’t think they actually fell on you but that’s interesting a this is nice I love what the I can never get

Tired of these shaders showing the reflection it’s especially cool underwater see Reflections it’s pretty cool peaceful boat ride yeah don’t think it went that deep What GPU and CPU do you have uh I do not know off hand right now um I be able to see here I don’t think

I’ll be able to see it here Yeah not not sure I’m not I’m not I’m not really a big expert on all the computer lingo and coding and stuff so yeah I don’t I don’t really know for sure o Turtles oh here’s the speaking of the mangroves here they are it says you have RTX 360 and Intel

I7 which is pretty good yeah I did get this computer very recently like within the last uh I think like was like two four four five months ago maybe yeah this the computer’s pretty new but I do I do need more more uh more storage like I only got like one

Terabyte of storage and that’s already stretching it and I’m already stretching it like like sometimes like when I want to get a new game want to have a new game want to play a new game but uh I have to actually uninstall them on Steam and reinstall them when I want to

Play them again so it’s pretty uh pretty annoying I got to I got to add add more uh more storage to my computer but otherwise otherwise the computer’s been pretty good some some of the uh higher more graphically challenged uh games like I’ve been able to do I’ve been able to

Play with very little very little problems so far it’s only like when I want to want to go gung-ho on the when when I want to go gung-ho on the graphics on certain things that it can tend to uh to fail me sometimes but it’s been very rare I’ve

Rarely had any problems with this computer so far yeah I have one tbte sad SSD and one tab external HD and I’m still fighting my storage yeah ooh looks like we hit a bump in the uh in the mangroves look like the end of the line is here in the

Mangroves looks like we’ll have to turn back ooh clown fish what are clown fish doing in the mangroves interesting Constantly having to uninstall games and move games to my external when I’m not playing them ouch that’s kind of rough like I I I have a bunch of games in my steam library but I only have like a few of them installed at any given time it’s just whatever I’m in the mood

Of playing in the That season I’m looking forward to um I’m looking forward to streaming more of the monster hunter world that I started kind of looking forward to continuing that it’s pretty challenging so far far and uh some of the monsters are kind of

A pain to deal with I especially hate it when these monsters just keeps when they when they’re spewing poison attacks like I have to actually stop the fight and drink myself like a a recovery potion basically but aside from that like it’s pretty good game I’m enjoying it I’m

Enjoying tracking the monsters and hunting them and but uh I have not really committed to a spefic specific style of fighting in the game yet mainly because like they they all have their stuff I love and they have stuff that I don’t really like so much but

Yeah I’m going to try out all of the different uh weapon Styles and see which ones I like I’ve never played that Series yeah I didn’t play it either until like U my last stream last week was the first time I actually played anything from the Monster Hunter Series

So yeah that was basically my fresh first start of it I mean aside from me like watching other people play the monster hunter games like some of the big hot the big Hol some of the big hola live uh talents I I’ve seen some of them stream it stream these um stream these

Especially recently I’ve heard I’ve seen a couple uh I saw some of some of them were streaming uh monster Mr Hunter rise and I think I heard in the game the game reward show um a few days ago I think uh there’s a new there’s even a a new one

Coming out in a few years I’m not a huge fan of Japanese games where the weapons are so huge it’s a bit strange to me I don’t know I kind of I kind of like those I mean it is kind of a Trope but uh honestly I think um I think the big

Thing is like like if you’re going to go for giant swords make sure the guy who’s make sure the character who’s wielding them is like a big big buff guy you know kind of like guts from berserk like make him look like guts from berserk and then

I’ll then I’ll accept it I mean seeing like scrawny scrawny teenage boy looking guys and uh and like anime wuss like seeing them swing giant swords yeah that’s a bit ridiculous but uh giving a guy like guts and that would actually be okay okay we got to cook that got a few

Things to cook in Here Don’t know why I gathered all these lily pads but whatever I don’t totally write them off but it’s not my personal preference when they’re that big yeah I kind of get it my my personal thing is I like I like um I like when people I like when the

Anime characters do like uh dual dual wielding swords or like I don’t know kind of like a Kito from saao except I I really never watched Sao I I just watched the a Bridge series just now and caught up to it today so yeah that’s um that’s pretty fun that was pretty fun Yeah we got some meat here to cook Up I’m more of a single normal size sword two-handed kind of guy oh okay yeah or sword and shield lyen link like link oh okay yeah that’s the thing um I mean I kind of I mean the sword shield yeah I kind of like it but uh I don’t know I’m I I

Like I like the idea of dual wielding or or I do something like a pike or a Quarter Staff I like that kind of fighting too I have to say like it when it comes to like fighting style I I would probably be either Barbarian or monk I

Kind of like those kind of Things I like those on other characters but I’m a sword guy myself yeah that’s fair H It’s probably lur of the Rings and Star Wars having influence over me yeah yeah I mean those are really good those are pretty good influences I do love a good dwarf with a nice axe yeah but always remember one must never toss a dwarf all right see where we can go down here

Gimly was my man in the two towers game oh yeah only uh only Lord of the Rings game I’ve ever played actually is uh I think is the is just s is just a Lord of the Rings Online it’s pretty dated looking nowadays but uh I frequent it on occa on occasion

Sometimes not often but I I play it here and there sometimes not as good to me as a Star Trek online now that I actually like even to this day but uh Lord of the Rings Online is also pretty good too at least at least I used to think

So Shadow of Mordor if yeah sh yeah you just said you should play Shadow of Mordor and the shadow of War yeah I was just going to say that like the like the other the other Lord of the Rings games I was interested in playing is like

Shadow of Mordor and and and such shadow of war is that is that connected to shadow of moror or was that is that a different game entirely I don’t remember holy cow this is going to be crazy let me go back and um see what I can do to make a

Bridge cross all this crazy balt they’re great games that’s the sequel oh okay I wasn’t sure seemed like it was a sequel but I wasn’t sure hello next game they’re making with the Nemesis system is Wonder Woman which is interesting but I’m not a huge superhero

Fan yeah I faded out of the superhero stuff for a while a while ago even before the Marvel movies were starting to lose their quality I was kind of dropping out of it earlier than most people I think I was dropping around dropping off on the superhero stuff

Around like like around the time Captain America civil war came out Ow I stopped caring a bit before infinity War yeah it was kind of a shame cuz like when when uh when civil war came out the only thing I was really excited for was uh the Spider-Man movies but um I only watched a little bit of homecoming and I

Was like n this isn’t for me even before that I was never a big fan yeah that’s Understandable right oh hello the only ongoing franchise series I’m a huge fan of is Star Wars yeah I I was big on Star Wars when I was a kid and recently I’ve kind of been fading away from that I mean technically I started fading away from

That like back when uh the force awakens came out like I was so excited when I went into theaters for the force awakens I bet I kind of left the theater feeling very disappointed it’s one of the few times I went to the theater or like I was determined to go

To the theater and and yet it wasn’t as was as good wasn’t as good as I was expecting but ah I’m not a huge fan of the sequels but I never lost my love for Star Wars yeah I was starting to like the Mandalorian too but like like I I liked

The first season and I kind of liked the decision they were I liked the direction they were going for the first season but uh like I felt like after I felt like things were were going a little too fast regarding like grou like they just like they wanted to like

Let him go at the end of season 2 but then but then they brought him back I mean immediately after the next season I mean I know there was like context between in the book of MOBA Fett but I really I really wish grou would have stayed with Luke Skywalker a little

Longer cuz I mean like the show was like supposed to basically we supposed to be Shing around own the Mandalorian but kind of ended up becoming like becoming more of like Roku kind of stole the show I mean kind of understandable I mean he’s a cute baby Yoda looking

Character but I feel like the show lost its focus especially after the first season yeah after the after the second season I mean season 1 and two were really good I heard kathen Kennedy push for groger to return to Mando it’s why I ended up like that yeah yeah I wouldn’t be surprised

I mean with a mountain of all the failures that that the Disney Star Wars has been going and Mandalorian was like one of their few really successful stuff I mean they had to capitalize on on that baby somehow but I really wanted to see grou learn to

Be a Jedi from Luke yeah that would have been really that would have been cool I would have loved that come on you big boy I think they’re going to make him a Mandalorian Jedi eventually Maybe okay he’s already a Mandalorian foundling now and he uses the force

That’s all I can think of yeah let’s hope they let’s hope they executed well at least I man I’ve heard that Disney’s been losing like a ton of ton of money these days I don’t know if I really want to talk too much about it like but

Yeah it’s been it’s been quite a interesting year especially in entertainment I really hope that um we can come to the point in the in the future that we can have like new new Studios basically rise up and basically make make new stories and stuff that aren’t really tarnished by all this

Corporate corporate stuff going on here’s to hoping I got to go to bed I’ll catch you later yeah I’ll see you I’ll see you later then wow oh W that was Scary wow oops oh that’s theend end of the line for me for now and looks like we’re approaching 11 11:00 my time which means might have to wrap up soon oh you ass go away you stupid guy had fun watching good night yeah good night to you too away you stupid thing ah

Oh man who blew a hole in there oh hello looks like we got a a zombie piglet Here a darn I was hoping for a hoping for that crossbow okay um I’m going to wrap up the not going to wrap up the the um stream just yet but um but I’m going to quit the game right now um I’m going to go over to um I’m

Going to over over to my talk room then I could basic then I can talk about basically uh some of the stuff that I’m planning on in the fut future I mean I’ve already talked about it but um I think it’ll get a little get a little insight of what

We’re what I’m going to do for the end of the year here so um I’m going to go over the talk room here or we can um I can basically discuss what I’m going to be doing for the rest of the week and um for Christmas and new and New Year’s so

Um we going to hop over there then okay so I’m going to pop up my schedule if I uh I remember where it is uh let me put up my um let me put up that border here then um then my the image of my uh Schedule oh should be under documents Here ah snapshot there we Go whoa hello okay um let me just put it that right about there and there we Go okay there we go um now hang on let’s uh remove that border right now let’s just uh blow it up here Yeah uh we’ll leave it like right about there so yeah so guys um this is basically my schedule if you didn’t see this on uh I posted it on posted on X and uh and on my community tab but basically um this is what I’m looking

For for this week I mean we already have Monday my modded Minecraft which I just did um I did on uh I did on Tuesday instead of uh instead of Monday but um but tomorrow I’m going to be doing Monster Hunter World 8:00 p.m. central Time on basically my time um I’m going

To be resting on T on Thursday and then Friday I’m going to be doing incarnate um incarnate. comom which is basically basically a place where you can basically craft uh craft like fantasy Maps so I want to get back into that um then Saturday uh let me move the date there

Saturday on the 16th I’m going to be um participating once again with another uh another session of One Piece D and D with uh uh but it’s not going to be on my stream it’s going to be on dire regulus’s stream uh 5:00 p.m central time uh 6:00 p.m. Eastern so I’ll be

Doing that and and then on Sunday the 17th I will be playing on Star Trek Online um due to the low reception of the uh of the um qes Winter Wonderland uh I think I get the hint guys that you guys don’t want me to uh

Do the holiday do the holiday stuff on stream so um looks like I’m going to have to uh stick to the normal game cuz uh I don’t think I reach double digits for that stream ah so sad but yeah so that’s my uh that’s my that’s my

Schedule and let me let that go away now but yeah I’m glad you guys could uh could stop by for the stream I’m glad that um that I have saw some new faces in here um in the future for Minecraft I probably will be I probably will be doing um doing

Streams on the uh on that uh on that server that I was talking with to uh to to about uh yeah the astram server I probably will be doing some live streams on that server so um so yeah look forward to that um so yeah I think we’re going to uh I think

I’m going to wrap up the stream for tonight um I’ll see you guys all in Monster Hunter world tomorrow night um so until then this is uh risey Lucas signing out

This video, titled ‘RETURN TO BLOCKS | Minecraft Modded Survival Series #7 & Planning 2024’, was uploaded by The Lonely Mage on 2023-12-13 18:37:02. It has garnered 24 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:55 or 11035 seconds.

Tonight I return to being a blockhead and continue to improve my existence in the world of Minecraft. I will also be talking about some plans I’m formulating for the channel going into the New Year.

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  • “EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6” #minecraft

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  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist 18+

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  • Nottorium Network

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  • Minecraft Memes – Average Minecraft Server: A Dumpster Fire

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  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

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    Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme “Trying to navigate through Ohio’s Nether portals in Minecraft is like trying to find your way out of a corn maze after dark – good luck and godspeed!” 😂🌽🔥 #OhioProblems #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing

    Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Industrial Foregoing and More! Exploring the world of Minecraft with a selection of mods from version 1.20.1 can be an exciting and challenging experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun as our player delves into the realm of Industrial Foregoing and beyond! Mastering Industrial Foregoing Industrial Foregoing is a mod that introduces advanced machinery and automation to the game. While the learning curve may be steep, the rewards are well worth the effort. Our player may still be struggling at times, but each setback is… Read More


    BECOME THE ALPHA WOLF'S LUCKY BLOCK FANGIRL NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA WOLF FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-10 17:00:03. It has garnered 12131 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!! Will Shad get away from his fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded Song

    Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Music Video)Kick the buddy Forever Alex Gets Grounded Song 2024’, was uploaded by TEFMVVM465 SpongebobDO NOT HAVE (Spongeomar) on 2024-03-22 17:43:21. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. You Want To Watch Minecraft Lore, Click On The Link:     • Minecraft Lore #TeamTEFMVVM465SpongeBobDONOTHAVE Credit To Anyone Who Owns This Content I Own Nothing. Credit to anyone who own their content in this video. Like,Subscribe,Hit The Bell And Comment! ————————————————————————————————————- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 2011, allowance is made for “fair… Read More

  • VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.

    VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.Video Information This video, titled ‘TÔI ĐÃ BỊ VENOM KIỂM SOÁT Tập 8 #spiderman #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #venomvsspiderman’, was uploaded by Thích Xem Minecraft on 2024-05-26 04:45:01. It has garnered 6510 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. This video follows the journey of a Minecraft player in hardcore mode, where the player dies permanently. Players transform into Spiderman and must face many challenges to become an Avenger. Getting Started: The player starts the game as a normal person, but is quickly bitten by a spider and gains superpowers. Then he meets Iron Man,… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-21 14:49:09. It has garnered 441 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java Edition

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴PUBLIC SMP | Java | Cracked | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7’, was uploaded by 1st Gaming on 2024-01-12 20:20:49. It has garnered 131 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:08 or 6188 seconds. #minecraftlive #minecraftnepal #minecraftshorts Discord- SERVER IP – ​java ip – pe ip – port- 25841 minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft live,minecraft java edition,minecraft house,minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft video,minecraft techno gamerz,minecraft in hindi,minecraft hacks,chapati hindustani gamer minecraft,chapati and loggy minecraft,mythpat,live insaan,techno gamerz,beast boy shub,gaming,gameplay,livestream,gaming live stream,smp,live smp,minecraft hindi,gamerfleet,gokuldham,loggy,india,HEROBRINE,herobrine smp,SMP,UJJWAL,minecraft,minecraft stream ,minecraft smp live ,minecraft multiplayer ,smp for… Read More

  • MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon – Change Camera in One Click!

    MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon - Change Camera in One Click!Video Information This video, titled ‘F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click’, was uploaded by Not Ghost Playz on 2024-04-27 04:12:03. It has garnered 24 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click So in this video I gave F5 BUTTON MODfor Minecraft PE ◆ Download Link – • –»Also in Comment Section ✓ credits goes to their respective owners I’m not trying to steal any credits and add-ons developed by you… Ignore… Read More

  • Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Can I Protect My Beacon In This DEADLY Event? #shorts’, was uploaded by Slord on 2024-03-03 07:47:00. It has garnered 10870 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. you can ask me about anything – packs, servers, my setup – i will respond join my discord! Minecraft, PvP, Funny, Memes, Combo, MMC, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh Jirz block hit I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or… Read More

  • INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!

    INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-02-13 04:36:30. It has garnered 336 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:17 or 4337 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More