The Mighty FALL of Minecraft’s Reputation

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Exploring the horrors of the Minecraft Community now I think I speak for everybody in chat I don’t even care if you chat I speak to everybody when I say Minecraft has the most friendly amazing great Community including on YouTube totally same people with with zero problems I feel like it’s a very

Positive Community to be to be involved in I think we can all agree with that right big cap hey hey you know what if I was invited by dream somewhere I’d go I’d go it’s it’s pretty positive Community right we all love Minecraft all right let’s see the video horrors of

The Minecraft Community it’s crazy he didn’t even put like the dangers he just put horse like Horrors is ridiculous let’s see though Minecraft it’s a game that literally everyone knows even senior citizens that barely know how to use technology probably know how to create a I’m not gonna think of my

Parents my parents don’t even know what Minecraft is but I mean most most older people do crafting table this game average Minecraft streamer internet culture but despite all the creativity laughter and joy this game is brought to Gamers it’s Community has a dark side and I brought a special guest hell

Castle and Tyler to share their first hand experience about the dangers of Minecraft so grab your pickaxe first-hand experience how how firsthand do we mean by by firsthand do we mean being a part of the specific Minecrafters on the YouTube and and the kind of image they have how

Everybody looks at them I hope they don’t mean that X and raise your brightness setting it’s time to dive into the horrors of the Minecraft Community the downfall of Notch let’s start from the beginning very first member of the Minecraft Community is its creator I just saw recently what’s been

Happening like with not just how his entire life story and I was like so sad it’s actually so sad if you guys haven’t looked into it Marcus Pearson AKA I already feel this opinion not released an early version of Minecraft through Mojang Studios which is a Swedish video

Game developer based in Sweden this version of the game had no crafting no creepers just a sandbox with a small speaker based in Sweden this version of the game has been crafting no creepers just bad arm animations what was that I feel like even back then even though it

Was limited like this was this the only animation they had in Java this is this was the only thing they had like there was no regular walking like it was just I mean I guess to be fair it’s like 2008 or something here hand box with a small

Selection of blocks even though the original Minecraft did not have a lot of content the game got a lot of positive feedback from Gamers after adding more content to the game Minecraft skyrocketed in sales and went viral on YouTube in fact two and a half years later in November 2011 Minecraft has

Sold 4 million copies worldwide and that was in 2011. amazing even four million now for any games there’s a fall over the next few years Notch started to get tired of building Minecraft he wanted to move on to other projects I didn’t want to work on the project anymore because I

Just write prototypes or new games and stuff that the stuff I actually get Happy from doing one day Notch decided that he was already sick of working on Minecraft so he tweeted out anyone want to buy my share of Mojang so I can move on with my life a few days later

Microsoft reached out to him with a 2.5 billion dollar offer to buy Moto Studios how do y’all okay how would any of you guys look at you get you you get slapped on the table 2.5 billion [ __ ] dollars hey there Tommy nfg here just a little reminder to make sure to subscribe

Because only about 30 of you guys watching this are actually subscribed also tune in to the twitch streams every once in a while you know we have a lot of fun there there’s a lot of fun that goes on there so I’m ending it right here let’s go back to the video

In like dollars not just stock you get the money immediately because it’s Microsoft they got liquid cash what is your face I don’t even know how I would react to that I can’t even think of reacting to like a deal some social media or some some content creators got

Like a million dollar sponsors and I can’t even think of looking at something like that accepted the offer Microsoft is to this day still the owners of Minecraft so what happened to notch well sadly you only got worse Notch seemed to be active on Twitter a lot but not just

To tweet about mine see so you can slowly start to even without seeing the rest of the video start seeing the connection of his downfall as soon as he starts using Twitter Minecraft Milestones but he pushed the limits and tweeted some extremely provocative tweets these tweets were the start of

Notches downfall and Microsoft removed all references to Notch from Minecraft entirely essentially deleted not just passed with Minecraft it’s sad to see someone who was so respected become so hated a little deeper something could have influenced Notch’s Twisted views what if I told you that not could be an

In-cell back in August 13th okay foreign With the word insult I’m not gonna lie bro I see it thrown out a lot especially to people that don’t like need it at all like like especially on Twitter bro on Twitter I mean it’s Twitter understandably but I just be seeing girls like do says anything they’re like

Oh you’re just an insult or something and it’s like all right come on but nachos on 4chan okay if that’s true if that’s true I can see this being true or I can see if that’s true I can see this being true but I don’t know about that Tommy you’re in

2011. Notch married Ellen ederstrand a fellow programmer she’s also okay so this is immediately wrong because he got married inso is literally people that are involuntary celibate they don’t get married and most of them are there they don’t they’re not in relationships because they don’t like women that’s why

So this is immediately wrong sister of the artist Christopher zetterstrand who made bro made a game that created a dream SMP no [ __ ] he’s an insult Notch Had A Daughter together Notch was truly in love wait I’m confused okay I’m gonna let this keep playing but this is the exact

Opposite of an insult but it wouldn’t last long not even one year later in now a distant memory to notch Microsoft is in charge now and it’s time to take a look at the recent mistake that left the Minecraft Community Furious censorship took over Minecraft in the summer of

2022 an update to Minecraft version 1.19.1 was released by Mojang Studios with a new system to keep players on Minecraft safe this version introduced a new feature to multiplayer servers in Minecraft this feature would allow players to report harmful messages it also automatically censored curse words

And hate speech this sounds like a good thing right well the problem is that this new system can be easily abused by anyone accounts can be Mass reported and banned with no reasoning in fact if you do get banned Microsoft hide I was about to say isn’t that supposed isn’t that

What don’t they add that’s everything but never mind is it the reason I remember this and people were outraged and when your account is unbanned Microsoft still won’t tell you why you were bad after reviewing your account we have decided to reverse the permanent ban that has been placed on it while we

Cannot share specific details about your initial band please remember to adhere to our community guidelines and let’s not forget how devastating these bands are on certain versions of Minecraft upon you yeah being like I never think of this because usually you’re banned on like servers like you’ll get banned on a

Big server like let’s say the high pixels right that’s like the biggest server in the world but getting banned like the vice band on on your actual thing is crazy being banned from the game not the game cost thirty dollars access but you were no longer able to even play

Your own single player worlds single player bands only happen Okay okay if you’re gonna play on single player let’s be real just uh you know I’m not even gonna say what I’m gonna say you know what to do if you need to play a single play if you need to play

Single player mode you know where to go to get the game box and Nintendo switch versions of Minecraft but regardless it’s still unreasonable the game is completely unplayable if you’re banned Microsoft doesn’t even seem to cancel any paid subscriptions you have to their server hosting service so they just keep

Taking your money even though you can’t play and this Minecraft update just gets worse that’s so [ __ ] up you are still heavily censored by Microsoft in other words Mojang still sensors your speech with your friends in the privacy of your own server even text written in single

Player mode is censored where no wait wait that’s true I swear I’ve been in my damn I didn’t know they changed it like that a core memory I had in Minecraft was when I will play with my friends or just online you would just play online

And not even with your friends you just play online and people will just type like while shouldn’t assign and they didn’t even censor it so the signs will say like it was wild it was very wild you can see that literally [ __ ] money back the reaction to Microsoft

Censorship has been crazy people are calling the situation update 1984. 1984 is a book written by George Orwell about a horrifying future where everything you say and do is being monitored and controlled by a figure known as Big Brother let’s think of it another way imagine you’re walking around your house

And stub your toe you yell curse words in pain and instead you hear you’ve been censored in the comfort of your own home we gotta try that guys what the what the you’re such a pizza yeah no that’s not it that’s not it and yeah this might be an extreme example

But when you think about it hey it was for demonstration you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Microsoft is doing they’re monitoring what you’re saying even when you’re by yourself the situation is not a good sign of Minecraft’s future but the community is still fighting for change let’s take a closer look at the people

Who play this game while the majority of players are great people there are some that take their Obsession of the Minecraft Community way too far and these people will do anything for their Idols the toxic stands before we talk oh we we know all about this now if I hope

When he talks about the toxic stands in the community we’re not talking about the old Community Minecraft was what was not it’s not even close to how it is right now how the community is back then not even close toxic stands even The Stance bro I used to love I used to love

Minecraft I wasn’t a stand like I would never call myself a stand for anything it’s [ __ ] gross but I was definitely up there in fans for Minecraft Minecraft I want to ask you something Minecraft and YouTube go hand in hand Minecraft content on YouTube has helped grow the

Popularity of Minecraft and this also helped get more viewers on YouTube one of the first kinds of Minecraft content that’s still around today is a survival series known as SMP it’s SM survival multiplayer which is when players record themselves playing survival mode on Minecraft with their friends the first

Ever s p video on YouTube was created 13 years ago that’s why if you’re too young to remember that SMP video from 13 years ago you’ll at least recognize the most popular at least give a jump scare warning I’m not gonna lie he could have could definitely give a jump scare warning

Regular Minecraft creator today dream with over 30 million I know you use those photos there’s a million photos you could use of dream this dude is definitely you definitely do that on purpose 0.4 billion views across his Channel’s dream is arguably the biggest Minecraft creator in YouTube history

Lover hate him the guy is an internet Phenomenon with an army of followers dreams online community has fallen victim to something known as the vocal minority which means that the most toxic people of Dreams Community are the most well known because you make the most trouble but to be fair they’re a

Minority because dreams followers have done incredible things they’ve raised and that’s true for a lot of communities it’s definitely true for a lot like you only see the worst things even for me in the future once we get bigger there there’s probably going to be one insanely weird person that just like

Says something crazy and people are going to take that as that’s all you guys right now which is absolutely not true but at the same time Drew’s community Will you be surprised just how far the stand I got to do that one day meet Tommy in it one of the biggest Minecraft creators of this generation dream and Tommy in it I’ll never be the biggest Tom because of this [ __ ] on YouTube never never ever will be the biggest Tom

Because of him and share a lot of the same stance these stands can be incredibly supportive and talented but some use their talent to do horrible things in 2021 a lot of drawings and fan fictions were created by these stands these drawings showed Tommy in it and

Other Minecraft creators in this I cover this exactly on the channel too disgusting how someone can just take the time of their day to do that it’s even more horrifying when you realize that at the time these drawings were made Tommy was only 16 years old and the other

Creators were not adults either this caused outrage on Twitter the situation was so bad that Tommy in it had to make a statement but boys any of this not safe for work like right whatever that is on on the Wattpad or on Twitter I am not comfortable with that and I do

Not endorse it sadly the state that’s so sad that in 2023 people just have to like you have to come full flesh to the camera and say that you have to come full-fledged to the camera it’s it’s so sad dream I remember dream said that he like tweeted that wasn’t my main video

When I was talking about these these these weirdos he had to tweet saying he’s not gay because the amount of gay fan art or something they were putting him in Imagine a kid has to say don’t make R34 of me like the thing is bro I know nfg y’all are cool and stuff

There’s been some slip ups but it’s never going to be close to this because it would I know for a fact it would never be this bad I would never even let it get this bad I’m not gonna lieman didn’t help it actually brought more attention to the issue and one of his

Followers said this I rarely feel guilt I’m not going to deactivate nor apologize for what I do and how I cope the d stands see all these people are you see how these people are how how I cope how I cope you know how you should cope therapy

Therapy that’s all you should cope therapy you can find therapy in a lot of places if you’re in a school school offers free therapy many places offer therapy that that’s not the place to cope that’s the place where you let out those sick thoughts and that’s not the right

Way to do it I’m just tired I’m tired of this aren’t the worst side I hope we’re getting some [ __ ] some players even break the law for financial gaining what if I told you that Minecraft has a criminal underworld Minecraft’s criminal underworld one of the most disappointing things about online gaming are the

Cheaters it’s something that we’ve all probably dealt with and it’s a major problem on Minecraft cheaters usually join the most popular multiplayer servers but some of these cheaters don’t just go against Minecraft’s terms of service but they also break the law cheaters use Minecraft alt shops alt shops are websites that sell accounts

For online games cheaters will buy a ton okay I’m not even gonna lie to you guys I swear like years ago playing Minecraft I had a friend that would like to use these accounts is this what it was is that what is that what is that what

It is he would use the like he would he had some website and he would like spawn different accounts and then whenever I would ask him like oh what happened your other account be like Oh I’m on a new one I’m on a new one I’m like what

Happened you’re older he’s like don’t worry about it Tommy stop being a six nine bro I I I’m just saying I I didn’t name the person all chaps are websites or my crafting accounts cheaters will buy a ton of Minecraft accounts so the way cheats online games

Cheaters will buy a ton of Minecraft accounts so that when they cheat on multiplayer servers even if they get banned they’ll have another account to use to continue cheating so how are sellers getting these accounts to sell they’re stealing them this happens way too often I’ve also had a friend once

Just one day you wake up and find that his account is gone and then later on he goes to one of the most famous old trops and he saw that his account was up there no way no way yo that’s like having a car having it

Stolen and then looking for a new car and finding your [ __ ] stolen car there oh no that’s wild I’m not gonna lie when I was younger I did have my old Minecraft account like they changed the password and they tried to steal it but it never worked my brother it was my

Brother’s account we were sharing again he just like reset it I don’t know how they attacked their way into Minecraft accounts using illegal methods like Brute Force attempt to crack the password running through various combinations of numbers and letters until they eventually stumble upon the right combo hackers can also take

Advantage of data breaches which is when a website has their user information leaked this allows criminals to gather private information this is so common password user’s password from one website is leaked if it’s the same password they use for their Minecraft account hackers can access the account

With ease and put it up for sale it’s a scary thought Hellcat okay let me ask you guys real quick how many of you guys use the same password for everything I already know the answer whether you’re watching what’s your whether you’re gonna say it in a twitch chat or you’re

On YouTube I already know the answer everybody has that one password they stuck with ever since they were 12 year old 12 years old and that’s just facts that’s just facts of a variation of one password oh yeah that is different that is different yeah that’s a good that’s

Good that’s good Castle plays the Minecraft game Hypixel I’m gonna hack you do it in the game criminals are everywhere what they do is put a virus in a jar file and disguise it as a Skyblock oh yeah when I was younger I definitely got my computer hack because

I downloaded like some some weird Minecraft [ __ ] too the main reason this works is because my password is worth like an exe file once you launched Minecraft those files get executed which means any malicious code in those files run on your computer but these viruses also called Rats end up stealing more

Than just your Minecraft account most popular rats we’ve seen end up stealing all of the victims passwords saved inside their browser some of them even more connected cameras on your computer and they take pictures of you that they can bro that is why you cover up your

Camera every time after the stream every time I turn off the stream because I have a pretty big camera I do this I don’t have a lens a cover with this cloth some of y’all really don’t know oh they’re not gonna do anything to me they’re not gonna look

At me they’re looking at you and bro using his eyeglass wipers why’d you have to call it out yeah it is it is to Blackmail you what makes things worse is that there are many kids who play this game they play on their dad’s computer or their mom’s computer which usually

Has all the important information so damn when they do install the the rat and run it the hacker ends up getting their parents’s login info to their Bank you might be thinking who would fall for downloading these types of files well the thing is Skyblock is a game where

Modifications are basically essential to play the game it enhances your experience so if one of your friends tells you to download an awesome mod why wouldn’t you Minecraft criminal underworld is massive it’s pretty big too honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s like nearly a million dollar

Business now and Hell Castle is only talking about one specific Community but not all of these criminal users commit obvious crimes like hacking some hide in the shadows and wait okay all right bud I’m not gonna air you out but you somebody just straight up said in the

Chat I used to not gonna lie so you basically just admitted to a crime that you can get detained by the FBI for in my chat to take advantage of the vulnerable people on Minecraft servers are stealing your money Minecraft has a huge multiplayer Empire with thousands

Of daily active users it’s no surprise that scammers would want to exploit it some of these popular servers try to take advantage of the most vulnerable demographic of the Minecraft Community young kids the server owners try to squeeze money out of these kids using

Pay to Win system a Pay to Win system is a practice where players can purchase items in game to get an unfair advantage over other players these servers will get young people to buy ranks for the games at insane prices and these ranks help players get specific advantages in

The server so they would sell you around for like 2001 is just such a bad model that just makes you a God above everyone else there’s nothing more unfair than and being way behind someone just because their parents are rich and they just buy them everything it sucks it

Really sucks these pay to win servers are such a problem that YouTuber at the Horizon dedicated himself to crashing these servers he is basically okay to win anarchist one of the worst examples of the Pay to Win scam is the server wild prison in May 2022 a YouTuber by

The name of South C1 created a video exposing the wild prison server’s scummy operations it says it was 499.90 dollars were only benefits of the game you need a Financial Manager immediately you you need to talk to somebody somebody you need somebody else to manage your money [ __ ] it if you gotta

If you got parents just give it to them let them manage it that is actually ridiculous but it’s on sale the whole PS5 these guys are charging 250 dollars to buy a rank to win the game just look at what it gives you what that is

So at this point do you not just own the server I can’t even I don’t even this isn’t even billion I don’t even think this is trillion this is like six tillian or something oh it says 25s I think that’s 25 Vibes with this rank you will receive an almost infinite supply of oh wait hold up with this rank guys real quick somebody tell a write a story we’ll receive an almost infinite supply of in-game I don’t know that’s the server that’s what they are over other players and once

Again the problem lies in the demographic of people who play these games I can easily say that nearly all of the people who play on this are just kids but that’s not all the server also encourages gambling loot crates are an Infamous mechanic in certain games players would buy these loot crates with

Real life money to receive bonuses like rare Cosmetics it’s controversial because people argue it’s a form of gambling apparently the drop rates on wild prison are lower than people think like the ingredients lie in the chances we open like a thousand keys and we did

Not get one of the drops of stuff this problem becomes yo it’s crazy how much of a scam like loot crates are so embedded into into games and stuff but it’s crazy how blatantly like it’s just gambling loot crates and games are just gambling but

It’s a game so some people don’t see it as gambling I know FIFA is [ __ ] bad with the FIFA packs it’s it’s definitely up there it’s it’s crazy to me it’s worse when you realize the people playing little Timmy has to learn wild prison server owners encourage

Children to gamble money just for some items in Minecraft but the YouTuber salsi one found a loophole within the server that allowed them to break the restrictions on wild prison and give themselves a ton of expensive in-game items for free then they took these items and gave them out to as many

Players on the server as they could no way Now that’s that’s the real Robin Hood they call they’re causing like they’re about to have a worst inflation problem than Zimbabwe they’re pretty much done for that that they that’s the entire economy just gone and crafts Robin Hood and even though he and his friends were true

Robin Hood a clear message to the wild prison scammers but sometimes evil isn’t so obvious terrible people can blend into the crowd acting innocent while quietly hurting others in the shadows and worst of them all is a person called Sky Does Minecraft the downstairs AKA Sky Does Minecraft found quick

Success on YouTube Adam started a new style of videos that showcased Minecraft modifications Adam also formed a group with the most well-known Minecrafters at the time and earned billions of views this this let me tell y’all all y’all new Minecraft fans what I don’t even know what you’re called this was my era

And we’re talking about pre-pre-uh um Scott as Minecraft before whatever weird things he does now this was my arrow right here throw in a little bit of no I’m saying Capital sparkles right there throwing some can’t even think like this is mine this this is my error right here PopularMMOs yeah popular MMOs

Stampy’s cool Stampy so now Adam’s popularity plummeted he hasn’t uploaded on his YouTube channel for an entire year and lost a ton of followers so what went wrong well behind the online personality that everyone loved was a long list of horrible Behavior around 2015 Adam founded a media company called

Called Sky media this company eventually shut down but in January 2022 X Sky media employees came forward with their shocking stories almost every person who shared their experience from Sky media claimed that Adam was a manipulative and cruel boss if working at Sky media was the darkest period of my life that I’ve

Ever and probably will ever have eventually the constant gaslighting and mental torture led me to nearly myself the same person that said this claimed that he begged for time off to visit his mother while she was in the hospital and Adam threatened to fire him if he didn’t

Continue editing if that wasn’t enough I didn’t realize it was that bad also alleged I was about to just I was about to be like endure it in dirt criminal Adam had an associate by the name of jinbach who was also a Minecraft oh not

This guy not not this guy we looked at a video of this guy worked in Sky media in 2016 jinbop was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison for what for not only viewing but allegedly producing inappropriate cards young people but long before he was arrested most sane Minecraft allegations

Was found on Skype calls with teenagers during working hours when the employees at Sky media went to inform management they were told mind your own business and edit on top of Adam protecting jinbap he also has a history of abusing women Adam’s first public relationship was with a woman named Don she appeared

In a handful of Adam’s early videos and the two were supposedly engaged they broke up in 2013 and after the relationship ended Adam revealed personal information about Don that led to her receiving a lot of abuse from Adam’s fan base if you want to see if there’s any like Merit to the claims

With uh don if like I was or anything uh the house that I lived in 815 um go ahead and check my name on that see if there’s any arrest records do the information yourself find it yourself I have nothing to hide come on I literally

Given people my address it got so bad that she deleted all of her social media who would have thought but you know my 10 year old self would have never thought Scott is Minecraft prison prison uh uh robbers versus prisoners or what is it prisoners versus whatever it was

Would have never thought I’d see him 10 years later lining up a joint talking [ __ ] and defending himself from from an abusive relationship defending himself from the allegations of an abusive relationship times are are crazy it got so bad that she deleted all of her social media and left the internet

Entirely and she was just the first next was Alessa Adam’s ex-wife Alessa allegedly dealt with abuse from Adam Alessa claimed that in one instance a fight became physical and in self-defense she hit Adam to escape the situation but when the police came Alessa didn’t tell them that Adam hit

Her first because she wanted to protect Adam’s career and she spent five days in jail eventually Adam and Alessa broke up but the abuse doesn’t end there finally there’s Elizabeth another of Adam’s ex-girlfriends she posted a 4 000 Word document in January 2022 the detailed the abuse from Adam during the

Relationship do you get a four thousand dollar four thousand Word document posted on online for everybody to see for anything just delete everything just just delete everything there there is no point in having social media nobody sits there and makes 4 000 words up nobody

Maybe with AI now but even AI is like a limited it’d be like 500 and probably stop Computing Adam allegedly because my final exam last week to Elizabeth throughout their relationship Elizabeth claimed that she was pressured into having a child when she wasn’t ready and married Adam against her will when

Elizabeth was pregnant she also claimed that Adam was hitting her in the stomach Adam was also Unfaithful and sent inappropriate pictures to other girls Elizabeth thankfully gave birth to her daughter and escaped the relationship but sometimes you just don’t know what someone is capable of YouTubers like to

Style those Minecraft are kind of the YouTubers I grew up with and are kind of the reason I always wanted to make content on yeah just like everybody in general you know every platform has a dark sad to see I think every Community online has issues especially if it’s a

Game because you know when you have so many people doing something there’s always going to be bad people within this insanely large audience but Darkness cannot exist I don’t know about that I mean there’s a reason why the Minecraft Community has the label they do as soon as you hit

100K and you’re a Minecraft Youtuber we know what you’re doing the reason it has that not many other gaming YouTubers have that label Gaming Community song I don’t know about that without light there’s so much Beauty Minecraft youtubers be normal challenge impossible forget the incredible Creations that people make and more importantly the

Friendships built but I want you guys to stay attentive stay vigilant when you’re online not just Minecraft basically in everything the internet is a dangerous place so share this video to spread awareness and help keep your friends safe one user at a time visual Venture wait before you go click this place yeah

I’m gonna go out now but I’m gonna give it a like man good video uh I don’t know there’s just there there’s a reason why the Minecraft Community has the label they do it has I don’t know because no other community Gaming Community has the label they do so it

Has to be something we know that something but it has to be something that built up and I I don’t know I guess I guess in the wild the wise words Kanye West I guess we’ll never know we’ll never know what happened to the we’ll never know why the downfall of Minecraft

Happened and it’s the way it is now but

This video, titled ‘The Mighty FALL of Minecraft’s Reputation’, was uploaded by HardlyTommyNFG on 2023-05-23 22:21:44. It has garnered 123963 views and 5714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:03 or 1863 seconds.

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    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Why You Should Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless creative opportunities, Minewind is the perfect place to shake things up and have fun in Minecraft. Why Join Minewind? Endless Creative Opportunities Vibrant Community Unique Gameplay Experience Exciting Events and Challenges How to Play Minecraft the Right Way After watching the video “the right way to play minecraft” by Breadfish, you may be inspired to try something new and shake up your Minecraft gameplay. Minewind offers… Read More

  • Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft

    Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft Minecraft Adventure: Iron Mining Underground Exploring the Depths In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, Solus embarks on a quest for iron deep underground. Iron, a crucial element in the game, is essential for crafting various tools and armor. Solus, accompanied by his loyal dog, ventures into the depths to mine for this valuable resource. Building a Stronghold Prior to his underground expedition, Solus showcases his impressive above-ground base. With intricate details like a water elevator and strategic storage solutions, his base reflects his dedication to the game. The importance of a well-designed base becomes evident as it serves as a… Read More

  • Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update

    Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update Minecraft Mode Big Update in Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The popular game is getting a big update that will introduce new features and enhance the overall gaming experience. But that’s not all – this update will also bring a unique twist by incorporating Indian bikes driving in 3D gameplay. Let’s dive into the details of this upcoming update! New Features and Enhancements The Minecraft update promises to deliver a host of new features that will keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end. From new biomes and creatures to enhanced graphics and… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft shorts and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of something special. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! Read More

  • Submerged Splendor: Minecraft’s Underwater Wonder

    Submerged Splendor: Minecraft's Underwater Wonder In the depths of Minecraft, a hidden villa lies, Beneath the waves, where the ocean sighs. Crafted with care, a mansion underwater, A true work of art, a gamer’s wonder. With glass floors and tropical fish so fine, Each one unique, in a watery shrine. But beware, only one fish per column to show, Lest they fight and cause a watery woe. To keep the water out, a clever trick, A pathway to block, the flow to stick. Dig deep, build high, create a grand design, In the underwater mansion, where the sun does shine. So dive into the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Session- Tails_of_Fluff EP 2

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Session- Tails_of_Fluff EP 2Video Information right is death you got she getting old I literally heard you I’m going to my recent players you it’s blue that’s Bluey that’s probably why he left so fast he KN me I got to get him a I freaking hate Bo I was about to say what do look got call for that would have show that I wasn’t listening I’m not listening am I supposed to listen wait to out yourself I’m [ __ ] typing I’m trying to get the announcement out that I’m streaming God no one was even talking to you I didn’t I… Read More

  • Insane 4v4 Parkour in 3D Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane 4v4 Parkour in 3D Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information qué voy a hacer perd qué horas son me gusta la moto me gustas tú me gusta correr me gustas tú me gusta la lluvia me gustas tú me gusta volver me gustas tú me gusta marihuana me gustas tú me gusta colombiana me gustas tú me gusta la montaña me gustas tú me gusta la noche gas qu voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer je suis perdu This video, titled ‘#minecraft 3 dimensions Parkour #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadow4v4 on 2024-04-15 10:24:59. It has garnered 449 views… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shorts

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfaction (pt 1) 🤯#minecraft #shortfeed #shorts’, was uploaded by Block wave gamer on 2024-01-07 06:17:41. It has garnered 6146 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts gaming youtube shorts trending shorts short trend skibidi toilet viral shorts mr beast entertainment shorts viral ff minecraft satisfying shortsfeed entertainment satisfaction sand art respect sand art timing satisfying minecraft cars ultra gaming shortfeed techno gamer satisfaction memes asmr asmr shorts ff shorts ultra realistic realistic shorts tmkoc bts promo minecraft sand art minecraft drop reverse minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5Video Information all right Minecraft part five um this time we’re on the bed in my room even better anyways let’s get back um I found the mod that broke the crafting table thing and it’s gone now hopefully it doesn’t screw up um the world but it probably won’t it’s fine I don’t think I use any of the blocks in anyways yep seem look fine also hope there’s less mobs is that uh that last time was a little little intense wait to all right we’re good let’s get back to Minecraft thought buttons were insta break I… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!Video Information we are these pe oh where’s me house [ __ ] where is me house I’m thinking maybe I go on like a detour around ah me oh no what oh no what do you want [ __ ] hell hey if I maneuver yeah I can get them to hit each other ah I need to kill him don’t I what do you want I’m not hurting anyone ah hello see this is why I need to create a villager trading Dungeon Because I need a bow and and I need some Enchanted uh weapons and [ __ ] I know there are… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgo

    Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgoVideo Information pretty much I think b boom they they need to dominate with this Keeper of the light from the mid lane this hero is sitting at 60% win rate right now and every single time I watch this hero play it’s pretty much the same as Zeus the insane amount of damage comes online super quickly his earn of Shadow Spirit vestel the boots of travel makes him pretty much a global hero very difficult to catch not sure if they’re going to get the value out of this Underlord I’m a little bit concerned about the pick… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!

    EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!Video Information [Musik] yo alri guys welcome back again to as smoke channel guys ya Asep Minecraft sih kalau zaman sekarang guys itu kenapa selalu ingatnya asepinmoke ya y Waduh ada sudah berdatangan orang-orang ini Apakah kalian libur hari ini coy hari pertama lagi yang ini ya mengikuti pemerintah coy Jadi di sesi kali ini Guys kita sudah ini ya kalian bisa lihat Widih Anjay kita sudah punya server sendiri Bro sekarang bro dan server ini lagi kita build ya guys ya ini makanya sudah ada beberapa bangunan dan temanya adalah ya temanya adalah medival guys jadi tema zaman-zaman kuno… Read More

  • enlightenmc

    enlightenmcEnlightenMC!! <SMP> <SKYBLOCK> <SKYWARS> Great Community, Fun server. Why not join Today!!! Read More

  • CarbonCraft Network 1.20.4 | Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to CarbonCraft Experience adventure like never before with our SMP and Skyblock game modes. Join us now to explore unique features and enhance your Minecraft experience. SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Team up with friends to conquer wild landscapes, build towering structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Explore hidden caves and experience custom enchantments for added strategy. Skyblock Start with a tiny island in the sky and expand it into a bustling paradise. Overcome challenges, gather resources, and unlock new dimensions of gameplay. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity to claim the top spot. IP: Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t forget your Skulk, or else…

    Minecraft Memes - Don't forget your Skulk, or else...Looks like someone needs to skulk back and grab their information! Read More


    ¡CALIENTE! SI TÚ QUIERES ❤️💢❌ When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they respond with “❤️💢❌”, you know you’re in for a world of hurt in the virtual world! #minecraftproblems #watchout #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Build a small modern house with Minecraft 🏠”. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taking your creativity to the next level as you build your own modern house, just like in the video. At Minewind, you can join a vibrant community of players who share your passion for crafting and building. With a variety of game modes to… Read More

  • XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP!

    XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP! Welcome to Killadis SMP: Building an XP Farm in Minecraft Survival! Welcome to the world of Killadis SMP, where players embark on exciting adventures in Minecraft Survival mode. In this episode, our protagonist is set to build a new XP farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling endeavor! Building the XP Farm Building an XP farm in Minecraft is a crucial step for players looking to level up quickly and efficiently. Our protagonist is ready to tackle this challenge and create a farm that will provide them with valuable experience points. If… Read More

  • Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind – GTNH Skyblock

    Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind - GTNH SkyblockVideo Information hello and welcome back to G and grind this is part 11 and I’m D Ros props and as you probably expected yes I’ve been grinding away and uh basically being AFK is I say is because this mob farm is oh my God one of another I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a mob farm like this before it’s awful but it’s good it’s a strange one okay you could basically be AFK is and what I mean by is is you’ll just randomly hear massive explosions and then you run to your computer you’re like… Read More

  • Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP Trailer

    Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP TrailerVideo Information let’s see [Music] milia up mer [Music] power [Music] n This video, titled ‘Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral’, was uploaded by KIND_JAY on 2024-03-02 08:44:51. It has garnered 116 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral . . . . KEY WORDS :- Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I… Read More

  • SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥

    SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥Video Information [Music] for the F if you want to play and want to hate this show up and make a statement I don’t have SL up no I don’t take I got no love but the if you want to play [Music] and everything I do so instinctive and so passionate every word I move so descriptive [Applause] likea after I gots over facts over tracks n SP slow spitting fast I a roast I can gas think I’m Al last but I don’t don’t know if that can erase all the past and the pettiness a reflection of… Read More

  • Zachcraftone’s Insane Q&A + Minecraft Madness

    Zachcraftone's Insane Q&A + Minecraft MadnessVideo Information we need to do more stuff related to changed maybe I know that’s why you want to do the role play well not just that I don’t want to be reliant on that but there’s other topics I’m trying to get into that are popular well what are furry topics that are trending first seats I don’t know try to do a video on first that’s what I’m G to do okay well how do you know what is trending like in the FY Community Reddit or just Reddit Twitter I don’t [Music] know the random stream so… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥” #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥" #shortsVideo Information [Music] to in your wow go go [Music] go cuz you turn This video, titled ‘leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by TonyBT05 on 2024-04-12 00:30:25. It has garnered 302 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts subscribe 😄 credits: @Reedop_Gaming IGNORE TAGS 😭 #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231

    World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 - You Won't Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231Video Information servus meine Freunde und willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft in der 124 sind wir jetzt angelangt und endlich hat das Optifine auch wieder mal geschafft ich habe ich habe eine Optifine Version eine priversion von der 124 habe ich am laufen übrigens ich habe mir auch noch mal erlaubt ein Andes Texturepack zu nehmen das heißt folgendermaßen majestica oder majestica und ja wir machen da weiter wo wir das letzte Mal aufgehört haben das mal gar nicht mal gewohnt dass wir hier Shader nutzt so wir waren letztte mal hier beschäftigt mit dem Bau undon diesen… Read More

  • EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!

    EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello Mr over here thanks for thanks for stopping by bird so hello welcome but today we are playing Minecraft instead of you know instead of instead of inest game we’re playing Minecraft with voria so I think he doing the intro things right now but yeah I’m just I’m just hanging out yeah but we on hisor Minecraft server I don’t really I’m not uh I don’t I have no idea what’s happening around here I I I I know things exist I I’ve just I’ve just joined the server I don’t… Read More

  • Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23

    Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23Video Information for for hello everybody and welcome to the stream there’s very very very calming Minecraft music today apparently we’re starting extremely [Laughter] chill but hello and welcome to Minecraft Monday hey midnight how’s it going welcome to the Stream [Music] I was going to leave if you were more than 5 minutes late well thankfully we’re all caught up in the warehouse and uh I can get back to the streaming schedule that I want to maintain but I believe you missed last week’s Minecraft Monday uh which is unfortunate because you missed some important details you’re telling… Read More

  • Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information smoking with you in the the in the yard with your the [Music] wind I spoke with you cuz you me to to in your living room no This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight! #minecraftpvp #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by injamine on 2024-04-06 18:25:57. It has garnered 827 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Subscribe ! #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #shorts Subscribe for more Minecraft videos Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords… Read More

  • The Dovan Domain

    The Dovan DomainWelcome to The Dovan Empire. We don’t offer much so far right now but we will soon expand into something big. The server has already been started by me and my friends and we are ready for it to grow with the building support of fellow players. My server ready to have a loving community with many good people to boot. If you also want to talk to me and my pals you could consider joining my discord I am mostly active and so are my mods. I hope to see yall soon. P.S. The only way to join the… Read More

  • PokeClash Cobblemon Modded Custom Plugins NOP2W

    Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server focused on fun without paywalls. Join us for a simple and enjoyable experience! IP Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric 1.20.1 Features Non-PTW Dex Ranks Custom terrain gen Cobblemon Competitions Skills, Mega Evos, Mega Raids Shopkeepers, Land Claiming, Homes PokeDex rewards, Pokehunts, and more! Server Links & Info Discord: Mod Packs Modrinth Modpack: Link CurseForge Modpack: Link Technic Modpack: Link Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – You have been roasted!

    Minecraft Memes - You have been roasted!Why thank you, meme overlords! I will now graciously accept my crown as the ultimate meme king. Bow down to me, puny mortals! Read More

  • Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled

    Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From redstone circuits to mobs all around. Join us on a journey, deep dive we’ll take, Uncovering the logic, for goodness’ sake. Crafting recipes, village trading too, Enchanting mechanics, all for you. The intricate systems, we’ll explain, In a playful tone, with a rhyming refrain. So grab your pickaxe, let’s explore, The hidden mysteries, we’ll adore. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, come what may. Got questions or tips, drop a line, In the comments below, we’ll be just fine. Let’s unravel the secrets, in this blocky land, With… Read More

  • Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet’s spicy voice

    Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet's spicy voice “Chipi chipi in gamer fleet voice: ‘I asked my mom for a snack and she said ‘go eat some chips’… so I did!’” #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleetmemes #snacktime Read More

  • Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious Koala Monster Portal in Minecraft Exploring the Zoonomaly Game In the vast world of Minecraft, there exists a peculiar anomaly known as the Koala Monster. This creature is unlike any other, with a sturdy body and four eyes. But where are the other two eyes, you may wonder? Join UzeMing on a thrilling adventure as he delves into the realm of portals that defy reality. Creating the Koala Monster Portal UzeMing takes on the challenge of crafting a portal to the Koala Monster in the Zoonomaly game. This monster is said to be incredibly scary, with four… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates! 🌟 Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! 🌟 Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities and excitement? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with fellow players to conquer challenges and embark on unforgettable adventures. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start… Read More

The Mighty FALL of Minecraft’s Reputation